The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, August 18, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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4 ofjc fHofnin# f?eto£ n !itc >ew* Hmldinj, SHVHDDah, C*rv SATI'RDAY, AIHHIBT 18, im Registered al (he Postoffice in Savannah. The MORNING NEWS is published every day in the year, and us nerved to subscribers in the city, or sent by mail, at 70c a month, $4.00 for six months, and $6.0) for one year. The MORNING NEWS, by mail, six times a week (without Sunday issue), three months, $1.60; six months $3.00; one year $6.00. The WEEKLY NEWS, 2 issues a week. Monday and Thursday, by mail, one year, SI.OO. Subscriptions payable in advance. Re mit by postal order, check or registered letter. Currency sent by mail at risk ol senders. Transient advertisements, other than special column, local or reading notices, amusements and cheap or want column. 10 cents a line. Fourteen lines of agaf* type—equal to one inch square in depth— is the standard of measurement. Contract rates and discount made known on appli cation at business office. Orders for delivery of the MORNING News (o either residence or place of business may be made by postal card or through telephone No. 210. Any irregular ity in delivery should be immediately re ported to the office of publication. Letters and telegrams should be ad dressed “MORNING NEWS,” Savannah, G*. * -r ' EASTERN OFFICE, 23 Park Row, New Tork city, H. C. Faulkner, Manager. 15DEX 10 SEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Meeting—Solomon's Eodge, No. 1, F. A A. M. Special Notices—Paints and House" Painting, Savannah Building Supply Com pany; Brick, Andrew Hanley Cos.; Laura T. Izlar, of B'ackville, S. 0., Benefited by Suwanee Springs Water; Fine Goods at Low Prices. C. A. Drayton Cos.; Hot Weather Prices, Jno. T. Evans & Cos.; San Francisco Restaurant; At Gardner’s; Jas. J. Joyce; John Funk, City Market; X.evar.'s Table d'Hote. Business Notices—Clarets, The S. W. Branch Cos.; "Speaking of Ellen," Hunter & Van Keuren. Official—Proceedings of City Council. Saturday s Selling Men's Furnishings— The Bee Hive. Amusements— Una Clayton and Her Company at Theater Monday. 25 Per Cent. Off Men’s and Boys’ Cloth ing—B. H. Levy & Bro. Special Food—Grape Nuts. Half Price Lmlies' Wants, Etc —B. H. Levy & Bro. Corsets—Thomson's Glove-Fitting Cor- Beia. Special Sale For Saturday—P. T. Foye. Just Received, Fire-proof Safes—Lipp man Bros. Cheroots—Oil Virginia Cheroots. Medical—Pond’s Extract; Hocd’s Pills; Lydia Pinkham’s Vegetable Pills; Tutt’s Pills; Horsford’s Acid Phosphate; Moth ers’ Friend; Graybeard. Cheap Column Advertisements—Help Wanted; Employment Wanted. For Rent; For Sale; Lost; Personal; Miscellaneous. The Wentlier. The Indications for Georgia are for lo cal rains and thunderstorms, with light variable winds; and for Eastern Florida, fair in eastern, thunderstorms In western portion, with light southeasterly wjnds. The Press Club of Mobile has already raised a handsome sum toward a testi monial of some sort for the battleship Alabama and the matter has been taken up in other cities of the state. No doubt the Alabama will be property remembered by the people of the state whose name she bears, all of which Is a reminder to Georgians that they must prepare them selves shortly for a similar presentation. —’~ ■ At the rate of Increase shown in the pop ulation of two boroughs of Greater New York, those of Manhattan and Bronx, which is 36.33 per cent., or more than half a million people in ten years, the Ameri can metropolis will have no difficulty in standing second among the cities of the world; and in the next ten years London will have to look to her laurels or she will no longer lead the list of the world's most populous cities. Hawaii is rapidly becoming a territory of the United States politically as well as by congressional enactment. The whites there are already divided into Re publicans and Democrats, and seem anx ious o bring about a test of the strength of the twp parties in the islands. The territory would, of course, he Incomplete without a third party movement, and the natives or Kanaka* are promising to fur nish this and a small amount of political fun with it. .. ■ , , , The proposed and much talked of Chi cago duel between two ex-members of the German nrmy to avenge an alleged insult of thirty years standing, has been declared oft. It is now determined that Dux and Dames will not fight because of the tears of Mrs. Dux which induced Dames to permit his would-be antagonist to withdraw the challenge. The Chicago pottce, however, are most suspicious and two detectives are still detailed lo keep the prospetcive antagonists apart for fear they may relent. Attention is being called to the fact that Col. Theodore Roosevelt referred to the negro troops that fought at Santiago as "smoked Yankees," and that be practically charged Ihem with cowardice. Attention Is also being called to another fact which Col. Roosevelt did not mention, that the colored cavalry at Santiago saved Col. Roosevelt’s command from a deadly Hank attack in which it would have fared dis astrously. When Col. Roosevelt made those charges, however, he was not a can didate for Vice President. It appears that Emperor William has a good side to his nature as well a,< a vin dictive one. according to a recent Furls dispatch. It is announced that the Em peror has forbidden any of the ceremonies