The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, August 16, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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2 BROWN WILL SOON ANNOUNCE. 118 WILL. UK I\ THE RACE FOR GOVERNOR IN 1002. tonic People ThonKhf Hla Appoint ment n* Roil roail CominUaloner Would Leave Him Ont of It. bat He a>s It Is* Not So-Ilc Will Make the Raee Aftninat Clark Howell, Who 1 s to Be President of tle Senate. Atlanta. Aug. 15.—J. Pope Brown, rail road commissioner, is preparing a formal announcement of himself as a candidate for Governor in 3902, and will, in ali prob ability, make it public within the next week. Mr. Brown has long been intending to make the race two years hence, but he had r.o idea of announcing two years j ahead of time until very recently. His determination to announce has been I brought about by his learning that an idea obtains in the minds of many that j his appointment and acceptance of the position of railroad commissioner removed ; him from the list of aspirants for the i executive chair. At the time Gov. Candler gave Mr. | Brown the railroad commissioner's place It was believed by many that the Gover nor was moved, partially at least, in his selection by this very consideration, since j it Is generally understood that he is, or will be, a supporter of Clark Howell as his successor. Be that as it may, Mr. Brown has no idea of burying his ambition to become Governor, and his friends say he went far as to inform Gov. Candler of this fact before he accepted the appointment. Hon. Clark Howell, who is now in Eu rope on his weddding trip, has made no secret of the fact that he will be a can- ! didate to succeed Gov. Candler, although he has made no announcement of his can didacy. He will be elected president of the Senate this fall without opposition and his friends think he will strengthen himself in the public estimation by the record he will make as the Senate’s pre siding officer. * Mr. Howell’s friends, it is said, have not been slow about spreading the idea that Mr. Brown in accepting the railroad commissionership, was laying aside his intention to run for Governor. Mr. Brown, having learned this fact, he de termined upon an early, almost an im mediate. announcement and it may be ex pected now any day. THE EXPERIMENTAL FARM. Ptfvena Strongly Opponod to Remov ing It From Griflin. Atlanta, Aug. 35—There has been con 6laerable talk recently about moving the state experimental farm from Griffin to Milledgeville. Commissioner of Agricul ture Stevens to-day declared himself as flatly opposed to the proposition. In Speaking of it he said: “I have noticed some reports recently that some people wanted the farm to be moved there, and that an effort would be made at the coming se sion of the General Assembly to pass a hill to that effect. I am opposed to any such move ment and I know that the farmers of Georgia are. Tr.e farm at pres nt is lo cated in the center cf the state, and at on- of the very b st p’aee*. “•I can see no reason why there should fce a removal. If the farm were moved to the prison farm at Milledgeville as has been suggested, what good would result? The farm is not conducted for the rurp?se of making money but for experimental purposes. The government furnishes us money every to carry on our busi ness and the work is to find out the best methods of cultivation. The other s heme 1? to move the experimen’al station to Milledgeville so the convicts can be worked and money saved. That plan is not at all feasible, and would never do. There is no use trying to put any such plan into execution.” PRISON FARM’S CONDITION. Steven* Sa>* It I* Good and It May Soon Clear u Profit. Atlanta, Aug. 15.—Commissioner of Ag riculture Stevens, who has just returned from a visit of inspection to the prison farm at Milledgeville, said, in speaking of it: “The convicts were all clean and in a healthy condition, considering that they have only the sick and decrepit one*s at work. There are 115 men, 30 boys and 78 women. The prison farm has done much better than was ever anticipated. The management is good as can l>e, and the superintendent in charge knows exactly what to do. I did not have a single sug gestion to moke. Everything I saw was entirely satisfactory, and I did not see where any improvement dould be made. “I am of the opinion that the farm will clear money this year. Last year it paid expenses and within the next two or three years I think the state will realize quite a profit.** n.iKBII C ASK NOT OGCIDED. GoTernop Allohn Alore Time for Proof of IHm lnxnnity. Atlanta, Aug. 15.