The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, August 10, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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OBJECT TO GARBAGE PLAN. MA< KY DISAPPROVE OP ALDERMAN DIXON’S PROPOSED ORDINANCE. Opposition Probably Does Not Come prom Those Who Have Made Com plaints of the Non-Removal of tiar huge I'nder the Present Ordinance. Chief Difficulty Has Been That Gates Are Deft Fastened, Prevent ing: Scavengers From Entering premises for Garbage Receptacles. The Objections That Are Raised nn<l tlie Answers of Those Who pavor the Proposed Change. Opposition to Alderman Dixon’s new garb acre ordinance, which was placed upon its first reading at the meeting of Council Wednesday afternoon, has devel oped. It emanates from those who are satisfied with the present ordinance or who do not believe that the proposed sub sttiute would improve it. Those who dis approve of the change, it may be stated, are not those who have registered com plaint after complaint because of the fail ure of the scavenger department to re move their garbage. For many months the health officer has been informed that there have been gar bage receptacles left untouched by the scavenger men, and that officer* has, in turn, reported the lapses to the director of public works. The latter made careful investigation in many instances and dis covered that it was almost invariably the case that complain-ts resulted from gates to premises having been left fastened, thereby preventing the entrance of the scavengers to remove the garbage. The clause calling for the division of the garbage into that which is combustible and non-combustible exists in the present ordinance and is only repeated in the pro posed one. About that no protest is made, though it is said that this division has not usually been made. Hereafter it will be in sisted upon. It is to the plan of having barrels or boxes containing garbage placed in the lanes at the rear of premises or on the sidewalks in front, as *well as the time stipulated for this to be done, that ob jections are heard. It is claimed that it is a hardship upon householders to force them or their servants to carry the gar bage to the lanes. Putting it on the side walks in instances where there is no open ing upon the lanes is also regarded as highly objectionable by some while gen eral complain of the hour, 7 o’clock in the morning, by which the garbage must be set out in the plan proposed, is raised. The director of public works believes it would be far easier for the servants to put the garbage in the lanes than for the scavenger men to go into the yards for it. The work wou'.d represent possibly a min ute’s loss of time to the servant, while to the scavenger, the many trips he would have to make if the receptacles were left inside the gates would mean hours lost. Besides, the director says, the diffi culty about fastened gates is not removed, and the complaints that have been so frequent about the non-removal of garb age would continue. T T nightly and unsavory garbage barrels are not desired on the sidewalks by many. Some premises have no rear entrances, o that it will be necessary that the garb age be disposed of by placing it on the sidewalk, there to aw*ait the coming of the scavenger wagon. It is claimed that the barrels will become foul and of evil odor, a shock to the olfactory nerves, an affront to the eye and an impediment to pedeetrianism. Charleston, it is said, has this system of garbage barrels on sidewalks, and those who have observed it there are not anx ious to see it introduced in Savannah. But those who favor the adoption of a change in the present rdinance do not see that there could be any other disposition made of the garbage than leaving it on the side walks for the wagons to pick up. Householders say 7 o’clock is entirely too early an hour to demand that the garbage be in readiness for the scavenger. The ser vants. in many instances, especially in the winter, have just arrived by that hour, it is, besides, desirable to have the refuse of breakfast taken away instead of lft standing throughout the day. The scavengers have to begin work ns early as 7 o’clock in order to finish in a day. The proposed ordinance, the director of public works and Alderman Dixon, who is chairman of the Streets and Lanes Com mittee of Council, believe would facilitate the working of the scavenger department, and be