The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, July 31, 1900, Page 9, Image 9

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mjsce llan EO l'S markets. Hole—These quotations are revised daily- and are kept as near as possible In accord wRh the prevailing wholesale prices. Official quotations are not used when they disagree with the prices whole salers ask. < oirntry ami Northern Produce. POULTRY —The market Is steady. Quo tations: Broilers. 20826 c per pair; half grown. 35®40c: three-fourths grown, 45® 50c; hens, f>s®6sc; roosters, 40c; ducks, geese and turkeys out of season. EGGS— Steady at 10®llc. PUTTER—'The ton'e of the market Is steady. Quotations; Extra dairies, 19® 20c; extra Elgins. 22®22%c. CHEESE—Market Arm; fancy full cream cheese, ll®l2c for 20-pound aver age. ONlONS—Egyptian. *2.75(83 00 per sack; crate, *1.26; yellow, in barrels. *3.00®3.50. BEANS— Navy or peas, *2.25®2,50 per bushel; demand light. Early Vegetable*. IRISH POTATOES—New, No. 1, *1.75® 2.00 per barrel. EGG PLANT—Nominally; half barrel crates, 50c®*1.00. CABBAGE!—Per barrel crate, *1.50® 2.00. Ilrcndetnfls. Hay and Grain. FLOUR—Market firm and advancing; patent, *4.75; straight, *4.45; fancy, *4.30; family. *4.00. MEAL—Pearl, per barrel, *2.35; per sack, *1.35; city meal, per sack, bolted, *1.25® 1.30; water ground, *1.35; city grist, sacks, *1.30: pearl grits, Hudnuts - , per barrel, *2 96; per sack, *1.3714; sundry brands, *1.3214 sack. CORN—Market lirm, white, job lots, 66e; carload lots, 63c; mixed corn, job lots, 64c; carton and lots, 62c. RICE}— Market steady, demand fair; fancy head, 6c; fancy, 5%c. Prime 5 Good 4%®4% Fair i,4 @4% Common 3% OATS—No. 2 mixed, carload, 35c; job lots, 37c; white clipped, 39c, cars; 41c job, Js%c. BRAN—Job lots, 97%c; carload lots, 95%c. HAY—Market strong; Western job lots, 97c; carload lots, 92%c. Bacon, Hnms and I.ard. BACON—Market firm; D. S. C. R. sides, 314 c; D. S. bellies, B%c; smoked C. R. sides, B%e. HAMS—Sugar cured, 12%@13%c. LARD—Pure, in tierces, 7%c; in 50-pound tins and 80-pound tubs, B%c; compound. In tierces, 6%e; 50-pound tins and 80-pound tubs, 6%e. Sugar und Coffee. SUGAR —Board of Trade quotations; Cut loaf 6.7B|Diamond A 6.38 Crushed 6.7B;Confectioners’ A.6 18 Powdered 6.481 White Extra C.. 5.93 XXXX, pow'd .6. It; Extra C 5.71 Stand, gran ....6.bSiGolden C 5.73 Cubes 6.53;Ye110ws 5.63 Mould A 6.63| COFFEE —Board of Trade quotations; Mocha 26c | Prime, No, 3 ...lOAio Jhvn 26c | Good, No. 4 10%c Peaberry 13c |Fair, No. 5 10 c Fancy No. l...ll%c|Ordinary, No. 6. 9%c Choice, No. 2..11%c; Common, No. 7. 9 c Hardware and Raiding Supplies LIME, CALCIUM, PLASTER AND CEMENT—Alabama and Georgia lime in fair demand and sell at 80 cents a barrel; special calcined plaster, *I.OO per barrel; hair, 4®6e. ROsedale cement, *1.20® 1.25; carload lots, special; Portland cement, re tail, *2.25; carload lots. *2.00®2.20. LUMBER F. O. B. VESSELS SAVAN NAH—Minimum. yard sizes, *10.50®11.00; car sills. *12.00® 13.00; different sizes, *14.00 @18.00; ship stock. $18.C0@22.00; sawn ties, *8.00@8.50; hewn ties, 35@88c. OlL—Market steady; demand fair; sig nal, 46®60c; West Virginia black, 9@l2c; lard, 08c; neatsfoot, 60@70e; machinery, 16 (S2sc; linseed oil, raw, 37%c; boiled, 75c; kerosene, prime w'hile, 15c; water white, 14c; Prattts astral. 15c: deodorized stove gasoline, drums, 12%c; empiy oil barrels, delivered, 85c. GUN POWDER—Per keg, Austin cracfc shot, *4.00; half kegs. *2.25; quarter kegs, $1.25; champion ducking, quarter kegs, $2.25; Dupont and Hazard smokeless, half kegs, *11.35; quarter kegs, *5,75; 1-pound canisters, *1.00; less 25 per cent.; Troisdorf smokeless powder, 1-pound cans, $1.00; 10- pound cans, 90c pound. SHOT—Drop, *1.50; B. B. and large, *1.75; chiUed. *1.75. IRON—Market very steady; Swede, 3',4c. NAILS—Cut, *2.60 base; wire. *2.85 base. BARBED WIRE—*3.SO per 100 pounds. Fruits anil Nuts. MELONS—*3.OO®B.OO per 100. Demand good. PEACHES—Six-basket carriers, 50® lick). PINEAPPLES—*I.OO@I.SO per standard crate. LEMONS—Market steady at *5.0085.50. NUTS —Almonds. Tarragona, 16c; Ivieas, 16c; walnufs, French, 12c; Naples, 12c; pe cans, 12c; Brazils. 7c; Alberts, 13c; assort ed nuts, 50-pound and 25-pound boxes, 10c. PEANUTS—AmpIe stock, fair demand; market firm; fancy hand-picked, Virginia, per pound, 4%c: hand-picked, Virginia, ex tras, 3%c: N. C. seed peanuts, 4c. RAISINS—L. L„ *2.00; imperial cabinets, *2.25; loose, 50-pound boxes, B®B%c pound. Dried anil Evaporated Fruits. APPLES—Evaporated, 7%©Bc; sun-dried, 614 c. PEACHES—Evaporated, pealed, 17%o; unpealed, 9%®10e. PEARS—Evaporated, 12%c. APRlCOTS—Evaporated, 15c pound; nec tarine*. 1014 c. ball. Hides nail Wool. SALT— Demand is fair and the market steady; carload lots, 100-pound burlap sacks, 44c; 100-pound cotton sacks, 45c; 125-pound burlap sacks, 5414 c; 125-pound cotton sacks, 5514 c; 200-pound burlaps sacks, 85c. HlDES—Market firm; dry flint, 14c; dry salt. 12c: green sailed, 614 c. WOOL—Nominal; prime Georgia, free of sand burrs and black wool, 19c; black, 16c; burry, 10c. Wax, 25c; tallow, 3%c. Deer skins, 20c. Cotton llagging and Ties. .BAGGING—Market firm; jute, 2'4- pound. 