The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, July 27, 1900, Image 1

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THE MORNING NEWS. Established 1850. .- - Incorporated ISSS J. H. ESTILL. President. IT MAY SOOU BE WAR \\OI : LD FOLLOW ESTABLISH MEAT OF CHINESE FRAUD. SITUATION NOT IMPROVED. DEVELOPMENTS tend to throw more doubt on china. Viceroy Tak's Edict In Looked Upon an a Preliminary to a Declaration f War—China I* Evidently Playing for Time to Get Her Army Into Better Shape—Kenipff Writes That the Government Is Upholding tlic Boxers. Washington, July 26.—There were no de velopments today to warrant the assump tion that there has been the slightest im provement in the Chinese situation. In deed, the general tendency of such news found light, was to add to the steadily growing doubt as to the good faith of the Chinese government as manifested in its acts. Admiral KempfT’s letter, given publicity by the navy department to-day, made the direct statement that the imperial authorities were in sympathy with the Boxers, though he added that the govern ment tvas afterward paralyzed and inca pable of controlling the situation. This was the first official declaration to reach our government contradictory of the Cninese representations that the im perial government had steadfastly, and from the first opposed the Boxer move ment. and our government is bound to accept the word of its own officer until that is overcome by irrefragible proof. Then, the exchanges that are in con stant progress between the Powers are tending more and more to cast suspicion upon the genuineness of the many com munications that have come from Pekin through Chinese governmental sources. If it should be finally established that there has been an attempt on their part to practice a gigantic fraud upon the world, the fact may call for a change of altitude on the part of the United States government toward China. This would not affect the militahy policy already un der way, but merely the technical rela tions between the two governments, which probably would closely approximate a fctate of formal war. Tak’* Edict \ot Liked. The imperial edict promulgated yester day by Viceroy Tak, at Canton, has left a disagreeable impression here. Despite the Chinese minister’s view to the contra ry, this edict is looked upon as suspic iously like a preliminary to a formal declaration of war, as only one step to ward securing time to move Chinese forces into better position for defense against the internationals. The navy department to-day contributed a brief news item in the shape of a vin dication by Admiral Remey of the United States marines from, the general charge of looting at Tien Tsin. The Admiral had a good deal more than this to report to the navy department, but the officials did not regard the rest of his report as' proper for publication just now. Gen. Miles and Gen. Buffington were again in consultation, though separately, with Secretary Root to-day and the suppo sition is that the Chinese question was un der consideration. ROCKHILL TO SAIL AUG. 3. Think* Recent Development* Will Complicate His Work. Washington, July 26.—Special Commis-* Bioner Roekhiil will leave Washington Saturday with Mrs. Roekhiil for San Francisco, stopping a day or two at Chi cago en route. This will enable him to reach San Francisco in time to take the Japanese liner American Maru, which sails for Yokohama and Nagasaki on the third of August. Mr. Roekhiil appeared to-dny to believe that his task has been made much more difficult by the developments of the last day or two, particularly those indicating the gradual drifting of China into a reg ularly established state of war with the Powers. He is chary about accepting with out full confirmation any advices ns 10 the situation at Pekin that pass through *he hands of the notorious viceroy of Shang Tung, Yuan Shih Kai, who is well known to him. Yuan was the Chinese gov ernment's representative in Korea in the period just preceding the CninoJapatiese *var and it is said here that he was the onp official directly responsible for that war. AO SHIPMENTS OF ARMS. Collector* on the Pacific Ordered to l/ook Out for Them. Washington, July 26.—The Secretary of the Treasury has sent the following let ler of instructions to all collectors of customs on the Pacific, prohibiting the exportation of arms to China: “At the request of the honorable Secre cy of State, you ore instructed to use the utmost diligence to prevent the send ing of arms from your port which may bf used by the insurgent forces in China lo 'he harm of American citizens in that o intry. In any case of the shipment of *nns destined for Asia which you have r> ls on to believe may be so used, you "il! telegraph the fact promptly to the d*!';.rtment, and detain the vessels until instructed. You may communicate the s distance of these instructions personal iv to <he ow ners or agents of vessels de- Mitng clearance from youi* port to ports ,n Asia, or he islands of the Pacific, in- v '"ng their attention also to sections 4.083, and 4.102 of the Revised Statutes.” robe to .succeed LI SCI m. Ordered From Manila to Take Com mand of tlie Ninth. Washington, July 26.