The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, July 13, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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SPIRITS TURPENTINE UP. c ood demand carries the price I P <4 ('EM'. j, wan Sll Conaiderable Stott Was Wanted Uorlßß tlie l)av-Ruaiiin , ncbaußed, Except as to Grade YI, tVlilch Advanced 5 Cents—Cotton Market Firm nnd l nclitl nßeil—Trl. ..graphic Reports of Trade From t oiuuicrcial Centers. Morning News Office, July 12.—Tbo fea t.... „f the markets to-day was the ad \an,v in spirits turpentine, which jumped j cen t at the closing, when the market ps oaiieiimd firm. There was understood to be a pretty strong demand for supplies, an ,j , ondllions pointed to continued .trenail*. T,IC rosin market was unchang <d except as to grade M, which advanced - . ~ - at the opening ca’l. The cotton market closed firm and un thanped, with a nominal spot business te portel The futures market was off 5 points on August, and 2 points on Sep tember. with other positions from 2 to 3 points up. The more favorab'e crop news wnU ld indicate (he existence of considera p , h arish sent m c nt, but there are few who care to take the bear side of the mark<i just now, even if they are inclined that way. The wholesale markets were unchanged. The followin'? resume of the different markets will show' the lone and quotations at the closing to-day: COTTON. The local cotton market closed firm and unchanged to-day. There were receipts 0 f 29" hales. The futures market showed some strength as to several positions, though the range of prices was narrow. A)! months w'ere up from 2 to 3 points, except August, which declined 5 points, and September, which went off 2. Not withstanding the more, favorable crop news, the local trade was not disposed to take the bear side of the market as to new crop options. The following were the official spot quo tations at the close of the market at the Cotton Exchange to-day: | This | Last | day. | year. Good middling |lO 1-16 6*, Middling |9Vs |5% Low miildling 19(4 |4% fiood ordinary j 9 |4-t4 "Market firm; sales 2. Savannah Receipts, Exports and Stocks: Receipt* this day 290 Receipts (his day last year Receipts this day year before last 2 Receipts since Sept. 1, 1899 1,067,353 Same time last year 1,080.360 Stork on hand this day 17,015 Same day last year 7,830 Receipts and Stocks at the Ports— Reecipts this day' 2,024 This day last year 2,595 This day year before last 442 Total receipts since Sept. 1, 1899.. .6,399,931 Fame lime last year 8,275,672 Same time year before last 8,586.286 Sto k at the ports to-day 152.889 Stock same day last year 428,069 Drily Movements at Other Ports. * lialveslon—Quiet: middling. 9*Xic; net re ceipts, 3; gross receipts, 3; sales, 12; stock, 8.142. New Orleans—Quiet; middling. 10 3-16 c; net receipts, 154; gross receipts. 1,076; stock. 63,765. Mobile—Nominal; middling. 9%c; net re ceipts. 311; gross receipts, 311; stock. 4.43 K. Charleston—Firm; middling. 9%0; net receipts, 490; gross receipts, 490; stock, 395. Wilmington—Nothing doing; stock, 1,791. Norfolk—Quiet; middling, 10 l-16c; net receipts, 464; gross receipts, 464; sales, 14; stock, 4,782. Baltimore—Nominal; middling, iOVic; gross receipts, 200; stock. 3,867. New York—Quiet; middling, 10(4p; gross receipts. 249; sales, 743; stock, 42,184. Boston— Quiet; middling, 10*4c; net re ceipts. 312; gross receipts, 312. Philadelphia—Firm; middling, lO’/jc; stock, 1,953. Daily Movements at Interior Towns. Augusta—Dull; middling, 10c; net re ceipts, 41; gross receipts, 41; sales, 2; stock. 3,132. .Memphis—Steady; middling. 10c; net re ceipts. 25; gross receipts. 25; stoek, 16.080. St. Louis —Quiet; middling, 10c; net re • eipts, 20; gross receipts, 513; stock, 28,- 268. Cincinnati—Steady; middling. 914 c; net receipts, 229; gross receipts, 229; stock, 9,- t'2R. * Houston—Quiet; middling, 914 c; net re ceipts, 109; gross receipts, 109; stock, 5,351. I/oulsville—Quiet; middling. 10c. Exports of cotton this day— • Galveston—Coastwise, 860. Nf w Orleans—To the continent, 50. Mobile—Coastwise, 311. New York—To Great Britain, 427; to France, 153; to the continent, 1.550. Total foreign exports from all torts this day To Great Britain,-427; to France, 153; to the continent, 1.6u0. Total foreign exports from all ports thus far this week; To Great Britain, 6.- 107 to France, 153; to the continent, 5,688. Total foreign exports since Sept. 1, 1899: To Great Britain, 2,211.478; to France, 693,- f®: to the continent. 2,650,242. C'OTTOM FI TANARUS! BBS. 1 r, '|) \pu* (iOod, bnt Trailers Xot Inclined to Go Short. N>w York, July 12.