Which arc usual at Metz every year In commemoration of the German victory In the war of IX7O. The civil and military authorities have Instructions to prsvent the slightest manifestations there. The order is undoubtedly due to a desire on the part of the Emperor to cultivate a friendship with Francs. THE ALLIES St'CCESSFIL. The crisis In the Chinese situation has passed. The ministers besieged in Pekin have been rescued and are now safe with the allied forces The work of the relief army has been accomplished eve* more expeditiously than ;* ■’■■ ed j woi:!,) be. The resistance of the* Chine se forces, which promised to l>e *■*> vigorous in the beginning of the movement on Pekin, amounted to practically nothing as the allied forces approached the walls of the capital. The truth doubtless is the Chinese found that resistance would be useless, and so the)' retired and permitted the allies to accomplish the purpose of their march to Pekin. And it seemt* that the Empress Dowager and her ministers fled on the ap proach of the allies. They must have thought their lives were in danger or that they would be taken prisoners. Now that the ministers have been res cued will the allies withdraw at once from Pekin? That is a question that cannot be answered at this time. It is probable that the l T nited States will withdraw their forces. They have nc\ policy in respect to China that makes it necessary that an armed force of Americans shall occupy the capital of that empire. It is probable that they will maintain a force at Tien Tsin until they come to some understand ing with the Chinese government respect ing the matter of indemnity. It would be to their interests, however, to deal as le niently ns possible with China. The em pire is practically helpless. It is the sub ject of both pity and contempt. Still, it has an immense trade and the United States want a big share of it. It is prob- able that China will turn to them for as sistance. They are under no particular obligations to lend her a helping hand since she failed to accept the terms upon which they agreed to intervene with the other Powers in her behalf. It is certain that the influence of the United States will be against the dis membering of the empire or any further of territory o European Powers. It is the understanding that Great Brit ain and Japan will use their influence in the same direction.. But there are no reasons for thinking that the United States will permit themselves to become entangled with the European Powers over the settlement of the troubles in China. They have accomplished their object in sending on army to China, and the peo ple will approve their retiring from that country as soon as they can do so hon orably and without sacrificing any of their interests. It 4CR PRFdI DICE AT THE XO'RTII. Those Northern papers which are al ways so prompt to condemn the Southern people whenever there is a lynching in tho South have not been prompt in making comments on the race riot in New York. #hirh began last Wednesday night. No doubt they will have something to say about It, and it will be interesting to read their vi%ws of it. They have tried to convey the impression that cnly in the South is there anything like prejudice against the negro. They have taken the position that the civilization of the North is so much superior to hat of the South that there is no possibility of discrimina tion against the n*gro there cn account of his color. They may have been sincere in taking that position, but it always seemed to us that hey were more noxious to And fault w*ith the South than to get at the truth. They know now, however, that the feel ing against the negro is just as strong in the North as it is in the South. In fact, it is stronger, because in every part of the South the negro has the same chance to earn a living that a white man has. Every avenue of rmployment is open to him and he is at liberty to enter any business or profession. This is not ihe cas? at the North. Th<re he 1j barred out of certain of the trades, and he finds it difficult to make a place for himself In any kind of business. The hostility that was shown to negroes In New York city last Wednesday night was fully as great as that shown to the people of that race recently in New Or leans. Even the police in th<* Northern city seemed to have a grudge against th * negroes. The wonder is that th<re were not more people killed in New York dur ing the riot there. We have said frequently that if there were in the North the same class of ne groes that, in the South, furnish the criminals that are lynched, there would be as many lynching* in the North ns there are in the South. The lynching spir it is there. The crimee alone are lack ing. If they were committed there would be plenty of lynohings. We do not say this in defense of lyneh ings or in e spirit of recrimination, but simply for the purpose of pointing out that race prejudice Is nor confined to any section of the country, and that the race problem is not to be solved by a sweep ing condemnation of the Southern people by fanatics and partisan newspapers of the North whenever a mob in the South lynches a negro for a heinous offense. Il is a fact that the race feeling be tween the whites nnd the negroes be comes more acute os the negro popula tion increases. The suj>erior race objects to the inferior race ploying any part in l>olitirs or occupyfng any public place *.f authority. And that is not the