The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, June 10, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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2 IS HOPELESSLY INSOLVENT. %I 13 ITOK II \ MMOMVS RKPORT ON SOI I KMR> Ml 11 iL Min-r* tli*- \*oclntion '..! %l*ott #.V)o,n'! from Hie Time of lt <>r- U;> ni/ation to tlie \|t|iinimonl *ll tl-- need \ *r*— Stockholder* Who K'lifU Nolleon of W ithdrnunl. Not Ei titled to Vn> Preference—Other l)<ri"ion in the < *i**. At *nta. June 9.—Auditor T. A. Ham mond tiled his report t .-lay in the Sou* It em Mutual Building and L it As- -ela tion fa: * o wl ii Judge J A. A .<• n of lbJ(&> city and M A. O’Byrne of Savan na ;i fro io-rctiver.- On* ot the most important ques ion* o law tV-. i Jed by Ai r . Hammond > *-i the ookhoiders who ad nUd no i ■ of WKhd aWdl should not be allowed . i.y j ence over other stockholder*. He held that yvr.hd: awing members wire not emit i-i to tank as cte*)i:ore. An Cher imp-riant point was the rising of t = l.a uiiny of the borrow*.*- M: Humeior.d rendered judsno i ’ in favor o: the j.ssot iarion and again* th . ites l'aihv Sav:: Bark for I* wa* chanted by the i -eiveis that th* bank had operated with the AmerUun Bud-dug and A.-so.ia . i to quire k *• the Souther . Mutual. T • sto k w was acquired wa.~ alleged to uove e*:ii : matured bofor* its t.t:.• t. rough u '.g: nieni witii W. C. Hu: . Tho auditor hei . the transa lions between the bank and tne Southern Mutual wore illeg 1, hut he does not charge collusion between tho offi cers of the tank and Hale. In the suit against the American Build ing and Ivan Association, the auditor found in favor of that concern, giving it the benelit. h< said, of a grave douat in h.s mind. The report sh .vvs * • t~- • iati ui lost o lout $-V .•* from the Dm- ot its or ganize! ion to the appointment of the re ceivers in February. 1897. The following ;s an extract from the report: I'igurcN From the Rookw. 4 From the bxks I find that the total amount of credits, that i-, the amount paid by the stockholder- to the associa tion. from its organization to Feb. ff. 1897. was SI.BOO/00, that the debts, including ex penses and the amount paid to withdraw als was $928,047."k. and that the tota. amount that should have been in the treasury represented by notes.‘*.nd.*.mort gages or oilier evidences of debt at the .late of the appointment of the receiver was 1871.5M2.1t4. • I find tiiat the total araoait of a ><■ * - a.* shown on statement, <:xhl>U No. 2. ns taken from ih bo k.-. assets being token at their face value &nl no*, ir. iufiiisp certain dlspnrej < iaims. was $659,628: tha: Che uxal wet making a not shortage of $231,166.33, and that tlie estimated total loss, as shown by exhibit No. J from the organization of the oj*o~ ciatioci to the appointment of a receiver was $349,430.67. “ The total i mount paid in by slok holdcrs was found to be $931,409.50- Th * number of thares outstanding at the tini of rhe receivership, was 29,653, three fourths other than those filed for wli.i- Urawal. I'nder the associations’ rule of settlement, there would have been due on these shares $1,497,107 03. According c* the company < estimate, the amount due members, who had tiled applications far fvl/hdrewal, would have been $161,557.31. If all the stockholders had withdrawn their claims on the date of the appoint ment of a receiver, it would have be>-n $1,658,664.37. Mr. Hammond found the association was hopelessly insolver.t. Th< auditor held the withdrawing members were no: creditors, and were no entitled to any preferr-n e l/F \til II TO MEKT. 44iiration* of Importance to lie IMw cuiiMed in Atlanta. Atlanta, June 9.—The Southern Indus trial League will hold its meetings in At lanta this year on July 18. 