The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, July 30, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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8 MISSION CHURCH DEDICATED. MANY PEOPLE ATTENDED THE , SERVICES ON WILMINGTON ISLAND. Upt. Dm. Schaeffer and Jordan, Rcr, O. F. Cook and Rev. W. A. Xla bet Took Part in the Ceremonies—The Church Built I>y the Mission Circle of You iik Ladies—Started From n Sunday School Class Taught 1 nder the Trees. YViimington Island’s Mission Church wns dedicated yesterday afternoon by Rev. Dr. Schaeffer, Rev. Dr. J. D. Jordan, Rev. Osgood F. Cook and Rev. W. A. IXisbet before a larse number of people that had gathered for the ceremony. The musical part of the programme was by the choir of the First Presbyterian Church, -consisting of Mrs. C. D. Mize, Mrs. W. A. Bishop, Mr. Ralph Byrnes, end Mr. House, assisted by Miss Edith Cavanaugh and Mr. Frank Keilbach, or ganist. Besides the residents of the island, who were nearly all present, a large number went down in the morning on the steamer Ban tee, and still others came from the canning factory at Turner’s creek, so *>y the time of the ceremonies, which began at 4 o’clock, the church was en tirely filled. The services began with an anthem by the choir, “Rejoice in the Lord.” Rev. Mr. Nesbit was introduced by Dr. of fer, and made a short address of congrat ulation to the congregation upon the com pletion of the work on which they had labored so long faithfully. Tne “Coronation” hymn sung by choir and congregation followed, and then on ad dress by Rev. Mt . Cook, who ulso of the pride that the congregation could rightly take in the church, the result of sustained efforts on their part, and the noble desire to erect a house of worship for their own uplifting and the glory of God. After another musical interlude, the con gregation joining in singing, “What a Friend We Have In Jesus.” Dr. Schaef fer made a brief review of the history of the movement that finally resulted in the erection of the church. He repeated this sketch, ho said, because only a few of the congregation v/ere familiar with its facts. Four or five years ago, through the ef forts of Mr. Smallwood, a resident of the island, the children were gathered each Sunday afternoon under the shade of a tree and taught Sunday School lessons. The class grew rapidly and it was blit a ehort time when the branches of the tree ■were no longer large enough to shelter all of the Sunday gathering, so the meet ings were adjourned to the pavilion, and, later, met at the houses of the different residents of the island. It was then that the matter of a Sunday School room or church was first thought of and active ■work was immediately begun by two young ladies then residents of the island. Their efforts were further supplemented by a circle of young ladies known as the Mission Circle, who had added themselves for the purpose of aiding in the work. So successful were their efforts that they raised over S6OO. Dr. Schaeffer also spoke admiringly of the many gentlemen of Sa vannah who had contributed liberally to the work, both with material and money. The congregation was to be congratulated, he said, on the fact that the church at its dedication was entirely paid for. At the conclusion of the address the reg ular consecration service was read, each of the four ministers taking part. This was closed by a prayer offered by Rev. Cook. The offertory, “Not Every One That Baith Unto Me,” Qchnecker. was sung by Mrs. Mize. Scripture lessons followed by Rev. Mr. Cook and Rev. Mr. Nisbet. Rev. Dr. Jordon preached the dedicatory ser mon. taking as his text 2 Peter, 1;5, 6,7: “And besides thih, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue; and to virtue knowl edge.” The services lasted about an hour and a half, and at the conclusion the ministers and singers, together with a number of others we re most hospitably entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Adam Kessel. Many of thQse who took part in the cere monies of the dedication feturned to Thunderbolt on a naphtha launch that was placed at their disposal, but others wait ed for the Santee, and came up to the city that way. NO CLl'B TO HIS ASSAILANTS. Dr. J, L. Smith la Still in the Savan nah Hopitnl. There were no developments yesterday In the case of Dr. J. L. Smith, who was assaulted and beaten in his office Sarur day night by three men. an account of which was published in yesterday’s Morn ing ’News. The whole police department was noti fied shortly after the occurrence and no pains have been spared to capture the doc tor’s assailants, but it is not likely that captures, at least of the right persons, will be effected, as the men have had am ple time to leave the city. _ E>r. Smith Is still in the 6avannah Hos pital. where he was taken shortly after the assault was made. It Is likely that it will be many days before he will be suffi ciently recovered to get out. FELL IN THE STREET. Mr. Charlen E. Mnrmclateln Hnd n Cataleptic Stroke. Mr. Charles E. Marmelatein had a cata leptic stroke early yesterday morning, and he is now ill at his home. No. 112 Ogle thorpe avenue, west. The stroke came at about 4:03 o’clock as he was passing in front of the De Soto. A gentleman saw him fall and secured aid for him from the De Soto. The