only cause of antagonism. The negroes live more meanly, and, hence, more cheaply, ap t therefore, can afford to work for lcs* wages. They do work for les* wugoe. and for thnt reoson the same class of white labor is against them. If half the population of Massachusetts were ne groes. as is the case in South Carolina, It Is *<fe to say that the two ra<*s would not along nearly so well togeth ei in the New England state as they do in the Southern state. The negroes would not be treated as justly or as kindly. Little is to be accomplished, however, by presenting the facts of the case to fanatics. The thinking and fair-minded portion of the Northern i*oplo ought to look at the situation as It really b*. and join with the Southern people In an ef fort to find some solution of the race problem rjtbcr than to seem to encourage unjust attacks on the South for the out cropping* of a prejudice that is even stronger In the North than In the South. The question has been raised in New York state as to whether that portion of a railway whkh is crossed by a highway Is assessable a-* railway property or is non-assewabie as being public property. The chance* ore that all the taxes thnt have been paid by the railroads on pub lic crossings w o\ '1 a !y make up for one 'year s shot! return THE MORNING NEWS: SATURDAY, AUGUST 18. 1900. MIDI LD THE OR AMD JURY GO f Judge F. A. Bregy, of the Criminal I Court of Philaaelpnta, Is cn of thor-e who thinks the time has come for seri i: y con-id* ring the question whchfr I the grand jury hasn’t outlived its use fulness. He has t een a judge of a critni j pal court for many years, ands ands high a3 a lawyer and citizen. He says that he has been a close observer of the workings of the grand jury system, and while lie is not prepared to say that he would abolish the and n Institution if he had the power, he is willing to say that he would give the matter serious consid e ration. In dismissing the grand jury for the August term he took occasion to express the foregoing opinion He looks upon the grand jury as cumbers me and expensive, and as serving no good purpose. It sim ply reviews the finding of the magistrates. It would he better, in his opinion, for the prosecuting officer to present indictments to the courts on the findings of the mag istrates, and let the petit jury decide for or against the accused. The grand Jury simply gives the accused another chance. Tber is, of course, a good deal cf truth in what Judge Bregy says, but it will be a long while before the grand jury is abolished. If an effort we*e to be made' to abolish it objection* would come thick and fast. The people might, in the course of time, be ted to b lieve that its use fulness was not equal to its expense, but it would take very strong arguments to make th m accept that belief. One reason for taking this view is that Judge Bregy’s remarks do not appear to have excited much comment. Even the Philadelphia papers have not a yet takm much notice of them. It can be safely stated that if Judge Bregy meant to raise a sensational question that would at once become the subject It a great discus sion, he made a mistake. <’OTTOS GROWERS TO ORGANIZE. Mr. Harvle* Jordan, president of the Georgia Cotton Growers Protective Asso ciation, has issued a circular to the cotto/i growers of the state, urging them to meet at the county seats of their respective counties on the first Tuesday in Septem ber for the purpose of organizing and be coming members of the association, iti counties in which there is as yet no or ganization, and for the purpose of organ izing sub-organizations In those counties in which organizations have been perfect ed. The cotton growers all over the cotton belt are organizing for the purpose of protecting their interests. The organiza tion. in order to be effective, however, ought to be general and thorough. The object aimed at cannot be accomplished if only a few of the cotton growers in each county join the association. All of the growers in all of the counties should be in it. The indications for ten-cent cotton are very good. It is well known to all who have any acquaintance with thecotton bus iness that the cotton market is almost bare. The spinners must look to the new crop for their supplies. Heretofore they have been able to get about -all they want ed at their own price. The growers were so eager to sell as fast as they gathered their cotton that, in the early part of the season, the market was overstocked, and prices ruled below the actual value of the staple. It is the purpose of the protective association to change all of this. The aim is to hold cotton back and market it only as the spinners seem to demand it. In this way it is expected that a fair price will be obtained for it. The crop w T ill not be a large one. It is expected to be about an average one. The most reliable authorities do not it above 10,000,000 bales. A crop of that size, owing to the bareness Of the market at the beginning of the season, ought to command fully ten cents a pound. The bears are. trying to make it appear that, owing to the falling off in the de mand for cotton goods by China, spinners will not be so anxious for cotton as to take it upon the terms of the growers. The trouble in China is not going to last very long. If the bears are depending upon it to knock down the price of cotton they are going to be disappointed. It la true the demand for cotton goods from China is light, and