The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, September 02, 1900, Page 12, Image 12

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12 Lcicty The i.ifUncholy day*. ih M'l-ldl of thi year. nr*, Indeed, <>ine. though not (or us, with the* poet * prope r a<• com p a nlinnt of walling wind* m! naked wood*. nd me*.lows brown and ssar If It I* utumn according to tho calendar. It I* *UU sum mer by the • her ammeter, and oelety, that unarm poser. ha* mercifully woven a opal) of real upon her faithful *>ubj* <■’. Thin necfsNiry lunmeftlnx, from w hich we fly, if w© can, for chnnre an<l diver* •lon. o where it* city **r ror* arr forgotten, or wh h w bear with what grroc wo may In town, ha- It* fomi'< njM'.ii.nn even here, and there I* a rrlain pie* found In the qub • that broo D over tho City. |*opl# com ng and golior. an occa sional party out of town, there U little elar to ehrontcla. Mr. and Mr* K K And*r*on and Mr*. K M. Habersham chaperoned a party of young people that enjoyed the darning at I*le of Hope Friday evening, in aplte of the Storm They were Mis* Janie Eve of Bluffion. Mi** Rigtoon Haber • ham. Ml** Leonora Oabhett, Mr. Ham mond Eve, Mr. J. J. Stephen* and Mr. Keenan of Wilmington. Mr. and Mr*. John Heard Hunter. Ml** Lenore and Master* Ormond and O'Drls coll Hunter will l ave Thursday for New York and Danville, where they will re main for ihe next thre#* month*. They will eail Per. 1 for Naples by the Aller of the North German Lloyd, to spend a year abroad. Mr and Mr*. Fleming O. dulllgnon nre visiting their daughter, Mr*. Robert Cot ton Alston, in Atlanta. Ml** L. F. Mini* and Ml** Rebecca Mini*, after spending two month* Vineyard Highland*, have gone to Mor ristown for September. At Old Sweet Spring-. Va., a library party wa* given recently for the benefit of tho Jefferson Davis monument fund. Among those who planned arid managed the entertainment were Mr* H. M. Branch of Savannah and Mrs. J. L. Rex ton of Charlotte. It wo* rpok*n of a* on* of the triumphs of tin* season. Mr und Mrs. Oogfr J. Baldwin, after aom<* week* at ftaraioga, have gone to the Thousand Island*. Alexandria Bay. Mts* Je**te Chisholm and Mis* Rllaa Chisholm left Monday for Anderson. S. C., where Mr*. Chisholm wHI Join them later, and where they will probably spand the winter. Mis* Jessie Chisholm ex pect* to go North about the first of Oc tober to visit friends In Baltimore. Mr*. W. W. Gordon. Jr . and little Mi** Gordon will leave the latter part of the week for Asheville to spend September at the Manor. Mr and Mr*. H. M Stoddard and Mias Mabel Stoddard, who have been at High land* N. all summer are now stay in* at Sapphire. Mrs John L Hammond and Mlu Ham mond arrived recently In I-ondon, after a visit of several week* In Tarts, at the exposition. Amont; the oul-of-town *uj>pcr parlies durliiK the week was one Friday evening al Thunderbolt, In which were Dr. and Mrs. William C. Hobby, Mrs. James Men tis*. Miss Ellen McAlpln nn.l Miss Judge. Miss Leonora Oabbelt was the gueet of Miss Clifford Mutinerlyn for several days during the week. Mr. and Mr*. Thomas Hunter who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs, Rauer* at Bt. Catherine's, are al home again. Mr*. W. W. Owens was the hostess this Week at the usual Wednesday after noon tea In BlufTton. Her guea’s wera Mrs. William Garrard, Mrs Joseph Huger Mrs Paul Pritchard. Mrs. Dubola, Mrs. Istwton. Mrs. Cutltbert M;*a Leo nora Huguenln. Miss Lina Huger, Mis* ]Wssi* Hayw'ard. M)-s Etta Polltser. Miss Oahrteila Martin, Ml-s flusle Venltor, Alls* Kails Pritchard. Mis- Lilia Marlin. Ml# Eugenia Pritchard. Mis* Elolse l.y nah. Miss 1-JsteSl- Heyward and Mis* Hen rietta Eve. Mr Howell Jackson who has been vis iting Mr. and Mrs John Bryan at Tybee, has r- turn. I to Atlanta Mr Arthur Overton arrived In New York yesterday by the Campania from Livrrtsml 4 ,ltd Mlsa Janie Eve of Rloffton sss the gueat of Miss Rtglilon Habersham dur ing the week and returned home yest.r day. | Ul Mis. W. A Tape and Mm Nina Pape are spending <wne* weeks al Lake Ciwnrge. Mrs Cecil Gahbeti chape rotted a merry (atl> of dunrera Tuesday evening al lain of Hope Tiey were Miss Lenora ttab bed . Miss Cliff ad Munstt-rlyn. Miss Angle Culihsdg. Mr. I'Kink clc'. Heyward. M r J A O Carton. Jr Mr Darwin Hull total Mr. Earl iJaslw r. Mr. and Mrs. Clark Howell arrived In New York a few days auo from their bridal trip abroad, and will go imme diately to tlulr home on Peachtree street In Atlanta. Mr. floor** F*. Tcrmlll* returned Ihla morning from a three-weeks' trip at the North. Miss M.iu.le Heyward Ik among the B.