The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, June 12, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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SCHOOL TEACHERS ELECTED. (Continued from Eighth Page.) ately before us is of school accomo dation. The burning of ("ha:ham Acade my was a great 10.-s, and the r suit has te-n one if considerable inconvenience to the peoi'le. For a t ine no complaints we re heard, however, as all s emed to ri ognize that the acticn of the board in . falling the a tern on sc o Is was %he b thing that could have been and n un er the circumstances, but rcently con-idei able dissatisfaction has been ap lar nt on :he part of those parents whose children attend these and it is very desiral le to re urn to the morn rur tchools as soon as from the domestic inconvenfen e caused by the afternoon sessions, the necessary 'ho t ning of the da ly s i. o. u.m - .ust mpair to a certain extent the character of the teaching done. Within the last month, a considerable falling off in the i<tendance upon these schools his been noticed, and upon the re-opening of the schools in October, the proper distribu tion of pupils will be a problem of serious proportions. In view of the fact, however, the new' school on Eightn street will so n be ready for occupancy, and that Cha<h im Academy will be reconstructed, there seems to be no other alternative than to continue the afternoon schools as at pres ent till these buildings are ready. • In accordance with the rules of the board, the annual teachers’ examination will take place next Saturday, June 16, and the results will be reported in due form to your next meeting.” 110 l WEATHE.iI IMiIVGS CRIME. Police Did Xot IBnve Unity Cases but They Were Lively Ones. The police were not k- pt very busy yes terday but the in Teasing humidity s em e 1 to I ring out the pugnacious proclivi ties of such law' breakers as were cap tur and and many of the arre ts were for assaults committed or threatened. W. S. Chaplin, colored, was arrested by Officer Barrett for having drawn a razor on Maurice Buttitner with the threat that he would carve him. This charge was en le ed against him at the barracks as well as the further charge of carrying con c a ed we apons. An unknow'ii negro was arrested as a suspicious character near the Market by Officer Ranzin. who saw that tlie man had a large of cisfirottes. The patrol wagon* was called knd the pri or. who made no show cf resistance, was put in and started to the barracks. This apparent submission was, however, only a part of a si>r ud game cn his part as was developed later, for, when mar the barracks and while the wagon was going at quite a rapid he vaulted lightly over the side and made his escape down 1 incoln stre t. alth* ughl the sally port man fired at him and another cffLer, who saw the lean from the tpagon, attempted to bar his way. The cigarettes were taken to the barracks. Another arrest, and one that created considerable commotion in the tenderloin and attracted a large crowd to the l>or racks, was that of Jim, the colored bar keeper in John Wade’s saloon on Houston street nnd Oglethorpe avenue. Jim was arrested at the request of J. L. George, white, who charged him with cursing and assaulting him. At the barracks it de veloped. however, that the shoe was on the other foot, or, according to the ne gro’s story, which was corroborated hv the only bystander during the difficulty, George, who was drunk, came into the saloon and demanded that a policeman be telephoned for at once as ‘‘his friend was getting all beat up in a house down the street.” The bartender told him as the barracks was so short a distance away that he had better go there and make a report of the matter. But George insisted that the telephone be used, and upon the negro’s making a point blank refusal, cursed him, and 'after being put out of the place, secured an offiJer and had him arrested. While at the barracks, where he went as a witness against the man, George Iteeame so abusive and threatening in his talk that a charge of being drunk and disorderly was entered against him and he was lock ed up. Jim was dismissed. William Adams, colored, was arrested by Detective J. J. Murphy for having in his possession o lot of engine brasses sup posed to have been stolen from the Geor gia and Alabama Road. *<S BEFORE THE RECORDER. A Lively Monday In Police Court Proceedings. Forty-six prisoners were before the Re corder’s Court yesterday. They were charged with various misdemeanors, but few if any of the charges being of a seri ous nature. Tom Blake, the colored man, who on last