19 and 29. The convention this year is called to issue a publlt address, setting forth the views of Southern business men' on na tional policies affecting Southern business interests. Well-known business men in ell sections of the South will be invited to attend, and the governors of the sev eral Southern states will be requested to name sj>e'-ial delegates. Important questions will be discussed, as follows: Would the South be benefited, commer cially, by territorial expansion? Would the South be benefited, commer cially. by the development of American shipping, and if so, do Southern business men advocate or oppose a system of gov ernment subsidies ns a means of develop ing an American merchant marine? Would the South he benefited, cotnmer 'ally, by lower import duties? Would the development of nianufa ‘luring in the South be impaired, ot aided, by a change in the present schedule of import tariffs? If so.twhat do Southern business men recommend as a basis for readjustment? Would the South he benefited, commer cially, by a change in the present mone tary system? The question of free coin age will be prominently before the public during the coming campaign; hence the question is n vital one. The convention w 111 voice the opinion of Southern business men on this important and much-disjussw] question. Would the South b benefited, conimer oiaily, by a repeal of the present bank ruptcy low? This law has been in ojjeia 4ion long enough for fair trioi. and the convention will declare for or against Us repeal. urwoHTii ilac.ii; um;i'iv. Preparation* for i-Jntertninnient ! Conference In Home. Rome, da., June 9.-—Preparations are being completed for the entertainment of the Georgia Epworth League Conference, which meets in Home on Thursday. June 2 1 . About 600 visitors are expected. Homes for nearly all the delegates have been secured. A splendid programme has lteen arranged for the gathering. The following i in outline of the p.o --g ram me: The opening session will he on Thurs day evening the 21st. The speaker of this service will hr Rev. J p Me Ferris, D. !>.. of Birmingham. Hi- them will be “The Ideal Life.'* Life." 011 Friday morning and ifternoon the work of the devo- onal and charity trnd help departments will be under considera tion. At 11 o'clock on Friday morning R, v. H. K. Belk. D. T>., of Klbrrton. will give B resume of the reeent Keumenlcal Con ftrenee held In New York city. Friday nigh' Rev J. C. K ; Iqo. presi dent of Trinity t'oll-'ge, North t’urollna. will speak on the twentieth century move ment. Saturday morning, at 9 o'clock, the work of the literary department will bo discussed. At 11 o'clock Dr. H. M Du- Rose. general iOpworih League secretary, will speak. Saturday afternoon the business sos- ! slon of thr conference will be held. On ] the evening of this day Hon. Harlow r; Willingham of l'orsy h uu-1 lion. Dupont Guorry of Maccn will sp.ak on "Tempi 1- ance." Sunday afternoon 0 piogramme on the Junior League work will h- given. Fol lowing this. Dr Du Bose will deliver an address on "Child Nature." The dosing service will he held on Sun day evening Rev. p. Cobb of Nashville will speak on "Missions,” Hnd close the conference with a love least. “Necessity is the Mother of Invention. It zuas the necessity for an honest, reliable blood purifier and tonic that brought into existence Hood’s Sarsapa rilla. It is a highly concen trated extract prepared by a combination, proportion and process peculiar to itself and giving to Hood's Sarsaparilla unequalled curative power. Irs •auonderful -ecr:d of kds -nude n'esi Meiiu-e. Rosy Cheeks " 1 hsve good heslth i-d rosy rhteks. thsrks to Hood's St'ssct'ds. h budds rne up sod sa-es do:-or huts." Vs.y A. Burke. Esst C.i • Sr.. Ird.jL-.spoi.s. l-d. Jfeedd