The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, August 14, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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many visitors are here excibsioss came: ix yesterday OVER THREE RAILROADS. anil Alabama, the Plant Sys tem and the Central All Brought Larue Crowds—Cheap nates Mere Offered, and Limits of From Three to Five I>ays Are Had on the Tiek ets— Einirsion Crowd of Colored People From Nlaoon and Atlanta to Witness the Military Parade This Morning—Merchants. Hotels and Hestnurnnts Rcup a Harvest Front the Stay of the Exenmionistn. Several thousand excursionists are in the city. The Georgia and Alabama, the Plant System, an.l the Central, all brought them in yesterday, and for two or three days they will be in evidence. The tickets upon which the excursionists traveled are good for two or three days, end many of them will stay the limit. They find their visits to Savannah very pleasant, and nearly every summer the same persons take the trip when the roads ieading through their sections of fer the unusually cheap rates that pre vail. The Plant System brought in a monster excursion last night that was run in two sections. There were twenty-six coaches. The passengers were gathered from Bain bridge and intermediate points. The first section arrived at about 8:30, and the second half an hour later. In all, there were some 1,500 passengers aboard the two trains. The Georgia and Alabama had three • tains in during the day. The first ar rived in the morning, bringing 593 pas sengers from Helena and intermediate points. The other trains arrived at night, bringing several hundred passengers. These visitors are from Southwest Geor gia and Eastern Alabama. The time limit of their tickets is five days. The Central's crowd was from Atlanta and Macon, and the excursionists were almost entirely colored. The military celebration in which the Savannah bat talion of colored troops and visiting com panies from Macon and Atlanta, will participate, is the attraction, and the colored: population will be in its element to-day. More than 1,000 were in the two sections that were run from the two cities. The Fulton Guards of Atlanta and the Lincoln Guards of- Macon were aboard, and mem bers of the local colored military appear ed at the depot in uniform to receive the visiting soldiers. Besides the military men, there was a dense mass of the col oted population gathered there to welcome the visitors. The parade, will take place this morning. It Is expected that it will be the chief feature of the year with the colored mil itary. The line will form at 10 o'clock at the corner of Liberty and East Broad streets, with Col. J. H. Deveaux. the ranking officer of the colored military of the state in command. The business men will profit by the presence of the excursionists. Many of them come with the avowed intention of spending their money, and such a crowd as is now in the city will manage to spend no little In the aggregate. Many of the visitors take advantage of the op portunity to do their shopping, and many goods will be taken home with them when they return. Hotels and restaurants, also, will reap a harvest. Already -the former are well filled up, and during the day there were many of the visitors who patronized the restaurants. The coming of last night's trains added to the crowds at the hotels, and it is probable that any more visitors would find difficulty in securing accom modations. It was clearly evident to observers yes terday that there were many viistors in the city. They could be seen walking about on the streets or gathered in at tractive spots for discussion. The stone in memory of Tomochichi that stands in Wright Square was a favorite place with them, and the livelong afternoon there was a knot gathered there. The merchants generally commend the railroads for the excursions. The roads offer very cheap rates and expend con siderable money in working up the crowds. To have so many people un loaded upon a city means a great deal of trade, and the merchants, both wholesale and retail, are aware of this and speak well of the railroads. A GOOD ENTERTAINMENT. Hit Sidney Woodward Drexv n Small Crowd Last NigJbt. Sidney Woodward’s entertainment at the Theater last night was a very creditable affair. Besides his own part of the en tertainment which was very good. Wood ward was assisted by a number of select ed local talent from Savannah and Charleston, some of whom rendered a very fair account of themselves. Woodward possesses a fine tenor voice, which he handles well, and which he is able to carry to a very high pitch. He has evidently had good train ing. He rendered a number of selections, all being very well done. The attendance was small and not by any means what the entertainment deserved. Either the night was too hot or the colored people do not appreciate high-class music. RECORDER'S LARGE DOCKETS. Fifty-two Prisoner* Before Hi* Hon or in Police Court Yesterday. One of the largest dockets of the sea son was tried yesterday in the Recorder's Court, no less than fifty-two prisoners ap pearing on many and varied charges. Of these nine were white, all of whom were charged with being drunk and disorderly. The Recorder varied the usual optional sentences of fine or imprisonment by giv ing the great majority of the drunks sen tences of ten days each in jail. The prisoners up on other charges got optional sentences. The sums collected from fines amounted ,to $56. Tile Massachusetts Life. The semi-annuai statement of the Mas sachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Com pany appears in to-day’s issue of tile Morning News. It is a remarkable state ment of a remarkable company. The as sets amount to $34,833,111.85, with liabili ties of only $22,832,108.86. The income alone for the past six months, was $3,025,434.30. against $2,012,256.62 disbursements. The Massachusetts Mutual is a strong, conservative and popular company, and its policy holders are numerous through out this section of the South. Messrs. Harty & Apple are the managers for Georgia, and it is due only to their activity and business ability that the company i* so strong in Georgia. Amerlenn Wblskle*. lAppman Brothers carry In stock the most noted brands. Antediluvian is a celebrated whiskey, bottled by Osborne of New York, ana are safe in saying it la one of the best whiskies in the city. The Peoria Rye Whiskey, bottle in bond by Clerk Bros, of Peoria. 111., ta also a fine whiskey. The Peerless whiskey, bottled in bond el Hendersonville, Ky., being under the su pervision of the United States government. Insuring purity and strength. Llppman Bros, are wholesale druggists, but they Intend to retail these fine whis kies ad. A Wmb’s E§es Will tell her love, though even- other feature be hidden under the oriental Yashmak. A woman's eyes are equally eloquent as to her health. She can teach her lips to laugh in spite of pain, but the eyes will never be partner in that deceit. r>eep hollows, dark ___________ circles, wrinkles at ousneas, sleepless ness and suffering - —""pOPf iii general, endured cased condition of diseased condition .1 11 ||| 1 \ is cured there are jflp.l I j J | It It'd ho hollow, rpfVj.S I)r. Pierce’s Favor ite Prescription male weakness, drains, strengthens the nervous system and gives to the mother health for her duties, and happi ness in their perforiuance. " My niece was troubled with female weakness for about four years before I asked for your ad vice.” writes Mr. T. W McGregor, of 62c! St. and Princeton Aye., Chicago, Ills "You advised her to take Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, which she did faithfully for nine months, and now we must acknowledge to you that she is a well wom an. We cannot thank you enough for the cure. We have recommended*your medicine to all our friends, and believe it to be a wonderful dis covery.” Dr. Pierce’s Medical Adviser, paper covers, sent free on receipt of 21 one cent stamps to pay cost of mailing only. The cloth-bouua volume for 31 stamps. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS. PBHIOXAI* "HAIHCUTTING FREE.” BOYS AND girls attention!! Cut his adv; bring it Aug. 18, between 10 to 11 a. m., and your hair will be cut in the latest style gratis; by the Georgia expert haircutter and hair dresser himself; no novice, or 6tep-ladder maker employed. 28 East Broughton Hair, Jewelry and Shaving Supply House. Mail orders for wigs, switches, bangs, pompa dours. mustaches, toupees, whiskers for private, stage and detective use, promptly filled. Emile's hair tonic expressed any part of the states, on the receipts of 50e. FAMILY EXCURSION TO WARSAW, Thursday. Steamer Santee leaves foot up Abercorn street 9 a. m., Thunderbolt 11 a. m. Music and refreshments on board. iSYOURIRON SAFE FIRE PROOF? We are selling the celebrated Stiftel & Freeman’s fire proof safes. The makers have a standing offer of SI,OOO for every safe that does not preserve its contents. Drop us a postal and our safe man will call on you. C. P. Miller, Agt. FINE RICHFIELD LAMB AT'BA ker's,” every day; best of all other meats in market. ~GARDNER'S BAZAAR, AGENT FOR Kimball’s anti-rheumatic ring. They have given relief to those who have worn them. Y'ou sufferers try them. , LADIES, SAFE, HOME REMEDY"; circular and particulars free. P. O. Box 3038, Boston, Mass. ONE PARLOR ORGAN AND ONE Chapel organ, both In good condition; will be sold cheap. C. P. Miller, Agt. IF ITS RUGS YOU WANT, YOO~CAN get them cheaper from McGiliis. RING UP 2464 TF YOU WANT TO have your furniture moved or packed for shipmcnl or storage; I guarantee prices the same as I do the work that’s given to me. A. S. Griffin, 314 Broughton street, west; mattresses made to order. — WATER COOLERS? BALDWIN RE frigerators, hammocks, lawn chairs and all summer goods closing out at lotvest prices. C. P. Miller, Agent. GARDNER’S BAZAAR, AGENT fOR Oelschlg’s nursery, headquarters for floral decorations; designs, plants and cut flow ers. ~MILLER'S AWNINGS INCREASE circulation of air and keep out the heat. You need one. Let us put it up at once. C. P. Miller, Agent. M'GILLIS SELLS SIXTY-INCH RUGS —Smyrna patterns—for 99 cents. MOSQUITO NETS. ALL GRADES OF American and imported lace nets, with best fixtures; prices low. C. P. Miller, Agent. ~SEE THE JEWEL STOVES AND ranges for sale by J. W. Teeple; also agent for Insurance gasoline stove. ~M’GILLIS IS CHEAP ON RUGS, NETS, lace curtains, hammocks, water coolers, pillows, pictures, stoves, bedroom suites, and furniture of every descriplon. ~A~CASH INVESTMENT IN FURNL ture and carpets with me to-day will prove immensely profitable to you. Verbum sap. C. P. Miller, Agt. GUARANTEED FOUNTAIN PEN," sl. At Gardner’s Bazaar. " M'GILLIS’ LACE CURTAINS WILL beautify your parlor. WISE BUYERS ARE ~ PLACING their orders for furniture and carpets to be delivered any time this fall. We have plenty of bargains for early buyers. See us to-day. C. P. Miller, Agt. ~SPECIAL? AN~~UNLIMITED SUPPLY of nice willow rockers; ladles’ size, at $2. J. W. Teeple. Tam PREPARED - TO "UPHOLSTER parlor and dining room