The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, June 11, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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MARINE INTELLIGENCE. LA GH A\ DE DI'CHF#SSE LEAVES ON HEK FINAL TRIP TO-DAY. Will Go on (lie Plant System Steam ship Company** BoMton-Hn lifa x Line— (apt. Her tram to Take the Oracle to Baltimore—Gov eminent W ill Continue to Furnish Anchor age Baoy* for Baltimore Harbor. A Bouton Tug Boat Captain Make* u Hig Pick-lip in the Salvage Line. The large dredge John Babcock, of the Babcock Leary Dredging Company, has been idle since Thursday on account of the accident In slip No. 1 of the Georgia Terminal Company, where about 200 feet of the wharf front slid into the slip. The accident is attributed to the fact that the mud in the slip had been dredged out to cue'll a depth as to undermine the piling at the sides of the slip, the mud being used for filling in on the island. As the dredge is i>aid by the cubic yard it earns nothing while idle, and as there are 35 men on the pay roll, idleness is somewhat ex pensive. Supt. George T. Warner, of the Babcock, has taken the matter up with Mr. NY. W. Mac kali of the Georg La Con struction Company. The British steamship Montana. Capt. Watkins, which passed Scilly June 8, from Baltimore for London, signalled that on June 2, in latitude 43, longitude 42. she spoke the British steamship Nerano, Capt. •Blance, with pump gear broken. The Ne rano sailed from Norfolk for Rdtterdam, May 21. About the sweetest morsel In the towing line that has happened around Boston har bor in recent months fell to Capt. Nugent of tug A. W. Chesterton, who towed in the burned steam yacht Scythian last week. A tidy sum will be realized as sal vage money, the yacht being worth in the neighborhood of $50,000. The Chesterton went down the bay Thursday looking for the big English sailing ship Liverpool, 3,134 net tons, out 127 days from Calcutta. The longest tow of barge? ever to leove Boston departed last Thursday. The tow boats Teaser and Tormentor, the newest of the Red Star fleet, were the towing ma chines. The former led the procession, with lake barges Marion W. Page and Iron City, while the Tormentor was con nected by hawser to the last barge, the baiges Charles Foster, Moonlight and F. A. Georges trailing astern. The tow is bound to Montreal and went out to sea through Broad sound. The barges are bound eventually to the Great Lakes and may be followed by others from the At lantic coast. Correspondence has been in progresvs be tween Mr. N. H. Hutton, president of the Baltimore Harbor Board, and Commodore A. Ross, lighthouse inspector of the Fifth district, relative to the maintenance or anchorage buoys in that harbor. These buoys have been planted and kept in the harbor by the lighthouse board since 1880. and. owing to the inadequacy of the funds at the disposal of that branch of the gov ernment service, were about to be deliver ed over to the keeping of the city. The local board had been so notified by Com mander Ross, and ii was stated that the buoys would be removed on July 1, thus leaving the anchorage unmarked. The rea sons given by the Washington board were that so many requests had been made dur ing the last eighteen months from harbor boards of various dities along both the Atlantic and Pacific coasts, and the funds at the board's disposal were so meager that it would be impossible to accede to the requests. This being so, it was deem ed advisable to rid themselves of the bur den altogether, and the local board was notified of the intended removal. As a last resort, the matter was brought to the attention of Congressman Frank Wachter. He w'as Induced to interest him self in the matter, and after conferring with the treasury officials succeeded in getting their permission for the buoys to remain. This action on the part of the congressman secures for Baltimore privi leges enjoyed by New York city only. Capt. R. H. Bertram, representing the American Towing and Lighterage Com pany of Baltimore, the purchaser of the American bark Oracle, arrived in the city yesterday to take charge of the bark and prepare for towing her to Baltimore. A tug will arrive for this purpose Thursday or Friday. The hark will be dismantled and converted into a barge. Capt. Bert ram is stopping at the Pulaski. The barkentine Jessie McGregor, with 469,609 feet of lumber, valued at $47,000, by the Georgia Lumber Company, left yes l terday for Portland, Me. The river steamers did a good business In the excursion line yesterday. The Al pha and the Santee carried large crowds to Daufuskie, while the Doretta took