mills that supply ttyit trade are storing their output, but unless all signs fail they will not have to keep it stored very long. As soon as the minis ters are rescued China will be ready for business again. The thing for the grow ers to do is to get together in the protec tive association. That organization can do them no harm and may do them a great deal of good. Chicago is working more strenuously than ever before for distinctly Southern trade. It is said that eight thousand merchants from the Southern states have gene there on twelve excursion trains within the test few days, to spend the week on pleasure and business combined, and Chicago merchants expect to get a good many thousand dollars from them. Mississippi, Tennessee, Georgia, Alabama and Louisiana head the list in the num bers of representative business men who have gone there for the purposes named, though every Southern state is represent ed. These heavy excursion® to the me tiopoiia of the West would indicate that many Southern merchants have come to the conclusion that the. “effete East" is not the only thing after all. The population of Georgia is gradu ally drifting toward the southern portion of th. state, remarks the Albany Herald, and It is expected that the effect of this wIU bo sen In the reapperttonmoM of tho general assembly under the census of 19i-0. As it Is now. North Georgia ha* the bal ance of power in the Legislature, but ac cording to the outlook the time is coming when the South Georgia politician will be able to get his revenge. When that time does come, no doubt n few- more of the offices will be scattered down this way. i It would appear from official statements that “benevolent assimilation" is one of the most expensive things the United States ever undertook. According to these statement* the trouble In the Phil ippine* which is “all over,“ ha* cost the Tnited States 2,3% American lives and $186.078,000. Perhaps it would he better to lei up on “benevolent assimilation" for a while and give “our plain duty" a chance. If the Atlanta mail carriers are permit ted to become shirtwaist men . they de sire to do. Uncle Sam s indorsement might go a long way toward hastening the adop tion cm thi* interesting Innovation. The Pensacola Press has the following which purports to be a summary of what Western Florida might give to Alabama in the way of additional territory the event of a division of Florida which has been threatened since the capital removal discussion began: “The seven counties— not including a small portion of Franklin county—lying west of the Apalachicola river constitutes an area of nearly four million acres—C,9oo,2l4. The population of these counties in 1595 was 78,635, and is much larger now. The assessed valuation of real estate therein in 1899 was, of real property, $7.446.359; of personal propery. $2,- 504,087, and of railroads and telegraph lines. $2,33.1,030, making the grand total of property subject to taxation $12,283,506. The aggregate state, county, school and li cense taxes assessed for 1899 in these coun ties was $243,051.58.’’ Of course the people of Eastern and Peninsular Florida do not like these insinuations and efforts at in timidation, nevertheless they do not ap pear to have brought about any cessation of the efforts to get the capital away from Tallahassee. It is soid many Americans in Paris and other European cities are wondering how they are going to get home. The with drawal of u large number of merchant vessels on account of the trouble in China has been responsible for a shortage in transportation facilities, and many who are on the other side cannot return on account of g lack of room on the vessels coming this way. This applies, of course, to those who have failed to °n° , 3 (r s tv>oir return passage in advance, and it is paid there are now many Americans in Paris and other European cities, who are living or. short rations and waiting for a chance to get home. There is no reason why we should not have an arch commemorating a specific victory, and it is to be hoped the plans for tho perpetuation of the DeWey arch in New York city will be successfully carried out. The. offices of the commit tee which has had the matter in charge have been closed for the summer and it was feared that the movement would fall through. It is announced, however, that the work will be resumed with re newed vigor in the winter, and that the plans for the perpetuation of the arc If will be carried out. According to the Rev. Charles M. Shel don, who recently edited a newspaper for o week, according to his ideas of how n newspaper should be run, and then made’ a trip to England, imperialism Is not the only thing that threatens the pres tige of Great Britain. “If England goes to destruction in the next century,’’ he says, “it will not be because of outside war or of dangers from other nations, but because she has drunk herself into de struction." From hie standpoint it would seem that England is losing her grip in more ways than one. If the South Carolina campaign were to continue much longer, it would unques tionably add much to Senator Tillman’s large stock of notoriety. He has twice squelched incipient fistic encounters be tween rival candidates on the stump, and has incurred the enmity of the ministry practically throughout the state. Some of the papers of the state are so unkind as to suggest that the Senator is trying to win on an anti-ministerial campaign, but perhaps he will put in evidence in exten uation, if not in refutation-, his character of peacemaker. Charleston by the sea is at last exhib iting faint signs of modern progressive ness. The male shirtwaist has made its appareance there in the summer ballroom. CURRENT COMMENT. The New York Tribune (Rep) say*: “Perhaps the most impressive feature of the whole Chinese situation is the non appearance of those innumerable Chines > hordes which were to overwhelm, by sheer force cf numbers, the invading armies. But it is easily explained. The vast majority of he Chinese “don’t want to fight," and are regarding the present a* an uncommonly auspicious time to g> a-fishing.