914 c; large lots. 914 c; small lots, 2-pound, 8*4(590; 144-pound, 8%®8%c; sea Island bagging, 1214 c. TlES—Standard, 45-pound, arrow, largo lots, *1.40; small lots, *1.50. MISCELLANEOUS. FlSH—Mackerel, half-barrels, No. 1, *9.50; No. 2, *8.00; No. 3, *1150; kits. No. i, *1 40; No. 2, *1.25; No. 3,85 c. Codfish, 1-pound bricks, 6%c; 2-pound bricks, 6c. Smoked herrings, per box, 20c. Dutch her ring, In kegs, *1.10; new mullets, half barrels, *8.50. SYRUP—Market quiet; Georgia and Florida syrup, buying at 28tfi30c; aching at 32@35c; sugar house at 10®15c; selling at •" ralg'ht goods, 23@30c; sugar house mo lasses, 15® 20c. HONEY—Fair demand; strained, In bar rels, 53®60c gallon. High wine basts, *1.23. OCEAN FREIGHTS. COTTON-Bavannah to Boston, per bale, Sk-; to New York, 20c; to Phlladel- Phla, pf. r bale, *1.00; to Baltimore, per bale, *1.00; via New York—Bremen. 50c; Genoa. 43c; Liverpool, 40c; Reval 60c; di rect Bremen. 42c. U'MBBSR—By Sail—Freights dull: to Rallimore and eastward, *4.50 to $6.00 per M., including Portland. U MBER— Bv Steam-Savannah to Bal timore. *6.50; to Philadelphia, *8.00; to New York, *6 00; to dock, *6.75; lightered— to Boston, to dock. *B.OO. Naval STORES—The market Is firm; m'dlum size vessels. Rosin—Cork for or ders. 3a per barrel of 310 pounds and 5 Percent, primage. Spirits, 4s 3d per 40 gnl lons gross and 5 per cent, primage. Larger Vessels, rosin, 2s 9d; spirits, 4s. Steam 110 Per 100 pounds on rosin; 2114 c on spirits. Savannah to Boston, and 9%c on rosin *“d 19c on spirits to New York. Southern Railway. Trains Arrive and Depart Savannah on 90 th Meridian Tima One Hour Slower , Than City Time. Schedules In Effect Sunday, June 10, 1900. READ DOWN|| TO TH E EAST.~ || READ UR No.3t j No. 36~jj " I No. S 1 No.SS 'l [1 (Central Time.) j 12 20pmjl2 20aml.Lv Savannah Aril 5 10am| S 15pm . _ j il (Eastern Time.) | | 4 21pmf 4 2Samj|Ar Bluckville Lv 3 OOaml 1 07pm 6 Oopmj 6 10am| Ar Columbia Lv 1 25am|ll 25am 9 10pn 9 45am ,Ar Charlotte Lv| 9 55pm| 8 lOara 11 44pm 12 23pm; |Ar Queue boro Lvj 7 lOpmj 5 4am 8 00am i.Ar .TNorfolk Lv|; | TOOptn 12 Mam; 1 38pm Ar Dun vllie Lv|fS 4®P*“l 4 38am 8 00am; 6 35pm Ar . Rich mond Lv|; 12 Olpmlll ‘Opm 2 40am 343 pm Ar Lynchburg Lv | 352 pm ! 50am 4 Soamj 5 ppm Ar Charlottesville Lv | 2 opml2 sipm ‘ 2pm; 8 oOpmi.Ar Washington Lv 111 15am 9 50pm 9 lOamll 33pm Ar Baltimore Lv i 8 22am J 27pm 11 35aml 2 66am; Ar Philadelphia Lv 350 am 6 l*pm 2 Wpnii 6 23am Ar New York..t Lv 12 lrtam 325 pm 8 30pm; 3 OQprojiAr Boston Lv j 5 00pm 10 10am Ko - 36 I TO THE NORTH AND WEST. || N0.3~ [__ (Central Time.) ' Jj 13 a)amj|Lv Savannah..... Aril 5 10un „ „ U (Easier n Time.) j 6 30am; |Lv Columbia Lv]| 1 25am 9 50amj|Lv Spartanburg Lv|| 6 15pra 9 50amjjLv Asheville Lv|| 305 pm 4 02pm|| Ar Hot Springs Lv 11 45am 7 20pm Ar Knoxville Lv 8 25am 6 lOamljAr Lexington Lv| 10 30pm 7 45am;Ar Cincinnati Lv 8 00pm i 50am 'Ar Louieville Lvl 7 46pm 6 OOpmj lAr St. Louis Lv| 8 08am All trains arrive and depart from the Plant System Station. THROUGH CAR SERVICE, ETC. TRAINS 33 AND 34 DAILY, NEW YORK AND FLORIDA EXPRESS Vestl huled limited trains, with Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Cara between Havana nah and New York. Connects <\t Washington with Colonial Express for Boeton. Pullman Sleeping Cars between Charlotte and Richmond and Charlotte and Nor folk. Dining Cars serve all meals between Savannah and Washington. TRAINS 35 AND 36 DAILY. THE UNITED STATES FAST MAIL Vestlbold Ilrnlted trains, carrying Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Cars between Savannah and New York. Dining Cars serve all meals between Savannah and Washington. Also Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Cars between Savannah and Cincinnati, through Asheville and "The Land of the Sky.” For complete information as to rates, schedules, etc., apply to G. GROOVER. Ticket Agent, Plant System Station. JAMES FREEMAN, C. P. and T. A., 141 Bull street. Telephones—Bell, 850; Georgia, 850. S. H. HARDWICK. Assistant General Passenger Agent. Atlanta. Ga. MURPHY & CO., INC., Board of Trade Building, Savannah. Private leased wires direct to New York, Chicago and New Orleans. COTTON, STOCKS AND GRAIN. New York office. No. Cl Broadway. Offices In principal cities thro'igtiout the South. Write for our Market Manual and book containing instructions for traders. GRAIN, PROVISIONS, ETC. New York, July 30.