down a party to Warsaw. The steamship La Grande Duchesse. whiJh has been ruunning on the Savannah line to New York since last fall, will make her final departure from this port under her present contract with the Ocean Steamship Company to-day. It is under stood that after being overhauled the Duchess will be placed on the Plant Steam ship line between Boston and Halifax for the summer. The Duchess recently underwent her annual inspection by the government inspectors here and passed in good shape. Capt. Hanlon and his ship’a company will be missed by their friends here, but the Duchess has been on the Savannah line before and doubtless will be again. Pn**eni*er* liy Steamship*. Passengers by (Steamship City of Birm ingham, New' York for Savannah, .June B.—,T. D. Comer, J. Lamar. F. Lamnr. Mrs. E. S. Lamar, K. Lamar, Miss G. E. Smith, Mrs. H. Smith. H. Hooper, H. Lamar. Wm. Armstrong. C. S. Jordan, Miss C. Jordan, Mrs. A. K. Virgil. Master M. W. Gallup. 11. Krona id. Miss M. L. Cullom, C. f. Schneiker, Master-F. Shellman. Mrs. S. Shellman, Miss W. Shellman. E. N. Cullom, C. C. Martin, J. G. Sims. Jr., G. E. Johnson, J. W. Cuineen, John McAleer, M Steen. Savannah Almanac. Run rises at 4.51 a. m. and set? 7:08 p. m. High water at Tybee to-day at 6:02 o m. and 6:32 p. m. High water at Savan nah one hour later. Phase* of the Alnon for June. D. H. M. First quarter *5 0 5S morn. Full moon 12 9 38 eve. Last quarter 19 6 57 eve. ARRIVALS AM) DEPARTIRES. Vessels Arrived Yesterilav. Steamship City of Macon, Capt Savage, NV-* > k • an Steamship Com pa Steamship New Ot can*, Capt, Eldrjdge. Baltimore.—J. J. Carolan, agent. Schooner Geo. Toulane. Jr.. Meger, Nor folk, with coal to Propeller Towloat Com- P*ny. VesHcls \N ent to Sen. Barkentine Jessie McGregor, Norwood, Portland. Me. At Forelan Ports. Bremen. June B.—Arrived, steamers Glenwood (Br). Hodman, Savannah, via Portland, E; Heothiield (Br), Mackenzie, j Pensacola via Norfolk; Telesfora (8p), De j Larrlnaga. Sabine Pass via Norfolk. Libau. June 6.—Arrived, hark Aldgate (Non, Knud sen. Savannah (cargo ex bark Jznbel ((ier). from Si. Marc). St. Petersburg. June s.—Arrived, steam er Ashby (Bn, McKenzie, Savannah via Hartlepool. Slilnninti Memoranda. Key West. June It). Arrived, stearic rs Olivette. Smith. Port Tampa, and sailed for Havana. Sailed, steamer City of Key West, Bravo, Miami. Fernandina. June 10.—Arrived, schooner John H. May, Burrows, Philadelphia. Southern Railway. Xr.lus Airlve nd Depart Savannah on 99th Meridian Tlmo-On. Hour Slower Tba* City Tuna. Schedules in Effect Sunday. June 10, 1900. HEAD DUWN' i xo i H E EAS’D i| READ UP. _N o. 34 | NoJSjj ~ —J 5 H No. 35 | No, S I . II (Central Time.) * Ti i 2 20pm j 1 ' 20am Lv Savannah Ar I 5 10am; 315 pm , I, „ II (Eastern Time.) ii | S Ar Block vllle Lv | 3 00um' 1 07pm 910 o l- am| i r v Columbia Lv| 1 25amill 25atn A! Greao* boro Lv]| 7 10pmj b 48am s ~ n Ar • Norfolk Lv~~ S ipm 12 Slami 1 38pm;|Ar Danville LT!iß(opm|4 WIST _o < .tin Ar Rich mond Lv,|l2 01pmj 11 00,m A' Lynch burg t.v|| 3 t Item 7 Steml " Chariot tccvUlc Lvj 2 06pm|12 54am UsSm l IS Pm T H*UI more Lv | 6 22,m 8 f^,n r :S am: T New York Lv||l2 lO.tmj 2 25pm ' Pootci Lvj 5 uOpmdO 10am . * io ‘ *** H TO THE NOn TH AND'WEST: 10 . I , (CentraTTime.) j ’ -■ am, I.v Savannah Aril 5 10am . II (Eactern Time.) i, S ? am *-v C. lumbla Lv|[ 1 Bam * '" pm Ar Spartanburg; Lv 6 ISpm j Asheville Lv 3 t'apm ; S? pm Ar Hot Spring 1 . Lv||U 45am At Knoxville Lv! 8 25 tn i ro.mjjAr Lexington Lvj|lo SOpra t46am| Ar Cincinnati Lv|| 8 OOpra All trains arrive and depart from the Plant System Station. THROUGH CAR SERVICE, ETC. TRAINS 3:> AND 34 DAILY. NEW YORK AND FLORIDA EXPRESS Vestl buled limited trains, with 'Pullman Dratvii.g Room Sleeping Cars between Savannah and New York. Connects at Washington with Colonial Express for Boston. Pull man Sleeping Cats between Charlotte and Richmond and Charlotte and Norfolk. Dining ears serve all meals between Savannah and Washington. TRAi.vS :;r, an.l 3(1 DAILY, THE UNITED STATES FAST MAIL vestibuled limited trains, carrying Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Cars between Savannah ami New York. Dining cars serve oil meals between .Savannah and Washington. Also Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Cars between Savannah and Cincinnati, through Asheville and “The Land of the Sky.” For rompieie information as to rates, schedules, etc., apply to G. GROOVER, Ticket Agent, Plant System Station. JAMES FREEMAN, C. P. and T A., 141 Bull street. Telephones, Bell 850, Geor gia 850. RANDALL CLIFTON, District Passe rger Agent, No. 141 Bull street. MURFHY & CO., INC., Board of Trade Building, Savannah. Private lease,) wires direct to New York. Chicago and New Orleans. COTTON, STOCKS AND GRAIN. New York office. No. 61 Broadway. Offices in principal cities throMgtiout th South. Write for our Market Manual and book containing instructions for traders. Charleston, June 10.