The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, August 12, 1900, Image 1

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THE MORNING NEWS. Fst&Mished 1850. .- . Incorporated ISSB J. H. ESTILI President. TROOPS ATSHANGHAI BXGI-and-s intentions are cre ating MICH ALARM. WILL BE NO INTERFERENCE. CONGER SAYS LEGATIONS WILL HOLD OUT TO THE END. Minister’* Plncky Assertion Gives Mueli Comfort iu \Yn*li inq ' on—Le gations in Pekin Have Lost Sixty Killed and 100 Wounded—Not Yet Stated How Many Americans Were Killed at Yang; Tsnn Though the Cnsualties Number Sixty. Washington, Aug, 11.—It is stated offi cially to-nigh that this government will pay no attention whatever to the latest appeal from China, transmitted in the form of a memorial from the southern viceroys, begging the United States to use Us influence against the landing of British troops in the Y'ang-Tse valley. This memorial was transmitted to the State Department this morning by the t*)!nese minister, Mr. Wu. It urged upon this government the serious consequences that would follow the landing of a Brit ish force at Shanghai, and represented that the partitions already made had in duced a panic among the resident Chi nese and would paralyze commercial ac tivity in that part of the empire almost t, much as a formal declaration of war ■j>y Great Britain. This government decided, however, that no; only would it be entirely out of its province to interfere with the British pro gramme in Southern China, which was be ing carried forward by Admiral Seymour, ;.o is on the ground with the full knowl edge of Ideal conditions, hut In view of (’lrma's present recalcitrant attitude and the lack, up to date, of even an acknowl edgment of our latest demand concern leg the safety of our ministers, the I'ruhd States was not inclined to shoulder of China's troubles with Great Britain c any of the other Powers. Consequently the appeal of the viceroys will be ignored. Ii is possible that the communication from Mr. Wu may be turned over to the British government for its information, on the general friendly principle that has b*n adopted by the Powers of keeping each other informed on the various devel opments in the situation. Even this step, fcowever, has not been decided on yet, and will be left to the judgment of the Presi dent. ' Japan Not Objecting. In connection with lr.. proposed land ing of Admiral Seymour’s forcie, it may be said that the report of Japan’s opposi tion to this move is without any official confirmation here. The Japanese minis ter. in general conversation, when the sub ject was first broached, said that he had no information of any protest having been rniered by Japan. What developments subsequent events might bring, it was im possible for him to say. It may be said, however, aside from Minister Takahira’s p I'ment. that Japan has up to date dis played no jealousy of Great Britain in the Chinese campaign. Japan herself, it ha? been announced, semi-offieialiy, has no colonial ambitions. ' Incidentally it may be said that the cor dial relations between Japan and the T'nited States, aside from her participation in the British and American advance on P'-i Tsang, has been shown in. her reply to the state department's advices coniiern lng our last note to China, This note was transmitted for information to Japan a wall as to the other Powers Interest *i and the Japanese government promptly I knowledged Its receipt, and indicated its friendly approval of the stand taken by the United States. While this acknowl edgment was a mere official courtesy, Ja pan is the only one of the Powers so far to give formal expression of Its concur rence in the action of the United Slates. Rti.ia*M Action a Surprise. The action of the Russian government in authorizing M. De Giers to start from Pekin for Tien Tsin under Chinese es tnrt causes no little concern and surprise In official circles here, as it is diametri cally opposed lo the course of the other * vernments, although there is no disposi tion to question the good faith which has Irtpired it. The Officials say that its only effect is to leave M. Do Giers acting independently •nd upon his own discretion. If he de termines to leave Pekin with a Chinese Piard, and succeeds in gelling through to Tien Tstn, it at least will have demon t<rated that this course is less hazardous th n has been supposed. The position of tbe United States authorities is unchang ed however, in declining to entertain the lda of allowing Minister Conger to leave fcnder Chinese escorl. Minister Conner I* Plucky. The only information from the seat of tf’ar made public by this government to day was a dispatch from Consul McWade, et Canton, communicating an additional message from Minister Conger to the State Department, and a very brief dispatch from Admiral Remey, repeating some In formation from Oen. Chaffee on the op erations at Yang Tsun. Consul McWade's dispatch Is as follows: "Canton, Aug, 11.