The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, August 12, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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AGEJrri WASTED. ier> for our specialties. Address Ilitr A Cos., Chicago. ADEN TS- S PECI AI>TY BACKED BY abt-oluie guarantee to straighten kinky uen> hair; nearly all profit and sells on sight Writ* Boston Chemical Cos.. Rich mond, Va., for territory and particulars. "AGENTS. *2OO>ER“MONTH AND Ex panses to Introduce our goods; sample ab solutely free. Odorless Disinfectant Cos., B 2T7, Cincinnati. O. -"jlCO "MONTHL/V7 NEW PATENT"ME taIIic breadboards; sample free. D. I. Forshee. Cincinnati, O. ~WANTED. AGENTS TO _ HANTM7e~A strictly legitimate article; easily Introduc ed; one sale makes several others; hust lers make $5. a day, mention this paper Gcebel. Hi West Thirty-fourth street, New York. AGENTS, MADE AND FEMALE ;BEST seller on earth; just out; sold in every house; big profits; sells itself. Weldon, 27 William street, New York. EMPLOYMENT WANTED. at McKane Hospital, Sixth and Florence. Bell ’phone 985. "wanted]" working interest - !s general manager naval stores business in Georgia or Florida, or will buy second hand place and work it out of debt; life time experience; willing to pay big inter est. Address W. W., care Morning News. EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER wants situation, or will keep small se: rf books at odd times. Address Box 227, Fostoffico. "COMPETENT - YOUNG WOMAN DE sires position in country store; will make herself generally useful. A., this office. " FIRST-CLASS COOPER WANTS JOB] will go to any state; best references. J. S. Lewis, P. O. Thyre, Ga., Screven coun ty COMPETENT MECHANICS AND laborers furnished sawmills, logging camps, miners, turpentine farms, contrac ts, fruit growers, etc. Address Huber’s Labor Agency, 317 West Bay street, Jack . sonviile, Fla. S WANTED, EMPLOYMENT BY L young man of good habits; must have work. Address A. B. C., care News. DOUBLE - ENTRY BOOKKEEPER, ase3. sober, reliable, well qualified, wants position; also experience as clerk. Address Park, care Hicks’ restaurant. "COMPETENT YOUNG WOMAN stenographer desires position or substi tute work. G., core News. Wanted, situation in hotel,, tollege, or with persons of means, as kousekeeper or companion; references. Address Widow, Millen, Ga. A RESPECTABLE COLORED WOMAN mails a position as cook or nurse. Apply 11! State street, west. T GOOD WASHWOMAN WANTS washing. Apply 405 Gwinnett street, east, Savannah, Ga. WANTED, POSITION AS SAW' FILER, It years' experienm on Circular, Band and Gang. Address H. Crane. Model Drug Store, Broad street, Augusta, Ga. houses Wanted. "wantedT^to^ent^or'TleaspPby Oct. 1, house, six or seven rooms; clean, modem conveniences and desirable neigh borhood. Address particulars to C. H. B , 412 Liberty, we 6. WANTED, A 6 OR 7-ROOM HOUSE I north of Taylor street, in good condition. Box No. 65. WANTED, SMALL HOUSE~STABLES attached, or large yard, where stables oould be built; state rent. A. TANARUS., this office. MODERN HOUSEMEDI iim size; good locality; will lease Cor one or two years. W T . J. K. WANTED, TO RENT, A~" SIX OR ; eight room house, 'first class location. Ad | dress ''Cash.’' Savannah News office. wanted to rent ojTlbase from Oct. 1 small house in good locality. Ad id rees W. A. Ketchum, 202 Bay street, east. ROOMS WANTED. "wanted aug! is! flat"~four room*; good locality; thirteen dollars. Wray, News office. WANTED TO RiENT; A FLAT OF four or six rooms, nice location, or will rent half of house with select party. Ref erences given ard required. Address "Ex cel,” News office. TWO SINGLE GENTLEMEN WANT large, peasant furnished room, north of Liberty, privilege of bath, with or with out meals. Address stating price, A Z, care News. WANTED, BT A COUPLE, A NICE, three-room flat, unfurnished, in private family; southern exposure; close to busi ness; no children. Address Druggist, 326 Broughton, ease. WANTED] TWO " CONNECTING rooms on or north of Liberty, furnished; must be pleasant; bath on same floor, with or without meals, by two single gen temen. Address stating price R. X. A., care News. ROOM WANTED." - SOUTHERN Ex posure; private family preferred; between Oglethorpe and Jones street; no hall room; state price and full particulars. Renter, care this office. WANTED, FLAT OF FOUR - ROOMS. Sept. 1, for family of three, s;cond floor prefened. State locality and piice. Flat, care News. WANTED7~PARI.OR FLAT, FOI'R rooms; fifteen dollars. James, News of fice. WANTED TO RENT BY OCT. 1, FlTß nished flat of four rooms *wlth refined fam ily and located convenient to business; state terms and location; references re quired. Address Excelsior, this office. BOARD WANTED. In strictly private family with or without furnished room; references exchanged. State price. Address Zebra, News office. GENTLEMAN AND 6-YEAR-OLD BON wants unfurnished room and board; pri vate family, without children. State terms. F. C. B. WANTED, UNFURNISHED ROOM and board for lady and child. 7 years old; rrivofe family preferred. Address R. H., News office. ~YOUNG MAN DESIRES BOARD AND room in private family; references ex changed State price and address Monk, News office. W ASTBD—MISCELLANEOUS. 