<- vannahtan* alio lira summering at High land Full* on the Hudson. Mlkk Martha (5. Itaekua, who ba been •laying at Highland Falls, la now vlHlt ing friend* In New Jersey. Mr. and Mri. lewis <}. Young. after spending two months on the continent, hava gone to Uondon for Brptnabrr. Mins itrlghnm and Min Knt* Brigham toft during the wk (or New York, where they •ill moke a short May before aall it.g for Kurop* Mla■* Nan H Vevcn, who Ik now visiting Urn. Frank Screven at lHnglewood. ex pect* to go to New York for the winter to ttoly art. >ll*l France* Charlton returned In the latter part of the week from a visit in Charlottesville, Va. Mr* H, M. Comer, Mis* May Comer and Mr. John Comer who have spent three or four weeks In Wallingford. Conn ore now stopping at Jude-a Inn tu Watertown. Mr. W W Mh kali left Thursday to Join Mrs Mat-kali at "The l,an ' In Vir ginia Mrs Cecil (labia ft. Mis I-eonora Oab beil and Mr Bpplne Oablietf, return'd from Isle of Hope during the week and left Friday for lirevard. Mr. and Mrs Tracy Q. llunler and Mus ter Tracy 11 Hunter, Jr., are guests of Mrs. B. K. Querard In Ilbiftton. Mrw T. J Charlton, Miss Katherine Charlton and Thomas J Charlton, Jr., left Wednesday for Marietta. Or. T. 8 Clay arrived In New York re * cently, after spending n year abroad, and Is uptettil to raturu to Havant.ah In a aoart time. Mrs. C. 11. Ms loos, Mias Wulwlli Ma- *ne arid M.inter Cnarle* lk>.th Malone, left Thursday for A*h vlllc. when they will stay duriik ih* 1 re*t of tl** season. Mr*. V c Bsttey aid her children I* ft Thursday (o spend Reptemoer at Harris Lithe* Rprtng*. Mis* Miriam Dent entertained at tea Wednesday evening Among her guest* wer* Mll M iry H<;>p*. Mis* Clere llug r. Mr ]>an Hoppi and Mr Dan Hull Dr and Mr. J. S Howktn* will return this week from Tyhea. Miss Leonora llugueedn of Charleston is tin guest ol Ml** J-.tia I'oMtoer in Bluff - ton Mr. J. Muir Lang ha* returned frran Coburg. Cart el i. where he spent the |ms( six week*- with .Mr*. lang. Mrs Charles Dixon Is entertaining Dr. and Mr*. J. C. L Hardy at Hosed* w. Mies Miry Malleil l* the guest of Mr*. William Garrard In Bluffton. Mr*. W. L. L'KngD nd her children r-a* tied New York Wednesday from Na ples, after spending eight month* abroad. Upon their arrival they were met by Mr. L Logic. who wont North last swk for this purpose. Mn- Isaac Muds. Master Isaac Mid* and Master Carroll Mini*, tv bo have been staying at Vineyard Highlands, M **.. during July and August, are now in Bos ton, where Master Isaac Mints will at tend school next winter. Mis* Frances Pearce, who ha* been vlading Mr* John Heard Hinder and Mr* F. C. Battey, return* and Monday i her home In Augusta Mr. and Mr*. Churl** Dixon sre enter taining Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Lc Hardy at Koisdew. Mis* Clermont Huger returned y ter day to Hiiiffton, after a visit to Miss Mary Hoips. Rev. William Howell Taylor. Mr*. Tsy lor and Miss Elizabeth lavlor. who hsv* been spending part of the summer at Tallulah Fall#, are now In New York They will visit Mrs. Kttls at Tarrytown before returning to Summerville. Miss Mary J Prllehard left Thursday to Join Mrs. Woo.mii. who Is spending Iho summer In Swunnanoa. * Mr. H Wiley Johnson will return to morrow from a three weeks’ slay at High land Falls and Lake .'lohonk Mtw. Bradford fiunhan Miss Ethel Dun ham and Bradford Dunhnm. Jr., who are now at V*p|er