The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, July 10, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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8 gs|sa|sss** g\ gas* a Since yo^r blood * s your e it .behooves you to keep it pure. That person who goes through the world without regu- I iSS JSk 1 an larly purifying his blood gets an affliction. Nine ailments out of ten have their origin in thin, impoverished blood. And to attempt to remeay them by preparations recommended especially for them is to lose sight of their cause, and the relief is not permanent . For instance, an ointment may be prepared that will relieve eczema, but this ailment will have another outbreak. Dyspepsia may find temporary relief in certain rem edies--so may rheumatism—so may scrofula, cancer, erysipelas and women troubles, but the final cure only comes when the blood is purified. Pure blood builds up the constitution. Pure blood strengthens your digestive organs so that food becomes nutritious and dyspepsia will disappear. Pure blood is clear of all acid from which rheumatism gets its start. Pure blood contains no poisons that gives rise to cancer, eczema and scrofula. Pure blood disposes of the causes of a thousand petty diseases that render you uncomfortable and unhappy. Grayh©ard Is the PUREST BLOOD PURIFIER i¥iad@ a It has cured Cancer. It has cured Eczema. It has cured Rheumatism. It has cured Catarrh. It has cured Dyspepsia. Mind you, these were not trifling ail ments, but every one an ailment which doctors had failed to cure. Greybeard is made of fresh herbs, blos soms end berries. It contains no mercury or potash For eradicating old and deep seated ailments as Cancer, Catarrh. Ecze ma, Rheumatism. Dyspepsia, it has no equal on earth. You want nothing else to take. Try nothing else. Nothing else is necessary. In Gray beard you have every thing to build you up and make you stron ger than your disease. It will c'rush out your disease. It will leave you as you were before the aliment seized you. There is nothing a hundredth part as good aa Graybeard to do this. There is nothing made like Graybeard—none ever will be. It Is one of the great inventions of the world. Catarrh of Stomach “I take Graybeard and know it helps me more than anything I con get. I have ca tarrh of the stoma oh and can’t find any thing to relieve me- but Graybeard "EUNICE FOUNT * N, “Leesvi.iv*, Ind.’* A Drummer Cured. Mr. J. M. Brown, many years a drum mer In Bt<sville. Ark., writes: "I have been troubled for a long time with rheuma matism in my feet and joints. When I sat down I could not get up without exper iencing great pain- When I stood on my feet any length of time I was compiled to ait down and even even got no relief. "In spring this ailment Increased "I began the use of Graybeard a few weeks since ar.d am pleased to say that now I am all right. Nothing ever gave me relief but Graybeard. A Conductor Cured. I contracted cold a few years ago work ing on the bridge gang over in Alabama and was laid up rheumatism. I tried a great many remedies all of which seamed to relieve me some, but none cured me All did some good os far as they went, but they did not go far enough. Graybeard cured me before I had taken one-ihird as much as of other remedies. wm. w. McDaniel, C. R. R. Conductor. Get GRAYBEARD at a BottSe--6 Bottles, $5. Or write to Respess Drug Cos., Props., Savannah, Gal IN GEORGIA AMD FLORIDA. NEWS AND VIEWS OF THE DAY lit TWO STATES. I2ninwick Wants a Uuselmll C'ir nit—Shirl Sleeves Drlgade Formed ■ n Athens—t hief Joyner Ha* lleen at the liea<l of tlie Atlanta Depart ment Fifteen Yeum—Jacksonville** Iln.fteliul) Itecord—Florida'* En campment—Mnn Died at Luke City From the Heat. News has been received of the death of Mr John D. Sutton of Woodbury. Ga.. who died in- Havana. Cuba, on Friday, June 29, of yellow fever. Fmantiel Democrat*. The Democrats held a mass meeting at fivveinsboro Thursday and elected anew executive committee. Everything was quiet and harmonious. The Populists have joined the old party again. Chief Fifteen Years. Saturday was Chief W. R. Joyner’s fif teenth anniversary as the head of the At lanta fire department. He made no effort to celebrate the