The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, August 28, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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turpentine again drops. market CLOSES FIRM AT 3*14 CENTS A GALLON. At the Dec'll nt* the Deninnd Wa> Fair. Tlionh Not Enongh to Ab • orli OtTerlng*—Receipts Continue to Play Important Fart in the Market—Cotton Unchanged, With Demand Moderate —Local and Tel egraphic Markets. Morning News Office, Aug. 27. The spirits turpentine market dropped a half cent to-day, at which it was post ed firm, and the demand for stuff fair. The opening at the Board of Trade was quiet at 3G cents, but it was seen the de mand at this figure was light, and that business would be induced only by con cessions. It was understood there was a fair demand at the decline, and that con siderable business was done after the clos ing on that basis, but it was not under stood the offerings were absorbed. The receipts continue to play an important part in depressing the market, and may be a factor for some time to cbme. The rosin market closed quiet and unchanged, with a light demand. % The cotton market closed unchanged, with sales of 287 bales reported at the Cotton Exchange. The futures market advanced from 9 to 11 points. This was due to the early rise, which gave shorts a scare, and brought them Into the mar ket in droves. Not withstanding their eagerness to protect some of their con tracts, prices continued upward, jumping some six points at one time. The whole sale markets remain unchanged. The pro duce markets are steady, with some lines very firm, due to small stock. The fol lowing resume of the different markets will show the tone and quotations at the closing to-day: COTTON. The cotton market closed unchanged to-day, with sales of 287 bales reported. The day’s receipts were 616, against 2,824 last year. The demand for cotton is light ar present, and the offerings are corre spondingly limited. The stock to-day is 7 207, against 11,652 last year. Toe following were the official spot quo tations at the close of the market at the Cotton Exchange to-day: | This | Last | day. | year. Good middling !9*4 f6 I-16 Middling (9 |5 13-16 Low middling |B% |5 3-16 Good ordinary |... |4 11-16 Market easy; sales!”2B7. " Savannah Receipts, Exports and Stocks: Receipts this day 616 Receipts this day last year 2,824 This day year before last 1,0-13 Receipts since Sept. 1, 1899 1,086,094 Same time last year 1,092,580 Stock on hand this day 7,207 Same day last year 11,652 Receipts and Stocks at the Ports— Receipts this day 4,307 Receipts this day last year 12,981 Receipts this day year before last.. 3,321 Total reeeipls since Sept. 1, 1899 6,513,672 Same time year before last 8,402,289 Same time last year 8,658,352 Stock at all ports to-day 83,851 Stock same day last year 372,662 Daily Movements at Other Ports. Galveston,—Steady; middling. 9%c; net receipts, 115; gross receipts, 115; sales, 123; stock, 4,854. New Orleans—Quiet; middling, 914 c; net receipts, 1,518; gross receipts, 1,518; sales, 110; stock, 33,629. Mobile —Nominal; middling, 9c; net re ceipts, 126; gross receipts, 125; sales, 50; stock. 4,418. Charleston—Quiet; middling, B%e; net receipts, 118; gross receipts, 118; stock, 1,900.. Wilmington—Nothing doing; net re ceipts. 120; gross receipts, 120; stock, 2.330. Norfolk—Quiet; middling, 9%c: net re ceipts, 95; gross receipts, 93; sales, 15; stock, 3,121. Baltimore—Nominal; middling, 9%c; net receipts, 600; gross receipts, 600; stock, 1.405. New York—Dull; middling. 9%c; gross receipts, 441; sales, 570; stock, 21,690. Boston—Dull; middling, 904 c; gross re ceipts, 39. Philadelphia—Quiet; middling, 9%c; stock, 2,884. Daily Movements at. Interior Towns. Augusta—Quiet; middling, 9%e; net re ceipts, 419; gross receipts, 419; sales, 202; stock, 1,942. Memphis—Steady; middling, 9 9-16 C; tret receipts, 15; gross receipts, 579; stock, 8,382. St Louis—Dull; middling. 9 9-16 c; net receipts. 192; gross receipts, 352; stock, 11,- 070 Cincinnati—Steady; middling, 9%c; net receipts, 100; gross receipts, 100; stock, 8,149. Houston—Quiet; middling, 9%c; net re ceipts. 527; gross receipts, 527; stock, 63!). Ix/ulsvllle—Firm; middling, 9%e. Exports of Cotton This Day— Galveston—Coastwise, 1,121. New Orleans—Coastwise, 200. Charleston l —Coastwise, 20. New York—To Great Britain, 1,398; France, 866; continent, 790. 'Boston—To Great Britain, 279. Total foreign exports from ell ports this day—To Great Britain, 1,677; to France, 866; to the continent, 790. Total foreign exports from all ports thus far this week—To Great Britain, 1,677; to France. 866; to the continent, 932. Total foreign exports since Sept, 1, 1899 To Great Britain, 2,348,802; to France, 701, 135. New York. Aug. 27.-Spot cotton closed dull; middling uplands, %c; middling gulf, 9%e; sales 570 bales. Charleston. S. C„ Aug. 27.-Cotton firm; middling, B%c; sales, 100. COTTON FUTURES. The Closing; Steady at n Rise of to 11 F'oinlM. New York. Aug. 27.