—C01. Charles F. Kobe, formerly lieutenant colonel of the Seventeenth Infantry, who succeeded to th * command of the Ninth Infantry on ,hf of Col. E. H. Llscum while gallantly leading his forces at Tien Tsin. been ordered to proceed at once to China for the purpose of assuming com mand of hi* regiment. Pr >l Robe ha* been on active field duty W'h his regiment in the Philippines for Satnuimil) illormmj several months past and is now at Ma- ! nila awaiting transportation to Taku. FORTS FIRED ON MONOCACY. It Was an Act of War and Admiral Kenipff Acted Accordingly In Subsequent Events. Washington, July 26.—The navy depart ment has just made public the following report from Admiral Kempff, dated Jun* 20: “Referring to my actions in declining to take part in the seizure of the Taku forts, and in afterward making common cause with the foreign forces in the pro tection of foreign life and property, 1 would respectfully state that the Chinese government is now paralyzed, and the se cret edicts show that it is in sympathy with the Boxers. “The fact that under the existing cir cumstances the troops at the forts were given much extra drills, torpedoes were provided, and, it is claimed, planted in the entrance of the Pei Ho, was consider ed menacing, and, by other senior naval officers, sufficient cause to justify them in demanding the temporary occupation of the forts. This culminated in the bom bardment of the forts by other foreign gunboats on the morning of the 17th in stant, which has been described. In this bombardment the Monocacy was tired upon andi struck without having received previous warning. “It i6 now necessary to join with the other foreign Powers for common defense and preservation of foreign people and the honor of our country. “I refused to join In taking possession of the imperial Chinese railway station an*l also declined to join In the demand for temporary occupation of the Taku forts, for 1 thought it against the policy and wishes of our government to be en tangled with other foreign Powers in such a step, and also because it endangered the lives of people in the interior in advance of absolute necessity; for up to early morning of June 17 the Chinese govern ment had not commuted, so far as I am aware, any act of open hostilities toward the foreign armed forces. “In opening fire without warning, an act of war was committed when many shots were fired at the place w r here the Mo nocacy was moored, about 3,000 yards from the forts. Those firing must have known of her presence there, as she had been moored in that position for a number of days. “Under these circumstances I regarded the situation as one for the protection of the national honor and the preservation of our people and have acted accordingly.” WALLER SUCCEEDS MEADE. American Marine* Xot Guilty of Looting: Tien Tsin. Washington, July 26.—The navy depart ment this morning received the following telegram from Admiral Remey: “Taku, July 24, Che Foo, July 25.—Bu reau Navigation. Washington: Col. Meade condemned, Mare Island Hospital, rheu matism; Maj. Waller succeeds command First Regiment. My obtainable informa tion clears marine* of any imputation burning houses or looting Tien Tsin. “Remey.” COREA ENTERS A DENIAL. Asserted Boxer Movement Ha* Not Reaelied That Country. Washington, July 26.—Mr. Yo, the Co rean charge d’affaires here, took to the state department this morning a dispatch from his government denying positively movement had extended to Corea and that any whinese Boxers had crossed the Co rea n frontier. RAILROAD RATES TOO HIGH. Bryan Notification Meeting May Not lie In Indiannpoli*. Indianapolis, Ind., July 26.—Inquiry to day of Chairman Martin, of the Demo cratic State Committee, as to whether Mr. JSryan will speak here the evening of his notification,' brought e surprising re ply. The chairman exclaimed angrily: “It does not look right now as if Mr. Bryan will be here. It doesn’t look as if the notification would be held here at all.” “Do you mean that Mr. Bryan cannot come?” “I mean that unless railroads give us terms that are just this notification meet ing will be 'colled off and not be held in the state of Indiana. The railroads have held the Democratic committees up for years and they are at the same old game. But, I promise that unless belter terms are made than those offered the notification meeting here will he declared off.” TRACY SrCCEEDS PEABODY’. National Democrats Open Head quarters at Indlannpolis. Indianapolis, Ind., July 26.