The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, July 03, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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SOUTHSIDE BAPTIST CHURCH. !\EW HOUSE OF WORSHIP WILE BE DEDICATED IX SEPTEMBER. The Church and Parsonage at Bar. and Brady Streets Well Indcr Way— The Building Will Cost About #4.OOO—W 111 Bea ar Neighbor of the Seventh Street Methodist Congregation-New Con. gregntion Has Been Remarkalily Successful in Its Work. Savannah is soon to have another church. The congregation of the South side Baptists, which has been holding services in a building at Whitaker and Fifth streets, recently decided to build a church of its own, and arranged its plans so rapidly and thoroughly that not only a church, but a parsonage also, is al ready under way at the corner of Barnard and Brady streets. The dimensions of the building are 50 by G 2 feet, with a pitch of 23 feet, a trussed roof, and a spire of 80 feet. Galleries will be erected on tjo;h sides of the church at a hight of twelve feet from the floor. The organ loft, which will be at the rear of the pulpit, will be the same hight. The main entrance is at the corner of Barnard and Brady streets. The church and the parsonage will cost about $4,000, a large portion of which has already been raised by the congregation. Work was commenced last Monday. and will be rushed through as fast as possible. The parsonage, of which the frame is already up. will, it is expected, be finished by the end of July, while the church will be ready for occupancy about Sept. 15. Rev. D. S. Edenfield is the present pas tor of the congregation. To his excellent work and the active and unselfish en deavors of his flock is due the present en terprise, which, when completed, will stand as a monument to industry and piety of Which they may well be proud. POLICE BUSINESS PICKED IP. More Arrests Vesterdny Thnn There Have Been for Several Days. The arrests by the police, which have been very few for the past few days, were more nearly the normal number yes terday, though the proportion of white prisoners was in excess of the average, be ing about one-third of the total number brought in. Ben Green, colored, was sent in by De tective J. J. Murphy on the charge of the larceny of some tools. Peter Jenkins, a colored boy 14 years old, was sent in by Policeman T. J. Fer rell on a charge o' cruelty to animals, with the further chaige of cursing a lady, who remonstrated with him, and throwing rocks at her son. Willie McHugh, a colored woman, is thought to be insane. She will appear be fore the recorder this morning and will doubtless be remanded to the Ordinary's Court. J. L. Cosgrove and J. F. Sherwood, two white men, were sent in by Patrolman Russell for taking part in a barrom fight in a house on Congress street. Harry Young and William Jennings, also white, were arrested on a charge of assaulting Fred Freelong. During the afternoon a colored man was picked up by the detectives in the neigh borhood of the market. He is supposed to have been connected with some recent crime in Savannah, but neither the man's name nor the nature of the crime of which he is suspected has been made public. SHOCKED THE ANIMALS. Dug and Cow Knocked Out by Light ning: at Herman Winter'* Place. A lightning rod is not always a good thing to have on a house and Mr. Herman Winter is debating whether or not to con tinue the one which he has attached to his handsome cottage on the Thunderbolt road. During the thunderstorm Sunday a flash of lightning selected Mr. Winter’s lightning rod as the most attractive ob ject on which to light and. as is the nature of lightning, pursued its way down the rod to the earth. At the foot of the chimney, along which the rod runs, was a dog kennel, containing a favorite pup be longing to Mr. Winter. The dog was chained In the kennel with a leather col la' around his neck. As the lightning passed to the ground a porition of the electric fluid was attracted by the chain and gave the pup a. knockout blow from which he has not yet recovered. Only the leather collai arouful his neck saved the dog. Mr. Winter thinks, and this was scorched. I-eaving thekennel the lightning followed a water pipe a distance of about thirty feet to a watering trough where a cow was Just taking a trip. The cow is likely to swear off on water hereafter. She was knocked down and, though not seriously hurt, was a badly surprised animal. The dog did not recover consciousness for sev eral hours and Is still feeling the effects of his shock. The house was not dam aged and the only injury done was to bend the lightning rod to one side. CONVICTIONS IN CITY COURT. Jndge Norwood Sentenced Son Hayri to Pay a Fine of *I,OOO. Judge Norwood tried the misdemeanor offenders of last week in the City Court yesterday afternoon, the hearing having beep postponed from Friday morning. The docket was a long one and the addi tions to the gang more than ordinarily numerous. One little negro, Son Hayes, was fined SI,OOO and costs, with the alternative of a term of twelve months on the chain gang, for taking the horse and wagon of S. S. Harris and driving away with it. Judge Norwood imposed this record sen tence, probably, more