The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, July 22, 1900, Page 10, Image 10

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10 Combination Cases and Ladies' Desks We now have on our floors the largest •n<§ most elegant assortments of the above lines that we'have ever shown, represent ing the productions of the best raakera In the country, and ell of the very latest designs We offer an elegant Oak Combination Case, beautifully finished, handeome design SI 2.98 Ladles’ Desk, nice design, solid oak, per* feet finish, usual price $6.00, now fifejO <gk/Lin- Parlor Suites and Conches We carry the largest stock of these floods In the city and we aTe now dis playing a larger line' thon ever in odd pieces and 2,3 and 5-piece suites; unique designs, beautifully upholstered, ®P®ClAL—s*piec© Suite Solid Oak frame trieely upholstered, Handsome Couch, biscuit tufted, spring edges, upholstered in figured velour’ good value at *10.00; now $6.49 THE DAY IN the CHURCHES. SUBJECTS OF SERMOVS IX SAVAN NAH'S PULPITS. Dew. W. C. Lot ett, Editor of the Wesleyan Christian .Advocate, at Wealey fhopeh This Morning 1 and Prof. BomneU, Ten Years a Mis sionary in China. To-night—Rev. Dr. Jordan Will Preach on “Chnreh doing” nt the First Bap tist—Rev. 1.. C. Cnthhert W ill Close His Engagement at Daily Street Chnreh Mimic nt In de pendent Presbyterian. The annual conference of the Savannah District of the Methodist Church, which was held at Guyton last week, from Mon day to Thursday, showed the churches of this city in particular, as well as those throughout the district, to be in an ex cellent condition. The conference was e most representative one, including all of the ministers of the district, lay dele gates from each church, and also a num t>er of interested visitors drawn there by their seal for the welfare of the church, and their interest in its works, though they could take no part in the proceed ings of tha conference. The delegate* and ministers alone num bered about 60. All of Savannah's Meth odist ministers, Rev. Ed F. Cook, Rev. Basc-om Anthony, Rev. Osgood F. Cook, and Rev. James A. Smith were present, and each of them addressed the confer ence. Mr. W. B. Stubbs, one of the lay delegates, was also called on for an ad dress, and made an eloquent and force ful plea for temperance. After the usual routine business of the conference had been disposed of, includ ing the reading of the reports of the min isters of charges in the district, and the appointing of committees on the different branches of church work, it was elected ♦hat Mr. W. 8. Heath, who has been the assistant of Rev. J. A. Smith, be granted a lioense to preach, and there was aLo am election of lay delegates to the South Georgia Conference, which will be held In December, resulting in the selection of Messrs. TV. B. Stubbs and J. N. Me- Gillis, and Dr. O. G. Mlngledorff, and Dr. TV. 6.' Simmons. Methodist. At Wesley Monumental Church there will be service at 11 o’clock a. in. The sermon will be by Rev. Dr. W. C. Lovptt, editor of the Wesleyan Christian Advo cate. He is recognized as a strong writer and a forceful preacher. Dr. Lovett is held in high esteem by Savannah Metho dists and doubtless a large congregation wUI welcome him on this occasion. At S:JO p. tn. the union service of the con gregations of the First Presbyterian and "Wesley Monumental Churches will be held at the First Presbyterian Church. The nervlce will be conducted by Rev. W. B. Bonnell, professor of science in Wesleyan Female College. Mr. Bonnell was for ten years a missionary in China, represent ing the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. He is a thorough scholar and will greatly Interest the congregation that will hear him. The Sunday School will meet at 6p. m. The Bible study meeting will be held or. Wednesday at 8:30 p. m., and the Junior League on Friday at 6 p. m. Rev Ed F. Cook, the pastor of Wesley Monumental Church, has gone to Swalns boro to dedicate the handsome, new Meth odist Church recently completed In that proaperoue little city. To-day Is the time appointed