The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, July 10, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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4 ihc iUofning fseh)£ Moralng Kew Building Katanaah, Ua. TUESDAY, JULY 10. lftOO. Flegisterra at the Postoffice In Savannah. The MORNING NEWS Is published every day In the year, and is served to •übecribers In the city, or sent by mail Bt 70c a month, $4.00 for six months, and 5&.00 for or.e year. The MORNING NEWS, by mail, six times a week (without Sunday issue), three months, $1.60; six months $3.00; one year, $6,00. The WEEKLY NEWS. 2 issues a week, Monday and Thursday, by mall, one year, SI.OO. Subscriptions payable in advance. Re mit by postal order, check or register©! letter. Currency sent by mail at risk of senders. Traneient advertisements other than special column, local or reading notices, amusements end cheap or wart column, 10 cents a line. Fourteen lines of agate type—equal to one inch square in depth— Is the standard of measurement. Contract rates and discount made known on appli cation at business office. Orders for delivery of the MORNING NEWS to either residence or place of business may be made by portal card or through telephone No. 210. Any irregular ity In delivery should be immediately re ported to the office of publication Letters ar.d telegrams should be ad dressed "MORNING NEWS,” Savannah. Ga. EASTERN OFFICE, 23 Park Row. New York city, H. C. Faulkner, Manager. INDEX TO NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Meeting?—Ancient Landmark Lodge. No. 231. F. and A. M. Special Noeices—Temperature at Suwa nee Springs, Fla, Andrew Hanley, Pres ident; Something New, A. M. & C. W. West; Notice of Dissolution, J. H. & K. vi. Badenhoop; Where. Are the Lots? C. H Dorsett, Auctioneer; Lot for Sale; Some People Don't Understand About the Streets, C. H. Dorsett, Auctioneer; A Splendid Launch to Be Disposed Of; The Advantage of Buying From the Chatham Real Estate and Improvement Company; Levan’s Table d'Hote. Business Notices—Ballard’s Obelisk Flour, Henry Solomon tfc Son; E. & W. Laundry; Branch's Superlative Diamond Health Brand; Wedding Glass and Wed ding Silver, Hunter & Van Keuren. Grape-Nuts—Postum Cereal Company. Salt—The Favorite Table Salt. Cheroots—Old Virginia Cheroots. Auction Sales—City Lots, by C. H. Dor- Eett, Auctioneer. The Big Bargain Sensation of the Times —Foye & Morrison. Watch Us Grow—Georgia Telephone and Telegraph Company. Legal SaJel—City Sheriff's Sales. Legal Notices—Notiee to Debtors and Creditors, Estate Joseph Goette, Deceas ed: Citation From the Clerk of the Court of Ordinary of Chatham County. Medical—Coke Dandruff Cure; World's Dispensary Preparations; Bar-Ben; Hood's Sarsaparilla; Dr. Hathaway Cos.; 8. 8. 8.; Castoria; Pond’s Extract; Tutt's Liver Pills; Lydia Pinkham's Vegetable Pills. Cheap Column Advertisements—Help Wanted; Employment Wanted; For Rent; For Sale; Lost; Personal; -Miscellaneous The Weather. The indications for Georgia to-day are partly cloudy weather, with light to fresh northerly winds, and for Eastern Florida, generally fair weather, with light to fresh southeasterly winds. ■ Bulier has at last arrived in Pretoria, more than six months after the Christ mas dinner was served. Klgnor Crispl. the Italian statesman, thinks current affairs in China are but the prologue to the greatest drama of modern tunes. Towne says his course “is clear;” nev ertheless it Is a matter of considerable difficulty to guess what he is going to do In the marer of the vice presidential nom ination. The New York Herald and Times have declar'd against Bryan, That, however, Is ot likely to make a great deal of difference. Neither paper was previously In favor of him. The Deeds that France la sending to China is understood to be very different from the dudee that the United States sent to Cuba and Great Britain has been sending to South Africa. ■ ♦ In .Massachusetts a court lias decided that if a man want® to work nine, ten, tdeven or twelve hours a day, or even a longer time, he is at liberty to do so, the eight-hour law to the contrary notwith standing. There ere two surviving ex-Presidents, Mr. Cleveland and Gen. Harrison, and two surviving ex-Vice Presidents, Mr. Stevenson and Mr. Devi P. Morton. After next March there will be probably only one ex-Vloe President left. No less than five expeditions in addition to that of the Duke of Abruzzi are about to Start for the polar regions to search for Andre* the balloonist. It seems hard for the scientists to bring themselves to the belief that Andree his perished. Li Hung Chang was not known outside of China until after the Taiplug rebel lion had been put down. The man who furnished the brains for the suppression of that uprising was "Chinese'* Gordon. There seems to be the need of another Gordon in China at the present Juncture, to preserve and enhance the reputation of old Li Hung Chang, or to build a reputation for some new heathen. In a Philadelphia Justice court tho other day a youth was arraigned for policy writ ing. Upon the examination it transpired that he had never heard of God, in the true sense, and did not know the differ ence between the Bible and an almunacl Nevertheless,'there are thousands of per sons in the city of Philadelphia and state of Pennsylvania who annually contribute money for foreign missions, giving little, If any. attention to the heathen within