—At a busi ness meeting of the National Committee of the National Democrats to-day Charles Tracy of New York was elected chairman to succeed George F. Peabody of New York, who resigned because of illness. It was decided to establish headquarters In Indianapolis. The committee announces that It will carry on a vigorous camiuilgn In the "interest of the sound money.” Authority was given the new chairman to till the vacancy on the Executive Com mittee caused by the resignation of W. B. Haldeman of Louisville, and also Ihe vacancy of Ihe National Committee by the resignation of Louis it. Ehrlch of Colora do. The committee then adjourned subject to the call of the chairman. lIRYAN IS WORKING gIIBTLY. Gratified at Outcome of Fusion Con ventions In Kansas. Lincoln, Neb.. July 26.—William Jen nings Bryan had no visitors of promi nence to-doy and spent most of the after noon a* Ills farm cottage with his steno grapher. He finds this the best place to work on campaign material. Mr. Bryan expressed gratification at the outcome of the fusion conventions In Kansan. FEVER AT BOCAS DEL TORO. Precautions Against It Have Been Taken at Mobile. Mobile, Ala.. July 26.-Burgeon General Wyman telegraphed this afternoon to the local health authorities that there have been ten cases of yellow fever and one death at Bocas del Toro, Colombia. Precautions have been taken against *he introduction of the disease into this port, which is one of the principal Importing ports for banana* from Boca. SAVANNAH, GA„ FRIDAY, JULY 27, 1000. ARE LEAVING PEKIN EARL LI SAYS SOME OF THE LEG A TIONERS HAVE LEFT. CHINA PREPARING TO FIGHT. ACTIVELY ENGAGED IN GETTING HER ARMIES READY. Boxer Movement Recoining More Threacening in Sonthern Provin ces—lncendiary Placards Posted. Massacre of 800 Converts at lieu Sien Fn—Two English Missionary Women Murdered—Request to Me diate Has Been Sent to All the Powers. London, July 27.—The Shanghai corres pondent of the Daily Express telegraph ing yesterday eavs: “La Hung Chang now' states that some of the members of the legations have al ready left Pekin and may be expected shortiy. He is becoming angry at the skepticism of the consuls. “The impression is gaining ground here that the ministers of the Powers to whom fhina has appealed for mediation may still be alive. The representatives of France, Russia. Japan and the United States have visited Li Hung Chang, but the others still keep aloof. “The Americans here are indignant over the fact that United States Consul Goodnow has entered into relations with Earl Li. but Mr. Goodonw defends his ac tion on the ground that he is following the instructions of his government. “Trade in Shanghai is so paralyzed that the customs revenue will not suffice to se cure the payment of the next installment of the foreign loan. Preparation* for War. “Meanwhile active preparations In the Yang-tse region for war are in progress, not for war against the rebels, but against the foreign Powers. Junk loads of Chinese soldiers and Boxers disguised as coolies are arriving here daily. The arsenal is full of arms and supplies are constantly coming in. “The Nankin and Wu Chang garrisons are being constantly reinforced, and the Viceroys admit that they\ cannot much longer withstand the pressure brought to bear by Sheng and LI Hung Chang upon them to join their forces with Prince Tuan. “It is hoped that the arrival of Admiral Seymour here may stiffen the backs of the southern Viceroys and restore the se curity of the port. “Two English missionary ladies, Miss Whitchurch and Miss Searell, have been murdered at Hsal Oi, in -the province of Shan Si. Massacres are also reported from Tai Yuan and Pao Ting Fu.” Boxer* Make Dire Threat*. The Canton correspondent of the Daily Telegraph, in a dispatch dated Wednes day, says: “There are daily arrests of Boxers and smugglers caught loaded with arms and ammunition. Executions quickly follow, but the rowdy element remains practical ly undismayed. In the country districts, the people ore more threatening, and bold than in the city. Their inflammatory pla cards are freely posted, such ns the fol lowing: “We, the Chinese children of the Sages, are faithful and filial, as well as mod est. How does it come to pass then that any of us can so far forget himself as to become the proselyte of a barbarian’s re ligion. Tens of thousands of native con verts have been killed in North China, and their houses and possessions destroy ed. Because of this all the countries of the world have sent soldiers to Tien Tsin to protect the converts. This they have failed to do. The mission churches, the foreign consuls, and all the barbarian troops have been slaughtered, just as you kill chickens and dogs. „ “You converts have involved the bar barians in the calamity. We