for the setting apart of this new building for the worship of God, and Mr. Cook has been honored with the levitation Mid-Summer Reduction Salel Again we find it necessary to inaugurate a Stock-reducing Sale in order to make room far our fall stock which will soon be in transit. With this object in view we will for the next 15 days offer bargains of the most extraordinary character ever presented in this city. You cannot afford to miss the opportunities which we will offer during this period. All of our former brilliant successes are to be eclipsed and all former Cut- Price Sales will appear insignificant when compared to this grand effort. Call early and take advantage of these astonishing offers. Mail orders will receive prompt attention. Hammocks. The season Is far advanced and we still have a large stock of these goods on hand. They must be sold. We will not carry them over If price can move them. We offer the entire line at a reduction of 33 1-3 per cent. SPECIAL—A full size hammock, strong - , well-made, heavy cords end stretcher at ends; no trashy goods. Something worth, having. Just the thing for outing parties. 49c Mosquito Nets Must go, too. Prices reduced with that end in view. We want to make a clean sweep See us: to preach the sermon on this occasion and to conduct the dedicatory service. He will return to the city to-morrow evening. Owing to the repairs being made in Trin ity Church all the services will be held in t'.e Sunday School room at the rear of the church. There will be preaching at 11 o'clock a. m. and at 8:30 p. m. by the pastor. Rev. Bascom Anthony. The Sun day School will meet at sp. tn. The Ep worth League will meet on Wednesday at 8:30 p. m., while prayer meeting will be held on Thursday at the same hour. At Grace Methodist Church the usual services will be conducted to-day at 11 a. m. and 8:30 p. m. The pastor. Rev. Oe good F. Cook, will preach at both morn ing and evening seo-vices, hie theme netng "The Cure for Heart Troubles.” The Sun day Sell col will meet at 4:30 p. m. The usual services of the week will bo held as heretofore. There will be preaching at the Seventh Street Methodist Church at 11 o'clock a. m. and 8:30 p. m. by the pastor, Rev. J. A. Smith. The subject of the morning dis course will be “The Reflex Influence of Giving,” while at night a special revival service will be held. The Sunday School will meet at 4:30 o’clock. The Junior League will meet on Monday afternoon at 5 o clock, and the Senior League on Tues day night at 8:30 o’clock. Prayer services will be held on Thursday night at 830 o'clock. * EpiKcopal. At Christ Church, Rev. Robb White, rector, there •will be a service and sermon a t 11 o'clock a. m. and a service at 6:30 p. m. The Sunday school will meet at 5:30 p. m. St. John’s Church, Rev. Charles H strong:, rector, there will be morning prayer and sermon at 11 o'clock, and Sun day school at 6 p. m. At St. Paul’s Church, Rev. J. L. Scul ly, rector, the services will be as follows- Early celebration at 7:30 o'clock a m morning prayer at 11 a. m., Sunday s’chooi at 6:30 p. m. and evening prayer at 8:15 p. m. Services will be. held at St. Michael’s Chape] at 11 a. m. and at 8:15 p. m. The Sunday school will meet at 5 p. m. The Bible olass will meet on Thursday night at 8:15. Presbyterian. The usual services at Independent Pre*. hyterian Church will be held at 11 o’clock am., and at 8:30 p m. by the pastor, R< v. Dr. J. Y. Fair. The Sunday School will meat at the usual time. There will be a special programme of music at night. The regular choir will be assisted by the members of Wesley Church choir, Mrs. Ackerman, Mrs. Crittenden, Messrs Reeves and Pommond. The beautiful quartette, ’’One Sweetly Solemn Thought,” arranged for ladles' voices, will be sung at the offertory. There will be preaching at the Lawton Memorial by the pastor. Rev. W. A. Nlr bet, at 11 o'clook a. m. In the evening will be held a classical song servtoe at 8:30 p. m. Baptist. At ttia First Baptist Church, pastor John D. Jordan will preach at 11 o'clock a. m„ and at 8:30 p, m. The subject of tho morning aermon