—Secretary of State. Washington: Conger, date Aug. 10, Tsi Nan, answering my message, says that the legation# are under siege by the Im perial soldiery. The situation Is desper- B, e. The losses of the legations is sixty killed and about 100 wounded. There Is tome sickness, nevertheless, the general health continues good. He concludes: ‘Whatever may he the ou come. we will hold on Indefinitely.' “McWade.” Jl Is believed that the date assigned this dispatch by the consul refers to the Ale date when the message left Tsl Nan, nd not fix the time when It left Pekin by courier. In Uie opinion of the State Department the value of the Conger message Is consid erably reduced by the uncertainty as to Jsatemttal) JHofnina IV cto s', its date. The date of Aug. 10 at Tsi Nan j certainly indicates that the dispatch of j the message from Pekin could not have been less than three or four days earlier. Tsi Nan is a large town on the main Shanghai road, about 225 miles south of Pekin. It certainly would have had to travel by courier all the way to Shanghai and have been re-transmiited from that point to have reached MeWade at Canton. The information it contains is practically identical with the State Department's message of Aug. 6 and the only cheering feature is his plucky concluding sentence: “Whatever may be the outcome, we will hold on indefinitely." Casualties at Yang; Tsnn. Admiral Remey's dispatch is as follows: “Che Foo, Aug. 10.—Bureau Navigation, Washington: Taku, Aug. 7.—Chaffee tel egraphs from front: ‘Sixth, Yang Tsun occupied. Casualties about sixty, my command, two marines wounded. Many prostrated by heat and fatigue; next move yet unknown.’ “General commanding English at front telegraphs: ‘Marched from Piet Sang, nine miles toward Yang Tsun, when form ed from (for), attack wfith the Americans on right, Russians on left. After rapid advance of three miles, under hot rifle and shell Are, our troops carried first line of defenses. Casualties about fifty, killed, or death from sunstroke.’ “Remey." The chief interest in the Chaffee dis patch as made public by the navy depart ment, is the indication that the Ameri can command was in the thick of the fight at the capture of the important town of Yang Tsun, but the reference to deaths from sunstroke indicates that the inter national forces are undergoing terrible privations from the tropical weather along the Pei Ho river. allies are still moving. Preparations Were Made for an Ad vance on Ahk. 7 to Tsai Tsnn, Five Miles From Ynng Tsnn. London, Aug. 12, 4 a. m.—The only news last night relative to the advance on Pe kin was found in a belated dispatch from Tokio, of Aug. 9, according to which, after the capture of Yang Tsun on Aug. 6, it was arranged that uvo battalions of Japanese infantry, a squadron of cav alry, a battery of mounted artillery, and a company of engineers, should march on Aug. 7, in advance of the main body of allies and occupy Tsai Tsun, five miles north of Yang Tsun. Other dispatches merely repeat the de tails of the capture of Yang Tsun. One cable message, however, credits ’he Em peror of Corea with giving permission for the laying of a cable between Taku and Chemuipo. A Yokohama dispatch of date of Aug. 11, says that the Corean government has consented to the dispatch of Japanese troops to Corea for the purpose of pro viding for the emergencies growing out of the Chinese trouble. Various ruraon, having their origin in Chinese sources, are floating around Shanghai. One of these rumors is to the effect that Prince Tuan and his followers are preparing to leave Pekin in case the allies should succeeed in getting near the capital. Reports have been received in London to the effect that the hospital ship Maine has arrived at Colombo. Speaking at a Primrose League demon stration at Eagle’s Cliff, Lord London derry expressed a hope that when the allies reach Pekin the first step will be the punishment, not as in the past, of a few subordinates, but of the mandarins and others high in authority. There, he was of the opinion, all vengeance ought to end. CHINA WARNED BV RUSSIA. May Send De tilers to Tien Tsin Bnt Must fiuarnntce Safety. St. Petersburg, Aug. 11.