—Arrived, s,'hooner Nelson E. Newbury, Kins, New A’ork. Baltimore, June 10.—Arrirved, schooner DavM P. Davis, Fernandina; steamer Itasca, Savannah. Philadelphia, June 10.—Arrived, schooner Frank Yander here hen, Fernandina; schooner \V. K. Park, Fernandina; Ed ward H. Avery, Brunswick; Eliza J. Pen dleton, Brunswick. Notice to Mariners. Pilot charts and all hydrographic infor mation will be furnished masters of ves sels free of charge in United States hy drographic office in Custom House. Cap tains are requested to call at the offne. Reports of wrecks and derelicts received for transmission to the navy department. VESSELS ROtXD FOR SAVANNAH. Steamships. Tergeste (Aust), 1,641 tons, Suttora; sld. Genoa, April 25. Ships. Heinrich (Ger), 1,453 tons, Sager; at Nar va, May 8. Barks. Areola (Nor). 947 ton?, Melsorf; sld. Rotter dam, April 14. Broderfolket (Nor), 638 tons, Kiouman; pd. Prawle Pt., May 1. James G. Pendieion (Nor), 870 tons, Abra hamsen; sld. Gareton, May 2. Stavanger (Sw). 885 tons, Andersen; sld. Port Natal, April 28. Affezione (Ital), 1,019 tons, Marello; pd. ' Cape Spartel, 26ih. Oscar (Nor). 720 tons. Schroder; sld Sut ton Bridge. May 11. Francesca (Ital). 1,083 tons, Guano; sld. London. May 20- Marie (Ger), 1,218 tons, Brandis; (char tered), via New York. Pallas (Nor), 579 tons, Pedersen; sld. Rot terdam, May 22. p apß (Nor), 748 tons, Svendsen; pd. Prawle Point, Slst. Morland (Nor), 565 tons, Henrik Sen; sld. Bristol. May 26. Passat (Nor), 654 tons.. Aanonsen; sld. Liv erpool. May 26. Alexandra (Nor). 555 tons, Jensen; sld. London. May 26. Adele (Swed), 596 tons, Holmgren; sld. Bristol, May 9. Schooners. IV. H. Swan, 729 tons, Davidson; (char tered). n; Philadelphia. May 6. Gro. Taulane Jr., 3E5 tons. McGee; (chart’d), arrived New York, May 15. Luther T. Garretson, -kfi tons. Green; eld. Baltimore. June 5. W KKKId M MIKE I' RE\ IKIY. Coflnit Lower Earl>, C'lo*lt*(t Ibuli or Stork* Heavy—-Grain nnd l*r vlmloiim Strong. , The course of the cotton market during the paet week was very irregular. By Tuesday morning prices had advanced -cme 14 points. August reaching 8.27 c; then followed h sharp drop to 7.99 c. on Wednesday. After this renewed strength was developed until Saturday, when prices rose smartly under stimulus of more un favorable crop accounts, and squeeze of shorts in July, at New Orleans. In New York. July gained 30 points on Saturday, closing 8.79 c. a gain for the week of 46 points; August closed 24 points higher, u 8.37 c. and October 5 points higher, at 7.73 c! The Chronicle estimates the acreage m creuse at a trifle under 10 per cent. The bureau will be out Monday, and is not very apt to give ti larger increase. It wm also almost certainly rei>ort the con dition below the average, an.l. the crop as verv backward. Stocks ruled dull and heavy all the week; with few exceptions the !i*u show declines of from 1 to 5 points. Absence of speculative interest was perhaps the .•hit *' depressing influence, but there were several others. These were renewed le* favorable repor:.~ from the iron and allied Industries, and railroads generally were hurt by gloomy crop reports. The Sugar dividend was IB per cent, as ex;reeled, but the stock broke about •> points from Monday’s best figures. The market was generally weak on Saturday, but there was some little rally at the -lose. Grain markets turned active and strong toward the middle of the week, and wheat rose 6c by Friday. Thb wan due to widening speculation on the strength of bad crop reports, especially drought in the spring wheat states, and unsettled afnvr* in the Orient. There was a ie acifou of about >V on Saturday. Largely In sympathy with wheat, corn and proviso ions were strong, closing at seme little reaction, but sharply higher. Would favor buying on weak f|>ois. William T. Williams. \ |*llle Supply of l ot ton. From the New York Commercial and Financial Chronicle. June 9. The visible supply of cotton to June 8. as made ,up h\ cable nnd telegraph, is ns follows. Continental Mocks, ns well ns those for Great Bilt in and the afloat are this week’s ft urns, and consequen’ly nil European figures are brought down to Thursday evening. But to make tha to tal thr complete figures for June 8, we add the Item of exports from the United State*, including in it the expoiU of Fri day only THE MORNING NEWS. MONDAY. JUNE 11. 