The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, August 14, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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2 SOUTHERN TRAIN WRECKED. SEVERAL PEOPLE lAJI RED ' SMASH-1 I* AT TFAMM.H. Trnln Broke* In Two nml tli** Two Section* Came In Collision —Several ( nr* A\ ere Smanlied lo Splinter* and Thirteen People AA ere Badly Hurt—Some of tlie Injuries Are Se ri on*—l lie.v Were on Tlielr AA n > to Savannah. Tennille, Ga.. Aug. 13.-The Southern train from Augusta, due here at 12:15 o’clock, was wreekei just inside of town May. The train left Sandersville, thr. e miles | from heie. on time. Just one mile from here there is a steep hid. and it is suppos ed the cars, including two coaches and one box car. broke loose from the tost of j the train as the front section slacked j spo 1 t<l • - 1 1ni 11• The second section collided with it. smashing one coach and ; box car almost to splinters and wrecking ! several others. There was an exoursion from Tennille i to-day to Savannah, and a large crowd j was on hoard to go on this excursion, i There was quite a number Injured, and those who have received medical attention j are Thomas Cooper, white, aged about 60, coilar bone fractured; Simon Evans, col- ored. leg fractured, internal injury; Frank Heath, baggagemaster, leg broken; Joe Adams, brakeman, hip broken, cheek bone •mashed, dangerously hurl; George Miller, colored, hurt internally: John Monahan, a young man from Savannah on his way home from Gibson, nose broken and lip severely cut; Ferdinand Hobbs, colored, bruised and cut in head; H. C. Stewart, Pride. Ga., bruised and cut on head; Clara Swint. colored, bruised on head; Alice Thomas, bruised on head; Nelson Cain, colored, head cut; Mose Wilson, train man. colored, leg broken above knee, both feet badly bruised and mashed, face also cut; Jim Green, colored, fireman, hurt In ternally. There There were several others badly bruised end shaken who did not need medical os elstance. The track was still blocked, and the train due to leave here at 2: 1 0 o'clock, is still here with no prospects at present of leaving. All the injured are under the supervision of the road’s sur geon here, and ail are doing as well as could be expected. WORKING THE SAME OLD G AME. Hardy. Who Did I p Jacksonville, I* Operating Out West. At anta, Aug. 13.—A man whose Identi ty is not positively known, but who cal's himself “Lieu enant S. R. Hardy, U. S. A.” and whose only right to the title lies in a well-made uniform which he wears, is operating somewhat extensively as a bank swindler in various parts of the country. He has victimized people In Jacksonville, Brunswick and St. Louis, at least through representations that he was an Atlantian with a healthy bank ac count at the Lowry National Bank. About ten days ago this man (then call ing himself “Major” Hardy) appeared in Jacksonville. He said he had been sent by the United States government to in fp ct the National Guard of that state, and the manner in which he flim-flammed some of the officers is well remembered. A few- days ago it seems he appeared in Brunswick, Ga., and minus the drill, did exactly the simp thing. One o§ his drafts cn the Lowry Bank was cashed, then forwarded to Atlanta for collection, through the Fourth National Bank. It went to the Lowiy Bank at and was turned doWTI To-day telfgrams wore received from St. Louis by th’ Lowry Bank ieople showing that about the same game had been worked there by Hardy, a Mr. Dp saw, being the loser to the extent of $75. Hardy has left St. Louis and there is no clue to his w hereat outs. VALUATION OF THE S., F. AND W. One of the Arbitrator* lla* Begun a Study of the t n*e. Atlanta, Aug. 13.