“ Sp aking of the calling of the Kentucky Legislature in special session for the pur pose of amending the Goebel law, the Louisvil’e Courier-Journal (Dem.) says “We congratulate Gov. Beckham. At the b?girnirg of his polit'c H career he has tak*r> the one wise stop that leads above che bog of small politics to the solid ground of w:se fitat.-smamhlp. I. insures both his election and tho s ale’s return to peaceful content under representative administration and undisputed laws.." The Springfield Republican (Ind.) says: “The abandoned farms in Rhcd* Island number 349. according to th* state’s of flc’al cata ogue. but from that fact it must not be Inferred that Rhode Island, as a whole, is jn s rious dinger of going out of till )ge. Estimating each abandone e farm at 100 acres, he 349 amount to but about 1 jx r tv nt. of the state’s area Rhode Island, it Is we 1 lo remember, has 1.C50 square miles, and is one cf the rieh e t spots <n earth. Land down th-*re whether abandoned or not. Is a mere in (lcknt.” The Chicago Chronicle (firm.) remark* of the son of a well-known sire: “It is pair ful *o not*' that the treasury depart ment has deni, and the cl.a'm of Russeil Harrison, son of the old mm, to s6so—the difference be;ween the pay of a majt/r and that cf a o.ficni I. It may he that Russ. 1 i* not entitled to the money from a strictly mill ary stardp Int, but as a moving picture h is worth the price of admission. The gallop of Russell through the street* of Tampa a short head in ad vance cf an ♦nraged haberdasher was the finest thing since Hherldan's ride t> Winchester.’’ Ancnt the “full dlnmr rail" cry of the Republi an* the Baltimore Sun (I>cm > says: “It may turn out that American workingmen hav* spula above the r din ner pails. I* majr'transpire n xt Novem ber that they r* ally Ive their coun ry and hate to see it and agg and down Into the mire of trust-made politics at home and abroad. It may be proved at the poll* that *h*v cherish the Republic as the fathers fourded it. the Dec amt ion as Jef fers* n wrote It. the constitution as all our patriot sat >m n. 'rom Washington and Madlaan to Webs er and Calhoun and on down *o TlMeu and Cleveland, have irter r ted it. in) are no 1 w Tint to s'e an rmplte. patterned on the Rri|jh mo<i ♦l, put In their pHc<. They may not !>•' c uight with the elaff of “the full dlnm r pnll” or be gu T )ed by the demagogic pre tence that prosperity always omes iti end goes out with the Republican par>y The “full dinner pill" i* a lvx>mer;inir cry. The s at of ‘he w rkiugrban * intell - g r.ce is not in hi< ft marh The Repub -1 can tarty* In I mat on that It Is. an! that he is no hing mere than a bread and-eheoee hi me . a dlrner-|n:| fnatriot vot*V f* r vic.unla o ly, will be gen erally and Justly resent**." How to Manage a Husband. Mr*. Fuller and Mr.-*. Deming are neigh bors and visit each other quite frequently, and Mrs. Fuller has noticed with surprise that Mrs. Deming's husband never scolds when he comes home and finds no supper ready, eays the Chicago Times-Herald. She asktvi Mrs. D. about it and was told it was as easy as rolling off a log. “You have only to use a little tact,’’ she said. “Why. any man can be managed by a tactful wife.” Just then Deming came in looking rather tired and cross, hut his wife took his hat. whispered something in his ear. and asked him if ho was very hungry. He said he didn’t mind waiting, and at her suggestion he took his paper and went Into the other room. “There!” whispered Mrs. D. to her neighbor, “didn’t I tell you it only re quired a little tact,” and she went about getting supper while Mrs. Fuller went home to try how tact would work on husband. She found him with a thunder-cloud brow, and at once began the new treat ment. “Please go into the parlor and read the paper while I hurry up the supper.” “Well, you have nerve! Do you s’pose I tan satisfy my appetite with news from China. I like that. A man might as well be a bachelor and done with it as have a wife who is forever gadding to the neigh bors!" “I was over to Demlng’ a few minutes and Mr. Deming came home w r hile 1 was there and he wasn’t a bit cross, and her supper is late too.’ “Of course it is. Gossiping round and hindering each other. I wonder you ever get anything done.” Mrs. Fuller had tried tact, but it didn’t seem to work. Her feelings were hurt and her tamper was rising. She concluded to take heroic measures and see wnai would happen. She took off the white apron she had pinned on and turned as only a worm can. < “George Augustus Fuller, if you w*ant any supper to-night you can get it for yourself. I'm going home to eat and will stay there until you know how to treat me. You should have married a cook.” “Maria.” piped Fuller feebly, “don't go.” “Then will you be more reasonable?” “Why of course. I was only bluffing." They made it up. and got supper to gether like two turtle doves. Mrs. Fuller ‘hinks it takes different kinds of tact for different men, but she doesn’t know yet what it was that Mrs. Deming whispered so sweetly to her husband. Lt was this. “If you say one cross word while she is here I’ll tell how much money you lost on that last deal in wheat!” Late Apology for n Rrlck. It was just about time for the control ler’s staff to close up shop and the usual preliminary conversational game was go ing on, says a New York dispatch to the Chicago Journal. Peter Ryan, the Fen ian messenger, was holding forth on the rime that had been committed in per mitting the Orangemen to parade the streets of this city in peace. “I remember in ’7l it wasn’t so,” he declared proudly, “an* I tell you I done my share that time.” “I remember that parade, too.” said Edward J. Connell, the auditor for the Bronx. “I was a corporal in the Twen ty-eecond Regiment and we were railed out to stop the row the harps were all making. Isaac S. Barrett. he chief book keeper of this bureau, was n private in the regiment. Some fellow threw a brick and hit him on the head. Tt near killed him.” "Holy Patrick!” ejaculated Ryan, with his eyes bulging, and he started for Mr. Barrett’s office, which was in the next room. "Mr. Barrett,” he said excitedly, “were you a private in the Twenty-second regi ment in the Orange riots of ’71?” “I was.” replied Mr. Barrett. “Did someone hit you with a brick?” “Someone did, and good, too. I wus knocked insensible.” “Well. I’m the man that threw that brick.’’•declared Ryan. “What?” exclaimed Mr. Barrett. “If I could have caught you that day I’d have shot holes all through you.” “I'm sorry it was you. but I didn’t know you then." said Ryan. "I wouldn't do it now—that is. I wouldn’t soak you.” Then he retreated grinning and leaving Mr. Barrett wondering what a strange world it is that brought him and his confessed assailant together in the same office thirty years later. “Hasted” Rand or Consangnlnltr. You must have heard the story of the peddler who, being run out of an office by the head clerk, rushed through the hall way by the janitor, kicked down two flights of stairs by a watchman, nnd thrown into the street by the elevator boy. rose and remarked deliberately as he pulled himself together: "Vat a peautlful system!” They tell a somewhat similar story about a chronic ne’er-do-well in a Southern Illi nois town, who has pestered his relatives for years and until every member of the family had deckled that patience had long ceased to wear the aspect of virtue, says the Chicago Journal. Undeterred by theirsilent scorn and their flat refusal he persisted In inflicting him self upon them at the most inopportune hours and making the most preposterous requests. His finish came one morning when he intruded upon his brother, a pros perous and self-respecting lawyer, at an hour when that worthy was engaged with an important client. The brother led the black sheep gently to the head of the stairs, dragged him to the eidewalk. kick ing him painstakingly all the way, and finally booted him into the middle of the street. The ne’er-do-well lay in a subdued heap for some seconds, then rose, and, shaking a threatening fist at the windows of his brother’s office, remarked with great de liberation: “The golden band of consanguinity is busted, be gosh!” Spin* liel. The dignified chief aurgeon of the At lantic, Valdosta and Western Railway, spick nnd span, paused at the corner of Chambers street and Broadway to permit a truck to pass, says a writer in the New York Press. The lose end of a strap rail viciously in a mud puddle, and the doctor’s outfit was a complete change, lln*, face collar, tie. shirt bosom, coat, lrous rs and shoes were effectively be spattered. He looked at himself and his face grew cloudy, but his tightly set teeth and compressed lips whowed plainly that *i? could find no words to do Justice to the occasion. When suppressed rage had given way to philosophy, he remurkwl: And hls is your New r York? Why, Jack sonville, Fla., suh. is a mok*l city in com parison with this. There isn't a place in it fiom one end to the other, suh. where a g-iiilomnn could so bespatter himself. Our streets are payed with vitrified brick. Mih, and we keep them as clean as a pur lor floor. If such . things as this should happen to the humblest of our 45.000 citi zen*. w* would hang somebody, suh, be gad. This is the most awful outrage ever peri*’rated on an inoffensive visitor. And 1 cun find no redress, suh. which in creaaes the enormity of the offense an hundredfold, suh.” Onl of Hlm Element. Ex-Police Justice John J. Ryan went up to Saratoga the other day. None of the politico! leaders was up there yet. Ryan reached Saratoga in the morning. In the afternoon h* l went to the hotel clerk, says the New York Commercial Advertiser. "Give me my bill.” he said. The clerk was puzzled. "Doesn’t your room suit?" he asked. “Haven't seen It.” replied Mr. Ryan. "Anything wrong with the service?” asked the clerk, anxiously. “Nothing ut all. only I’m lonely here. I’ve been in the town four hours and havaa'r seen a blame politician. I’m going .home.'