The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, August 16, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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AFTER CRIMINALS CTHTIS SHOT DOW N 111 NEGROES AT LIBERTY CITY. SOME FIRED FROM AMBUSH. feeling AG AINST THE negroes is MOST INTENSE. Curtis Hud Gone to Assist J. T. Gill in Arresting Turner Jolimon—The Negro Elrod Upon Them and Hi* Friend*. Fired From the Bn*he* Gill Shot in tlie Hand—Trouble I* Feared NVhen the Neigroe* Are (ii ptnred. Liberty City, Ga., Aug. 15.—Robert C. Curtis was shot anil killed here to-day by a negro named Turner Johnson, alias Dot son. and by Frank Hines, Ed Shuman, Henry Harris and William Burney, from ambush. J. T. Gill was also shot in the hand. On yesterday Johnson used some very profane and obscene language in the pres ence of a lady, a member of the family of C. J. McDonald, a leading merchant nnd citizen here, and a warrant was sworn out for his arrest and placed in the hands of J. T. Gill for execution. Gill and Curtis went to Johnson's house near here and arrested him, and were re turning along the public road when John son demanded that the warrant be read. Gill started to comply and Johnson quickly drew a pistol, fired twice at Gill, and turning, fired two shots at Curtis. At the same time the negroes concealed in the bushes beside the road fired at Giil end Curtis, but only struck Curtis, ha ting him In a number of places, and one shot from a Winchester struck him in the spinal column. Curtis fell to te ground, but was up in a moment, and returned the fire as did Gill, and the latter is positive that he struck Johnson at least twice. Only One of Them Caught. The negroes then came out of the bush es in whic'h they had been concealed and opened a fusilade on Gill, who retreated to the station after placing Curtis under a tree by the roadside. Arriving here, he sent Dr. Roach to Curtis, but the doctor found him dead. Gill summoned a crowd of citizens, hut on arriving at the scene of the outrage the negroes had disappeared. Later on Hines was captured and is now in charge of the sheriff. A large number of citizens from differ ent sections of the country are here and many are scouring the country for the murderers. Considerable excitement the feeling against the ne groes Is so intense that Sheriff Brewer may not be able to protect the murderers in case they' are captured. The country will be scoured to-morrow more closely and if Is pretty safe to say that the negroes will be cap tured. Curtis was from Raleigh, N. C., and clerked for L. F. Conner at this place. He was an excellent young man of good character and habits. His brother was sent for and arrived here late to-night. Sheriff Brewer has also under arrest a negro named Allen Coley. Serious trouble is feared, though the best citizens are doing all they can to have the law take its course. BiG NEWS MUST COME SOON. Continued from First Paffe. Goodnow at Shanghai. The State Depart ment declined to make known the con tents of the Goodnow dispatch. This opened a wide field for conjecture, the most generally accepted view being that Mr. Goodnow hod advised against the plan of delivering the -legationers outside the city of Pekin. Getting; nt Cipher MosNnges. The cipher experts were busy with a dispatch from Consul Fowler at Che Foo, which wns so unintelligible that it had to b* returned 10 the telegraph company to be repeated. So far as it could be deciphered, it appears to repeat a message sent by Minister Conger to Fowler, tell ing the latter that the situation was be coming more critical at Pekin and that the Chinese authorities were seeking to compel the legationers to leave the city under Chinese escort. It is possible that the message, which is quite long, will con vey additional information when its com plications are unraveled. With the army at Matow, it is felt that any one of several conditions might be presented ir. the near future. The Chi nese officials concurred in the belief ex pressed by the Chinese minister at Lon don that there would be a speedy and sudden change, and peace within the next few weeks. On the other hand, Ba ron Speck von Sternberg regards Tung Chow, midway between Matow and Pekin, as the real battleground and Secretary Hoot Is inclined to accept this view. Some of the Japanese officials believed that when the allies reach Tung Chow they would find Pekin a deserted c*ity ahead of them, os it was recoiled that these tactics of withdrawal had occurred in 1860 when the British-French expedi tion reached Tung Chow. In the ab sence of all positive information as to what the allied armies will do, these con jectures from the best posted sources serve to show the various serious possi bilities forming u part of the present crisis. *Ot Like Conger's Message. The message of the French minister at Pekin, M. Pichon, to the French foreign office, was