ns an example to others than for any effect it would have oji the boy, as a fine of one-twentieth that he received would have been just as difficult for him to meet. Most of the cases tried were for lar ceny of various kind&, the sentences in these cases being from nine to twelve months/on the chaingang. Willie Stew art entered pleas of guilty to two charges and received a sentence of nine months in each case. THE JULY TERM CONVENED. HusincKN .Transacted ty .fudge Fer rlll in C ourt of Ordinary. The July term of the Court of Ordinary convened yesterday morning, and during the day Judge Ferrlil granted the petition of a number of fiduciaries, who had been appointed in his court. Temporary letters of administration upon the estate of Dr. Frank T. Llnco.n were granted to Col. Jordan F. Brooks, who also field an application for perm anent letters of administration. Letters dismissory were granted to John I>. Langhorne, executor of the estate of .lames Potter. Prominent Firm Dissolved The dissolution of the low firm of Charl ton. Mncknll and Anderson was announced in yesterday’s Morning News, Mr. W. O. Chariton retiring. Messrs. Mncknll and Anderson will continue the practice of law together, while Mr. Charlton will have as sociated with him his son. Mr. Richard M. Charlton, wiio has recently been admit ted to the bar. The firm was one of the best known and most successful in the state. The dissolution was by common consen u A BIG LOAN os REALTY. A #95,000 Mortgage ou Property of Salomon C olien'n Entate. Cnc of the largest loans on real estate that has been negotiated in Savannah for many years was made recently by the United States Mortgage and Trust Com pany to the estate of Salomon Cohen. The loan was for $95,000, is to run for ten years, and to interest at the rate of 5 t>°r cent, per armim. The loan was negotiated through Messrs. W. G. & R. C . Harrison, who represent the company in Savannah. The property by which it is secured is as sessed for taxation at something more than SIBB,OOO and the improvements alone are insured for $130,450. It embraces resi dences in almost every sec ion of the city and of almost every description. The loan was mad© for the purpose of discharging existing incumbrances on the property, which bore interest at a hlrher rate than that secured under the terms of the mortgage to the company. The s curl y is, of course, more than ample and the loan is as safe as if the money had been invested n government bonds. The company makes it a prerequisite 10 the investment of its funds in any citv that the city shall show by statistics anl otherwise a healthy and uninterrupted growth. In this sense the fact that it has made large loans in Savannah is in the nature of a compliment. TWENTY' BEFORE RECORDER. A Lively Lot of I'rinoticra in Police Court. Twenty prisoners appeared before the Recorder yesterday morning. Of these the majority were up for petty offenses. The case of Marcus Darr, white, who was arrested on a charge <fc assaulting and cutting Oscar ’McClellan, was continued. Maggie Waldburg, colored, charged with cutting Lizzie Harris, was given the choice between the payment of $lO or spending fifteen days in the lock-up. The Harris woman, who appeared in court as a witness, was held to be equally to blame for the row that ended in the cut ting, and she was given a sentence simi lar to that accorded her assailant. BOTH HELD FOR GRAND JI RV. Potter For \Nsault and Battery and Hill for Assnnlt to Murder. W. J. Potter, who on Saturday assault ed Mr. C. C. Hill, the keeper of Laurel Grove Cemetery, was not tried in the Ttecorder’a Court yesterday, but was turned over to Magistrate M. Naughtin on a warrant of assault and battery, sworn out in his court. Later in the day Potter swore qut a warrant in the court of Magistrate G. No ble Jones, charging Mr. Hill with assault with intent to murder, in having attacked him with a rake. Mr. Hill gave bond for his appearance before the Superior Court. IN THE RAILROAD WORLD. Items of Interent in Savannah and Elsewhere. Mr. Randall Clifton, formerly travel ing pasenger agent of the Sour hern, with headquarters in this city, left Sunday for Washington, where he has been appoint ed chief clerk in the office of the traffic manager. Mr. Clifton came to Savannah only last December, when the Southern opened its office here, but during his comparative short stay*he made very many friends, whose regret at his departure is only tem pered by the knowledge that the new po sition is a promotion and for his material benefit. Vice President S. R. Knott of the Plant System, has returned from the North, and will straighten up his affairs here prior to leaving for the West, July 15. Mr. A. O. McDonell. assistant general passenger agent of the Seaboard Air Line, with the entire force of his department from Jacksonville, passed through the city yesterday on the road to Portsmouth, his future headquarters. Mr. J. J. Puller, passenger clerk of the Georgia and Alabama, left for Portsmouth yesterday with the records of the depart ment. Another of the Georgia and Ala bama officials, Mr, R. O. Carling, car ac countant, likewise left for Portsmouth, where his office has been transferred. CITY BREVITIES. Savannah has one up-to-date hackman at least. John Kelly has notified his pa irons through the columns of the Morning News tha: they can get him at his resi dence at any time over Georgia ’photn 1199. either day or night, and that all or ders given in this manner will receive prompt attention. Shipping Memoranda. Liverpool. July I.