The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, July 05, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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DID NOT NOMINATE. Continued from First Page. (he hue® circle took on motion, animation and color, and the hum of many voices echoed through the hall. An unusual num ber of ladies were in the assemblage, their bright summer dresses vieing with the splendor of the decoration. It was evi ientiy a free and easy gathering, as the large proportion of the men divested them selves of their coats, and sat in shirt gjeeves, mopping their shining faces anJ Wielding palm leaf fans. tluslc Aroused Entliusinsm. The state delegations were slow in put ,ing in an appearance, and at 11 o,clock ten North Dakota contingent was the only one within the area reserved for the delegates. From that time on, however, they began coming singly and in pairs and occasionaly in full delegations. But there was little opportunity for heralding their arrival, as they were emptied through tunnels into the delegates’ area, giving the crowd little chance to re cognise the well known faces. The lead ers, however, were not among the early arrivals, and the spectators looked in vain foe the conspicuous figures of the party. Shortly after 11 o’clock the Third Mis rouri Band of Kansas City, forty-five pieces, broke out a lively and inspiring air which brought a cheer from the crowd. But it remained for the strains of "Dixie” to call forth the first real demonstration of the convention hosts, cheer after cheer ringing through the building as the well known strains came to a close. Among the early arrivals who npiK-are-l on the platform were Senator-elect Joe Blackburn, Gov. Beckham and Ex-Oov. McCreary of Kentucky. They were given a cordial reception. They remained on the platform only a few minutes before tak ing their seats among the delegates. At 11:15 the band threw inspiration and patriotic fervor into the assemblage by playing the "Star Spangled Banner.” As the strains of the patriotic air rang through the great hall, hundreds of the auditors rose and remained standing throughout the rendition. Even the na tional banners, which everywhere were arranged in georgeous festoons over the steel framework of the building seemed to flutter gaily in response to the music. Applauded First Comers. Hon. James Hamilton Lewis from Washington, faultlessly attired, entered the hall and was accorded a cordial ripple of applause. When the Hawaiian delegation entered the building at 11:30, headed by Prince David, a member of the royal family of the Hawaiian Islands, the members were greeted with applause. Closely following them came Senator Daniel, the brilliant orator of Virginia, making his way slowly through the crowds on his orutcheu. As the crowds recognized him, they broke into cheers. Gov. Benton McMillan, who would not permit his name to be used as a candidate for Vice President, and Representative Rktiardson of Tennessee, who i:- slated for permanent chairman, entered together. As usual, Mr. Richardson was attired in black, while the Governor appeared cool in his white linen suit. As the hour of noon approached, the time at which the convention was to be called to order, people poured into the hall in living streams. With confusion compara tively slight, the immense concourse was seated. Before the hour of noon every delegates was seated and the 11,00 b seats in the hail were filled. WAS CALLED TO ORDER. If 4Vna Long Ilefore the Chaiminii Conld Cos nun a nil Silence. Convention Hall, Kansas City, July 4. At exactly 12:02 o'clock Chairman Jones ascended the platform. As the wave of applause subsided he rapped vigorously and repeatedly, stilling the tumult, and then, above the din, his voice could be heard announcing: "The convention will come to order. The sergeant-at-arms will see that the aisles are cleared.” Sergeant-at-Arms Martin advanced to the front and urged the crowds massed in front of the platfrom to take their seats. Great disorder prevailed, the aisles were jammed with a noisy crowd of subordi nate officials and intruders, and it took some time to secure quiet. The first business of the convention was the reading of the formal call by Secretary Walsh. The chairman then an nounced the prayer by Rev. S. W. Neel. "Gentlemen will please be in order,” said Chairman Jones, As the hum and bustle again broke loose after the prayer. "We must have quiet on the floor. Gen tlemen of the convention. I have the honor to present to you the Democratic Mayor of Kansas City, James A. Reed.” Moyor Reed Spoke. A shout of applause went up as the slender form of Mr. Reed came to the front of the platfrom. He spoke de llberafely and with a clear voice that easily penetrated to every corner of the hall. The first burst of applause that greeted the Mayor’s speech of welcome came when he spoke of the universality of Democratic doctrine, which had penetrated, he said, wherever liberty was known md loved. He dwelt at some length on the progress of the principles of the Democratic party, which originated, he said, with the liber ty-loving people ef France and England, end came to this continent for its larger growth and ultimate development. His nlluslon to the enrly leaders of the Dem ocratic party, Jefferson and Jackson, evoked outbursts of cheers. He declared that Jefferson believed in expansion only as it made homes for American men upon their own continent. Dwelling at length on the progress made by the Democratic party in the cause ot human rights, Mr. Reed grew impassion ed In his eulogy of the good work done by it through all the years of iis exist ence. A yell of applause greeted his announce ment that the convention was gathered upon Democratic soil, and as the guests of a Democratic constituency that had al ways been In the forefront of the political fights of the country. When he declared •hat in the name of that Democracy he hade the visiting delegations welcome, and prophesied certain victory at the polls In November, he was interrupted by loud cheer*, and the applause when he finished •vas loud. An Onttmrst for Hill. The audienc's had listened with atten tion, though no very great enthusiasm to •h* address, but heartily applauded the dosing sentence. Senator Hill entered Just at this moment, and the .applause turned to him. "Hill of New' Yolk,” "Hill. Hill," they shouted. But It was noticed that the New York delegation did not re spond to the enthusiasm. Hill came In with Eliott Dtfli forth of New York. Dele gate John McMahon of Rome arose and gave hla seat to the ex-senator. 