SaUafxnifh /feygEDffaa><g flood’* Pi * 'nr* i; ve* r ill* tSf non irrltAttrc rd ci ) -rttmrtic to take with ~H,od‘a >ar->^|4r.iU~ SPECIAL NOT I CBS. M’Mt I \l. NOTH K. “( MTAIV SWIFT." The Play Committee of the Daughters of the Confederacy beg to announce hat owing to the illness of s me of the mem bers of the oast of the play of "Caf.nn Swift” it will be impossible to p etent the play before the full. The committee has th* positive insur ance of the mat .igemu.t cf the <• in. any thv.t th- play wi.l bo given tally in die fall, and the iitk*i> that h. v been * M<l will be honored at that lime. Du nctic will be given in the - i:y papers when the pl.y will be produced. The committee desire to thank t e i üb li for their kind interest in the pa/, and beg o state ihat if anyone is dissati- *1 with th* une void able post lorvement hey can, on presentation of tn’eir tickets o Mr. hi. M. Branch, have their money re funded. Any money paid for advertising spa e will also be refunded on request, olhet wise advertisements will apt ear in re po gramme when play is produced. Illlb IMR M ri’IJKS FOII S I PIT \MT Alt 11 M, >lll-LFIM.FV I.Li;, t. Scaled proposals will be received at the office of the Piudcmial Committee, Geor gia State Sanitadum. until the 20th day . f Jure, lb n. m.. next, to furnish this insti tution with the following classes of sup ples for three months: Dry goods, notions, domestics hosiery, sheen, hots, gi’o cries, meat, ll tr. Ur l. syrup, hay. oais, bran, corn, brooms.c rock ery, glassware, hardware, piping, p um ing supplies, w hisky, spit is turpentine, urugs. Samples sent in with bids, if deemed needed and reasonable in price, will be purchased. For particulars and specifications, or any further information, address. DR. T. O. POWELL. Supt., Milledgeville, Ga. S\u: OF MINK IP\I, HO MIS. Sealed bids will be received by the Bank of Staterboro till June 23, 1900, for the sip of slu,uoo of municipal bonds offered by the town of Stateslioro, known as the “States boro School Bonds. 4 ’ Said bonds b> bear date July 1. 19CH*, and the principal to be come due as follows: 12.300 July 1, 1905; $2,500 July 1. 1910; $2,500 July 1. 1913; $2 590 July 1. 1920. Bonds to bear interest nt 5 per cent, to be paid annually. Each bid must It ac compauied with n certified check to: $ 09, to insure gco-1 faith, which ehouli be en closed to J. \V. Wilson, Mayor, care Bank of Statesboro, Statesboro. Ga. J. W. WILSON, Mayor. * “A 91 HE Cl HE.” Have* you Indigestion ? If you lanvc* e Mill uunrnntee relief, and If our dlreetionn nre followed, will guarantee u cure or no pay. \k your druggikl for n bottle of Blont'n Vegetable Bitters at once. \\h> wuffer when you can e| relief? Slant 4 * Vegetable llitterw will make jour eliildreu atrong and liealtlij. 011 l ANSWER. We arc often asked how we account for the large soda water business that we have established at the MASONIC TEMPLE PHARMACY. We try to make the best, we employ competent help, and use nothing but pure ingredients. Our cream and sherbe .s are made from fresh fruits only, and our soda’s from pure fruit stock, with io k candy syrup, and we make a point to be prompt in HUing all dinner or other orders either in cartoons or packet in ice. L. V STRUHOX, Manager. Corner Liberty and Whitaker Stic t*. oil. FOR M A t i t SKll£. SUNDAY, 10th. AT 3 P. M , STEAMER ALPHA Music and refreshments. Dancing on Island. Fare 25c. GEO. V. BEACH. Manager. fitPlS< lAL NOl h # i: The Merchants* and Miners Transporta tion Company will have on sr.le by -team ship 1) H. Miller, appointed to -all Juno 14. special excursion tickets to Republican National Convention, Philadelphia. For particulars apply ticket office. No 39 Bull street. FUR HUNT. Prom Sept. 1, 177 Congress street, non occupied by >l. Dryfim. Apply to 11. 