'everybody Interested "~in property to see our real estate bulletin; In It are facts and figures worth considering Youmans & Demmond. w A N T EDr A - N IC EHOMETFO R "CCS - tomer, central, good lot, four bed-rooms; W IH give value for It. E. G. Black, 6 Bryan, east. WANTEbrA GOOD HORSE CHEAP. Savannah YVoodenware Company. WANTED7AN ESTABLISHED AND furnished hotel, doing good local and transient trade, by responsible, capable MUies. Address S. ft 8., Statesboro, Ga. Pa RTIEfiNBEDING FI RE. LlFE.TaC ctdent or liability insurance, desiring to try or sell real estate, or to have their rents collected, or to negotiate loans on real estate, to csll on W. C. Fripp ft Cos. IP YOU OWN PROPERTY AND Want it rented, place it In our hands; we mor * oa lle for houses than we are * w * 10 upp|y. Youmans ft Demmond. WANTED— MISCELLANEOUS. DO YOU WANT TO SELL TOUR house quick for cash? See Fegeas, 28 East Broughton. WANTED, I HAVE A CUSTOMER who wants to invest in good central real estate If you have it for sale. See me. E. G. Black. YOI' R TYPEWRITING NEATLY done and quickly returned by stenograph er with own machine. Expert, care News. IF YOU ARE TIRED OF HUNTING for a house to rent, and have about made up your mind to buy one, call on us; we have several desirable homes which we can sell cheap. Youmans & Demmond, Provident building. IF YOU WANT A PLACE TO DUMP earth, dirt, sand, manure, etc., free of charge, just at city limits, hauUng over hard road. write or telephone Brown Bros., corner Anderson and East Broad streets. MONEY TO LOAN. MONEY TO LOAN AT 6 PER CENT interest. W. C. Fripp & Cos. MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED city properly; one to live yeans; low rate of interest. J. E. Fulton A Son. FOR RENT—ROOMS. LOWER FLAT 415 GASTON STREET, east; 4 rooms with use of bath; perfect condition; right rent right tenant. $20.00 Est. Salomon Cohen, Weet Broad and Broughton. FOR RENT, TWO FLATS, OB HOUSE for year, fifteen rooms. 20 West Hull street. FURNISHED ROOMS, MODERN IM provements, south front. 126 West Tay lor. FLAT, SIX CONNECTING ROOMS] with bath, first floor; Lyons block; suita ble for any purpose. John Lyons. "Si" WEST BOLTON. UPPER FLAT" Apply on premises or W. B. Sturtevant, 11 Congress, west. FLAT. 4 ROOMS AND BATH. 8 DOL lars per month. 1204 West Broad. S. Men del, 302 Bay. west. TWO LOVELY FURNISHED - ROOMS for rent, with bath on same floor, at 19 York street, east. FOR RENT, TO SMALL FAMILY] delightful parlor flat, Duffy near Bull street. sls, with two large rooms in base ment, SIB.BO. Address P. O. Box 80. FOR RENT, AN "APARTMENT OF five rooms and bath, centrally located near De Soto. Address "B,” this office. "FOR RBNfl NIICELY FURNISHED front room; southern exposure. 212 East Oglethorpe avenue. "ONE OF THE MOST DESIRABLE flats in Savannah; northwest corner Har ris and Barnard, second floor, five rooms; rent reasonable to right party. Youmans & Deromond, Provident building. TO RENT. FLAT 328 BARNARD~(BFte tween Charlton and Macon streets); rooms all southern; private bath. " FLAT~"FOR — RENT] 515 BARNARD street; $9.50 per month. "ROCOITO nEN TANARUS; COMFORTABLE, well kept room, convenient to bath. Twelve eleven Whitaker street. "FOR RENT, FLAT ing square; excellent location. Apply 201 Perry, west. JON El" LARGE NICELY FURNISHED room, suitable for two gentlemen. 216 Hull, west. UPPER FLAT FOR - RENT, ALL CON ventences, for housekeeping. 217 West W’aldburg. FLATS FOR" RENT,"22I”PARK""AVE nue, east; will be rented in flats; low rent to desirable tenants. Peter Reilly, 106 Drai’ton street. — FOR - RENT, SEVERAL” DESIRABLE room*, neatly furnished and convenient to bath; for gentlemen, or couple without children. 109 Liberty street, went. PARLOR FLAT FOR RENT, CHEAP to the right party, clean and in good or der. 317 York. east. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS AT”2S Habersham street, corner St. Julian. "AIRY THREE-ROOM"FLAT,' WITH bath; exposure on all sides; no children in the house. 230 Jefferson, corner Hull. FOR RENT. COMFORTABLE " BAY window, pallor flat In first class condi tion, corner Abercorn and Waldburg. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR gentleman, only 128 East Broad, corner of President. "FURNISHED ROOM TO RENT; PRIV _ - tlege of bath. Bryan street, 509, west. "FOR RENT, ONE FLAT AND FUR ntshed room. 128 Abercorn, corner Presi dent. "A - FURNISHED ROOM FOR SINGLE gentleman; southern exposure, with priv ilege of bath. Apply No. 7 Charlton street, west; reference required. FLAT OF FOUR SOUTH ROOMS AND bath; completely furbished; gas stove; September and October; no children; fine locality. T. S. W.. care News. ONE HALL ROOM ’ FACING " SOUTH. 118 East Harris street. ~TO - ONE OR" MORE GENTLEMEN, suite of furnished rooms; also separate rooms; best board near. 108 Gaston, east. " NICELY-FIT RNISHED SOUTH ROOM. hot and cold bath adjoining; cheap rent to one or two gentlemen. 514 Barnard. "FOR" RENT, NICELY " FURNISHED room; gentleman only. 101 Charlton, west, corner Whitaker. "UNFURNISHED flat' FOUR OR five rooms, conveniently arranged for light housekeeping: everything new; bath on same floor. 