—Flour market dull and barely steady. Rye flour weak. Cornmeal easy; yellow Western, 88c. Rye weak. Barley firm. Barley malt nominal. When*—Spot, easy; No. 2 red, 82%c. Op tions weak under heavy cables and liqui dation, ruling dull most of the day. In the afternoon prices rallied a little on export demand. The close was steady at Vt@l%c decline, latter on July. July closed 80c; September closed 80%c; Octo ber closed 80%c; December, 81%c. Corn —Spot, steady; No. 2,45 c. Options, after a weak opening under bearish ca bles, recovered on a demand from shorts and less favorable crop news. Closed steady at %®%c net decline; September closed 44)4c; December, 4114 c. Oats—Spot weaker; No. 2,2714 c. Options dull and about steady. Beef firm. Cut meats dull. Lard dull; Western steamed, *7.10; refined steady. Pork steady. Tallow steady. Petroleum firm. Rosin firm. Turpentine firm. Rice firm. Butter steady; creamery, 1701914 c; state dairy, 15%©18%c. Cheese firm; large white, 914 c; small white, 9%c. Eggs steady; state and Penn sylvania at mark, 14®>17c for average lots; Western. ll@1314c; Western, loss off, 1514 c. Potatoes steady; Southern, *1.5001.75; Long Island, *1.75. Cabbage steady; Long Island, per 100, $1.7502.00. Cotton by steeme to Liverpool, 25c. Coffee, spot Rio, steadier; No. 7. in voice, 9%®9%c. Mild steady. The mar ket for coffee futures started steady in tone, tvith prices 5® 15 points higher on following a sharp advance in Havre and Hamburg, which caused a spurt of cover ing and some new buying here. Later, however- there was a partial reaction un der heavy Brazilian receipt*, a better rul ing of the spot coffee market and an ab sence of vigorous bull speculation. To ward the close there was a fresh period of strength on renewed covering, but at best the marekt was a small one, but 14,- OCO bags changing hands. The close was steady with prices 10015 joints net high er, including July at 8.10 c; August, 8.10 c; September, 5.15@8.20e. Sugar raw, steady; fair refining, 4tsC, centrifugal, 96-test. 474 c; molasses sugar, 4>4c; refined strong. New York, July 30 —Cotton seed oil was weak and a shade lower, sales of prime summer vellow being reported at 3Ge. Prime crude, barrels, 33c, nominal; prime summer yellow, 36e; butler grades nomi nal; off summer yellow. 35*4c; prime win ter yellow. 40®40%c: prime white, 39®40c; prime meal, *25.00. CHICAGO MARKETS. Chicago. July 30.-An apparent revival of the export demand for American wheat pulled that market out of the slough of lower cables and favorable North west weather to-day, the September op tion closing but a shade lower, (hough sell ing at one time at a decline of %c. Corn was fairly strong on small country ac ceptances, and closed '4c higher. The leading futures ranged as follows: Openlng.Highest. Lowest. Closing. Wheat, No. 2 Tulv 73*4 74'4 73% 74>A®74>4 Aug 73%®73*4 74'4 73% 74%®74% Sept 74%@74% 74% 74% 75%©75% Corn, No. 2 July 38% 39% 38% 39% Aug H8%®38% 39-% Sept 38 @38% 38% 38 88% Oats, No. 2 July 21%@21% 21% 21% 21% Aug 21% 21% an Sep4 22V„@22% 22% 21% 21 ’ Mess pork, per barrel— July ..*1157% *ll 70 *ll 57% *ll7O Sept .... H 62’4 H 77% 11 62% 11 75 Lard, per 100 pounds— July •••• •••• , * 72% Sept .... 6 72% 675 6 72% 67a Oct 685 6 77% 675 6 77'4 Short Ribs, per 100 pounds.— j„l v ■••• •••• 6 97% Bern .... 6 9?% 7on 6 92% 700 Oct 685 6 92>* 685 6 92% Cash quotations were as follows: Flour dull No. 2 spring wheat, 69@7Sc; No. 2 red,' 76%@77%c. No. 2. corn, 39%@40%c: Na 2 vellow, 41%0. No. 2 oats, 22%e; No 2 white 24©24%c; No. 3 white, 23%@ 24%c. No 2 rye. 51%®62%e. Good feed ling barley. 85®86c; fair to choice malting. 41046 c No. 1 flaxseed, *1.50; No. 1 North western, *1.50. Prime timothy seed, *3 10. Mess pork, per barrel, *11.70®11.75. Lard, per 100 pounds, *6.7006.72%. Short ribs Sides loose, *6.9007.25. Dry salted shoul ders,’ hoxcd, 6%@7c. Short clear sides, boxed, *7.4507.55. Clover, contract grade, *B.OO. —Robert W. Gardner of Quincy, 111., who invented the "governor” attached to steam engines nearly fifty years ago, Is a native of Scotland, his father having been one of the most noted engineers of his day. He drifted into Quincy many years ago, looking for a school to teach or other em ployment. and finally got a Job as appren tice In a small machine shop of a Mr, Turner, which he afterwards purchased, and It was there that he saw the necessity for a "governor" for steam engines and invented one. His first patent was issued In 1860. but he has revived many since for improvements on the "governor” and for other invention*, aome of which are of corresponding Importance. THE MOHNING NEWS: TUESDAY, JULY 31, 1000. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. TIG M. E. LUCKENIIACH ARRIVES FROM NEW YORK. Site Will Tow the Atlantic, Pnelfle and Gnlf Company's Dredge to the Mississippi River—She Is a Power ful Craft, Equipped for Heavy Out side Work—Two Exearsions From Iteunfort—Capt. Daggett Remains HI fn New York—ltems of Interest Front the YVater Front. The tug M. E. Luekenbaeh was a prom inent arrival in the harbor yesterday from New York via Norfolk. She comes to tow the Atlantic, Pacific and Gulf Company’s suction dredge to Vicksburg, Miss., and stopped over in Norfolk on the way down to clean boilers and make other needed preparations for the long voyage before her.