11)00. 1900. 1899. Stock at Liverpool, bales... 544,<V0 1,4 9/00 i stock at London 5,000 6.0C0 i Total Gc Britain stock... 549.000 1,415.000 Sock at Hamburg 21,000 30.0 0 Stock at Bremen 297,000 300.00.) Stock at Amst+dnm 1.0:0 2!000 Stock at Rotterdam 200 200 Stock at Antwerp 3.010 4 COO Stock at Havre 177,000 192.0)0 Stock at Marseilles 3.000 0,0 0 Stock at Barcelona 94.000 102,000 Siock at Genoa 52,000 85.000 Stock ai Trieste 6,000 25,0:0 Total continental stocks. 654,200 746,200 Total European slocks. .1,203/00 2,161,200 India cotton afloat for Europe 47,000 110,000 American cotton afloat for Europe 148,000 142,000 Egypt. Brazil, etc., afloat for Europe 21,000 26,000 Stock in U. S. p0rt5..,,.... 232,917 661,174 Stock in U. S. interior to(vns 140,603 333.404 l r . S. exports to-day 7,60 j 9,028 Total visible Supply 1,800.326 3.442.805 Of the above, totals of American and other descriptions are as follows: American— Liverpool stock, bales 435,000 1,324 OCO Continental stocks 623,000 667 000 American afloat for Eu- Ir rope 148,000 142,000 jy s - stock 232,917 661,174 l S. interior stocks 140,603 333 404 U. S. exports to-day ... 7,603 9,023 Total American 1.587,126 3,136,606 lotal East India, etc 213,200 306.200 Totai visible supply 1.800,326 3,442.806 rhe imports Into continental ports the pas: week have been 64.000 bales. The above figures Indicate a decrease in the cotton in sight to date of 1,642,480 bale-- as compared with the same date of 1899, a :oss of 999,755 bales from the correspond: ing date of 189S, and a decline of 476 630 bales from 1897. BANKER (LEWS' VIEW'S. The Financial Outlook ns Seen From Wall Street. New lork, June 9.—The stock market just now is under the influence of a va riety of conflicting circumstances; some stimulating and some depressing. Anew factor has been injected into the situa tion. which ennnot be ignored, and that is the ou!break in China with all its dis turbing possibill ties. Chinese haired of “foreign devils;” the lack of a strong central government in China; the desire of Russia to take exclusive advantage of that weakness; the ambition of Japan for revenge upon Russia, and the jealousy of the other great Powers regarding the future of China render the situation high ly complex and dangerous. No one can forecast the result of such opposing forces. An important factor also is the crop sit uatlon. drought in portions of the Northwest seems to have caused con siderable damage 10 wheat; but It is al together too soon to formulate any opin ions on the crops as a whole; there is room for compensation in one district for damage in another, or for a larger yield in one crop to offset the shortage in an other. So no very serious attention need be paid o sensational damage reports v<i. Railroad earnings continue very satisf ictory, making handsome gain? ovT the high returns of a year ago. The indus rials have been neglected, and spec ulniton in these has fortunately been so restricted that they do noi form the men !"■ that was once feared. The public has been persistently warned against dealing In these by commission lioufos n<i bankers who conscientiously proteef • 1 their custom* is* interests, and the Im ter have benefited as well ns the com munity at large. Ai the moment we hardly look for a buoyant bull market;fore gn and presiden tial uncertainties checking public buying for the rise. Stocks, however, are held W ith conspicuous firmness, and a <empt to depress tl>e market rtie.-t with little su.vcss, except to enlarge the short in terest. The strongest hull factor at pres ent is easy money and prdspects of its continuance. HOOK \OTI< KS. “The Bible and Its Interpretation." by Rev. T. H. Casey, S. J , professor of dog matic theology in Woodstock College. John Jos. McVey. Philadelphia, publisher. Paper 25 cents; cloth. 50 cents. This Uttl* volume is a clear, jtopulor ircatment of the timely question; "Is our creed to come to us through the private interpre tation of Scripture, or through a living, infallible authority?" The question is fully treated in the light of recent events. "The True Citizen. How to Become One.” by \NV F. Markwick, D. D., of the Ansonia Board of Kduoaiion, and \V. A. Smith. A. B..superintendent of the Ansonin vlty schools. Cloth, 1.’m0., 259 pages. Price, ♦jo cents. American Book Company, New York. It is conceded that ethics and civics should go hand in hand, and yet pupils pass through our schools by thous ands wiihout having their attention defi nitely called to the close and real relation subsisting between the liest citizenship and a noble personal character. To meet this end "The Tru** Citizen” has been prewired for use ;is a supplementary reader for pu pils in the higher grammar grades. It aims to awoken the higher life of ih* voting nt.d to open to their view* those Itirg -4 r possibilities which inhere In them, but which are frequently allowed i o lie dor mant. thus diminishing the life forces both in the individual a? such and in his rela tion to the nation. "Alicea Visit to the Hawaiian Islands," Florida Central jfk and Peninsular R. R.