The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, July 25, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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2 WATER FAMINE IN ATLANTA. FACTORIES SHIT DORN AND BUSI NESS HAMPERED. City W'mn Wffhont Water T*venty foor Honrs and nn Ice Famine Wa Threatened— nilMcolty Experienced in Getting Water far Drinking. There War a Small Fire hut For innately It Was Pnt Ont With Dirt and Chemical Engine*. Atlanta. July 2-i.-Atlanta has ara n been in the throes cf a water famine. Be cause of a broken valve near the pumping station the water was cut off at 8 o’clock last night and not a drop was pumped into the city until 2 o’clock this afternoon. It was 6 o'ckv'k this afternoon before th* water rtachecl the floors of high build irgs. Faucets wheezed and whisiled with dry throats, mills shut down, elevators •topped running, factories fal’ered in their daily output, engines gasped and died, bakeries went to borrowing, barbers bolted the r doors, laurdr.cs lay idle, and hotels were harrassrd by drought. The government thermometer rfg stered 87 degrees in the shade. The Atlanta fire department men stayed close to their quarters, alert and almost trembl'ng with f( ar that the gong would strike an alarm cf fire. They felt the dai ger and they wer prepared to fight it with axes and exper ience Hotels, restaurants, office buildings, fac tories, everything up town is without water and only with the greatest difficulty arethe hotels and restaurants to get enough water to cook with, baths and wa ter for other uses being totally out of the question. Elevators in the sky scrapers have stopped, factories have shut down and the streets have been crowded all day with employes woh cannot return to work until the water is turned on again. Finn noin I Foss In Lni ftp. The financial loss to the factories will run way up into the thousands. Bottled waters and other kinds on sale at drug stores, soda founts and saloons would be exhaus ed by another day of famine. Per sons who own wells never realized their superiority over the remainder of mankind until to-day and a set price of five cents u bucket prevaJls in certain parts of the city. Many wells have been kept dry by the constant run on them. Great financial loss hap resulted to the factories of the city, which are depend ant upon the water supply, owing to an enforced shut down for the day. For in stance the Exposition Mill sent its em ployes home early this morning and up town in big factories like the Inman Snrith Company’s place on Pryor street thfcire haft been no work done. In these two places alone there are possibly employes and the consequent loss has been extremely heavy. The same state of af fairs is true erf other factories in. the city. Altogether, it Is estimated 3.000 men are out for to-day because of the lack of water. Shipping of goods is at a ef.ind etill in th# uptown places where elevators are used, as it is practically impossible to move heavy goods from floor to floor without elevators. This was one of the troubles in Inman, Smith & Co.’s. The railroads of the city have not. by any means, escaped the inconvenience consequent upon the famine. In many of the railroad yards, however, there are private wells, gigantic affairs like the one in the Georgia Railroad yard, where engines take water, and thl6 has helped out wonderfully. In other yards, how ever, it has beer necessary to haul water in for the use of the locomotives. Danger of nn Ice Famine. One of the dangers threatened by the water works crisis is an ice famine. There has been a scarcity of ice in the city to day. and the small consumer? are the onee who have suffered. Several ice man ufacturing people eaid this ofiernoon they had been compelled to turn down a num ber of orders during the day. This morn ing a number of the large ice consumers ■were notified that their orders would have to b* cut. The scarcity of ice has had its effect on the soda fountains. Proprie tors of a number of fountains were told early to-day that the lack of water would make it impossible to have their order* completely filled. There was a small fire in the rear of the Wall street office of the Southern Expre* company this morning With a fair start it would have meant great loss to Atlanta. Having no water to fight ihe Are. Chief Joiner’s laddies used dirt, and fhis new weapon of defense, combined w!