The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, July 16, 1900, Image 1
THE morning news. hiuh.'l I*so. .- - Incorporated ISS3 £ ,taD j H. ESTILL. President. HflW THE END CAME. COHHESrMDBXW DESCRIPTION S 0 p THE PEKIN MASSACRE. \ FOREIGNERS fought nobly. the STORIES lack only official CONFIRMATION. Tlje world Has Little Hope That Oci'.tH tin* Not lief ill le n All—Amer ill Other Chinese Cities Brs •Iheir Country for Aid—The Plea They Hake—This Country Should Hair a Force Commensurate \y 11li tlir Needs. London. July 16. 3:30 a. m.—lt seems im i,ie to entertain any longer the least de ito a- J lo the fate of the Europeans in Tekin. The Associated Press learns that He Hart, wife of Sir Robert Hart, di re lor of tin Chinese imperial maritime customs, on July 5, received the following telegram from her husband: "Our people, including the women, are in die legation. Prepare to hear the worst " T ~ European governments hav?received from their representatives at Shanghai a from the governor of Shan Tung, Wind Ju t 1. reporting that the European troei s made a softie from Pekin and kill, and :m<> of Gen. Tung Fuh Slang’s forces, and that the Boxers were mounting guns to make a breach in the defenses. End r dale of July 12, the Governor of Tung wires as follows: "Native soldiers and Boxers have been attacking the legations for some hours, hut have not yet effected: an entrance. The;, arc now all bombarding with large cannon to make a breach for a heavy on siaugiu. t fear that all the members, and the gov. rnment as well, are in great dan ger. The government is intensely anx ious." Finally dame the news from Shanghai that a breach had been made and the for tigners killed. All the dates probably re ter to i much earlier period; but the pre sum"! ion is that the successive dispatches give an outline of what has happened. Th. Europeans, having reached the end ot :heir resources, made a desperate sortie and then bravely met their fate. The de tails of the horrible story will probably never be known. lilies NVon Successes. Admiral Seymour's dispatches give the latest news regarding the situation at Tien Tsin. Telegrams to the Associated Pr.-Ki show that the operations on July 11 •wen . brilliant success. The Japanese cavalry an ! a mobile mounted battery did splen lid work. It was unfortunate that the i li. did not have more cavalry to pursue t ■ flying enemy. Four hundred Chit - weie killed and six guns cap tured. At noon the settlements were again vi ioue y shelled from the native city, and th. hospitals and other buildings were repeatedly hit. The moral effect of the > ie,-esses of the allied forces upon the Chin. - is believed to be very great. <i.i G c-elee and staff, with a force of V .. . infantry, arrived yesterday at Hoi Kong and proceeded for Taktt. Tiic French consul at Shanghai, at a r> .p;ion Saturday, made un impassioned ere' He said: "Th.- history of the world can show- r.o parallel to such a situation, and if the ah.anil title crime, the mere thought of v :• , makes us shudder, lias been per p:trui, t. then it is our desire that swift ad > o m iry punishment shall fall upon t " perfidious nation which committed it. Our government is fuiiy aware of the danger in which we tire placed, and 1 can assure you that we are doing all in our power to avenge the noble victims of Chinese barbarity,” \mericutiN Appeal. Following is the text of an appeal of Americam, in China, assembeld in mass n.-. tint in Shanghai, to their fellow cit izens at home: 1 th.- government to send adequate fore*, to act offeclively in concert with t . thei- Powers. At present the Ameti .an ii i,. arc quite disproportionate to > interests involved. Our commercial intci st.s in the northern provinces 'ore par u:.,uni, and we consider it a hum.i i.c.ins policy to entrust to other I’owers ’ r • f task, that of protecting Ameri cans. At l foreign outrages are multiplying ’I b f.ilioials and missionaries are mas f | 1 I. The fate of the ministers and th* ir families in Pekin is not known, but 0 gen* t ill massacre is ajtprehended. It in . ~.. masstferes of ntttive Christians u i- The whole country is terrorized. 3fa 1. is paralyzed. I ~ speedy restoration of order and tMiihution are duties pressing upon nil ■ iviliz ~ powers. The consequences of de -5" "ill in disastrous. Not only are for '11:11 hv. , in ,] property placed in jeopardy, IM il" loss of influence will he Incalcul able. ’f" no credence to stalemens of the 11 iio n ... T 1 [ py t^e government II ministers abroad. The present out j" nte the result of the weak and vacil , n - policy- of the Powers In the past. ■' 111 *' immediate, energetic l and con [ c ' rlP| l action.” """ They Fought for Their Lives. 1 ' ithanghal correspondent of the Mali .-.ays: n assert positively that the Chi f"' **t lioriti'H had the dreadful news lll I,i ' n a week ago, and that Sheng j ‘ u all the foreigners In Pekin were ‘ 1 wh-n ho asked the American consul x ! t ' \ Washington : proposal to deliver •' , ir * k-n. rs in safety at Tien Tsin on " lon that the allies xvould suspend rations to the north of Pekin." 