117 Gordon, west. "TWO"" DESIRABLE FURNISHED rooms, one south front' Oglethorpe ave nue; bath; hot and cold water. Address "Rooms,” Box 483 Postofflce. "FIVE DOLLARS. NICELY FURNISH ed front room, bathroom same floor. 212 Whitaker, near Oglethorpe. "FLAT TO I.ET WITH ALL CONVEN iences, best location In city. Apply at 107 Perry street, west "ONE COMFORTABLE FURNISHED room, with bath, and modern conveni ences. $4 per month. 216 Taylor, west. "ROOMS FOR RENT, FURNISHED OR unfurnished, hot and cold water. 110 State, east. "PARLOICIFLAT, BROUGHTON AND Habersham, three rooms, with use of bath; southern exposure; ten dollars. Ap ply In drug store. "ONE FLAT to RKNT. no. 418 LIBER ty street, east, $lO per month NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR rent, cheap at 419 Montgomery street. " LARGE SOUTH ROOM, SUITABLE for two gentlemen. 113 Jones, west. - I’OR RENT. TWO LARGE] OOM fortable rooms, nicely furnished; bath room on floor; southeastern exposure. Two- sixteen Jefferson street. for"rhntTth re e"rooms, from Sept. 1. 12* Taylor street, we*. FLATS - FURNISHED OR VNFUR nlshed until Oct. 1. 120 Taylor, west FOR RENT. AT * CHARLTON street, west, two very desirable flats, with private bath; also one Urge from room, furnished or unfurnished. FOB -- RENT, "MODERN FLAT; 237 Broughton street, east, separate bath and kitchen J. E. Fulton & Son. FOR RENT. FROM OCT. I, MODI?RN flat 2J9 Jefferson street; sls per month. J. E. Fulton & Son. FOR RENT, FLAT 211 BROUGHTON street, east; *13.50 per month; recently pul in first-class condition. J. E. Fulton h Son. THE MORNING NEWS: SUNDAY, AUGUST 12, 1900. FOR RE\T—HOUSES RESIDENCE ON THE CORNER Jones and Lincoln, in flrst-class older and condition; will rent in flats to congenial tenants or the house entire. Estate Salo mon Cohen. West Broad and Broughton streets. HOUSE NO. 214 AND NO. 216 WALD burg street, west, between Barnard and Jefferson streets; every convenience; flrst class order and condition; right rent to right tenants. Estate Salomon Cohen, West Broad and Broughton streets. "brick - RESIDENCE" NO. 120 HALL street, east; finest locality in the city; per fect order and condition: magnificent home; right rent to right tenant. Estate Salomon Cohen, West Broad and Brough ton streets. N67221 PERRY STREET, WEST; CON venient for business: flrst-class order and condition: every convenience. Estate Sal omon Cohen, West Broad and Brough ton streets. HOUSES 223, ALSO 217 WALDBURG street, east; perfect condition; every con venience; right rent right tenant; $25.00 the month. Est. Salomon Cohen, West Broad and Broughton streets. RE SI DENCE 6 VER DRUG STORE for rent from Oct. 1. Apply to Reed & Cos., Jones and Abercorn. FOR RENT, LARGE 12 ROOM HOUSE, 453 Broughton street, cast, as a whole or in flats. A. K. Wilson, 223 Congress street, west. FOR RENT. THAT DESIRABLE dwelling No. 13 Gordon street, west; imme diate possession. I. D. Laßoche, Agent. FOR "RENT, SMALL - HOUSE, 207 Third avenue near Abercorn. Apply 23 W. Charlton. FOR RENT] DWELLIfT HOUSE,"I2O Waldburg street, east; possession Aug. 1. Apply 113 Broughton street, west. 'HANDSOME DETACHED FIVE-ROOM cottage, Lavinia street, eight dollars per month. S. Mendel, 202 Bay, west. FOR RENT, BRIOK DWELLING IN good repair, with large yard, corner Hall and Abercorn streets, Kollook & Screven, FOR RENT, 14 001.ETHORPE'AVE - nue. west. M. S. Baker, agent. "KOR RENT, DWELI.INGS. 52SAND530 Montgomery, corner Huntingdon; also 515 Bay, east. G. H. Remshart. FOR RENT. FROmToct] I—DWELLtng,1 — DWELL tng, 420 Charlton, east. G. H. Remshart. 16 Bryan, east. TO RENT, COMFORTABLE DWiELL,"- ing. 435 Montgomery street; rent sixteen do-tlhrs per month. W. H. Dooner, 17 Hen ry, east. FOR RENT\"OCT"I7 RE9FDRNCE,~2I6 Bolton, east, all conveniences. Apply 2116 Bull or phone 384. FOR RENT, HOUSE 1110 DRAYTON newly painted and papered. J. C. Puder. FOR RENT, "a" FEW HOUSES 'AT SB, with water. D. B. Lester. FOR REN T,~TWd cH RAP HOUSES, well located sls and $12.50 D. B. Lester. FOR RENT, S3S,"DRAYTON STREET, fronting park; nine rooms. D. B. Les ter. "FOR RENT, THAT DESIRABLE REB - No. 309 Liberty street, east; pos session given Sept. 1. Apply No. 10 Bull street, or at residence. Terms reasona ble. Geo. W. Faries, agent. “1211-13 BARNARD STREET- ONLY twenty-two dollars. 116 Henry, west; fif teen dollars. 211 Duffy, east; twenty-five dollars. 752 Gwinnett, east; eight dollars. We can give immediate possession to the above. Youmans & Demmond, Providant building. FROM OCT. .FIRST,""2O6 TAYLOR, east; forty dollars. 211 Waldburg. east; thirty-five dollars. 106 Henry, east; forty dollars. Nine and thirteen. Duffy, west; twenty-tive dollars each. 5 Gordon, east; sixty dollars. 212 Waldburg, east; sixty five dollars. 218 Henry, east; thirty dol lars. Youmans & Demmond, Provident b*uilding. "FOR RENT, HOUSE NO. 42 EAST Broad street. Apply to P. Buttimer, 613 McDonough street, east. "FOR RENT. THATDESTRABtTe"rBS% idence, 208 New Houston street, west, with all latest improvements; also flat No. 206, with all latest improvements; pos session given Oct. 1. Apply at C. S. Deutsch, 8 Hull street, west. *515 AND" 519 DUFFY - WEST; SIX rooms and bath; locality good; will rent cheap to right parties. W. J. Miscall)’, Jr. 393 GWINNETT, WEST.