The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, September 02, 1900, Page 19, Image 19

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SATURDAY'S MARKET QUIET. .xnTHISG IKimil' IN SPIRIT* POST- S;it AT HUTU CUU. j ir p|,hl llrlnrn Factors and tl a >. rr , „n—Factor* Ask :.1 Oats and Mn irr< Ridding 7t4—Mnslna Firm nnd l*rk(l, With Moderate Demand l*rral Hub—Cotton Hlrailr ■ I lil)*R<‘r *t l-11l On I—Local „„,l lelrgrnphlc Markets. Morning Now* Office, Bept. 1. There u nothing doing In the spirits iurt*ntwe market to-day. which wa* offl ally posted “nothin* doing" at both , ills. Tho flghl between (actors and buyers seems to be on. amt It Is now a question which will hold cue tho loniter. factors decline to sell on a lower basis an JSc, while buyers were bidding He to-day, and claim they have several rea sons (or believing tie market will drop to this tlgure. The longer the buyer o at's Ihe more urgent his demands be ans. and the longer the (actor holds stuff, and, consequently, she larger ac cumulations grow, she weaker the situa tion become* (or them. The light bids Mir to be waged as determinedly on both coles as that between the two elements of the (ratio some years ago, when H was proposed to check the downward ten cancy of prices by suspending business. The rosin market closed Arm and ttn tanged, with a moderate demand pre vailing. The cotton market closed steady at an advance of l-l*c on tho grades quoted. A fair demand (or cotton was i ported. The wholesale markets were st. idy. The oinlook In the wholesale lean lies (or business during September Is bright, ns the free movement of cot ton which is expected will have the ef ft s of stimulating trade. < OTTOS EACH A AUK TO rLOSE. business Will be allot Onsets on Ac count at l.nhor One. Tho Couon Exchange will be closed to uiortuw on account of I.a dor Day The New York exchanges were closed yester day, and for that reason the Morntng News does not give the usual telegraph! market reports. The following resume of the different markets will show the lone and quota tlons at (he close to-day: COTTON. The cotton market closed steady at an advance of 1-lSc on the grades quoted. A fair demand was reported during the dsy. The port receipts continue light, a* com pared with last year. The following were the official spot quo tations at the close of the market at the Colton Exchange to-day: | This Last | day. i year. flood middling ! 9 S-16 5% Middling 9 1-16 5-- s 1.0 middling ~.| It Good ordinary ...j |tl£ Market steady: Sales. 163. Savannah Receipts. Exports and Stocks: Receipts this tlay 2,28* Receipts this day last year I IP This day year before last 552 Receipts since Sept. 1. 1900 2.2*8 Same time lasi year 2.5(6 <'oast wise exports 38 Stock on hand this day 11.342 Same day last year 17.237 Receipts end Stocks at the Pori*— Hecelpls this day 4.296 !: -elpts this day last year 17.356 It |pt ihls day yeer liefore last. 6.472 Total receipts since Sept. 1. 19U0... 4.296 Same time lost year 6.899 Seme time year before last 7.011 Stork at all ports to-day 32.331 Stock same day last year 386,513 I'ally Movements at Other Porta— Oalveslorv—Steady; middling, 9%: net re celpta, 1,019, gross, 1.019; sales, 550; slock 4.863. New Orleans—Firm: middling. 9%; sales. 1.275; slock, 30.514. Moblle—Steady; middling. 3 9-16; net re "'lpta. 71: grose. 74; etth-. wo; stock. 4.0(18 charleston—Firm; middling. 8%; net receipt*. 193; gross. 193; slock. 1 223. Wilmington-Firm; middling. 9; net re ceipts. 400. gross, 40t>; stock. 3.494. Norfolk—Steady; middling. 3%. ne| re eelpls, 217: gross. 317; sales, 1; stink, 3.157. Haltlmore Nominal; middling, 9%. stock. UU. New York—Holiday: slock. 22.627. luation—Dull; middling. 9V Philadelphia Firm; middling. 9%; stock. 1.036. Daily Movements at Interior Town*— Augusta—Quiet and steady; middling. 9%; net receipts. 722; gross. 735; wiles, 632; slock. 3.466. Memphis—Steady; middling. 9 15-16; net re elpts. 3: gross. 3; slock. 7.753. St Louts— Dull; middling. 9'*; net re • elpts. 21; gross. 77; stock. 7,725. Cincinnati—Dull; middling- 9%; net re crlpts, 15; gross. M; slock. 7.967. Houston—Steady; middling, 9%; net re. c< Ipts, 1,343, groan. 1.242; tale*. 96; slock. 2,435. I.oulsvllle—Firm; middling. 9%. Exports of Colton This Day- New Orleans—To Great Britain, 3.200. continent. 1,000. charleston—Coastwise. 300. Norfolk—Coastwise, 257. Total foreign export* from all ports this day-To Great Britain, 32.000; to the con tinent. 1.000. Total foreign export* since Sept I. 1599 -To Great Britain. 3.200; lo the continent. 1.000. Charleuton, ft C.. Sepl. I.—Colton Arm; middling, *%e bid. Liverpool, Sept. 1. 1 p m—Colton B;ot. Increased demand, but business only noderate; prices higher; American mid dling. fair, 6%d; good middling. 6 Sl-32d; middling. 5 29-32d; low middling. 5 3-32.1; K*ord ordinary. 53|<d; ordinary. 5 1-I6d. The sales of the day were 4.000 hales, of which vo were for speculation and export and Included 2,700 hales American: receipts. 3'o hales. Including 2.W10 American. Futures opened Irergular and closet '*>•; American middling, low middling clause: September. 