found a great improvement over the present plan. Garbage Ordinance. Editor Morning News: Anent Mr. Dix on’s “garbage” ordinance, is it possible that Savannah is to retrogress by re-en acting an ordinance that prevailed years ago (Charleston to the contrary notwith standing), and which was repealed as im practical and obnoxious, in favor of the present mode of handling garbage? Is it not true that the fault is not wholly with householders, but equally or more so with the scavenger department? Past experi ence showed that the putting of recepta cles for *trash” in the lanes, to await the uncertain coming of the scavenger wa gons. was attended by not only unpleas ant, but unprofitable and mo t serious un sanitary features, viz. stealage of barrels or box*:© and accompanying “seatteration” of contents from one er.d of a lane to the other. Mr. Dixon’s ordinance prescribes that houses having no rear or lane outlets, and there are many such, in some of the most respectable sections, must decorate (?) the outer edges of their sidewalks with garbage that will exhale its affluvia for absorption by occupants of stoops and piazzas, seeking a breath of air. This is not only unsightly and unsanitary, but literally will be a “stench in the public nostrils.’’ The existing mode of handling garbage, while like all imperfect systems, may fic-me times meet obstructions, such as locked gates, but such offenders are un doubtedly in the minorit' and can be reached by the ordinances covering the ground. Of all mornings of the week the wagons should remove garbage, is Sunday morn ing.—the accumulations of the week—and cleanings, and the offal created by Satur day evening’s preparations for Sunday’s meals. I have very recently bem “missed” by the scavenger on Sunday mornings, al though my gate was open at 6 a. m., and garbage all ready for removal. 1 do not think Mr. Dixon’s ordinance srasps the situation, particularly the * front of the house” feature. Aug. 9, 1900. Sanitas. Old Estate Was Wound Up. Liters dismissory upon the estate of Ephraim Regular were granted to County Administrator Jordan F. Brooks In the Court of Ordinary yesterday. The mat ter ha© been pending in the court since *893. but rt has been only recently that the distributee* of the estate were located *nd received their proportions of Regu lar’s effects. A TONIC Hortlordtlcld Phosphate Half a teaspoon in half a glaas of watat, refreshes and invigorates the entire system. A wholesome tonic.. Genuine bear, name Hons roan's on wrapper. MUN YD N S tl do sot believe there is a cue of dyspep sia, indigestion or •ny stomach trouble that cannot be re lieved at one# and permanently cored cure: BPEPBL4 25c* a*Tiaf. .to Health and medi cal advice free. 1508 * ~ Arch street, Pbila. DYSPEPSIA CURE LOCAL PERSONAL. Mr. N. Godley of Collins is registered at the Screven. Mr. B M. Wilson of Dawson is a guest of the Pulaski. Mr. G. A. Moore of Thyre is registered at the Pulaski. Mr. J. V. Read of Atlanta is a guest of the Pulaski. Mr. W. H. Boyd of Atlanta is regis tered at the Pulaski. Miss Delannoy left via the Central yes terday for Thomaston. Mr. I. Pinkussohn of Charleston Is reg istered at the Screven. Mr. D. V. McAllister of Columbia Is reg istered at the Pulaski. Mr. J. J. Carolan left via the Southern yesterday for Knoxville. Mr. G. W. Haskins left via the Southern yesterday for New York. Mr. J. N. McLean of Palmetto, Fla., Is is a guest of the Pulaski. Mr. W. J. McElmurray Is convalescing after an attack of fever. Mr. E. A. Crane has returned from a business trip to Charleston. Mr. W. T. Rudisill of Tifton Is among the guests of the Pulaski. Miss Addle Lee Martin of Sandersville is registered at the Pulaski. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Jenkins of Beaufort are registered a* the Pulaski. Mr. C. Wernwag left via the Plant Sys tem yesterday for Vicksburg. Mr. C. D. Kline will sail to-morrow for New York on the Kansas City. 'Mr. D. IC. Cohen of Atlanta was a guest of the Screven yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Dexter of Valdos ta are registered at <he Pulaski. Mr. D. D. Fitzgerald left via the Plant System yesterday for New York. Mr. T. R. Siappey of Hagan was among yesterday’s arrivals at the Screven. Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Bullard left via the Southern yesterday for Washington. Mr. John W. Parker will sail to-morrow for New York on the Kansas City. Mr. C. Bennett of Americus tvas in the city yesterday, a guest of the Screven. Mr. A. G. Guerard ,Jr., will sail for New dork on the Kansas City to-morrow. Mrs. Otto Seiler was a passenger of the Southern's yesterday for Blowing Rock. Mr. H. A. Boykin of Sylvanla was in the city yesterday, a guest of the Pulaski. Mr. John Richardson of St. Mary's was in the city yesterday, a guest of the Pu laski. Mr. J. W. Whlteiy and Mrs. J. W. P. Whitely of Gibson, are guests of the Pu laski. Mr. Charles E. Arnold of Brunswick was among the guests of the Pulaski yes terday. Mr. J. D. Overstreet of Summit was among the arrivals at the Pulaski yes terday. Mr. F. E. Wallace of Statesboro was among the arrivals at the Pulaski yes terday. Mrs. W. W. Osborne and children left via the Southern yesterday for Tobyhan na. Pa. Miss Thornberg was among the passen gers of the Plant System yesterday for New York. Miss Lily Hofling of Charleston is a guest of the Misses Naughtin on Gordon street, east. Mr. A. J. Hermes will be among the passengers of the Kansas City to-morrow for New York. Miss Rita Roth will be among the pas sengers of the Kansas City for New York to-morrow. Mr. C. E. Stroue was among the pas sengers of the Plant System yesterday for Wilmington, N. C. Mr. J. E. Harris and Mr. James Council were passenger of the Plant System yes terday for Council, N. C. Mr. George W. Beckett is a passenger on the Kansas City, which sailed for New York for tihs city on Aug. 7. Miss Maria Naughtin of Brooklyn is in the city the guest of her brother, Mr. M. Naughtin, on Gordon street, east. Misses Agnes W. Black and Miss Sarah Black will be among the passengers of the Kansas City to-morrow for New York. Mrs. Merritt Dixon and Master Merritt Dixon were among the passengers of the Southern yesterday for Tobyhanna, Pa. Mrs. M. F. Cummings and Messrs. T. H. and C. A. Cummings of Manassas were among the guests of the Pulasbi yesterday. POLICE MAKE FEW ARRESTS. Business Uriel Compared With Tlint of Lnst Few Days. The police had rather a slow day again yesterday. Only ten prisoners had been brought In up to a late hour last night, and of these five had been arrested in one bunch. They were sent In by Patrol man Dan Cronin who found them having a free-for-all. go-as-you-please mlx-up in a house on Reynolds street. W. H. Barnum, colored, was arrested by Patrolmen Mallett and B. W. Wil liams. He is charged with disorderly con duct, cursing, and resisting the arresting officers. The charges against the other prisoners were of no special importance. CITY BREVITIES. The ladles of the Christian Church will give a moonlight excursion to-morrow night, to which all their friends are cor dially Invited. The steamer w*lll leave the Whitaker street wharf at 8 o'clock. Live Oak Lodge No. 5 of Odd Fellows held a sort of house warming at Metropol itan Hall last night. The lodge recently established its quarters there. The meet ing was presided over by Noble Grand Henry Steljes. The regular dance at Barbee & Bandy’s pavilion at Isle of Hope will take place to night. To-morrow afternoon there will be a matinee for ladies and children when the cakewalk of Tuesday night will tie re peated. The street railway comtwny will run cars every half hour during the after noon. WILL TAKE HIS VACATION. Rev. J. Y. Fair. D. D., to leave the City Next Week. Rev. J. Y. Fair. D. D„ pastor of the Independent Presbyterian Church, who has been spending some time at Tybee, enme up last night. Dr. Fair will preach at the Independent Chruch a usual Sun ,y and will leave Monday on his an nual vacation. He will first visit relative's at Llncolnton. Me., and will then go to Washington for a short stay, after whtch he will go to Saratoga. where he will spend some time. Dr. Fair will probably not return before October. THE MOKNIMG *EWS: FRIDAY, AUGUST 10, 1900. RECORDER HAS SMALL DOCKET. Only Five Ppmons Were Examined, None on a Serions Charge. The Recorder’s docket yesterday was the lightest that he has had for possibly two weeks. Only five prisoners appeared before him. The case of Sam Ferebee, charged with carrying concealed weapons, was contin ued, and so was that of William Rogers, colored, charged with disorderly conduct, cursing and attempting to cut Joe Rivers, also colored. The case was continued on account of the non-appearance of Rivers, who, however, was arrested later in the day on a charge of contempt of court, and who will, this