The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, August 18, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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6 \KIVS FROM WAVCROSS. The It i fle* Will Huvf tive* in the Competition. Way cross, Ga., Aug 17.—The Brunswick Kifles eaefcc here \esterday and spent the day en the Reedsville rang There were thirty-nine members present, and they all S ot for a rfcoid, but not one qualified as a sharpsho: t-r. They " ill spend another day here later on. After that the five men having the highest score will he chosen to represent Brunswick in the state contest a Savannah. The Way cross Rifles will also have a gun squad in the ate contest, and will protahly have five representatives in the regimental squad The company has a numt) r of marksnvn and sharpshooters, and ore is champion shot of the Fourth Regiment John Harris, aged about 25, and Miss Lola Eunice, aged about 12, were married last night at the home of the bride's par ents. The colonists are aggressive in every sense of the word, and since the Waycross Baseball Club slaughtered Thomasville so unmercifully. have challenged the Magic City team for a game. Jack Williams, a plumber working for W. M. Keen, was locked up In the coun ty jail yesterday, upon information re ceived from Brunswick. He was taken to that city last night by a deputy sheriff from Glynn county. If CAKING WAS POSTPONED. Tle Defendant'll Attorney* Made the Requent nt Darien. Darien. Ga.. Aug. 17.—The preliminary hearing of the case against the five men charged with the murder of Mr. Arthur Hamilton was to have been held by Judge C. L. Livingston this morning, but was postponed at the request of the defend ints’ attorneys. Mr. Myrick was present as the attorney of the accused mtn, representing the firm of Harrison & Myrick of Savannah. Mr. W. C. Charlton was present for the pur pose of assisting Solicitor General Kenan in the prosecution. The defendants’ coun sel asked for a continuance, and Judge Livingston postponed the hearing until the 23th instant. Nothing new has developed in regard to the killing of Mr. Hamilton, and the pub lic aw'aits the preliminary trial of the cases to learn w'hat evidence the prosecu tion have against the men now' under ar rest. ROW IN PORTO RICO. Weapon* W ere Freely I *ed In n Po litical Droll. San Juan. Porto Rico. Aug. 17.—Yester day at Mayaguez, a crowd of Federals and Republicans got together and, after heat ed political disputes, thirty revolver shots were exchanged, and clubs and othei weapons were freely used. One man was killed outright and a dozen others were injured, two fatally. For some w’eeks violent political discus sions have been frequent there, and re cently the Republicans attempted to hold a mass meeting in a ward controlled by the Federals. It was this that led to yesterday's collision. Died From Heat Prostration. Norfolk. Va.. Aug. 17. —Chari*s H. An gle. commercial agent for the Choctaw, Oklahoma and Gulf Railroad, died at the Monticello Hotel late las; night of heat prostration. He was unwell when he ar rived here a few days ago and ICs con dition suddenly b came worse. Physicians were called but could not save his life. Mrs. Angle is on her way to Norfolk from Atlanta. Service* in sail Francisco. San Francisco. Aug. 17.—Services in memory of C. P. Huntington were held at the Firs-t Presbyterian Church to-day. Rev. Dr. McKenzie delivering the address. Dr. von Sanger, Dr. Guthrie, Dr. Miller. Dr. Woods, Rev. Dr. Kelly, Bishop Nich ols and Bishop Moreland also took part. The edifice was crowded. Mnrrled Hi Tliomanvllle. Thomasville, Ga., Aug. 17.—E. K. Stokes and Miss Fannie Bland were mar ried yesterday at the home of the bride’s faiher, in this city. Rev. E. D. McDou gald officiating. New nnd 01*1 “Money” Slnng. From the New York World. The addition of "beans” to the list of slang terms for ‘‘money’ is probable. Not that there is any need of equivalents for that word. It already has more synonyms of curious end generally vul gar origin than any other word in our much-corrupted language. The word “gold” itseft was originally siang. If derived from the old German it meant ‘‘the yellow,” if from the old Cel tic “the bright.” The word “dollar” too is of a slangy origin. It was first given to the ounce pieces of silver coined by a German count from his mine in a certain thal (valley). These were called “thal ers.” Emigrated to England they be came “dollars,” and Shakespeare must have known them es such, for he speaks of them once or twice in his plays. The English “pound” was in the beginning a literal pound weight of silver. The slang of one period becomes the orthodox speech of a later one. Thus the '■greenbacks” of the Oval War were \a riously known at that time as “bills,’’ •’rags,” “paper money,” “legal tenders.” “plasters,” “shin-plasters” and “Uncle Barn’s I O Us.” The one-hundred-dol lai notes were from the first called “cen turies.” The little currency notes for 50 cents and let*s were nicknamed “to?