The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, August 03, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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6 A TEXAS WONDER. Hall’* Great Discovery. One email bottle of Hall’s Great Dis covery cures all kidney and bladder troubles, removes gravel, cures diabetes, seminal emissions, weak and lame backs, rheumatism and all irregularities of the kidneys and bladder in both men and women, regulates bladder troubles In chil dren. If not sold by your druggist will be sent my mail on receipt of sl. one small bottle is two months’ treatment, and will .cure any case above mentioned. Dr. E. W. Hall, sole manufacturer, P. O. Box 629, S. Louis, Mo. Send for testi monials. Sold by all druggists and Solo mons Cos., Savannah, Ga. Read Till*. Dr. E. W. Hall, St. Louis, Mo.: Dear Sir— Pkase ship me three doz*n Hall’s Great Discovery by first express. I have sold over cne gross. It give-; perfect sat isfaction. and I recommend it to my customers. Yours truly, H. C. GROVES, Prop. Anti-Monopoly Drug Store. Ocala, Fla., Dec. 33. • IN GEORGIA AND FLORIDA. NEWS AND VIEWS OF THE DAY IN TWO STATES. ‘'Pfglf*" William* Coming Ilnck io Georgia to Carry Off More Negroes. Brunswick*' Police Chief Resign*. Commonwealth Colony a Failure. Nlny Be Another Strike nt Tampa. Hon Gored by a Bull—Work ot Florida Exeonlvte Committee. Fort Valley Leader: The Deitzen can nery alone has canned over 200,000 cans of fruit this season and will run the sum mer's work up to 300,000 cans. They mule obout five hundred gallons of pea:h brandy. Primary in Mitchell. The county Democralle Executive Com mittee of Mitchell county has called for a primary of white voters (Irrespective of party) to select county officers and repre sentatives on the fourth Saturday in Au gust. Reward for Hampton. A reward has betn offered by Gov. Candler for the arrest of Morris Hamp ton. who killed Charles Jones in Wash ington county some time ago. The Ten nillc News prints a siory that the man te under arrest and that he will be sur rendered to the authorises when notice of the reward r aches the- county. The amount of the reward is $l5O. Wheel ling* .n Town. Wallen News and Messenger: Mr. Wal ter Watkins carried one of the bugs to Atlanta which our young men have been finding, and which they thought were kissing bugs The state entomologist took Walter's bug and decided that it was a wheel bug. or in strict technical lan guage primus cr status. So Monroe has r ot only buggy whe Is but wbeely bugs. Improving the Plant. The Mitchell County Fertilizer Company has added a spiedid new and powerful engine and several fine new gins to their plant. Fifty short staple bales and twen ty long stable bales a day, besides the fine grist mill work will be to the capacity of the works. It Is the finest ginnery in that section. Cotton Is expect ed to come In within ten or twelve days. They Have Mode Money. Calhoun peach growers, who have been shipping regularly in the past few weeks, have made money. This money will go away down in their pockets, as it has been a Jong time since these fruit grow ers have had so much "long green." Strawberry culture has been a dismal failure there. The cost of cultivation and picking eats up the profits. And no ot tentlon will be given to the growing of this fruit hereafter. Brained With a Mattock. News has just reached Cummings of the killing Tuesday evening of Sol Crane by Andrew Bryant, near the line of Forsyth and Dewson counties. Bryant and Crane, with others, were working the road, when a dispute arose between them, and Bry ant brained Crane with a mattock. Crane lived about two hours after being hit. Both were prominent citizen. of Dawson county. Bryant went to Dawsonville at once to surrender to the sheriff. Primary in Wilcox. A special to the Morning News from Abbeville says: At the primary election in this (Wilcox) county held Tuesday, the vote for the principal offices was as fol lows: For representative, George F. Mc- Leod 646, G. \ . Cress 621; clerk Superior Court, J. M. Mixon 646. W. J. Hancock 611. John Emory 12: sheriff. W. M. Gibb-- 7(16. J. B. Chandler 169, John B. Cook 328: tax collector. W. J. Mixon 428, G. B. (Jam mage 884; tax receiver. Samuel Brown 180, J. D. Taylor 685, B. M. Dennard 447; coun ty treasurer. J. W. Ham 673. S. S. Young 620; county ordinary, J. M. Warren (no oil position) 1,271. Chief Bench Resigns. Af er fifteen years of service on the palice force of Brunswick, Chief of Police Lewis W. Beach on Tuesday tendered his resignation. Mr. Beach entered the ser vice: in 18 5, served two years as a patrol man, three y.ars a< chief lieutenant, and in 1890 was elected chi f. in which ca -1 aeity he has continually served up to the present time. In all the coming and going of political factions, he has all times been retained as the h ad of the police department, ami has served under the administrate ns of Mayor Dunn. Cro vatt, Cobon, Johnson, Mason and Atkin f-n. During his long service he has en joyed in th fullest degree the confidence of each administration. Mr. Beach retires now on his own motion to accept the man agement of the Chattanooga Brewing Company's business In Brunswick. Lieut. who has been elected to succeed Chief Beach, is a faithful official and will do justice to the new honors. Commonwealth Drying I'p, T'nleds something wholly unexpected lJe\elope. Commonwealth Colony, in Mus cogee county, will soon be a thing of the past. The trying of the colony, which is an experiment