day, but took occasion to remind his family of the fact. He has been with the department from the time it was composed of a little band of fire fighters. almost amateur?, who were just emerging from the volunteer stage. % llufccbnll Circuit. An effort is on foot to get up a baseball circuit, and tile Brunswick fans are red hot for it. It has been demonstrated that Brunswkkians want baseball, and much encouragement has beeu given the league idea by various citizens to whom it has been proposed. The Brunswick team spent several days of last week in Florida, nnd while they went up against some hard propositiems and lost several games, their backers were by no means discouraged. Shirt Sleeve* Hrigude. Athens Banner: Savannah talked of it, Atlanta arid Augusta wiote of it. but Ath ens Is the first city of the state to actually for a "Shirt Sleeves Club.” There is no fake about it It is a genuine institution. The club has been formed. Officers have been appointed, members elected, and—. Coats have been done away with. The officer? of the club arc as follows: Grand high cockalorum and boss of the breezes, Harvey Stovall; secondary luminary, Coke A TEXAS WONDER. Halloa Great Discovery. One email bottle of Hall's Great Dis covery cures all kidney and bladder troubles, removes gravel, cures diabetes, seminal emissions, weak and lame backs, rheumatism and all irregularities of ths kidneys and bladder In both men and women, regulates bladder troubles In chil dren. If not said by your druggist will be sent by mall on receipt of sl. One small bottle Is two months’ treatment, and will cure any case above mentioned. Dr, E. W. Hall, sole manufacturer, P. O. Box 62?, Bt. Louis, Mo. Send for testi monials. Sold by all drugglets and Solo loons Cos., Savannah, Ga. It end This. Covington. Ga.. July 23. 1898. This Is to certify that I have used Dr Hall's Great Discovery for Rheumatism, Kidney and Bladder Troubles, and will say it Is far superior to anything I have ever used for the above complaint. Very respectfully, U I. HORTON, Ex-Marshal. Letter from Tesas. Ballinger. Tex , Jan. 25th. *'l thought I would w'rite you what your wonderful Graybeard has done for me. I had catarrh of the head about 25 years, and suffered a great deal. I have tried many kinds of medicines and have been treated by doctors, though all of them fail ed to cure me. And I being so old and my disease so chronic, I didn’t thtr.k there was ony medicine that would cure me But more than 2 years ago I had very plain symptoms of cancer on my note and face and decided to try Gr3> board not thinking that it w’ould cure my catarrh os well as cancer. I bought 8 bottles from Mr. Pierce, and less than 6 cured me. This has beer, more than 2 years ago now' and no symptoms of the old diseases have appeared. I can praise Graybeard for what it has done for me. Persons need never think they ore too old for Gray baard to cure them. lam now 75. • MRS. RHODA DEAN.” Graybeard Cured Him. *T would here ray for the benefit of the public’, that I was troubled with rheuma tism in my hips for three months, and as I handled Graybeard I concluded to give It n trial. I took two bottles and a half and was cured. I do believe it to bo a great medicine. "Also Sister DeLoach took it for paraly sis and it helped her surprisingly. •’Rev. A. R. STRICKLAND, “Easterling, Ga Ecsema. Do you know' when you have eczema? Do you itch? Is your skin rough? In warm weather does this stinging sensation increase? When you scratch do large blis ters and sores form? Do they torment you w'hcn you work? Eczema is an outbreak of bad blood A person afflicted with eczema cannot take undue exe-rclse without aggravating the Itching, or get warm in bed without feel ing on fire. The blood is aflame with the peculiar poison that creates the disease and calls for a powerful alterative to re move It. Nothing short of a BLOOD MED ICINE will acoompllah a cure. Eczema. Lafayette. Ala., May 16. I have tried your Graybeard and know for a truth that it is effectual. It ctired me of eczema and a severe at tack of indigestion. I do not hesitate to recommend It. All who try it here will not be without it. S. A. JARRELL. Talmadge, chief of the wardrobe; Can ada skipper, Billie