their own commonwealth. If more at tention were given to the civilizing of the people of our own country, and lees to Chine, It would probably be better for all concerned. J4PAVS MISSION. It is not known just what Japan it* to : receive for restoring order in China in the event she succeed? in the undertaking, but It is safe to say that she ha not entered upon the task without a definite under standing. It will be recalled that after her victorious war with China a few years ago, she was* prevented from taking a part of Corea by Russia, France and Germany. These three Powers wrote her a Joint rote, in which they pointed out I that it would be well for her to be satis fied with Formosa. She had to yield to superior force, but she did not do so with good grace. She Is able to send a large number of troops to China quickly, and what is needed Is prompt action. If pet mission had been given her to undertake to restore order as soon as it became evident that the Boxer movement threatened the de struction of all foreigners, the uprishing might not have reached its present pro portions. Russia, however, objected to giving Japan a free hand in China. She was jealous of her. Why she ha** finally consented that Japan shall undertake the w'ork of restoring order is not apparent. Doubtless she has become convinced that being under on agreement with all of the Christian Powers, Japan Is not likely to do anything that would in any wise jeop ardize Russian interests. The work of restoring order may prove far greater than it is expected to be. In deed, it may turn out that China Is far stronger liom a military point of view than ehe was when she was at war with Japan. In that war the Chinese did not appear to be very much interested. They did not seem to care whether the Japan ese were driven from their boll or not. Now they appear to be united in the pur pose to drive foreigners from their coun try. fcome of the better class of the Chi nese pretend not to share in this hatred of foreigners. It may be that they are sincere, but it Is certain that the great majority of the people hate foreigners and are ready to light to get them out of the country. It it* practically impossible, however, to get the Chinese to unite under one leader. Prince Tuan, who has usurped authority at Pekin, and who is said to be the lead ers of tho Boxers, will find it difficult to maintain his position. Indeed, -It is said that already anew leader has come for ward and started a counter revolution. This is Prince Ching. There is no reason for supposing that he has any more lik ing for foreigners than Prince Tuan, but if reports are correct he is undertaking to protect the ministers in Pekin and other foreigners in that city. If the Chinese are fighting among themselves the task of restoring order may be a much easier one than It would otherwise be. THE GOEBEL TRIALS. The trial of the persons accused of the murder of Gov. "William Goebel of Ken tucky began In Georgetown in that state yesterday. There are several defendants. It seems that it is the purpose of the slate to try them separately. Caleb Pow ers, who was secretary of state under the Taylor regime, is to be tried first. There is deep interest in these cases not only in Kentucky, but throughout the en tire country. It is not improbable that they will have some bearing upon the presidential election. It la within the bounds of probability that the result of the election will be determined by the electoral vote of Kentucky. There is no doubt that if it should be clearly shown that Mr. Taylor, who was the recognized Governor until the Legis lature declared that Goebel was the legal Governor, had anything to do with the assassination of Gov. Goebel, or that any one of the other members of the Tay lor administration had a hand in the murder, the Republican vote in Kentucky would be greatly reduced. If, on the other hand, no evidence should be pro duced connecting the Republican officials with the crime, the chances are that the Republican ticket would poll a big vote. There Is no particular reason why the Goebel trial 9 should influence voters greatly one way or the other, but it seems to be agreed that they will. There is deep feeling throughout the state over the Goebel assassination, and the feeling is connected with politics. That is why it is, probably, that it i® believed that the result of the trial® will have a very great effect on the election in the state. It would seem as if the fact that Mr. Taylor refuses to return to Kentucky and plead to the indictment that has been found against him would hurt his party. Hi® excuse, is that he cannot have a fair trial. His plan is probably to remain in Indiana until the trial of Powers and others shows what evidence the state has. If he discovers that it has no evidence egnin3t him, he will return and demand a trial, but If it appears that there are wit nesses against him—witnesses whose tes timony would be sufficient to secure his conviction—he will remain away from the state. But if he stays out of the state the great majority of the people of Ken tucky will interpret his action as a con fession of guilt. In that ease. If the trials are to influence the election, the Repub lican party will lose many votes. The philosophy of the 16 to 1 declaration in the Kansas City platform, as stated by Mr. Bryan to Julian Hawthorne in an interview, is as follows: 'Tf the plank were