night clerk came out with a cot and two of the bellboys, and the young man wan taken into the hotel. Mr. Marmclstein lay so rigid that It was supposed at first that he was dead. Dr. Boyd was summoned, and soon the young man was partially restored. His father was summoned also, and everything possible was done. At about noon Mr. Marmeletein had recovered sufficiently to admit of his being removed to his home. THIEF GOT *l4O AND PISTOL. Burglar Went Through Park Avenne Honir Snccrmifally. A burglar entered the house No. 122 Park avenue, east, early yesterday morn ing and secured from Mr. Rogers, who was asleep on th* second floor, $l4O and n pistol. Nothing else so far has been found missing, though the burglar in or der to get at the money, had to search the pockets of the trousers in which ft was, and In which there were olso other things of value. The loss was discovered early yesterday morning, and the police authorities notified. A detective went out to the house, hut as far as is known, the burglar lefi no clue by which he can be either traced or identified. It is not known how he entered the house, even, for neither door nor window was broken, or showed signs of being forced. Before You Travel North or West, address the undersigned for lowest rates to all point* via Balti more and Ohio Railroad (Royal Blue Line), finest, fastest and safest trains in the world. Arthur O. Lewis. S. P. A.. Bal timore and Ohio Railroad (Under At lantic Hotel.) Norfolk, Va,~ad. DIG OIT WITH CHISELS. Conntry Negro Had a Knife Blade Imlteddrd In Hi. Skull. A strange and unusual case was brought to the attention of a Savannah physician Saturday, one which Is rarely paralleled In the experience of practition ers of surgery. The patient was a negro, who had a knife blade imbedded firmly in his skull. The negro, whose name is Henry Oliver, is a resident of Screven county, and had received the knife wound in a quarrel with another of his race, that took place near his home. The knife blade broke close to the handle from the force of the blow and remained In Oliver's skull, an unpleasant reminder and souvenir of the difficulty. Two or three physicians in Screven county attempted to remove the blade, but it had entered the skull with great force, offered little or no surface up on which leverage could he applied and stubbornly resisted all their efforts. Efforts of a similar character were made by the Savannah physician to whom Oli ver was brought, with like unsuccess. Seeing that some other plan must be re sorted to, the physician had Oliver re moved to the Georgia Infirmary, where, on yesterday, he was placed under the in fluence of an anaesthetic and the knife blade removed. The operation had to be performed with chisels and a mallet, the blade being lit erally dug out of the skull. The physician says the operation was simple enough, when proper Instruments could be used under proper conditions, but the case is nevertheless a strange one. The operation was entirely successful and Oliver will be able shortly to return to his home. COLUMBUS TO SKIV'D A TEAM. Guard. Prepnrlng for the September Rifle Shoot. Columbus is preparing to send a crack team to the state shoot here in Septem ber. A Columbus dispatch says the Guards will have a fine new range soon, and will begin to practice and to pick out a strong team. A good deal of Interest Is being taken throughout the state in the shoot, and the military shots are getting themselves in trim for it. It is hardly probable that the Macon Battalion will send a rifle team to Sa vannah to participate in the shoot, the News says. In speaking of the matter a Macon officer said: “It is not likely that Macon will send a team to participate in this shoot, for the reason that none of the men in this battalion have practiced at target shooting for a long time, and in fact, we have no range. Of course there ore a number of men in the Macon Bat talion who have in past years proved themselves very skillful In handling a rifle, but by reason of the fact that they are not in practice, they would not like to take part in this proposed shoot. I indorse the movement which the Savan nah companies have started, however, and think it would be a good thing if these contests were held more frequently." The Volunteers are considering the idea oi establishing a range of their own. This will very likely be done m the fall, but hardly soon enough for the company to send a team to Savannah. HAVE BOATS AND A BUOY. Safeguards for Bathers Have Been Provided at Tybee. Safeguards for bathers have been pro vided at Tybee. The proprietors of the hotel and the restaurant have placed two boats on the beach, and a couple of ne groes are kept by them In readiness to render aid when necessary. This is a provision that will be welcomed. A buoy has also been anchored out be yond the ropes. This will serve as a con venient resting place for FWimmers. One's strength might serve to reach the buoy, where a rest could be had. The trip re turning would be begun with the swimmer as fresh as at the start. The bathers yesterday afternoon were glad to see that more care was exer cised. The drowning of Agoos the Sun day before showed the need of such pre cautions, and, while no one ever seems to believe he Is In any special danger, there was yet a feeling that