The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, July 22, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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help wanted—female. or ; 534 Henry, west. H. J. Noonan. n ANTEDi A RELIABLE" WOMAN , general housework. 216 East Duffy street. vNTKD.'VOUNO WHITE GIRL FOR light housework. Apply 229 Barnard street. COMPETENT WHITE WOMAN TO cook lor small family in country; good oases to right party. Apply to 123 East Congress street. COOK- EXPERIENCED COOK WANT- e j. 20S Fifth street, west. WANTED, A COOK. APPLY TO MISS Murphy, at Franch estate, Monday mom ms _ WOMEN TO DO PLAIN SEWING AT hon) e; $1.50 per day. Four months' work guaranteed; Send stamped addressed en velope for particulars. R. W. Hutton & Cos Dept. 0., Philadelphia, Pa. LADIES 1 MAKE BIG WAGES THE ~t a r round and you can readily do the saroe for the work is very pleasant and will easily pay $lB weekly. I have often made $5 a day, and anyone who will work f an do as well. I speak from experience and know that even your spare time Is valuable. This is no deception. I want no money and will gladly send full particu lars to nl. sending 2c stamp. Address Mrs. A H. Wiggins, Benton Harbor, Mich. "X\y lady"can"easily"make"slß to $25 per week by representing us in her locality, and as the position is pleasant and profitable, I will gladly send full par ticulars to all; this is no deception, even your spare time is valuable. Address Mrs. Mary E. Wheeler, 87 Washington street, Chicago, 111. AO|£is WANTED. pendent, learn the grandest paying pro fession of the age. A beautiful book and Information absolutely free. American In stitute of Science, Nevada, Mo. “$2,500 CAX BE MADE DURING NEXT six months by hustling agents handling eur white and fancy Rubber Collars, Cuffs, Bosoms, Neckties, Patented, guaranteed goods. Special plan for stamp. M. &. M. Mfg. Cos., Springfield, Mass. "FORTH AIT~AG ENTS, LG OIL CRAY', ors 50, pastels 70; not only cheapest, but best; wiite to-day for full particulars. Address H. C. Hettinger, Art Cos., Palmer, Tex. "AGENTS7S2OO A HONTH SURE TO honest, industrious men following our ln etiucdons. exhibiting at fairs, picnics, etc., the greatest mechanical wonder of the age—our combination butter separa tor and ice cream freezer, two machines in one. It is the only machine that will separate butter from milk or cream sweet or sour, in lass than five minutes, and' make ice cream in less than three min utes. A child can operate it. Write to-day for sole agency and choice of territory. Aerating Company, Cincinnati, O. "SIOO MONTHLY. NEW PATENT "~ME tal'.ic tread beards. Sample free. D. D., Fo shee, Cincinnati, O. WANTED AGENTS', EITHER SEX, TO introduce two good selling, useful articles: sells on sight. Send stamp for particulars. Box 626, Atlanta, Ga. WANTED, AGENTS TO LEARN THE most successful profession of the age. through which you learn to cure yourself and others; information free. Carson Col lege Psychic Sarcology, Kansas City, Mo. WE DO NOT WANT BOY'S OR LOAF ers to write us, men of ability only; S2OO to SSOO per month; salesmen and general agents; salary or commission, special in ducements. Racine Fire Engine and Mo tor Company, Racine, Wis. AGENTS ON SALARY OR~COMMIS eIon: The greatest agents’ seller ever produced; every user of pen and ink buys it on sight; 200 to 500 per cent, profit; one agent's 6ales amounted to $620 in six days; another $32 in two hours. Monroe Manufacturing Company, X. 45, La Crosse, W is. "AGENTS! SPEcYaLTY“BACKEI> IBY' absolute guarantee to straighten kinky negro hnir; nearly all profit and sells on sight. Write Boston Chemical Company, Richmond, Va., for territory and particu lars. AGENTS.I.OOK FREE, OUR WON derful new $3.50 talking machine free to i every reader of this. Syracuse Talking \ Machine Company, Syracuse, N. Y. 1 EMPLOYMENT WANTED. a ♦lace as porter in a store, or steady matching best of references. Address iionnie, 41 Price street. Wanted, experienced lady stenographer, desires position. Address “lKperienetd,” care this office. IV>Y (i8) WISHES POSITION AS OF fletV assistant or collector; experience; bes l references. “60,” care News. A IJOUNG LADY~OF REFINEMENT woi.ll like position as companion; will also lassist with light housekeeping. Ad tires I Companion, care Morning News. W, CITED, POSITION BY EX.PER- Irnc I lady stenographer and typewriter; Add.lss, Stenographer, care Morning News. TRAINED NURSE 9 AND MlD wives at McKane Hospital, Sixth and Florence; Bell ’phone 985. WANTED, POSITION AS CITY’ salesman, or collector; salary or commis sion. Addrees News office, J. C. SITUATION WANTED BY EXPER lenccd business man; competent in book keeping and all office work. Address P. O. Box 227; best of references. A YOUNG MAN WISHING A Posi tion as clerk or assistant bookkeeper; willing to start on small salary with chance of a raise. Address F. CL, this office. wanted by a competent man, position as sawyer in a circular mill; twenty years’ experience with leading companies of the South; best of refer ences can be given. Wire or address Li. M. R., sou Mansfield street, Brunswick, Ga. young man of experience, in tegrlty and discretion, accustomed to po. sition