The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, July 04, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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2 DAMAGE TO GEORGIA CROPS. THE WEATHKH Bl BF.AI REPORTS l ro\ TUB INJI RIBS. Condition)* Ilnvp Bcpd Most I nfnvor nhlp— nonblfnl if Crop* In the I.owlnndn tan Recover—Only a Few of the Southern I'ounties Have Any thins I.lke Fair Pro lieets —Farmer*, Wit It flood Rea son. ire l)lponrnnril. 1 Atlanta. July 3.-The cron report issued to-day by the weather bureau shows con ditions to be most unfavorable. It is said to be doubtful if crop* on the lowlands ran recover. <7OIIOO, earl> fruits and melons have suffered scriou- y, and bottom cane is aii to be ruined in many fields. A summary of the report follows: "The crops situation shows little or no Improvement, and the general conditions are slid regarded as being most unfavor able. except in a very few of the Southern counties, where the June rains were rot abnormal. Frequent rains were general throughout the central and northern counties, until the latter part of the week. But in parts of southern sections, almost a wrek of fair weather obtained, permitting some work in cleaning ctops A week or two of favorable weather, all over the would help matters some what, although it is doubtful if many crops on lowlands can recover. Cotton ha,- suffered seriously from lice rust and grass. Early fruirs and melons are injured to a considerable extent, .and grains are badly damaged in the fields. Upland corn is doing well in the middle and southern counties and bids fair to be a fine crop. Rot ton corn, however, is ruin ed on many fields. The outlook is indeed gloomy and fanners are, with r ason. discouraged." (iiIMIRAI. ( nor t o>ditio\s. Hrport* From the Sontliorn Stntes Show Too Mnoh Ha in. Washington, July 3—Heavy rains have fallen over a large portion of the South Atlantic, Central end East Gulf stares. Tennessee and Ohio valleys, which dis tricts suffered much from excessive moist ure in the previous week. In the Souther states, oats in shock have sustained much damage as a result of heavy rains, which have also injured the unharvested crop in the Central Mississip pi and Ohio valleys. Over nearly the whole of central and eastern portions of the cotton belt the weather has been very unfavorable to cotton, which is largely overrun with grass and we*ds, some fields in Mississippi and South Carolina having been abandoned. In North Carolina, Florida and on uplands ii> Tennessee the rendition of the crop is more favorable. In Texas it is generally clean and making good growtn, although very irregular, and is needing rain over the central and western part of the state. Tobacco needs rain in Maryland, but the general condition of the cron in the other tobacco states is very promising, except in Western Kentucky and portions of Ten nessee, where it has been damaged by heavy rains. WITHOIT A W ATER SII’PLV. Atlanta Will Hair Repair* Mrnlr on Pumping BilKinra, Atlanta, Ga., July 3. —Atlanta will he at the mercy of possible flames for twenty four hours, beginning to-night at 11 o'clock. From then until the same hour to-morrow night the water supply of the city will be shut off entirely, owing to the Imperative necessity of repairs to the engines now pumping water into the city. There are two enormous engines at the pumping station. One of these was dis abled a short time ago. So badly was It broken and so greatly were repairs needed at once, that Mayor Woodward and a commissioner of the water board hastened 10 Lockport. N. Y.. to hurry the manufacture of machinery to repair the broken parts. To-day the