5.23d sellers; Bep'em h<r.October. 5.02d sellers; October-Novcm ler. 4 .Vft4.sld sellers: Novemher-Decem hr. 4 4U04.44d sellers; Decern ber-Janu nry, OM buyers: January-February, 4 3M ctlers; February-March. 4.36d sellers; M irch-Aprll. 4.31*14 Ssd buyers: Aprlt- M ty. 4 334?4 3td sellers; May-June. 4.32# t "3d sellers. New Orleans, Sept. I—Colton (ulttres chfsed steady. P' ptembrr 8 84tf85 {February.. 8 2508 27 "tober ... 3 314(3 *3 1 March 8 27*18 2* November 8 24(18.35 April 3.2'<i*.31 I emits* 3 3341* 24 : May 8.31tf.53 Isr.uary ...*23(63 24 | NAVAL ITOnE*. Saturday. Sept. 1. SPIRITS TURPENTINE. -"Nothing •lo in*" Km the official bulletin at the open ing an<l closing at the Hoard of Trade to day. Thera wan apparently no demand at 'he market price, or the price fa r. tore ark, which U S3 cent*, and the day closed wiihout any transaction* reported. Tne 'l*ht between the two elements of the trade seems to be on. and It Is a question "hlch will hold out the lon*er. If buyers 1-mends are such that they can delay •he fllltn* of orders, their rhence of win ning Will be better. If factors are In P tl'lon to holf stuff long enough, then they will have the upper hand. Much Inletest ■ • nlers In the efforts of the trade to check the donward tendency, wnlch It I* gener ally hoped will be successful. The day’s receipt* wen- 1,817. sale* none, and the cx port CIS. H'mi NS -The rosin market elosed firm ■tnd unchsttged to-dgv. The demind was 'ery moderate. At the oientng at the Hoard of Trade sales of barrels were reported, and at tto* citartng caU further MURPHY & CO., INC., Boird of Trade Building SovanAah ' r,V! " leased Wires direct o New York. Chicago und New Orleans. COTTON, STOt ks AMI 1,11 tit. New York office. No. 61 Broadway. Office* In principal cities throughout th# South Write for our Market Manual and book containing Instructions (or traders. sales of *l* barrels. The following were the quotation*. A. B. C It 35 I $1 55 I' I 35 K 1 *> B 1 40 M 1 65 F 1 45 N 1 85 O 150 W O I U 5 H . 1 50 W W 3 *0 Receipts Saturday— <"■ H. it n Rsd S F. * W 931 27> FC. A I*. and G. A A 5.4 1.U17 Flat 61 Shlpmcntn Saturday— C. R. R week, various 36 122 S . F. AW. week, various 329 1.949 8 A 1., week, various 134 .... Naval Stores Statement- Spirits. Rosin Htork April 1. 1900 2.197 Receipts to-day 1.8(7 4.73* Receipt* previously 199.067 416.542 Total since April 1 202,821 565 736 Exports to-day 475 2,071 Exports previously Id. 156 446.681 Exports since April 1 163.631 450.95-’ Stock on hand to-day *9.190 114.834 Stock on hand name days last year 24.427 133.047 Charleston. 8 C.. Sept. I.—Turpentine nothing doing. Rortn dull and unchanged. Wilmington, N. C.. Bcpi. I.—Spirit* tur pentine dull and nothing doing; receipts. 73 cask* Ro*ln dull tin-1 unchanged, re ceipts 511 cask*. Crude turpentine dull at II 3)(2.20; receipts, 121. Tar quiet at |1 40; receipts, 73. New Orleans, left 1 —Receipts: Rosin 115 barrels; turpentine. 70. Exports, Liverpool rosin. 200 barrels. FINANCIAL. MONEY—Th* demand keep* (airly up with the supply FOREIGN EXCHANGE-Market I* steady. Commercial demand. It S6 : sixty data. 34.331,: ninety days, 11. Si’s; flatter, Baris and Havre, sixty day", 5.19V*. Swiss, flxty da) I *, 6.20, marks, sixty days. 94 7-16. DOMESTIC EXCHANGE - Steady; banks are buying at % discount and sell ing as follow*: 325 and under, 10c pre mium: 325 to 350 15c premium; B'o lo 3100. 20c premium. 1100 lo 3300, 25c premium; 330 ft and over par Checks must average 33J0 to gel the par rate. SECURITIES—The market Is very Inac. tlve. scarcely anything doing. Quotations are rather nominal. Slocka. Bid. Aak. Augusta and Savannah R. R li*% no , Atlanta and West Point ljt UK do 6 per cent, certificates ms log Augusta Factory 60 66 Citizens Bank 128 130 Chatham Bank 7 110 111 Chatham B E. & 1. Cos., A 66% 67V4 do do B 56 67 Eagle and I’hoenix Mfg. Cos 105 Edison Electric Blum 100 105 Enterprise Mfg. Cos H 102 Germania Bank 125 129 Georgia tc Alabama 25 27 Georgia Railroad, common 210 215 Ornnllevllle Mfg Cos 140 I*s J P. King Mfg. Cos 100 10* Langley Mfg. Cos U 7 IJO Merchants National Rank 106 110 National Bank <>( Savannah 14t> 150 Oglethorpe Having* and Trust... Ins 110 Peopls's Having and Loan 96 100 Houthwesiern llallrood Cos list 109 Savannah Gas Light Cos 24 26 Southern (tank 153 155 Savannah Bank and Trust 114 116 Sibley Mfg. Cos., Augusta 65 90 Savannah Brewing 95 100 Uuutta. Bid. Aak. Char., pol A Aug. Ist 3s. 1900.... 106 log Atlanta city *, 1922 .....lot 106 AugUMa city is. 1927 105 107 do 4Vt*. 1925 ...110 111 do 7s. 19U3 106 lIM do tS. 1913 119 121 Ala Mid. ss. lnd'd 192*. M A X 97 99 Augusta Factory. 6 percent.. 1913.10* 110 Brunswick and Western 4s, 1938 .. 90 63 C. K. R A Banking collateral ss. 92 91 C. of G. Ist s*. 50-year gold. 1945 F A A 117 11* C of O. con 6*. 1945, M AN. ... 92V4 C. of Ua lsl Income*. 1945 .44 45 do 2d Incomes. 1945 11 12 do Sd Incomes, 1945 6 7 C of G. (M. G. A A. Dlv.) ss. 1*47. J A J *3 94 C. of G (Eaton Branch), sa. 1926. J. A D 91 95 City A Suburban R R. Ist 75....1( 110 Columbus city, ss. 1909 106 107 Charleston city 4*. 