It would be for the general good to have some sort of a life-saving apparatus. The hard rain interfered with the Tybee crowd. Many passengers were carried down on the 3:33 train, but the later trains had very few. Scarcely fifty per sons followed those who left on the first train. The entire crowd of Sunday visit ors numbered about l.nnfl. When the weather is warm and not threatening. It is usually the ease that Tybee attracts about 1,500 Sunday visitors. TEMPER ATI HE TOOK A TUMBLE!. Fell Twenty Degrees In Two Hours ns Result of Rain. Savannah sweltered under a tempera ture of 90 degrees yesterday from noon until 3:30 o'clock. The gathering clouds that preceded the exceptionally heavy rein, cooled off the atmosphere somewhat, though it still remained quite sultry un til the coming of the rain, when the tem perature fell 20 degrees In two hours. The rainfall amounted to .62 of an ineh. The night was as cool as the day was hot. At 8 o'clock Savannah had the same temperature as Boston and other cities In the East. The highest temperature re ported at that hour, was 86 degrees at Oklahoma. While the rain which come up In the afternoon fell In torrents, while it lasted, the total fall was hut .62 of on inch. This amount brought up the shortage for the month, considerably. There Is a deficien cy, however, for July, of very nearly 3H inches of rain, and a total deficiency for the seven months, of the year of 2.87 Inches. The forecast for the state to-day is for local rains. To-morrow fair weather may he expected in the west and local rains In the east. Light to fresh south winds will prevail. HOOKY SOON GOT ENOUGH. The Recruit Did Not Show Up for Another Meal at Hicks’. The rooky who tried to get a square meal In Hicks' restaurant while In his shirt sleeves speedily got enough of army life. All he had of it was an examination by a surgeon. He weakened early In the game, and Corpi. Eubanks Is now won dering whither his man has flown. As the recruit did not report after he had the handout from Hicks’, It Is pre- I sumed that he was after nothing more than a meal. He was not enlisted, as the corporal holds over all applicants, after j they have been examined and found fit, until the weekly visits of Capt. Jones, the recruiting officers, who comes down turn Macon to enlist the men. To Brunswick and Return, 91.00 Via the Plant System, Sundays. In addition to the Charleston Sunday excursions, the Plant System are selling round-trip tickets to Brunswick, good on Sundays only, at rate of $1 00 for the round trip. Trains leave at 2:10 a. m. and 5.20 a. m— ad. *A THE MORNING NEWS: MONDAY, JULY 30, 1900. NO BLAME TO MISSIONARIES. DH. JORDAN SAYS FOREIGN GREED TRIES TO COVER ITS CRIME. Prearhnl Yfutfrday Morning; nt the First Iluptlftt on China—The People Imauinr a Vain Thing: When They Believe That I’roteatant Mission aries Are Ilrsponsihle for the lp risings—Dr. Jordan Takes a Hope ful View of the SI tun tion—He Ex pects Brighter Times for the Mis sionaries of Cbiuu. in the Near Fat n re. “Why do the heathen rage and the peo ple imagine a vain thing?” The forego ing passage, Psalms, 2:1, was the text chosen by Rev. Dr. John D. Jordan for his sermon at the First Baptist Church yesterday morning. The sermon was on China, and, treated as the subject was by the pastor, the text was peculiarly well chosen. “The heathen are now raging and the people are imagining a vain thing,” de clared Dr. Jordan. “Foreign missions are being discussed now, pro and con, as never before. Some infer failure, but God rules. A brighter day will soon dawn for the cause in China. “China, the cradle of the human race, sent a wave of population westward, and in the march advanced ideas, improved conditions and the Christian religion have transformed the people. This wave has passed around the earth and now strikes China’s shores. China has received a shock. We no longer think of China as the Far East, but as the west. China must submit to inevitable* progress. “I deny most emphatically that Protest ant missionaries are to blame for the present uprisings in China. Protestant missionaries always preach the gospel of peace, and our Baptist missionaries, in accordance with the old Baptist idea, be lieve in and advocate the complete separa tion of church and state. Some of our missionaries were offered important po litical positions in China, but declined on •the ground that they could not, as mis sionaries, afford to mix up in politics. “For some time there has been conflict in China between the progressives, repre sented by the Emperor and the more in telligent and industrious classes, and the Empress Dowager and the Boxers, or lower classes. So far the lower classes have been in power, but time will change conditions, and the progressive element will prevail. “The trouble was first anti-Catholic, then anti-Christian, and then anti-foreign. Capital has done much to precipitate the trouble in demanding franchises for rail roads, telegraph systems* and other en terprises. Foreign greed need not try to cover its crime under the name of innocent missionaries. “I expect greater times from the mis sionaries in China in the near future than ever before. When the heathen Chinese see that the Christian Chinese are ready to die for Christ, many a Saul of Tarsus will be transformed into