The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, June 20, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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2 GREAT DAY FOR UNIVERSITY. LIBERAL SUBSCRIPTIONS TO THE ENDOWMENT FI ND. The SIOO,OOO Wanted Will Probably Be in Sight Within n Gratifying: Meeting of the Alumni Association—Degree Conferred on Chancellor Hill by the South neitern Prewbyteria ti Iniversity. riaoset at the Alumni Lunch. Athens, Ga., June 19.—T0-day was be yond all doubt the biggest day in the history of the University of Georgia. Jt was a day of wild enthusiasm among the alumni of the university and pecu liarly a day of triumph for Chancellor Hill, whose name was applauded at every turn. The Alumni Society met at 9:30 o’clock this morning in the Phi Kappa hall, be ing called to order by the president, Hon. P. W. Meldrira of Savannah. The first business transacted was the enrolling of members, and by the time that was fin ished fully 200 alumni were in the hall. The enthusiasm was staricd when Hon. Brantley A. Denmark of Savannah, chair man of the Committee on Endowment, presented his report, in which he showed subscriptions in three bounties in the First Congressional dletrist to the amount pf SII,OOO. This report started the other alumni into action, and in thirty minute? $5,665 had been subscribed by a few mem bers present, Mr. E. R. Hodgson of Ath ens heading the list with SI,OOO. The dif ferent committeemen in the eleven con gressional district will not get to work, and there is no doubt about having the SIOO,OOO endowment fund ompk'te by next June. The alumni orator selected for next year is Dr. Benjamin M. Palmer of New Orleans, the first alternate Gen. John B. Gordon and the second alternate Judge Emory Speer. A committee was appoint ed to arrange for u grand centennial ban quet and reception next commencement. Addrrgft of 31 r. Peck. The society, after finishing its business, formed seconding to classes and pro ced ed to the chapel, where they listened to the address of their chosen orator, Hon. George R. Peck of Chicago. Mr. Peck was eloquently introduced by Hon. P. W. Meld rim of Savannah, and proceeded to make a very able address upon the mUsion of the scholar. His gddress gave evidence of a vast amount of study and made a fine impression on all present. He taid: When you asked me to speak before the Alumni of this venerable institution--- this cherishing mother of to ..uch that is best and g.eatst in Georgia history— I felt that the invitation meant far more that ii said. It meant that dreams (orr.e true. It meant that North and South no longer nurse their sad and tragic memo ries, but having watched out the night joyfully welcome the advancing day. And it meant ale©, that when who onev were enemies look into each o:her’a eyes they see only the same natures, the same hopes and the same faith. I am an Northern man, and every drop ©f blood In my veins has coursed through generations of Puritans. Nay, more; as If to show that the age of chivalry is no: gone, and to give your courtesy a deeper significance, there was a time when I stood in arms facing the brave soldiers of the South, even here in Georgia among the hills and valleys you love .so well. I have neither earned ror merited the honor of addressing you, which by uniform cus tom hns heretofore been given to s-om* son of the university. But you asked me to come, and so in plain fashion, I thank you. and give you hand for hand and beuri for heart. You have graciously bidden me forget the miles that separate this beainlful shrine from my far-off Northern home You have made me believe the mountains and rivers serve more to unite than to di vide. I bring you salutations and a HUge. It is this: Let us remember :hai by a stress which is stronger than legal enactments, deeper and more sacred than constitutions and statutes, we