of responsibility, desires engage. rrier> 1 ; competent to fill any position. Ac cur te. Ih O. Box, 402. A HHST CLASS COOK WANTS A Position in small family. Apply No. 313 Congress, east. wanted, position by reotsticr druggist, five years experience; goott reference and good habits; will atari on small salary. Address Quinine, care hewsj. wanted, occupation as porter o general work; willing to do anything. _Pl'ly 217 Reynold® street. Wanted, working interest as t'-neral manager naval stores business in coorgia or Florida, or will buy second ed plane and work it out of debt; llfe , 9 ex l"erionce; willing to pay big inter _ ■ Address W. W., care Morning News. wanted, ry an experienced ■gods salesman (German), a position k: l est of references furnished. Ad 'fT Box 394, Camden. S. C. BOARD WASTED. wanted, by a young lady, ~fl in family, centrally located. Ad- Ray, this omce. young gentleman desires ’ard convenient to Plant System; must lasonuble. Address, staling terms, care News. hi ! Na LADY W’-SIRES room and D dl at Tybee, with nice family; state p A(MrcBB Totltif I-ady, Ni ws office. Jawed, board at isle of hope ofilca y ‘ an<i nur *i Board, this ROOMS WANTED. "^A^rSK^AUCL^rnfLATr^R^OIJSE of four rooms, for one year; good locality; state price. Donald, News office. COUPLE, ONE CHILD. WANT DESIR able four-room flat Oct. I; give description, location, and price; references exchanged. P. O. Box No. 6, city. WANTED, NICE COOL FLAT OF 2 or 3 rooms; southern exposure; close into business; private family; no children. AtJ aress J. W. F., 326 Broughton, east. WANTED, FLAT! FTRNISHED“OR unfurnished; suitable for light housekeep ing; must be in desirable locality and convenient to business district. Southern exposure. Address Manager, care of News office. FLAT OF 4 OR 3 ROOMS ON OR NEAR Abercorn street. Address J. P.. care of News. GENTLEMAN WANTS SINGLE room, cool and comfortably furnished, with or without board; state price. P. L. S., this office. WA.VTEIt-IIISCELLANBOiI! DO YOU WANT TO SELL YOUR house quick for spot cash? See Fegea’s, 28 East Broughton. WANT EO. PLAIN SEWING AND dressmaking; charges moderate. Apply 415 Park avenue, west. WANTED, A GOOD GENTLE - WORK horse. Apply 215 Tenth street, west. YOU WILL SAVE MONEY AND GET first-class work by having your trunks, satchels and umbrellas repaired and re covered by the Chatham Trunk Factory, Broughton, corner Abercorn street. WANTED, A HORSE FOR HIS FEED during August and September; best of care. Reliable, K., this office. WANTED—TWO SHARES COTTON Exchange stock. J. E. Dickinson, Cotton Exchange building. TO"HIRE FORONE MONTH, WITH privilege of buying, a gentle horse; 422 Gwinnett, east. "NEWLY THE UNION Pawnshop and Loan Office makes the most liberal loans of any one in the city of Savannah on all kinds of pledges. A trial will convince. Please call to see us. 213 and 215 West Broad, near Ogelthrope avenue. Union Pawn shop. ’ IF - YOU DON’T WANT YOUR OLD trunks, exchange them for new ones at Chatham Trunk Factory, Broughton, cor ner Abercorn street. "l WRITE ONE OF THE BEST~"AC cldent policies in existence. I. D. La- P.oehe, agent for United States Casualty Company. EVERYBODY INTERESTED IN real estate to see our bulletin which con tains many valuable -bargains. Coplea mailed on application. Youmans & Dem mond. "WANT"YOU TO HAVE THAT~OL mattress made over, clean and soft; one dollar; returned same day. Telephone forty-one forty-three. YOUR PROPERTY TO SELL AND rents to collect; if you want the best service obtainable, see us. Youmans & Demmond. IF * YOU WANT A TRUNK!"SATCHEL, or telescope for half you pay others, buy at Chatham Trunk Factory, Broughton, corner Abercorn street. CASH"PAID - !FOR." ALL KINDS OF crocus sacks. Apply 312 State street, west. AN“OPPO RTUN ITY - TO"SHOW YOU some of the finest bargains in real estate ever offered. Youmans & Demmond. IF YOU WANT A PLACfa TO DUMP earth, dirt, sand, manure, etc., free of charge, just at city limits, hauling over hard road, write or telephone Brown Biros., corner Anderson and East Broad streets. MONEY TO LOAM. STImPROVED city property, one to five years; low rate of interest. J. E. Pulton & Son. foY'bes T—ROOM s! - Apply on premises or W. B. Sturtevant, U Congress, west. POP. RENT. TO“GENTLEMAN, DEJ sirable room, 22 Oglethorpe avenue, cast, one door from Drayton. FOR RENT FROM OCT. 1, DESIRA bIe flat of three rooms and front piazza; in modern house; centrally located; priv ilege of bath; hot and cold water. 307 Jones street, east. “furnished rooms to rent. with or without board'. 10 West Second street. FEAT NICE ROOMS WITH BATH, suitable for housekeeping; good location. 412 Drayton. FLAT FOR~RENT, $ ROOMS WITH bath; where there are no children; de lightful neighborhood; near to business; low; rent to right party. Peter Reiily. LARGE SOUTH ROOM, WELL FUR nished, reasonable for summer months; 420 Charlton street, east. FLAT TWO CONNECTrNG“ROOMS, and one hall room; use of bath. 443 Price street. CONVENIENTLY ARRANGED FLAT, will suit couple for light housekeeping; house faces square; no children. 430 Hab ersham street. FLAT - FOR RENT; ALSO OTHER rooms; use of bath; southern exposure. 