Saturday, snatched a podketbook from a lady on the street, was remanded to the Superior Court. Theo Eulenberg, the red hot man, who has figured so many times in the police and magistrates’ courts recently, was up again yesterday, on a charge of wife beating, the charge being preferred by Mrs. Eulenberg. A short while ago. Eulenberg was tried In the Ordinary’s Court, on a charge of lunacy, and was discharged, with the pro viso that he leave the city for keeps. Before he could get away, however, in fact, as soon as he had left the Court House, after the trial, he was arrested hy the officer of a magistrate’s court, who required that he furnish n peace bond. While the attention of the officer was dis tracted. Eulenberg made good his escape, a*>l it was thought at the time, and was doubtless true, that he had left the city. His arrest yesterday morning is the first notice that the police have had of his re turn 10 his former haunts. The case was continued until this morning. F A. Leonard and Edward Killorin, who wee,-, arrested as the result of a dispute for the possession of a buggy were both discharged. At this morning’s session of the Record er s Court over 100 coses against dog tax delinquents will l>e heard, also a case against the Edison Electric Illuminating Company for violating a city ordinance by turning up soil within the city limits without securing permission from the health authorities. Another case that will probably come, up will he that against the Western Union Telegraph Company, which is charged with neglecting, failing and refusing to put in fuse blocks and fuses in call wires as per instructions of the electric inspec tor. SlMm SCHOOL PHIZES. "°n by Miclivn Imimicl Cotigrcfrfi ll on'* I liCl<lren. The exercises of the Mickva Israel Sun day School Sunday afternoon were of more than ordinary interest. The silver medals, offered by Mr. Joseph Rosenheim, for perfect records in study, based on ex aminations, and the book prizes for per fect records during the term prior to ex aminations, offered by Mr. Lawrem e Lippmnn, were award* and. Th medals went *o Vivienne Stern, Jo seph Jaifow. Zip Falk, Ruth Stern. Lu cille S-ern, Harry Janow, Joe Falk. Rita M. Weil, Rena Adior. Nell Wolf, DorL Lip pm an. Curie Fuizel, Isaiah Solomon Sol Stern. Ruby Ley.-or. I*< r r*in Bin baum, Edwin Gardner and Bertha Lizi roo. Thu first honor pupils, to whom books were given, were Gladys Llppman, Ada Solomon. Vivienne Stern, Gladys Birn baurn, Joseph Janow, Henrietta Falk, Zip Faik, Lucille Stein, Ruth Stern, Harry Janow. Harold Epstein. Afmand Weil, Nell Wolf, Rita M. Weil, It* n , Adler. Doris Llppman, Isaiah Solomon, Carrie Putgel, Sol S ent. Rita Weil, Ruby Ley* ■er, Edgar Morrison. Noah N eh hi, Ber tram Birnbauni, Kdwln Gardner an 1 Bertha Lazar on. The second honor punils who missed but one day through illness were Edna Mohr, Sena Col’a, Adeline* Falk, Lena Bchulhafrr, Joy Mendta and Joy Solo mon. f>olve the Servant Girl Question kv putting a Wickless Oil Stove in the kitchen. You can keep a gid then. No fire to build in the morning. No wood to chop. No coal to carry. No ashes to worry about. No soot on pans. It makes play of housework. The WidlleSS Flame Oil Stove Is doing more to make housekeeping easy than any other stove in existence. Absolutely safe. Rums ordinary kerosene oil. Bakes, broils, boils, roasts, toasts—-does anything that any other stove will do, and many things that most stoves can’t do. Sold wherever stoves are sold. If j our dealer STANDARD OIL COMPANY. The afc>o\/e Stoves are on ex Ini hit ext the rooms of the Advertising arid Exhibiting Company, INo 307 Bui! Street, Savannah, Ga. The attendant in charge will take great pleasure in demonstrat ing and explaining to prospective purchasers. FOR S7SLE BY Wm. & W. H. LATTIMORE, ÜBMDSAY &, CLASSiFic J ADVERTISEMENTS, PlfcitftONAi* BN tTTe world; then a good, sharp razor is of value. Tramps going down hili don't know that 28 East Broughton, Hair, Jew elry and Shaving Supply House, is the place to have your old mzor ground, honed, set and made to cut like new. Shaving outfits at nominal cost; barber *chairs for sale or rent; scissors with the name Fe geas stamped! on, sharpened free of charge. Bring this advertisement with 'em. New scissors exchanged for old ones. ' FINE RICEFIELD LAMB AT “BA ker’s” every day; best of 511 other meals in market. , RING IT Lll IF YOU WANT TO have your furniture moved or packed for shipment or storage; I guarantee prices the same as I do the work that’s given to me. A. S. Griffin, 314 Broughton street, west; mattresses made to order. "FIVE " THOUSAND ~ PIECES