11. Levy A llro., Broughton st reel. nit. a. Aionmsov will return to the city to-day and resume his practice at No. I Henry streit, west HEAL ESTATE AND INMHYYCE AGENCY. We buy and sell real estate, collect rents and negotiate loans on same ,-.t 3 pr cell'. Represent ihe Travelers' lueuiamc ton* puny, accident and liability dopaitments. Itepresent the New Yolk Underwriters 1 Fhr Insurance Agency and the Phoenix | Mutual Life insurance Company. All business entrusted to us will l>e ap predated and will receive prompt and caiefu! attention. I No. 37 Bay, east. Telephones 348. W. C. FBIPP & CD. THE MORNING NEWS: SUNDAY. JUNE 10. 1900. >1 A It R I AGES. K.RIEGSM AN—li ENTER Married, in this city. June 7. by the Rev. I. P. Me tides. Mr. Pumuel Kriegsmon of New York city, and Miss Tcssie Hextet of bi vannali. •FECIAL NMllcL*. MALT MCI AD. (i* a i ii\ i ::•>.> NO VLt CIIOL. NO DR t <.S. Malt Mea 1 is n.n id- al slimmer drink. Can be freely used with great benefit by the entire family, from grandmother to baby. For u.osc who do hard liber it is Just the tiling, is it revives and refreshes wKiout heating. Alait Mead also gc-ol for those who fill responsible ]><*: itions. bting n uon-;timu lam. it can u.ed without fepr of re sults. and for tho mar. who must t ;ke a • 1 iy. 4 nip 4 ' Malt Mead is an unrivaled ■'chaser" for c itching at and &oo king # the stomach. For on* suffering from an “ove.dose.” Malt Mead is a veritable “Balm in Gilead. 4 and is indispensable in the straightening process. In short, instantaneous re ognitlon and sn* ess hah been a corded the 20th century Fa mil Beverage. To be found, respect fully. at GEO. MEYER’S. Telephone 20. 1001 Henry street, ea - t TABLE D'HOTE. 50c—DINNER—50c Dinner t> to 9 j>. rn . Sunday, June 10. Ciare Wine. Little Neck Clams on the half shell. SOUP. Tur i . FISH. Kedfish au Cos ir.boah <.i Potatoes ala Morcha.e. Tomatoes, with French Dressing. Chow Chow. Mixed Pickles. Que n Ol.ves. ROASTED. Ribs of Baltimore Beef, Dish Gravy. Stuffed Squabs, with Game Sauce. ENTREES. Hari ot of Lamb n la Rourgcoise. Spanish Fritters. Rum Sauce. VEGETABLES. New Garden Peas, New Potatoes. Mashed Squashes, Rice. Stewed Tomatoes. PASTRY AND DESSERT. . Lemon Custard Pie, Assorted' Cakes. Cheese. Crackers. Fiuits. Strawberry Sherbet. Fieneh Coffee. At LEVAN'S CAFE RESTAURANT, PI ( o.igress street, west. <O A *IR N 'll NT MALE (iOODS 5.0(0 Cups. 0.000 Saucers. 3.000 Plates. 1,000 Flat, deep and pickle di.-hee. 1,500 Agate Saucers. 80*9 Agate Cups. 850 Spring Cots. 450 Oak Cento! Tables. 500 Folding Tables. 250 Folding Chairs S3) Window Shades. Silver plated Knives, Forks and Spoons, Air Cushions. Meat Grinders 1,000 and over articles for sale. 1 have recently purchased the entire .-cock cf James S. Silva, and it will be put on the market next week also, and sold along with the government good.-. BERNSTEINS. 113 Barnard Street. I’ll KSEIt V E VOIR SIGHT By wearing glasses that not alone enable you to see, but correct every defect that may exist. There is no guesswork in our methods We have the latest and mest approved scientific app:. aius for accurate eye test ing. We make no charge for consulta tion or examination, and should you led the services of a physician we will frank ly tell you so. Our crystal lenses are perfect in every respec t. being ground under our own su pervision. They cannot bo compared n value to the kind offered as cheap by the so-called opticians or jewelers who han dle Inferior glasses as a tide line. DR. M. SCHWAB & SON. Exclusive Opticians, 47 Bull Street. N. B.