morning, have to answer to this charge besides testifying in the oth er case. INED BOTTLE ON WOMAN. Ynmarraw Darky's Method of Chas tising His Wife. A hurry call was sent to the barracks yesterday afternoon for a detective at Bay street and the Ogeechee canal, where it was said, a negro named Handy Rich ardson had assaulted with a bottle and so badly beaten her that she was likely to die. Detective Garrity went to the scene, but found that the report had been much ex aggerated. The women had been given a severe beating, with the result that her head, face and bedy showed it, but no one of h€r bruises was fatal or even se rious. Richardson had not been arrested up to midnight. IN THE RAILROAD WORLD. Items If Interest in Savannah anil Elsewhere. Mr. R. W. Gladding, representing the Monon Route, with headquarters at Thom asville, was among the visitors to the city yesterday. Mr. W. W. Mackall left via the Sea board Air Line yesterday for Portsmouth. Mr. V. E. Me Bee, general superintend ent of the Seaboard Air Line, was among the arrivals in the city yesterday. A High-Grade Institution for Ladies.— Shorter College, Rome, Ga. Write for catalogue.—ad. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. Some Large Transactions Concluded in Augusta. Augusta, Aug. 9.—Land just beyond the south boundary of the city known as the old Lafayette race course tract, was sold to-day by the Georgia Compress Company for $20,000. A lot on Broad street, opposite the Planters’ Hotel, adjoining Butler’s alley, was deeded to-day by W. E. Spears et al. to J. B. White for $20,000. Mr. White is not only the largest merchant in Augusta, but is rapidly becoming the largest owner of city real estate. There is not an im portant square on Broad street in which he does not own a valuable block of build ings. The Augusta Terminal Railway Com pany to-day settled Its litigation with St. Paul's Episcopal Church by paying the church SIO,OOO for the privilege of building tracks on the river bank back of the~ church and connecting its belt line with the Southern Railway tracks on Wilming ton street. FITZSIMMONS VS. Rl HLIN. Winner of To-nigbt’ Figlit to Meet Champion Jeffrie*. New York, Aug. 9.—Everything is in readiness for the big fight between Bob Fitzsimmon© and Gus Ruhlin, to-morrow night at Madison Square Garden, and both men are to-night in the very flush of condition. Fitzsimmons weighs 16.5 pounds and Ruhlin 195. From the present outlook there proba bly will be 15,000 people to witness this bout, and the fighters are to receive 50 per cent, of the receipts, the winner tak ing 75 per cent. Charley W T hite will be the referee. The winner of the fight will be called upon to meet Jeffries, who to-night Issued a statement that he was ready to take on the winner of the contest before Sept. 1. The betting to-night is in Fitzsimmons’ favor, small sums being placed at the rate of 100 to 80. So far as can be learn ed no very large bets have been made. THREW WIFE OUT OF A WINDOW. HI. H. Kahn In Held on That Charge in Philadelphia. Philadelphia, Aug. 9. M. H. Kuhn, for merly of Richmond, Va., was held with out bail to-day on the charge of throw ing his wife out of a window of their home in this oity on April 25. Mrs. Kuhn died on Monday night at the home of her mother, Mrs. S. D. Hall, in Richmond, from the injuries received from the fall. The couple had been quarreling, and it is charged that Kuhn threw his wife out of a window and then leaped out himself. Both were removed to a hospital. Mrs. Kuhn was later taken to Richmond and the husband, af ter recovering from his injuries, was re leased on nominal bail. He re arrrested today. SHIPMENTS PROHIBITED. Plagne nt Smyrna Lends to Order From Treasury. Washington, Aug. 9.—The Secretary of the Treasury has requffited the Secretary of State to cable the United States con sul at Smyrna the fo'lowing dispatch an nouncing the shipment of certain Smyrna products is prohibited cn account of plague: Shipment of Tigs and raisins is prohib ited. also second hand or used rugs and carpets. The consul at Smyrna in a recent letter reported that there were from 50 to 200 cases of plague th<re. Two Coontle* Show Decrease. Atlanta, Aug. 9—The tax digest from PeKalh county was received at the Con troller General’s office this morning. The returns show' a decrease of $97,000. Hous ton county also showed a decrease of $9,- 000. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. < The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Vf Signature of LEGAL NOTICE*. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CRED ITORS. GEORGIA. CHATHAM COUNTY— Notice Is hereby glv. n to all persons hav. ink demands against Bansom Raybourn. late of said county, deceased, to present them to me, properly made out, within the time prescrib'd by law. so as to show tt*elr character snd amount; and all per sens indebted to said deceased are re nuired to make Immediate payment to me. MAURICE K. ROBINSON, Administrator. Aavannah, Ga., Aug. •> UXA < HI Cures Dandruff, Falling Hair, Brittle Hair and all Scalp Troubles, such as Itching, Eczema, Eruptions, etc. Purely Vegetable, harmless and reliable. CURE GUARANTEED even after aU other remedies have failed , or money refunded. A DOCTOR WRITES: No. 1 St. Chari©* St., Boston. Mau.. May 19,1899 I don’t belie*® in recommending proprietary articlM. but reiard for the troth compels rue to nay “Coke Dandruff Cure” iaO. K. and beats anything I ever tried. DR J. L. VOUDAL. For Sale by all Druggists and Barber*. Trea tise cm hair and Scalp Troubles f ree oa request. A. It. BKEITIKH CO., - ( hk ago. Beware of imitation*. Tbe only hair preparation admitted to the Paris Exposition. For sale by Lippman Bros., Columbia Drug Cos. and Knight’s Pharmacy, Savan nah, Ga. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS. PERSONAL* aware? Dressmakers, tailors, barbers, bankers, editors or any persons using scissors, either for lace work, cutting bonds or Chinese clippings, that all scis sors stamped with the name Fegeas are sharpened free of charge by the old ex perienced barber. 28 East Broughton, hair, jewelry and shaving supply house; the place for fine razors, scissors, shears; bar ber chairs for sale or rent; barber shops bought and sold. THE LADIES OF THE CHRIST IA N Church cordially invite all friends to the moonlight excursion Friday night, Aug. 10; leaves Whitaker wharf, 8 o’clock; tickets 25c. ~7s yoTjrTißon'safe fire proof? We are selling the celebrated StifTcl & Freeman’s fire proof safes. The makers have a standing offer of SI,OOO for every safe that does not preserve its contents. Drop us a postal and our safe man will call on you. C. P. Miller, Agt. FINE RICHFIELD T.AMB AT~“BA ker’s,” every day; best of all other meats In market. GARDNEH’S BA Z A AR, AGENT”FO R Kimball’s anti-rheumatic ring. They have given relief to those who have worn them. You sufferers try them. , ONE PARLOR ORGAN AND ONE Chapel organ, both in good condition; will be sold cheap. C. P. Miller, Agt. IF ITB RUGS YOU WANT, YOU CAN get them cheaper from McGillls. RING UP 241,4 IF f < >T) WANT TO have your furniture moved or packed for shipment or storage; I guarantee prices the same as I do the work that’s given to me. A. S. Griffin, 314 Broughton street, west; mattresses made to order, ~WA T E Tt~ COOL ER S. BA L D WIN ~R E - frigerators. hammocks, lawn chairs and all summer goods closing out at lowest prices. C. P. Miller, Agent. GARDNER’S BAZAAR, AGENT FOR Oelschig’s nursery, headquarters for floral decorations; designs, plants and cut flow ers. MILLER’S AWNINGS INCREASE circulation of air and keep out the heat. You need one. Let us put it up at once. C. P. Miller, Agent. "M’GILLIS SELLS SIXTY-INCH BUGS —Smyrna patterns—for 99 cents. “ MOSQUITO NETS. ALL GRADES OF American and imported lace nets, with best fixtures; prices low. C. P. Miller, Agent. M'GILLIS IS CHEAP ON RUGS, NETS, lace curtains, hammocks, water coolers, pillows, pictures, stoves, bedroom suites, and furniture of every description. WISE BUYERS ARE PLACING their orders for furniture and carpets lo be delivered any time this fall. We have plenty of bargains for early buyers. See us to-day. C. P. Miller, Agt. GUARANTEED FOUNTAIN PEN, sl. At Gardner’s Bazaar. M'GILLIS' LACE CURTAINS WILL beautify your parlor. A CASH INVESTMENT IN FTTRNI ture and carpets with me to-day will prove immensely profitable to you. Verbum sap. C. P. Miller, Agt. I AM PREPARED TO UPHOLSTER parlor and dining room furniture, In leath er, ©ilk, damask, and other fabrics, in the besi manner. Special facilities for reno vating curled hair, moss, and cotton mat tresses. All classes of work skillfully done. 1 have none but experienced me chanic* will guarantee satisfaction. C. P. Mini;' Avt M’GILLIS MOVES, PACKS. SHIPS and stores pianos and furniture; beat work only; no “Cheap-John” prices—no “Cheap- John” Jobs. WHEN YOU SEE M’GILLIS’ BlXTT inch 99 cents rugs, you will buy them. Just can’t help It; will sell in any quan tity. WE ARE READY TO SHOW LARGE lines of furniture for bedroom, dining room, parlor and office. Also choice line of carpets, mattings, window shades, art squares, rugs, lace curtains, etc. It will pay you to see us to-day and make your selections. C. P. Miller, Agent. “FURNITURE MOVED WITH CARE,” 1b a specialty with McGlUla. IF YOU WANT GOOD MATERIAL •nd work, order your lithographed and printed stationery and blank books from Morning News. Savannah. Ga. MKOICAL. HOW ARE YOUR FEET? IF YOUR feet are troubling you, call on me and I will give you relief; I cure ingrowing nails, corns und all diseases of the feet without pain; charges reasonable; can give the best references in the city; pa tients treated at residences; orders can be left a Livingston’s drug store, Bull and Congress streets; telephone 293. Lem Davis, surgeon chiropodist. HELP WAXTEO—MALE. "wanted! FOR UNITED STATES army, able bcdled unmarried men between ages of 21 and 25; citizens of United States, of good character and temperate habits, who can speak, road and write English. Recruits are specially desired for service In Philippines For informa tion apply to recruiting office. 303 Buil street, Savannah, Ga. “wanted, good machine" man. who understands retting up machinery, overhauling locomotive©, and saw mill work in general. Gross Lumber Company, Kramer, Ga. “WANTED, YOUNG man stenogra'- pher and office assistant willing to work cheap to learn business. Add res© Gross Lumber Company, Kramer, Oa. “wanted, a good Harness maker; a good opportunity for the right man. Address for particulars, Lock Box 30. Madison, Fla. UARPENTERfI WANTED - FIRST, class carpenters Wanted at Albion Hotel, Augusta. J. H. McKenzie & Ron. HELP WANTED—FEMALE. WANTED, HALF GROWN GIRL TO mind baby. 132 Lincoln street, (up stairs). WANTED, A NICE TIDY LADY WITH one or two girls, to take charge of a boarding house for a saw mill crew. Wages from sl2 to $lB per month. Trans portation advanced if necessary. Ad dress Robert Love, Macon, Fla. BJH. LEVY & BRO. EMPLOYMENT WANTED. lumber Inspector wants situation as in spector or checker for either yellow pine or hard woods. Address Joseph O'Hagan, Offerman, Ga. WANTED— MIMCLI. tVEOIII. IF YOU WANT A PEACH TO DUMP earth, dirt, sand, manure, etc., free of charge, Just at city limits, hauling over hard road, write or telephone Brown Bros., corner Anderson and Eaat Broad streets. FOR KENT—ROOMS. LOWER FLAT 415 GASTON STREET, east; 4 rooms with use of bath; perfect condition; right rent right tenant. $20.00 Est. Salomon Cohen, West Broad and Broughton. FURNISHED ROOMS, MODERN Jlrf provements. south front. 126 West Tay lor. 'flat; six "connecting rooms" with bath, first floor; Lyons block; suita ble for any purpose. John Lyons. FOR RENT—HOUSES FOR RENT. DESIRABLE RESl dence. No. 307 Jones street, east; elegint locality; first-class order and condition; every convenience; right rent to right tenant. Estate Salomon Cohen, West Broad and Broughton street. ""RESIDENCE ON THE CORNER Jones and Lincoln. In first-class order and condition; will rent in flats to congenial tenants or the house entire. Estate Salo mon Cohen, West Broad and Broughton streets. HOUSE NO. 214 AND NO? 216 WALd'- burg street, west, between Barnard ond Jefferson streets; every convenience; first class order and condition; right rent to right tenants. Estate Salomon Cohen, West Broad and Broughton streets. "BRICK RESIDENCE NO. 120" HALL, street, east; finest locality in the city; per fect order and condition; magnificent home; right rent to right tenant. Estate Solomon Cohen, West Broad and Brough ton streets. NO; 221 PERRY STREET, WEST; CON venlcnt for business; first-class order and condition; every convenience. Estate Sal omon Cohen, West Broad and Brough ton streets "RES IDENCE NO 415 GASTON street, east, between Habersham and Price; will rent as fiats to congenial fam ilies, or entire house; every convenience; house in perfect order and condition. Ks tntc Salomon Cohen, corner West Broad and Broughton streets. "HOUSE 411 GASTON STREET, EAST, first-class order and condition; every con venience; right rent right tenant. Est. Sa lomon Cohen. HOUSES 223, ALSO 217 WALDBURG street, east; perfect condition; every con venience; right rent right tenant; 125.00 the month. Est. Salomon Coheo, West Broad