115 Jones, east. TO GENTLEMEN SOUTH’ROOMS, furnished; also south basement rooms for office or school; facing park. 108 Gaston, east. TO RENTTfLAT OCT. - IST, 328 BAR nard street; all southern rooms, on long piazza. “NICELY FURNISHED SOUTH rooms, from four dollars upwards; bath privileges. 121 East Congress. FOR RENT, NICELY FURNISHED rooms, all conveniences. 305 Liberty, east. FOR RENT, FLAT 116 LIBERTY street, west, with private bath. Prender gat & Ganahl. 6 Bryan street, east. FOR RENT, - TWO FLATS AT FIVE eighteen Macon street, east. E. J. Ken nedy. S M ALL - FU R NISH ED~“ROOM. ALL modern conveniences; private family; sin gle gentleman. 105 Perry, east. READY, OCT. 1. TWO NEW COM plete independent modern flats. Apply 105 Perry, east. SOUTH ROOMS WITH OR WITHOUT board. 105 East President street. FOR RENT, NICELY FURNISHED front rooms convenient to bath. 303 Pres ident. west. TWO COOL FRONT ROOMS FUR nlshed; sul able for two young men; or light house keeping. Southwest corner York and Barnard. ~3 ROOMS. WITH USE OF BATH, near Plant System depot. Apply 315 Price, between Liberty and Harris. FURNISHED SOUTH ROOM FOR two young men, cheap rent. Apply 130 Jones street, west. THREE LARGE CONNECTING rooms, bath and toilet on same floor. 237 Jefferson street. _ FOR RENT. A FLAT OF SIX ROOMS, convenient for housekeeping. 217 Wald burg street, west. LOVELY. COOL FLAT; FIVE LARGE roms; all convenience*; cheap. Apply 503 West Anderson. "nick. COOL, LOVELY FURNISHED room for rent at Stokes', 19 York street, cask THE MORNING NEWS: SUNDAY, JULY 22, 1000. FOR nEST-KOOJIS. FOR RENT, PLAT WI ?i 1" ALuTmO D era conveniences. 216 Taylor, west. FURNISHED ROOM FDR RENT, lady preferred. 1107 Lincoln street. Mrs. Lbyd. TO t’Ar.’flES WITHOUT 7’HILDREN, two rooms, furnished; gas stove, suitable for light housekeeping. 228 Oglethorpe, west. FI AT OF FO>UR - ROOMS AND BATH, ill Ninth street, east; possession Aug. 1. " FOR RENT, DESIRABLE FLAT; southern exposure; 222 Duffy street, west; all conveniences; sls per month. Jt E. Ful ton & Son. FOR RENT FLAT, 714 "BROUGHTON street, east; $13.50 per month. J. E. Ful ton & Son. TWO LARGE, UNFURNISHED rooms; also one nicely furnished room. 235 Jefferson, corner Perry. DESIRABLE CONNECTING ROOMS suitable for housekeeping on first and third floor. 127 Abercorn, corner President. FLAT FOUR ROOMS AT ISLE OF Hope; elegantly located; use bath house; partly furnished; no children. References. “Flat,” News office. TWO~ MODERN UNFURNISHED fiats to let, corner Harris and Drayton. 128 Harris, east. FURNISHED ROOMS! WITH~"OR without board; 106 Anderson street, west. TWO LARGE CONNECTING ROOMS for housekeeping; water and sink; second floor; 514 West Charlton. FOR RENT," ONE LARGE I’NFUR nlshed room first floor. Apply No. 415 Pork avenue, west, Moore & Cos. FOR RENT, SPLENDID - FLAT~OF five rooms and bath; second floor; desira ble location; with private family; front Oct. 1. Address I. X. L., care News office. NICELY KEPT, WBLITfURNISHET) rooms for gentlemen or family of 3 for housekeeping; dishes, linen, gas stove: all conveniences of present family. 148 Lin coln street. "FLATOF FOUR ROOMS; EVEY OON venience. 235 Lincoln street. FOR RENT, LARGE. NICELY"'FUR - - nisbed rc-om for two; all conveniences at 304 ‘Oilethorpe avenue, west. COSEY, COOL ROOM IN PRIVATE family; bath and all conveniences. 101 Perry, west. FLAT FOR'RENT,"THTRD~FLOOR, reasonable rates; northwest corner of Price and Mason streets. "nice"FLAT FOR RENT. APPLY AT 116 East Gaston. FOR r.MT-HOCIE>. WITH 7 rooms, 320 Bolton street, west, $21.00 per month. Apply to J. T. Shuptrine, corner Congress and Jefferson streets. FOR RENT. THAT DESIRABLE dwelling No. 13 Gordon street, west; imme diate possession. I. D. Laßoche, Agent. "FOR RENT, BRICK DWELLING IN good repair, with large yard, corner Hall and Abercorn streets, Kollock & Screven, FOR - "RENTi DWELLIO HOUSE, 120 Waldburg street, east; possession Aug. 1. Apply 113 Broughton street, west. HOUSE 113 SECOND!"WEST, 5 ROOMS, seven 50 per month. S. Mendel, 202 Bay, west. BEAUTIFUL RESIDENCE 1003 Drayton street, fronting Park extension, can be rented from Oct. 1. D. B. Lester. JUST REPAIRED, BEST HOUSE FOR sl3 per month in the cily. See it. D. B. Lester. "DO R — RENT. TH RE E-ST ORY BRICK residence near Union depot site; eighteen dollars. Peter Reilly. "FOR RENT, - aT VERYNICE - IIODERN built residence; every convenience; rent reasonable. Peter Reilly. FORRENT, A~ VERY DESIRABLE two-story residence; modern conveniences; choice location; eighteen dollars. Peter Reilly. “FOR RENT. THREE-STORY RESL denee, delightfully situated, fronting a square; sixteen dollars month. Peter Reilly. FO R - RE NT, RES ID ENC E S 321 AN D 313 Hell, east; also 707 and 709 Habersham, all In first-class order; hot and cold wa ter; immediate possession. Apply W. W. Swinton, 208 Eighth street, east. 517 JONES STREET. EAST, SEVEN rooms, fifteen dollars per month. S. Men del. 202 Bay, west. FOR RENT FROM OCT. 1. 205 WALD burg street, west. Apply 505 Jones street, east. FOR rent! no! 226 GWINNETT street, east; possession given October. 