0 e “respondent adds certain details j 1 i' : ,it Pekin after June 25. Accord tioi " B, °ry. the members of the lega- L’ i : I '' dally* sorties, sometimes by fhj,' ; s0 successfully as to compel the ii. t ’ ’ retreat from the Immediate vi int ,'ff ‘ H ‘ so ’ reverses had a dishcarten- Soor) * j ' ll u Pon the Chinese, mid there t| 0n 1,1 lo * ,<4 open signs of dlsaffe£- t’hin by desertions to Prince co„ ( - ~ ' llr ®J'. which was endeavoring to fij,' with the besieged. Ultimately ta<k 1 " 1,1 decided to make a night at . 1 'it . i powerful columns. Ba\g ' ' l “ f ‘k in the evening of July 6,” v tr respondent, “fire was opened *hir, M l! l'' r 'V upon the British legation. P| ' foreigners were concentrated, hours the walls were battered md shell, and huge broaches n r in them. Then a general ad r r *r\ ' 1 ordered, and the Chinese in * i r ,' v °il\ving constantly, moved td how.'v,' ' The fire of the defenders. 'I. , u RO accurate and stendy that broke' Chinese soldiers and Boxers aiu * fled in the wildest confusion, leaving large numbers of dead and wounded around the legation. They could no* be rallied until they were out of the rifle range of the foreigners. “Then Prince Tuan, making a desperate appeal, induced them to stand and return to the attack. Artillery fire was then re sumed, and at the middle waich a uecond attack was attempted. But before the at ackers could accomplish their object, they were met by Prince Ching and Gen. Wang Wen Stiao, with their troops, who were going to the aid of the foreigners. A des perate battle ensued between the various forces of Chines and Machus. “Unfortunately, many of Priace Ching’s troops deserted to Prince Tuan. Prince Ch'ng fell and was supposed to have been killed, but. a the- search for his body was unsuccessful, it is now believed that he was only wounded and was carried off and secreted by his faithful retainers. “Gen. Wang Wen Shao, air hough gray haired and 70 years old, valiantly led his troops in person, lie was killed, and his force, which was completely outnumber ed, was routed. Then Came Death. “Throughout the night repeated attacks were made on the legation, but these were invariably repulsed with heavy losses. To ward the end of the third watch, about 5 o’clock in the morning, the allies had practically defeated the besiegers, who were wavering and gradually withdraw ing. But just then Gen. Tung Fuh Slang arrived* from the vicinity of Tien Tsin with a large force of Kan Su braves. By this time the walls of the legation had been battered down, and most of the buildings were in ruins. Many of the al lies had fallen at their posts, and the small band that was left took refuge in the wrecked buildings, which they endeavored hastily to fortify. Upon them the fire of ihe Chinese artillery was now directed. Toward sunrise it was evident that the ammunition of the allies was running out, and at 7 o’clock, as the advance of the Chinese in force failed to draw a response, a rush was determined upon. “Thus, standing together, as the sun rose, the little remaining band, all Euro peans, met death stubbornly. There was a desperate hand to hand encounter. The Chinese lost heavily, but as one man fell, others advanced', and finally, overcome by overwhelming odds, every one of the Europeans remaining was put to the sword in the moat atrocious manner.” Another Story—Same End. The Shanghai correspondent of the Daily Express, on the alleged authority of couriers who brought the story, gives a very sensational account. He says: “Maddened with hunger, after having been without food for many days, the members of the legation and the guards made a sortie on the night of June .10 and killed two hundred Chinese in an un expected attack. Gen. Tung Fuh Siang. enraged over the loss of so many men. brought up heavy guns, and Prince Tuan gave the order that every foreigner must be destroyed. His words were: 'Destroy every foreign vestige and make Chin<v a sealed book to all Western powers.’ “Prince Tuan had previously discovered that Prince Ching was supplying the for eigners with ammunition. He, therefore, ordered Gen. Tung Fuh Siang to fire on Prince Ching’s troop®, and it is reported that Ching was killed or seriously wounded. “In the final attempt to cut their way through, the legationer* formed a square, with the women and children, in the cen ter. When the Boxers realized that they were being attacked, they became like wild beasts and shot each other with re volvers. Heavy guns bombarded all night until the buildings were demolished and in flames. Many foreigners were roasted in the ruins. The Boxers rushed uj>on them and hacked and stabbed both dead and wounded, cutting off their heads and carrying these through the streets on their rifles, shouting fiercely. They then attacked the native Christian quarters, massacred all who refused to join them, outraged' the women and brained the chil dren. Hundreds of mission buildings were burned.” The correspondent adds: “All China is now aflame with revolt against foreigners. Only In the extreme west is there quietude. Every port, even Shanghai, is menaced. In the provinces of Hu Pe and Hu Nan, thousands of native Christians have been mutilated and tor tured. the women being first outraged and then massacred.” The morning papers are unanimous in believing that the foreigners have been annihilated, and are calling for retribu tion. The Daily Chronicle comments upon the statement of its Washington correspond ent that the, United States government will not consider itself at war with China, and says: “If the Americans are resolved to ac cept an indemnity for Mr. Conger’s mur der. they may as well take these consola tions without moving another man or gun. “Emperor William can scarcely take the Washington view, for he has pledged himself to retribution, and he is a man of his word.” HARD FIGHTING AT TIES TSIN. Allien Have lleen Increased by I*SRO America ns. London, July 15.