1111 l smil ed and ihanlced him. Meanwhile the crowd continued to yell for "Hill,” "Let’s hear Hill,” with a few hisses Interspersed, until the chairman fin ally rapped them to order. A few minutes later they renewed the call, but the au dience was Impatient to get on with the proceedings, and showed their disapproval with hisses. When finally the chairman was able to make his voice heard, he Introduced Gov. Thomus of Colorado, the temporary chulr man. A round of applause greeted Gov. Thomas as he ascended the platform. He looked the ideal presiding officer, dignified, tall, black-garbed, his fa,.o showing intel lectuality and force of character. He held in his hand the typewritten manuscript of his speech and in fuTl round voice, eas ily reaching to the remotest corner of the building, he began his address as tern porary chairman. tem Chairman Thomas’ Speech. erccs* 3 '’o.r.h"' 1 " ?° St aus i >lcl °“s influ epees. On the nation s birthday, in a great central city of the republic at the C.oec and opening of e century. w e come together to reaffirm our allegiance to ihe ; rh — ■Jefferson^ 1 and* om ™/o lheir greatest living exponent. I u e come not with the pomp and cir th^^ nCe ° f ,onso,w^ wealth, but as the delegates of the plain people, who be |h ve *kat all men were created equal, and tnat that governments derive their errl j l>OWers from th c consent of the gov- Re are not here as the representatives ot me vast interests which dominate everv hU ' 38 the champions of e rndhiduai citizen who stands helpless *‘ h : lr Present. We speak not for those who would pivot the finances of the world 3 sin f le brctal, supplementing its inadequacy by a. paper currency issued by a private monopoly at the expense of the people, but for the millions who believe ?? tl: > money of the constitution, and in the ability of their countrymen to legislate for themselves without the previous per mission of foreign parliaments, potentates or ptincea. "Democracy wages no war against wea.tli. I nder her beneficent rule, its creation and amassment have ever been among the most worthy objects of human eTt ? rt - . deslre for material comfort, and well being is the very mainspring of progress. The wealth that comes as the reward of honest industry, and thrift, commands and must receive the encour agement and protection to all. But the wraith that, comes through partnership witn the government, which usurps its prerogatives and perverts its agencies, which absorbs the resources and blasts the opportunities of the individual, slid.* competition, levies tributes on* the pro ducer and corrupt* and poisons all branches of official life, and reduces tne citizen to dependence upon Us will, ex our just apprehensions. "Free institutions must languish with our communism of wealth. Official integrity cannot survive its temp tations. Against its continued prev alence,* the conscience of the na tion must he quickened if its baleful in flu nee is to be destroyed. Modern mon opoly is the offspring of the Republican party, it is the genius of organized com mei cialism. It has neither conscience, sentiment nor patriotism, it knows neith er justice nor morality. About Finances. Against this iniquitous scheme of finance, Democracy protests. We will have no money system founded upon tic public, debt and dictated by those wao hold ii. We stand for the gold and silver of the constitution; for a paper currency founded upon them and issued by the government as the embodiment of our sovereignty. We would not tax the people for ttic maintenance of a private money system. We would pay and not perpet uate cur pub'ic debt. We will dig our met als from the bills and open our mints to their coinage. We will pay no tribute to Caesar for that which is our own. We wiil scourge the money changers from the temple of our treasury and reconse crate it to the service and welfare of the common people “We have cheerfully submitted to a burdensome taxation that Cuba might be free; that Porto Rico might enjoy the heritage of’ our constitution. We hive consecrated our sons to the cause of lib erty and sent them freely forth to ex 'inguish the last vestige of despotism in our hemisphere. We protest against pay ment of tribute or the devotion of life to the cause of .empire. We will emulate monarchy neither in conquest nor in gov ernment,, We would pertutate the Mon roe Doctrine, and realize with Jefferson that its first and fundamental maxim is never to entangle ourselves in the broils of the old world. We need not despoil the helpless that we may trade with them. We realize that a standing army is the attendant of imperialism. We should avoid the latter, because avowed as a national policy, it must undermine our domestic institutions. Tlie True Expansion. "AVe believe in the expansion which, un der Democratic rule, brought halt the continent as a galaxy of commonwealths into the Union. We denounce that expan sion which, by contrast, overcomes the people of a item sphere under the pretext of giving them liberty, which denies to them the rights of citizens, which sub jects the American workmen to the com p titlen of hordes of orienta’s from the so-called American provinces to take hi3 place at the forge, in the field and in the factory. "We