- plasters.” Among the hundred and one other aiangy equivalents for money, etill more or less used, only a few can be readily re called, such as “the rhino.” “the stamps.” “boodle.” “sugar.” “the stuff,’’ “the need ful,” “epondulix,” "the ready,” “the chink.” “fat,” “the long green.” “the non." “dough.“ “the quid pro quo,” “the root” (short for “the root of all evil"), “ducats.” “shekels,” “soap,” “tin,” “sand,” “dust.” and “rocks.” If ever the purification of our language from slang Is seriously undertaken there no word in the dictionary for which bo many irregular terms will have to be dropped as “money.” —Bulk for Bulk.—“But, Your Majesty,” feebly protested one of his confidential advisers, “will not that be a large prov ince to seize in retaliation for the murder of one missionary?” “Not at all.” sternly answered the Em peror William. “He was an unusually large-sized missionary.’’—Chicago Tri bune. —And HI Made o Sweeping Bow.—" 1 know that a great many people do not like my buainees,” said the chimney* sweep: “but it sools me.’’ After due. ac knowledgment of the courteous smiles of his audience, he went up the flue.—Balti more American. Save Your Money. One box of Tutt’s Pills will save many dollars in doctors’ bills They will surely cure all diseases ofthe stomach, liver or bowels. No Reckless Assertion For sick headache, dyspepsia, malaria, constipation and bilio usness, a million people endorse TUTT’S Liver PILLS SCHOOLMASTER OF SUGAR RIVER. Hi* Life There Wan Riddled With Riddle*. So He Gnve It i p. From the Chicago Times-Heraid. The schoolmaster was jdtting on the rail qf the bridge over Sugar river as I ploughed through (he sand with my wheel He was clicking hie heels together, while mosquitoes and other insects of the heavy bottoms circled in the hot morning air. Sugar river flows through banks and over slimy masses of mud. It was a source in Dane county, Wisconsin, and a branch in Green county known as the Little Su gar. Th* dark waters have no roman tic aspect; the bottom lands which the river once wasted are melancholy. The schoolmaster looked as dismal as the stream, over which the crows were hide ously crying. I said to him. "This would be a fit place for e trag edy.” He paid no attention to my remark, but commented: “You should have taken the Harrison road if you wished to avoid the sand. You will have three miles more of sand to Shirland.” Then a pause, and then ab ruptly: “With what animals do you always go to bed?” I thought Sugar river had affected his brain, so declined to answer the ancient conumdrum. He smiled and threw a chip into the murky waters, where cat fish fatten to the weight of twenty-five pounds. “My school has just ended,” he said. "I’ve been teaching in these parts the last term. You don't know children— thought not, or you would have pushed me into the river when I asked you that many question*. The one I gave you was one of them. They were to present me with an album to-day because l am leaving to try to get work in the cii. I tan away from them. I was afraid of more questions. Could you, sir, retain your right mind if you were suddenly ask ed by an imp of six years: “ 'lf cheese comes after meat what comes after cheese?’ “Of course, since I see that you are a city man. you know that a mouse comes after cheese, but I didn’t. I protested that I did not know and ctould not guess, but the question haunted me day and night until 1 satisfied the class that I wanted the answer from it. And ihen their ridiculous laughter. As soon as they were over laughing a boy who once lived in Beloit asked me: ” ‘Why is a fool like a needle?’ “ ‘Why?’ I asked, eager to be over with it. “ ‘Because he has an eye, but no head.’ “Personal application of that joke was made to me at once.” “I am patient,” continued the school master, shying a stone at his satchel, which stood by the roadway, “but such idiotic questions from children I was try ing to educate drove me nearly wild. Life in the country is not very bright for moi of the people. I have often thought that was their own fault, for there is a wealth of natural and other history about them wholly Ignored. The people of the coun try live too near the soil and too far away from the sky. For instance, sir, why should a catfish attain the enormous size that it does in this Insignificant stream of mud? is Sugar river an offshot of the once mighty Fox, a marvelous stream in ancient times, or is It a decaying branch of the once powerful stream that poured from Luke Michigan westward and south ward to the Gulf of Mexico? Paidon me, though, for giving you conundrums when I have just been complaining of them. You probably know that in and about 1832 Abraham Lincoln was fre quently in the vicinity of this stream and crossed it several times. You also are probably aware that Jefferson Davis ooee camped upon its banks, and was Wi.