—The following dis patches from Admiral Seymour were pub lished this evening; “Tien Tsin. July 9.—The enemy’s po sition southwest of the settlement was attacked at 4 this morning. The Japanese, by i flanke movement, drove the enemy out and captured four guns. Cavalry pursued and completed the rout of the enemy, killing large numbers of soldiers and Boxers. “The allied forces shelled and occupied the western arsenal, capturing two guns. The arsenal was burned, as the allies were unable to hold it. The enemy’s loss was 350 killed. The loss of the allied forces was small.” “Tien Tsin, July 12.—The Chinese, at 3 o’clock a. m. yesterday, made a deter mined attack upon the railway station in great force. Finally they were driven off. at (j o’clock u. m.. but the allies lost 150 killed and wounded. The Chinese loss is but is believed to have been heavy. “The forts were bombarded at noon by Brifish and French guns. A fort and n pagoda, used as a signal tower, were de molished. “The allied forces have been increased by the arrival of 1,500 Americans.” FIRE OF THE CHINESE. linn Wrecked Many of the lliiil<llnK in Tien Tain. Che Foo, July 10. via Shanghai. July 15. —Dispatches received to-day from Tien Tsin cover events that took plade there on July 6. 7rand 8. The Chinese were growing In numbers and audacity dally and drawing closer in. Their fire had al ready wrecked many buildings, including one gas-holder. After the British and Americans had un successfully attempted to capture a gun, the Chinese, on the night of July 6. fierce ly attacked the foreign settlement, but were repulsed. Dally the bombardment (Continued on Fifth Page.J SAVANNAH, GA., MONDAY, JULY 1(5, 11)00. WU HAS AN ANSWER. IT IS FAR FROM CHEERIXG IS ITS LANGUAGE. TUAN WAS ABOUT TO USE GUNS MESSAGE WAS FROM A CHINESE OFFICIAL IT SHANGHAI. Slienj; Stated That Tuan Was Dis obeying Imperial Orders New* Was of July 7—Suspicion Thai Shrug Knew That AH Foreigners Had lleen Killed hut Desired to llreak It Gently—Protection Guar anteed Chinamen in America. Washington, July 15.—Such news as came to Washington to-day from China was distinctly bad. It consisted of a cablegram to Minister Wu from Sheng, the imperial director of posts and tele graphs at Shanghai, and, according to the minister, was in reply to the urgent mes sage he himself hud sent yesterday to that official asking him to try to secure some news from the Chinese capital. This cablegram Mr. Wu regarded as of suffi cient importance to carry in person to Secretary Hay, who was waiting at his home for news. The message, as resolved from the ci pher, was as follows: “Pekin news of July 7 says that Gen. Tuan Fuh Siang, in disobedience of impe rial orders, was about to use guns. Le gations and the government will be in peril." This news is corroborative of that con tained in a recent cablegram from Consul General Goodnow at Shanghai, although the consul general’s dispatch gave his Pe kin news the date of the 6th. saying that the final attack upon, the legations with guns was about to begin on July 7. It is surmised here that Mr. Goodnow got his news from Sheng, who is certainly in po sition to secure the first news from Pekin. Aside from the gloomy forecast given of the end of the terrible struggle of the legations against the inevitable, the sig nificant feature of the message is the coupling of the fate of the imperial gov ernment with that of the foreign minis ters. Officials here derive sonve satisfac tion from this position of the dispatch, as it sustains them in the position they held from the first that the Chinese govern ment is not at war with Christendom, but confronting a formidable insurrection. There still remains a suspicion that, while Mr. Wu is undoubtedly acting with sincerity, that Sheng, who is represented to be a clever and adroit man, may know more of actual happenings at Pekin than he is willing to reveal at once. It is feared that he is trying to prepare the way for the disclosure of terrible news, hoping that by letting it come out gradual ly the blow will not fall with such sever ity and, perhaps, with such disastrous re sults to his own people as might be the case if the whole, sad story were imparted to the world at once. This news, it may be noted, comes entirely from Chinese sources. •Ijih llfcn Twenty-one Days. It is now* twenty-one days since a word has come directly from any of the un fotunates besieged in the legations at Pe kin. The last message ftom mere was from Sir Robert Hart, the Englishman in charge of the Chinese customs service, and was of undoubted authenticity. li represent ed the situation of the legations as des perate and implored help. The last word from Minister Conger came to the state department from Pekin under date of June 12. At that time he asked that Seymour’s international relief column, which was even then doomed to fail, should signal its approach when near Pekin. That was just one month and three days ago, and it would be an un precedented