GOOD music, lc each; s;ationery and books. At Gardner’s Bazaar. ~IF ITS RUGS YOU WANT. YOU CAN get them cheaper from McGillis. M’GILLIS SELLS SIXTY-!NCH~RUG3 -▼-Smyrna patterns—for 99 cents. BEAUTY PINS, 1C EACH; PULLbi belts, buckles ajid rings; shirt waist sets, at Gardner’s Bazaar. "SEE HERE! WE WANT TO TAKE stock this month, and we want to clear out as much of our goods as possible; ti is not right to put a lot of fake prices in the papers, and get you to buy something that you don’t want because it is appar ently cheap; but if you need anything in furniture, carpe's, mattings, shades, re frigerators, stoves, hammocks, water coolers, lawn settees, cedar chess, etc., come around 10 see us and we will make prices that will be really cheap and give you big values for your money. Yours for honest bargains, C. P. Miller, agent, 207 Broughton, west. M'GIL ITS IS CHEAP ON RUGS, NETS, lace curtains, hammocks, water coolers, pillows, pictures, stoves, bedroom suites, and furniture of every description. M’GILLIS’ LACE CURTAINS WILL beautify your parlor. WHEN YOU SEE M’GILLIS’ SIXTY - inch 99 cents rugs, you will buy them. Just can’t help it; will sell in any quan tity. ““‘‘FURNITURE MOVED WITH CARE.” is a specialty with McGillis. M’GTLLIS MOVES. PACKS' SHIPS and stores pianos and furniture; best work only; no “Cheap-John” prices—no ‘‘Cheap- John” jobs. MEDICAL. LADIES! CHICHESTER’S ENGLISH Pennyroyal Pills are the best. Safe, re liable. Take no other. Send 4c. stamps for particulars. ••Relief for Ladles,” In letter by return mall. Ask your druggist. Chichester Chemical Cos.. Philade . Pa. HOW A yoTTR FEFTT? IF YOUR feet are troubling you. call on me and I will give you relief; I cure ingrowing nails, corns and all diseases of the feet without pain; charges reasonable; can give .the beet references in the city: patients treat ed at residences; orders can be left n t Liv ingston’s drug store. Bull and Congress streets; telephone 293 Lem Davit, aur frnnr ct V lelF wa.mlu-male. "TJlTToT^W^ANt’i'Tl^^ salary? Answer. Triumph Information Cos., Dallas, Tex. WANTED FOR U. 8. ARMY, A RLE bodied, unmarried men between ages of 21 and 35, citizens of United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, read and write English. For information apply to recruiting officer, 303 Puli street, Savannah, or 403 Cherry street, Macon. Ga. HELP \\ %NTKD—FEMALE. servant; no other kind. 10 Liberty street, west. WANTII lb A WI! IT E CHAMBER moid;musi ho also a good seamstress; ref erences required; satisfactory person will be taken awny for the summer ns lady’s maid. Apply 304 Jones, east. WANTED RESPONSIBLE WOMAN, cook and companion, for old lady; Rood home 10 deserving jicraon. 23 Charlton, ivesl. WANTED. A WHITE WOMAN TO DO housework for one month, then take charge of tin 1 house; good reference warn* <d. Apply 131 Jonee, we*t. EJII'LOT >1 E> T \V A.\TED. plfK-c cr pastry position: good wages re quired and ail recommendations needed. "i:\ We t Broad street. Aladorla Bradshaw; in the city or out. \V A VI ED— MIM.KL.I, t \EUI . WANThTp OF INTEL lleeriee with toWJ lo operate in Chatham end twelve otmr counties, the aerie al ngenry of one of Ih< Ia si of oil line life Insurance i mp.inies. TANARUS, ere is no easier or Letter bushi' < when well estabilshcd. A.ldr ss P. o. box -la. Savannah. ~ WANTED KVEnTONE TO KNOW that ‘Teyriae tjard n ” is on Klfehth street, fern Habersham to Waters avenue, a brighter cr healthier spot does not rxlFt In Savannah; 145 lieautlful building lets to is aold for your own price at auction due day. June 11, 5 p. m. Flat shek &Cos., auctioneer THE MORNING NEWS: TUESDAY, JUNE 12, 1900. IVAXTED-SUSCEI,LAXEOi. IF YOU WANT A PUAUK TO DUMP earth, dirt, sand, manure, etc., free of charge, just at city limits, hauling over hard road, write or telephone Brown Brothers, corner Anderson and East Broad streets. BEFORE YOU BUY~OR SELL PROP erty; consult Robt. H. Taiem, real estate dealer. No. 7 York street, west. EARTH,’ SAND. MANURE; PARTIES making excavations and others having earth, sand, manure, etc., can find a place to haul and dump it within city limits; (good hard road to the place), by address ing or calling on Brown Bros., corner An derson and East Broad streets; telephone 1103. FOR RENT-ROOMS. FOR RENT. TWO HANDSOMELY furnished rooms. 23 West Liberty. "V‘ VR~~ RUNT. T\Y* > Nil 'ELY ”FUR nished r<k me .a 304 * >glet. orp • avenu* we.-t. one suitable for two gentlemen and the other for one; southern exposure. “WELL FURNISHED RQOM TO GEN tleman; private bath and dressing room adjoining. Apply 19 Perry, west. "NEWLY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM, southern exposure; all conveniences. 