^^r Central a. r 90th Meridian Time. TIM E T A HUM KF F KCTIVK JUNE J. 1900. All trains dally Train* operated by 90th m*ridl m time—one hour slower than city NORThTx I EAST. NORTH AND NORTH WESTS 41 6'J | 60 Lv Savannah ..|l2 85p|n 9v Lv Savannah '.' jll M, Ar Fairfax : 2 .5. l 54a*. Ar 'Columbia j 4 SOi Ar Denmark 00;. 2 12. Ar Asheville 1 40;. Ar Augusta j 9 45pj 6 55a Ar Knoxville 7o p Ar Columbia j \ JSp 4 Oil Ar Lexington 5 0i Ar Asheville . 1 p- Al 'Cln ‘innati 7 ‘sa Ar Hamlet a 05n <j 20a Ar Louisville 7Wi Ar Haltigh ii iOpill 5.*-a Ar Chi ••• dip Ar Richmond 5 10a 5 40p Ar Detroit . ...I t 00p Ar Norfolk j 7 3>ai| [ Ar Cleveland |2 sp Ar Portsmouth j 7 25a ! J..,.. Ar Indianapolis * * 40a Ar Washington S 45 ij 9 30p| Ar Columbus 11 20 t Ar Baltimore Ar Philadelphia 12 30p 2 56a ! 1 SOUTH AND FLORIDA POINTS Ar New York 3 02p| 6 13a'. 4£j o,tCg I 9 °° p l 3 ”rj i~Snvnnn.h 15 08a I oTr> WEST DIVISION AND N. O. !Ar Darien : JOp 6 00p ... —.>7 — lAr Everett | C 50aj - 10a - * _L_ . lAr Brunswick v Lv Sa\ annah 3 07p| 508 i Ar Fernandina 9 30\j :06 Lv Jacksonville 7 45p| v \r Jacksonville , 9 10a 7 40,. Ar Lake City 9 25p 11 2sa Ar St. Augustine to 50;( * r h iy Z ° ak 10 ‘ op 12 18s> Ar Waldo IV 25a 19 4 p Ar Madison 2 ’>< a 1 I9p Ar Gainesville II: Oln! Ar Monticeilo 4 4ca 3 2hp A r Cedar Key *: ... Ar Tallahassee ooa 3 38;. Ar Ocala i 1 Op 1 5t Ar Quincy 8 25a J 39p Ar Wildwood ! 2 32p| l 40, Ar Riyer Junction •• ,9 40a 5 Ar Leesburg 3 I<h> t 30 Ar Pensacola j 11 Gt p Ar Orlando 5 00p 8 '."'a Ar Mobile 3 Csa I Ar Plant City 4 14p .2q Ar New Orleans >.... L 7 49a i Ar Tamp i 3>p; 6 3 a Trains arrive at Savannah from North and iNo. 27, 5:00 a in . No 3 p. m.; from Northtvest— No. 27. 5 in.; from Florida points, Brunswick and Darien —No. 44, 12:27 p. m.; No. 6tJ, 11:50 p. m. Trains 31 and 44 carry through Pullman sleeper and day coach to New York, dining car between Savannah and Hamlet, serving breakfast and dinner on 31, southbound, and dinner and supper on 44. northbound. Trains 27 and 66 Oarry through Pullman sleeper to New York and day coaches to Washington. For full Information apply to F. V. PETERSON. T. P. V, j Bull and Bryan streets, opposite p*j- W. P. SCRUGGS, P. T. A., j laskl and Screven Hotels. P. C. ALLEN. C. T. A.. Hull nrd L ber ty streets, opposite De S to Hotel. W. R. McINTYRE. D. T. A . West BPO ad 'ind Liberty streets A O. MACDONELL. G. P. A.. L. A SHI PM AN. A G. p \ Tack-on\ille. Trains leave from union depot, corner West Broad and Liberty str. cts. by Mary H. Krout. cloth, 12mo. COn pages. Price. 45 cents. American Book Com pany. New York. Since the Hawaiian islands have now h r itne a pur of the United States, it is important that the children of our schools should learn something of the geography cf these islands, and of the | e pie who in habit them. The history of these island*, though restricted as to the scene of action, has been as stirring and dra matic as our own. This hook describes the imaginary journey of a littl gtrl who starts with her parents from Chica go and after traveling to San Francisco at last reaches Hawaii. Hern she re mains . for three months and when t lie time come* for her to lr.ave she has ac quired a knowledge of these tropi* al islands which Is interesting and instruc tive and can never be forgotten. A vivid picture is given -of the strange objects sees., of the peculiar manners and customs off the people, and of the beau tiful and luxuriant flowers and oliage. •‘The Story of Ulysses,” by M. Clarke, author of the Story of Troy.. Cloth. 12m0., 283 pages, illustrated. Price. 60 cents. American Book Company. New York. There are few book.- published to-dfiy which ore more interesting to child!cn titan this “Story of Ulysses.” It is taken directly from Homer’s Odysaey which was written nearly three thousand years ago, and still remains the delight and admira tion of both old and young. It is espe cially entertaining for children sinve it is filled with tales of daring adventures and encounters with giants and magicians. It relates in simple narrative- the misfor tunes of Ulysses after the siege of Troy, and tells of his shipwreck and subsequent wanderings for twenty years before reach ing home. The story is frequently inter spersed with quotations from Bryant's and Pope’s translations, which lend an additional charm. MnjiaxiiieM. The Independent for the last week was a vacation number, and besides presenting a very attractive appearance contained a number of timely and valuable arti The Independent. 