—Arrived, steamer Kirriemoor, Pensacola. Antwerp. July I.—Arrived, steamer Han na M. Bell, Pensacola. Gibraltar. June 23.—Sailed, 6teamer Nordpol. Pensacola. Philadelphia. July 2—Arrived, schooner William J. Lipsett, Fernandlna. Rhine and Moselle Wines. The fine French wines in bottles are im ported direct from the well known house of Everest, Dupont & Cos., Bordeaux, France, by Lippman Bros, of this city. Llppman Bros, desire to cal! attention to the St. Julien brand of claret wine, which Is very fine, but quite low-priced. Their Chauteau Leoville is known as one of the finest claret wines imported to the United States. Lippman Bros.’ importations of Rhine wines are certainly worth the attention of connoisseurs. They are from the cele brated wine grower Martin Deutz of Frankfort-on-the-Main, Germany. His Bodenheim Rhine wine is very nice and delicious, but low price. His Marcobrunner Cabinet, from select ed grapes, is well worth the attention of the finest Judges of Rhine wine In the city. His Yohannisburger Cabinet Is very deli cate and rare, and is perfection of win* and the finest of all —ad. A Receiving Teller. A receiving teller at a good bank said that he was about to get sick. He felt tired all time; sleep did not refresh him; felt as if he ought to take vacation. A pharmacist put him on Graybeard and two bottles completely overhauled him and made him about as good as new. Get Graybeard at all drug stores. Gray beard pills ore treasures—23c the box. Respess Drug Cos., Proprietors,—ad. Cider. We have a nice line of elder in bottles, pure and genuine, from the celebrated establishment of Mott & Cos., of New 'xile Russet Cider and the Crab Apple Cider are very good. Lippman Bros., cor ner Congress and Barnard streets, Sa vannah, Ga.—ad. _ —Special trains on the Siberian Railroad certainly possess everything for the com fort of travelers. There Is a library, piano, writing conveniences, barber shop, gym nasium Ice water, hot water, dials which Indicate the next station and the length of the stop, double windows to protect ihe passengers from .lust and the extreme Si berian Void, and an observation car at the i-. ar There is no charge for medical at tendance. but baths cost *l. There are attendants on the train speaking English, French and German. The time front St. Petersburg to Irkutsk is seven days. THE MORNING NEWS: TUESDAY, JULY J, 1900. WM Naim Bose? Home is made by the. family. With out the love which comes with children there may be a house but never a home, iu the best meaning of the word. Many a house which was only four walls and a roof has been made a home by the agency of Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescrip tion. Nature sets her face against child lessness and " Favorite Prescription ” works with nature to remove the ob stacles to maternity. " I had been a sufferer from uterine trouble for about three years, having two iu that time anti the doctors that I consulted said I would have to go through an operation before I could give birth to children,” writes Mrs. Blanche E. Evans, of Parsons, Luzerne Cos., Pa.. Box 41. "When about to give up iu despair, I bought a bottle of Dr. Pierce s Favorite Prescrip tion and after taking it felt better than I had for years, Kelt improved before I had taken one- Jnalf bottle. After taking four and a half bottles T gave birth to a bright baby girl who is now four months old and has not'had a day of sick ness. She is as bright as can he. I cannot say too much in praise of Dr. Pierce s Favorite Prescription.” Dr. Pierce’s Medical Adviser a work for every woman is sent free on receipt of stamps to pay cost of mailing only. Send 21 one-cent stamps for paper cov ered book or 31 stamps for cloth covered to Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS. PERSONAL* next week; a finger ring, a watch or a bracelet was mentioned; U— know ehe is sensible, does not expect U to pay for the box, even if Bifeny's name is on; so for moderate price, guaranteed quality, visit the retiring-out sale of Fegeas, ?S Kast Broughton street; hair, jewelry and shaving supply house; U will be surprised how big your sss look there, and how small end shrunken they made U feel In the other place. 'notice, dressmakers and tailors, A. A. High, class Bostonian la dies’ tailor, will teach you the making and cutting of ladies’ tailoring business at moderate prices, for 20 days only. Ad dress Professor, this office. RAZORS, THVIvRY BEST; EVER\ r one guaranteed; try one. Get it at Gord ner’s Bazaar. ""ART - M ETAL "STOOLS, CHAIRS’ AN D tables for up-to-date confestiorvers, drug stores and restaurants. C. I*. Miller, Agt. "ENGLISH FOLDING GO-CARTS, something new, for the babies; can be taken on street cars. C. P. Miller, Agrt. HAMMOCKS,’ HAMMOCKS" CHEAP ones; nice ones; fine ones; closing them out cheap this week. C. P. Miller, Agent, 207 Broughton, west. “FINE RICEFIELD I AMB AT ker's,” every day; best of all other meats in market. CASH BUYERS’ PICNIC EVERYDAY this week; our large stock must be re duced, and we will exchange it cheap for cash. C. P. Miller, Agent, 207 Broughton, west. “RING “UP 2464 IF~ YOU WANT TO have your furniture moved or packed for shipment or storage; I guarantee prices the same as I do the work that s given to me. A. S. Griffin, 314 Broughton street, west; mattresses made to order. “iF ITS RUGS YOU WANT, YOU~CAN get them cheaper from McGillis. 