a Paul, the Apos tle.” ATLANTA DEPOT IN SIGHT. Dissolution of Partnership Believed to Hold Problem’s Solution. Atlanta seems to be nearer having anew union depot than it has been since the agitation on the subject; was started* The rift in the clouds has been caused by the annoucement of a meeting of the Special Depot Commission of the State Legisla ture, that will be held in Atlanta this week. It is announced that the plan of the com mission will be to dissolve the partnership now existing between the state and the Central, Georgia and Atlanta, and West Point railroads, by wihch the present passenger depot is controlled. The roads contributed to the fund which went for the construction of the building and for twen ty years or more they have been enjoying terminal facilities without the payment of rent. With the dissolution of the part nership, It would lie possible for the state to deal with the railroads using the depot as tenants and they would, therefore, he required to defray their pro rata share of the rent charges. This view, at any rate, is that taken in Atlanta and the Constitution prints a long article, in w*hich it is elaborated. It is said that the construction of the depot by the state would be financially profitable, and that, unhampered by partnerships, it could be constructed without trouble. The day for the meeting of the Depot Commis sion has rot been announced with posi tiveness. but it is stated as a matter of strong probability that the meeting will be held on Saturday. The special commission-framed at the last session of the House and Senate con sists of Senator West of Valdosta. Repre sentatives Brandon of Fulton and Bower of Decatur, and Special Attorney Ed Brown ar.d Attorney General J. M. Ter rell. Gov. Candler is also considered a member of the commission and has al ways attended its sessions. ROBBED CHRISTOPHER’S BAR. Nejfrn Coachman Arrested for the Robbery. The bar of J. Christopher, at Broughton and West Broad streets, was entered by a thief early yeste>day morning between 3 o’clock and daylight and $95 was taken from the drawer. John A. Henderson, col ored, who is thought to be the thief, was arrested later in the day and will be given a hearing this morning before the Recor der. Henderson Is a coachman In the employ of Hon. Pope Barrow. The circumstances thot led to his arrest, as being Implicat ed in the robbery, are that on Saturday nlKht he had been hanging around the bar for some time and when at 12 o'clock the clerk had closed up and started for home he was Joined by Henderson, who walked along: with him and asked him quite par ticularly as to hie plans for the night, whether he Intended going home and where he lived. A\ hen he left the clerk, Henderson re turned to the neighborhood of the bar, go ing across the street to a fruit stand and spending the three hours there until the proprietor of this stand went to sleep. He wae not seen again until he was arrested, when he was found to have in his posses! elon about $47, which Is supposed to be a part of the stolen money. CHANGES AT SEAMEN'S BETHEL. An Additional Entrance Bring Hnllt nt the Corner. The chapel of the Beaman's Belhel at St. Julian and Lincoln streets is being changed so that the entrance will be at the corner of the building instead of through the east wall as It has been here tofore. By the new arrangement there will be really two doors to the chapel, one on the Lincoln street side and the other cn Si. Julian, only the brick pillar at the cor ner separating them. These doors will glee tn on a diagonal vestibule from which a single door will lead Into the -hapel. The work was started last week m. will be finished. It la expected, the latter ,*rt of next week. Nervousness te cured by making the blood rich and pure with Hood'e Sarsa partlla. It glvee the sweet, refreshing aleep of childhood —ad. PREACHED OS DOING GOOD. Rev. Dr. Fair's Morning Sermon at the Independent Chorrh. At the Independent Presbyterian Church yesterday rrtorning, Rev. Dr. Fair preach ed upon the subject of "Doing Good.” The text was Hebrews, 13:16: "But to do good and to communicate forget not; for with such sacrifice God Is well pleased.” In his Introductory remarks he said the century now hastening to its close is the grandest In the history of the world, its sunset the most glorious, though some dark clouds, tinged with crimson hues of blood, linger to mar its beauty. But, like the closing of a stormy day, it pre figures even a brighter and more illus trious day to dawn. "If the question were asked, 'What Is the crowning glory of the age?’ different answers would perhaps be given. Some would point to its scientific advancement, others to its military achievements; not a few would dwell upon its inventions and the comforts that have been added to life. But while fully appreciating all these, yet we may venture to advance the claim that the noblest distinction of the age is to be found In its philanthropic spirit and practical charities; not in discovering new stars, weighing them and assigning their place in the cosmic system, but In discovering the true value of man, esti mating his real worth, cfevating him to his proper place in creation; not In ex ploring unknown continents, but in ex ploring the wide, dreary wastes of human sorrow; not Ir. applying