—Friends of James Baker, the wife murderer, called on Gov. Candler to-day and asked him to wait a few days longer before disposing of the case, in order to give them time to present more evidence as to Baker's insanity. The Governor agreed to do this. He will not make a decision before Saturday. In the meantime the relatives of Baker will procure a number of affidavits from prominent people who know the man. tell ing of his weak mind. This will be pre sented to the Governor to examine in ad dition to the numerous others which are now before him. The death watch has been placed on Baker in the Tower, as he in sentenced to be hanged next Wednesday,one week from to-day. CLAY KXPEC.TS M C ( KSS. Sir tlxfiecl Do in or rat* Will Win in the Coming (Election. Atlanta, Aug. 15.—Senator Clay, who passed through the city to-day en route to Columbus, feels very hopeful of Dem ocratic success this fall. He said: speech was one of the finest things I ever read. My only is that I did not hear him deliver it. Bryan Is a good man, and his chances of success grow better every day. His arguments against imperialism are unanswerable, and those who have read his will say the same thing. From all sections of the country the reports are very encourag. ing and my belief is that we are going to win.” bITTbE BOY’S SKILL CHUfIHBD. He May lie Saved by fl# Trephining ProreßH, Quitman. Ga., Aug. l'>.—Thli afternoon little Paul, the 6-ycai-oUI ion of Mr. W. J. Powell, fell from a wagon, crushing In the top of his skull. The depressed bone Is prmsing on the brain, and will have to be trephined and raise!. He Is uncon scious and Is considered dangerously hur’.. "He That Any Good Would Win " Should have good health. 'Pure, rich blood is the first requisite. Hood's Sarsa parilla, by giving good blood and good health, has helped many a man to success, besides giving strength and courage to *women <ujho, before taking it, could not even see any good in life to win. GRIGGS' ADDRESS AT TV TY. Ilarliorue ami Politics Enjoyed by Worth titlmeiiN. Tifton. Ga, Aug. 15—The citizens of Ty Ty gave a grand barbecue to-day to the surrounding county. Twelve carcasses were barbecu'd, and theie was an ample taskci dinner spread by the ladies of Ty Ty at.d vicinity. The principal feature of the day was speaking by Hon. Jas. M. Griggs, con gressman from the Second district. He spoke for an hour and forty minutes, and made a masterly arraignmen* of the im perialist policy and reckless extravagance j of the Republican administration Judge < Griggs was in Congress when the war measures were passed and his recollec tions of the promises made by the Repub- | l eans then and his comparison with the j actions of the present administration formed a masterly campaign effort. He closed by urging the Democrats of his district to do their duty and poll such i a full vote in November that Republi can politicians would have no ground to charge intimidation of negro voters to account for thfir short vote. The speech was will received by all present. There are few imperialists in South Georgia. Near 1,(00 people wer, : present. HELD ON ( II ARGB OF Ml HDER, .lame* Ward of Home Did Not Die b> Hi* Owu Hand. Rome, Ga., Aug. 15.—James; Ward, a young white man who was shot in a dis reputable house in East Rome last Thurs day, died to-day. He was found lying face down on the floor with a bullet holo in his head and his brains oozing out. Since he was shot he has never gained consciousness and has been battling be tween life and death. It was claimed he shot himself, but that theory did not hold good at the coroner's inquest this morning, as physicians testi fied. after making a thorough examina tion, that the shot which ended his life was not fired by his own hands. The ball entered the bnc'k of his head and passed entirely through and came out at the temple, and there were no signs of his having been singed, which is always the case when a shot is fired at close quar ters. Ed. Neely, a white boy, and Hattie Stewart, a negro woman, were arrested and lodged in jail charged with the crime, and they wiil be held pending a further investigation. Til AGED V ON AN EXCLUSION. Pittman Fatally Shot by Marshal of Harmony Grove. Athens, Ga., Aug. 15.—A bloody tragedy occurred on an excursion train running from Tallulah Falls to-night. Near Turnersville, on the Blue Ridge and Atlantic, Scott Jackson, city marshal of Harmony Grove, and John, a young man from the same p ace.went into the closet of cne of the coaches. They shut the door. A few’ minutes later three shots were fired and Jackson ran out and jumped from the train. Pittman was found in rhe coset fa*ally shot. Jackson returned to Turnerville and surrendered. Both par ties were prominent. The trouble was due to an old misunderstanding between the men. THE CORNS MADE LIQUOR. Quarreled Over Division of It and One of Them Is Dead. Gainesville, Ga.. Aug. 15.