^ When It comes lo powerful towing the Luekenbaeh is not to be placed at the bottom of the column. Being 152% feet over ail, and presenting an otherwise cor respondingly large appearance, she was quite an attraction along the river front when she tied along side the schoon< e Rob Roy, lying at the Georgia Lumber Company’s dock. She i twenty-seven feet wide, and draws seventeen feet when coaled. She has roomy dining quarters, commodious deck room for a tug, and does not look to be overcrowded in any quarter. There is ample room for the crew about the automatic towing wind lass, and in the engine rooms the great triple expansion does not take up enough space to cramp those working about. The Luekenbaeh was turned out two years ago by the Dialogues, who also built the new Savannah tug Abram Minis. Her engines are 1,300 horse-power, triple expansion, with 18, 36 end 45-inch cylinders, and 30-inch stroke. Her boilers carry 185 pounds of steam. One of the features of the engine is the Marshall valve gear, which has proved a complete success on the tug. The towing appara tus is worked automatically. One of the American Ship Windlass Company’s ma chines is used, and in addition the usual amount of powerful rope and cables. The hawsers are 11-lnch Manila, and 3-inch wire cable, the former being used for light, and the latter for very heavy tow ing. L. Luekenbaeh, owner and manager of the great fleet of towboats in New York harbor, has been In the business for years. The fleet consists of seven tugs, two steamships, twenty barges, and a square rigged sailing vessel. The tug now in Savannah was named for the owner’s wife. Capt. George W. Wlllin commands the Luekenbaeh. and the other officers are Martin Coph, chief officer; Capt. J. W. Dunham, navigator and pilot, and Samuel Dowdy, chief engineer. It Is expected the tug will proceed to-day on her voyage Sou4h. The vicinity of the Beaufort and Savan nah wharf presented a lively scene all day yesterday, the event being the arrival of the steamers Pilot Boy and the Clif ton from Beaufort, with colored excur sionists. The visitors spent several hours in the city, leaving on their return late in the afternoon. On the way over some excitement was furnished the Clifton’s crowd by a man falling overboard. It seems efforts were being made to clear a way on the main deck, during which a railing was re moved. Through the opening an excur sionist went unexpectedly, either falling off. or being shoved by another. The steamer reversed and went to the rescue. After some trouble a rope was thrown out and the struggler hauled in. Capt, Daggett remains ill in New York, though it is expected he will be able to resume command of the steamship City of Augusta on her return trip to Savan nah. She went lo sea last night In com mand of Capt. Lewis of the steamship Chattahoochee, who has been in command since Capt. Daggett's physician recom mended that he lake a rest. The tug Abram Minis sailed early yes terday morning for Key West in command of Cap*- Frank B. Avery. A* previously slated, she will tow a barge from there to Jacksonville, and thence to New York. Pnsnenaera by Steamships. Passengers by steamship City of Au gusta. for New York, last night.—Mrs. W. H. Hall, J. C. Uhl, George C. Mills, Mrs. W. G. Morrell; Rev. J. T. Betts, T. W. Zubers. Harry Kent and wife, John O’Neill. Rev M. Y. Reilly W, . Breed ing, George H. Hartwell, Mr. Larson and wife, T. V. Boardmen, R. G. Watson, E. M. Pinckard, W. L. Marshall, F. W. BANKING HOUSE OF J. OVERTON PAINE 7 W ALL STREET, NEW YORK. MONEY LOANED ON LISTED BE CURITIES. Orders executed for Stocks, Bonds, Cot ton, Grain. Etc., cash or on markln. DAILY MARKET LETTER UPON RE QUEST. Write for an Important LETTER on Brooklyn Rapid Transit and T. C. I. Seaboard Air Line Railway J Double Daily Service Central or 90th Meridian Time. iBi TIME TABLE EFFECTIVE JUNE 2. 1900. All trains daily. Trains operated by 90th meridian time—one hour slower than city time. NORTH AND EAST. NORTH AND NORTHWEST. | 44 | 66 ~~ j (8 Lv Savannah i. 12 SGPjll 59p I Lv Savannah 11 59p Ar Fairfax 2 ISpj 1 54a j Ar Columbia ♦ 36a Ar Denmark 3 OOpj 2 42a Ar Asheville 1 40p Ar Augusta 9 45p( 6 65a ; Ar Knoxville 7 30p Ar Columbia 4 38p| 4 36a ; Ar Lexington 5 10a Ar Asheville j 1 40p Ar Cincinnati 7 45a Ar Hamlet 9 05p| 9 20a Ar Louisville 7 50a Ar Raleigh 11 40p|U 55a : Ar Chit ago 5 55p Ar Richmond | 5 10a) 5 40p Ar Detroit 4 OOp Ar Norfolk 7 38a Ar Cleveland 2 56p Ar Portsmouth 7 25aj Ar Indianapolis 1140a Ar Washington 8 45a | 9 30p Ar Columbus 11 20a Ar Baltimore 10 OtalU Ssp ■— Ar Philadelphia 12 30pl 2 56a SOUTH AND FLORIDA POINTS. Ar New York 3 03 18a f 27 —j~~si WEST DIVISION AND N. O. Ar Darien 12 30p 6 OOp . Ar Everett 6 60n 5 lOp y s I 81 I n . Ar Brunswick 8 06a 6 2Sp Lv Savannah 3 07p| 5 08a Ar Fernandina 9 30a 9 05p Lv Jacksonville 7 45p 9 20a A r Jacksonville 9 10a 7 40p Ar Lake City 9 Ssp 11 