Mortoft, holder of ihe wherewithal. The members of the club, so far as have been elected, are Messrs. Ed Wyatt, Charles Dußose, Louis Ca mak. Wei born Dußose, Harry Hull, Jack Burnett and Joe Turner. Member sub rosa. Frank Lipscomb. The Committee on Costume will report at the next regu lar meeting. FLORIDA. Hendry Killed rtyan. News has been received at Wauchula of the killing of James Ryan by bam Hen dry, his brother-in-law. T*ne crime was committed near Fort Green, ten miles from Wauchula. • Purchased Iron Work*. An important deal was consummated in Tampa Saturday, by which the Tampa Foundry and Machine Company purchased the plant and business of the Southern Iron Works. Hatched Wild Duckling*, Mr. John Hart, who lives not far from Orlando, found two nests of wild ducks' eggs. He took the eggs home and put them under hens. In due time they were hatched, and he now has trvo lo;? of young ducks os. tame and as domestic in their deportment as one could desire. Just what peculiarities they may develop as they grow older is an interesting prob lem. Orlando Political Club. A number of prominent Democrats met .it Orlando and organized n Bryan, Stev enson and Jennings Club. Those present met for practical work rather than pa triotic noise. There were few speeches made, and they were short. A permanent organization was effected by electing W. P. Watson, president; N. P. Yowell, vice j president; R. M. Hudson, secretary, and F. T. Scruggs, treasurer. Jacksonville's Record. The Jacksonville baseball team has this season played twenty-tsix games, Includ ing among her opponents Fernandina, Tallahassee, Quincy, Brunswick. St. Au gustine am] Savannah. Of these, two have been drawn, both with Tallahassee She has won fifteen and lost nine. Not counting the drawn games, her percen tage is the following: Played. Won. Lost. P.O, Jacksonville 24 15 9 t 2.5 Fatally Scalded, James D. Cochran, engineer at Moore's saw mill at Wauchula, was very seriously, If not fatally, scalded on Friday. The lever that contracted the throttle became Jammed tinder a full head of steam, which resulted in the engine being thrown out of place, tearing Into fragments the fly wheel and breaking the steam pipe. Mr Cochran attempted to turn off the steam Just as the pipe broke, which threw the whole force of the steam upon him. lit* | erally covering his body. The State Encampment. Plans for the coming encampment of it portion of the Florida state troops are complete. A bill of lading has been re ceived for the necessary camp equlppage, the site has been secured, Invited com panies have accepted, the date has been I fixed for July 18, to continue eight or ten S days, and the money necessary has been ; subscribed. Capt. Howatt of St. Augus tine, has received word from Orlando that the company cannot come, but the 1 Miami company Is anxious to attend, and will probably be Invited. The en campment will Include the P fl<*s and W 1- THE MORNING NEWS: TUESDAY, JULY 10. 1900. ©HOT!® & WHOLESALE Fruits, Produce, farycy Groceries, Jobbers, COMMISSION MERCHANTS. 12 WEST MITCHELL STREET. rnm rgifpMcir ****<£. Var, -24th,._ Respas* Drug Cos., Ceor Sirs:- > Tor thres years I suffered great pain and annoyance froa Catarrh and Blood Poison and found no remedy that would relieve me. GRAYBEARD was recommended to Re and three bottles nade anew man of me X actually weigh 20 pound*more, and my health is more vigorous than for years. I thlnfc It is the greatest remedy that X over saw. Minister Cured. Dear Friends—l suffered more or less all the time for ten years with rheuma tism, trying many remedies, but failing to perfect a permanent cure. So I expected to live the balance of my days in pain. But I began taking Graybeard, not ex pecting to be cured of rheumatism, but hope to be cured of tetter on hands and neck. And when I had only taken 3 bottles all my rheumatism was gone. That was nearly a year ago and I have not had a pain fr6m that cause since. The tetter on my neck and ears disappeared, my gener al health has been better, and I weigh 20 pounds more than I did before taking it. No doubt Graybeard will do all that is claimed for it. S H. WHATLEY, Atlanta, Ga. son Battery of Jacksonville, the Pensa cola and Live Oak