Falls, Md . wilt go abroad shortly to spend next wittier In Paris. Mr. Horace A Crane Is at home again from Saluda, after a visit to Mra. Crane, who Is summering there. Miss Webster, who has spent the past year In Mavannah at the l)e Roto, will leave early In dir week for Washington, to visit Mr. and Mrs. p. Lee, Phillips. Mr. J. M Barnard oral Mr Theodore O. Barnard returned Monday from di r summer home llyannlspurt. on the Massa chusetts coast. Min* Georgia KdmonMon. after a visit to Mrs. Audley Hill in -vugusta, has gone to Bunker, Aia. Mr. V\ (|, Morrell returned Thursday from New Y'ork, after spending A.ugu-t with Mrs Morrell ut latke Mohor.k, Mr. ore! Mrs. IV. E Ooerard. who have tarn staying at Sapphire. X C„ for sore ■ weeks, are now n: .lit. Jacksutt. Va. Ml-- Nellie Baldwin la spending Septem ber nt Mountain Best House. Lake Mo honk. Mr. Alan Bond arrived hems Thursday after a visit of six weeks at Saratoga and oth.r Northern summer resorts Miss Edith Bond and Miss Carrie Bond, who have been traveling In Europe for aom>- t me. are spending the hoi momhx in the Alps. Mr and Mrs Julian Hartrldge and Master Jo* Hartrldge are now In New York, whore they will remain during the coming winter. Mr W. W. Htmpson has returned from u visit to his former home In South Car olina. Mrs. H-nry M Steel® and Henry M. Steele. Jr, left Friday to apend the month of September In Baltimore. Mr. J. C. Poatell has returned *o the dly. after a pleasant stay of a month at Rlowtng Hock. Maater K. Baldeman Flmtle who I* Just recovering from on Illness of two weeks. Joln-d his moihar. Mr*. W. H Klnnle In Philadelphia a few days ago, and they ant now visiting at Chestnut Hill, from where tltcy will go to Reading about the life h of S< ptember. Mr A. G. Gpcrard, Jr., sailed Tuesday ,for New Y'ork Mra. J. L. Graham and her children of Guyton, game to Ihe eltv during the week on their way North, and after spending a day with Mr*. Walter C. Hartrldge left yesterday to visit Mra Grahams parents at their homo near Boston. Mlsa Florence Cotdlng return this week from a pleasant trip to the moun tain* of North Carolina Mr Arthur J O'llara I* spending Sep tember at Woodstock In Ihe mountains of Vermont Mr. Jack Harrison la summering In the Adirondack*. Mis* McLow* will Rave this week for Annapolis, where she expect* to remain (luring IF- coming winter. Col. and Mr*. I H. Kstill have moved Into their new hon." at Sixth and Barnard streets. Mr* Ruby B returned Monday frm I’alrftka, and Is making a short stay tn (he elty hefor* going North. , Mrs. T. J Meld rim of Darien made a visit of several day* In the city during the week. Mr Murchison Thomas arrived In the city f w day* ago from Tallulah Lodge, whern he ha* been spending some lime with Mr*. Thomas Mr*. Tlioma* has gone to Allanta to vlxli her mother. Mrs. Paul Romare tx lore returning home Mis* Drue.lie Longstnff of Saratoga, who la now the guest of Mias Bradley In Allanta. will come to Savannah next w. ek to he the gueat of Ml* Annie Beckett. Mr and Mr*. C. M Oalg. after spend ing August In ihe mountains of Virginia, are now In New York. Mr. and Mr* William K-hoe. who have been spending si* w. • ks abroad, vlallltig the Pan* espo-itlon uni other plares, ! reached New Y'ork Tue-day by the Oceanic, aid return,d to Savannah a day , or two ago I Mr. and Mr*. F X I> -uglass are spend- I' Ing the month of September In Asheville. Mr. and Mra J. J. McDonough, and Mr. and Mrs. J. J M Donough. Jr., will return tiff* week to the city after a de lightful summer ai the'r Tybee cotthge. Mr T. 8. Lucas went to North Caro lina Thursday to Join M i. Luca*, who la spending the summer In the mountains. Rev. K D. McDougall and Mr* Me- DuigaU of Thnmasviite. spent a f;w days THE MORNING NEWS: SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 2. 