* ITEMS OF INTEREST. —lt is estimated that the farm* of Kan sas will this year yield over $l6O for every men, woman and child in that state. —According to the la.est report of Unit ed States Consul Ingcrsoll, at Copenha gen, Denmark, the popularity of Ameri can goods is rapidly increasing in that country. —All buildings belonging to the Chinese government are yellow’, and it is a. capi tal offense for any private person to use that color on the exterior of his dwelling or place of busmaj. —Under a French law any person who has been offensively mentioned in a pe riodical publication has the right to re ply in the next issue thereof, provided he do not use more than twice the space occupied by the original article. —One of the most interesting fish stories of the season comes from Lake Sunapee, N. H., in which body of water P. E. Lynch says that he caught with a hook and line whnt appears to be a swordfish. The only swordfißh known to science sticks to salt water; but the Lake Sun apee specimen hod a serrated “bill” over seven inches long, and looked very much like the denizen of the deep sea. It has been sent to Boston to be stuffed and mounted. —ln the village of Bodru a Turk named Ismail, said to be 120 years old, frequent ly walks to Bartin. ten miles distant, to sell eggs. He has had thirty-four wives, the last of whom he married only a few days ago. The bride is 60 yean* his Ju nior, and the marrriage was celebrated with much solemnity, to the sound of drums and fifes and of volleys from fire arms. The whole village was en fete. The wedding procession included all the male progeny of the patriarch bridegroom, consisting of 140 sons, grandsons and greatgrandsons. The number of his fe male progeny is not stated. —M. Gorges Izambard is credited by a writer in the Monlteur de la Photogra phic, with having made the first advances toward print ng by radiographic action, and the following suggestion seems worthy of notice: An original is either written or typewritten on pap?r with a gelatinous or gummy ink, and while this ink is moist the sheet is rolled over with a fatty ink charged with a metallic pig ment, which is highly opaque to X rays, this fatty ink adhering to the general ground of the sheet, but not on the moist letters. The sheet thus obtained is a kind of negative, under which a block of gela tine bromide pP p rs may be at once im pressed by the action of the X rays. —The discovery of the second comet of 1909 has been credited to Prof. Brooks, of Geneva; but Daniel E. Parks, of Den ver, an amateur astronomer, now asserts that he saw the object with a 4-!nc*h glas* at least forty-eight hours before Prof. Brooks did, and that he not only had a wimes* (J. J. Reilly), but succeeeded in having a record of his observation made in the Denver Republican on the day in tervening between his own and Prof. Brooks’ discoveries. —Every now and then some new tonic, lotion or form of exercise appeals to wo man's vanity, says the New York Tri bune. Just now the girl who takes her exercise by punching the bag believe® she has discovered an incomparable tonic for her complexion. To secure the beet re sults the punching bag should be used just after the morning bath, when the loose dressing gown worn gives free play on 4he muscles. Ten or fifteen minutes of this vigorous exercise will send the blood coursing through every part of the body. The bag should be placed by an expert, and should hang about on a level with the user’s eyes. The striking mo tion must be upward, and the left hand should be used as much as possible. The immediate effect of this splendid exer cise is to develop the muscles of the chest and arms. The advantage of using the left hand even more than the right will be evident at once when it is re membered that dressmakers habitually complain of the difficulty in fitting their cliente, the majority of whom have the right shoulder higher than the left. This state of affairs, of course, comes from the habit of using the right hand almost exclusively. —The St. Louis Republic of Aug. 12 contains a page special headed “The Most Valuable Bit of Farm Land In the World." Some years ago G. P. Millard of Houston, Texas county. Missouri, conceived the idea of cultivating the ginseng plant, which grows wild in parts of Kentucky and Tennessee. The Department of Agricul ture at Washington assured Mr. Millard that ginseng could not be cultivated, but he obtained a few roots and began his ex periment s. These lasted for several years. Now he has a quarter of an acre of thrifty ginseng. Not until this year has Mr. Millard consented to dispose of a single plant, root or seed of his ginseng stock. Every seed was carefully pre served, and planted by him the following sprfng. He was determined that his stock should not run low. But this year he feels that he has enough stock for him self and that he can spare some to others who wish to embark in ginseng culture. He has closed one contract for $16,000 worth of roots and seeds, to be delivered to a New York man when the crop gathered in Seprember. Other contracts for sums ranging upward from $25 bring the total Homunt of sales for this year close to $25.- 060. All of this supply has come from the quarter acre tract. A year ago NJr. Mil lard planted another half acre in gin seng. —“Apropros of telegraphing." 