1945 101 Id* Eauls A Fhen.x Mills 6s. 1928....1td 107 Edison Electric Illuminating to. HM 106 Enterprise Mfg 6a. 1901 102 102 Georgia Railroad 4s, 1910 11l 118V4 O 8. A F. 1*45. J. A J 109 110 Georgia A Alabama I*l 6*. 1945 .104 102 Georgia stale 3‘-y. 1930, J. A J... 106 107 do 3V* 1915. MAN 101 102 do 4Vk*. 1915 117 118 Macon City 6*. 1910. J A J 116 119 do4H*. I** B - Jn- f* r ><” W 9 Ocean Steamship 6s. 1926 103 104 Savannah city s*. quar. October 1913 HI H3 do 6*. quar Nov.. 19(9 11l 11* South Carolina slate 4V6*. 1933 ..116 116 Sibley Mfg Cos 6s. 1903 101 102 Soulh Hound 5* •* 10° g. F. A W gen mfg*. 6s. 1934 .123 194 do do Ist ss. gold. 1934 110V* 1H do St John Dlv. Ist 4* 1524.... 91 to WBKHLt IMMv STATEMENT. New York. Sepl 1. The weekly hank statement show* the following changes: Surplus reserve. Increase, 33.1*9.550; loan-, decrease. 3553.300; specie. Increase. 33.373.- H>; legal tender. Increase. 3349.000; de posit*. Increase. 32.130.500; circulation. In crease. 3316.300. The banks now hold 327 078.475 In excess of the requirement* of the 25 per cent, rule. MISCRLU9EOU MARKET*. Not*—These ipiotalkwi* ars revised dally and are k<pl a* near :<m possible In accord with the prevailing wholesale price# official quotation# are not used when they dlsagr.-e with the prices whole salers ask Country and Northern Produce. POULTRY—The mirket Is steady Quo tation*: Broilers. 2M|2se per |*lr; half grown 264/(1*; three-fourth* grown, 4S4f 50e; hen*. JMIMc: rroters. (0c; ducks, gee'se and turkey* nut of season. EGOS —Steady at 17c. RUTTER—Tn* rone of the market P steady Quotations: Cooking. 19r, extra dairies. 21c; Elgin*. 31023 c; extra Elgin*, *lr CHEESE—Market Arm: fanev full cream cheese, lie (or 2b to 22-pound average 28ff.10-pound average. 114<\ ONIONS-Yellow. In barrel*. 32 2302.50, crate*. 11-60. Early Vegelahlea. IRISH POTATOES—Northern. J 2.09 (in, k. CABBAGE—6'4©*<' P*r head Hreadsinffs. May sod a ram. FLOUR-Market steady; patent, 34 40. straight 3410; fancy, 3395; family. 33.75. MFAL-P'trl. per barrel. *2 75; per sock, •ts, city meal, per sack, bolted, 319044 ?V water gtound. 31.25; city grtte. ±i *&. rz a ?x:\uz r > br cSiN-3U?ie* ”rm. While. ,ob Wvle. He, carload lot*. 61c; mixed corn. Job loi*. 42c crknvd lot*. Blc. BlCE—Market steadv. demand ftilr; fsney head. *c; fancy. 5V4e. A 8414 No. 3 mixed, curAiad, 33'i; Job THE MORNING NEWS: SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1000. lot*. 15 whit* clipped, *9c, Job; *7c cars. BRAN—Job lots, 95c; carload lots. *oc HAY—Market steady; No. 1. timothy. 15c job; 90 car*; No. 2. 00c job; 55 cars llavuu. Hams sat Lard. BACON Market Itrm; D. 8. C H. side*. BVyc, D. 8 hollies. 9c. (Eastern); D H bot tles. 94,e, (Western), smoked C. H. ski.*. HAMS—Hugar cur* and. 12VtC-5c I.ARD—Pure. In three*, le; In AVpound tin* and Id-pound tub* *',c; compound, tn tierces. #v. 50-pound tins and *O-pound tubs, 6"*c. Sugar and Cnlrt. SUGAR— Cut loaf 653 Diamond A 6.3 rrushed 6AS Confectioners' A.6.23 Powdered 6.s3'While Extra C. 598 xxxx. pow'd...ASt|Extra C s.*s Cubea 6.5* Golden C .9.7* Mould A 6.58 Yellows 5.61 COFFEE— Mocha 36c |Prime. No. 3 ...11 Me Java 26k- |OooJ. No. 4 ....Mika Bealperry 14V9c|Patr. No. 3 11 c Fancy No. 1 ...UVyc| Ordinary, No. 6.10 V Choice. No. 2 HBo;<'ommon. No. 710 c Hardnan and Huldlaa Kappllrs LIME. CALCIUM. BLASTER AND CEMENT— Alabama and Georgia lime In fair demand and selr at 9. cent* a barrel; special calcined plaster. 31.00 per barrel; hair. 4tfse. Ro*daie cement. 81304)123; carload lots, special, Bor Band cement, re tail. $2 25. carload lots. (2 4JQ2.30. LUMBER F O. B VESSELS SAVAN NAH- Minimum yard else*. 310 504)11 00; car *lll*. 312.5P0 13 (8); different sis,-*. 31400 4I18.0U: ship slock. 116.00(118.IIU; eawn ties. 3*004)8.50; hewn lies. 25<)3tc. OIL-Market steady; demand fair; sig nal. 4605uc; West Virginia black. 9Ul2c; lar.l. 68c. neaiafout. o*tf7oc. machinery. 16 925 c; |in*e<*l oil. raw. 671,c; boiled. 75c. kerosene, prune white, 12. : water while. 13c; Brad's astral. 14; deodorised stove gasoline, drums, lIVyC. empty oil barrel*, delivered. 85c. GUN POWDER—Per keg. Austin crack shot, 3400; half kegs. 32. L; quarter kegs. 31 25; champion ducking, quarter kegs. 32 23; Dupont and Hazard smokeless, half kegs. 311 35: quarter keg*. 35 75; 1-pound canister*. 3100. less 25 per cent.; Tmisdorf smokeless powder, t-pound cans. II 00. 19- pcuml ear*. 90c pound. SHOT—Drop. 31-90; B. P. and large. 31.79; chiliad 31.75 IRON - Market very steadv; (Swede, s<qo. NAll^—Cut. 32 60 base; wire, 32 85 baas. BARBED WIRE—33 60 per 100 pounds, straight goods. 234)300; sugar house mo lasses. 15634 c. Fruits and Nats. APPLEH-Early Northern variety, 32 2541 3.00 MELONS—36 004)12.00 per 100 PEACHES—Six-basket carriers. 73®; fancy freo alone. 11.504)1.75. PINEAPPLES— Extra largo Abhaka* Cayennes, 33.004)3.50 per standard crate; ■mall Real Hpanlsh. 32.254)2 50. LEMONS- Market i rmly ,n I) 504|3 no. NUTS—Almonds. Tarragons, jfc; Ivicas. 19c; walnuts. French. 12c; Naples, J*c; cans. 12c; llraxlls. 7c; llllierts. ]2c; assort ed nuts. 50-pound and 25-|>oun<t boxes. 