1900, In the city during the week on their way North. Mr*. V D Diflln ard Mis* Daffln. who have beef) North durlrg nnet of the sum mer, rsturi ed home Friday. Mr R- hb and Mrs W A Ni*be| left Mutulty for Mr* Rotd s hom* in Tease a •St Mr Henry Blun left Tuesday for New York from wher he will go to Massa chusetts to Jrin Mrs. Blun, who 1* * land ing the summer there. Mr George \V. Tl* Vm*n returned Tut-day from a fortp ght * stay with Mrs Tledeman at Buena Viera, M<l Mr. and Mr* J It. Ha ussy. Jr. and their family, left yesterday for Whits Spring*. Fla. Mt H. 11. M 'Ke# and M.m or William debruyn Hope. Jr., who have been tn Hsnderennvlilt* f**r the past six we*-**, returned home Wednesday with Mr. M • Kee. Mr and Mr*. J 8 Walthour bive l**ft Raratr.gH Rpnng* and are now in ;ht Adirondack*. Mr. George F *rd returned to the rttv recently and I* ft for u visit to Bpar * last night. Mr. oiml Mr- K C Mis- Kn- Gi'O-oti, and Mn*ter Roy Gleason, reach* and home Friday after spetMllug August very pleasantly at Uhinebcck-on-the-Htid son. Mr. anl Mrs. J If. Bstlll, Jr., have leturnad home from Tryon. N C.. where they have been staying for the past two months. Mr*. R K. Then- and M inter char 1 tot> Thru* have left Bloc Ridge Ruiurnlt and are now nt Liberty. S. Y. Mis.** Annie Ibkcit, who has been the guest of Ml<e Edith Bradley of Atlanta, has returned home. Mis* Kda Hainan who ha* beep visit ing Mr. ami Mrs. Wickenherg. has iv turned to her home in Charleston Mr J. J. Stephen* left lost evening for Atlanta. Mis* Nellie Wright, who bn* been the guest of Mien laila Davis, left yesterday for Baltimore, in route to her homo In Norfolk Mr* Joseph Fer*t and her family hn%* Kdoe to Hat ifogn. after spending some time at Rhuron Bpring* Mi*# Roes *i her wood |* visiting in Dal ton. Mis* Pearl Bonney, who hn* been the guest of Mis* Mary Davie, will return to-day, accompanied by Mi*s Davis, to her home In Norfolk. Mrs. J I*. Fulton and Miss Ix>ui*e Fulton, left Tuesday night to *p< r*l sev eral week* nt M<>nteagle. Tenn. Mrs W 8. Poitingcr Is visiting friends in Augusta. Mr and Mrs. J. E Wllllnk left Tuesday for the North. Miss May Hogan ha* gone to Montreal, where *ho expect* to spend the next thtee year* at school. Mr*. W W Osborne and her children and Mrs. Daniel Wells Itft Tobyhann.i. P*., r< k ntly ond are now at A taint lc City. Mi#* A. Kennedy ha* returned from month In New York. Mr and Mr*. I.imar K*llar. after two delightful months at Tylee. have return ed to their home in Mofitalth. Mr. and Mr*. J J Hourke and their family have gone to Baltimore, where Mis* Marie and Miss Fannie Hourke will enter school for the coming year at Notre Dame. Mr. Emmett O’Connell Is spending a month In Montreal. Miss Darinour. whofe* the guest of the Misses Lynch, will return Thursday to her home at Flushing. L. I. Dr. and Mr*. F. C. Exiey went to New York Tuesday to *|* U<l September at the North* rn summer resorts. Mr. and Mr*. B. Quckenhelmer have re turned frtsn a stay of several weeks at the Northern resort*. Mr*. Thom*-. J. Holt and Miss Norma Holt ar* *|H*n<iiig the hot week* in the mountain* of Virginia. Mr. Edwyn E Woodhams returned yes terday from Kalamazoo. Mich., after spending August nt his old home. Messrs, Gerry and Harry Cabanlss of Atlanta are the guests of Mr. George W. Beckett. Mrs. M. A. Golden will go North to morrow for some weeks In New York. Mr*. I. O. Dixon of Charleston Is visit ing her sister. Mr*. L. A. Berane. Sit Lin coln street. Her niece. Miss V* va Bc runet will return with her. to spend the rest of the summer at the Isle of Palme. Mrs. J. E. Hannon and Miss Hannon went North Friday. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Gaudry have return ed from Pltteora. Mr. Isaac Beckett and Miss Rosalie Heokett will return home Monday, after spending the summer In Asheville, N. C. Mr and Mrs James M. Dixon returned trom Tybee few days ago and expect to leave In the early part of the week for Saratoga Mr. Harris Cope, Jr., Is visiting Mra Dan B. Hull. Mra. Jostjih Guerard has returned from a visit to her home In Virginia. In Asheville Wednesday evening Mr. and Mtw Frank O'Donnell entertained wit It a whist party In honor of the Sa vannah Indies visiting there. Miss Ada Berry of Belmont received the ladles' prise and the gentlemen's prize fell to Mr Reilly of Ashevtll*. The guests were Mr- Sol Sheftall. Mrs. T Bourne. Miss U Brim, Mlsa Mamie Reilly. Miss Mar garet Hanley. Miss Sarah Ortiver, and Ml a Anna Kelly of Savannah, Mlsa Stal ling*, Miss Ltoltarb*. Mis* Reagan. Mia* Mclntyre of Aahevtlle. and Ml*s Ada Berry ar.d Mias Lucy Tay:or of B Iroont Mr. O'Brien of Savannah Mr Dunn of Augusta, and Mr. Carpenter of Wash ington Mr. W S Wilson went North Friday to be absent about a month Mrs. E- W. Sullivan and Mis* Viva Sul- A BILL HAVINC THE ENDORSEMENT OF THE BUSINESS COM MUNITY OF THIS COUNTRY HAS BEEN INTRODUCED IN CONGRESS AT WASHINGTON URGING THE NECESSITY OF Coining Half Cents. Pending action on same you can buy at m THE BEE HIVE, Si wwfF^'iawy N. SCHUTZ. ST. Julian and whitakor strhets 22 yard# Torchon Lace (or Ir dozen Gold Ev* Needles for lc in, IH 2 skeins Darning Cotion for .lc Invisible llalr Fins 2 dozen Hooks and Eyes for lc ■ I ■> White Plr.s for lo I Valenciennes Lace* lc Basting Colton Bullon-hole Twist lo While Cotton Tape lc Aluminum Thimble* lc Garter Elastic, a strip lc Percale String Ties lc Japanese Paper Fan* lo Blalsdall Paper Pencil* lo J 4 Broughton Street, West. Ladies’ Furnishings. START AT ONCE To Get the Children Ready for School. We have new Percales, new’ Flannels, new Plaids, new f Outing, everything you need for Children’s School Dresses and Boys' Shirt Waists. Odd sizes in Hosiery, which we are sacrificing. Children’s Initial Handkerchiefs sc. Ilvan rlurn-<l (rom Ty(*n W*><lnewiay f -i.r it pk-n-nant tumimr at thetr cottage Mls Kjllc Morrl.on and Mr. I‘nim-r Kirkland were married hy the Rev. K F. ■ '.>k of Cira-e Church Tueaday afternoon at i-V) o'cloi'K The welding, which to.)k place at the home of !ho lx I*l. e p.ircnt*. No. ilii Monigoroery etreet. wa a very <iulet uflr.ilr. only the relative, nnd Inti mate frlenda of Ihe bride and groom be ing preeent The bride I* the daughter of Mr. and Mr, J. J. Morrleon. Mr. Klrkiand Is the son of Mr. Richard Kirk land. Miss C. A. Oner* returned home Wet n*-day from the mounulns of North Carolina. Miss Mamie K iluc of Charleston Is the st ires 1 of th< Mle*<- Mamine and Annie King on Jones street. Miss Irene I-ulzel and Miss fteulah Well have returned from Lookout Moun tain. Mr John Dwyer was host ala pleasant party Monday evening In honor of his fif teenth birthday. Prize* awarded for the best cakewalk were won by Master David ami Master Melvin Rons. Among the oth er* present were Misses beflti, Morrissey, Bohan. Emma Savarese. Ether Belslnger. Louise and Lucille Golden, and Masters Leon, Christian. Morrissey, Bohan, Coy oor and Jo Belslnger. Mrs W. C. McDonough and Mlha Katie M( I>>nougti returned to the cliy during the week. Mu* Boca Putzel is expected home Tuesday from Asheville Mr Henry Lehwald Balled for New Y’ork Thursday. Mr. K. 8. Jctie has returned from B.ow- Ing Hock. MISS Mamie Oambln of Jacksonville, ar rived Ir. the elty Thursday, and will I*' the guest of her friend. Mis* Rosa Dray tert for the next three week*. Mr. William Ilay gave a wagon ride Tuesday ovenlng. the party being after wards entertained by Miss* O'Connor, ins guests were Miss Margaret O'Connor. Mies Winifred lKyle. .Miss Cell* Cain, Mr. HoeklSV Oarmany, Mr. Allxtrt Grimm. Mr William Ray, and Mr. Everett. Mias Maggie Klug, accompanied hy her mint. Mrs. *H F Lube, left during the week for Jacksonville, to visit relative*. Mlsa Alice Werner, has returned horn-', after spending a most delightful Manner In tho mountains of North Carolina. Ino guest of Mrs. N. Puulsen. A pleasant party was given at the homo of Mr. and Mrr. Philip Sanders In honor of their daughter, Sulla, who celebral-d her fifth birthday. Among the llttlo guests were Miss Ethel Nevill, Miss Ruth Register, Miss Margaret Murken. Miss Nt Die Carey, Mis* lb -'!