a; first regard and here as iden tical with the last Conger message which the state d* partment has not made pub ic. But without disclosing the nature of the Conger message, the officials made a sufficient comparison between the Pichon and Conger messages to show that they W( re n. t identical in language or general B'Gtermnt. On the contrary it was clear , that each minis or was foi ward'ng to his ! Ro\ernir.cnt his cwn advices on he sit uation. and that there had been no con sultation between the ministers before these two dispatches were f rwarded. While the messages are not alike, it is understood that they agree on considera ble of the information obtained. The arrival of President McKinley In 'own is look'd forward to with great interest in \l w of tie gravity of the. crll. The presidential pirty will be here **rly to-monow morning, and an ex ende 1 conference between the PreJident, Secre tary Root, Acting Secretary Adee and others is likely to occur early in the day. This probably w.ll assume the aspect of a cabinet conference if indeed it is not felt desirable to hold a special cabinet meeting:. The regular meeting day of the cabinet is on Fr day, at which time there will be further opportunity of going over the Chinese developm nt^. CHAFFEE REACHES MATOW. I lint Pnt Him Within About Twenty Miles of Pekin. Washington, Aug. 15—The Bureau of Navigation has made public the follow ing and snatch: Taku, Aug. 12.—Just received undated from Chaffee: Matow yesterday; opposi tion of no consequence, yet terrible heat; many men prostrated. Please inform Sec retary of War.’ Remey.” Matow is about e’even or twelve miles beyond Ho Si Wu. The road between Ho Si Wu and Matow is indicated on the war department map as He worst section of the road between Tien Tsin and Pe kin. MAY NOT WINTER IN CHINA. No Preparations Made to Supply Troops to That End. Washington. Aug. 15.—1 tis considered significant that no preparations are be ing push and for the wintering of the American forces in China. Both the com missary and quar;e master’s departments are ready to purchase and ship supplies for the Chinese expeditionary force such as would be needful in a winter cam pa;gn. There are certain supplies which would have to he taken, and that quite speedily, unles there is a strong hope that the American army will be out of China before the Gulf of Pechili freezes over, which usually happens about the first of November. Prepara:ions made up to a recent date looktd to the quartering of the American force on Chinese soil through the winter season. It cannot te ru and that this expec tation has been entirely abandoned, but it is certain that some of the final pur chases and preparations are suspended for the present, as though there were con siderable probability that they would not have to be made at all. GREAT BRITAIN HESITATING. Seems In Doubt About Landing Forces at Shanghai. London, Aug. 16.—The Times has the fol lowing dispatch from Shanghai, dated Thursday: •The viceroy has withdrawn his oppo sition to the landing of British troops on condition that this does not entail the presence of other forces, but instructions have been received from the British gov ernment that disembarkation is to await further orders. The fact is generally known that Great Britain is hesitating. The public, official and unofficial, is unan imously ol the opinion that withdrawal at this stage would be deplorable and would produce the worst results.” MESSAGE SENT MacDONALD. It Informed Hint of the Progress of the Relief Force. IXHidon. Aug. 15.—The British foreign office, replying to the latest cipher dis patch from the British minister at Pekin, Sir Claude MacDonald, the wording of which was almost identical with the mes sage from Sir Claude received by the Can ton correspondent of the Daily Tele graph and published Aug. 14. and which was transmitted to the foreign office by the Chinese minister here, bids the Brit ish minister to be of good cheer and gives the progress made by the relief column. CHINESE MOUNTING BIG GINS. Troops Seen Going Up West Hirer ProliHbly for Pekin. Hong Kong, Tuesday, Aug. 14—Contin ued investigations at Canton show the Chinese are mounting larger guns, old gunboats are being overhauled and mines have been made ready to lay in the West river. A sieamtr from Wu Chow reports passirg co sderable numbers of Chiness troops going up the West river, probably hound for Ptkin. France Accept* W alder see. Berlin, Aug. 15.