other engine broke down and must be repaired at once. Fortunately the two engines are dupli cates, so the broken parts of this one may be replaced by parts taken from the other, but time is required to even make those transfers, and it will be necessary to slop pumping entirely for twenty-four hours. The big consumers, factories, etc., were notified of this fact to-day and filled their tanks and boilers. Chief Joiner and the fire department filled all their cisterns, but the hotels and others depending upon the city waterworks for their supply of water will be in a bad fix. FOR FA MINK St l l'IiltKRS. Atlantn Committee* It 111 I.end Their Aid in the Work, Atlanta. July 3.—Atlanta is taking steps to afford relief for the famine sufferers la India. At a meeting held this morning In the office of ex-Qbv. W. J. Norlhen, who has the work in charge, committees were appoint ed, who will lend their co-operation in securing contributions. The committee named by ex-Gov. Northen were Maj. J. Guinn, Dr. W W. Landrum and C. D. Montgomery. This committee appointed a committee of fifteen men and fifteen wo men to co-operate with them. IN HR AND SH APE. Great Preparations Made in Filzger ald for To-day. i Fitzgerald. Ga., July 3.—Fitzgerald will celebrate the glorious Fourth to-morrow In grayd shape, with a big barbecue and • game, between Fitzgerald and besides oiht r amusements. The will consist of eighteen cows, forty-two <-heep. and sixteen hogs. Col. E. H. Williams will be orator of the day. Ten ihousand people are expected to be present. The Best Prescription for Malaria, Chills and Fever, ia a bottle of Grove's Tasteless Chili Tonic. It is 6imply Iron and quinine In a tasteless form. No cure —no pay. Price 50c.—ad. artciai. .noticks. NOW IS THE TIME TO RENOt ATE. We renovate and remake with hair tleklng moss mattresses $1; hair and wool mattresses $3. Wo get the size of bed stead and make your mattress to order, without extra charge. Fine rurled hair and moss mattresses a specialty. Our Medicated Steam Reno vator will purify and clean as well as Increase in value your feather beds, pil lows Renovation of feather beds $5 Bolsters $1.50. pillow s 73c. All work guar anteed first-class. NATIONAL MATTRESS AND RENO VATING CO. B-ll Phone 1130. 331 Drayton street. A IIARE BUSINESS CHANCE, for druggists or physician. An old estab lished corner drug store, complete stock and fine prescription trade. Pays an nually 40 pr cent net profit on invest ment. Books open for Inspection If you mean business. Particulars given on ap plication to I.IPPM AN BROS . Savannah, Ga. ROCK I, EDGE. ASM FAT I.EE. N. C.. In tha Mountains. The p are to spend your vacation New house <*>ol rooms, modern conven slices; on Battery Park hill, near postofilce. Free from noise and Adust; excellent lablej moderate rate. ■jx MRS. L. COLE. MERTI.AG&. 1 A regular convocation <■! 0 „ this i-bapier will h* held thisY" ( Wednesday) evening at Ma sonic Temple at fc o'clock. tta The M M. Degree will be conferred. Visiting companions frater- 1 f rally invited to meet with 1: ti imdi us. By order of H. S CODDING-, H. P. W. S. ROCKWELL. SPECIAL NOTICES. SPECIAL NOTICE. Central of Georgia Railway Company, Tybee Division. Savannah. July 2. 1900. On Wednesday. July 4 no freight will be received for shipment to Tybee except beer, ice and perishable articles, and these should be at Tybee depot before 10 o’clock, city time, to ensure shipment on that day OREM ENT 9AUSSY. Supt SPECIAL NOTICE. City of Savannah, Office Clerk of Council. Savannah, Ga., July 4. 