—Don Corn, a young white man living in Lumpkin county near Dahloncga, shot and killed his brother, Kedar Corn, at a still seven miles west of Dahlonega this morning. The young men have been conducting a distillery and met this morning to di vide some brandy. They could not agree over a division and words passed. The difficulty ended in Kedar Corn’s death. Dan Corn escaped and has not yet been captured. REQUISITION FOR DR. TOLF.R. L'linrgci] Witli Theft of a Dlatiionti From Ml Rn„1l. Pensacola, Fla., Aug. 15.—The governor of Tennessee has made requisition on Gov. Bloxham for Dr. John M. Toler, charged by Miss Lillian Russell with the larceny after trust of a diamond ring and $175 In cash. Toler has been held In $750 to await the arrival of the requisi tion papers. The triai of Miss Russell and Detective Wolff, who followed Toler here from Memphis, and were arrested on a war rant sworn out by Toler charging them with perjury, has been postponed until Saturdny. TO ATTEND l N4 LE'S FI NER AL. 11. I*7. Huntington Is Unking n Fast Trip to New York. Atlanta, Ga.. Aug. 15.—H. E. Hunting ion. vice president of the Southern Pa cific Railway Company, passed through Atlanta to-day on his way to New York to attend the funeral of his uncle. Collis P. Huntington, late president of the road. Mr. Huntington was on his way to San Francisco, and had reached San Antonio, Tex., when notified of the death of his uncle. A record-breaking trip is being made by Mr. Huntington's train. The run from New Orleans to Allantn, a distance of 41h5 tnlies, was accomplished In a little over ten hours. Obcar Hu el. in Atlnnta. Atlanta. Aug. 15.—Inspector General Obear returned to-day from Savannah, where he Inspected the colored troops of the stale yesterday. Col. Obear says the negroes showed a wonderful improvement in drill and field movements since lie in spected them last year. He was well pleased with the showing made and said each company did well. • Inj to Speak at Lumpkin. Columbus, Ga . Aug. 15— Senator Clay Is hern to-night en route to Lumpkin, where he will make an address to-morrow. The Senator is sanguine of Democratic vic tory und does not appear io be worried about the talk of Gov. Candler trying for the senatorial toga Horse Thief 4 ought. Col mbus, fa. Aug. 15— Jesra Lewis, c-|artd, stole 51r. Let I* Bookers hors* and buggy this afternoon and attempted to get off with the turnout. Detective Moor, mounted a fast horse and captured • the thief out on th Hamilton road. THE MORNING NEWS: THURSDAY. AUGUST 16. 1900. THEY ARE FOR BRYAN. Continued from First Page. monstration when he tcok the gavel. He said: ‘ I charge that the policy upon which this administration has entered w 11 mean th* abandonment of the principles upon which cur gjvtrnnmnt was founded; that It will change the republic into n em pire. The first of the means before us for the preservation of the union if our al legation is true, is the overthrow of the administrati n. “We are told there is peace in the Phil ippines and our iSO.OfIO soldiers there*are merely performing police duty. The Presi dent has said the Philippines are ours and there will be no abatement of our rights and no scuttle policy. This seems to in dicate that we have entered upon a co lonial policy. “I am not able to explain the motive of Mr. McKinley in taking this policy. I be lieve he is the master mind in his cabinet and that nothing has transpired except that which he himself has originated. And he has carried it through thus far without interruption. “He is the oneperson responsible for what has been done, and if we are opposed to w’hat has been done, our chief duty is the overthrow of the administration of which he is head. “The troubles in China have been ag gravat'd and the misionaiies and am bassadors of the various governments have b* en put in by the policy of the United States. Is it net true that in the last ten years there have been state ments again and again that it was the purpose of * hr- various states of Europe to partition China? When we entered the Philippines it was an additional menace to the Chinese empire, and it lias led to the revolution in China and put the mis sionares and ambassadors in peril of tmir lives. Instead of being a fortunate circumsfance, the fact that we w r ere in the Philippines was the chief occasion of <ha? revolution in China. I ask. is Gen. Chaffee oi Ge n. Grant to be put under 'he lead of a prince of the House of Germany, or, on the other hand, is the government of the United States o take upon itself the of allowing one of its officers to take command of the troops of England and France and Germany and be responsible for all mistakes? “Who does not see that the day of Eng land’s downfall is approaching? And we are asked to follow in her example and ’read in the imperial footsteps of Great Britain, knowing that these steps are leading the British empire to destruction. Now is the time for the people to arrest this progress to ruin and the laboring men of this country are the men to whom I appeal. If we accept imperialism it means that some people shall do the thinking and the rest do the working; then the course of liberty cannot be saved.’’ Gov. Boutwell asked the negro voters to work against imperialism for the sake of the ten million colored population in <he Philippines, and claimed that the fact that some negroes were deprived of their rights in the South was no excuse for the. oppression of the Filipinos. lirynn’* Flection the Only Way, “How is the overthrow of the adminis tration to be accomplished?” concluded Mr. Boutwell. “There is but one available means, and you know what t hat is. I am for Bryan (tremendous applause), lam for Brvan in spite of what he may believe concerning the currency or finances of the country. This question to which we invite the country's attention is a question of life or death to the republic. In such a cri sis shall we stop to consider whether the silver should be worth more or le.-s than it is? If the currency is impaired we can redeem it. It was impaired during the Civil War and we redeemed it afterwards. “If you have not been deceived in a man nnd he promises to do what is right you are not to blame if you try him. Mr. Rryan to me stands in that position. Even, his enemies say nothing against him as a man. In this very city he has made the most explicit promises to pursue that pol icy which we advocate. I am disposed to trust him. “I believe Bryan is as honest in his purpose to redeem this country from deg radation and its policy of inq>eriaiism as any many who sits in this audience. Therefore, for one, I am in favor of sup porting Mr>Bryan in spite of his beliefs in things concerning which he has not my approval.” Committee on Heinlnllnna. At the conclusion of Gov. Boutwell's ad dress the Committee on Resolutions* was announced as follows: Moorficld Storey of Boston, chairman; Rev. Herbert S. Bigelow of Cincinnati, Ora Williams of South Dakota. George G. Mercer of Philadelphia, Patrick O'Ferrall of Washington, D. C.; Charles B. Spahr of New York, Dr. W. A. Croffut of Wash ington, D. C.; F. J. Van Voohis of Indian apolis, George C. Paddock of Illinois, Gen. J. S. Beatty of Columbus, O.; Rev. T. A. Bacon of Maryland. Edward Osgood Brown of Chicago, 1,. W. Brown of Ohio, Charles R. Godman of Massachusetts, Louis R. Ehrich of Colorado, Moses Hal lett of Colorado. Dr. L. W. Haberc-om of Washington. D. C.; George P. Munroe of Georgia, William Foots of New York. William Spencer of New Y’ork, Edwin Burritt Smith of Chicago, D. C. Tillotson of Kansas. Prof. Albert H. Tolman of Chicago, Sigmund Slsler of Chicago. The committee went promptly to work at the Denison Hotel and will report the platform to-morrow. The business ses sions of the convention will be resumed to-morrow morning nt 10 o'clock. HonrUe CockrAit'iv Letter. A well attended public meeting was held to-night at Tomlinson Hall, at which ad dresses were delivered by Moorficld Storey of Boston, Sigmund Sislcr of Chicago, Rev. Herbert S. Blgelog of Cincinnati and Capt. Patrick O’Ferrall of Washing ton. The reading of a letter from Bourke Cockran brought forth a tremendous round of applause. Mr. Cockran wrote in part as follows: "We cannot hope to deal intelligently with the Issues of this campaign until we liberate our Selves from the domina tion of the questions, discussions and pas sions of the last campaign. Within four years politMil conditions have changed decisively, and as conditions change, is sues change with them. The question which the people must decide now is rad ically different from that submitted to them in 1896. Then tile election of Mr. Bryan would have placed the Democratic putty in complete control of the legis lative os well os of the executive branch of the government, with full ,xiwer to enact all its beliefs Into law, while now his election will result not in placing the control of the government In the hands of the Democratic party, but in dividing its control between the two parties. What- BTJUNDRBDS of women are allowing; a deadly disease, known as womanly ills, to sap their health, beauty, aye, life itself. They tninkthcre is no cure, because they have been deceived. How fool ish! They