—The Official Messenger to-day published the follow ing: “The foreign office received a telegram to-day direct from M. He Giers, the Rus sian Minister at the Chinese capital, from Pekin. The dispatch was evidently taken by special courier to Tsi Nan, from the capital of Shan Tung, and was thence telegraphed Aug. 7 by the local yamen. M. De Giers announces that the siege of the legations continues, the besieged still having some provisions left. “The Chinese government proposes to transmit the ministers' messages and that they leave Pekin. As the ministers had not. sufficient guarantee they replied that they must receive the permission of their governments before leaving the city.” The Messenger then announces that the Czar's approval has been given for M. De Giers to start for Tien Tsin with his entire staff and the marine guard on con dition that the existing government at Pekin and the Emperor afford them sure guarantee that the Journey can be under taken without danger. At the same time M. De Giers is instructed to call atten tion to the heavy responsibility the Chi nese government will incur should there bi the slightest infraction of the invio lability of the persons accompanying him to Tien Tsin. approval, op wilders eb. Practically All the Power. Have Given Tlielr Aaaent. Berlin, Aug. 11.—Great Britain, the United States and Japan have now ap proved the appointment of Pield Marshal Count von Waldersee as commandcr-in chief of the allied forces in China, the United States and Japan unreservedly and Great Britain conditionally on all the oiher Powers agreeing to the appointment. This condition has practically been ful filled. CAUSED CONCERN IN LONDON. Bosnia's Action Looked on With Growing Suspicion. London. Aug. 11.— The Russian govern ment's permission to M. De Giers and his staff to leave Pekin under Chinese guards while the United States and other gov ernments tell their ministers to hold out Continued on Ninth Page. SAVANNAH, GA., SUNDAY, AUGUST 12, 1000. DEATHS FROM HEAT • NEW YORK’S RECORD YESTERDAY WAS THIRTY-THREE. WORST HOT SPELL FOR YEARS. MANY SOTCSHT RELIEF FROM THE SUFFERING IN VAIN. Thirty Died From Prostrations nnd Three Killed by Falling: From Fire Escapes—Thousands Hurried to the Seashore, and Many Left the City Altogether—Some of the Resorts Little Cooler Than the City—Many Animals Died. New York, Aug. 11— Death reaped a harvest to-day from New Y'ork's humid ity. At least 33 persons died in this city and vicinity, thirty of them from piodra.ious and three from falling from fiie escapes on which they had crow’ded to got some relief from the torturing heat. All in all it is the hottest continuous weather New York has had. Forecaster Emery said to-day that it surpassed in the aggregate the record of the 1896 hot spell. The wtather bureau thermometer reach ed 95 at 2 p. m. and registered the same figures an hour later. This is many de grees cooler than the temperature the people were subjected to on the street. Thousands hurried to the nearest cars and boats for the seashore. Then there were many who began their vacations and the trains and steamboats were filled rap idly. The sound steamers had sold out all their berths early in the day, and to night many passengers were forced to sleep on mattresses strewed in. the cabins. The streets leading to a cooling exile from New Y’ork were crowded and ex pressmen were overwhelmed with bag gage. It was the busiest Saturday of the season. The recreation piers were packed, but they gave little relief. The keeper of an East River pier said that the thermometer there had registered 102 during the day and that at 7:30 in the evening it was 92. Not a rustle of a breeze c*ould be detect ed. The greatest sufferers were the little ones, and the reports o*om the Bellevue dispensary told of the struggle for life among the poor. The out-door poor department w’as over taxed also, there being twenty-flve appli cations a day from mothers to have their children taken to Randall's Island. The suffering among animals was plain ly evident. Many horses fell, some to die, others to stagger to their feet and go weakly on. Fire Chief Croker’s or ders that hose should be on tap in front of all fire engine houses saved many horses from sunstroke. HOTTEST IN THE COUNTRY. Official Temperature In Washlngtnn Wa 10l Degrees. Washington, Aug. 11.—Washington was the hottest city in the United States' to day. For the first time since Aug. 13, 1881, 19 years ago, the official thermometer at the weather bureau registered Ml, and the private street thermometers reached sev eral degrees higher. The eleven days of the presen have been warmer than the flrst half of August, 1896, when the terrific heat made a record here In the number of fatalities. SIX DEATHS IN’ CHICAGO. Rot Distress There Wns Relieved in Part by Showers. Chicago, Aug. 12.—Six deaths here were due to the heat to-day, the eighth day of the torrid spell, and there were twenty five prostrations, three of which will prove fatal. A small shower in the afternoon sent the mercury down to 80, for a short peri od, but it rose again to 89, and was sent down again to 80 by a pitiful little Ihun drstorm at 8 p. m. The second time it remained at 80, but the weather man says It will pass 90 again to-norrow. COOLER WEATHER COMING. Weather Rnrenu Sny* the Hot Spell Has Been Broken. Washington, July 11.