—The newspapers of Ber lin announce that France has accepted Field Marshal Count von Waldersee as commander-ln-chief of the allied forces in China. SPEECHIdS 1% POWERS TRIAL. Impnatilble to Dl.fcntr Which \Vh> the .fury ream,. Georgetown, Ky„ Aug. 15—Three good speeches have teen made in the Powers trial and the fourth is under way. The lurymen have bien so Impassive that the closest observer has not been a’ le to dis cover the drif, of their sympathies.. Vi tor Bradley wll conc'ud his speech to-monow, followed hy \V, ,Owens, for the defense and R. B. Golden for the prosecution, and J. H. Tinsley for the de fense. Col. T. C. Camphell will speak Fri day followed hy ex-Gov Brown and Com monwealth's Attorney Franklin will close Friday or Saturday. The large majority of people In O'o~getown still believe it will be a hung jury. STABBED FRIEND TO DEATH. Alderman Killed hy Cnrla in n Drunken Dispute. Columbus, Ga., Aug. 15.—A special to the Enquirer-Sun from Moultrie, Ga., says: W. J. Alderman was stabbed to death to-day by his friend J. C. Curts, while both men were riding in a buggy. No cause except drunkenness is given. Both were prominent citizens. Curls has been arrested. POPULIST HEADQUARTERS. Marion llntler Has Gone to Wa.hlng ton to EKtnbllNh Them. Washington. Aug. 15.—Senator Marion Butler arrived here to-day to establish the national headquarters of the Feople's party In Washington. He said that he would attend the meeting of the Nation al Committee In Chicago. Aug. 27, but declined to say whom he favored as vice presidential candidate. Criticism Caused Ills Salcido. Fort Scott. Kan.. Aug. 15.—F. Romans, a farmer living ten miles west of this city, committed suicide at Eldorado Springs. Mo., yesterday, by cutting his throat. He was nominated for County Commissioner by the Republicans last week and political opponents had attacked him sharply. He was an over-sensitive mail and it Is said this criticism drove him to suicide. Eight Honrs a Day's Work. Toledo, 0., Aug. 15.—Under Instructions from Mayor Jones and the City Council, City Engineer W. F. Brown yesterday is sued a mandate that on Aug. IS. eight hours should in every department const!- tute a day's work. Penalty will be In flicted for violation. Contractors propose to test the constitutionality of Up- law in the courts THE MORNING NEWS: THURSDAY, AUGUST 16, 1900. BRYAN TALKS TO IRISHMEN. — > ANNI \L MEETING OF THE UNITED IRISH SOCIETIES. look County Gathering at Sunny slde Park—An Address Adopted Denouncing Imperialism—Mr. Bry an Discussed the Evils of the Gov ernments of the Old World—The l nhert States Can See the Faults in Others and \*ohl Them. Chicago. Aug. 15.—Mr. Bryan, Mr. Stev enson and others made speeches to-day at Sunny side Park on the occasion of tho annual meeting of the United Irish Socie ties of Cook county. The meeting W 33 presided over by Rev. F. L Reynolds and the attendance was large, notwithstanding the stormy weather. Mr. Bryan's speech was the first of the series, but before he was heard, the as sembly, a t the suggestion of Judge 11. V. Cannon, adopted an address from which the following is an extract: “We are unalterably opposed to any al liance, tacit or open, with any European monarchy and shall resist in every prac tical and legal way the imposition of im perialism and militarism upon a people consecrated to freedom, and in this spirit, and with an abiding trust in the good sense and patriotism of the vast body of American people, we commit, as for as we may, the fortunes of the republic of America to the strength and determination of citizens born on American soil, aided by those sons from other lands, who sought here a refuge from open tyranny, judicial misconstruction and military ex action.” Mr. !tr>nii'a Speech. Mr. Bryan spoke as follows: "I do not want you to think that my happiness depends upon any public office within the g ft of the peDpk* of this coun try. I lave a higher ambition than to be President (great applause). The man whese bap imss dfpen s up n what oth er.* do for him may be doomed to idsap poi: tment, )ui if < ne’s happiness dep nds upon what he does for o hers, he will not be disappointed. (Renewed applause.) I hope you will credit me with the ambi tion that is within the nach of every cit izen of this land, an ambition which al! ('an t-ntertain and which, to my mind, is a higher ambi ion than ihat for any office and that is an ambition to do what 1 can to make this na ion so great and so good that to be a simple will (be greater than to be a king in any o her land. (Great applause.) “The object of my speech is a practical one. I want to use this occasion to point to a great lesson. I believe the fact that this nation has here the representatives of all of the races of Europe gives it a peculiar advantage among the nations. The fact that the best blood of all the civilized races mingles here in the development of ihe American character enables this nation to turn upon every question the light of universal history and avoid the dangers from which other nations have suffered (applause). When a problem arises in this country, we can look back and find wnat has been the experience of others. A Word for the Irishman. ‘‘lf we knew the history of our own people only we would not be so well prepared to detect danger before we suf fer from it, but