The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, June 23, 1900, Page 9, Image 9

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miscellan-eots markets. Note.—These quotations are revised daily, and are kept as near as possible In accord with the prevailing wholesale prices Official quotations are not used when they disagree with the prices whole salers ask. Country nntl Northern Produce. POULTRY—The market is steady. Quo. tatlons: Hall-grown. Ss@soc per pair; three-quarters grown. 55@60c per pair; full-grown towls (hens), 60@70c per pair; roosters. 40c per pair; turkeys, out of sea son; ducks. 50@65c per pair. , EGGS—In demand at 13®14. BUTTER—The tone *f the market steady. Quotations: Extra dairies 20c; extra Elgins. 23Hc. CHEESE—Market firm: fancy full cream cheese, 12@13c for 23-pound aver age ONIONS— Egyptian. $2.75®3.00 per sack; crate, $1.50; New Orleans, $1.50®1.75 sack (TO pounds). BEANS— Navy or peas, $2.2552.80 per bushel; demand light. Early Vegetables. IRISH POTATOES—New, No. 1, $1.50® $2.00 per barrel; No. 2, 75c®51.00. EGG PLANT—HaIf Darrel, crates, $1.50(9 2.00. CABBAGE—Per barrel .crate, sl.7s®' 2.00. Breadstuff*, Hny and Grain. FLOUR—Market Arm <ytd advancing; patent, $4.75; straight, $1.40; fancy, $4 15, family, $3.90. MEAL-rPearl. per barrel, $2.65: per sack. $1.35; city meal, per sack, bolted, $11?® 1.20; water ground, $1.20; city grist, sacks, $1.20; pearl grits, Hudnucs'. per barrel. $2.73; per sack. $1.30; sundry brands. $1.20 sack. CORN—Market firm; white, job lot* 62c; carload lots, 60c; mixed corn, job lots, 61c; carload lots, 59c. RlCE—Market Steady, demand fair. Prime 5 Good 4>->®4?i Fair 4 ®4’A Common 3ti OATS—No. 2 mixed, carload. 35c; job lots. 37c; white, clipped (37 to 42 pounds) 38c cars; 40c job. BRAN—Job lots, 97’/ 2 c; carload lots 92%e. HAY—Market strong, Western, job lota, 97c; carload lots, 9214 c. Button, tlnms and Lard. BACON—Market firm; smoked clear sides, Bs*c; dry salted clear sides, Sc; bel lies, SHc. /HAMS-Sugar cured. 12V4513%c. / sugar and Coffee. ' SUGAR—Board of Traoe quotations: Cut loaf 6.33 Diamond A 5.94 Crushed 6.(8 Confectioners' A.5.78 Powdered 6 08 White extra C... 5.53 XXXX, powdVd 6.oß,Extra C 5.33 Stad. granulated s.rß ; Golden C ss; Cubes 6.l3jYellows 5.23 . Mould A 6.23, COFFEE —Board of Trade quotations: Mocha 26c (Prime, No. 3 . ...lOT*o Java 26c 'Good, No. 4 ....1014c Peaberry 13c Fair, No. 5 10c Fancy. No. 1 Choice, No. 2 llttclCommon. No. 7.. 9c Hardware and Building Supplies. LIME. CALCIUM, PLASTER AND CEMENT—Alabama and Georgia lime In fair demand and sell at 80s a barrel; spe cial calcined plaster, $1 Yt oer barrel: hair, 4£6c. Rosedale cement. $1.20®1.25; car load lots, special: Portland cement, re tail. $2.25: carload lots. $2.0002.20. LUMBER, F. O. B. VESSEL, SAVAN NAH—Minimum yard sizes. $13.00®14.00; car sills. $14.00®16.00p difficult sizes, $16.50 ®2o.00; ship stock, $25.00®27.50; sawn tie#, sll.oo® 11.50; hewn ties, 33®36c. Oll—Alarket steady; demand fair: sig nal. 45®50c; West Virginia, black. 9®l2c; lard, 58c; neatstoot, 66®70c; machinery. It ®23c; linseed oil. raw. 70; boiled, 72; ker osene prime white, 15c; water white. He; Pratt's astral, 15c; deurdorlzed stove gas aline. drums, 1254 c. Empty oil barrels, de livered. 85c. GUN POWDER—Per keg. Austin crack >hot. $4.00; half kegs, $2.25; quarter kegs. $1.25; champion ducking, quarter kegs. $2.25; Dupont and Hazard smokeless, half kegs, $11.35; quarter kegs, iy.75; 1-pound canister. $1.00; less 25 per cent.; Troisdorf smokeless powder. 1-pound cans. $1.00; 10- pound cans. 90c Pound. SHOT—Drop, e 1.50; B B and large, $;.75; chilled. $1.75. IRON—Market very steady; Swede, 5)4, NAILS—Cut, $2.60 base; wire, $2.85 base. BARBED WIRE—S3.S4) per 100 pounds. t-mits nntl Nufs. MELONS—SB to $12.60 per ICO. Demand yood. PEACHES—Six-basket carriers 50:®51.25 per carrer. PINEAPPLES—S3.OO®3.SO per standard rate. LEMONS—Market strong and advanc ing, at $4.50®5.00. ORANGES—California seedlings. $4.75® 4.00. NUTS—Almonds, Tarragona, 16c; Ivicas, Kc; walnuts. French. 12c: Naples, 12c; pe cans. 12c; Brazils. 7c: filberts. 13c: assort ed nuts. 50-pound and 25-pound boxes, too. PEANUTS— Ample stock, fair demand; market firm; fancy hand-picked. Virginia’, per pound; 4)4c; hand-picked, Viglma, extras. 34*®4c; N. C. seed peanuts, 4c. RAISINS—L. L.. $2; Imperial cabinets, $2.25: loose. 50-nound boxes, B®B(4c pound. Mricil and liiuitartlrd Fruits, APPLES—Evaporated, 7’, s ®Bc; sun-dried, PEACHES—Evaporated, pealed, 17(4o; unpealed, 9’,4®10c. PEARS—Evaporated, 12>4e. APRICOTS— Evaporated. 15c pound; nec tarines. 