13. PEANUTS—AmpIe slock, fair demand; market Arm; fancy h.ind-pl'-ked. Virginia, per pound. 4V4c; han.l-picked. Virginia, ex tra*. 3>f: N. C. seed peanuts. Stye Dried aad Evaporated Frulla. APPLES—Evaporated. 7VO3c; sun-dried, 6Hc. PEACHEB-Evaporated. pealed. 17Hc; unpealed. 9'v4Jloc. I'E ARB-Evaporated. 12'jc. APRlCOTS—Evaporated, 15c pound; nec tarines. 10*c. RAISINS—L. L , 3200; Imperial cabinets, 12 25: loose. 50-pound boxes, *4fß(,c pound. Potion Hnaalna aad Ties, BAGGlNG—kiarksl firm; Jme, 314- pound. 9Vr: large lots. 9V9c; small lots, t-pound. 8%4)9c; IX-pounJ, SVifiXV; ••• Island bagging. 128,c TlES—Standard. t&-pound. arrow, large lots. 3140. small lots. 31.50. ball. Hides and Waal. SALT—Demand is rate and the market steady, cariostf lota, lOn-pound burlap ■ticks, 41c; lUO-pound sotlon sack. 43c. 123-pound burlap aackt. ilc; IJS-pouno cotton sacks, 32c: 200-pound burlap sacks, do. HlDES—Market firm; dry flint, 13V4c; dry *alt. IIV4c: green salted. 9c. WOOL—Nominal; prims Georgia, free of sand burr* and black wool, 19c. black. 16c: burry. 10c. Wax, 23c; tallow, 2Vc. Deer skins. 20c. MI9CBIXANEOI 9. FlSH—Mackerel, half-barrel*. No 1. 39.50; No. 2. 3800; No. 3. 16 50; kit*, No. L 31.40; No. 2. 31-25; No. 3.85 c Godllah. '.pound bricks. 4Vc; 2-pound bricks. 9c. Hmoki-I herrings, per box. 30c. Dutch her ring. In kegs. 31-10; new mullets, half barrel*. 33 50 BYRUP—Market quiet; Georgia and Florida *yrup. buying at TMIXc; aching at Bfi3sc: sugar house at lOfflV-; selling at IIONEY-Falr demand; strained. In bar rel". LlfAte gallon. High wins baste. (1.29. OCEAN KIII2IGMT*. COTTON—Savannah lo Roeton, per cat., 25c. (o New York, per rwt , Soc; tn Philadelphia, per bale, 31, Baltimore. 31 FOREIGN DlßECT—Bremen. *Sr; Liv erpool. 65c; Hamburg. 65c; Genoa. .<sc. Barcelona, 70c; klancltrsler, 66c; Havre. 60c. FOREIGN INDlßECT—Liverpool. 59c; Manchester. 47c; Hamburg. *6.; Havre, 05c; Genoa, ®c: Reval and St. Petersburg, 70c; Antwerp. 55c. LUMBER -Rv -Freight* dull; lo Ralllmore and eastward. 34 60 to *6 00 per M . Including Portland. LUMBER- By Steam-Savannah lo Ral llmore. *5.00; lo P R. R. or R, 6 o. dork*. *5.50; to Philadelphia. 16%c per owl.. (4 lb*, to fool); lo New York. to.OO per 61. 36.75 to dock; lightered lo Boston to dock. 1600. NAVAL STORES.—The market |a firm; medium l*e vesel* Roaln—Cork for orders. 3# 6d per barrel of 310 pound*, and 5 per rent, prlmag.-. Hplrll*. 4* 9d |,er 40 gallon* groe*. end 5 per rent, prlmace. Large vessel*, rosin. 3*; eplrlts, 4* 3d. Btem. 11c per 100 pounds on ro*ln; 71%<- on splrlle, Savannah lo Boston, and 9%c on rosin and Hr on splrlla to New York. CHAIN. PMOViaION*. ETC. New York, Bept. I.—Flour Inactive, with buyers and seller* 6010 c apart, closing steady: winter patents. 93.76424 W. Rye flour dull Cornmeal steady. Rye steady; No. 3. \to#tern. 58c. Rarley firm Barley mult dull. Wheat—Sro*. firm; No. 2 red. *!%r. Op flon# opened firm nnd later advanced on higher cable* and local covering. Inspired by light deliveries on September con tract*. Closed firm at %< net higher. May closed k*t4c: September, 7%®79%r; Re-ember. 81%c, Corn—Spot, Arm; No. 2. 47c. Option mar ket wa* generally Arm all day. but very quiet. It wa* Influenced by higher ca ble" and covering. Closed firm and %49%c net higher. May cloaed 41%e; December. 41%c. Oa4—Spot, quiet; No. 2, 25%c. Option* dull, but stendy. with corn. F.A.Rogers&Co.,inc. Baakcrs. Broker* aad Dealer* la Stocks Cotton, Grain and Provision* FOR CASH OK M 4 RUIN. PrnwtptServir*.Liberal Treatment 'Vrllefor term*, special quotation serv ice *d txmklel •• Salelv *<Hl Certaioty is Spe<tdeK>" " 3M WALL STREET. NEW YORK. JACOB BERRY & CO. MEMBERS OF THE CONSOLIDATED STOCK KXCHANOE. Established 1845. 41 and 4>i Broadway, New York. STOCKS. BONDS. GRAIN. COTTON. Bend for our new book entitled “A Olimpre al Wail Street and It* Market*," of unusual Interest fb careful operaior*. Also weekly or dally report* ba*ed upon scientlUc aiudy of market vondlUooa. , Southern Railway. Tralne Arrive and Depart Savannah or (0 th Meridian Tima - Ooe Hour Blowea Than Ol ty Tima. Bchaduiea In Effect Bu nday. June Id, 1909 RltAb DGWMIP - TO TITe EABT. || READ gK ”N0.9 | Not IS || I, No. 29 i No.fa j || (Central Ttroo.) || { U IBpsaiD 29am 11 Lv Savannah Aril 9 19am] 2 Mau j (Eu.tarn Time.) 4 31pm 4 28am Ar UlaokvlUe Lv;i 9 OPamj 1 Tlpsn 4 <6, tan 6 loam Ar .Columbia Lv j 1 25 mi ll 96*tn 9 lo|i*ti 9 45am Ar Charlotte Lv e BSpniJ 8 10am 11 44)>n. G 23pm Af Premia boro ldr|{ 7 lopro| 9 tiani Ar Nor talk Lv| • 9 ***** m. 138 pm At Dap Villa Lv 9 49999 4 39aa 4 99am 6 39ian,,Ar Richmond Lv 12 98| '. 