The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, July 10, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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2 ADDED TO THE CASUALTIES. R ULRO %1)> I II 'Kll TWO MOHt DEATHK NEAR ATLANTA. FJve-Vcnr-Olil ill Eubanka Was Knockrd From n Track and Died Fire Minute* Iftrnvardu—A Roily, Supposed to Be That of C lint Shinn of \ujBUin. Man Found, Mutilated, on n Southern Railway Trentle. Atlanta, July 9.—The large number of railroad casualties which have occurred /within the last month in or near Atlanta was increased to-day by two fatalities. David Grandison Eubanks, a 5-year-old son of Charles G. Eubanks, of C 7 Green wood avenue, was killed at 9 o ■ lo k this morning. The little boy, together with two oilier children, was walking along the railroad ra*.k from ins horn- to the power plant of the Atlanta Railway and Power Company, near Exposition Park, where his father is employed. The chil dren were walking on a sidetrack. The boy attempted to cross the main track just ahead of an excursion train for Athens. He was struck on the head by the pilot, thrown off the track and In five minutes w< dead. The train did not stop. The engineer knew nothing of the tragedy until a telegram was sent to him. A body, supposed to be that of Clint Shinn, a young man of Augusta, was found this morning on the Peachtree creek trestle of the Southern Railway. The body was hanging on the guard rail. The right leg. left foot and right arm ware cut off. Evidence before tin- coron er’s jury indicated the young man either fell under the train or was struck while walking arrov the trestle. Charlie Speis "of Augusta, who said he knew Shinn, identified the remains P IRTNEKS DIS RrHEEI). And An \flnnin Establishment Went lit a R ecei \e r. Atlanta, July 9.—Judge E J. Reagan has appointed W. T. Moyers temporary receiver for S E Bowman, a Whitehall • treot milliner. E. L. Rhodes, former partner of Bowman, made the applica tion. claiming bowman owed him $2,000 or more was insolvent and was misman aging the assets of the late firm. They formed a partnership July 12, 1898. doing a wholesale millinery business un til Dec. 1, 1899. when they separated. Rhodes took the wholesale and Bowman the retail business and the liabilities to SII,OOO. leaving a net worth of $16,800. Un der an agreement. Bowman i.- alleged to have taken $21,000 of the assets with the understanding that lie would discharge all the firm's liabilities. Rhodes claims that Bowman has not carried out the con tract. but has called on him to keep the paper of the old firm from going to pro test. The question of a permanent receiver ship will be passed upon Thursday un less a settlement is reached in the mean time. 93,000.000 IN MORTGAGES. Filed In \tlnntn to t over Corpora tion** Hontl lamucm. Atlanta, July 9—Two mortgages, amounting to $3,000,000, were tiled in the office oX the clerk of the Superior Court to-day. One. amounting to $2,000,000, was rtbd by the Georgia Electric Light Com pany, and the other, lor $1,000,000, by the Atlanta Rapid Transit Company. The mortgages are to secure new bonds. Harry M. Atkinson, president of the Elec tric Light Company and secretary and treasurer of the Street Railway Company, says the tiling of the mortgages means that financial arrangements have been completed *o renovate the light company and to build the .street railway system for which ho has been given franchises. EDITOR* ON \ TRIP. Georgia Press Awnocint ion to Take in Northern Point*. Atlanta. July 9.