—The question of fixing the valuation of the Savannah, Florida and Western Railroad by arbitration was taken tip this morning by J. Pope Brown, one of the arblirators. He spent some time with Controller General Wright, fa miliarizing himself with the facts and figures upon w’hich the valuation is to be based. Mr. Brown will meet Hon. Pope* Barrow of Savannah, the other arbitra tor, in a few days, and they will rake up the matter together. TO INSPECT COLORED TROOPS. Col. Ohear to Arrive In Savannah To-day for That Purpose. Atlanta. Aug. 13.—Inspector General Obear left to-night for Savannah, where be went to inspect the colored companies. He said this morhing the coored troops of the state were In excellent condition, and that the negroes were manifesting considerable interest in military affairs. The Fulton Guards left to-night for Sa vannah, to participate in the military pa rade and inspection. THREE VAEIIE PARDONED. They find Been Sentenced for A*- Mnultlnu n Chinaman. Atlanta. Aug. 13 —Three Colquitt county citizens who recently made an upon Joe Lee. a Chinaman, and who were sent to the penitentiary for the offense, were pardoned to-day by Gov. Candler, upon recommendation of the Prison Com missioners. The names* of the men par doned are John Curies, Parish Bryan and W. Akiermnn. WESLEY AVS ENDOWMENT FIND. Committee Ha* frt.A.OtM) Already and May Make It kHNI.OOO. Macon, Aug. 13.—President Pollock of Mercer University to-giight said, that the Endowment Committee appointed by the board of trustees at its last meeting row had already in sight the $65,000 re quired of them, and will at once under take to make the sum SIOO,OOO. Studying the l*rl*on Farm. Atlanta, Aug. 13.—The stare pri-on farm • t Milledgc ville is just now occupying the attention of Secretary of Agriculture Stev ens. He is making a thorough lnvestigiu tlon of the workings of the form, an I w ill Include a statement of his findings in his regular annual report. A Guaranteed Cure for Piles. Itching, blind, bleeding or protruding piles. No cure, no pay. All druggists are authorized by the manufacturers of Puzo Pile Ointment to refund the money where it fails to cure au> rase of piles, no matter of how long standing Cures ordinary cases in tlx days; the worst cases in fourteen <1 rvs. One application gives ease and rest. Relieve* itchtng Instantly- This is anew discovery and is the only Pile remedy tola on a positive guarantee, no cure, no pay. Price ftuc If your druggist don't keep it in atock. send u* Me in postage stamps and we will forward same by mail Manufactured by Part* Mediciuc Cos.. st. Louis Mo Manufac turers o t Laxative Drorno-Quinine and Grove’* Tasteless Chill Tonic ad. “‘Brevity is the Soul of WU.” Wit is mrisdom. Blood is life. Impure blood is living death. Health depends or, good blood. Disease is due to bad blood. The blood can be punfied. Legions say Hood’s Sarsaparilla. Amer ica’s Greatest Blood Medicine, purifies it. A brief story but it tells the tale. yfcdtCS SaMabaiilfo Never Disappomts SHE DO AA' NED TWO LAWYERS. Atlanta** Female Attorney AA n* Too Mneli for Them. Atlanta, Aug. 13.—Dressed in a pink shirt waist and a white duck skirt, Miss Clara L. Bovard. Atlanta’s only lady law yer appeared in Justice Landrum’s court to-day and created something of a sen sation by quietly rebuking two young law yers, who tried to compliment her in their speeches to the court. Miss Bovard appeared in behalf of a client who is suing 8. M. Foster and F. P. Akers for small amounts of money. Robert Blackburn, in his speech to the court in behalf of his client, Foster, be gan to talk of the respect in which he held his learned and beautiful opposing counsel. He was interrupted by Miss Bovard, w-ho, in clear and decisive tones, sa id: “We will waive all that.