6aid an old local operator, according to the New Or leans Times-Demoerat. “Ihe newest thing out is what is known as the “Mur ray high-speed page-printing machine." In pome respects it is the most wonderful Invention since the perfecting of the du plex apparatus, and I understand it is about to be tested on an elaborate scale In a number of American cities, including New Orleans. It would be impossible for me to describe the machine in detail so as to be understood by anybody but an expert; but. speaking in a general wav. the message is first reproduced on a long strip of paper, by means of what is called a 'perforator.' Each letter is in dicated by a small hole punched into the surface in a certain position. The strip is then fed Into the ’transmitter.*’ which actuates a similar apparatus at the other end of the line and produces an exact du plicate of the perforation on a second pa per rib’jfn. Then comes the most ingen ious feature of the whole arrangement. The slip, with its series of perforatlon*. is attached to a machine something like a typewriter and operated by >i motor. A cluster of flexible metallic 'feelers’ pirns over the surface, and whenever they en counter a hole they form an electric con nection that depresses a type bar and prints a letter. In that way the entire mes sage Is reduced to ordinary English text, after the manner of the familiar 'stock tickers.’ and is easily reeled off at the rate of eighty words a minute. My means of such a device one wire can dispose of an immense mass of business, for after the perforating Is done the transmission and reproduction is all purely mechanical and can be speeded to a point for beyond the possibility of human hands. The Inventor is now working on certain mollifications which will adapt the reproducing part to the typesetting machine. If he succeeds, an operator In New York or Philadelphia can actually set a message into type here in New Orleans. A number of automatic transmitters have been brought out from time to time In the past, but the Murray is the only onw that ha* seemed to he practical The fast that $160,000 was paid for the American patent by a l-ig telegraph company only a few days ago would cer tainly indicate that U is no mere* la bora sory toy,” The Quakers Are Honest People, §The Quaker Herl Tonic Is not only a blood purifier, but a Blood maker for Pale, Weak and De bilitated people wtio have not strength nor blood. It acta as a tonic. It regulates digestion, cures dys pepsia and lend] strength and tone to the nervous system. It Is a medicine for weak women. It Is a purely vegetable medicine ar,d can be taken by the most delicate. Kidney Dis eases, Rheumatism and all dtseaeea of the Blood. Stomach and nerves soon succumb to its wonderful effects upon the human system. Thousands of people In Georgia recommend It. Price SI.OO. QUAKER PAIN BALM Is the medldre that the Quaker Doctor made all of his wonderful quick cures with. It’s anew and wonderful medicine for Neuralgia, Toothache, Backache, Rheumatism, Sprains, Pairs in Bowels; • fact, all pain can be relieved by It. Price 26c and- 50c. QUAKER WHITE WONDER SOAP, a medicated soap for the skin, scalp and complexion. Price 10c a cake. QUAKER HEALING SALVE, a vege table ointment for the cure of tetter, eo sema nnd eruptions of the akin. Price 10c a box. FOR FILE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Right On to PEKIN! STEP BY STEP —AND DAY BY DAY YOU CAN TRACE THE MOVEMENTS OF THE ALLIED FORCES BY THE USE OF THE RAND= McNALLY lliffij OF THE WORLD. 91 COLORED MAPS. 97 PAGES OF READING MATTER And you'll have it ready for ALL OTH ER WARS if they take place anywhere else ON THIS BIG EARTH. A Big Little Thing Convenient in size and arrange ment. Will help to fill the niches In yoor geographical knowledge. Will take hat a small space on your desk or shelf. Bnt will show whnt you wont. This Dollar Atlas CONTAINS MAPS of every State, Territory, Con tinent, Canadian Province, Foreign Coun try, Our New Possessions. Mexico, Cen tral America, etc. All from new plates, handsomely en graved and printed PRINTED MATTER relating to His tory, Area, Physical Features, Forestry, Climate, Agriculture, Live Stock, Fish eries, Manufactures, Commerce, Minerals, Populations, Railways, Legal Govern ment, Education, Politics, ete. It seems small, but will show what you are looking for, and its convenient size is one of its strongest points. The Dollar Atlas is Sold Everywhere for sl, But If You Are a Subscriber to the Morning News the dost to you will be only 40c The Atlas Is now on sale at the Butrt ne* Office of the Morning News. If At le.s is to be mailed add 10 cents for post ng making 50 cents for the Atlas de livered. MORNING NEWS, Savannah, Ga. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. For loung Lauiee, Washington. Wlikea county, Georgia, admitted to Ire one of the most hovne-llke institutions in the count try. Climate healthy. Extensive, lawna Course thorough. Terms moderate. Music, Art, Physical Culture, Elocution, Stenog raphy and Typewriting. Address MOTHER SUPERIOR. BETHEL MILITARY ACADEMY. linhel Academy, la. lq historic Noruiern Virginia. Best references almost anywhere in the Union. Thirty-third season begins Sept. 21st. Illustrated catalogue. Col. R. A. Mclntyre, Superintendent. Ldgcworth Boarding di Day School For Girls. Reopens Sept. 27. 38th year. Mrs. H. P. LEFKBVRE, Principal. Miss E. D. HUNTLEY, Associate Prln. 122 and 124 W. Franklin st., Baltimore,Md. PANTOPS ACADEMY Nkah CHARLOTTESVILLE. VA. For boys. Fully equipped. Send for catalogue. JOHN" R. SAMPSON. A M . Principal Good Goods —Close Prices. Send uz your orders. Soaps, Patent Medicines, Drugs, Rubber Goods, Per fumery, Toilet Powder, Combs. Brushes, •4c. DONNELLY DRUG CO., Phone 678. Liberty and Price st*.