The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, June 10, 1900, Image 1
THE MORNIN4J NEWS. Established ISSO. - ncorporated 15S8 J. H. ESTILL. President. time for energetic action. GOVERNMENT OPENLY SYMPATHI ZES WITH BITERS. qen. Nieh Censured itor Attacking: Tlicin—All the Ponrrs Pretiaring to Land More Tret p in Cliiun, Though the Tsnng Li Vnoien Pro tests— Husain to Act' With a High Hand Nashville anti Monocucy Sent to Admiral Ke London, June 9 —The situation in China to-night appears distinctlji graver. The destruction o£ a Russian clApal at Tung Tingan has provi<’ed Russia with the desired pretext to land' mote Hoops. The dispatch from St. Petersbuig this afternoon that the government is resolv' and, if the dangerous situation in China con tinues. to take immediate military action to repress the ami-foreign movement, at the some time declaring that it has no intention of disassociating itself from the joint action of the Powers, may he re garded as a semi-official utterance, mean ing that If there is any hesitancy on the part of the Powers Russia will act alone. All reports agree that the Boxer move ment is spreading. The report is confirm ed that the French agencies at Mcng Tse and Yun Nan Uu have been compelled to retire, and this shows that the ferment has reached Southwestern China and l as provoked France into taking active steps. Sir Claude MacDonald, British minister at Pekin has .wired the British consul at Shanghai .confirming the reported out rages, and the fact that the throne ar.d the government have been actuated by a sferet Sympathy with the Boxer move ment, which the government has ample power to suppress if it so desired. His dis patch. however, is in no way of an alarm ist nature. The latest Tien Tstn dispatches saying that the Dowager has appointed anti-foreign generals with the pre ended mission to suppress the Boxers, makt-s it Impossible to coubt that the time has ar rived for energetic action. It is expected that the British govern ment will utilize the Chinese regiment, which has been in training at Wei Hal Wei as it would be dangerous to remove the garrison from Hong Kong at the present moment. China Entered a Protest. A areeial dispatch from Shanghai dated June 9, says; "The Tsurg L) Yamen has protested to the ministers against the presence of such a large number/ of foreign forces, assert ing that it cannot te only for the protec tion of the legations, but for the estab lishment of a garrison in the capita 1 of an independent friendly state. The an swer which the foreign ministers reiuined to this protest is unknown. The American mission at Pei Tang Chow was destroyed yesterday, but the missionaries fled to a place of safe'y. "U is repotted that the Viceroy of Chi ld has resigned. "it is p oposed to bring Td Hung Charg back frCrrt the south, but Pi inch Kang Yi proposes to give the post to the'infamous Id Ping Htug, the former governor of Shan Tung.. "Pae Ting Fu is burning. The Tien T*in Railway has finally ceas and to b:- oner .ted. All the Englirh missionaries are encamp ed )nslde the legation.” .Nashville Sent to KelllpiY. June 9.-—Admiral Remey informs the navy department that tne gunboat Nashville, with a force of murines aboard, left Cavite yesterday for Taku. She is a light draft gunboat of the same, tjpe as the Helena, and it is presumed that she is sent in place of the latter. The Monocacy at Shanghai has also been ordered to join Admiral Kempff at Taku. It i understood at the navy department that the.. Nashville was dispatched to Taku by Admiral Remey, in place of the Helena which was originally selected for that purpose, but was probably unavail able or absent from Manila. She should b< at Taku about the latter part of next week. In view of the length of time required by rtie Nashville to make the trip to Taku It is fortunate that the navy department has other reinforcements at hand in the shape of vessels at Shanghai. This force i only about three days' distant from Taku and only about half the time would be required for the vesfKs at Shanghai to make the trip to Tien Tsin, that would he consumed by the Nashville. The naVy department has sen# instruc tions to the commander of the Monocacy at Shanghai to report to Admiral Kempff • t Taku, and that vessel is already on her way. Though an old ship, the Monocacy is admirably adapted to this kind of ser vice, drawing only nine feet of water, and carrying a very good secondary battery. Her personnel is twelve officers and 146 men. The Castlne and Yorklown also are at Shanghai and can be drawn upon, accord ing to Admiral Remey's dispatch, by Ad miral Kempff if he wants more men. These vessels are of 1,000 and 1,700 tons displacement, respectively, with batteries about the same as the Nashvilfe. The Castlne's personnel is eleven officers and -i2 men; the Y'orktown's, fourteen officers and Igl men. Conger'# Report la Gloomy. Minister Conger's dally report was even less encouraging than usual. In his cablegram to Secretary Huy this morn ing. he said that the situation was unim proved; that the burning of railroad plant* continues, and that owing to the Inertness of the Chinese troops, it will *>e necessary to employ foreign troops lo protect the railways. The state department has not and ented it