2 40.1 in 1 43pm ,Ar Lyncbburg Lvh 2 Upat; t lO*S 4 25am 5 35pm')Ar t'hprlottcsvllla Lvh 2 (Sum 12 6tp> 2 15am 8 50pni Ar W i-hnigtosi I.v ill 16tm 9 rOi-m 9 15am 11 JldNii Ar Baltimore Lvj 8 32am 9 22pm 11 23am 1 2 56am Ar Philadelphia Lv t 60am 4 t9pm 2 06pm 6 23am Ar New York Lv)[lt Item 326 pm 8 aqmi S (X))S11 Ar Boaton Lv|| 5 bptn 10 10am No* TO THE NORTH AND WUtjT. l, No. (Centra I Time.) 11 13 30am |Lv Savannah Ar J 3 lOani y (Kastarn Time.) 4 30am.Lv v'otumhta I.v i 1 Lain 2 50am |Lv B(>atlalibura Lv 4 16pm 12 lupm 1,7 Ash. villa Lv | 2 06in 4 02pm lAr Hot Spring* Lv II 49am 7 20ihii Ar Ka .x vllle H i tom 310 am lAr Lexington - Lvj 10 B>m 9 Siam Ar Cincinnati Lv I 98'ta 7 6bam Ar Iwuavllle I*r) 7 9pm 300 pm: lAr M Louie Lv|| > 499aa All trains arrtvo and depart from th* Plant System Station. THROUGH CAR SERVICE. ETC. TRAINS AND 34 DAILY. NEW YORK AND FLORIDA EXPRESS V*aH buled limited train*, with Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Cara te-tw. es> Bavam nah and New York. Connects at Washington with Colon ail Expresa for BobUmi. Pullman Sleeping Cara between v'harlotle and Richmond and charlotte and Nor folk Dining Cars serve all meals Iwtwaan Savannah and Washington. TRAINS 36 AND 36 DAILY. THE UNITED STATES FAST MAIL V roll billed limited trains, carrying Pullman Drawing Boom Sleepim Car* between Savannah and New York Dining Car* -erva all meals between Savannah and Waahlngtaw Also Pullman Drawing Room Ble- ping Carr between Savannah and Cincinnati, through Asheville ■ml "The Lind of ths Sky " For complete Information a* lo ralrw, schedule* etc., apply to O. GROOVER Ticket Agent. Plant System Station JAMES FREEMAN. C. P and T. A. HI Bull elraal. Telephone*-nH. BO; Georgia *SO 8 H HARDWICK Aeltant General Pasttcnger Agent. Atlanta. Oa. Beef dull; family. 310.00812 00; mess. 19 • 4)9.50. Cut meat* quiet. laird dull: Western steamed. 12 10; Sep tember, 37.10. nominal; rellned quiet; con tinent, 37 30; South American. 3*.(W. Potatoes quirt; Jersey*. 31 25(11.73; Long Island, 31504)1.75; Jersey aweela. 38-25® 350. Peanut* unchanged. Cabbage quiet; Long Island, per 100. 32.0002.30. Cotion by steam lo Ldverpool. 91c. Pork steady; family. 913.tW4115.73: short clear. 113.>U 1550; me**. 312.<>(( 12.50. Butler steady; creamery, 17Mi22c; elate dairy, 16821 c. Cheese doll; targe white. 101*c; small white, 10c. Egg* Itrm; state and Pennsylvania. 16 If 19c; Western regular, packing at mark. 10tl&V. Petroleum dull. Rosin quiet; strained, common to good. 31.52MH.55. Turpentine. EftlUc. Rice firm; domestic, fair to ex4ra. 4H© 6*4c: Japtin. 4%0. Coffee-Spot Rio doll; No. 7. Invoice. BSc; mild quiet: Cordova. 9Vrt4<\ The market for iffee futures opened quiet ■nd unchanged, and scarcely varied with showing weak undertone, following sat isfactory European and Rio cattle* and a belief that receipt* would be larger next week, the StnlOK Railroad strike being reported at an end. while warehouse de liveries were small and *pol buyer* Indif ferent. The market closed quiet and net unchanged Total Kale*. 12.100 bag*. In eluding October. 7.35 c; November, 7.35 c; December, 7.66 c. I OTTO* SLED OIL New York. Sept. I.—Cotton *ertl oil dull. Prime crude barrels nominal: prime sum mer yellow. 33’,834c spot; off summer yel low. 33<.*c; prime winter yellow. 38413* I **'; prime white. J7a97V*c; prime meal. 326U>. I Hit AGO MAMKETS. Chicago. Sept, t -Steady cables ami small deliveries were a help to a dull wheat market 10-day, October closing Sc higher. Corn closed tlttSc hlglw r, ami oat* SOSC lower. Provision* cloned prar ilrally unchanged. The leading future* ranged a* follow#: Opening. Highest. Lowest. Closing. Wheat No. 7 Sept 74Mt74% 7 74% 74V4 Oct 761x875% 738* 75 75% Nov 76 76% 76 76 Corn No. 3 Sept 40 4)40% 40% *> F>% Oct TYtv 39% *, 3 33 6% Nov 97% 37% 97% H% oat* No. 2 Sept 21%21% 21% 21 21 Oct 21% 2l%®2Uti 21% 21% Nov 32% 22% % 21% Mee* Pork. Per Barrel Sep 110 97 *lO 92% *lO 92% Oct tl 10 11 12% U 11 06 Jan II 30 11 SO 11 ll 25 Lard. Per 100 Pounds— Sept 670 6 72% 970 67% Oct 6 77% 6 77% 6 75 6 77% Jan 6 60 6 80 6 57% *4O Short lilt*#. Ter 100 Pound*— H. pt 7 12% 717% 710 710 Oct 7 W% 710 7 06 7 07% Jan 697% 90 6 96 6 95 Cash quotation* were *• follows: Flour steady; winter patent*, *3.)(i*4.'iO; straight*, 33 104)3.70; clear*. *3.(JU4i3.50: spring specials, 31.4004.60; patents, 33.60t* 4(10; patent, 33.0003.40; bakers', *2.000*75. No 3 spring wheat. 74i75c; No. 2 red 75% W7%c. No. 2 corn. 414)41%'; No. 3 yellow. 41%(H1%c. No. 2 oats. 21%822c; No. 2 White, 34024%c, No. 3 while. 23%25e. No. 3 rye. 52%c. Fair 10 choice malting bar ley. 43047 c. No. 1 flaxseed, 91.10%; No. 1. Northwestern, 31.41%. Me** pork, per bar rel. 311.00011.05. Lard. |wr lut pounds. 36.72M*.21>. Short rllg* "Idea, loose. 17 060 7.*). Dry salted shoulder*, boxed. %4l 6%c. Short clear sides, boxed. IT.WfT •>. Whiskey, hasl# of high wines. 31.34%. Sugars, cut loaf, unchanged. Clover, con tract grade, 39 78. MARINS, INTELLIGENCE. Mailers of Interest lo Shipping Men Generally. The schooner Harry A. Rerwlnd cleared yesterday with a cargo of 200.