-e enough not to attempt to bathe in it. Gen. Zachary Taylor made a valiant effort to reach is waters at one time, but small pox held back his troops. Here, sir, Black Hawk laughed above the dirty flow while Stillman fled from him and his thirty warriors. Yet no one of the com munity that has been born by the stream, lived. loved and died in sight of it, knows aught of these facts. Facts, sir. not mis <?rable conundrums like, for instance: ‘Why does a sailor know there is a man in the moon?’ He shook his head and went on. while I busied myself in taking the dust from the enamel of my wheel. “People in the country wish their chil dren educated, hut do not know what the word ‘education’ means. In this they re semble the ambitious people of the city's slums. They start tlje child on its educa tional way in this fashion: " ‘The year contains twelve months. Of these you will have four in the fields, three at the woodpile'and in the barn and five in school. For vacation you may go to the circus if it comes and the price of butter keeps up.’ “That the child shall learn anything but <he mere rudiments ai school enter into the head of no one but the teacher—if the teacher is ambitious. I have been ambi tious. I am so no longer. I would rather be a sewing machine agent than teach in the average country district. There may be enjoyable districts in the moon or Kamschatka, but not here. Thin* of be ing chased through an entire term by the question: “ ‘When is a man thinner than a lath?’ I diplomatically avoided getting an an swer to that question until yesterday Then I asked the oldest girl under my care. She pulled at her calico gown showed her not too attractive reeth. and answered: “ 'Please, sir, when hf's a shaving.’ “Think of such rot permeating the minds of children. Not a word about algebra, higher arithmetic. the sciences—only questions, questions, from morning uriiil night. I wonder I did not throw myself into the Btream.’’ 1 would have sympathized with him, but he waved me to one side. “I can see poetry in the dark waters be neath me, joyous life in all about me, but what is an ambitious soul to do before the question from a towheaded urchin, son of a thrifty farmer, who pipes up: “ When is a fellows’ eye like a barrel?’ “You think of bungs, hoops, staves and the like, but you never get the answer until you have appealed to the small boy that gave the question. I am going io the city.” Over the hill and far away in the forest could he heard the voices of children. They were running and coming toward Sugar river bridge. The schoolmaster looked despairingly at me. and I with drew to where I would not be observed, at the brow of the hill the children saw the form of their preceptor and shouted again. They swarmed down upon him and pressed a red album Into his hands. When he had claeped the hands of all the troop and they were about to leave him 1 heard one midget mischievously ask—the final shot—the end of school—the thing always to be remembered: “Please, teacher, why is life the riddle of riddles?” Said he with a sad gesture of his hand: “1 give It up.” “Ha,” screamed all. “that’s why. Ev erybody does.” KEEPS HIS PETRIFIED WIFE. S|>ou*e No. 2 lln* Not the Sllghte*! Objection. From the Philadelphia Record. ChaniKe, Kan., Aug. It.—For several years J H. Rickcl has kept hie two wives in his llitle carriage shop here, and the women have never spoken to each other, yet no Jealousy exists hist ween them. Thy reason for this is that the first wife, who died in the Dakota bad lands twenty-five years ago, is petrified, and is securely packed in a wooden box. The living wife is her husband’s con stant companion and helps him In the shop, besides doing her housework. When Klokel moved from Dakota, sev yearn ago, he exhumed the body of THE MORNING NEWS: SATURDAY, AUGUST 18. 