and Broughton streets. FOR RENT OCT. IST. RESIDENCE, 129 Henry, east; gas and electricity. Ap ply 244 Montgomery. IsENT FOUR DOLLARS AT POOLER, two cottages to desirable tenants. See Michael McEvady, Morgan strpet, Pooler, or Henry' Solomon A Hon., city. FOR RENT, BRICK DWELLING IN good repair, with large yard, corner Hall and Abercorn streets, Kolloek A Screven, FOR RENT, 513 AND 519 DUFFY, west, six rooms and bath. In good con dition; locality first class; rent cheap. W, J. Mlscally, Jr., 20 Bryan, east. FOR RENT, SMALL HOUSE. DUFFY lane, rear of No. 311 Duffy, east. M. J. Doyle, Market Square. "RES! DENC E OVER DRUGSTORE for rent from Oct. 1. Apply to Reed A Cos.. Jones and Abercorn. "HOUSES 223, ALSO, 217 WALDBURG street, west; perfect condition; every con venience; right rent right tenant. $25.00 the month. Est, Salomon Cohen, West Broad and Broughton streets. FOR RENT LARGE 12- ROOM HOUSE, 453 Broughton street, east, as a whole or In fiats. A. K. Wilspn, 223 Congress street, west. FOR RENT. THAT DESIRABLE dwelling No. 13 Gordon street, west; Imme diate possession. I. D. La Roche. Agent. L 11 ■ rOH RENT—STORKS. "TrHTREfUir^TORF^mrBASEMENT under Odd Fellows' Hall, corner State and Barnard streets. Inquire Room 7, upstairs. "FOR RENT. IHAI DESIRABLE store and warehouse formerly occupied by Georgs W Tledeman A Bro., corner Bay and Montgomery street; In perfect order and condition; right rent to right tenant; possession can be given Immedi ately. Est. Salomon Cohen, corner West Broad and Broughton streets. “Go You Halves.” YOUR SELECTION, AT HALF PRICE. Ladies* White and Colored Pique, Lawn, Madras and Percale High Art Shirt Waists. White and Colored Lawn and Dimity Dressing Sacques. Crash, Linen, Pique, Cotton and Linen Chambray Wash Skirts. Children's Lawn, Percale and Cham bray Dresses. TOP VALUES. BOTTOM PRICES. FOR RENT—miscellaneous. FOR RENT, TWO VERY NICE hails, fit for meetings or for any other purposes; second floor. M. J. Doyle. Mnr ke4 Square. i FOR SALE—HEAL ESTATE. FOR SALE, LOTS ON NINTH STREET near East Broad; no city taxes, at S2OO each; twenty-five dollars cash, and easy monthly payments. C. H. Dorsett. FOR" SALE, A LOT FOR TWO HUN dred dollars; easy terms, on Ninth street, near East Broad; no city taxation. C. H. Dorsett. FOR SALE. THOSE LOTS ON NINTH street, near East Broad, have only been sold 4o first-class parties, who will make good neighbors; and none other can buy. The terms are very easy, and they are cheaper than any other In the vicinity. C. H. Dorsett. FORITaLE. LOTS ON NINTH. NEAR East Broad, a S2OO each; will soon be advanced to $225; when a lot has been paid for I can arrange to get a home built. C. H. Dorsett. "FOR" SALE. LOVELY SUMMER home, ten rooms, modern conveniences, in mountains of North Georgia; climate de lightful; pure freestone water; also min eral water In vicinity. If interested, ad dress 'T this paper. RESIDENCES ANI) BUILDING LOTS for sale all over the city. Robert H. Tatem, real estate dealer, No. 7 York street, west. FOR SALE—MiaUItLLAftEOUS. BEN*OIN BALM MAKES THE SKIN as soft and smooth as velvet; one appli cation relieyes the pain and destroys the redness from sunburn, 25c. At Persses Drug Stores. Henry and Abercorn and Whitaker and Taylor. SAW MILL FOR SALE." WILL SELL at a bargain for cash, one saw mill com plete, 35 to 40 thousand feel dally capacity, consisting of engines, lioliers. mill car riage, blacksmith shop, dry kiln, locomo tives, 33 head large mules, log car's, chains, and genera) equipment. For full particulars, npply to Eastman Lumber Company, Eastman, Ga. "LADY'S WHEEL. COMPARATIVELY new, cheap for cash. Call al two twelve Waldburg, west, between 9 and eleven. 'FOR SALE." TWO~YOUNG - MILK cows. Apply 215 Tenth street, west. FOITsALeTTuaY HORSE. SOUND and gentle, for buggy or wagon, cheap. 116 Hull street, west. ASH AND CYPRESS LUMBER FOR eale —150,000 feet of ash suitable for wheel wrights, carriage makers, car works and Interior house finish. Also cypress lumber of all sizes. We have resumed cutting our famous brands of cypress shingles and will soon have a full line of them for sale. Vale Royal Manufacturing Company. •OAMDINM. A FEW GENTLEMEN CAN BE Ac commodated with rooms having southern exposure and hoard by applying at N. N., care Anderson and Whitaker streets. SUMMER RESORTS. ~"RTv7nvvmw^HONfir^TirMßT^^ Nice, homelike healthful place; splendid views; good water; one-fourth mile from depot; terms easy. J. R. Rust, Bridge water, N. C. MISCELLANEOUS. INTERIOR DECORATING OF ALL kinds done by skilled workmen. Interior Decorating Company; see us early. "for hardware - and toolsTgo to Cornwell & Chlpman's. "NEW DOMESTIC SEWING MA ohlnes; ball bearings, drop head; on easy terms. Penton & Son. 