The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, June 11, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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6 gTfjc bottling HonlAS News Building. SHraocah, (ia MONDAY. JI \E IX, 1900. Registered at the Postofflce in Savannah. ~ —s Th MORNING NEWS la published •vary day in the year, and Is served to subscribers in the city, or sent by mall, at 70c a month. $4.0) (or s.x months, and Xi.OO tor one year. Tha MORNING NEWS, by mall, sly limes a week (without Sunday Issue), three months,, six months 53.00. one year, K 00 The WEEKLY NEWS. 2 Issues a week. Monday and Thursday, by mall, one year, 12.40. Subscriptions payable In advance. Re mit by postal orders, check or r-glstered latter Currency sent by mall at risk cf senders. Transient advertlsments. other than special column, local or reading notices, amusements and cheap or want column, 10 cents a line. Fourteen lines of agate tv[W— equal to one Inch square In depth la the standard o( measurement Cowtract rates and discount made known on appli cation at business office. Orders for delivery of the MORNING NEWS to either residence or place of business may be made by postal card or through telephone No 210. Any Irregular ity In delivery should be immediately re ported to the office of publication. Lettera and telegrams should be ad dressed 'MORNING NEWS." Savannah. Ot, EASTERN OFFICE. 23 Park Row. New York city, H C. Faulkner. Manager. ISM 10 KEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Kncampment. No. 1. 1..0. O. F.; German Frienily Society. fcpeeial Notices—Thr Habersham Auc tion To-day. Bufcinej-s Notices—Ginger Ale; Harvard Boer. Ale and Porter; K. & W. Liur.dry. Auction Sole—Great Auction S.ile, 14" Lots, by Platshek & Cos., Au ;i r.eere. The Great Removal Sale—Foy A Mor rison Mai t-Nu trine.—A nbeuser-Bush Erewing Association. Summer Comforts—Lindsay & Morgan. Steamship Schedule—Merchants tn<l Miners* Transportation Company. Mineral Water—Crab Orchard Water. Legal Notices—ln the Mailer c( Charles R Herron. Bankrupt; Ax ion Klugmau, Bankrupt; Charles L. Dasher, Bankrupt Medical—Hood* d Pills; Mother’s Fiienl; Dr. Hathaway Company; Hors ford's Ad 1 Phosphate; Hostetler's S omarh Bitters; Castorla; Bar-Ben. Cheap Column Advertisements—Help Wanted; Employment Wanted; F. r Kent; For Sale; Ix>st; Personal; Miscellaneous. Tile Weutiier. The indicafions for Georgia to-day are fof loea Iralns and fresh east to southeast winds. Among the private pension legislation passed during the last hours of Congress were bills for the benefit of Uriah Heep and Andrew Jackson. George Washing ton and Thomas Jefferson have been on the pension list for some time. Henry Wellesley, whose death in Lon don was reported in the dispatches a day or two ago, was the grandson of the fa mous "Iron Duke,” the victor of Water loo. The deceased inherited a big name, and that is all there is to make him re membered. There really isn’t any need for Mr. E. C. Benedict, or anybody else, to be a "political orphan” this year. The Demo cratic orphanage has gone out of busi ness. The reunited, rehabilitated party will write a platform at Kansas City big enough and broad enough for every Dem ocrat, and every person who is opposed to republicanism, 10 stand upon. It Is likely front the present signs, that Great Britain's big army will be found useful in other quarters upon the con clusion of the war In South Africa. When Tommy Atkins has finished with t,he Boers he may have to turn to and give the Boxers a drubbing. It seems to be the opinion that England has too much at stake in the Orient to remain inactive with respect to the Chinese uprising. The city of Montgomery hrfs ordered the telephone wires put under ground, the work to be accomplished by March of next year. The Mobile Register appeals for similar legislation for its city. If the Reg ister could induce a committee of Mobile aldermen to visit Savannah and note, how eleon and imposing wireless streets look, we feel sure that they would return home and vote for the underground system at •nee. One of the rumors floating about in po litical circles is (hat If the Gold Demo crats decide to put out a ticket, they will nominate Admiral Dewey' for Presi dent. According to their view, he Is in harmony with them on the money ques tion. That being the case, there has never been anything in ehe talk that the Democrats have been considering the ad visability of nominating him for Vice President. A little thing like divorce is not per mitted to interfere with business in C.n cinnaii. F Bissinger and his wife were business partners in a profitable confec tionery establishment, when a third party came along and alienated Mrs. B.’s uf fectlore Her husband sued for a divor.o. ar.d has secured it Meanwhile the busi es a arrangement has not b, on interterart with, and ex-husband and ex-wife are still partners. The census officials in Washington have been called upon to decide whether or not the census law takes precedence over the rules of a Cutholic nunnery. The case cqmes up from Chicago, where the mother superior declined to give any information respecting the nuns under her charge, or to permit the enumerator <o interro gate them. The mother superior says thst this is the first time she has ever been requested to give Information con cerning those under her care. The United States Circuit Court at Kan sas City. Mo., has Just shown that a trust cn be reached by law. if the matter is gone about In the proper manner. The larger coal dealers of that city formed a Combination snd fixed the pr!;e of coal, An outside dealer brought suit against th# combination for damages The court found In hit fsvor and allowed him at torney's fees. The case will probably be carried to the 6upreme Court. Meantime Victory perches upon the banner of the small dealer. FILIPINOS RESORT TO A PETITION. Gen. Otis