—The market for cotton futures made insignificant head way to-day and the volume of speculation was unsatisfactory to bulls and bears alike. The public was unusally timid, and though the room trade was bearish ly disposed, few operators cared to come boldly into the open and make a stand either way. The market started steady In tone, with prices 1 point higher to 2 points lower. Inasmuch as the cables no more than filled anticipations and the In formation from the crop country indicat ed no radical change during the Sunday interval here, professionals and commis sion houses alike gave attention to trim ming up minor accounts preparatory to whatever might be In store In the way of news later In the day. A few of the more wary shorts near midday quietly turned for cover, but before they succeed ed In protecting the accounts desired prices Jumped fully 6 points, with the pit in general nervously buying oottor,. Then followed a protracted spell of apathy and minute variations, with the market much of the afternoon narrow and uninterest ing. Near the close another dash of shorts Increased the advance, with the market finally steady, 9 to 11 points net higher. FLUCTTATIONa IN FUTURE*. New York. Aug. 27.—Cotton future* opened steady and closed steady. Prices as follows; Ot/en. High. Low. Close. January 8.2 J 835 823 834 February 835 8.35 134 838 March 9.29 1.33 1.33 838 April 8.28 988 Msy 9.86 940 980 989 Jim 830 940 MURPHY & CO., INC., Board of Trade Building, Savannah, private leased wires direct to New York, thfeago and Nc-w Orleans. COTTON, STOCKS AND GRAIN. New York office. No. 61 Broadway. Offices In principal cities throughout the South. W rite for our Market Manual and book containing instructions for traders. July August 8.76 8.95 8.75 8.85 September 8.50 8.59 8.48 8.58 October 8.35 8.47 8.34 8.46 November 8.23 8.36 8.23 8.34 December 8.23 8.35 8.22 8.34 Liverpool, Aug. 27, 4 p. m.—Cotton, spot, small business; prices lower; American middling fair, 5 27-32d; good middling, 5 9-16d; middling, 54d; low middling, 5%d; good ordinary, 5 3-16.1; ordinary, sd. The sales of the day were 3,000 bales, of which 300 were for speculation and export and in cluded 2,300 bales American. Receipts, 2,000, including 1,600 bales American. Futures opened quiet but steady, and closed quiet; American middling, low mid dling clause, August, 5.21d sellers; August- Septemher, 5.01®5.05d buyers; September- October, 4.52..4.53d sellers; Oetober-Novem ber, 4.43d buyers; November-Dccember, 4.38®4.39d buyers; December-January, 4 35’ ®4.36d buyers; January-February, 4.34.1 value; February-March, 4.32®4 33d buyers; March-April, 4.32d sellers; April-May, 4.31d buyers; May-June. 4.30®4.31d sellers. New Orleans, Aug. 27.—Cotton futures steady. August 9.30 bid | January ... .8.1308.16 September 8.63@8.64 | February ..8.1708.18 October ... 8.25®8.26 | March November 8.1508.17 | April 8.2208.24 December 8.14®8.15 | May 8.25®8.27 COTTON LETTERS. New York. Aug. 27.—Murphy Cos. say: Cotton in Liverpool closed l-16d lower on spots. Futures unchanged to l-64d above Saturday’s close. This market opened quiet and without much change in prices, but improved during the first hour of the session on rather general buying end in disposition to sell. Conservative inter ests prefer tjje long side until more is known in regard to the growing crop. Damage reports continue coming in. Cot ton ruled nervous with the tendency up ward on moderate buying. There Is littie disposition to take the bear side until more is known about crop conditions. Georgia and the Carolinas sending hom age reports to market dally on account of excessive heat and no moisture, although there is good demand on basis of 8.34 for January. Trade expecting good Liverpool to-morrow. New York, Aug. 27.—Hubbard Bros. & Cos. say: A reaction which was expected on Saturday brought a sharp rally here, while in Liverpool, where it was expected to be severe, the advance was not equal to expectations. Showers have fallen in the districts where they were needed, es pecially in Arkansas, but continued show ers will be needed throughout the Atlantic and Memphis districts. The local disposi tion is to buy on weak spots as the movement is expected to compare unfavor ably with that of last season, as the crop is late. The idea of the trade is that cot ton can be bought for a turn on these weak points, regardless of crop or trade conditions until more cotton moves to market. DRY GOODS, New York, Aug. 27—Spot business has been good with Jobbers, but indifferent in the primary market. Demand for ail kinds of brown cottons slow and prices ir regular. Bleached goods in about average request at previous prices. No change in denims or other coarse colored goods. Prints and ginghams quiet and unchanged. Print cloths inactive. Woolen and worst ed fabrics dull and barely steady. NAVAL STORES. Monday, Aug. 27. SPIRITS TURPENTINE.—It turned out that the turpentine market had not struck bottom, as was shown by a fur ther decline to-day. The opening was quiet at 36 cents, with no business report ed, and the closing firm at 3514 cents, with sales of 710 casks reported at this price. It was thought the market had steadied, and that further losses were improbable, but this does not seem to have been the case. For a time factors held for a bet ter price than the closing, but late in the afternoon considerable stuff was knocked down at the price. It was un derstood that factors found a fair demand for offerings at 3514 cents. The day’s re ceipts were 1,790, sales 710, and the ex ports 4.129. ROSINS.