<0 feet of yellow pine lumber for Philadelphia. Hho would have proceeded oul during the day had It not been for the threatening weather, which pul Oapt. Wallace on hta guard. Asa general tiling, the Rerwlnd carries about fed. None of the selling ve*e*ls load very deeply during the hurricane *ea*on. however. Owing to the Inclement weather off the tier yesterday several vessel* bound North, and one foreign bound, pul In e.t Tybee for hart*r. The Norwegian bark Camilla, houml for Hamburg with a car go of logwood, entered an aehored. An unknown schooner, lumber laden, also put In. The Norwegian hark Elleser. Cap!. Mar ctiaeen. arrived al Tybee yesterday from Hamburg Hhe was lo report lo Tybee for order*. From I here she wa* ordered to Wilmington. Two ship*, four berks and two schoon er* are at Darien loading tlmlier and lum ber. They ere, teem#hlp Marthara (Bri Uap*. Kerr; *hlp Heidrun (Nor). Capt. Bjorn sen; bark Htanley (Nor), rapt. Hveneen: bark Enterprise (Norl, Capl. Andersen; bark Barrfod INor). Capt. So rensen: bark Crown Prince (Nor). Capl. Sorrcnsen; schooner Hallle C. Luce lAmnl, Capt. Heal, and schooner Oliver B. Barrett (AM). Capt. Gould. During the week there wo* shipped from Darien, coastwise anti foreign. 2,472 - 275 feet of tlmlier and lumber, valued at *32.034 Th* shipment* for (he niontu amounted to 12.017.564 feel, valued at *157.125. There has been little Improvement In the chartering of Mali tonnage, II Is re ported at Philadelphia, although a good demand prevails and full rale# are bill Vessels continue very scarce, especially those suitable fer the offshore trades. A steady business has been re|>orted In steam tonnage, ih# greater ponton of which was for Southern loading. Vessels continue In demand for cotton and gen eral cargo from the BouUi. coal and grain from Ailantir porta ami deals from the provinces. Rases In all trades are Arm Time contract boats are wanted, but the off. ting* are light aml full rales are de manded. Pdirss.ri My Plcanrahlpe. Passenger* by steamship Tallahassee for New York. Bept. I.—Mis* Mill*. Mr*. J. Kmlth. H. Jensen, Ml** Allis Reynold*. Mr* J. Bpyer*. John Sullivan. Robert M Wilson, L. Burbank, James Daly, Fred Camp. H. T. Bush. 3lr Calvin, A. B Qulnan. Mr*. Austin. J D. Bright. Ml** Jeannette Allred. R L. Clark, P. T. Foye, F. W. Gate* and wife. Mt* Emma Perry. G. C. Newton and wife. M. Bryan (col oredt T. Htadovlchla, D. O'Keefe, J. G. Mi Mann, W. Klltult. J. I. Baker. •avaanah Almanac. Bun rise* at 6:36 a. tn. and aels at t:23 p. rn High water al Tyt>ee to-dny at 12:77 a. m and 1:10 p. tn. High water at Savan nah one hour later. I'ha*e of (he Moon far geptrmber. . ’ D. H. M. Flrat quarter ...3 1 56 morn. Full moon 8 116 eve. Last quurier 15 2 67 eve. New moon 23 1 67 eve. Moon Perigee. 9th; it non Apogee, 23d. ARRIVAL* AM) DEPARTURES. Vessel* Cleared Yesterday. Bchooner Harry A. Rerwlnd. Wallace, Philadelphia. Arrived at Tybee. Bark Elleser (Nor). Marctrasen, Ham burg. and ordered to Wilmington Bark Camilla (Nor). Andreasen, for Hamburg, In for harbor. Unknown achoonrr, for harbor. Vessels Went to *ea. Steamship Tallahassee, Aiklns, New York, Steamship Alleghany, Billups, Balti more. Freight* and Charters. Kirnmer Empress (Br), 1.875 lon*. Sa vannah lo Liverpool or Bremen, with cot ton. 48*. 9.; option Havre, 495. 3d. Mblpplng Memoranda. Jacksonville. Fla.. Bept. I.—Entered, *chr Alice Archer, Glbbe, New York. Cleared, schr J. W. Ballno, Wilton, Portland. New Orleans. Bept. J.—Cleared, steamer* John Wll*on (Nor). Rluefleld*. Capella (Nor). William*, Liverpool; Nicaragua (Nor). Pedersen. Uelhs; Morgan. Max son, Havana: Montrlam (Hr), flhallls. Cape Town; El Bud, Higgins, New York. Pori Eads. Bept. I.—Arrived. *(eamer* Killy (Br). Martensen. Port Llmon; Hu gln (Nor), Anderson. Tampico. Balled, steamer* El Paso. Royd. New Y'ork; Mallln Head (Hr), McKee. Belfast; Alabama (Nor). Blversten. Iltuefleld* Iberia (Nor). Jacobsen, Uelba; Spanish Prince IBn. Millar. Havre, via Norfolk. Buldal (Nor), Elltngaen, Crib*. Fcrnandltm. Fla., Bept. I—Arrived, steamer Btrathleven, Jack. Baltimore; schr Eva 11. Hall, Lelghlon. New York Balled. *Ut, harkentlne Jennie Sweeney, Taylor. Philadelphia. Haltlmore. Aug 31 Arrived and clear ed. steamer U. 11. MUler, Ravannsh. Philadelphia, Aug. 31.—Arrived, schr Mlllts R. flohunnon. Savannah. Key Weal. Hepi I —Arrived, steamers Miami. Delano. Miami; Nueees, Galves ton, and sailed for New Yo"k; Maacotte, White, Havana, and sailed for Port Tampa: I-aura. Fenimore. Punta Roesa; lug Icipex, high aeas; schr He a Gull, llo nacco; Dr. Lykea, Havana, A. F. Mer rill. Bonaeco. Uharleslon. B. C., Bept I.—Arrived, steamships Carlb, Ingram. New York, and proceeded lo Jacksonville; Iroquois, Kem ble, New York, and proceeded #o Jack sonville; echr Mary Lee Patton. Steelman, Norfolk. Mobile. Ala., Bept. I.—Cleared, steamer U*k (Br). Harry. Puerto Cories; steam er Kspanla (Nor). Dsnlelten, Puerto Cor tes Punts ftarda. Sept. 1 —Glgired, steam er Vlvlnal. I.usarraga, Plymouth Pori Tampa. Bept. I.—Sailed, steamer Olivette. Smßh. Havana, via Key Wel. Galveston. Tex., Bept. I.—Clearances of grain: Liverpool—Steamship Navigator. 64.000 wheat; 465 flour; steamship Dominic. 136.