'flowers. floraiTdesigns. RUE ber plants, pandanus, palms, gloxinias. Leave your address at Gardner s Bazaar, agent for Oelschig’s Nursery. “BALDWIN DRY AIR REFRIGERA _ - tors, still in #he lead; also full line of ice boxes, from $3 up. C. P. Miller, Agent, 207 Broughton, west. "MILLERS AWNINGS GIVE SAT I re faction ; you had better get our estimate and let us put you up one at once. C. P. Miller, Agent, 207 Broughton, west. WATERCOOLERS, ALL SIZES, FROM SI.OO up. C. P. Miller, Agent, 207 Brough ton, west. M’GILLIS SELLS SIXTY-INCH RUGS —Smyrna patterns—for 99 cents. WEDDING PRESENTS. SCHOOL presents, presents of ail kinds; large va rieties at low prices. C. P. Miller, agent, 207 Broughton, west. "M’GILLFs IS'CHEAP ON RUGS, NETS, lace curtains, hammocks, water coolers, pillows, pictures, stoves, bedroom suites, and furniture of every description. MOSQUITO NETS, 98 CENTS, AND up; all grades of American Imported lace with best fixtures, at reasonable prices. C. P. Miller, Agent, 207 Broughton, west. "ATLAS AND MAP"OF THE SEAT Of' war in China. At Gardner’s Bazaar. M’GILLIS’ LACE CURTAINS beautify your parlor. WHEN TOU SEE" M’GILL I S’~S IX TY - inch 99 cents rugs, you will buy them. Just can’t help it; will sell In any quan tlty. "FURNITURE MOVED WITH CARE," is a specialty with McGlllis. M’GILLIS MOVES, ~ PACKS. SHIPS and stores pianos and furniture; best work only; no ’’Cheap-John” prices—no "Cheap- John" Jobs. MEDICAL. DR. J. H. HEFLIN OF LOCUST Grove, Ga., who treats opium, morphine anl all drug habits successfully, will be here for several days; those wishing to see or consult him will call or addres him at Marshall Hotel. LADIES! CHICHESTER’S ENGLISH Pennyroyal Pills are the best. Safe, re liable. Take no other. Send 4c. stamps for particulars. "Relief for Ladles," In letter by return mall. Ask your druggist. Chichester Chemical Cos.. Phllade.. Fa. HOW ARM YOUR FEETT IF TOUR feet are troubling you. call on me and I will give you telief; I cure Ingrowing nail*, corns and nil diseases of the feet without pain; charges reasonable; can give the best references in the city; patients treat ed at residences; orders can be left t Uv ingston’s drug store. Bull and Congress streets; telephone 293. l-*m Davis, sur rM"tf. .. ■ ■ 1 1 1,1 HELft* WAXTED-3I ALE. sea ISLAND COTTON; ENGLISH commission house wants reliable shipper (Carollnas, Floridan and Georgias); must furnish guarantees. Address Secretary, Manchester Cotton Association, Manches ter, England. WANTED?"OFFICE BOY, H~"TO~13 years old. Apply own handwriting P. O. Box 368. WANTED. STEAM SHOVEL ENG IX eer. Apply at Pulaski House, eight o’clock to-night. A GOOD, ALL-ROUND OUTSIDE man to work 111 (be loan business; one with some experience in Installment col lecting and willing to work; this Is a good opening to the right man. Apply in own handwriting any day during this week, E. L. C\. care Morning News of 4c* HELP W.DTBlk— MALE. 'TTDGostC^neAvho^cajCread quickly; must leave city. Address, with full particulars, Theatrical, care News. IILLI' \t~AN 1 bU-lkM Al.h. SEAMSTRESS WANTED. 109 LIBER ty street, east, basement. WANTED, A WHITE WOMAN TO DO fine washing. Apply at once Savannah Steam Laundry, Lumber and Margaret streets. GOOD COOK. NEAT AND TIDY; bring references. 303 Gwinnett street, west. EX PE'RIKNCED HA NDS CAN GET employment at E. & W. Laundry, 712 An derson, west. WANTED, A APPLY AT 537 East Broughton street. AGENTS W ASTED. 'AGENTsTTLALEYNirFEMALErBEST seller on earth; Just out; sold In every house; big profits; seels itself. Weldon, 27 William street, New York. THE~GREATEST SELLER for four months is "Life and Speeches of Bryan;’* life written by Mrs. Bryan; speeches revised by Mr. Bryan; beautiful ly illustrated; freight paid; outfit free; send 25 cents for mailing. Address quick, R. H. Woodward, Baltimore. $2,500 CAN BE MADE DURING NEXT six months by hustling agents handling our white and fancy Rubber Collars. Cuffs, Bosoms, Neckties, Patented, guaranteed goods. Special plan for stamp. M. &. M. Mfg. Cos., Springfield, Mass. EMPLOYMENT WANTED. """wanted! position """as bXr tender by an experienced white man; best of references. Address Bar, care Morn ing News, Savannah, Ga, WANTEDI—MISCELLANEOUS. 1 —MISCELLANEOUS. SEA ISLAND COTTOn7~AGENCY wanted by English firm for sale of Caro linas, Floridas and Georgias; good con nection with fine spinning trade. Address Secretary, Manchester Cotton Association, Manchester, England. “IF YOtr WANT A PLACE TO DUMP earth, dirt, sand, manure, etc., free of charge. Just at city limits, hauling over hard road, write or telephone Brown Bros., corner Anderson and East Broad streets. “WA NT E dTON EIILNDRED THOU sand feet cheap cypress lumber for cash; any kind will do. J. H. Thompson, 426 Bay, east. EARTH,“SAND, MANURE! - PARTIEB making excavations and other having earth, sand, manure, etc., can find a place to haul and dump it within city limits; (good hard road to the place), by addressing or calling on Brown Bros., corner Anderson and East Broad streets; telephone 1103. FOR KENT—ROOMS. FOR RENT, NEATLY FURNISHED rooms; gas; convenient to bath. 305 Lib erty', east. NICELY FURNISHED SOUTH rooms; all conveniences.' 