1000. wife No. 1 and found It to be pat rifled. He says It *eems only natural that he should want h*-r body as near him as pos sible. He adds that it is the only thor ough case of petrifaction of a human body in the United States. The form is perfect and the feature* of the face al most lifelike. ( SIIU’S FAMED SAGE. Remnrknhlp i areer of • onfucins. Poet and Politician. From the New York Mail and Express. In the twentieth year of the Emperor Ling, 551 B. 0., Confucius, the “all-com plete, ancient teacher and perfect sage,” first felt the light in the district of Chi nese Tsow. His father was Shuh-leang Heih, w'hose prowess w r as as large as his stature, and his valor greater than both. His mother, consort of Hedh’s senility, and his second wife, was Ching-tsae, youngest daughter of the family of Yen. The usual miraculous episodes enclueter his birth. When Confucius was only three years old his father' Scholar Heih, died. Of his early schooling little that is trustworthy has been preserved. Certain it is that his house knew full w'ell the pinch of poverty. At fifteen Confucius, K’ew', or Confulse, had versed himself in studies far beyond his years. At nine teen he contracted an alliance with a lady of the house of Keen-kwan. In the following year the stork visited his dwell ing. Ching-tsae gave birth to a son, Le. Hi* Public Office*. Confucius was made keeper of grain stores, next a warden of public fields and lands. Even then his humblest duties— the fabric, of much rich parable and simile?— were discharged with an uncom mon thoroughness and conscientious de votion. At two-and-twenty he flashed forth into a public teacher; his house be came the rallying ground of thoughtful, ardent youths. In 528 B. C. his mother joined her husband in the valley of the shadow. Five years after, when Confu cius, a man of “north, south, east and west,” was twenty-nine, we find him studying music under u famous principal named Seang. B. C. 517 saw him signaled out as a teacher of proprieties to the son of one of the chief members of Loo. A later date discovers him. a musical aco lyte, student of poetry, history, ceremon ies, antiquity and ethics, inabibing wis dom at the court of Chow. Here so en traneingly did a sage's music appeal to him that for three full months flesh food and he were strangers. Now occurs a much-debated incident, the rumored divorcing of his wife. Wonderful Administration. B. C. 500, in the early twilight of his years, he was appointee! chief magistrate of Chung-too, and in this capacity proved himself a manners reformer of no mean prowess. Next he was respectively as sistant superintendent of works under Duke Ting; then minister of crime. During this last tenure of office*—popularized bv deference to the verdict of one from among his counselors, whichever was most cogent—such became his sway that no offenders showed themselves. Confulse was now the darling of the populace. Delegates of his administration sp?d far afield, pilgrims flocked in shoals from other states. In the heyday of his prosperity, at the turret of his power, ar rived that tragic throwback, which, fram a worldy viewpoint, was his undoing. By the machinetion6 of envious states, it was cortrived that a cargo of eighty peerless damozels should be presented to his sov ereign. These were sent ostensibly as the portion of a good-will offering, in reality to seduce die King from the teachings of his minister. The venomous plot succeeded only to well. For dejected Confucius began at s*> a cycle of weary wanderings which were to lest for thirteen years. Through nM his hardships and perilous adventures belief in a divine mission sustained him. Ill* Period of Woe. Of those travails and travels, in all like lihood, were born his most consummate maxims. Probably to that period we owe his uplifting of ancestor worship into a religion, many of his compilations, his im mortal Analects, his Rules of Propriety and the contiguous Five Relations of So ciey to be Observed. Throughout his •x --istence. from the Alpha of his adolescence to the Omega of his obsequies, he seems to have been characterized by a lofty nobil ity. a grand independence of thought and speech, a transcendent purity of living. Upon some alleged stains on his escutch eon, such as the breaking of a forced oath, the praising of a gallant lie, the present writer has not sufficient knowledge or pre sumption to pronounce. Chari able. ConfuDe acknowledge 1 the vital need of education for rich and poor a’ike. Narrow' as to the functions* of wo man, he was quit k to see the influence of right examples end to insist upon their practice by those in authority. To secure the common weal he rea iz and that good rulers are good leaders—benevolent des pots. If you will—were Indispensable. Alive before his time, posterity awarded this matchless conserver and transmitter a glorious recognition. Fcr two thousand years countless emperors made ands ill make adoring pilgrimages to his shrine. To-day all native eo'Pges raise side tem ples to his honor; his disciples may be measured by the hundred million. Return to Favor. B. C. 483. by a fortunate twist of fate, the wanderer could return to Loo. Con fi;tse was now’ sixty-nin , and thanks to time and inward mastery, might “fol low whpt his heart desired without transgrrafing wMt was right ” He ab sorbed and diffused wisdom and poetry, collated history's pebbles and undertook the reformation cf mu>ic. B. C. 482 was blazed by the demise of Ms son. Le, to ward whom he bad. of principle main tained a stern reticence and digni.y. Of his daughters, although we know’ one at lea.