*' Attorney Blackburn argued only his case thereafter. Nothing daunted at the failure of Blackburn, Attorney Thomas, in speaking for Akers, turned to his fair opponent, and began a play of words, in which mythological characters were grouped together like animals in n me nagerie. He got out something about Venus, then Diana appeared and finally began a comparison of Miss Bovard’s eyes with—well, no one will ever know what. “Her eyes,” he began, “are like’’—but those calm, yet fearless, flashing orbs were riveted on the speaker with an in tensity that is very- disconcerting to a young man of 20 or thereabouts. His voice broke and there was silence where the echoes of oratory should have been. “Her eyes—her eyes—her eyes,” he re peated helplessly. He never got any further, for those same eyes under dis cussion had him os in an iron grasp. He struggled, he twisted, but that was all. The world will never know what Mr. Thomas thinks of "Her eyes.” DIBITS INUREASE NOT L ARGE. Snmter’ii Tax Return* Sent Rack for Correction. Atlanta, Aug. 13.—Bibb county showed an increase in tax returns of $321,000, which was not as much as w-as expected. At one time it was thought that Bibb would go up to SBOO,OOO. Sumter showed a decrease of $300,000. The books have been returned to Sum ter’s county tax receiver, however, as it seems there was some error in making out the returns. There were 360 less re turns this year than last year, and Capt. Harrison wrote the receiver, saying that there must be some mistake, as he did not see how 360 people, could move out of the county in one year, and that if there had not been as many removals, the property should he returned as de faulters. AII the tax returns are ex pected to he in by the 20th. A DEATH AT MADISON. Negro .lumped From a Train and Had Hl* Leu Cut Off. Madison, Ga., Aug- 13.—Mrs. Chambers, wife of la. B. Chambers, a prominent citi zen of this place, died yesterday of peri tonitis after two weeks' lilness, and was buried here this morning. C. D. Head of this county died at Grady Hospital. Alanta. Sunday, of typhoid ma larial fever. The body was brought here Sunday afiernoon and buried to-day. The Georgia Railroad ran an excursion on Saturday night from Atlanta to Union Point. Bob Taylor, an Atlanta negro, in attempting to leave the train here, fell under the cars and had one of hi* legs cut off. The train was not scheduled to stop here. # WEDDED IN THOMA9VILLE. Groom From i olnmbia. S. %., Take* Hi* llrlde on a Long Trip. Thomasville, Ga., Aug. 13— Charles D. Smirh of Bocas del Toro, Republic of Co lombia, South America, and Miss Queenle V. Turner, of this county, were married in this city yesterday at the Presbyterian manse by Rev. McDougald. The groom is superintendent of railways and bridges l". F. Cos., and the couple left Im mediately for Colombia via San Fran cisco. WAYCROSS % 111 LINE RO %D. (ironml to He Broken In FltßKernkl for tbe Kxten*ton. Fitzgerald. Ga.. Aug. 13.—Ground wil! be broken here to-morrow for the Way cross Air Line Railroad. The committee which has had the right of way in charge finished its labors this morning. The railroad crosses fifty-two five-acre tracks and thirty-four city lots. The extension toward Douglass will be finished as fast as fifty men can do the w-ork. Close of tbe Trunin Matolien. Atlanta. Ga., Aug* 13.—1n the closing challenge match of the Southeastern Slates Tennis Tournament here to-day, T. Coleman Ward and Charles Brown of Birmingham defeated Calrence Angler and Sam Williams of Atlanta by a score of 6-1; 6-4; 6-1. The result gave the cham pionship of the Southeastern States in doubles to the Blrginmham team, which has hold it for several years. .luntlce* ,n \ iieatlnnn. Atlanta, Aug. 13.—The Justices of tbe Supreme Court are now taking fhelr va cations. Chief Justice Simmons is at Tate Springs. Judge Little is at Warm Springs. Judge Lewis is at Greensboro. Judge Lumpkin is at Lexington. Judge Cobb is at Athens and Judge Fish is at Amerieus. The court will convene for the October term on the first Monday in October at 11:30 o’clock. Had ( liajucrrn Fever on Hoard. Norfolk, Vf.. Aug. 13.