—The following spe cial forecast has been made by the Weath er Bureau: The extremely high temperatures that have prevailed during the past week from the Upper Mississippi valley to the At lantic coast were broken Saturday In the upper lake region, and the Upper Missis sippi valley. During Sunday the cooler weather will extend over the Ohio valley, Now England, New York and the lower lake regions and will overspread the Mid dle Atlantic stales Sunday night and Mon day. Not So Hot In Milwaukee. Milwaukee, Wls., Aug. 11.—The Weather Bureau reported a temperature of 71 de grees after a cooling shower. This is a decrease from the maximum of the day of 19 degrees and 1* the lowest registered In over a week. During the eight days of ex cessive heat tehre were thirty-four fatal!- tls. Hot Weather In Mneon. Maon, Aug, 11—The thermometer stood at 98 here for three hours to-day. It was cne of the worst spells of hot weather Macon people ev*r experienced, but no suffocations wre reported. AMONG THE SCANDINAVIAN'S. Kepnhlleans Preparing lo Do Mis sionary Work. New York, Aug. 11.-Carl Fischer-Han sen has been selected to go to Chicago to take charge of the literary Scandinavian bureau at Republican headquarters. He will be associated with Secretary Heath, and said to-day that he would assign speakers who would address Scandinavian* In lowa, Minnesota, Nebraska. Illinois and the Dakotas. Mr. Flacher-Hansen will make his first speech of the campaign In Chicago next Thursday night. WAS NO FEVER IN TAMPA. Dm. Porter and White* Finn No Yel low Fever Fxlnted There—The Quarantine lirmuvel, Tampa, Fla., Aug. 11.—Drs. Porter and White issued their valedictory, to the peo ple of Tampa in the recent “scare” to night in the following: signed statement: “The house-to-house Inspection indicat ed in the last statement to the public has this day been completed. Ocular exam ination has been made of all febrile dis orders and many others by either the United States health authority, Dr. J. H. White, surgeon of the Marine Hospital Service, or state health officer, and often times by both, conjointly, with negative results as to doubts or suspicions of yel low' fever existing in Tampa In any of those sick or seen. Wigal’s agglutination test of blood of Baker and Parker made in the laboratory of the Marine Hospital Service at Washington gave a reaction positive in both specimens, hu* confirm ing the diagnosis made at flrst of typhoid fever in Parker and suspected in case of Baker.” To this statement Dr. Porter, as state health officer, adds the following gratify ing order: “The quarantine restrictions on travel to and from Tampa will be removed at midnight, this date.” Railroad and steamer lines will resume their regular schedules to-morrow morn ing and the cordon of special guards about the city was called in at midnight to-night. ROBBERS COMMIT MURDER. They Killed nn Express Messenger on a Pennsylvania Train and V.noted the I,oral Safe. Columbus, 0.. Aug-. 11. —A daring: murder and robbery was committed on the Penn sylvania passenger train No. 8. which ar rived here from St. Lout* at 11:40 last night. Charles Lane, an Adams Express mes senger, formerly of St. Louis, but re cently a resident of Columbus, was shot and killed shortly before (he tra'n r* ach ed the union station in this city and the “local” safe was robbed of all the money and valuables which it contained. The robbers escaped. The safe robbed contained only the packages of money and valuables collect ed after the train left St. Louis and the officials of the express company insist that the sum was not large. All the mon ey forwarded from St. Louis and points west, was in a sealed safe, which was not disturbed by the robbers, probably for the reason that they did not have time. The crime was not ds covered until the (rain pulled into the union station here. Lane’* body was found to have been rid dled with bullets, and there were evi dences that a desperate struggle had taken place. The robbers had taken the key to the local safe from the messenger’s pock et, opened the sj*fe ;nd looted it of every thing of probable value. The key was left sticking in the safe door. The messen ger's revolver, with two chambers empt ied, wa found in the safe, where it had probably been laid by the robbers nfter be ing wrenched from his hand. The entire local detective force, detec tives from both the Hast and West, all the railroad and the express officials, as well as the police departments within fifty miles, are using their utmost endeavors to capture the men, of whom there is sup posed to have been two. The only bit of light thrown on the af fair Is by John Fletcher, baggagemaster on the train, who occupied the car directly in the rear of the one in which the mur der occurred. Asa result of his narra tive, the police are looking for four per sons of whom they have slight descrip tions. None of these has been located. Kill LI !V IS MICH BETTER. Jeffries Vs An&lous to Meet Fitzsim mons and Sharkey. New York, Aug. 11.