not specific, it would seem as if we were afraid to draw attention to it, and the people would have a right to distrust. It would be a loss and not a gain to smooth it over. We should appeal to the nation on the assurance of what we l>e lieve, not on a doubt whether we believe it or not. If we were to abandon one principle to please doubters there would be no confidence, though we might not abandon others; but if we are true to ull of them, then we shall have tho trust of the people, irrespective of difference as to details.” According lo fr. Richard Harding Davis, we Americans have formed an erroneous opinion respecting the Boers. He says they are simple, kind-eyed, brave, generous, noble-minded, religious, gentle und immeasurably polite. They have in variably lifted their hats to Mr. Davis when lie passed, und on their trains the conductors have touched their caps when asking for his ticket and said, "Thank you,” when Ihoy had got it. Possibly the people were awe-inspired by Mr. Davis' majestic presence. Other visitors to South Africa—Julian Ralph among them—have found the Boers to be very rough In man ner, ehrewd In trading and unkempt as to appearance. Mr. Ralph, however, Is mere ly a good and callable correspondent, while Mr. Pavl tr a i ■ journalist and lit' .-y gentleman. GETTING TIRED OF THE* WAR. The English people are getting 'very tired of the war in South Africa. Th?y cannot understand why Gen. Roberts, with his great force, does not bring it to a close at once. The great majority of those who criticise Gen. Roberts do not, of course, understand the situation, and they do not take the trouble to inform themselves in respect to it. They want I results quickly, and if they don’t get j them they blame somebody. It is prob able Gen. Roberts is doing the very best that can be done under the circum stances. He is finding ic extremely diffi cult to follow the Boers Into their strong holds in the mountains and win victories. It is evident, however, that he will have to accomplish something very soon that will tend strongly to bring the war to a close or else ask for reinforcements. His losses in battle and from sickness are very great. He lost three thousand men from June 5 to July 5. It is said that the English people are greatly stirred up over the charges that the sick and wounded are no* receiving proper attention. Some of the stories that are printed In the English papers of the treatment soldiers suffering from typhoid fever are receiving indicate that a far worse condition of affairs is prevailing in the British army hospitals than prevailed at any time In our armjr hospitals during the Spanish-American War. Men in all stages of the disease are crowded to gether In tents. They are not provided with beds or with medicines or nurses. Asa rule, they have nothing in the way of a bed except a waterproof blanket. Naturally, the death rate is appalling. It Is said that the medical corps of the army is not equipped for dealing with typhoid fever. Why it is not is one of the things that will be inquired into at some future dme. It is stated that the war office was notified at the very beginning of hostili ties that if the war lasted a year, or eyen hix months. there would be a great deal of typhoid fever among the soldiers. It is probable that the war of fice expected that the war would not last long enough for the soldiers to have a chance to get sick. It is not at all surprising that there ie a gloomy feeling In London. Great Bri tain has vast Interests in China, and she ought to take a very prominent part in Chinese affairs. She would like to take the lead in suppressing disorders there, but she cannot do so because of the extraordinary demands upon her in South Africa. And there is nojmmediate prospect of peace in South Africa if she Insists upon unconditional surrender by the Boers. It begins to look as if the Boers could hold out a good while longer. It is probable that they will at least hold out until it becomes apparent what benefit, if any-, the troubles in China will be to them. TEDDY A\D HIS HAT. Gov. Roosevelt's hat. it seems, has got him into trouble. It is the Rough Rider hat that he wore to the Philadelphia Con vention, and which covered his head on his trip to Oklahoma to attend the Rough Rider reunion. 11l an interview in the World, Senator Hanna was quoted as say ing that Gov. Roosevelt set too much store by his hat—that as Governor of the great state of New York It would be far more dignified in him to wear a silk hat. According to what appeared in the inter view. Senator Hanna does not like Gov. Roosevelt's style of dress generally, and he thinks that his style In addressing public audiences could bo greatly im proved. It is asserted that this sort of talk hurt Gov. Roosevelt very much. If there 19 anything he is particularly proud of it is the fact that he is not a dude. He takes pains to impress the public that he is not particular about his clothes. There are those who were mean enough to say that he wore his Rough Rider hat when he entered the Philadelphia Convention, hoping that it would attract attention and be the means of securing for him a more hearty reception than he would otherwise receive. It is doubtful if he hud any such thought In his mind in keeping his hat on when he strode down an aisle of the convention hall. It is a fact, however, that the hat did good service at the con vention. Senator Hanna