— Oculist prescriptions filled same day received. Repairing done at short notice. fIXTKK.NTM A\M M. PH \j< —of the— German Aid and Benevolent Society at T> lice. Thni'Mdny, June It, llititr. l.aneli and l<*e t'rrniu will he served hy the ladies of the society. Tickets art 1 good for all trains. t'OMMJTTKra—A. Hess,'l, t hair, man, C. l.itug. E, A. >l. Schroedcr. H. V. Ileulsler. WULE’9 I LOW ldt> Vl' lItMDVS. 1 have arranged with Paul Conlda to carry at his Bui, sttet stole at all times a full supply of Fresh Cut Flo a e He will also lake orde-s for Designs or any special older (ci bpeciul o oaalons. JOHN WOLF. Telephone No. 597. DOOILS, SAAII, BI.IADS^ And everything in the building material line. We 01 e headquarters for these goods, with the largest and most com plete stock in th. boutli. Buy White Pine Doors. Sash and Blinds tor your new home. AYDIt 17W H \YLEY COMPANY, mi 1 t'Llii I. \Mi's. At! kinds of gas lamps for bicycle.- at te- 1 duced prkes at THOMAS' BICYCLF EMPORIUM. Phone 949. 114 Drayton street. P. S- Headquarters for repairing, enam eling and vulcanising. ■ • pocket you can refresh your \ memory with the pleasant happenings oi a vacation. CALL AT rnrr J>emo ns t ration rn r r rKrr All the Week, HJff 1 nkui JUNE 11 to 1(. ■ ® % Beginning 1 Monday morning and concluding Sat urday night, Mrs. Rees will demonstrate the cele brated . : VAN KAMI*:. RAKED BEANS. SOUPS (all sorts) , VEGETABLES (all sorts), CANNED MEATS (all sorts), CANNED GAME all sorts). The ladies of Savannah, whether our customers or. not, are respectfully invited to attend. /V\ LJ NSTEFrS, Phone 554. Duffy and Drayton streets. K.o!gSnt s> s Pharmacy, NA’e will sell one bottle to our regular Customers only. Monday, h j. Coke s Dandruff Cure 50.- 1 Beef Wine and Iron 69 Wine of Cardui 50c Celery Compound and Coon Wine Cod Liver Oil ,'oc Sa.-safras and Sassafras Cos 50 Simmons l.ivcr R.gulator (largo ‘ ~V v„ Thermometers „ BradfieM’s Regulator 50c Trusses :o Mothers 4 Friend 10 Boxes Capsu ca ;o Rogers tk. Gall-V Pinauds. Ca drov sand Palmers* Sc-a]-.-. Pcrf>m said Toilet Watrf . Mail Orders So ii: and. KNI HIT'S PHARMACY. TELEPHONES. 539. FOR WORK MOST RELIABLE ofiro :;ot ISisll street. ‘Phone 7 UUSI.AL39 NOTICES. CONIOVS. CON ID %’S. (OVID VS. That is nil you hear everywhere. Condia’s Palace for Ice Cream. Sherbets, Sola Wafer, new drinks. Chocolates and Bon Boris. His place is popular, because he selves the beat of everything iu that line. FMf.dvii hur.dre 1 daily customers will t 1 you ihat is so. Peach Sherbet, Peach Ice Cream cilwa>s on hand. The Wedding will not he a perfect function utiles? ttoe Presents are cor rect . . . Tho e who purchase Welding Pre.-ems of us will have the satis faction of knowing that they are as .on ei as the mode itself. Our stock i> unexcelled, and the prices are right. Hunter & Van keuren, Jewelers, 143 Bull street. SPECIAL NOTICES. LEVY’S DISCOt.YT NOTICE. IOC WILL SAVE TEN IT.II CENT. II > paying your tilltM on or be fore the l.'th mat. B. 11. LEVY A into. SP YR K LETS. Just the thing for pi nl .4, maroons, ex- 4 r. lot s, ard summer. A r ass of the finest and purest soda water eat: b made In one minute. A full supply at SOLOMONS COMPANY, C ngrrss slieet and Bull Bn ft Branch store. OH. H. 11. MAH'ITY, 7 Jones Street, West. Practtco Lmlted to diseases of eye ear nose and throat. Hours—9 to 1, 4 to 6, and by appoint ment. UISIMIS* NOTICES. iiANvmistbTiiA^^ i '• °t the .sort to time it race l>,v. tmt those that have been improperly re paired and stop u lion most needed. 4V e are better prepared Mian ever for thi* kind of work. The mo-t complicated as nell as more simple movements lie in properly treated to insure siteees*. <lur repair of line Jewelry lias aI 'V,,JN been a siiccc*Mful branch, *> pieces of jewelry formerly sent to faelorlen for repair can be put in perfect condition by ns. __ THE'JS BROS. V K1.Y17 H(Jlll'\GK. M ' I* Such not only oitriots admiring atten tlori but nfTords It owner comfort nn.