*th the chemical engine’s efforts, put an end to the Maze. At a mass meeting to-night the citizens elected H. H. Cabaniss chairman of a committee <to be named by him to co-op erate with the City Council to find the causes of the waterworks’ trouble and the remedy for it. MUST SERVE TXVEXTY DAYS. Bat Detective Looney Hr* Disap peared From Stlnnta. Atlanta, July 24.—Detective Dave Looney, who under a recent decision of the Supreme Court, i* due to serve twenty days in jail for contempt of court, has disappeared. He could not be found to day. The appeal to the Supreme Court was decided adversely to Looney, July 10. The remittitur from the Supreme Court reach ed the Superior Court this morning. Judge John S. Candler is expected to re turn to the city Monday tvhen the judg ment of the Supreme Court will be .made that of the lower court. If Looney has returned by that time he will probably begin serving his sentence, if his physi cal condition will permit. Looney is under bond In the turn of SIOO In the contempt case. He is also under bond to answer a charge of embracery in the Superior Court. He left the city Fri day, July 13 Looney’s friends say he ! sick, and will return as soon as he is atle to do so. 191 MEMORY OF COL. HAMMOND. Atlanta Bor and Supreme Coart tdopt Renolntlon*. Atlanta, July 24.—The memory of the late Col. N. J. Hammond was honored by the Supreme Court this morning. A me morial session was held by that body, and the commutes of the Atlanta liar appoint ed some time ago to prepare some resolu tions In memory of the distinguished law yer. made Its report. Ex-Chief Justice Logan E. Bleckley of Clarksville was chairman of the committee. He read the resolutions, which were the eame as were reported in the Superior Court some months ago Other members of the com mittee were Judge John L. Hbpklns, Will iam P. Hill, Alejf-Smlth and Luther Ros ser. At the request of tho Chief Justice, Mr. Justice Lumpkin responded for the Su preme Court. The proceedings of the morning will be-entered on the minutes ©f the Supreme Court and the resolutions and responee of Justice Lumpkin will be print ed in the next edition of the Georgia Re ports. Hood's Pills Do not gripe nor irritate the alimen tary canal. They act gently yet promptly, cleanse effectually and Give Comfort t Sold by all druggists. 25 cents. MUM V 0 MS I will guaraatee fiSKjSfiCajK that urz Kidney Cur* will cor. *0 pr rent g#' BSE *-ras* 0 f tl) forgo, of kidney 42? oomplalat and In lu jiffey many Inftinrr. tb. Wf iiQtnfM/a umi atrloui form, of L pg* Bright'* dlaaaaa. If \L /aflV the dl.taa. I. com jl plloated .end a four ounce rial of urine. IfmlMhlf trill analyae It and adriae you flea It all diuaaiata. tCc. a rial Or.lde ta Holt* tf’toe tree. W* Arck ■>.. Pb.l.', KIDNEY CURE ATHENS NEWS NOTES. Soldiers Want to Go to Chinn—Sun dry Matters of Interest. Athens. Ga., July 21—Out of a m mher ship of forty, more than twen'y-five mem bers of the Athens Guards have express ed to Capt. McCurdy their willingness to go to China with the Third Georgia Reg iment. should th r ' sfrvlces of these troops be accepted by the government. Col. R. M. Thomasson, who is in the city, is de lighted with the appearance of the Guards. compl rr.rnMng e p cially the good care taken of their arms by the men. Will Lrrtarp on Chinn. During the fall and winter, the A'hen aeum Club will arrange a scries of in teresting lectures to be delivered at their club houi-e for the benefit of the mem ber?. The first of ilrs* lectures will be delivered by Prof Sylvanus Morri q , who will discuss the Chinese question A por tion of the lecture is to be delivered in the Manchurian dialect. rrlcm for the Farmers. Mr. C. T. Hussey has been appointed chaitman of a commlt-ee from the Athen aeum Club w hich proposes to raise SI,OOO to be offered as priz s for the best sp'-ci mens of wheat, oats, corn and hay. The contest will be op**r to farmers in Clarke and surrounding counties. Tt will be closed on July 1. 