are kin folk forevermore. Illinois and Gforgia are not so unlike as a casual observer might think; certainly not more different than are the people north of the Tweed from those who till the fields and gardens of Kent and Surrey. Language more than latitude dominates the making of nations. It has been my fortune to dwell in a land of rigorous winters, and slow, reluctant springs; but if the crocus ani the buttercup come to you before they visit us, their beauty is not lessened be cause we must longer wait their coming. • *•••• • • * I The Race Moves Onward. When I think of tne many great sons of the Sou h, fam us in council and in fiel k wh hv* ten nrt re l heie I toes rate to ui er th .h ughts that this occasion su ges’s. Let rre ra her be a e*nch r w h y-u f< r those t u ha whUh make tuman xb tonce " rth on ig es e ort. I oubtle s you wore aught in these ( h I*9Uo lulls thi-i life w uld br.i g o 1 mi. ny sorrows and many rude awakenings Ti e pr niros path is not f r him why eees afar the goal of high re so ves. What ev r thef qmver Ity a ;,.ht .nd wha e r It left for the stern u e ge of ex tile ce you have lad some g o©my h u s w h n It se med that men a e nly at ms in a great meclu ni m which lit e heeds the particles t! at com, cse it .In he tinmen sity of the universe, ihe in nite sweep of s. ace, and mire pr undly mvster lou , the ini nlte sweep of time, h< w u e lefs it artms to battle the tilings that are. or hope for he hingi tint ought io be. And y t, gen .eintn, the r&ca does move onward. Otn of a chaos, harmc y aid < rder are gra lual > evolved, and history" is transformed from a discordant med.ey into an epic of no ble and rhythm c b a.ity. In this ma jestic, this imperial drama we are a 1 actors. The a mni and h s udent* if this university join and by indis olub e t e' to scholars and le rncrs tverywheree, con- Stl'ute, in a high en obling sense, a a fraternity consciously or unc'n •clous y nun b red w ith ail who a e fe.t th. touch of liner issues, or heard the call of immemorial duties. *••••*•** Gentlemen this mo her of yours, this ti~ e-honore \ universltv, is not less dear t t is m a .and wh ch u • known to til* culture of Attica. V Ar*.fr a is anew w -r and, the four* c n tur:c; -dnc* - Cf!uml us s eered hi •torr torsed caravels in quest of far Cithay, con fil ed wish inspiring - omen rophecies. The American scholar cannot be deaf to them; and under th* cons rain’ of a duty whose voice 1' never silent, he must without ceasing to make his countrymen heed them. Can any intelligent citizen of the l % ni ed States fail to see ihai the inexorable power which the Greeks named Fate, and whi h tlie sweeter and v.l er philosophy of the Christian calls Providence, has or dained that here. In our own country, is the widest opportunity ever given for the high-souled effort of high-souled men? History of the < onuuoimcalth. As alumni of the university, you are Inseparably connected with the history and traditions of thjs commonwealth. Kenesaw and Peach Tree answer each other when roll of your heroism is called, and a hundred fields where your valor was attested swell the chorus of proud and solemn memories. Georgia i more than any other state, except, per- | haps, \ irglni;., felt the deep and deadly I meaning of war, its desolation, Its hor rors and i% woe. And yet, it was Geor gia, clad in her widow * weeds, that first lifted up her eyes to the radiant future, and first moved forward to the shining gates of destiny. Gentlemen. 