—The rosin market closed quiet and unchanged, with a light demand for the offerings. Receipts continue liberal, and the outlook is not any’ too encourag ing for the maintenance of prices. There were opening sales of 811 barrels reported, which constituted the day's business. The receipts were 4,608, and the exports 6,- 206. The following were the quotations: A. B, C $1 40 I $1 65 D 1 40 K 1 65 E 1 45 M 1 70 F 1 50 N 1 90 G 1 55 W G 2 10 H 155 W W 2 45 Receipts Monday— C. R. R 542 938 S., F. & W 832 2,471 F. C. & P. and G. & A 416 1,196 Shipments Monday— S. S. State of Texas, Baltimore 2,276 S. S. State of Texas, Philadel phia 127 9. S. City of Augusta, New York 220 3 German bark Frieda, Rotter dam 3,909 3,800 Naval Stores Statement- Spirits. Rosin. Stock April 1, 1900 2,197 142,506 Receipts to-day 1,790 4.60S Receipts previously 191,447 399.402 Total since April 1 195.434 546,516 Exports to-day 4,129 6,205 Exports previously 158,945 432.552 Exports since April 1 163,074 438,758 Stock on hand 40-day 32,360 Itti.m Stock on hand same day last year 21,352 1 26.718 Charleston, S. C., Aug. 27.—Turpentine nothing doing. Rosin quiet and unchang ed; sales, none. Wilmington, N. C.. Ang. 27.—Spirits tur pentine dull, unchanged; reeeipts, 164. Rosin steady at $1.2001.25; receipts, 529. Tar steady at $1.40; receipts, 74. FINANCIAL. MONEY—The demand keeps fairly up with the supply. FOREIGN EXCHANGE—Market Is steady. Commercial demand, $4.86%; sixty days. $1.83%; ninety days. $4.81%; francs, Paris and Havre, sixty days, 5.19%. Swiss, sixty days, 5.20; marks, sixty days, 94 7-16. DOMESTIC EXCHANGE - Bteady; banks are buying at 1-16 discount and sell ing as follows. $26 and under, 10c; $25 tosoo, 15c- SSO to SIOO, 20c; SIOO to S2OO, 25c; SSOO to SI,OOO, .66 premium; SI,OOO and over at 1-16 premium. SECURITIES—The market Is Inactive, with nominal quotations. Slock.*. Bid. Ask. Augusta and Savannah R. R... .11,9% 110% Atlanta and West Point 124 126 de 6 per cent, certificates 105 106 Augusta Factory 80 86 Citizens Bank 128 130 Chatnam Bank 110 111 Chatham R. E. AI. Cos., A 56 57 do do B 56% 66% Eagle and Phoenix Mfg. Cos 106 - Edison Electric Ilium 104 106 Enterprlae Mf*. Cos 99 102 Germania Bank 129 180 Georgia A Alabama 26 27 Georgia Railroad, common 210 21S GrsnlteGlle Mfg. Cos 160 169 J P. K:n* Mf*. CO 100 10.1 Langley Mf*. Cos U 7 12* Mrn Natiorisl Hank ........110 111 National Batik of tiavannah 14a 150 Oglethorp/ Ravings xnd Trust. ...l<g 111 reopls's aeving and l/>M/-'/.*>z. M 19* THE MORNING NEWS: TUESDAY. AUGUST 26. 1909. Southwestern Railroad Cos 108 109 Savannah Gas Light Cos 24 25 Southern Bank 154 156 Savannah Bank and Trust 115 116 Sibley Mfg. Cos., Augusta ...v 85 90 Savannah Brewing 95 100 Bonds. Bid. Ask. Char,, Col. & Aug. Ist 6s, 1900....106 108 Atlanta city 4s. 1922 104 106 Augusta city 4s, 1927 105 107 do 4Vjs, 1925 no 111 do 7s. 1903 106 106 do Cs. 1913 119 121 Ala. Mid. os. ind’d. 1928, M. & N. 98 100 Augusta Factory, 6 pgr cent., 1915.109 110 Brunswick and Western 4s, 1938 ..80 82 C. R. R. & Banking collateral ss. 92 93 C. of G. Ist 6s, 50-year gold, 1945 F. & A 117 U 8 C. of G. con. s®. 1945, M. & N 91 93 C. of Ga. Ist incomes. 1945 44 45 do 2d incomes. 1915 12 12*4 do 3d incomes. 1945 6 7 C. of G. (M. G. & A. Div.) ss, 1947, J. & J 94 95 C. of G. (Eaton Branch), ss, 1926. J. &D. 95 96 City & Suburban R. R. Ist 7s 109*4 no% Columbus city, ss, 1909 106 107 Charleston city 4s, 1945 101 102 Eagle & Phenix Mills 6s, 192S 116 107 Edison Electric Illuminating 65..104 105 Enterprise Mfg. 6s, 3903 102 303 Georgia Railroad 6s, 1910 114 115% G. S. &F. 1945, J. & J 309 110 Georgia & Alabama Ist ss, 1945 ..104 106 do consolidated ss, 1915 95 96 do do 3947, J. & J 95 96 Georgia state 3%5, 1930, J. & J... 106 107 do 3'4s, 1915, M. & N lot 106 do 4*4s, 1913 11714 118% Macon city 6s, 1910, J. & J 116 119 do 4%5, 1926. Jan. par 107 109 Ocean Steamship 6s, 1926 103 104 Savannah city ss, quar. October 1913 11l 112 do ss, quar. August, 1909 11l 112 South Carolina state 4%5, 1933 ..116 118 Sibley Mfg. €O. 6s, 1903 101 102 South Bound 5s 9714 99 S., F. & W. gen. mt’ge, 6s, 1934..123 121 do do Ist ss, gold, 1934 11014 112'4 do St. John Div. Ist 4s 1934 ... 94 96 New York, Aug. 27.—Money on call steady at lVi@lV4 pep cent. Prime mercan tile paper. 4®4% per cent. Sterling ex change cosy, with actual business in bankers’ bills at $4.871404.87% for demand, and at $1.84(54.84% for sixty days. Posted rates, $4.8504.85*4 and $4.88*404.89. Com mercial bills, $4.8314-04.84. Bar silver, 61>4c. Silver certificates, 61*4062*4c. Mexi can dollars, 48%c. Government bonds strong; state bonds inactive; railroad bonds irregular. STOCKS AND BONDS. The Market Showed n Settling Ten denes', New York, Aug. 27.—There was some disposition to sell stocks to-day and the market showed a settling tendency throughout. Sugar absorbed close to one-fourth of the day’s total dealings and its marked weak ness doubtless had some sympathetic ef fect on the rest of the list. Sentiment was affected also by thp apparent abandon ment of any pool operations for a rise. Unless the weakness of sugar might be called such, there was no urgency in liqui dation. but there was an absence of buy ing demand. The weakness of sugar found no explanation in any news announcement of the deay. Pressure against People's Gas and Brooklyn Transit seemed to be coupled with the movement against sugar in the early dealings and later American Tobacco was forced down, but these stocks except the last, showed a tendency to recover, Brooklyn Transit rising above Saturday’s level. Losses extended to a point or over here and there in other stocks and New Jersey Central fell 2)4. London discounts