look upon you as rebels and soon your doom will overtake you. Unhappy Is your condition, for all men hate and despise you. Great is your distress. Your hands hang help less by your sides. Despair has seized your minds. Death alone will relieve you. By following the doctrines of these rene gade and foreigners you have forfeited your rights as men. We warn you at once to fly to safe hiding places while yet there is opportunity. Six Hundred Massacred. The Hong Kong correspondent of the Dally Express wires as follows under yes terday’s date: “An Italian priest has Just arrived here from Hen Sien Fu, In Southern Huan, where the Italian Bishop and three priests have been massacred after revolt tngfl torture. This took place on July 4. Six hundred converts were massacred aft er the women had been subjected to hid eous brutalities. Six other priests fled to the hills, where they were probably killed. The priest who escaped had a perilous Journey to Hong Kong. He hid In a coffin on board a river boat for seventeen days.” EACH SIDE WON A VICTORY. French Bent Ihe noers nnd Ihe Lat ter Made Hunter Retire. London. July 26.—Lord Roberts reports to Ihe war office under date of Balmorol, July 25, as follows: "We marched here yesterday without seeing the enemy. "The Boers on July 24. engaged French and Hutton six miles south of Balmoral. While Alderson's mounted Infantry at tacked the Boers' right. French made a turning movement around their left. See ing their retreat threatened, the Boers broke and fled. French and Hutton fol lowed and proposed to cross Ollphant's river to-day at Naautv Poort. "Our casualties were one wounded." Lord Roberts reports to Ihe war office to-day, that Gen. Hunter’s command was heavily engaged, July 24 and 25, In the bills south of Bethlehem. The Boers were strongly entrenched, and fought stubbornly throughout the 24th, and com- ] pelleil the British to retire from some of ; their positions with about fifty casual ties. At last accounts Gen. Hunter had work ed around into Broadwater Basin, in the rear of the. Boers, while Gen. Hector Mac- Donald and Gen. Bruce Hamilton were blocking outlets on the front of the. Fed erate, who had evacuated their position at Witnek. ALL ASKEDWMEDIATE. Further Reports of MnsHncrea of ( liristia ns— Earl Li Suspected. The Trouble in Pekin. London, July 27, 4:30 a. m.—All the Pow ers appear to have received an identical Chinese appeal for mediation, but, in the absence of definite "news regarding the fate of the ministers and of any reliable indications of the real origin of the. ap peal, it seems that Lord Salisbury, the premier, considered it was not even neces sary to publish the fac-t that the appeal had been received or to do anything be yond formally acknowledging it. with per haps an intimation that nothing could be done until news from Pekin has arrived. If it could be ascertained beyond doubt that the reports of a massacre at Pekin were unfounded, and there is a disposition here to believe that (he ministers may, af ter all, he heid as hostages, Lord Salis bury’s policy would probably incline more toward the conciliation attributed to Washington than to the revenge attribut ed to Berlin. But. while there is no ces sation of the deluge of rumors, it is be ginning to be believed at Shanghai, Can ton and other points that the viceroys are as completely in the dark as to af fairs in Pekin as the Europeans them selves. Earl Li Under Suspicion. Meanwhile, the doings of Li Hung Chang are regarded with ever increasing suspi cion, while the situation in the southern provinces daily grows worse. With the report that the allies will be gin to advance upon Pekin in a fortnight, and in view of Admiral Seymour’s visit of inspection to the Yang-tse-Kiang, the feeling is that no great time will elapse before matters assume a more definite shape. The Viceroy of Nankin still professes to be able, with the aid of Jhe other Yang tze Viceroys to keep order,mut he declares that if Europe sends warships, this will assuredly lead to an anti-foreign out break. If it be true that the Japanese have started a campaign frornShan Hai Kwan, that also will precipitate matters, but the report to this effect lacks con firmation. It is reported from Tien Tsin that the Chinese forces are concentrating at tha village of Getsang. ten miles north of Tien Tsin, where it is said large quantities of rice are stored. The Russian and Japanese cavalry are keeping in close touch with the enemy. The river is still low*, and water trans port would be. difficult. With reference to the control of the rail way, K is understood that Mr. Kinder, the British engineer, has arranged with the Chinese general for the protection of rhe line beyond the Pei Tang. Therefore, Russian control could only apply to the Tien Tsin-Taku nnd Pei Tang sections. If