1900 To-day', the 4th of July, being a legal holiday, all the city offices will he closed. By order of the Mayor. W. p. BAILEY, Clerk of Council. SOUTHERN EX PR FAS COMPANY. This compan\’s city office on Bull afreet will be closed after 12 o’clock noon July 4. account legal holiday. K. C. SPENCE, Agent. S|E( IA L NOTIC E. On account of holiday to-day freight rar txill make only one round trip, leav ing Isle of Hope at R:00 a. m. and leaving City Market at 9:00 a. m. 11. M. LOFTON. Gen’l Mgr. THE REAL ESTATE COMPANY OF S4VANV\H. This company is now ready for busi ness, and will buy and sell real estate within the corporate limits of the city of Savannah. STRICTLY UPON A COM MISSION OF V 2 PKK CENT. The charges for buying and selling property outside of the city will be* controlled by circums’ances in each case. Give us your orders and we will en deavor to treat you right. This company is incorpoiated with a PROMOTING feature also; and those having timber, timber lands, mill sites, gold, iron, mica, asbestos, coal and other mineral properties or enterprises to dis pose of or to promote will do well to cor respond with us. THE REAL ESTATE COMPANY OF SAVANNAH. J. 1.. WHATLEY, President and Manager, 21 Bay street, west. SPECIAL NOTICE* Oit and after Jnly the 9th there rrill be an additional charge for all work wanted within thtrty-alx bonra. SAVANNAH STEAM LAUNDRY. GEORGIA STEAM LAUNDRY. E. A W. LAUNDRY. NOTICE OF UISSOI.I TION. Savannah, Ga., June 30. 1900. The law firm of Charlton. Mackall & Anderson Is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Either member of the firm will sign in liquidation. Mr. Charlton will associate with him hts eon, Mr. Richard Malcolm Charlton, and will temporarily retain his present office. Mr, Mackall and Mr. Anderson will continue to practice '.aw under the firm name of Mackall & Anderson, with offices In the Sorrel building. WALTER G. CHARLTON. WM. W. MACKALL. J RANDOLPH ANDERSON. NOTICE TO TAX PAVERS. City Treasurer's Office Savannah, Ga., July J, 1300. The following taxes are now due: Real estate, second quarter 1900. Stock in trade, second quarter 1900. Furniture, etc., second quarter 1900. Money, morlgages, etc., second quarter 1900. Also water rents in advance for six months ending Jan. 1, 1901. A discount of 10 per cent, will be allow ed upon all of the above If payment is made within fifteen days after July 1. C. S. HARDEE. City Treasurer. THE NEATEST, Cleanest, quiest place In town Is Helm ken’s Cafe. One block from De Soto, Phone 646. ii ' AT GARDNER'S. Fresh Vegetables and Fruits. Fine Beef. Spring Lamb. M. S. GARDNER, Phones 575. . BARGAINS. 20 110 volt, Strndard Dayton Fans. In stalled, at $22.35. 25 500 volt Standard Dayton Fans, In stalled. at $28.50. We have other makes equally as cheap ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO., Phone 62. 113 Drayton street. GREENE A CO., IAS Whitaker. New Plclnres. New Alnnldings, NVnll Pnper. Phatogrnphs enlarged, Grinins tes. Have t our Diploma* framed at reasonable rales. IF IT'S NICE. WE HAVE IT. Try a can of Boston Baked Beans,with Tomato Sauce, ar a can of Vienna Sau sage, with Tomato Sauce, at HARDEE & MARSHALL'S, Phone 953, TRY RED HEART. ll Is the beer to drink. Ask for 11 and you will be delighted with It. By Jung Brewing Company. Branch, Bull and River streets. WM. M. BRICKEN, Manager Phone 915 SPECIAL NOTICE. My store will be closed after 1 o'clock this af ernoon. Cusctomeis will please send In orders eaily. Phones If/ JAS. J. JOYCE, THE MORNING NEWS: WEDNESDAY. JULY 4. 