defense for such an inade quate and ill-fit ted and provisioned force as was at the command of the foreign ministers to hold out for that length of time. Minister Wu’s cablegram from Sheng, above given, should not f7c* taken as an answer to the cipher message he forward ed at Secretary Hay*s request to China in the effort to get it through to Minister Conger. That message went to Yonan Shih Kai, the governor of the province of Shan Tung. That official has replied in formally that he has no npws himself, but it is assumed that he will take prompt steps to forward the cipher message. Ills status at this critical juncture is unfor tunately not beyond suspicion, though Mr. Wu retains full confidence in him. Long llal Cablegram*. Secretary Long had two cablegrams to day from China, but he was inclined to set a negative value upon them because they made no mention of a massacre of the legations in Pekin. He reasoned that Admiral Remey was in a good position to get as early news as any one of such an event. The Admiral’s message was from Che Foo, of to-day’s date, though as he is supposed to be himself at Taku, it is assumed that it was sent from that place yesterday. The Admiral stated that he had ordered the Buffalo to Taku. She was coming out to ihe Orient by way of Suez, and was to report for orders at Singa pore, where she was to be directed to pro ceed to Manila orsbe deflected to North China. She is carrying out cargo of coal and a number of sailors to recruit the American fleet. The se-Jond was from Capt. Bowman of the gunboat Castine, whioti is stationed .it Shanghai, and also was dated to-day. It was as follows: “Shanghai, July 15. -'Secretory Navy, Washington: Rodgers sends won! Ore gon passed Ch 4 Foo 12th, Not tivlll| con* voying. “Bowman." It is supposed at the navy department that Capt. Rodgers of the Nashville sig nalled this Information from his ship as lu passed Che Foo. The distance from Che Foo to the Kure docks, where the Oregon is bound, is about 7u<) miles and ns Che Foo was passed laet Thursday, !t is estimated hgre that the crippled pattle ship is now nearing the straits of Blil monisekl, through which she must pass to get up to the docks. . < bin ewe Vf Hctiirnfnu; Home. Minister Wu feels a natural irritation ot* the statements printed in some quar ters that the Chinese in the United States are making ready to return to China, and that they sympathise with the Boxers nnd are lending them financial a U. He declares in the mod earnest manner that there is n werd or truth in these statements. He says that all of th* Chinese In the United States <om*- ftom Southern China, and are altogether out of sympathy with the Northern Chi nese. In fact, they do not even speak the same language. He is sure there Is not a single one of these Northern Chinamen in the United State?, and if there were 1 they would meet with the hostility of the . Canton men. As for the latter, the min ister declares they are entirely satisfied | with their condition in this country, and could not be persuaded to return to China to give aid to any element opposed to Americans. The government here has taken note of the efforts made in some quarters to stir an agitation against the peaceful China men in the United States. It feels it is imperatively necessary to use the entire resources of the government to suppress any movement that would jeopardize their safety. Anything like a massacre of the Chinese in the United States would wreck the whole case of the United States gov ernment in the settlement which must come of this Chinese trouble. Our gov ernment could not demand reparation or indemnity from China for whatever hap pens at Pekin or elsewhere in China if the Chinese government, through violence pf our people, were put in position to claim a set-off growing out of violence shown its people in the United States. Therefore, steps have been taken already to have the authorities in localities where there may be danger of anti-Chinese outbreaks prepare for the promptest and sternest repressive measures at the first symptom of trouble. And it may be stated that there will be no halting in the use of the Federal troops for such purposes if they are called for by the state officials. REFUGEES FROM TIEX TSIX. British Women Complain Rlttcrly of Their Hardship*. (Copyright, 1900. by the Associated Press.) Cite Foo, July 10, via Shanghai, July 15. Several hundred refugees, most of them women and children, have left Tien Tsin in accordance with Admiral Seymour’s or der to all non-combatant® to depart. Many women have remained behind, however, refusing to leave their husbands, whose business detains them. The refugees were sent down the river on board lighters and tugs, and were then transferred to merchant ships in the harbor. The American and Japanese warships received their people, the officers of the United States gunboat Yorktown genet*- i ou?ly entertaining 200, most of them mis- I sionaries and their families. The British j refugees were crowded on a dirty freight er, and women accustomed to luxury have been sleeping huddied together on the decks. They complain bitterly be cause the half empty British fleet declines io receive them, and they have drafted n strong protest to Admiral Seymour. The United States transport has arriv ed wdth the Ninth Infantry from Manila. The work of