—'With his face bruised and discolored, his right eye al most closed and his nose flattened out, "Gu” Ruhlin walked about his training quarters at Bay Ridge to-day wondering how it all happened. The big Ohio fighter appeared to be quite weak. In spite of his appearance Ruhlin said he felt all right and in the same breath expressed a desire for anoth er bout with Fitzsimmons. After leaving the Garden, Ruhlin was taken to a Turk ish bath establishment. While there he became unconscious, due to the lose of blood and the extreme heat. His condition for a time was critical. Ruhlin's collapse in the bathing estab lishment gave rise to many rumors. One of th< so was that Ruhlin had died as the result of the injuries sustai cd la the bat tle. Although It is true that Ruhlin was very ill for sveral hours, hi life was never desi>aired of. He came around In good shape about 7 o’clock this morning and left for the home of his manager “Billy ,, Maddtn, at Bay Ridge. Ther* he spent the day. James J. J< (Tries, champion heavy weight of the world to-day, Issued an open letter In which he says lie la anx ioua to give Fitzsimmons and Tom Sharkey each another chance for the championship bolt before Sept. 1, and states he proposes to do It. He offers to meet loth Fitzsimmons and Sharkey be fore that date. YELLOW FEY Ell BO\HI> NAMED. It Will Investigate tlic C ases at the rinnr del It to Camp. Washington, Aug. 11.—A board of offi cers, to consist of Maj. William C. Gor gas, surgeon; Maj. L>ama.o T. Lalne, sur geon; Marlboro C. Wyeth, surgeon, has convened In the fflee of the chief sur geon of the division of Cuba for the pur pose of examining into the present out break of yellow fever among the troops stationed at Plnar del Rio barracks, Pinar del Rio, Cuba, determining why It was not properly diagnosed and proper measures token to avoid the spread of the conta gion. and to what extent. If any, the post surgeon should be held responaible there for. and to submit such recommendations as it may deem pertinent. FRANCE’S BAD DOSE GALLED HY SELECTION OF COI'YT VON WALDERSEK. WILL HAVE TO ACQUIESCE. FRENCHMEN < \\\OT FORGET THE EVENTS OF 1870. French Press In Hitter In Its Vnaili emns—Announcement That France linn Acquiesced Is Premnlurr, lluf She Will l*u t the End Sought Above Her Prejudice—lt In Purely Political Say a an Otlleial—Exposit ion Ex ils Remedied. (Copyright. 1900. by the Associated Press.) Paris, Aug. 11.—Though official France when forced to a decision will graciously admit the superior rank of Field Marshal Count von Woldersee and acknowledge him as generalissimo of the allies in China, the Paris press and French citizens will accept the situation with a grimace bikli as bitter medicine produces. Though years have passed, the time is not long enough to efface the memory of the dey when the German troops marched along the Champs Elysoes; and so it is even thought an expeditionary force un der a German commander will be sutfi o4ent to throw the anti-Republtcan press Into qualms of resentment. Naturally tlie government is the objective at which they hurl their anathemas. I*i Libre Parole says: “We will be considered a nation of the second part—in fact a part of the German confederation,” while the Echo de Pariß speaks of the humiliation of the French soldiers and the sacrifices therein im posed. What makes the dose more nasueating is the fact that General Negrier on July 24 pleaded to be sent to China, but hie offer to go wad not accepted. He out ranks Count von Waldersee, and thus it w r ould have been permitted to France to hold the leading office. Announcement In Premature. The announcement made In Berlin that France has acquiesced in the selection of the commander-in-chief is, at least, pre mature. No such acknowledgment has been admitted, so the foreign office in formed a representative of the Associated Press; but there Is no disposition to stand out against the other Powers In consent ing when Count von Wnldersee shall have reached China. “This hubbub," said a member of France’s official family, “Is purely politi es!, and is not disconcerting. We have a present duty 'to perform, Which ts the Im mediate relief of the Chrlatlunn in Pekin. Surely none expects, in he face of the appeals for rescue, that the allies will camp out while the ministers telegraph urging Immediate assistance. It will be the middle of October when Count von Waldersee arTivea. Is there any one who counsels inactivity for that time? We must march, and all France’s influence must be brought to bear in this direc tion. We need no generals to accomplish this.” Exposition