'gOLITII NK — CUFF BdTTONS—THE latest things out. At Koch & Sylvan*. 46 Whitaker. BEWARE Of STREET CORNER CON tractors. There are few reliable painters here. Taylor Is one of the few. WE GIVE YOU EITHER DOMESTIC or gloss finish; perfect work. Forest City Laundry, Park avenue. 'the - most'batisfactory’ PAINT to use Is the German ready-mixed, $1.25 gallon. Adams Paint Company. PA INTINO " AND KA LBOMINING done by experts at Interior Decorating Company; 'phone 1051. “FOR*RANGES AND STOVES, g6"TO Cornwell & Chtpman. “NEEDLES - FOR ALL SEWING MA chlnes, twenty cents per dozen; oil, ten cents half pint. Penton & Son. 'THE MOST UP-TO-DATE WORK 18 being turned out by Forest City Laundry. 'Phone 1575. "BPKCTACLKS'OF THE BEST GRADE at moderate price*. Eye* tested free. Koch & Silvan. AUCTION SALES FCTI'IIE DAYS. EXECUTOR’S SALE IIOrgEHOI.iI KITCHEN F( mi ll III’, AT AUCTION. I. D. K.A KOI 1110, Auctioneer. Under and by virtue of an order granted by the Honorable Ordinary of Chatham county. Georgia, I will sell on MONDAY, Aug. 20, at premises No. 417 President street, east, at 11 o’clock in the morning, for cash, to the highest bidders, all the Household and Kitchen Furniture con tained therein, consisting of Bedroom Suites, Carpets, Shades, Linen, Oil Paint ings. 1 Raphael nnd Madonna, Cut Olass, Crockery and Glassware, Silver Goblets, Tray, Eggstand, Spoons. Forks and Knives, Candelabra, Wicker Rockers. Ta bles. Bedding, Hair, Feather and Moea Mattresses, Pillows. Lounges, Sideboard, Hat Hark, Inlaid Table (very handsome). Ornaments, Mirror, Range and Utensils, and many other articles. PATRICK O’CONNOR. Executor of the will of Rosa Green, dec'd. MINCE!, I, AN lOOIIS. OF JACKUEGS! our prices fair; work satisfactory on paper hanging-pointing. William Taylor. “our PACKAGE”* B WALLPAPER cdeaner will clean one room. Adams Paint, 104 Congress, wes4. WALL PAPER, PAPER HANGING* done In best style by Interior Decorating Company, 113 State, west. "for fishing tackle, nets, etc., go to Cornwell & Chlpman. ATTACHMENT* AND sewing“ma chlnee repaired while you wall; repairs lor poor people free, Penton & Son. ' WEDDING PRESENTS IN ALL Ap propriate designs at all prices At Koch & Syivans, 46 Whitaker. CHEAPNESS IN PAPER HANGING and pointing. Is getting skilled mechanics at fair prices. See Taylor, Knights of Pythias Hall, ’PHONE 1575 FOR FOREST CITY Laundry. They will call for your linen Immediately. GO TO THE ADAMS PAINT COM pany to buy paints and oils, sash, doors and blinds. ' OPIUM Morphine and Cocaine habits cured pain lessly In 10 to 30 days. The only guaran teed painless curs. No cure no pay. Address. DR J. H. HEFLIN, Locust Grove, Oa. !'!■■ J"".'! ' ' - . 1 Good Goods —Close Prices. Send us your orders. Soaps, Patent Medicines, Drugs, Rubber Goods, Per fumery, Toilet Powder, Combs, Brushes, etc. DONNELLY DRUG CO., Phone 678. Liberty and Price sta. J. D. WEED * CO SAVANNAH, US. Leather Belting, Steam Packing & Hose. Agents for NEW YORK RUBBER BELTING AND PACKING COMPANY. LEGAL NOTICES. GEORGIA, CHATHAM COUNTY Notice Is hereby given to all persons In terested that the estate of Whipple Aid rich, deceased, Is unrepresented and that In terms of the law administration wltli the will annexed will he vested In Jordan F. Brooks, county admlnistraior, on the first Monday In S-ptember, next, unless oh’ecllons are tiled thtreto. Witness, the Honorable Hampton L. Ferrlll, ordinary for Chatham county, thki ihe 9th day of August, 1903. Fit AN K K. KEILBACH, Clerk Ct. Oidtnary, C. Cos., Ga. GEORGIA. CHATHAM COUNTY- Mrs. Jane B. Clark has applied tp the Court of Ordinary for a twi lve , months support for herself out of the estate of William E. Clark, deceased. Appraisers have made returns allowing same. These are, therefore, to cite all whom It may conctrn to appear before sjild court to make objceilon on or before the first Moiday In Heptfmh'’r, next, otherwise same will be granted. Witness, the Honorable Hampton L. Ferrlll, ordinary for Chatham county, this the ninth day of Augusl. 1900. FRANK E KEILBACH, Clerk C. 0., C. C. OLD NEWSPAPERS, 100 for a cents •• Business Offlcs Morning New A 3