3901, when a commit'ee w ill name the w nn* r. Over Eb) has a ivady bfrn subscribed and the club antic pates little difficulty in getting tip the remainder of the amount needed. The exhibits will be brought to the club build irgs and will be ready for the Inspection of members of the Weekly Press Associa tion w hen they ecme to Athens in 1901. Fney t'obh Janitor Dend. “Uncle TVge” Dean, the old darkey who has for so many years been the efficient janitor at Lucy Cobb Institute, is dead. His was a familiar figure at the college and in the city. He had many friends in the city, as well as at Lucy Cobb, where his services will be missed. The Antl-Cot Club. President Sto\all is continually receiving inquiries regarding the Athens Anti-Coat Club, or 'The Shirt Brigade.” He has, recently, had communications from Brunswick. Rome and Little Rock. Ark.. r<queMing him to furnish the writ ers with the “constitution and by-laws” of the c'.ub. The commune appointed to draw up these regulations has not yet re ported. ANXIOUS TO GO TO CHINA. Governor'* Horse Gnard Volunteer* Through f’*pt. Hope. Atlanta. July 24.—The members of the Governors Horse Guard of Atlanta ore anxious to fight fho Chinese. Capt. George Hope called on Gov. Candler thie morn ing and volunteered for himself and his men. in case they are needed by the gov ernment. The Horse Guard one of the oldest cavalry organizations in the state, and is one of the best equipped. TAte men are thorough in every’ detail of the cavalry service and each member of the troop is anxious to assist in punishing the Chinese shoujd the occasion call them out. The Governor has received notive from various companies recently (hat they were ready to go at any time. The Horse Guard bo far is the only cavalry’ troop in the state that has signified a willingness to go to China. Although it is expected the entire cavalry regiment wrlll respond if called on. JUDGE HART’S CHARGE. Severe Arraignment of “Blind TA ger" Keeper* anil Gnnililer*. Dublin, Ga., July 24.—Yesterday Judge John C. Hart delivered one of the most sensational charges to the grand Jury ever heard in* Laurens county. He said that those who sold liquor Illicitly were not men but creatures, and that the only other meaner person was he who patronized a blind tiger and then would go before the grand Jury and lie about it. In the opinion of Judge Hart Ihe midnight assassin and the person guilty of arson were better men than the blind tiger keeper. One would take your life and the other destroy your property, but the blind tiger would destroy your soul. Gambling was then touched upon severely. He said that buying cotton or other futures was as much wrong as playing cards for money, and that the law should be made to apply to this form of gambling as well as the others. Judge Hart's charge was well received by the people. GUYTON HIGH SCHOOL. Prof. Hortln of llldgcTroy, S. C., Elected Principal. Guyton. Ga., July 24.—Council met last night to consider applications for tne Guyton High School. Ten applications W'rre read by the eleik. most of them fur nished excellent testimonials. It was a difficult matter to make a selection, and considerable time was taken up discuss ing the merits of the different applicants, the ballot was finally taken, and Prof. W. M. Hortin, of Ridgeway. S. C., was elect ed principal of the school. Prof. Hortin comes well recommended and he has had several years experience in teaching. He has been successful in his chcsen profession. The Guyton Truck and Fruit Growers So’i'iy will give a picnic to-morrow. This annual picnic has been one of the most enjoyable occasions of the year for sev ers)! seasons past, and th s promises to be eqbal to any. Douglas New* Note*. Douglas, Ga , July 24.—There is some dis satisfaction at the commissioners recelv | Ing the Jail cells that were rejected by Irwin county, and 11 is boldly staled on j,the streets that any good man who will j announce for tho general assembly, pledg ed to use all honorable means to aboliah j the Board of Commissioners, would re ceive almost a unanimous vote, i Our citizens aie preparing for the en tertainment of three big eventa. On July 25 the Douglas and Broxton lodges of the Right* of Pythias will picnic) at Gaskin Springs Aug 9 the Wayeros* Rtfle* will go Into encampment fdr one week at Ihe Springs, and on Sept. I the big annual camp meeting comes off at the Springs. Thei Air Line Railroad Is being pushed to Vickers. Train loads of heavy steel rail* are coming In dally. From the superintendent of the South ern Express Company Douglas has (be assurance of the long-needed expreoa of fice at as early date. THE MOUNDSG NEWS: WEDNESDAY, JULY 25, 1900. COL. AVERILL'S STAND. HI. Friend* at lleanfort. Sara) Station Pamphlet*. Beaufort, 3. C., July 24.