•• Hahn*. Miss An nie Hrown, Miss Stella Williams, Miss Lulu llahne.' Mis* Minnie McMahon. Mias Margaret Carey. Miss Catharine Meyer. Mlaw Ella Heekraan, Mis* Freda Sanders, Masters George Cleary, Lynwood Regis ter. Edwin Brown. Charlie llahne. Waller Coolldge, Ous Brown. Frank Hahn*. John Hohetisleln. Harold Coolldge. James Ca rey and Willie Sander*. Miss Catherine Krlete let! for Asheville yesterday. Mrs. McFarlane returned to the city Friday. Mrs. P. J. O'Connor sailed for New Y'ork during the week on her way to Bridge port, Conn. Miss Lily Belle Drayton has returned to the city after an absence of five weeks spent among relative* In Bryan and Lib erty counties. Mra J. E. Vaughan and her two daugh ters, Miss H. Mary and Alls* Edith Vaughan, have returned to the elty after a pleasant visit of six weeks at their ebun try home In South Curolina, Miss llattle Sternberg entertained the L. O. 11. Social Club hist Tuesday even ing at her residence. 437 Barnard street. Mrs. F. II Gosllne chaperoned the young people, among whom were Miss Hattie Sternberg. Miss Hanna lluekwald, kits* Kalla MelL Mis* Annie Crotty, Miss Marie Sante, Miss Alice Crotty. Mis# Ger trude Rowland. Miss Alice McEUlotl, Miss Emmie Mell. Miss Lena Black, klls* Min nie Monroe, Mr and Mr*. F. Marsh. Mr. Philip Coleman. Mr Willie Ruekwakl. Nickel-Tip and Rubber Lead Pencil* ...,1c Toilet Soap* lc Rolled-Plate Bhank Collar Button* Black Silk Lac** 2^ Black Fins, a bow ........... lc Safely Pins, all sis**, a dozen ...,2c Sewing SUlu 2e JUd Hair Curlers, a dozen So i Mr. Lionel Stapleton, Mr. John R holl, Mr. Ruby Monro*. Mr. Chris Hanson. Mr. Henry Framed! and Mr Thomas Flood. Mr. P. T. Fay© Salad last night for NVw York Mr. Prati Adam* has returned from Charlottesville, where he ha* been pur -1 suing the law course in the University of | Virginia. Avery pretty wedding wa< solemnized If) Rluffton. 8. C, on the evening of Aug. 19. which will come in the form of a sur prise to the many friend* of the t>rlde In this city. The contracting parties on thi** happy occasion were ltr*J. l>. People* of Rxitta, H. C.. and MUh Muud*Gulifonl of HliifTton. The ceremony was performed by Rsv. C. E. Buchan, at the home of the bride, in the presence of the family and a few of the fn*st Intimate frlendw The bride wa* becomingly attired and present ed a sweet ph-tur of girlish loveliness k Thc attendant* were Ml** Cora Guilford and Mr. Roiiett Snyder, and Mis* Jessie Mayer and Mr. Lee Guilford The bride I* the daughter of Mr. and Mr*. Lee Guil ford, and by her lovely Christian charac ter and sweet personality baa endeared herself to a farge circle of friends, whose brightest and best wishes follow her to her new hom*- The groom is one of the most influential young busiutaa men of South Carolina. Miss Josephine Ruth was comp I men ted with a surprise party Thursday evening given by an number of krr friend*. The little hostess entertained hsr visitors de lightfully. Game*, recitations, and danc ing were eny>yi<l very much, after which dainty refreshments were served. Those present were Miss Annie May Moyle, Ol lie and Mangle Hurrough, Marriott and ii.-rtie Robinson, Gertrude- and Lena lon uvan, latttle Hester. Kullce Rabey. Annie Thori* and Luclle ami Klhcl Ruth, and Masters Willard Mhnpirlne. Millard Bar rough. John RoMnaon. Cecil Rabey, James Ruth and others. Society In Waycroes. Mrs. C. A. Rhelden ha* returned home-. Dr. F. C. Folks visited hi* wife and daughter at While Springs last week. Mr. and Mr*. J. D. Rousseau of Sa vannah spent last Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. J. E. Dick nut. W. A. Cason has returned from a visit with Mrs. Cason and tho children al Asheville. N. C. It Is said that Rev. J. B. K. Smith may enter the lecture field. J. W. Mi lion ami daughter. Mis* Lulu, are sojourning al White Springs. W. W. Ausloy and family are among the Wayerosslte* at White Sulphur Spring*. Fla. Mian Sallle Weatherly of Haxlrhurst Is visiting Mrs. Meeks, ul Hotel Vlrdte. Miss Ida Blackburn has returned home. Miss I.ydla Snowden Is at home again, after a delightful visit at Bewanee. Tenn. Mis* Mabel Cook has returned to her home. In Brunswick. Mrs. S. S. Fitzsimmons has returned from her summer outing at Scwance. Tenn. Mtas Bessie Wiggins Is spending several days In Thomasvkle. Mra. E. A. Jernlgan of Cllneh visited Waycroos friends List week. Mr*. J. E. Hammerly Is vlMtlng In West Florida. Mrs. J. N. Horne ha* as her gueat her cousin. Miss Madgle Coburn of Hardee vllle. 