—Speculation in cot f n futures to-day was upon a hesitating. If not an indifferent, scale, and was par ticularly locking: In the element of outside Interest. The course of the market was within a narrow range of vatia n- The first call developed a steady fueling with prices unchanged to 4 points lower. Immediately after the call prices *n?ud off a couple of points further and Hun there was a rally of 354 points. The ‘•ariy weakness was the result of unsatis factory cables and generally unfavorable ro P news. The latter rally was without mcphinatlon, so far as news material went. *1 lu demand that held the market pretty c tendv appeared to come chiefly from the shorts The summer positions held a v nk relation to the general list. Local - nt:m*nt t as a rule, was Inclined to be nf ‘*rlsh on the crop intelligence, but (he ,r oug talk on the part of a few leading traders here backed up by the statistical Position led to hesitation when it came to taking the short side of the account. Pri xa,“ ■ ahl< showed that sentiment in Eu tope was also very much mixed, with crop • -ws from this aide leading spinners to I 4 ' ! fistlnate while the speculative inter ’ vso rf > .still dominated, more or less, by rnf i r ‘ipulation. The market here was final* 'dy. 2 points higher to 6 points lower. Vork. July 12.—Cotton futures ‘‘‘u -I steady and closed steady. Prices as follows: , Open. High. Tx>w. Close. January 8.28 8.34 8.28 8.33 r, ,ru **ry 8.34 8.34 8.38 8.35 . larrl ‘ 8.38 8.38 8.37 * prll 8.39 , Hy 8.38 8.38 8.38 8.42 •June 1 lly 10.00 b .10.05 9.99 10.04 g U * ,IF * 9.58 9.63 9.53 9.57 'Ttfmber 8.85 8.90 8.84 8.87 ’ ,oh ** r 8.49 8.53 8.49 8.52 , *mber 8.34 8.37 8.34 8.35 ember 8.30 8.34 8.31 8.32 January closed 3 points up, February 3 i! ’ March 2 up, April 2 up, May 3 up, ’ l|,v 4 up, August 5 off, September 2 off, ' lv *rpool, July 12. 4 p. m.—Spot, price 'American middling, fair, C 5-16d; 1 *"1 middling, 6 l-32d; middling. 5 27-32(1; l 0 * middling. 5 23-32*i; good ordinary, ordinary. 5 13-32d. The sales of were 6.ojtt bales, of w hich 500 were • T speculation and export; receipts, 1,000 including 600 American, futures opened quiet and closed qdlet; Southern Railway. Trains Arrive and Depart Savannah on 90 lh Meridian Time One Hour Slow-r Than City Time. _______ Schedules in Effect Sunday. June 10, 1900. READ DOWN|f TO TH E EAST. It READ ifp! N-0.J4 I No. 3trip pSb-fcTßwsr I Jj (Centra I Time.) | j u 20pm|12 20am Lv Savannah A r|| 5 10am| 315 pm , I il (Eastern Time.) 11 1 6 Snm in 3 " 1 A r Blockvllle Lv 3 OOami 1 77pm U 44p|n 88pm Ar Ur. ensboro. Lv|| 7 10pm| 5 48am 7°.l Ar Norfolk , LvfjTTr.TTTTTjTSSpm L_olam; 1 38pm[;Ar Danville Lv||'s 40pm| ♦ 38wm 6 00am 6 2opni Ar Richniond Lvlll2 01pm 1 lftOpm 1 J l - ani ? pn *i Ar LynchbtTrg Lvfi 3 52pm| 2 50am I *>am: 3spm||Ar Charlottesville Lv|| 2 06pm|12 51pm J pm Ar Washington LvilU 15am| 8 50pm J Lam 11 4m Ar Baltimore Lv|l 8 22am: 8 27pm , f 56am!JAr Philadelphia Lv> 3 50am| 6 CApm -pm 6 -3am, lAr New Y'ork Lv|l2 l(tam| 335 pm jJOpm 3 OQpm, Ar Boton Lv;[ 5 oapm|lo 10am No - 36 il TO THE NORTH AND~WEST. |> N0.35 !L (Central Time.) || 12 20am :Lv Savannah Ar|| 310 am - - H r (Eastern Time.) j 6 30am;,Lv Columbia L\'i| 1 9 ioam Lv Spartanburg Lv|i 6 15pm 9 oOam |Lv Asheville Lvj| 305 pm Ar ii o t Springs Lv 11 45am 1 Ar Knoxville LiV| | 8 25am 5 lOamj'Ar Lexington Lx! 10 30pm 7 45am Ar Cincinnati Lv.l 8 00pm 7 aOam jAr Lou kvllle.. M Lv|| 7 45pm 6 OOpmjAr „■.^..a St. Louis. . * Lv|| 8 08am All trains arrive and depart from the Plant System Station. THROUGH CAR SERVICE, ETC. TRAINS 33 AND 34 DAILY. NEW YORK AND FLORIDA EXPRESS Vestl huled limited trains, with Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Cars between Savan nali and New York. Connects at Washington with Colonial Express for Beaton. Pullman Sleeping Cars between Charlotte and Richmond and Charlotte and Nor folk. Dining Cars serve all meals let ween Savannah and Washington. TRAINS 35 AND 36 DAILY, THE UNITED STATES FAST MAIL Vestlbuled limited trains, carrying Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Cars between Savannah and New York. Dining Cars serve all meals between Savannah and Washington. Also Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Cars between Savannah and Cincinnati, through Asheville and “The Land of the Sky.” For complete information as to rates, schedules, etc., apply to G. GROOVER. Ticket Agent, Plant System Station. JAMES FREEMAN, C. P. and T. A., 141 Bull street. Telephones—Bell, 850; Georgia, 850. S. H. HARDWICK, Assistant General Passenger Agent, Atlanta, Ga. MURPHY & CO., INC., Board of Trad* Building, Savannah. Private leased wires direct to New York. Chicago and New Orleans. cotton, stocks and grain. New York office, No. 61 Broadway. Offices In principal cities throughout ths South. Write for our Market Manual and book containing instructions for traders. American middling, low middling clause: July, 5.41@6.42d value; July-August, 5.33® 5.34d value; August-September, o.lSii buy ers; Sepfember-October, 4.61®4.62d buyers; October-November, 4.17&4.45d sellers; No vember-December. 4.40d sellers; Deoem ber-January, 4.37@4.38d sellers; January- February, 4.36@4.36d sellers; February- March, 4.33®4.31d buyers; March-April, 4.35d sellers. New Orleans, July 12.—Cotton futures quiet. July 10.10® 10,13 ; January ... 8.15®8.76 August ... 9.85® 9.87 | February... 8.16®5,18 September 8.82® 8.83 | March S.lS®'B.l9 October .. 8.32# 8.33 |_ April 8.194(8.21 November 8.16® 8.17 | May 8.21®8.23 December 8.15® 8.16 | COTTON LETTERS. New York, July 12.—Murphy & fo. say: The cotton market has ruled inactive since noon, in fact quieter than for some time past. Speculation is dull. Despite the favorable weather for the growing crop there is no disposition to sell short. Operators are waiting for further devel opments. Prices at this writing (2 p. m.) are unchanged for July, 5 points lower for August, 2 itoinis lower for September; later months 4 points higher, compared with yesterday's ck>se. New York, July 12.