1900 Apply to Walt hour & Rivers, Drayton and St. Julian streets. FOR RENT, NO. 2IfjONES STREET, east, furnished or unfurnished; possession given at once. Apply to Walthour A Riv ers, Drayton and St. Julian street. FROM OCT. l! 203 PERRY, WEST, $35; 106 Henry, east, S4O; 1006 Park avenue, east, S2O; 206 Taylor, east, S4O; 213 Wald burg. east, $35; 810 Lincoln street, $35; 303 Gwinnett street, east, very desirable house and location; 212 Waldburg, east, a large and very desirable house; 7, 9 and 13 Duffy, west, each $25. Youtnans & Demmond, Provident building. FOR “IMMEDIATE POSSESSION, 603 Eighth street, west, only fifteen dollars; 303 Gwinnet, east, very desirable; 211 Duffy, east, only twenty-five dollars; 219 Ninth street, west, cool and airy, twenty dollars; 752 Gwinnett, east, eight dollars; 203 Perry, west, thtrty-flv* dollars. Toll mans & Demmond. FORRENT, LARGE HOUSE, FINE location; 124 Harris street, east. Pren. dergast & Ganahl, 6 Bryan street, east. FOR RENT, 106 HULL STREET, west; suitable for a boarding house or the letting of rooms. Prendergast & Ganahl, 6 Bryan street, east. FOR RENT. TWO SMALL HOUSES. 904-908 West Broad street, $lO per month. Prendergast & Ganahl, 6 Bryan street, east. FDR RENT! SIX-ROOM HOUSE, - 43 Eaet Broad street. Prendergast & Ganahl, 6 Bryan street, east. FOR RENT. FROM OCT. 1,“ 411 Charlton street, east; good lease to right party. Prendergast & Ganahl, 6 Bryan street, east. FOR RENT. FROM OCT. 1. DWKLL ing, Anderson street, second east of Aber corn; new and attractive. Prendergast & Ganahl, 6 Bryan street, eaet. “FOR RENT. NO. 101 JONES STREET, east; possession given Oct. 1. Walthour A Rivers, Drayton and St. Julian streets. “FOR RENT! 206 DUFFY STREET, east. Apply to Walthour A Rivers, Dray ton and St. Julian streets. FOR RENT, NO 304 HENRTsTREET, east; possession given Oct. 1. Apply to Walthour & Rivers, Drayton and St. Ju lian afreets. FOR RENT. 508 STATE STREET, east. Walthour & Rivers, Drayton and St. Julian streets. FOR RENT. NO. 311 PERRY STREET, west. Apply to Walthour & Rivers, Dray ton and St. Julian streets. for RENT, Till BARNARD STREET, corner Hall street. Apply o Walthour & Rivers. __ FOR RENT. 612 BARNARD STREET. Apply to Walthour & Rivers, Drayton and St. Julian streets. FOR RENT. NO. 405 PARK AVENUE, west. Apply to Walthour A Rivers, Dray ton and St. Julian streets. “from OCT. IST, 207 HKNRy7 EAST; Utely Improved. Apply 3U6 Henry, east F6H RENT—HOUSES "~FOUFtTEEN""~ROOM HOUSeT" NEAR Ceniral Road; every convenience. Apply A. S. Cohen, River and Lincoln streets; telephone 68. HOUSE 105 PERRY.' EAST. ALL MOD ern conveniences; from Oct. 1. Apply on premises. “RESIDENCE! It DUFFY, ~ WEST, from Oct. -1, can be inspected by appli cation to tenant. Address A. N. O'Keeffe, Waycross, Ga. THUNDERBOLT, DESIRABLY "SlT uated house on river front: also email house. Inquire two-fourteen Bryan street, east. FOR RENT, 314 PRICE STREET; 7 room; sls. Apply 310 East Liberty street. HOUSE, ENTIRELY FURNISHED, TO reliable couple without children, S2O; chita, silverware and everything com plete; excellent location, heart of town. “Modot,” News office. FOR "RENT,"6I3 AND 517 DUFFY west, near West Broad, six rooms and bath; sl4 per month. W. J. Mlscally, Jr. RESIDENCE ON THE " CORNER Jones and Lincoln, In first-class order and condition; will rent in flats to congenial tenants or the house entire. Estate Salo mon Cohen, West Broad and Broughton streets. HOUSES N0 214 ANI) NO." 216 WALD burg street, west, between Barnard and Jefferson streets; every convenience; first class order and condition; right rent to right tenants. Estate Salomon Cohen, West Broad and Broughton streets. BRICK RESIDENCE NO. 120 HALL street, east; finest locality in the city; per fect order and condition; magnificent home; right rent to right tenant. Estate Salomon Cohen, West Broad and Brough ton streets. N0."221 PERKY STREET. WEST; CON venient for business; first-class order and ! condition; every convenience. Estate Sal | omon Cohen, West Broad and Broughton I streets. ! RESIDENCE No! 415 GASTON ' street, east, between Habersham and I Price; will rent as flats to congenial fan- I ilies, or entire house; every convenience; ! house in perfect order and condition. Es tate Salomon Cohen, corner lYest Broad and Broughton streets. FOR RENT, DWELLINGS, 518 AND 530 Montgomery, corner Huntingdon; also 515 Bay, east. G. H. Remshart, 16 Bryan, east. for"rentTfS6m: oct. i, dwell ings, 418 and 420 Charlton street, east; ten rooms; rent reasonable. G. H. Remshart, 10 Bryan, east. "RESIDENCE OVER DRUG - STORE for rent from Oct. 1. Apply to Reed & Cos., Jones and Abercorn. COTTAGE" HOUSE 297 THIRD AVE" nue. east. Apply 30 Broughton, west. "FOR RENT, THAT DESIRABLE RES idence, 118 State street, east; large grounds and outbuildings; possesison Oct. 1. J_. E. Fulton & Son. FOR RENT. TWO-STORY HOUSE, 220 Park avenue, west; seven rooms and bath; $lB per month. J. E. Fulton & Son. FOP. RENT,~RF,SIDENCE. 529 HARRIS street, east; possession Oct. 1. J. E. Ful ton & Son. THAT SPLENDID RESIDENCEk Sl4 Huntingdon street, east; large grounds; choice location. J. E. Fulton & Son. FOR RENT FROM"OCT.