necessary to send any specific authoriza tion lo Mr. Conger to employ the United States naval forces at Tien Tsin and Pe kin in guarding the Chinese railways, and he Is free to exercise Ills own discre tion in that respect. The state department officials felt that the action ialten by the navy department In the dispatch of naval vessels to the scene of trouble and the landing of naval fortes, represents all that can he done, or, at leash all that should be done by the United States nt this moment. The department remains unshaken in its at tl'ude, and while willing to work on par allel lines with the other Powers to re store peace In China, insists on retain ing Us Independence of action. When attention was directed to the probability that the United States naval force* ashore at Tien Tstn might be called upon to join with the foreign naval contingents In the defense of the town or the railroad It was pointer! out that tills action would be purely military and would not constitute joint action from a political point of view. Great Foreign Interest. The foreign embassies and legations In Washington are Intensely Interested In the developments In China and nppllevio s are frquent at the State DeptrUnent from them for the latest news as to g - tng on There is alto a strong e’ej re . n the part of these diplomats, probably based on something broader than personal cutloaity. to laarn what ara the Inten tion* of the United States government. It appeara that the State Department ha* dealt frankly with such Inquiries, and ha* made no concealment of Its policy of noo-Interfere nee beyond a point necessary to protect American Ufa and property. It ~v . . Jlofitiito Ifcto^e is deemed entirely proper, however, lo move nlong the same lines as ihoee al lowed by ISuropean nations toward tie accomplishment of this object, so that, where there are no entangling under standings or alliances, all the substantial results of joint action may be achieved. VICEROY F.llOItS FOREIGNERS. Twenty Native l liristians Killed and a Ton ii Uurncd. Tien Tsin. June 9.—The viceroy of Yulu has memoralized the throne, earnestly re questing the government to allow the for eign poweis to use the railioad, pointing oui that otherwise serious trouble is una voidable. Tung Chow, thirteen mile3 from Pekin, was burned Friday. Twenty native Chris tians were Killed. The foreigners at Fekin are safe. Jt is leported that all the missionaries have been ordered in, as the Boxer move ment is spreading and has reached Si province, ihe seat of the Pekin syndi cate concessions. The German warship Heriha has arrived at Taku. All hope has been abandoned of rescuing the five Belgian engineers and one woman. It is said that the Gen. Nieh Si Chong was officially ordered to protect the rail road and to disperse the Boxers without violence, and that he has been severely censured for killing over aOO of them and burning three villages. About 1,500 of his iroofjs have, returned to Lupai and more of them are returning there. It is sail that the anti-foreign generaT, Tung Fu Siang, of Kan Su, ar.d Gen. Sung Chin have been ordered to disperse the Boxers if there is any further trouble. Chinamen who walked from Machov Pu bring reports that the railway track from Huang Tsun to Lofa, a distance of thiity-three miles, has been destroved. Every br.dge and all the stations have be r n burned. The Boxers are work ng towards Tien Tstn. The viceroy of Yu Lu granted the Biitish officials a sy>ec'al train to proceed over the Pekin line as far as possible. The train left with Lieu*. Wright, C. W. Campbell of the consular service, four British engineers ard eleven French troojs with a machine eun. It arrived here Fiiday night. A home, guard has been formed to br ng in the women aid children in c.'.se of an attack. A PRESBYTERIAN REPORT. Ilow tlie Boxers Pillaged tlie Mis tsinnft ut Lin Cluing. >iew York, June 9 —The first detailed re port of the doings of the Boxers was re ceived by the Presbyterian Board to-day in a letter from Rev. Horace W. Hould ing of the South China mission at Lin Chang, province of Shan Tung. He quotes a letter to United Siate-s Minister Conger by Dr. Arthur S. Smith as follows: “The Boxers appeared at the village in a force represented as 100 and 200. of whom perhaps thirty were cavalry. They divid ed into squads, one party making for our chapel and schoolhouse, the doors of which they broke in and proceeded to loot the place, carrying off everything, pulling out the window frames and burning them with the doors for fuel. A commodious house, owned by the mission and used as our headquarters, was also looted and wreck ed. “One party pillaged the house of the helper. The members of the family es caped over the wall, a pupil in our girls’ school having a narrow' Escape from capture. A large sum of money end a great quantity of household effects w ere carried art ay." POWERS WILL HAVE TO ACT. Conclusive Proof of Government Sjmpfltli? for iSoxero. Tien Tsin. Friday. June 8 —ln view of the conclusive confirmation of imperial connivance in t he Boxer movement, fur nished by an edict published to-day, de nouncing Gen Nieh SI Chong, for killing some of the rioters, the strongest possi ble action of the Powers, it i* asserted here, con alone remedy die situation which has assumed the gravest aspect. The edict is t ouched In such term* t hat it leaves no doubt of ihe deep sympathy of the throne with the Boxers, who ore described as “good citizens." Besides denouncing Gen. Nieh for kill ing th* Boxers, the edict orders him to return with his troops to Lupai. eighty miles from the scene of the disturbances. Ii is claimed here that the first step of the Powers for the preservation of foreign life and property, ought to be the assumption of control of the railroad to Pekin. FRANCE LANDS MORE MEN. China Seem* Power lew* to Protect tlie Foreigners. Paris. June 9.