has given out several inter j views since his arrival from Manila, re specting the situation in the Philippines. In all of them he sa3*s that the war in the island* is over, and that the great ma jority of the people are anxious,for peace, ond ere satisfied with American rule. There are a few armed band*. he says, composed largely of robbers, who are conducting a sort of guerilla warfare. It may take years to get rid of these rob bers. Gen. Otis has no doubt that with in a very ehort time, everything will bo running smoothly in the Philippines, end that the United States will have an Im mense commerce with them. It Is to be hoped that the situation is as Gen. Otis describes it. It seems, how ever. from' a petition which has been for warded to Congress from the celebrated Katipunan Society, that there is 3 prob ability of a disturbed condition of affairs in the islands for a long time to come. This society is believed to have stirred up the insurrection against Spain. It claims four m.ilions of members, who are scattered throughout the islands. It is certainly a very influential secret society This society, in its petition to Congress, declares that the Filipinos will never submit to American sovereignty, and that it will continue the war for years, if necessary, to accomplish the independence of the Philippines. It Is evident that the Filipinos are not yet subdued. It was stated in the dls- ' patches a few days ago. that nearly all of *he native officials appointed by Gen. Otis had proven treacherous. The mayors of towns, for instance, violated their oath of office without hesitation when they could assist the insurgents by doing so. In the dispatches yesterday, it was stated that in the mass of Aguinaldo’s private papers, which had been discovered by Gen. Funston, evidence was found that leading native business firms in Manila, that had never been suspected of being in sympathy with the insurrection, had been rendering all the assistance they could to Aguinaldo. The difficulty in establishing local gov ernments in the Philippines is in getting native officials in whom reliance con be j placed. All of them appear to be treacher ous. They make promises of loyalty, blit j they take the first opportunity to put themselves in communication with the in surgent leaders. It looks therefore os if there might- be something in the claim put forth by the Katipunan Society, namely, that it practically dominates the islands, ond that it will never consent to peace until the Filipinos are given their independence. As the United States gen erally accomplish what they undertake, k is probable that the kind of fighting that has been going on in the islands for the Inst few months, will continue for a good long time. FALLING PRICKS. The fall which has taken place In the price of iron, steel, lumber and some other commodities does not greatly disturb the producer* of these articles. They know they have been getting boom prices, and that production has overtaken con sumption. The consumers could not con tinue to pay the boom prices, ond there fore the producers have been gradually lowering prices with the hope of finding a place at which consumption would again keep pace with production. They may not have found it yet. but the probabilities are that they will soon. It is not believed that the country is gravitating toward a period of business depression. There are no signs of anything of that kind. What has happened in pimply that the very high prices have stimulated production far beyond the nor mal, and. nt the same time have cut down consumption. Just as soon as consumers become satisfied that prices are as low as they fire likely to go their demand for supplies will he increased. The lumbermen of this section are satis fied that the price of lumber is not likely to go much below what it is now. Indeed, they are inclined to think there will be an advance in prices in the near future. Al stons the line of production the feeling is that it is only a question of a little while when prices will settle on a normal basis, and that there, will then be a long period of prosperity. As 41 rule business is dull during the year of a presidential election. It may be that the content this year is already hav ing a bad effect on business. It is not be lieved. however, that the fall fhat has taken place in prices within the last two months has been brought about by the ap proaching presidential contest. It is prob able that the Republicans would like to have the country belieVe that the reviving of the silver issue is responsible for the falling off in the volume of business, and the fall in prices, but the people know 1 that such is not the fact. The change that has taken place in the business s.t uation has not been brought about by pol itics. MISDESCRIBED FREIGHT. Occasionally a case gets into the courts, and thus before the public, alleging a mis description by the shipper of good* ship ped, in order to secure a lower freight rate. But such cases that come to public attention arc rare. On the other hand, it is quite common to hear of complaints against the railroads, and (here is seldom a session of any state Legislature or of Congress in which there is not one or more bills introduced to correct or pre vent the alleged misdeeds of the ralltoads. At the present time there is being urged upon Congress the necessity of modifying the interstate commerce law tn such man ner as to give the Interstate Commerce Commission more power over the rail reads. Meantime, while few cases of attempts on the part of shippers to secure lower rates by falsely describing the goods ship ped come io public notice, the number of shipments under false pretenses is very large every year. The Railway Age says that during the year 1899 the inspectors of the trunk lines doing business from New York. Boston and Ph'ladelphla to the Wen discovered 235.000 instances