~"l! RESl deneb, 811 Lincoln street; $25 per month. J. E. Fulton & Son. FOR RENT, RESIDENCE, - 118 GWlN nett street, east; choice location; posses sion Oct. L J. E. Fulton &. Son. FOR RENT, HOUSE, 1118 JEFFERSON street; seven rooms and bath; S2O per month. J. E. Fulton & Son. FOR RENT. FROM OCT."l! RESl dence, 3tq New Houston street, west; $22.50 per month. J. E. Fulton & Son. FOR RENT, FROM OCT. 1, LARGE residence. 309 Bolton street, east; S3O per month. J. E. Fulton & Son. "FOR RENT, RESIDENCE, 113 DUFFY street, west; all conveniences; large yard; $22.50 per. month. J. E. Fulton & Son. FOR RENT, NEW RESIDENCE. 202 Second avenue, east, corner Abercorn; all modern improvements. J. E. Fulton & Son. FOR RENT! THAT DESIRABLE, residence 130 Henry street, west; southern exposure; large yard; $25 per month. J. E. Fkilton & Son. FOR RENT, THAT SPLENDID RESl dence, 127 Gordon street, east, facing square; large grounds; moderate rental. J. E. Fulton Son. NO. 120 TAYLOR STREET," WEST, for rent; possession Oct 1. J. E. Fulton & Son. No. 901 WHITAKER"STREET~COR ner Bolton, for rent; possession Oct. 1 or Immediately. J. E. Fulton & Son. FOR RENT, FROM OCT. 1, DESIRA bIe resldenoe, 109 Jones street, east. J. E. Fulton & Son. FOR RENT,"RESIDENCE, 209 HALL Street, west, near Barnard; possession Oct. 1. J. E. Fulton & Son. “LARGE RESIDENCe! "113"LIBE RTY street, west, for rent.from Oct. 1; outbuild ings and stable. J. E. Fulton & Son. FOR RENT, RESIDENCE, 110 DUFFY street, west; possession Oct. 1. J. E. Ful ton & Son. for rent! desirable resi dence, 1311 Barnard street; all modern im provements. J. E. Fulton & Son. FOR RENT,.FROM OCT. 1, THAT DE slrable residence, 106 Bolton street, west, near Park Extension; possession can be given at once. J. E. Fulton & Son. FOR RENT, TWO-STORY HOUBE. STO Harris street, east; $lO per month. J. E. Fulton & Son. FOR RENT FROM OCT. l! R Evi dence, 118 Duffy street east; all modern conveniences. J. E. Fulton & Son. FOR RENT.“' THIAT DESIRABLE residence, 106 Oglethorpe avenue, east, with all conveniences; can be rented from Oct. 1. Apply to J. M. Daniel, care Nich olas Lang, .9 Barnard street. FOR RENT, FOUR VER Y “ DESIRA bIe houses, Jones and Abrcorn;lmmediate possession. Apply R. S. Claghorn, 110 Bryan street, east. RESIDENCE, FLATS OR ROOMS FOR rent cheap; 228 York, east. FOR KENT, DWELLING WITH large yard 112 President street, east. Kol lock & Screven. FOP. RENT. DELIGHTFUL DWELL ing, with every convenience, Including outbuilding; 308 Jones street, east. Kol lock and Screven. FOR RENT, TWO NEW DWELLINGS with all modern Improvements and every comfort, corner Eighth and Barnard streets; will be completed In August. Kollock A Screven. FOR RENT, FROM" AUOTT - FINE new two-story house on First street (soulh side), second west of Habersham street; has all modern conveniences. Ap ply 321 York street, east, or 10 Bay street, east. , "FOR RENT FROM OCT. 1, HOUSE southeast corner of DttfTy and Whittaker. Apply 103 West Duffy. TO RENT, RESIDENCE - 425 MONT gomery street. W. H. Dooner, 17 Henry, east. FOR RENT, 1012 JEFFERSON: ALL conveniences; eight rooms. Apply 201 Waldburg, west. FOR KENT— MISCELLANEOUS. “ 130 Jones street, west. FLAT CONNECTING ROOMS. FIRST floor; large hall third floor, suitable for any purpose. John Lyons. ruK nE.vr— storks. FOR RENT, STORE AND BASEMENT under Odd Fellows’ Hall, corner State and Barnard streets. Inquire Room 7, upstairs. FOR RENT, FROM SEPT. 1, THAT desirable store and residence northwest corner Duffy and Jefferson streets, now occupied by Mr. Benj: Uails. J. E. Ful ton & Son. FOR RENT, STORE. 147 WHITAKER street; possession given Oct. 1. Preuder gast & Ganahl, 6 Bryan street, east. FOR RENT FROM OCT." C STORE, 314-16 Broughton street, west; three stories on cellar, extending to lane. Prendergast & Ganahl, 6 Aryan street, east. FOR RENT, REAR HALF OF STORE! 17 Congress street, west. Inquire in front store. 35 WHITAKER STREET, IS ONE OF the best located sit r s In the city and can be rented cheap, Sept. 1. D. B. Lest r. FOR RENT. 1 HAT DESIRABLE store and warehouse formerly occupied by George W. Ttedeman & Bro., corner Bay and Montgomery street; in perfect order and condition; right rent to right tenant; possession can be given immedi ately. Est. Salomon Cohen, corner West Broad and Broughton streets. FOB RENT—OFFICES. ment; newly papered and painted. 535 Broughton, east. Fun SALE—BEAL ESTATE. ”T^OIT^ALIpTUGSbrLOTS^ISr^G^ street, near East Broad, have only been sold o ttrst-clftss parties, who will make good neighbors; anil none other can buy. The terms are very easy, and they are cheaper than any other In the vicinity. C. H. Dorset!. FOR SALE, LOTS ON NINTH STREET near East Broad; no city tuxes, at S2OO each; twenty-live dollars cash, and easy monthly payments. C. H. Dorsett. FOR sale! LOTS ON NINTH, near East Broad, at S2OO each; will soon be advanced to $225; when a lot has been paid for I can arrange to get a home built. C. H. Dorsett. "FOR SAI.K. A lot FUR TWO Ht'N dred dollars; easy terms, on Ninth street, near East Broad; no city taxation. C. H. Dorsett. FOR SALK, 69 FEET ON BULL BE tween Ninth and Tenth, facing east; big bargain to quick buyer. E. G. Black. FOR SALE, 13 HOUSES ON PAUL sen and Bolton streets bringing excellent rental; can be bought cheap. E. G. Black. "FOR SALE. CORNER LOT ANDER son and Abercorn. This lot is 72 feet front by 105 deep and the price is way below Us value. E. G. Block, 6 Bryan, oust. "FOR SALE, TWELVE LOTS BB tween Barnard and Jefferson on Eleventh and Twelfth streets. A regular pick up at the price. Owner anxious to realize on his holdings. E. G. Black. ■ FOR SALE, no! 107 TAYLOR STREET, east, seoond from Drayton; $350 cash, bal ance 7 per cent. To those wishing a cen trally located house will do well to Inspect this. E. G. Black. 