—An official not© just is sued says: “Admiral Courrejoulles, at Taku, has* sent a fresh detachment of fifty men to Tien Tsin.” A cable dispatch from Yun Nan Sen. dated Thursday evening, says the agita tion against foreigners is such that the viceroy has announced that he is powe les9 to protect them. The French consul at Lang Chow, M. Francois, has been warn ed of the situation ai Pekin and has gone to Tonquin, with all the agents end missionaries. The French consul at Mong Tse has done the same. The Chinese government h<is in formed that it will he held responsible lor the security of French citizens, but if necessary FranJh will protect them. WILL ACT ENERGETICALLY. ItuNsin Determined to Reprc*s Anil- Foreign Movement. St. Petersburg, June 9.—lt is declared here that the government is tirm’y re solved, if the da-gerou.s situation in China continues to take immediate energetic military action to repress the anti-fore gn movement. At the same time the govern ment has no intention of disassociating itself from the joint action of the poweis. RUSSIANS AT TIEN TSIN. About .VM? C o**ni*kn Are Ready to Lund 'lliorc. Shanghai, June 9.—A dispatch from Tien Tsin. dated Friday, June R. say® 'OO Rus sian troops are about to land there. The dispatch adds that Fung Chow h • been burned, but that the mlssionarLa arc safe. Had Many Ml*iinnarlc There. New York. June 9.—The Presbyterian Missionary Board received yesterday a cablegram from Dr John W. Henry in China, raying: “Still danger." This is taken to indicate mat no serious depre dations have been made os yet by the Boxer®. Presbyterians’ board had fifty-eight American missionaries in the Shan Tung province. Heavy Destruction by Fire. Hamburg. June 9.—A fire in the oil re fining and saltpeter district this after noon destroyed property t 6 the value of 4,000,C00 marks, including meny dwellings. SAVANNAH. GA.. SUNDAY. JUNE 10. 1900. IT DISGUSTED THE BRITISH. lIfePORT OF BOER ACTIVITY IN ORANGE RIVER COLONY. Foret of 2,000 Boer, Opera tin* North of Kroonatad, Said to Have Cat Roberts’ Telegraphic Com munication—Gen. Kelly-Keany la After Them—lndications That Ihe Boers Intend to Keep Ip a Gnerll ln Warfare. London. June 10.—London is somewhat disgusted at the "disagreeable activity” manifested by the Boers In the Orange River Colony, in cutting Lord Roberts' telegraphic communication at Roodeval, north of Kroonstad. As yet there is no Indication whence came the strong body of 2,000 Boers that has arrived at Roodeval. unless It is the force mentioned in a recent Boer dispatch, as having started from Standerton with this very object In view. Apparently the authorities on the spot regord the situation, at least, as tem porarily serious, as they are not only re inforcing Ihe garrison at Kroonstad, but are sending up troops from the lines of communication In Cape Colony. Roodeval Is a fairly strong position, thirty-five miles north of Krconjtad, capable of giving Gen. Kelly-Kenny trou ble should the federals elect to dispute Its possession, as Gyn. Kelly-Kenny cannot be overburdened with cavalry, with which to threaten the burgher line of retreat. The news somewhat discounts the flat tering deductions the Britishers have been extracting from Lord - Roberts’ silence, as it indicates that the menace of the Boetu to carry on a prolonged guerilla warfare is no empty threat, and that President Steyn Is still capable of creating serious, if only temporary, trouble. A parliamentary return Issued this morn ing shows that thirty-six members of the House of Lords, and twenty-eight mem bers of the House of Commons are serv ing with the British troops in South Af rica. AdYioes from Cape Town say the opinion prevails there that the Boer supplies of ammunition and food will not iufflee to enable them to prolong the struggle in the Lyndenburg district for more than eight weeks. Cape Town also anticipates that the Boers will be seriously harassed by the Kaffirs. BOERS ARE NEAR KROONSTAD. Kelly-Kenny Struck a Body of Them About 15,000 Strong:. London, June 9.