in which shtp lrrs misdescribed goods actually shipped, to as to get lower rates on them. Tills was only ,n the westbound business for the three cities named. As many as 19.000 Imilar Instances of fraudulent billing were found among shipments from the western termini of the same roads. It would sp j rear, therefore, that the railroads are not i alone In al’egrd wickedness In connection with freights and rates. Many shippers are as willing and eager to hoodwink and defraud th# roads as the roads are to take advantage of every loophole In the law to increase their incomes. There esnnot be any question that Gen Otis thinks the war in the Philippines is practically over. He has told the reporters so every time his train has stopped to qtake water alee he left San Francl;a PROGRAMME OF TH2 GOLD DEMO CRAT®. The Gold Democrats have not yet de ; cided to call a convention to nominate a presidential ticket. Ta:lr National Com mittee will hold a me ting In Indianapolis on July -o. to settle tiat q-trstl n. They say th y went to wait and see what kind of platforms ;he Democrats and Repub licans adopt. They still have h pe—at 1 as* some of them have—that the conservative element cf the Democratic party will con trol the Kansas City Convention, and tha: a plaif rm wil! he adrpted cn whi h they can stand. Most of them feel quite sure , *hat the platform '.hat wi i be adop ed by ; the Republicans will not be satisfactory to them. They are even in doubt whether they will be willirg to indorse its financial plank. If they fa 1 to find corr.f rt in either the Democratic or Republican platforms they will, in all j rol ab li y. make a platform and a ticket of their own. If they adopt that course their campaign will he a much greater failure than the Palmer and Buckner campaign cf 18% was. In tha? campaign the gr at majority of the Gold D niccrats voted directly for Mr. McKinley. This year the Gold Democrats who f el ttfey cannot support the regular Democratic Hcke..—and the number will not be as ’arge as it was four years.ago —■will do just us they did in the last presi dential campaign. Th-y will vote the Re publican ticket. The Gold Democratic lead ers therefore are simply wasting time and money by piepaiing to run a .ticket of 1 heir own. Oik thing in the political situation is b e.tiling clearer every day, and that is that there will be vety few votes wasted this year on candidates outside of those of the two great patties. The contest i? going to be squarely between Mr. Bryan and Mr. McKin ey. The I’o >u ist t cket and the Gold Democratic ticket, if there should be one, will be lest sight of. The National Committee of the Gold Demo crats will see, by the time their commit tee meets, that this is the real situation, and that there is no demand for a Gold Democratic ticket. DANGEROUS MOI MLIIANKS. If proof were needed of the wisdom of the Georgia law which imposes stringent conditions as precedent to permission to practice medicine in this state., it might be had from an incident which occurred in Chicago the other day. Several officers of an alleged medical college were arre:-ted for using the. mails for fraudulent pur poses. and hound over for trial. Using the n a Is to defraud, however, was not the worst part of their offense. It appears that people had been running what, in the vernacular, is called a “diploma mill.” The diplomas, written in Latin, sealed with imposing looking se ds and signed with a dozen or so of names having “M. D.,“ “Ph. D.," and the like, after them, certified that the persons namtd in them had taken a full course of instruction in the medical college named at the head of the sheet, and were com petent to practice medicine. All of the evidence goes to show that the so-called college was not a college at all, but represented hardly more than a desk from which the. fakirs worked a smooth confidence game upon creduious young men, and played into the hands of unscrupulous men who might wish a medical diploma to aid them in swindling schemes. All was fish that came to the net of the alleged college, however. No fee for a diploma was either too big or too small to bs taken. One hundred dol lars was the list price of the “sheepskin.” hut if the “student” could not pay so much. SSO, or $lO, or even $5, would be accepted. And no "student” who had the money ever failed to get his diploma. All that he was required to do was to write replies to a few questions. lie might “fake” the replies if he pleased, or they might be all wrong, it made no difference to the “diploma mill.” just so the fee was forthcoming This sort of thing, it sterns, went on for four years. The state and municipal au | thoritles knew of the bogus college, and 1 its operations, but it appears that the let ter cf the Illinois law was complied with, hence there was no way in which the bus iness cculd te broken up. Meantime the ‘college” bad graduated and given diplo mas to a number of “doctors’* and turned them loose upon the public. One of these “doctors” was •discovered in Texas re cently. He had been regularly registered in Tarrant county, under his bogus diplo ma. and was practicing medicine. The heinousness of the offense of turn ing loose upon the people a lot of igno rant. careless or vicicus m n with diplo j mas as “doctors” needs not to be com : mented upon. It is dangerous villainy, I risking not only the health hut the life of every person who, through lack of knowl edge of the fraud, might chance to fall into their hands. It is regrettable that the federal government cannot punish the fraudulent “professors” more severely than for using the malls for unlawful purposes A good, long term in the peni tentiary would be their just deserts. Prof. Pupin of Columbia University says that telephoning by cable from New York to Liverpool by means of an apparatus, which he describes in the,Electrical Re view, Is possible. He