28a A r St. Augustlno 10 30a Ar Live Oak 10 SOp 12 18p Ar Waldo 11 25a|10 41p Ar Madison 2 30a 1 19p A r Gainesville 13 Oln Ar Monticello 4 40a 320 p Ar Cedar Key 6 35|> Ar Tallahassee 6 OOn; 338 p A r Ocala 1 40p 1 15a Ar Quincy 8 25a| 4 89p Ar Wildwood 2 32p 2 tOp Ar River Junction 9 40a 5 26p A r Leesburg 3 lOp 4 30a Ar Pensacola 11 OOp Ar Orlando 5 OOp 8 20a Ar Mobile | 8 05a Ar Plant Cily 4 44p 5 28a Ar New Orleans \ 7 40a Ar Tampa 6 SOp 6 30a WEST AND NORTHWEST^ — - —— Trains arrive at Savannah from North | N0.19|N0.17 I.v Savannah ) 6 30p[~7 25a ant * East—No. 27 sn. m., No. 31 2:57 p. m.. Ar Cuyler | 7 10p| 8 08a f ro m Northwest. No. 27 5 a. m: from Ar Collins j g 46 p] 9 45a Florida points, Brunswick and Darien, No Helena |lO 60p;il 45a 44 12:27 p. m.. No. 66 11:50 p. m. Ar .xVlanta j 5 20a| 7 Trains 31 and 44 tarry through Pullman r Chattanooga 9 45a 1 00a sleeper and day coach to New York, ln- Ar Fltxv'erim •' i 1236p eluding dining car. Ar Cordele ! ? ?i! p Trains 27 and 66 carry through Pullman Ar Amer1eua' 77.1 3 lup ® ,ce l >cr *° N " w Tork anJ Jay coat hes Ar Columbus ...7 7.77.1 5 30p to Washington. r — lban,r | 320 p Trains arrive at Savannah from the Ar Rl7m*n‘lT ry I 7 40p w< , s < and Northwest, No. 18 8:25 p. m. Ar M:Sie eham . No. 20 8:40 a. m. Ar New Orleans . ! s -t* ,E* ! Magnillcent buffet parlor cars on trains Ar Cincinnati 77777! 7 Z 4 fcp | 17 and 18. Ar st. Louis j 7 juaj 7 lgp I For £u u information apply to D. C. ALLEN. W. P. SCRUGGS, C. T. A., Bull and Liberty sts. s—both p hones—2B P.&T.A., cor. Bull & Bryan Sts. F. V. PET ERSON. c Traveling Passenger Agent E. ST. JOHN, L. S. ALLEN. A. O. MACDONELL, Vice Pres, and Gen. Mgr., Gen'l Pa ss. Agt., Asst. Gen’l Pass. Agent, Portsmouth, Va. Portsmouth, Va. Jacksonville, Fla. Hesee, F. Dietdich, Ben, Jenkins. E. B. Genovar. Miss J. O. Hammond and sis ter, E. C. McMorris. Max Lazarus, W. H. Park, Morris Levin, Miss Johnson. Mrs. W. O. Mitchell, W. G. BarowHl, H. D. Stevens, Mrs. H. Karger, Miss Harris. H. Hanew and son. W. G. Keen and wife, J. R. Stokes. G. M. Hill. Wallace, Alim Gill, Miss B. Sternberg. Miss H. Platshek. Mrs. Wright Hunter, Master John Hunter, E. W. Smith, Wright Hunter, Mrs. E. A. Smith. James O’Byrne, Miss L. Falk, Miss Sallie Me* Alpin, A. Falk, Rev. John D. Jordan, Mrs. B. Gleason. S. Papi>er and daugh ter, W. F. Newton. Morris Harrte. Mis. F. Herman, Master Herman. Rev. M. Earl and wife, Miss Gay, Mies Earl, Rev. R. E. Neighbor, Rev. W. G. Walker, Miss A. L. Kennedy, Miss Kennedy, Miss Lena Holmes. Mrs. J. G. Bell, Mrs. Cecil N. Been, Miss L. O’Brien, C. B. Walworth, Harry J. Groman, and 12 intermediate. Passengers by steamship Kansas City from New York, last night.—Mr. Lord, J Freidenberg, W. T. Hogan, A. McKay W. F. Huneken, Mrs. L. Wiggs. D. .) Powers, Miss M. White, Miss N. Harris J Savarese and wife, F. ]J. Leake, W Lawrence, E. L. Bamberger, S. Zulownkv T. Jone**. N. P. Moore, A. W. Moisten- , W. D. Greves. Miss H. Gregory, G. Ben dit, W. T. Birch, L. C. Choves, D. Van- Wag nen. Miss Al. Jones, J. Loewns, H. VonLiiistow. J. Levy, F. R. Kimbrough, O. V. McAuliff. G. llousman, P. Webb, E. T. Webb Jr., DeForest Grant, Dr. Williams and wife, J. W. Longstreet, Alisa N. Moore, Dr. J. Duval. J. N. Bowers. Col. O. B. Stevens, T. H. Stafford, C. S. Sickle, Miss I Kenney, Mise B. Greene, Mrs. M. Fortin. W. E. Dimmoek and child, P. D. Doftin, Miss S. Brown, Miss B. Sullivan, J. K. McJNmurry, Mrs. Hecht and son, L. A. Judkins, Miss H. I. Nix on, Mrs. L. Platshek, J. H. Simms, Mrs. F. Flexner. Miss L. Gurrier, Miss F. Puryear, A. M. Weinstein, Mrs. J. Alex ander, Miss A. Butler. J. Benner, Miss X. Shea, Mr. Killy and wife, O. C. John son, la. J. Roobin, B. Rubin, VV. R. Hoi man. E. J. Keefe, J. Young, C. Pause 'grau, F. Sulzer. G. Robert**, A. Ine, B. Woessney. R. D. Bullock, Dr. Groesinsky, E. C. McPherson. Passengers by steamship Nacoochee from New York yesterday.—Mrs-. R. P. Dur kee, W. R. Henry, S. Calmus, H. H. Hebblns, C. N. Gilbert. F. H. McFar land. M. A. Converse, W. F. House!, R. L. Permenter, J. T. Ripley and wife, Miss E. King. tin yh ii no Ii AI inn nnc. Sun rises at 5:14 a. m., and sets at 6:59 p. m. High water at Tybee to-day at 10:40 a. m. and 10:50 p. m. High water at Savan nah one hour later. Phases of the Moon for Jnly. D. H M. First quarter 4 7 13 eve. Full moon 12 7 22 inorft. Last quarter 18 11 31 eve. New moon 26 7 43 morn. Moon Apogee 3 & 31. Muon Perigee 15th. ARRIVAL* A*D DEPART! RES. Vpmclh Cleared Yesterday, Steamship Nacoochee. Smith, New York. —Ocean Steamship Company. Steamship Kansas City. Fisher, New York.—Ocean Steamship Company. Tug M. E. Luekenbaeh, Willin, New York, via Norfolk. Vesftcla Went to Sen. Steamship City of Augusta, Lewis, New York. Tug Abram Minis, Avery, Key West. Shipping Memoranda. Punta fiord}*, Fla., July 30. Cleared, schooner Calumet, Coombs, Baltimore. Fernandina. Fla July' 30.—Arrived 29th, schooner Jose Legavey, Hewitt, from Havana. Charleston. July 30.