companies, the Palat ka and Daytona companies, and the Rifles of St. Augustine; in all, seven com panies and one battery. The original committee will shortly announce the ap pointment of sub-committees on enter tainment, etc. Died From the Rent. When the southbound freight of the Georgia Southern and Florida Railway reached Lake City Saturday, George Mansfield of Illinois, was taken from the box car in which he end a friend were traveling with their household goods, en route to Brooklyn. Mr. Mansfield was in an exhausted condition, being over come by the heat. Dr. W. T. Chalker was called to attend him, but all efforts proved unavailing, and he died within an hour. The family of the deceased had but u few hours preceded him to Brooklyn. LEASED ITS SAfi MILL. Pembroke Lumber Company Made a Deal With .1, n. flrovrton. Pembroke. Ga., July 9.—The Pembroke Lumber Company has lease! all th©;r timber and machinery, consisting of sev eral thousand acres of pine timber and a large saw mill plant, t<s J. B. Brew Con, who took charge yesterday. The crops, both corn and cotton, are very poor throughout Bryan county. Corn is not over 50 per cent, of a crop and cot ton is about 75 per cent. The fruit anl melon crop is excellent, with very little demand. The crop of candidates for county offi ces is also large and is strictly Demo cratic. There seems to be a lively time among them, and the best politician in the county is at a loss to say which can didates have the best showing. 1)1 111.11 JAIL GLARDED. Four Prisoners Who Are In Dnngrr of Mob Violence. Dublin, Ga,, July 9 —The Laurens coun ty Jail is being guarded by a force of men Itndcr Sheriff Hicks, to prevent the lynch ing of Messrs. W. J. Fordham, Jack Has kins. Frank Wells and a maVi named Davis, who ore charged with the murder of Mr. Oscar Camden on July 4, at til* Shewmake place, six mires west of Dub lin. The men artj held under the charge of manslaughter. Many believe that the pre cautions taken by Sheriff Hicks are en tirely unnecessary. Thomas McDowell Dead. Tnlbolon, Ga., July 9.—After an Illness of several months, Hon. Thomas H. Mc- Dowell died at his residence .at Belle view, Ga., last night, at It) o'clock. He was a prominent merchant and planter, and hod been for years president of the Hoard of Education of this county. The remains were Interred at tho cemetery al Ephesus Church, near Bellevlew, (his evening. McMcDowell leaves a wide and several children. —Natural Sequence—At this point of the story onr heroine swept acros sthe room. There being noth ng ese for our villain ! to do without violating the unhles, he | got up and dusted.—lndianapolis Press. YV. F. HAMILTON, Artesian Well Contractor, OCALA, FLA. Am prepared to drill wells up to an* depth. We use lirat-class machinery, can do work on snort notice and guarantee atl*facliOD Picture of Health. "Graybeard d*id me more good than any thing I ever took in my life. I was troubled with indigestion, shortness of breath, and was given a great deal of medicine by my doctor, but it did me no good. I saw Gray beard advertised and bought it, and it cured me. I began to gain flesh and weigh twenty pounds more than I did a short time ago. MRS. J. G. BROWN. "127 Lee street, Montgomery, Ala.” Sound and Well. * "I had congestion of the stomach—acute indigestion. Last August when I was so bad off, 1 heard of Greybeard and got my daughter and son-in-law' to send for the medicine for me. It did me more good than all the doctors .and I continued its use until now. I am sound and well; I am truly thankful for the discovery of sd great and wonderful a medicine "MRS. MARGARET A OLIVE, ML Peiia, Tenn. COTTON AGAIN MOVES UPWARD LOCAL MARKET IT* 0\ ALL EXCEPT THE LOWEST GRADE. Advance* Scored In Future, in the Old Crop., While the Xrw Crop Month. Also Move l|. Some—Bureau Report Expected—Naval Store. Market In StroDg I*o.itinn—Tur pentine Firm at t.l'4 Cent.—Local nnd Telegraphic Markets. Morning News Office, July 9.