-NINE ROOMS, bath and butter’s pantry: in flrst-c a's condlfion; S4O a month from Oct. 1. W. J. Miscally, Jr. 17 GORDON] WEST, NEAR ker; splendidly adaped for large family or boarders; S7OO year from Oct. 1. W. J. Miscally, Jr. ' ’FOR RENT - RESIDENCES ~ 321 "AND 313 Hall, east; also 707 and 709 Habersham; all in first-clase order; hot and cold wa ter; immediate possession. Apply W. W. Swlnton, 208 Eighth atreet, east. "TO RENT, NINE-ROOM HOUSE. NO. 140 Montgomery street; hot and cold wa ter; ail modern improvements; imme diate possession. Apply next door south. FOR "RENT. CHOICE " RESIDENCE; every convenience, corner Gordon and Tattnall streets; thirty dollars. Peter Reilly. 'for"rent. "thrEE-STORY brick dwelling near Central depot; eighteen dol lars. Peter Relliy, 106 Drayton street. "FOR RENT, THREB-STORY RESt dence, fronting Chatham Square, Taylor and Barnard streets; sixteen dollars. Peter Reilly. FOR RENT, MODERN BUILT REvi dence; every convenience. 219 Waldburg street, west; thirty dollars. Peter Reilly. ""FOR RENT. A LARGE RESIDENCE, twelve rooms; pantry and bath room; out building; stables and servants’ rooms; low rent. Peter Reilly, 106 Drayton street. FOR RENT, 1012 JEFFERSON. EIGHT rooms, all conveniences. Apply 201 Waid burg, west. THUNDERBOLT. LARGE HOUSE, with ample grounds; fine situation for business. Inquire two-fourteen Bryan street, east. HOUSE. BISMARCK, NEAR BUR roughs street; five rooms; seven dol lars and a half per month. S. Mesdet. 202 Bay. west. LOW"RENT. COTTAGES ON LOUIB - avenue and Morgan street. Pooler; healthily located; four dollars per month to desirable tenants. Call on Michael Mc- Evady, Pooler, or Henry Solomon & Son, city. ___ "for RENT, NO 211 HENRY BTREET. •aet. Apply on premises. "poll RENT. HOUSE SOUTHEAST corner of Whitaker and Duffy. Apply 103 Duffy, west. "FOR RENT NO 996 BARNARD street; immediate possession. W. C. Fripp & Cos. FOR BENT. NO. 626 PRICE STREET; Immediate poeaesslon. W. C. Fripp & Cos. FOR RENT, NO. 126 TAYLOR. EAST, S4O per month. W. C. Fripp & Cos. "FOR RENT. DESIRABLE RESl dence on Park Extension. W. C. Fripp & Cos. FOR RENT, SIX-ROOM COTTAGE second door of Habersham and St. Thom as. Apply next door or E. I. Okarma FOR RENT. NO. 211 JONES STREET, west, furnished or unfurnished. Apply to Walthour A River*. FOR RENT. NO. 508 STATE STREET, east; rent cheap. Apply to Walthour & Stivers, Drayton and St. Julian street. KOU r.CNT— HdCSEt. FOR RENT. NO. 38 DRAYTON street, near Broughton street: possession given Oct. 1. Apply to Walthour & Riv ers, Drayton and j3t. Julian streets. "FOR RENT," 795"8 A RNARD STREET, second from Hall street: possession given at once. Apply to Walthour & Rivers, Drayton and St- Julian streets. FOR RENT, NO] 701 BARNARD street, corner Hall; parties can have im mediate possesison. Apply to Wallhour & Rivers. ’ FOR RENT] 401 PARK A VENUE] west, corner Montgomery street. Apply to Walthour & Rivers, Drayton and St. Julian street. FOR RENT. 304 HENRY STREET, east; possesison given Oct. 1. Apply to Wallhour & Rivers, Drayton and St. Julian streets. FOR RENT, 409 PARK AVENUE] west; possession given at once. Apply to Walthour A Rivers, Drayton and St. Ju lian streets. “for"RENT, NO. 101 JONES STREET, east, corner Drayton; possess on given Oct. 1. 1900. Apply to Walthour & Rivers, Drayton and St. Julian streets. "for"rent]"2o7 east henry7NEW ly done over; delightful locality; cars very convenient. S3O. "For"reNT,"n67"3o DUFFY STREET, east, near Abercorn: possession given Oct. 1. Apply to Walthour and Rlvtrs, Dray ton and St. Julian "RESIDENCE'322"BROUGHTON~EAST, eight rooms and bath; twenty dollars. Ap ply in drug store. FOR RENT. EIGHT ROOM HOUSE. No. 347 Tattnall street; possession given at once. Apply 3)9 Tattnall. : "FOR RENT, 406 AND 410 ABERCORN street; immediate possession. Apply R. S. Claghorn. 110 Bryan, east. ~POR RENT. RESIDENCE 320 HARRIS street, east; possession Oct. 1. J. E. Fulton & Son. ~THAT SPLENDID RESIDENCE, 214 Huntingdon street, cast, for rent; large grounds, choice location; possession Oct. I. J. E. Fulton & Son. ~FOR~RENT. - RESIDENCE 811~ LJN coin street, near Gwinnett; $25 p*T month. J. E. Fulton & Son. >OR RENT, RES ID EN CE 1118 JEF ferson street; all conveniences; S2O per month. J. E. Fukon & Son. ’FOR RENT, FROM OCT. 1 RESl dence 304 Park avenue, wesj; $22 50 per month. J. E. Fulton & Son. "for RENT. FROM OCT 1. REBT dence 100 Jones street, east, Drayton. J. E. Fulton & Son. "FOR RENT. TWO-STORY BRICK house, 240 Price street, near Liberty; $9 per month. J. E. Fulton & Son. "iiARGE RESIDENCE. 113 LIBERTY street, west, for rent; out-building* and stables; possession Oct. 1. J. E. Fulton & Son. FOR RENT. FROM OCT. 1. RBSl dence 110 Duffy street, west; all modern improvements. J. E. Fulton & Son. "FOR RENT. DESIRABLE RF3ST dence 1311 Barnard street; all conven iences; $26 per month. J. E. Fulton A Son. FOR~ RENT~FROiMOOT 1. TH AT DF sirable residence 106 Bolton street, west, n*ar Perk Extension; possession can be given immediately. J. E. Fulton & Son. FOR RENT. THAT DESIRABLE RES idenoe 118 State street, east: large grounds and out-bouse; possession Oc*. I. J. E. Fulton & Son. FOR RENT. TWO-8 TORY HOUSE. 