8. C. Miss Ackle Hall of Birmingham. Ala., is tho guest at the home of the Misses Herrington this week. Miss Mattie Dozier of Albany Is visit ing Mlsa Bessie Lyon. Mr*. G. W. Barnes has gone to visit her sister, Mrs. J. H. Hamilton, In Rome Mr. and Mrs. K. F. Martin are on a visit to relatives In Alabama. Mr. W. B. Albertson Is at home again, after a two-weeks' vlalt In New Jeraey. Mrs Snowden has gone to Macon for a visit. Mr. Alex Slssoms ha* returned from a trip to Europe. Mr. and Mrs. H. Murphy are on their All-Linen Checked Doylies Ink Patter Tablet* 2c Finishing Braid*, white and colors ....Jc Scissor* Sewing Machine Oil ..!<• Pur# Tar Soap & White Lawn Bows 1 .adles' Dog Collar Belt* too Early Fall and Winter Importations Arriving bv Every Steamer. Exclusive High-Class NOVELTIES In Every Department. Ihe Moving Time Will Soon Be Here. Let us equip your new kitchen with a GAS RANGE A match Is your wood pile. 'J There Is no dirt— no fuel lo bring In. and ; TOC GKT THK > "IIKA I’KftT COOK INt I MACHINE IN TUB WORLD. why NOT RAVE MON BYT WHY NOT RB PROGRESSIVE? A Range can be rented tor tl n month. < MUTUAL GAS LIGHT COMPANY, ? and 9 Congress street, west. I vs 11 /■-!! EDIT AT iOA Al,. £mor\> dollcoc^^> /C mVwMi'wfi SV\ Fort? mil** rant of Atlanta. Situation high and healthy. !mq —;l 1 ITW g\\ Hn Tlqaom <>d in county. Irit#ronlWlatr game* pro i y i 1 -vfaS ill hib!t*ti. Full rolleg* courm offered leading to A H.. B. iltei |g] mil Ph and B - I>#gr**i* Entire neo*-aary e*p*net with \\ .// in 9000. Mrd annual t*jrinn h*pt. 19, 1000. For Wk Kttfi'aw ew/j catalogue and full information, addreaa c - Bowman, freattient. Gr-envillo Female College, | GREENVILLE. 8 C. - Session Begins September N Location |n Blue Ridge Section: Invigorating atmosphere, and pure water. Health unexcelled. Full Faculty of Expert Teacher# Extensive curriculum. Known for high standard of scholarship. Special advening** In Music. Every practice room a parlor. E. H. MURKKE, L.L D., President. u/icumcTMi qcuiiiidy **•■■. o*.. sebooy nAonlilulUn otmlllAnT ?.I' a i;., h u!L®( , ?*f h S r * wenoi-v . Y? r * rd Randolph Macon and Baltin ora W mans College. Primary Academic. Music. Art .Elocution and Business courses SmalDlxa*** In dividual Kor* New building Ilon-c Ilf* Pupil* enter Va- ar . Wellesley and Kandolph Ms con on certificates Next session begins sept *. For Illustrated cataloen* address Mrs W T. CHANHI.EH Principal LLEWELLYN II SCOTT. Associate Principal annual visit to their okt home In New Jersey. Mrs. J. 8. Sharp* and daughter. Mlsa Susie, have returned home from Florida. Mlsa Fannie Allen haa returned to her home In Savannah. Mr*. J. L. Sweat. Lee L. Sweat and Ml** Lula M. Sweat are ut homo again, after an extended visit In the mountains of North Carolina. Mr*. J. L. Crawley, wife of Solicitor Crawley, of the City Court of Waycro#*, will spend a month In New Jersey. Col. A. B. Cochran ha* returned home. Hon. W. G. Brantley was In town Wed nesday. The literary entertainment of Trinity Epworth I.e iguo was held Friday night at the parsonage. A delightful programme hid been arranged for the occasion, and a moat enjoyable evening was spent by the league members. kllss Lula Dr Loach ha* a her guest Mlsa Susie Sp ar. of Thomasvllle. A number of Waycro*# people will at tend the Idg family reunion given Satur day at Elizabeth Chapel by Mrs. Ls-an n c Taylor, on the occasion of her 73th birthday. Mr. ant Mrs. tvey Davis of Hebert, were In town Thursday en route for Brurawtek They will spend a month or so visiting Brunswick, St. Simons. D.i rleti and Savannah Mr