steam and elec tricity as motive power; but in awaken ing the subtler and more useful currents of sympathy, arousing Its latent energy, directing it in channels of helpfulness, in going down into the slums, lifting up the fallen, building hospitals for the sick. homes for the orphan, the aged and poor—this is the noblest distinction of the age, the brightest jewel in Us crown.” Dr. Fair claimed this practical philan thropy was largely, if not entirely, the effect of Christianity. The spirit of true religion is to do good, to communicate not simply of money, but of sympathy and brotherly kindness. This was the spirit of the Founder of Christianity, who went about doing good. The essence of religion is love to God" and love to man, and Its one great object i? to make the world holler and happier and brighter. Dr. Fair urged upon his hearers to cetch this high and disinter ested ideal, and to be willing to pass un der the law of self-sacrifice for othere. He said many people go to a theater or read e novel, their sympathies are touch ed by a fictitious tragedy, perhaps a tear is started, but they do not think of the real tragedies that are being enacted around them every day. The world Is full, not of the woes of the mimic stage, but the woes of real life, and the disciple of Christ should address himself to the practical helf of those, who are dis couraged and crushed down beneath the weight of their burden. The effect of this would be not only to ameliorate the condition of the world, but also to make the Christian himself happier and to set the bells of heaven to ringing in his heart. As an offertory, Mrs. Wickenberg sang: "The Lord Is My Shepherd," and her tine voice was scarcely ever heard to better effect. Dr. Fair will preach two more Sundays before leaving on his vacation. The Ladies' Foreign Missionary Socie ty of the Independent Church is making up a special purse to 6end to Rev. W. H. Hudson, their missionary in China. At the latest accounts Mr. Hudson and his family were safe, but in the recent up heavals he might be in pecuniary straits, and the ladies wish to send him a token of their kindly remembrance and appre ciation of his fortitude. GEORGIA'S TROOPS GET $22,000. Chatham* May Have to Do Without Their New Bnttery. Georgia’s share of the government’s ap propriation to the national guard will be short $7,000 this year. Gov. Candler has been notified that Georgia’s pro rata will be $22,000. The Georgia appropriation was expected to be $30,000. The Governor has been Informed that the reason the entire appropriation has not been divided out !s because the War Department thought best to reserve $200,000 to be used at an other time. A full apportionment would give the state $29,000, or more than twice as much as was ever received before. The appro priation to the states for the maintenance of the militia is not made in money, but in equivalent values in uniforms, arms or accoutrements. In this way the troops of the various states supply themselves with whatever they need. It was the in tention of Gov. Candler, in case a full appropriation was made to the state, to present anew battery of four rapid-fire to the Chatham Artillery. This would cost about $16,000. With the total appropriation $22,000, the Chathams will have to go without new battery awhile longer. In order to uniform the troops of the six regiments in the state. Gov. Candler was compelled to draw on the government appropriation for 1900 to the extent of SII,OOO. This leaves to Georgia's credit with the government only SII,OOO, and with this nothing can be done in the way of purchasing a complete battery for Sa vannah. Gov. Candler is in communication with the War Department relative to Geor gia's share in the military fund, and It is possible that he may obtain consent to draw on the government to the full amount of the appropriation to Georgia, Of $29,000. A plan is being considered. It Is said, by which the Chatham Artillery can be fur nished with four new guns without the caissons and carriages, the expense of this purchase being much lower than that of a complete battery. WILL BE READY BY SEPT. 1. Quartern of Chnthnm Bank Will ne Handsomely Improved. The temporary Inconvenience through which the Chatham Bank la passing by reason of the repairs now being made on its permanent quarters, facing Johnson Square, at the intersection of Bull, Con gress and St. Julian street*, la but the prelude to Its occupancy of a building that will offer opportunities for the trans action of business it has not hitherto pos sessed. The contractor by whom the repairs on the bank building are being made has promised that it will be ready for oecu isincy on Sept. 1. The Improvements contemplated and in course of construc tion are very decided. The ceiling is to be raised to a bight of nineteen feet above the floor and the building made of two stories. Instead of three, as has been the case in the past. The entrance on Con gress street will be dispensed with and replaced by two large windows, while the principal entrance, on Bull street, will b 8 materially enlarged. In the construction of the Interior special provision Is to he made for an adequate system of vendlatlon, something the build ing has lacked sadly in the past and the want of which has been felt by the offi cers and