furniture, in leath er, silk, damask, and other fabrics, in the besi manner. Special facilities for reno vating curled hair, moss, and cotton mat tresses. All classes of work skillfully done. I have none but experienced me chanics and will guarantee satisfaction. C. P. Miller, Agt. M’GILLIS MOVES, PACKS, SHIPS and stores pianos and furniture; best work only; no “Cheap-John” prices—no "Cheap- John” Jobs. WHEN YOU SEE M'GILLIS' SIXTY? Inch 99 cents rugs, you will buy them. Just can’t help it; will sell in any quan tity. "WE ARE READY TO SHOW LARGE lines of furniture for bedroom, dining room, parlor and office. Also choice line of carpets, mattings, window shades, art squares, rugs, lace curtains, etc. It will pay you to see us to-day and make your selections. C. P. Miller, Agent. •'FURNITURE MOVED WITH CARE,” Is a specialty with McGlUia. MEDICAL. LADIES! CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH Pennyroyal Pills are the best. Safe, re liable. Take no other. Send 4c stamps for particulars. "Relief for Ladies,” in letter by return mail. Ask your druggist. Chichester Chemical Cos., Philada., Pa. HOW ARE YOUR FEET? IF YOUR feet are troubling you, call on me and I will give you relief; I cure Ingrowing nails, corns and all diseases of the feet without pain; charges reasonable; can give the best references In the city; pa tients treated at residences; orders can be left at Livingston's drug store. Bull and Congress streets: telephone 293. Lem Davis, surgeon chiropodist. HELP WASTED—HALE. CARPENTERS WANTED - FIRST, class carpenters wanted at Albion Hota). Augusta. J. H. McKenzie & Son. THE MORNING NEWS: TUESDAY, AUGUST 14, 1900. HELP WA.MLD-JIALE. ai Savannah by old established house salary SIOO month; also liberal commis sion on sales; sf<oo cash and references required. AAidress Box 581, Philadelphia, Pa. HELP WANTED—FEMALE. recommended. Apply between the hours of ten ami four p. m.. to Mrs. C. S. Wood. 203 Charlton street, west. WANTED. A GOOD COOK AND nurse. 118 East Henry. Apply at 9 o’clock. WANTED. A GOVEJRNESS TO THACH English and music; Catholic preferred. Address Mrs. J. F. Fender, Brockton, Ga. WANTED, ▲ NICk TIDY LADY WITH one or two girls, to take charge of a boarding house for a saw mill crew. Wages from sl2 to $lB per month. Trans portation advanced if necessary. Ad dress Robert Love, Macon, Fla. • ■ ; BIIPLO Y MENT XX A NTED. bookkeeper wants situation, or will keep small set of books at odd times. Address Box 227, Postoffice. WANTED. POSITION AS SAW FILER, 23 years’ experience on Circular, Band and Gang. Address H. Crane, Model Drug Store, Broad street, Augusta, Ga. ROOMS'W ANTED. '^W^ANTElTT?l^rV)?^r7>irT^OOi^ in good locality, moderate rent, by young man and two sisters. Address W. R., News. WAN TE I>—Al ISCELLANEOJS. and steel cameo broaches. Sternberg & Cos. IF YOU WANT A PLACBr TO DUMP earth, dirt, sand, manure, etc., free of charge, just at city limits, hauling over hard road, write or telephone Brown Bros., corner Anderson and East Broad streets. FOR RENT—ROOMS. east; 4 rooms with use of bath; perfect condition; right rent right tenant. $20.00 Est. Salomon Cohen, West Broad and Broughton. “FOR RENT, TWO FLATS, OR HOUSE for year, fifteen rooms. 20 West Hull street. “furnished rooms, modern im provements, south front. 126 West Tay lor. FLAT, SIX CONNECTING ROOMS, with bath, first floor; Lyons block; suita ble for any purpose. John Lyons. FOR ItENT-HOl SES ON THE CORNER Jones and Lincoln, in first-class order and condition; will rent in flats to congenial tenants or the house entire. Estate Salo mon Cohen, West Broad and Broughton streets. HOUSE NO. 214 AND NO. 216 WALD burg street, west, # between Barnard and Jefferson streets; every convenience; first class order and condition; right rent to right tenants. Estate Salomon Cohen, West Broad and Broughton streets. “brick RESIDENCE No7~ 120 HALL street, east; finest locality in the city; per fect order and condition; magnificent home; right rent to right tenant. Estate Solomon Cohen, West Broad and Brough ton streets. NO. 221 PERRY STREET, WEST* CON venient for business; first-class order and condition; every convenience. Estate Sal omon Gohen, West Broad and Brough ton streets. “HOUSES 225, ALSO 217~ WALD BURG street, east; perfect condition; every con venience; righi rent right tenant; $25.00 the month. Est. Salomon Cohen, West Broad and Broughton streets. 'FOR RENT, THAT DESIRABLE dwelling No. 13 Gordon street, west; imme diate possession. I. D. Laßoche, Agent. FOR RENT.“I4“OGLETHORPE AVE nue, w r et. M. S. Baker, agent. FOR RENT. THAT DESIRABLE Res idence No. 309 Liberty street, east; pos session given Sept. 1. Apply No. 10 Bull street, or at residence. Terms reasona ble. Geo. W. Faries, agent. “LOW RENT, COTTAGES ON LOTUS? ville avenue and Morgan street, Pooler; healthily located; four dollars per month to desirable tenants. Call on Michael Mc- Evady, Pooler, or Henry Solomon & Son, city. • FOR HEAT—STORES. FOR RENT, THAI DESIRABLE store and warehouse formerly occupied by George W. Tiedeman & Bro., corner Bay and Montgomery street; In perfect order and condition; right rent to right tenant; possession can be given immedi ately. Est, Salomon Cohen, corner West Broad and Broughton streets. FOR SALE—REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE, LOTS ON NINTH STREET near East Broad; no city taxes, at S2OO each; twenty-five dollars cash, and easy monthly payments. C. H. Dorsett. ‘FOR "SALE, A? LOT FOR TWO HUN dqed dollars; easy terms, on Ninth street, near East Broad; no city taxation. C. H. Dorsett. FOR SALeT thole LOTS ON NINTH street, near East Broad, have only been sold to first-class parties, who wdll make good neighbors; and none other can buy. The terms are very easy, and they are cheaper than any other in the vicinity. C. H. Dorsett. "FOR SALE." LOTS ON NINTH. NEAR East Broad, at S2OO each; will soon be advanced to $225; when a lot has been paid for I can arrange to get a home built. C. H. Dorsett. "RESIDENCES AND BUILDING IiOTS for sale all over the city. Robert H. Tatem, real estate dealer, No. 7 York street, west. ‘ FOR SALE? LOVELY SUMMER home, ten rooms, modern conveniences. In mountains of North Georgia; climate de lightful; pure freestone water; also min eral water In vicinity. If interested, ad dress “T„” this paper. 