—Yesterday the Norwegian hark Kopta put in Hampton roads wdih six cases of chagres fever on board, and signaliz'd for help. She was boarded off Old Point Comfort by Dr. Brown, quarantine officer, who sent her to quarantine. Chagres fever, also known ns ‘'Mexican fever,’* is frequently con tracted by seamen on ships that touch at Mexican ports. Death of Elder Durden. Btillmoro. Ga., Aug. 13.—Elder R. A. Durden of Wade, Gh.. this county, wa* buried at Antioch Church yesterday. He died Saturday, after a lingering ifineAs of more than six months. He was one of the most prominently known citizens of this county. He wag near hi* aeventy tifth birthday. , * THE MORNING TUESDAY. AUGUST 14. 1900. FLOYD'S LARGE TAX RETURNS. Policeman Did Quick Work In fid ting a N *nro Thief. Rome. Ga., Aug. 13.—Tax Receiver Oro sier has about completed his returns for the year and Floyd will keep step with the general march of progress set by oth er counties with an increase of over Half a million. The exact figures are not ready for publication. Policeman Schlapbach, in the remarka ble time of one hour and thirty minutes, to-day recovered a valuable lot of stolen goods and caught the thief, a negro wo man. Some two weeks ago Butler Harbour's house was entered, and clothing and ,lew- I dry stolen. Mr. Harbour waited until his wife returned in order to give the po lice an accurate description. Mrs. Har bour came home this affernon ond Po liceman Schlapbach was put on the case. He soon detected and .arrested Leslie Rush, a notorious negro female thief. POFI LISTS OF AA A A NE. Hold n Alerting at Jennp and Nomi nate a Full 'Ticket. Jcsup, Ga., Aug. 13.—The Populists of Wayne county held a convention at Jes*up on Saturday, Aug. 11, and named the fol lowing ticket: For state senator, Third Senatorial district, A. H. Chancey; for representative, Wayne county, I). R. Johnson; for ordinary, John Massey; for clerk, Superior Court, George W. McCall; for sheriff, W. A. Bell; for receiver of tax returns, J. A. Rennert; for tax collector, D. H. Roberson; for treasurer, J. W. Har per; for surveyor. S. W. Aiken; for cor oner, J. W. JJenlson; for county commis sioners, P. R. Richardson. G. B. Hitch, J. F. Surrency, J. R. West berry and B. W. Morgan. Jesup has lost two of her best citizens in the past week—Mr. B. Huxford and Mr. J. H. Williams, both stricken with typhoid fever. PALESTRO’S CREW TO BE PAID. Rritl*h Steamship and Cargo Are a Total I,on*. Norfolk. Ya., Aug. 13.—Capt. Armstrong and crew of twenty-nine of the British steamship Palestro, which was wrecked on Diamond shoals, off Hatteras, Thurs day. arrived here last night on a schooner. Capt. called on the British vice consul, and arrangements were made to send them to Baltimore to-night, where they will be paid off. Several of the Pal eetro’s life boats are on the beech, but the ship and cargo are a total loss. Sliarpe Want* Commutation. Atlanta. Aug. 13. llaratn Sharpe, the JV'Kalb county wife murderer, made ap plication to-day to the Board of Pardons for a commutation of his sentence to life imprisonment. He claims that he shot bis wife by accident. His defense in his sec ond trial was based on this claim. Colnnihu* Strike I* Over. Columbus. Ga., Aug. 13 —Tie trouble between the contractors and carpenters has about adjusted itself. This morning the planing m 11 and the ethers started up full-handed and the ccntractors had all the men they needed. The strike has about petered out. Secured a Scholarship. Atlanta. Rome, Ga., has been appointed by the au thorities of the O’Read Institute to the scholarship assigned to Georgia. Miss Harris is the daughter of Superintendent J. C. Harris of the Rome public schools. SLING FOB HUSBAND'S DEATH. Dfiinniae Snlt Againnt Hiillwny rn Trlnl in tlie City Court. The trial of the damage suit of Mrs. Elizabeth Evans against the Savantian, Florida and Western Hallway Company was begun in the City Court on yester day morning. Mrs. Evans asks for s2\- 000 damages for the death of her husband, who was killed by