308 Barnard street, near Liberty. "FOR rent; SEVERAL DESIRABLE fiats, 216 Liberty street, west; possession immediately. Apply A. Wylly, 12 Bryan, east. NICELY FURNISH ED ROOM TO ONE or two gentlemen; private family, with or without board. 122 Taylor street, west. FOR REST— IIOLSES. FOR RENT. THREE-STORY BRICK tenement, 217 Gordon, west, $25. W. H. Connernt. TWO-STORY HOUSE; 122 HABER sham, corner State. Apply 121 Habersham. FOR RENT, FROM OCT. 1 NEXT, that desirable brick dwelling, No. 211 Charlton street, on a full lot. John Flan nery, Bay* street. FOR RENT, THE WARD RESIDENCE and premises at Isle of Hope. Apply T. A. Ward, West Broad and Olive streets. FOR REST—MISCELLA.\EOLS. FLAT CONNECTING ROOMS, FIRST floor; large hall third floor, suitable for any purpose. John Lyons. FOR SALE—REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE. BEAUTIFUL “TEYNAC Gardens ” the one bright and glorious ©to: of the south* rn sect.on of this pro gressive city, owned by the Oglethorpe Rfal Estate C m a* y. who decided they want to go out of hus.n ss; therefore 145 pretty building lots on Eighth street, cast, fiom Habersham street to Waters avenue, will fed the cold, heart ess blows of the auc i neer's hammer, and will be sold to tic high* st lona fide bidd r a' whatever prices they will bring! Never again will you get such a chance: it will be the pro verbial “ in a lifetime; ' go out to c’av, g> to-morrow or go the next day, but don’t fail to go out before the day of •■ale! Sel ct the spot you want to buy, keep your eye on it, tell your family about It keep it in your dreams,.but don't let it sli ; > away from you, f rif prices will sell lots, ‘you are go ng to own it! Do you know “Teynac Gardens” is the* greatest spot to make yourself some money? Look a the handsome, happy homes on East Eighth street; look at its wide, finely-’ graded and guaranie and open streets, abundant pipe lin , water suj ply, sewers. 1 giving facilities and projected railway a ong Brice street! “Teyna* Gardens” pr s nt at and future, is m >ie than doubly assured; why? It is a fact! you cannot afiord 'o buy o bill'd elsewhere or you are a loser! Held ycur money; wait for this g. rat sal ; it takes place on premises Tuesday. June 12. 5 o'clock afternoon; convinced you will go the limit of your * b.:nk rail;’ - we moke all the easy terms per Jot of $25 cash. $25 payable quarterly, interest at 6 per cent, per annum or 5 per cent, il s'ount allowed for all cash. 1 latshek & Cos., auctioneers, 110 Bryan, east. FOR SALE. LOTS ON NINI H STREET near East Hr ad. no city taxes, at s2os each; tw-my-five dollars cash, and easy monthly payments. C. H. Dorsett. FOR SALE, THOSE LOTS ON NINTH ! street, near East Broad, have only been | told to firs’-class \ arties. who will make i g od neighbors; ind none other can buy. | Th- terms are very easy, and they are : ch ap< r than any oth r in the vicinity. I C H. Dorsett. FOR SALE, LOTS ON NINTH. NEAR East Broad, at S2OO each; will soon be advanc'd to $223; when a lot has been paid for I can arrange to get a home built. C. II Dor.ett. DON’T FAIL TO THINK ABOUT those lots be’twoi n Whitaker and Bar nard on Eleventh strret, to be sold at auction June 11, $25 cash, $> a month by John L. A-cher. WELL LOCATED STORE AND RES! donee on West Broad street, not far from T’nion Dcpofr, an excellent stand for bit 1- | ness; only $2,000 to quick buyer. Youvna ■ & SEVERAL CHOICE AND v ELL LO. BATED RESIDENCES; owners are com peiled io realize on them nt once; they wid go cheap. Youmans & Dtmmond. LOTS WHICH YOU CAN IMPROVE and nrmfc* from fifteen to twenty per cent, on outlay; call for particulars. Youmaoo & Demmond. FOR SALK—REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE. A dred dollars: easy terms, on Ninth street, near East Broad; no city taxation. C. IL Dorset t. FOII KAUH—lllftClUiliAKfiUb'ft. GOOD LUCK LINIMENT. A YALUA bie remedy for whooping cough; price 25c. Goodmans Liver Tonic will help your liver, Improve your digestion, and increase your weight; 50c. Persse’s Drug Store Henry and Abercorn, Whitaker and Tay lor. FOR SALE, ONE TEN-HORSE POW er boiler, one saddle and driving horse, 6 years old, harness and wagon. 19 North Montgomery street. FOR SALE, ONE DEN’S MORE TYPE writer, cheap. Inquire Savannah Feed Stoie, 107 Jefferson street. 1.000 BUSHELS OF CLEAN SELECT seed field peas for sale*. Write us for prices before buying. Linton Supply Cos., Mon licello, Fla. BUILDING BRICK FOR SALE! K.