this arrangement is disturbed, it Is under stood that the destruction of the line is inevitable. Were Horrible Massacre*. There is nn unconfirmed Chinese report thar sixty Protestant and Catholic mis sionaries have been massacred in Ki Yuan Fu and the vicinity. The Shanghai correspondent of the Daily Mail, describing the massacre at Moukden, says: ‘The Bishop had armed 200 converts to defend the cathedral and a body of Chi nese troops had been sent to defend the converts, but the soldiers were leagued with the Boxers. While the Christians were holding a service, believing them selves safe under the protection of the tloops, the signal was given, end soldiers and Boxers surrounded, and set fire to the church, putting the escaping worship pers to the sword. The Bishop was captured and taken to the viceroy’s yamen. where he was dia bolically tortured and decapitated. His head now hangs in front of the yamen.” The Daily Mail explains that the Chi nese employe of -the British legation, who, according to its advices yesterday, es caped from Pekin to Niu Chwang, and reported there that when he left Pekin, most of the members of the legations were dead, and the condition of the others was hopeless, did not ‘actually leave Pekin un til July 8, and this goes to show, if his statement Is to be relied upon, that a gen eral massacre had not occurred on July 6, as has been reported. Situation in Northern China. There is little fretsh news regarding the situation In Manchuria. The Russian* inflicted another serious defeat upon the Chinese at Fort Echo on July 23. From Kobe comes a report that eight battalion* of Russians have been com pelled to leave Vladivostock and Tien Tsin on account of the Manchuria trou ble. Telegrams have arrived at St. Peters burg by a circuitous route, dated Pekin. June 15 and June 18, describing the origin of the trouble. They come from the direc tor of the Russo-Chineee bank in Pekin. He says in part: “The German legation on June 13 arres ted an anti-Christian brigand. This was the signal for an ani-Christinn Uprising and at 6 o’clock in the evening the ar.ti- Ohrietlan* f*et fire to the American church and burned it to the ground. The Euro peans then barricaded the legations and the rioters sacked and burned the houses in the European quarter.” It further appears from these advVes that by June 18 the legation* were be sieged and the Chinese government had attempted to Invoke the aid of M. deOlers, the Russian minister, and Mr. Conger, to prevent the advance of Russian troops to Pekin. SEYMOUR REACHES *H%\GIIAI. Much Mi* y Depend on the Action of Hontlirrn Viceroy*. Shanghai. July 26. Admiral Seymour has arrived here, and has been In consul tation with the British consul regarding the situation. It is reported that the British battle ship Centurion and the cruisers Undaunt ed and Dido are at/Woo Sung. The following warships are here: British—Daphne, Alacrity, Hart and Woodcock; American—Castine; Dutch— Holland; French—Surprise, and Japanese —Tnkao and Akagl. It Is reported that Li Hung Chang in tends to leave for Foo Chow, from which on Fifth Page ). IT WAS A STOUT MAN WHO H l\ OUT .11 ST \FTER GOEBEL HID KEEN SHOT. POWERS HAD USE FOR PARDON. POWERS AND I>\\lS DISGUISED AS SOLDIERS. \ Man Who Looked Like Yoatiey Wu* Heard to Say He Had Made 1 p Hl* Mind to Kill Goebel—Noah* Put I niler Cross Fire—A Letter That Promises to Play on Import ant Purt In the Case. Georgetown, Ky., July' 26.—Walter Bron ston, a Lexington attorney, who assisted in the arrest of Caleb Powers and John Davis, at Lexington, was the first wit ness called to-day in the trial of Caleb Powers for alleged complicity in the Goe bel shooting. Powers and Davis w’ere disguised ns soldiers, and both were armed, the wit ness said. Witness Identified them to the police officers. After a forcible arrest. Powers was taken to jail, where the par don granted him by Gov. Taylor and $1,300 in money were, found in his pockets. Dep uty Sheriff Rogers of Lexington corrobo rated this testimony'. H. Davis Harrod, a constable of Frank fort, testified that when the shooting oc curred he ran to the executive building and entered the west door. The door of the ante-room to the executive offices was closed. Witness pushed It open with dif ficulty and encountered several men, who thrust pistols in his face. He told them he was an officer, but they kept -their pistols aimed at him and made no reply. Harrod said that Just as he entered the main door a short, stout man slammed th% door of the Secretary of State’s of fice and dashed down the steps to the basement. Witness did not know Yout sey then. The pardon granted Powers by' Gov. Taylor was then exhibited to the jury. find Good I sc for Pardon*. Walter Bronston, recalled, told of a conversation with Powers after the ar rest, in which