—The Georgia Press As sociation, headed by President H. V. t‘a kaniss. will leave at I p. in. to-morrow on its annual tour. The advance guard of the editors arrived in Atlanta to-night. A meeting will be held at the Kimball at lo a. m. to-morrow. Many of rh* pencil pushers will be a-- compnnied by their wives or by female relative-. New York will be reached Thursday morning. The party will go to Niagara I'alls Friday, and after spending a day there, will return home by way of New York. HIRER WILL SWING. Supreme Court Dili Not \limit the Attorney** Motion. Atlanta. July 9—James Baker, who murdered bis wife in Atlanta two months ago. will have to swing for his crime. He was convicted within a week of the killing His attorney claimed he was not allowed sufficient time to prepare for trial, and newly discovered evidence, if allowrd. would show Bake! cracy. The Supreme Court decided the triol was not too hasty, and under counter showings made by the state as to Baker’s sanity, no different verdict would be found. Baker will be re-sentenced in h few davt*. Gl\ KS U A IKK AW U. Jidtf •' Hill>er Remark* t pan the Atlanta Water Qnemion. Atlanta. July 9.—Judge George Hlllyer, who is. perhaps, more familiar with the* water situation in Atlanta than any other citizen. having been a member of the wit ter hoard ten years and several years the chairman, has directed Attention to the fact that mote than half of the city’s water l* given away. Th< city gets pay for 42 per <>nt. of the water pumped, while $8 per rent i- lor free service. Judge Hlllyer says there is no f-kllled machinist employed at> the station where the recent break* have occurred. A M A NON II FAIR. Atlanta Will Follow Snvnn nub's Ex ample to Raise Fund*. Atlanta, July 9.—New vigor has been in fused Into the movement to build a Ma sonic Temple in Atlanta. Several years ago a lot whs purchased nt the corner of North Pryor and Auburne avenue at h cost of $35.W0. It Is proposed to erect a building at a cost of $50,000 to $75,000. Steps tow aid the erection of the temple will he taken at a meeting of the Masons* of the city Wednesday night at the Chamber of Commerce. A fair will be hold this full to aid in raising fund*. PREPARING FOR ORDINARIES. Those of Georgia Will Meet In %t- Iu fa on July IS. Atlanta. July 9.—Arrangements are now being made for the reception and enter tainment of the ordinaries of the state, who will meet in Atlanta Wednesday, July 18. The session will last one day. An Interesting programme is being pre pared, and at least seventy-five ordinaries are expected to attend. Judge (’. Af. Wiley of Macon Is president of the at •oclatlon. "Every Man is the Architect of His Fortune ,r An Architect designs, and his pUns sre executed by A builder. The greAtest builder of heAlth is Hood’s Sarsaparilla. It Uys a firm foundation. It makes the blood, the basis of life, pure and strong. Be an architect of your fortune and secure Hood's as your health builder. 3(ecd6 SaUafHitf/tq I HE n I u S AT IB A1 UN I ON ■'each Season at It* Height—New Factories Going t p. Eat on ton, Ga., July 9.The fruit sraton is at Its best in this coupty, and all is ac tivity. The hotels are full of men in i*rested in th* peach crop, either as com mission canning men or owner* of the peach farm*. There are three peach farms in this county of considerable size. :nd several smaller one*. About 1.000 acres are planted in fiuit for market, nnd this year the growers expect to real ize about SIO,OOO from the season’s burl iness exclusive of the profit from the canned goods. The industry in Putnam 4s yet young, and the next season will wit ness a huge Increase in the shipment*. The early varieties, such a* the iSnead Triumph, Early Tillotsen. Lady Ingo and and St John have about all been shipped, and now cornea the Elberta. the queen of the market peaches. In about three weeks the season's work will have been over, but while It lasts it goes with a rush. The Putnam County Canning Company has been