would build the Nicaragua canal as an American enterprise for the Amer ica!. p ople. We would operate it in times of peace and control it in times of war. We would fortify it in spite of protests cf trails- Atlantic Powers. would share the benefits and responsibilities of its management with no associates. We would concede its advantages in times of peace to other na tions under terms and conditions of our own prescription and deny to them and to all of them any other identification with its affairs. "We would relieve the people of the bur dens of taxation. If administrative au thority is to he credited, the Spanlsh- Ame Heart conflict ended eight months ago. The same authority assures us with every moon that the Philippine insurrection Is over The treasury is bursting with p.e thoric revenue, millions whereof are depos ited with favorite banks which lend it to the people on their own terms, that the volume of circulation may not suffer dim "Xotwithstanding these conditions, there is no surcease of taxation. Measures cun ningly devised to fall upon the hacks of the people and screen large interests from responsibility for the public burdens will ingly nssumed and cheerfully borne in the heat of conflict, press wilh full weight in limes of peace, with no signs of relief from the party in power. Unnecessary taxation is unjust taxation, and unjust taxation, by whatever name it may be called, is the plunder of the citizens by his government. "We would investigate the public expen ditures and demand an accounting for the millions that have been lavished in the purchase of naval and war munitions, in supplies, equipmen and transportation. \\V would inquire into (he conduct of the war stamp out favoritism in high places and reward the real heroes of the conflict. Wo would ascertain and fix the responsi bility for the terrible mortality of our mil itary camps, for the inefficiency of bu reaucrats and their subordinates and for the needless sacflttce of thousands of our soldiers to the cupidity of contractors and the inefficiency of appointees. The Man Who I* Wanted. “We would have for our chief magis trate a man sprung from the loins of people, rock-ribbed In his convictions and coil I rolled by the admonitions of his con science; a man of lofty ideals and stead fast courage; a man to whom his coun try's constitution appears as a living and sacred reality, a man who exalts the du ties, the rights and the welfare of his fel low’citizens above the sinister and corrod ing influences of centralized commercial ism; u man whose ear is untuned to th* pulsations of the pocketbook. but respon sive to the heart throb of the masses; a man with no Warwick ltehind his chair, with policies that are his own; a man with strong opinions and a sirong will to enforce them; a man conscious of his coun try’s dignity and power, of it* capacity to cope with all conditions; a man who meas ures the greatness of the republic by the protection It gives to the humtdest citi zen; a man whose opinions do not change with his apparel, whose policies are not fashioned from day to day by extraneous Influence, whose plain duty consists not in sanctioning the repudiation of Ills own councils. "We. want a man of non-plastic mould, conforming Ills opinions to passing im pressions of popular sentiment, as facile in their abandonment as In their advocacy. We want a man to whom right la greater THE MORNING NEWS: THURSDAY, JULY 5, 1000. MY BEAUTIFUL BABY BOY Weak Women Made Happy by Lydia E. Plnkham's A egetable Compound - - betters from Two Who Now Have Children. “ r>EAs Mrs. Pinkham :—lt was my ardent desire to have a child. I had been married three years and was childless, so wrote to you to find out * ter some time ago, stating my case to you. “ I had pains through my bowels, headache, and backache, felt tired and sleepy all the time, was troubled with the whites- I followed your advice, took your Vegetable Tom pound, and it did me lots of good. I now have a baby girl. I certainly be lieve 1 would have miscarried had it not been for Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vege table Compound. I had a very easy time ; was sick only a short time. I think your medicine is a godsend \o women in the condition in which I was. I recommend it to all as the best medicine for women.”—Mus. Maky Lank, Co)’tee, Tenn. than expediency, who postpones no duty to the demand of privilege who is loved by the multitude, respected by the world and feared only by those who distrust the peo ple. As Gov. Thomas proceeded, his well known rounded sentences were punctu ated with goherous an.l hearty manifes tations of approval. Despite his strong voice, the confusion In the hall became so great that much of the speech was lost to the delegates and spectators. An in cessant hum sounded through the build ing, mingled with the shuttle of countless feet of messengers and officials and the occasional yell ot seme demonstrative spectator. The audience grew fretful under the dis order and the inability to hear, and there were shouts of “louder,” mingled with de mands for order. Gov. Thomas proceeded boldly, however. Theie was another cheer when the crowd caught enough of the reference to the isthmian canal to know* that it was to be under American operation and con trol. At the conclusion of the speech the building rang with applause, the cheer ing being -aeeomixinied by the flutter of the national colors throughout the hall. The first semblance of genuine enthusi asm was created when the secretary of the convention, C. A. Walsh of lowa, rose and read a resolution offered by Daniel J. Campau of Michigan, that the Declaration of Independence, drafted by the Demo crat of Democrats, Thomas Jefferson., be read to the convention on this, the anni versary of the natal year. ‘‘The Republican party recently in Philadelphia, the cradte city of liberty, where tne Declaration of Independence was written and