Powers, referring to the pardon, said: “1 know this looks a little bad, but we were making our way to a place where the pardon would have been recognized.” W. H. Wagner of Whitney county gave sensational testimony against both Pow ers and Y’outsey. He said he was in the Secretary of State’s office a few days be fore the shooting. A man whom he did not know, referring to Goebel, said: “Somebody ought to kill that and and ras Witness heard a man who he was al most positive whs Youtsey, say: “I have made up my mind to do that myself.” On Saturday before the shooting, Caleb Powers said, in conversation: “If we could get the head of the ticket to act, we could do something. If he does not stand up, I intend to expose the whole business.” Nonk* Again on the Stand. The defense put Robert Noaks on the stand this afternoon and questioned him at length for the purpose of laying a foundation to contradict his testimony. A letter written by Noaks to his cousin. Miss Effie Blankenship, at Crawfordville. Ind., since his arrest, promises to play an important part in the matter so far ns Noaks testimony is concerned, in the event the defense* can produce the letter. What is alleged to be the substance of it was presented to the court this afternoon —clipped from a newspaper. The matter was not given to /he jury, Judge Cantrill ruling that the witness could not be ques tioned concerning the alleged letter or its contents without first showing that the letter had either been lost or destroyed. The defense will endeavor to get the let ter. Harry Tandy, assistant Secretary of State, produced the executive journal kept by Gov. Taylor. The journal did not show nn order calling out troops after the as sassination. The pardons issued to Pow ers. Finley, Culton- and Davis were re corded. Proved* of Mountaineer*. Graham Vreeland. a Louisville newspa per man, testified that he saw the crowd of mountaineer* aJn. 25. There were prob ably 1,200 of them. He was in the office of the Commissioner of Agriculture that afternon and saw Charles Finley giving the men their guns. Robert Noaks, recalled, was asked by Judge Tinsley if he did not tell a party at Cumberland Ghp that he was going to get pan of that SIOO,OOO reward, although he hih not know anything the Goebel conspiracy. Witness denied it. He was then asked regarding a letter written by him to Miss Effie Blankenship of Crmv fordsville, Ind., an alleged quotation from which was presented in a newspai>er clip ping. Letters and telegrams from Powers to Noaks were excluded. The court admit ted a letter dated March 30, which said: “Dear Rolert: They held me without bail, although they had no evidence against me. F am in the hands of the gang and evidence docs not count much In these courts, except confession evidence. I am going fo do all I can to get a change of venue. Yes, I will need you as a wit ness on my final trial.” TOWN OF IIEKWAI TAKEN. I'ntflifth Gain an Important Point In Anlinntl Fight. Bekwal, Ashanti, July 26.—C01. Morland, under instructions from Col. Willcoek*, with n force of infantry and five guns, at tacked a large war camp at Kokofu. With a brilliant charge the stockade* were rushed beore the enemy had time to occu py them, and therefore they were forced to evacuate the town. A large amount of ammunition and arms were captured. The town was then razed, thus removing an important obstacle in Col. Willcock* flank. * ; FORTY REPORTED DROWNED, An Aln*knn Steamer ftaild to Have (a pal red in a Storm. 'Minneapolis, July 26.—A *pecial to the Times from Victoria, B. C., says: Patssnger.i who arrived here to-day cn the steamer Cottage City from Alaskan ports, report that an unconfirmed rumor was circulated at Juneau when they left that port to the effect that the stern wheeier Florence 111 had been caught In a srorm on Lake Labarge and was cap sized. There were 150 passenger a aboard and forty are said to have.lost their lives. TAXES FROM RAILROADS. Rlaht of Countle* to Collect Them j Prior to \rgue<l Before the Supreme Court. Atlanta, July 26.—A case of the highest importance to the railroads of this state haw Just been argued before the Supreme Court. Tax Collector W. T. Staten of Lowndes county claims that the Savannah, Florida and Western Railroad is due the county about $10,00) for taxes from 1880 to 1889. Asa result of the claim a case is now (lending in the Supreme Court and it remains for that tribunal to decide if the county of Lowndes can collect the amount. Previous to 1689 the counties of the state could not tax the railroads, but an act of the Legislature during that year changed the law, giving them the right to tax the railroads for the number of miles of track operated within the county. Now the tax collector of Ix>wndes has assessed the railroad for the years pre vious to the. enactment of the