—The starul ; taken by Col. AverHl. formerly receiver of the Port Royal Railroad, and a resi dent of Beaufort for several years, in ref erence to the Port Royal naval station matter, comes as a shock to many of his old friends here. During his residence lit Beaufort, the Colonel worked zealously for the commercial progress of both Port Royal and this town, and ot that time he thought our hkrbor the finest on the Southern coast. Now he appears to have change-1 his opinion, and is working with equal ardor to injure the place, where, during his residence, he rnjoyed the es teem of the best citlzns. The Citizens' Commitlee are busi ly engaged In mailing the at tractive pamphlets. illustrating the j Port Royal naval station, to the press in j the leading cities of the country, and to j influential persons in Washington and j elsewhere. The little volume is a credit to tho gen- | tlemen of the Beaufort and Port Royal Committees, who worked so earnestly to collect the information it contains. Mr. William H. Lockwood has been untiring in his work as chairman of the commit tee. Whatever may be the outcome of the. matter, the peopie here feel that these pamphlets will, at least, correct any erro neous Impression that may prevail as to the magnitude of the government works on Paris Island, which the enemies of Port Royal have sought to convey. Chittenden Hotel Sold. Columbus. July 24.—Tho Chittenden Ho tel was sold yesterday to Leslie H. Webb of Cleveland for $225,000. which Includes the famous Shaker farm, at a valuation of $175,000. The now owner assumes the mortgage on the property of $250,000. The Beat Prescription Tor Malaria, Chills and Fever, la a bottle of Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonic. It is almply Iron and quinine In a tasteless form. No cure —no pay. Price 60c —ad. DEATHS. TrrZGEßAirDXArTnTreskßncer^onier of Waldburg and Abercorn streets, at 10 o’clock, Tuesday morning, July 24, Thom as G. Fitzgerald. Funeral notice later. MEETINGS. ZERt'BBtaEI- LODGE NO IS. A special communication of this m lodge will be held at Masonic Jy Temple this (Wednesday) evening fxr\ at 8 o'clock, for the purpose of attending a District Convention, at which will be exemplified the E. A. and F. C. Degrees, All Master Masons are invited to be present. P. A. STOVALL, W. M. J. A. HERSCHBACH, Secretary. SOLOMON'S LODGE NO. 1. A special communication of this Jk lodge will be held at Masonic Temple this (Wednesday) evening 'NrV at 8 o'clock, for the purpose of attending a District Convention, at which will be exemplified the B. A. and F. C. Degrees. All Master Masons are invited to be present. JOHN W. PARKER, W. M. JAS, R. CAIN, {Secretary. CLINTON LODGE NO. 54. A special communication of this JL lodge will be held at Masonic Temple, this (Wednesday) evening /Art at 8 o’clock, for the purpose of attending a District Convention, at which will be exemplified the E. A. and E. C. Degrees. All Master Masons are invited to be present. A. 3. COHEN, W. M, WARING RUSSELL, JR., Secretary. ANCIENT LANDMARK I.ODGE NO. 2.'!t A special communication of this A lodge will be held at Masonic Temple this (Wednesday) evening /V\ at 8 o’clock, for the purpose of attending a District Convention, at which will be exemplified the E. A. and F. C. Degrees. All Master Masons are invited to be present. ROBT. M. HITCH, W. M. JOHN S. HAINES, Secretary. LANDRUM LODGE NO. 4K. A special communication of this m lodge will be held at Masonic Temple this (Wednesday) evening - Nr' at 8 o’clock, for the purpose of attending a District Convention, at which will be exemplified the E. A. and F. C. Degrees. All Master Masons are Invited to be presetvt. GEO. T. CANN. W, M. W. C. TRAVIS, Secretary. UNIVERSITY CLl'B OF SAVANNAH. The regular quarterly meeting of this club will be held at 8:30 p. m. on Wed nesday, July 