the constitution was framed, did indorse an administration which has repudiated the constitution and nominated a President who has betrayed the principles of the declaration. This convention is composed of men who have the same faith os was in their fathers in this immortal instrument. As the re attirmation of Democratic fealty to the fundamental principles of American lib erty, I move, Mr. Chairman, that the clerk be directed to read the glorious Declara tion of Independence, drafted by that Democrat of all Democrats, Thomas Jef ferson, and adopted 124 years ago to-day.” With cheers and applause the resolu tion was adopted, while the band in the south gallery played patriotic airs. A Bust of Bryan. Then a dramatic scene occurred. As the vast audience was quieting down to listen to the reading of the Declaration, two men appeared upon the platform, bearing carefuly in their arms two large objects, each completely shrouded in the stars and stripes. They were placed, Ihe one upon the other immediately to the right and front of the chairman. Dele gates and spectators craned their necks to see what was about to occur. Quickly advancing to the flag-draped objects, a handsome man deftly lifted the flag from a splendid bust of Mr. Bryan. As the familiar features of their dis tinguished leader were recognized by delegates and spectators, a tornado of applause swept over the audience. From side to side the bust was.turned that all might know whom it represented. When the applause had subsided, Chas. S. Hampton of Petesky, Michigan, read in magnificent voice the Immoratl dec laration of Independence. As the full and rounded sentences of the great state paper roiled through the hall, the cheer ing and enthusiasm increased, and when Mr. Hampton had concluded, the tremen dous applause fairly shook the building. When the orator had finished the Dec laration of Independence and the applause had ceased, Miss Fulton of New York was introduced and sang "The Star Spangled Banner," the audience standing and cheering and applauding after each voice. It was an innovation at a nation al convention. Then, as she finished the last strain, the band took up ’America,” and led by Miss Fulton, the great mass of 20,000 people broke out In the stirring words, "My Country, 'Tis of Thee,” sing ing it through with uniformity and clos ing with a cheer. Then Hill Attain. Then suddenly somebody started the cry for “Hill.” In an instant Maryland, Ten. nessee, Louisiana. Mississippi and New Mexico were on their feet waving their standards and yelling “Hill,” "Dave Hill." The pounding of the chairman’s gavel had no effect, and for u time it looked like a converted movement to stampede for the New Yorker. As delegation after delegation rose to lheir seats and the chairman's gave) fell, Mr. Hill was compelled to rise and tow. This was the signal for pandemonium, and nothing seemed to to able to stop the tor rent of applauwe. A few hisses were met with volleys of cheers, and, finally, a part of New York’s delegation rose and joined In the applause. Croker. Murphy, Van Wyck and the Tammany delegation kept their seats, not Joining In it. For ful'y ten minutes the applause and disorder con tinued, the steady rap of the gavel having no effect. Each time anew state stand ard was pulled up and waved, the ap plause started anew. After liis first bow to the audience Hill kept his neat, but he could not disguise the gratification that he felt at the recep tion accorded him. Friends urged him to take the platform, but he kept shaking his head negatively. On the piatform the chairman and the sergeant at arms tried in vin to get order. Finally Mr. HIM tried to stop the applause. Then the crowd how'e.l themselves hoarse. "Hill," "Platform,” they screamed. "Mr. Chairman," he said, but his voice vAf drowned in the fierce outburst of applause. “Mr. Chairman,” he tried again to sa.v, and was drowned out again, sinking laughingly into his seat lonvcittlon Was Rowdy. Just before the demonstration over Mr. Hill began, Delegate Joshua W. Miles, a former* congressman fsom Maryland, ad vanced toward the platform occupied by rhe presiding officer, waving the Mary land standard. There was so much noise throughout the hall that he could not be heard four feet away from where he stood. lie said he had risen to move the thanks of the convention to the young lady who had so moved the convention by her rendition of a song, which had been wriiten by a Maryland patriot. The motion was announced in Mr. Miles’ most energetic manner.but it was not heard by a single delegate, and the presiding officer found no opportunity to submit it. When, after fifteen minutes, order was restored, Gov. Thomas administered a stern warn ing to the assemblage, stating that the convention was here to do business, and that if the spectators interrupted the work by unseemly disorder, the officers of the convention would be directed to clear the galleries. The call of stab s now began, for nam ing the members of the various commit tees. This was a tedious work, covering all the caucus se’ecticns of the s'veral states and territories. When the name of Garter Harrbon was called as the Illinois member of one of the commute s the con vention broke out in a round of cheeis and calls for Harrison, which for a mo ment threatened to be a repetition of the Hill demonstration. The names of Gov. Overmevcr. Senator Blackburn, George Fred Williams, and W. J. Stone also brought ihee:s. When Augustus Van Wyck was announced as the New York member of the Platform (Y)inmi.tee it was am and a storm of mingled hisses and heers, and another demand for Hill. Del egates Grady and Mallory of New York 1 <i in ihe applause for Van Wyck’s rame Tt tock vigorous play with the gavel to restore order and alicw the call to pro ceed. After the name of the last committee man bad been givtn.,Chairman Thomas announced that a motion had beenOEpade • xtfnding the