law. The laiiroad company refused to pay the as sessment and execution** were issued against the Savannah, Florida and West ern. To collect the claim several lots of land, property of the railroad., were levied on and were advertised for sale. The railroad company, however, secured an in junction against the sale of the land and when the case came up for trial a perma nent injunction was granted. The County Commissioners of Lowndes ordered the tax collector to appeal the case to the Supreme Court. The decision will mean much to the railroads of the state. If the Supreme Court should hold that Lowndes county lias the right to col lect the tax which the collector claims is due, every county In Georgia in which there afe railroads could assess the same tax. The oldest lines in the state could be taxed from the time of laying of the rails, 'bhia would involve a large amount of money and would cost the railroads much. A SOLDIER WAS BEHEADED. Company of Fortieth Then Killed Eiglity-nlne Native*. Manila, July 26.—At Oroquieta, In North ern Mindanao, two soldiers entered a na tive store for the purpose of buying food. While there one of them was killed by a bolo and his head severed from his body. ’The other escaped and gave the alarm. A company of the Fortieth Infantry sta tioned at Cagayan, repaired to Oroquieta and killed eighty-nine, natives, thirty of them being in a single house. Subsequently the gunboat Callao, com manded by Llaut. George B. Bradshaw, shelled Oroquieta, burning the ware houses. One of the crew was killed. A force of the enemy estimated to num ber 500, under the leadership of Alvarez, formerly the Insurgent president of Yar brangn, is now* persistently troubling Northern Mindanao. A marine at the outpost of Isabella de Rasilan was boloed by natives, and so badly wounded that he died. Isabella is tranquil. REBEL LOSSES WERE HEAVY. Over IMKi Were Killed or Wounded In Rattle Near Panama. Colon, July 26.—A *pe*4al train left here at 7 o’clock yesterday with the Savanllla reinforcements under Gen. Serrano. This addition to the government force* promise* hopeful results of the civil war. An ambulance corps from the British cruiser Leander is assisting lo the utmost In the care of the wounded in Tuesday’s battle. The killed and wounded number over 500. The rebels’ loss was terrific. The hospital* are full, and sopn* of the woundeu are being brought to Colon. HAC K OF REVOLUTION BROKEN. Colombian R*lm>lh Surrendered to Government Force*. Washington, July 26.—The state depart ment has received a dispatch from Con sul General Gudger at Panama announc ing the collapse of the revolutionary movement there. He states that the Lib erals unexpectedly surrendered and that quiet now prevails in Panama. CONSIDERS IT ALL OVER. Connul General F.*|lnoln on the Co lombian Retolutlon. New York, July 26.—Consul General Espinola of the Republic of Colombia, said 10-iay of the revolution In Panama: “I think it is over. Eight hundred gov ernment troop* met 1,200 insurgent*, and either killed or wounded 400 of them. Re inforcements from the government came just then. Gen. Campos bringing 1,000 ad ditional troop*. There was nothing else to do, and the insurgents Junt laid down their arm* and surrendered.” Insurgent* Surrendered. Panama, July 26.—The insurgent* In the Department of Panama have surrendered. TRI ST PLEADED GUILTY. Pipe Combine Fined Only SI,SOO for Violating the Law. Chattanooga, Tenn., July 26.—Judge Clark of the United States District Court for the Eastern district of Tennessee has disposed of the casses against the six large pipe companies. Indicted for alleged violation of the anti-trust law. They were allowed to enter a Joint plea of guil ty and were flneil SI,BOO and cost*. The companies were Indicted in April, 1807, but the cases were continued from term to termO, and were never tried. BILL APPLIES TO COAL, TOO. Shipments of Coal (o Frnnre Giving Erne la ml a Scare. London. July 26.—1n connection with the scare created by the Immense quantities of steam coal leaving Great Britain for France, admkted'.y for the une of the French navy, Mr. Balfour, replying to a question In the House to-day, nlgnlflcant ly pointed out that the bill before Parlia ment to prohibit the exportation of war munitions applied to coni as well as to other military munitions. DAILY. $8 A YEAR. 5 CENTS A COPY. WEEKLY 2-TIMES-A-WEEK,SI A YEAR RIOT IN NEW ORLEANS TOI CiHH \\D HOODLI MS ATTACKED DEFENSELESS NEGROES. SHOT THEM IN THE STREETS. MILITIA ORDERED Ol T AND MORE POLICEMEN SWORN IN. One Negro llcnfrn to Death and Six So Ilnlly Wounded That They Will Probably Die Twenty Others Slightly Wonnded—All drew Out of the Murder of Two Policemen i Itlxen* Determined to Restore Order. New Orleans, July' 26 Disorderly scenes following the rioting of last night prevailed