—Geq. Forestier-Walker cables to the war office from Cape Town, under date of June 8, as follows: “Kelly-Kenny, at Bloemfontein, reports that the telegraph has been cut at Roo deval, north of Kroonstad, by a body of Boers estimated to be 2,000 strong, with six field guns. He is sending strong re inforcements to Kroonstad. and I am re inforcing from Cape Colony. I hope the interiuption will be only temporary.” IVBMBLI’ VIEW OF TlfS WAR. ll* Expected President Krugrer |* Leave Pretoria. Omaha, Neb,, June 9—Envoy Weasels, who arrived in Omaha to-night, *ald of the latest war news: "Well, that is just what we have ex pected. Gen. Buller may be In a position to take command of Laing's Nek. My countrymen are retreating steadily toward the more hilly country, where the country will be more favorable to them. The war is by no means over. President Kruger's retreat from Pretoria is evidence of that. If he and my people had intended giving up. he would have remained there and have surrendered. It was never the inten tion to hold Pretoria against a strong at tacking force." Offered to Surrender. London, June 9—A special dispatch from Durban. Natal, says the Beers at Lang's Nek, after an action fought Thursday, June 7, offered to surrender conditionally, but G<n. Buller replied that their surren der must be unconditional. Boers’ Reply to Bailer. Ingogo, June 9 —Tile Boers have replied in rather curt terms to Gen. Buller's pro posal that if they wish to surrender it must be unconditionally, and an artillery due! is now proceeding. Grottier at Lorenzs Mnrqnee. Lorenzo Marquez. June 9 —Plef Grobler, (lie Transvaal under-secretary of sta'e for foreign affairs, has arrived here, ROOM FOR MORE CADETS. Pitch Senator May Sow Have One for 'West Point. Washington, June 9.—A circular letter was addressed to member,of the Senate by the Secretary of War yester day, inviting him to nominate a candidate for appointment as cadet from hla state at large, and an alternate under the new low. In. case a senator falls to nominate a cadet, and alternate before July 10, the appointment will be made by the Pres ident, who will reserve these places for the sons of officers, who have distinguish ed themselves in the Civil War. the Span ish W r ar, and the war in the Philippines. MADE BISHOP OF COLIMBLS. Ilev. Henry Moeller's Appointment Announced From Rome. Rome, June 9.—The Rev. Henry Moeller, secretary and chancellor of the archdio cese of Cincinnati, has been appointed bishop of Columbus, O. The Rev. Henry Moeller was born In Cincinnati In IM9 and was one of the first students in the American College at Rome. He was formerly pastor at Bellefontalne, 0., and professor at St. Mary's Seminary. In 1879 he was secretary to Bishop Cha lard. A BANKRUPTCY PRECEDENT. alining Companies Held Not Nnbjrrt to tlie Law. Kansas City, June 9.—A precedent In bankruptcy proceedings was established In the Federal Court here to-day when Judge Corland ruled that companlea en gaged principally In mining are not sub ject to the law. Inasmuch, as they are not “engaged principally In manufactur ing. publishing, trading or mercantile pur suits,” as a section of the law provides must be the occupation of persons, com panies or corporations to be subject to bankruptcy proceedings. Dekkrr KtlTed Himeelf. New York, June Harry Dekksr a wallknown promotar of Waatarn railroad properties, shot and klllad himself to-night In hla apartments In (hla city. While the nature of the wound Indicates . suicide other circumstances point to an accident. OAPTI RE OF PIO DEL PILAR. He Was One of Ihe Most Active of the Rebel Leaders. Washington, June f.—Gen. MacArthur has cabled the following report of the capture of Gen. Pilar: "Manila, June 9, 1900— Nat. vs poli-e captured Insurgent Gen. Plo del Pilar this morning. He was found lurking in the neighborhood of San Pedro Macati. "MacArthur." Gen. Schwan's estimate of the import ance of Ihls news is contained in this statement: “The capture of Gen. Plo del Pilar, ca bled by Gen. MacArthur this rooming, is a most Important one. Pilar was regard ed as one of the most active and uncom promising of the rebel chieftains He succeeded in withdrawing his troops to the mountains and the several columns that were sent out to destroy him. It was difficult to keep track of his movements and he frequently aos reported as being at a number of places a! the same time. That his capture Ims Upen effected by the native police of Ma rtha, a. body numbering some 400, evi dences afresh the loyalty of these men to the American cause, so often impugn ed both by Americans and Filipinos. ' CAUGHT BY NATIVE POLICE. Pilar Was Larkins Aroond the Out skirts of Manila. Manila, June 9.—Gen. Plo del Pilar, the most aggressive and most persistent of the Filipino leaders, who was captured last night, as previously cabled to Ihe Asso ciated Press, was made a prisoner at Guadaloupe, six miles east of Manila, by some of the Manila native police. Upon Information received that Pio del Pilar was to be at a certain house. Capt. Lara and twelve policemen proceed ed In a launch to Guadaloupe, where, aid ed by a detachment of the twenty-first infantry, they surrounded the house, cap tured the general and brought him to Manila this morning, where he was pos itively Identified before the provost mar shal. WERE CAUGHT IN AMBI'SH. Captain Severely Hounded anil Two Private* Killed. Manila. June 9—A detachment of the Forty-fifth Infantry, scouting near Dact, province of Camarlnas del Norte, were ambyshed May 29 and Capt. Albert Stein hauser was wounded three times, two privates were killed, eight wounded, and one private is missing. The insurgents loss is reported to be heaVy. WU4 PE THE WORK OF YEARS. Bat Otis Says We Mast Give Filipi nos a Good Goerrameal. Rochester, N. Y., June 9—(Jen. Otis arrived here to-day and in an interview said: "It will be tha work of years to give the Filipinos