thanks of the convention to th • lady who had sung the “Star Span gled Banner.” It was carried. A delegate from Ohio secured the at tention of the chairman by some violent gesticulations, and then mounting; on his chair as he was recogniz and. moved that an invitation be extended to Mr. Bryan to visit the convention. A wild cheer of ap plause went tip before the chairman had been giwn time to hear a s cond to the motion. While the cheering over the Bryan mo tion was at its bight, the booming of a brass bond was heard at the south en hance, and dowm the übde in front of the chairman's desk came the band, which came here, with Clark of Montana. And behind it in columns of twos, or as nearly as they could keep that formation, man h ed the Jacksonian Club of Nebraska. The band was playing “Dixie,” and the od air received the yell of delight which al ways greets it. The memhera of the Jacksonian Club hud with them a large number of ladies, and as there were no seats for them, a dense throng was soon packed in front of the chairman’s desk. It was impossible for Chairman Thomas to hear a word uttered four feet from his desk, but some delegates near him made a motion to adjourn until 4 o’clock, which was at once put and carried, amid confu sion so great that not one delegate In twenty knew to what hour the adjourn ment had been taken. Drank the Chairman's Water. Although the afternoon session of the convention was to begin at 4 o’clock, there were not over fifty delegates in their seats at that time, and the galleries were not more than haif # filled. At the moment the convention should have opened a small messenger boy was perched in the chair man’s seat inundating himself with Co pious draughts from the chairman’s pri vate stock of water. By 4:a*> o’clock about half the various delegations were in their seats, and the band was |K>unding out rag-time to enter tain the crowd, which filled every seat and occupied every square foot of standing room outside of the spade reserved for the delegates and alternates. Chairman Thomas, warm and perspiring, mounted the rostrum at 4:33 o’clock. The recess gave a chance to the Hill admirers to crowd about him, and for fully twenty minutes they kept him Vom leaving the hall, shaking his hand and congratulating him. When the convention began reas sembling, the principal point of interest seemed to be the New York delegation, and around it swarmed the delegates from other states, anxious to see Hill, Croker, Van Wyck and the other celebrities. (filled to Order I,ate. Chairman Thomas’ gavel fell, calling the convention to order at 4:13 o’clock, the delay being caused by the non-arri val of delegates and the desire on the part of the convention leaders to afford the committee time to prepare their re ports. Despite the continued rapping for order by the chairman, the convention was slow in reaching such a state of quietude as was needed for the trans action of business. When partial order was finally re stored, Charles S. Hampton of Petoskey, Mich., advanced o the front of the plat form and read a telegram from the Democrats assembled in Tammany Hall celebrating the 12-lih anniversary of the Declaration of Independence. The dis patch was signed by Thomas L. Feltner, grand sachem of Tammany Hall, and was as follows: "Greeting to the Democrats of the na tion: Five thousand Democrats now cele brating the one hundred and twenty fourth anniversary of the Declaration of Independence at Tammany Hall want to Join you in hoping for a vindication of the principles enunciated 124 years ago to-day by the Immoratl Thomas Jeffer son. Thomas L. Fettner, Grand Sachem." The reading of the telegram was receiv ed with tremendous applause, the New York delegation leading in the demens ra tion. Chairman Thomas announced that the Committee on Credentials was not ready yet to r port. ad of following the programme that previously had been arranged and pro ceeding at once to the other business of the convention, Josephus Danl Is of North Carolina was recognized by the chairman for a motion to adjourn until 8:30 o'clock to-night. Amid considerable confusion, Chairman Thomas, at 4:61 o’clock declared the mo tion carried. THE NIGHT SESSION. Chairman Had Great Difllenlty tn Srcnrlng Order. The scene presented at the night session of the convention was one of brilliancy and beauty. The vast Auditorium was splen didly illuminated by great arc! lights that gleamed from dizzy hlghts about the hall like huge stars. The color scheme presented among the innumsraSle lights was of unsurpassed beauty. From every available point In the Immense steel superstructure festoons of the national colors were fluttering gaily in the delightful breeze that swept through Want to feel good in Hot Weather Eat... ’ Grape-Nuts there’s a reason DEMAND POND’S c EXTRACT. • AVOID & ALL IMITATIONS. , ni ,.. ■ ALL PAIN Rheumatism Feminine Ccinsainta Screes F A C .S I M I L E 0Ff).,,..- ISffblP ' c,l3rr " ** will Gvlvo, the hall from the south, tempering pleas antly the heat of the night. Banked in ihe commodious galleries which rise in tiers from the spa c reserved for delegates and alternates were thous ands of spectators, the cool otiire of Ihe men making a pretty, but not sharp, con trast with the more brilliant costumes of the ladies. It was notable that pearly every man spectator was in his whirl sleeves and the parti-colored display of outing shirts was a spectacle seldom wit nessed anywhere on h scale so vast. Nearly an hour be foie the convention was called to order, the spectators’ seats were filled. Hundred of persons, indeed, had remain.d in the ball from the after noon session. As the delegates slowly as sembled. the people in the gn at amphithe ater accorded the hadets, one aft* r an other, ( ordlal leeeotions At 8:33 o’clock (’bail man Thomas rappel the convention to order, although consd erablj’ less than two-thints of the dele gates had arrived. r l here