1 . 1 FOR >AU.-lIffUHLUXEOtI. as soft and smooth as velvet; one appli cation relieves the pain and destroys the redness from sunburn. 25c. At Ferese's Drug Stores, Henry and Abercorn and Whitaker and Taylor. "FOR BALE—TYPEWRITERS. WE OF? for this month 50 new Remingtons at SSO each; 25 new Manhattans at S3O each. Smith-Premiers, Callgraphs. Densmores and other standard makes nt the r*n<- reduction. Shipped for trial free. Send for catalogue. F. S. Webster Cos., 319 Broad way, N. Y. "FOR SALE. SIDEBOARD, CHIFFON? nier, and ice box. by party leaving city. Inquire 212 Liberty street, west. "SAW MILL FOR SALE WILL SELL at a bargain for cash, one saw mill com plete. 36 to 40 thousand feet daily capacity, consisting of engines, boilers, mill car riage, blacksmith shop, dry kiln, locomo tives, 33 head large mules, log carta, chains, and general equipment. For full particulars, apply to Eastman Lumber Company, Eastman, Ga. "ash AND cypress LUMBER for sale— feel of ash suitable for wheel wrights carrluge makers, car worka and Interior house finish. Also cypress lumbsr of all sizes. We have resumed cutting our fsmous brands of cypreea shingles and will soon have a full line of them for sale. Vale Royal Manufacturing Company. "IF YOU WANT GOOD MATERIAL and work, order your lithographed and printed stationery and blank books Uom Morning Nawa, Savannah, Ga. LOST AXD roUXD. 'T'OTNn A STRAY?' BLACK RlTTT hced bull, with white back. Rev. George Warner, Dutehtown road. SOASDUII,. commodated with rooms having southern exposure and board by applying at N. N.. care Anderson and Whitaker streets. SI'MNlicR RESORTS? "Vt?RsoNV^rAiaN(Urnv?rNTAGirTTK the midsummer rates o visit Asheville this month, will find good board and pleas ant rooms, near street car and Postofttce, at one dollar per day, with Mrs. J. A. Lee, 26 Flint street. FOR RENT. I’NTTL NOV. A FULLY furnished house in Asheville, N. C. ; s’.x bed rooms; location the best. J. C. Ttson. 161 North Main street. Asheville. N. C. FAMILY LIVING NEAR HENDER sonvHIe, will take ~ few boarders. Ad dress Box 91. Hendersonville, N. C. ASHEVILLE. N. C.. SELECT I’.OARP ing in choice neighborhood: house modern; prices reasonable. Mrs. Marie T. Smith, 161 North Main street. MISCELLANEOUS. THE MOST SATISFACTORY PAINT to use is the German ready-mixed; $1.25 gallon. Adams Paint Company. OUR PACKAGE 3 B WALLPAPER cleaner will ciean one room. Adams Paint, 104 Congress, west. GO TO THE ADAMS PAINT-COM pany to buy paints and oils, sash, doors and blinds. c^§ECURED |3S^m.'YoUN6MHI fSsp^VtoiiEN W^eourpracttcal (oUrse pICHMONQ. j "BUSINESS{ &ammuz4oa/ CO LIE G E 3.1 Shoe Salesman Wanted On® of the largest American factories wants experienced man to sell on com ml a tlorinn established, thorout;hly advertised ltne of shoes. Give experience. Boot and Shoe Manufacturer, Box 2270, Boston. Mass. LEGAL SALES. Sheriff’s Office, City Court of Savannah. Savannah, Ga., Aug. 11, 1900. UNDER and by virtue of an execution issuing out of the City Court of Savannah in favor of the Standard Building and Loan Association of Montgomery, Ala., against James McGuire. I have levied upon the following described property a* the property of the defendant, to-wit: All that lot, tract or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the county of Chatham, and state of Georgia, and In the city of Savannah, and known and des ignated on the map of the said city as the northern half of lot nineteen, North Oglethorpe ward, having a front on Ol ive street of seventy-three feet and nine inches and a rectangular depth, fronting on Farm street, of forty-eight feet and five Inches, together with all and singular the hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise apper taining. And I will proceed to offer same for sale, at public outcry, on the first Tues day in September, 1900 (same being rhe 4th day of the month), during the legal and usual hours of sale, in front of the Court House door in Chatham county, to satis fy said execution. Defendant notified of levy. Property described in execution. Terms cash, pur chaser paying for titles. To be soid for account and risk of for mer purchaser. E. J. WHELAN, Sheriff C. C. S. LEGAL NOTICES. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDIT ORS. GEORGIA. CHATHAM COUNTY Notice is hereby given to all persons hav ing demands against Lucinda Williams, lcte of said county, deceased, to present them to me. properly made out, within the time prescribed by law. eo as to show their character and amount; and all per sons indebted to said deceased are re quired to make immediate payment to me. Savannah, Ga., Aug. 13, 1900. SOLOMON CONYERS. Executor. Care Denmark, Adams & Freeman. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDI TORS. GEORGIA, CHATHAM COUNTY-NO tice is hereby given to all persons having demands against Clara M. Ellis, late of said county, deceased, to present them to me, properly made out, within the time prescribed by law. *o as to show their character and amount; and all persons in debted to said deceased are required to make immediate payment to me. CHARLES ELLIS, Executor, 128 Bay'Street, east, Savannah, Ga. Savannah, Ga., August 13, 1900. GEORGIA. CHATHAM COUNTY- Whereas, Patrick O’Connor has applied to Court of Ordinary for letters of admin istration on the estate of John Green, de ceased. These are. therefore, to cite and admon ish all whom it may concern to be and ap peor before said court to make objection (If any they have) on or before the first Monday in September, next, otherwise said letters will be granted. Witness, the Honorable Hampton L. Ferrlll, ordinary for Chatham county, this the ixth day of August, 1900. FRANK E. KEILBACH. Clerk C. 0., C. C. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDIT ORS. Georgia. Chatham County.—Notice la hereby s'ven to all peraona having <l* tnanda against Joseph Goette, late of ald county, deceased, to present them to me, properly made out, within the time pre scribed by law. so as to show their char acter and amount; and all persona in- I debted to said deceased are required to make Immediate payment to me Savannah. Ga.. July 2, 1900. MRS. BRIDGET GOETTE. Administratrix. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CRED ITORS. GEORGIA, CHATHAM COUNTY -No tice la hereby given to nil persons having demand* against Mary Ann Theua, late Of said county, deceased, to present them to me, properly tnude out, within the time prescribed by law. so as to show their character and amount; and all persons In debted to said deceased are required to make immediate payment to me. Savannah. Ga.. July 5. 1900. , JOHN J. BURNS, Executor. AUCTION 9ALBS FCTTHE DAY*. “beautifulp'roperty FRONTING THE RIVER AT ISLE. OF HOPE, at Al CTIOY. I. D. In IKK HE, Andionorr. Under and by virtue of a decree granted by rhe Superior Court of Chatham county, Georgia. I will offer for sale at public out cry, before the Court House door In ro id county, on the first Tuesday (being the 4th day), of September. 190 u, if not pre viously sold ui private s*ile, either as a whole or by lots, the following property, to-wit: AH those certain lots of Kind fronting south i>n the Isle of Hope river, being subdivision of the Bonaud property, as per map made by Percy Sugden, C. K., May Bth, 1896. and lettered A. B, C, (D having been sold) and having respectively 53, 64 and 81 feet river front, with a depth cf 340 feet more or less, lots lettered A and C having dwellings thereon. Terms: One-third cash, balance in one and two years, at 7 per ceivt. Sale sub), i to confirmation of said Court, purcha-er to pay for stamp and papers. .IORDAN F. BROOKS. Substituted Trustee Estate A. Bonaud. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. I. D. LA IHH illE, Auctioneer. By virtue of an order granted by the Honorable Court of Ordinary of Chatham county, Georgia. 1 will sell during the le gal hours of sale, before the Court House door in Chatham county, Georgia, to the highest bidder, on TUESDAY, the 4th day of September. 1900. ten (10) acres of land, on the Buckhalter roml. 275 feet wide, and running northward 1,650 feet deep on one side and 1,900 feet on the other side; bounded south by the Buckhalter road, east by lands of Grimm, north by Belmont tract, an*l west by lands of Geo. W. Beckett, excepting three (3) acres of said tract, which has heretofore been sold by said Friday Millen to Sarah Ann Black. JORDAN F. BROOKS, Administrator estate Friday Millen, dee’d. LEGAL SALES. CH ATHIAM SHI 55ff*8 SAI E UNDER and by virtue of a fi. fa. Issued out of the Justice Court, First District, G. M., by G. E. Bevans ex-officio Justice of the Peace. Chatham county, Georgia, in favor of S. L. 1/axaron vs. Jas;>er ville Land and Improvement Coni|>any th* following described property of the defendant has been levied on by H. T. Beckett, Constable of Chatham county, and the said fi. fa. has been placed In my hands for advertisement and sole to wit: All (hose lots of land situate and lying in Chatham county, Georgia, and known on the plan of Jagperville (being a subdivision of lots number 19,20 and 21 of the McLeo l tract) as follows: No. 7. letter M; lots 13 and 4. letter K; lots 1, 2. 3, 13. 14. 15. and eastern half of lots X 4. 5, 6. 7. 8. 9, 10. 11. 12. all in letter H; and lot No. 17. letter D; all in Igazaron and lot 12, in letter G, Cohen ward; said lots and half lots having measure ment and boundages as defined in said map or plan of JaspM-rville. said lying w'est of the city of Savannah. Ga., be tween Bay street extended, and old wa'er works tract. And I will offer the said above described property of the defendant Jasprrvillo Land and Improvement Company for sale at public outcry before the Court House door of Chatham county in the city if Jifeivarmah, Ga., on the first Tuesday in September, 1900, during the legal hours of sale, to satisfy said 11. fa. Defendant notified. Terms rash, purchasers paying for titles. T HOB. J. SWEENY. Sheriff C. C . Ga. CHATHAM’S SHERIFF’S SALE. UNDER and by virtue of mortgage fi. fa.. Issued out of Chatham's Superior Court in favor of John N. Geil vs. Mary Stevans. I have levied upon the follow ing described properly of the defendant, to wit: All that certain tract or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the Fifth district. G. M.. said county and state of Georgia, containing sixty-one