308 Barnard street, near Liberty. FOR r.ENI- HOUSES. several houses! Gaston, Montgomery, Alice street, with all modern Improvements. Apply 10 Aber corn street. S. Reynolds, agent. “FOR RENT, FROM OCT.” I THREE story brick residence. 312 Liberty street, east; 11 rooms with all modern Improve ments. Apply McDonough & Ballantyne e Foundry. “for rent; ver y desirable seven-room house, southwest corner of Eighth and Lincoln streets; unexptrod lease to Oct. 1 at reduced rate; can be re-leased; possession immediate. R. S. Claghorn, Bryan street, east. ""FOR" RENT. FROM OCT 1, NOS. 407 and 409 Park avenue, east, $25. per month each. P. A. Waring. P. O. ■"FOR-RENT, 313 OGLETHORPE AVE nue, west, cheap until Oct, 1. M. S. Ba ker, agent. FOR RENT—STORKS. STORE FOR RENT AT 117 BROUGH ton street, east; possession immediately. Apply A. Wylly, 12 Bryan street, east. ""FOR RENT, THAT DESIRABLE store and warehouse formerly occupied by George W. Tiedeman & Bro., corner Bay and Montgomery street; in perfect order and condition; right rent to right tenant; possession can be given immedi ately. Est. Salomon Cohen, corner West Broad and Broughton streets. FOR It ENT—MISCELLA.YHOtS. FLAT CONNECTING ROOMS, FIRST floor; large hall third floor, suitable for any purpose. John Lyons. FOR SALE—HEAL ESTATE. AUCTION SALE TO-DAY. THE sale of lots at auction, Col linsville, begins to-day at five o'clock. Some of (he best lots at $23 cash, $5 a month 1 . Good houses SSO cash. $25 a month. Don't fail to attend this sale. It begins corner Waldburg and Ott, at five o'clock. John L. Archer. FOR SA I.E, THOSE LOTS ON NINTH street, near East Broad, have only been sold to first-class parties, who will make good neighbors; and none other can buy. The terms are very easy, and they are cheaper than any other in the vicinity. C. H. Dorsett. "auction - sale tcTday." THE sale of lots at auction, Col linsville. begins to-day at five o’clock. Some of the best lots at $25 cash, $5 a month. Good houses SSO cash, $25 a month. Don’t fail to attend this sale. It begins corner Waldburg and Ott, at five o’clock. John L. Archer. FOR SALE, LOTS ON NINTH STREET near East Broad, no city taxes, at $206 each; twenty-five dollars cash, and easy monthly payments. C. H. Dorsett. AUCTION SALE TO-DAY? THE gale of lots at auction, Col linsville, begins to-day at live o'clock. Some of the best lots at $25 cash, $5 a month. Good houses SSO cash, $23 a month. Don’t fail to attend this sale. It begins corner Waldburg and Ott, at five o’clock. John L. Archer. FOR SALE, LOTSON NINTH~NEAR East Broad, at S2OO each; will soon be advanced to $223; when a lot has been paid for I can arrange to get a home built. C. H Dorsett. "AUCTION SALE" TO-DAY. - THE sale of lots at auction, Col linsville, begins to-day at five o'clock. Some of the best lots at $25 cash, $3 a month. Good houses SSO cash. $25 a month. Don't fall to attend this sale. It begins corner Waldburg and Ott, at five o’clock. John L. Archer. RESIDENCES AND BUILDING LOTS for sale all over the city. Robert H. Tat< m, real estate dealer, No. 7 York street, west. AUCTION SALE TO-DAY! ™ THE sale of lota at auction, Col linsville, begins to-day at five o’clock. Seme of the best lots at $25 cash, $5 a month. Good houses ssn cash. $25 a month. Don't fail to attend this sale. It begins corner Waldburg and Ott, at five o’clock. John L. Archer. FOR SALE. A LOT FOR TWO HUN rd dollars: eaiy (arms, on Ninth streal near East Broad; no dly taxation C. H. Dorselt. ■■ i for sale—miscellaneous. FIHL PROOF low pries; all In stock in ID* honored , five thousand oounda. Apply Llppata* ro* FUR SALL-UUUkLI^NkOU. ~"fOr"'saLe! TWO~BGCEEx[ TWoT feet and one 3-feet, upright show cases, and several four and live feet low cases; very cheap and In quantities desired, at Persse's Drug Stores, corner Henry and Abercorn and corner Whitaker and Tay lor streets. SLOOP-RIGGED YACHT FORTY feet, finely furnished, good condition; cost seven hundred dollars; will sell or ex change for something equal value. Ad dress Yachting, care News. FOR SALE. CHEAP, ONE MARBLE top bedroom suit. Call at No. 9 Berrien street, Tuesday. PIANO FOR SALE AT FACTORY price; new; best make; something ele gant. Address Angelus, Morning News. for sale T -second" hand elec trlc elevator machinery; good condition. Savannah Electric Company, 40 Drayton. FOR SALE. A FINE DAIRY AND trucking business, will sell each separ ately or together. For full particulars and Information apply to J. F. or C. W Pldcock, Moultrie, Georgia. ASH_ AND CYPRESS LUMBER - FOR sole— feet of ash suitable for wheel wrights, carriage makers, car works and interior house finish. Also cypress lumber of all sizes. We have resumed cutting our famous brands of cypress shingles and will soon have a full line of