operating a plant here for ten years, and another vanning factory with latest steam processes has been erected at B. W. Hunt’s orchard by Mr. Moore, a gen tleman from Savannah. He will give special a i tent ion to the Elbert*, and it is quite likely that no other kind will be put up at this factory. The brick work on the electric cotton mills has been completed and the placing of machinery will begin soon. Work on the *pur-track from the Central** line to the bite for the Middle Georgia Fac tory is nearly completed. anl w r hen this is accomplished the building will be push ed forward. The. Quintette 'Manufacturing Company has applied for charter, and It is under stood that they will erect a cotton mill. Tho Putnam County Manufacturing Company has been reorganized with the purpose of building a yarn mill. The shoe factory will begin work in a week or two. having placed the machinery and otherwise got things in readings for business. The machine shops are also about completed, and preparations are be ing pushed for the election of a big round bale ginnery. The year 1900 will be mark ed down with a red letter in the history of Eatonton’s growth. A (Kdltion has been sent to the head quarters of the Posial Telegraph Com pany, asking that an office be established ai this pla< e. It is believed that the peti tion, which is signed by' all the business men of the place, will accomplish the end sought. Oconee Spring. Putnam’s health resort, is fast becoming famous. Each year brings more visitors from a distance. Three years ago n commodious hotel was erected, and until then there was no ac commodation for the guests except some rude huts erected for private use. The health-giving properties of the* water is beyond cavil. Among those who have dis covered thlk arc ex-Gov. Northen and wife, who have a voltage at the sping Socially, Eatonton was never livelier. There are a number of visitors in the town and a series of entertainments are being given in their honor. The latest was a garden party Monday evening, giv en by Miss Josephine Reid to her guest*. Misses Hill of Athens, Finney and Will iams of Jones county TTof. O. B. Nisbet of the Eatonton Acad *my Is at the Fniversity of Chicago for the summer. Miss Fannie Lee Leverett, ,dso of the faculty of the city school. Is in New York. Miss Florence Adam* i* in Boston at the New’ England Conservatory. She is an accomplished pianist. Ml HDEK NEAR WAVNE9BORO. Ilcury \\ illiHniM, ( ulored, Killed Hutto ( olotetl. Waynesboro, Ga., July 9 —Henry Will iams, a young- negro man, shot and killed Dado Supp. a negro woman, last Saturday night, near this oily. The .shooting ie sold to have been done with a Colt’s pistol, every chamber of it having been fired and taking effect upon the woman. Jealousy Is thought to have been the cause of the assassination. The shooting was witnessed by several negro men and women, who lei the murderer walk delib erately away without trying !o arrest him. Warrants have been Issued, and office re are endeavoring to apprehend the mur derer. 1 LAV Al ILLK. Tlie Senator Will Hrlber an \d - drew* There To-day. M il’edg- viiic, (la.. July 9.—Hon. A. S. Clay arrived In this city to-day. The Senator is quite a favorite In this section, and though his visit was an unexpected honor, the news of his presence soon spread, t reating quite a ripple of enthus iasm. Representative men flocked to his rooms at the Mllledgeville Hotel, and he was given quite an enthusiastic recep tion. Upon the urgent request of citi zens he will speak at the Court House to-morrow. The Superior Court is now in session here. The entire local liar and a number of visiting attorneys will attend. Dentists for Old Point. Atlanta. July 9.