13f Fulton Street, New York. McCall’s Magazine for July is a very attractive number. It is particularly val uable to women, containing us it does il lustrations and descriptions of the ve-y latest fashions. This magazine is ran liy acquiring popularity. The McCall <’ m p..ay, 138 tc 146 West Fourteenth S r New York City. The note of timeliness is especially no ticeable in the June Home Magazine The frontispiece Is a handsome portrait of Gen. Otis, and the leading' art icle is on the taking’of the Twelfth Census. whi< i began the firvt of June. Mr. Chas. S. Wilbur, supervisor of the census for New York City, writes th-e article, which is en titled “Counting the .Nation by E e tri - ity.” It gives the reader a most ecmpr* - hensive grasp of the great amount of work to be done by the census enumera tors. and most interesting of all nre the wonderful electrical machine** which make the tabulating of the returns a mat r o f ’ a few j months Instead of years Home Magazine, 93 Nassau street. New York. Current History for June sums up in ad mirable form the news of the past month. To the reader of the dai’.v newspapers an I all who try to keep übreast of the tide of progress In tho*p days, this monthly temp Is of the greatest value. It presents the gist of what has been going on. giving all the essentials ami putting the reader in familiar touch with all the corn-plica:e.l Issues of tHe* day. Current History Com pan.L 14 Beacon street, Boston, Mass. "Hearts Aflame" Is the striking title cf the novelette in tHe June number of the Smart Set. The author is Louise Winter, and the story depicts the efforts of a beau tiful society leader to re-establish in the soc ial world a woman friend who has been sensationally divorced and remarried. It reveals the workings of the wheels within wheels in New York society more than any novel ever writ ten. Other features of this num ber are “Bayard Bendelow,” by Edgar Pawceit. a revelation of the tru character of one of richest and mos Inexpli ’a ble men in the world; “The Soprano on the Link*.’’ droll story of a gallant Eng lish ambassador In Washington, by Guy Somerville; “The Noose Matrimoni 11. ’ a characteristically brilliant story by Edgar Saltus, and poem* by writer well known in the literary world. The Ess Ess Pub lishing Company, 1135 Broadway, New York city. The Conservative Review for June, a quarterly, contain* a very Interesting au tobiography of Col. Richard Malcolm Johnston. It presents graph!-- pletur. of iif'* and time* In Middle Georgia, pr.or to. during nnd after* the Civil War The number contains eight other valuable ar ticles. The Neale Company. 431 Eleventh stieet, northwest. Washington, I). C. Annals of the American A id-my of Political and Ho-dal Scienc e’ for May. ha • a half dozen or more article* that con tain a great deal of valuable information. One of them Is of Ppcelal Interest to nM who arc* in"•resi**l in railroads. It U y Roswell C. McCrea. and deal* wi i “ten dencies In the taxation of transportation companies in the United States." Ameri can Academy of Political and Social Sci ence, Philadelphia. Of all the open-air festivals for which 0k bYco.y/ Schedules Effective June 10. 1900. Trains arrive at and depart from Central Station, West Broad, Foot of Liberty street. 90th Meridian Time-One hour slower than city time. Un\-F Arrive Savannah: Savannah: Macon. Atlanta. Covlng-i •a 45am [lon Mil ledge ville and all *6 00pm jimermediate points. | (Millen. Augusta and in • 8 45am j termed late points. |t6 00pm (Augusta, Mgcon, Montrl |gomery, Atlanta. Athen*.| •9 00pm[Columbus, Birmingham,|*6 00am [Amerlcus, Eufauia undl |Troy. J bee Special from Au-| *" §6 15pm[gusta Sunday only. 1810 25am T 6 (K)pm| Dover Accommodation. |t7 48am 12 00pm Guyton Dinner Train! t 4 50pm •Daily j Exl ept s ui daj . |Sui diy ordy. BETWEEN SAVANNAH AND TYBEE. 75th meridian or Savannah city time. I. KA V E SAVA N N AH. Week Days—6:2o a. rn.. 10:05 a. m., 3:23 p, m. 5:25 p tn . 6:50 p. m.. 8:35 p. m. Sundays—7:4s a. m.. 10:05 a. m.. 12:05 p. m.. 3:35 p. m.. h:25 p. m . 6:50 p. m., 8:3.5 I*, m. LEAVE TYBEE. Week Days—6:oo a. m., SJO a. m.. 11:10 a. m.. 5f15 p. m.. 7:40 p. m,. 