a stable government. Insure parsons i safety and so* that vested prop erty rights shall be protected. What can SO do With the Islands except to keep Them? We have got them. There they are 6n our hands. It certainly never would do to leave them to the mercy of bands of marauders and rofcbers, nor to be dismembered by the nations of Eu rope. The nations of Europe ihemselves do not wish such a thing to happen." At the opening of hostilities, Gen. Otis says, Agulnaldo had 40,000 stand of arms, but at the present time more than half of this number, and all his artillery ha? been either captured by or surrendered to the American forces. He declares that the remaining opposition are remnants of Aguinaldo’s army who do not wish to go to work, but prefer to rob the people. SIXTH CAVALRY WILL GO. Ordered to San Francium to Em bark for Manila. 1 Washington, June 9.—Orders were Issued at the war department to-day for the first squadron of the Sixth Cavalry, con sisting of headquarters and Companies A, B, C and D. and > the third squadron of Ihe fame regiment, consisting of Com panies I, K, L and M, to proceed without delay to San Francisco for transporta tion to the Philippines on the first avail able transports. So far these are the only troops select ed for service in the Philippines under the plans of bringing home Ihe entire 31.- Ortrt volunteers and of maintaining the reg ular army in the Philippines at a strength of 40,000 men. Commoted Their Sentences. Washington. June 9 Gen. Otis com muted to twenty years Imprisonment the sentence of three natives convicted by a military commission of murdering Quar termaster Sergt. Albert Vortie, Company K, Thirty-ninth Volunteer Infantry, in the province ef Batangas, Feb. 2, and smteneed to death. Gen. O Is be ieved the accused were Influenced lo commit the by local guerll'a ch efa HANNA WILL BE CHAIRMAN. Thl* I* Stated on What la Consider ed High Authority. Washington. June 9.—lt Is stated on high authority that Senator Hanna will succeed himself as chairman of the Re publican National Committee, and will conduct the coming campaign. The only thing which can change this programme, It Is sold, Is some change for the worse In the Senator's health. Senator Hanna and Secretary Dick had a long conference with the President to day about political matters In general. Mr. Dir k will go to Philadelphia next Monday and Senator Hanna will arrive there on th* 13th instant. The President had a large number of callers to-day, among them Senators Ma son, •Allison, Lodge and Spooner, and Rep resentative Cannon. COLORADO PROHIBITIONISTS. Fall State Ticket Nominated, Head ed by J. R. Wiley. Denver, Col.. June 9.—The Prohibit'on State Convention, In session here, has nominated a full state ticket, headed by J. R. Wiley for governor. The platform holds the President of th* United States "respogftble for the dls- i grace brought Upon this country by th-' establishment of drunker!** In the Prll ipplne Island* and Porto Rico and Cuba. ' Mnrdered By Mexicans. Phoenix, Art*., June —News reached her* yesterday of th* murder probably, by a gang of Mexican desperado*, of Ol son and Stewart, proprietor*- of a store •t * New River station, thlrty-dlv* miles north of her* yesterday. The store was robbed. Several po**e* are following the four desperados. ST. LOUIS WANTS SOLDIERS. GOVERNOR \SKUD TO FALL Oil THE STATE TROOPS. Sheriff Foblmnn Say* He Bln® Ex hausted All the Means nt Ills Com mand. In I liable to Cope With the Mtuattou—Bcllevcd That All tlie State MU it iu Will Be Ordered Out. No Outbreak Reported Yesterday. St. Louis, June 9 Gov. Stephens, Brig. Gen. H. C. Clark. Adjt. Gen. M. F. Bell, of the Missouri National Guard, police officials, and a committee of citizens, who held a conference last night, with a view of calling out the militia to suppress dis order in connection with the street, rail way strike, were close ted again to-day at police headquarters. The feature of the meeting was the pre sentation to the Governor of a formal written request by Sheriff Pohlman, to call out the militia, as follows: “As sheriff of the city of St. Louis. I desire to inform you that there now ex ists In this city, a condition of tumult. Acts of violence and disorder are of daily occurrence. I have summoned to my as sistance a large posse, and have ex hausted every means at my command, but tlie civil authorities are unable to cope with the situation. All other means bring exhausted. 1 respectfully call upon you. and request that the National Guard of Missouri,* be called out. In numbers sufficient to restore order, and prevent further acts of violence.” The Governor left soon afterward Gens. Bell and Clark said positively that they have not vet received any definite orders. If the militia l. called put, it Is likely that the entire National Guard of the state, comprising lour regiments and a battery, will be pressed into service. More cars were in operation to-day than at any time since the strike began, but the service was not complete, by any means. Sheriff Pohlman'? posses of nearly 2.