1900. SPECIAL NOTICES. GOLD TH AT GLITTERS'* And till eo-calied "eligible and bejutl fully locaud" lots are not eligible or beau tiful! Buyers are some imes carried away’ by the nenr of a street and don't realize how far away their lot? are from the city' until a day or so after they have bought. A lot on Jcnc street, for Instance, a mi:e east of the Shell Road Toil Gate, is not as eligible as a lot on Jones street, near Bull street, but still people fool them selves that lots on far-off | Jones street are worth buying ! All of this preamble i* to call attention •o the fact thnt the lots that are to be sold by the Chatht m Real Estate and Improve ment Company on Price, Plant. St. Michael and .her streets, on Tuesday next. 10th Inst., a* 6 p. m. are all WEST of East Broad sreet and NORTH of Fifth street! Just Vnund llie corner from the Anderson Street Public School, and aoceei ble by the, B’abersham and Abercorn stieet cars! They are real city lots! Then the tei nvG Any one who can raise S2O can become a real estate owner, and $2.50 per month, or B I A cents a day. will pay the deferred payments. These lots are tc be sold of cost.” as the dry goods men have it. to clo*e the real estate of Series A of the Chatham R*al Estate and Improvement Company. Re member the location, the day and the terms, and be sure to attend the sale. C. H. DORSETT. Auctioneer. TABLE D’HOTE. 60c—DINNER—50c Dinner 1 to 3, 6 to 9, Wednesday, July 4. Claret Wine. SOUP. Turtle. F-ISH. : r " Flounder ala Geneo!** Potatoes ala Dajjnhinc. Sliced Tomatoes. Queen Olives. Chow Chow, Mixed Pickles. BOILED. Gold Bard Ham and Cabbage. ROASTED. Ribs of Baltimore Beef an jus. ENTREES. Lam Fries, Breaded Tomato Sauce. Pineapple Flitters, Fruit Sauce. VEGETABLES. New Potatoes, Boiled Roasting Ears. Butter Beans, Rice, Stewed Tomatoes. PASTRY AND DESSERT. Huckleberry Pie. Assorted Cheese. Crackers, Fruits. Ice Cold Watermelons. French Coffee. At LEVAN’S CAFE RESTAURANT, 111 Congress street, west. “A SURE CURE." Have yon indigestion f If you have ttp will guarantee relief, and If onr directions are followed, will guarantee a cure or *lO pay. Ask your draegist for a bottle of Stoat’* Vegetable Bitter* at once. AVhy nnffer when yon can grot relief? tloat’n Vegetable Bitter* will make your children strong and healthy* BATH MITTS AND FLESH BELTS. Cscd In the bath and as a flesh brush. Feeding Cnps for Invalids, n va riety of styles. True Dnlmntinn Powder. It is not genernlly known that n small quantity burned In the rooms will keep out Flies nnd Mosquitoes. Just received a fresh supply. SOLOMONS CO. SAVANNAH FOUNDRY AND MACHINE COMPANY, Builders of Marine and Stationery Boilers, will furnish estimates on new work In competition with Northern nnd Western manufacturers. Repair work on Engines and Boilers. SPECIAL NOTICE. For the next sixty days at Mark Ap ple’s repository will be 60ld a full nnd complete line of all kinds of vehicles at a reduced price. I ask the public to call and Inspect my stock. I am the agent for some of the highest grade Buggies, Car riages, Phaetons, Stanhopes and Runa bouts. Don't miss this opportunity, for this is no humbug. Also a full line of De livery Wagons and Harness. 320 Broughton street, west. Phone 778. FANCY AND RE-PRESSED BRICK. We manufacture and sell all kind* of fancy and re-preseed brick, paving and building bricks Our common brick are the beat for building purposes, being larger than other kilns make, and cheaper, dee samples and prices. SAVANNAH BUILDING SUPPLY CO., Congress and Drayton streets. SI W VNEE SPRINGS HOTEL, Snwanpf, Fin, Situated on the hanks of the Suwanne river. Climate unequaled. No malaria. No mosqui toes. fool nights Most healthful and delight fut resort in the Seuth. Water cures every known disease Board $lO per week Special rate for commercial men of $2 per day, which includes transfer Table and aeoo'mmoda tlons strictly