1 saw At lanta a smouldering ruin; but I saw her again in her regal splendor, the mistress of an imperial commerce, the sign and symbol of that undying faith which meets disaster with a smile and greets affliction with a kiKs. This state Is, in more souse's than one, the Empire State of the South, and this university is doing a great and Peful work when she gives each year a (Continued on Seventh Page.) MUNYONS Liver Cure posi tively cures bil iousnegs, ooati and ..tongue,bad breath, tty constipation, jatm- Lee, sallow com- Vi plexion, face erup- V Vflf tions,impure blood, \ a sick headaches, v wind in stomach and gives natural ’WfesgtOmfr xK'dicaV" advice vU 1 WP free. 1505 Arch i I F st., Phila. <b iWEECM NON-SI IT \V VS Gll VNTED. Woman Wanted Damages for Kill ing of Her Husband. Atlanta. June 19.—The case of Mr?. Jo sephine Wallace against the Central of Georgia Railroad Company, which has been on trial several days in Fulton Su perior Court, resulted this morning In a non-suit In favor of the railroad company. The plaintiff. Mrs. Josephine Wallace, brought suit against the Central of Geor gia Railway Company for the homicide of her husband. G W. Wallace. ho was a railroad engineer in the service of the defendant, and who was killed in a colli sion ar Fort McPherson in August. 1896. On the calling of the <Jase. counsel for the defendant stated tha the fee of the plaintiff’s counsel, being contingent. Judge J H. Lumpkin was disqualified over the trial, being related to Mr. Hoke Smitii of plaintiff’s counsel. Col. B. F. Abbott was then agreed upon between counsel. 11l III.IN < II \ NOMINATIONS. .Major lliekn Nticeefcfeful by at* l• expectedly Large Majority. Dublin, Ga., June 19.—Yesterday James B. Hicks was nominated Mayor of Dub lin over J. V. Sanders by u majority of SO votes. All of tho councilmen upon the Hicks ticket were elected, except Mr. O, 11. P. Bawls, who was defeated by Mr. A. R. Arnau of the Sanders ticket by one vote. The full ticket elected is as follows: Mayor, J. R. Hicks; councilmen. A. T. Summerlin, E. R. Orr, F. H. Rowe, J. A Jackson and A. R. Arnau. The Mayor-elect is the present Mayor of Dublin, and Messrs. Sumerlin and Orr are members of the present board. Mr. is the present clerk of Council. The larso majority received by Mayor Hicks was a great surprise, as few' be lieved that there would be a difference of more than fifteen or twenty votes. The Best Prescription for Malaria, Chill* and Fever, is a bottle of Grove’s Tasteless Chill Tonic. It is simply iron and quinine In a tasteless form. No cute —no pay. Price 50<\— ad. .MEETINGS. G?xmiTr\"T7?n’Ti^^ A regular convocation oi this chapter will 1m held (Wednesday) evening at Ma sonic Temple ot 8 o’clock. rcxf The R. A. Degree will be conferred. Visiting companions frater- 0, f nally invited to meet with a. —.J us. By order of H. S. COLDING, H. P. W. S. ROCKWELL, Secretary. GEORGIA I I u:iMI. OIHIK TOHV ASSOCIATION. The annual meeting of the Georgia Fu neral Directors' Associat on will convene at Y. M. H. A. Hail. Masonic Tejnple. thi.- ( Wednesday) morning, June 20, 1900, at 9:30 o’clock. W. ED. PLATT, President. Attest: C. J. SHELVERTON, Sect’y. NOTICE. Southern Bank of the State of Georgia. Savannah, Ga.. May 29, 19u0. A meting of the stockholders of this bank will be held at the Banking House in this city on Wednesday, June 20 proxi mo, at 11 o’clock a. m . to lake action in regard to renewal of charter of the Batik which will expire in October, next. By order of the Board. JAMES SULLIVAN. Cashier. 6FECIAL ftOTlCEfc. A i \II> TO THE lU'BLIC. Mr. Andrew Hanley will be pleased to have any person attlicted with Bright Disease, Diabetes, or any form of Kid ey or Bladder trouble; Rheumatism, Goui and Dyspepsia, call at his office, Whiiakei and York streets, between the hours of 1 m. and 2 p. m. and 5 and 7 p. m daily, when he will explain why ond how uui can l>e permanently cured in from three to six weeks by either visiting tJuwane- Sprlngs or drinking the water at home. SPLENDID STORK OIILDIM* FUfi HEM’. The handsome and commodious double stores known as the. Whitfield building situate corner WhKaker, State and Pres ident streets, now occupied by Messrs Lindsay & Morgan, can be rented in whole or Iri part from Oct. 1. This building is in the center of a growing business neighborhood and opposite th* new United States Court House and Post office, and is a splendid stand for any business. Apply W. M. & W. E. CONEY, Till \ HER BOLT STABLES. 