25, 1900, at the offices of Denmark, Adams & Freeman. P. W. MELDRIM. President. WM. W. GORDON, JR., Secretary. SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE TO CITY COURT JI It OHS. Jurors net impaneled In the case now on trial, Armitage & Sharpe vs. Dr. S. A. White, are discharged until Thurs day. July 26, 1900, at 10 a. m. By order of the Hon. Thos. M. Nor wood, Judge. WARING RUSSELL, JR.. Clerk. WANTED, A good circular sawyer, one capable of keeping machinery in order. None but a competent man need apply. Single man preferred. Apply, with references, to A. R. FAWCETT, 411 Bay street, west. Savannah, Ga. WILSON WHISKEY. Wilson Whiskey SI.OO per bottle at REMLER'S. The Cabinet Beer drawn from the wood. Drayton and Liberty sts. PRIME NATIVE BEEF In addition to my nsunl supply or Prime Western Monts. Spring Lamb, X'eal. Matchless Corned Reef. JOHN FINK. Phones 55T. Ciiy Market. IF IT'S NICE, X*. E HAVE IT. CANDY-CANDY—CANDY. For a few days, to reduce stock, we will eell our 2oc Mixed Candy for 15c lb. Phone 955. HARDEE &, MARSHALL. THE NEATEST, Cleanest, quled place In town is Helm ken's Cafe. One block from Da Soto. Phone 646. AT GARDNER’S, Fresh Lamb, choice Beef. Spring Fryers. Vegetables, Fruits. M. 8. GARDNER. Wayne and Whitaker. P. 8 —Plenty Corned Beef, specially pre pared. SPECIAL NOTICE*. TABLE D'HOTE. 50c—DINNER—5©c Dinner 1 to Sf and 6 to 9, Wednesday, July 25. -•iifilli I. Claret Wine. _ ix-U . g _ j|'- c SOUP. iuiUfer. , -".in I Ox Tail. r JTiJJSS - . FISH. "WZ- Blackfish ala Hollandalse. Potatoes ala Algerienne. Sliced Tomatoes, Queen Olives. Chow Chow, Mixed Pickles. ROASTED. Ribs of Baltimore Beef, Dish Gravy. Barbecued Lamb. ENTREEB. Mince Chicken Cutlets ala Bordelalse. Spanish Frilters. Rum Sauce. VEGETABLES. Boiled Potatoes, Rice, Stewed Tomatoes. French Peas, Butter Beans. PASTRY AND DESSERT. Pear Pie, Assorted Cakes. Cheese, Crackers, Fruits. Peach Sherbet. French Coffee. At LEVAN’S CAFE RESTAURANT, ill Congress street, west. OPINION OF DH. J. Z. CRAVKY, OF PENSACOI/N, FLA. •'I am, as you already know, a firm advocate of the virtues of mineral waters generally, and regard it as a great mis fortune that their value is not more fully appreciated by the public at large. "From personal experience 1 unhesi tatingly endorse the water of Suwanee Springs as among the most valuable of its class of which I have any knowledge. "Its reputation as a curative agent In rheumatic affections is proverhlal, and I consider it absolutely invaluable as a remedy in disorder of the digestive sys tem and as a restorative in general de bility. from whatever cause It may arise. "Aside from the medical properties of the water, Suwanee Springs, with its delightful location, and perfect sanitary arrangements, is, in my opinion, one of the most attractive, healthful and rest ful spots I have ever seen. "Its entire freedom from all material that could possibly prove offensive to any of the senses adds not a little to its value as a resort for both invalids and those in need of resi and recreation." • • IT HAS NO EQUAL AS AN APPE TIZER. Mr. G. C. Crom, Route Agent Southern Express Company, says: "My oldest boy, Curtis, has been a sufferer from indiges tion for the past five years, and I have never found anything to give him relief until 1 purchased a. bottle of Sloat’s Vege table Bitters. It has certainly been a wonderful medicine in his case. We keep it in our house and would not be without It for ten times its cost. I cannot speak of It too highly, as it has completely made a cure of my boy, who was an in tense sufferer from indigestion.” Traveling men Indorse Stoat's Vegetable Bitters as n remedy for all forms of Indigestion. BIDS WANTED. City of Savannah, Director of Public Works, Savannah, Ga., July 24. 1930. Bids will be received at this office until Tuesday, July 31, 1900, at 12 o’clock noon, city time, for furnishing feed as follows: No. 1 timothy hay, per 100 pounds; best quality feed bran per 100 pounds: best quality eorn.per bushel ;best quality mixed oats; to be weighed at the city lot. En velopes to be marked “Bids for Feed.