10:10 p. m. Sunday*-6:00 a. m., 8:35 a. m,, ll io m.. 1:00 p. m., 5:50 p. m., 7:40 p. rn.. 10:10 P m. Connectlonc made at terminal points with all trains Northwest, West and Southwest. Sleeping car* on night trains between Savannah and Augusta, Macon, Atlanta and Birmingham. Parlor ears on clay trains between Sa vannah, Macon and Atlanta. For complete information, schedules, rates and connertlons, apply to. W. G. BREWER, City Ticket and Pass enger Agent. 107 Hull street. W. R. McINTYRE, Depot Ticket Agent J. C. HATLF General Passenger Agent F. H HINTON Traffl • .Manager, TIIEO. D. KLINE, Gen. Superintendent Snvn'mb G-s F. A. ROGERS & Go. v (nc- Bankers, Brokers & Dealers in Stocks, Cotton, Grain & Provisions FOR C ASH on MMtGIV P-ompt Service, Liberal Tr iitnjciit. Write fur teuut*. la I <iiintutl<>!i aervico AND Booklet "Safety and Certainty fn Speculation ’ 38 WALL STREET, NKW YOKE. Wool, Hides Wax, Furs, Honey, Highest market prices paid. Gcorglt Syrup for sale. A. EHRLICH & BRO, Wholesale Gro rs and Liquor Dealers. 111, 113, 126 Bay street, ueat. Vi'iioutH < >ifs of the South nro n>ue*<l. not cue uppea.K more irre*.-..■tihiy to the* popu lar wliivh associates tho sta;'*s south of Mason and Dixon line with flow ers and sun-hino, than tiio Floral Pura-P* given in AugUH'a. Ga., each April. This J>raufiful event, which this year wao p r -ficlpafeil in hv many of the mo. t notable women of Georg:* t r- Carolina.'. Alabama and Tennessee. is n)f.*Je the* subject of in Hiustratefl article in the .July DeiLwator The Hutferii k I’u > Company, New’ York. I*. I*. IV. a wonderful medicine; it give? an a’peihe; It Invigorate* ar <1 strength ens. I*. I’. I’, cures rheumaii'in ami- a'l pains In ih“ hid'-, hark and shoulders. kne<s. hips, W’rlsts and Joints. IV P. IV cures syph H s in all its vutious stag's, old u’cers.sores and kidney complaint: P. P. P. cut catf.rrh, eczema, erysipelas, t.ll skin diseases and memnlal po sonlng. IV P. P. cures dyspepsia, ehr nic female < omplaints broken down conetltutlon and loss of manhocil P. P. P., the best bool purifier of the ag , has made more permanent cures than all other blood r m edics. Idpj man Rr k., sole proprietors, Savannah, (la. ad. ii r j lea rd. ‘’Clraybentd is the only medicine which cure* Stomach itroub e.- m nr family at this season. It is a great remedy. Rev. L. J. Gresham, Eureka, Tex.” Graybeard Pills -are the Pills to take now. 20 cents. ilespess Drug Cos., Props.—ad Plant System. of Railways. Tr f ln ® Operatcl by 90th M.-r,.11.x: 1 One Hour Stowor Th.m City Time. ]KU x . I;. May /, 1900. J READ UP ~ 78 North oi ft | HI |. fIP ■- ■■ -,v 1,1..i .. Ai Ir, i 7 6 10,. n lfla'ilf 31p \r .. on .. l.v ll Isp S SO.v 3 M|> 7 41a| top 7. Ar i.i- cmionu... i.v 9 ot,.i 6 Sp| , i I •' '■ 1130)1 Ar . .Washinston... Lvl 6 SOa 3 Win | s ■ I o;ia Ar Hultlmorr Lv 2 SSa{ l <tfp| ’ ' • am ,\r .1'.'.'.1.i, • ; iiii,. l.v 17 :Op ll 3*p| j i Ar |,\ 9 35p 8 65a | 8t . ■ ton .Lv i 00j 12 nA | | 'Scut 7S ; 36~j'~'3Ti~22 |' t ■ <1 215 !.. , h At I (3a IJ luu IS 10p 11 :.0j in !5 " l.v| 1 6a| 9 90a| 7<M A. .1. onvllle l.v 8 JOpI 8 OOp 8 00a 7 8)a 3 Ota A’ i Lv J to,, tlOp 4 n'.a 4 o.'ia 1 •’ Ar Sanford. ... Lv 12 06p ; 1 00 1 00n 1 1- '• .Gttlnenv tile .. Lv IS (Op 3 >6p I6p Ar . Oc.l Lv 1 (Op| .St. 1", tersb irg Lvl . 6 ooi.i ' ' ' ® ' 10 *•: Ar Tampa Lv 7 00a 7 00a 7Up 7 33p 1 ' . '> t Tamp , Lvl 165a 26a 7 7 'Wp • 1 1H " I'• • 'a . i’unta Gorda ....I 4 33p ( 3tp a’ ’• ” l Ar S'. A ; t iHi:nr I. 6 20p' 6 20p| ! ' : Ia Savannah. .Lv 10'lSa|i2~iOaj | L...* ■’: .’. • , •' 1 A* ' r 1 lip 8 20a|10 84p| I - ,0a * ■' s 1 'f llrnnvv|k. • 4al 9 p 1 1 1 Ni >KTII. WF.'T AND Si H’TI I\V KST. 1 a 36 , Via Montgomery.|| 16 j' ts~ •" • " 1 "T s • • * l.v Savannah Ar 10 15a|12 10a " 1 ' A* •'I •!' •' Ait) ,I : A.-, Ar Thu svillr Lv |3 25a 4 20p 1 , • 1 - ’ "• k 101 9 Sop Ar M'lgorarry Lv 7 45pl 8 80a • " y v " 1 1 1 i* 7 111;, •; >.| "Ar Nashville Lv 9 nna| S 21a 1! v 1 i 1 ••' ' ■ L ' '• ■ 1 1 ' ('is •/.-; Ar Louisville Lv 2 SAal tU . I,< " : ' ’ ** v • 1 * <■" 4 05|* Ar ChKinnall l.v |U 00p 5 45p • . ' 1 1 • ’ 7. , 7 16;. Ar SI. Louis Lv 355 p 8 28a •"* 1 1 ' • V ' l Loin I,v 'i t.,i> x u | c (L & N.) • ' v 1 ‘ 7 32.1 • ... Ar Si. Louis Lv j S OOp ■Ol I l a I a Mlanta A; '■•.;• 11 30a |i (M. & O.) || 8 "ap 7 A M !||> la S ~ ~ V 1.9.1 9 17.;. Ar Chicago Lv|| 7 OOP 1 50p 1 1,1 '• "p 9 i:-!> 4 ... , Ar Mobile'".Lv }\2 58p|lfali * I In ■'l It.l I-I .ally. 8•• 7 I'M Ar N Orioans Lv|| 7 SSa| 7 (ftp *'V 1s " ily - j ™ am Ev Savannah ArTjlol'sa|i! ’• • 1 ('.alls 30p Ar.. Tlfion ...LV; 2 15a| 6 20p Th I I'n ' 'll "..I inn ..-v i•> I.'