disembarkation will occupy some days, as boats are scarce. The Logan will take the American refugees to Nagas aki, and ihe Yorktown will leave to tow the Oregon to Yokohama,. Cannon from the warships are. being sent ro Tien Tsin to silence the Chinese suns. Twenty-three guns shelled the Chi nese batteries yesterday, the Chinese re plying intermittently. Bodies from 2,000 to 3,000 attack the foreign lines daily. A field battery is supporting the brunt of the attacks against the railway station and against the Russian *and Japanese outposts in that neighborhood. Bullets ore dropping throughout the foreign set tlement at all hours of the day, and the people have become so accustomed to it that they go about the streets undis turbed. lIKILLIAXT DASH BY ALLIES. flow They Took the ir.pnnl from Troojis nnrl Boxerrr. (Copyright, 1900. the Associated Press.) Tien Tsin. July 9. via Che Foo. July 12, via Shanghai, July 15.—A force of 2,O<M foreigners—Japanese, supported by Brit ish and Russians—captured the Chinese fortified arsenal, two miles west of the city, making a.night attack. They charged under a very heavy arsenal fire, fol lowing the Chinamen and killing 400. The foreign loss was heavy, the exact figures not having yet been reported. The Chinese have been bombarding Tien Tsin heavily for three days. They killed a British sailor on a tug to-day. Several Frenchmen and othei- foreigners are mounting heavy guns from the fleet. Four 12-pounders and four 4-inch guns have been placed in position, and an attempt will be made to locate and silence the Chinese guns. An explosion of dynamite killed twenty Russians. Two battalions of the Ninth Infantry and 300 marines from the United States armored cruiser Brooklyn, having dis embarked, started for Tien Tsin to-day on lighters. JAPAN SENDS NEWS. legation nt Washington Advised of Operations. Washington, July 15.—The Japanese le gation here to-day received the following telegram from the Japanese foreign office, under date of Tokio, July 9. transmitting advices received from Che Foo, under date of July 7: ‘•Tien Tsin telegram of July 6 reported that 10.000 Chinese army with artillery under .\la (name of a general In Chinese army) made appearance near Tien Tsin July 4, and arsenal taken by allies week ago was recaptured by them. Chinese city of Tien Tsin fortified by Chinese sol diers. From north report comes that Chinese forces moving and Tien Tsin con sidered critical. Communication with Tong Ku threatened. On July 6, by steamer Sakuramura, Japanese resident left for Taku.” Another telegram received at the Japan | legation, without the sender’s name, I r,ul supposed to be forwarded by the Jan oneee consul general at Shanghai, report ed that Sheng, taotal at Shanghai, re ceived a telegram from Yuen Sih Kai, the governor of Shan Tung, stating that a carrier had arrived at Tsi Man Fu bringing following Pekin news. "Two legations stood up to July 3d against attacks of Chinese. Legation guards kiied about 2.000 Chinese soldiers and Boxers in several engagements. If provisions and ammunition do not give out. they will be able to hold out, as the Chinese troops and Boxers seem to be tired attacking.” DI E TOJTHE TAKU AFFAIR. That Is Wlint China’s Minister to Japnn Says. Yokohama, Friday, July 13.—The Chi nese minister in Tokio has visited the Japanese minister of foreign affairs and communicated to him what described n the "The first Pekin dispatch since the troubles broke out.” The dispatch says that the murder of the German minister and other foreigners was due to ihe Taku affair and to the sending of Admiral Seymour's expedition, and that the Chinese government is now doing Its best to protect foreigners In Pekin. NEED MORE TROOPS. AMERICA** REQI IRK tOB.OOO MKX IX THE I'll ILI FIH XES. LAWTON S JUDGMENT UPHELD. I’RESEXT FORCE CAXNOT GAKHI SOX THE ISLAND*. Strious PiKlitins Inevitable in Min danao and the Sulti Inland*—\uli pay'n Fierce \ttnek AV itli Women litil omen. Swordsmen nnd llHle men—Archbishop Clinppelle on the Friar*—The Filipino*, lie Snyn, Owe Them All They Fosse**. (Correspondence of the Associated Press.) Manila, June 12—" More soldiers’’ is the demand v\hich is coming to Gen. MacAr thur from every department of the isl ands. Recent events have worked to vin dicate Gen. Lawton's judgment that 100,- 000 troops will be needed to establish American sovereignty over the Philippines. Until they attempted to hold provinces of two or three* hundred thousand hostile people with a regiment or two, the Ameri can commanders hardly realized the siar* of the Philippine Islands. The present force is not large enough to garrison more than half the im oriant towns, and in some of tho most important inlands, among them Cebu, Panay, Samar, Leyte and the great Mohammedan empire of Mindanao, only the commercial ports are occupied. The Moros are a cloud on the horizon. Officers best acquainted with conditions in Mindanao and the Sulu islands tell the Associated Press correspondent that they consider serious Fighting there inevitable. If it comes, the two regiments scatter ed in small garrisons, some of them hun dreds of miles apart, along the coast of Mindanao, an island nearly os large as Luzon, may have serious work. The Mo ros are fighters by nature, do not fear death, have many guns, though of ant:- quated makes, but do the