if any one does not know the growth of landlordism and its dan gers he has only to ask an Irishman what landlordism means and he need not read history to find out. (Grear Applause.) If any one wants to know whether an alien government is good, all he has 'o do is to ask an Irishman what his opinion is of an alien govern ment, although the govfrning p>wer be separated from the governed only by a narrow channel. (Arplause.) If you wan’ to know' what militarism ?s and what its burdens are, all you have to do is to ask a German who came to this country to avoid the militarism of the old world (Applause.) And so, I might go through the various ecp rienors of other notions. The fact that we have here the represen ta:ivcs of th<se people 'nablfs us to s er.t the danger afar and to guard against their experiences here. And T m 8-* my guess if the American people, thus made up, will not develop a civilization higher, greater and m:re enduring than any clv ilizaton which has pie ed and ours. (Great applause.) Tl* GrenteM Citizen. ‘‘When any one tells me that we want to imitate an Anglo-Saxon civilization l tell him that an American civilization is higher than anw other—no matter what it is (great applause). Ido not mean to say one word against any Anglo-Saxon. I have not a word to say against the Celt, the Latin, the Gre*k or tha Teuton. But I do believe that the American in whom are combined the virtuosefthem all is the greats citizens the world has ever known e(great applause), and that the civilization to be developed here will lift humanity to a higher plane than it has occupied in the days gone by.” (Renewed applause.) !♦* REPUBLICAN CAMPAIGN FUND. Important Conference Held at Re publican llcadqnn rtern. York. Aug. 15.—An important con ference on the financial condition of the notional campaign fund was held at Re publican headquarters to-day. Members of this conference were Senator Hanna. Postmaster General Charles Emery Smith, Senator O. H. Platt of Connecticut. Treas urer Cornelius N. Bliss and Senator Scott and J. H. Manley, the two latter being called in occasionally for short consulta tions. Senator Hanna absolutely refused to discuss what occurred at the confer ence. Among those who called on Senator Hanna in the afternoon were a couple of gentlemen, one of them a clergyman from Boston, who came In behalf of Mis* Lillian C. Jewett, the “Joan of Arc” who wanted to have the National Committee Indorse the Anti-Lynching League and help out in running a newspaper. The interview was brief. POP! LISTS OF MISSISSIPPI. Sm al I Convention at \\ !il*li Elec toral Ticket \Va C hosen. Jackson, Miss., Aug. 15.—The Populist State Convention, called for the purpose of nominating a presidential electoral ticket, assembled at noon to-day and wa.* called to order by Dr. It. K. Prewitt, Chairman of the State Executive Commit tee. On account of the small number of delegates, no business was transacted, and after perfecting temporary organi sation the convention adjourned to await the arrival of delegates on the afternoon trains. The convention met ugain this after noon with a very small number of dele gates present, nominated a presidential electoral ticket, elected anew state ex ecutive committee and pa.-sed a resolu tion # declaring allegiance to <he Cincin nati platform. The r*>pull*ts polled about 17.0U0 votes in Mississippi four years ago. AMKLIE RIVES IS Ql ITE ILL. Disappeared and NVn Fonnd at a *pot She W rote %hout. Richmond. Va., Aug. 15.—A Charlottes ville special says that the Princes Trou- j betsky—Amelie Rives, the authoress—wn> has been suffering from a severe attack of nervous prostration, disappeared from her home at Castle Hill yesterday after noon, and after search, was found near an old pond I at the foot of Peters mountain, which fig ures in one of her stories. Her husband is . at Castle Hill 1 LIKE MANY OTHERS Clara Kopp Wrote for Mrs. Pin* ham's Ad vice aud Tells what it did for Her. “ Dear Mrs. Pikkham I have seen so many letters from ladies who were cured by Lydia E. PinUham's remedies that 1 thought 1 would ask your advice Bard to my condition. e been doctoring for our years and have taken different pat ent medicines, but received very little benefit. I am troubled with back ache, in fact my whole body aches, stomach feels sore, by spells get short of breath and am ;ry nervous. Men ruation is very ir •gular with severe ;aring down pains, ramps and back iche. I hope to hear n j’ou at once.”— llaka Kopp, Rockport, Ind., Sept. 27, 1898. “I think it is my duty to write a letter to you in regard to what Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound did for me. I wrote you some time ago, describing my symptoms and asking your advice, which you very kindly gave. lam now healthy and cannot begin to praise your remedy enough. I would say to all suffering women, ‘Take Mrs. Pinkham's advice, fora wo man best understands a woman's suf ferings, and Mrs. Pinkham, from her vast experience in treating female ills, can give you advice that you can gel from no other source.’ ” —Clara Kopp. Rockport, Ind., April 13, 1899. NATIONAL CAPITAL GOSSIP. The President'* Movement*—Chaffer l’lonp War Department. Washington, Aug. 15.—C01. nnd Mrs. Myron Herrick will accompany the pres ident and Mrs. McKinley upon their re turn to the city on Friday and will re main here for some days, probably until the president returns to Canton. It is the present plan of the president and Mrs. McKinley to go hock to their Ohio home in about a week or ten days, unless there should arise some great emergency to make the president's presence here necessary. During their absence from the White House there has been a. thorough renovation of the residence part of the building, which the president has to use both as office and home. The private din ing room has been done over in red and presents a vastly improved appearance. < huflFee** Clear Despatched. The officials of the war department are thanking their lucky stars that the com mander in charge of the American forces in China is not a certain portly gentle man now resident at San Francisco. Not that these officials hesitate to give Gen. Shafter full credit for the success of the military operations about Santiago, but because the dispatches they are receiv ing from Gen. Chaffee recall the trying times when they were - seeking io get information out of the dispatches sent by “Shafter, Major General, Command ing," and could get nothing. Gen. Chaf fee’s dispa* ches have, on t'he contrary, been most satisfactory. He seems to realize the desire on the part of the de partment for everything possible in the way of information, and he has given it. A number of his dispatches have nor been given to the public In their en tirety, for they relate to military conditions; bu.t war department offi cials who have seen those are unstinted in their praise of Chaffee tor the com mon sense he has displayed In his mess ages and the completeness of these docu ments. A Doubtful Rumor. Democratic leaders here are inclined to be skeptical over the report sent from Cleveland that former Mayor McKlsson has decided to support Bryan. While they realize McKlsson s antipathy for Sena tor Hanna, they doubt very much that he will allow that antipathy to take him into Democratic ranks. They are inclined to believe that if the r port is true, lie will prove a valuable addition to the anti- McKinley forces, and will give additional f ouhle to the Republicans in the Pres ident's own state. But they have not be gun thouilng yet, for they very much doubt the truth of the rport. FUNERAL WILL BE PRIVATE. Burial of Coilis P. Hnntlngton to Take Place Friday. New York, Aug. 15.—The body of Collls P. Huntington, who died on Monday at his lodge in the Adirondack*, was brought to this city to-day on a special train over the Now York Central road, reaching the Grand Centra! station at 4:35 o’clock. The body now rests in Us casket in the library of the Huntington town house at No. 2 East Fifty-eeventh street, where it was taken directly from the station. The funeral services, It has been an nounced. will be strictly private, and will be held at 11 o’clock Friday morning. Other details concerning the funeral have not yet been decided upon and will be made public later. When the train drew into the station and the party left their special car, Mrs. Huntington, wearing deep mourning and heavily veiled, was escorted to the family carriage at the entrance. She was driven at once to the family residence. In speaking of thedtath of Mr. Hunting ton, Private Secretory Miles, who was present at the time, said to-rlay: “His death was very sudden. It was due to heart disease, or to be more is h nical, Dr. Coley slates that death was due to cerebral apoplexy. Mr. Hunting ton was attacked with a severe coughing just after retiring. His wife and he oc cupied the same apartment, and when the coughing attack dime on Mrs. Hunting ion gave him a glass of stimulants, a* she had always done before. This seemed to relieve him for a moment. Then lie said to Mrs. Huntington. ‘I am very, very ill.’ Those were his last words, and he sink into unconsciousness a moment later.’’ Princess Hatzfeld, the late Mr. Hunt ington's adopted daughter, who is now In London, and who was to have sailed for home yesterday on the. steamer Majestic, ! did not sail. She was notified by coble of the dath of Mr. Huntington, and being nonh'e 10 be present at the funeral, will delay her coming for u short time. While no decision has been reached a:, to the choice of officiating clergymen. Mr. Miles stated this evening that he would probably be of Presbyterian falih, or pos sibly a Congregatlonullst. Mr. Miles said 200 telegrams of condolence, coming from all part* of the United States and Europe, and Asia nod India, hod been received. The pall bearers will be D. O. Mill*, Edward Kina, of tie Union Trust C m pany; F. 11. Albert, of the Central Trust Company; Kdw.n Hawley, traffl ■ manager of He Bculhirn Paeitic: Charles H.Tweed, se ond via* p'esidftit of the Southern Pa cific; Msrtln E. Redman, E P. Scherwin, of the Pacific Mull S S. Company, and C. Adolph Low, an old friend of the de- i ea*4 j 1 THIS SMACKS OF TREASON. I.ETTEII THAT ADVISED FILIPINOS WHAT THEY SHOULD DO. If tv„ Suggested Thnl They Seine ■ Hlxh %i,ieel*Mn , Ofllcial nn.l Try llliu for Pfraey— Formula for nn Appeal to People of llie Unite,! State*—Affont'lllo'* Many Scheme*. Filipino ComutiNßlon Wtt* for the Purpose of Coining Time. Washington. An*. 15.—The war depart ment has made public the Filipino cor respondence captured some months ago by Gen. Funston's command at Luzon. It was translated from the Spanish under the direction of Capt. John R. M. Taylor, of the Fourteenth Infantry, who is in charge of insurgent records. There was a letter from Montague R. Lcverson, dated at Fort Hamilton, New York, July 17, 1899, and adddrettsed to Senor G. Apacible. It says in part: "Dear Sir and Brother: Our friend Al bert S. Parson of Lexington gave me your name as, one to whom I should write as a representative Filipino. I am a mem ber of the Anti-Imperial let League of Boston, of whioh George S. Boutwell Is president and Irving Winslow is secre tary. I have published many articles and letters denouncing the piratical war carried on by President McKinley against our people. He and Gen. OUs and all his troops are pirates upon the territory of the natives. Our presidents are not in the position of kings. Our presidents are not In the least authorized to make war with out the consent of Congress, as McKinley Is doing, and all persons compromised In Ihe war are pirates. Told to Seise nn Official. "I should like to suggest a plan to you. It is this, you should sleze some official of rank In the service of the United States and then Inform the foreign con suls that he was to be brought before a council of wnr for piracy and writs to said consuls to have representatives pres ent at such council of war to see that It Is legal. "Piracy would be shown by conducting a war In violation of the usages of civi lized war and the proof would consist in the fact of the consent to killing defense, loss prisoners and con-combatants, men and women and children, in cold blood, and In robbery by officers and soldiers from non-combatants. "I also suggest that the Filipino Con gress address an appeal to the people of the United States. "I shall not give you the heads of this appeal. I merely point out some thing* which will especially Influence the people For example, a reference to the Delara tlon of Independence must be inserted, hut I believe that it is also necessary for you to mention in your appeal the points I have made above to show that this war is piracy, using them to bring out the want of Christian feeling of the soldiers. "You must also show that McKinley keeps the people of the United States In ignorance of the true facta, that he and the members of the cabinet have d*lbr ately lied to secure the ratification of the truth of peace with Spain without the Clause which would have assured the lib erty of the Filipinos. That they deliber ately lied when they said that Agoncillo advised Agulnaldo to tight and that a tel egram stating the opposite was intercept ed: the war was advised from Washington to secure the passage of the treaty.” Re fere nee to Admiral Dewey. Another letter dated Singapore, June Id 1899, from W. O. St. Clair, editor of the Singapore Free Press to Howard W. Bray discusses conversations which the writer claims to have had with Consul Pratt, who was succeeded about that time by Consul Moseley, at Singapore. There also was some suggestion that Prntt fovored the Filipino cause and the discussion rel ative to conversations that Consul Pratt Is said to have had with the Filipinos. St. Clair throws doubt upon Pratt's talk with Filipinos, but says Dewey's In terview with Agulnaldo Is the important matter. St. Clair says: "Dewey's turn for power In colonial af fairs is coming, 1 believe—l must not tell you what he said to me—but I believe he hopes for a complete reconciliation and on adjustment that will really satisfy the Filipino#.” Another letter Is from Apolinario Ma bini, and adddressed to Aguinaldo. It Is without date, and relates most wholly to suggestions regarding an attack upon Ma nila. Agonellli,'* Schemes. A letter dated Paris. June 23 1891 from Felipe Agoncl lo to G. Apiolble and I. Pantos at ffeng K:ng say* ihnt al! Euro p ans fed a superiority t) the yellow rac.