*t, he had little or nothing to say. His declining years were punctuated by the death of loved apostles, whose Indi vidual loss apparently affected him more keenly than that of his own son. Early one forenoon this klrg without a throne with trading staff toddled out into the sunshine As he w*nt he simper ed h s melincho’y sw n s ng: "The greit mountain must crumble, the strong b. am must snap and he wise man wither away like a plant.” He took to his couch. A week later, with no wife or child to min i <r to hD dying hours, with no exrec a tlons of a lif*’ to come, muttering no pray er. betraying no fear, the end drew very nigh Cn the 11th day o f the fourth mo-'th, 47S B. C., the unchallenged, the p ect sage, fell asleep. Do you ask for his monument? Look about you. Great Yn Tl and the Boxer*. From the Pall Mall Gazelte. The following translation of a placard posted in West City, Pekin, is among one of the last documents forwarded by Sir C. MacDonald to Lord Salisbury as min ister of foreign affairs: “In a certain street In Pekin some wor shippers of the l Ho Ch’uan (Boxers) at midnight suddenly saw a spirit descend in •heir midst. The spirit was silent for a long time, and all the congregation fell upon their knees and prayed. Then a terrible voice was heard saying: “ ‘I am none other than the great Yu Special food for brains Grape=Nuts Healthy brains make a fat Pocket Book Sunburn, Chafing, Insert Hites, Bums, Itching, Scratches, Sprains, Stiffness of Joints, Fatigue and i-.SSjSj Inflamed Eyes are cured by the use oi *'*•““*•R fu; Pond’s Extract Sj||| p| ig CA UTIOX! Refuse the freak, watery Witch ITaSei f— preparations represented to be “the same as" POSD'S Wjhn Ja EXTRACT, which easily soar and generally rental "woodalcohol," adea'HrnaiS*-: r&kWB If&BfflSffiPjl XR.TJK la sold OXhY in ovttlo*, fuiefec** i PpMS ONE WAY TO SICKNESS. About the surest road to sickness is loss of appetite. When you get nauseated and the sight of food makes you turn away, you are about to be sick. AH that keeps soul and body together is what you eat, well digested. If you can’t eat you get poorer; your health declines —} r ou are an invalid. A bottle of GRAYBEARD taken when these symptoms manifest themselves, will stop this trouble. It will put you back on the right track and you will get along all right. Graybeard invigorates your digestive or gans. It makes you eat and digest what you eat. By digesting what you eat, new bone is made, new tissue is formed,"new blood is sent pulsing through your veins, and you are, so to speak, overhauled and made as good as new. No medicine on earth is as good, so far as we know, as Graybeard for making you eat, and making you digest what you eat. Better Than the A leading Hull Street Merchant Tailor, one of the foremost men in his line In the South. Hays; ••Graybeard invigorated anti so built me up aH that a trip to the mountains has not been necessary. I ate heartily after taking It. My complexion cleared up aud I was in just about per fect health.” Get Graybeard at Drug Stores, or write to Respess Drug Cos., Proprietors. SAVANNAH, GA. Ti (God of the unseen world), come down < in person. Well knowing that ye all of devoan mind, # I have just now descended to make known to you that these are times of trouble in the world, and ihat It is impossible to set aside the decrees of fale. Disturbances are to be dreaded from the foreign devils; everywhere they are starling missions, erecting telegraph and building railways; they do not be lieve in the sacred doctrine, and they speak evil of the Gods. Their sins are numberless as the hairs of the head. Therefore I am wroth, and my thunders have pealed forth. By night and by day hav.e I thought of these things. Should I command my generals to come down i earth, even they would not have strength to change the course of fate. For this reason I have given forth my decree that I shall descend to earth at the head of all the saints and spirits, and that wherever the I Ho Ch’uan