beat execution by lying in the thick jungles nnd cut ting down soldiers who pass through wi:h terrible knives and spears. Gen. Young, who is holding seven of the most mountainous provinces of Luzon with four regiments, expects severe work during the rainy season. Hundreds of Filipinos have been qjain, but much of the work has been like brushing away mosquitoes which swarm down upon anew spot. Gen. Tinio has a nomadic command whose warriors can hide their guns and become “amigos" is it suits their interest*. As few of them wear uniforms ami the people combine to shield them from detec tion. the Americans are greatly handi capped. %K]i|>ay' Fight. Aglipav, the priest wiio has proclaimed himself Archbishop of the Philippines, is in the field as a general. His forces at tacked Capt. Dodd of the Third Cavalry at Batoc. More than 200 Filipinos were slain. Aglipay commanded in person, and there is an unconfirmed report that he was among the killed. His followers fought with the recklessness of Moham medan fanatics. They approached the Americans in three lines, w*i4h an advance guard of women, arranged with the expectation that the American# would not fire upon them. Behind the women was a lina of bDlomen and others armed only with wooden swords, no more dangerous than police men’s clubs, and behind the holomen the riflemen. Happily, the women threw themselves flat upon the ground and sought shelter at the flrdt fire, so that few of them were iqjured. The soldiers thought they were men dressed In wo men’s clothes. The onslaught of the bolomen was like ♦ho descent of the Mahdi fanatics upon Kitchener’s squad at Khartoum. They kept coming on faster than the soldieres could ’hhoot them down, until they wen so close that our cavalrymen had not time to fire and load, but went through them with clubbed carbines. Gen. Young has evidence that the priests of the region have been sending church contributions to Aglipay. Two prominent priests are in Jail charged with aiding <he insurrection nnd will be tried by a military commission. Surveillance is bein^exercised over the finances of some of the larger parishes. Tinio and Aglipay are reported to be enemies, a condition which will benefit the Americans. Some of the American generals think that the insurrection could be materially crippled by banishing the Filipino leaders to some island, where 4hey could not give moral and financial support to the rebellion. i Im pim-llc and tlie Frlnr*. Archbishop Chappelle has taken no un certain stand on the question of the friars, which the Filipino people regard as the keynote of all their troubles. The Arch bishop has expressed his opinion freely to many officers and civilians with whom he has talked, although he declines to give any formal Interviews for publica tion. His conclusions, summarized, are these: That the Filipinos owe to the. monastic brotherhoods all the education and civil ization they possess; that it would be a great injustice to the friars to expel them from the Meld wherein they have worked for centuries or to deprive them of the estates whiefi they have acquired honest ly and have administered to the public good; that It would be impossible to re place them wdth other priests, because there 1s no other clerical force acquainted with the country and the languages of the people, and the Filipino priests are not competent to hold any hr# the sub ordinate positions in the church; that the opposition to the friars is an artlflcal propaganda fostered by the insurgents and by the Filipino priests, who are themselves leaders 1n the Insurrection end are using it to obtain control of the church in the islands. SCATTERED T I MO’S FORC E. Report of American Operation* In tlie Fhilipplne*. Manila, July 15.—Capt. Steever, who has been pursuing Tinio, Natlvldad, Aglij>ay and Alejandrino in the Iloeos district, has scattered the force of Tinio and pushed on the Adra. It is reported from Baler that the Amer icans have captured some insurgents, who assert that they witnessed the burial alive of a number of the party of Lieut, J. C. (llllmore of the Ycrktown, captured there by the Filipinos in the spring of la t year. Capt. Charles D. Roberts of the Thirty fifth Volunteer Infantry, who was captur ed by the Filipinos last May. has been pa roled and is expected to arrive here any \4ay. WAS XEARLY WIPED Ot T. Frescott, \rix., Hml n Fire That De stroyed $ I J'OP,IMtO. Frescott, Ariz., July 15.—Tottering walls anil piles of charred and burning debris are all that remain of a large portion of Prescott’s business district. Fire, which wrought over $1,000,000 dam age. started at 10:45 o’clock las© evening and burned unchecked until 3 o’clock -this morning, when the fire-fighters went a considerable distance in advance of the flames and blew up the buildings on tho south side of Goodwin street, preventing them from crossing street. The burned district embraces five blocks, in which were located the principal mer i untile houses, both banks, both telegraph offices, three newspaper plants, four ho tels, every saloon and every restaurant, except one. in the town, besides scores of privafe residences. To add to th** prevnil in gloom, a high wind prevailed 10-day, sending smoke, dust and burning embers in every direction. Only the greatest vigilance prevented another outbreak of the flames. Owing