hardened to-day and, while money conditions in Berlin are for the moment easier, expert authorities af firm that very heavy obligations will have to be met in that market during the com ing month and later. Available funds in New York continue apparently abundant, but the season for the Interior movement of currency is fast approaching. The re curring relief which has been afforded to the New York market by subtreasury op erations for several months past seems to have about come to an end. About $9,- 000,000 of the extended United States 2 per cents still remain to be redeemed, the ma jority of which are on deposit at Wash ington to secure circulation or government deposits. The banks find difficulty in se curing new 2 per cent, bonds to replace these and they are in consequence substi tuting lawful money at Washington and retiring the circulation secured by the called bonds, or are leaving them on de posit in spite of the fact that interest on them has ceased. There remains about $6,- 000,(100 of circulation which has been ap plied for by the banks, hut which has not been issued. Beyond this the banks show no disposition to extend their circulation. The bond market was dull and reac tionary. Total sales, par value, $770,000. United States new 4s advanced % per cent, in the bid price. The total sales of stocks to-day were 200,000. including Atchison, 9.290; Burling ton, 6.415; St. Paul, 8,600;. Union Pacific, 8.025; Tobacco, 11,850; Brooklyn. 27,865; Peo ple's Gas, 9,303; Sugar, 55,650. New York Stock List. Atchison 27 |Union Pac 58 do pref 69Vi| *l° pref '•'% B. & 0 71V4! Wabash 7 Can. Par 89 | do pref 17% Can. Sou 49 | Wheel. & L. E. 8% Ches. &. Ohio .. 26%! do 2nd pref, .. 23% C. G. W 10%jWis. Cent 13Vi C„ B. & Q 124%| Third AYe 109% C.! Ind. & L. .. 21 | Adams ‘Ex 123 do pref 51 iArn. Ex 155 C. & E. 11l 96V4 U. S. Ex 45 Chic; & Nw 161ViiWells-Fargo Ex. 125 C., B. I. & P- ..105%[Ara. Cot. Oil ... 33 C. C. C. & St. L. 58% i do pref 88% Colo. Sou 6 |Am. Malting 4% do Ist pref ... 41Vi! do pref 23 do 2nd pref. ... 16 (Am. S. & Ref.. 36% Del. & Hudson 112V4j do pref 88% D. L. & W 175 |Am. Spirits 1% Den. & R. G. .. 18V4I do pref 17 do pref 66',i!Atn. S. H 18 Erie 10% | do pref 65% "do let pref. ... 33 [Am. S. & W. .. 34% Great Nor. prefls2Vi! do pref 74 Hocking Coal .. 14%]Am. Tin Plate .. 27% Hocking Val. .. 34%j do pref 77 111. Central ....116%! Am. Tobacco 91% la. Central 18%| do pref 128 do pref 44 |Ana. Min. Co— 44 L E. & W 27Vi|Brook. R. T. ..., 53% do pref 93 |Colo. F. & I. .. 34% Lake Shore 209 jCont. Tobacco .. 26% Louis. & Nash. 71Vi| do pref 77 Manhattan L. .. 91 !Fed. Steel 33% Met. St. Ry ....152 Vi I do pref 65% Mex. Cent. .... 11%'Gen. Electric ...137% Minn. & St. L... 55 IGlucose Sugar .. 51 do pref 93 I do pref 98 Mo. Pac 50%|Intl. Paper 22% Mobile & Ohio.. 36 | do pref 66 M , K. & T 9% Laclede Gas 75% do pref 30%jNat. Biscuit .... 31 N J. Central ..134V41 do pref 82 N. Y. Central ..12*%|Nat. Lead 17 Nor. & West. .. S3%’ do pref 88% do pref 74%'Nat. Steel 25 Nor Pacific .... 60% do pref 84% do pref 71 IN. Y. Air Brake.l3o Out. & West. .. 20%!North Am 15 O R & N 42 IPaeiflc Coat ... 35% do pref 76 | do Ist pref 85 Pennsylvania ..127% do 2nd pref 64% Reading 16% Pac. Mall 31% do Ist pref. ... 57% People’s Gas ... 95% do 2nd pref. .. 27 IP.essed S. Car... 37 R G W. 54 | do pref 70% do pr"f 90 IP’il. Prd. Car. .186 St. L. A ■ F... 9% 8. R. A T 5 rlo Ist pref. ... 67 |Sngar 118% do 2nd pref ... 37%' do pref 116 g t L. Sw 12%;Tenn. C. A 1. .. 69% do pref 29 117. 8. Leather .... 10% St Paul 82%i do pref 68% do pref 172 |F. 8 Rubber ... 29% 81. P. A Om. .112 | do pref 84 Soil Pac 33% West I’nlon .... 78% Sou! R> K. I. A H 12% do pref 52 do pref 53% Tex. A l’c • 14 PC.C. A Hi. L. 54 Bonds. Ref. 2> res luß%| do 4s 91%| do coup ...104% M 4 O, 4# 86 V. S. 3a, re*.... 10* |.V Y. C. Ut IM% do Jr. cpyjv ',! Southern Railway. Trains Arrive and Depart Savannah on 90 th Meridian Time One Hour Slower Than Cl ty Time. Schedules in Effect Bu nday. June 10, 1900. READ DOWN)| ~ TO TH E EAST || READ CP. N0.34 | No. 36 | NST&TNo.M >| j (Centra 1 Time.) J 12 30pmjl2 20ami|Lv Savannah Ar|| 5 loam| 3 lßpra 11 (Eastern Time.) 4 21pmj 4 28am: jAr Blackvllle Lvjj 3 OOamj 1 07pm 6 05pm| 6 10am] Ar Columbia Lv| 1|1l 35am 9 lOpmj 9 4oam Ar Charlotte Lvj'i 9 55ptnj 8 10am 11 44pm112 23prai|Ar Greensboro LvJ| 7 lOpnij 5 48am 8 00am| ||Ar Norfolk 77r~1jv[j....7....| 8 00pm 12 51am| 1 3Spm||Ar T 7 Dan vllle Lv|l 5 40praj 4 78am 6 0a in) 6 26pm| Ar ......................RlcjTmond ... 7 7~Lv];l2 01pm|ll '-Opm 2 40am| 3 43pml Ar Lynchburg Lv|| 3 52pmj’ 2 60am 4 35amj 5 33pmj Ar Charlottesville Lv|j 2 C6omjl2 sipm 7 35am| S COpmj Ar Washington Lvj]U 16am 9 50;>m 9 15am 11 35pm Ar Baltimore '. Lvj| 8 22am| 8 27pm 11 35am| 2 60am: Ar Philadelphia Lvj| 3 60am| 6 06pm 2 03pm] 6 23am Ar ew York I.V 12 10am! 326 pm 8 30pm| 3 00pm| Ar 3caton Lv|| 5 00pm|l0 10am N0.36 |j TO THE NORT H AND WEST || N0.35 12 20am||Lv Savannah ar]l 5 10am U (Eastern Time.) jj 6 30am |Lv Colombia Lv]| 1 Yarn 9 50amj|Lv Spartanburg Lvjj 6 15pm 13 1 Opm jLv Asheville Lv|| 306 pm 4 02pm||Ar Hot Springs Lv il -16 am 7 20pm|!Ar Knoxville Lvjj 8 26am 6 lOam jAr Lexington Lv |lo 30pm 7 45am Ar Cincinnati Lv 8 00pm 7 50am :Ar Lauievllle l,v| 7 45pm 6 00pm|jAr St. Louis Lvj 8 OSanj All trains arrive and depart from the Plant System Station. THROUGH CAR SERVICE. ETC. TRAINS 33 AND 34 DAILY, NEW YORK AND