acres, more or less, and fully described by a bound ary as follows: North, by lands of Chandler; east, by lands of Orr; south, by land formerly a portion of the Oatitle Park tract, conveyed by William Wilson to A. L. Hartridge; west, by county farm, and being the same property conveyed by George H Millar on Oct. 25, 1893, to ,Louise M. Miliar, as appears by a deed and map recorded in Chatham county records book 7 Hs. folio 469. And I will offer for sale at public outcry before the Court House door of Chatham county, in the city of Savannah, Ga.. on the FIRST TUESDAY IN SEPTEMBER, i960, the said above described property of the said defendant, during the legal hours of Rale, to satisfy said fi. fa. Terms cash, purchasers paying for titles. THOMAS J. SWEENY, Sheriff C. C., Ga. CHATHAM’S SHERIFF’S SALE. UNDER and by virtue of a fi. fa. Issued out of the Chatham Superior Court in favor of Jame* P. Long vs. Adolph Sack, principal, and Henry Sack, surely, I have levied upon the following described prop erly of defendant, Henry Sack, to wit; All those lots of land situate, lying and being In the county of Chatham, state of Georgld, and is known as Sackvllle lots 2,3, 6,7, 8,9, 10, in block A; lots 1, 2. 3, 4. 5,6, 8,9, 10, in block B; all of block C; all except lot No. 1 In block D; lots 1,2, 3. 5. 7,9, 11. 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, in block E; all of block F; lots 1. 3,5, 7. 9, 10, 11, 12, 13. 14, 16, 16, 20, block G; lots 1,2, 3, 4. 6. 7,8, 9. 10. 11, 12, IS, 14. 15, 16, 17, 19, In block H; all except lots 2 and 4, In block J; lotß 2,4, 5,7, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19. block K. And I will offer the above described property of the defendant. Henry Sack, for sale at public outcry before the Court House door of Chatham county, city of Savannah, Ga., on the FIRST TUESDAY TN SEPTEMBER, 1900. during the legal hours of snip, to satisfy said fi. fa. De fendant notified of levy, time and place. Terms cash, purchasers paying for titles. THOMAS J SWEENY, Sheriff C. C„ Ga. CITY SHERIFFS BALE. Sheriff's Office, City Court of Savannah. Savannah, (lit., Aug. 7. 1900. UNDER and by virtue of an execution Issuing out of the City Court of Savan nah In favor of Reppard A Company for the use of Franklin F. Jones against Henry G. Walthour. I have this day levied upon the following described property as the property of de fendant, to wit: All that lot. tract or par rel of land. In said county and state, and In the city of Savannah, known as lot number seven (7) of the Forsyth Invest ment Company's subdivision of lots In the northern part of Garden lot number twen ty-four, west. In the city of Savannah as shown on a map of said subdlvlgjon, re corded in the County Records of said County Book 6 R's folio 233; said lot num ber seven being hounded east by lot num ber six and west by lot number eight of said subdivision; south by lots five and six In Garden lot 24, west, and north by Oak street extended. And I will proceed to offer same for sale at public outcry on the flrat Tuesday In September, 1900 (same being the fourth day of the month), dur ing the legal and usual hours of sale, In front of the Court House door in Chat ham oounty, to satisfy said exeeutlon. Defendant notified of levy. Property de scribed In execution Terms cash, pur chaser paying for titles. E. J. WHELAN, 1 Sheriff C. C. S. I'IIOPOiAU WANTED. U. 8. ENGINEER OFFICE, Savannah. Ga , Aug. 14. 1909. fcaled proposals fori dredging in harbor of Bavannah, Oa„ will j he received here until 12, noon (Eastern standard time), Bept. 14, 19ft). and then pub licly opened. Information furnished on ap plication. Casslua J£. QllleU®, Cupt , I Kngrt. AUCTION SALES FIT! RE DAYS. TRUSTEE S SALE? By PLATSHI.K A CO., Al*< TIONKKRR Under and by virtue of the power vest ed in me tr\s#eo under deed from Stepney Williams, to me os trustee, dat**d the 11th day of March, IS9B. and in Chatham county records, book of mort gages. 4 B's.. Folio 11, I will well at pub lic outcry to the highest and best hooa fide bidder, before the Court House door of Chuthum county, on the first Tues day in September, 1900, between the legal hours of sale, oil of the following describ ed property in sold deed, to-wit: All that certain tract or parcel of land and premises hereinafter particularly de scribed. situate, lying and being in the city of Savannah aforesaid. op the north s.vie of Hall street. continued ejstwnitl from East Broad street, having south ern front on said street of twenty-five (25) feet, more or less, with a rectangular depth of seventy-one (71) feet, more or less—bounded north by land sold by Charles Collins to D. G. Purse, enet by lot sold by said CoMlras to Phoebe Ann Jenkins, west by land sold by saM Col lins to one Way, and south by said Hall street extended, said tract of land being in Atlantic ward, and being the same tract of land conveyed to Stepney Williams by Clara Williams, by 1 •• 1. dated June 6. 