are gathered together, there shall the Gods be in the midst of them. I have also to make known to all the righteous in the three worlds tha4 they must be of one mind, and all practice the cult of the I Ho Ch’uan, that so the wrath of heaven may be appeased. ” ‘As soon as the practice of the I Ho Ch’uan has been brought to perfection wait for three times three or nine times nine, nine times nine or three times three—then shall the devils meet their doom. The wil! of heaven is that the tele graph wires be first cut. then the rail ways torn up. and then shall the foreign devils be decapitated. In that day shall the hour of their calamities come. Th* 3 time for rain to fall is yet afar off, nnd all on account of the devils. “‘I hereby make known these com mands to al! you righteous folk, that ye may strive with one accord to extermin ate all foreign devils, and to turn aside the wra r h of heaven. This shall Vie ac counted unto you for well doing; and on the day when it in done, the wind and rain shall be according to your desire. “ Therefore I expressly command you make this known in every place.’ “This I saw with my own eyes, and therefore I make bold to take my pen and write what happened. They who be lieve it shall have merit, they who do not believe It shall have guill. The wrath of the spirit was because of the destruc tion of the Temple of Yu Ti. He sees that the men of the T Ho Ch’uan are de vout worshippers and pray to him. “If my tidings are false, may I be de stroyed by the five thunderbolts.” 4th moon, Ist day. April 29, 1900. IRVING AS \ PIANIST. How He Came by Hi* Reputation, nml llow Tie Loot It. From the London News. There was a great muster of cool dresses and hot faces in .Queen's Hall. On the platform students of the Royal Academy of Music had mustered, bent on giving p'easure and receiving prize*. With much grace and many kind smiles. S r Henry Irving distributed the awards Sir Henry Irving said it had been a great privilege to hear such sweet music so beautifully discoursed. In the course of a somewhat checkered career he had sometimes deceived an au dience into believing that ho wa • playing the piano. (Laughter.) A more a compllshed person. carefully conceal and behind a screen, was actually producing the m lody on another piano. The worst cf it was ihat at one lime he got quite a reputat on as a musician, and he was driven to many subterfuges when, at social gatherings, he was pressed to perform the pleasing piece with which he delighted audiences at n'ght. (Laughter.) Aftr such a confes sion some of the students might have conscientious scruples about tak ng prlz s from such an imposter as himself. (Laughter) Hut he had at any rate made a clean breast of It at last. The drama owed a great debt to music, and he should like to see at the Lyceum an orchestra of college students, conducted by his old friend, Fir Alexander Macken zie. At any rate, he should be proud In deed. during the text four nights, to wclccme the students as members of his nudlence. (Cheers ) Itlnu Worm-)o < ure \o Pag. Your druggist will refund your money If Fazo Ointment falls to cure you. 00 its. -M OFFiC’I AL. By Alderman Dixon— An ordinance for the improvement of a portion of Bolton street, under the ternii and provisions of an act of the Legis lature of Georgia, approved Oct. 1. 1887. Section 1. Be it oroained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the city of Savannah, in Council assembled, under the terms and provisions of an act of the Legislature of Georgia, approved Oct. 1, 1887, the director of public works for the city of Savannah and the Committee on Streets nnd Lanes of the said city, be, and they are hereby authorized and directed to build and construct on Bolton street, in the city of Savannah, beginning at the west tide of East Broad street, and extending to the tracks of the Savannah. Florida nnd Western Railway Company, a road way of thirty-nine (39) feet in width of Augusta gravel, and they are also author ized. and directed to enclose the said road way with stone curbings, and to do ail the work in the way* of grading, the plac ing of catch basins, drains, crossings, and all other things Incident to the con struction and completion of the said road way on the said portion of Bolton street. Sec. 2. Be it further ordained. That a railroad eompany having tracks running through the said portion of Bolton street, to be improved under this ordinance, is hereby required to pave the width of its tracks and two <2) feet on each side of every line of tracke of the said railroad company with Augusta gravel es the said work progresses, and. in the event this is not done by the