1014 c. • alt, Hides and Wool. BALT—Demand is fair and the market steady; ce-load Sols. ICO-pound burlap sacks, 44c; ltW-pound cotton sacks, 45c; 126-pound burlap sacks, 54t4c; 125-pound cotton sacks, tec. HlDES—Market firm; dry flint, 14t4c; drv salt, 12>4e; green salted, 6>4c. WOOL-Btomlnal; prime Georgia, free of sand, burrs and black wool, 21e; black, l*c; burry, 10®12c. Wax, 25c; tallow, to. Deer skins. 200 Cotton Hugging and Ties. BAGGING—Market firm; Jute, 214- pound. 9large lots. 9V4c small lots; t-pound, 844®9c; 144-pound, 8)408)40; sea Island bagging, 12Hc. TlES—Standard, 45-pound, arrow, large lots, $1.40; small lot m 11.50. Miscellaneous. FlSH—Mackerel, half-barrels, No, L 19.50; No. 2 $8.00: No. 3,; kits, No. 1. $1.40; No. 2, $1.25; No. 3,85 c. Codfish, l-pound bricks, 6%c; 2-pound bricks, 6c. Smoked hearing, per box, 20c. Dutch her ring, in kegs, $1.10; new mullet, half-bar rel, $3.50. SYRUP—Market quiet; Georgia and Florida syrup, buying at 28®30c; selling a 12035 c; sugar houee at 10®15c; selling at Straight goods, 23®30c; sugar house mo lasses. 15@20c. HONEY—Fair demand; strained, In bar rels. 66®60c gallon. High wine basis, $1.23. OCEAN rRMGHTI. COTTON—Savannah to Boston, pet bsie, 25c; to New- York, 20c; to Philadelphia, per bale, $1.00; lo Balti more. per bale, $1.00; via New York- Bremen. 50c; Genoa. 43c; Liverpool, 40c; Reval, 60c; direct, Bremen, 42c. LUMBER—By Sail—Freighis dull: to Baltlmoie and eastward, $4.50 to $6.00 per M, including Portland. LUMBER—By Steam-Savannah to Bal tiraore, $6.50; to Philadelphia, $8.00; to New York. $6.00; to dock, $6.75; lightered—to Boston, to dock. SB.OO NAVAL STORES—The market Is firm; medium size vessels. Rosin—Coik for or ders. 8s per bsrrel of 810 pounds snd 5 per cent, primage. Spirits, 4s 3d per 40 gallous gross and 5 per cent, primage. Larger vessels, rosin, 2s 9d; spirits, 4s. Steaio. 11c per 100 pounds on rosin; 21V4c on spirits, Ssvannah u Boston and 944 c on rosin, tnd 19c on spirits ta New York. GRAINS, PROVISION'S. ETC. New York, June 22 Flour—Business was checked by higher prices and the market continued more or less nominal. Rye flour Arm; choice to fancy, $3.25® 3 50 Corn meal stronger; yellow Western, 91c. Rye, No. 2 Western, 68c. Barley quiet. Barley malt nominal. Wheat, spot, steady; No, 2 red, Ol'v; op tions opened strong on hot, dry weather In lire Northwest, but at once relapsed In to weakness, which lasted pretty much all day. The decline was attended and in-, fluenced by heavy unloading from all sources, lower cables and less active spec ulative support, although crop nsws has Southern Railway. Trains Arrive and Depart Savannah on 90 th Meridian Time - One Hour Slower Than City Time. Schedules in Effect Sunday, June 10, 1900. READ DOWN;I 1 TO THE EAST. It READ ffF. N0.34 I ¥O. 36~!f ' yfa'ss'f'Vo.Sr ■ I II (Centrals Time.) || | 12 20pm 12 20am Lv Savannah Ar|] 5 10am| 315 pm 4*, . (Eastern Time.) I| 4 21pm! * 28am Ar Blackville Lv ; 3 COamj 1 JTpm 6 Oopm; b 10am‘ Ar ...Columbia Lvii 1 25am1l 25am 9 10pm; 9 4oam Ar Charlotte Lv 9 55pm| 8 10am 11 44pmjl2 23pm|;Ar Greensboro Lv|| 7 10pm| 5 iSam 8 25am Ar Norfolk ~.. Xv|| | S 35pm 12 51amj 1 38pm Ar Danville Lv|| 5 40pm; 4 ?Sam 6 00am; 6 25pm; Ar Richmond iLv||l2 Olpmlll 'Ppm 2 40am 343 pm Ar Lynchburg Lv;| 352 pm 350 am 4 35am; 5 35pm Ar Charlottesville Lvjj 2 06pm112 s<pm 7 35am 8 50pm Ar W i.-hington Lv,||U 15amj 9 50. m 9 15am 11 35pm Ar Baltimore Lv|| 8 22am 8 27pm 11 35am 2 56am Ar Philadelphia Lv|| 3 SOairv 6 uspm 2 03pm 6 23am Ar New York Lvj;i2 lOamj 325 pm 8 Kipnv 300 pm. Ar Boston Lvjj 5 OOpmjlO 10am | TO THE NORTH AND WEST. TTno.3s II (Central Time.) || 12 20am Lv Savannah Arj| 5 10am II (Eas ern Time.) | 9 50am; Lv Columbia Lvj| 1 25am 6 30am Lv Spartanburg Lv|| 6 16pm 12 10pm| Ar A heville Lvj| S 05pt 4 02pm Ar Hot Springs Lv 11 45am 7 20pm Ar Knoxville Lv l 8 15am 5 10am Ar Lexi gton Lv;jlo 30pm 7 45am Ar Cincinnati Lv 8 00pm 7 50am Ar I.ou svllle Lvlj 7 45pm 6 00pm’I Ar St. Louis Lvjj 8 OSam All trains arrive and depart from the Plant System Station. * THROUGH CAR SERVICE, ETC. TRAINS 33 AND 34 DAILY. NEW YORK AND FLORIDA EXPRESS Vesti buled limited trains, with Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Cars between Savan nah and New York. Connects at Washington with Colonial Express for Boston. Pullman Sleeping Cars between Char ote and Richmond and Charlotte and Nor folk Dining Cars serve all meals between Savannah and Washington, TRAINS 35 AND 36 DAILY'. THE UNITED STATES FAST MAIL Vesttbuled limited trains, carrying Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Cars between Savannah and New York. Dining Cars serve all meals between Savannah and Washington. Also Pullman Drawing Room Ste ping Ca rs between Savannah and Cincinnati, through Asheville and "The Land of the Sky.” For complete information as to rates, schedules, etc., apply to G. GROOVER. Ticket Agent. Plant System Station. JAMES FREEMAN. C. P. and T. A., 141 Bull street. Telephones—Bell, 830; Georgia. 