will be ’’Church Go ing." The evening (subject will be "Wells Without Water.” There will be a special programme of music. Usual services at the Duffy Street Bap tist Church will ba held to-day. Rev. Dr. Lucius Outhbert will preach at U o'clock a. m. and at *;3O p, Bt. This winds up Pf, THE MORNING NEWS: SUNDAY, JULY 22, 1900. Fancy Rockers Beautiful assortment of fancy Rockers, In golden oak, mahogany and birch; se lect designs, beautifully finished. SFECfTAL—SoIid Oak Rocker, golden finish, nice design; Bole leather cobler seat; usual value 13.50. Special prlc* $1.98 Cuthbert's present engagement with that congregation, although they are strongly urging him to return again next month and preach for them several Sundays. The Young People's meeting will be held at 10 o’clock a. in. and Sunday School at 5 p. tn. Lutheran. At the Lutheran Church of the Ascen sion there will be services at 11 o’clock a. m. and at 8:30 p. m. by the pastor, Rev. Dr. W. C. Schaeffer. The Luther League will meet next Tuesday night at 8:30 o'clock. All the members are asked to bs present. Only a morning service will be held at the St. Paul’s Lutheran Church to-day. The seTmon will be delivered by <he pas tor, Rev. M. J. Eptlng. The Sunday school will meet at 5 p. m. Christian. At the Christian Church ths pastor, Rev. W. F. Watkins, will preach at 11 o’clock a. m, on “Go'd Speaking, ( Man Listen ing.” At v 8:S0 p. m. there will be a short service, with a plain talk to the people on "Giving Way to Anger.” The Chris tian Endeavor meeting will take place at Ip. tn, Roman Catholic. At the Sacred Heart Churoh services will be as follows: First mass at 6:30 o'clock a. m., and second mass and bene diction at 9 a. m. Maas Is celebrated dally at 6:30 a. m. Christian Science. At the First Church of Christ's Scien tists will be held a service at 11 o'clock a. m., the subject of the sermon being “Love.” The Sunday school will meet at 12 m. The Wednesday meeting will be held at 8:30 p. m. at Metropolitan Hall. Y. M. C. A. The address this afternoon nt the Young Men’s Christian Association will be delivered by Rev. Arthur J. Smith, pastor of the First Presbyterian Church. The meeting, which commences at 4 o'clock, lasts only three-quarters of an hour. Snlvntion Army. Meeting will be hpid at the Salvation Army Hall, St. Julian and Whitaker etreets, as follows: Praise meeting at 3 p. m., at the Park Extension, at 5, on Broughtonstreet at 7, Batlle for Souls at 8. On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday Staff Captain Bonnett of Atlanta will lead special meetings. DR. JORDAN OX CHRISTIAN SCIENCE He Sams t'P the Fait In a Fevr NVorda. Rev. J. D. Jordan, when asked a day or two ago what he had to say to Mr. E. H. Forman’s reply to his sermon on "Christian Science,” answered that little needed to be said. "I made no ‘attack’ on Christian Science,” said Dr. Jordan, "but rather contrasted some of its lead ing teachings with certain Scriptural truths. This, of course, made the cult appear at disadvantage for which lam not responsible. Indeed, lam very sorry It Is the case, not that I would have God’s word changed. Orthodox religion and medicine are ever as an oasis, Chris tian Science ie mirage, and would be bet tet named if called Imaginary Science. "He speaks of ‘the teaching of Jesus, explained and illumined by science and health with key to the Scriptures, by * r- ■ gf it, r |l Of ° "" i ar Wr* REFRIGERATORS.^ Our lines need no Introduction or ex planation. They are unquestionably th. 9 best on the market. We guarantee every refrigerator that we sell, from the cheapest to the most ex pensive. We will continue our 25 PER CENT. discount sale on these goods. Remember, this applies to the Challenge Iceberg and Wilkie Porcelain, as well as others. SPBClAX<—Hardwood refrigerator, nloe ly finished, very ornamental; 26-pound Ice capacity, $6.98. EDUCATIONAL. Wesleyan Female College, Macon, Ga. Oldest college for women In the world. its graduates ore everywhere. A diplo ma from It is hi*h honor. Highest currl CU: } uin f or young ladies in thi section of the