says that the interview in the World was a fake interview. He insists that he never commented on Gov. Roosevelt's hat or found fault with his style of speech-making. Whether the In terview was a. fake or not, there seems to he no doubt that it caused Gov. Roosevelt a great deal of annoyance. He likes to be praised, but he cannot stand adverse criticism. To be condemned in any particular by Senator Hanna was almost enough to cause him to make up his mind to get off the ticket. The Pittsburg Dispatch calls attention to a rather curious case in life insurance. A man under sentence of death for mur der had a life insurance policy for several thousand dollars, which he assigned to a bank. The bank offered to settle with tho Insurance company for a small dis count on the face value. The company, on the ground that the death of the as sured being decreed by law was certain to take place, and avowing in addition sen timental objections to having one of its policy holders undergo capital punishment, paid the money and cancelled the policy. Subsequently the attorneys of the con demned man secured anew trial and he was acquitted. What the outcome will be is rather problematical. It seems to be the opinion, however, that neither the ex condemned and ex-assured nor the insur ance company will do anything, but let the matter drop. The company has paid the policy of a man who is still alive, but It has saved its self-respect, while the man has won against the insurance com pany without dying. It is to be hoped the Oregon's proverbial luck will not desert her during her trip to the Japanese dry dock. To get on a rock and oil again during the typhoon sea son is in itself a remarkably lucky cir cumstance. To get to the dock with sev eral holes in skies and bottom would strengthen the Impression that the ship was launched under a star of good for tune. Something ought to be heard from her within the next day or two, if she has made a auccessful run. It seems that Gov. Roosevelt ts going to spend the remainder of his terra as Gov ernor of New York In campaigning for the Republican party, not only in his own slate, but in various parts of the country. That being the cam., the New York Dem ocrats have a good reason for calling upon him to resign. A feature of the Paris Exposition is the Dahomey village. It is said that a few days ago a “colonial fete’* was given, during which the savages and semi-savages from Dahomey, Madagascar, Indo-China and the South Sea Islands were given liquor to drink and permitted to celebrate in their own peculiar mariners. The Da homey savages, it is said, became so in flamed with absinthe, brandy arid other liquors, and with religious frenzy, that after the spectators had withdrawn they made n human sacrifice of a child, after atrocious rites. Many of the exposition visitors probabjy regret that they were not permitted to witness the spectacle. If Mr. Bryan could manage to get Webster Davis and George Fred Williams within comrxHjnd of barbed wire, the country would feel gratified. PERSONAL. —ln Alabama three men nominated for state officers on the Populist ticket have declined to run. Theee are Rev. S. M. Adams for tiovernor, A. G. Drake lor state treasurer and John H. Porter for superintendent of education. —Among the many presents sent to Lord Roberts, one which' is said to have pleased him much was a case of Passover cakes forwarded by the Jews of London, li was sent at Easter time, and his ac knowledgment of the gift has just been received. —The Rev. William T. Hobart who is in Tien Tsin, China, as a Methodist mis sionary, first w*nt to China in 1831. For rive years he was in charge of the station at Pekin, and f r the five fo.lowing years held the position of prrs ding eld?r. In IBb2 he return'd to the United States, but went again to China in 1533. —Michael Esdias Bernier, who will take the place of Sir Henri Jcly in the Domin ican as Minister of Internal Reve nues, is one of the most prominent law yers in the province of Quebec. He was elected to the House in ISB2, and has been returned at every successive election since. He is considered a clever and saga cious public man, who will he an acquisi tion to Sir Wilfrid Laurier’s cabinet. —Richard Croker’s neighbors in his En glish home in Berkshire have a genuine liking for him anf| are disgusted at the attacks made upon him recently by a London newspaper. To them he is a very quiet, unassuming man, friendly, hospi table and charitable, and so lacking in obtrusiveness that they have to seek his companionship. They say that they know and care nothing for his political rela tions in this country. —Mofakhamed-Dowleh is to be the rep resentative of Persia at Washington. He is a Persian of Persians, born at Tabriz in 185*. He entered upon military life when he was 11 years of age. In time he came to tho command of a regiment of guards and whs aid-de-camp to the Prince Heritor, the present Shah of Per sia. He held these posts until 1882. when he was raised to the rank of colonel. The following year he was taken on the staff of tho Minister of Foreign Affairs. BRIGHT BITS. —The Retort Courteous—‘‘Excuse me, sir, but have you a corkscrew about you?” ''Sir! Do I look like a man who opens bottles?” "Well, no; you don’t. You look more like a man who empties them.” Cleveland Plain Dealer. —A Considerate Offer.—Employer—"l think I'll have to let you go: there isn't much to do around here,but you don't even seem able to do that.