doubts, however, that telephoning across the ocean could be made commercially profitable. The real value of the invention, he thinks, w ill be found in Its application to telegra phy. The of the signalling can be increased, he states from five impulses a second <o 1,500. It would multiply the ca pacity of an Atlantic cable about 300 times. This would make it possible for the rates on cable messages to be placed at a much lower figure than prevails now. Mr. E. C. Benedict of New York the other day was quoted as advocating the formation of anew political party. Mr. Benedict is a close friend of ex-Presldent Cleveland. Some of the New York pa pers. therefore, surmised that Mr. Cleve land would indorse his friend's plan, and sent reporters to see him about the mat ter. "What he says has no bearing what ever on me." said Mr. Cleveland; "Mr. Benedict is able to paddle ills own canoe." The ox-President stated ftir'.hcr that he was out of politics and intended to stay out, ond that not even the Indorsement of Mr. Bryan by the New York Democ racy Interested him. . m * Having enlightened New Y'ork with re spect to yellow journalism. Mr. Hearst is grung to teach Chicago the same les son Arrangements have been made by him to begin the publlca lon in that city of an afternoon newspaper, modeled on the plan of (he New Y'ork Journal. The first issue will appear on the Fourth of July. It Is possible that Willis J. Abbott will be the managing editor of ihe Chi cago paper, which will, of course, be democratic In politic*. THE MOFMNG NEWS: MONDAY, JUNE 11. 1900. Algernon Charles Swinburne has given the English speakihg peoples something to think of besides the Boer war, the Boxer trouble and the offair in the Phil ippines. He has perpetrated a war poem of some twelve stanzas which is as bad as any Chinese puzzle ha ever annoyed one's brain. About all that the average layman, cne not especially drilled in read ing Swinburnian poetry, can make out of the'stanzas is that Mr. Swinburne is aw fully mod. and that if he had his way he would swat somebody in the neck and then kick him down the back steps into the alley. The late S oux City Convention of Pop ulists appointed a committee to notify the candidates nominated of the action cf the convention. Up to date, so far as the notification committee is concern and, the nominees are in ignorance respecting what the convention did. PERSONAL. —J. C. Monaghan, who has been ap po.nred professor of commerce in the new School of Commerce to be opened at the I nlversity of Wisconsin this fall, has re cently resigned as consul of the United Smtes at Chemnitz. Germany, where he hn> has been stationed for the last seven years. He was one of the Democratic consuls who were retained under the Mc- Kinley administration. —The latest fad ascribed to Emperor :^i&rn is hfs mania for collecting boots ano shoes worn by famous people. The* collection is kept in the Marble Palace at Uotsdcm, and consists of some 2.000 pairs, r.-.e Emperor has a pair of slippers re puiprl to have been worn by Mohammed arid boots worn by Wallenstein. Gustavus Adolphus. Peter the Great. Frederick the Grea* and the first Napoleon. —Gen. Sir Arthur Power Palmer, who j bar been appointed oommander-in-chlef ; in succession to the late Sir j 'Viliam Lockhart, has been connected i with the Indian army since 1857, and serv- I ed m the Indian mutiny with Hodson’s Horse. After a distinguished fighting career he commanded the Chin Hills ex pedition of 1892-*93, and was latterly on the staff in command of the forces in the Punjab. —T. B. Pand'an, a Hindu of noble rank, and n • hristian, is in Chicago raising a fund with which to .better the condition of flic low caste people of his native • land. The greatest need of these outcasts ' is pure drinking water, as they are not allowed to drink from the streams which are to others. He. says that SIOO will provide a well that will supply a whole village with pure water. He has j letters of introduction from prominent met; of England and the Ea^t. —Sir Robert Biddulph, who will relln- | quish the governorship of Gibraltar to be taken over by Sir George White, is a British general who has achieved a great reputation as an administrator, but who has not seen much fighting. He was ap pointed to the command of “the Rock” in 18%. He has been inspector general of recruiting, quartermaster general and di rector of military education—hish admin istrative posts which he. has filled with every satisfaction. For his various ser vices he has been made, in turn C. B K C. M. G. and G. C. M. G. BRIGHT DITS. —Policeman (examining broken win dow).—“Begorra, but it’s more parlous thin Oi thought -it was. It’s broken on both sides!”—Punch. -Appreciative.-"Ah!" solftly hummed the mosquito, as the sleeping victim rest lessly turned over in his bed. "The olher cheek! He must be a good man.”—Chicago Tribune. —Daisy Putter: Dick says he loves me for keeps. What does that mean? Dick: It means for ever. " Ruth \\ ittington: No. It ni auvs vou can keep his presents if it's broken off.—Life —Mr. Fiatdwell (with paper.reading war) —I see that the Argyles received their baptism of Are yesterday. Mrs. Fiatdwell—Heavens! Did their gas oline stove explode?—Brooklyn Life. —Circumstantial Evidence.—" Was there anything suspicious about the actions of the prisoner when you met him?” asked the court. "Yes, sir," responded the witness. He forgot to ask me to lend him soms money."—Philadelphia North American.— Mrs Snow (to Mrs. Greene. recently married)—You told me you were going to board. How did it happen that you went to keeping house? Mrs. Greene—We had to do it, you know, in order to find r om for the sed ding presents.—Boston Transcript. —Where It Was Faulty.—"No," said the magazine editor, "we cannot use your poem The sentiment is beautiful and the metre and rhyme are perfect, but never the less it is not suited to a high class literary magazine ' "What's the matter with it?” asked the poet in not unnatural surprise. "Any one can understand it."