850. RANDALL CLIFTON. District Passenger Agent. No. 11l Bull street. MURPHY & CO,, INC., Board of Trade Building, Savannah. Private leased wires direct to New Torifi* Chicago and New Orleans. COTTON, STOCKS AND GRAIN. New York office. No. 61 Broadway. Offices in principal cities throMgtiout tha South. Write for our Market Manual and book containing Instructions for trader* as bad as ever. Finally rallied on cover ing and closed firm at VS"**? net advance; July closed SBc; September, 88’,4c;'Decem ber closed 89 5-16 e. Corn, spot, firm; No. 2. 4SV ; options de veloped considerable strength on crop com plaints and good buying for long account, closing firm at •Y®’4c net advance, being helped also by a heavy export trade; July closed 46'sc; September, 47%c. Oats, spot, quiet, but steady; No. 2, 28’,j® 2944 c. Beef steady. Cut meats steady. Lard strong; Western steamed, $7.15; re fined stronger: compound. 644 c. Pork firmer; family, $13.50® 14.25; short clear, $13.50015.00. Tallow quiet. Petroleum quiet. Rosin quiet. Turpentine easy. Rice firm. Molasses steady. Coffee, spot Rio, dull; No. 7 invoice, Stic; mild quiet. The market for coffee opened dull and unchanged and ruled generally quiet all day with a steady undertone pre vailing on light covering and the scarcity of sellers. Foreign news was destitute, of incentive and domestic developments were unimportant. The close was steady at net unchanged prices to 5 points advance. To tal sales 6,500 bags, including July, $7.10; September, $7.20; October, $7.20. Sugar, raw, strong; refined strong. Cabbage steady; Florida, per crate, $1.25® 1.75. Cotton by steam to Liverpool 20. Butter steady; factory-, 1344®16c. Cheese steady; large, 9%c; small, 944® V. Eggs dull; state and Pennsylvania at mark. 13® 15,; Western ungraded at mark, 10@124sc. Potatoes quiet; Chili, $1.25®1.75; South ern prime, $i.50®2.25. New Y'ork, June 22.—Cotton seed oil more active and firmer, with sales of 100 barrels prime summer yellow, at 36c, and that price bid for more. Prime crude barrels, 33Vjc, nominal; prime summer low. 36c .bid; off summer yellow. 35®30’4c; butter grades, nominal; prime winter yel low. 39®400. nominal; prime white, 39c; nominal; prime meal, $25. CHICAGO MARKETS. Chicago, June 22.—The Northwest crop reports were more sensationally unfav orable than ever to-day. but wheat con tented itself with holding firm. July clos ing ’4c over yesterday; heavy realizing militated against a pronounced advance. Corn was active and strong, helped by wheat, a better export demand and re newed buying by local bulls. July closing ryf7%c higher. Oats closed 44c up. Pro visions were strong and active. July pork closed 50c, July lard 25 and July ribs 22'-c over yesterday. The leading futures ranged as follows: Highest. Lowest. Closing. Wheat No. 2 June •••• -■-• 8-I/ 4 Julv 83X B ®S3% 83b, *2‘i 63', Aug 81*4®84?4 84* 83’/, 8444 Corn, No. *i—- June .... 41 ‘,@4l* 41* 40*®40* 41‘4@41* July 41V,®41* 417, 40%@404, 4144®41* Aug 41 ‘4® 41* 4243 41 42'4 Oats. No. 2 July 244402444 25 24* 24* Aug 24*®25* 25* 2444 24* Mess Pork, ber barrel— Ju1y....51170 sl2 12* sll7O sl2 07* Sept .... 11 85 12 35 11 85 12 35 Lard, per 100 pounds— July .... OS 70 6 924-4 670 6 92* Sept .... 6 85 705 6 85 7 Oo Oct 6 87 7 07* 6 87* 7 07* Short Ribs, per 100 nour.ds— July- 6 77* 700 6 77* 6 97* gept 6 85 7 10 6 85 7 07* Cash quotations were as follows: Flour firm. No. 3 spring wheat, 77®80c; No. 2 red 83*®84c. No. 2 corn, 41*®42*c; No. 3 yellow, 42’4c. No. 2 oats, 25*e; No. 2 white 27®27*c: No. 3 white. 26*027*0. No. 2 rye. 61*c. Good feeding barley, 39c; fair to choice malting, 40045 c. No. 1 flaxseed, $1.80; Norwestern. SI.BO. Prime timothy seed. $2.60. Mess pork, per barrel. $11.95012.10. Lard, per 100 pounds, $6.80® 6 92*. Short ribs sides, loose, $6.8007.10. Dry salted shoulders, boxed. 6*@6*c. Short clear sides, boxed, $7.25®7.35. MJiis ky basis 0 f high wines. $1.23. Clover, contract grade, SB.OO. HARING INTELLIGENCE. Local and General New* of Ship* and Shipping. The Charleston steamer Pilot Boy. which has been on the marine railway for repairs the past two day-s. was hauled off yesterday. She was towed to the Savan nah and Beaufort dock by the tug Forest City, and there proceeded to make steam for her return trip- The Pilot Boy is an old steamer, but is reputed to be quick and serviceable. During the summer sea son she usually runs excursions to Savan nah from Charleston and Bluffton. Her regular run Is between Charleston and Bluffton. .