—Hubbard Bros. & Cos. say: Manchester spinners were small buyers in Liverpool to-day, leaving that market without substantial support, and leading to very erratic fluctuations on the nearby positions. On the new crop deliv eries both markets have been dull with out any outside demand.' Cables lrom Liverpool express the opinion that the de clines of the past few days have not shaken the position of the bull party in that market, ami that another widening between the old and the new crops is ex pected. Crop advices are improving throughout the cotton belt, with contin ued favorable weather. DRY GOODS. New Y’ork, July 12—Improvement in general demand for quirk deliveries con tinues. and tone of market for cotton goods shows some gain. Brown cottons Steadv. Bleached unchanged. Coarse col ored goods irregular. Prints inactive for fancies, staples in moderate demand. Ginghams dull but steady. Cotton linings irregular. Print c'oihs unchanged in reg ulars, odd goods firm whh fair demand. Woolens unchanged. Silks steady. NAVAL STORES. Thursday. July 12. SPIRITS TURPENTINE —The market for turpentine showed coishlerabl,. strength to-day. closing at an advance or 1. ,-ent above the opening. At the ad vance the demand was reported fair The opening was firm at 43*e, with Wle. 01 200 casks, and the closing firm at 43\ , with further sales of .a casks at thl price. The day’s receipts were 9i6. sales 275. and the exports 2,575. ROSINS—The rosin market remained firm to-day. XI advanced 5 cents, which was the only change. The receipts were 23*2, sales 1,444. and the exports 6,450. The' following were the quotations: Sk H 1 30 M 1 95 P 1 35 N- 9 20 5. 1 40 W G 2 45 „ '.... 1 50 W W 2 65 Receipts Thursday- Rog , n F. C. * P. y •• * If. Georgia and Alabama Hy Shipments Thursday- R<jsln Italian bark Ferrucio S., Rot- Snc'd 'bark Medea, Anger ®' 46o Naval Stores Statement- Stock on hand April 1 -’O7 Received previously 126.41. 241, vm Total ■” 180813 Shinmenls to-day ’’■J'O Shipments since April 1 ■ 102,335 266,v30 Total since April 1 .104.910 272.980 Stock on hand to-day 24,679 113.963 S inie day last year 21,138 Utf.ssj Charleston, S. July 12.-Turpentine market firm at 42*c; sales, none. Rosin firm and unchanged; sales, none. Wilmington. N. C.. July 12.-Hpirtls tur pentine Steady at 42*0430; reeelp.s, 145. Kosin firm at $1.1501.*; receipts, 401. Crude turpentine quiet at $1.60 and $2.60; receipts, 71. Tar steady at sl.4u; receipts. 199. ' financial. MONET—The demand keeps fairly up with the supply. „ „ FOREION EXCHANGE—Market Is eteadv. The eomme?clal demand. $5.8594; sixty davs, $4.S3*; ninety days. $4.62*; francs. Paris and Havre, sixty days, 5.20; Swiss, sixty days, 5.21*; marks, sixty days, 94*; li'nety days, 94. DOMESTIC EXCHANGE - Steady; banks are buying at par and selling as follows: Amount to and Including $lO, 10 cents; $lO to $26, 15 centa; $25 to SSO. 20 cents; SSO to SIOO, 25 centa; S2OO la SSOO, THE MOKJUNG KEWS: FRIDAY. JULY 13. 1900. H premium; SSOO o $1,009, .63 premium; SI,OOO and over buying at 1-16 discount and selling at 1-16 premium. SECURITIES—The tone of market Is dull and quotations are nominal. Stocks. Bid. Ask. Augusta and Savannah R. R no ill Atlanta & West Point 125 12s do 6 p. c. certifs 105 106 Augusta Factory 85 90 Citizens Bank 128 130 Chatham Bank 110 ill Chatham R. E. &I. Cos., A 53 57 do do B 55(4 66'4 Eagle & Phoenix Mfg. Cos 103 105 Edison Electric Ilium 104 106 Enterprise Mfg. Cos 101 103 Germania Bank 129 130 Georgia & Alabama 27 29 Georgia Railrcad, common 208 210 Graniteville Mfg. Cos 165 no J. P. King Mfg. Cos 105 107 Langley Mfg. Cos 120 123 Merchants National Bank 110 111 National Bank of Savannah 147 151 Oglethorpe Savings & Trus 110 111 : People's Savings & Loan 102 104 Southwestern Railroad Cos 110 111 Savannah Gaslight Cos. 2414 25(4 Southern Bank 157 ]SB Savannah Bank & Trust lig 119 Sibley Mfg. Cos, Augusta 88 92 Savannah Brewing 95 too Honda. Bid. Ask. Char., Col. & Aug. Ist ss, 1900 107 108 Atlanta city, 4!45, 1922 110 111 Augusta city, 4s, 1927 104 105 do 4'4s. 1925 HO 111 do 7s, 1903 106 108 do 6s, 1913 117 Mg Ala. Mid. ss, ind'd, 1928. M. &N. 98 100 Augusta Factory. 6 per cent., 1915.109 110 Brunswick & Western 4s. 1938 80 82 C. R. R. & Banking,collateral ss. 92 93 C. of G. Ist ss, 60-year gold, 1945. F & A 117 ns C. of Ga. con. ss, 1945, M. & N... 91 92 C. of Ga. Ist Incomes, 1945 43 44 do 2nd Incomes, 1945 11 ll'4 do 3d incomes, 1945 5 6 C. of G. (M. G. & A. Dlv.) 6s, 1947, J. & J 95 96 C. of Ga. Ist incomes. 1945 43 44 C. of G. (Eatonton Branch), 5s 1926. J. & D 97 98 City & Surburban R. R. ls 75..109>4 110V4 Columbus city, ss, 1909 106 107 Charleston city. 4s, 1945 101 102 Eagie & Phenix Mills 6s, 1928...108 109 Edison Electric Illuminating 65.104 105 Enterprise Mfg. 6s, 1903 101 102 Georgia Railroad 6s, 1910 114 115*4 G. S. & F., 1945, J. & J 109 110 Georgia & Alabama Ist ss, 1945 104 106 do consolidated os, 1915 95 98 1947. J. & J 95 96 Georgia State 3*4s, 1930. J. & J... 106 107 do 3$4S, 1910. M. & N 106 106 do 4>4s. 1915 117*4 118*4 Macon city 6s, 1910, J. & J 117 118 do 4*4*. 