in practical socialism, ii proceeding without any particular In cident, but steadily, and by the Novem ber term of Ihe Muscogee Superior Court lie affairs will probobly have been wound up for good. Pursuant to the order of the court, Mr. W. A. Ross, the receiver of the colony, has been engaged pi winding up the affairs of the enterprise as rapid ly as can be done, and has already filed a report of the assets, liabilities, etc., of the colony. In the petition filed In the Superior Court recently, when a receiver was asked for by Leon de Brabant, one of the members. It was stated that the lia bilities of the colony were $3,700 or $3,800. In the petition It was stated that the crop of 1899 had been almost a total failure, and that the membership had become very much discouraged, and that from forty five to fifty the members had dwindled In number to three. At a recent meet ing of the entire citizenship of the L.irts tlan Commonwealth, It tvne decided to have the affoirs of the colony wound up, •s the then small force on hand was In adequate to carry on the work begun by the full colony. “Pe-gleg" Williams Again, “Pegleg" Williams has been heard from again. He will leave Memphis short ]y for Atlanta to begin the work of get ting more negroes for transportation to the Delia during the fall. Despite the ob stacles which have been thrown In his way by the farmers of Georgia, and the sev eral suits which are pending against him, he predicts a large business this fall. While in Atlanta on the Fourth of July he distributed thousands of circulars to r.e --j gro excursionists- who were ihere from all j parts of the southeast. In these circulars j he sets out the advantages to the negro : laborer afforded by the Delta plantations. I He expects to have good returns from i these circulars.” It seems that ”Pegl3g” i is not satisfied with his experiences in ■ Middle Georgia. It will be remembered that he Induced some 2,500 negroes in Mor gan county to leave their homes and go to the Mississippi boiiom lands. He car ried away about 500 from Greene. They ; were still going from Greene and Put i nam and Morgan when he was arrested as an emigrant agent working without license and lodged in the county jail. A mob of angry and outraged farm ers and townspeople gathered in Madison and were about to do “Pegleg” bodily harm, when he agreed to withdraw from that section. Williams was found guilty by Judge John C. Heart. He appealed to •he Supreme Court of Georgia and that court sustained Judge Hart. His attor ney. Mr. James Davison, of Greensboro, carried the case to the United States Su preme Court. The outcome of this case will be watched with interest, as ii great ly affects the farmers of Georgia. FLORIDA. R. T. Colding and W. R. Clark of Dade City, two of Pasco county’s best citizens, were drowned in Pearce lake while fish ing Monday. They were alone, and not ing is known as to how the accident oc curred. Their beat was found capsized. The bodies were recovered last night. Killed n Desperado. Sheriff H. C. Griffin and posse killed a negro desperado. Canny Clark, at day break Tuesday, near the turpentine camp of Allison & Gasque, n t far from Dade City. By chance the posse met the negro on the road. Clark immediately drew his revolver and attempted to shoot the sheriff. The posse riddled him with buck shot. At the Inquest the verdict was jus tifiable homicide. Seriously Stabbed. Charles Henderson, a young white man, was seriously stabbed by two white men at Roberts, Fla., Tuesday. Henderson was taken to Pensacola for medical attention. He was attacked by the two men at once ; and would have been murdered, but for interference on the part of the bystanders. The would-be murderer**, whose names are English and who are relatives, were also taken to Pensacola for safe keeping. Gored By Angry Ball. A sad accident befell one of the men en gaged in loading a cattle boat at Punta i Rassa on Saturday, and before the bars | could be put up, an angry bull turned on one of the boat hands, a Cuban, and gored him in a frightful manner, lac erating his thigh and arm, and also gor ing him through the stomach. A physi cian was sent post haste from Myers, and after doing all that could be done the boa* left for Key West. No hopes are entertained for the man’s life. Scooping In the Violator*. Tampa Herald: Fish Warden Ben Moody now has twenty-four fishermen bound over to the Criminal Court for violation of the closed season. The charge Is fish ing with nets other than cast nets. They have had preliminary trials at the most convenient point In each case, before Jus ices In Clearwater, Port Tampa Cby and Tampa. The bonds range from SSO to S2(M, and the appearance of these men will swell the liveliness of the next term of the Criminal Court. Too Many Criminal* Let Loo*e. Dunnellon Citizen: Last week was a not'd week for murders in this state. Out of the large number cf murdereis four or five were ex-convicts. We put our seal of condemnation on pardoning criminals and iurning them out of prison to go arid commit more murder until the Board of Pardons and guards are thoroughly con vinced that the prisoner has exchanged yokes with the devil, "is a n*w crea ture,” otherwise let him cr her serve his or her full sentence. Too many criminal* who have not had justice meted out to them are at large now. The Executive- Committee. Jacksonville Times-Unicn and Citizen: The rmeting cf the Democratic State Committee, held in this city yesterday, was in some respects a disappointment to