was considerable expectancy ovtr the arrival of H mater Hill, but he tailed to put in ati appear ance. He Bounded Vlgoreafily. Pounding vigorously with his gavel and his efforts in this direction being ably supplemented by Sergeant-at-arim* Mar tin. who rapped a tabb* so hard that he winced at cv r blow as though it had landed upon 1 is own fingers, Chairman Thomas at last succeeded in restor tig the convention io such a state of quietude that his voice could be heard a hundred Let a wav. “The convention will now come to or der,” he shouted wiih a violence that threatened an apoplectic seizure, “and pending the coming r*q>orts of the com mittees. the convention will firm to an address from ex-Gov. Altgeld of Illinois.’' There was still too much confusion for the name of the speaker to be intelligible at any distance and tin re was only a mild ripple of applause as Gov. Altgeld mount ed ihe rostrum. Again, by the vigorous use of his gavel, Chairman Thomas gain ed largely upon the noise and then he again commenced: “The convention will now be addressed by ex-Gov. Altgeld of Illinois.” This time his voice carried, and the announc merit was grated with ap~ t la use. Just as Gov. Altgeld began to f|> ak. the tall form of Rep esentalive. Sulzer came stalking through the aide. It was his first appealanee upon the floor, and although the recipient of no applause, he was cor dially greeted by many of the. delegates as he passed them. When ho r ached the lowa delegation, s a ted directly in the r ar of New York, Cato Sells rose to sake bands with him. and instantly there was a group around the tall New Yorker. From the New Yor.v del gallon, however, Mr. Sulzvr received no recognition, no handshake, no smile He took apparently as little interest in New Yoik as New York evinced in him, and although nodded familiarly to several of the dele gat* s, he spent ro time with them. Then Altgeld Spoke. During the early portion of Gov. Ait geld’s address the hum of conversation in the galleries and among the delegatee was so loud that not much of what ha said was audible, except to those close to him. The name of Mark Hanna, uttered in accents which did not imply approval, was the first thing the crowd at large caught, and although not many knew Just what the missile had been, or whether it had hit the mark, there was a howl of deligt. His prediction of Demociratio success next fall was the signal for another vocal spasm, and when he declared that if the Democrats of the country had not suffi cient confidence in their delegates to en trust the cause of Democracy to them, they woulii not have sent them here to nominate a candidate for the presidency the crowd went wild. This itomlng from a man of Gov. Altgcld’s known attitude upon the silver question was taken by Ihe 16 to 1 advocates as a direct championship of their cause, and they were on their feet in an instant, shouting and waving hats and handker chiefs with the greatest enthusiasm So loud was the cheering that the. speaker was compelled to suspend his remarks un til the uproar had subsided. It came again in a minute, however, when he de clared that any modification of the Chi cago platform would place the Democratic party In a ridiculous position before the American people. Again his voice was drowned for a few minutes while the ad vocates of !6 to 1 voiced their approval in cheers audible beyond tlie walls. The anti-16-to-l people took lheir In nings In another minute when he spoke favorably of the ratio of 16 to I and there were loud cries of "No, No.” Again tries of ••Hill.'* The speaker unwittingly touched off a mine by using rhe expression in discussing Ihe attitude of certain Democrats toward Ihe sliver question, "Now, my friend Hill. 1 This name Hill again started the uproar that Imd morked the first session of the convention. From all sides of the hall, and particu larly from the Southern delegates, came loud cries of "Illll!” "Hlli!” Mingled with the calls for Ihe New Yorker came hisses in plenty, and despite the vigorous use of the gavel, all semidance of order was lost, and nothing could be heard save the calls of "Hill,” and the disapproving hisses. The band in the gallery struck up a lively air. but as soon as it subsided the uproar was os great as ever, the Cal ifornia delegation being prominent in calling for Senator Hill. It was not pos sible for Gov. Altgeld to continue imme diately, and as the Committee on HuU-z declared itself ready to report, Gov. Alt. geld discontinued hits address and left the platform. Hiilea Adopted. The report of ,he Committee on Rules was read and adopted, it was as follows: "Resolved, That the rules of the last Democratic National Convention, includ ing the rules of Ihe House of Representa tives of Ihe Fifty-third Congress, so fur as applicable, be the rules of this con vention. "The order qf business shall be: - "I. Report of Committee on Credentials. '2. Report of Committee on Permanent Organization. ”3. Htport of Committee on Resolutions. "4. Presentation and selection of a can didate for President of the United States. "n. The presentation and selection of a candidate for Vice President.” The report of the committee on creden tials seating Mark Cohn and P. E. Mc- Cabe In the New York delegation, the Clark delegation In Montana and giving REPORT OF THE CONDITIO* OF THE CITIZENS BASK OF SAVANNAH, Located at Savannah, Ga., at the close of business June 30, 1900. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts $1,228,193 69 Demand loans secured. $298,466 23 298.4*30 23 Bonds, stocks, etc., owned by the 1 bank 110,000 00 Banking house $93.01)0. furniture and fixtures $1.968 00 96.918 60 Other real es.a*e 18,121 99 Due from banks and bonkers in this siate 48,327 69 Due from banks and bankers not in this state 261,U31 76 CASH— Currency $139,020 oo Gold 2,120 tit) Silver, nickels and pennies 15.290 36 Vncollected checks and cash items 161 63 l*ue by the clearing house 62,577 16— 219.172 33 Total $2,284,282 24 STATIC OF GEORGIA. CQCNTY OF CHATHAM. Before mo came GEORGE C. FREEMAN. Caster of The Citizens Link of'Savannah, who being duly sworn, says that the above and foregoing s'ati tne ni Is a true condition of said bank, shown by the books of file in said bank. GEO. C. FREEMAN, Cashier. Sworn and subscribed to before me. this 4th relay of July. 19uo. It. Li. ROCKWELL, Notary Public C. C., Ga. one-half a vote to each delegation in Oklahoma was presented. A minority re tort dissenting in the Oklahoma case was presented. There was souio objection made by Murray Yatidever. from Maryland, to the committee taking no action in the Ids- , trict of Columbia case. The chairman of the commit tee, Mr. Campau, answered that there was no cause to act in the District of Columbia, because it was set tled by the national committee. Mr. Vandever moved to recommit that part of the report to the committee. The mo tion was lost amid a storm of “noes.” The report of the committee was then adopted as presented. IV i* iii ii ueii t Ora n Izn 11 on. Chairman Thomas then called for the report of the committee on permanent organization. When it was announced that Hon. J. D. Richardson, of Tennes see, had been selected as permanent Chairman, cheers swept over the great audience. The report of the committee follows: “Your committee on permanent organi zation respectfully reports that Hon. James l>. Richardson of Tennessee bo made permanent chairman ot the con vention. “It is further recommended that the lemporary secretary assistant secretaries, sergeant-at-.arm s, reading clerks, special officers and medical officer# be made the permanent officers of this convention, and in addition that Hon. Lincoln Dixon of In diana. Hon. Jefferson Pollard of Missouri, lion. William Cromwell of Kentucky and Hon. W. F. A. Bernamtr of Illinois, be recommended as assistant secretaries. “Your committee further recommends to the convention for honorary vice pres idents, honorary secretaries and nicmbn* of the notification committees and Na tional Democratic Committee the gentle men severally mimed by the states and territories.” Chairman Thomas, offer the adoption of the report without debate, appointed a committee, consisting of ex-Gov. McCreary of Kentucky, Daniel Campau of Michi gan and Mayor Phelan of dan Francisco, to escort the permanent chairman to the platform. Owing to the densely packed condition of th© aisles, It required some little time for Messrs. Campau. McCreary and (Phe lan to get close enough to Mr. Richard son to escort him to the platform. The four men, marching in single file, the col umn headed by Gov. McCreary, ploughed their way to the side of Chairman Thomas. lov. McCreary advanced to ihe front of the platform and said: “Gentlemen of the Convention: It gives me great pleasure to introduce to you th© permanent chairman of the convention, Hon. James D. Richardson of Tennessee.” .Mr. Richardson repeatedly bowed Ills ac knowledgments of the cheers that swept in wave after wav© through the hall. ItieliurilMon'n AdtlrcMM. “I am deeply sensible of the great honor you!have bestowed upon me in calling me to preside over this great Democratic convention. “The momentous issue this year Is again 16 to 1, but.the sixteen parts to the one part of thia campaign, which I will briefly discuss, are who ly different from those of 1896. 1 will first refer to the sixteen parts and then to the one part. These sixteen parts are. “First. We have the issue fraught with indescribable importance to our people na tive born, and those who have for patri otic reasons cast their fortunes with us, namely, that of the republic against the empire. On this part alone of ih<* sixteen, if there were no other, we confidently ex pect to win a sweeping victory In No vember. The Republican party stands for empire. The Democratic party stands for the republic, for the Declaration ot Independence, and tlie constitution of our country. “Second. The paternal and fo.-derlng care given by those with whom we con tend, to the combinations of corporations and companies into powerful organiza tions familiarly known as trusts. Under three year© of Republican rule, while they controlled the Presidency, the Senate and Ihe House of Representatives, that is. all of the law-making |ower of the govern ment, trusts have been propagated and fostered by legislation until they not only dominate ad markets, both the buying and selling, but defy the very power of the government itself. The farcical efforts put forth by the Republican party in an alleged attempt to restrain them in the dying hours of the lav sett-ion of Con gress only excited ridicule and contempt, arid served to emphasize their Inability and disinclination to giuppie the monsters and regulate lheir conduct and actions. No matter what their excuses may be,' th© feint i® their policies have created them, and though clothed with ail power, they refuse to enact legislation to control them. “'Jhlrd. Called to power March 4. 1897, under a pledge to reform the currency, they seised the first opportunity to fast en u|on le land th© highest protective lariff law ever put upon the Ktatuto books of any country. This law was enact©! not to raise revenue, tut to pro tection to favoied manufacturers. it failed to raise sufficlrni revenue for the government, but answered the purpose | of enriching the favored few while it ! robbed the many, and at the same t’me, I brought forth trusts to plague us as num- j Scotch and Irish Whiskies. We are agents for the most celebrated Scotch and Irish whiskies, imported direct from the distilleries of Scotland and Ireland. These Scotch whiskies are the of the finest Highland whiskey matured many years in wood before bottled. The expert Analyist describes this Scotch whis key as the perfection of Highland whiskey, and is special O. V. H., selected Old Vatted Highland whiskey from Glasgow, Scotland. The latest novelty in Scotch whiskey is distilled by Rutherford of Leith, Scotland, and is called Scotch Cherry Whiskey, and very palatable indeed. We are also agets for the famous old Irish whiskey, imported bv us from Wheeler, Belfast. Ireland. LIPPMAN BROS,, a Agents for Scotch and Irish Distilleries. LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in $ 500.000 00 Surplus fund 25,000 00 Undivided profits not carried to surplus 76,629 84 Due to bapks and bankers in this stale 190,129 87 Due to banks and bankers not in thin slate 58,879 87 Du© unpaid dividends 10,046 00 Individual Deposits, viz: Subject to check. .