1926. Jan. quar 107 109 Ocean Steamship os, 1926 104 105 Savannah city, ss, quar. October. 1913 11l 112 do Cvt, quar., August, 1909 111% 112*4 South Carolina State 4*/ 2 s, 1933...117 118 Sibley Mfg. Cos. ss, 1903 102 103 South Bound 96 97 S., F. & W. gen. mt’ge 6s, 1934..123 124 do do Ist ss, gold, 1934 110(4 112*4 do (St. Johns Dlv.) Ist As. 1934.. 94 96 New York, July 12.—Money on call steady at I*4®l'M per cent; last loan, I*4 per cent.; prime mercantile paper, 3%@4*4 per cent. Sterling exchange firm, with actual business in bankers’ bills, at $4.86% for demand nnd at $4.84 for sixty days; posted rates, $4.85®4.57; commercial hill*, $4.8844®4.83*4. Silver certificates, 61%@62*40; bar silver, 61%c; Mexican dollars, 48*4c. Government bonds strong; state bonds in active; railroad bonds irregular. STOCKS AND BONDS. Reaction In Prlcea Due to Technical Causes. New Tork, July 12.—The phrase "pe tered out” best expresses what happened to the upward movement of prices to-day. The action of the stock market was en tirely aside from any new-s of the day as was the case with yesterday's sharp rise. In fact, the news of the day was, for the most part, favorable to higher prices. The reaction must, therefore, be attributed to purely technical causes. It seems to demonstrate that yesterday's Jump In prices which primarily directed against the short Interest has resulted in eliminating the weak portion of the un covered shorts. Yesterday's considerable rise invited heavy profit-taking this morn ing, but after prices had fallen consider ably pressure from that source relaxed, and an effort was then made to renew the bull demonstration of yesterday. When Union Pacifies got up to 56 It became man ifest that the orders to sell at that level Wool, Hides Wax, Furs, Honey, Highest market prices paid. Georgia Syrup for sale. A. EHRLICH & BRO, Wholesale Grocers and Liquor Dealtra, 111, lU. US Bay treat, was*. 1,000,000 HIDES WANTED. DRY FLINTS 14*C DRY SALTS GREEN SALTED *e R. KIRKLAND, 417 to 421 St Julian strgcl, west. ~ Seaboard Air Line Railway. Cantral or 9#t h Meridian Time. TIME TABLE EFFECT IVE JUNE 2. 19ot. All trains dally. Trains operated by 90th meridian tint e—one hour slower than city lime. NORTH AND EAST. , NORTH AND NORTHWEST T—J5- I l f~ Sh\ Hiii.M !; IS ' pll 59p !Lv Su\ .-mr.ah 11 Ar I’uirfax j 2 15p| 1 54a \ Ar Columbia 4 30a ‘‘ r Denmark | 3 OOpj 2 42;\ Ar Asheville 1 40p a^ r Augusta ; £ 45pj 0 53n Ar Knoxville 7 BOp Ar Columbia 4 38p 4 36a Ar Lex ill# ion 5 10a Ar Asheville | I 1 40p Ar Cincinnati 7 45a Ar Hamlet ; 9 05p 9 20a j Ar Louisville 7 50a Ar Raleigh jll 40pjll 55a Ar Chicago . 5 66p Ar Richmond | 5 10a| 5 40p Ar Detroit 4 OOp Ar Norfolk | 7 SBa ,ir Cleveland 2 55p Ar Portsmouth | 7 25a| A,- Indianapolis It 40a Ar Washington | 8 45a| 3op Ar Columbus 11120a Ar Baltimore 10 oSa;lt Jsp Ar Philadelphia |l2 30p| 2 56a SOUTH AND FLORIDA POINTS. Ar New York | 3 08p| 6 13a r*W —TsT" — H-- : 3 Lv Savannnil I(> 08a| 307 p VYLSr Dl\ ISION AND N. O. Ar Darien |!2 30p| 6 OOp —: —zx — r~W — Ar Everett | 6 50al 5 lOp T- n r 1 _ I Ar Brunswick i 8 06a| 6 2Sp Lv Savannah | 3 07p| 5 08a A r Demanding | 9 30a 9 05p Lv Jacksonville i 7 45p' 9 20a Ar Jacksonville | 9 10a| l 40p Ar Lake City | 9 35p;1l 28m Ar St. Augustine |lO 3t)a| * I d V a.° ak ! $0 30p 12 18p Ar Waldo |ll 55a,10 41p „ ad ‘f on „ I 2 30a| 1 lp Ar Gainesville |l2 Otn; A ““ n ‘‘ ce "® 4 40aj 320 pAr Cedar Key 6 *sp| Ar Tallahassee 6 00a| 338 pAr Ocala 1 40p| 1 15a a! 8, Cy . 8 25a ! 4 3Rp Ar Wildwood 2 S2p 2 40p Ar River Junction 9 40a! 5 25p Ar Leesburg 3 10pj 4 30a A .. ?!? co,a 11l OOp Ar Orlando 5 00p| 8 20a Ar Mobile | 3 05a Ar Plant City 4 44p| 5 28a Ar New Orleans ,| 7 40a Ar Tampa 5 30p| 6 30a WEST AND NORTHWEST. _______ Lv Savannah | 3op, 7 2fS Ar Cuvier | 7 lOp 8 08a Ar Statesboro 9 15p 3t.' Ar Collins j 8 46p 0 45a Ar Helena io 50p|U 45a Ar Macon | 3 05a| 4 15p Ar Atlanta 6 20a: 7 35p Ar Chattanooga 9 43a 1 00a .Ar Abbeville 12 36p Ar Fitzgerald j !!'| 8 03p Ar Cordcle | ; i 4Cp Ar Americua |..!.!!!; 310 p Ar Columbus j I 5 Jop Ar Albany | j 320 p Ar Montgomery j 7 401, Ar Birmingham |1135a|1225nt Ar Mobile j 4 jnpj 3 05a Ar New Orleans g 3(H>; 7 4ua Ar Cincinnati ; 7 3 0pj 4 OVp Ar St. Louis | 7 joa| 7 16p D. C. ALLEN. C. T. A., Ball and Liberty sts. s—both phones—2B P.&T.A., cor. Bull & Bryan blf. F. V. PETERSON, Traveling: Passenger Agent. E. ST. JOHN. L*. S. ALLEN, A. O. MAC DO NELL, Vice Pres, and Oen. Mgr., Gen’l Pass. Agt.. Asst. Gen'l Pass. Agent, Portsmouth. V. Portsmouth, Va. Jacksonville, Fla. were larger than the present bull man agers were prepared to absorb. That stock then fell back and its heaviness was prac tically unrelieved for the remainder of the day. The efforts of the bulls were then shifted to Baltimore and Ohio, which, as a consequence, was rushed up 2% from the low po-int. This maneuver proved un availing to hold the market and the lat ter part of the day showed almost unre lieved stagnation. The offerings were a mere dribble, but even that could not be absorbed by the feeble buying demand and about all of the earlier gains were wiped out. the level of prices generally falling below last night. The market ignored completely the crop prospects as reflected in the grain market. The active liquidation in wheat, induced by sanguine