—To-day was marked by advances, both in the local and outside markets. Local cotton went up l-16c on all grades except the lowest. Futures were 2®12 points up on near months and 3@6 up on far. Sugar was marked up 10 points all around. The advance in sugar, coming as it does on the heels of a number of other Jumps of 10 points, is beginning to attract atten tion, and those interested, which includes all mortals, are wondering when the top notch will be struck. Just at the moment there is much inter est in the cotton market, and much of this is in anticipation of the government bureau report, which it is expected will be received by 12 o'clock to-morrow (Tuesday). On the whole, the crop news to-day was favorable, and consequently the new crop months were prompt to sell off. The volume of the day's business was not large. The naval stores market appears to be in strong position. Spirits turpentine opened firm ai 43',ic, and closed firm and unchanged. There was bidding during the early hours tc below the market, but factors were not inclined to make concessions. The rosin market*was firm and unchanged, with a fair demand pre vailing. The wholesale markets were steady. The following resume of the dif ferent markets will show the. tone and quotations at the close to-day: COTTON. There was an advance of l-l<so on tho higher grades of cotton to-day, including good middling, middling, and low middling. The tone of the market was tlrm on sales of six bales. Considerable attention was directed to the futures market. As to the weak months local" sentiment contin ue* bullish. There is doubt as to the turn of new crop months, however, aiu! the majority of traders prefer to uwait developments. The local receipts wore 95J. against 1.626 last year. Receipts since Sept. 1. are 1,066,026, against 1,078,356 lus: year. The following were the official spot quo tations at the close of the market at the Cotton Exchange to-day: j This | Last | day. | year. Good middling 70 1-16 ii>„ Middling |9 T 4, |,v% Low middling jsVi, |4% Good ordinary .9 |4* Market Arm; sales, 6. Savannah Receipts, Exports and Stocks: Receipts this day 959 Recelpls this day last year 1 626 Receipts this day year before last 87 Receipts since Sept. 1, 1899 1,066.026 Same time last year 1,078,536 Exports, coastwise 1226 Stock on hand this day 15.920 Same day last year 12,925 Receipts and Stocks at he Ports— Receipts this day 5,624 This day last year g’2l3 This day year before last 2,2’54 Total receipts since Sept. 1. 1899.. .6,38^708 Same time last year 8.270,203 Same lime year before last 5,585,099 Dyspepsia. Bloating after eating and a feeling of weight in the stomach are dyspepsia's symptoms—eructations of gas—sick stom ach, heartburn, vertigo, all come along. Sour stomach, headache, general depres sion and great nervous condition follow. We hoar women say that they cannot sleep, and that they feel light-headed as if at limes they must fall. We hear men say that they cannot work. The stomach is out of gear, they are restless and ner vous and form the habit of drinking. This is dyspepsia— It can be cured. Graybeard is a safe remedy for thi* ailment. It makes food nutritious and strengthens and invigorates the digestive organs by purifying the blood. Don’t hesitate to take it j Stock at ihe p<vts to-day 148,264 Stock same day last year 437,038 Daily Movements at OtheT Ports— Galveston—Quiet; middling, 9Vs; stock, 8,784. New Orleans—Firm; middling. 10 3-16;/iet receipts. 4.225; gross, 4,225; sales, 1,300; stock. 60,283. Mobile—Nominal; middling. 9Va; net re ceipts, 2; gross, 2; Charleston—Nominal; net receipts, 1; gross, 1; stock, 2,733. Wilmington—Nothing doing; gross re ceipts, 3; .stock, 1,794. Norfolk—Firm; middling, 10 1-16; net re vceipts, 190; gross. 190; sales, 10; stock, 3,787. Baltimore—Nominal; middling, 10; net re ceipts, 100; gross, 1.200; stock, 3.707. New York—Steady; middling, 10%; gross, 1,724; sales. 3,935; stock. 43,311. Boston—Steady; middling, 10‘g; net re ceipts, 129; gross. 235. Philadelphia—Firm; middling. 10%; net receipts. 10; gross, 10; stock, 1,953. Daily Movements at Interior Towns— Augusta—Quiet; middling, 10; net re ceipts. 32: gross, 32; sales, 302; stock, 4,264. Memphis—Steady; middling, 10; re ceipts, 20; gross, 20; sales, 425; stock, 17,946. St. Louis—Steady; middling, 10; net re ceipts. 1; gross. 363; soles. 125; stock, 31.382. Cincinnati—Strong; middling. 9%; net re ceipts, 44; gross, 44; stock, 8.864. Houston—Steady; middling. 