*’ The ciiy reserves the right to reject any or all bids Bids to be opened in the presence of bidders. GEO. M. GADSDEN, Director. PROPOSALS WANTED. City of Savannah, Director of Public Works, Savannah, Ga., July 24, IJOO Sealed proposals will be received at this office until Tuesday, July 31, 1900, at 12 o'clock noon, city time, to furnish the city of Savannah with supplies until Aug 31, ISCO. All proposals must be made on official forms, which can be secured at this office on and after this date. Envelopes to be marked “Proposals for Supplies." The city reserves the right to reject any or all bids. Bids to be opened in the presence of bidders. GEO. M. GADSDEN, Director. KNIGHT'S PHARMACY SELLS IT FOR LESS. Borated Talcum 5c Roach Salt 10c Bryan’s Chill Tonic 25c Insect Powder, P. D. & Co.'s 40c Palmer's Toilet Water 50c 4711 Soap Ifc Fever Thermometer 60c K. R. C, (Cures Rheumatism) SI.OO Celery and Cocoa 75c Beef, Iron and Wine 75c Fountain Syringes. Bulb Syringes guar anteed. Good goods, courteous treat ment and one price to all. Mail orders solicited. KNIGHT'S PHARMACY, Ga. Phone 539. Bell Phone 539. REAL ESTATE AND INSURANCE AGENCY. We buy and sell real estate, collect rents and negotiate loans on same at 5 per cem. Represent the Travelers' Insurance Com pany, accident and liability departments. Represent the New York Underwriters Fire Insurance Agency and the Phoenix Mutual Life Insurance Company. AH bueinese entrusted to us will be ap preciated and will receive prompt and careful attention. No. 27 Bay, east. Telephones 348. W. C. FRIPP & CO. YOI'B PRESCRIPTIONS will be filled at Park Avenue Pharmacy while yo watt. We fill them at any hour day or night. The only live drug store in southern section of Savannah. PARK AVENUE PHARMACY, J. L. Branan, Proprietor , Corner Park avenue and Barnard fit. So-Phone 1146. THE WAY TO CLEAN CARPETS. The only way tc get your carpets prop, erly taken up. cleaned and taken care of for the summer is to turn the job over to the District Messenger and Delivery Cos, telephone 2, or call at $2 Montgomery street, and they will make you en esti mate on the cost of the work. Prlcoe reasonable They also pack, more sod ■tore furniture end planoa. C. H. MED LOCK. Supt and Mgr. BARGAINS IN FANS. 3 new 110 volts Celling Fans each $lB 00. 2 second-hand 220 tolls Celling Fans each $12.50. 12 new 600 volt Celling Fans each S2B 60. Price Includes Installation. ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO., Phones 62. 112 Drayton street. BONDS FOB Sale! Valdosta, Go., July 21, 1900. The city of Valdosta offers for sale and j will receive bids until Wednesday, Aug. i 15, 1900, at noon, fifty 5 per cent. 30-year | Sanitary Sewerage Gold Bonds of Five j Hundred Dollars each, interest payable January and July of each year. Address marked "Bond Bids," C. R. ASHLEY, Mayor Valdosta, Ga. Best and Largest 3 for 5c smoke in the world. INSIST ON HAVING CLOTH TOP CIGARROS. You will find them on sale everywhere. Do You Know Good .Vinegar? There are many bad vinegars on the market, made from injurious acids. The following are absolutely pure; guaranteed: CROSSE & BLACKWELL’S PURE MALT VINEGAR. CROSSE & BLACKWELL S TARRAGONA VINEGAR. FRENCH TARRAGONA VINEGAR—Ring bottles. PURE MALT VINEGAR, in bulk. ■When you get these, you've got the best money can buy. PHONES 554. MUNSTER’S DUFFY AND DRAYTON. We Excel Them AH. FINE LAUNDRY WORK. SAVANNAH STEAM LAUNDRY II Congress Street, West. Phone 383, THE DULY Exclusive Family Liquor Store EN THE CITY. TRY OUR FAMOUS Imperial Nectar Pure Rye Whiskey. Fall Quarts, SJ; foar bottles, containing fall Gallon, $3.50. nri Rjy PCD 0 Ofl Sole Proprietors, 43 Whitaker Street. H"l*wlllUtn W uUlf FULL LINE OF CLARET WINES. SPECIAL NOTICES. spErTAiT^OTinS Fop the Information of the Public. City of Savannah. Office Clerk of Council, July 24. 