estimates of some of the trade journals, failed entirely to sus tain the prices of the grain carrying roads*. St. Paul dropped the best i aTt of another point from Us price, and frac tional losses were the rule throughout the railroad list. The bituminous coal and the corn carrying roads gave some early evi dence of strength, but their gains were lost in the late reaction. The steel stocks were dull and moved uncertainly. The market was entirely without any point of strength on which to fix a resistance io decline. The closing was dull end heavy at about the lowest. The weekly statement of the Bank of England occasions renewed questioning whether the export movement of gold will not soon be renewed. That institu tion’s loss of gold for the week exceeds $5,000,000, which has largely gone to France, and a reaction in sterling ex change at Paris to-day to the recent low level shows the demand for gold there still insatiable. The money market in New York is practically lifeless so that extra induce ment would probably draw gold from the. New York banks. The bond market continued dull and ir regular. Total sales, par value, $1.150.0C0. United States refunding 2s when issued and new 4s advanced and the sft V* in the bid price. N The total sales of stocks to-day w ere 28.- 900 shares, including Atchison preferred, 16.588; Baltimore and Ohio. 17.165; Chesa peake and Ohio. 14.170; Chicago. Burling ton and Quincy, 6.695; Chicago. Rock Isl and and Pacific, 9.975; Missouri Pacific, 10,120; Norfolk and Western. 19,080; North ern Pwciflc, 7,630; Pennsylvania. 10,160; Heading first preferred. 10,020; St. Paul, 17,704; Southern Pacific. 12,135; Union Pa cific. 51,968; Brooklyn* Rapid Transit, 11,- 1%; ‘Sugar. 19.880. New’ York Closing Stocks. Atchison 26*’ U. Pacific 55*1 do prof 69*1 do do pref .... 74* R. & Ohio 71*1 Wah.esii 7 j Can. Pacific ... 89* i do pref 18* Can. South .... 49*'Wheet. & r. k gaj C. & Ohio 27941 do do 2nd pref. 23* Chi. Gt. West.. 11 IVIs. Central ... 14* C., B. & Q 125*;Third Avenue ..110 Chi., Ind. A L. 2294[ Adams Ex 116 do do pref 5O (Am. Express ..153 Chi. & E. 111... 95 111. 3. Express... 45 Chi. A Northw.ls9 W.-F. Express..l22 C„ R. T. & P... 107* Am. Cot. 0i1... 34* C. C. C.A St. h. 59 | do do pref .... 88 Col. South 6*l Am. Malting .. 3 do do Ist pref. 41* do do pref 1# do do 2nd pref. 16*|Am. R. & R 37 Del. A Hudson.lll*l do do pref 88 Del.. L. A W... 177 |Am. Spirits .... 1 Den. A R. 0.... 17*j do do pref 17 do do pref 66 |Am, S. H00p... 19* Erie 11 | do do pref .... 69 do Ist pref ... 33*1 4m. S. A Wire. 33 Gt.. North, pref.ls2'4l do do pref 72* lloek. Coal 13*]Atn. Tin Plate.. 20* Hock. Valley . 35 j do do pref 74* 111. Central 118 Am. Tobacco .. 92* lowa Central ..18 | do do pref ...i125 do do pref 47*]Ana. Min. C 0... 40* K. C., P. A G.. 16*|Brook. R. T.... 5394 L. K. A West.. 28 ICol. F. a'T 32* do do pref .... 93 |Con. Tobacco .. 25* L. Shore 210 | do do pref 70* L. A N 74*; Fed. Steel 33 Man. Is 88 j' do do pref .... 66 Met. St. Ry 150*|Gen. Electric ..131 Mex. Central ... 12* Glucose Sugar .. 52* Minn. A St. L.. 51 | do do pref 99* do do pref 91 Int’n’l Paper .. 22* XIO. Pacific 51* do do pref 65 M. A Ohio 37 j Laclede Gas .... 74 M. K. A T..... 10 j Nat. Biscuit ... 29 do do pref .... 32*| do do pref 82 N. J. Central.. .128*; Nat. Eeud 19 N. Y. Central..l3o f do do pref .... 95* Nor. A West... 34*; Nat. Steel 24* do do pref .... 77 [ do do prf St C. Pacific ; 50*41 N. T. Air R.. .136 do do pref .... 71*j N. American .. 15* Ont. A West... 19*( P. Coast 51 Ore. Ry. A N... 42 | do do Ist pref. 83 do do pref .... 78 j do do 2nd pref. Cl* Pennsylvania ..128*!Pacific Mall ...27* Reading 17 People's Gas ... 98* do Ist pref ... 59*1 P. Steel Car 43 do 2nd pref... 29*! do do pref .... 70 R. G. Western.. 69*| Pull, Pal. Car..lßl do do pref .... 87 |B. Rope AT.... 5* St. E. A 8. F... 9*;Sugar 113* do do Ist pref. 66*! do pref 116'* do do 2nd pref. 83*Tenn. C. A Iron. 69 St. L., Southw. m*| U. S. Leather... B’, do do pref .... 25*1 do do pref 68 SI. Paul 110* U. S J Rubber... 23* do do pref ....170 dojfio pref 93 St. P. A 0 110 |West. Union ... 79* S. Pacific ..i... 22*jIt. Iron & Steel. 12* S. Railway 11*.! do do pref .... 54 o do pref .... 42* p. C. C. A S. L. 58 T. A Pacific.... 15 J Trains arrive at Savannah from North and East —No. 27 5 a. nr, No. 31 2:57 p. m.; from Northwest, No. 27 5 a. n.; from Florida points, Brunswick and Darien, No 44 12:27 p. m., No. 66 11:50 p. m. Trains 31 anJ 44 carry through Pullman sleeper and day coach to New Y'ork. in cluding dining car. Trains 27 and 66 carry through Tollman sleeper to New Y’ork and day coaches to Washington. Trains arrive al Savannah from the West and Northwest, No. 18 8:25 p. m., No. 20 8:40 a. m. Magnificent buffet parlor cars or trains 17 and 18. For full Information apply to W. P. SCRUGGS, Bonds. U.S.2s. ref. reg.lo3l4|Mo., K. & T. | do do cou. ...103V41 2bds 70 j do 2s. reg 1(0 M.. K. & 4s. 8.-'* do 3s, reg. ...108Vj|M. & O 4s 85 do 3s. cou. ..109 4 ;N. Y. C. lsts ..107*\ do new 4s. reg. 134 |N. J. C. 121% do new' 45,c0i1.13* JNo. Pa. 3s 66% do old 4s, reg.ll4%!No. Pa. 4s lORi do old 4s. cou.ll4Vfc|N. Y.. C. & St. do ss, reg. . ..HSVaI L. 4s 106 do ss, cou . .113 b. N. & W. con. 4s. 97 I> of C. 3 65s ..123 |Ore. Nav. Ist* .107 Atch. gen. 4s. .101%|Ore. Nav. 4s 102% Atch. adjt. 4s. . 