—Chicago Evening Post. —Her Position.—The Congress of Moth ers was in session and the delegates were paying rapt attention to the qostume of the orator of the day, who was address ing them on "The Proper Organization of the. Horne." "The true home,” she said, gracefully throwing back hervhead in or der that the diamond sunburst nt her throat should be assessed at its full value, "the true home should be organized just os any ruling or directing body is. It should be a congress, in which the wife is " "Speaker cf the House," came in a mighty chorus from the delegates. What is the use of going to a convention if you do not now what you want?—Baltimore American. CTRIIEYT COMMENT. - • The Washington Star (Ind.) says: "The gold Democrats are now divided into three factions. Some will vote for Mr. Bryan, though opposing nearly everything for which he stands. Others will vote for Mr. McKinley, though agreeing with him on nothing but sound money. The third fac tion is composed of those who are in a s'ete of betweenity, and seem to want to fire in the air." The Columbia (S. C.) Stale (Dem.) says: "Now they have thrown out $15,000 of Rathbone's vouchers as fraudulent, the figures covering SB,OOO of twice-paid bills on account of Neely's printing in Munice, Ind. This man Raihbone is the head and front of the offending in Cuba, and even though he be Hanna's own man, William MJKinley must not shield him further." The Chattanooga Times (Dem.) says: "When Great Britain begins to lecture us on how we should treat the Porto Ricans, Cubans and people of the Philippines, then will be time enough for tis to offer advice and directions as to the proper treatment of the vanquished Boers. If we mind our own business, and mind it right, we will have enough to do." The Macon Telegraph (Dem.) says: "Th# Governor of Colorado has offered th# Boers 1.009.000 acres of land if they will come to that state, but he says nothing about furnishing them with water to Irrigate it. He will have to furnish a few vials and spruits before he can indue# the thrifty formers to go that far West." Th# Chicago Tlm#s-Hra)4 (Rep) says: I "Apparently China's greatest need is the ; deportation of the baleful Gno Da She. We j regret if we fail in the courtesy due the sex. but that sinister and ancient dame fought to be sent to tea id • sieve." Mark Twain'* Latest. Mark Twain has been living quietly in England for some time now, and were ft not that he appeared to give evidence be fore a royal commission on the question of copyright, scarcely a soul outside his private and particular friends would have known he was here at all. says E. W. Sa bel in the Philadelphia Saturday Evening Post. The other evening he was dining at the house of a friend, and seated next to him was an American who had only the: day reached England. They were, of course, talking war, and the newcomer, wishing to knowr the feeling in England in the matter of the future of the Trans vaal, asked Mark Twain how he found public sentiment in England regarding the independence of the republics. 'Wei!,” said the genial humorist, "I find the English are paraphrasing a part of the burial service. They are all quietly repeating. Mr Gladstone giveth and the Lord Salisbury hath taken away. Blessed be the name of the Lord.’” When Reed Was Young tn Law. One of the most interesting incidents of Thomas B. Reed’s career in California is told by Robert P. Porter and vouched for by the ex-speakor, says Success. It was in 1863. during the Civil War, when the legal tender act was much discussed in California, where a gold basis was then maintained, that Wallace, whose office ad joined the one in which Reed was study ing. happened in one day and satd: "Mr Reed, I understand you want to be ad mitted to the bar. Have you studied law?" "Yes, sir, I studied law in Maine, while teaching." "Well," said Wallace, "I have one question to ask. Is the legal tender act cons' Rational?” "Yes.” said Reed "You shall be admitted to the bar.” said Wallace. Tom Bodley, a deputy sheriff, who h3d legal aspirations, was asked the same question, and he said “No." "W"e will admit you both." said Wallace, “for anybody who can answer, off-hand, a ques tion like that ought to practice law in this country.” She Wanted It for "Koko.”’ "I want a very small toothbrush." said a fash! nably dressed woman to the clerk in n Philadelphia drug store the other day, according to the Kansas City Jour nal. She was shown some children’s sizes. “Oh, they are not nearly small rue ugh,' remarked the woman. "I want a teentsy-weentsy one." "They don t eome any smaller than this," said the clrrk. The woman's face showed keen dlsapno'ntment. “Just wait a momepi,' she replied, "I*ll he back directly." Then she ran to her carriage and reappeared, with a little Japanese spaniel in her arms. You see." she explained, "I want (he toothbrush for Koko. His little teeth are getting qnue yellow, and I *hought an ap plication of powder would do them good." Then she cnmi.'red the dog's mouth with the brushes. ■ Iso, they won't do." she decided. "f'tn sfraid they would hurt his poor little mouth terribly. Can't yen: have a small one made to order?" The clerk, whose, patience had been somewhat exhausted, replied in the negative, and the woman su'd she guessed she'd have to look elsewhere. A Machine Order, Here is a story told by gubernatorial nominee "Dick” Yates of Illinois at ihe recent Hamilton Club banquet to illus trate the length to which some men will go in their devotion to a pclitical machine, says the Kansas City Journal. It concerns Senator Penrose of. Pennsylvania, and hie political godfather, former Ser.alor Quay: "One day." so goes the, story, “Senator Quay met Senator Penrose, and they walked together, up to the. capitol. 