employes during the summer sea sons. The offices of the president and cashier are to be remodelled and a direc tors' room la to be built on a balcony above them. The floor Is to be paved with marble tllee and the celling Is to be of steel. Altogether and In detail the bank quarters will be very handsome .and con venient for the transaction of Its business l and the accommodation of Its customer*. WILL TAKE UP CIVIL CASES. SUPERIOR COURT CRIMINAL DOCK ET PRACTICALLY CLEARED. The Witte Enibesslement Case Was to Be Tried I.nst Week hat Was Passed—Negotiations Said to Be Pending for a Settlement Between Witte’s EriendN anil the Savannah Grocery Company—Few .More Crim inal Cases tn Re Tried Until Fall. The time of the Superior Court this week will be taken, up principally In the trial of civil cases, no criminal cases of any interest or importance having been set down for a hearing. Some may be assigned by agreement of the solicitor general and counsel for the defendant* arid heard during the week. The embezzlement case against George H. Witte, that was to have been tried on last Wednesday, was then passed for re assignment and has not again been taken up. It is said that negotiations are pend ing looking to the settlement of the case against Witte, to which a prerequisite is the payment to the Savannah Grocery Company of a considerable portion of the money which Witte Is charged with hav ing embezzled. An offer already made has, it is understood, been rejected, and the effort is now being made to raise the larger sum that is demanded by the com pany. There are other cases that were crowded off the docket last week, and It may be that they will be tried this week. The probabilities are, however, that they will be permitted to go over until fall, as the defendants are out on bond, and will not have to endure Jail confinement pending the judicial determination of their guilt of the charges against them that are made in the indlo'tmeVits. DILLON REMANDED TO JAIL. Held for United States Grand Jury tn Default of a $360 Bond. George R. Dillon, the Sandersviile law yer who Is charged with using the mails in the furtherance of a scheme to de fraud, has been held by United States Commissioner Lewis for the action of the grand jury of the next term of the United ’States District Court, and remanded to jail in lieu of bond in the sum of S3OO. The specific item with which Dillon is charged is that of fraudulently obtain ing law books to the value of $25 from the Williams Law Book Company of Roches ter, N. Y. This enterprise, in which he was not successful, is supposed to be the last upon which he embarked, and result ed in his arrest a few days after the books reached the express office at Ten nille. Among the books he ordered from the Williamson Law Book Company was a full set of Greenleaf on Evidence, one of the classics of the law. Dillon says he believes he will be able to give the required bond within the next few days and, at his request, the commis sioner has sent a blank bond to a friend of the defendant in Sandersviile. Should he not be able to give the bond he will have to continue in jail until November, before which month it i* not likely that there will be a session of the United State* Courts here. TWO FOR ATTEMPTED MURDER. Negroes Fmight With Iron Bars Un til Arrested. Lindsay Richardson and Nancy Legree, both colored, were arrested yesterday morning by Patrolman F. J. Smith on a charge each of assaulting the other with intent to murder. The weapons used were iron bars, and both the belligerents were considerably damaged before the arrival of the policeman and consequent end of the row. Tom Parks, colored, was arrested last night by Patrolman Ungar on the charge of kicking in the door of a house in the tenderloin. Jake Floyd, colored, was arrested yes terday afternoon by Patrolman T. Ferrell. Floyd Is an escaped convict from Bruns wick and was arrested at the request of Officer Lovett of Brunswick, who took him back to Brunswick yesterday after noon. Edmund Shellman, colored, was badly cut while engaged in a tenderloin row, by another negro named Aaron Davis. Davis got away from the scene of the Cutting in short order, but was later captured by Patrolman M. Davis. La Lorrnlno Makes 22 Knots. According to cable advices received to day from Paris, the new twin-screw pos tal steamer La Lorraine (15.0C0 tons, 22,0)0 horse-power) of the Compagnie Generale Transatlaniique, has just arrived at Havre, after a most successful trial trip, under the supervision of the French gov ernment officials, during which she main tained an average speed of twenty-two knots per hour for a stated period. La Lorraine will sail from Havre for New York on Aug. 11 and will make her first departure from this port on Aug. 23 at 10 a. m„ as scheduled. First. If well, keep well by taking Johnson's Tonic. If sick, get well by tak ing Johnson's Tonic. Second. Wise men Insure their lives; wiser men Insure their health by using Johnson’s Tonic l . Third. Johnson's Tonic Is a family physician, ready to answer' ten thousand calls at once. Its fee is only 60 dents and the good it does is beyond human reckon ing Fourth. Johnson'* Tonic costs 50 cents a bottle if it cure*. Not a single cent if It does not.