—A party of ten dentists left the city to-day oxer the Seaboard for Old Point Comfort, where they will t -tend the niece ting of the National Dental Association. ♦ f Pile* t ured Without the Knife. Itching blind bleeding or nrotrudlng piles. No cure, no pav All druggists are authorized by the manufacturers of Pazo Pile Ointment to refund the money where it fails to cure any cane of piles, no matter of how long standing. Cures ordinary cases in six drvs; the worst cases in fourteen davs One application gives ease and rest Relieves itching instantly. This is anew discovery, and is the only pile remedy sold on a positive guarantee, no cure, no pay Price soc. If your druggist don’t keep it i n stock, send us hoc tn stamps, and wc will for w*r<l same by mad. Manufactured by Paris Medicine Cos.. St Louis. Mo., manufacturers of Laxative Bronio Quinine and Grove's Taste less Chill Tonic, ad SPECIAL NOTICE*. \IIOt T TIIL STREETS. I mean the streets upon which the lots are located, that will be sold this after noon. Before the city laid out the streets and NUMBERED, instead of naming them, the owners of that large tract lying cast of Habersham, and north of Anderson, subdivided it into lots and NAMED the streets St. James. St. Paul. St. Nicholas, St. John, St. Michael and St. Thomas, which very nearly correpsond with the streets west of Habersham, numbered re spectively Flrat, Second. Third. Fourth, Fifth and Sixth streets by the city later. It will probably occur later on that the numbers may be substituted for the rmmee. Attend the sale at tt p. ni. C H. DORSETT, Auctioneer. THE MORNING NEWS: TUESDAY, JULY 10. 1900. DEATH*. ATWOOD.—Died, at Augusta. G*.. June .30. 1900. Jules, the son of J E. and Jan,-* Mclntosh Atwood, of Valona, Mclntosh county, Georgia; aged 11 months and one w eek. ROGERS—Died in Hartford. Conn.. July 8. 1900. Henrietta S Roger*, widow of David M. Rogers, late of Savannah, Ga., and mother of Mrs. Robert G. Erwin. FUNERAL. IN TIT ATI 051 •• her residence, 559 Taylor street, east, at 2 o'clock Monday morning. All relatives and friend* ore respectfully invited to at tend the funeral of the deceased from her residence, at 10 o’clock a. m., Tuesday, July 10. MEETINGS 231, F. A A. M. A regular communication will be held at Masonic Temple this (Tuea da> evening it 8:30 o'clock. • > Mefnbers of sister lodges are invited o attend. ROBT. M HITCH. W. M. JNO. S. HAINES. Secretary. DE KALB LODGE NO. 0, I. O. O. F. A regular meeting of the lodge will be held tide evening at 8:30 o'clock at Met ropolitan Hall. Visiting brethren and members of sis ter lodges are cordially invited to attend. C. H. DORSETT, N. G. W. W. GROSS, Secretary. SPECIAL NOTICES. l.ofi From the Chatham Real Estate and Improvement Company. The sale of lots this afternoon, a? is well known, is for the property of the Chatham Real Estate and Improvement Company. Having a large capital, a half of a mil lion. they arc able to offer special induce ments to thope who buy their lots. These inducements are a low cash pay ment (only s3t>), a very low monthly pay ment ($2.50), and the lowest rate of in terest yet named—to-wit: 5 per cent. in addition to the above, they arc will ing to do more for the buyers of their own lots, they will build house* for them. Truly, what more can they do to encour age the home-seeker. C. H. DORSETT. Auctioneer. WMI t\D HOW SI \\ \NF.E SPRINGS’ WATER CURES. There is but one cardinal reason: The Water i a natural diuretic. Gci bold of that phrase in its full meaning, if you please. Turn to Abernethy. "Nature’s way of cure of disease is by free diuresis. ' And Avenbrugger: “Nature cares for the kidneys. That is health.” And Bichat: “Health is impossible if the diuretics be neglected.’