* The Italian hsrk Conqulsiatore. Capt. Trapani, cleared yesterday for Alicante and will proved out to-day. The schoon er* Geo. Taulane, Jr., for Baltimore, the Harry A. Berwind for Philadelphia.and the Rebecca M. Walls for New York, also go to sea to-day. Putins* last month 3ootch shipbuilder* THE MORNING NEWS: SATURDAY, JUNE 23, 1900. launched 31 vessels of about 60,381 tons gross, against 27 vessels of about 26.545 tons gross in April, and 38 vessels of about 58,919 tons gross in May last year. For the year so far Scotch builders have launched 121 vessels of about 180.856 tons gross, against about 217.745 tons gross in the corresponding period of last year, about 176,536 tons gross in 1898. about 137.- 487 tons gross in 1897 and about 172,942 tons gross In 1896. English builders in May launched 28 vessels of about 77.974 tons gross, against 25 vessels of about 52.987 tons gross in April, 26 vessels of about 71.259 tons gross in May last year and 29 vessels of about 71,610 tons gross in May, 1898. For the five months English builders have launch ed 106 vessels aggregating about 366.726 tons gross, as compared with 125 veasels of about 319.891 tons gross In the corre sponding period of last year, 135 vessels of about 307,496 tons gross In 1898 and about 257.500 tons gross In 1897. One steamer of about 12,000 tons was launched at Belfast. For the year so far there have been put into the water in the United Kingdom 228 vessels of about 482,082 tons gross, as compared with 267 vessels of about 578.193 tons gross In the first five months of last year, 292 vessels of about 538.182 tons gross in 1898 and 278 vessels of about 409,226 tons gross In 1897. According to the Liverpool underwrit ers' Association's return* the casualties to vessels of 500 tons gross register and upwards during last month were: From weather damage, 36; foundering* and abandonments, 3; stranding*. Including 13 total losses, 83; collisions, including two total losses, 93; fires and explosions, includ ing three total losses, 17; missing. 6; other casualties. 64. making for May 302 casual ties. of which 27 were total losses, against 418 casualties in May last year, including 18 total losses. Bark Terestna Altai), Porta, from Savan nah Oct. 29 for Genoa, has been posted at Lloyds as overdue. Passengers by Steamships Passengers by steamship D. H. Miller, Baltimore to Savannah, June 19.—Mrs. C. W. Chappel, Master M. A. Ohappel, Master D. M. Chappel, L. Boleman, H. Y. Well. C. B. Mom. Mrs. C. B. Mom, J. K. Blank, W. M. Rittenhouse, Mrs. W. M. Rltten house, T. G. Hunter. C. Edmondston. Passengers by steamship City of Au gusta, New York for Savannah, June 20. W. A. Mercer, I. G. Phillip, H. H. Clark, D. C. IWebb, A. M. Webb, Mrs. G. E. Church, Miss J. Romare, Miss P. Roibare, R. T. Smith, J. S. Buhler, E. Leffler, Mis* L. Ha-zlehurst, Miss H. Hazlehurst, Miss E. Stephens, A. Haas, M. A. Dauk, Dr. J. J. Hinley, Mrs. E. Manzt, R. Porter, L Rykus, L. Finklestein, Miss H. Pursell.' gavannah Almanac. Sun rises at 4:53 a. m and sets 7:11 p. m. High water at Tybee to-day at 4:17 a. tn and 4:50 p. m. High water at Savan nah one hour later. Phases of the Moon for Jane. D. H. M. First quarter 5 0 58 morn. Full moon 12 9 38 eve. Last quarter 19 6 67 eve. ARRIVALS AND DEPARTURES. Vessels Arrived Yesterday, Steamship Tallahassee, Asklns, New York —Ocean Steamship Company. Steamship Arlington (Br), Knowles, Huelva—Minis A Cos. Bark Affezione (ital), Calderone, Genoa. —Master. Vessels Cleared Yesterday. Bark Conquistatore (Ital), Trapani, Ali cante.—Strachan & Cos. Schooner Geo. Taulane, Jr., McGee, Bal timore. Schooner Rebecca M. Walls, Little, New York. Schooner Harry A. Berwind, Wallace, Philadelphia. Vessels Went to Sen. Steamship City of Macon, Savage, Bos ton. F.A.Rogers&Co.,lnc. Banker*. Broken tad Dealer* ig Stocks, Cotton, Grain and Provisions FOR CASH OR MARGIN. PromptService.Libersi Treatment Writefcr , term,, tpecisl quotation service sad booklet •• Safety snd Certainty i* Syecalatlafl " - 38 WALL STREET, NEW YORK. Wool, Hides Wax, Furs, Honey, Highest market price* paid. Oe*rgla Syrup for aala A. EHRLICH & BRO, Wholesale Grocers add Liquor Dealers rn.UB.Ui Bay street, wast ONE MILLION HIDES WANTED DRY FLINTS lie DRY SALTS 18s GREEN SALTED To R. KIRKLAND, Buy** at Old HaUa. Scrap Iran sad Metals 417 t* 481 St. Juilaa atreet, wsaL Florida Central Jlk andPeninsular R. Central or 90th Meridian Time. TIME TABLE EFFECTIVE JUNE 2, i960. All trains dally. Train* operated by 90th meridian time—one hour slower than city time. _ NORTH AND EAST ’ ' SOUTH AND NORTHWEST | 44 | 66 • f 66” Lv Savannah 12 35p 11 59p Lv Savannah 11 59p Ar Fairfax i 2 15pi 1 54a Ar Columbia 4 36a Ar Denmark 3 OOpj 2 42a Ar Asheville j 1 40p Ar Augusta 9 45p| 6 55a Ar Knoxville 7 30p Ar Columbia 4 38pi 4 36a Ar Lexington | 5 10a Ar Asheville j j 1 40p Ar Cincinnati 7 45* Ar Hamlet | 9 OSp, 9 20a Ar Louisville j 7 50a Ar Raleigh 11 40p ill 55a Ar Chicago | 5 55p Ar Richmond | 5 10a| 5 40p Ar Detroit j 4 OOp Ar