—ad. Sunday Trips m Brunswick Via Plant System SI.OO. The Plant Bystem will sell round-trip tickets to Brunswick on Sundays, limited to date of sale, at rate of SI.OO. Trains leave at 2:10 a. m. and 5:20 a. m ad. Abbott's East India Corn Paint cure3 every time; It takes off the com; no pain; cures wart* and bunions and is conceded to be a wonderful corn cure. Sold by all druggists.—ad. P. P. F., a wonderful medicine; it gives an appetite; It Invigorates and strength ens. P* P. P. cures rheumatism and all pains in the side, back and shoulders, knees, hips, wrists and joints, p. p. p] I cures syphilis In all its various stages! old ulcers, sores and kidney complaint. p! P. P. cures catarrah, eczema, erysipelas all skin diseases and mercurial poisoning' i P. P. P. cures dyspepsia, chronic female | complaints and broken-down constitution j and loss of manhood. P. P. P. the best blood purifier of the age, has made more permanent cures than all other blood rem edies. Llppman Bros., sole proprietors, Savannah. Ga.—ad A Delicious Smoke. The Herbert Spencer Is an elegant cigar and Is truly a delightful enjoyment to Inhale th* fumes of this fin* tobacco; It Is exhilarating and delicious. ties that th* nams of Herbert Bper.cer la on every wrapper of every cigar, with, out which none art genuine. The Herbert Bpencer cigars are only sold by the box of to, Conchas at 0.50. and Perfectoe, $4.50 at Llppman Bros., whole sale druggists, Barnard and Congrasa streets, of this city.—ad. LIFE IN THE PHILLIPINES. A Savannah A’olonteer'a Experience In Soldiering There. Mr. Charles S. Bevans. musician of Company G„ Forty-fourty Infantry, U. S. V., who enlisted from this city and Is now serving with his regiment In the Philippines, has written to the Morning News under date of May 30, giving a dreary picture of the conditions and hard ships of the American soldiers now In the islands, and strongly advising Savan nahiar.s not to enlist for service In that country. One of the worst things obout soldier ing, says Mr. Bevans, is the heat. It be comes so awfully hot toward evening that one can scarcely catch his breath. Then the marches are so long end tiresome that but few of the men are able to keep up; so fearful Is the fatigue at times, he says, that healthy and vigorous young men fall from the ranks and lie by the roadside, with their mouths open, gasping for breath. Furthermore, after a hard day's march as soon as a halt is called the men are so worn out that they are glad to sleep anywhere, and as often as nc.t, from the nature of the country, have no choice in the matter of where they wIH lie down, but are forced to sleep. If they sleep at all, in mud and water ankle deep. Again, he says, on many of the marches are encountered rivers that have to be waded or swum and when such is the case the soldiers In their wet clothes are forced to continue their march under a sweltering sun often for several hours before a change can be effected. Another fruitful source of sickness and death is the water. "Often,” says the nar rator, "I have seen soldiers drink greedily, from a mud puddle in which the water buffaloes had been wallowing." Another hardship of th© soldier says Mr. Bevans is the baggage and accoutrements that he is forced to carry. These consist of can teen, haversack, mess kit, gun, blanket, poncho, one hundred and fifty rounds of cartridges, and often five and six days’ rations. "This is what it means to sol dier over here,” he says, "and still I have not told half of the hardships; but I hope I have told enough to convince my friends that the Philippines are no place for an American soldier, and I would advise them, if they are In good health, to stay at home, for I would not give a halt an acre of Georgia soil for the whole of these islands.” LOCAL PERSONAL. Mr. M. C. Talbot of Atlanta is at the Pulaski. Mr. 'H. Utitz of Atlanta is the guest of the Screven. Mr. I. B. English of Macon Is registered at the De Soto. Mr. H. C. Stanley of Vidalia Is regis tered at the Pulaski. Mr. George M. Hill of Sylvanla la the guest of the Pulaski. Mr. Fred G. Davis of Tennille Is regis tered at the Pulaski. Mr. S. VV. Booker of Valdosta is regis tered at the Pulaski. Mr. George S. King of Columbia is tho guest of the Pulaski. Mr. Charles H. Brown of McAlpln Is the guest of the Screven. Mr. D. R. Groover of Statesboro is reg istered at the De Soto. Mr. Herman Brown of Blackvllle Is reg istered at the Pulaski. Mr. H. M. Ramsey of Charleston is reg istered at the Pulaski. Mr. Frank Johnson of Columbia Is reg istered at the Screven. Miss Jeannette Wade of Quitman Is reg istered at the Pulaski. Mr. A. J. Evans of Bamberg Is reg istered at the Pulaski. Mr. W. C. Fowler and child of Opelika are registered at the Screven. Mr. C. C. Howard of Augusta regis tered at the Pulaski yesterday. Mr. J. B. Kemp of Ennis was among the guest of the Screven yesterday. Mr. John McLean of Wilcox was among the arrivals at the Pulaski yesterday, Mr. R. K. Hunt of Macon was among the arrivals a't the De Soto yesterday. Mr. Perry Morrison left yesterday for Hot Springs, N. C„ to join his mother. Mr. t\ . H. Park of Maeon was In the city yesterday, the guest of the Pulaski. Mr. S. E. Brown of Brunswick was in the city yesterday, the guest of the Pu laski, Mr. S. H. Brown of Barnwell was In the city yesterday, the guest of the Pu laski. Mr. E. Burdett