first-class. For Illustrated path Thlet address Suwanee Springs Cos . Suwanee Springs. Fla. ANDREW HANLEY, Mgr. BONDS EXECUTED By (he American Bonding and Trust Com pany of Baltimore. We ore authorized to execute locally (Immediately upon appli cation). all bonds In Judicial proceedings In either the state or United States courts, and of administrator* and guardians. DEARINO A HULL, Agent*. Telephone 321. Provident Building. SOMETHING NEW. When down town come to the City Market and see my arragement for hand ling meats In the most approved manner!. Fine meats dap ayed on immense blocks. No dirty benches. To-day Prime Reef, Lamb and Veal, ’latchless Corned Beef. JOHN FUNK, i Phones 557, <*ity Market. WOOL WOOL _ Consignments of wool solicited. Highest prices, cor rect weights and prompt returns. LEE ROY MYERS & CO., Savannah, Ga. Base Ball 9 etlht ~ Supplies. [•: | o; r Prices quoted on 2H212 -7 Base Ball Uniforms. IdEO aeJ mm pi 1 . /Ip iyg N\7t rv iy. Why is it that we have city customer* W liy • YVliyr Wily# a& far nort h as Da y Street, and as far south as Best street? It is because we make it a point to FlPr* fl 11 CA? Rpc O IfICA? absolute satisfaction with every * “NrVCtllov* DwCCllloL* purchase, and deliver gcods when want ed. Try it and see. MUNSTER’S, DUFFY AND DRAYTON. - CONTENTED SMOKERS Appreciate the quality of j. PIMUSSOHN Sc CO., 206 Bay street, west, Stvannah, Ga. BONDY & LEDERER. Hakers, New York. Knlghfs Pharmacy SELLS IT FOR LESS. Talcum Powdeer 5c Turkish fsath Soap, doz 30c Fever Thermometers 50c Palmer’s Perfumes free to each cus tomer. We are headquarters for Trusses, Ab dominal Stipporters. Hot Water Bottles and Bulb and Fountain Syringes. KNIGHT'S PHARM U'Y Georgia Telephone 539. ‘ Telephone 539. (Only one store In lids city.) SPECIAL NOTICE 9. WHY AND HOW SLAV VNEE SPRINGS' WATER CURES. There Is but one cardinal reason: The Water is a natural diuretic. Get hold of that phrase in its full meaning, if you please. Turn lb Ahernethy. "Nature's way of cure of disease is by free diuresis.’’ And Avenbrugger: "Nature cares for the kidneys. That is health.” And Bichat: "Health is impossible if the diuretics be neglected.” Put it In this way: The Water has a selective action on the kidneys. The ex cretion of the solid matters—the urea, uric acid, and extractive matters—is In creased by it. In other words, it causes the elimination of the products of the increased .metamorphosis of tissue. And yet, notice that this is clone Vithout any Impairment of the quality of the bloc*}, or any lowering of the forces of the organ ism. It is better that patients go to the Spring to take the Water, for the reason that the psychic intluenres of change of scene, as sociations and climate are very large fac tors concerned in the results of treatment. Go to the Spring, if you can. It means much more than you can dream of. You want the Water as Nature hands it forth. But if you cannot go for any reason, you may rest assured that it is the name Water, whether taken at the Spring or hundreds of miles from there, and that the results are the same wherever it Is taken. There are two or threo points to be not ed. Suwanee Water is prompt in its action. It acts the same day tliat It Is taken. The effecs are Immediate. The effects arc continuous. That is, the results, which are early accomplished, are continued. For descriptive pamphlets with testi monials address SUWANEE SPRING CO., Suwanee Fla. ANDREW HANLEY, President and General Manager. REAL ESTATE! AND INSURANCE AGENCY. We buy and sell real estate, collect rents and negotiate loans on same at 5 per cent. Represent the Travelers' Insurance Com pany, accident and