FLORIDA EXPRESS Vestl buled limited trains, with Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Cars between Savan. nah and New York. Connectn t Washington with Colonial Express for Boston. Pullman Sleeping Cars between Charlotte and Richmond and Charlotte and Nor folk. Dining Cars serve ail meals let ween Savannah and Washington. TRAINS 35 AND 36 DAILY, THE UNITED STATES FAST MAIL Vestlbuled limited trains, carrying Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Cars between Savannah and New Y’ork. Dining Cars serve all meals between Savannah and Washington. Also Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Cars between Savannah and Cincinnati, through Asheville and "The Land of the Sky." For complete information as to rates, schedules, etc., apply to G. GROOVER, Ticket Agent, Plant System Station. JAMES FREEMAN, C. P. and T. A., 141 Bull street. Tolephones-Bell, 850; Georgia, 850. S H. HARDWICK. Assistant General Passenger Agent. Atlanta. Ga. do new 4s, reg.l34 |No. Pac. 3s 65>4 do new 4s c0u.134 | do 4s 104 do old 4s, reg.lls IN. Y. C. & St. L. do old 4s, c0u.115 4s 10614 do ss, reg 11214 iN. & W. con. 4s 9714 do ss, coup... .112141 Ore. Nav. 15t5...109 D. of C. 3 655...122 | do 4s 102*4 Atch. gen. 45...100%]©. S. L. 6s 12614 do adj. 4s 85 jo. S. L. con. 85.112'4 C. of G. con. us 92% j Read. gen. 4s ... 87% do Ist in. bid. 441ijR. G. W. lsts... 98*4 do 2d in. bid... 11141 St. L- & Ir. M. Can. So. 2nd5...109 j consol 5s 11114 C. & O. 4*45.... 99%|St. D. & San F. do 5s 117%j general 6s —121% C. & Nw. chn. | St. P. consols.. .167 7s 140 | St. P. C. & P. C. & Nw. S. F. | lsts 118 Deb. os 120 j do 5s 118*4 Chi. Term. 45... 92*4] So. Pad. 78 tt Col. So. 4s 82*41 So. Ry. 5s 108% D. & R. G. lsts. 102%] S. Rope & T. 6s. 68 do 4s 98 |Tex. & P. 15t5...111% Erie gen. 4s 68%j do 2nds 55 F. W. & D. C. |u. Pac. 4s 105% lsts 72141 Wabash lsts ....117*4 Gen. Elec. 55...115 ) do 2nds 101 lowa C. lsts ...113 jw. Shore 4s 111% L. & N. U. 45... 99*4j Wis. Cent. lsts. 88% M. K. & T. 2ds. 66 |Va. Centuries ... 90 New York, Aug. 27.—Standard Oil, 537® 542. MISCELLANEOUS MARKETS. Note.—These quotations are revised dallv, and are kept as near as liossibie in accord with the prevailing wholesale prices. Official quotations are not used when they disagree with the prices whole salers ask. Country and Northern Proilaee. POULTRY—The market is steady. Quo. tations: Broilers, 20025 c per pair; half grown, 35040 c; three-fourths grown, 45® 50c; hens, 55065 c; roosters. 40c; ducks, geese and turkeys out of season. EGGS—Steady at 18®20c. BUTTER—The tone of the market is steady. Quotations: Cooking, 19c; extra dairies, 21c; Elgins, 21@23c; extra Elgins, 24c. CHEESE—Market firm: fancy full cream cheese, 13c for 20 to 22-r>ound average: 28030-pound average, 12'4c. ONIONS—YeIIow, In barrels. $2.25@2.50; crates, SI.OO. Early Vegetable*. IRISH POTATOES—Northern, *2.0) sack; Western. $1.7502.00. CABBAGE—6%®c per head. Rremlntuffs, Hny anil Grain. FLOUR— Market steady; patent, *4.40; straight, $4.10; fancy, $3.95; family. $3.75. MEAL—Pearl, per barrel, $2.75; per sack, $1.30; city meal, per saek, bolted, $1.2041' 1.25; water ground. $1.25; city grits, sacks, $1.25; pearl grits, Hudnuts’, per Darrel, $2.85; per sack, $1.32%; sundry brands, $1.2561.30 sack. CORN—Market firm, white. Job lots, 630; carload lots, 61c; mixed corn, job lots, 63c; carload lots, 61c. RlCE—Market steadv, demand fair; fancy head, 6c; fancy. 5%c. Prime ® Good 4% 7M% Fair $ @l% Common -3% OATS—No. 2 mixed, carload, 33%; Job lots, 35c; white clipped, 39c, Job; 37c cars, BRAN—Job lots, 95c; carload lots. 90c. HAY—Market steady: No. 1, timothy, 93c job; 90 cam; No. 2,90 c Job; 85 cars, lliicon, Hnnu and Lard. BACON—Market firm; D. S. C. R. sides, B%c; D. S. bellies, B%c (Eastern); D. S. bel lies, B%e (Western); smoked C. R. sides, 90 9%c. HAMS —Sugar cured, 12%013c. LARD—Pure, in ti roes, 8c; In 51-pound tins and 80-pound tuba. B%c; compound, in tierces, 6%c; 60-pound tins and 80-pound tubs, 6%c. Sugar find Coffee. SUGAR—Board of Trade quotation*: Cut loaf 6.7B|Dlamond A 6.18 Crushed ~ .6.7B,Confectionera' A6 18 Powdered 6.481 White Extra C. .5.5.1 XXXX, pow'd .6.18 Extra C 5.86 Stand, gran ... .6..iß|Golden C 6.73 Cubes 6.s3|Yellows 5.63 Mould A S.sß| COFFEE— Mocha 26c |Prime, No. 3 ...ll%c Java 26c {Good, No. 4 ....ll%c Peaberry 14%c;Falr, No. 5 11 c Fancy No. I....l2%c(Ordinary, No. 6.10%c Choice. No. 2...12c [Common, No. 7.10%c llurdnrnre and Holding Supplies LIME, CALCIUM. PLASTER AND CEMENT—Alabama and Georgia lime in fair demand and sail at 80 cents a barrel; special calcined plaster. SI.OO per barrel; hair, 406 c. Rosedale cement. $].20<U1.25; carload lots, special; Portland cement, re tail $2.25; carload lots. $2.0002.20. LUMBER F. O. B VESSELS SAVAN NAH—Minimum, yard sixes, $10.50@11,00; car sills. *12.50018.00; different sixes, *14.00 018.00; ship stock, *16.00018.00; xawn ties, $8,000)8.50; hewn tlea. 35038 c. OIL— Market steady; demand fair; sig nal, 45060 c; West Virginia black, 9012 c; lard, 68c; neatsfoot, 60070 c; machinery. 16 025 c; linseed oil. raw, 37%c; boiled, 75c; kerosene, prime white, 12c; water white, 13c; Pratt s astral, 14; deodorized stove gasoline, drums, ll%c; empty oil barrels, delivered, 85c. GUN POWDER—Per keg. Austin crxclt shot, $4.00; half kegs, $2.25; quarter kega, $126; ehampion ducking, quarter kegs, $2 26; Dupont and Hazard smokeless, half kegs. $11.35; quarter kegs, $5 75; 1-pound canisters. $1 00; less 26 oar cent.; Troledorf smokeless powder, 1-pound cans, $1 00; 10- pound cans, 90c pound. SHOT—Drop, $1 60; B P. and large. *1.76; chilled, $1 75. IRON Market very steadv; Swede. 