—Arrived, steamers Seminole. Bearse. New York, proceeded to Jacksonville; Algonquin Platt, Jackson ville. proceeded to New York; George W. Clyde, Chlcheoter, Brunswick, proceeded to Boston. Sailed, schooner Charles G. Endioott, Bailey. New York. Arrived, schooner James Davidson, Janssen. New Ig>ndon. Port Tampa. Fla., July 30— Arrived, steamers Winifred. Ritch, Galveston; John Morrison (Br). Balia, St. Vincent, via quarantine. Balled, steamer Mascotte, White, Ha vana, via Key West; schooner The Jose phina. Townsend. Baltimore. Pensaooia, Fla., July 30.—Arrived, steamships Pensacola. Simmons, Galves ton; Aquelya (Aust), Buttora. New York; Myrtledene (Br). Yule. New York. Sailed, steamship WUdcraft (Br), Cos sap. Ship Island. Cleared, steamer F’ensacoia, B‘mmons, Galveston and sailed. Beaufort, 8. C., July 30.—Arrived. Dole's creek, steamers Ormsby (Br), from Phil adelphia; Hexham (Br), from New York. Arrived Port Royal, U. S. S. tugs Mas sasoit and Aceomue, from Key West. Brunswick, Ga.. July 28.—Arrived, steamer George W. Clyde, Chichester, Charleston; schooner Bello Wooster, Sum merville, Cienfucgos. Cleared 28th, schooner George M. Grant, Pelton, Perth Amboy. Sailed 28th, lrk Clara (Ifal), Scarps, Genoa; echoouer Anna R. Bishop. Bowen, New York. Manchester, July 29.—Arrived, steamer Pensacola. Baltimore, July 30.—Arrived, steamer Harriet C. Kerlin, Jacksonville. Ymudin. July 27.—Arrived, steamer Ursuiu Bright, Pensacola. Notice to Mnrinen. Pilot charts and all hydrographic infor mation will lx? furnished masters of ves sels free of charge In United States hy- Irographic office in Custom House. Pap ains are requested to call at the office. Imports of wrecks and derelicts received or transmission to tho navy department. Coastwise I'iports. Per steamship City of Augusta for New ork.—l,loo bales upland cotton, 100 eacke % ice chaff, 298 Uiles domestics and yarn?*, J.OOO barrels cotton seed oil. 1,p25 barrel** rosin, 104 barrels spirits turpentine, 94.t03 feet lumber, 25 barrels rosin oil, 16 cases cigars, 27 burrHs lamp black, 1,309 barrels fruit, 292 iroxep fruit, 241 cases canned goods, 1 carload pipe. 23 bales sponge, 4,- <9o staves, 233 packagea mdee. Pilot charts and all hydrographic infor mation will b<* furnished masters of ves sels free of charge m United States hy drographic office in Custom House. <’p tairie are requested to call at the office. Reports of wrecks und derelicts received for transmission to the navy department. Tin* In veil tors of (■iinpawi*r l From the New York Sun. China's own arsenals arc said to have furnished some part of the guns which the Insurrectloni&tK arc using; and the dis patches nay they are effective and well served. China has arsenals at Bhiinghal, Wu-( hang, Ilanyan on the Yang-toe river und Nutikin, and foreign writers who have de>*cribed them, in the past two years, have generally agreed that the cannon and Mauser rifles they are turning out are of very good quality, but that these weap ons might be Imported far more cheaply than they are manufactured at home. JsOid Charles Bercsford aaid, however, that the small oannon made at Hanyan in 1898 wer*- almost worthless. The Chinese people gave gunpowder to the world and a considerable amount of ♦he product, often of very poor quality. Is made up Into firecrackers and exploded mainly in China and the United Hmtes. China will probably never consume ns much gunpowder in war as *he has burn ed in mere nolee in iking and spectacle. When Mr. John Bell visited Pekin in 1721 he was told by "the Emperor's general of artillery" that the Chinese had used gun powder in fireworks for more than J.ufiO years, according to their records, but they had only recently begun to apply it to the purposes of war. The Inventor of the Maxim gun wrote, last year, that gun liowder wmh originally used in war by the Chinese, not for hurling project ilea, but to produce a great noioe. sputtering and smoke for the purpose of frightening rath er than of Injuring mii enemy. Consul General Goodnow reported two years ago that $1,500,000 worth of firecrackers an nually sent abroad, mainly to New York in sailing vessels, is only a very small part of the firecrackers that are conatimed in China. He added that they were once used largely to frighten away evil spirits, but are now most frequently an expression of good feeling or of ceremonious compli ment. “ESI incomes grow M°NE Y WILL EARN 10* A MONTH. It LSI I The Investor's Fund pays semi-monthly. The oldest established In Amerlen. No certlflrato holder has ever lost a cent. merit* made to nil subsorlbey* every 15 days. No trouble. No delay. Money refunded on demaud. Write to-day fc- par ticulars, frae to any add rent*. a ('. i:. MAI KFY A 4 0.. Bond Dept. No. (19. Hudson Building, New York. - ■ . , JS-JUL^.JL'3 Wool, Hides Wax, Furs, Honey, High -at market price* [mid. Georgia Syrup (or aala. A. EHRLICH & BRO, Wholesale Grocer* and Liquor Deaiera, 1U.1U.U9 Bar atreat. mmL i,000,000 HIDES WANTED. DRY FLINTS 14%,. DRY SALTS 13%c GRKKN SALTED % R. KIRKLAND, <l7 to 431 Bt. Julian .trout, west. Plant System. of Railways. Tra ln9 Operated by 90th Meridian Time—One Hour Slower Clt^TlmK^ READ DOWN? ~11 EffMtciv. J une 17. -900. i| READ Of? . _I6 I 114 I 33 I :o | 78 |j tfowh and South.3s | t 5 | |l3 Ilf. I • I*P| il6a|!Lv ....Sava. nntth.... Aifi]" ll!oa| 7’Wa| 6 lopill la|U iff H 16ajn 50aj 4 19p|10 soa| 6 2*a||Ar ...Charleston.... Lv||ll 15p| 5 BOa 319 p 7 41a 19 j | 3 23a| | 7 25p||Ar ....Richmond... Lv|l 9 05a| 6 u..... I 7 01u| 11 20p||Ar ..Washington... Lvjj 4 30al 3—-. I s 1 03a|lAr ... Baltimore.... Lvjj 2 55a| 1 46p ..... 