those who had arvic pated ihat the cam paign machinery would be put in motion. Asa, r suit of two long sessions, a com mittee of nine was appointed to arrange the itinerary of campaign meetings through the state, a finance committee of live was named to have charge of ways and means for raising campaign funds, as well as to disburse such funds, and the meeting then adjourned, directing the ehaiiman to call the committee together again on Aug. 24. wh°n other business which was left yesterday uncomp’eted. will be taken up. The primary rules will go over to the next meeting. May Bo Another Strike. Tampa Timee: From all that the Times can gather a serious disturbance is threat ened in the cigar manufacturing industry. There hove been rumors current for aome time past that a big strike for higher prices is impending, and these rumors are constantly becoming more insistent and widespread. The cigarmakors ar* discussing the situation at frequent meet ings, and now it appears that the man ulacturers are becoming alarmed and are organizing for a fight. It is announced that the manufacturers will hold o meet ing to-night in the board of trade rooms to form an organization. It is stated that every manufacturer of any conse quence in the city will join this organi zation, and that they will sign an agree ment and give a bond which will insure that they will act in unison in case of a conflict. A l.nrßp Game Preserve. A large land deal has Just been closed at Tampa. The sale was of 63,710 acres of. prairie land In Manat' e county, w hich li a in a solid bedy. and has forbears been the properiy of the Plant Investment Company. The land was bought by Messrs. T. S., F. J.. E. C. and C. L. Knight, all of Charlotte Harbor, and they will enclose the land for a game pre serve. which will be the largest in the state. The tract, in addition to a little the purchasers already owned ihere, com prise* thr e s IUI townshlrs It i* so watered and wooded as to make it an Ideal game pr serve. The n w owners will devote their energies toward making this p’oee cn that will be well worth owning. All of the gentlemen arc sportsmen, and they do not like to s c he game disap pear so rapidly as it has, so they have determined to have a place where they can do as they please and keep the pot hunters cut. Delegate to CoiiKress. Oklahoma City, Aug. I.—The Democrats and Populist* met in convention and nom inated Robert A. Neff of Newkirk for del egate to Congiess. He is n Populist, and was nominated after thirty ballots. W. F. H A MIL TO N~ Artesian Well Contractor, OCALA, FLA. Am prepared to drill wells up to an* depth. We use flrst-class machinery, can do work on snort Bellas nod (uaraotse satisfaction THE MORNING NEWS: FRIDAY, AUGUST 3,1900. THE WEATHER. Forecast for Friday and Saturday— Georgia and South Carolina: Local rains and thunderstorms on the coast, fair in the Interior Friday and Saturday; light north to east winds. Eastern and Western Florida: Ix>cal rains and thunderstorms Friday and Sat urday; light variable winds. Yesterday’s Weather at Savannah- Maximum temp?rature 3 p. m. 92 degrees Minimum temperature 6 a. m. 74 degrees Mt an temperature S3 degreej Normal Excess of temperature 1 degree Accumulated dtflckr.y since Jan. 1 183 degrees Rainfall CO inch Normal 2i inch Deficiency since July 1 11 inch Deficiency since Jan. 1 3.42 Inches River Hepc-rt—The bight of the Suva nah river at Augusta, at 8 a m. (<sth meridian time) yesterday, was 9.6 feet, a fall of 2 4 fret during the preceding twen ty-four h u*s. Cotton region bulletin. Savannah, Ga., for the twenty-four hours ending at 8 a. m., 75th meridian time: Stations of jMax.i Savannah district. |TenvjTem. fall Alapaha, Ga., clear 91 | 71 | .70 Albany, clear j 92 | 72 , .00 Americus, clear j 92 j 72 | .00 Palnbridge, clear | 91 j 72 j .69 Eastman, clear j 94 | 72 .00 Fort Gnlnes. clear J 93 j 73 .00 •Gainesville, Fla., pt cldyj 95 | 73 .35 Millen, Ga.. clear j 94 j 68 | .00 Quitman, clear j 92 j 71 | .00 Savannah, clear j 89 j 74 j .35 Thomasville. clear | 93 j 73 j .00 Waycross, clear j £5 j 72 j .05 •Received too late for telegraphic means. Special Texas Rainfall Reports—Abi lene, .04; Palestine, .01; Galveston, trace; Corpus Christi, .06; Ballinger. .06; Beau mont, .10; Beeville. .04; Brenham, .46; Columbia, .88; Corsicana, trace; Temple, .82; Cuero. .13; Hearne, .70; Houston. 1.02; Huntsville, .34; KerrviUe, .06; Lampasas,! 1.12: Longview, .04; San Marco, .64. | ji>lßt. Averages. | No. | 1 1 I Bta-IMax I Mln.|Rals Central Stations. |t!ons Tem.|Tera.| fall. Atlanta | 11 ] 90 | 170 | .00" Augusta j 11 j 92 j 70 j .04 Charleston | 5 | 90 [ 72 j .08 Galveston j 30 | 90 | 70 | .22 Little Rock j 13 | 90 | 66 | .00 Memphis L...! 16 | 8S [ 70 | T Mobile j 7 | 90 | 70 j T Montgomery | 8 | 92 | 70 | .08 New Orleans j 44 j 90 | 70 | .08 Savannah | 12 | 93 j 72 j .18 Vicksburg | u | go | 68 j .CO Wilmington | 10 j 90 j 70 j .10 Remarks—No precipitation in the vlcks burg. Little Rock and Atlanta districts, and practically none in tho Memphis and Mobile districts; scattered showers else where over the belt. Temperatures un changed. Observations taken a.t the same moment of time at all stntlons, Aug. 2, 1900, 8:00 p. m., 75th meridian time. Names of Stations. | T | • V jltaTnT Boston, clear ] 68 | 14 | .00 New York city, pt. cldy.| 72 ] 20 ! .00 Philadelphia, pt. cldy....| 72 | 10 | .00 Washington city, cloudy.| 72 JLt | .00 Norfolk, clear | 76 | $ | .0) HaUeras, dear | 76 | 12 j .00 Wilmington, pt. cldy |7B | 6 | !ofl Charlotte, clear | 84 j Lt | .00 Raleigh, dear j 80 | Lt j .