an engine of the com pany, at Lakeland, Fla., in October, 1899. The plaintiff charges that her husband was killed through the gross negligence of the company and its employes. Ac cording to her contention, he was walking across the tracks at point frequented by pedestrians, accompanied by their daughter, when a tender approached him rapidly from behind, without having dis played a light or toilet! n bell, and ran over mid killed both husband and daugh ter. A separate suit has been instituted for the death of the daughter, for which damages in the sum of $40,000 are asked. The evidence for the plaintiff was con cluded yesterday, and to-day that for the defendant will be taken up. It is said there are between fifty and sixty wit nesses. and the case bids fair to consume three or four days in its trial. The plaint iff is represented by Judge Eppes Tuck er, of lakeland, and Messrs. Twiggs Si Oliver. Messrs. Chisholm & Clay appear for the defendant company. The reason assigned for bringing the ca#;e in Savannah, instead of in Florida, where the homicide occurred, is a strance and rather interesting one. It is stated that the Florida Supreme Court is six or eight years behind its work, and that a hearing before that court could not have been had for some such length of time. II ASF. BA LI. AT HOLTON PARK. Chatham* and Team From Tliomnn vllle to Crow* Hat*. Savannahlans who are interested in the national game will have an opportunity to s(e it well played at the Bolton Street Fark this afierneen, when the Chatham team, colored, will cross bats with the Thomasville exponents of baseball. The game wl 1 he called at 4:15 o’clock. Those who have ssn s me of the games the Chathams have played recently have sen they know the game, and the Thom as\ile players are said to b equally well acquainted with its tine points. Half of the gad sand wil b- tepee ally re served for white pe sons duting the game tills afternoon. <lll PURELY VEGETABLE. Acts as Tonic and Stops Hair from Falling Out, Cures Dandruff. Brittle Hair. Itching and all Scalp Troubles. Guaranteed to Cure When all other remediee have failed or Monet) Refunded. Sold everywhere. Safe, Sure, Reliable. Treatise on Hair and Scalp troubles free. A. IC. tlltlJH ‘1 o., Chicago. Beware of imitations. Tbe only hair preparation admitted to tbe Barts Exposition. For sale by Llppman Bros.. Columbia i Drug Cos. and Knight’* Pharmacy, Savan nah, Ga. Jos. A. Magnus Cos., CINCINNATI, O. New Bank for Reftdnville. Atlanta, Aug. 13.—An application for a barter was made to-day to Secretary of State Cook by C. W. Brazell, B. F. Al exander, C. W. Smith, J. R. Rogers,W. W. Rogers, F. M. Alexander, J. J. Easterlin, and J. F. Kelly, who wish to engage in the banking business under the name of the Tattnall Bank, to be located in Reids ville. The institution is to be capitalized at $30,000. FUNERAL INVITATIONS. BARRETT. -The friends of Mrs. Eliza Barrett are invited to attend Vier funeral from St. Joseph’s Infirmary at 5 o’clock this afiernoon. COLLMAN.-—The relatives and friends of Mr. and Mrs. Charles (’oilman and Mr. and Mrs. D. Schwarz and Mr. and Mrs. C. Schwarz are respectfully invited to at tend the funeral of Mr. Collman from his house. No. 245 Jefferson street, this morn ing at 10 o'clock. MEETINGS. AMJKVT U\\?MAHK LODGE NO. 281, F. A A. M. A regular meeting will be held at Masonic Temple this, Tuesday, evening, at 8:30 o'clock. Members of Sister Lodges are invited to attend. ROBT. M. HITCH, W. M. JNO. S. HAINES, Secretary. DE KALB LODGE NO. O, I. O. O. F. A regular meeting of the lodge will be held this evening at 8:30 o’clock. Members of sister lodges and visiting brethren cordially invited to attend. C. H. CARSON, N. G. W. W. GROSS, Secretary. SPECIAL NOTICED. SI \\ \>EL SPRINGS CO. Kind Friends.