and Mr. E. I. Burdett of Hazlehurst are the guests of the Pu laski. Miss Bertha Walsh of Beaufort is visit ing relatives at No. 124 Oglethorpe avenue west. Miss Freddie Wade of Quitman was in the city yesterday, the guest of the Pu laski. Mr. R. E. Lester of Bartow. Ga., was among the arrivals at the Screven yes terday. Mr. Frank Johnson of Atlanta was among the arrivals at the Screven yes terday. Mr. Lee W. Jordan of Tennille was in the city yesterday and registered at the Pulaski. Mr. John A. Bishop of Clear Water Fla., was among the guests of the De Soto yesterday. Miss Irene Buckley leave* to-day by the steamer Clifton for Beaufort, to be the guest of relatives. Mr. W. J. Rogers of Sparks, a promi nent dealer in naval stores and lumber is at the Pulaski. Mr. B. R. Stokes and Misses Edith and Mabel Stokes of Charleston were the guests of the Pulaski yesterday. Miss Jessie L. Strickland will leave Wednesday for Americus, to spend the remainder of the summer, and will be the guest of Miss Ina White. CITY BREVITIES. I ‘-n On a recent deer hunt at Beotia, S. C., Master Charlie Solomon*, a lad of 13 years! son of Mr. E. H. Solomons of Savannah," while on a visit to his grandfather, brought down an old buck, the first he had ever seen In the woods or shot at. Mas ter Solomons bids fair from this to be an expert marksman. A IteoelvTug Teller. A receiving teller at a good bank said that he was about to get sick. He felt tired all time; sleep did not refresh him; felt as If be ought to take vacation A pharmacist put him on Graybeard and two bottles completely overhaul;*! him and made him about at good as new. Get Graybeard at all drug stores. Gray beard pills are treasures—2Sc the box. Respes* Drug Cos., Proprietors.— ad. Cider. We have s nlc* line of cider In bottles pure and genuine, from th* celebrated' establishment of Mott A Cos., of New York. The Russet Cider and the Crab Apple Cider are very good. Llppman Bros., cor ner Congress and Barnard streets, Sa vannah, Ga ad. French olive Oil. Th* beat olive oil tn the world Is mads by Marcus Allotb of Bordeaux, Franc* who la known as making th# only finest grad* of ollv* oil, pressed from selected Olivas. Llppman Brother* ar agents for this house, and carry this alive oil la bottle* end cans—ad. —Plancon, th* opera singer, renders a whole opera In admirable German without being able to understand a word of th* dengue gw CLEVELAND CHAINLESS. WM. & H. H. LATTIMORE. LADIES* UNDERWEAR. A special offering is made of High Grade Underwear at remarkably low prices, embracing Ladles’ Night Gowns of fine muslin. Ladles' Night Gowns of fine cambric, fa the ever popular Empire style. Ladies’ Night Gowns of extra fine cam bric; charming styles, to please the most critical taste. Trimmed In the daintiest, prettiest and cleverest way, with lace and Inserting?. Ladies’ Skirts, made of special muslin, with lace and Hamburg ruffle. Ladies’ Skirts of fine muslin, with three rows of neat lace insertion and handsome wide lace edge. Corset Covers, made for us, of good muslin, all felled seams, may be had in high or low neck. Corset Covers of cambric, felted seams, lace trimmed, worth double what we ask. Corset Covers, French style, very fine soft cambric, finished In finest style. Ladles’ Drawers of fine muslin, wide umbrella ruffle, lace edges. Ladles’ Drawers of fine muslin, full cut and splendidly made. A great assortment, and remem ber very low prices. LACES AND EMBROIDERIES At Special Figure* for This Week. Our stock is very complete and Includes: Fine French Valenciennes Lace Edges and Insertions. Nottingham Allovers, striped and scroll designs. Lace Allovers. Ecrti and White Oriental, also Black Chantilly Laces. Swiss and Cambric Embroideries, all best work, fast edges. Fine Cambric Embroideries. Pretty Openwork and Fine Cambric Edges, suitable for skirt trimming. Aliover Cambric Embroideries. OTHER SEASONABLE THINGS AT SPECIAL PRICES. LADIES' NECKWEAR. All Silk Band Bow Ties, colors only. Puff Ties, colors or black. Fancy Silk and Rumchunda Imperial Ties. Rumchunda “Bat Wing" Ties. Embroidered and Lawn Ties. Ruchings, all colors. f' HANDKERCHIEFS. Embroidered, scalloped and hemstitched fine Cambric Handkerchiefs. Ladies’ All Linen Hemstitched Hand kerchiefs. Men's All Linen Hemstitched Unlaun dered Handkerchiefs. Men’s All Linen Initial H. S. Handker. chiefs. , We want you to coma and see our prices. LADIES' HOSIERY. Special bargains in Misses' Black Riche lieu Ribbed Hose 15c; worth 30c. Bargain Ladies’ Black Lisle Lace Hose 25c; worth 35c. Bargain Ladles’ Black Lisle Lace Hose 69c; worth SI.OO. Bargain Ladies’ Black Lisle Hose, silk polka dot, 47c; worth 75c. Bargain Ladies' Polka Dot and Fancy Striped Hose 19c and 25c. TOWELS. A 50c Towel for 25c. Fine Large White and Colored Border* Damask Towels only 25c. MEN'S UNDERWEAR. MEN S NECKWEAR, MEN'S HAUF HOSE, AT ABOUT ONE-HALF ITS VALUE. Gent*’ Half Hose, regular 50c, this week 25 cents. Gents' Half Hose, regular 35c, this week 19 cents. Gents’ Fancy Half Hose, regular 30c, this week 13c. Daniel Hogan, Th© corner Broughton and Barnard st. Ig| HOSE AND REELS. EDWARD LOVELL’S SONS. 113 Broughton Street, West. SEED RYE. TEXAS HED H. P. SEED OATS. HAY, GRAIX, FEED, FXOIR, ETC. LEMONS. Vr(tiblei and Produce. Hew Crop B. E. and Cow Pa. W. D. SIMKINS & CO,