1893. and recorded in said county records in'ok 7 0., follow 295-, together with all the improvements and appurtenances belonging to said tract of land, and oil the rtgh, title, claim, de mand. possession and interest of said Stepney Williams at law, or in equity therein. Terms, cash purchaser paying for title and stamps. M A. O’BYRNE, Trustee. TRUSTEE S SALE. ISAAC D. LA IIO( UK, Trustee. Under and by virtue of the power of sale conferred upon ine as trustee, tinder that deed to secure debti made by Stella Cope, to Emma M. La Roche, under date of Aug. 8, 1899, and recorded in Chat ham county record*, book of mortgages, 4 I’m, folio 24. I will offer for sale at public outcry, before the Court Hou*o door in said county, on the first Tuesday (being the 4th, day) of September, 1900. the following property to-wtt: All the eastern one half or portion of all that certain tract, or parcel of laud situate, lying and being in the city of Savannah, on the north sklc of a lane, running through the land of Theodore Rober, from Bull to Whitaker streets, First and Second street*, beginning at a po-tnt In said lane, eighty-four (84) fejd eawt of the center of the track of the Street rail road. as now loratwd on Whitaker street, Aid running thence, east along the nor*h of sold lane, forty-nine feet, thonoe north on a line parallel with the line ot Whitaker street, forty-eight feet, an.l ten inches (48 feet 10 inch), to the lands of Dr. L. A. Falligant, thence west parallel to t£e first line al>ove mentioned, forty-nine (49) feet, and thence south, forty-eight feet and ten inches, (48 fret 10 inch), to the point of <Jet>arture. Terms cash; purchaser paying for stamps and deed. ISAAC D. La ROCHE, Truatee. TRUSTEE’S SALE. ’ ISAAC n. LultoniE, Truatee. Tinder 'and by virtue of the power of sale conferred upon me, us trustee under the deed to secure debt, made by Benja min Prezant to Emma M. Laßoche. under date of December 19th, 1899. and recorded in Chatham county records, in book of mortgages. 4 J’b, folio 292, I will offer for sale at public outcry before the Court Houst door In aaid county on the first Tuesday in September, 1900. (being the 4th day.) the following property, to-wit: All that eertuln lot or parcel of land lying and being in Chatham county, state of Georgia, ami near the southern border of the city of Savannah and known n lot number sixty-eight (68). Southville, having a northern border of thirty feet on Lamar avenue, with a depth of ninety f4et souihwards to a lone and being a part of a subdivision of the western portion of lot seven (7) of the original subdivision of Farm lots 7. 8, 9 and 10, Tyrconnel Tything. Derby ward. Terms; Cath, purchaser pay ing for ntarnps and deed. ISAAC I>. LaROCHE. Trustee. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. I. n. laROCHB, Auctioneer. By virtue of an order granted by the Honorable Court of Ordinary for Chatham county. Georgia. I will sell before the Court House door. Savannah. Oa., during the legal hours of sale, to the highest bid der, on Tuesday, the 4th day of September, 1900: All that lot of land situate and being In the county of Chatham, said state, being a part of lot number six (6) of the subdi vision of the Placentia tract, lying be tween the right of wav of the Savannah. Thunderbolt and Isle of Hope Railway and Williamson creek and excepting there from a public roadway twenty feet (20) in width, running from said right of way to the creek, along the rout hem boundary line of said property and the public road leading up to Taylor’s and back of the residence upon said property, together with the improvements thereon. Terms: Cash, purchaser paying for papers. JORDAN F. BROOKS, Admr. F>st. Mary Playter, deceased. GUARDIAN’S SALE. by j. McLaughlin a so.a, On TUTODAY, 4th September, 1900, be fore the Court Houve in the city of Sa vannah, during the legal hours of sale. By virtue of an order from the Honora ble Hampton L. Ferrlll, Judge of the Court of Ordinary, Chatham county, Georgia, I will sell cky of Savannah bonds as follows: One SSOO bond, due 1913. numbered 16. One SSO bond, due 1913, numbered 218. One SSO bond, due 1913, numbered 219. Belong to the estate of Mary Sheahan and Josephine Bheahan, minora, for the purpose of distribution. CA THE RIN B OOE3TTB. Guardian of Mary and Josephine Shea han, minors. TRUSTEE'S SALE. By ROBERT H. TATEM, Auctioneer. UJ.DKH and by virtue ot an order granted by the Ordinary of Chatham county Georgia, I will sell at public out cry before the Court House of Chatham county, Georgia, on Tuesday. Sep!. 4. at 11 o’clock, those three lots of land known a* lots Nos. 1, 2 nnd 3, In Hull's sub division of southern portion of lot No. 2, In Huck's tythlrig, Perelval ward, being on Montgomery street, extended, and about 300 yards south of Twelfth street. Terms cash. THOMAS WALSH. Trustee for Joseph O. Walsh. sm kl for Gentlemen who have stout, fleshu feet we ask to kindlu call and examine our specialtu for them, Whu wear a clumsu looking shoe when we can dress uour feet In a neat, stulish and same time com fortable shoe at as small a price as uou Dau for the or dinaru kind? This Is a special last and must be seen to be appreciated. No one else has it. Come to-day, GEIL Sc QUINT CHONS 020. ' *O6 BROUGHTON. WEST. AUCTION SALES THIS DAL OLD HOSS TaLeT^ Mi vn un h. Florida aiml Wentwen Itnilun) Company I rxSMavrb Freight. TueoSay, Aaxwrt 14, IMOy at lO a. m.. CMy Ttioe. I. D. LA ROCHE, Auctioneer. I will seU the fottowtag unntoim4l freight on hard at Savannah, KYortdn ami Western Railway Depot at abasr*- menrloned date, day and ftate. at tho Down Freight Warehouse, Savannah, Qa., if not claimed before time of txule. F. B. PA-PY, Agsrvt H S. St &on. 175 boxes soap; A. Cbdy, 1 box groceries; Eli Verukl, 2 oases liquor; Will Cary, 1 sack S. I cotton; J. H. Allen, 1 table; J. D. Andrews. 1 sewing machine; Betsy Drayton. 2 boxes it. H. goods; H. L. Foster. 1 bundle tubs; D. Gueat. 1 bundle bedding. 1 bundle pots,; E. How ard. 2 bankets and contents, 1 tub and (intents. I bundle pictures; Willie Law ton. 1 box dry goods. 1 lied; Maj. Cbas. Manigaultv 1 box bottle syrup; Ja*. Mc- Millans. 