1 have reopened my stables at Thunder bolt Driving Park. Mini will be pleased tc receive a limited number of boarders. Having enlarged and improved quarters, splendid pasture and competent help un der my personal supervision and direction irst-class board and the best attention is guaranteed. Terms on application. A. P. DOYLE TO HEM' lM IL SEI’T OR CM I A cool, desirable, fu lv-furnished par ment, In one of the p:.t a< t . t 1 cat o s in New York city. Comenlent to 1 1 a ted and surface roads. Sven (7> . 1 light rooms and bath, modern conve niences, silver, linen, china, ea S.V>.CO per month. References exchanged Answer Wallis, No. i!8 Burling sliu, New Vo. k city. FOR >ALE, Retail Gro ery .Store, with bar .attached, doing only a cash business. Net Income 52.500 per year. Satisfactory reasons for selling. Small stock, which can be bought on easy terms. W, C. FRIPP & CO. NATIONAL MATTHEW HID RENO VATING CO. All kinds mattres. re made to older. Fine urled hair and moss mattresses rx spccla.- ly. Our medicated steam renovating pro e.-s of hair, feathers, moss. etc.. Is en i ir-nl by our io. .and physicians as being tile ins’ germ desUtyer in use. Vour old mal lietsi's or leather beds made new at reas onable prices. We carry h full line of tick, lngs, hair, feniln rs übd moss. Call and in sped our methods. JAW. K. TxOONER. Prop.. Bell Phone 1136. 331 Drayton street. DON’T LET THE WEATHER WOR RY YOU. You can get as good meats now as In the winter at my stalls In the City M irket. I have my meats shipped to me t, and Itny cooling room keeps it all right. To day; Prime Reef, Mutton and Veal, Spring Lamb, Matchless Corned Beef. Phones 7. JOHN FUNK. the MORNING NEWS: WEDNESDAY. JUNE 20. 1900. 9FECIAT .NOTICES. TABLE D’HOTE. 10c—DINNER—50c Dinner 1 to 3, 6 to 9. Wednesday, June 20. Claret Wine. SOUP. Turtle. FISH. Red Snapper au Oourtbouillon. Potatoes ala Duchesse. Sliced Toma toe?, with French Dressing. Chow Chow. Mixed Pickles, Queen Olives. BOILED. Fulton Market Corn Beef and Cabbage. ROASTED. Ribs of Baltimore Beef, Dish Gravy. ENTREES. Cutlets of Mince Chicken ala Bordelaise. Spanish Fritters au Rum. VEGETABLES. 1 Mashed Potatoes, Boiled Roasting Ears. Green Peas. Rice, Stewed Tomatoes. PASTRY AND DESSERT. Huckleberry Pie, Assorted Cakes. Cheese, Crackers, Fruits. Rice Pudding. Lemon Sauce. French Coffee. At LEVAN'S CAFE RESTAURANT, 111 Congress street, west. •‘A Si RE Cl RE.’* Have you indigestion? If you have we will guarantee relief, and if our directions are followed, will gnarantee u cure or no pay. Ask your druggist for a bottle of float's Vegetable Bitters ot once. Why sutler when you can get relief? Sloat'a Vegetable Bitters will make your children strong ant* healthy. SAVANNAH FOINDRY AND MACHINE COMPANY, Builders of Marine and Stationery Boilers, will furnish estimates on new work in competition with Northern and Western manufacturer Repair work on Engines and Boilers. HEAL ESTATE AXD INSURANCE AGENCY. We buy and sell real estate, collect rents and negotiate loans on same at 5 per cent. Repie.-.ent the Travelers' Insurance Com pany, accident and liability departments. Represent the New York Underwriters Fire Insurance Agency and the Phoenix Mutual Life Insurance Comiany. All business entrusted to us will be ap preciated and will receive prompt and cat etui attention. No. 27 Bay, east. Telephones 3tS. W. C. FRIPP & CO. YOU SALE, Two' new beautiful launches. One 16-toot 1- horse power, seats S per sons— *250. One 25-toot 4-horse power, seats 16 per sons—*6so. These are the ''ldeal” gentleman's launch, built by the Racine Boat Cos. ot .hu-tuc. Vv is., auu uscu at au uie tuns and exhibitions in the Western states. Starts in a minute. No lire, no smoke, no dirt, and lull trial given on these handsome launches. Apply to UPP.MAN BROTHERS. Wholesale Druggists. Agents tor Racine Boats. PARK AVENUE PHARMACY. Prescriptions filled at any hour day or night. The only U\o drug store in south ern section of Savannah. PARK AVENUE PHARMACY, J. U BRAN AN, Proprietor, Corner Park avenue and Barnaid St. BARGAINS. 