Evils. M. Lepine, the Paris prefect of police, has taken sternly in hand two of the most annoying evils to which strangers in Paris are bound to submit—trickery and overcharging on the pant of the cab drivers and the pestering of promenaders on the boulevards by persons bent upon the sale of transparent cards, salacious literature and other articles, -the sale of which would mean immediate imprison ment in any city in the Fnited States. So vigorously has 4he latter class been assailed by the police that many innocent newsboys have been arrested; but the re sult of M. Lepine*s efforts has been very noticeable on the boulevards the last two nights. For the regulation of the cab service and the doing away with the maddening faults which clause many an American to use unprintable words, he has issued n long series of rules compelling cabmen to notify passengers of the exact amount of their fare before starting, prohibiting the favorite pastime of the drivers—that of smoking while on duty, and compelling them to accept passengers. Mad l>ogM Were Numerous. The annual report on the subject of hy drophobia, which has Just, been presented to the council of Public) Hygiene by Prof. Poust. showes by statistics that the num ber of mad dogs in Parle and the depart ment of The Seine Is steadily Increasing. The Pasteur Institute treated 294 persona who had been bitten by rabid animals between the first of the year 1900 and June 8. Next (Saturday the official announcement of the awards of the exposition Juries will be made. The occasion will he very Im posing. The ceremonies* will take place In the Salle ties Fetes, and the President of the republic, his cabinet and other functionaries will be present. NOT THE REAL ADVANCE. Belief in Berlin l Thai Allies Are Working- l (iatn strategical Military Point*. (Copyrighted, 1900, the Associated Pros*) Berlin, Aug. 11.—The belief still prevails here that the allied forces have not un dertaken the I‘ekln advance and that the recent actions at Pel Tsang and Yang Tsun were solely meant to secure the strategic tenure of Tien Tsln against the Chinese troops sent from Pekin or from the south, as Yang Tsun dominates both railroad and river communication. The military authorities here also main tain that an advance upon Pekin with the present forces and lacking an officer In chief command would be equivalent to failure and enormous losses. The fori Ign office wholly dlstrusls the reliability of the news that 1.1 Hung Chang has been empowered to negotiate for peace, and the German press coincides In that view. The news received here that the United mates Is satisfied with the appointment of Field Marshal Count von Waldersee to the chief command of the allied forces has created general satisfaction, as for a time. It was feared the United States might, with Great Britain, object, thus frustrat ing military harmony. . In Accord With United State*. The news cabled here that the United Slates la now desirous of bringing about a clear diplomatic understanding regard (Contlnued on Third Page.) ITALY’S KING TAKES OATH. Royalty Stood in the Presence of Parliament While the Solemn Ceremony A\ * Performed. Rome, Aug. 11.—King Victor Emmanuel 111 took the formal constitutional oath to day before Parliament. Tho Senate chamber was draped with mourning, tho benches and tribunes beln^covered with black furnishings, bordered with silver. The booming of cannon announced the departure of the royal party from tho Quitinal. All along the route large crowds were assembled and gave the new King an ovation. He was received on the steps of the Senate by the committees of the Chamber of Deputies and Senate in a pa vilion especially erected and handsomely decorated. When the cortege entered the Senate chamber, the King being accompanied by the Puke of Aosia. the Count of Turin and the Duke of Genoa, the deputies and senators arose, and then began a long and exciting scene of enthusiasm. His Maj esty later look the oath and delivered an address. The King in his ad Iress referred to the evidences of mourning hero and abroad and spoke of the frUndsh p uniting Italy with all foreign Powers. He said Italy will h' a forceful instrument of concord and will assist la maintaining peace, and askc I for internal accord, as the mon archy and parliament should proc e l united. The King, the address .''aid. knowfe his rights and duties and lee!s that he will a.ways have the full confidence of the liberal institutions of Italy and b ■ able by his initiative and energy to vigorous.y def* nd these institutions. His Majesty in voked God to ivlin ss his promises and assured his hearers that he would work with all his heart for the grand* ur and prosperity of Italy. I l* Royal Party Stood. During the ceremony of taking the oath the King stood, as did those who assisted