1900. Jhe following amended ordinance is hereby published for the information of the public and all persons failing to com ply with its provisions will without fur ther notice be placed upon the informa tion docket and fined: An ordinance to amend an ordinance passed June 1, 18S7, and codified in sec tion 759 of MacDonell's Code of Savannah: Section 1. Be K ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the city of Savannah, in Council assembled, That the above re cited ordinance, which Is set out in sec tion 759. and on page 198 of MacDonell's Code of the city of Savannah be, and the same is hereby amended so that all persons referred to in the first part of •aid section shall be, and they are here by required, to keep two or more boxes or barrels, in one of which shall be de posited ail matter and material of a non combustible character, such as dirt, ashes, manure, tin cans and other non combustible articles, and in the other matter and materia! of a combustible character, the purpose and intent of this amendment being to keep in separate boxes or barrels the non-combustible and the combustible matter and material o be taken up by the scavenger carts. By order of the Mayor. WILLIAM P. BAILEY, Clerk of Council. SAVANNAH FOIUDRT AND MACHINE) COMPANY, Builders of Marine and Stationery Boilers, will furnish estimates on new work In competition with Northern and Western manufacturers. Repair work on Engines and BoCIP. SPECIAL INDUCEMENT FOB 30 DAYS At Mark Apple's Repository can be found the largest assortment of fine ve hicles ever brought to this city. I Invite the public to call and inspect them before making a purchase. Runabouts and top buggies a specialty, with or without rubber tires, Take advantage of this opportunliy. Also a full and complete line of grocery, dairy, express and baker wagons. Full and complete line of harness, etc. MARK APPLE, Phone 778. 320 Broughton St., west. NOW IN THE TIME TO RENOVATE. We renovate and remake with, hair ticking moss mattresses 84, hair and wool mattresses 83. We get the size of bedstead and make your mattress to order, without extra charge. Fine curled hair and moss mattresses a specialty. Our medicated steam renovator will purify and clean us we'l as increase in volume your, feather beds and pillows. Renovation of feather beds 85. bolsters $1.50, pillows 75c. All work guaranteed flrst-elass. NATIONAL MATTRESS AND RENO VATING CO.. Beil Phone 11*6. 331 Drayton street. GREENE * CO., 13* Whitaker Street. Picture Frame Factory. Room Mould ings. Photographs enlarged. Portrait .Frames. Wall Paper. Artist Mnterials. GOOD BEER. Try Red Heart Beer. The beer which is made in its purity—made where a beer can’t exist unless It has merit. Rcd | Heart Is pure and has stood the test. JTTNO BREWING CO., Phene 915. WM. M. BRICKEN, Mgr. $23,000. On* of our clients bas placed 1n our hands 825,000 to loan on good Savannah real estate at reasonable rates of Interest. BECKETT A BECKETT. *4 President street, east, BUSINESS NOTICES. ~wThM ~ HAD SENT US A few of the very latest productions in Solid Silver Bon- - Bon Baskets and Dishes. Goods designed for fall trade. Sent us ae sam ples. They are very pretty, worth looking at as wed ing gifts. THEUS BROS. i Families Supplied with HARVARD BEER. JSO. T. EVANS & CO. TELEPHONE 286. TRULY MOXDERFUL WATER PAINT. A subtiitute for oil, paint and white wash. Fire-proof and weather-proof. An excellent disinfectant Can be applied by any one to any kind of surface with anv kind of brush. ANDREW HANLEY Co'. Sole Agents. SPECIAL NOTICE 9. BIT^ONLY^THE^BEST~GINGER^tLE! The best is the Wheeler Brand of Bel fast Ginger Ale, made by Wheeler & Cos., of Belfast, Ireland, from the celebrated Cromac Springs of (hat city. Ttiesa springs are the property of Wheeler & Cos., hence no other Ginger Ale manufac turer in Ireland has those waters bul themselves. The Wheeler Ginger Ale is made from pure Jamaica Ginger Root and not from Red Pepper, as others are; one Is deleterious—the other is a tonic. For Healthfulness and Purity the cele brated Wheele.r brand of Belfast Ginger Ale is the best. LIPPMAN BROTHERS, Sole Southern Agents, Savannah, Go. BIDS WANTED. City of Savannah, Office of Public Works, Savannah, Ga., July 16, 1900.