20 110 volt. Sti ndaid Dayton Fans, in stalled, at $£2,35. 25 500 voh Standard Dayton Fans, in stalled. at 128.50. We have other makes equally as cheap. ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO., Phone 62. 112 Drayton street. fancy and re-pressed brick. We manufacture and sell all kinds of fancy and re-pressed brick, paving and bulkling bricks. Our common brick are the best for building purposes, being larger than other kilns make, and cheaper. Sea *amole c and pi Ices. SAVANNAH BUILDING SUPPLY CO., Congress and Drayton streets. IF IT’S MCE, VVK HAVE IT. Raspberry Vinegar, Lime Juice, Lemon, Raspberry, Orange and Pineapple Syrup. Imported and I domestic Ginger Ale, Sar saparilla and Club Soda. HAHDKfi & MARSHALL. Phone 055. TRV Rt.n III’ HIT. Il Is tlie beet t drink. Ask for it and you be de.,gx.t., with it. By Jung Brewing Company. Branch. Bull and River streets. \VM. M. BRICKEN, Manager Phone 915 CHBK.VK A < 0., 139 Whitaker. Jiew line ot Picture moulding. Jam received. lew Pictures. Cull nud see the beautiful plcure, Temp tation. THE NEATEST, Cleanest, qulest dace in town Is Helm ken's Cafe. One block from De Soto. Phone filti. AT (■ IHDNEn'i Ix>ok at my tine, fresh mrlsn*. Get one for breakfast. All fruits fresh and the fine,l. 'Phone 575. M. S. GARDNER. P. S.—Plenty line roasts and steak,. Spring rlcefield Lamb. NPBCIAI. NOTICE. Neither the master nor consignees of the German burk Marie will be respouslb.e lor any debts contneted by the crew. STRACHAN & CO., Consignees. Savannah. Ga., June JO, 1900s HSh.... rf.>i Base Ball Q Supplies. !T ■ | 4 1 Prices quoted on \ TE. iT-TJ f \Base Ball Uniforms. qSq Wifi _ al _ Mm mil ii i mi Cm FOR PEOPE OF TASTE. we ZCI" h ° leiomc ' The finest coffee in the world is the celebrated WALDORF-ASTORIA. The perfection of Java and Mocha; selected, roaHed and packed by ex perts. Makes the most delirious cup imaginable. You don't know coffee until you've tried it Hermetically sealed tin of 3 pounds net, sl. To be had only at MUNSTER’S, PHONES 551. DUFFY AND DRAYTON. K.nigHt’s Pharmacy SELLS iT FO -? LESS. Insect Powder, R. D. Cos, pound 25c S. S. S 60c and $1.20 Roach Belt 10c King's Royal Germiiure 50c Sassafras and Sarsaparilla Compound.,7sc K. R. C. (Will Cure Rheumatism) SI.OO Talcum Powder sc, 10c, 15c, 23c Adam’s Brushes 50c to $3.00 Johnson’s Tonic 25c Shoulder Braces 50c Dyspesia Tablets FREE . Uopoctio Pills 25c We ha\e nothing just as good, bm always sell what Is called for. No fakes. Everything is genuine. Alai 1 orders solid ted. TELEPHONE 539. KNIGHT’S PHARMACY. Harris Lithia Water KODAKS contains more Lirhia than any water ij 20 PER CENT. OFF. “ _ Graphophones & Records SPEC x ACLES Allgretti Creams. which we charge SI.OO others charge -ftt \\ r~* i 12.50. We save you from $2.00 to $5.00 iNUimally t_.ancsy on Eyeglass prescriptions. ji| FRESH EVERY OTHER DAY. If you want - mething that will positively cure Rheumatism use FRANK’S RHEUMATIC li RE. Livingston’s Plmacies, BULL AND CONGRESS AND 309 BULL STREET. SPECIAL. NOTICES. ' speuTahTnotj c tu For the next sixty days at Mark Ap ple’s repository will bo sold a full and complete line of all kinds ot vehicles at a reduced price. 1 ask the public to call and inspect my stole. 1 am the agent for some of the highest grade Buggies, Car riages, Phaetons, Stanhopes and Buna bouts. Don't miss this opportunity, for this Is no humbug. Also a full line ot De livery Wagons and Hurness. 