—l have got some of the people here thinking there must be some thing in the Spring. I gave a carboy to a poor man who is in bed with kidney trouble. (No worse than l was.) I am certain it will help him. If so. friends are to send him and wife to the Spring. * Mr. Pocock, proprietor Hotel Hartford in this city, with daughter and son, is to go there as soon as he can fix business up. A banker was here; also two other wealthy men; I told them to go at once to Suwanee; explained the benefit there, more than at home. Still they wanted the water to use until such times as they could get away. That is why l sent for the 5 carboys. I have no idea what amount of water I can sell, but I will do what I can, but Iwould sooner see people go to the Spring. Had a short note from Rev. P. V. Harti gan. He i-s improved, and said, my next vacation will be spent at Suwanee. In a business letter from Mr. Nathen. he said, my wife is fine. Had she remained at the Spring two weeks longer, she would be sweet sixteen again. Well, it is certainly wonderful; all get beneflited by the waters. Chances are Suwanee will catch all again. Sincerely yours. P. J. DOUGHERTY, Hartford, Conn. All you can drink for 5c at Livingston’s. GRAND MOONLIGHT EXCURSION. Last of the season on the palatial steam er Clayton. Leaves foot Whitaker street Wednes day evening 8:30. Music by Middleton’s Bond. THE TIME OF ALL TIMES. Have renovated at once your mattresses, feather beds, etc., by our steam medica ted process. (The oniy plant in Savan nah) that overcomes all impurities, whether contagious or otherwise. Have reduced renovation of fe.ithers for Au gust as follows: Feather beds from $5.00 to $3.50, bolsters from $1.50 to SI.OO. Pillows from 75c to 50c. Cotton, moss and hair mattresses made to order. Will save you money. Work guaranteed. NATIONAL MATTRESS AND RENO VATING CO., Bell phone 1136. 331 Drayton street. PROPOSALS FOR FURNISHING COAL. Office of Savannah Water Works. Savannah. Ga.. Aug. 4, 1900. Proposals will be received at this office until Aug 15 at 12 o'etx-k noon, oitv time, for furnishing the water depart ment with c~al for one year, beginning Sept. 1. 1906. Specifications can be had upon applica tion to this office. I. U KINSEY. Supt. MANTELS, GH %TES AND TILING. We have the largest stock, prettiest de signs. lowest prices. Call and examine ours before buying. Beautify your new house with pretty mantels. ANDREW HANLEY COMPANY. ' WALL PAPER, PAPER HANGING. Wo carry complete assortment of lat*ct style papers, and employ only best artists. Bee our goods and get our estimate be fore giving out your work. Our prices the very lowest. SAVANNAH BUILDING SUPPLY CO., Corner Drayton and Congress. Phone 519. _ BONDS EXECUTED By the American Bonding and Trust Com pany of Baltimore. We are Authorized to execute locally (immediately upon appli cation). all bonds in judicial proceedings In either the state or United States courts. and of administrators and guardians. DEARINO A HULL, Agents. Telephone $24. Provident Building. lUL WA\ TO C Liu AN CAIU'LL. The only way tc get your carpets prop erly taken up, cleaned and taken care of for the summer is to turn the Job over to the District Messenger and Delivery Cos., telephone 2. or call at 32 Montgomery etreet, and they will make you au esti mate on the coat of the work. Priooa reasonable They also pack, move and •tore furniture and pianos. (X H. MEDLOCK. Supt and Mgr. DO YOU KNOW IT If not, call and satisfy yourself that we handle the finest line of Carpenters’ and Mechanics’ tools. Disston’s Saws, Jerining’s Chisel, Jenning’s Auger Bits, Automatic Screw Drivers and Drills, Hammers, Hatchets, Squares, Mallets, Bailey Planes, We are agents for Starrett’s Mechanics’ Tools. PALMER HARDWARE COMPANY, Bay and Jefferson Streets. Will Please Yon. SAVANNAH STEAM LAUNDRY II Congress Street, West. Phone 383. FRANK’S RHEUMATIC —and — CATARRH CURE Cures when all others fail. Try it. 51.50 per bottle. It is worth a trip to Hot Springs. LIVINGSTON’S TWO PHARMACIES, P 293 E Bnll and Congress and 309 Bnll Street. p g£ E SPECIAL NOTICES. LEVAN'S TABLE D’HOTE DINNERS. 