(W Charleston, dear | 80 | 10 j .00 Atlanta, clear | 86 j Lt | .00 Augusta, dear j 85 | Lt i .00 Savannah, clear | 82 j 6 i .00 Jacksonville, cloudy | 82 | Lt j ,C 0 Jupiter, rain | 76 | 8 | .02 Key West, pt. cldy | 82 j 8 .CO Tampa, rain | 72 | t .9-) Mobile, ctoudy | 76 | Lt | .50 Montgomery, clear | 90 | Lt | .00 Vicksburg, clear | 86 j Lt | .00 New Orleans, cloudy j78|22 j.T Galveston, pt. cldy | 84 | Lt | .00 Corpus Christi, dear |B2j 12 | .00 Palestine, cloudy | 82 \ Lt | .00 Memphis, clear | 86 j 6 | .00 Cincinnati, pt. cldy | 82 j Lt j .02 Pittsburg, cloudy ...| 70 I Lt j .T Buffalo, p*. cldy | 68 { 22 | .02 Detroit, clear | 72 j Lt | .08 Chicago, cloudy | 70 | 16 | .T Marquette, 1 pt. cldy | 62 | Lt | .00 St Paul, cloudy | 74 | 12 | .00 Davenport, clear | 90 | Lt | .00 St. Ixxils, dear | 90 | 10 | .01 Kansas City, clear j 88 | 8 | .00 Oklahoma, clear | 84 | 8 | .Of* Dodge City, clear | 84 | 12 | .00 North Platte, clear j 92 ] 14 j .00 T. for temperature; V. for velocity. H. B. Boyer, Weather Bureau. DEATH OF MRS. J. Q. SWEAT. A Long Distance Walkor—Affairs nt Rankin Colony. Waycross. Ga.. Aug. 2.—About 3 o’clock this morning Mrs. J. Quarterman Sweat died at the home of her husband, two miles north cf hers on the Air Lin > Rail read. She had been ill about ten days. Mrs. £w<at was 28 years of age. She wa* a daughter of Mr. Sam Johnson, of Pierce county, and a niece of Capt. L. Johnson of Waycross. Her body was taken to old Bethel (’erne ery, near Bo'en, In this city, for interment this afternoon. George Hardy, a colored man. who Is probably '.O years old. claims to have walked the distance from Savannah to Blackshear. 88 miles, In one day, from sun up till 6 o’clock in the afternoon. He says he can walk frem Waycross to Savannah In a elay, and is ready to do it on a SICO wage r. At Ruskin they home-made dou ble acting pump for fire prot ction. It has a capacity of 10 to 39 gallons per minute. In the market such a pump would cost $75, but it has only cost the colony p ople sl.fX) In cash. The Ruskln commonwealth Is utilizing a good c.uamlty of fruit this year. They nave also put up nearly 3,00) gallons of fruit of various kirds, and they expect to double that quantity before the season closes. TRIED TO COMMIT SFICIDE. Negro Woman'* llen*on Wn Her H unhand Did Not I.ove Her. Ocilla, Ga., Aug. 2.—Delia Allen, a ne gro woman, tried to commit suicide by taking an ounce of laudanum yesterday, but failed in her attempt. After she was revived she gave as her reason for trying to take her life that her husband liked on. other woman better than herself, and that she was worried so badly over the matter she decided to end her troubles. It Is said Hon. M. Henderson will be a candidate for the Senate from this, the Fifteenth senatorial district. Mr. Hender son is very popular In Irwin county. The Irwin County Drug Company will soon occupy their commodious new quar ters on Fourth street. New Company for Tnmpn. Tallahassee. F!a., Aug. 2.—Tampa has another big corporation, the Phillips & Fuller Ccmpany, for which letters patent were granted to-day. The company has SIOO,OOO capital, and will conduct a gen etal merchandise business at Tampa, at various points In Florida, In other states and foreign ccuntrles. operating steam and selling v'rsels therefor EnrthqnaUc in t'tali. Tlntlc, ITtoh, Aug. 2.—The whole of the Tlntlc mining district was shaken by an earthquake yesterday. The first shock oc curred at 12:48, and was so severe that the people became thoroughly frightened. The shaft of the Mammoth mine wa* so thrown out of shape that It wa* Impossible to get Ah* cage below the 1,600 foot level. NEWS FROM THE WATER FRONT SCHOOXER CHAS. K. SC HI LL. Itl-ft l)OW\ BY AN IXKXOWM. Ci*pi. Clark of the Scholl tnable to Discern Ihe .lame of the Stranger. The Scholl Suffered Considerable Dnmnfte — Tng L. Luckenback to Go Around the Horu, From \>w York to ’Frisco—Matter* f Interest to Shippers and Mariners. Capt. A. W. Clark of the schooner Chas. K. tSchull, which arrived yesterday light from New York, reports that he was run down by an unknown loaded schooner ap parently bound North, forty miles off Hog Island light, bearing W. by S. The col lision was about 12:30 a. m. on the night of July 25.* After .the accident the Schull wore around on the port tack until day light, and seeing nothing of the other ves sel, proceeded on her voyage South. Describing the vessel which ran the Schull down, Capt. Clark said she was a loaded three-master, and was apparently bound North. He does not know whether the watch on the stranger saw the Schull, notwithstanding the proper lights were displayed on Che latter vessel. The damage to the Schull as a result of the collision was the carrying away of a lifeboat end starboard davit, part of taffrail, and patent log and its gear. Af ter the clash Capt. Clark hauled down jib and flying Jib, and bore to on the starboard tack for an hour, then wore around on port tack until morning, but without finding the name of the vessel that collided with the Schull. Around the Horn to ’Frisco in fifty-five days Is the programme mapped out for a New York harbor tug. She is the L. Luckenback, and, if nothing happened, has already begun her long voyage. Capt. McKay, her commander, arrived in New York a few days ago from California, and is reputed to be an expert navigator of Southern seas. J. D. Spreckels & Cos. of San Francisco recently bought the L. Luckenback from her