them for sale. Vale Royal Manufacturing Company. FOR SALE, AN ELEGANT PHAETON •nd large carriage, second-hand; will be •old cheso: one Is by Brewster nd lb DO ‘*> makers in the United State* Llppman Brc* whole sale druggists. Savannah, Ga. LOST AND FOUND. LOST. STRAYED OR STOLEN, from place about thirteen miles from Savannah, on Ogeechee road,, one gray mare, about four years old; mark as If made by hot wire across rear of left front foot. Just above the hoof. Ten dollars re ward will be paid for recovery by J, E. My rlck, No. 4 Bryan street, east. "LOST; SMALL " JERSEY COW, NO marks or brand. Reward paid to deliver, 2506 Barnard street. MOAKDIiI*. gentlemen can get board and rooms In a private family. Apply at N. W. corner Anderson and Whitaker streets. “SEVERA L YOUNG GENTLEMEN can secure rooms and good board at $16.00 per month. Tattnall street, third door from Liberty. BOARD; LARGE, FRONT SOUTH rooms, with gbod table board. 212 West Jones street. MISCELLANEOUS. ELECTRO PLATING, ELECTRIC RE pairing, contracting and construction. Sa vannah Electric Company, 40 Drayton. ELECTRIC" SUPPLIES, DYNAMOS, motors, fans, bells, lights installed. vannah Electric Company, 40 Drayton. SITIONS SECURED ~ ByActiVe,Vide ayalf Young Men Women Vljo our practical pICHMONQv j "business { COLLEGES.! : .Send for Gstialyue' < (/a/ LEGAL SALES. CITY MARSHAL’S SALE. City Marshal's Office, Savannah, Ga., June 5, 1910.—Under and by virtue of exe cutions for real estate for the year 1899. p aced in my hands by C. S. Hardee, city treasurer, 1 will sell, as required by the city ordinance, before the Court House. In the city of Savannah, county of Chat ham, state of Georgia, between the law ful hours of sale, on the first Tuesday In July, 1900, the following property (lot and Improvements thereon), lo wit: Each piece of property (lot and Improvements there on) levied on as the property of the per son or persons whose name or names im mediately precede the description; all of the said property (lot and Improvements thereon) situate, lying and being In the city of Savannah, county of Chatham, stale of Georgia: A. Jennie P. Archer, lot No. 171, Dasher ward. John L. Archer, lot No. 9, Schley ward. B. Benevolent Sisters of Charity, lot No. 3, sub-division lot No. 24, Robertsville ward. C. E. broughton, west part of lot No. 40. and east part of lot No. 41, Lee ward. Wm. Brown, trustee, south half of lot No. 54, Johnston ward. Mary But timer, one-fifth of lot No. 33, Jones ward. Patrick Buttlmer, lot No. 7, Crawford ward, east. C. Frankie Calden, lot 28, Haywood ward. Edward Carter, east half of lot No. 19, and lot No. 20. Thomas ward Mrs. L. A. Coekshutt, west half of lot No. 14, Troup ward. J. A. Cohen, improvements on lot No. 14. sub-dlvlslon lots No. 53 and 54, South Oglethorpe ward. Charles Coles. lot No. 19. Law ward. J. P. Cohen, Improvements on lot No. 18, Gllraervllle ward. D. Samuel Daniels, west half of lot No. 9, Marshall ward. Lewis A. Davis, lot No. 89. Telfair ward. Rachael Dillon, lot No. 1, Liberty ward. E. Jane Edwards, lot No. 45, Southvllle ward. . F. G. W. Farles, trustee, west half of lot No. 2, Laßoche tylh ng, Heathcote ward. Est. Anna G. Fink, nor;h half of lots No. 39 and 40, Elbert ward. Sylvia Fleming, lot No. 21, Southvllle ward. ’ H. Est. Henry Hamilton, Improvements on lot No. 25, Minis ward. Bridget Hanley, cast half of lot No. 23, North Oglethorpe ward. Ohas. J. Harris, lot No. 61, Johnston ward. Est. A S. Hartrldge, lots No. 19 and 21, Law ward. Gazaway Hartrldge, west, half of tract, Davis ward, between Price and Eaat Broad streets. Solomon T. Herb, north middle part of lot No. 1 6 Lee ward. Susan M. Houston. Mlley Curry, trustee, lot L, sub-division tract 19, Law ward. J. Mary A Jackson and Anna B. Chis holm, east half of lot No. 7, Frederick ty thlng. Derby ward. Mary A. Jackson and others, undivided Ihree-fonrths interests In west half of lot No 7. Frederick ty:hing Derby ward. Est. Elijah Joms, torth half of lot No. 101 Brownsville ward. Est. Hezeklah Jones, south half of lot No. 101, Brownsville ward. L. James L. Lewis, lot No. 6, Haywood ward. Lizzie Lock, lot No. 6. sub-dlvlslon lots Nos. 26 to 29. North Oglethorpe ward. Abram Logan, lot No. 14, Haywood ward. Gaston L. Lord, west half of lot No. 62, While watd. Helen M. Lovering, west half of lot No. 6, Crawford ward. LEGAL SALES. Mrs. D. B. Lunday, west half of lot No. 46. Lester ward. M Charles Meitzler, trustee, east half of lot No. 36. Franklin ward. Jane E. Millet, lot No. 55, Southvtlle ward. James J. Monahan, east part of east half of lot No. 1. Magazine ward. Estate Jackson Morrison, south half of lot No. 2, Swoll ward. Mo. Ann McCarthy, lots Nos. 1 and 2, Padel ford ward. John McLaughlin, trustee, middle part of lot No. I, Crawford ward, east. N. Helen M. Neve, trustee, west half of west half of lot No. 6. South Oglethorpe ward. P. Daniel G. Purse, lots Nos. 87 and 88, Johnston ward. 3. Savannah. Thunderbolt and Isle or Hope Railroad, lot A, Johnston ward. Estate J. M. Schley, Marian A. Schley, executrix, lots Nos. 11 to 27, Schley ward. Eliza M. Slevors. lot No. 15, Berry ward. John Smith, lot No. 8, sub-dlvtslon lots Nos. 79, 82. 83. 