9%; net re ceipts, 25; gross, 25; stock. 8,806. Louisville—Firm; middling. lO l^ Exports of Cotton This Day— < Savannah— Coast wise, 1,226. Norfolk —Coastwise, 1,248. Baltimore—Coastwise. 1,120. New York—To Great Britain, tinent, 4M. Total foreign exports from all ports this day—To Great Britain, 3,769; to the con titent. 400. Total foreign exports since Sept. 1, 1899 —To Great Britain, 2.209,140; ro France, 692,876; to the continent. 2,644,954. COTTON FI TI RES. ' Market Closes 2 and 12 I'p np Near and IS and <> I p on Far Months. New York, July 9.—With cable accounts of bullish support, tile cotton market here early developed considerable firmness without showing much activity. Indeed, the bulk of ihe trading was for the pur pose of evening up all accounts rather than starting new ones. Public specula tion was of a hesitating character through out the session. The market opened steady at unchanged prices to an advance of 8 points. Subsequently this Increased (he advance to 3®13 points, with the im provement chiefly on the old crop posi tions which were In demand from the shorts. Upon any exhibition of weakness the new crop months were prompt to sell off. advices from the eolton belt being or u favorable average. The local trade, as a class, was disposed to cover. In recogni tion of the bullish possibilities of to-mor row's government report, as a factor upon the English trade, while not forgetting that the report will deal with conditions prior to July 1. with private and public accounts since then generally bearish. The volume of to-day's business was of mid summer proportions. From the strongest Interval of the session prices gave way 3 to 11 points, under realizing; but there was no display of liear confidence at any time. The market closed barely steady, 2 to 12 points higher on near months, and 3 to 6 points lower on far months. New' fork, July 9.—Cotton futures opened steady and closed barely steady. Prices as follows: Open. High. Low. Close. January 8.35 8.37 8.28 8.2S February 8.36 8.36 8.36 8.30 March 8.39 8.40 8.35 833 April 8.40 8.40 8.40 8.35 May 8.41 8.44 8.38 838 June July 10.08 b 10.21 10.18 10.15 Rheumatism. > Rheumatism originates from excow o! acid in the blood. Impoveriehed and impure blood. It attacks different parts of the body. It Is sometimes seated in the muscles, some times in the parts surrounding the Joints, and sometimes In the Joints—hence the name muscular and articular rheumatism. When in the hips, it is called sciatic rheu matism; when in the muscles of the baefc, lumbago. Often when one goes to rise from sitting or stooping the sudden “catching” is so se vere that they some times cry out in pain. The feet and joints are sometimes swollen without at first, causing any particular pain. This symptom is sufficient. The ail ment is getting a start on you. This is the time to take Graybeard. The safest cure for rheumatism is a thorough blood cleansing. Graybeard is a known specific for rheu matism. It checks the formation of acid, dissolves the acid deposit and produces a normal and rich flow of'blood. Don’t hesi tate to ask for it. i’• • ■ A Boy Cared. Mrs. Hill, residing at 10*4 W. Mitchell street. Atlanta, gave Graybeard to her son who was forced to stop v%ork on account of a severe attack of rheumatism, and It cured him sound and well. Lost Use of His Arm “Since taking Graybeard I hove regained use of my arm which was he’plcss by rheumatism. W. C. FLENNIKEN, “Kingston, Tex. You Get Strong. Everybody who takes Graybeard tells us they get stronger. They eat more and it does not make them sick. This is the se cret of the curative powers of Graybeard. The first thing it does is to make you go to eating. You will eat more than you have eaten in months, and you will find it will not hurt you as it used to when you ate heartily. By making you eat it makes you stronger. It makes you stronger as the new blood and bone and tissue begin to become part and parcel of you, and if you are afflicted with eczema you will find it gradually disappev The same way with rheumatism, catarrh, dyspepsia, cancer. In short, Graybeard makes you stronger than your disease and crushes out your disease. Graybeard Did It. “Like ail others who are so unfortunate as to become a prey to indigestion and bowel troubles, I tried vinous medicines and a number of the best doctors to treat my case, but found only temporary relief until Graybeafd was discovered. The med August 9.77 9.87 9.76 9.79 September 8.94 8.97 8.89 8.89 October 8.55 8.57 8.51 8.51 November 8.37 8.40 8.35 8.31 December 8.34 8.37 8.30 8.29 Liverpool Cotton Market. Liverpool. July 9.