New' York owner, Lewis Luckenback. In future the little vessel will be used in the water* of the Golden Gate. Such a long trip as this one is no ordi nary venture for a tug, although it has been made before. The risk is enormous, even for an “ocean goer” like the L. Luck enback, and it has required all possible ingenuity to get a crew for her. Fifteen men, however, were finally signed, the last one yesterday afternoon. As far as could be learned from various towboat owners, only three or four tugs have ever made this trip. The best record up to date is that of the G. W. Pride, which went around eight years ago in sixty-three days. Between 1890 and 1899 two other tugs accomplished the feat, both of them taking a great while, and having many mishaps. At present the United States government tug Slocum is on her way to the Pacific coast, and little un easiness is felt for her. as she is one or the largest and most seaworthy boats of her class. The L. Luckenback is 135 feet long, and has a gross tonnage of 260. Her former owner says she can reach ’FriscV> in fifty five days. The schooners Jennie Thomas and Isaac N. Kerlin arrived yesterday from Balti more with coal for D. H. Thomas & Son. Passengers by Steamship*. Passengers by steamship Kansas City, for New York, yesterday—P. W. Carswell and wife, G. M. Workman, J. Friedman, George B. Maher and wife, S. P. Storrs. J. Lowinsohn, Miss Francis Maher, Miss Louis Maher. Mrs. F. C. Stockdel and daughter, J. P. Crawford and wife, L. J. Mark, Rev. A. J. Smith, W. J. Kyle and wife, Miss Rehe Ruan, Miss May Tinsley, J Rosenthal and wife, Mrs. W T . P. Scruggs. Miss Underhill. Miss P. H. Elliott. J. F. Stockdel and son, Mrs. F. M. Boggs. Miss Rosa Green, John J. Woodside and son, Mrs. L. J. Mark, Mrs. J. J. Neely, Mr. Annspaugh, Mr. Kern. J. B. Lampmun, Mr. Endel, E. W. Stay and wife, Oscar McKenzie. W. M. Lewis, \V. W. Jones. 3. C. Jones, Mrs. H. E. Carson. Miss Maud Atkins, A. H. Lewin, F. C. Talllferro, W. E. Perry, Henry Cranston, Edgar Burts, and wife, C. A. Colclough. Dogan‘String fellow, A. Herman, Rev. T. J. Crosby, Mrs. J. Konskl, Miss Della Konski, Miss Cloud. Mrs. J. L. Hall. Henry Lewey, S. M. Day, G. F. Tyler and wife. Miss Fuller. Miss Clara Barnett, Mrs. Charles J. Harris, Mrs. C. H. Deitrlck, C. A. Stern. A. Nack man, Mrs. Worth Stephens, Miss Estelle Endel, Miss S. S. Alexander, F. J. Meyer and wife, J. Applewhite, Henry Vaughn, Mrs. J. B. Yerkes and children, L. C. Fletcher and wife, A. Weil and wife, F. D. Warren and wife, W. H. Dent, D. R. Kennedy, Jr., Miss Alicfe Thomas, Miss Fannie Cahn, Miss M. A. Mustin, Mrs. D. R. Kennedy, Miss Lilian Symons, Miss M. Henderson, Miss Nellie Barclay, Mrs. G. L. Barthun, Miss Routzahu, Miss M. Furrer, Fred Saussy, G. Noble Jones, W. E. Jones and wife, J. Nachman and wife, Miss Grace Owens, Miss Mabel Barnett, Misses Nachmann, J. Levystein and wife, Capt. Porter Fleming, Father Boyd, Mrs. Marks. Miss Ctsner, George Marmelstein, J. G. Pearson and wife, R. C. Harris, Dr. F. R. Wallace, A. L. Lockett. R. R. Har ris, Dr. Roderigos. H. C. Motley, J. A. Jones, J. H. Dow, F. G. Hodgson. J. Mar shall, Julius Oelsner, M. A. Edison, G. L. Barthun, E. T. Williams, E. R. Youmans, George R. Youmans. E. McKenzie, L Friedman, L. Trilden, Rev. H. C. Risner, wife and children, and nine intermediate. Passengers by steamship City of Birm ingham. New York for Savannah, July 31. —W. L. Homer, J. A. Smith and wife and two children, C. F. Earle, W. C. Haslam, W. E. McAndrews, M. Fernandez and wife, F. C. Hubbell, R. Ward. Mrs. A. J. Merchant, Dr. Sophia Davis, J. H. Drew, L. E. Schofield, L. Harris, Miss Long. Miss Hill, Mr. Gunter, E. O. Bradt, N. Wing field and wife, C. B. Farmer, I. Haze. S. Bryan. Mrs. Reed and daughter. Mr. Ho mer, C. H. Malina, W. Holmes, J. Far ley, J. T. Hessum. J. Ennis, F. Dilten, P. Zai herack and four Italians. Passengers by steamship ItasJa, for Bal timore, yesterday—Miss Jennie Gross, Miss Sallie Gross, Frank Dingle, W. T. Walker, ; Mrs. W. T. Walker, O. P. McKinney, D. Golden. Mrs. J. W. Daniels, J. W. Levy, I Mrs. J. W. Levy, M. S. Levy, I. C. Levy, [ R. B. Gilbert, T. G. Ronan, Capt. C. N. i Haines, Lt. M. Warfield, J. N. Carroll. Savannah Almanac. Sun rises at 5:16 a. m. and sets at 6:56 p. i m. High water at Tybee to-day at 12:12 a. , m. and 12:54 p. m. High water at Savan nah one hour later. Phases af the Moon for Augnsf. D. H. M. First quarter 3 10 45 morn. Full moon 10 3 30 eve. Last quarter 17 5 46 inorn. New moon 24 9 52 eve. Moon Perigee 12th. Moon Apogee 27th. ARRIVALS AMD DRPARTI RES. Vessels Arrived Yesterday. Steamship City of Birmingham. Btirg, New York —Ocean Steamship Company. Schooner Chas. K. Schull, Clark, New York; light —Master. Schooner Jennie Thomas. Coleman. Bal timore. coal to D. R. Thomas & Son.— Master. Schooner Isaac N. Kerlin, Bteelman, do; coal to D. R. Thomas A Son.—Master. Vessel* Cleared Yesterday. Bark Francesca (Ital), Bancalari. Rot terdam—Strachan & Cow Vessels Went to Sea. Steamship Kansas City, Fisher, New York. Steamship Itasca, Diggs, Baltimore. Schooner Anna E. Kranz, Brown, Port land. Shipping Memoranda. Fernandina, Fla., Aug. 2.—Arrived, schooners M. V. B. Chase, Barter, Fall River; Thomas Winsmore, Boman, Phila delphia. Beaufort, S. C., Aug. 2—Arrived Port Royal, schooner W. W. Wehring, from New York. Baltimore. Aug. 2. Sailed, steamer State of Texas, Savannah. Charleston, S. C., Aug. 2.—Arrived, 1 steamer Iroquois, Kemble, New’ York, and proceeded to Jacksonville; schooner Theo- j line, Francis, Rockport. Pensacola, Fin.. Aug. 2.