6 Bryan street, east. FOR SALE, DESIRABLE RESIDENCE northeast corner of Drayton and First; 60-foot lot, ten-room house; will carry large portion of purchase money at low rate of interest. See E. G. Black, 6 Bryan, east. FOR SALE! THOSE" TWO - FOUR story brick houses on the southwest cor ner of Hall and Barnard; will sell one or both. This property will be sold in Sep tember at auction If not sold before that date. Corner will make excellent stand for store. E. G. Black. FOR S-ALE, NO. 117 EAST WALD burg, between Drayton and Abercorn. This well-appointed and elegantly sit uated home Is to be sold. 1 am instruct ed to 6ell at auction In September if not sold before that time at private aale. House contains 11 rooms and occupies 60- foot lot. The value of the lot will almost buy the property. E. G. Black. WE~ HAVE THE CHOICEST LOTS and nicest homes on he market; if you are thinking of buying let us send you a copy of our real estate bulletin; it will interest and give you much information. Youraans & Demmond, Provident build ing. WE HAVE SEVER AI, PIECES OF property, which will yield from ten to fourteen per cent. You only get three from fhe banks; why not take advantage of this opportunity? Youmans & Dem mond. TOA PARTYUA VINO ABOUT THlß teen thousand dollars to Invest, wb have something which we can recommend as a safe and good paying property. Youmans & Demmond. IF YOU ARE HESITATING ABOUT leasing for another year, why not let us sell you a home, and let the money you are now paying for rent go to help pay for it. Youmans & Demmond. DON'T FORGET THAT YOUMANS & Demmond's Real Estate Bulletin will give you more information in ten minutes than you can possibly obtain elsewhere. Drop us a line or call for copy. Youmans A Demmond, Provident building. FOR SALE, NORTHEAST CORNER Hull and Jefferson; good business stand. W. J. Miscally, Jr. FOR SALE, RESIDENCE ON JONES, near Bull; three-story brick on basement; all modern conveniences; heated through out by steam; an elegant home or first class Investment. W. J. Miscally, Jr. NICE RESIDENCE ON JONES street, near Drayton, cheap. I. D, La- Roche. SMALL D WELLING AND LARGE lot on Montgomery, near Third street, eight hundred dollars. I. D. Laßoche. TWO NICE DWELLINGS ON DUFFY street, near Ab rcorn. I, D. Laßtche. 2 LARGE LOTS ON ANDERSON, near Price; also 2 large lots on Eleventh street, near Bull sireet; pi ice cheap; terms easy. I. D. Laßoche. BRK'K STORE AND RESIDENCE, s uthwest corner Gaston and Prlc. street; tine business location. I. D. Laßoche. LARGE BUILDING SOCTHBAST < orner Lumber and Bay streets; pays nine pfr oent. net on price asked. I. D. La- Roche. 86 ACRES ON “LOUISVILLE ROAD 150 acres c.n Augusta r ad; both contain fine timber; pilce ten dollars p ; r acre. I. D. Laßoche. FOUR HUNDRED ACRES OF LAND on Wilmington Island, with ni w dwelling artesian well, fruit, oysters, fish, shrimp, etc., in abundance; also an island near Thunderbolt; large river front, planted with oysters. I. D. Laßoche. FOR SALE. THAT ELEGANT REBl dc-nce, 128 Taylor street, cast, corner Aber corn. J. E. Fulton A Son. “FOR - SALE, TWO TWO-STORY houses. Henry street, rear West Broad; rental $234 per annum will pay handsomely on price asked. J. E. Fulton & Son. “FOR - SALE, TWO-STORY HOUSE, Habersham street,near Fifth; two hundred dollars cash and balance in easy monthly payments. J. E. Fulton & Son. FOR BALE, 'AN IDEAL HOUSE“ON Second avenue, near Abercorn; easy terms. J. E. Fulton A Son. FOR" SALE.""LARGE " BRICK REBl dencc, Drayton street, facing Forsyth Park. J. E. Fulton & Son. FOR SALE. 616 BISMARCK STREET; large lot, four-room ht use; pi Ice $391. Just the snap for a money maker! Plat shek & Cos., 110 Bryan, east. FOR SALE, ELEGANT LOT NORTH w st corner Sixth and Whitaker, s',sJ<>; sze 30 by 150. P atshtk A Cos. FOR SALE, LOT 30 BY HO ON HULL street, facing Thomas Park; price $1,600; term* easy, Platahek & Cos. FOB (ALE—BEAL KSTATIC. FOR SALE. THE BEST LOT ON bi tween Habersham and Price, three hundred dollars; y u can't afford to wait; se • us quick! Platshek A Cos. FOR SALE, 519 TENTH, WEST, four room hon e, lot 30 by 125; price $560; the greatest bargains of the day! Plat shek & Cos. FOR SALE, 631 NINTH, WEST. TWO story frame dwelling; *ro my rooms and la ge lot. sllsO and easy terms. Platshek & Cos. FOR SAT E, TWO ACRES CLEARED land on Louisville Road, lacing paved read, about 2',a mips fr m city. Pi Ice $.00; great bargain! Platshek & Cos. FOR SALE, MAGNIFICENT HOME on 60-foot lot, n. ar Park lfxtinsl n; pr oe $8,500; get i artlculars! Platshek & Cos. FOR SALE. THAT BEAUTIFUL “terrace'' lot southwest corner Ninth and Lincoln. 