Norfolk 7 SSa; ar Cleveland I 2 55p Ar Portsmouth j 7 25a[ Ar Indianapolis 11 40a Ar Washington S 46a; 9 30p Ar Columbus ill 20a Ar Ar New York | 3 03pj 6 13a j | 27 | 31 Ar Boaton 9 00p| 330 pl v Savannah .T'i 5 08a 307 p WEST DIVISION AND N O. l Ar Darien |l2 30p| 6 OOp —■ —i —,-r—i —= — Ar Everett | 6 50a| 5 lOp - I 31 j 27 l Ar Brunswick | 8 05a| 6 25p Lv Savannah | 3 97p| 5 08a Ar Kernandina | 9 30a| 9 05p Lv Jacksonville j 7 45p 9 20a Ar Jacksonville | 9 10a! 7 40p Ar Lake City | 9 3op 11 28a Ar St. Augustine jlO 30a Ar Live Oak 10 30p 12 ISp Ar Waldo ill 25ai10 4lp Ar Madison ; 2 Soa( 1 19p Ar Gainesville |l2 Oln[ Ar Montleello 4 40a 320 p Ar Cedar Key 6 35p| Ar Tallahassee | 6 00a| 338 p Ar Ocala 1 40pi 1 15a Ar Quincy j 8 25aj 4 39p ,\ t - Wildwood 2 32p| 2 4"p Ar River Junction ( 9 40a; 5 25p Ar Leesburg 3 lftp! t 30a Ar Pensacola | ill OOp Ar Orlando ...j 5 00p| 8 20a Ar Mobile | | 3 05a Ar Plant City | 4 44p| 5 2Sa Ar New Orleans | I 7 40a Ar Tampa p 9 80a Trains arrive at Savannah from North and East—No. 27. 5:00 a. m.; No. 31, 2:57 p. m.; from Northwest—No. 27. 5 a. m.; from Florida points, Brunswick and Darien —No. 44, 12:27 p. m.; No. 66, 11:50 p. m. Trains 31 and 44 carry through Pullman sleeper and day coach to New Y'ork, including dining car. Trains 27 and 66 carry through Pullman sleeper to New York and day coaches to Washington. For full information, apply to F, V. PETERSON. T. P. A , ] Bull and Bryan streets, opposite Pu w. P. SCRUGGS, P & T. A , I lnskl and Screven Hotels D. C. ALLEN. C. T. A Bull and Liberty streets, opposite De Soto Hotel. W R MeINTY'RE, D. T. A . West Broad and Liberty streets. A. O. MACDONELL. G. P. A., L. A. SHIPMAN. A. G. P. A . Jacksonville. Trains leave from union depot, corner West Broad and Liberty streets. Steamship City of Birmingham, Burg, New Y’ork. Stalled for Savannah. Bark St. Croix (Br), sailed New York for Savannah. 2Dth. Tug ,S. O. Cos. No. 7. with barge No. 57, palled Baltimore. 19t.b. Schooner Longfellow, Fall River for Sa vannah, sailed 19th. Freights and Charters. Steamship, 2,747 tons, cotton. Savannah to Liverpool, Havre or Bremen, 41s, 3d, Sep tember. Schooner. 460,000 feet lumber, Brunswick to New Y'ork. $5: schooner. 372 tons, lum ber. Brunswick to Newburg, $3.12* and towage British steamship. 2.294 tons, cotton, Sa vannah to Liverpool or Bremen, 425, 6d, September. For Neighboring Ports. Schooher Alice Archer, sailed New York for Fernandirta, 20th. Bark Gwendoline (Sp). Pinerio. from Brunswick, arrived Santander, 12th. Spoken: Ship Steinvora (Ital), Bozzo, Peinsa.cola for Genoa. .June 13, lat 38, lon 9. Shipping Memoranda. Pensacola, Fla., June 22.—Arrived, hark Amerike (Nor), Marchussen, Ham burg. Fernandlna. Fla.. June 22—Arrived, brig Ohio (Br), Grafton, Poini-a-Phre. Jacksonville. Fla , June 22—Entered, schooner Montane, Booye, Havana Charleston, S. C., June 22—Arrived, steamer Iroquois. Kemble, Jacksonville, and proceeded to New Y’ork. Sailed, steamer Algonquin, Platt, Jack sonville. Brunswick. Ga . June 20—Arrived, steamer Carib. Ingram, Charleston; schooners James R Jordan. Hemple, Providence; Benj. C. Frith. Keen, Port land; Morris W. Childs, Boston; John K. Souther. Poole. New York; Almeda Wil ley, Dodge. New Y’ork; Wm. H. Sumner, Yeaton, New Y’ork; Harry W. Read. Norfolk; E. H. Weaver. Weaver, Philadelphia; Ohas. H Sehull, Clark, Ha vana. Cleared 2oth, bark Jose Rolg (Sp), Roig, Barcelona; schooners Myra B, Weaver, Vannaman, Kingston, Jamaica; Freddie Hencken, Cavalier, Norwich. Darien, Ga., June 20—Arrived, brig Jen nie Hulburt. Riddock, Philadelphia; schooners J. B Holden, Haskell, New York; Colin W. Walton, Wolfe, Philadel phia Baltimore, June 22—Arrived, steamer Alleghany, Savannah; Bertha F. Moore, Charleston; Mary E. H. G. Dow, Port Tampa. Philadelphia, June 22—Arrived, steamer Agnes Mannln, Brunswick; Lulie L. Pol lard, Fernandlna. Notice to Mariners. Pilot charts and all hydrographic infor mation will be furnished masters of ves sels free of charge in United States hy drographic office in Custom House. Cap tains are requested to call at the office. Report* of wrecks and derelicts received for transmission to the navy department. Boston. June 20.—Notice Is given that the buoys end perches in Bagaduce river. Me., have been replaced for the summer season. The lighthouse board gives notice of the following changes In the buoyage of the Fifth lighthouse district: Hampton Roads—Mid-channel buoy, a black and white perpendicular striped spar, which was reported out of position .May 29, was replaced June 7, 1900. York River, Va—Poquosln flats buoy, black, No. 1. was changed for the summer from a spar to a first class can on June 12. Elbow of York Spit buoy, red. No. 2. was changed for the summer from a spar to a first class nun on June 12. Forelga Kxports. Per Italian bark Conquistatore. for Ali cante—l,Bßl pieces pitch pine lumber. $2,300; 105.930 oak staves, sß,2so—Cargo by Ksteve & Cos. Coastwise Exports. Per steamship City of Birmingham, to New York—3B2 bales upland cotton. 