—Sailed, schoon- ! er Mabel Darling (Br), Roberts, Nassau. Cleared, steamships Myrtledene (Br), Ge noa; Palestro (Br), Armstrong, Liverpool; schooner Brothers (Br), Kelly, Nassau. Fort Tompa, Fla., Aug. 2.—Arrived, steamer Mascotte, White, Havana, via Key West, and returned. Jacksonville, Fla., Aug. 2—Entered, steamer Carib, Ingram, New York. Notice to Mariners. Pilot charts and all hydrographic infor mation will be furnished masters of ves sels free of charge in United States hy drographic office in Custom House. Cap tains are requested to call at the office. Reports of wrecks and derelicts received for transmission to ths navy department. Foreign Exports. Per Italian bark Francesca, for Rotter dam—4,soo barrels rosin, $11,508; 1,750 casks spirits turpentine, s4l,B9o.—Cargo by Pater son-Downing Cos. Coastwise Exports. Per steamship Kansas City, to New York. Aug. 2.-256 bales upland dotton, 200 bales sea island cotton, 151 bales domestics and yarns, 166 bbls rice, 1,615 bbls rosin, 481 bbls turpentine, 235,400 feet lumber, 350 bbls cotton seed oil, 14 cases cigars, 705 bbls pears. 92 boxes fruit. 29 tons pig iron, 24 bales sweepings, 160 bbls pitch, 319 pkgs mdses Per steamship Itasca, for Baltimore— -3,301 bbls rosin, 82.493 feet lumber, 25 pkgs fruit, 267 pkgs mdse, 80 pkgs domestics and yarns, 165 bales hides. Per schooner Anna E. Kranz. for Port land—so 9,466 feet yellow pine lumber.—Car go by Chas. S. Hlrsch & Cos. KILLED BY HER 111 SRAND. Two Jacksonvllle Aldermen Hay Be Onsted From Office. Jacksonville, Fla., Aug. 2.—Justice Wil lard was summoned to McCollum’s tur pentine camp, seven miles southwest of the city to-day, to hold an inquest on the body of Arry Golden, a negress, who died their suddenly, it is said, from blows in flicted by her husband. In her dying mo ment she told of how he had come into her room, and finding her lying on the bed, took up a heovy lightwood knot and struck her three heavy blows on the ab domen with it, causing her frightful pain. She died soon afterwards. The negroes there were greatly incensed against her husband and caught him and tied him tightly till an officer went out end arrest ed him. The wife stated that if she died her husband would be responsible. There Is much talk over the legal pro ceedings being taken to remove Counci’.- men Bethel and Puckhaber. Some days ago Judge Young applied for a writ of quo w’arranto for the purpose of removing them on the ground that they were ap pointed by the Council, when the charter provides that the bond trustees shall ap point all officers not elected by the people. As both these officials were appointed to fill vacancies by the Council, it was con tended that they had no legal right to their present seats. Behind this was a move, so it was stated, to have the recent notion of the Council in giving street rail way franchises to the Plant System de clared illegal on account of these aldermen holding their seats illegally, and J. M. Barrs, city attorney, has been given credit for being behind the move. To-day he had a card in the Metropolis stating that while he knew some of Judge Young’s clients, whom he declared were among the leading buisness men here, etc., he had no hand personally in the matter. He thinks thaj the suit will stand, and that Bethel and Puckhaber will be declared r.ot to be en titled to their seats. Another interesting matter has ecme up in political rircles and that is the ques tion of J. M. Barrs, city attorney, hav ng a right to be appointed presidential elec tor while holding that office. The State Executive Ccmmittee referred the matter to a special committee to investigate. Mr. Barrs wrote to Senator Jon s of the National Committee, and the latter re plied that he did not think thar Mr. Bars was eligible. Mr. Jones statfd further that he did not think a srate senator should be appointed eithe-. As Mr. Hunt Harris, senator frem Monroe county, has been apTOirued an alternate, this effects him also. Mr. Barrs takes issue with Sen ator Jones and has written the Senator a long letter, endeavoring to convince the national leader that he (Barrs), can hod both offices. The Democrats here are waiting with inter st ra see if the elo quent city attorney can change Mr. J ties’ views. Waycross News \otes. Waycross, Ga.. Aug 2.—Mr. F. M. Ap pleby of Dougins and Miss Bell Harris of Knoxville were married at the latter place last night. They will reside in Douglas. W. G. Tay’.or has resigned his position as of the Waycross Air Line at Douglas, and will -enter college this fall. He is succeeded by B. F. Ho zendorf, who took charge of the office yesterday. The commitment trial of Allen Rawls, who cut Joe Miller so seriously a few weeks ago, and was to have been held to day, but Milier was too weak to appear in court. He is still in a dangerous condi tion. L, A. Rouse and family have moved to Waycross from Jacksonville. Mr. Rouse will be In charge of the Hardy store on liazzard Hill. Inspector J. C. Spear received orders yesterday to cut off six men in his de partment of the Plant System, and atj coidtngly six men walked out. This cut is understood to be general over the entire system in order to reduce expenses. M. J. Murray and hride have returned to Waycross from Eatonton. The Rifle* Encampment. Waycross, Ga.. Aug. 2.