and Mrs. H M. Leals of Beach will spend some time with friends In Chicago. Miss Beesl* Wiggins Is the guett Of relatives In ThomasvJle. Mlsa Clyde Miller and Carrie DcLoach will leave Raiurd.iy for a ten Jay's visit to friends In Valdosta and Naylor. Mis* Llxzle Thompson ha* gone to Gas kin's Spring, where she will attend the camp meeting. The monthly meeting of the Waycros* Rifle* at the armory Tbuisday nlghl waa a leading aortal feature of the wteic The entertainment w.i* more Interesting than usual, a specially attractive programme having been arranged for the o-rastnn Refreshment" were served during the ev.nlng, and dancing was Indulged In till a late heur. to the sratns of the excellent music furnish* and hy the YVsyrria* Con cert Bond All gentlemen during were r(c|ue*t*d to pay a small fi* and the proceed* of the eventrg go to defray the expense* of the Rifles' trams, which will be sent to Savannah Miss Ira Goodyear have* Saturday for Gaskin’s SpPng camp mealing Mis* Laila Whiting will noi return to Waycros* before the owning cf Wesley an Female and will go from Portaon. where she Is vUUtng her grand mother, to Macon Mis* Ossie Oroover ha* returned to her home In Thomasvtl'.e. Mr*. J. L. living-ton I* vMtlng at the hwne of her husband'* father near Bla den. Mr*. C. C. Buchanan I* spen ling a few days with her daughter, fill# D. B. Sweat Mr and Mra. C. L Thigpen and daugh ter. Ml-s Lily, have returned home to Downing, after an extended visit to Ll this Fprlngm. The Waycro** District Conference of Bpw* rth Leaaues will mot here Oct. 12, and will be In session through the Hth. The Woman's Foreign MMteury Con- EVERY DAY (§) ® A BARGAIN DAY. Photo Buttons und Photo Scarf Ping only 10 r^nip. SH-Inch KaH M<).t!il<>ne 60 rtntf. ( Vnir<i from any photo or tin typ<v r turning picture unlnjurod. FRANKLIN & FOLTZ, MODERN PHOTOGRAPHERS. lUI BI LL STREET. Manufacturers. Not Agents. Send for our Illustrated Catalogue of Photo Bullous. Medallions anl Photo Jeweiry Over lUO half-tone llluatrattous of the latest photo novelties. ter*nee of the YVaycroa* district will ho Ik II at First Method st Church In Orto- I her. Mr*. Simon W. Hitch Is Ihe district •secretary. Mist la la Pag* la on a visit to relsttv*# in Wareshoro. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Beaton ar* on n extended visit at their old home In Vir ginia. j Capt and Mrs D. A. McGe have h'o j enjoying a rent at White Spring*. Fix Hon. R. O. D.cklnson was In town y ! tcriiay. The young people of Pine Blo>m n- Joyid a delightful social at the redder. * of Mr. R. G. Dermot Wednesday. Capt. and Mra. Wrn. Guy were In Way* cross Tueoday. A Dellctons Smoke. The Herbert Rpencer I* an elegant ctgir a fid Is truly a delightful enjoyment !• Inhale the fumes of this fine tobacco: II L xvhtiarcllng sn.l delicious. See that Ihe name v( Herbert Spencer Is on every wrapper of every cigar, with out which none ar* genuine. The Herbert Spencer cigars sre only sold by the box of M Conchas al 13 SO ml Perfeclo*. ft SO at IJppman Bros whole sale druggists. Barnard and Cong r< t< street*, of this city —ad. ••It Cared Me.” "Oraybeard broke up rheumstlsm <* me,'' says Mr. Cha*. Thomas. Ihe Jew eler on Whitaker street. "And put me in betxei health than 1 have enjoyed In a long time." Take Oraybeard Pills for that duty feeilng-Lnet appetite, and follow It up with a bottle of Oraybeard. It I* all y<** need. Reepes* Drug Cos.. *ole pn-p. Savannah. Gx-ad. "Oraybeard Is a family medicine wt ' us." said a promlhint business man yes terday. "My wife take* It, and I notice eho to enjoying better h-talth than f * years. Th* children keep well by taking U." Gf*ybard may be obtained at *ll d-'-d •tntfte or write to us for tt. ‘ltespess D ru * COi. iol* r>rrp*.. Savannah, G*.-ad. —•'What you Jt>* oat'n jroh twl-- * ■pend* on how you usee 'em.'’ saki t r - '* Kben. "Many a time a man* fil’* 11 talktu' doean' 'eompllsh nothing' ' c,i ' '* make hlsae'f an' a lot o' yuthuh m*n 1A Ist* fob supper.”—Washington Star.