'Pen rose,' asked Quay, 'how old are you?’ I'm thirty-eight. Why do you a-k?' 'You ore pretty nearly forty years old ard you are net married yet. Y'ou ought to be ashamed of yourself. 'Why haven't you got a wife?’ 'Well,' said Penrose, in (he firsit place I have never found anybody I thought would have ‘ me. In the second place, I never saw anybody I thought I wanted.' 'Penrose.' said Quay. laughingly, 'I order you to get married. The papers say I'm your boss and that you are the creature of the machine. Now, simply as a matter of good politics. I order you to find a pretty girl and get married.' 'All right, senator,' said the Junior sena 0.. I'm a good soldier and l always obey orders. I'm a machine man and I'm proud of it. If you say marry. I'll do it. I'll marry any woman who can secure the indorsement of the State Central Committee for the bob.” Blaine finished Ills Speech. It happened during one cf the slumping lours back in the late '7o's or the early I ’BO s, Mr. Blaine was addressing an open air meeting ‘is i Massachusetts town, says Lippineott’s Magazine. The speak ers platform, which had been hurriedly ! t reeled for the occasion, began to groT. under its load of "CGtingutshed ciiizen-:." j atid presently settled gracefully to the ground, tumbling the crowd on it to gether in an undignified heap, but do ing no more serious damage than ruf fling their hair and clothing and injuring their feelings. When the crash was over Mr. Blaine was the first man on his feet. There chanced to be one solitary plank still left in position. This was the plank at the side next to the audience, which had been nailed firmly to the upright posts at the corners and. therefore, had not gone down with the rest of the platform. I'pon this plank Mr. Blaine promptly clambered, rose to his feet, calm and dig nified os ever, and, stretching forth his hand to command silence, said: "Ladles and Gentlemen; No matter what happens. I have found that there is always enough left of the Republican platform to sand on. Such being fortu nately the case on the present occasion, I will now go ahead and finish my speech, resuming the argument at the point I had reached when things took a drop.” And ar soon as the shouts of laughter I and applause had died away the witty se.'.tesmnn calmly proceeded to deliver the rest of his speech, not even forget ting a word of the peroration. AT GRADUATING TIME. From the Denver News. The gradua'es are grirg forth— God bless them, every one!— To run this hard and stubborn world Just as it should be run; But much I fear they'll find 'hat facts Don't always track wtth dreams; And running this o’d earth Is not As easy as it seems. As seniors we are prone to think Our wisdom is complete. We've but to ask—the world will lay Its trenhtes at our feet. But schooldays done and work begun, We learn to our regret The Colh'ge of Experience We have not mastered yet. . Ambition beckons on to us And eagerly we press Toward a distant, gleaming goal, The Temple of Success. It seems a pleasant Journey at The dawning of life's day; But as we stumble on. it grows A long and .weary way. The word l as garlands and applause At graduating time: And then forgets us the next day. When we attempt to climb. Life is a battle, where each one Must sc k and hold his own. He who would rise above the crowd Must scale the hlghts alone. This is the rule of life to-day As it has ever been; The world bestows its smiles on those Who have the strength to win. Beneath all outward semblances It looks for merit true. It little rarer how much you knew, Eut asks what can y;u do? Whtn ycu have it ft your college halls You re barely at the s art. For Wisdom's hlght is infinite And long the ways of Art Tou It find that In the school of life Acts count for more than dreams; i And running Ihls old earth is cot As e*sy as It aeema. -•- ITEMS OF INTEREST. —Cigarette smoking is not allowed on the exposition grounds in Paris. Violators of the prohibitive order will be arrested and subjected to heavy fines. —The phylloxera destroyed 450,000 acres of vineyards in Spain in 1899. Vines in Spain or France are not worth cultivating unless they are grafted with the American vine, wfcieh renders them proof against the insect. —London is the great bug market of the world, ond auctions of insects are held there every year. Startling prices are sometimes paid for rare specimens. As much as SBOO has been brought by a single butterfly. 1 —The French patent law requires that a patentee should work his patent in the country within a specified time. The mere fact of exhibiting a patent at the forth coming exposition, however, will be looked upon as filling this requirement. —Switzerland imported 15,027 bicycles in 1898, the highest priced ones. $65.30, com ing from Belgium, and the lowest. $42.16. coming from America. The American wheel is admitted to be the best as well as cheapest. Only twenty-one wheels were imported in 1895. —The first pianos known in America were imported from London in 1784 by John Jacob Astor. but as they could not stand the rigors of this climate they soon be came ruined. The fact led to the attempt to build pianos in this Country, and in the early part of the present century uprights made their appearance. —Repeated detonations are very injuri ous to the ear. A German scientist re cently examined the ears of ninety-six soldiers before and after a battle in South Africa, and found marked changes in forty-four, or nearly 50 per omit. In seven cases he found small hemorrhages in the ears, and the tiring caused the edge of the ear drum to become red in thirty seven cases. —ln the early years of the political his tory of this country it was customary to choose as the Pres'dent the candidate getting the highest number of electoral votes and to make the candidate (usually of the opposite party) who got the sec n 1 la r gest number of votes Vice President. This