85, 86. Choctaw w-ard. Elizabeth Sj>ann, lot No. 59, Southvtlle ward. John A. Staley, trustee, northeast part of lot No. 24, Elbert ward. Fannie Stiles, lot No. 106, Schley ward. Estate D. P. Sullivan, one-fifth of lot No. 23, Jones ward. W. Julia Walker, lot No. 2. sub-division part of section A, lot No, 5, Demere ward. Estate Michael Walsh, lot No. 14, Choc taw ward. David Waters, west half of lot No. 3, Law- ward. Jane Watson, lot No. 31, Haywood ward. Estate John White, lot No. 7, sub-divis ion lots Nos. 55 to 60, Screven ward. Solomons Williams, lot No. 10. sub-divle lon lots No. 71, 74, 75, 78, Choctaw ward. Y. C. Easton Yonge, trustee, lot No. 34, Es tlll ward. Susan Young, lot No. 15, sub-dlvtslon lots Nos. 16, 17, 18, Screven ward. Terms cash, purchaser paying for title and stamps. JOHN POWER, _ City Marshal. CITY MARSHAL’S SALE " City Marshal’s Office. Savannah, Ga . June 5, 1900.—Under and by virtue of ex ecutions for paving, laying, repairing or curbing sidewalks, placed in my hands by C. S. Hardee, city treasurer. I will sell, as required by the city ordinance, before the Court House, in the city of Savannah, county of Chatham, state of Georgia, be tween the lawful hours of sale, on the First Tuesday In July, 1900, the following property (lot and improvements thereon), to wit: Each piece of pro|>eriy (lot and Improvements thereon) levied on as the property of the person or persons whose name or names Immediately precede the description; all of the said property (lot and Improvements thereon) situate, lying and being In the city of Savannah, county of Chatham, state of Georgia: D. Amelia T. Drayton, lot No. 18. Estlll ward. F. Mrs. Mary Feeley, lot No. 9, Liberty ward. 'Mrs. Mary Feeley, lot No. 8, Liberty ward. G. John F. Glatlgny, tract Thomas ward. M. C. Madison, Improvement on southeast part of lot No. 20, Oilmerville ward. Me. Annie AlcGuire. east part three-tenths of lot No. 5, and west part three-tenths of lot No. 4, North Oglethorpe ward. Annie McGuire, part of lot No. 28, North Oglethorpe ward. T. Ellen Teynac and Carrie L. Gould, tract hi Wadley ward. Terms, cash; purchaser paying for title and stamps. , JOHN POWER, City Marshal. CITY MARSHAL'S SAIIT City Marshal's Office, Savannah, Ga., July 2, 1900.—Under and by virtue of tax executions placed in my hands by C. S. Hardee, City Treasurer, In the ease of the City of Savannah vs. Samuel Kalmenovitz. I have levied, the twenty-seventh day of June, 1900, upon the following described personal property, 10-wit: Lot No, I—l 6 pairs of pants. Lot No. 2—16 pairs of pants. Lot No. 3—23 pairs of pants. Lot N0.4—22 pairs of pants. Lot No. 5—16 pairs of pants. Lot No. 6—36 pairs of overalls. Ix*t No. 7—12 sack coats and overalls. Lot No. B—l 2 pairs knee pants. Ix>t No. 9—lß skirts. Lot No. 10—6 calico wrappers. Lot No. 11—9 colored woolen shirts. Lot No. 12—12 white bosom shirts. Lot No. 13—7 child's Jackets. Lot No. 14-12 hats. Lot No. 15—5 pairs of shoes. Lot No. 16—6 p:itr3 of shoe*. And under and by virtue of said Tax Ex ecution I will offer the said above desiYlb ed personal property before the Court House df>or, In the City of Savannah, Chatham County, Georgia, on TUESDAY, Ihe SEVENTH DAY OF AUGUST, 1900, during the legll hours of sale, to satisfy said Tax Executions. Terms, cash. JOHN POWER, City Marshal. LEGAL NOTICEST ' "gKORGiX cThaTHAM COUNTY— Whereaa, Emma L. Elnley has applied to Court of Ordinary for letters dismissory as guardian of the property of Elsie and Nina Smith, minors. i These are, therefore, to cite and ndmon- \ Ish all whom It may concern to be and appear before said court to make ob jection (if any they have) on or before the first Monday in August next, other wise said letters wifi be granted. Witness the Honorable Hampton L. Fer rill, ordinary for Chatham county, this the 2nd day of July, 1900. FRANK E. KEILBAC H. Clerk Court Ordinary C. Cos. COMFORT For your stock. The fly season Is now os us and the time lo usa Tough on Flies, a lotion when applied will prevent your horses and cattle from being pestered. Try It and be convinced. HAY, GRAIN. BRAN, COW FEEDk CHICKEN FEED, etc. T. J. DAVIS. Phone 223. 113 Bay street, wst se AL FW Gentlemen who have stout, fleshu feet we ask to kindlu call and examine our SDeclaltu for them, Whu wear a clumsu looking shoe when we can dress uour feet in a neat, stulish and same time com fortable shoe at as small a price as uou pau for the or dinaru kind? This is a special last and must b 8 seen to be appreciated, No one else has it. Come to-dau. GEIL & QUINT f HONE 620 205 BROUGHTON, WEST, AUCTION SALES THIS DAY. TTinTcorneOesidenceT HENRY AND ABERCORN. AT AUCTION. C. H. DORSETT, Auctioneer, Will sell kt the Court House, during the usual hours of sale, on TUESDAY, July S. 1900, The eastern half of lot No. 12 Cuthbert ward, situated on the northwest corner of Henry and Abercorn streets, having a front of 30 feet by 105 feet to the lane. The Improvements consist of a com fortable. well arranged reoidence on the corner of the streets, and a sunny cottage facing Abercorn street on the corner of tl>e lane. This is a fine location for a residence or for business. A FINE LOT ON HENRY STREET AT AUCTION. C. 11. DORSETT, Auctioneer, Will sell at the Court House, during the usual hours of sale, on TUESDAY, July 3, Lot No. 4, being a subdivision of lot* 13. 