<Ko men continues to guard the property of the stieet car company. Gov. Stephens departed for Jefferson City later in the day, thus dissipating the idea that he would ca’.l out the state mi litia. He advised increasing the car serv ice at night, and this plan was adopted to-night. Up to 10 o’clDck the cars were running on regular schelule, and no outbreaks had been reported A communication w'hich ex-Gort. Stone, counsel for the striker?. delivered o Nathan Frank, chairman of the Citizens’ Committee, to-day, practically terminated all negotiations between the St. Louis Transit Company and the strikers. DISAVOW ED RESPONSIBILITY. Stoto Department's Action in the • Case of tlie Grlgebys. Washington, June 9—The state depart ment has disavowed res onsl 11 ty for the action of Consular Agent Viasco, at La- Par, Mex , anil Capt. Fie ds, of the Rarg er, In Interfering wi h the local magis trate at LaPaz. In the effort to hasten the trial of one of the two Gtlgsbys, an Amer ican business firm at LaPaz, on a charge of malicious pSKrcuTlcn. The Grigsbys Were prr sect ted by a d:s ebarped employe, a nrt v>, for mallei us persecution, and the case is pending be fore the Mexican coor s. The American i ffielals abooe rtf?rr and to. addr ssed a written request to the magistrate to be furnished with the recced in the easy As the Mexican government had alreadv shown a commendable disposition to ac cede to all proper representations from M nisttr Clayton lesorctlng thl* case, which was running smoo hly in the dtplo malic channels. Ihe action of the naval captain and the consu ar agvnt was re garded as unwarranted, and they have been admonished against a repec'itien of the offense. The Mexican government is entirely satisfied wi ll the prompt act on of the state department In the matter. REPORTS ON THE CENSUS. Many Have Been Sent In From the Large t itles. Washington, June 9.—lt has been report ed to the director of the census that com plete returns have been made from 175 enumeration districts, principally in New York and other large cities. The entire enumerailon of the large cities will be finished by the middle of this month, and as soon as they can be cheek ed and tabulated the results will be made public. An enumerator in the Indian Territory has Informed Director Merrlam that cer tain Indians there refuse to reply to ques tions Contained In the census schedule. The director advised him to let the mat ter drop as an effort to compel the In dians to reply would probably lead to se rioue difficulties. NAAS A TRAIN ROBBER, TOO. Flnhbeck Identified by a Missouri Pact tic Man. Kansas City, June 9.—J. W. Flshbeek, the man who robbed the cigar stand In the Coates House lobby of *1,500 In dia monds and money, was to-day positively identified as the leader of the gang that held up the passengers on a Missouri Pa cific sleeping car at Nearman, Kan., on the night of Dec. 19. last. The Identifica tion was made by E. W. Stewart, trav eling accountant of the Missouri Pacific Railroad. EX-GOV. OATES KILLED NEGRO. The Negro Had Jnst Shot and Killed Ills Cook. Montgomery, Ala., June 9.—Ex-Gov. W. C. Gates shot and killed a negro man at hla residence In this city to-night. Gen. Oates heard a pistol shot In his kitchen, nnd on Investigating found hla cook lying dead, killed by a negro. The negro, whose name is not known, started towards the Governbr, pistol In hand. Not paying any attention to warn ings not to advance, Gov. Oates shot and killed him. TWO KILLED FROM A MIII SH. Father and Son Killed hy Unknown Assassins. Mobile, Ala., June 9.—Near Hal's Lake, e'gh een miles aouthwtst of Jackson. Ala., on Friday evening. John Overstreet, a prcmln-nt planter, and his young son were riddled with hu-kshot by some me In ambush on the roadside. The father died instantly. The son 1 vrd long enough to I tell who he thought the assassin to be. I Unknown Man Murdered. Cincinnati, June 9 —Detective* hav* a faint clu to tha ldantliy of the unknown man murdered at Ludlow, Ky., yesterday. In hla pocket wee found a letter .latel Houston, Tex . Feb. 21. H9B, signed by th* genartl superintendent of th* Mitiour:. Kansas and Text* Railway, recommend ing th* bearer, W. J. Clark, *s a *ober, faithful brakeman. They also found a miner’* union card with the name David id. Collin* on U. MAY LYNCH THE NEGROES. Askew and Rhm Seem Doomed to Die by \ iolence. Miss asippl City.* Mlsa., June 9.—Concern ing the negroes believed to be guilty of the murd r and outrage of the Winter st in chi and. Askew, whose life seems charmed. Is doomed *to die by violent hands, and Russ will. In all meet the same fate. The strorg guard placed on ih:> jail last n'fjnt led e ery one to believe that the s lerifT Intituled to de end the prlscn ra in the jail, and the ruse worked well. The talk of lynching the negroes grows bold* er with ea h succeeding day. Ti.e officers have not b< en able to se ure any further evidence, but the ina.or.ty of the citizens now seem satisfied that As* kew is th“ guilty hue. There is not so much certainty expressed as to Russ. Tne lynchers, t, is believed, have their plans be Ur laid to-night and any moment may bring news of tne success of their efforts. WILL PFODABLY BE LYNCHED. Murderer Locuteil by a Body of Louisiana Citizens. New Orleans. June 9 —A large of citizens is reported to have located Noah Pritchard, the negro murderer of Ralph Marler, at East Feliciana. Pritchard, it is reported, led hit pur suers a bloody chase, having shut and