“n. Jelks, manufacturer, Macon, Ga. LAUNCHES FOR BALE. SIZE JC feet, and 25 feet, and 30 feet, with prices that will Le sure to phase you The agencies for these fine launches has been established with us. Li ppm. n Brother-. Wholesale Druggists. Lippman's Block; Savannah. Ga. FIRE PROOF SAFES FOR SALE ’.\T low price, ail in block in live numJieo five thousand pounds. Apply Dpj, iu+im Bros. FOR SALE. AN ELEGANT PH A ETON find lars-e rarr age, second-h md, will be eold chesn: one is hv Brewster and the other OV Sliver* Doth the bef maker* In the I nited States. Lippman Bros whole sale druggists. Savannah. Ga. STRAYED. "^STUAYLHTFRMyrTITrr^^ east, one sorrel mare, with 3 white feet. Reward if returned to address above. STRAYED OR A FOX TER rier, answers to the name of Queen. R© ward if returned to John Rourke & Son.-. ttOAitDlAla. PLEASANT ROOMS WITH GOOD table board for gentlemen. 212 West Jones street. St ItLMjlUs. HOTEL ALEXANDER; ON THE railroa*! ten miles north of Asheville, .\p C Famous for variety of good food, ex cellent water, pleasant, well furnished rooms, good beds. Five hundred feet of cool varandac, rind shaded grounds, add to the attractions. Circulars furnisaed; terms moderate. Mrs. R. B. & J. N. Vance. ' BLUE RIDGE MOUNTAINS, TRYON. N. C., to rent for summer; furnished cot tage of seven rooms; cellar and barn; gar den and fruit on place; rent $25 per month. Address Box 26, Tryon, N. C. “The Laurels,” Tryon, N. C.; well kept house; extensive ground; beautiful scen ery, excellent table, moderate terms. Mrs. M. M. Carter. Positions f’s-*'^t^ ECUREO v j (P . , ,'V - B/activ'e Wide, iyalfr bMf- Young Men •’Women WljotSKe our practical Business (oiJrse pjCHWONQv j Business { COLLEGES] QjMst&fai ■' / Mnd /nrfataJnqr/r S) i// Mill Mhi and Olliers. 40-borsc power Holler, but little used lu good shape, only taken oot to make room. Prlee f llMi, delivered nt any railroad In Savannah. Ad dress J. H. ESTILL, Morning News, Savannah, fia. COMFORT For your <*to* k The fly beaon Is now on us and the t ine to use Tough on Flies, a lotion wiii-ii applied will prevent your horse* and cattie ficm being pesteted. Try It ind be convinced. lIAY, GRAIN. BRAN, COW FEED, CHICKEN FEED, etc. T. J. DAVIS. Phone 223. 113 Bay street, west LEGAL SALES. CITY MARSHALS SALE. City Marshal's office, Savannah, Ga., June 5, 19 o.—Under and Ly virtue of exe cutions for real estate for the year 1899. paced in my hands by C. S. Hardee, city treasurer, I will sell, as r quired by the city ordinance, before the Court House, in ihe citv of Savannah, county of ('hat ham. state of Georgia, between the law ful h urs of sale, on the first Tuesday in July. 19C0, the followlr g property (lot and improvements thereon), io wit Each piece of property dot ar and improvements there on) levied on as the property of the per son gr persons whese name or names im mediately precede the description; all of the said property (lot and improvements th ieon) situate, lying and being in the city of Savannah, county of Chatham, state of Geoigia: A. Jennie P. Archer, lot No. 171, Dasher ward. J hn L. Archer, lot No. 9, Schley ward. Rosa M. Artson, east part of lot No. 10, Mercer ward. Louis Ashton, lot No. 23, Haywood ward. B. James S. Bailey, south half of lot No. 111. Johnston ward. Soph 0 Bailey, lot No. 44, Southvllle ward. Augustus Barie. lot No. 1. sub-division lots No. 29 and 30, Columbia ward. Est. E. E. Barie, lot No. 10. Columbia wa: and. Benevolent Sisters of Charity, lot No. 3. sub-division lot No. 24. Robertsville ward. Isaac Bing, lot No 5, Law ward. Ann G. Boughs, * ast part * f lot No. 28, and west part c f lot No. 27. Gaston ward. K. Brought* n. west part of lot No. 40, and east part of lot No. 41, Lee ward. \\ m. Brown, lot No. 24, Johnston ward. Wm. Brown, trustee, south half of lot No. 54. Johnston ward. W. J. G. Brown, improvements on part of lot No. 13. Middle Oglethorpe ward. Henry Bryan and James Hunter, lot No. 20, Barry ward. Josephine Bottimers, lot P, Owens Wilrd. Richard Butler, south half of lot No. 42, S reven ward. Samuel Butler, Improvements on lot No. 11, sub-division luts No. 31 and 32. Elliott ward. Mary Buttimer, one-fifth of lot No. 33, Jones ward. Patrick Buttimer, lot No. 7, Crawford ward, east. C. Frankie Calden, I.t 28, Haywood ward. Edward rarer, u-i half of lot No. 19, and lot No. 2>. Thomas ward Mrs L. A. Cockshuct, west half of lot No. 11, Troup ward. Eliz.i Ann’Ooh*n. improvements on lots No. 3 and 4. sub-division lot No. 1. Law ward. , J A <’oh n, improvements on lot No. 14. sub-division lots No. 53 and 54, South Ogl*t':orp waid Charles Coles, lot No. 19. Law ward. J. P. Cohen, improvements on lot No. 18. Gilmerville word. City and Suburban Railway, lot No. 