30 by 94; only $650; go see this gem! Platshek & Cos. FOR PALE, NEARLY ONE MILLION dollars worth of real estate, homes and home-sites; you are a loser If you fail to call on us! Platshek & Cos. FOR SALE, ON EA3I TERMS." MOD ern ten-room house; all rooms connect and all separate; three large halls; bath room, etc., 41S Henry street, east. Apply at Launey Studio, 21 Broughton, west. FOR SALE, THOSE TWO SPLENDID lots, Whitaker street continued, corner Eleventh ami Whitaker, and Twelfth and Whitaker. U. H. Remshart, 16 Bryan, east. * FOR SALE! MY RESIDENCE AT Pine ora, Ga.; easy terms. 6. C. Elkins, 424 West Congress. * FOR SALE, LOT" 30X125! FACING south on Eleventh street, near Barnard. S. Mendel. 202 Bay, west. FOR SALE, LOT ON NINTIfSTREET; third lot east of East Broad: 45-foot front; at a sacrifice for cash. Bargain, care Morning News. “TWO - TATEMSVILLE LOTS CAN BE purchased at cash sale cheap. Owner leav ing city. “PHJ,” News. JL" > FOlt >AMt—UlStßLlAltlCOlll. BENZOIN BALM MAKES THE SKIN as soft and ftnooi(i as velvet; one appli cation relieves the pain and destroys the redness from sunburn, 25c. At Persse’s Drug Stores, Henry and Abercorn and Whitaker and Taylor. FOR SALE—AMATEUR PHOTO graphers' attention; Camera; bargain for cash; Premo A, 6HxBVi extra fine lens; tripod, trays, lump, scales, printing frames, etc; A1 condition; outfit lists for over $63; sell for S3O cash; will exchange for shotgun. Camera, care Morning News. FOR SALE. A1 JERSEY MILK COW, cheap. W. G. Wllch, Thunderbolt. "COWS FOR SALE." IF YOU WANT A good milker or springer reasonably, call at 471 West Boundary. FOB SALE. FIRST-CLASS QUEEN grocery in line locality; very cheap; owner wants to leave city at once. Address July, News. "FOR SALE! SECOND-HAND BABY carriage, cheap. Cull 16 Henry, weal. FOR SALE, FOUR-SEAT “SURRY good as new, cheap. Thomas F. Gleason & Cos. foiTsale, grocery and green grocery; good reason for selling. Inquire C., Morning News. FOR SALE, PAYING PATENT; PAR ty has good reason for selling. C. B. 8., News office. FOR SALE-INVALIDS AND'OTHERS desiring strictly fresh eggs can have same delivered at their residence* as often as desired by sending older to S. J. Whea ton, 18 Bryan street, east. FOR SALE. ' H ANDSOME HORSE. 5 years old; gentle and sound; new buggy and harness, fine make. A., Morning News. EoR SAI.K. BATEAU"RAIL BOAT, 20 feet; fast and In fine condition. Address Sl>eclal, care News. FOR SALE, FINE SQUARE" PIANO, suitable for music teacher or Sunday School, cheap for cash. 202 Liberty s reel, wist. FOR SALE, THE NAPHTHA launch “Carrie;" length 30 feet, ten horse power engine and bottom coppered; now In commission and In perfect condition; liberal terms to responsible parties. J. A. G. Carson. "FOR SALE CHEAP.abelt elevator; capacity 2,000 pounds. Apply business of fice Morning News. • for Sale, fine thoroughbred pointer dog; eight months old. Address Thoroughbred, Morning News. PRIVATE SALE OF FURNITURE, chinn. glassware, etc,, at Mrs. Cooney's, Thunderbolt Road, near Toll Gate. HUGO Y A Nl> ROADC'ART FOR SALE. Apply 215 West Duffy. FOR SALE—ONE" THIRTY BARRFL still and fixtures, thirty thousand acres, fine mill and turpentine timber, twelve mules, two horses, four wagons, commis sary stock, with good cash trade; twenty shanties, full force hands, cut twenty crops last season; location In South Flor ida; perfectly healthy; ten miles from transportation; for particulars, address S. S. S., care News. PEAS. PEAS, CHEAP FOR COW feed, and for seed. For sale by J. C. Slater, Congress and Jefferson streets. A LOT OF WIRE AND CANVAS cos. fi ly per rent. Uss than manufacture cost; our S2B top buggy cannot be beat, odds and ends In all our various lines, will be sold for lees than cost; we can furnish your house from garret to basement, 60 per cent less than elsewhere. M. Nathan, 124 and 226 Congress street, weft. WILL BE SOLD, AT YOUNGLOVE and Sipples auction, Tuesday, cow and calf; good milker. FOR SALK. TWO FINE "MTLKF.RS, with young calves will g ve fifteen quarts p, r day. 628 William street. HAVE SEVERAL VALUABLE LAW hooks that I will dispose of cheap for cash. ‘‘PHJ, 1 ’ News. FOR HALE TYPE WRITERS, ~A I.L standard makes sold half price or less; shlpjsd for Irish Wilt* for • a'a'.ogve and net prices F. S. Webster Cos., 319 Broad way, Si w York. GENTLE PONy!“bROKEn“to“:SAD dIe; regular chijd's horse; can be seen Bull and Seventh streets. FOR SALE, SECOND HAND "El.eC trlc elevator machinery; good condition. Savannah Electric Company, 40 Drayton. ASH AND CYPRESS LUMBER FOR Ml*—l6o,ooo feet of ash suitable for wheel wrights, carriage maker*, car work* and Interior bouse finish. Also cypress lumber of all sizes. We have resumed cutting our famous brands of cypres* shingles and will soon have a full line of them for gal*. Vale Uoyal Manufacturing Company. LOST AM) FOUND. KEYS and knife. Reward returned to Launey’* Studio. t. FRIDAY NIGHT on car Tor on pavl'lon at I*l of Hope, ladle* black iack< t lin<d with purple. Reward if re turned to 107 Broughton, west. LOST. BETWEEN MY RESIDENCE at White Bluff and Vernon Driving Park, one dress ault case, marked F. R C. I4l>eral reward If returned to G. H. R mshart. MOARDina. '^IOOiJndOAKir^TMOASANT^tOOMhb nice location, reasonable rates, at 323 Harris street, east. BOARDERS WANTED. NO. 106 PRES ident, east. BOARDING. BOARD, WITH LARGE COMFORT abIe rooms; southern exposure; special summer rates; 23 Perry, west. COUPLES OR GENTLEMEN CAN BB accommodated with choice south rooms and best table board; table boarders also desired; 612 Barnard street. “FURNISHED ROOMS WITH BOARD"; also table boarders. 