liability departments. Represent the New York Underwriters Fire Insurance Agency and the Phoenix Mutual Life Insurance Company. All business entrusted to us will be ap preciated and will receive prompt and careful attention. No. 27 Bay, east. Telephones 348. W, C. FRIPP & CO. LAUNCHES FOR RENT. For five people $1 per hour; $5 per day. For ten people $2 per hour; $8 per day. All extra passengers proportionately. City phone 389, or 752, Seaboard Club, Thunderbolt. LARGE WAREHOUSE AND OFFICE 10 rent, located head of Broughion street, on West Broad, now occu pied by the Savannah Carrluge and Wagon Cos. As they will give up business In the cliy on June l, l offer 11 for rent from that dale H. P SMART. *23,000. One of our clients has placed In our hands $33,000 to loan on good Savannah real estate at reasonnblo rates of Interest BECKETT & BECKETT. *4 President street, east. : T. I>. Dyspepsia Tablets free P. D. & Co's Insect Powder, lb "5c Palmer’s Toilet Water joe Witch Hazel. largx> bottles i5 O BUSINESS NOTICES. id-SuinirlMlgs Can be handsomely supplied from our stock of Solid Silver Pieces—Bowls, Bread and Cake Baskets, Butter Dishes, Open Sujar Baskets, Bon Bon Dishes, and scores of other pieces, up to full Tea Sets. All late in design and finish. THEUS BROS i HARVARD Pure Beer COKNERY’S, 110 St, Julian St., W. Sl'feClAL .\OTACL3. DIV O.NLY THE BEST GI MGER ALE. The best Is the Whee!er Brand of Bel fast Ginger Ale, rr:ade by Wheeler & Cos., of Belfast, Ireland, from the celebrated Cromac Springs of mat city. These epnngs are the property of Wheeler & Cos., hence no other Ginger Ale manufac turer in Ireland has those waters but themselves. The Wheeler Ginger Ale is made from pure Jamaica Ginger Hoot and not from Red Pepper, as others are; one Is deleterious—the other is a tonic. For Healthfulness and Purity the cele brated Wheeler brand of Belfast Ginger Ale is the i- DIPPMAN BROTHERS, Sole Southern Agents. Savannah, Ga. TUB WAY TO CLEAN CARPETS. The only way tc get your carpets prop erly taken up. cleaned and taken care of for the summer is to turn the job over to the District Messenger and Delivery Cos., telephone '2, or call at 32 Montgomery street, and they will make you an esti mate or. the cost of the work. Pile#* reasonable. They also pack, move and store furniture and piano*. C* H. MEDLOCK, Supt. and Mgr. WILSON W HISKEY. Wilson Whiskey SI.OO per bottle at REMLER'S. Th'e Cabinet Beer drawn from the wood. Drayton and Liberty sts. PARK AVENUE PHARMACY. Prescriptions filled at any hour day or night. The only ii\ drug store in south ern section of Savannah'. PARK AVENUE PHARMACY, J. L. BRANAN, Proprietor, Corner Park avenue and Barnaid St. A ND still another ship ment of Hanan’s justly celebrated Patent Leather Vici just received —Come in now while we have all the sizes and widths. They are so slick and spi nifty, that you can’t help handing over the cash at once. If you want Pat ent Leathers that are Pat ent Leather, that’s easy, for We arc the Patent Leather People. "It’s our wheel.” In Excellent Shape Once More TO DO FINE LAUNDRY WORK. Savannah Steam Laundry Cos,, II Congress Street, West. Phone 383, THE ONLY Exclusive Family Liquor Store IN THE CITY. TRY OUR FAMOUS Imperial Nectar Pure Rye Whiskey, Full Quarts, s\; four bottles, containing full Gallon, $3,510; BELSINGFR & CO ULLtf HIULII W UUt FULL LINK OF CLARET WINES. KODAKS AND FILMS SPECTACLES. Wc charge $1 that others charge $2.50 foiv We save you from &2 to $5 on your eyeglass prescriptions. Robinson’s Thermal Bath Cabinet. Call for circular. Livingston’s Prescription Pharmacies, Bull and Congress and .‘SOO Bull street. 11. 