320 Broughton street, west. Phone 775. SPARKLETS. Just the thing for picnics, maroons, excursions, and sumrrter. A glass of the finest and purest soda water can he made in one minute. A full supply at SOLOMONS COMPANY, Congress street and Bui. Street Branch Store. SI \\ AN EE SPRINGS HOTEL, Sitvvfiuee, Fla. Situated on the banks of the Suwranne river. Climate nnet,ualed. No malaria. .Nomosqui- Toes. Cool nights Most healthful amt delight ful resort In the : outb. Water cures every known disease Beard $lO per week, special rate for commercial men of S2 per day, wh ch inel ties transfer 'la. h and accommoda tions strictly lust class. For Illustrated iam phict address Suwaneo Springs < 0 Suwanca springs, Ha ANDREW HANLKV . Mgr. NOTICE. For sale, bark Chipman, slightly dam aged recently by lightning on top he k ftom mstnenast for.tu.d. llu.l flrst-c.ass ■ oidition. Ira id with lion km es in per fect o and r, m al sit a-he ! aid bolted tan be rent! ■ rx ~1 cd <r converted In a bn ge. la; tie i- e, . sled In the purchase ot tuts ve..- 1 appl. METZGER BROS., Mob e A.a. LARGE WAREHOUSE AND OFFICE to rent, located head of Broughton etreel, on West llr. ad. it- w .cou pled by the Savannah Cirri go and Wagon Cos. As they vvlii give up bust css in ih lty en June i, i offer It for rent from that date H 1* SMART. THE WAV TO CLEAN CARPETS. The only way tc get your carpels prop, erly taken up, cleaned und taken care of for the Bummer is to turn the Job over to the District Messenger and Delivery Cos., telephone 2, or call al 32 Montgomery street, and they will make yon an esti mate or. the cost of the work. Prices reasonable. They uTo pack, move and ■tore furniture and pianos. C. H. MEDLOCK. Supt, and Mgr. lltiMi.s EXECI TED By the American Bonding and Trust Com pony of Baltimore. We arc authorised to execute locally (Immediately u|>on appli cation!, all bonds in Judl, ia! proceeding* In cither the state or United Sutrs courts. and of u.lmlnlstrators und guardians. HEARING & HULL, Agents. Telephone 324 Provident Bulltdng. Dll. H. H. MARTIN, 7 Jones Street, West.' Practice limited to diseases of eye, oar nose and throat. Hours— 9 to 1, 4 to 6 and by appoint ment. BLSINESS NOTICES. liTiiflflls That Keop time can he easily answered by looking over ur nlock. The lower priced an "ell us the hitcher priced finality. We have the fatuous Dost on movement— not to be found elsewhere. The best clock for the family in the world. Clock repairing to make the clock, keep time. TH€3las Bros | ESKEOBB’S, mmJm Wayne and West Bruad Sts.. ; li te BEER. SCOTCH HIGH BALLS, made from Slater, Roger & Co.’s CLUB BLEND Scotch Whiskey. A. T. Kelly, Custom SliaJes. FORsaleT Due lot 20xJ20 ou Tenth street, near Jefferson. One ot ->0&123 on Ninth itriet, near Jefferson. I’rlcee lower than anything clue la the neljt hborbood, and terms very easy. Roth lots uroi the Eighth Street School. C. 11. DOIISETT, S iiiiif Pliste For sale. a Forsuuh Newspapir Folder, will fold sheet rab. It R In g ,od order. Price lIOU. It cost Ji.jtjO, bill we have no urc for It and want the room It occupies. It will be an Invaluable adjunct to any newspaper office. Address MORNING NEWS, Navunnuh, Gn, OLD NEWSPAPER!!, !M0 for li cents, at Business Office Morning News. SHOES May look just alike and ' wear entirely different. You know, if you’ve worn our kind that they combine style with durability; good material with good fit. HAVE YOU TRIED A PAh PAIR OF OUR LA DIES’ OXFORD TIES V Bros. rOOreOV£fi£PSrt>A*MMNJr///D. WE Me ABLE k READY TO PLEASE YOU. Savannah Steam Laundry Cos., !l Congress Slreel, West. Phone 383, “Gaining Thousands Daily.” T©ei Keene \ Is pleasing millions ol smokers \ th oughout our glorious land. ) Excels in aroma, quality, and K made by hand. That’s All. \ j. PirreoHi 1 1, / 206 Bay .Street, West. J Distributors, Savanna!], Ga. j ( wps , Makers, New York. THE ONLY Exclusive Family Liquor Store IN THE CITY. TRY OUR FAMOUS imperial Nectar Pure Rye Whiskey. Fall Quarts, si; four bottles, containing fall Gallon, $3.50. nr I r*|\|pr!3 0 ft n Sole Proprietors, 13 Whitaker Street. L t L3! l ULn ft uUlf FULL LINE OF CLARET WINES. SOUTHERN BANK Oi Uie a ait ui >eorg.t. capital o. o Surplus and undivided profits— ...