$1,409,380 61 Demand certifi cates 14,217 05— 1,423,397 19 Total $2,294,28194 erous as the lice and locusts of Egypt. Their high protective tariff is the mother of trusts. “Fou th. This uilmirdHtiatlon came Into powt r with a sol inn declaration in favor of bi-ni.’trtliism and a pledge to promote it It has (ailed to keep that pledge. It has fie lud in its stead the single stand a’d of g Id, and bus endeavored to de stroy ill hope of bimetallism. In doing this. it. has built up a powerful national bank trust, and has g.ven us a currency bused upon tin- debts and liabilities of the government. We stand for bl-me4al -11 tn and not for a mono metallic stand ard if either on© or the other metal. “Fifth. 'lhe dominant party has ra c ntly made the fraudulent declaration bit it favored the Monroe doctrine: and yet tin ir pres and nr and sc re ary of state have done all in their power to nullify and abrogate that famous and much ro v< i- and ] ©m< era ic doctrine. In the mini of its Democratic author, James Mon ro© l and nounce their vaunted advocacy of this truly American doctrine as false and hypocritical. We stand for this doc ! trine in its essence and lorm, and de mand its rigid enforcement. “Sixth. In ord* r to obtain place and power they ;l* • g and 1 1 em.-tdvep, in the in of an xpmidli g commerce, to con struct a waterway to connect th© two urcai oceans. They have repudiated this p!< tnisc. Tiny hav© negotiated the Hay- Cauncrfote treaty which, while it vir tually abrogates the Monro© doctrin#, tenders it lmi>osßibie to build an Ameri can canal. Under th** terms and provis ions of this treaty, which Is English and not American, the canal can never be construct* and. We stand for an American canal, owned, constructed, operated and fort lifted by America. “Seventh. They declared in their plat form that their party was responsible for the n.c It system, that it was their creature* and that the civil law should be protec.ed and its operation ex tended. Their proto t on of this law has be n such as tin* wolf gives the lamb. They did not date openly repeal th© law to modify it by an act of Congress, but they hav© lnslduously by an order freun th© President extorted from him io aid them to obiain and hold political j ow 'd gr. ally Impair* and the efficiency of th© law By the President's order many thou sand lucrative offices regularly covered by the civil service law wera taken from under the proeclicn, and these places turned over to Ids partisan followers in a vain effort to satisfy their political greed. “Eighth. They declared in their plat form in favor of the admission of th© ferritori s of Arizona, New Mexico, and Oklahoma as stales of the Union, yet, after nearly four years of full power, th*y are si ill territories. Under the wick ed rule of law as now applied by Ihe Ra publ'can party to some of our territories 1 hey may at an early date find erected between themselves and the balance of the Uni mi a tariff wall which will servo to paup riz© Hum whil© it enriches oth “Ninth. When Congress last assembled th© President in his first utterance ad dresjfd to the representa ivts fresh from the people solemnly urged upon them that it was the plain duty to give fre© trade to Porto Rico. His party leaders, <iulck to obey his injunction, made ready to comply with his recommendations. But In a night, almost in the twinkling of an eye the mighty magnates of the trust* swept down upon Washington, and inter posed lheir strong arm, and plain duty vanished like mist before the rising sun. The President wheeled into line the Re publican party reversed its policy, and sot up a tariff wall 'between the island of Porto Rh o and the remainder of the United States. It is not at all surprising that in the recent somewhat lengthy de clarations of principles enunciated by ths piriy in convention assembled while thoy enlarged upon almost every political ques ion, they could not find the space to point with pride to the achievements of their party In its dealings with tbftt unhappy island. The Democratic party stands for equal taxation, equal rights, and opportunities to all who come under the folds of the flay. “Tenth. They wholly failed by their leg islation or by the cheaper method of plat form declaration to tell the country whut lheir policy is in respect to the Philip pine Islands. For two years by theUr equivocating policy, and no policy at all, they hav© continued In. that archipelago a war, expensive in human blood, as wall as in money. Incompetent to deal with this question, and to cowardly avow their toil i in i Ob*? of imperialism and ism in dealing with these and kindred col onial questions they should be retired from i>owtr, and the control should b© given to a party honest, bold and patrl < tic enough, to apply American theories and i recepts to existing conditions, and thereby solve them in harmony with the underlying principles of the declaration of independence and the constitution of our country. “Eleventh. Another part of the issue of the campaign this year is the scandal ous dealings of a high cabinet officer with private banks of the country. These , scandals are notorious, and are based upon the earnest and repeated written .1* m inds of th© officers of some of theso (Continued on Sixth Page.) 5