11. LIVINGSTON. SOUTHERN BANK of the State o t Georgia. Capital $500,009 Surplus and undivided profits—...—s3B3,ooo DEr OSTTUKY OF TillC STATE ‘JM GEORGIA. Superior facilities tor transacting a central mniu„* cosines* Collections made on ait points accessible through oanks and bankers. Accounts or banks, flankers. Merchants and otheia solid ltd. Bale Deposit Boxes lor rent. Department of Saving*. Interest payable quarterly. Bells Stearltng Exchange on London (3 and upwards. JOHN FLANNERY. President. HORACE A. CRANE, Vioe President JAMES SULLIVAN. Cashier. DIRECTORS: JNO. FLANNERY. WM. W. GORDON. E. A. WEIL* W. W. GORDON. Jr. H A. CRANE. JOHN M. EGAN. LEE ROY MYERS. JOSEPH FERST. H. P. SMART. CHARLES ELLIS. EDWARD KELLY. JOHN J. KIRBY. THE GERMANIA BANK SAVANNAH, GA Capital $200,90* Undivided profits 60,000 This bank oilers its services to corpora tions. merchants and individuals. Has authority to act as executor, ad ministrator, guardian, etc. Issues drafts on the pilncipal cities la Great Britain and Ireland and on tbs Continent. Interest paid or compounded quarterly on deposits In the Saving Department. Safely Boxes for rent. HENRY BLUN. President. GEO. VY TIEDEMAN. Vice President. JOHN M. HOGAN, Cashier. WALTER F HOGAN. Ass t Cashier. BUSINESS NOTICES. ANXIOUS TO SELL For $2,500. A two-story double cottage on a cor ner. A one-story collage on a corner, and a lot sixty feet front by one hundred and seventeen lee deep, with two wide streets and a lune. So anxious arc the owners to sell that they will lake a part cash and give long time on the balance at a low rale of In terest. C. H. DORSET'!'. To NewsDooer IS For rale, a Forsalth Newspaper Folder; will fold sheet 27x12. It Is In good order. Price SIOO. It cost originally $l,lOO, but we have no uee for it and want the room It occupies. It will bo an Invaluable adjunct to any newspaper office. , , ( Address MORNING NEWS, Savannah, Ga, IF YOU WANT GOOD MATERIAL and work, oruer your lithographed and printed stationery and blank book* from Morning News, Savannah, G LEOPOLD ADI.EIt, C. S. Kl.l.liJ, President. Vice President. BARRON CARTER. Assistant Cashier^ Tiie Chatham Bank SAVANNAH. Will bo pleased to receive account* of Merchants. Firms, Individuals, Banks, and Corporaiions. Liberal favor* extended. l v nsurpassed collection facilities, insur ing prompt returns. Separate Savings Department. ivnirtusT < ouroi m)k.d qiAn- TfiHLY ON DKIHhITS. *Snfeiv Deposit Boxes ami Vaults for rent. Correspondence solicited. The Citizens Bank Ob' s\ \ ANN AH. CAPITAL 5500.000. I riUo.o._ UvMUiul iiaaklui liaaf lies*. Solicits Accounts of Individuals* Merchant*, Haul** unci other Corpo ration*. Collection* lisndlod with ia(etf| economy anti dispatch. Interest compounded quarterly allowed on deposits In our SitlbO Department. Safety Deposit Boxes and Stomps Van It*. BRANTLEY A. DENMARK, Treildon* MILLS B. LAME, Vice President. GEORGE C. FKEEMAI, Cashier. GORDON L. GROOVER, Asst. Cashier. itiiliiM CAFITAL *350,000. Account* of banks, merchant*, corpora tions and individuals solicited. Saving* Department. interest paid auarterly. Safety Boxes and Storage Vaults for rent. Collections made on all points at rea sonable rate*. Dr alts sold on all the chief cities of U world. Correspondence Invited. JOSEPH D. WEED. President. JOHN C. ROWLAND, Vice President. No. 1(4(1, Chartered, U6i THE it fins Hal it OF SAVANNAH. CAPITAL. $300,000. SURPLUS, tIOO.WM- L'NiIED STATES DEPOSITORY. J. A. G. CARSON, President. BEIRNE GORDON, Vice President. W. M. DAVANT, Cashier. Accounts of banka and bankers, mer chants and corporations received upon the most favorable terms consistent with •afe and conservative banking.