in the function, including the Queen and the Prince-s-es. He. pronounced the words In a loud voice, saying: ‘ In the presence of God and before the nation I swear to loyally respect the stat utes. to exercise the royal authority only in pursuance of the laws and in conform ity wiih them, to render to each subject, according to his rights, full and entire Jus ti e, and to conduct myself under all cir cumstances as having only in view the Interest, prosperity and honor of the na tion. '* As soon ns His Majesty had concluded, all present broke into loud acclamations, the ovation lasting aeveral minutes. The King next signed the parchments contain ing the oath, and the senators rose In a body and took the oath, crying together: "I swear.” The deputies were sworn in the same manner. The whole ceremony, concluding with the oaths of allegiance of senators and deputies, was touching and imposing. The King then read his address and with the same ceremony with which they were received, the royal party returned to the Qulrlnnl through the still crowded streets, the people vigorously sho-uting for the new King. ALL ARMOR BIDS REJECTED. Tlie Government, However, Will Mot Budil nn Armor Plate Plant Hut Will Advertise Again. Washington, Aug. 11.—The navy depart ment this afternoon and elded to reject all bids for armor plate presented to the de partment yesterday. It is stated at the department that this docs not mean that the alternative plan of erecting a government aimor plate fac tory will be adopted, although the Secre tary of th<> Navy has at his disposal !4,- 003,000 with which to start such a plant in case satisfactory terms cannot he made with the private manufacturers. It Is < tated to day that new advertise ments wi 1 be issued as scon as possible and the contractors will be given an other cligncp to put their bids Into such shape ;a will be acceptable to the gov ernment. The reason assigned for the rejection of bids is the demand from all the bidders for too large a proportion of the entire amount of armor plate. The lowest bidder, the Midvale Steel Cr.mfMUiy, was not sat isfied to accept less than 20,030 tons of the JO 000 to be contracted for. At the rate of delivery proposed by the Midvale <Y>m par.y the government could rot have got ten its armor to complete, itn shir* now in course of construction within a rea sonable time. The other two bidders, tho Bethlehem and Carnegie Companies, wire much high er in their figure* and Insist* <1 on having the whole amount of armor divided be tween them on equal terms. The action of the government In com pletely rejecting the bids is taken to In dicate a determination to bring the* con tractors to reasonable terms, on the oth?r hand it Is said by some officials in the department that the government pro Im ply will l>e willing to make considerable concessions before adopting the serious al ternative of establishing a plant of its own. TRI’JILLO COMMITS MIK IDE. Prominent Cigar Man of Tampa, Fla., Took lII* Own Life. Tampa, Fla., Aug. 11.—Bias Trujillo, se nior member of the rigor manufacturing firm of B. Trujillo & Cos., committed* sui cide this afternoon in the private office of his fa (lory In this city by placing the muzzle of a pistol against the roof of bis mouth and discharging the bullet through his brain. He retired to the office at noon and lock ed the door. When the door was forced at & o’clock p. m., Trujillo was found dead on the floor. The physician Bald he had been dead three hours. The cause Is a mywtery, as the deceased was well fixed financially and his business was large and profitable. He had been somewhat despondent for the past week, but not sufficiently so as to excite alarm. The funeral will take place here Monday afternoon. LE*S I’LAGI’K AT MANILA. N Further Yellow Fever Symptoms Reported From Tampa. Washington, Aug. 11.—Marine Hospital Service advices from Manila Just received report that the number of plague cases there is diminishing. No Information has been officially communicated here regard ing the reported action of the Singapore health authorities In quarantining against Manila. The Marine Hospital Service dispatches from Florida to-day show that no new yellow fever cases nor new auapecta have .^developed. DAILY. *8 A YEAR. 5 CENTS A COPY. WEEKLY 2-T I MES- A- WEEK, II A YEAR A RECEIVER NAMED SOUTHERN MINING COMPANY I* HINDS OK THE COURT. CONCERN BONDED AT $575,000 LACKED THE CAPITAL TO BACK I P 111 SI \ ESS PLANS. Temporary Appointment Made by Judge Candler and Hearing Set for Sept. 8— Application Made by Trust Company of Georgia Which Is Trustee for tlie Company’s .%7- ClM> Worth of llouds—Company Has Some Aalunble Assets. Atlanta, Aug. 11.