1 lap J oOujiAr ....Nuw York.... Lv|j 9 25pj 8 55a ....... - 1 8 30p|. 3oop||Ar_. Boston Lv|( 1 00p|1200nl ...... I 3 i b | a i & ii SoutTT ii 7b j 34 | 3a T w"' *£Pi fm Foiaj b Kal I BailLv ....Savannah.... Ar ; Si U LOp ii Bsa to SS 1* ,i? 4n l'i lo 60“| 7 35a1 4 30u,jAr Way avlllo Lvl I 7 00p| | 5 45a| 5 43a| 3 25* n SS? 2 '2 p l 2 15p l 2 ,6 * > l 2 15p| Ar ...Thomusvllle Lvl 7 00p| 7 00P| 5 45a| 5 46a ■! X* 10 S°p| 7 40pj12 s°a| 9 25u; 7 80a||Ar ....Jacksonville.. Lv|| * 30pj 8 OOp 8 OOa 7 30a a Uoa 3°P| 3 o"p|l2 02p|12 02p| Ar Palatka Lvij 2 40p| 5 OOp 4 05q 4 05a I 5 05a| 6 40p| | 11 Ar ......Sanford Lv|jl2(lsp| 100a 1 00a ...._ ‘J 2 20pj 2 2l)pjjAr . ..Gaiti©FViilo.... Lv 2 40p J 3 lt>P| 3 16p| Ar Ccala Lvj 1 40p I 7 30a;10 00p|10 00p|10 oOp;|Ar Tampa Lv| 7 uOa 7 00a 7 35p 7 35p I 8 lOajlO 30p|10 .tup 10 30p||Ar ....Port Tampa.. Lv| 6 25a 0 25a 7 OOp 7 OOp I I 1 10“| 1 10a| 1 10a11Ar ...Punta Qorda.. Lv| 4 35p 4 85p .”....|:......|. : . . ...|lO 45a! 10 45a11 Ar . .St. Ail gnstlne. Lvjl 6 ftp) C 20p I 6 OOp| 2 15a| 3 25p| 5 SOttljLv Savannah.... Lv||lo 15a 12 10a| | I 8 i*l’l 3 <7Ol 4 50pj g 40a !Ar Jeaup Lv|| 8 20ajl0 50p| I 8 35p| 7 10a| 6 35p| 8 05a|IAr Brunswick .. Lv|| 6 40a| 9 05p|... | NORTH, WEST AND SOUTHWEST. 1 82 II 3b * u P- || 18 |3# 15 |*6 |jVla Montgomery.)! 16 |B9 ““Vannah HiS l.v Savannah A. ,10 15al T4!ia • 45p 6 49ai|Ar ...Jeaup,. Lv 8 20a 10 SOp s Ida n 20p Ar M is’ l.v 7 45n 11 25* 5 20a 360 p Ar.. Atlanta ..Lv 10 45p 12 06P 2 30a 12 25n Ar lx>ui<vill© Lv 2 55a 9 l°n -too 7 50m aI l V -Jt!* 70501 40f, P A r Cincinnati Lv 11 00p 5 45p TZ7“a Ar “fi Lv BZ7 Z 7 “*| 7 **{ Ar • I'°“’? 2 ** B • 5Z\ Ar".. ft iZ9 Z 7 37a | j Ar *• LV * °° P 6 40al lsp| Lv.. Atlanta ..Ar |19 3f.p 11 30a sO9 i' 9 lKpi \r Chicago Lv I 7 orn t nop 8 05pj 7 15aj Ar. Ylemphna .Lv ( 8 20j 9 OOp —* 9 45a| 7 lOaMAr KansasCityLv j 6 30p 9 45p 4 12p! 3 05a||Ar.. Mobil© ..Lv||l2 fSp|l2 20a • (and unmarked train©) dully. ® 30p| 7 40u||Ar N. Orle*in Lvjj 7 55aj 7 45p t Daily except Sunday. 0 oopfft 20a||Lv Savannah Ar| 10 15a 12 10a {Sunday only. _______ 1 45a 112 SOp I Ar.. Ttfton ...Lv 2 15a 5 20p Through Pullman Sleeping Car Service 345 el 2 10p \ Ar.. Albany ..Lv 12 01a 346 p to North. Fast and West, and to Florida | 6 SOp jAr Columbus Lv 10 00ft ConnecttouK niHtle u( l*ort Tniupa with ateainera for Hey Weal and Havana. Leaving Port Tamiu Monila>>*, Thuraduya ami Suturdaya ctfl 11 :<H> p. mi. 7. ii. PolllMntUlg T K XTTsTa. Anna Mil . CltJ PllOßt B. W. WRENN, Passenger Trattlc Manager. Savannah. Ga. TJcDOI\OUGH & BALLANTYNE, Iron Founders, (Machinists, Halleriuakvas, rnanuf, pturer. of Htatloa nr and Porta hi. Kostin**, Vrrtlaal and Top Hunnlag J' 5 * ; lor* m i la, Sugar Mill nod Pan., u s fling. Falloga, at* ‘ ’ TELEPHONE NO. 123. ' * 9i Ocean SteainstiiD Go. -FOR— New York, Boston -AND- , , , THE EAST. Unsurpassed cabin Accommodations. All the comforts of a modern hotel. Electro lights. Unexcelled table. Tickets include meals and bertha aboard ship. Passenger Fares Irom Savannah. TO NEW YORK—FIRST CABIN, *'-'0; FIRST CABIN ROUND TRIP, *32; IN TERMEDIATE CABIN, *ls; INTERME DIATE CABIN ROUND TRIP. *24. STEERAGE. *lO. TO BOSTON-FIRST CABIN, *22; FIRST CABIN HOUND TRIP, *36. IN TERMEDIATE CABIN, *l7; INTERME DIATE CABIN ROUND TRIP. *28.00. STEERAGE, *11.75. The express steamships of this line are appointed to Full from Savannah, Central (90*h) meridian time, as follows: SAT ANY All TO NEW fyRK. NACOOCHEE. Capt. Smith. TUESDAY. July 31, at 8:00 p. m. KANSAS CITY, Capt. Fisher, THURS DAY, Aug. 2, 9:00 a. m. CITY OF BIRMINGHAM, Capt. Burg, SATURDAY, Aug. 4, 10:00 p. rn. TALLAHASSEE, Capt. Askins, MON DAY, Aug. 6, 1:00 p. m. CITY OF AUGUSTA, Capt. Daggett, TUESDAY, Aug. 7, 2:00p. m. NACOOCHEE, Cap*. Smllti, THURS DAY, Aug. 9, 3:30 p. m. KANSAS CITY, Capt. Flaher, SATUR DAY, Aug. 11. 5:00 p. m. CITY OF BIRMINGHAM. Capt. Burg. MONDAY, Aug. 13. 