—Office Boy—Well, suppose you -pay me half wages, and I’ll stay home until you really need me.-Chi cago Record. —Up-to-Date Decoration.—"Ma, haven’t we got an old doorplate or an old brass knocker somewhere around the house?" "What do you want with it, daughter?” “Why, ma, I need some kind of a stun ning gimcrack to wear on the brack of my belt.”—lndianapolis Journal. —Mrs. Brown—" What awful times we are likely to have in China. There’s no telling how many thousands of people will he killed and how many other thou sands will suiter from want. Mrs. Green —And just as like as not tea will go up to a dollar a pound I—Boston Transcript. —"What makes the Armless Wonder so surly this morning?” asked the living skeleton of the Fat Lady. "The Snake Charmer got him to go and have his for tune told, and after he had paid his fee at the door he discovered that the. for tuneteller was a palmist.”—Baltimore American. —A Fourth of July Dinner—" Have you ordered dinner, sir?” asked the waiter. "This isn’t dinner," said the man who is nothing if not patriotic. “I beg your par don-luncheon." "It isn’t luncheon either. This is a Fourth of July celebration. 1 want you 10 bring me some red snapper, some white perch, and some bluetish."— Washington Star. CtIRREYT COMMENT. The New Orleans Picayune (Dem.) says: "That the American people are in favor of territorial expansion is scarcely to be doubted, but they are opposed to the ac quisition, by force or otherwise, of ex tensive regions in Asia, Australasia and Polynesia, populated by all sorts of non descript races, utterly unlit to become cit izens and equal participants in the con trol of American free institutions. The deliverance by the convention on this all important matter is the strongest and ablest expression made on the subject, and it must commend itself to a large body of the patriotic American people. If an admirable declaration of principle can accomplish anything in forwarding the Interests of the Democratic party in the presidential canvass, it surely deserves success.” The Springfield (Mass.) Republican (Ind.) says: "Only two governments can oopo with the Chinese situation, as It should be, In a short time, and they are Russia and Japan. Of the two, Japan un doubtedly could land many more troops in China in a fortnight, than Russia could, hence Japan should be told lo go ahead like lightning. When Russia, Germany and France checked Japan at the end of tho late war with China, and prevented her from assuming a leadership in the re generation of the Chinese empire, they opened tho Just such a situation as now confronts the world. The spec tacle of the European Powers Jealously watching each other while the Armenians were massacred is being repeated farther to the East.” The New Y'ork Tribune says: "History records no more dreadful episode than the sacrificing of more than a thousand men, women and children to the fury of a mob of demons because of international jealousies and rivalries. Rather than let Japan get a foothold in Chino the lega tions were left to their fate. It Is a re proach that Christian Powers will not easily nor soon escape.” The Houston ’ (Tex.) Post (Dem.) says: “The more you read the Democratic plat form of 19U0 the more it stands forth dis tinctly in the mind's eye as the üblest and clearest presentation of political prlneiples and five issues of any similar document promulgated during the present generation.” Told by a Delegate. Discussing Cuban affairs at the Philadel phia convention, one of the early delegates told a story wnich illustrates the attitude of the imperialists in the Philippines, as well as in Cuba, says the Balt Lake Herald. A man who was crossing a covered bridge one night came across a fellow' tied to n post and all but insensible. “What are you doing here?” he asked. "Why. some robbers got me, tied me to this post, took all the money I had, except S3O in my inside pocket, aixi ran away.” “Did you holler?” “Yes, I hollered like thunder, but no body heard me." “Sure nobody heard you?" “Yes." “And can’t get away." “No, I’m tied fast; I can t get away." “Well," said the man who was crossing the bridge, “if that’s the case I guess I’ll take that. S3O myself.” And that is how these advocates of im perialism and its golden opportunities be have when they get into our insular ao quisitions. Whatever Alphonso left Mc- Ktnleyism takes. A Good Story of Grant Allen. The late Grant Allen, whose illustrious career as a writer will still be fresh in the minds of our readers, stated that he became a story writer without knowing it, says the Golden Penny. He was a scien tist who added to the literature of fact:*. One day ho wrote an article for a popu lar magazine upon the impossibility of knowing that one had seen a ghost, even if one saw one. discussions of this sort being the recreation of scientific writers. For convenience sake, and to make the moral clearer, he threw the argument in to the narrative form, but without the slightest idea that he was writing a story. It was published under the title; “Our Scientific Observations on a Gho6t." Immediately the editor wrote for another “story” of a like character. Being a jour nalist. Mr. Allen accepted an order for anything, and sent back a blood-curdling tale about a mummy. Not caring to let the world know that he was trifling with fiction, he veiled the author’s identity