86, Battery ward. Arthur C. Craig, lot No. 61, Flannery ward. D. Samuel Daniels, west half of lot No. 9, Marshall ward. Lewis A. Davis, lot No. 89 Telfair ward. Decker & Fawcett, lot No. 9, Pulaski ward Rachael D lion, let No. 1, Liberty ward. W. D. At W. T. Dixon, west half of lot No. 17, Brown ward. \V. I). Dixon, west half g.’’ lot No. 2, Troup ward. \ E. Jane Edwards, Ijt No. 45, Southvllle ward. L. it. Endrr s, trus ee, lot No. 10, sub division Pts NO. 31 and 32, Eli ott ward. Equitable Loan and Building Associa tion, lot No. 114. Johnston ward. F. G. W. Faries. trustee, west half of lot No. 2. Laßoehe tyth ng. Hcathcote ward. Isabella Fawcett, wst on -third of lot No. 19, Elbert ward. J. R. Fawcett, a-t half of lot No. 7, sub-division lot No. 27, North Oglethorpe ward. John A. Feuger, trustee, west half of lot No. 25, Troup ward. Est Anna G. Fink, n r h half of lots No. 39 and 40, Elbert ward. Sylvia Fleming, lot No. 21, Southvllle ward. G. G orgia Infirmary, lot No. 24, Dasher ward. .Monro P. Grant, lot No 1. sub-division lot No. 24, Robertsville ward. H Virginia Haines, lot No. £5, Flannery ward. list. Henry Hamiltn, improvements on Ijpt No. 25. Minis ward. I ri get Hanley, east half of lot No. 23, North Oglethorpe ward. < has J. Harris, lot No. 61, Johnston ward. Est. A. S. Hartridge, lots No. 19 and 21. Law ward. Ga/away Hartridge. w s' half of tract, Davis ward, between Price and East Broad stre-ts Solomon T. Herb, north middle part of lo; No. .6 L e ward. Henry C. Holmes, north half of lot No. 7, sub-divisl.n lots No. 13. 14, 15, Screven word. liar:let R. Holt, lot No. 4, Forsyth W rd R. L. Honltfer, tius'ee. lot No. 20, Bar ry ward Susan M. Houston, Mil* y Curry, trustee, lot L. sub-dlvlsion tract 19, Law ward. C. W. Howard, lot No. 15, Reppard w ard. J Mary A. Jackson and Anna R. Chls h m. *at half o: lot No. 7. Frederick ty thir.g, Derby ward. Mary A Jackson and others, undivided three-four'hs interests In west half of let No. 7. Fr and rick tyrhlng Derby ward T. F. Johnson, lot No. 36. Wesley ward. Ist. El ;ah Jonrs, t orth hilf of lot No. 101 I rownsvfile ward. Est. Hezekiah Jones, south half of lot No 101. Brownsvl.le ward E c t. Sadie Jordan, lot No. 14, Browns ville Ward. K Augusta D. Kaisrr, trustee, tract of land. Falllgant ward. Kl!< n M. Kelly, cast half of lot No. 2*5, Gallic ward. J. 11. Klnckle, lot No. 4, Barry ward. L Caroline Law, improvements on lot No. 2. Baft ry ward K. Ada la id Lre, lot No 21, fttejihens w a i d. George B. Lewis, lot No. 24, Huywro 1 ward. James I*. Lewis, lot No. 6, Haywood ward. Lizzie Lock, lo: No. 6. sub-division lots N* >y. 26 to 20, North <glethorpe ward. Albert 11. Lodge, lot No. 109, Telfair word. Abram Logan, lot No. 34, Haywool v\ ard. Gnston L. Lord, west half of lot No. 62, While ward. Helen M Lovering west half of lot No. 6, C raw ford ward. M,i M M. Uw, south half of lot No. 16. Gre*r.o wart’ John Lownds. improvements on lot No. 23. Battery ward. Mrs. I>. R* Lunday, west half of lot No. 46, Lester ward. M. Nan* v Martin, lot No. 7. Charlton ward Char lei M' itzlcr, trustee, east half of lot No. 26, Frank ill i ward. A*lolph K. Meyer, lo No. 231. rfelly w ird. Mhr> K Meyer, south half of lots No 1 and 2, Kstlll ward. Jane E. Millet, lot No. 6. r , SouthvlLe war*!. James J. Monahan, east part of east half of lot No. 1, M igazine ward. Mary A. Moorhead, lot No. 5, Hay wo**} ward. K ‘late Jackson Morrison, south half of lot No. 2, Swoll ward. M . Edward McCabe. Jr., west j>art of lot No. ic. New Franklin ward. >nn McCarthy, lots 1 and 2. Padel ford ward. A. 8. McFnll, north haR o# iota Nog. 07 and 39, Southvllle waul. LEGAL SALKS. Mrs. V. E. Mclntyre, southwest one quarter of lot No. 26, and northwest part of ot No. 29. Curry town Ward. John M I. lignin, trustee, middle part of lot No. I,.Crawford ward, east. N. E. L. g r, east half of lot No. 43, Lafayette ward. Helen M. Neve, trustee, west half of ' t hull of lot No. 6, South Oglethorpe ward. Simon and Flora Norwood, lot No. 7. Southvllle ward. O. Estate Stephen Overstreet, west half of lot No. 8, section 7, Cuthbert ward. P. \V. A. Price, west part or lot No. 6. and east part of lot No. 5, Gaston ward. Daniel G. Purse, lots Nos. 87 and BS, Johnston ward. R. M H. Ray, west part of lot No 18. Davis ward. •Mary J. Richardson. Improvements on lot No. 34, sub-division lo< No. 20. Screven ward. John \Y. Roberts, south middle part of lot No. 56. Lee ward. S. Estate Anna M. Sack, 10-t No. 31, Gum ming ward. Savannah Port Society, lot No. 24, War ren ward. Savannah Street Railroad, lot No. 233, Dasher ward. Savannah. Thunderbolt and Tsle of Hope Railtoad, lot A, Johnston ward. Estate J M. Schley, Marian A. Schley, executrix, lots Nos 11 to 27. Schley ward Vbglnia Sheftnll. south half of lots Nos. 39 and 40. Elbert ward. Eliza M Slevers. K>t No. 15. Berry ward. Alice Smith, west half of lot No. 9. North Oglethorpe ward. John Smith, lot No. 8. sub-diVision lots Nos. 79. 