* Put it in this way: The Water has selective action on the kidneys. The ex cretion of the solid matters—the urea, uric acid and extractive matter*? —is In creased by it. In other words, it causes the elimination of the products of the metamorphosis of tissue. And yet. notice that this is done without any Impairment of the quality of the blood, or any lowering of the forces of the organ ism. It is better that patients go to the Spring to take the Water, for the reason that the psychic influence*? of change of scene, as sociations and climate are very large fac tors concerned in the results of treatment. Go to the Spring, if you can. It mean* much more than you ran dream of. You want the Water as Nature hands it forth. But if you cannot go for any reason, you may res* assured that it is the aame W'ater, whether taken a* the Spring or hundreds of miles from there, and that the results are the same wherever it is taken. There are two or three points to be not ed. Suwanee Water is prompt in its action. It acts the sume day that *t is taken. The effecs are immediate. The effects are continuous. That i*. the results, which are early accomplished, are continued. For descriptive pamphlets with testi monials tiddc'fiS SUWANEE SPRING CO.. Suwanee Fla. ANDREW HANLEY, President and General Manager. TABLE D'HOTE. 60c—DINNER—50c Dinner 1 to 3 and 6 to 9. Tuesday, July b.‘. Claret Wine. SOUP. Beef Broth. FISH. Summer Trout. Wine Sauce. Potatoes ala Julieim**. Sliced Tomatoes. Queen Oliw*. Chow Chow, Mixed Pickles. ROASTED. Ribs Baltimore Beef. Dish Gravy. Breast of Ivamb. Mint Sauce. , ENTREES. Deviled Crabs d'Orleans. American Fritters. Demon Sauce. VEGETABLES. Boiled Potatoes, Mashed Squashes. Rice. Stewed Tomatoes, Rousting Ears. PASTRY AND DESSERT. Egg Custard Pie, Assorted Cake*. Cheese, Crackers, Fruits. Ice Cold Watermelons. French Coffee. At LEVAN S CAFE RESTAURANT, 111 Congress street, west. TO BBS DISPOSBO OF. \ Splendid Launch. One of the Prettiest and Finest Boats Here. Anew launch, in the water hardly JO days; 25-foot. I-horse power. One of the fleetest and prettiest boats here. Outruns all others. Complete, with awning, anchor, brass lanterns, cushions, tools, flags, ice cooler and locker* under every seat. In fact, all ready for a cruise. The boat is perfectly appointed, and is provided with everything necessary and can be used im mediately. This launch uses half the naphtha that other Itoats of her size use. For particulars apply at Geo. Schwarz's saloon, corner Congress and Whitaker streets, the lH* Soto bar. Hicks’ restau rant, or LI PPM AN BROS.. Wholesale Druggists. MOONLIGHT EXCI HSIOV Under the auspices of the INDEPENDENT fJOCIETY WEDNESDAY, JULY 11. Steamer Alpha leaves foot of Whitaker street at 8 o'clock. Music and refresh ments. Tickets 25c. For sale at Solomon’s Drug Store and at boat. LOOK. The finest line of Mantals, Tiling and Grates In the city. Prices rock tot torn. Save money by seeing our goods before purchasing elsewhere. SAVANNAH BUILDING SUPPLY CO., * Comer Congress and Drayton Phone 619, It's a Winner. Tom keehecSm ALWays good J. PINKUSSOHN & CO., 206 Bay street, west, Savannah, Ga. BONDY & LEDBRER. /lakers, New York. SAVANNAH STEAM LAUNDRY II Congress Street, West. FINE WORK, Prompt Delivery. Phone 383, "Bread is the Staff of Lifer THEREFORE HAVE IT GOOfc 2P%-'Always Reliable, IPECXAL NOTICES. OAL’’ Reader, tiii? may be a “red letter lay” in your life! It may make or mar your fortune! What you do to-day may result in providing your family with a com fortable home Perchance you may to day lay the foundation for the miseries of a millionaire! Who knows? The great landlords of this and ocher cities did not buy locs by wholesale or houses by the hundreds, but began with one lot and one house, and made them buy and Duild another lot and another house! Of course they