South. Elective and special courses. Every member of the faculty a specialist in his department. One of the strongest rnusio faculties on the continent just or ganized, with the renowned Prof. Bdouar and Heeselberg. one of the world's greatest pianists, pupil of Rubinstein, as its dire c tor, and with no teacher in it who has not had the best advantages that either Europe or America could afford. Art and elocution teachers that are unsurpassed. Every department -p to date. The pres net administration is determined to keep this noble old Institution in the forefront of Southern colleges. Large and beautifu i campus. High elevation. Proverbially healthy. Not a oase of protracted &icknf*g during the entire year just closed. Magnificent buildings, airy rooms, steam heat, electric elevator, steam laundry, hot and cold water. Excellent bath rooms. New furniture. All conveniences. Nearly enough students already enrolled for the fall term to fill the present build ings. New building to accommodate the overflow to be erected, if possible, during this vacation. Rooms reserved for those who apply first. Fall term begins ©ept. 12. 1900. For catalogue, rates, etc., apply to J. W. ROBERTS, D.D., President, Macon. Ga. ®]£mor\> (Tolleoe^^- Forty miles oast of Atlanta. Situation high and healthy. liquors sold in county. Intercollegiate games pro hibited, Full college courses offered leading to A. 8., B. Ph„ and B. S. Degrees. Entire necessary expenses with in S2OO. sard annual session begins Sept. 19, 1900. For catalogue and full information, address C. l£. Bowman, president. Elizabeth College, Charlotte, N. C. High grade college for women. Experienced teachers from noted foreign and American universities and conservatories. FINEST MUSIC AND ART CONSER VATORIES IN THE SOUTH. Fire-proof building. Healthfully located, 20 acres beautiful campus, on the bights one-half mile from the city. Catalogue free. Ad dress CHARLES B. KING, President. Uf 10U i U OTfl U CCUIUIDV seNorth Avenae, Atlanta Oa—School for Girls. V? Aillmu I Urt oLlnillAnl J’ we n'ytbree teachers, graduates of Wellesley. II no I Harvard. Randolph-Macon and Baltimore Woman s College. Primary. Academtc, Music. Art, Elocution and Business courses. Small classes. In dividual murk. New building. Home life. Pupils enter Vassar. Wellesley and Randolph-Ma con on certilicates. Next session begins Sept. 6. For illustrated catalogue address Mrs. W. T. CHANDLER. Principal. LLEWELLYN D. SCOTT, Associate Principal. Mary B. G. Eddy.’ What about the Apos tle Peter's keys? If Mrs. Eddy’s book 'explains and illumines’ 'the teachings of Jesus,' I have read the book in vain—and I am not alone. I deny the implication that ‘the teachings of Jesus’ are vagus and indefinite, and that the Apostles, and all those who came after them groped in the darkness of Intellectual and spiritual Ignorance, until the days of Christian Science. As the moon pales before the sun, so Mrs. Eddy pales before such men os Calvin, Wesley, Spurgeon, and Luther. Her book Is profoundly contradictory, hcpolessly so, A greater than she will have to appear to explain it. “Mr. Forman Quotes from Mark 16:17,18: 'And these signs shall accompany those who have * believed; In my name they shall cast out demons; they shall speak with new tongues; they shall take up ser pents; and it they drink any deadly thing, i’ shall not hurt thorn; they shall lay their hand* on the sick, and they shall recover.’ These things were true with the Apostles. If Mr. Forman thinks these things are true of the believer now, and especially true of the Christian Scentlsts, suppose we have a tet. If he will furnish the drinker 1 will find a doctor to furnish the drug. Let us have an experiment that explains. Admit that Mr. Forman and I came to our oomXuetons 'from the very opposite standpoint,’ we came to opposite conclusions. That does not prove his position right and mine wrong by any means. He claims that Christian Science curee 'diseases pronounced Incurable by eminent physicians.’ Have you not seen a similar claim on many a patent medi cine adverttesment? What many lick people need to do to get well la to quit taking medicine and exerclee their will power, and keep tholr mlnde pleasantly and healthfully employed. “I do not question that many people have been made to feel better under the Easels and Screens. Large assortment to select from. SPECIAL—3-fold Screens, In oak or enamel finished frames; beautiful fillings $1.19 EASELS—SoIid oak or white enameled, bras* trimmed, adjustable rest*, 49c • influence of what is called Christian Sci ence,” sild Dr. Jordan,'“but it might have been done Just as well under some pther name. The influence of ‘suggestion’ is a great power, but even that has its limit. I will not dispute that practitioners of this cult may have in some instances, pro longed life, (but the same influence under any other name would have accomplished the same result), neither do I doubt that tn other instances they have, shortened lives. Their method for making well will be just as effective in making sick. My quotation from Romans 3:23: ’All have sinned and come short of the glory of God,’ was used to show the condition of both Jews and Gentiles before God—or of persons (men), as before another per son (God). As to God’s having 'sinned and come short,’ no such Idea was conveyed by tne, and to do so Is Irreverent. “Of course, Christian ficience claims to be founded: on Christ. No one questions the claim but we do the fact. The tenets given, I had before. In some respects they conform to the Bible, In others with sci ence and health, and in still others, with neither. They have an appearance of Bible truth, but not all. They are vague, high-sounding, unsound. No proposition can be so profound but some will doubt It. and none can be so weak but some will believe it. A ’quackery’ in medicine and a ’smackery’ In religion are never wanting in ndherenta among men and women, and Christian Science is a com pound of both. It seems to have a feast of words, but a famine of Ideas. Chris tian Science appears to me to be Pan theistic, but not Pantheism; Spiritualistic, but not Splrttuallam; Universaltottc, but not Universallsm; Unltarlsntzed, but not Vnltartanlem; Theosophlzed, but not The osophy; Chrtstlsntzed, hut not Christian ity; but all of these scrambled.” 'JPVi •' '4sfsr**£ ■ eJ3--. Iron Beds and Cribs We are displaying a large and elegant line of these goods. Nowhere In this city can you find such a gorgeous display. We have them la ■ . i . v. Solid Brass, Half Brass and White Enamel. BRASS-TRIMMED. .. Over fifty styles to select from. SPECIAL.—Iron Bed. new design, heavy bras* trimmings, swell foot. Best Iron frame spring. Mo*s mattress; best quality A. C. A. ttckng; all full double size. Com plete outfit worth *20.00; now $14.98 Th© entire line reduced !n proportion-. Don’t miss this chance. NOTHING LIKE IT! There is. nothing- on earth to equal “Infants’ Friend Powder.” Where it has been tried it has taken the place of all other preparations for the face, prickly heat, and a thousand and one uses to which ladies put it. The baby needs nothing else. Try nothing else for it. READ THE FOLLOWING TESTIMONIALS—- > Rowllnskl, Pharmacist, Broughton and Drayton Sts., y { Savannah, Ga. July 5, 1900. Columbia Drug Cos., Savannah, Ga.: Dear Sirs—Please send me half gross Infants’ Friend Powder. I have sold It for some years and It has been a good seller—give satisfaction; package unique, and from personal use I can recommend It highly for chafing and prickly heat. Yours truly, 1 ROBT. A. ROWLIN9KI. This Is unsolicited. SHOWS A REMARKABLE GAIN. Lowndes County’* Tax Returns. Other Valdosta News. Valdosta, Ga„ July 21.