82, 83. >5, 86. Choctaw ward. Estate John Snider, east half of lot No. 30. Liberty ward. Elizabeth Spann, lot No. 59. Southvllle ward. John A. Staley, trustee, northeast part of lot No. 24. Elbert ward. E-" nle Stile . ot No 106 s. 1 1 v ward Estate I), p Sullivan, one-fifth of lot No. 23, Jones ward. T. Su-an C. Tufts and Clarlnda Rllss. ra : -t half of 1. t No. 5. Tyrecffinel tythlng, Der by ward. ' John W. Tynan, south half of lot No. 17, Pulaski ward. W. Catherine Waldner, lot No. 193, Telfair wa td Julia Walker, lot No. 2. sub-division part of S'-ciion A, lot No, 5, Demote word. Estate Michael Walsh, l>t No. 14, Choc taw ward. David Waters, west half of lot No. 3. Law ward. David S. Waters, lot No. 32, Southvllle ward. Jane Watson, lot No. 31, Haywood ward. Mary E. Weeks, lot No. 19, Haywood word. We.-ley Monumental Church, west half of lot No. 8, section 9. Outhbett ward. West Broad Street First A. B. Church, lot No. 34. Elliott word. Estate Benjanrn White, Improvements on lot No. 13, Battery ward. Estate John White, lot No. 7. sub-di vis ion lots Nos 55 to 60, Screven ward. Solom. ns Williams, lor No. >O. sub-divis ion lots No. 71, 74 , 75, 78. Choctaw ward. Y. C. Easton Yonge, trustee, lot No. 34, Ks till ward. St. J. It. Yonge, lot No. 8. section 5, Cuthbert ward. Susan Young, lot No. 15. sub-division lots Nos. 16. 17, 18. Screven ward. L rrns cash, purchaser paying for title and stamps. JOHN POWER, City Marshal. CITY MARSHA I/S BA LB City Marshal’s Office. Savannah, Ga., June 5, 1900.—Under and by virtue of ex ecutions for paving, laying, repairing or urbing sidewalks, placed in my hands by 'S Hardee, city treasurer, I will sell. 1 s required by the city ordinance, before the Court House, in the city of Savannah, county of Chatham, state of Georgia, be tween the lawful hours of sale, on the First Tuesday in July. 1900, the following property (lot and improvements thereon), Wit: Each piece of propeqsy (lot and Improvements thereon) levied on as the property of the person or persons whose name or names Immediately precede the I* s Vipilon; all of the said properly (lot nnd improvements thereon) situate, lying utui being In the city of Savannah, county of Chatham, state of Georgia: A M iry F. Adams, lot No. 30, Reppard ward. D. Amelia T. Drayton, lot No. 18, Est 111 ward. F. Isabella Fawcett, lots Nos. 18 and 19. Wylly ward. Mrs. Mary Feeley, lot No. 9. Liberty wa rd. Mrs. Mary Feeley, lot No. 8. Liberty ward. O. John F. Glatlgny, tract Thomas ward. H. Thomas H. Harden, trustee, lo£ No. 69, Crawford ward. B Wallace Howard, lot No. 15, Reppard ward. L. Margaret M. Low, south half of lot No. 16, Greene wferri. M. C. Madison, Improvement on southeast part of lot No. 20, Gilmerville ward. Me. James McGuire, west part of north part of lot No. 6, North Oglethorpe ward. James McGuire, lot No. 19, North Ogle 'thori** ward. James McGuire, west part of lot No. 19, North Oglethorpe ward. Annie McGuire, east part three-tenths of lot No. 5, and west part three-tenths of lot No. 4. North Oglethorpe ward Annie McGuire, part of lot No. 28, North Oglethorpe ward. O. Estate Stephen Overstreet, west half of lot No. 8, Section 7, Cuthbert ward. S. Estate J M. Schley. Marian A. Schley, executrix, lot No. 51, Schley word. Estate J. M. Schley, Marlon A Schley, executrix, lots Nos. 4 to 10, Schley ward. ! Alice Smith, part of lot No. 22. North j Oglethorpe ward. Alice Smith, west half of lot No. 9, North Oglethorpe ward. T - i Ellen Teynac and Barrie L. Gould, tract In Wadley ward. . Terms, csh; purchaser paying fdr title and stamp*. JOHN POTCER, City Marshal. sm AL tor Fti 1 Conti emen who have stout, fleshy feet we ask to kindly call and examine our specialty for them, Why wear a clumsu looklny shoe when we can dress your teet in a neat, stylish and same time com fortable shoe at as small a price as you Dau for the or dinary kind? This Is a special last and must ba seen to be appreciated. No one else has it. Come to-day, , GEIL & QUINT PHONE 02* lOS BROUGHTON. WEST LEGAL SALES. CITY MARSHAL’S SALE. City Marshal’s Office, Savannah, Oa. # June 5. 