14, 15 and 16 Wylly ward, said sub division having a southern front ou Henry street of 25 feet and a rectangular depth to a lane of 105 feet, with the Improve ments, which consists of a one-story cot tage. Said property is on the north side of Henry, between Montgomery and West Broad. FOR SALE AT AUCTIOiI. AN ATTRACTIVE INVESTMENT IV REALTY, July 3d, at the Court House, at eleven o’clock. I will sell to the highest and best bidder the following described property, purchaser paying for titles. Terms cash: Lots Nos. 4 n •) 5, Jones ward, and im provements consisting of three one-utory and one two-story house, bringing rental of (S2B) Twenty-eight Dollars per month. Said houses are known as Nos. 230, 232, 234 and 236 Reynolds street; lot 120 feet front by 80 feet deep, more or lees; and also lot No. 13 Jones ward and improve ments. lot 60x70. with two-story houses, known as Nos. 223 and 225 Arnold street, under rental of sl6 per month. E. G. BLACK, Auctioneer. NICE YAMACRAW PROPERTY AT AUC TION. I. D. I.aROf'IIK, Auctioneer. On Tuesday, the third day of July, 1909, before the Court House door, I will sell at 11 o’clock, that fine property situated on the southeast corner West Boundary and Indian street l ine, consisting of store and dwelling on Ihe corner and two-story residence to the east. This Is one of the best business locations In city. LEGAL SALES. CITY M ARBH AjT'S SA LE\ City Marshal's Office. Bavannah. Ga., June 5, 1900. Under and by virtue of exe cution for paving WHEATON STREET placed In my hands by C. S. Hardee, city treasurer. I will sell, as re quired by city ordinance, before the court house. In the city of Savannah, coun ty of Chatham, state of Georgia, between the lawful hours of sale, on ihe FIRST TUESDAY IN JULY, 1900, the following property (lot and improvements thereon), to-wit: Each piece of property (lot anJ improvements thereon), levied on as the property of the person or persons whose name or names Immediately precede the description: all of the said property (lot and Improvements thereon) situate, lying and being in the city of Savannah, coun ty of Chatham, state of Georgia; Henry McAlpln, lota Nos. 1,2, .3,4, 5,6, 7. Johnston ward. Terms cash; purchaser paying for title and stamps. i JOHN POWER, City Marshal. CITY MARSHALS SALE. City Marshal’s Office, Savannah, Ga., June 5. 1900—Under and by virtue of exe cutions for paving SOUTH BIROAD STREET, placed in my hands by C. S. Haa-dee, city treasurer, I will sell, us re quired by city ordinance, Ivifore the court house, In the city of Savannah, county of Chatham, state of Georgia, between tha lawful hours of gale, on the FIRST TUESDAY in JULY, 1900, the following property (lot and Improvements thereon), to-wit: Each piece of property (lot and Improvements thereon) levied on as tha property of the. person or persons whose name or names immediately precede the description; all of the said property (lot and lmprov *ment thereon) situate, lying and being In the city of Savannah, county Chatham, state of Georgia: Children of Caroline Miller, lot No. 9, Belytha tything, Heathcote ward. Terms cash; purchaser paying for tltla and stamps. JOHN POWER, City Marshal. CHATHAM SHERIFF SALE. * STATE OF GEORGIA, CHATHAM COUNTY.—Under and by virtue of a fl. fa. Issued out of Chatham Superior Court In favor of George W. Allen vs. John T. Rowland, I have levied upon the following described property of the de fendant to-wit: All that certain lot of land situate, lying and being in the said state and county, and known as Lot Let ter “A" In a map or plan of the subdivis ion of the five (3) acre tract of land, known as lot number three (3), of the estate of Barrington King, made by J. Deßruyn Kops, Jr., on May 5, 1889; said Lot Letter "A" being bounded as follows: North, by Pearl street; east, by lot number fourteen (14); south, by Lot Letter ”B,” and west, by lot number eleven (11), and containing a front of fifty (50) feet on Pearl street, and a depth of eighty-three (83) feet and or.e-half. And I will offer the said above property of the defendant for sale, at pub lic outcry, before the Court House door of Chatham county. In the city of Savan nah, on the first Tuesday in July. 1906. during the frgal hours of sale, to satis fy said fl. fa. Terms, cash, purchasers paying for titles. T. J. SWEENY, Sheriff C. C., Ga. CHATHAM SHERIFF’S SALE STATE OF GEORGIA, CHATHAM COUNTY—Sheriff’s Office, Savannah Ga. —Under and by virtue of a fl. fa.. Issued out of the Superior Court of Chatham county In favor of Allen D. Candler, against A. H. Moore, J. W. Teeple and S. H. Houcks, I did on March 8, 1900, levy upon the stock and fixtures of J. W. Tee ple. consisting of furniture, carpet*, stoves, and other household effects, and I will offer them for sale before the court house door of said county on. the FIRST TUESDAY IN JULY, being the third dry of July, 19(Si. between the usual hours of sale, to satisfy said fl. fa. Said Block and fixtures, consisting of furniture, etc., are now located and stored In the stores. Nos. 315 and 319 Broughton street, west. In tha city of Savannah, Ga. Terms cash. T. J. SWEENY. Sheriff Chatham Cos. 3