do not know the real remedy. That is all. Bradfield's Female Reg ulator will help you just as surely as you breathe. It will stop the pain and ache and drain. It will make anew woman of you. It is absolutely the best medicine on earth for curing irregularities of the menses, falling of the womb, leurorrhea, head ache and nervousness. It is a harmless vegetable remedy. This is true. Get it from your druggist. THE BRADFIELI) REGULATOR CO., Writ* for onr frv* Uiugtrat4 kook, * Perfect U*Uh for Woman. ” The Quakers Are Honest People. The Quaker Herl Tonic ie not only a blood purifier, but a V v Blood maker for Pale, Weak and De bilitated people who / have not strength nor blood It acts aa a tonic, it regulates digestion, cures dys popela and lends 9Br< f strength and tore to • Ait ' the nervous system. It Is a medicine for weak women. It is a purely vegetable medicine and can be taken by the rtiost delicate. Kidney Dis eases, Rheumatism and all diseases of the Blood, Stomach and nervea eoon succumb to its wonderful effects upon the human si stem. Thousands of people in Georgia recommend it. Price SI.OO. QUAKER PAIN BALM is the medlcire that the Quaker Doctor made ail of his wonderful quick cures with. It's anew and wonderful medicine for Neuralgia. Toothache, Backache. Rheumatism. Spraina, Pain in Bowels; in fact, all pain can be relieved by it. Price 25c and 50c. QUAKER WHITE WONDER SOAP, a medicated soap for the skin, acalp and complexion. Price 10c a rake. QUAKER HEALING SALVE, a vege table ointment for the cure of tetter, ec zema and eruptions of the akin. Price 10c a box. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. . ... . ever may be the result of this election, the Senate will remain Republican for two years certainly, and probably for four. “There is one issue whkh the popular verdict will settle irrevocably and that is the issue of imperialism. If the Republi can patty Ie sue e-sful its control of the judicial, as wren as of the executive and legislative departments of the government will be absolute and its disposition to ex ercise a 1 its power for the enforcement of an imperialistic policy cannot be doubted. At the end of four years imper iali-m will be so firmly imbedded in our { olitical life that it can never be expell ed. “Mr. Bryan's election of itself would put a quietus on the impelialistic adven ture No policy specifically condemned by the people has ever been adopted in o our system, and imperialism would prove no except on to the rule. “Since the election of Mr. Bryan is cer tain to deliver the country from the im minent peril of imperialism, can the lib erty convention hesitate to support him because of impalpable danger arising from ilia opinions on subjects with which, as President, he cannot possibly deal? “The best evidence of our capacity to leal with the issues of 1902 or 1904. what ever they may be, is to deal intelligently now with the issue of 1900. On that issue Mr. Bryan stands for justice, liberty and the constitution, and since all these would be imperilled by his defeat, it is to be hoped that liberty convention will not be swerved from supporting him by preju dices springing from past antagonisms or by groundless apprehensions of the fu ture.” DEATH OF MRS. S. T. KI.VGSBERT. Blundell, the Suicide, Mas of an Aristocratic Family. Valdosta, Ga., Aug. 14.—Mrs. S. T. Kings bery, wife of Capt. S. T. Kingsbery, for many years assistant counsel for the Plant Sysiem and a resident of Savannah, died here on Saturday night and her re mains were buried in the family square hi the Quitman Cemetery Sunday after noon at 4 o’clock. The remains were es corted from this city by a large number of friends and the services were con ducted by Rev. C. C. Carson of the Pres buterian Church here. Mrs. Kingsbery had been ill for some time and her death was not unexpected. She leaves a hus band and three children. She was an ex cellent Christian character and was well known throughout the southern part of the state. It developes now that the man who com mitted suicide here last FYiday, B. C. Blundell, was a member of an aristocratic family in England and that he ended his own life, rather than let them know that he had made a failure in the business world. A cablegram from his relatives In England asked that no expense be spared In giving him a decent burial and indi cating that they desired to have the body removed to his former home in Keighley, Yorkshire. Englishmen here who know the family by reputation say that Blundell's brother is a solicitor in one of the courts in Lon don and that his uncle is a member of Parliament and the owner of the cele brated Clifton Woolen Mills. Blundell