5%e. NAIIJ4—Cut, 12 60 baps; wire, |2 86 haw. HA It HKD WIRE 13 50 per 100 pounds straight goods, 28080 c; sugar house r tSSSrS. 15080 c lIONWY Fair demand; atraltied, In bar. 1 re Is. 95040 c gallon. lf h win* bast*, JlJ*. Fruits mill Nuts. APPLES—EarIy Northern variety, $2.25® MELONS—S6.OOOI2.OO per 100. PEACHES—Six-basket carriers, 75® $1.50; fancy free stone, *1.5001.75. PINEAPPLES—Extra large Abbakas Cayenne®, $3.00@3.60 per standard crate small Red Spanish, $2.2502.50. LEMONS—Market steady at $4.5005.00. NUTS—Almonds, Tarragons, ice- Ivicas 16c; walnuts. French, 12c; Naples, 12c- pel cans, 12c; Brazils, 7c; filberts, )3 C; assort ed nuts. 50-pound and 25-pound boxes, 12c PEANUTS—AmpIe stock, fair demand market firm; fancy hand-picked. Virginia’ per pound. 4*4c; hand-picked, Virginia, ex tras. 36c; N. C. seed peanuts, 3*40. Dried and Evniiuruled Fruits. APPLES—Evaporated, 7%©Sc; sun-dried 6*4c. PEACHES—Evaporated, pealed, 17Uc unpealed, 9*4®loc. PEARS—Evaporated. 12'4c. APRlCOTS—Evaporated, 15c pound; nec tarines, 10%c. RAISINS—L. L., $2.00; Imperial cabinets, $2 25; loose, 60-pound boxes. B@B*4c pound.’ Cotton Mugging and Ties. BAGGING—Market firm; Jute. 2%- pound. 9%c; large lots, 9*,4c; small lota, 2-pound, B%®9c; 1%-pound, 8%®8%c; sea Island bagging. 12‘4c. TlES—Standard, 45-pound, arrow, largo lots, $1.40; small lots, $1.50. Salt, Hide* and Wool. SALT—Demarai is ralr and the market steady; canoad lots, 100-pound burlao •tacks, 41c; 100-pound sot ton sack, 420, 125-pound buriap sacks, 51c; 125-pounil cotton sacks, 52c; 200-pound burlup sacks, 79c. HlDES—Market firm; dry flint, 1314 c; dry salt, ll*4c; green salted, 6c. WOOL—Nominal; prime Georgia, free of sand burrs and black wool, 19c; black, 16c; burry, 10c. Wax, 25c; tallow, 3%e! Deer skins, 20c. MISCELLANEOUS. FlSH—Mackerel, half-barrels, No 1 $9.50; No. 2, $8.00; No. 3, *6.50; kits, No. 1, $1.40; No. 2. $1.25; No. 3. 85fc. Codfish, 1-pound bricks, 6>4c; 2-pound bricks, 6c. Smoked herrings, per box. 20c. Dutch her ring, In kegs, $1.10; new mullets, half barrels. $3.50. SYRUP-Market quiet: Georgia and Florida syrup, buying at 28030 c; soiling at 82035 c; sugar house at 10®15c; selling at OCEAN FREIGHTS. COTTON.—Savannah to Boston, per cwt., 25c; to New York, per cwt., 2flo; to Philadelphia, per bale, $1; Baltimore! $!. FOREIGN DlßECT—Bremen, 53c; Liv erpool, 50c; Hamburg, 65c; Genoa, 65c; Barcelona, 70c; Manchester. 55; Havre 55. FOREIGN INDlßECT—Liverpool, 50c; Manchester, 47c; Hamburg, 68c; Havre, 65c; Genoa, 63c; Reval and St. Petersburg, 65c; Antwerp, 55c. LUMBER —Bv Pul—Freights dull; to Baltimore and eastward, $4.50 to $6.00 per M., including Portland. LUMBER—By Steam—Savannah to Bal timore, $5.00; to P. R. R. or B. & O. docks, $5.50; to Philadelphia, 16%c per cwt., (4 lbs. to foot); to New York, $6.00 per M, $6.75 to dock; lightered to Boston to dock SB.OO. NAVAL STORES.—The market Is firm; medium size vessels. Rosin—Cork for orders, 3s 6d per barrel of 310 pounds, and 5 per cent, primage. Spirits, 4s 9d per 40 gallons gross,, and 5 per rent, primage. Large vessels, rosin, 3s; spirits, 4s 3d. Steam, lie per 100 )>ounds on rosin; 21%e on spirits, Savannah to Boston, and 9%c on rosin and 19c on spirits to New York. GRAIN, PROVISIONS. ETC. New York, Aug. 27.—Flour quiet all day and about steady, without change. Rye flour firm; fair to good, $3.0003.25; choice to fancy, $3,257(3.60. Cornmeal firm. Rye firm. Barley dull. Barley malt dull. Wheat—Spot, steady; No. 2 red, 80%c. Options were generally firm all day in face of big receipts. Offerings were light and demand stimulated by higher English cables, a small Increase in the visible and the strength in corn. Closed firm in %c advance over Saturday's ourb. Septem ber closed 79%0; Decern her, 81 %c. Corn—Spot firm; No. 2, 45%c. Option market strong and higher on big seaboard clearances, higher cables and fears of frost In the West. Closed firm at %{f%c net advance. May closed 41%c; Septem ber, 44%e; December, 40%c. Oats—Spot easier; No. 2, 25%c. Options dull and featureless. Beef steady. Cut meats steady. Lani dull; Western steamed, $7.10; re fined quiet; continent, $7.35; Soulh Ameri can, $8.10; compound. 606%c. Fork dull; family, $15.00015,73; short clear, $13025013.60: mess, $12.00013.00. Tallow neglected. Cotton seed oil dull; prime yellow, 340 34 %c, Petroleum quiet. Roeln quiet; strained, common to good, $1.5501.60, Turpentine steady; 38%038%c. Rice firm. Coffee-Futures opened firm, 10 to 20 points higher on active general buying, led by shorts, and ruled firm ail day, with an upward tendency on strong cables, smaller reeeipts then expected, the Im provement In spot demand, support from speculators and an absence of sellers. The close was steady at a net advance of 15 to 20 js/inta. Total sales reached 43.000 hags. Including September, at 7.80 07 88c; October, 7 4"07t50; December, 7 65 7/7 70 . January, 7 7<ie; March, T.Be7 KSr; May, 7 8507 90. Spot coffee Rlo steady: No, 7, Invoice, *%c bid Mild market quiet. Cordova, 9%014e Sugar Raw, strong; fair refining. t%c; centrifuge'. *6 test, IV; refill/d steady, Holtz r steady, c/eamtry. X*o22e; Sint* Plant System. of Railways. Tralni Operated by 90th Meridian Time—One Hour Slower Tnan City Tima. READ - DOWN. j] EfUoiLe” Ai-g. 5, 19u0. Il READ UP. * ’ ■' Its I7 II Nor.h and tjoutE || 22 |36 |ls | sl3 | |lf~ 6 45p| 6 20a ( 1710P| 5 46a| 2 05a, lav ....Savannah Aril 2 46a j 7 56a| lop jll 10a(U 1- IBajll 60a| 4 19p|10 30a| 6 28aj|Ar ...Charleston.... Lv||ll 15pj 6 60aj 3 lOp 7 41a 8 WBt I 3 -3aj | 7 25pi|Ar Richmond... Lv i 6u| 6 48p I 7 Ola I jll 20p||Ar ..Washington... Lvjj 4 30a| 3 07p| I I 8 20aj 1 03U|iAr ....Baltimore.... Lvj; 2 55a| 1 46p| 1 110 35aj s 60a j jAr ....Philadelphia.. Lv|jl2 20p]ll 33p I I 1 15p j 7 00a jj Ar New York.... Lv|j 9 26p( 8 55a • I I 8 38p| I 2 OOpjjAr Boa ton Lv!j 1 OOp 1200nt| ls I 33 _L.