83%0re. S. L. 6s 127** Can. So. 2nds ..107VfeiOre. S. L.e0n.55.112 C. of (L con.os. 61 Mi|Read. gen. 4s ..88 do Ist inc 44 % I R. G. W. Ists .. 98% do 2nd inc. .. ll%!St. L. * Ir. M. C. & O. 4%h ... 99%| Con. 5s 110 C. & O. 5h 116%|St. L. & B. F. C & Nw. c0n.75.140%| gen. fis 122 C. & Nw. S. F. |St. P. cons 166 Deb. 5s 120 S*t. P.\ <\ & Pa. Chi. Term. Is . 92 j Isis 116V6 Col. So. 4s 84% St. P., C. &ßVi D. & R. G. Ists.lo2 |So. Pa. 4s 79% !> & R. O. 45... 97% So. Ry. 5s 108 ft E. TANARUS., V. & G. JB. Rope & T.6s. 71 1 stft IT. & Pa. Ists ...11L Erie Gen. 4s .69 |T. & Pa.2nds ... 55 F. W. & D. C. |Un Pa. 4s 106 Vi Ists 71 |Wabash Ists ....115*4 Gen. Elec. 6s ..116%!Wabash 2nds ...102 la. Cen. Ists ...112%iWest Shore 4s ..112 K. C., P. &G. j Wis. Cen. 4s .. .88 Ists 76*41 Va. Centuries .. 90 L. & N.Uni.4s.. 9H% New’ York, July 12.—Standard Oil, 526 <8*530. MISCELLANEOUS MARKETS. Note—These quotations are revised doily, and are kept as near as possible In accord with the prevailing wholesale prices. Officio! quotations are not used when they disagree with the prices whole salers ask. Country anil Northern Produce. POULTRY—The market Is steadv. Quo tations: Broilers. 20®25c per pair; half grown. 35®40c; three-fourths grown, 45 ti 55c; her.s, 55060 c; roosters, 40c; ducks, geese and turkeys out of season. ICGGS—Steady at 8010. BUTTER—The tooe of the market Is Heady. Quotations; Extra dairies, 19@20c; extra Mlglns, 22®22*C. CHEESE—Market firm ; fancy full cream cheese, 10®12c for 25-pound aver age. ONlONS—Egyptian. 2.7503.00 per sack; crate, $1.25; New Orleans, $1.60 sack ;70 pounds.) BEANS—Navy or peas, $2.2502.50 per bushel; demand light. Early Vegrlslilri, IRISH POTATOES—New, No. 1, $1,750 2.00 per barrel. EGG PLANT—Nominally; half barrel crates, $1.0001.25. CABBAGE—Per barrel crate, $1,750 2.00. Ilreadetafl’s, Hay and Grain. FLOUR—Market firm and advancing; patent, $4.75; straight, $4.45; fancy, $4.30; family, $4.00. MEAL—Pearl, per barrel. $2.65; per sack, $1.25; city meal, per sack, boiled, $1,150 1.20; water ground, $1.30; city griat, socks, $1.30; pearl grits, Hudnuts', per barrel, $2.75; per eack, $1.30; sundry brands. $1.30 sack. CORN—Markef firm: white. Job lota, 65c; earlo&d lots, 63e; mixed com. Job lots 640, carload lots, 02e. RlCE—Market steady, demand fair. Prime 5 Good 4*0494 Fair g4* Common 3* OATS—No. 2 mixed, carload, 35c; Job lots, 37c; white, clipped, 39r cars; 41c job. BRAN—Job lots, 97*0; carload lots, 95*c. HAY—Market strong; Western Job lots, 97c; carioad lota. 92*e. llncon. Ham* noil Lard. BACON—cWarket firm; D. S. C. R. aides, **c; D. S. bellies, 854 c; smoked C, R side*. B*c. HAMS—Sugar cured. 12*4J1S*e. Sugar anil Coffee. SUGAR—Board of Trade quotations: Cut loaf 6.68 Diamond A 6.28 Crushed 6.68 1 'onfectloners' A.5.08 Powdered 6.38 White Extra C... 5.83 XXXX, p0wd'd..6.38 Extra C 5.63 Stand, gran. .. .0.28 1 iolden C 3.63 Cubes ~6.43|Yellows 5.63 Mpuld A 6 531 COFFEE—Board of Trade quotations: Vlocha 26c prime, No. 3 10*e favo 36c 'load, No. 4 10*c Peaberry 13c pair, No. fi 100 Fancy, No. 1 ....Il*csrdlnary, No. 6.. 9*o Choice, No. 2...,tl*e|rommon. No. 7.. 9c Hardware nnd lliilldlng Supplies. LIME,* CALCIUM, PLASTER AND CEMENT—Alabama and Georgia lime In (air demand and aell at 80c a barrel; spe cial calcined plaster, $1 00 per barrel; hair, 405 e. Rosedale cement, $1.2001.25; carload lota, special; Portland cement, retail, $2.25; carload lota. $2.0002.20. LUMBER, F. O. B. VESSEL SAVAN NAH—Minimum yard sizes. $13.00014 00; car sills, I14.OO016.W; difficult sizes, sl6 50 025.00; ship slock, $25.00027 50; sawn lies, $11.00011.50; hewn ties. 33036 c. OIL-Market steady; demand fair; sig nal. 45050 c; West Virginia, black. 9012' ; lard, 58c; neatsfool, 60070 c; machinery, 16 025 c; linseed oil, raw, 70c; boiled. 72c; ker osene, prime white, 15c; water white. 14c; \Jf rate* astral, 15c i deodorised atove Plant Sygtem. of Railways. Trains Operated by 90th Meridian Time-One Hour Slower Than City Tima. Read down i un* 17, -tot) 1" ■ read up. —j*6 | 814 j 32 , jtj 7g North and Souih. jj 28 j 35 |ts 1 113 | >l7 17 S“' ,J ,op l 5 46m 1 2 Ida!lLv ....Savannah.... "jf 1 . T iJpjiflttijlf*W *- 10a il ,41a, 4 19p,10 30a 6 28a Ar ...Charleston.... Lv; 11 Ispj 3 50aj 3 Xop| 7 41a| 8 OOp > | 3-23,i | 7 25p Ar Richmond ~ i.v 9 u.’.ai 6 48p| | I ‘ ula it 2upj Ar ..Washington... I.v i 4 ttUa; 3 U7pj | I I 3 2Uu| | I 4B.t| Ar . ...Uultlmore. . I.vj 2 66a | 1 46p| - j , 10 : L" i 3 .Vo* Ar ....PhiUdi Ipliia.. I,v| 12 2o;> ll :i3p| .... 1 l'*P | i 7 OO.i Ar New York.... I.v 9 Jspi 8 55a j f •••••* • s '""P • - 1 -"'P Ar . . i.i 1 00p|1200nt| ‘ ?? |bS j 53 23 ” s'~i7r 7S *j 36 j~34 | "22 “i“ ‘ ’} “’P - s 3 Ju.i. 2 15.1, I.v Savannah”'. A: i t.',.i 12 iua 12 lOp lf SOallO 16a i* 4 -'PI I6 a"** | 7 35a j 4 Shu Ar .. . Way cross. .. I.v 10 66p| 9 55p| 9 55a 9 30a | 7 00a ■a ia,' 11 - ” o|J| " - lip| 2 Ar .. TiMmasvUle . I.v 7 oopl 7 OOP! 5 46a 5 *sa 3 26a 10 aopl 7 4011 12 50a| 9 25ai 7 30a ,Ar .. Jacksonville.. I.v, 8 30p| 8 Uop| 8 00a 7 30a 5 Otm I 2 05a| 5 40p; | I jAr . ...Sanford I.v|jl2 05p | 1 00a 100a 1 1 1 2 -’t*Pi 2 20p]|Ar ...Gainesville. .. Lv j 2 40p! I I I 2 EPI 3 16pj|Ar Ccala I.v'j ! 1 40p| I ! 