under the pen name, “J. Arbuthnot Wilson." But presently Mr. Wilson had so many orders for tales that he monopolized Mr. Allen’s desk and hit? income exceeded that of the scientist; and so Mr. Wilson be came Grant Allen and known to ail the novel-reading world. Over-tlie-Shoulder Shot. The committee rooms of Senator Platt of New York and Fairbanks of Indiana adjoin each other, pays the Washington Post, but Mr. Platt’s room has to be pass ed before Mr. Fairbanks’ can be reached. The other afternoon there was a contin uous stream of visitors to Mr. Fairbanks, and each visitor naturally asked Senator Platt’s clerk if Mr. Fairbanks was in hia room. The questions were courteously answered ot first, but by the time the ninety-ninth caller had interrupted the clerk in his work, the latter vowed he would not be courteous any longer. So, while he hammered away at his type writer, a thin, piping voice floated over the clerk’s head: “Is Senator Fairbanks in his room?" The clerk did not even raise his head. “I don’t know'," he remarked gruffiy, hammering away, “and I don’t give a whether he is or not. If you want *o know go and look for yourself. “All right,” came in a thin, piping tone, and a figure passed by the clerk. Then he looked up and saw the venerable Senator Hear of Massachusetts The clerk was paralyzed. He waited un til Mr. Hoar reappeared, and then ho was profuse in his apologies and explanations. “Never mind," said Mr. Hoar, "under the circumstances your language would have been, proper even if addressed to the pres ident of tho United States." A Coin Trick. A young man from a wholesale house down on the river front presented a check at one of the banks the other day, says the Boston Herald, and while the money was being counted out, amused himself by balancing coins on the narrow edge of the paying teller's window. Finally he performed an astonishing feat. He first balanced a silver dollar so it stood upon edge, then placed a half-dollar edge to edge on top of it, and completed the pyramid with a bright new quarter. His manipulation as he deposited the coins one on the other was beautifully delicate, and the spectacle of all three standing without support made the teller's eye protrude from their sockets. "Why, that’s perfectly amazing!” he ex claimed, "I wouldn't have believed it could be done!" The other attaches look ed and marveled. “It takes a steady nerve to do it,” said the young man, carelessly, and sweeping the coins with a dextrous grab, he drop ped them into his pocket, picked up his money and strolled out. It was not a busy hour and after he was gone all hands began balancing silver, or, rather, trying to. The thing was as fascinating as the old “pigs in clover” puzzle, be ( ause one could come so near without do ing it. Nearly everybody succeeded in balancing the first dollar and a few man aged to poise the 50-cent pieces for an infinitesimal breathless instant, but it always fell down again, and that was as far along as any one could get. For an hour or so there was silver all over the floor, and the bookkeeper had to make good a dollar that rolled into a crack. Next day the dextrous young man saun tered in with another check. "We were all try that balance trick of yours yesterday," remarked the teller as he handed over the bills, “but none of us could do it. You're right, when you say it takes steady nerves.” "Yes,” replied the young man. grinning; "and it’s also facilitated by a little shoe maker’s wax on the edge of the coins," Stic PasHiltt. Clara M. Greene in Portland (Me.) Press. I stood to-day in a schoolhouse old. Where my young steps were light and free, Through summer's heat, and winter’s cold, And all my fife was yet to he. There were bashful girls and beardless youth, And dog-eared books all scattered about. And the master's likeness drawn with truth (?) On a slate with the corners broken out. I stood and ail those careless days. O'er my worn heart came drifting back: The songful ease, the lightsome ways. Which in all after years we lack. Oh. the early loves, and the laughing girls. The innocent idyls without alloy! Oh, the angel in pantlets and curls. Beloved by me—and that other boy! Ah, the way she. balanced between us twain Comes back with harrowing force to me! For the true proportions of bliss, ’tls plain. Are never wrought out by the "rule of three.” Well, we know of nuts by the empty shell, And never the bed of a brook so dry. But the smoothness of its stones will tell Of the stream that used to go rush ing by. I take my place among those that were, Content to feel I have had my hour; The bud is rosy and sweet ana fair, But the fruit comes only after the flower. Romance and history aye repeat, And love and voulh sustain no loss, For another git! sits In that angel's seat, And two other boj; throw billets •cross' ITEM* OF INTEREST. —ln Siberia acetylene gas is largely used to light up various operations along the line where work is carried on at night. —lt is reported a high-speed electric railway ie to be built between Brussels and Antwerp, a distance of twenty-eight mile*. —Railway authorities of the Mexican government have been ordered to use cer tain safety appliances. All the passenger cars must be so equipped before the end of 1904. —ln Manchuria the harbor of Port Ar thur is to be excavated and anew harbor is to be built. The present channel will also be made deeper. Dredging will be done by