100 bales sea ialand cotton. 87 bales domes tic*, 600 bbls cotton eeed oil. 250 bbls rosin, 254 bbls turpentine, 343,356 feet lumber, 13.- 166 melons, 4 turtles, 207 bole* sweepings. 85 bbls fruit, 776 boxes fruit, 156 bbls veg etables. 2.550 erates vegetables, 124 tons Pig iron, 522 boxes seed. 67 cases cigars, 1 pony, 72 baskets fruit, 36 bbls lampblack, 251 pkgs mdse. Per schooner Geo. Taulane. Jr., for Bal timore—374.B37 feet yellow pine lumber— Cargo by Hunting A Cos. Per schooner Rebecca M Walls, for New York -391.943 feet yellow pine lumber.—Car go by Ilirsch A Cos. VESSELS IN PORT. Steamships. Tallahan**, 1.990 tons, Asklns, New York. —Ocean flteamehlp Company. Cltia dt Messina (Ital) 1.6)2 tons, Mesar do; Idg for Genoa—Minis & Cos Arlington (Br), 1,986 tons, Knowles; disc, cargo—Mints & Cos. Barks. Conquistatore (Hal), 599 tons, Trapani; old. Alicante—Btrachan & Cos. Ferruccio 8. (Ital), 646 tons; ldg. n. . Minis A Cos. Msrla del Soccorso (Ital), 507 tons, Scam bamortl; Idg. n. *—Strachan A Cos. Medea <9w). 1,021 ton*. Andersen, ldg. n. *.—Paterson-Downlng Cos. Adel* (Swed). 596 tons, —; ldg. n. s.- Paterson-Downlng Cos. Broderfolkei (Nor), 638 tons, ; ldg. n. s.—Psterson-Downlng Cos. Marl* (Ger). 1.21! tons, disc, ballast.— Strachan A Cos. Ocean steamsiiin Go. -FOR- New York, Boston -AND— THE EAST. Unsurpassed cabin accommodations. AU the comforts of a modern hotal. Eieciri* lights. Unexcelled table. Tickets include meal* and berths aboard ahlp. Passenger Fares irora Savannah. TO NEW YORK-FIRST CABIN, S2O. FIRST CABIN ROUND TRIP. $32; IN TERMEDIATE CABIN. sls; INTERME DIATE CABIN ROUND TRIP, $24. STEERAGE. $lO. TO BOSTON - FIRST CABIN, $22. FIRST CABIN ROUND TRIP. $36, IN TERMEDIATE CABIN. sl7; INTERMB DIATE CABIN ROUND TRIP, $28.00. STEERAGE, $11.75. The express steamships of this 11ns ar* appointed to sell from Savannah, Central (90th) meridian lime, as follows: SAVANNAH TO NEW YORK. TALLAHABSEE, Capt. Asklns, SATUR DAY, June 23, at 2 p. m. CITY OF AUGUSTA. Capt. Daggett,MON DA Y June 26. at 3:30 p. m. NACOOCHEE, Capt. Smith, TUESDAY, June 26, at, 4:30 p. m. CHATTAHOOCHEE, Capi. Leeds. FRI DAY’. June 29, 6 a. m. CITY OF BIRMINGHAM, Capt Burg, SATURDAY. June 30. at 6:00 p. m. TALLAHASSEE, Capt. Asklns, MON DAY, July 2, at S p. m. CITY’ OF AUGUSTA, Capt. Daggett. TUESDAY, July 3. at 9 p. m. NACOOCHEE. Capt. Smith, FRIDAY, July 6, at 11:30 a. m. KANSAS CITY. Capt. Fisher, SATUR DAY, July 7, at 12:30 p. m. CITY OF BIRMINGHAM, Capt. Burg MONDAY, July 9. at 2 p .m. TALLAHASSEE. Capt. Askins, TUES DAY, July 10, at 3 p. m. CITY OF AUGUSTA. Capt. Daggett FRIDAY. July 13. at 5 a. m. NACOOCHEE, Capt Smith, SATURDAY July 14, at 6 p. m. KANSAS CITY, Capt. Fisher, MONDAY July 16, at 8 p. m. CITY OF BIRMINGHAM, Capt. Burg TUESDAY, July 17. at 8 p. m TALLAHASSEE, Capt. Asklns, FRIDAY July 20. at 11:30 a m. CITY OF AUGUSTA, Capt. Daggett SATURDAY. July 21. at 12 noon. NACOOCHEE, Capt. Smith, MONDAY July 23, at 2:30 p. m. KANSAS CITY, Capt. Fisher. TUESDAY July 24. at 3 p. m. CITY OF BIRMINGHAM. Capt Burg FRIDAY, July 27 .at 5 a. m. TALLAHASSEE. Capt. Asklns, SATUR DAY, July 28, at 6 p. m. CITY OF AUGUSTA. Capt. Daggett MONDAY. July 30, at 7 p. m. ' NACOOCHEE, Capt. Smith, TUESDAY July 31. at 8 p. m. 'new YORK TO BOSTON. CITY OF MACON, Capt. Savage WEDNESDAY, June 27, 12:00 noon. CHATTAHOOCHEE Capt. Lewis. MON DAY, July 2. 12:00 noon. CHATTAHOOCHEE. Capt. Lewis. FRI DAY, July 6, 12:00 noon. CITY OF MACON. Capt. Savage WEDNESDAY, July 11, 12:00 noon. CITY OF MACON. Capt. Savage MONDAY, July 16. 12:00 noon. CITY OF MACON. Capt. Savage FRIDAY, July 20. 12:00 noon. CITY OF MACON. Capt. Savage WEDNESDAY, July 25, 12:00 noon CITY OF MACON, Capt. Savage MONDAY, July 30, 12:00 noon. ' This company reserve* tn right to Change its sailings without notice and without liability or accountability thera for. Sailings New York for Savannah dally except Sundays, Mondays and Thursdays 6:00 p. m. W. G. BREWER. City Ticket and Pam*, enear Agent. 107 Bull street. Savannah. Ga. E. W. SMITH. Contracting Freight Agent. Sevannah, Oa. R. G, TRE3BVANT, Agent, Savannah, Gs WALTER HAWKINB, General Agent Traffic Dept, 324 W. Bay street, Jack sonville, Fla. E. H. HINTON, Traffic Manager, Sa vannah. Ga. P. E LK FEVRE, Superintendent New Pier 38. North River. New York. N. T. Norden (Nor), 691 tons; ldg. n. s.—Dahl & Cos. Orion (Nor), 712 ton*, dlac. ballast —Dahl & Cos. Affezione (Ital), 1,019 tons; dlac 1 . ballast.— Dahl * Cos. Record (Nor), 980 tons; Idg. r. a.