—J3iS,uou t/iti UOilctil Ut V tic. stall, Jv GEORGIA. Superior tactliuea t-or uausactxng a ue .rat uu a.ti, h ua.n -ss elections made on alt points acceaaible thrt ugn i md bankers Accoui.t. ox ., . a „c. a, .tlerctiaola and otlieis soliciltd. Safe Deposit Boxes for rent. Department of Savings, Interest payable quarterly. Sells Stearllng Exchange on London a and upwards JOHN FLANNERY, President. HORACE A. CRANK. Vioe President JAMKS ST T T,T TVAN r-nhter DIR FACTORS: JNO. FLANNERY. WAX W. GORDON. E. A. WEIL. W. W. GORDON Jr. H A. CRANE. JOHN M. EGAN. LKK ROY MYERB. JOSEPH FERiiT. H P. SMART. CHARLES ELLIB. EDWARD KELLY. JOHN J. KIRBY Mhiiin capital o.imkj. enunrs nf ii ■ks mer h.nts. sorp r t ns i id). and ah olq t , .tt ga eiar.mcut. iC.etest pi .ull telly. Safety Boxes and Storage Vaults u rent. collections made on all points at rca sonuble rates. Dial is sold on all the chief cities of lb, world. t orrespondence Invited. JOSEPH D. WEED. President. JOHN C. ROWLAND, Vice President SPECIAL NOTICE?,. iYtv G t j i^TlhT The best Is the Wheeler Brand of Bel fast Ginger Ale, made by Wheeler & Co.', of Belfast, Ireland, from the celebrated cremate apm ot mai city, ine.-.e epiings ore the properly of Wheeler A Cos., hence no other Ginger Ale manufac turer in Ireland has iho.-e waters but themselves. The Wheeler Ginger Ale Is mane from pure Jamaica Ginger Root at, 1 not from Red Poppet, as others are; on, Is deleterious—the other is a lonic. Ppr Health fulness und Purity the cele brated Wheeler brand of Belfast Ginger Ale is the best. LIPPMAN BROTHERS. _ Sole Southern Agents, Savannah, Ga. #115,000. One of our clients has placed In our hands $25,000 to loan on good Savnn ah real estate at reasonable rates of Interest. BECKETT & BECKETT, St President street, east. LEOPOLD ADLER. c. 8. ELLI3L President. vice President W. F M'CATTLEY Cashier. TH&GMfiTHfiA? BfiiNK SAVANNAH. VV 111 be pleaded iO recel\e the account* of Merchants. 11. me, individuals, liankA unti Corrci atlons. I-lberal favors extended. Unsurpassed collection facilities, insur tn#r prompt returns. Sep rn l * S'V'n-ft; n^artment INTEREST coyri'.iCNDED titAR. TER LI ON DEPOSITS, (Safety Depodl and Vaults far -c-* r' wro c nr , r ,flp n( ,p so lj r (tpd. Tin Cltas BanX CAPITAL. SSOO 000. *“*• ..aklUtf kusilU-NN. solicit* Accounts 0 ( individuals, IliTcliuuis, iiuuks und utiicf Corpo* ratioua. Collectfonn hatuS>U with mntety, economy and diMpntcli. Interest coiupniiudcd quarterly allowed on deposits In our Savina* UninriQini j *nfi**\ iitputll lloipa and Stora*e A a it 11* intWri F* V OK \ UAHK PrealdenU ftlll.liS 15. I. WE, % Ice I'reiident. CI UIHJK . MKFM W. Cahler. GOIIDON 1.. GROOVErt, Anat. Caahlef. No. iWU. Chanered, THE IMIS iII I M OF a'ivAN.NAH. CAPITAL. l.W.vOv. ab'RPLUa. SIOO,OOO. cNnDD oiates depository. J. a. G. Carson, President. UEIUNE GORDON, Vice President. W. M. DAVANT, Cashier. Accounts of banka and bankers, mer chants and corporations received upas the most favorable terms consistent with rate and conservative banking. THE GERMANIA BANK oA i xV.'i it.lil, Vi A. CaplUt O'* LndiVided profits oO.OM Tins cans; .. is .xa sex . to corpora tions, meuhauls and Individuals. Uaa authority to act as executor, al tr.Jblstratoi. guardian, eto. Issues drafts on the pi in,'pal cities IB Great Britain und Ireland and uo tbs Continent. interest paid or compounded quarterly on depo Its In the Saving Department. ?afcty Boxes for rent. HENRY BI.UN. President. GKO. W TJEDK.MAN. Vice PresldSDL JOHN M. HOGAN Cashier. WALTER F. HOGAN. Ass t Cashier.