hydraulic dredges. -Forty-one gas engines using blast-fur nace gas are working in Germany, the to tal horse potver aggregating 21.950. The horse power of such engines in Belgium is 3,700, France 3,250 and England 2,060. —Cables have been laid from Cape Town to St. Helena, and from 6t. Helena to the Ascension islands, and from there to St. Vincent, consequently there is a com plete cable route to South Africa by way of Maoe.ta and St. Vincent. —The sea serpent Is appearing on the New England coast. Thu? fascinating rep tile always does appear upon the advent of the summer excursionist. Scientists have sized him down to nothing more or less than a common giant eel. which Is out of his bailiwick in this pert of the world. —A company formed by English and American capitalists is about to build the largest wood-pulp plant in the world at Grand Fail*. New Brunswick. The works are to cost $6.00-0.000. and they will be ca pable of turning out 5,500 tons of white newspaper, 225 tons of ground wood pulp, and 175 tons of sulphite pulp daily. —ln Florence the ninth volume of “Le Opere dl Galileo Galilei" was recently published, and shows that he had an ex cellent appreciation for Italian literature. The six volumes include an addree** which he nade on the topography and configura tion of “Inferno." This was delivered before the Florentine Academy' of Sci ences. —Alloys used In Japanese bronzes con tain a large percentage of lead, which im proves the patina. The following are the constituent elements of three kinds of modern Japanese bronze: 1. Copper, 81.62 per cent.; tin. 4.61 per cent; lead. 10.21 per cent. Copper, 76.60; tin, 4.28; zinc, 6.53; lead, 11.88. 3. Copper, 88.55;; tin, 2.42; zinc, 3.20, and lead, 4.72 per cent. Sometimes a little antimony is added just before cast ing. —Mexico is considering the advisability of adopting a standard system of reckon ing time. At present Mexico has an offi cial time, computed at the capital and telegraphed to various parts of the repub lic. That time differs from Greenwich six and one-half hours. It Is the time adopted by the railroads and telegraph lines, but in many parts of Mexico, es pecially in places not in telegraphic com munication with the rest of the world, local time prevails. —The Nome Gold Digger of May 21. which Is printed in red ink, announces the arrival of the whaling bark Alexander, the first ship to reach Nome City in eight months. It also contains a number of breezy items, which do not reveal any signs of commercial stagnation In the new gold country. For instance: "Tacks have advanced to $8 a pound; eggs to $2 a dozen, though efforts have been mnde to raise the price to $2.50. There are plen ty of them. Ham was long since out." The Gold Digger sells for 25 cents a copy. —A corporation has applied to Congress for permission to lay underground pipes in the streets of Washington. D. C., for the purpose of distributing cool air through the business buildings and resi dences of the city. The scheme provides for the erection of a refrigerating plant at some central point, from which cold atr will be pumped for distribution through the’system of pipes. The flow of cold air will be regulated in a manenr somewhat similar to the measurement of gas, and can be turned on the same as hot air is turned on from a furnace. —Andrew Sundheimer, a butcher of Wa bash, Ind., is deploring the loss of a ten dollar bill, which he unwittingly devoured. Mr. Sundheimer is an inveterate toba.-co chewer, using plug exclusively. He car ried his supply in the right hip pocket of his trousers, and last week, having tak en in a ten-dollar bank note, he thrust it down alongside the plug of tobacco. The weather was warm. Sundheimer perspired freely, and the tobacco becoming soft, the bill adhered closely to the plug. Every time Sundheimer took a chew he bit off and masticated part of the note. The color of the bill resembling that of the tobacco and adhering as closely as though it were part of the leaf, Sundheimer Chewed up half his plug before he remembered the money. —For several years Prof. Omorl has studied the subject of earthquake meas urement in a brick building, says Nature. One of Prof. Ewing's horizontal pendu lum seismographs was fixed near the top of an external wail of the Engineering College at Tokio, while another was erect ed on the ground below. During the years 1894-’!)s ten moderate earthquakes were recorded, and it was found that if the earthquakes consisted of compara tively slow vibrations (say above half a second in duration) the motion was prac tically the same in both places; but If of quick-period vibrations the motion of the top of the wall was about twice as great as that of the ground. Prof. Omori no tices that, with destructive earthquakes, the damage of two-storied buildings is generally confined to the upper story. —Prof. Herman V. Hilprecht, the Baby lonian explorer, who in the spring of this year went to the East to superintend the excavations of the University of Pennsyl vania. describes in a letter just received the important results of his journey. He says: "The results of our researches ex ceed everything that has so far been known about Babylon. We found the great temple library and priest school of Nip pur, which had been destroyed by the Elamites 228 R. C. The library consists of 10,OK) volumes written on stones. Hnd covering the emire theological, astronom ical, linguistic