came to this country several years ago and invested $17,000 in a fishery in Texas. The investment proved a failure and he be came penniless. He secured a position to travel for the Ridpath Encyclopaedia, but it proved unremunerative. He ran out of money here, but several parties who became attached to him offered him help, but he refused. He wrote a letter to his relatives in England and this was mailed to them. He was a graduate of Oxford. England, and had traveled ex tensively through Europe and the Old World. News s received here of the burning of the stcA-e of A. J. Frank & Cos. at Argyle, thirty miles east of here. About the same time the store of A. J. Burkhalter was destroyed at Thigpen. The loss on the Frank fire is about $2,500 and upon the other about SI,OOO. Both were partially covered by Insurance. HOODEH’YLE WAS ACQUITTED. On Trial at Brunswick for Selling Bread on Sunday. Brunswick. Ga„ Aug. 15.—After a hard f uglit ltgal battle in the City Court to-day, J. M. Hoodenpyle, a baker was acquitted of the charge of violating the Sabbath laws. Hoadenpyle was charged with selling bread on Sunday and the Jury’s verdict was based on their construct!:: n of the law' and the belief that bread was an article rf me .salty. The ease has been In the courts a long time and one mistrial has resulted. A great eieil of local In terest has been centered In it. Owing to Judge Sparks being disqualified, Judge Will!* Dart of Coffee county, was called to preside. VESSEL DAMAGED A Hit IDLE. Attn olteil ly the Authorities for Da inn Ke*. Charleston. S. C., Aug. 15.—The steam ship Inydene. Capt. Melburn, was attach ed here to-day for $14,500 damages alleg ed to have been done by the vessel to the new bridge over the Ashley river. While being towed up stream the Inydene ran into the bridge and wrecked it badly. The ship will give bond to-morrow or next day, but at the present time she is in the custody of the officer from the county sheriff's oltlce. Sooth ( nrnltnn Cotton • Columbia, Aug. 15.—The heat and dry ness have caused cotton to shed loaves, bolls and forms freely, and also have caused half-grown bolls to open. Prema ture opening is general. Rust is more prevalent than heretofore, and sea-island continues to blight ami Is Hiking on lit tle fruit. The first new bale was mar keted on the 61 h, which compares with previous yea is ns follows: 1C99, Aug. 4; Im. Aug. 0: 18117, Aug. 2; 189.1. July 28; 1885. Aug. 20; 1804, Aug. 15. Picking lius begun at a number of points, and will soon be general* FRANK’S RHEUMATIC —an— and CURE Cures when all others fail. Try it. $1.50 per bottle. It is worth a trip to Hot Springs. LIVINGSTON’S TWO PHARMACIES, r 293 E Bnll and Congress and 309 Bull Street. P ™ E Will Please You. SAVANNAH STEAM LAUNDRY II Congress Street, West, Phone 383, TO OPPOSE JUDGE MADDOX. Republicans of the Seventh Name Hamilton of Rome. Rome, Ga., Aui?. 15.—Postmaster Joseph J. Hamilton of Rome was nominated by the Seventh District Republicans here to day to oppose Judge John W. Maddox for Congress. The Populists of this district met also and had a wrangle over the nomination. Mc'Knight of Walton, Dr. W'ooford of Murray and Dr. Golden of Harralson were che candidates for the Populist hon ors, hut as the delegates could not agree on any of them, they adjourned and agreed to support the Republican choice. Mr. Hamilton was the unanimous choice. The county Populists today nominated M. L. Palmer and C. E. King for the Legislature and J. R. Cowan tor tax re ceiver. Lawyer Williams Disbarred. Columbia, S. C., Aug. 15.—The case of G. W. M. Williams being disbarred is the first on record where the Supreme Court has confirmed the disbarring action of the Circuit Court. Williams' appeal was turned down today. His troubles began with crooked work in Savannah and he is now wanted in Augusta. FUNERAL. INVITATION!. BLUESTEIN The relatives and friends of J. Bluestein are respectfully in vited to attend the funeral of his wife. Mrs. Rosa Bluestein, from 311 Jefferson street, this afternoon at 4 o'clock. MEETINGS. KNIGHTS OK ROYAL ARCH, Ocean City lodge No. 5. The regular meeting of Ocean City Lodge No. 5. Knights of .Royal Arch, will he held this (Thursday) evening, Aug. 16, at 8:30 o’clock, K. of P. Hall. H. E. DREBSON, V. C. W r . F. COURTENAY, Recorder. SPECIAL NOTICES. NOTICE TO CITY COURT JIIIORS. Those jurors not engaged In the trial of the case of Elizabeth Evans vs. Sa vannah. Florida and Western Railway Company, need not appear until Mon day. Aug. 20, 1900, at 10 a. m. By order of the Hon. Thoe. M. Nor wood. Judge. WARING RUSSELL, JR., Clerk C. C. S. LEVAN’S TABLE D’HOTE DINNERS. 