1 mattress, 1 box H H goods; order notify F. A. Bird. 1 box glass; or der notify S. Walker, 1 s< wing machine; order notify J. R. Martin, 2 boxes; Peag ler * Huxford, 1 l>ox matches; Pullman Palace C.r Cos., 1 bundle prickly a*h; H. C. Spooner. 3 boxes soup; J. W. Teeple, 1 hue m< : . Mrs H. H. Small, 1 trunk, 1 bundle pillows; B. Welts, l empty keg; E. P. Watson. 1 sewing machine, 1 bu reau and attachments; Ellen Dugdell. 2 barrels paper; G. W. 9., 1 bundle bed ding; Ed Leigh, 1 barrel and 1 box; W. H. Benuchamu, 1 box medicine; B. W. Wrenn, 9 noxos pictures; <\ H. Williams, 14 empty barrels; Cancel it Cos.. 1 barrel syrup; Diamond TANARUS, 1 cate baking powder; Diamond W.. 1 bundle bras, rods; J., 1 crate table top*; J. King. 1 Iwirrvl arid l box H. H. goods; C. 9. Budurant, 1 lawn mower; W. Sr Cos.. 1 rim. All of above freight consigned to Sa vannah, On. Standard Oil Cos., ThomnsvMie, Ga . 1 can paint; Mrs. M. McCarthy. Thoniag vlllc*. I box; Diamond F, Thomasville, 4 boxes glass; M.. Thomaavllle, 1 box gro ceries; F. H. Munroe, Tliomasville, 1 t>ox; J. Livingston. Thomas vile, 1 bed; Lula Truelock. Thomasvilie. 1 bed; Mrs. B. D. Fudge. Thomasvilie. 1 bundle curtains; F. H. Munroe, Thomasvilie, 1 bundle shovel; Lena Jones, Thomasvilie, 1 box H. H. goods; W. Howard Tifton, 1 bureau and 1 box glass; Diamond X, Brunswick, 1 peanut toaster; 2 package#* advertising matter, 2 bundles casting, half roll bag ging; C. He mold. Brunmvlok, 1 bundle canvas; Thomasvilie Ice Factory, Thom navllie, Ga., 1 catsing. 1 bundle pipe, 1 box pipe fittings; Bailie Husk, Tilton. Ga.. 2 bundles bedding and 1 trunk; O. W. Fer rell, Thomasvilie,CJa.,l wash stand, 1 bu reau, 2 be da; j. H. Frazier, Waynesvllle, Go., 1 bicycle;, R. Footman, Thomasvlll®, Ga., 1 box groceries; J. W. Randall, Thomasvilie, Ga., 2 kegs cider, 17 enses salads and pickle*. 1 crate W. stand; D. C. Norton, Boston, Ga.. 1 case mackin toshes; Lott Bros., WUlacoochee, 2 bfxea medicine; M., Wuycross, 1 crate marble; It. B. Works. Valdosta, 1 barrel and 1 box bottles; W\ H. Briggs, Valdosta, 1 box hardware; Diamond B. Valdosta. 1 case shoes; L. S. Shields, Valdoata, 2 bundles advertising matter; W. P. Donnough, Val dosta. Go., 1 sack harness; Henry H., Valdosta, 1 sack clothing: Valdosta Tiro eery C*o., 24 bundles, 48 rocking chairs; Will Hill, Boston, Ga.. 1 bundle 2 chairs, 1 tub and content*. 1 box H. H. goods; Diamond 9, Valdosta, Ga., 2 barrel*) lamps, No. 1787, Valdosta, 7 packages plow points; D. Weathers, McDonald’s Mills, 1 bundle bedding; Corbett Bros., Pearson, Ga., 2 boxes crackers, 1 box candy, 1 box mdse; B. A. Da via, Donal sonvllls. Go., 1 keg cider, lhalf barrel cider, 1 box glusaware; R. Q. Brantley, Wuresboro. Ga., 1 box coil wire; F. H. Munrpc, Thomasvilie, Ga.. I box H. H. goods; Boston Boot and Bhoe Cos., Bain bridge, Ga., 1 case boots and shoe's; K. H. Caswell, Mclntosh, Ga., 5 empty barrels; A. Baldwyn. Quitman, Ga., 1 bed; J. F. Linsday, Quitman, On.. 1 package 2 chairs; Itc Young, Quitman, Ga., 1 box mdse; Isa Durden, Quitman, Ga.. 1 box gloss; Dr. D. F. Wilson, Quitman. Ga., 1 box mdse; 9. R. Bwllley, Quitman, Ga., 1 sack “C” stencils; Cain Holder, Quit man, Ga., 1 barrel bottles; S. Sampson, Thomasvilie. Ga., 1 sack beans; E. D. H., Thomasvilie, 1 bundle 2 chairs; Kate Nel son. Wayeross, Ga., 1 box H. H. goods, t ;nble, 1 i toning board; Noah Garney. Wayeross, Ga., 1 box H. H. goods; A mil* Green, Waycrofw. Ga., 1 bundle bedding, 1 bed and 1 spring; A. Wolfe, Way cross, Ga., 1 box; D. J. Nicholson, Way cross. Ga.. 1 bed and 1 box H. H. goods; R. A. Smith, Wayeross, Ga., 1 wafe, 1 bundle two chairs; D. Welch, Wayeross. Ga., 1 box H. H. goods; Walter Kendrick, Wayeross, Ga., I box clothing; O. C. Furlong. Wayeross, Ga., 1 box advertising matter; Mrs. F. E. Dean, Waycro.*s, Ga., 1 pot; E. F. Jef fords, Wayeross, 5 barrels; Hattie Ed wards, Wayeross, Ga., 1 bed. 1 bundle 2 chairs; Willie For cine, Wayeross, Ga., 1 bed and 1 mattress; Kate Wilson. Way cross, Ga., 1 bed; 9. R. Bwilley, Quit man. Ga., 1 keg. Also the following described freight without marks: 5 rolls bagging, 1 bundle 6 baskets, 1 raddle tobacco, I case oysters, 1 package 11 broom handles, 1 Iron knuckle, 1 axle, 1 stove, 1 cot, 2 beds, 8 empty barrels, 7 empty drum*, 4 rims, 2 portable furnaces, 1 80-gallori sugar pan, 4 barrels cement, 1 barrel chain, 5 boxes tank material, 12 bundles arißte plates, 1 bar steel, 10 bun dles cot>on ties, 3 trunks. 1 sack collars, 1 package 7 spiders, 1 package stove fix tures, 1 sack peanuts, 1 t>ox soap, 1 box liver regulator, half sack corn, sack cot ton seed, 2 boxes, 1 crate table legs, 2 packages 12 wash boards. 1 truck, 2 boxes, 1 package packing, 1 bale batting, rolls sea Island bagging, 1 package 2 doors, 1 package 5 frying pans, 1 package 6 plow castings. 1 box hardware, 5 Hacks salt, 8 boxes fruit Jars, 1 sack meal, 2 sacks shot, 1 barrel cement, 1 bundle plow handles, I trunk clothing, 1 box, 1 rock ing chair, 2 bundles bedding. 1 bng cloth ing, 10 bales bagging. 1 roll leather, I box leather, l package 6 rims, 1 bundle bedding, 1 bundle door rails, 1 lever, 1 package 2 ax-handles, 1 tub and contents, 1 box, 1 table, 1 bundle slats, 1 bundle iron, 1 chair, 1 bureau, 1 table, 1 hetl spring, 1 bed and 2 chairs, 1 bundle bed ding. JOHN C BUTLER, ~ — i.x Paints, Oils and Glass, sash. Door% Bllndg, and Builder*' Supplies, Plain and Decor*, tlve Wall Paper. Foreign and Doroestkt Cemente. Lima. Planter end Hair Sola Agent for Abestlne Cold Water Paint. 10 Congress street, west, and 19 SC Julias street west. 3