- 000 wheal. Hamburg—Steamship Ltansanor, 112,000 wheal. Notice la Mariners. Pilot char#* and all hydrographic Infor mation will he furnished mauler* of ves sels free of charge In United Slate* hy drographic office In Custom House. Cap tatnA are requested to call at the office. Report# of wrecks and derelicts received for transmission to (he Navy Depart ment. Plant System. of Railways. Trains Opara(ed by Mth Meridian Tl me- One Hour Blower Tnn City Tima. IMUO DOWN. , LIT-olia A~i 5 Ifut' ,i READ UP. * ' Id 43 tv it North and Bouth tl 35 '5 , P' 7 v 45p 8 -ua 13 liq> 5 46a V u6a Lv . .Haf.ll.. m 2 As T£a v hw t> u taaill Wht. 4 I9p It 30a| )Ba, Ar ...Charleatoti .. Lv 11 Ispi 6 60a| I lap 141a S <** j 8 2**l 7) Ar ... .Richmond .. Lv 04.. j 4 tgpl I * 3taU |OL Ar ... Baltimore.... Lv 3 56aj 1 4*|*i 1 10 46a IWa Ar ....Philadelphia . Lv] 13 Alp !l J)p| - - 1 1 7 oft., Ar ... New York .. Lvij 9 tap I 56aL.... - - I * *9p| *•*>,|Ar Boston , Lv. 1 uip UOOnt - ■a* ,16 lal ■”. iouin J# 9* .54 ,32 ”18 swp I 26p ML * 20o; I LadXv 7.. la v a ana h ... Ar|. 1 4U.,:2 luajU lOiqll La ®**i “ i'l>' Mu. 7 35a. 9 25a ;Ar ... .Waycroas.... Lv lo M|.| 5Dp 9 65a 9 3tts| 79W 12 Mm I 9 30p| 2 Ispj } 16;>I I I9pl Ar .. Thßmusvllle .Lv 7 .die 7 <Jp( 5 45! 9 16a ,3 88a 10 30|> 7 40p 12 Mia 26.1 3ua ,Ar ...Jack onillla , Lv; s 30,. vain * ni| 7 30a *4a I 2 06* 6 40p| 1 j|Ar Hanford LvJ.l2 ofcp 1 00a: 1 OUs ...... I | 1 Jap * *0)>l Ar n.Ualnasvtlle .. I.v .. | 2 tail! | j i * tap * lip Ar Gcals Lv ( I 1 40p I to M)i 10 iup Ar .81. Pstarsburg Lv | j 4 oua, ll** 10 flOl'll® 00P|IO flop Ar Tampa .. Lvj 7 'Oa J oba| 7 *spl 7 S6|> I * 10a 10 30PJ19 aip 10 9U|. Ar ~..l*ort Tampa I.v ! 6 95.| 6 33a 7 o*t>! 7 tat [ 1 Ma; 1 lOai 1 Ipa Ar .. Puma (tarda Lv I | 4 95).1 4 38p ...... I ...|.....(10 45aj10 45a|;Ar .8t Au guatlne. Lv|j 4 3op 6 9q.i | I 5 00|i 1 16a 1 ?:<f 6 2Ca| Lv ... Hava 1 nah ... Lv|]l4 15a t.' iua j - I 4 46pi 9 I9a| 4 50p< 6 61a Ar ........Jeaup I.v 8 Joa l n ®q> ] j I 8 86p| 7 KVi | I Spi 9 (9a||Ar ..Brunswick . Lv. 6 4Oa|*o3p|.. I-- NORTH. WEST AND SOUTH WEST. 14 1 63 . Ma J. up 14 91 15 35 \i„ Montgomery 18 . 7 ' 5 Uq> 3 ,'u.i I.v Savannah Ar |IO 15a 12 lOu | 5 00|> 8 05a Lv Ha s .tntiAli Ar 10 1 9 46p| I (Oui.Ar ...Jaaup.. Lv 1 I 90s 10 top * 10a Pq. Ar Mtg n.ery I.v 7 4ip 11 25a 9Ws lllpjAr.. Macs, .brllda 9 80p 7 lOpl 4 60a Ar Nashvllla Lv|| * iua 2 21a 3 30a 3 tap Ar Atlanta Lv !l0 G,p 13 06P J iua 13 25). Ar Louisville Li 2 65a 9Up 9 46a t 40pj Ar Cha'nooga Lv flfq. 4 45a 7 (Vsii 4 06pl Ar Ctnclnnall Lv 11 nop 6 (6p 7 *H> T toa Ar Isvulsvllla Lv T 46a 7 tap 7 10a T lit Ar Bt la.uls Lv aAc IHa T 7 46a Ar rinclcnail Lv I 8 >ua 7 nop In, 45 N > 7 04a 4M). Ar 81 Lv I 8 16p (08a 7 22a JAr 81. Lotila Lv I 00p 1 l:.(. 5 I4p Ar Chicago Lv ! 8 kip * OOP I (67 k o.) "4 66t, 4 Isp. Lv. Atlanta Ar 10 36p:H 30a (tat * 16n Ar Cht. se.. T.r I T ¥*• I RBp 8 o.pi 7 lia Ar. Memptons Lv 8 9M{ 9nq ... 9 (6*| 7 10a Ar KansasCUyLv 4 30pj 9 tap 4 12p| 9 <**!, Ar.. Mobil* . Lv!)U IBp|l9 3(k • (and nnn.araed iralnat dally. * * r ** Orlaana Lv 7kn . 45p J axeepi Sunday. j 5 OOP .u* I.V Mavsnoah Ar, 10 I3n 13 Mb IHunday only. | t (tail 90p< Ar . Tift on ...Lwl 2Ma I 20P Through Pullman Hl*eplng~Sar~lerv!(W ids, 1 lop Ar Albany .Lv 13 Ota * tap 10 North. Fast and West >O.l to Plortdn | 6 30p' Ar Coiumbua Lvj 10 (Ma luuiieftluaa mAr m( fl'url Tauipai n l(h airiMrn tr Krj %% rat ut| llnvnnn. Lrafing l*orf Tumps Maadan, TliurilaM and Haiurda>a mi IliOO p. m. J. H. T. r. A.; K. A. Armand, Cliy Tkt Al.. D foto Hotel. Phone 71 11. W. WRENN, PuMDipr Tra (Tto Manager. Savannah. Ga. McDonough & dallantyne, Iron Founders, Machinists, a 9 klsrtUMitk. .il.ra*„„ l. ....... at ..ti..„. , ' •rr aad PartabU taa*trrlisal and Te.p twra Mill*, Bagar 84HI aad I'aae. aka (tlag. Pallrra, eta. TELEPHONE NO. 123. railßi IiMITEQ Double Daily Service The Short line lo Norfolk, Washington. Ralllmore. Philadelphia, New York and the Kaei. | No. 44 ! No. *1 T.v Savannah, S. A. L. Ryilflßpiijft 59pm Ar Columbia. B A L Hy : 1 SBpm: 4 tarn Ar Raleigh, H A L. Ry..|ll pmill 50am Ar Durham. S. A. L. Ry 7 Him I 18pm Ar I'etersburg, S A LBy 4 13am 4 36pm Ar Richmond. 8. A I- Ity; 5 15am, 5 (Ppm Ar Washington. Penna...| 8 46arni 9 10|>m Ar Baltimore I'ennu 10 02am 11 —pm Ar Philadelphia. Penna .. 12 27pm: 2 s>.am Ar New York Penna 3 (Ppm 6 Una No 41 No 86 rTv ftavannah. 8 A? L. ttyjil 35pm II 59|>m Ar Porlsmoulh, S A LRy 7 80am: 8 6Upm Steamer* leave Norfolk dally. **eei>B Sunday, for Bulllmore, Philadelphia and New York, and dally for Washington. The short line to Montgomery, Mobile and New Orleans, leaving Savannah at 7:28 a. m . arriving al Montgomery 7 40 p. m . at whlrli point close connection I* made with the L. (k N. R. R.. arriving at Mobile 2:(*. a. m. and New Orleans 7:46 a. m. The short lino io Kertiondtnu. Jsckson vllle, Tampa and other Florida jiolnt*. | No. 77 | No II Lv flavanneh. I. A. L 6 Oftamj 8 Wpm Ar Fernnndlns. S.A.L Ry| 3sam 9 06pm Ar Jacksonville, S.A L.Ryl 9 10am 7 Onirn Ar Tumpn. 8 A. L. Ry . , 6 *pm. 6 10am " Mognlfleen* Pullman buffet sleeping ear service lo Washington. Haltlmore, Phila delphia and New York; also to Jackson ville nnd Tampa. Dining ear# from Savannah to Hamlet, and Richmond to New York. Buffet parlor cars Savannah lo Mont gomery. For additional Information apply (o Ticket Office. Bull and Bryan at reels. Phone 38. Coastwise Eaporte. Per Steamship Alleghany for Rsltlmore lO6 bale* upland collon. 3.610 barret* rosin. 