—Cotton, spot, fair de mand; prices higher; American middling foir. 6 17-32d; good middling. 6*4<l; mid dling, 6 1-16; low middlin, 5 5-16; good ordinary. 5 13-16d; ordinary, 5%d. The sales of the day were 10,000 bales, of which I, were for speculation and export, and included 6,400 boles American. Receipts 11. bales, including 8.100 American. Futures opened firm and closed quiet. but steady; American midddling, low mid dling clause; July. 5.58@5 59d, sellers; July- August, 5.47@5.48d, buyers; August-Sep /tember, 5.32®5.33d, value; September-Oeto ber. 5.07®5.08d, sellers; October-November, 4.53@4.54, value; November-December, 4.46d, buyers; December-January, 4 47®) 4.45d, buyers; January-February, 4.41x1, sell ers; February-March, 4.35d, sellers; March- April, 4.37d, buyers. New Orleans, July 9.—Cotton futures steady. July ......10.30 bid jDec 8.13® 8.14 August ...10.02@10.03|Jan 8.12® 8.13 - B.94!Feb 8.13® 8.13 Oct 8.33®) B.34'Mareh 8.15® 8.17 Nov 8.14®) B.l7!April 8.17® 8.19 COTTOSj LETTERS. New York, July 9.—Murphy & Cos. say: Colton advices from Liverpool to-day were very favorable, causing a firmer market here for summer months, but the new crop positions are ruling about un changed, owing to favorable crop advices both by wire and mail. The trading has been mostly for the local account, very few out-of-town orders being received. About 8,500 bales of American cotton ar rived in Liverpool, of which 7,300 reported as tendered against July contracts at a considerable discount under price of spots, which indicates more of a speculative than actual demand for cotton at present quotations. The afternoon session was quiet, with a slightly easier tone. The locals are waiting fop the bureau report to-morrow, which is expected to be quite bullish, as weather during June was very unfavorable. DRY GOODS. New York. July 9.—There, has been more inquiry In the market to-day for the general run of cotton goods. Staples without chances in prices. American in d'go blue and prints reduced to 4%c and shirting prints to 3%c per yard. Print cloths firm. Nothing important doing in ginghams. Woolens and worsteds quiet and unaltered. * NAVAL STORES. Mondav, July 9. SPIRITS TURPENTINE.-The market for turpentine opened firm to-day, and de spite the efforts of buyers to the contrary, closed firm and unchanged. The market was very firm at 43>4c. It was said that buyers hoped to get concessions early in the day, and were free to bid 43 cents. It was known towards the closing, that tur pentine was wanted badly by some buy ers, and all finally entered at the quota tion. It was said considerable Bales fol lowed. The day's receipts were 1.459, sales 400 casks! and the exports none. ROSINS.—The market for rosins contin ues firm and unchanged. Values at the recent advances are being well maintain ed. There Is a fair demand. The day's receipts were 2.354. soles 538, and the ex ports 3,341. Trie quotations were as fol lows: A, B, C *125 I $1 f 0 £ 12* K j 70 E 1 30 M 1 so F 1 35 N 2 25 0 1 40 W G, ;; 240 H 1 50 W W 2 60 Catarrh. The mouth, throat, post-nasal cavity bronchial tubes and air cells of the lunp are lined with a network of delicate biewt vessels. When the is pure thes blood vessels healthy and vigorous and exude mucus which lubricates the ati passages and protects them from the ef fects of cold, dust. etc. When the blood is impure, these vessels by reason of their delicate structure, are unable to carry it. They become clogged, end hence results catarrh. Graybeard purifies the blood, invigorate, these small blood vessels, and enable, them to discharge the foul blood and re. stores health. Catarrh will not exist when the blood t pure. Ugly Ulcers. Dear Friends—l have been suffering ) years with an ulcer on my ankle. Some, times in bed, sometimes on crutches 1 used remedies of my