to th< chaotic condition existing to-day, it is impossible to obtain an ac curate account of the loss or individual in surance. Insurance agents estimate that the total insurance docs not ex<*et>l $350,000. The heaviest losers are as follows: Bash ford. Burmelster Company, $250,009; Sam Hall. $75,000; Hotel Burke, SV,CKX>; D. Levy & Cos.. $40.00U. All the sufferers from the fire have been provided with food, shelter and clothing, and it is not thought any outside assist ance will Ik* required. Of tho business houses only three dry goods stores, three grocery stores and two drug stores remain. The express and post office were both out of the fire limits. %notli<*r Town Swept. Newcastle, Cal., July to-day de stroyed all the fruit warehouses and prin cipal business houses of the town. The loss will exceed SIOO,COO. W\ S At < TRENT VI.LY' SHOT. Mr*. Natalie Mayer Died In tle Mayer Mansion at Mnhwah, \. J, New York. July 15.—Mrs. Natalie Mayer, wife of John Mayer and eldest daughter of the late Theodore llavemeyer, died in the Mayer mansion, near Mahwah, N. J., late Saturday afternoon.* Little <k finite was known concerning the cause of death until to-day, t. hrn Commander Winslow, United States Navy, who is married to a sister of Mrs. Mayer, gave out the fol lowing statement: “Mrs. Mayer died from the effect of n pistol shot accidentally fired. The wound was not at first believed to be fatal. There will be a coroner’s inquest in accordance with the law.” It was on Friday afternoon, twenty-four hours before the time of Mrs. Mayer’s death, that this pistol shot was fired. Commander Winslow’s statement does not even tell who held the- weapon. On this point, however, Dr. Albert Zabrlskle, the first physician to be called after Mrs. Mayer was hurt, said: “I understand then Commander Winslow raid lo one of the members of the family that he would have somebody before the coroner who would testify that Mrs. May er said she accidentally shot herself." ( ENSURED THE COMPANY. Coroner’* Jury'* Finding In the In qne*t ut Tacoma. Tacoma. Wash., July 15.—The coroner’s Jury, which has been holding an inquest over forty-three victims of the Street car accident of July 4. re ml e red a verdict charging that the Tacoma Railway and Power Company was grossly and crlml careless and negligent in permitting its motorman, C. Lobohom, to go out on the car without any previous effort to ascertain his efficiency on the grade. The verdict adds: “And w’p further find that the Tacoma Railway and Power Company was grossly nhd criminally negligent and careless in making said dangerous grade without in stalling any safety appliances, when the necessity of such appliance© had been fully demonstrated by a previous accident.” TORNADO VISITED LLANO. Many Person* Injured and Property Destroyed. Llano. Tex., July 15.—A tornado visited this place to-day. Many persons were in jured. Among the most seriously hurt so far reported, are Mrs. I. J. Badue and Mrs. Fink la. Many residences were unroofed, hs were the railway station and the Algo na House. One or two residences were completely wrecked. The 2.00r> inhabi tants were panic stricken. All wires were destroyed and details of the storm’s work arc ineagre. AMERICANS DIDN’T ARRIVE. The Clirlnllnn Endeavor Convention Thereby Dl*eoncertel. London. July 15.—The original pro gramme of the World’s Christian Endeavor Convention for to-day was seriously Ji>- terfered with by the delay in the ar rival of the six hundred American dele gates. Thus far all the meetings have been largely attended, and the inspiring strains of the Christian Endeavor hymns could be heard aii over the grounds until long after midnight. THE ST. LO I IS STRIKE. In J uric* Suffered by an Explosion nnd nn Accident. St. Ijouis, July 15.—Dynamite was ex ploded under a Transit car in North St. Louis to-night and four passengers were injured. A suburban street car, the only union line in the city, accidentally ran into a HtrikersVbus wagon to-night and injured twelve occupants, two seriously. SENATOR GEAR’S REMAINS. Lff \Ynhlngton for IliirEiiKton to He Interred. Washington, July 15.—The remains of the late Senator Gear of lowa, who died early yesterday morning, left here this af ternoon at 3:30 o’clock, via the Pennsyl vania Railroad, for the Gear home at Burlington, la., where funeral services will be held Wednesday at 3 o’clock. OFFERED TO GUILD. . 111. Savannah Friend. Will Nntr (hr Honor Willi Intrrr.t. Washington, July 15.—Th. position of flrrt ats.istant po.tmasler general, lo be vacated by the resignation of Hon. Perry M. Heath, has been offered to Mr. Cur tis Guild, Jr., of Boston, DAILY. $S A YEAR. 5 CENTS A COPY. WEEKLY 2-TIMES-A-VVEEK.JI A YEA* EIGHT OUT OF TEN. WERE AMERICA** FIRST PLYCKA IN THE ATHLETI* ’ CONTESTS. LONDON SUCCESS REPEATED. EXPOSITION VISITORS AY XTCHEO THE GREAT FEATS. Bc*idc* Being First In Kiulit Event*. American Athlete* Won Five Sec ond and Four Third Pom It lion*. Yinericann* Semple* About Con tend nk on Sunday \\ ere Not Rec ognized—For This It en noil Some Did Not Enter—Protest* Were Filed Paris, July 15.