*\ i 58 I 23 II South. |f 78 [“36 [ 34 | 32 | 16 6 Uo|*, 3 25|>| M6.i 5 2l>.i| 3’ I.•u'jjLv Savannah. ... AijT 1 40)|12 1oa|l2 8 fttp| 5 45p,10 50a| 7 35a| 6 25a Ar Waycross Lv 10 3op' a 6op. 9 55a] 9 30a| 7 00a in 9 " op l 2 15 $ > | 2 16p 2 16p||Ar ...Thamaßvtlle Lvjj 7 OOp| 7 'Op 5 46a 5 45a| 3 25a 10 30p, 7 40p 12 5Ua 9 26:i| 8 30a |Ar ....Jacksonville.. Lvj 8 30p s OOp 8 00a 7 30a| 5 00a - 1 2 06a| 5 40p| | I jAr Sanford Lvj|l2 05p| 100a 100a...._ I | | 2 20p| 2 20p||Ar ...Gainesville ... Lvj 2 40p I | j 3 !6p| 3 16pj]Ar Conla Lv| 1 40p I I jlO 50p|10 50p JAr .St. Petersburg.. Lvj 6 00a I 7 30a|10 00p|10 00p|10 OOpljAr Tampa Lvll 7 00a 7 00a 7 35p 7 35p | 8 10a|10 30p|10 30p]10 30p||Ar ....Port Tampa.. Lv|| 6 25a| 6 25a 7 OOp 7 OOp I | 1 10a 1 10a| 1 10a||Ar ...Puma Gordo.. Lv]| | 4 35p 4 35p I- 1 1 10 Isa|lo 45a||Ar ..St. Augustine. Lvj| 6 3!p| 6 20p| I 5 OOpf 3 15a| 325 pl 5 20a|[Lv Savannah Lvlllo 15a 12 10a| | i. j 6 4fipl 5 loaj 4 50p| 6 400 JAr Jesup Lv|| 8 20a,10 50p| | j I s S.M'I 7IP 11 fi 26p[ 8 B6aj[Ar —Brup swlck .. Lv 1 ] 6 40a| 9 05p| | | NORTH. WEST AND SOUTHWEST L | *'s j. Via Jesup. || 16 | 36 15 | 35 ||Via Montgomery.|| 16 | 78 • 00p| .. 20a..1.V Savannah Ar |lO I:.all2 10a j 6"OOpf!T()sa||Lv _ Bavannah Ar||lo 15al I*n 4sp| G 40u||Ar ...Jeeup.. Lv|| S 20a|10 50p S 10a| 9 2(ip ]Ar M’tg'mery Lvj 7 45pj1l 25a 3 00a 1 16p| Ar.. Macon ..Lv 1 00aj i 30p] 7 lOpj 6 50a' Ar Nashville Lvlj 9 00a 2 21a 6 20a 360 p Ar,. Atlanta ..Lv 10 45p 12 05p 2 30a|12 25pl Ar Louisville Lv'i 2 56a 9 12p 9 46a 8 4Op Ar Cha nooga Lv 6 06p 6 45a| 7 05aj 4 oop| Ar Cincinnati Lv ill OOp 6 45p 7 JOb 7 50a Ar. Ixmisvllle Lv 7 45a 7 45p 7 20a| 7 16p| Ar St. Louis Lv [ 3 bop 8 28a 7 30p 7 45a Ar Clncionatl Lv 8 30a 7 OOp | | (L. A N.) 7 04a 6 OOpi Ar. St. Louts Lvj 9 15p 8 08a 7 32a1 Ar St.' Louts Lv 8 OOp 1 Ijii 5 ldpllAr.. Chicago ,Lv| 8 3(>p 9 OOpj || a O.) 6 40a] 4 ifipj |Lv.. Atlanta ..Ar] 10 35p 11 30a I 8 09al 9 15p||Ar.. Chicago .Lv | 7 o%i 1 60p 8 05p| 7 15aj]Ar. Memphns .Lv 8 20a 9 OOp ——— 9 45aj 7 lOn.lAr KansasCltyLv| 6 30p 9 45p 4 12p| S 05a||Ar.. Mobile . .Lv||l2 58p|12 2#a • (and unmarked train#) daily. ® 7 40;niAr N. Orleans Lvj| 7 66aj 7 4up t Dally except Sunday. 5 Dpi „ .ua|jLv Savannah Arj|lo 15a|12 lla {Sunday only 1 40a|12 30pj[Ar.. Tlfton ...Lv 2 15a 0 20p Through Pullman Siccping (Uar Service 3 45aj 2 lOpjjAr.. Albany ..Lv 12 Olaj 8 45p to North. East and West, and to Florida | 5 20pl|Ar Columbus Lv |lO 00 Connection* made at Fort 'furapa with *teamcr* for Key iVrnt and lltivnnn. Leas ing Fort Tampa Moutlay*. Thursday * and Saturday* at 11:00 p. in. J. H. Polh mi' T. 1 ’ A ; E. A. Armand , City Tkt. Agt., De Soto Hotel. Phon* 73. B. W. WRENN, Passenger Tra flic Manager, Savannah, Ga. Iron Founders, Machinists, jp § Blacksmith*, Ksllrrnakrrs, manaf* rlurrri ol Slatlun- ]■ * ery aad Fartabl* Baaiun, Vertical and lop Running Cera Mill*, Sagar Mill and la, Rha Itla*. FaUcy*, eta. TELEPHONE NO. 123. | P* ns Double Daily Service The short line to Norfolk, Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New York and the East. fNo. 44 | Na ff Lv Savannah, S. A. L. Ry|l2 35pm|ll 69pm Ar Columbia. S. A. L. Ry| 4 38pm| 4 36am Ar Raleigh, S. A. L. Ry. ,|U 37pm|ll 50am Ar Durham, S. A. L. Ry..| 7 20am| 4 16pm Ar Petersburg, S.A.L.Ity! 4 13am| 4 38pm Ar Richmond, S. A. L. Ry| 5 15am! 5 40pm Ar Washington, Penna...| 8 4Gamj 9 30pm Ar Baltimore Penna [lO 03am|ll 26pm Ar Philadelphia, Penna.,.|l2 27pml 2 jtam Ar New York penna I 03pm 0 Cam f No. 41 No. 06 tv Savannah, 8. A. L. Ry|l2 35pm 11 69pm Ar Portsmouth, S.A.L.Ryj 7 OOnmj 5 50pm Steamers leave Nor7oik daily, except; Sunday, for Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York, and dully for Washington. The short line to Montgomery, Mobil© and New Orleans, leaving Savannah at 7:25 a. m.. arriving at Montgomery 7:40 p. m., at which point close connection Is made with the L. & N. R. H., arriving at Mobile 3:06 a. m. and New Orleans 7:40 a. m. The short line to Fernandlna, Jackson ville, Tumpa and other Florida points. “ | No. 27 j No. 31 " Lv Savannnh, S. A. L. Ry| 5 ORam! 307 pm Ar Fernnndina, S.A.L.Ry| 9 35am[ 9 of,pm Ar Jacksonville, S.A.L.Ry| 9 10am| 7 40pm Ar Tampa. S. A. L. Ry....| 5 30pm| 6 30am Magnificent Pullman buffet sleeping oar service to Washington, Baltimore, Phila delphia and New York; also to Jackson ville and Tampa. Dining cars from Savannah to Hamlet, and Richmond to New York. Buffet parlor cars Savannah to Mont gomery. For additional information apply to Ticket Office, Bull and Bryan streets. Phone 28. Cheese dull; large white, 10%o; small do, 10%c. Eggs firm; state and Pennsylvania, 16 018 c; Western regular, packing at mark, 10H 15c. Pot (toes quiet; Jerseys, $1.2501.75; Long Island, $1.5001.75; Jersey sweets, $3.25® 3.50. Peanuts quiet; fancy hand-picked, 4c; other domestic, 2%040. Cabbages quiet; Long Island, per 100, $2.0002.50. Cotton, by steam, to Liverpool, 25c. COTTON BUKII L. New York. Aug. 27,-Cotlon seed dull on spot, but reflected a better extort in quiry for new crop oil; prime crude bar rels, nominal; prime summer yellow. 