—J. P. Ulmer and J. G. Bird returned home from Gaskin’s Spring this morning, where they have been to complete arrangements for their encampment. The Air Line Railroad will use some of their section hands to clean up the premise's, and Mr. Gaskins will also lake hold of the matter, putting things in proper shape for the Rifles. About two acres will be cleared off for parade purposes. The boys will be en camped between Seventeen- and Twenty- Mile creeks, near the dancing pavilion. Narrow Fwcnpc. Waycross, Ga., Aug. 3.—News comes of Heyward Guyon’s residence In Charlton county beirg struck by lightning. The building was wreck'd, and Mr. Guyon’s little 12-yrar-old daughter was severe y stunned. The mystery is how the child escepfd Instant rUath. One whole side was bem'd to a I lls’er, and the litt’e one has been suffering much pain, al though it Is said she will recover. Safe at Ills Father’s Home. Waycross. Ga.. Aug. 2 —Dr. J. L. Smbh, who was assaulted In Savannah the other night. Is at the home of his father. Hon. J. D. Smith, of this city. He Is recovering rapidly from his wounds, and will soon he out again. He does not say what he will do In the matter, or if he will seek to rc cue his wrong* IN ORDER TO BE CURED What Must You Do? You Cannot Cure Yourself, and Nature Will Not Cure You. £’ Ar You tile Man to Whom This Is Wlrtt.n? If so. You Wm ' Know What to 00. 11 17, /foil* In order for you to be cured, it is not only necessary ttlat t * >e doctor who treats you should know aboslutely WlMP.the disease which affetes you, but just how far that dls ease and all its complications have undermined wha is Can you tell, from your feeliijgs, what vital organs of L your body your disease Is now attacking? You feel at times that your nerves are unstrung, that your brain TANARUS) \ t does not grasp things as it should, that your kidneys are * out of order, that your heart does not beat regularly,you J.Newton Hathaway,M.D know that a little cut or scratch on your skin does not heal readily, that your appetite Is fickle, that your bowels are irregular, that there is lameness and stiffness about your muscles and joints, that there are shooting pains In different parts of your body, that your feet and Joints swell, that your nights are disturbed by unnatural dreams, that you are startled by common sounds, that you get dizzy and see spots floating before your eyes. Every one of these symptoms means the serious progress of your disease. You don’t want to experiment, you want to be cured. You want to be rid of every distressing symptom; you want to feel that vigor and enthusiasm which goes with true healthy manhood; you want to be able to work and to enjoy. I have treated cases like yours for 30 years; I kpow what your symptoms mean, and I know that If you have not delayed too long, I can make you a sound, well, vigorous man, fitted for the place in the world which nature intended for you. Other doctors send me their ’ hopeless” cases knowing that I never fail In any case which I undertake. I make a specialty of cases like yours—chronic diseases which baffle the skill of other physicians. Let me know about your case in fullest detail. Come to my office If you can; If you cannot, write to me. Unless you take a course of treatment, it will cost _ you nothing for my services—consultation and advice are free. Possibly you need " no medicine; if not, I will tell you so and tell you what to do and you need pay me nothing; possibly also. I cannot help you—if not, I will tell you so frankly and without fee. • At most my charge will be merely a nominal one, which will be no financial burden to you. I have just published anew edition of my new 64-p page book, "Manliness, Vigor, Health,” a copy of which I will be glad to send you free, postpaid, if you will send me your name and address. You can Judge much better what I can do for you, and so can I. after we have had an interview or corresponded with each other. J. NEWTON HATHAWAY, M. D. ° fflce Hours - 9 a • to 12 *“•’ 2 *>■ ">• Dr. HntliuTvay A Cos., to 5 p. m., and 7 p. m. to 9 p. m. Sundays, 25A Bryan street. Savannah. Ga. 10 a. m. to 1 p. m. NOTHING LIKE IT! There is nothing on earth to equal “Infants’ Friend Powder.’’ Where it has been tried it has taken the place of all other preparations for the face, prickly heat, and a thousand and one uses to which ladies put it. The baby needs nothing else. Try nothing else for it. READ THE FOLLOWING TESTIMONIALS Rowllnski, Pharmacist, Broughton and Drayton Sts., Savannah, Ga. July S, 1900. Columbia Drug Cos., Savannah, Ga.: Dear Sirs—Please send me halt gross Infants’ Friend Powder. I have sold lt for some years and it has been a good seller—give satisfaction; package unique, and from personal use I can recommend lt highly for chafing and prickly heat. Youro truly, ROBT. A. ROWLINSKI. This Is unsolicited. Remember This We have Bargain Sales every day in the week. Also that the weather is still ■warm. Call and see our stock of Matting, Linoleum, Win dow Shades and Mosquito Nets. Our Dixie Frame for Mosquito Nets is a daisy. We are selling the famous Odorless Refrigerator and Puritan Stove. Low Down Cut Prices. For the present, Old Post Office building. LINDSAY & MORGAN. TELEGRAPHIC MARKETS. Continued from Seventh Page.) Cabbage quiet; Long Island, '51.70@2.00 per 100. Cotton by steam to Liverpool, 25c. Coffee—Spot Rio, weak; No. 7 invoice, 974 c; mild, quiet; Cordova, nominal. Fu tures opened steady, with prices 10015 points lower and ruled very active during the entire session, the longs and shorts giving and taking extensively on this hasls, with the leading bear house of this country the most prominent seller. Sent iment in general was bearish, following lower European and Brasilian niarkets, full receipts in the crop country, procras tinating spot buyers and Indifferent pub lic speculation. Shorts were the princi pal buyers late in the day. Market closed steady, 5@15 points lower. Total sales 50,000 bag.