60c—DINNER—50c. Dinner 1 to 3 and 6 to 9, Tuesday, Aug. 14. Claret Wine. SOUP. Spaghetti FISH. Fillets of Grouper ala Boulette Potatoes Julienne Potato Salad Sliced Bell Peppers Queen Olives Chow Chow Mixed Pickles ROASTED. Ribs of New York Beef, Dish Gravy Ricefield Lamb with Mint Sauce ENTREES. Stuffed Bell Peppers with Shrimp Pear Fritters au Sugar VEGETABLES. Mashed Potatoes, Boiled Okra, Rice Stewed Tomatoes Cabbages PASTRY AND DESSERT. Cocoanut Pie. Assorted Cakes, Fruits Cheese Crackers Baked Apple Dumpling. Silver Sauce French Coffee. LBVAN S CAFE AND RESTAURANT, 111 Congress street, west. PAULDING OF LONG ISLAND CELE BRATED PIPPIN APPLE CIDER. This pure elder Is served on steamers on the American line, and at the Waldorf-As toria and leading family grocers In New Yo:k c4ty. Paulding s Pippin cider Is made from the pure juice ot hand picked apples from his own mill on the premises. It is abso lutely pure apple Juice, and all the effer vescence ia natural, and we guarantee it to be the choicest cider in (he world. Leading physicians In New York and Brooklyn recommend this cider to their patients Its perfect purity is guaranteed. In Paulding's Pippin cider, only Long Is land Newton's Pippins are used. The ap ples are left on the trees until late in Oc tober when they are hand picked and placed in a dry room to ripen. Paulding says "the apples are thorough ly crushed in his own mill and the juice pressed out and run into sweet clean casks.” The difference between crushing and grinding apples is very great. You will know the difference between crushed app es and ground apples If you take some stems and chew them, you will find that bitter taste which is not with crushed apples. This elder has not the extreme sweetness of the Russet cider, and everyone will find the Pauld 'ng's Pippin cider Just right to take with dinner. LIPPMAN BROS., Sole Agents in Savannah. WHAT TO DRINK. HOOT BEF-R IN QUART BOTTLES, $1.50 PER DOZEN. We recommend this as one of the most refreshing beverages which can be used. Try it. At A. M. & C. W. WEST'S. LEVY’S DISCOUNT NOTICE. TOC WILL SAVR ten run CENT. By paying rear hills oa or br_ for* the 10(h Inst. B. H. LEVY * (IRO. $23,000. Ont of our dienes has placed In our hands *26,000 to loan on good Savannah real eatata at raasonnbla rates of Interest BECKETT A BECKETT. 24 President isreet, east. FOR RENT. No. 120 Hall street, east; 223 and 221 Wald burg street, east; 214 and 216 Waldburg street, west; 221 Perry street, west. All of the above houses are in first class order, perfect condition, every con venience. Right rent to right tenants. ESTATE SALOMON COHEN. West Broad and Broughton sts. FOR RENT. We have a few desirable flats and houses In first-class locality that we will rent right to right tenants. ESTATE SALOMON COHEN. BUSINESS NOTICES. fSHmj Bottled hot; flavor deli cious; same as newly boiled. In quart bottles 20c MAPLE SYRUP W elch Bros’ Pure Ma ple. Qts. 40c; y t gal. 75c; gal. 51.25. Towle’s Log Cabin Ma ple, pure, same prices. The S. W. Branch Cos., Corner Broughton and Whitaker. “A MULTITUDE OF COMMERCIAL SINS'* Can be covered with a quart of varnish and a can of paint. The UTILITY of the carriages we sell extend beneath the surface. A visit to our salesroom will prove to you that high grade vehicles can be bought at moderate prices. COHEN-KULMAN CARRIAGE AND WAGON COMPANY. Babcock and Morgan & Wright Rubber Tires. GEM CHAT.... We desire every prospective pur chaser of Diamonds, Pearls or other Gem?, to know that we are In a po sition to PROVIDE WHAT IS WANTED at prices in competition with ANY DEALER. All we ask is an opportunity to prove what we say Hunter & Van keuren, Jewelers, 143 Bull street. We Wash To Perfection. Office 307 Bull Si reel. Telephone 700. SPECIAL, NOTICES. LARGE V\ AHfc.llOl.Sfc. AND OFFICE to nm, located head of Broughton street, on