plan was adhered to until 1821, wh>n the present system of popular votes for presidential electors was inaugurate and —A man in Massachusetts caught a skunk in a Iran and threw it. trap and all. into a brook, where it was drowned. In less than an hour the odor was dis tinctly noticed in ttie water of a soring more than a quarter of a mile away, though no connection betweeiiHJie stream and the spring had ever he n suspected. The manner in which typhoid fever may be spread is brought to mind by the item. —Apples, pears, grapes and other fruits produce individuals at times that are core less or seedless. Asa general rule in these cases the resultant fruit is smalfer than in normal condition. The value of these abnormal forms depends on the uses to which they may be put. No special value has resulted from the seedless ap ples or pears. In the grape the seedless raisins and currants fill a useful place in culinary art. —An American dealer not long ago made a special trip to White Bay, New Zealand, for ihe purpose of procuring a kind of lizard called the "sphenodon," which is re garded by scientists as a wonderful cu riosity, inasmuch as it is the only survivor of an entire order of reptiles, all the other genera ond species having long since be come extinct. The lizard, which is known to the native Maoris as the "tuatera.” is about a foot and a half long, and, oddly enough, seems to have affinities with the crocodile. —The German Emperor has commanded the celebration of the seventh hundredth anniversary of the first mining operations in Germony. These were begun in the Harz Mountains, the principal minerals being silver and copper. The Emperor himself will attend the celebrations, which will take place at Hettstedt, in Saxony, where the first mine is said to have been opened, and will also visit Bisleben. a large copper mining center, where Martin Luther, whose father was a miner there, was born. Some time since a. gentleman return* ing from South America brought back with him a tatouay, a kind of armadillo found in South America, and housed it in his garden at La Villette. says the Paris Mrs senger. For a time all went well; but a night of two ago the spirit of adventure came over the animal and it went io ming about the neighborhood scaring the r si dents. who wondered what soi't of wild beast had got loose, and fr m v. hat menagerie it had escaped. The pclie\ in formed by the inhabitants who had bet n alarmed by ihe uncanny visit r. went tn its track, and came up with it in the e r y hours of yesterday morning, when, dial ing their sabers, they fell uron it as it was about to take refuge in a drain, end slaughtered it. The policemen's lecori runs that they "place at the disposal of the commissary an unknown animal te sembling a tortoise, etc. Several petsons who had attempted to kill it without suc cess declared that it had aiVmpiel to' bite them." —The highly opprobrious epithet "scab,” which is so effectively used by workmen 'in their labor disputes to deter other workmen from continuing at work, has been condemned as unlawful by the ap pellate term of (he New York Supreme Court in the case of Prince vs. the So cialistic Co-operative Publishing Assecii tion (31 Misc. 234). This association pub lished in its daily toper a letter which characterized Prince as a "miserable scab who works six days in a shop and thereby robs other poor devils of their bread.” In the subsequent suit lor libel the meaning and origin of the word was Investigated. The witnesses seemed to agree that the word is one of great op probrium and indicates a person who 1s regarded as "an outenst to he shunned tjy his fellows." Presiding Justice Beck man said it was a word of “ancient origin in its application to persons of disrepute,” and quoted the following definition from the Century Dletionory: "A mean, paltri er shabby fellow; a term of contempt; an opprobrious term used by the workmen or others who dislike his action." Justice Beekman said there was no doubt that the word in and of itself was libellous but he set aside the verdict obtained r>y the plaintiff and ordered anew trial for the reason that the trial Judge erred in admitting certain evidence. - Massachusetts has a novel law for the protection of roadside iroes, under the provisions of which trees which a town may wish to preserve are marked and whoever In any way injures or de-’ faces a tree so marked is liable to a fine of from $5 to SIOO. The mark is a spike or a nail, with an M Impressed upon the head, which Is driven Into 'he tre ns a point four to six feet nbove the ground. The law was enacted in i.sfto, and its application has grown each year with the spread of forestry sentiment. The t.nils are supplpd by the state hoard of agriculture, anil fhe board Is receiving th'.s yenr more appflcitions ih m ever be fore. Up to this year about 2.0 m nails had been issued, or an average of about 30,000 a yenr. Thus far this year appli cations have hern received from some fifty cities and towns asking | n the ag gregate for over 50.000 nails. This shows a decided movement In favor of roadside tret preservation, and inasmuch as the applicants are for the most part agr . u!