did not buy of a farm, but invested in city property; lots upon which to build houses in which peo ple wanting city facilities could live; near to churches, school houses, street cars, lights, water, police, firemen and other adjuncts of civilization. If you want a lot with city conveniences and protection, to-day is that on which you can gratify your desires! Come out at 6 p. m. and attend the sale of the lots offered by the Chatham Real Estate and Improvement Company on Price, Plant, £t. Michael, St. John and other streets! It may be the chance of a lifetime! A well located lot for S2O cash and $2.00 per month, with interest at 5 per cent.! Tak*- either the Habersham or Abcrcorn street cars and look to the left after you pass the Anderson Street School house for the un dersigned,- and the crowd. C. H. DORSETT, Auctioneer. SOMETH IMi NEW. Richardson’s Pickles, called CUCUM BERS and PEARLS, beautiful goods and of finest quality. —also — A square bottle of Fruit Syrup—Rasp berry, Strawberry and Orange flavor®—at 15e per bottle. Our 43c Tea for icing will save you money and please you. Such conditions are sought after by all classes. A. M. & C. W. WEST. NOW IS TUB TIME TO HENOV ATE. We renovate and remake with hair 11 king moss mattresses $4. hair and wool mattresses $5. We get the size of bedstead and make your mattress to order, without extra charge. Fine curled .hair and moss mattresses a specialty. Our medicated steam renovator will purify and clean as well an increase in volume your feather l>eds and pillows. Renovation of feather beds so. holsters $1.50, pillows 75c. All work guaranteed first-class. NATIONAL MATTRESS AND RENO VATING CO.. Hell Phone 1130. 331 Drayton street, i BMPER ATI RE a i A\ am i; SPRINGS, FLA. SUNDAY, J FLY 8. 1900: At 10 a. m 82 degree* At 1 p. m 90 degree* At I! p. m 87 degrees At 10 p. m 78 degrees The coolest ami healthiest summer re sort in the South. No mosquitoes, grand plunge and swimming )kk>l, free from all malaria. Write for illustrated and de scriptive pamphlet. ANDREW HAN LEV, President. NOTH E. The firm of J. H. & E. G. Badenhoop has i his day dissolved copartners hip by mutual consent, Mr. J. H. Badenhoop as suming all liabilities. J. H. BADENHOOP. Jul* 9, 1900. E. G. BADENHOOP. LARGE \\ AttEIIOI feE AND OFFICE to rent, located head of Broughton street, on West Broad, now occu pied by the Savannah Carr leg* and Wagon Cos. As they will give up business in the city on June l, i offer it for rent from that date. H. P. SMART. TUB WAV TO CLKAN CAIirKTI. The only way tc get your carpets prop erly taken up. cleaned and taken care of for the aummer is to turn the Job over to the District Messenger and Delivery Cos., telephone 2. or call at 32 Montgomery street, and they will make you an esti mate on the coat of the work. Prlcoe reasonable They also pack, moro and •tore furniture and pianos. C. H MED DOCK. Supt. and Mg. *2.1,000. One of our clients has placed In our hands 126,000 to loan on good Savannah teal estate at teasonnble rates of Interest, BECKETT & BECKETT. 24 President street, east. IN BARRELS. HALF BARRELS AND SACKS AT WHOLESALE. HENRY SOLOMON & SON SB V\> VII. (.V. BUSINESS NOTICES. Where Are the Lots On Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth streets, WEST of the S., F. & W. R'y. You don't have to cross tlie tracks. You are very near the Anderson Street School. The lots are but a short distance from S., F. & \V. Railway shops, warehouses and offices. Short walk; need not use street cars. * They are convenient for street car men. They will be sold at 6 p. m. to-day in the cool of the evening, and we will fur nish cool lemonade and bargains. C. H. DORSETT. Auctioneer. BRANCH’S ~ SUPERLATIVE DIAMOND B HEALTH BRAND. This is the BEST FLOUR in the market. And the niill er assure us that the qual ity is now better than ever Before, For the reason that they have improved the ar rangements for selecting the wheat. Money cannot buy any flour superior. 