50c—DINNER—50c. Dinner 1 to 3 and 6 to 9, Thursday, Aug. 16 Claret Wine. SOUP. Vegetables. FISH. Speckled Trout ala Boulettes. Potatoes ala Duchesse. Cold Slaw, Bell Peppers. Queen Olives. Chow Chow, Mixed Pickles. BOILED. Leg of Mutton. Caper Sauce. ROASTED. Ribs of Baltimore Beef. ENTREES. Calf's Brains in Batter ala Remulade. Apple Fritters. Fruit Sauce. VEGETABLES. Mashed Potatoes, Asparagus. Rice, Stewed Tomatoes, Cabbage. PASTRY AND DESSERT. Pear Pie. Assorted Cakes. Cheese. Crackers, Fruits. Pineapple Sherbet. French Coffee. LEVAN’S CAFE AND RESTAURANT, 111 Congress street, west. Suwanee Springs Cos.. Suwanee, Fla.: Gentlemen—Having been a resident of this and adjoining counties for fifty-seven years, and a practicing phyiclan about thirty, have had n favorable opportunity of observing the effects of your spring ns a remedial* agent. I can cheerfully say that for certain classes of diseases I have seen some miraculous cures,- ’viz: Rheu matism. Kidney and Bladder affections. Skin Diseases, Chronic Dyspepsia, etc. The water has a fine tonic and alterative effect, as evinced by the magic increase of appetito. tone to the system, etc. S T. OVERSTREET. M. D., Live Oak, Fla. All you can drink for 5 cents at Liv ingston's. IRE MAI TO tU.A.I AfcMUWMs The only way tc get your carpets prop. erl> taken up, cleaned and taken care of for the summer ta to turn the Job over to the District Messenger and Delivery Cos., telephone 2, or call at 32 Montgomery street, and thay will make you an esti mate on the coet of the work. Prices reasonable They also pack, move and store furniture and pianos. C H. MEDLOCK. flupt. and Mgr. bAUUb waulHuui; AhU~~ OFFICE to rent, located head of Broughton street, on West Broad, now occu pied by the Savannah Carriage and Wagon Cos. As they will give up business in the city on June i, ] offer it for rent from that data H P SMART. CHARLTON CHARLTON. Attorney* and Counselor* at Law. Rooms 12, Provident Building. BUSINESS NOTICES. “A MULTITUDE OF COMMERCIAL SINS” Can be covered with a quart of varnish and a can of paint. The UTILITY of the carriages we sell extend beneath the surface. A visit to our salesroom will prove to you that high grade vehicles can be bought at moderate prices. COHEN-KULMAN CARRIAGE AND WAGON COMPANY. Babcock and Morgan & Wright Rubber Tires. SPECIAL. NOTICES. I'AtLUIAi. OF LU.Mi ISLAMJ CELL -lIRATED PIPPIN APPLE CIDER. This pure cider is served on steamers on the American line, and at the Waldorf-As toria and leading family grocers in New Yo:k city. Paulding s Pippin cider is made from the pure juice ot hand picked apples from his own mill on the premises. It is abso lutely pure applo juice, and all the effer vescence is natural, and we guarantee it to be the chricest cider in ihe world. Leading phys.clans in New York and Brooklyn recommend this cider to their patients, its perfect puilty is guaranteed, in Paulding's Pippin cider, only Long Is land Newton’s Pippins are used. The ap ples are left on the trees until late in Oc tober * when they are hand picked and placed in a dry room to ripen. Paulding says “the apples are thorough ly crushed in h‘s own mill and the juice pressed out and run into sweet clean casks ’’ The difference between crushing and grinding apples is very great. You wiil Know the difference between crushed app es and ground apples if you take some stems and chew them, you will find that bitter taste which is not with Paulding’s crushed apples. This cider has not the extreme sweetness of the Russet cider, and everyone will find the Pauld ing's Pippin cider just right to take with dinner. LI PPM AN BROS . Sole Agents in Savannah. MOSQLTTOE9 will not tronble yon If you une SHOOMtSKEET. It Is a pleasant perfnme. MELDEHMA 1* a toilet powder tliat tn*tantly dis pels the disagreeable odors arising from perspiration. OLD STYLE COLD CREAM gives quick relief for son burns and skin troubles. SOLOMONS CO. THE TIME OF ALL TIMES. Have renovated at once your mattresses, feather beds, etc., by our steam medica ted process. (The only plant in Savan nah) that overcomes all impurities, whether contagious or otherwise. Have reduced renovation of feathers for Au gust as follows: Feather beds from $5.00 to $3.50, bolsters from $1.50 to SI.OO. Pillows from 75c to 50c. Cotton, moss and hair mattresses made to order. Will save you money. Work guaranteed. NATIONAL MATTRESS AND RENO VATING CO., Bell phone 1136. 