1900—Under and by virtue of exe cutions for paving SOUTH BROAD STREET, placed in my hands by C. S. Hardee, city treasurer, I will sell, as re quired by city ordinance, b-fore the court house, in the city of Savannah, county of Chatham, state of Georgia, between il lawful hours of sale, on the FIRST TUESDAY in JULY, 1900. the fcj'pwlrg 4 to-wit: Each piece of property (lot aid improvements thereon) levied on as iha property of the person or persons whoso Harm* or names immediately precede the description: ajl of the said property (lot and improvements thereon) situate, lying ami bring in the city of Savannah, county Chatham, state of Georgia: Children of Caroline Mill, r, lot No 9, Erlytha tythlng, Heathcote ward. Mrs Mat v J. Raines, west half of lot No. 7. Belytha tythlng, Hcathcote ward. Terms cash; purchaser paying for lid# and stamps. JOHN POWER. J City Marshal. I CITY MARSHAL'S SALE. Clty M i rshal’s Offlee. Savannah. Ga. 0 June 5, l!*)t). Under nnd by virtue >f exe cution for paving WHEATON STREET Placed in my hands by C. 8- Hardee, city treasurer, I will sell, ns re quire* 1 by city ordinance, before the cfourt house, in the city of Savannah, coun ty of Chatham, state of Georgia, between the lawful hours of sale. <n tie FIRST TUESDAY IN JULY. 1900. the f Rowing property (lot and improvements thereon), to-wit: Each piece of property (lot ard improvements thereon) 1 viol cn as tha property of the person or persons whoa** name or names immediately precede the description; all of the said prope: ty (lot and improvements thereon) situate. King* and being In the city of Savannah, coun ty of Chatham, state of Georgia: W. Brown, lot No. 24. Johnston ward. Henry MoAlpin, lots Nos. 1,2, 3. 4. 5,6, 7. Johnston ward. Terms cash; purchaser paying for tiflo and stamps. - . JOHN POWER, City Marshal. CITY MARSHAL'S SALE. City Marshal's Office. Siv.innah, Ga.* June ... 1900. Under and by virtue of cut: i> i-• for paving LIBERTY STREET., placed in my hands by C. .S. Hardee city treasurer, I will seß r required by the city oidinar e, befoie court house, in the city of Savannah, county of Chatham, .‘■late of Georgia, be tvvf*n the lawful hours of sale, on the FIRST TUESDAY IN JULY. 1900, the following property (lot and improvement* thereon*, to-wit: La h piece of prope-ty (lot and Improvements thereon), levied rn. as tin* property of the person or person's whose name or names immediately p o cede the description; all of the raid p op erty (lot ana improvements thereon) *|- uate. lying, and being In the city of Sa vannah, 9t- ny of Chatham, state of Georgia: Decker and Fawcett, lot No. 9, Pulaski ward. Terms cash; purchaser paying for title and stamps. JOHN POWER. City Marshal. CHATHAM SHERIFF SALE. STATE > OF GEORGIA, CHATHAM COUNTY.*—Under and by virtue off 11. fa. issued out of Chatham Superior Court in favor of George W. Allen vs. JoYin T. Rowland. I have levied upon the following described property of the de fendant to-wit: All that certain lot of land situate, lying and being in the said state and county, an*! known os Ixt Let ter "A" in ;i map or plan of the subdivis ion of the five (5) acre tract of land, known ns iot numlter three (3), of the estate of Harrington King, made •by J. Deßruyn Ivops, Jr., on May 5, 1889; said [yot Letter A” being bounded as follow.- North, by Pearl street; cast, by lot number fourteen (14); south, by l>t Letter ”B.” and west, by lor number eleven (11), and containing a front of fifty (50) feet on Pearl street, and n depth of eighty-three (83) feet and one-half. And I will offer the said above described property of the defendant for sale, at pu?>- 11c ou-tcry, before the Court House door of Chatham county, in the city of Savan nah, on the first Tuesday In<July, 1900, during the legal hours of sale, to satis fy said li. fa. Terms, cash, purchaser* paying for titles. T. J. SWEENY, Sheriff C. C., Ga. CHATHAM SHERIFF’S SALE. STATE OF GEORGIA. CHATHAM COUNTY—Sheriff's Office. Savannah Ga. Un/lcr and by virtue of a fi. fa., issue! out of the Superior Court of Chatham county in favor of Allen D. C oder, A H. Moore. J W. Teeple and S. 11. Zoucks, I did on March 8, 19-X), levy, upon the stock and fixtures of J. W. Tee ple, consisting of furniture, carpets, stov* and other household efTecls, and I will offer them for sole before the court house door of said county on the FIRST TUESDAY IN JULY, being he third J y ot July. 1900, between the usual houis <f sal- . to satisfy said fl. fa. Said slock and fixtures, const.-'ting of furniture, etc., are now located and stored in the stores. Not. 315 ind 319 Broughton street, west, in th* city of Savannah, Ga. Terms cash. T. J*. SWEENY, Sheriff Chatham Oow Refrigerators. Cbilcot, the Yukon and the Economic. Best in their class. Freezers. Peerless and Zero. Best in the world. UKWBi SOB. 3