220 Park avenue. w©st; seven rooms and bath; $lB pr month; immediate possession. J. E. Fulton A Son. 1 "FOR RENT. RESIDENCE. 113 DUFFY street, west, near Whitaker; all conven iences; large yard; $22.50 per month; Im mediate possession. J. E. Fulton A Son. FOR RENT, NEW RESIDENCE. 202 Second avenue, east, corner Abercorn; $26 per month; possession Oct. 1, or imme diately. J. E. Fulton & Son. FOR RENT. RESIDENCE 120 HENRY street, west; southern exposure; large yard; $25 per month. J. E. Fulton A Son. NO7 901 WHITAKER STREET. COR ner Boßon, for rent; possession CM. 1, or immediately. J. E. Fulton A Son. FOP. RENT. RESIDENCE, 209 HALL street, west, near Barnard; possession Sept. 1. or Oct. 1; s3l per month. J. E. Fulton A Son. FOR RENT, FROM OCT. I~LARGE residence, facing .square; 424 Barnard street; all conveniences. J. E. Fulton A Son. FOR RENT. LARGE RESIDENCE 117 J once street, west; choice location; posses sion Oct. 1. J. E. Fulton & Son. FOR RENT. FROM OCT. 1. RESl dence, 117 Perry street, west; all con veniences. J. E. Fulton & Son. FOR RENT. THAT DESIRABLeTrES idence, 105 Perry street, west; possession Oct. 1. J. E. Fulton & Son. FOR RENT. DESIRABLE MODERN residence; 317 Hall street, weet; posses sion Oct. 1, or immediately. J. E. Fulton & Son. FOR RENT, FROM OCT. 1." RE3l dence 118 Duffy street, east, near Aber corn; all modern conveniences. J. E. Ful ton & Son. FOR RENT. FROM OCT. 1 — RESl denee 1314 Bull street; S2O per month. J. E. Fulton & Son. 'FOR RENT,"RESIDENCE. 396 ASDER son street, east; S2O per month; posses sion Oct. 1. J. E. Fulton A Son. THAT SPLENDID RESIDENCE" 115 Gwinnett street, east, for rent, from Oct. 1; all modern conveniences; large grounds. J. E. Fulton & Son. "FOR RENT, RESIDENCE. mInDER son street, east; S2O per month; posses sion dct. 1. J. E. Fulton A Son. FOR RENT, NEW RESIDENCE] 7 Second avenue, east; $22 per month; pos session Oct. 1. J. E. Fulton A Son. "FOR RENT. FROM OCT. 1. REST denoe 417 Gwinnett street, west; $25 per month. J. E. Fulton & Son. FOR" RENT, CONVENIENT ' Resi dence 309 Bolton atreet, east; ten rooms and bath; S3O per month; possession Oct. I. J. E. Fulton & Son. "NO. 129 TAYLOR STREET, WEST, for rent, from Oct. 1; $31.50 per month. J. E. Fulton A Son. FOR REST—STORKS. under Odd Fellows’ Hall, corner fftata and Barnard streets. Inquire Room 7. upstairs. "for" RENT,“FINE STORE] OBN trally located; cheap; ree It. 35 Whitaker. D. B. Lester. FOR RENT. FROM SEPT 1, THAT desirable store and dwelling northwest cor ner Duffy and Jefferson streets; now oc cupied by Mr. Benj. Gails. J. E. Fulton & Son. STORE FOR RENT, DRAYTON _ AND New Houston streets. J. C. Puder. FOR RENT. 125 BAY STREET. EAST; suitable location for wholesale business. Apply to Walthour A River*. Drayton and St. Julian atreeia. FOR RENT, THAI DESIRABLE store and warehouse formerly occupied by George W. Tledeman A lira, corner Bay and Montgomery street; In perfect order and condition; right rent to right tenant; poeoeeeion can be given immedi ately. Eel. Salomon Cohen, corner West Broad and Brought on streets. FOR KIC4T—OFFICES. "^SOUTirBXsEyrENYROOMH^A^PiTY sIcIan’a office, facing hospital grounds. 1(4 Gaston, aaat. FOR HEXT-OFFICES. FOR RENT. LA RG E BASEMENT room suitable for doctor’s use with wait ing room, $7.50 per month. Duffy street, near Bull. Address P. O. Box 90. FOR RENT—msc ELLAAKOt S. WE ARE THOROUGHLY RIENOVAT ing the Morrison House, and will rent it low to right party. An excellent opportu nity; no better location in the city for small hotel. Youmans A Demmond, Prov ident building FOR SALE—REAL ESTATE*. FOR SALE. LOTS ON NINTH STREET near East Broad; no city taxes, at S2OO each; twenty-av* dollars cash, and easy monthly payments. C. H. Dor.sett. FOR SALE, A LOT FOR TWO HUN dred dollars; easy terms, on Ninth street, near East Broad, no city taxation. C. H. Dorsett. FOR SALE™ THOSE LOTS ON NINTH street, near East Broad, have only been sold to flrst-class parties, who will make good neighbors; and none other can buy. Th© terms are very easy, and they are cheaper than any other in the vicinity. C. H. Dorsett. FORESALE, LOTS ON~NINTH?NEAR East Broad, at S2OO each; will soon be advanced to $225; 'when a lot has been paid for T can arrange to get a home built. C. H. Dorsett. "oUFThOLDINGS IN~LOTS ARE SO large that we can suit the taste of every body. We would like to talk to you about them. Youmans A Demmond. ’iFYOI’PTT'YOUR’MONEY IN 'lm proved real estate, you have the safest and best investment in the world, and be sides get a larger return than from my other source where you have equal secur ity. We have eight houses, renting for for ty dollars monthly, only threo thousand. Fourteen houses, renting for eighty-four dollars monthly, only seven thousand. Two new houses on Holton street ami two in the lane, renting for aixty*-tlve dollars monthly, *dx thousand. Two on- Wald burg. renting for fourteen fifty monthly* thirteen hundred, and several others which we would like to talk to you about. You mans A Demmond. "DID IT EVER OCCUR TO YOU THAT you can make money on borrowed capi tal, and at the same time be perfectly safe. For instance, we can sell you six houses for two thousand which will net