331 Drayton street. LOOK.. The finest line of Mantels. Tiling and Grates in the city. Prices rock bottom Save money by seeing our goods before purchasing elsewhere. SAVANNAH BUILDING SUPPLY CO., Corner Congress and Drayton. Phone 519. LIME. CEMENT. PLASTER. We have the largest stock of the best goods. Get our prices before you pay more to others. ANDREW HANLEY COMPANY. PROPOSALS FOR FURNISHING < OAL. Office of Savannah Water Works, Savannah. Ga., Aug. t, 1900. Proposals will be received at this office until Aug. 15 at Li o'clock noon, city time, for furnishing the water depart ment with coal for one year, beginning Sept. 1, 1900. Specifications can be had upon applica tion to this office. I. t\ KINSEY, Supt. BONDS EXECUTED By the American Bonding and Trust Com pany of Baltimore. We ore authorized to execute locally (Immediately upon appli cation). all bonds in Judicial proceedings in either the state or United States courts, and of administrators and guardians DEARINO A HULL, Agent*. Telephone $24. Provident Bulking. *23,000. One of our clients has placed in our hands $25,000 to loan on good Bavannah real estate at reuaonnbie rates of lntere*|. BECKETT & BECKETT. ’• 444 President (treat, east LEOPOLD ADLER. JNO. R. DILLON President. Cashier * C. T. ELLIS, BARRON CARTER. Vice President. Asst. Cashier The Chatham Bank SAVASNAH. Will he pleased lo receive ihe account, of Merchants, Firms. Individuals, Banin and Corporations. ' Liberal favors extended. Unsurpassed collection facilities, lnsur in* prompt returns. SEPARATE SAVINGS DEPARTMENT INTEREST COIIPOI NDED QUARTER. IV OX DEPOSITS. Safety Deposit Boxes and Vaults to, rent. Correspondence solicited. The Citizens Bari OK SAVANNAH. CAPITAL, 3500,000. IWU..C General Jluuhiu* Business. Solicits Accounts at individual Uerobanta, Dunks and oilier Corps, rations. Collections handled with safety economy nnd dispatch. Interest compounded quarterly allowed on deposits in onr Savinas Department. Safety Deposit Boxes and Storaas Vaults. ” BRANTLEY A. DENMARK. Presldest MILLS B. LANE, Vice President. GEORGE C. FREEMAN, Cashier. GORDON' L. GROOVER. Asst. Cashlet, SOUTHERN BANK of the State of Georgia. CaP‘<al SSOO,Wi Surplus and undivided protits $4Ol, DEPOSITORY OF THE STATE OF GEORGIA. Superior facilities tor transacting a General Collections made on all points —* accesalbie through t>anks and bankers. Accounts ol uanKs, Hungers, .ueictianis and others solicited. Safe Deposit Boxes tor refit. Department of Savings, interest payable quarterly. Sells Sterling Exchange on London fl and upwards. JOHN FLANNERY, President. HORACE A. CRANE. Vice President JAMES SULLIVAN, Cnshier. DIRECTORS: JNO. FLANNERY. W.M. W. GORDON. E. A. WEIL, W. W. GORDON Jr. H. A. CRANE. JOHN M. EGAN LEE ROY MYERS. JOSEPH FERST H. P. SMART. CHARLES ELLIS EDWARD KELLY. JOHN J KIRBY. haunt wet CAPITAL, $350,000. Accounts of banks, merchants, corpora tions and individuals solicited. Savings Department, Interest paid quarterly. Safety Boxes and Storage Vaults for rent. Collections made on all points at rea sonable rates. Drafts sold on all the chief cities of tha world. Correspondence Invited. JOSEPH D. WEED. President. JOHN C. ROWLAND, Vice President. W. F. McCAULEY. Cashier. THE GERMANIA BANK SA VAN A AH, QA. Capital $200,00, Undivided profita oO.Oju This bank outra .is services io corpora tions, merchants and individuals. Has authority to act aa executor, ad ministrator, guardian, etc. Issues drafts cn the principal cities ta Great Britain and Ireland and on the Continent. Interest paid or compounded quarterly on deposits In the Saving Department. Safety Boxes for rent. HENRY BLUN. President. GEO. W TIEDEMAN, Vice President, JOHN M. HOGAN, Cashier. WALTER F. HOGAN. Ass t Cashier. No. lU9, Chartered, THE hi® miitii mi OF SAVANNAH. CAPITAL. SURPLUS. JICO.M). UNheD oiATES DEPOSITORY. J. A. G. CARSON, President BEIRNE GORDON, Vice Preaidant. W. M. DAVANT, Cashier. Accounts of banks and bankers, or* chants and corporations received upon the moat favorable terms consistent with safe and conservative banking. THE GEORGIA STATE BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION. Assets over SBOO,OOO. 5 PER CENT, per annum allowed on deposits, withdrawable on demand. Inter est credited quarterly. t PER CENT, per annum allowed oo deposits of oven hundreds, withdrawable at annual periods. GEO. W. TIEDEMAN, President. B. H. LEVY, Vice President. E. W. BELL. Secretary. C. G. ANDERSON. JR., Treasurer. OFFICE. 15 YORK STREET. WEST. ULSINESS NOTICES# For Rent, Residence 118 Gaston street, west. All conveniences. Can be rented from Ist August. Apply to CHATHAM REAL ESTATE AND IM PROVEMENT CO., 14 Bryan Street, East. To Newsnoper Pitts. For Bale, a Forsalth Newspaper Folder; will fold sheet 21x42. It Is In good order. Price SIOO. It coat originally $l,lOO. but we have no use for it and want tha room It occupies. It will ba an Invaluable adjunct to D J newspaper office. Address MORNING NEWS, | liTßunab, Ga.