—Application for a re ceiver for tho Southern Mining Company made by the Trust Company of Georgia, resulted to-day In the apjolntment of T. 1). Meader ns temporary receiver. The appointment was made by Judge John S. Candler, In the absence of Judge J. H. Lumpkin. The hearing was set be fore Judge Lumpkin on Sept. 8, to deter mine whether injunction shall issue, and the receivership be made permanent. The Trust Company of Georgia is trustee for $575.00b worth of the Southern Mining Company's bonds. A receiver was asked for that the property might be Judiciously handled. It was set out that the immediate cause of the suit was an effort by some of the holders of Interest coupons on tho second mortgage bonds to get a preference over other bondholders under suit recently brought in a Justice of the peace court. The Southern Mining Company was formed by the purchase of the stocks nnd bonds In the several companies which went to make up the Georgia Mining Manufac turing and Investment Company, and its assets consist almost exclusively of those stocks and bonds. Trouble Warn Lack of Capital. It was ascertained by inquiry of the officers of th© Southern Mining Company that the trouble had been all the while an insufficiency of capital with which to put the different properties in satisfac tory condition To successfully carry them on, and recently a plan of reorganization had been submitted by it to its stock holders and bondholders, the stockhold ers owning substantially nil th© bonds, which contemplated putting th© company on a paying basis, and giving those inter ested equal representation, according to their legal priorities. Avery large proportion of the bond holders have signified their willingness to adopt th© plan of reorganization propos ed, and the Southern Mining Company hopes, notwithstanding the receivership, that th© plan referred to will still be agreed upon, and carried into offer*. The bonds of the company consist of $75,000 of flrst mortgage bonds and $500,000 of sec ond mortgage bonds. Each class bears 6 per cent. Interest. Some Valuable A*set*. Th© most valuable asset* consist of leases on property of th© Dade Co©l Com pany, the Castle Rock Coal Company, the Walker Iron and Coal Company, th© Georgia Iron and Coal Company and the Bartow Iron and Manganese Company. Th© capital stock of the Dade, Cafftl© Rock, Walker, Georgia and Chattanooga Iron Companies form another valuable part of the assets. The property is lo cated in Bartow, Cherokee, Catoosa, Dade and Walker counties, In this state; Mar lon county, Tennessee and Jackson coun ty, Alabama. MANY lIOKRH UNDER ARREST. Robert* Wire* of the Plot Laid to Kidnap Him. Aug. 11.—Th© war office to-day rectlved the following message from Lord Kobt r:s: “Pretoria, Aug. 10—Johannesburg re ports that a patrol from the water works wan attacked Aug. 7. “Buller occupied Amerspoort th© even ing of Aug. 7. The enemy retired before his force about six miles before Amers |K)ort was reached. Th© casualties were twervty mn wounded. Buller wat on the north bank of Reit.-prult, Aug. 9, on his way to Errmlo. “KuniU© arrested at Harrismith Com mandant Marais, three field cornet* and 30 armed burghers, and a British subject of Natal namel Mara s, a Boer spy, EraMnuH, and a former m* mbpr of the Fr*e State intelligence bureau. “Hunter reports that 130 burghers with upwards of a million rounds of ammuni tion surrendered Aug. 8 and 9. Cloet, a member of the Volksraad, was a prisoner with Hunter. “Kitchener engaged DeWet’s rear guard yesterday near Llndoque within hearing of Methuen's guns six miles northwest.” Iyjrd Roberts wlrts to th© war office from Pretoria under yesterday's date as follows: “A plot to carry me off ha* been dis covered. It was clumsily conceived. Th* ring leaders and all concerned are now under arrest.*’ AN ALLEGED HANK ROBBER. “FrISCO Slim,” Salil in Have Stolen P 15,000, I* Arrested. New York. Aug. 11.—“ Frisco 811m.’* whose right name is John Butler, sus pected of a daring and sensational bank burglary In fltrassburg, Va., in which |15,- 000 was procured, from u blasted safe, was arrested in Brooklyn to-day. Butler is ©uspected of having been an associate at time* of “Topeka Joe,” or Joseph Rapley. who was arrested in Port land, Ore., and brought to thin city. It was thought he was one of the men want ed in Wllllamrburg, Va., for a bank rob bery, there May 24, when the burglars worked at the safe, while the town sur rounded the bank, armed to the teeth. The men shot their way out and escaped with some thousands of dollars of th© bank's money. The Strassburg affair was of a similar kind. Butler is charged with being a fugitive from Justice from Virginia. Atlanta. Mon Won the Race. Buffalo, N. Y., Aug. 11.—At the bicycle races at the Athletic Field this afternoon, before a fair crowd, Terry Davis, of At lanta. Ga., won th© two-mile handicap professional from Ray Duer of this city. Chart©* Warrick of this city, was third.