133,006 feet li.aih*r, 316 sack* clay. zzr, package* merchandise 153 package* domestics and yarns. 60 bale* mo**. 78,883 feet for Baltimore. W. 623 feel for Phila delphia. Per steamship Tallahassee for New Y0rk—7.468 bale* upland cotton. 406 bale# domestics, 861 barrel* rosin. 15 barrel* turpentine. 194.510 feel lumber, 30 turtles. IP bales tobacco, 46 hoses fruit. 130 case# cigar*. 24 lon* pig Iron. barrel* lamp black. B*B package* merchandise. Per schooner Harry A. Rerwlnd for Bal tlmore— fei yellow pine lumber— Cargo by T B Wylly A Cos. PRODUCTION OF IRON ORK. Itatpol More Than a Foarth Greater Than In 189*. From the Wahlng(oti Star. The production of Iron ore to Ihe Unite.! States for the year 1899. according to tho qi.nual report of the United State* geo logical survey, which ho* Just been com piled hy Mr. John Rlrklnblne. amount *1 in 24.8*8.173 long lone, an Increase of 5,- 249.997 ton*, or 77 per cent, over I*9*. The records for IMS and 18 represent the largest output of iron ore mined tn any country hi one year. Hie nearcat approach being a total of 19.062.040 ton* mined t.i I*Bo In England Twenty-four latw con tributed lo this total, Michigan leading with 9,146.157 tone, and Minnesota taking a second place with (.let 2M ton*. Ala bama occupied third ptacS. with 1,009,327 ion*. Tbo iron ore* have been sulidlvided Into red hematuea, brown hematite*, mag netite and carbonate. The red heniailia continues to be the most prominent of Ihe etassee of iron ore. contributing 20.- 004.299 long ton#, or it per cent, of the total for 1899 Of Hie brown hernatltea 2.889.785 long ton* were mined, of 11.S per cam. of Ihe total production, while ihe magnetite output amounted to 1,727.430 tone and that of the carbonate variety to 91,639 ions. General larreaar Darina Tear. There was a very general increase dur ing the year In Ihe amount of all the dif ferent claaeee of Iron ore, due to actlvo demand upon local mine* lo supplement ore obtained from the targe producer*. Many Iron or* deposit* which had not been worked for year* resumed operation* In 1899. nnd (he official tmprovemeni In Ihls Industry proliahly will *llll further encourage Ihe working of deposit* which during th* bualnms depresalon were In active. The Lake Superior region Increwoed Its former maximum output of 12,779,306 tans ifpp£ Vgeorgia HchMulr* EfTr.-lve Aug !7. IMS. * Train* arrive at arul depart from Central Station. Wat Broad. foot of liberty at reel. lOtb Meridian Ttmo~One hour slower thaw city time, Daav* Arrive Savannah: Savannah: jAuguata. Macon. AUantaT] ’ ** 46*tnj('ov1 nylon, MiHedgevlllr fH ipn* all Intermediate polntsj jAuauata, Macon, ifaSDI "" I lafonmry. Atlanta. Ath<na.( *1 Mpm Columbua.** aw— Eufatiia andj W OUpm| Dover AcconuuodatKm |fT ilaai 5 ••*■) Ouyton DMiner Train ,H urpta •Dally. tKxcept Hun. lay. BETWEEN SAVANNAH AND TVUE& 7Mh meridian or Savannah city time. U.AVK SAVANNAH. Weak D*jrw- Ju a. tu.. m.u* a. m.. IJt p. m.. I:tt p m , is p tn . tK p. m. Kund.iy* 7/. u tn WAS a m . IJS p. tn., S :2t p. m.. *:&•> pm.l tp m DBA VB TTBEE. Week Daye— 00 a. in . t.N a. m.. ll:U a tn . t:li p m.. 1,40 ft tn . lulu p. tu. Bunduya—4:W a. tn tM a. in., 11:1* a. at., i;iu p. m. 7to ft. ni, lu 10 p. m. Conner* loan made at terminal point* with all train* Norm went. Want and Southwest. Sieeptog cars on night trains between Savannah and Augusta, Macon. Atlanta and IIIr mine ham. Tar lor cars on day train* Marat la vs nnaiv, Macon and Atlanta. For complete Information, schedule*, rate# and connection*, apply to W O BREWER. City Ticket and Paa*. anger Agent. IC7 Hull street. W. R Me INTV HE. Depot Ticket Agent. J. C HA IDE i letter*! Ta-conger Agent. E H HINTON. Tramo Manager. THBO D. KI.I.NE. Oan Sttperln:evident. Savannah. On. 1,000,000 HIDES WANTED. DtlY PUNTS Ho DUT HALTED !!*• GREEN SALTED sd D. KIRKLAND, Successor to It. Kirkland. 417 to 821 ML Julian atrast. west. Seed Oats! Seed Rye! Texan Rust Proof OaU. Coast-ral.-ad Bye. Cow Peed. Hay, drain, Bran and Feeds of all kinds for stock and poultry, T. J. DAVIS, Telephone 232. IIS Bay street, west. DONNELLY DRUG CO* SAVANNAH. OA. DRUGS. BEECH. ETC. Mall orders solicited. Hell phone 6T*. P. M—Send for free sample P. A P. Dyspepsia Cure. aß|||| ■ Morphine and Whiskey hb mnTTT ft ft ' ’rated without tale or OFlUMssmsb VI ■ W ■IB lurtum. So- | Aw-tsU, Oa e in I*9* to 17,102.*65 ions In 19*9. The amount mints) from the several ranges during the Utter year were as follows: Mar quette. 2,*24.5*6; Menominee. 3.2U.U3; Oogeblc. 2.723.66*; Vermilion. ).U3 9fM; Me sablc. S JTlAud tons. With the exception of Gogebic alt of the ranges ralunl their mtlmiim product In I*9 The total vuiue at the mines of the Iron ore produced as reported by producer* was *St.B*MT7, or *1.62 per long ton. an In crease of U cents, or >4.6 per cent, over the average value of *1.14 per ton %• given in 16W The highest average value pl.iosl on Iran ore at tlte iwlttes la for the state of New Jentey. where the ex pense of mining |r considerable. The lowest average cost, I* cents per ton. was In Texas, where a portion of the Iron ore la obtained by convict labor. 19