said company, the said director of public works and the said com mittee shall see to its being done at the expense of the S3id railroad company. Sec. 3. Be it further ordained, That af ter the total cost of the said work, ex clusive of that done by or for a railroad company, shall have been ascertained, one-third of such total cost shall be paid out of the city treasury and the other two-thirds from the persons owning at rhe date of the adoption of this ordinance the real estate abutting on said portion of Bolton street to be improved under this ordinance according to frontage, and the pro rata amount of the cost of such work is hereby assessed against the said abut ting real estate, and its owners as afore said, according to the frontage. The front age of intersecting streets and lanes is assessed as real estate abutting upon said | portion of Bolton street to be improved, and the Mayor and Aldermen of the city j of Savannah shall be, for all the Intents j and purposes of this ordinance, the owner j of the real estate so abutting, and shall pay from the city treasury its just pro rata as such owners of the cost of said work, according to frontage, in addition to its one-third of the entire cost, as here- j inbefore provided. Sec. 4. Be it further ordained, That af ter the improvement hereinbefore provid ed* for has been completed the director of public works for the city of Savannah and said Committee on Streets and Lanes shall prepare and submit to the Council of the city of Savannah a statement show ing the cost of the improvement herein provided for and nlso an assessment roll, .-howing os to two-thirds of the cost to bo apportioned, how it is apportioned among the several abutting parcels, Including l he street and lane intersections and giving the sum charge able to each parcel, with the name of the owner. Upon the consideration 1 and adoption of said statement and as ; sessment roll by the Council of the city of S ivannah, it shall th-n become tho duty cf th f ? city treasurer to send to the abutt ng property owners their proper bill for ;he same a< it may le ascer alned by the Ci*y C uncil, and if such bill so sent i l>o not paid within thirty (30) days after !th present at on or sending of the same it shall then become the duty of the city : treasurer to Issue an execution for the amount, together with costs, against the person and property aforesaid, which ex . cutlon shall be n ode and levied out of the property described th<r*in as are ex ecutions for city taxes The said state ment ard asses-ment roll shall also show* the amount | arable by a railroad com : pat y and should such company fall and lefuae to pay a bill for the same thirty (30) days, after the presentation or send ing of the same, it shall be the duty of j tho city treasurer to issue execution against raid company and property for said bill, together wdth costs which shall I be made nnd levied ns are executions for : city taxes. | Sec. 5 Be it further ordained, That all | ordinances mid parts of ordinances in coti- I filet with tills ordinance are hereby re j pea’ed. Ordinance rend In Council for the first time Aug. 8, 1900, and published for Infor | mat lon. W. P. BAILEY. Clerk of fVwmMI Special Sale For Saturday •> t About 25 dozen Tan and Oxblood Children's Ribbed Hose at 13c, The 25c and 35c kind. Will offer all oar SHIRT WAISTS that sold from 75c up to $2.00, At 29c, 39c, 50c and 98c. Have marked what few Skirts are left at greatly reduced prices. A limited quantity of LADIES' GAUZE VESTS at Ec, 10c, 15 c. 17c and 25c. Will continue the REMNANT SALE up to the time we move, as they accumu late from day to day. p. tTfoye SUCCESSOR TO FOYE & MORRISON. SAVE DOCTOR’S SILL TAKE ONE BOTTLE OF SMITHS CHILL AND FEVER TONIC. POSITIVE CURE FOR All Malarial Fevers. NO CURE, NO PAY. SMITH’S CHILL TONIC IS THE BEST. JUST RECEIVED, Fire-Proof Safes From the nin.t celebrated nii.iiutiietarer., both Hr.-proof and burKlnr proof nfc and vault door.. We carry an iin men Me "took of Fire-proof Safe*. Otir .took em brace. a very eleuunt line from rtift to pound., Inclu.lve, .inale nnd double door*, nnd a to our e.tabl Uhinent to in .pect these elegant safe, will hen nource of mueli profit and In- Mtriiction to our friend*. The prlee will he nn low n* nny really Fire-proof Safe enn be made, nnd our motto t. quality nnd *<nfety of the tlr.t Import n nee. Mend or call on it. fnr further pnrtlctilnr*, cniiiln H iir nnd price*. LIPPMAN BROS., Wholesale Agents for Manufacturers of Fire-Proof Safes. IF YOU WANT GOOD MATERIAL AND WORK ORDER YOUR LITH OGRAPHED AND PRINTED STATIONERY AND BLANK BOOKS PPOM Tur unoMIMO lICWQ, <?ftVANNAH. GA.