West Broad, now occu pied by ths Savannah Carrlaga and Wagon Cos. As they will give up business In tbe city on June l, i offer it for rent from that date ' H. I‘. SMART. CHARLTON A t li aht,ton. Attorneys and Counselors at Law, dooms 12, Provident Building. LEOPOLD ADLER, JNO. R. DILLON' President. Cashier C. T. ELLIS. BARRON CARTER Vice President. Asst. Cashier**^ The Chatham Bank SAVANNAH. Wil! be pleased to receive the account, of Merchants. Firms, Individuals, Bank, and Corporations. ' Liberal favors extended. Unsurpassed collection facilities, i nsur Ing prompt returns. SEPARATE SAVINGS DEPARTMENT INTEREST COIII'OINUM) QUARTER LY OX DEPOSITS. Safety Deposit Boxes and Vaults fo, rent. Correspondence solicited. The Citizens Bank OF SAVANNAH. CAPITAL, $500,000. “ Crucral B uainean. Solicits Accounts mt Individuals, Merchants, Bunks and other Corps, rations. Collections handled with safety economy and dispatch. Interest componnded Quarterly allowed on deposits In oar Saviors Department. Safety Deposit Boxes and Storan Vaults. BRANTLEY A. DESHARK, President. MILLS 11. LANE, Vico President. GEORGE C. FREEMAN, Cashier. GORDON L. GROOVER. Aset. Caahle* SOUTHERNBfINK of the State of Georgia Surplus and undivided profits,. r<)i 000 DEPOSITORY OF THE STATE OP GEORGIA. Superior facilities for transacting a General Banking~Busln63a. Collections made on all points accessible through banks and- bankers. Accounts of Bunks, Bankers, Mercnants and others solicited. Safe Deposit Boxes tor ret. Department of Savings, interest payable quarterly. Sells Sterling Exchange on London £1 and upwards. JOHN FLANNERY, President. ?.°,?A CE A. CRANE, Vice President JAMES SULLIVAN. Cashier. DIRECTORS: i Nt s ™ NERY ' WM W - GORDON. M A W W GORDON, Jr. H. A. CRANE. JOHN 11. EGAN LEE ROY MYERS. JOSEPH FERST ” R SMART. CHARLES ELLIS EDV ARD KELLY. JOHN J. KIRBY. iiiijii CAPITAL, $350,000. Accounts of banks, merchants, corpora tions and individuals solicited. Savings Department, Interest paid quarterly. Safety Boxes and Storage Vaults for rent. Collections made on all points at rea sonable rates. Drafts sold on all the chief cities of the world. Correspondence Invited. JOSEPH D. WEED. President. JOHN C. ROW LAND, Vice President W. F. McCAULEY, Cashier. THE GERMANIA BANK ciA V AamNAAA, GA. Capital *300,0* Undivided profit* M,OOO This bank oilers il services to corpora tions. merchants and individuals Has authority to act as executor, ad ministrator, guardian, etc. Issues drafts cn the principal cities la Great Brlialh and Ireland and oo tbs Continent. Interest paid or compounded quarterly on deposits In the Saving Department, Safety Boxes for rent. HENRY BLUN. President. GEO. vr TIEDEMAN. Vies President. JOHN M. HOGAN, Cashier. WALTER F. HOGAN. Ass t Cashier. No. 1040. Chartered, 1844 I THE HIS iM M OF SAVANNAH. CAPITAL, *OOO,OOO. SURPLUS. *loo.ol* UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY. J. A. G. CARSON, President EEIRNE GORDON, Vice President. W. M. DAVANT. Cashier. Accounts of banks and bankers, met ehants and corporations received upon the most favorable terms consistent wltk cafe and conservative banking. BUSINESS NOTICES. For Rent, . Residence 118 Gaston street, west. All conveniences. Can be rented from Ist August. Apply to CHATHAM REAL ESTATE AND IM PROVEMENT CO., 1$ Bryan Street. East. Ti Newspaper' Piste. For sale, a Foraalth Newspaper Folder, will fold sheet I.ik It Is In good order. Price *IOO. It cost originally *l,lOO, but we have no uee for U and want the room it occupies. It will be an Invaluable adjunct ta an] newspaper office. Address MORNING NEWS, SaTannab, Ga. tPELTAL M)T ICICI. 9108QIIT0E9 will not trouble you If you n® SHOOMtSKEET. It la a pleasant perfume. MELDE.IIMA la n toilet powder tliat inutantly di pel* the diftnitreettble odors arising from peraplratlon. OLD STILE COLO CREAM give* quick relief for auu burn* and •kin troubles. OLOMON* CO.