-s and for that ream there esn he no autonomy between the Untied States and the F ILinos. He also says that the politi cal tactics of Filipinos were to prolong the war, avoid armed Intervention; and th rd, to "foment the actions of the Dem ocratic party in th > United Stat s which advocates our Independence.” An extract from n newspaper dispatch dated Masdelena, l.acur.u, Doc. 25, 1899, says; "A circular !s being passed from hand to hand containing a summary of state menta cf what the papers and tome lead ing men In the United Stntes said dur ing the month of September in favor of our cuus n .” A la Ur dated Manila, 1898, without the month be ng gv.n, sign'd by T. Sandleo ond nddrtss and to Aguinaldo, advises the rstabllshment cf committees In all the outskirts and suburbs, and "lo revive secretly the Katlpunan, armed with knves. We should ovoid conflict un 11 this Is all organiz'd.” A letter dated Hcng Kong, Nov. , 1898, wri trn by G. Apacible to Aguinaldo, dis cusses the purchase of arms in Chinese and Japanese parts. There is also a paper with notes In the bn-dwrltlng of Paterro and Buencamlno, and address'd to Apacible. Agon'dllo, and Pono'. The date Is San Jcse, Nuevaeclja, May 27 ,1899. It says: "In Manila there Is a commission from us proceeding to arrange whh the Amor loars a suspension of hostilities. In order that we may he able to re-organlze our selves somewhat and re-stock our small ars nals wt h ammunition.” A UNIVERSAL FOOD, Fnllmvlng Nature'* Fnot.lep.. "I have a boy. two year* old, weighing forty pound* and In perfect health, who ha* been raised on Grape-N’ut* and milk. "This t* an Ideal food and evidently fur niche* the element* necessary for a baby a* well a* for adults. We have, used Grape-Nut* jn large quantities and great ly to out advontage." F. W. Leavitt, Minneapolis, Minn. One advantage about Grope-Nut* Food is that It I* pre-dlgested in the pro ve** of manufacture; that I*, the starch contained in the wheat and barley l transformed Into grape sugar in exactly the same method a* this procea* 1* car ried out in the human body, that I* oy the u*e of moisture and long exposure to moderate warmth, which grow* the diastase In the grain* and make* the re markable change from starch to grape sugar. Therefore the mo*t dellrare stomach can handle Grape-Nut* mid the food I* quickly .absorbed lblo the blood and tissue, certain part* of It going di rectly to building and nourishing the brain and nerve center*. Made at the pure food factories of the Roe,um Cereal Cos.. Ltd., Battle Creek, Mich. . '.V 6 ■ M v CASTORIA for Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought lias borne the signa ture of Cliao. 11. Fletcher, anil has been made under hi* personal supervision for over .‘IO years. Allow no one to deceive you in this. Counterfeits, Imitations and “Just-as-good ” are but Experiments, and endanger tha health of Children—Experience against Experiment. The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THE WISE ONES Take advantage of and watch our advertisements. How we do like them to be on time and get the choice af our bargains, as they make up for part of our loss by the advertising they give us among their friends. We feel that a genuine bargain well placed is a great advertisement for our new store. Some of you will come next week (after seeing what your neighbor bought) and ask to see those SI.OO and $1.25 Serges that we advertised at 34c. Another day’s selling like yesterday and you will regret that you were not a little quicker. We have added about 100 more Shirt Waists at 29c. (Tu is will be all.) Will sell to-day about 35 dozen Misses’ Fast Black Stockings (Hermsdorf dye) at 5c pair, or 6 for 25c. You will say they are cheap at 10c. A hint to the wise ones—do not miss this space Friday and Saturday. R.T. FOYE, Successor to Foye & Morrison. ATTACKED NEGROES. Continued from First Page. and drove the black heads into hiding. Whether anybody was hit by the bullets or not is unknown. A dozen negroes employed at the Hotel Cadillac, got through with their work and tried to get home. The llrst out of the door was set upon hy fifty or more news boys. He fled back Into the hotel and with a broom knocked down two of the boys. A policeman then charged the crowd. Policeman Edward Gibson was chasing some of the boys through Long Acre Square when 18-year-old Frank Mlnogue tried to get between Gibson’s legs nnd trip him. Gibson swung his club and broke the hoy’s arm. He was the first white arrested. Geo[ge Walker, a colored vocalist, was beaten but escaped. Clarence Logan, a negro, was terribly beaten. Four white men were arrested. AUGUSTA STRIKE IS OVER. Carpentera Give It Up and Will Go Back to Work. Augusta, Go.. Aug. 15.—W. J. Williams, member of the Executive Board of the Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America, also general Southern organ izer, has brought the carpenter's strike In Augusta to a close. It was so an nounced this afternoon and Williams left for Atlanta. The union carpenters In Augusta—some 250 In number—struck for n nine hour day with the same pay they were receiving for ten hours. The demand was refused, and after two weeks of contortion, the strikers give up and will return to woik to-morrow with the old ten-hour day and the same pay. THOSE Sit K IN PHILIPPINES. llarArthar Gives Number as 5,1211 or H.4T Per Cent, of His Army. Washington, Aug. 15.