thirteen* per cent.; put up one thousand cash, and borrow one thousand, even if you have to pay seven per cent.; the result is that you make thirteen per cent, on outlay, and a profit of six per cent, on the borrowed motley, or nineteen per cent, on actual investment. Youmans & Demmond, Prov ident building. SIX NEW HOUSES, RENTING FOR twenty-four dollars per month, only two thousand to quick buyer. There Is room on the lots to build six additional houses. A golden, opportunity. Youmans ft Dem mond. Provident building. STORE AND LARGE DWELLING southeast corner York and Price streets, at a great bargain. The right man can make this a very paying property. You mans & Demmond. ~219 NINTH. WEST: VERY ATTRAC tive and desirable home for twenty-five hundred, can arrange terms to suit. You mans ft Demmond. BEAUTIFULLY ~UTCATED COTTAGE on Bull street; only two thousand dollars. Also new residence on Bull street very cheap. Youmans ft Demmond. EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE ON DUFFY street which rents for twenty-five dollars per month, only three thousand; may consider offer twenty-seven fifty: will pay handsomely as investment. Youmans ft Demmond. IF YOF ARE HAVING TROUBLE TO rent a house, why not buy a home; we have a number of desirable ones to offer, and can arrange terms to suit. See 2209 Whita ker street, three thousand; northwest cor ner Abercorn and Henry is a nice place and location, and can be sold right; 403 Duffy, east; a comfortable home for thir ly-one hundred; 413 Bolton, east; lot 45 feet front, thirty-two fifty; and many others. Youmans ft Demmond, RESIDENCE OF SEVEN ROOMfTbN Eleventh, near West Broad, In first-class condition; small cash payment; balance monthly. W. J. Mlscally, Jr. ~A FEW OF THOSE ELEGANT WAR ing lots can be bought on almost any terms. W. J. Mlscally, Jr. RESIDENCE. JONES, JUST EABT"OF Bull, three-story brick on basement; all modern conveniences; small cash pay ment; balance as rent. W. J. Mlscally, Jr. NORTHEAST CORNER HULL AND Jefferson; can be bought cheap. W. J. Mlscally, Jr. “atT/TsXcRIFICB, 39-FOOT LOT7SN Gwinnett street, east of Savannah, Flor ida and Western Railway. W. C. Fripp ft Cos. TWO-STORY, SEVEN-ROOM FRAME house. 215 Tenth street, near Barnard, vheap. W. C. Fripp ft Cos. for sale7~thirty-foot LOT. facing west, Whitaker, between Eighth and Ninth street. W. C. Fripp ft Cos. FOR SALE, 60-FOOT LOT. BULlTbeT rween Ninth and Tenth. W. C. Fripp ft Cos. FOR SALE," NO~ 123 EAST DUFFY, northwest corner of Abercorn; a bargain. W. C. Fripp A Cos. FOR SALE, DESIRABLE HOME AT White Bluff, cheap. W. C. Fripp & Cos. FOR SALE, DESIRABLE HOME, ISLES of Hope, cheap. W. C. Fripp ft Cos. FOR SALE, FOUR HOUSES ON Purse street; a good Investment. W. C. Fripp ft Cos. FOR SALB, BUILDING - oft large lot on Bay street, west; suitable for wholesale business or good site for bak ery. W. C. Fripp ft Cos. FOR SALETONE OF THE MOST DE slrable residences In the vicinity of Gwin nett and Whitaker streets. W. C. Fripp ft Cos. FOR SALE, THIRTY (30) FOOT LOT on Gwinnett, between Ahercbrn and Lin coln street*; Is a bargain. W. C. Fripp * Cos. FOR RALE, EIGHTEEN - (II) LOTS ON Gwinnett atreet, eaat; good Investment. W C. Fripp ft Cos. FOR SA LK, FINE BRICK RBBl dence on Jones, between Drayton and Ahercorn streets. W. C. Fripp ft Cos. 'DESIRABLE - BtfjLDiNG LOT isn Brady street. W. C. Fripp ft Cos. "for SALE. 72 BY SOUTHEAST corner Anderson and Abercorn. E. O. Black, 6 Bryan street, east. FOR SALK, "tilree~ls¥s7lJorth west comer New Houston and Walters avenue. E. G. Black, 6 Bryan, east. FOR BALE, SOUTHWEST CORNER Barnard and Hall, two four-story bricks; will sell one or both. If not aold before, will sell September./Sale at auction. E. G. Black, 6 Bryan, east. FOR SALE. 120 ANT) 122 BRYaIS, west, store and residence; will aell cheap. E. O. Black. FOR SALE. *1 LOTS TEN DOLLARS each neer Montgomery street, extended, five dollars cash, balance one dollar per month. E. G. Black. 6 Bryan, east. FOR SALE, I BUY AND HELL REAL estate on commission; If you have some thing for sale, see me. I am In ,]lna. E. O. Black, 9 Bryan, east. COME AND SEE ME IF YOU Ik RE trading In real estate. E. O. Black, No. 6 Biy-n, east. FOB HALE, REAL ESTATE IN every aeetlr/n ef the city; still I can’t please all; If you are offering yours for lale set me. E. G. Black, < Bryan, east. FOR SALE—RIuAL HJTATB. Foir^ALErnLOTsToF^TtoTS^ houses, which I would like to se© you about. E. G. Black, 6 Bryan, east. FOR SALE, NICE HENRY STREET home, large lot good location; see me. E. O. Black. ’FOR' SALE. 519 TENTH STREET, west, lot 30x129; large four-room house, rents seven dollars month; $675; terms $75 cash; balance, $lO month. Platshek & Cos. FOR" SALE."* TWO "ACRES CLEARED land, m miles on Louisville paved road; road front; only two hundred ilollars; big bargain. Platshek A Cos. FOR SALE. lIKSBT LOT. 99x93. ON Ninth, between Price ami East Broad, $300; SSO cash; balance, $lO month. Plat shek A Cos. ~FOR SAL&T CHOICE LOT." SIXTH street, near Abercorn; one thousand ilol lars. J. E. Fulton A Son. "FOB SALE, SEVERAL"CHOICE RES idences; also Investment property. J. E. Fulton A Son. "“FOR SALE. LOVELY SUMMER homo, ten rooms, modern conveniences, in mountains of North Georgia; climate de lightful; pur© freestone water; slso min eral water in vicinity. If Interested, ad dress “T..” this paper. “for sale, on kasi termsTmod ern ten-room house; all rooms connect and all separate; three large halls; bath room, etc., 418 Henry street, east. Apply at Launey Studio, 21 Broughton, west. FOR” SALE,” LOT ’ 30X125.” FACIN' 1 south on Eleventh atreet, near Barnard. S. Mendel, 202 Bax'. w r est. FO It~SALE .