119 East Liberty street. BOARDERS. SOUTH ROOMS, FROkfT parlor on tirst floor, <1 n-.r\g room with electric fans; board reasonable. Gordon ar.d Drayton. BOARD. FRONT SOUTH' ROOMS for gentlptnen: also table boarders. tU West Jones street. ftunieu HKSORTJJ. June 6. Just flie place to ppend the hot month*; pure mountain air fresh fruits and xegi right off the farm four miles from Tallulah Fal s twe and a half to Turn* rsvllle, the postoffic< and station; c’ailv mail; all putties m*i on short notice; mineral Tvarrr and ice cold water Ahire. s W. O. Davidson, Tur nersville, Ga. PERSONS DESIRING A HOMELIKE boarding house will find same at 57 Cherry street, nenr postoffloe and churches aruJ convenient to car line; large, shady grounds; no consumptives taken; chlldrer full rates. Mrs. A. P. Lii Barbe, 57 Cherry street, Asheville, N. C. NEW YORK CITY, ?.S WEST 25TW street, near Hoffman House; rooms and board, moderate prices, excellent service and table; highest references. Mitt Bundy. PRIVAT® BOARD; MRS Cook. 15S Chestnut street. Asheville. N. C Newly furnished rooms and excellent table. T. rms reasonable. FAMILY LIVING BETWEEN HEN dersonville and Flat Rock. N. C., would like to take a few boarders. Addresi Q., Hendersonville, N. C. PRIVATE BOARD. LA ROE SHADY lawn, pleasant rooms, ffood tahlo. For terms address, 9 Hiawasseo Place Ah Vi lie, N. C. A SHEVILL K, N. C 7, M SOUTH Main street; cool and shudy; terms rea sonable. Mrs. Grate#. IJ)ICATI().Y\U wtfl reopon Oct. 2, nt 808 Drayton street, Savannah, (ie.; for particulars, addresi Mi se Anna Starr, 316 Fourth street, Elyria, O. Mrs. Louis G. Young:, principal. BbaIAESS CIJAACE9. RE AL ESTATE ANT> ?N MIXxCE agents who have their own office and some spare time can materially increase their incomes without expense or trouble or in terfering with present business, fend mnkr permanent connection with well-knowr. ffnanclal house. Address Financial, Box 2007, New York city. ‘.MiAKE YOUR MONEY KAUN YOUB salary.” sloo invested by my “Safe Hpeo ulation Plan” in grain, or etooks has mads more money in thirty days than a me chanic earns in sixty; send for free partlo. ulars, customer and bank reference* Richard Jones, Investment Broker, 40 Ex> change Place, New York. JHSt'ELLA.VEOUS. ELECTRIC SUPPLIES, DYNAMOS, motors, fane, bells, light* installed. Sa vannah Electric Company, 40 Drayton. THE MOST UP-TO-DATE WORK IS being turned out by Forest City Laundry. 'Phone 1575. INTERIOR DECORATING COMPANY, 113 State, west, agent for best metal ceil ings for parlors, office*, etc. FINE WATCH REPAIRING A Spe cialty; all work guaranteed, at Koch A Sylvan's, 46 Whitaker, BEWARE OF JACK LEGS! OUR prices fair; work satisfactory on papat hanging-iialnting. William Taylor. WB CLEAN CLOTHES BY THE RE sorclne anilscptlc process. Try us. New York Steam Dye Works, Whitaker and State. FOR FISHING TACKLE, NETS, ETC., go to Cornwell A Chlpman. UPHOLSTERING DONE "IN BEST style and in best workman-like manner; price reasonable. David Clark, 141 Jeffer son. * STEP INTO MY STORE"AND GET A bottle of fine old Lewis ’G6; remember It Is '66, and not some other brand; Old Crow Is Kreat; try It. William Dlera, Weil Broad and Liberty. LADIES AND " "GENTLEMEN.' Fll ready with spring stock of umbrellas, par asols repaired and recovered; locks and keys. M Dominitz. Corner Oglethorpe- Barnard. G*. Phone 1059. SPECTACLES, EYEGLASSES! - GOLD, silver, aluminum; eyes tesied free; satis faction guaranteed. Koch A Sylvan's, 46 Whitaker. CHEAPNESS IN PAPER" HANGING and painting, is getting skilled mechanics at fair prices. See Taylor, Knights of Fythlas Ilall. 'PHONE 1575 FOR FOREST “CITY Laundry. They will call for your linen immediately. PAPER HANGING DOWN IN * REST style by Interior Decorating Company. 113 State, west, “IT DOESN'T - PAY TO PRESS "DIRT or gasoline In fine clothes. New York Steam Dye Works, Whitaker-State. ' FOR - RANGES AND STOVES, GO TO Cornwell A Chlpman. MATTRESSES R ENOVATED AND worked over thoroughly; best moss mat tresses made to older. David Clark, 141 Jefferson. A BOTTLE OF FINE OLD CRO# will be the thing these cold days; none so pure as at Wm. Diets, West Broad and Liberty. JUST RECEIVED, LARGE ASSORT ment of gentlemen'* and ladles’ gold chains and fobs; latest patterns. Koch A Sylvan's. BEWARE OF STREET CORNER CON traotors There are few reliable painters here. Taylor Is one of the few. WE GIVE YOU ETTHUR DOMESTIC or gloss finish; perfect wurk. Forest City Laundry, Park avenue. PAINTING DONE BY BEST AR tlsls; work guaranteed. Interior Decor ating Company, 113 State, west. LET US CI.HAN YOUR CLOTHES BY Rfsorclne antiseptic process. New York Steam Dy* Works, Whitaker-State streets. FOR HARDWARE AND TOOLS, GO to Cornwell & Chlpman's. ELECTRO PLATING, ELECTRIC RE pairlng, contracting and construction. Sa vannah Electric Company, 40 Drayton. .Good Positions tjsjpUtj Young Mm riofySN Women Wfio ja k.e our practical (pdrse dICHMONO’n / { COLLEGES. 5