fatally wounded Forest Yilleiett. one of the posse. The sheriff of West Feliciana was also wounded. Pritchard probably will be lynched. The latest news to-night is that ihe ne gro is surrounded near Baker. An im mense meeting of iliizcns from several parishes was held at Devall to-night. Be fore the close of the meeting several no torious negroes were publicly whipped and one was killed. A crowd of men will arrive here some time during the night. If is said they intend to cross the river and join the party near Baker. NEGRO ASSAILANT LYNCHED. He Had Forced an Entrance <o Room of Two Young Girin, Columbus. Ga., June 9 —Simon Adams, a negro twenty years of age, was lynched Just outside the city limit® this morning. He was strung up by a chain and his body, after being riddled with bullets, was thrown into the river. Adams last night forced an entrance into a room in the residence of E. H. Al mond. who lives ten miles from Columbus, and attempted to assault his two daugh ters. Their screams aroused Mr. Aimvnl, who found the negro hiding in a dose,-. Adams was started for Columbus, but be fore reaching there, was captured by a mob. ■ . ■ <■— T - COLOMBIAN' INSURRECTION. Statement Made That Revolution Ik Practically Ended. New Orleans. June 9.—The Colombian consul, Alfonso del Gado, received to*day an official dispatch from hlk government, signed by Gen. L. Segovia, commander ln-chlef of the Colombian govrrtunfrtal forces throughout th* district in which It located Ihe toyn of Sabsnalarga, giving detailed information of the battle which look place at that town on the last flay of April; also of the battle of Labrlja, on May 17. The bulletin Is the first au thentic. Information given- out by the Co lombian government relative to these bat tles. Mr. del Gado's dispatches reiterate the statement previously repeatedly made, by the Colombian government that the revo lution is now practically at an end. They also state that fully 1,200 prisoners were captured fromwhe rebels at the last great battle at Lnbrija and several hundred at the battle of Sabanalarga. The slaugh ter. it is stated, in both of these conflicts, was considerable, but no figures are given. JEALOUSY LED TO A M'URDEII. One Woman Practiced Shooting In Order to Kill Another. Syracuse, N. Y.. June 9—Mrs. James Small shot and killed Mrs. Lou Ostrander in Baldwinsville. eight miles from her*, to-day, as the result of Jealousy over Mrs. Small's son. The shooting was premeditated, a* It Is understood that Mrs. Small had been prac ticing shooting wi:h a revolver for some weeks, and when asked what she was do ing it for. replied that Mrs. Ostrander would find out soon enough. Mrs. Ostrander had left her house to go on an errand and was talking in the street with a friend, when Mrs. Small passed them. She drew her revolver and fired point plank. Mrs. Os'rander drop ped to the ground and Mrs. Small contin ued on her way. She was immediately arrested. Mrs. Small's son, James, was also arrested, because he said he was gbid It happened, and wished It had oc curred long ago. KENTUCKY’S CONVENTION. lleckliam Slile Won In Franklin County Contest. Louisville, June 9.—Mass county conven tions were held in Kentucky to-day to select delegates to the State Democratic Convention In Louisville cn June 14. which will name delegates to the Kansas City Convention. It Is regarded as certain that Senator J. C. 8. Blackburn, James B. McCreary and Louis McQuown will be three of the delegates ol large, but Lhe vole for t fourth one was scattering tc-dy. -In Franklin county, In which Is Frankfort, the capita), there was a spirited fight be tween followers of Gov. Beckham and Gen. Joseph H. Lewis, candidates for ihe Democratic nomlnaiion for governor, and lhe Beckham side won. All the conven tions endorsed Bryan. FAMOUS HOUSEBOAT HI RNKD. Lorillnril'a Calinnn Destroyed at West i’n lin Reach. Wes* Palm Beach, Fla., June 9 - Word has rc.'n htd here that Pltrre Lorlllnid's famous houseboat Caiman was entllvly Jcslroyei' by fire Thursday while anchor ed In ihe river near New Smyrna. The Caiman was considered the finest boat of het kind afloat. It cost 1100,00> when tGilt. Killed In a Runaway. Omaha, Neb , June 9 Mrs. Frank E. Moores, wife of the Mayor of Omaha, was killed In a runaway accident this even ing She was thrown violently from her carriage, sustaining a fracture of the ekull. Friends of Mrs. Moores conveyed her to her home, where she expired at 8:55 O’clock. Explostou Caused at Panic. Oporto JNsne 9—An explosion caused by mining fuses at the custom department to-night killed two persons snd Injured thirteen The oxplcaiona caused a pir.lo tha town. DAILY. $8 A YEAR. S CENTS A COPY. WEEKLY 2-TIMES-A-WEEK.II A TZAR VAN WYCK ON WITNESS STAND NEW YARK'S MAYOR TEVLL9 ABOUT HIS ICE TRUST STOCK. Saya He Own* 4,200 Shares Whlel He Got In Exchange for Knicker bocker lee Company Stock—Bor rowed Money From a BaaJc—Bask President Snld Money Was toaaed to Morse—Van Wyck Sayo He Lost Money on It. New York, June 9 —Mayor Van Wyck was called to the witness chair to-day In the proceedings against the Mayor, tha dock commissioners and Charles W. Morse, president of the American lee Company, which were begun same time ago before Supreme Court Jus Ice GaynOf In Brooklyn. These proceedings re designed to show what. If any. connection exists between certain officials and the lie com pany. The Mayor testified (hat he owned t.M, shares of the stork of the American IM Company, which he had obtained fretß President Morse, some of it In exchange for stock In the Kntrkerboekfr Ice Com pany of Maine. "Did you purchase all this stock subse quently to becoming Mayor of the city?" Mr. Van Wyck was asked. "I did." "Why did you purchase stock In ths Knickerbocker Company?’ "Because it sas paying 4 per cent, on common and C per cent on preferred stock." Mayor Wan Ignorant. When he made the rutehase he did net know that the American Ice Company Intei dfd to da business In New York city. He had paid for his stock with * check on the Garfield National Bank and borrowed 75 rr cent, of the purehasa money. "When you made the purchase It was agreed that you should lofrow from the bank?" “It was." "Was there any guarantee to protect you against loss on that stock?" "No." "Have you paid hack the bank?" "I have.” "Are you accustomed to such large financial transactions?" "I am " For the money borrowed, th* Mayor sale), he gave four, five and six months’ notes. He has paid two notes for tt\.r Oort each, and yesterday, paid one ca#B note for UArtflO. Continuing, the Mayor said: Said He Lost gT.AOO. ’The Interest on the notes was * per cent. When I made the renewal of tty, note, the block of stock waa worth #l',- 000, but I sold It yesterday for WOO. Til* note called Cor *75,000. so I lost *7.00?. t took no active interest In the,AmHqa#i Ice Company. I never knew anythin,’** its management. I never knew th*t the American Ice Company was to hav* *ny monopoly of th* tee buslnto* of thi* city. I never knew they had any leases. I never knew that the Ice company stated to the Stock Exchange, that It he! • con tract for eleven docks In this city .'’ - President Oelshenon, of th* Oarfl*!, Na tional Bank, testified that no loans war* mud* to Mayor Van Wyck. hut that -00.- ono Has loaned to President Mora* of tit* ice Company. Mr Morse ttotlfied hat he did not tatk with the Meyor *hout buying toe com pany stock and that the company got its dock privileges In the usudl way. frcett the Pock Commission. The examination of Dock Commission er* Cram and Murphy disclosed that they owned large blocks of ice company stock at the time docks were awarded to tha company's use. Received It ns n Bonn*. Dock Commissioner Cram said he had received shares of common stork of the Knickerbocker Ice Company as a bonus. He declared that he had sold all of hie stock in October. 1899. because ho thought the matter might come before him in his official capacity. He said four leases were made to the Consolidated lea Company, while he wo* holding ice stork,. Vice President J. E. Srhoonmaker, of the American Ice Company, said he ha<J no personal knowledge that the Ice trust furnished ice to the city. The price yf Ice was advanced from thiriy to sixty cents, because of a short supply. Mr. Beckham took the examination of J. F Carroll, In hand personally. Carroll confessed to an Interest In both the Con roildated and Knickerbocker Companies. He subscribed for UiO.flOO worth of stock in the Consolidated He never- knew how much stock the Mayor held until to day. WHITE FOR t ice PRESIDENCY. Name of the Ambassador to Gera ninny Mentioned. .Berlin. June 9 —The attention of Mr. Andrew D. White, the United States Am bassador. was called by tha correspondent of the Associated Preset to-day to Amer ican dispatches, connecting his name with the vice presidential nomination. Asked for a formal statement on Jha subject, Mr. White declined to give this, saying ho could not discuss the nomina tion because It had not yet been offered to him He had some ietteru from Amer ican friends on the subject, but did ndt think nnythlng would come of It. Nobody has charge of hla case In the UnWed States, and nobody is pushing It. Mr. and Mrs. White returned here Usi night from the island of Foehr, where Mrs. White will spend the summer, leav ing Berlin about ten days hence. HE MET WITH OPPOSITION. Gen. Bravo Found the Moya Indiana Strongly Entrenched. Oaxaca, Mex.. June 9.—Gen. Brain's la ge f-rce of goiernm nt troops has mat with unc;>eeted opposition in Its, march on Chan Santa Cruz the principal city of the Ma>a Indians in the state of Yu catan. The tro ps were within a few miles of the rebel stronghold, and an easy occu pation of tie plate te md at hand whsgt a f tree of **>teial thousand Indians made a Rank attack on the advancing column of their enemy and drove th'm back sev eral miles. It Is eilfent that the Indians are laiel to pake a desperate aland at Chan Santa Cruz. The mwn is surrounded with Intrenchtmnis and defeneea are constructed on a military plan of high order. EIGHT MINER* WERE KILLED.' Gloneter Es|tlolnn More Srrlou Than fleet Thought. Olouettr, 0 . June 9-Jt It now b*lleved that eight miner* wtro k Heel In lha |u • ■plotlpn in *haft two ntr this city. The bodice are *up k o* and to b* lylnc acmewhtre In the min?, but cannot be re covered owl-g to two more explealona laat n *ht. Nethex can the name* of the , dead m*n ba learned until the Uat of workmen haa been completely cheeked Fifty men who were overcome by after -samp ere improving. .