“LOTS’ CORNER RAR nard and Eleventh, Whitaker and Elev enth. and Whitaker and Twelfth. G. H. Remshart, 16 Bryan, east. “FOR SALE. THE KNOWLES ~ COT tagw at Guyton. For particulars, apply to C. P. Miller. "FOR balk. 518 DUFFY STREET, west. 7 rooms, with bath and gas. Apply on premises. ~FOU SALE. li 13 W EST BROAD street, 5 rooms with large lot. Apply on premises. FOR ALU—JftiftllULlftAftUOlSft. ah soft and smooth as velvet; one appli cation relieves the pain and destroys the redness from sunburn, 2oc. At I’ersse s Drug Stores, Henry and Abercorn and WhitakeV and Taylor. "PAKUIR STYf.E ESTEY ’ 6KoTn] second, hand, but In good repair; twenty dollars cash. Cable Piano Cos, Savan nah, Ga. SUV MILL icS 9339 WILL SELL at a bargain lor cash, one saw mill com plete. 35 to 40 thousand feet daily capacity, consisting of engines, boilers. mHI car riage, blacksmith shop, dry kiln, locomo tives, 33 head large mu lea, log carte, chains, and general equipment. For full particular**, apply to Eastman Lumber Company, Eastman, Ga. "FOR'BALE. COTTON”BEED MEAL and baled hull* l n car lots. Fort Gaines Oil and Guano Company, Fort Gaines Ga. i' HA PELT STYLE~ MABON~A~H AMLI N organ, second hand, but in good repair; twenty dollars cash. Cable Piano Cos., Sa vannah. “sURINGFIEUn DAIRY IS” "THE place to get rich, pure milk. Use It once and you will have no other. It Is handled with an eye to cteanlinees. Repot 310 Whitaker street, where you can get but ter milk, crearu. clabber, curds and fresh butter. Try us. Beil and Georgia phonea ' COWS FOR SA l.K,' lE"YOU WANT _ A good milch cow, with young calf, reason able call 471 West Boundary. YOUNG JERSEY BUUI, FOR 8A 1.10, A beauty and ready for service. Call 471 West Boundary. "BEIiGIAN HARES. ""PEDIGREED does bred to imported bucks; shipped any where for $2.50; reference, Brad streets; send 25c for book ‘‘About Belgian Hares.” California Belgian Hare Company. 315 South Spring. Dos Angeles. Cal. FOR SALE] CHEAP HORSE. BUGGY’ and two sets harness. Apply 310 Bryan street, east. “ale"OF THE KTTRNITURB~¥ir¥EED Monday, at 515 Barnard; come early; flrat ciass; cheap. FOR SAI.E,' HORSESHOEING AND blacksmith shop: best aland in city; god trade, established; good reason for sell ing. Adtlr ss U. S., this office. FOR SALK. ONE ""BAY HORSE, sound and gentle in buggy or wagon. 116 Hull street, west. "FOR SALE, TWO YOUNG" MILK cows. Apply 215 Tenth street, weet. "FOR" SALE." PURE-BRED"ENGLISH grayhound pups, both tan and blue. g. M Rice, Jr., K V., Union, S. C. “for" SALE, CHEAP, ONE HORSE and two good mules; no fault, but to cur tail expenses, a few good milch cows. M. L- Eiley, Vale Royal. COME AND SEE OUR $35 TOP BUG gy, 5,010 pieces of crockery to go at Ic. 2c. 3c, 4c and 6c each; 50 empty hogsheads for sale. M. Nathan, 221-236 Congress street, west. "fORTsaLK]"MEDIUM SISE HORSE, for thirty-live dollars. In rear 430 Brough ton, west. FOR SALE]""RAEOnS AND"SAFETY razors honed, straight edge, sharpened, concaved and hollow-ground; cutlery and cash registers repaired; steel heel plates and razor strops, best for sharp edges; orders left care Abe L. Byclt. No. 10 Bull street, cigar store; leave your name and address on urtlcle lo be repaired. Robert McDonough. Savannah. Ga. "For salk,""two second ' hatfb light eprlrg wage as Address cheap, care Morning News. COMBINATION TANDEM, IN" FINE condition, for $25.00; worth double; will bring it for inspection. Address Ted Royston, No. 502 Oglethorpe avenue, city. ■"TWO~PAIR' DOUBLE WAGON HAR ness from government sale; as good as new. 1! West Congress. ASH AND CYPRESS I.UMBER FOR Mis—lso,ooo lest of ash suitable tor whseL wrights, carriage maker*, cer works and Interior house finish. Also cyprssa lumbar of all elses. We have resumed cutting our famous brands of cypres* shingles and wtll soon have a full line of them for sale. Vale Royal Manufacturing Company. LOST AND FOUND. LOST, IF THe"TTkNTLEMAN WHO found my gold tooth-pick Saturday in front of Okarma’s will return, he will greatly oblige A B. Moore, Moore * Co.’s warehouse. River street. I/08T'—GOLD - EYEGLASSES, NEAR Tenth *nd Whitaker streees. Reward lo finder. A. G. Guerrard A Sons. 106 Bay, east. STRAYED. "'stray keTonto - tsllon, one red cow. Owner can have tame by proving property and paying expenses. Apply Deptford Plantation. " fII’MMKH HKSORTI. f a the midsummer rates to visit Asheville this month, wilt find good board and pleas ant rooms, near atreet car and Postofflce, at one dollar per day. with Mrs. J. A. Lee. 26 Flint street. "NEW YORK~CIfY." M WEIT 25TH *irwt, near Hoffman House, room* and board, moderat© price*, excellent aervlc© and table; hlgheat reference*. Mre. Bundy. “ASHEVILLE; ST C“ Ktf SOUTH Main street; cool and sbady; terms rea sonable. Mra. Gragg. ttOAltDMa. BOARD. WITH LARGE. - COOT rooms, home comforts; every convenience 23 Weet Derry. "NICELY FURNISHED ROOMSTWITIL boaxd. 