.a S lop Ar Albany Lv 112 Olal 346 p to Nortln Eiist nnd W Ito Oji/Ar flumbua Lv| |lO 00a PLANT ST FA.VI SH I F LINK. . Ti nts.! * . ir . -It •>*,: I. Port Tampa Ar 330 pm. Tues. Thitr*’, Sutl. Tins. ' ti. Si: ii., , ,\r K v 'A n Lv 1100 pm. Mon., Wed., Slf. Tues., I ti. Sum., 9••* m 1 K* \- \V* t Ar 10 fn pm Mon. Wed., Sat. Wed.. F it., .M i, " mi \r lluv.u Lv **2 30 pm. Mon , Wed.. Sat. ••Havana lime. J- H. i’- i- m i T i ‘ \; l \ a -in.i l. '• y Tu-kel Agt.. De Soto Hotel, i'hone 73 H. W WKENN, Pus.-i-iii’cr Traflic Manager, Savannah, Ga. Georgia and Alabama Railway. Passenger Schedules effective June l, 1900. Trains operated by itoui m< rldian ti m-—one iiour glower Uian City Tima. iU'.AU fl ,1 head” II UP NO IS No NIS No.*( 6 30pj 7 25a ( l.\ 1 v.t nnah .7777! 777! Arl fcTTop H 4ft i \ 7 10pj S O'a Ar C-.iy hr Lv 7 43p 757 a 9 lap; 9 4..i \r Suit nboro Lv 5 15p 6 00.% 8 4Cpj 9 4,i i ,Ar Lvj 6 Oftp 6 35% 10 slJp 11 4., Ar , Ho, pn,i Lv| 4 06p 4 40% 3o; i 4 isp Ar M icon Lv||ll 20aj12 55nt f. 20;i 7 ;* vr Ala nta Lv 7 50a 10 45p 9 45a Jo'i Ar Chittnnooga Lv 3 05a 6 05p 1- 36p Ar Abb *vll!j Lv 315 p S 03pi Ar Fitzgerald Lv 12 55p ....... 1 40pijAr Corleif* Lv 2 iOp * aop.jAr Col i nihus Lv 10 00a „ 11 3o.'i 12 2.7nt Ar Birml Lv ; 4 40p 4 12p 2 or.a \r Mofi He Lv 12 20nt| 8 30p 740 , Ar Nov/ O rltoria Lv 7 45pj 7 30p 4 o; j. Ar C.ncl f nail Lv 8 0% 7 20aj 7 IHpt \r / Si. Lo uis Lv | 8 s#^ All trains run dally. Magnificent buffet parlor cars on trai fi 17 nnd 18. v, , t OS S E < TIUNS. AT CUTLER with P v.innnh a id Biai eshoro Railway. AT Ci >1 >l.l NS with Biillnv re Air Lin . Also with Collins and lieldavllle Railroad ' AT HELENA with South* n lliilwiy. 4 i AT i Kl and ;u; v\iih Georgia Southern and Florida Railway; ala* with Albanf) and Northern Railway AT RI<Tfj.ANI> with Columbus PlvH Jon. AT MONTUOMEUV with l.oui vilie an and Nashville and Mobile and Ohio Rail** roads. For or any other inf-•• m ifion. ei II on or addrosa W,. P. SRFC' -S. C P. and T. V, Hull and Hrvan nircet*. F. V PE EH SON. T P A Hull ard Br.van streets. A. POPE. (Teneral Pasei:r* r A k< nt. CFCTT, tIAT'P.ET. Vi e Pr-slden and General Manager. DOCTORS AGREE. Recent investigations by the authorities of several States have at* tracted attention to proprietary medicines, and there is* marked dispo* sitiontodrawasharpiineof distinction between mysterious nostruaM and worthy articles of scientific compound and known character. i “Many proprietary medicines,” says a leading physician, “are the best possible prescriptions for the diseases which they are made to cure. It is certainly •aly reasonable to expect that chemists of c A J world-wide reputation and unlimited re- /J\ >l^^ —ji l •ources ought to make compounds with cixep tfonnl skill, and it Is manifestly to their in- / have their ingredients fresh and $/ pure. Take, for evample, Lippman’s great < ft remedy, popularly known as P. P. P. The im-mula is on every bottle. Every jgjll&a | physician kivwvs that the Ingredients arc j the best possible remedies for purify- I Ing the blood, and the compound is fi'W ‘pßMJ • scientific one, which increases the I •fficiency of the whole. I some- vf y •■T /ij&jjL jSSSSSTF JJJ times prescribe special mixtures J for Blood Poisoning, Scrofulous |\ Affections, Catarrh, Eczema and other 'Jjg&Q . ! compiaints arising from itnpure and weak ilL blood, but 1 always feci safest in prescribing P. P. P., especially where lam not personally acquainted with the druggist. In prescribing P. P. P. (Lippman’s (treat Remedy), I know 1 am taking no chances.’* When doctors feel such confidence in a standard remedy, it Ip no wonder that the general public insist upon having it. P. P. P. is sold by all druggists. $i a bottle ; six bottles, $5. LIPPiXAN brothers, uwSui i c tLock. Savannah, Qflti Sestet) anil irisli Whiskies. We are agents for the most celebrated Scotch and Irish whiskies imported direct from the distilleries of Scotland and Ireland. These Scotch whiskies are the blend of the finest Highland whiskey matured many years in wood before bottled. The expert Analyist describes this Scotch whis key as the perfection of Highland whiskey, and is special O. V. 11., selected Old Vatted Highland whiskey from Glasgow, Scotland, The latest novelty in Scotch'whiskejr is distilled by Rutherford of Leith, Scotland, and is called Scotch Cherry Whiskey, and very palatable indeed. We are also agets for the famous old Irish whiskey, imported bv us from Wheeler, Belfast, Ireland, LIPPMAN BROS., • , Agents for Scotch and Irish Distilleries. McDOAOI'GH & 13ALLANTYi\E, W Iron Founders, Machinists, a 1 iUui'v.mijh., MolU-ruiak mun ulaci,l rr r • of Stattou. rrt 0.1,1 l-oriable Uulu.., Vertical and lop l>.un„la u toiu Mill,, , U(ar Pill and l', *Ua filar., l’alla, eta. JELEPHONE NO. 123.' ‘* - ’ JX* 7