ami mathematical knowl edge of those days. We also unearthed a collection of letters and biographies, de ciphered the inscriptions of many newly discovered tombstones and monuments anil espied, finally, best of all, 5,000 official doc uments of Inestimable value to the stu dent of ancient history. The net result of our Journey consists so far of 2S uuu a 'on e writings." —Almost ull of man's inventions have been foreshadowed by nature, says the New York World. The hypodermic syr inge with which tho physician Injects morphine into a patient's arm has its counterpart in the sting of a bee The tunnel-borer is an adaptation of the work of the teredo, or ship-worm. The prin ciple of the balloon is found In certain fishes. The paper-making industry Is paralleled in the building of a wasp’s nest. In the mechanism of a man's hotly there are Joints and levers similar to those used In engines. The automatic oiling of surfaces which rub together In an engine is on the same plan ns the lu brication of joints in our bodies. Man's nervous system resembles the telegraph In Its mode of working. The ball-bear ings of a bicycle or automobile are not so very dlsstmilsr to the bail-joints of hit man hips and shoulders. The principle of the lever was foreshadowed In t|,e ijvng bones of tho human body. Jos. A. Magnus & Cos., CINCINNATI, O. SUMMER RESORTS. HOTEL NORIVi ANDIE, BKOADW Ai & 38TH STB., NEW YORK. ABSOLUTELY Flftjjj PROOF. EUROPEAN PLAN. COOLEST HOTEL IN 'TEW YORK CITY Located in the liveliest and most inter esting part of the city; twenty principal places of amusement within five minuted -walk of the hotei CHARLES A. ATKINS & CO. Summer Resort—Ocean Hotel. Aebury Park, N. J. GEO. L. ATKINS & SONS. BLOWING ROCK. GREEN PARK HOTEL Summit of Blue Ridge, 4,340 feet. Scen ery and climate unsurpassed, so say globe trotters. Hotel first-class in every respect. Only house on mountain with plastered walls; excellent livery; 45 miles turnpike roads on top of ridge; large ball room, band and other amusements. Postofllc© and telegraph in hotel. Opens July i. Write for leaflet and rates to Green Park Hotel’Co., Green Park. N. C. Hotel American-AdelDht. Finest Location in SARATOGA SPRINGS. hear Mineral Springe and Hatha, OPEN JUNE TO NOVEMBER. ROOMB EN SUITE, WITH BATHS. GEO. A. FARIN’HAM, Prop. White Sulphur Springs Hotel, WAYXESVILLE, X. C. 50 acres beautifully shaded lawn, wonder ful mountain views, cool nights, freestone Iron and noted sulphur springs. Fine or chestra daily. House remodeled and newly furnished this season. COL. F. A. LINCOLN, Proprietor. SWEETWATER PARK HOTEL AND BATHS, LITHIA SPRINGS, OK This well-known and popular resort is now open. All modern equipment. Cuisine and service unexcelled. Write for illustrated pamphlet. JAS. K. HICKKY, Propr. Al*o Kimball House, Atlanta. G*. IN THE GREAT NORTH WOOIW. HOTEL DEL MONTE, SARANAC LAKIi, N. V. OPENS JUNK 25. under entirely new manage merit; newly furnNhcd and renovated tbrougb out; table and service first-class; near lake and Hotel Ampersand; golf, tennis, billiards, boating, fishing, driving and bicycling; livery. For booklet address J. HENRY OTIS, Sara nac Lake. N Y. ROCKY RIVER SPRINGS, Stanly County, N. C. Open June 1. Finest mineral water. Table supplied with the best. Band of music. Daily mail. ’Phone connections with ell adjoin ing towns. Climate unsurpisaed. Touilftt rates Southern Railway and its branches, and Atlantic Coast Line. Write for cir cular. Address R. B. Beckwith, M. D., Silver, Stanly county. North Carolina. Greenbrier White Sulphur Springs, Went Virginia* Representative resort of the South. Open June 15. $40,000 in improvements. New sewerage, plumbing, lights, private baths and toilets. Orchestra of 16 pieces. Fam ous Sulphur baths. New 9-hole golf course, 2,700 yards. Professional In charge. Write for illustrated booklet. HARRING TON milks. Manager. CATSKILL MOUNTAIN HOUSE. July daily rat*-* $3. Unsurpassed scen ery. Railway fare reduced. Station*, Oil a Summit and Kaeterskill. CHA6. & GEO. H. BEACH. Mgr*. Catsktll, N. Y. SEA GIRT, INKW JERSEY. Beach House, right on the beach Al ways cool. Fine accommodations. Dining room service first-riass. Rates reasona ble. Send for booklet. Sea Girt Is the first stop made on the coast by express trains from Philadelphia to Anbury Fark and Bong Branch. COAST COMPANY. AVONDALE SPRINGS. On Knoxville and Bristol Railroad, five miles west of Tate’s, at the base of Clinch mountains; one of the most delightful re sorts of East Tennessee. Lithia, sulphur and chalybeate water. Reasonable rate*. Address Miss C. CROZIER, Lithia, Grain ger county, Tennessee. GRAND ATLANTIC HOTEL, Virginia ave and Beach,Atlantic City.N.J. sth year. Most central location; highest elevation, overlooking ocean; 350 beautiful rooms, many with baths. The term* are reasonable. Write for booklet. Hotel coach es meet nil trains. CHARLES E. COPE. MELROSE, NEW YORK.—7B Madison Avenue, corner 28th st. Rooms with or without board. Rooms with board IT per week; $1.25 per day and upwards. Send for circular. Fishing Tackle, JAPANESE, WOOD AND STEEL JOINTED RODS, REELS, LINES AND Hooks of All Kinds urn Mr as. 113 BROUGHTON STREET, WEST. SODA WATER. Soda Water, Ice Cream and Sherbets made of Ihe beat fruit and cream by professional dispenser. Sent to uny part of the city. Sunday, orders solicit l " Cream and sherbets 5 cents. DON M ELLY PHARMACY. Phono No. rn. No. LI Liberty at.