34% f;3sc spot; off summer yellow, 31%c; prime winter yellow, 40041 c; prime white, 390 1 40c; prime meal, $26.00. CHICAGO MARKETS. Chicago. Aug. 27.—A decrease in the world's shipments and In the amount or passage, together with the unexpected firmness al Uverpool and a smaller de crease in the visible than had been looked for, hel|>ed wheat to-day, September clos ing' %*■ higher. Corn dosed %c up and oats %o%c better. Provisions closed un changed to 10c down. The leading futures ranged as follows: < >pen lug. Highest. Lowest. Closing. Wheat No. 2 Aug 731% 74% 73% 74% Sept 73%073% 71% 73% 74%071% Oct 7488074% 75% 74%©74% 75 Corn No. 2 Aug 39% 40% 39% 40% Sept Ssvi3 39% 38% 39% Oct 37%037% 38% 37% 38% Outs No. 2 Aug 21% 21% 21% 21% Sept 21% 21% 21% 21% Oct 21% 22% 21% 21%022 Mess pork, per barrel— Sepl. Ill) 87% sll 05 $lO 87% $lO % Ocl. . 10 95 11 12% 10 95 11 07% Jan. . 11 O') 11 05 11 09 11 00 laud, per 100 pounds— Sept. 667 % 6 72% 6 72% 670 Oct. . 6 72% 77% 6 72% 675 Jan. . 665 660 655 655 Short Ribs, per 100 pounds— Sept. 700 700 6 97% 700 Oct. . 69) 7 02% 690 700 Jan. . 590 590 583 5 87% Cash quotations were as follows; No. 3 spring wheat, 73%c; No. 2 red. 78076%; No. 2 corn. 40e; No. 3 yellow, 40%040%c; No. 2 oals, 22'4r; No. 2 while, 24%026%c; No. 3 white, 23%024%t < ; No, 2 rye, 51c, good fe/d --|ntr l/arley, 87%r; fair to cholct niiltlna, 420 48''; No. 1 til* weed. II 42, No. I N'oith wastern, $1 42, prime timothy seed, 4) h,O 4 25; Cness pork, per bxrrel, II ' 95011(10; lard, |er )<ie js.mi Is 4701/6 72%. short ribs •ides linos/), !>< >0 7 25, dry salted shoul ders (ta/seh), *' , sho/1 char -Mra 'boxed), s7l/007,60, whisky, basis of higq 0$ Schedules Kffrclvo Aug. 27, 1900i Trains arrive* ut and d'lmri from (< ntral Statiim, West Broad, foot of liberty stroet. 00th Meridian Timo—Ono hour slower than city time. Leave Arrive"' Savannah: Savannah: |Augusta, Macon, Atlanta,) •8 45am | Coving ton, Milledgevllle|6 OOptn l an <l all intermediate points! (Augusta, Macon, Mont-I ‘ on, * r )'. Atlanta, Athena, *9 OOpmJColumbus, tfirming'nurvM OOsog (Americus. Eufaula and! I [Troy. t 6 OOpmj Dover Accommodation. |fT Main t 2 OOptn) Guy (on Dinner Train] {l4 50pia •Daily, iExcept Sunday? BETWEEN SAVANNAH AND TYBEH. | 76th meridian or Savannah city time. I LEAVE SAVANNAH. Week Day a—6:2o u. nt, 10;(*i a. m.. 3:35 p. n.. 6:25 p. m., 6:90 p. m., 8:35 p. m. Sundays—7:4s a. m„ 10:05 a. m..' 3:35 p. m., 5:25 p. m., 6:50 p. m.. 8:35 p m LEAVE TYBEE. Week Days—6:oo a. in., 8.00 a . m., 11:19 a m„ 6:15 p. m , 7:40 p. rn , 10:10 p. m. Sundays—6:oo a. m., 8:35 a. m., U:10 a. m.. 6:50 p. m., 7:40 p. m , 10:10 p. m. Connections made at terminal points with all trains Northwest, West and Bouthweet. Sleeping cars on night trains between Savannah and Augusta, Macon, Atlanta and Birmingham. Parlor cars on day trains between Sa vannah, Macon and Atlanta. For complete Informalion, schedules, rates and connections, upply to W. O. BREWER, City Ticket and Pass enger Agent, 107 Bull street. W. R. McINTYRK, Depot Ticket Agent. J. C. HAII.E, General Possonger Agent. E. H. HINTON, Traffic Manager. THEO. D. KLINE. Gen. Superinlendent, Savannah. Oa. 1,000,000 HIDES WANTED. DRY FLINTS 13%0 DRY SALTED lift* GREEN SALTED 5%0 D. KIRKLAND, Successor to R. Kirkland. 417 to 421 St. Julian street, weet. ■■■■ ■ wine*!, xuunra unchanged. Clover, contract grade, $9.75<&10.00. Holiday lit riilcaftn. Chicago, A up. 27.—N0 session of the Hoard of Trade to-morrow, being G. A. R* encuinfment holiday. CITY GOVERNMENT. OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS OF COUN CIL. Savannah, Ga., Aug. 17, 1900. Council met this day at 12:30 p. m., pursuant to the 0811*01 the acting Mayor. Present, lha Hon. James M. Dixon, acting Mayor, presiding, ami Alderman Horrigan, Doyle, Bacon and Jarrell. A majority of the aldermen in the city being present. ORDINANCES. The following ordinance, read the first time Aug. 17, 1900, by unanimous consent, read the second time, placed upon Its pussage, and passed. By Alderman Horrigan: An ordinance to permit Mrs. A. A, Allen of the city of Suvannuh. to erect two (2) two-story metal roof buildings, **6 one (1) one-story metal roof building on the southeast corner of Huntingdon amt Abercorn streets. Heetion I. Be it ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the city of Savannah, in Council assembled, Thut permission be, and Is hereby given to Mrs. A A. Allen of the city of Bavannnh, to erect two (2) iwo-ciory metal roof building and on* (I) one-story metal roof building on th© northern |>ortion of lot number nineteen (191, Htephsns’ waid, on the southeast cor ner of Huntingdon and Abercorn streets, sakl lot measuring sixty-two (62) by six ty-four (64) feet, salt! buildings to cost not less than six thousand dollars. He/- 2. Be •It further ordained, That nil nrdln/mres aril parts of ordinances in confllrl with this ordinance he. and th© same are hereby rt-peuled. Theta bring /mi further latslnass, Coun t'll took a races* subject to the call of the ehalr. WILLIAM P. BAILEY, Clerk of Connell. 7