| satisfaction. When you want u cuttTnge VO ' want it to b. e tsy riding at .1 u . j with all the mob'll] app.ljnips tor hilih S l>'"l and comfort. bach are the Bib-oak JlriK'kwuy. i aid Wo-'-i: ull ic hu ieH. Kve v one stil-ily euai.i rived COHBN.KfIiMAN CARTtI \Q . \N r > WAGON COMPANY. I'.rough ion ami West li o.i-l atr.ets. Mormin &- Wight's Rubber Tin- Boiler for Sale. Me have sold the Engine and Dynamo aiv rtlsed some weeks sin- e. hut still nave the 4u-hor*e power Boiler. Will rell it for so'. delivered at any railroad dei.t in Savannah The holler Is in eo od * ape. ar.d would not be a.,id had it not to be taken out to b ake ;o m. 1 he Morning News, SAVANNAH. GA. artltlAL NOTICES. ' ATIOY\I. >1 \ 1 Tllliss \\ |> Itiivn. \ PI'ING Ct>. All klmh mottles r.s to 1 .<■ to onlot. Fine cut .t-1 on 1 motmu i tie.-sea 11 pci 1 1 . t> uur me.lie. l] • and steam lenovatlng |ia • -1 liar, lid.liers. mo. s, et .. i- on- • Ip-retd by oi l- .0. il i.tiysl -111101 as being the best germ destroyer 111 ns -. Your old mat. tre.-ses or leather bed: made to ,v at reus, onable pil rs. We carry a full lini. of riek- Inga, hair, feathers and moss, tall and in spect our methods. JAS. R. DOONKR, Prop.. Bell Thone 1136. 431 Drayton strati. £*l io I For Ladies’ # $2 Shoes. s~srammat.-m.mna Tan, Rusrct or Browr. Oxford Tlea, hand-sewed flexible soles, medium a-.d low heels. Makers used wrong fii isii cn the soles—that's where our allowance was made. They are a splendid weiri g at tl ; scraclhing ne w:.;rani very highly. Try one pair? ’• V Id Rods. jrOQTCOV£P;:f?S*^M4NKWD. TO R i U I Lois! lona / DU. Savannah StßEin Laundry Co'' II Congress Streel, Wes!, Phone 383, DON’T TRUST TO LUCK. I §|b 6c cioAR. \ Finer in Taste, \ Finer in Aroma, ) Finer in Quality, yCgglgf \ than any other half dime cigar on sale. CJ l sa y Street, West. ) BONDY & LEDERER, Makers, New York. ' THE OMLY Family Liquor Store IN THE CITY. TRY OUR FAMOUS Imperial Nectar Pure Rye Whiskey. Fell Quarts, SX; four bottles, containing foil Gallon, $3.50. EELSINGER & 08„ ‘‘"’TSsaggn’T LADEVEZES Mouldings, - Artists’ Materials. ni 1,513 aimciiais, mf PTrTri3Ti , %; Stationery, Portraits. W frame 'fc Savannah Views on China m factory T> wfl re. Photographic Papers, . * j||? Mounts, etc. First=class work at lowest pj-jees. I(>r TO Iflff ( OMiItMSN STHLEI’. WEST. SALKS.. 38 BOTTLES. I TR'” IT MARCH SALES (9 BOTTLES. | •ÜBtlL SALES 87 BOT'H.K.S. i T 7 T> A IVT TT td -"■ v ‘ SALES 127 BOTTLES. I lIAiNJK. REMEDY. it WILL (THE WHEN ALL OTHERS FAIL. AT LIVINGSTON’S for S!.SQ. PHONES 2'J3 and 382. nusiHKAs xohcKs. OKARMA, Siioc Manufacturer. Daily Production 30 Pairs. To keep our plant moving vvc reduced prices on all grades. Come and see how we make them. * I I I Hast. A.L. Desbouillons We lihvp IS and 22-karat plain Gold Rings tor wedding rings I” the Meat shapes. Also n InrKo nsrortmcnt o( Diamond Jewelry ,n the old price of Diamonds as long a* they last. A. 1.. DKSBOI'I LLONS, 13 Bull Street. ■ 1 ■ OLD NEWSPAPEHS. 200 for JS can la. si Business Office Mom Inn New* lII'SINIiSS NOTICES. ToFsaliT One lot .'(OxIon Tenth street, nett r J offer no n One iot ft'lxlll on Mntli treet, near Jefferson.• Price* lower than au)(lilug else In the neighborhood, und terms eery en*>. Itotli lots near (be I£lulith Street School. C. 11. IiOHSETT. io Newsoaper Sili For sale, a Forsaith Newspaper polder; Will fold Sheet If.xt- It Is In good order. Price SIOO. It cost $l,lOO, but ye have no u.-e lor It and want the room it occupies. It! be an Invaluable adjunct to any newspaper office. Address MORNING NEWS, Savannah, Ca. IF You" want good material and work, order your lithographed and printed stationery and blank hooka front Morning New#, Savannah. Ga