10 50p|10 50p’|Ar ,Bt. Petersburg . I.vj 1 . 6 00aI I 7 30a1 10 OOp 10 OOp,lo OOp jAr ... Tampa...' 7 00a 7 00a 7 35p 7 35p I * 10*. 10 SOpjlO 30p in sop Ar . . Port Tampa.. Lv ! 6 25a 6 25aj 7 OOp 7 OOp I i 1 10aI 1 lOaj 1 10a|;Ar . Pun4a Gorda.. I.v I | 4 35p 4 36p .•■••—•I i '*' \r St Augu tint 1 6 30p 6 20p| I a ‘"'l' 2 15a 325 p i 26a Lv Sa umali ... I.v la 15a 12 Mail I 6 6?P| 2 47a| 4 50p| 6 40a Ar lesup I.vd 8 20u 10 50p[ NORTH, WEST AND SOyTHWBBT. I ® y v,a J,, *' l *p. || 16 | .iti i;, | j;, Yi.i ,\bintgomery.|| 18 | M 6 OOpI 6 20a|;Lv Savannah Ar;|lo 1...U2 lu "suopiTtfta il.v"Suvatmah Ar 16 18a|12 Mb 6 4op| 6 40a||Ar ... Jeenp., Lv|| 8 20u|10 50p 8 10a| 9 20pi|Ar M’tgomery I.v 7 45p 8 80* 3 00a 1 16p| Ar.. Macon ..I.v | 1 00a| 2 30p 7 10pf 6 50aJAr Nashville Lv 9 00a 221 6 20a S Sop| Ar.. Atlanta .Lv ]lO 45p 12 06p 2 30a 12 23|, Ar I/oulsville I.v 2 56a l2p 9 45a 8 40pj Ar Cha nooga I.v J 6 05p| 6 45a 7 05a| 4 05;, Ar Cincinnati Lv II OOp S 46g 7 30p 7 50a| Ar. LoulsVlllO I.v | 7 45a| 7 46pj 7 20a| 7 lOpj Ar St. Louis Lv 3 cap 8 2&a 7 30p 1 45a Ar Cinclenati l.v|| 8 30| 7 OOp | n (j_, n.) 7 04a 6 00p, Ar. St. Louis Lv I 9 15p| 8 06aj 7 j a | lAr SI. Louis Lv 8 OOp 7 l.ia D lOp; Ar.. Chicago_.Lvj_B 30p| 9 OOp j jj <m & o.) 5 40a 4 15p||Lvi. Atlanta T.Ar jlO 35pfU"30a) 8 09a| 9 lgp||Ar Chicago .Lv 7 OOp 1 60p 8 of,p 7 Ua Ar. Memplins .Lv | 8 20a 9 OOp 9 4r>a 7 10a iI Ar KansasCityLv > DOp 9 4,p 1 -P! 0. r a |.\r Mobile ..Lv||l2 ;>8(ljl2 30% “MISS tinmai ked trains,' daily. S 7 Ar N " ri, ' an " l ' Vjl 7 t Dally except Sunday. g 00p| 6 20a||Lv Savannah Ar||lo 16a 12 10tt ISundays only. , I3 go,, Ar.. Ttfton ...Lv | 2 15a 5 20p Through "Pullman Sleeping-Car’ Service I 3 45a j 2 lOp Ar.. Albany ..Lv 12 Ola 3 tip to North. Fast and West, and to Florida | 5 20p||Ar Columbus Lvj 10 00a PLANT" SHIP LINE. Mon., Thursday, Sat., 11 00pm|, Lv Port Tampa Ar!| 380 pm. Tues. Thura.. Sun. Tus., Frl., Sun., 300 pm||Ar Key West Lv 11 00 pm. Mon., Wed., SaA Tues , Frl , Sun., 900 pm jLv Key West Ar 10 00 pm. Mon., Wed., Sat. W’ed., Sat., Mon., 600 am||Ar Havana Lv|j ,, 2 30 pm. Mon., Wed.. Sat. “Havana time J. H. Polhemus, T. P. A.; E A. Armand, City Ticket Agt . De Soto Hotel. Phone 78 B. W. WREIiN. Passenger Traffio Manager, Savannah, Ga. lIcDONOIGH & BALLAMYM-:, Iron Founders, Machinists, Uiackauilibs, Bullr r uia kra, max ntirliirrr. of vi„ii.,u. mrr *d I'srtatu ltu*l trm. Vertical and top I'onulng ••His, lU| ■ r itlll anil l‘ao. S lit tllag, I ullt) •, rlo. TELEPHONE NO. 123. gasoline, drums, 12Vc; empty oil barrels, delivered, 86c. GUN POWDER—Per keg, Austin crack shot, $1.00; half kegs. $2*25; quarter kegs, $1.25; champion ducking, quarter kegs, $2.25; Dupont and Hazard smokeless, half kegs. $11.35; quarter kegs. $5.75; 1-pound canister, $100; less 25 per cent.; Troiftdorf smokeless powder, 1-pound cans, $1.00; 10- pound cans, 90c pound. SHOT—Drop, $1.50; B B art! large, $1.75; Chilled, $1.75. IRON—Market very steady; Swede, 6*4. NAILS—Cut. $2.60 base; wire, $2.85 base. BARBED WIRE—S3.SO per 100 pounds. Fruits auil Si cits. MELONS—SI to $5 per 100. Demand good. PEACHES—Six-Basket carriers, 30c<$ $1 per carrier. PINEAPPLES— 50e<8$l .50 per standard craie. LEMONF—Market steady at $4.5.;*81.75. Tarragona. 16c; Ivlcas, 16c; walnuts, French, 12s; Naples. 12c; po. cans, 12c; Brazils, 7c; filberts, 18c; assort ed nuts, 50-Dound and 25-pound boxes, 10c. PEANUTS—AmpIe stm'k. fair demand; market firm; fancy hand-picked, Virginia, per pound, 4*4c; hand-picked, Virginia, ex tras. 3*4‘‘; N. C. seed peanuts, 4c. RAISINS—Ia. Ij., $2.00; Imperial cabinets, $2.25; loose, 50-pound boxes, 84/B*4o pound. Dried and Evuporated Fruits. APPLES—Evaporated, 7*4SBc; suii-clricd, 6*4 c. PEACllEf4—lDvftporated, pealed, 17 l 4c; unpealed, 9V4©loc. PEARS—Evaporated. 12*4c. APRlCOTS—Evaporated. Isc pound; nec tarines, lOV^c. Suit, llidea nnd Wool. SALT—Demand Is fair and the market steady; carload lots, 100-pound burlap sacks. 44c; 100-pound cotton sacks, 45c; burlap sacks. 54 l 4c; 125-pound cotton sacks, 55 l 4c; 200-pound burlap sacks, BSo. HlDßß—(Market firm; dry flint, He; dry salt, 12c; green sailed, 6*4c. WOOL—Nominal; prime Georgia, free of sand, burrs and black wool, 20o; black, 17c; burry, 10©12c. Wax, 25c; tallow, 3*4C. Deer sklna, 20c. 4 otton IlnuuiiiK and Tin. BAGGING—Market firm; jute. 2%- pound. %< ; large lots. $V4c; Fmall lot-*, 2-pound. B%@9c; 1%-pound, %\iUVfc; sea island bagging, 12*40. TlES—Standard, 45-pound, arrow, large lota, $1.40; small lots, $1.50. MISCELLANEOUS. FlSH—Mackerel, half-barrels. No. 1, $9.60; No. 2. $8.00; No. 3. $6.50; kits, No 1 $1.40; No 2, $1.25; No. 385 c. Codfish, 1-pound bricks, *e; 2-pound bricks, 60. Smoked herring, per box, 20c. Dutch her ring, in kegs, 41.10; new mullets, half-bar rel, $3.50. SYRUP-Markel quiet; Georgia and Florida syrup, buying at 28aS0c; selling at 32035 c; sugar house at 10015 c; selling at straight goods, 23030 c; sugar house mo lasses. 