21-lb. sacks 75c 12-lb. sacks 400 0-lb. sacks 25c IHE 8.1. BRANCH CO., Broughton and Whitaker. Phones 70. Wedding Glass. Wedding Silver. The nio*t beautiful, brilliant and per fect Cut Glass. The most chaste, elegant and correct Sterling Silver. Prices as attractive as the sets or pic es. HUNTER & VAN KEUREN Jewelers. Hit Bull street. \OTK K TO TAX PAYK.KS. City Treasurer's Office Savannah, Ga., July 1, 1000. The following taxes are now due: Beal esia'e, second quarter 1900. Stock in trade, second quarter 19(10. Furniture, etc . second quarter 1900. Money, mortgages, etc., second quarter 1900. Also water rents in advance (or six montlie ending Jan. 1. 1901. A discount of 10 per cent, will be allow ed upon all of the a!>ove if payment Is made within fifteen days after July 1. C. S. HARDEE, City Treasurer. LEVY’* DISCOUNT NOTICE. TOD WILL SAVE TEA CKST. By paring yonr bills n at k*. for. the 15th lost. * b. h. levy at nno. IIO.VDS LIBCITED By the American Bonding and Trust Com pany of Baltimore. We are authorized to execute locally (Immediately upon appli cation), all bonds In Judicial proceedings In either the state or United States courts, and of administrators und guardians * DEARINO & HULL. Agents. Telephone 324. Provident Building. I'on MALE, 1.0 l fIOxOO, north side Ogl.-thorpe avenue, between Ilottston and Knot Broad streets. Apply DEO BAVIN, v Boom 124. Board of Trade. We carry in stock all the latest and prettiest patterns in Builders’ Hardware. Call and see our Ball Bearing Sash Pul leys and Door Butts. Palmer Hardware Company, BAY AND JEFFERSON STREETS. BUSINESS XOTIC&S. To-day! 6 P. M. CITY LOTS At Auction A Better Investment Titan a Savings Bank Account or a Life Insurance Policy. THE OLD A \l> RELI ABLE CI#\TH\M REAL ESTATE \M> IM PROVEMENT I’OMPAM Will sell to-day lots on rrurw. piant, st. mhiiael st. JOHN’S, ST. N ICOLAS VN l> ST. I* At L STREETS. 'This* |ro|ierts I* offered on term* which can not le eqnnleri I>> anj person, *> ndienfo or corporation In this oil 3 or elsewhere. \ol only will the coni|ian> sell lots on the liberal terms set forth below, hut when the payments ore sullieient to ftviurantee It n loan will he ntude no that the linyer can build n house. those who have not obtained maps of this property can do so to-day at the sale. TERMS-READ! S2O CASH ! and $2.50 a month ON I NPA ID I’IItCIIASE MONEY, trith r per rent. Interest. This means pi net iH 1 1 > that YOf RECEIVE IN TER EVI at the rale of 7 PER CENT, per annoui ON FAERY' DOLLAR yon pay In from (lie time yon pay it un til you make the Inst payment! New system of house drnlmiKe through this property. Anderson Street Seliool nearby. SALE ON PREMISES TO-DAY, Tuesday, July 10, 1900, < O'CLOCK t\ M. C. 11. DORSET'!’, .Auctioneer. NOTHING IS PRETTIER or is more healthful than a pleasant ride in a cool and easy-riding Canopy Top Surrey. Is / L It gives i olor to tho cheek* and general health to your entire family. If you are not golr.g to send your family away this summer. < ome (town lo see us. You can buy a carriage and harness reasonable and rn easy terms if you want to. Rub ber tires also, but they're not altogether necessary. We will be glad to sec you COHKN-K l"I.M AN f’AHJtlAlili ‘ AND WAGON COMPANY. Broughton and West Broad streets, Bab oek's Representatives. Mr. (.'has. Brant is t ow with us. NEGLIGEE SHIRTS Laundered by Us Obviate Wearing Coats. "' " ", Bull Btr • ~ IF IfOU WANT GOOD MATERIAL and work, order your lithographed and printed stationery and blanjt books from Morning News, Savannah, Ua. LEOPOLD ADLER. c . S FI r t President. Vice p,,sa. BARRON CARTER. Assistant *" h ' 1(r The Chatham Bank SAVANNAH. Will be pleased to receive the of Merchants, Firms. Individual, sink" and Corporations. Ban k liberal favors extended. .Unsurpassed collection facilities tng prompt returns. ln,ur * Separate Savings Department. INTEREST tOVIPOI \DED Ql teuly o\ DEPOSITS. Safety Deposit Boxes and Vaults r rent. C orrespondence solicited. f The Citizens"]® of SAVANNAH. •irn CAP,TAL $500,000. Business. (solicit* Account. *| Individual*, Merchant., Bank, and .the, c.roj. rations. Collection, handled with .. tel _ economy and di,patch. * Interest compounded dnnrt.n. allowed on in our Savt... Department. ” Safety Boxe. and Vaults. *■ BRANTLEY A. DEASIARK, Pre.ld.,. MILLS B. LANE, Vice Pre.lde,, GEORGE C. I'REEMAW, Ca.hier, GORDON L. GROOVER. A..1., N MM Ml CAPITAL. tSS.TO.OOO. Accounts of banks, merchants, corpora tions and individuals solicited, Savings Department, Interest p,id quarterly. Safety Boxes and Storage Vaults fo rent. Collections made on all. points at re*, sonable rates. Drafts sold on all the chief cities ol th world. Correspondence Invited. JOSEPH D. WEED. President. JOHN C. ROWLAND. Vice President, W. F. McCAULEY". Cashier. SOUTHERN BANK of the State of Georgia ! Hut plus and undivided profits—.. .—JSB . PfctVtiiiUitl' (JF THU dl'A TM 'j,- GEORGIA. Superior facilities tor u.nsactlng a Ljci.crai LaDMitk Do4:aui c ollections made on all poiniu accessible through nd bankers Accounts of tiajiks, danker*, Merchant! and others tsoliciUd. bale Deposit Boss# for renL Department of Savings, Interest paysblt quarterly. Bells 6tearllng Exchange on London 4 end upwards. JOHN FLANNERY. President. HORACE A. CRANE. Vice PreaMwL JAMES SULLIVAN. Cashier. DIRECTORS: JNO. FLANNERY. WM. W. GORDON. E. A. WEIL. W. W. GORDON. Ji, H A. CRANE. JOHN M EGAN. LEE ROY MYEHS. JOSEPH FERBT. H P. SMART. CHARLES ELLA EDWARD KELLY. JOHN J. KIRBY No. Into, Charter. 1, uu THE Hills iMIf If OF SAVANNAH. CAPITAL, JeOO.COO. BURPLUS. J1C0.009 UNIT LD STATES DEPOSITORY. J. A. G. CAHSGN, President BEIIC.E GORDON. Vic. Preaidant. W. M. DAVANT, Cashier. Accounts of banks and bankers, mar ch ants and corporations received upos the most favorable terms consistent with safe and conservative banking. THE GERMANIA BANK *AV AN N Aid. ViA. Capital $200,08$ Undivided profits •°‘ oC * This uank ou,ra its services 10 corpora* Lons, merchants and Individuals. Ha. authority tc act as executor, ad ministrator, guardian, ete. Issues drafts on the principal eltlsa !■ Great Britain and Ireland and on the Continent. Interest paid or compounded quarter® on deposit# In the Saving Department. Sefetv Boxes for rent. HENRY BLUN. President. GKO. VY. TIEDEMAN, Vice Prealdaat. JOHN M. HOGAN, Cashier. WALTER F HOGAN. Ass t Cashier. BUSINESS NOTICES. ANXIOUS TO SELL For $2,500. A two-etory double cottage on § cor ner. A one-story rot ta re on a corner, and a lot sixty feet front by one hundred and seventeen fee deep, wit’i two wide streets and a lane. So anxious are the owners to well t- ,al they will take a part cash and give lor * lime on the balance at a low rate of in terest. C. H. DOR SETT. li Newsoaper Pul®. For sale, a Forssith Newspaper Folder, will fold sheet 27x42. It Is In good older. Price SIOO. It coat originally 11.10®. bllt we have no use for It and want the room It occupies. It will be an Invaluable adjunct to *“ newspaper office. Address MORNING NEWS, Bavannab. <*• _ spec l At. HOTICBt. 11021)1 ITOES av 411 not trouble you if yoH NHOO.UI SHEET. It in l' ,r *' l "“ perf ii me. tIKMIEIDI A In n toilet powder that inatnnri pel* tlie dlmiree*ble odor* ~rl from peraplrntion. OLD KTVI/I'l COLD rNB*" given <|iilch relief for nun l>ur>> *" 4 nLlii troubles. SOLOMONS CO,