own and failing ta make a cure, I chi led in different physi. cians. They all said that they could cure me, but found it to be of a stubborn r.a* ture and failed. I saw Graybeard advertised and I bough| four bottles of it, two boxes of the one box of the ointment. It cured me well. And I have one bottk left. I say that I am well—not nearly well but entirely well. It has been over twelvi months and no symptoms have returned. I hope the suffering will do as I have* use it, have faith in it and bo cured Mrs. JANE GEORGE, Rockvale, Term. iclne being manufactured by friends o! mine .and knowing it to be made from pure material of the forest, was Induced to give it a trial. I used it six weeks according t directions, and at the end of the time 1 felt as well as I ever did. "O. A. CLIETT. j * L Ex-Alderman. Butler, Ga. - * —j Rheumatism. Rheumatic Swelling; in the legs is cure! by G nay beard. Mrs. Joseph Brown of Butler. Ga., wns afflicted with rheumatism. 1> caused her great pain. Her statement is that her leg;* swelled to unusual size. She was not ebio to relieve the ailment until she procured Graybeard. She is now sound and well. Acid in the blood producer rehum.Uism. Nothing is half so good as Graybeard for rheumatism. "My wife was afflicted four vsars with rheumatism, and I was not able to find anything to relieve her. She took Gray beard about a month and seemed to be as well as ever. It cured our littie son of the ailment. We cannot rrais* Grayoear4 tco much, GEO. BOOTH, 1 •‘Caisoaville, Ga/ Receipts Monday— Spirits. Rosin. Central Railroad 270 121 S., F. & W. Ry 547 Iffl F. C. & P. Hy 248 Ul Georgia & Alabama Railway.. 394 027 Shipments Monday— S. S. Alleghany, Baltimore 3,31i S. S. Alleghany. Philadelphia -I Naval Stores Statement— Spirits. Rosin. Stock on hand April 1 2,197 142.iW Rece.pts to-doy •. 1,459 2.3*1 Received previously 120,347 231.821 Total 124,003 376,681 Shipments to-day 3,34! Shipments since April 1 101,566 257.254 Total since April 1 101,566 260.5fi Stock on hand to-day 22,437 116.^ Same day last year 16,645 115.158 Charleston, S. C., July 9.—Spirits tur pentine market firm, at 42c; sales none. Rosin firm; unchanged; sales none. Wilmington. N. C.. July 9.-Spirits tur. penrine quiet, 4L 1 4&42%c; receipts 106. R°* in firm, $1.10(81.15; receipts 385. Crude tur pentine steady, receipts 72. Tai steady, $1.40; receipts 2S. FINANCIAL. MONEY—The demand keeps fairly 01 with the supply. FOREIGN EXCHANGE—Market fc weak. The commercial demand, $4 Ss\s sixty days, S4.S3Vs; ninety days. $4 82H; francs, Paris and Havre, sixty days, 5.20; Swiss, sixty days, 5.24 t ; mark*, sixty days, 04 3-16; ninety days 93 7 *c. DOMESTIC EXCHANGE Steady banks are buying at par and selling follows: Amount to and including $M 10 cents; $lO to $25, 15 cents; $25 to SSO. * cents; SSO to SIOO, 25 cents; S2OO to SSOO, i* premium; SSOO to SI,OOO, .65 premium SI,OOO and over buying at 1-16 discount and selling nt 1-16 prerryium. SECURITIES-—The market is fairtj steady, but dull and Inactive. Quotation? inclined to be nominal. Stocks. Bid. Ask Augusta and Savannah R. R —llO 111 Atlanta & West Point 125 125 do 6 r>. c. certlfs 105 105 Augusta Factory 85 W Citizens Bank ..128 -0 Chatham Bank HO 111 Chatham R. E. &I. Cos. f A 56 5. do do B 55 v 4 -ji Eagle & Phoenix Mfg. Cos 103 l'* Edison Electric Ilium 10* Enterprise Mfg. Cos 101 F® Germania Bank 120 Georgia Railroad, corrfmon 208 210 Graniteville Mfg. Cos 165 IJJ J. P. King Mfg. Cos 105 107 Langley Mfg. Cos 120 13 Merchants National Bank HO National Bank of Savannah —l*7 1W Oglethorpe Savings & Trus HO 111 People’s Savings & Lean 105 101 Southwestern Railroad Cos HO 11} Savannah Gaslight Cos 2* 1 : Southern Bank *57 1 Savannah Bark & Trust *lB l*J Sibley Mfg. Cos., Augusta 8S Savannah Brewing 08 l' 1 ® Honda. Bid. A* Char., Col. & Aug. Ist ss. 1900. ...107 1* Atlanta city, 4%5, 1922 1 10 Augusta city, 4s, 1927 'Ol J do 4%5. 1925 " “ do 7s, 1908 1 f. do 6s. 1913 " 7 J!* Ala. Mid. ss, ind'd, 1928, M. & N. Augusta Factory, 6 per cent.. 1915.109 Brunswick & Western 4s. 1938 30 ' C. R. R. & Hanking, collateral ss. 91 C. of G. Ist Ds, 50-year gold, 1945. jr & a 117 1 15 C. of Oa. con ss, 1945, M & N C. of Ga. Ist incomes, 1945 41