—Pater eon-Downing Cos. Schooner*. Millie R. Rohanan, 652 tons, Smith; Idg. lumber—Master. Jennie Thomas. 576 tons. Young; ldg. lum ber.—Howard & Cos Harry A. Be wind. 911 tone, Wallace, Idg. lumber.—Master Rebecca M. Walls, s*l tons, Lillie; ldg lumber.—Howard & Cos. John G. Schmidt. 450 tons, Norbury; ldg. lumber.—Howard & Cos. Alice McDonald, 605 tons, Brown; to Id. lumber.—Master Bchooner Geo Taulane, Jr., 385 ton*, Mc- Gee; to Id. lumber.—Howard A Cos. Wm H Swan, 729 ton*, Davidson; disc, ooal.—Howard & Cos. Horace G. Mors*. 415 tona, Hlgbee, ldg. iumk'tr.—Howard & Coy Plant System. of Railways. Trains Operated by 90th Meridian Time—One Hour Slower Than City Time, RRAD DOWN! ' Effective June“l7—9oa“"fi READ UP Jit: Jli 3- 10 } 78~ ~ Nontrand South ’ ' ~23 35 its ;13 j tT~ 6 45p 6 20a 12 lOp 45n 2 ioa CvT Savannah.... Ar 1 50a 7 SSa, 6 lOp 11 10a ; 11 Up 12 16a 11 50a 1 19p ; 10 30aI 6 28a Ar ...Charleston. .. Lv 11 15p 5 50a! 3 lOpj 7 41a| 8 OOp | 7 Ola ...1120;; Ar ..Washington... Lv | 4 30a 307 pi | j....... 1 8 20a I 03a Ar ....Baltimore. .. Lv 2 66a|1.46p| 1 ~| - - Ar ....Philadelphia.. Lv 12 30p 11 33p' |..'■■■■■ 1 i 1 15p. 7 00a Ar ... .New York.... Lv; i 9 25pj 8 55al j j It | W~j 35~| S3 ' | 23-fl Sou Ur H 36~j~ 34 T*2 |1 T 00p OSp 8 06a| 5 26*1 3 l&a Lv ...,8a . \r 1 u.i 12 lba l!Top 11 50a;i0 15a Bop 5 45p;10 50h 7 35a 4 50a Ar . Waycross. .. Lv|'lo 55p| 9 56p| 9 56a; 9 30aj 7M* 12 50a, 9 30p 2 lap 2 15p| 3 1.5, Ar ...Thomasvltle Lv 1 7 00p 7 OOpj 5 4oS| 5 45a 3 25a 10 30Pi 7 40p!12 50(1 9 25a 7 30.i Ar ....Jacksonville. Lv 8 30p| 8 00p| 8 00a' 7 90a| 506 a 1 4 06a 1 0 2 20p 2 20p Ar ...Gainesville... Lv j | 2 40p! j - i ! 3 Mp 3 I6p Ar Coala Lvj| | 1 40p| 8 10a Ift 30p 10 30p 10 SOp Ar .Port Tampa.. T,v | 6 25a, 6 25aj 7 OOp 7 OOp •I 1 1 10a| 1 10a 1 10a Ar ...Puna Oorda.. Lv? I j 4 35p 4 3tp| - i- 10 15a 10 15a Ar Bt. Augustine. Lvjj 6 20pj 6 20p| j . ~ | 6 45p| 3 47a ; 4 50p| 64 a Ar . Jesup Lv|| 8 20ajl0 50p| m| 8.35p| 7 10aJ 6 25p 8 05a Ar Brunswick... Lv|| 6 40aj 9 05p| NORTH, WEST AND SOUTHWEST. 15 | 53 j[ Via Jesup, || 16 (36 15 I 35 ]|Vla Montgomery.|| 1! | It ,5 OOp 5 20a Lv Savannah Ar ;ib iT.’aT2~uti’"'s 00p| 8 ofTu Lv Savannah Ar T ’io”lsa 12‘lfth S 45p| 6 40a||Ar ...Jesup.. Lv|| 8 20:j(10 SOp 8 10aI 9 20[?!Ar M'lgomery Lvj 7 4Sp 8 30a 3 00a| 1 15p||Ar.. Macon . l.v 1 00a| 2 30p 7 10p 6 50a [Ar Nashville Lv| 9 00* 2 21a 5 20a 3 50p,|Ar.. Atlanta .Lv,;io 45pJ12 05p 3 30a, 12 2Sp Ar Louisville Lvj 2 55a 9 12p 9 45a! 8 40|> Ar Cha'nooga L\ 6 05|V 6 45a 7 05a 4 Oap'JAr Cincinnati Lvj 11 OOp 5 46p 7 9)p| 7 50a 1 1 Ar. Louisville Lv 7 45aj 7 45p 7 20a| 7 16pj|Ar St. Louis Lvj 356 p 8 28* 7 OOp, 7 45a Ar Cincicnatl Lv| 8 30a 7 OOp | || (L. A N.) | 7 o|i 60p Ar. Si Louis Lv/ 9 ISp 8 08a 7 32a| .IjAr St. Louis Lvj 8 OOp 7 15aj. 5 lOpljAr.. Chicago .Lv! 1 8 80p| 9 OOpj j| (M. & O.) 6 40a. 4 ii.p Lv. .v’(Tariia — .'Ar l !'lo’3spl’ll’3oa 8 09*| 9 15p!|Ar„ Chicago ,Lv| 7 OCp IMp 8 06pj 7 10a: Ar. Memphns .Lv/ 82- -1 9 OOp -~ 9 46aj 7 10a Ar Kansa -UityLv 6 30p 9 4f>p * 1-P 3 O?- 1 r Mobil* ..Lv| 12 oßp 12 20a (iandi'unmarked .rams, ,i.v.ij . !,P] 7 40*|jAr N, Oriaana i Lv] 7■* tg t Daily except Sunday. j■ 5 00p| 5 20a||Lv Savannah Ar| 10 16a|12 10* 5SunJa y p only. I 1 45a 12 30p Ar.. Ttfton ...Lvl 2 15a 5 20p Through Pullman Sleeping Service 3 45a| ?. 10p Ar.. Albany ..Lv 12 01a 346 p to North. East and West, and lo Florida 1 5 20p!|Ar Columbus Lv) ....... 10 00a ~ FLA N T STE A M BH IP LINE* Mon., Thursday, Sat., 1100 pm Lv Pori Ham pa Ar 330 pm. Tues. fhura., Sun. Tue§., Kri., Sun., 300 pm l Ar Key West Lvj 11 00 prp. Mon., WA, Sa/: Tuw., Erl . Sun., 9 00pm; Lv Key West ArjjlO 00 pm. Mon., Wed., Sat- Wed., Sot., Mon., fiOOam Ar Havana Lvij**2 30 pm. Mon., Wed, Sat, ••Havana time. J il Polhemua, T P t; E \ Armand, I De SotQ Hotel. PhorNpii B, W. WRENN. Traffic Manager. Savannah, Oa. Georgia and Alabama Railway! Passenger Schedules effective June 17, 1900. Trains operated by 90th meridian time—One hour slower than City Time. f!ead i |’f~ rb>aS~~ down II j] UP ■ N0.f9jN0.17 ~ _ liN’o.lß Nfli.N 6 3"|> 7 25a Lv . Savannah ArJ| 8 2Sp| 8 tea 7 ]op s 08a Ar Cuj let Lv/j 7 43pi 7 67 9 ISp. 9 15a Ar Statesboro Lv|| & 16p. 6 00a 8 46 p 9 45h Ar Collins Lvlj 6 o*j>| 6 56* 10 50p 11 4; Ar Helena Lvjj 4 OOp 4 I0 3 03a l Dp Ar Macoh Lv||U 20a|U s3nt 5 *>a 7 35p Ar Atlanta Lv|| 7 50*110 4i|> 9 45a 1 OO.i Ar Chattanooga Lvj| 3 06a' 6 06p 'l2 36p Ar Abbeville Lv|| 3 ISpj. i 8 03p Ar Flizgcruld Lv 12 55p| I 3 SOp Ar Albany Lv/12 OOni 11 3 . 