—Gen. McArthur has cabled the War Department a brief statement concerning the health of the troops in the Philippines. The number of sick In the hospitals Is set down at 3,*68. and In quarters o' 1.281, making n toial of 5,129 sick soldiers, or 8.47 per cent of the entire army In the archipe lago. Corey Resigns Presidency. Charleston, 8. C., Aug. It was learned here to-day that Mr. F. K. Carey of Baltimore has resigned the presidency of the Consolidated Gas and Electric Light Cos. of this city and that the place has been offered to Mr. 8. H. Wilson of Charleston. Mr. Wilson has taken the matter under advisement. He is Ihe president of the Dime Saving Bank nnd Is Identified with many Charleston busi ness Interests. Killed by n Negro Woman. Kansas City, Mo., Aug. 15.—Mrs. Sarah Sigmon, 62 years of nge, was shot ond Instantly killed on Troost avenue last night by Minnie Clarldl, a negro womnn of the town. The nsgress hadquarreled with a negro and was chasing him down the street. She fired five shot* at him as he waa passing the residence of Mrs Slg man. The latter was sitting near n sec ond-story window and one of the bullets struck her in the left temple. Kuodgrnaa Out of the Rnce. Nashville. Tenn., Aug. 15 Judge D. L. Snodgrass, chief Justice of the State Su preme Court, to-night formally withdrew from the race for United States Senator from Tennessee. His action leaves Hon. E. W. i'armack the only avowed candi date for the position. Severe Flood* In Japan. Yokohama, Aug. 15.—Severe floods have orcurrred, and It la said that 200 persona have been drowned. Railway traffle Is interrupted SURPRISE in NORTH CAROLINA. Moody Named for t ongre** From the Ninth Ulitrlrt. Asheville, N. C., Aug. 15.-James Mon travllle Moody was to-day nominated for Congress by the Republicans of the Ninth district. This was a surprise, as It was supposed Richmond Pearson would he named to succeed himself. Pearson oust* ed W. T. Crawford In the present Congress on a contest. Nominated liy Roth Parties. Bowling Green, Ky., Aug. 13.—The Third District Republican Convention yesterday nominated J. McKenzie Moss far Congress. Mr. Moss has already been nominated by the Brown (anti-Goebel) Democrats. Mr. Mosa Is a cousin of Hon. Aerial Stevenson ond a nephew of Hon. James A. McKenzie, late minister to Peru. denomination of Anight. Jackson. Miss., Aug. 15.—The return* re ceived this morning from the entire dis trict confirm the election of Thomas splght to Congress in the Second Dis troct over his opponent, Hon. W, A. McDonald. Splght Is the present incum bent. William* to Go to Congre**. Jackson, Miss., Aug. 15.—8 y a primary election held In the Fifth Congressional district to-day, Hon. John Sharpe Wil liams was selected as the Democratto nominee for Congress. He had no opposi tion. Iloivie \nrneil for Congrea*. Selma, Ala., Aug. 15.—Prof. Sidney J. Bowie was unanimously nominated by the Democrats of the Fourth Congressional Dlsirict here to-day. Adnroson for Congre**. Warm Springs, Ga.. Aug 15.—W. C. Adamson was nominated fo* Congress by the Democrats of the Fourth District here to-day. t MeIVER SENTENCED TO HANG. Iteivnrd* for Alleged Murderer* Of fered hy Gov. Illoxham. Tallahassee, Fla.. Aug. 15.—Adjt. GAn. Houstoun has issued an order granting permission to the Jacksonville Light In fantry to proceed to Pablo Beach on Aug. 18, for the purpose of going Into camp for instruction. William Mclvcr, a Wakulla county ne gro, was last year traveling along a country road, when he met another ne gro, eating peanuts. Mclver asked him for some peanuts, and upon his refusal to give the nuts, he deliberately shot him dead. Mclver has been convicted of mur der in the first degree, and sentenced to be hanged Friday, Aug. 17, at Crawford vllle. It having been officially made known to the chief executive that Benjamin Staf ford. on July 10. 19i/). was shot from am bush In Pasco county and killed, >ha Governoi has offered 3100 reward for the apprehension and conviction of the mur derer. On Oct. 5, 1891, Fred Woodson murdered Maggie Logan, In Marlon county, and fled. Woodson was Indicted for murder by the Grand Jury, and, being still a fugitive, (50 will b- paid by the Governor for the arr-st of Hoodson and his delivery to the sherlf of Marlon county. Gov. Bloxham has appointed Miss Alice E.-ielle of l-ako City to a free scholarship In the Original School of Industrial Art for Women. In New York. Horsford’sAcid Phosphate Brain Worker*. Strengthens the exhausted and con fused brain, relieves nervous head ache, and induces refreshing sleep. Geauia* hears awae Hoassosp's aa wtsppaa 5