throughout the city to-day, and resulted in the swearing in by' the Mayor of 500 special policemen and the ordering out of 1,500 of the state militia, Gov. Heard responding promptly to the ap peal of Mayor Capdevielle for assistance in suppressing the existing lawlessness, and in preventing to-night a recurrence of the violence of last night. Throughout the day attacks were made by irresponsible mobs of whites upon the black element and the negroes before nightfall had been effectually chased from the streets. The effect of the disorders was to put a practical stop to business in the whole sale, districts and on the. levee front. As this meant a serious crippling of tha trade of the port, the business element rallied In force, and hundreds of the most prominent men of the city responded to the appeal of the Mayor for assistance In preserving order. Summaries of the Casualties. A summarization of the casualties grow ing out of the disturbances last night and to-day shows that one negro was beaten to death, six were so badly wound ed “that their lives are despaired of and about n score of people, white and black, male and female, have been more or less seriously wounded. In order to prevent the miscellaneous distribution of arms, the Mayor this even ing ordered the closing up of gun stores, likely to supply the baser elements, and early In ihe day lor the better preserva tion of the public peace, issued orders to the police to close up every saloon in tha <fity. Col. Wood, who commanded the First Louisiana. Regiment in the Spanish War. was placed In command of the special police. The polioo have been practically help?, lesa throughout the disturbance. The force consists of some 300 men, including clorks and telegraph operators, and this Is manifestly a force Inadequate to the preservation of the peace of a city of 310,- 000 people. But aside from this the fierce indigna tion among the members of the depart ment over the ruthless murder* of Capt. Day and Patrolman Lamb by the negro, Robert Charles, to some extent made the police sympathetic with the mobs in their pretended efforts to avenge the murder*. The fact, however, that there ha* been a sirong resentment on the part of the working people against steamship agent* and contractors in the employment of ne gro labor to the exclusion of whites on public works and on the levee fronts, also contributed somewhat, it is believed, to the disinclination of the police to do their full duty. Troop* Were Ordered Oat, Mayor Capdevielle wan at Ocean Springs last night when the mobs swept over the city, but when he arrived at hla office to-day he came with a full deter mination to take hold of the situation with a firm hand. He found awaiting him a delegation of the leading merchants of the city, who said the interests of the community and its commercial welfare demanded prompt and vigorous action. About the samo time Lieut. Gov. Es topinel, who had witnessed a scene of outrage upon negroes upon Canal street. Joined the conference at the hotel. He at once advised a conference with Gov. HeaM at Baton Rouge. The long-dis tance telephone was used, nnd the rtSv ernor Raid he would order out all avail able troops. Without delay he sent mes sages , 0 col. Hodgdon, commanding ths First Brigade, In the absence of Gen. Glynn, and had him Immediately order out the Washington Artillery, the Louisi ana Field and the First Regiment. At twilight there were 1,500 men congregated In the armories. At the same time the Mayor In a proclamation appealed for 500 special police. Before 4 p. m. 400 of the representative citizens of the com munity had been sworn In. The Mayor made requisition on the leading hard ware and ammunition establishment* of the city, nnd the specials were heavily armed and sent to various sections of 4ho city. Oaatrngca I'pon Negroes. Hoodlums prowled the streets through out the day and whenever they spied a negp> assaulted him. In some cases citi zens rallied the police and with their as sistance beat off the attackers. One of the most flagrant Instances of cowardice shown was that of a man who slipped Into the morgue and pointing his pistol through a window, made an attempt to shoot one of the female negro prisoners In the pariah prison. Just after daylight the remnants of one of the mobs gathered at the Spanish fort railway station, whence a large number of negro laborers dally leave for the4r work at Chalmette. They saw a crowd of darkles approaching and started to chase them. Louts Lapuyard got In their way and received a bullet In the leg. Later In the forenoon a negro emptied h!e pistol Into a down town house and wounded a child. At 11 o'clock a mob marched through Lafayette Square, which • l opposite the City Hall, and discovering , some negroes In the park, lumped on and (Continued on Fifth Page.)