311 East Jones street. "WELL FURNISHED ROOMST"NEt house; good table board. 18 Ogiethori avenue, west. •n.KMK.v CAM>, accommodated with pleasant room ar.. board. Apply 1301 Barnard street. BOARDERS. SOUTH FRONT ROOr suitable for two gentlemen with boarc 213 Jones ©treet, west. ’ BOA R DKRS WANT ED. “ALSO” WEL furnished front parlor loom to gentlemet. Broughton, east. WANTED, TWO HOARDERS I private family. 444 Drayton street. $3.50 per week. NICE ROOMS, SOUTHERN EXPO, ure; splendid location; good table; re. sonnble rates- - , at 322 Harris street, east. A FEW GENTLEMEN CAN BE commodated with rooms having souther exposure and bonrd by applying at N. N . car© Anderson and Whitaker street*. KULCATIOML. SCHOLARS PREPARED FOR AN grade; grammar and first year Htg . School. Mrs. Oarn©tt.*a3l4 Bull atreet. ~T H E OCTLJCTHOR P E SEM IN A R will reopen Oct. 2. at 808 Drayton stree Savannah, Ga. ; for particulars, atklre Mins Anna Storr, 315 Fourth street. Klyri;. O. Mrs. la>uls g. Young, principal. lit SIXES 9 CHANCES. X good buxine** man with about $2,00 cash to conduct a clean ra-sh businas. in Savannah on an absolutely safe baste no scheme, speculation, experiment oi theory; business in auccessful operatioi at Indianapolis and other cities; part\ must be capable of taking geueral man agement and directing other©. guarantm'ti by a Sovannah hank. Addres* L. R. Holloway. Nov 300 Johnston Build ing. Cincinnati, O. “HONEST SPECULATION. f SEND for my •method” of “Security Invest meats." ff you are satisfied with reaeon able profits. Investments by this mttho< in stocks and grain have earned in .K days more than a mechanic earns in 60 Send for frte particulars. Customers anc. bank references. Richard Jones. Invest mervt broker, 4U Exchange Place, Nan. York ’forecasting "future move monf of certain stocks by sclentifle rule* methods, supply and demand systems chart guides (for successful stock ex change speculation); valuable to novlc< or expert; send for extensive illustrate' circular (guaranteed best published); mail ed fro© while they last. Investment Sp* clallst, suite 419, 40 Exchange Place, New York. SPECULATION, S2O MARGINS ONE thousand bushels grain 2c. Send for our booklet "Speculation," free. J. K. Com stock. 33 Traders building. Chicago. PATIENTS AT AUCTION. NEXT great ©ale Sept. 4, by Jus. P. Silo, auctioneer, 43 Liberty street, New York. Patentsenus? be received before Aug. 25. Address G. W Keeler, Manager. MISCELLANEOUS. INTERIOR DECORATING OF ALL kinds done by skilled workmen. Interior Decorating Company; see us early. fob hardware and foot*;” to Cornwell ft Chlpmau’s. " THE STAR THAT LF.ADS THEM all; New Dom/atlc Machine, with ball btailngs. Benton ft Son. WEDDING PRESENTS, STERLING silver and cut glass. Koch ft Sylvan's, 46 Whitaker. "BEWARE OF STREET CORNER CONb tractors. There are few reliable painters here. Taylor Is one of the few. WE GIVE YOU EITHER DOMESTIC? or gloss finish; perfect work. Forest City Laundry, Park avenue. THE MOST SATISFACTORY^PAINT to use Is the German ready-mixed; SI.2S gallon. Adams Paint Company. STEP INTO MY STORE AND GET'A boitle of fine old Lewis ’66; remember It Is ’66. and not some other brand; Old Crow is great; try It. William Dlers, West Broad and Liberty. UPHOLSTERING DONE IN BUST style and in best workman-like manner; price reasonable. David Clark, 141 Jeffer son. I'ainting AND KALSOMInTR* done by experts at Interior Decorating Company; ’phone 1051. 'FOR" RANGES ANQ STOVES, "od'fo Cornwell ft Chlpnaan. "ATTACHMENTS AND MACHINE RE palred while you wait; all work guaran teed. For poor people free. Pentcn & Son. ~'fHE"MOST - UP-TO DATE WORK 18 being turned out by Forest City Laundry. ’Phons 1675. "SPECTACLES OF THE REST GRADE at moderate prices; eyes tested free. Koch ft Sylvan. 'BEWARE OF JACKLEGS! OUR prices fair; work satisfactory on paper hanging-pointing. William Taylor. ~OUR~ PACKAGE 3 B WALLPAPER cleaner will clean one room. Adams Paint. 104 Congress, west. TBOTTLE OF FINE - OLD~CROW will be the thing these days; none so pure as at Wllllum Dlers, West Broad and Liberty. MATTRESSES RENOVATED AND worked over thoroughly; best moss mat tresses made to order David Clark. 141 Jefferson. LADIES AND" GENT!.EMEN~T!* reedy with spring stork of umbrellas, par asols repaired and raibvered; locks and keys. M. Domtnltz, Corner Oglethorpe- Barnard. Ga. Phone 1059. "WA LL PA P E done In best style by Interior Decorating Company, 113 State, west. 'rOR FISHING TACKLE, NETS" ETC., go to Cornwell ft Chlpman. SINGER NEEDLES, THREE ""FOR five rrnts; gill oil with dozen free Penton ft Son. GOLD LINK CUFF BUTTONS. THE lateet things out. At Koch ft Sylvana, 46 Whitaker. CHEAPNESS IN PAPER HANGING and painting, la getting skilled mechanics at fair prices. See Taylor, Knights of Pythias Hall. ’PHONE 1675 FOR FOREST CITT Laundry. They will call for your linen Immediately. GO TO THE ADAMS PAINT COM pany to buy paints and oils, sash, doors and blinds. iITIONS IB Secured t 5/ actiVe,Vide awd^ ToungMen rf 1 Women ]0 ft Ke our practical usiriess (oiTrse o|V | Business { COLLEGES.! snd/orraM<ytte> ,'t^a/ 5