—Editor Savannah of Lowndes county for the past year have been footed up and show the remarkable gain of 3163,000 over last year. Last year's returns showed a gain of $265,000, making for the two years about $730,000. Every in the county shows a good gain in tax values, but the large percentage of the Increase Is In the Valdosta district, and is due largely to the improvement that has been made In real estate. The Increase In this district alone amounts to $351,000. The tax returns of the county amount to $3,992,816. It Is probable. In view of this large Increase, that the County Commissioners will reduce the tax rate of the county, or else ellghtly Increase It and build anew court house from the additional taxes received. The report alleged to have been sent From Naylor the other day to the Atlanta Constitution and some of the afternoon papers about a body being found In Dam pier’s store after the explosion was a pure fabrication. The report said that ‘Jacereted flesh and bones were found by the big Iron safe." There was not a syl lable of truth In the report, and, Indeed, there was no safe In the store. The facts of the explosion were wired the Morning News from Valdosta, and all the facts were In Its report—nothing added and nothing lacking. Great preparation Is being made at the town of Haneon below here for a glorious time on July 25, at which time the town Is to be sold off In lots. A great barbecue Is to be given there and e large tent le to be used tor the 'cue os a safeguard against rain. It is said that lumher has been ctrt tor fifty or seventy-five buildings, and aa SIDEBOARDS.. We are displaying a line of over 25 dif ferent styles of Sideboards and Buffets Nothing later In design; none better made than these which we are offering SPECIAL—An elegant solid oak Side board, full size handsomely carved; bevel plate mirror In top. Usual price *lB 50- ‘t now $11.98 EXTENSION TABLES. Just received a shipment of extension tables, In round and square tops; elegant designs, beautiful finish. We Invite your inspection of this superior display of ta bles SRBCIAL—A solid oak table, heavy carved legs, rubbed and polished finish, $5.98 The Constitution. * Atlanta, Ga. Woman’s Department, Mrs. Wen. King, Editor. 480 Courtland avenue, Atlanta. Ga., April 26, 1900. Columbia Drug Cos., Savannah, Ga.: Gentlemen—lt gives me pleasure to heartily recommend Infants’ Friend Powder, and to give to you a singu lar little coincident connected with it. During the Cotton States and In ternational Exposition I whs presen ted with a little box of this powder, and was so pleased with it that I was exceedingly anxious to get more, but on looking at the box I found nothing but Savannah, Ga., no other address. I have often wished I knew where to get it. This morning's mall brought your circular with en closed sample I Immediately re ferred to my box, end round It was the Infants’ Friend Powder. It is without doubt the best powder I have ever used. Respectfully, MRS. WM. KING. soon as tho sale is over there promises to he a grvat building boom. During a thunderstorm yesterday light ning struck a house on Mr. B. W. Bent ley’s place, occupied by Mr. llambrick's family. The family was In a rear room and were unharmed by the bolt, though badly frightened. Mr. L H. Strum, who Is on St. Simons Island, captured a monster sea turtle this week and sent it to a friend here. The turtle 450 pounds and was a great sight to those who had never seen a s- a turtle before. P. P. P., a wonderful medicine; It gh"* an appetite; It Invigorates and strength ens. P. P. P. cures rheumatism and all pains In the side, back and shoulders, knees, hips, wrists and Joints. P. P. P. cures syphilis in all Its various stages, old ulcers, sores and kidney complaint. P- P. P. cures catarrah, eczema, erysipelas, all skin diseases and mercurial poisoning, P. P. P. cures dyspepsia, chronic fenta e complaints and broken-down constituilon and loss of manhood. P. P. P„ the best blood purifier of the age. has made more permanent cures than all other blood rem edies. Lippman Bros., sole proprietors, Savannah, Ga —ad ■■ ■ i To tile Mountains. 3 . In the nick of time. Just when you are yawning and feeling tired out and broken down, a bottle of Graybeard Is better than a trip to the mountains. Are you constipated? Take Graybeard pills. Little treasures—26c 'he box. Res pese Drug Cos., Proprietors.—%d. Abbott’s East India Corn Paint cures every time; It takes off the corn; no pam. cures wart# and bunions and Is concede, to be a wonderful corn cure. Sold by •“ druggists.—ad