1225nt Ar Blrmlnghain Lv|| | 4 lOp 4 12p: 3 06a Ar Mobile Lvi,l22on<| 8 3(>p 7 l":i Ar Now Orleans I/vll 7 46rt....... 7 SOp 4 06}> Ar Cincinnati Lv;| 13 30a 7 2" i 7 16p Ar Bt. Louis Lvjj j BUp All trains run dally. Magnificent buffet parlor cars on trains 17 and 18. * CONNECTIONS. FT, AT. CUTLER with Savannah and Statesboro Railway. AT COLI.INS with Siillmore Air Line. Also with Collins and Reldevllla Railroad AT HELENA with Southern Railway. AT CORDELE with Georgia Southern and Florida Railway; also with Albany and Northern Railway. AT RICHLAND with Coltimhtts Division. AT MONTGOMERY with Louisville and Nashville and Mobile and Ohio Rail roads. - For rates or any other information call on or address W P.'SCRU.GGS, C P. and T A , Bull and Bryan streets. F. V. FETERSON, T. P. A., Bull and Bryan streets. I A. POPE, General Passenger Agent. CECIL GABBETT. Vice President and General Manager. = IcDONOUGH & BALLANTYNE, Hf Iron Founders, Machinists, itlu.k suit lbs, Itutlcr makers, naniiltctnrrri of Matluu *rj vi. 0 I'uriabla li-aines. Vertical and 1 oi> I’uuula, fU, .“iijf “dV Cara Wills, tu,r Mill and Pans, sua fling, Wallers, -la. TELEPHONE NO. 123. 1 I MERCHANTS ANQ MINERS TRANSPORTATION CO. STEAMSHIP LINES. SAVANNAH TO BALTIMORE. Tickets on (sale at company's offices to the following point* at very low rate*: ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. BALTIMORE. MD. BUFFALO, N. Y. BOSTON, MASS. CHICAGO, ILL. CLEVELAND, O. ERIE. PA. HAGERSTOWN HARRISBURG, PA. HALIFAX, N. S. NIAGARA FALLS. NEW YORK. PHILADELPHIA. PITTSBURG. PROVIDENCE. ROCHESTER. TRENTON WILMINGTON. WASHINGTON. First-class ti kets include meal* and state room berth, Savannah to Baltimore. Accommodations and cuisine unequaled. Freight capacity unlimited; careful han dling and quick dispatch. The steamships of thts company are ap pointed to *ali from Savannah to Balti more as follows (standard lime); D. H. MILgETt. Capt. Peters, SATUR DAY, June 23, 2 p. in. ITASCA, Capt Diggs, TUESDAY, June 26 4 pm ALLEGHANY. Capt. Billups, THURS DAY. June 28. 6 p. m. TEXAS. Capt. Foster, SATURDAY, June 30, 6 j>. m. And from Baltimore Tuesday*. Thurs days and Saturday* at 4 00 p. m. Ticket Office. 39 Bull street. NEWCOMB COHEN, Trav. Agent. J. J. CAROLAN, Agent, Savannah, Ga. W. P. TURNER, G. P. A. A. D. STEBBINS, A.- T M. J. C. WHITNEY, Traffic Manager. General Offices, Baltimore, Md. FRFNCH LINE. COIM6ME GfNERALE TKWimWim DIRECT LINE TO HAVRE—PARIS (Franco) sailing every Thursday at 10 a. m. From Pier No. 42, North Rive;', toot Morton *t 1/Aquitaine .... June 28 La Bretagne July 19 La Touraine . . July 6 LaChami agne July 26 La Gascogne Julv 12 La Touraine Aug 2 Paris hotel accommodations reserved for company's passengers upon application General Agency, 32 Broadway. New York. Messrs. Wilder A Cos. A. U Sherman, 510 ton*, Johnson; Idg lumber.—Master. Josephine Ellicott, 343 tons, Raye; ldg. lumber.—Master. Luther T Garrtitzon, 491 tons, Green; ldg. lumber—Master, Mary B Baird, 811 tons, Cook; ldg. lum ber—Master. —The Boston Transcript tells of a wo man who was o averse to answering the questions of the census enumerator that she moved from one district Into another In order to dodge him. The census work had been completed In the district in which she established her new home, and thus she outwitted the government offi cial, though at considerable cost lo her self. GEORGIA rVco. y tv-hedule* Effective June 10, UOOI Trains arrive at end depart from Central Station, West Broad, Foot ot Liberty street. totb Meridian Time—One hour slower then _ city time. licave “ Irrira Savannah: Savannah! iMacon, Atlanta, Covlng-| •8 4tam |ton, MUledgaville and alll*6 OOpag [lntermediate points. IMillen. Augusta and~lt>| 18 46am|termedlate points. |tt oopaa I Augusta! Macon, Moct-1 1 Iromery. Atlanta, Athena, *f 00pm Columbus, Birmingham, •* OOeag lAmerlcus, Eufaule and |Tybee Special from Au {B ISpm'gusta Sunday only. ||lo 25ata PS 00pm | Dover Accommodation. |l7 ilam t 2 00pmj_ Guyton Dinner TraliT |t4~soprn •Dally. tExcept Sunday. {Sunday ealy, BETWEEN SAVANNAH AND TTBhS 75th meridian or Savannah city time. LEAVE SAVANNAH. Week Days—6:2o a. m , 10.0* a. m., 3:3* p. m . 5:36 p. m.. 6:50 p. m., *:SS p. m. Sundaya—7:4s a. m.. 10:05 a. m.. 11:0* a, m.. 3:36 p. m , u :25 p. m , 6:50 p. m., S:S p. m. LEAVE TYBEE. Week Days—6:oo a. m., 6:00 a. m„ US* a. m.. 6:16 p. m., 7:40 p. m.. 10:10 p. m. Sundays—6:oo a. m , *:36 a. m.. lldO a, m , 1:00 p. m.. 6:50 p. rv. 7:40 p. tn„ 1*:1# p. m. Connection*: made at terminal points with all trains Northwest, West and Southwest. Sleeping cars on night trains betweaa Savannah and Augusta, Macon, Atlanta and Birmingham. Parlor cars on day tralna between Sa ver: nah, Macon and Atlanta. For complete Information, schedules, ratee and connections, apply to. W. G. BREWER, City Ticket and Pass enger Agent. 107 Bull street. y Depot Ticket Agent. J. C. Htll.E General Passenger Agent. E. H HINTON. Traffic Manager THEO. D. KLINE. Gen. Superintendent Savannah f*a. Empty Hogsheads. Empty Molasses Iwgikeali tar sale by C. M. GILBERT & CO. 9