-, including September at $7.80(857.85; October, $7.90857.95; November, $7,958 SB.OO. Sugar—Raw, steady; fair refining, 444 c; centrifugal 98 test. 4%c; molasses sugar, 474 q; refined steady. New York, Aug. 2.—Cotton seed oil was steady on a more active inquiry fro n x -porters, closing to-day about a half a crnt higher lhan sales made late Wed nesday. Pitme crude barrels SSc, nominal; prime summer yellow, 35%@3tc; bu ter grades, nominal; off summer yellow, 3774 ttS6.-; butter grades nominal; off summer ye'low, 33c; prime wint r yellow, 40040 -_c ; prime white, 33840 c; prime meal, $25. CHICAGO lltßKm. Chicago, Aug. 2.—A decline of a cent took place in the price of wheat to-day. More favorable crop reports, disappoint ing cables and liberal receipts at primary points dampened the enthusiasm of traders. Corn was also weaken favorable crop news and declined 94e; oats closed 14c lower. Provisions were Irregular, lard declining 2',4c. while pork advanced 12%c and ribs 2%®5c. The leading futures ranged as follows: Opening. Highest. Lowest. Closing. Wheat, No. 2- Aug 74-V97414 74IWi 734487374 73% Sept 73y,fa75 , A 7544875% 74%@74% 7474 Oct 76748 76% 76% 75% 75% Corn, No. 2 Aug 374,83774 37448 3774 3744 37% Sept 37448 33 38 3774 37% Oct 37 3774 36% 3)74 Oats, No. 2 Aug 20% 20% 3044 2 % Sept 2'748 21% 214* 2174 21% Oct 21%@21% 2144 2144 2144 82174 Mess pork, per hsrre'.— Sept' .*ll f5 sl2 30 *ll 96 sl2 20 Oct .. 12 00 12 20 12 00 12 15 Lard, per 100 pounds— Sept . 6 S5 6 92% 6f* 690 Oct .. 6 57% 6 95 6 8774 6 92% Jan .. 6 7174 6 77% 6 73% 675 Short Ribs, per WO pound*.— Sept . 7 07% 7 20 7 07% 7 C 7% Oct .. 705 715 705 7 15 Jan .. 610 6 12% 6 10 6 12% Cash quotations were as follows: Flour The Constitution, Atlanta. Ga. Woman’s Department Mrs. Wm. King, EWtor. 480 Courtland avenue, Atlanta, Ga., April 26, 1900. Columbia Drug Cos., Savannah, Ga.: Gentlemen—lt gives me pleasure to heartily recommend Infants’ Friend Powder, and to give to you a singu lar little coincident connected with it. During the Cotton S4ates and In ternational Exposition I was presen ted with a little box of this powder, and was so pieaaed with it that I was exceedingly anxious to get more, but on looking at the box I found nothing but Savannah, Ga.. no other address. I have often wished I knew where to get it. This morning’s mail brought your circular with en closed sample I immediately re ferred to my box, and found it was the Infants’ Friend Powder. It is without doubt the best powder I have ever used. Respectfully, MRS. WM. KING. | ——; No. 3 spring wheat, 69872 c; No. 2 I red, 77%®77%c; No. 2 corn, 3844 c; No. 2 I oats, 2174 c; No. 2 white, 2374 c; No. 3 white, 2244&33%c; No. 2 rye, cO@2o%c; good fe d ing barley, 33@37c; fair to choice malting, I 4C®42c; No. 1 flax seed, $1.10: No. 1 Nortn | western, $1.42; prime timothy seed, $l,lOB 3.25; mess perk, per bbl., $12.1t@1i.20; lard, j per ICO lbs., $6.877486.90; short ribs sides j (loose), $7.10®7.J5; diy salted shoulders j (boxed), 644@7c; short clear sides (boxed), $7.0587.75; whisky, basis of high wines, $1.2374; clover, contract grade, SB.OO. Rapes at llrighton Beach. New York, Aug. 2.—The card at Brighton Beach to-day was far below ihe standard. First Race—Five furlongs. Knight of Rhodes, 8 to 5, won with Cyrano, 8 to 5 and 3 to 5. second, and Sharpless, 50 to 1, third. Time 1:13 2-5. Second Race—Five furlongs, selling. About, 15 to 1, won, with Frank Hall, 5 to 1 and 2 to 1, second, and Edgefield, 4 to 1, third. Time 1:01 3-5. Third Race—The Rising Generation stakes, six furlongs. All Green, 1 to 3, won, with Outlander, 11 to 5 and out, sec ond. Time 1:14 3-5. Fourth Race—Five furlongs. Princess Evelyn, 2 to 1, won, with Annu, 6 to 1 and 2 to 1, second, and Warrant, 50 to 1, third. Time 1:01 4-5. Fifth Race—The Glencove, one and one sixteenth miles. Motley, sto 2, won, with David Garrick. 6 to 5 and 2 to 5, second, ond Big Gun, 30 to 1, third. Time 1:45 4-5. Sixth Race—Five furlongs, selling. Prin cess Otiiiie, 3 to 1, won, with Balloon, 8 to I and 2 to 1, second, and Petra 11, 7 to 5, third. Time 1:02 1-5. The Knees nt t'olnmbu*. Columbus, Aug. 2 —The free-for-all trot for stallions was the principal event on the card to-day. Cresus was the winner, going the three fastest heats ever trotted by a s'allion In a race. 2:22 class race, purse *2,000. Pussy Wil low won SKeond, third and fourth heats, und race; Corbett second, and Hughely II lid. Ccrbetl won first heat. Time 2:11%. 2:13%, 2:13%. Free-for-all tioi for stallions, purse *5,- 000. Cresus won three straight heats and the race. Grattan Boy thltd. Time 2:07%, 2:06, 2:01. 2:24 class, trotting purse, $2,000. Helen Simmons won first, third and fourth htats and race, Larly Geraldine, second, and Pay Star third. Lady Geraldine won sec ond. Time 2:15%, 2:12%. 2:12%, 2:11%. Jumped From a Train and Died. %'>lcngo. Aug. 2—Preferring (he chance of escape In leaping from a fast moving train, to the prospect of return to a Cht < ago institution of correction, Ella Regan. 10 ycats old, Jumped from a Rock Island train near Ottawa 111., yesterday after noon and was Instantly killed. —The Pope has written a Latin hymn in memory of oil the martyrs who have died in advancing the civilization of ths world.