- eural oommunitler the Indications are favorable' for a cessation of the old prac tice of cutting everything close down to the 'raveled way. if every on* of ehe 210,000 nails had been used to spike a sin gle tree, no allowance be ng made for renewals, and the trees grew regularly thlrty-three feet apart, there would be to-day nearly 1,600 miles of roadside pro vided with protected shade trees one inch or more In diameter. This is about 7 per cent, of the length of all the public roads in the state. Tiie Quakers Are Honest People, The Quaker Her% Tonic is not only blood purifier, but m Blood maker foe Pale. Weak and Da. bilitated people wh have not strength nor blood. It acts aa a tonic, it regulates digestion, cures dys pepsia and lends strength and tone ta the nervous system. It Is a medicine for weak women. It Is a purely vegetable medicine and can be taken by the most delicate. Kidney Dis eases, Rheumatism and all diseases of the Blood, Stomach and nervea eoon succumb to its wonderful effects upon the human system. Thousands of people in Georgia recommend it. Price SI.OO. QUAKER PAIN BALM is the medicine that the Quaker Doctor made all ot his wonderful quick cures with. It’s anew and wonderful medicine for Neuralgia. Toothache. Backache, Rheumatism. Sprains. Pain in Bowels; in fact, all pain van be relieved by It. Price 36c and 50c. QUAKER WHITE WONDER SOAP, a medicated soap for the skin, scalp and complexion. Price 10c a cake. QUAKER HEALING SALVE, a vege table ointment for the cure of tetter, ec zema and eruptions of the skin. Pflca 10c a box. FOR SALE BT ALL DRUGGISTS. PETITION FOR INCORPORATION. STATE OF GEORGIA. CHATHAM County—To the Superior Court of said county; The petition of C 8. Richmond. E L. Ri hniL-nd. H* tiry McAlpln, C. J. Rich ards and A. L. Strke3 respectfully shows: First. Teat they ries re for themselves, their arsccia'es. successors and assians to he cocrtituud a body corporate under the name of THE RICHMOND BUSINESS COLLEGE OF SAVANNAH. and by -hat name to acquire, hold and enjoy all the rights powers and privi leges incident to such body corporate or conferred upon it by the statutes of said state. Se-ond. The or je t of 'the corporation i> to bo the pcnia y gain and p ofit to iis .-tockli lders and the business to bo o.arri and on and conducted is that of a bus iness college, teaching cf shorthand, tv pi writing, bookke" pinj*. penmanship, 1 English branches, languages, j scientific and classical studies, electrical engineering, surveying, drafting, mechan i a drawing, and ali the hr inches of study pertaining thereto; to buy, sell and place machinery, or any other appliance | ihat will tend to increase the value of the : instructions; to print and publish text bocks and to sell the same upon such terms as will be to the best interest of the association; to buy and sell real es tate, and to borrow money on real es'ate and personal property, and to execute such mortgages, deeds and transfers therefor as may be necessary, and to do j such other things as may be necessary ard lawful in the prosecution of said bus iness. Third. The capital s'oek shall be twenty thousand ($20,000 0)) ddlars. divided into one hur.dr and (109) shores, of one hundred ($ CO) and elays each, and pe.itioners drsire ' h" right to increase said capital stock to any amount net exceeding rive hundred thousand ($50),000.00) dollars, by a direct vote of three-fourths of the stock, at a special meeting ca 1 and for that purpose. Fourth. The chief office end place of business shall be in the said county and state and In the city of Savannah, where a majority of the Board of Directors shall reside; hut petitioners desire the privilege of transacting business anywhere within the state of Georgia, cr in any other state, i: ic is to .heir interest to do so. They de sire to establish branch schools where ever they think proper. Appoint local boards, attorne.s agrn'.s and rrpresenta tives, as occasion and business may re quire to carry on the business of said as sociation. and to confer authority on them for that purpose. Fifth. To make such by-laws, rules and regulations for the government of said c rporation. not in conflict with the law* of Georgia, which may be necessary and proper, to have and to use a common seal, 'o sue and be sued, to plead and be im pleaded. to centra t and be contracted with, and to have such powers and to do such other things as are usual and prop er in ord r to carry out the intention and purpose of said association. You- petitioners pray that they, their assc iates and successors may be incor po atrd tind-r the said name and style. "The Richmond Business College of Sa vannah." for a. term of twenty (20) years, with reivilrgo of renewal at the expira tion of that time. And your poiiioners will ever etc. HENRY M ALPIN, Petitioners' Attorney. Petition for incorporation filed in office. May 19, 1901. JAMES K. P CARR. Clerk S. C„ C. C , Ga. SI M Mlelt HESOATS. MOTELNORMANDIiT BROADWAY & 38TH STS., NEW YORK. ABSOLUTELY FIRE PROOF. EUROPEAN PLAN. COOLEST HOTEL IN NEW YORK CITY Located in the liveliest and most inter esting part of the city; twenty principal places of amusement within five minuted walk of the hotel CHARLES A. ATKINS & CO. Summer Resort—Ocenn Hotel, Asbury Park, N. J. GEO. L. ATKINS & SONS. HOTEL FITZPATRICK, WASHINGTON, GA. Tli© nicest hotel in the best town In the South. Fine Mineral Springs. Large ball room. Cultivated society. An ideal spot for the summer visitor, near the great Hillman electtit shafts. Special rates for families. Adores* W. G. THIGPEN. Proprietor. Roanoke llnl Sulphur Spring* Tia Salem, Va. Open June Ist; elevation 2.200 feet; Sulphur. Chalybeate and FreeLtono Waters; delightful summer climate; resl dent i one of the best family resorts in the state; terms reasonable. Write for descriptive pnmptylet. J. H. CHAPMAN, Manager. MELROSE, NEW YORK. 7$ MADISON AVENUE, corner 28th sk Rooms with or without board. Rooms with board, $7 per we k; $1.25 per day and upwaids. Send for circular. Awarded at Paris / Q&ema \ (LAROCHE) l WINE CORDIAL I \ Highest rrcommendetions for cure of Poorness/! \ of Blood, btomach troubles and General De* t \ bility. Increases the appetite, strenfthena ft \ the nerves and builds up the entire ayatem- J \ 99 ruo Drouot / \ PARIS 7 \ E. f'oti.'i'rii & C. .%trruta, Y.Y. SCI'S!: YOURSELF! t ho Z-lff U for unnatural L f'hnrgos, tnflamiuatioßa, .nations or ulceration* tt mu coos membranes. I’aiulesß. and Dot astri^ , gent or poisonous. Hold by Druggist* or font Id plain wrapper, t>r express, prepaid, fat • i fin. or 3 bottles, Circular sent on reggt^