7:00 p. m. TALLAHASSEE, Capt. Aaktns, TUES DAY, Aug. 14, 7:80 p, m. CITY OF AUGUSTA, Capt. Daggett. THURSDAY, Aug. 16, 9:00 u. m. NACOOCHEE, Capt. Smith. SATUR DAY, Aug. 18, 11:00 p. m. KANSAS CITY, Capt. Fisher, MONDAY. Aug. 20, 1:00 p. m. CITY OF BIRMINGHAM, Copt. Burg, TUESDAY. Aug 21, 2:00 p. m. TALLAHASSEE, Capt. Askins, THURS DAY, Aug. 23 , 8:30 p. m. CITY OF AUGUSTA, Capt. Daggett, SATURDAY, Aug. 25, 5:00 p. m. NACOOCHEE, Capt. Smith, MONDAY, Aug. 27, 6:30 p. m. KANSAS CITY, Capt. Fisher, TUES DAY, Aug 28, 7:00 p. m. CITY OF BIRMINGHAM, Capt. Burg. THURSDAY, Aug. 80, 8:00 a. m. SEW YORK TO noftTON. CITY OF MACON, Capt. Savage, FRI DAY, Aug. 3, 12:00 noon. CITY OF MACON, Capt. Savage, WED NESDAY, Aug 8, 12:00 noon. CITY OF MACON, Capt. Savage, MON DAY, Aug. 13. 12 00 noon. CITY OF MACON, Capt. Savage, FRI DAY, Aug. IT, 12:00 noon. CITY OF MACON, Capt. Savage, WED NESDAY, Aug 22, 12:00 noon, CITY OF MACON. Cop. Savage, MON DAY, Aug. 27, 12:00 noon. CITY OF MACON, Capt. Savage, FRI DAY, Aug. 31, 12:00 noon. This company reserves the right to change to* sailings without notice and without liability or accountability there for. July saltings New York for Savannah dally except Sunday*, Monday* a n<9 Thursday*. 5 00 p. m August sailings New York for Savannah dally except Sundays, Wednesdays and Fridays, 5:00 P m. W. G. BREWER, City Ticket and Pass enger Agent, 107 Bull street, Savannah, Or. E. W. SMITH, Contracting Freight Agent. Savannah, Ga. R. G. TREZEVANT, Agent, Savannah, Ga. WALTER HAWKINS. General Agent Traffic Dep't, 224 W. Bay street, Jack sonville, Fla. K. H. HINTON. Traffic Manager, Sa vannah. Ga. P. K. LE FEVRE, Superintendent, New Pier 25. North River, New York, N. Y. FRENCH LINE. coiwgiie mim JMTiMm DIRECT LINE TO HAVRE -PARIS (Franoet Sailing erery Thursday at 10 a in. From Pter No. 42, North Ktver, foot Morton Si L’Aquitaine Aug. 2La Lorraine... Aug 21 La Touralne Aug tlL'Aquitaine Aug. 30 I,u Bretagne . Aug. l*!La Touralne Sept 9 Pari* hotel accommodations reserved for company's passengers upon application General Agency. K Broadway New York Messrs. Wilder A Cos. IF YOU WANT GOOD MATERIAL and work, order your lithographed and printed stationary and blank book* frosa Morning New*, Savannah, Gs^ Schedules Effective Juno 10, 1900. Train* arrive at and depart [r<Mi> " Central Stutlon, West Broad, foot of T Liberty street. 90th Meridian Time-One hour slower that! city time. Leave Arrive -4 . Savannah: Savannahs | |Maoon, Atlanta, Coving-) ~~ 1 •8 4Sam|ton, Mllledgevllle and alll*6 00pm llntermedlate point*. | |.MIIIn, Augusta and ln-| " L t 8 am|termedlate point*. |tt OOpn* I A ugusta, Macon, Mont -I • 00pm|Columbus. Birmingham. I*6 80*m lAmerlciie, Euluula andj |Tybeo Special from Au-| ’ 1 15 15p*n|gustu Sunday only. 1110 26a 14 16 00pm| Lover \c. orrwnotlaMon. |f7 48an tH 00pro| Ouyton Dinner Train. |ft 60pu* •Dally. 1 Except Sunday. {Sunday* ontjk BETWEEN SAVANNAH AND TYBE& 76th meridian or Savannah city time. uavu savannah. Week Duy— 6.2U a. un, i0:0a a. m., 8:35 pa m., 6:25 p. m.. 0:60 p. in., 8:8a p. in. Sunduys—7:4s a. rn., 10:05 a. m., 12:06 pa m, 8:35 p. m., 5:25 p. in., 6:50 p. in.. p. rn. LEAVE TYBEE. Week Day*—6:o) a. m., 6:00 a. m., 11:1* am., 6:16 p. m., 7:40 p. m., 10:10 p. rn. Sundays—6:oo a. m., 8:35 a ro., 11:10 a . m. 1:00 p m, 6:60 p. rn , 7:40 p, m.. 10:1* p m. Connect lone made at terminal points wbtti all trains Northwest, Went elm Southwest. Sleeping car* on night train* between Savannah and Augusta, Macon, Atlanta and Birmingham. Parlor cars on diiy train* between Sa vannah, Macon and Atlanta. For complete Information, schedule% rate* and connection*, apply to W. O BREWER, City Ticket and Pats, enger Agent, 107 Bull street. W R MrJNTYRK, Depot Ticket Ag*e% J. C. HAILE. General Passenger Agent* B. H. HINTON. TrelTlo Manager. THEO. D. KLINE, Osn. Savannah. Oa. MERCHANTS AND MINERS TRANSPORTATION CO. STEAM&iiU* LIAMS. SAVANNAH TO BALTIMORE. Ticket.) on sale at company's office* t* the following point* at vary low ratwi ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. BALTIMORE. MU. BUFFALO, N. Y* BOSTON. MASS. CHICAGO, ILL. CLEVELAND, O. ERIE, PA. HAGERSTOWN. HARRISBURG, PA* HALIFAX. N. a NIAGARA FALLS. NEW YORK* PHILADELPHIA. PITTSBURG. PROVIDENCE* ROCHESTER TRENTON. WILMINGTON. WASHINGTON. Flrst-claae llcketa include meal* and stale room berth, Savannah to Baltimore, Accommodations and culalne unequaied. Freight capacity unlimited: careful ban. dllng and quick dispatch. Tha steamships of this company are ap. pointed to tall from Sevaimah to Baltl* more as follow* (standard umd: D. H. MILLER. Capt. Peters, TUES-* DAY, July 31, 6:00 |>. m. ITASCA, capt Din ■ TIirnSDAY, Aug. 2. 10:0* a. m. ALLEGHANY, Capt. Billups, SATUR* DAY, Aug. 4, 11:00 a. in. TEXAS, Capt. Foster. TUESDAY, Aug, 7, 1:00 p. tn. D. 11. MILLER. Capt. Peters, THURS* DAY, Aug. 9, 2:00 p. m. Atvl from Baltimore Tuesdays, Tliur** davs and Saturdays at 4:00 p. m. Ticket Office, 39 Hull *tree4. NEWCOMB COHEN, Trav. Agent. J. J. CAROLAN, Agent; Savannah, O*. W. P. TURNER, O. P. A. A. D. STEARINS, A. T M. J. C. WHITNEY, Traffic* Manager. General Ofllces, Baltimore, Md. Still In the Rinff7 We wish It understood that we are still prepared to dispense the beat Soda Water In the city. DONNELLY THARMACT. I’boue 678, Liberty and Prtc% 9