—Although deprived of the services of some of her beat athletes, wno declined to contest In to-day's events of the world’s amateur championships in tho Bols iLe Boulogne, objecting to Sunday competition, America won eight out of ten of those decided, gaining five second posi tions ami four thirds. Weather conditions were •perfect. One incident caused an unpleasant jar. Tho terms of the agreement wore reached with tho French officials at n joint meeting Wednesday night. At that time it was certainly understood by tho Americans that the French had agreed that the fleM events in which they had entered and in which it was proposed that tho finale should come off to-day would be arranged so that the Americans objecting to Bun day competition ebu Id contest a lone on Mon day and that the records then made would bo counted in reaching the final awards. Last night the French held a meeting and decided thit events eet for to-day must be concluded finally on the grounds to day, but that records mad© in the pre liminary trials yesterday would stmd. This action was taken, it appears,* on the ground of the other contestants ob jecting to such an advantage being given to the Americans. The decision was known to the Americans, tiarly in the day some of the contestants,among whom were Ban corn Johnson of the New York Athlctlo Club, and Charles I>. Vorack of the Uni versity of Michigan, tTic former of whom won the pole vault championship in Lon don, and the latter of whom is* the inter collegiate champion, went to the grounds ar.d were informed that they could con test Monday. On being so informed they wen. to their homos. The decision also operate >} against Mor ris Printtein of Syracuse University, who was pr. vented from competing to-day by the authorities of the college. A. C. Kraenstein of the University of Pennsyl vania. whom Mr. Prinstein beat yester day, to-day jumped In- the final for the broad jump and won over Prl;i stein’s jump of yesterday by a small mar gin. Each had three Jumps yesterday, but Kraensleln had more to-day. Prin .'■■•ein although on the ground, could not jump. Me entered a protest after the games, but there is little hope that it will be allowed. The representatives of the University of Pennsylvania had a large share in to day's winnings, and their contesting e<l some filing among the other college mt*n. On the Initiative of Mr. Sherrill of Vole, a protest, signed by all the Ameri can teams, has been presented to A. O. Spalding, director of sjiorts at the ex position. Again the grand sural to-<Vay was largely occupied by Americans, who cheered their champions with much vim, especially when George W. Orton of tne University of Pennsylvania, after seem ing to be out of the long steeplechase, made a magnificent spurt, beating an Unglishman. who looked a certain winner, as they came down the stretch. The en thusiasm at this point was intense. li rnenxleiu the W onder. The first heat in the sixty-metres fiat went handily to Kraenziein, with E. T. Miiiahon of Georgetown second and Pritchard of the English team third. Time 7 second- Klingelhoefer (French) and YVesteragen (Swede) also ran. In the second heat Walter R. Tewkes bury managed to breast the tape Jurft ahead of Rowley of New South Wales, with William J. Holland of the Univer sity of Georgetown third. Time 71-5 sec onds. Koppan and Schubert (Hungar ians) also ran. The final was a pretty contest, the men being breasts apart at the finish, with Kraenziein first, Tewkesbury second and Rowley third. Minehan also ran. The Shot Fatting. Richard Sheldon of the New York Ath letic club was fhe only American to strip for the final in the shot putting, ns J. C. McCracken of the University of Pennsylvania and Robert Garrett of Princeton refused to compete on Sunday, Crettier (Hungarian) nnd Paraskevo poulos (Greek) took their places. None of these could outstrip the puis made yes terday by McCracken nnrl Garrett, and the final resulted with Sheldon first at fourteen metres and ten centimetres, which is said to beat the world’s record; McCracken second at twelve metres and eighty-five centimetres, nnd Garrett third at twelve metres and thiriy-seven centi metres. the 100 Yfletre*. Only three started in the final of the 400 metres flat, as Messrs. Lee, Frederick G. Maloney of ihe University of Michi gan. and Dixon Board man of the New York Athletic Club, who had also quali fied, refused to run to-day. This left Maxwell lng of the New York Athletic Club, YY’illiam J. Holland of Georgetown University, and Bhulz (Dane). At the crack of the pistol Holland set a merry pace and held It well lno the stretch, where Long caught him. The two had a heartbreaking, run to the finish, which Long reached one yard in advance of Holland, Schulz being fifteen yards 'o the rear. The time was 49 2-5 seconds, beating the French record of 50 3-5. Had Ihe other American started, America would undoubtedly have gained first, sec ond and third. The Dlhciin Throwing;. Had to-day’a records alone decided the results of the discus throwing, Sheldon would have won, for to-day he outstripped his Hungarian competitors. But their rec ords made in the preliminaries stood In tho’s, and yesterday they did better, with the result that Bauer (Hungarian) was first, at 36 meters and 4 centimeters, and Janda (Austrian) second, at. 35 meters and II centimeters, with Sheldon third, at 3-’ meters and 60 centimeter*. Soderstrom (Swede) and Paraskevopoulos also com peted. Nine In the I.JHNt Metros. The 1.80) meters flat race brought nine contestants to the tape. reprtMfitta | D n fCcntlnued on Fifth Page.)