—Bids will be received at this office until 12 o’clock noon, city time, Tuesday, July 31, 1909, for the manure from the city slables and the street sweepings, etc. from the streets and lanes, to be deliver ed at city lot for one year from date of acceptance of bid. The city reserves the right to reject any or all bids. En velopes to be marked "Bids for Manure." etc. Bids to be opened in the presence cf bidders. GKO. M. GADSDEN. Director. large Warehouse and OFFICE to rent, located head of Broughton street, on West Broad, now occu pied by the Savannah Carrlnge and Wagon Cos. As they will give up business in the city on June j, i offer It for rent from that date H. P. SMART. ISO A OS EXECUTED By the American Bonding and Trust Com pany of Baltimore. We are authorized to execute locally (Immediately upon appli cation), all bonds in Judicial proceedings In either the state or United states court*. and of administrators and guardians DEARING ft HULL, Agents. Telephone 324. Provident Bulkllng._ | LOOK. The finest line of Mantel* 11,,n Sand Grates in the city. Pries' took bottom. Gave money by seelr.p *” lr S°od before purchasing elsewher' 1 SAVANNAH P JtLDIN< 3 SUPPLY CO., Come- Congress and Drajrtoa, Phone"* 1 3 LEOPOLD ADLER, JXO. R nit T President. CaVhT~ * BARRON CARTER. Vice President. Asst. Cashier The Chatham Bank SAVANNAH. 1 ™ be pleased to receive the accnm. of Merchants. Firms. Individuals and Corporations.. Liberal favors extended SEPIBIIESIVWSSPABTI(EI|I INTEREST COMPOUNDED QUAKni” UY OX DEPOSITS. SafetY Deposit Boxes and Vaults e, rent. Correspondence solicited. The CiiizensßaS OF SAVANNAH. ' t (I ,„ CAP,TAL 2500,000. *•**■•* “ Van HCIM4 Astfklna. Bcaineis. solicits Accounts ®f indlvlUoaU Merchant., n- otk „ c „ *7 ration.. Collection, handled with . af „_ economy and dispatch. latere,t compounded qaarterK allowed on deposits In oar S.-rlnm Department. " Safety Boxes and Storse. Vault.. " jrfIANTLEY A. DENMARK, Pe.| de „ MILLS B. LANE, Vice Pre.lde.t GEORGE C. FREEMAN, Cashier. GORDON L. GROOVER, A.t. Ca.hle* SOUTHERN Mi of the State of Georgia. Capi'al Vs Surplus and undivided profits.... s4Bi*t DEPOSITORY OF THE STATE 08 GEORGIA. Superior facilities for transacting a General Banking B..sinews Collections made on all points accessible througiTbanks and bankers, Accounts of Banks, Bankerr. M-VrhJirt, and others solicited. Safe Depoeit Boxes for rc*:l. Department of Savings, interest pavablt quarterly. Sells Sterling Exchange on London fi and upwards. JOHN FLANNERY, President. HORACE A. CRANE, Vice President JAMES SL LLIVAN, Cashier. DIRECTORS; JXO. FLANNERY. WM. W. GORDON E. A. WEIL. W. W. GORDON Jr, H. A. CRANE. JOHN M. EGAN LEE ROY MYERS. JOdJOPH FERST H. P. SMART. Ci.ARLES ELLIS. EDWARD KELLY. JOHN J. KIRBY. THE GERMANIA BANK SAVANNAH, GA Capital @00,98* Undivided profits Ktt9l This bank offers its services to corpora tions, merchants and individuals. Has authority to act aa executor, ad- Dinlstrator, guardian, etc. Issues drafts on the principal cities i* Great Britain and Ireland and oo tbi Continent. Jntereat paid or compounded quarterly on deposits In the Saving Department. Safety Boxes for rent. HENRY BLTTN. President. GEO. W. TIEDEMAN. Vice President. JOHN M. HOGAN, Cashier. WALTER F HOGAN. Ass t Cashier. SiiiMni CAPITAL, ?3fM>,ooo. Accounts of banks, merchants, corpers. tions and individuals solicited. Savings Department, interest paid quarterly. Safety Boxes and Storage Vaults fo rent. Collections made on all points at rea sonable rates. Drafts sold on ail the chief cities of the world. Correspondence invited. JOSEPH D. WEED, President. JOHN C. ROWLAND, Vice President W. F. McCAULEY, Cashier. No. 151 U. Chartered, itU THE I All! lltf 111 OF SAVANNAH. CAPITAL, $500,000. SURPLUS, $108,004 UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY. J. A G. CARSON, President BKJRNS GORDON, Vice Prealdsnt. W. M. DAVANT, Caahler. Accounts of banka and bankers, mar chants and corporations received upon the most favorable terms consistent wit* •afe and conservative banking. ersinuss noncia. For Rent, Residence 118 Gaston street, west. All conveniences. Can be rented from Ist August. Apply to CHATHAM REAL ESTATE ASD IM PROVEMENT CO., 14 Bryan Street. East lo Newspaper Piste. For *a!e, a Forsalth Newspaper Folder; will fold sheet 27x4a. It Is In good order. Price 1100. It cost originally $l,lOO, h u * we have no use for It and want the raws it occupies. It will be an Invaluable adjunct to newspaper otHoe. , *• ~ t Addres. ' ' '■ MORNING NEW'S, g a ,annwli. oa ■ PBCIAE MOBU ~OES will not IronH* ,f "** SHOOMLSB- fiTl 14 ■ “ prfaip * MGLDEJIMA Is n toilet powder that Instantly dl-* pela the dlfinareenble odora arising from perspirntlon. " OU) STYLE COLD CHBAM selves quick relief for inn boras n® l * akin troubles. •OLOJIONS CO