15020 c. HONEY—Fair demand; strained, In bar rels. 55060 c gallon. Hlfh wine basis, $1.23. OCEAN FREIGHTS. COTTON—Savannah to Boston, per bale, 25c; to New York, 20c; to Philadel phia, per bale. $1.00; to Baltimore, per bale, $1 00; via New York—Bremen, 60c; Genoa, 4Se; Liverpool, 40c; Heval, 60c; all - rect, Bremen, 42c. LUMBER—By Sail-Freights dull; to Baltimore and eastward, $4.50 to $6.00 per M. including Portland. LUMBER—By Steam—Savannah to Bal timore. $6.50; to Phlladeiohla, $8.00; to New York. $6.00; to dock. $6.75; lightered—to Boston, to dock, SB.OO NAVAL STORES—The market Is firm; medium slxe vessels. Roaln—Cork for or ders, S per barrel of 310 pounds nnd 5 per cent, primage. Spirit*, 4s 3d per 40 gallon* gross and 6 per cent, primage. Larger vessels, rosin, 2s 9d; spirits, 4s. Steam, lie per 100 pounds on rosin; 21*e on spirits, Savannah to Boston and 9*c on roaln, and 19c on spirits to New York. GRAIN, Pit O VTNIOXS, ETC. New York, July 12.—Flour buyers and sellers still apart. Market closed weak, with wheat. Winter patents, $4.1504.60. Rye flour quiet. Cornmeal firm; yellow Western, 980. Kye dull. Barley nominal. Barley malt nomlnnl. Wheat—Spot, weak; No. 2 red, 8794 e. Op tions opened weak us 11 result of lower cables and foreign selling, but quickly rallied. Covering was a feature on the up-turn, which was later 'succeeded by renewed weakness under liquidation, bet ter crop news from the Northwest and absence of outside speculative support. Closed weak at 11402 c net decline. July closed 8614 c; September closed 84%e; De cember closed 86*c. Corn—Spot, easy; No. 2,5194 c, Options opened steady and had h sharp advance on dry weather talk, small country ac ceptances and steadiness abroad. It fin ally gave way with wheat, and tinder ac tive realizing closed wrak, *®* ( . decline, July closed 19*c: September, 49*c; De cember, 47*r. Hate—Spot, quiet;'No. 2,29 c. Options dull, about steady. Beef quid; cut meats quiet. Lard easy; Western steady; July closed $7.36, tionU- Vgeorgia KfYCO. y Schedules Effective June 10, 1900. Trains arrive at and depart from Central Station, Went Broad, foot of Liberty street. ! 90th Meridian Time—On* hour slower thus city lime. | Leave Arrive ~*| Savannah: Savannah] | ! Macon, Atlanta' Covlng-j t *8 45amjton, Mlliedgevllle and allj*6 OOpog llnterinedlafe points. | j I Milieu, Augusta and ln-| * * 18 45am[termedlute points. |f6 OOptß | Augusta, Macon, Mont-f jgomery, Atlanta. Athens,| I •9 OOpmjColumbus, Birmingham,j6 00* 14 jAmerlcus, Eufaula andl jTybee Special from Au-| M 15pen|gusUq Sunday only. ||lo 26att 16 00pm| Dover Accommodation. jt7 48am 12 00pm| Guyton Dinner Tralm ;14 fiOpna •Daily. (Except Sunday. ((Sunday only, BETWEEN SAVANNAH AND TYBEEO 75th meridian or Savannah city time. LEAVE SAVANNAH. Week Days—6:2o ■ at., 10:05 a. rn,, 3:35 g, m., 5:25 p. m., 6:50 p. m., 8:35 p. m.' Sundays—7:4s a. rn., 10:05 a. m., 12:06 p. m., 3:35 p. in., 5:25 p. in., 6:50 p. m , 8 If p. m. LEAVE TYBEE. Week Days—6:oo a, m.. 8:00 a. m., ll;lg a in., 6:15 p. in., 7:40 p. m., 10:10 p. m. Sundays—6:oo a. m., 8:35 am, ll:io a. m, 1:00 pm, 5:50 p. m., 7:40 p. m . 10:18 p. m. Connexions made at terminal points with all train* Northwest, West and Southwest. Sleeping cat s on night trains net wren Savannah and Augusta, Macon, Atlanta and Birmingham. Parlor curs on duy trains between So* ve.nnuh, Macon and Atlanta. For complete Information, acheduleS4 rates and connections, apply to W. G. BREWER. City Ticket end Pass, enger Agent. 107 Bull street. W. R. MCINTYRE, Depot Ticket Agent J. C. HAILE. General Passenger Agent, E. H. HINTON, Traffic Manager. THEO. D. KLINE, Gen. Superintendent Savannah, Ga. nal; refined dull; continent, $7.45. Pork steady. Tallow dull; city, 4*tv Butter weak; creamery. 17®19*c; mate dairy, 16@18*c Cheese steady; -large white, 9*® 994 c; small, 9*04*0. Eggs firmer; state and Pennsylvania, 14016 c; Western, 11® 12c. Potatoes steady; Chili, $1,000)1.12*$ Southern, $1 000-1.25. Peanuts quiet; fancy hand-picked, 4®4*c; other domes tic, 3®3*c, Cabbages steady; Long Island, per IIW4 $1.0001.50. Freights quiet; cotton by ateam. 20e, Petroleum steady. Roaln steady* Turpentine steady. Rice firm. Coffee—Spot Rio-quiet; No. 7, Invoice, 9c; mild quiet. Market for futures open ed steads, with March 15 points higher and other months 5010 |>oints up, ruled generally firm and fairly active, follow? lnK*tlgher European and Brazilian cables, .small receipts at Rio and Santos and small spot offerings. Best advance wke 20025 points. Closed quiet, with prices 10025 points net higher. Total sales, 24.758 bags, Including August, 7.80 c; September, 7.8507.95 c; October, 7.95 c. Sugar, raw. strong; fair refining, 4*e| centrifugal, 96-teat, 4*c; inolaesei sugar, 4c;-refined firm. COTTON SKi;i) OIL FIRM. New York, July 12.—Cotton seed oil wag firmly held a I old prices, but somewhat less active. Prime crude barrels, S4c; prime summer yellow. 37c: butter grades nominal Off summer yellow. 36036*0: prime w inter yellow. 40041 c; pt hue white, 40c; 1 rime meal, $25.00. WHEAT GOES OFF. Chicago, July 12.— Wheal dropped 2*o for the September option to-day. Reported Improvement to the spring crop through out th- Northwest and unresponsive ca blea gave the bears tlielr Innings. Com anil oat* ruled strong and closed prac tically unchange l. Provisions were lifeless and w- ak. Perk closed at a decline of 100 I2*c; lard lost Cos anil ribs, sc. The leading futures ranged aa follows: Opening. Highest. Lowest. Closing. Wheat No. S- July 80 80* 78*079 787407* tContlnuod ou Sixth Page.) * 7