The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, September 02, 1900, Page 20, Image 20

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20 MILL OF JUSTICE GRINDS SLOW F,\ IDF.YC*: OF TIIKKF. IS Till: rol IIT-M (HTI *l- XI,I. It.* a Rrrl After Tkrff Home Twcaty-At* ~e Hinlat to bv Kiatiilnrl In the liar ,l, a*r—lf Ihr male IJrfa Uni fnr Than |I,M It Will nrprlw Hanar—Prwrrllmi of ••■•I Sight'* Jkrsalou—l apl. 44lDne. l-leat. Dr->- rr ami I.le*l.H*rllicl<*rss of ll.e man on th* Stand f'oorf Ad journed Till Tuesday Night. Tbf mill of Justice out nt the Armory l grinding very lowly No more all Ml* rate a tribunal than the general eoor exist* In Savannah. *u* examli.a'ion of the wittier*** that apt*r twfore M I* an operation of such tedium „• to Imti ate that many eeartona will be require,! for the completion of the car# upon which It l now engag’d. the trUi of Corpl R B Harris, upon the charge* brought by Cap:. M. 11l Wilson of the Repubil an Blues. Tnus far there hive been three session* of the court. Three witnesses have been examined, being an average of one wll nens for a session. For the state, ten wit nesses! remain, while the defense will probably Introduce fourteen or fifteen. If as murb time is taken in the examination of the wltnessea that are to follow, as was consumed in the examination of those who have already appeared before the court, twenty-six sessions more ars In store for the court. The expense to th atate. If this record Is sustained, will be something like 11044 It Is scarcely probable, however, that the examination of future wltneases will require so much ftme as that demanded for the three commissioned officers of the Blurs, who were the principal ww neesee to be Introduced hy the Judge ad vocate. Lieut. David C. Harrow. To off aet thin, though. Is the tithe the court iuat spend In deliberating upon the cases of the three colored soldier* who are to be brought before It. The Indications •re that the cost will he considerable, and |hal court-martials will nol appeal to the holder* of the key* to the treasury In Atlanta as a very desirable sort of pastime Capt. Wilson resumed the witness stand In ths quarter* of his company, where the court sat last atg b * r.ipt. J Ferris Farm, attorney f defendant, took Up his cross-examination at the point where he had ceased tno night before, addressing many additional questions to Capt. Wilson, who, afterward, teas -tg tin question'd by the Judge adroe t •*. Pass •ges between the attoriu-y for the defendant and the witness were neither so numerous nor so •ertd as on the night before, though there Was yet enough In the testimony brought out. Capt. Cann * method of drawing It forth Capt Wilson’s manner of giving It. and Mr. Harrow s Interjected objections from time to time to certain quest bins to keep the larger crowd than appeared the flight before thoroughly Interest, L A question a* in whflbn Corpl. Harris, while r arrest In Ismtavllle, was al lowed 10 have 111* meat* wa addrer-ed rapt. Wllaon. who rep .*d that there waa no reaaori why Hun could not have (one to the dlnliu,’ room with the other member* of the for hla meal* Jlere lJeut Barrow interposed. saying there waa .ibaoluiely no relevancy In the question. but Capi. Cann Inehued that Harris had not teen given hla meal*, and that he proposed 10 show by the question that Ibe man had to escape front under arrest In order to gel somethin* to cal. The court admitted the question, but Capi Wilson did not seem to know poal tlvely whether Harris had anythin* to aal while he waa under arrest, ihouith In sisting that there was no reason why he Should not have had. a* he was at liberty |o go to the dlnlntt room with the rest Capt. Wilson staled that t'orp Harris bad apologised to the company for hi* ac tion* before the command left I,oul*vtltc, and that he was returned to the company, though II was not understood that the charg* * aim mat him were thereby remov d Conlta.utng, he said that It was elear enouKh that h tai l not l>*eit actuated by mall e against Hurts In brltiglti* the fharne.l, aa be had loaned him C IS* In Ixiutsvlllw. after the release of the man Capt Cann wanted tolknow If It waa not the motley h-ld hy fa|H. Wilson for the B.uea that had been loaned, to which twpt Wilson replied that It was, but that he considered It hla for th. reason that he was strictly accountable for every cent of It Upon rapt. Cann concluding with the witness. Mr. Harrow asked If any other trouble than that at lamlsville had been experienced with Harris while on the trip, c.tpl Cann objected, but the question was admitted, and <’pt Wll-on to and of two occurrence* of no very serlou* nature. In wtil h Harris had been Insubordinate be fore the Blue* got away from Savannah. Upon the conclusion of hla testimony, a recess of five minutes was laketv, when he ond Lieutenant (ieirtt Barthelmesa of the {Hues was called Mr Barlhelmesa testlhed a* to the late ness of Corpl. Harris when he had been Instructed to report for guard duty In Louisville It was shown the cor|oral was live minutes late, and that he was then ordered lo stay In his quarter*. Twice he escaped, the second lime after hi* trousers had been taken tiway from him This. Mr. Barlhelmesa Mid, was at th* or*ler of Capl. Wilson. He also said be had aeen the corporal, sans dark trousers, at all even*#, eiandlnit on the rorner not far from the quarter# talking with ladles. The wttnese aald he knew nothing about Harris - shoes, which. It I* alleged were taken from him and lost. Capt. Cann wanted to know If he had not aald. after the return of the company lo ftavannab. In conversation with someone. that he would knock Ihe man'* leelh down hi* throat If he ram* lo him about hla shoa*. The Judge advocate objected, and th* question was not admitted. Upon Mr. Barthelmesa saying that he ha*) rewarded Harris as light ai the time of the disturbance, he |* alleged to have created Oapt Cann wanted to know If the Witness had not Iteen drinking him self at th* time. To thl* an.l to • ques tion a* lo whether he was a member of what waa known ue Ih* "Big Four" in Louisville. Mr. Barthelmes* returned de rided negatives. Capt. <\uin wanted to know If the witness bed not applied a very opprobrious epithet to the defend ant while speaking of him to another, lo which the witness replied In the negative, the Judge advocate at the same time In flating that the rules of examination were being violated, and Ihe rourt sustaining him Then ( apt. Cann asked the more ape-'lflc question. If It had no! been In con versation with Private Walker, that trt# term was employed, lo which Ihe witnesa answered that Walker had not been around Ihe quarters, save for a brief time after th*- arrival of Ihe company at Ixmlsvllle. Mr. Ilarthelmess said he was not present at the time Harris is alleged to have cursed him Home question about the time, whether that governing In Sa vannah or Louisville, was used In guard mounting, could not be settled by the wit ness. FI rat Lieut. J M. Dreyer of th* Blue# was Ih* n*xt witness and his testimony was lhal the time employed was that used In Louisville, that Harris had never given him th* slightest trouble at any time though h* waa insubordinate to Mr Bar thelmeas Ue described the nature of tha apology Harris made to the company for hla conduct and aald lhal Capt Wilson had remarked at the time that the charges (Continued on Third Page.) KCiiRO KIMEKI Gfl ARRCITKO. Ilarned t'rnpertr In Kaflll and Here ( hy fleleellre (•oreitr. Pete, live J J. Garrity returned to the iiy jrMltrday mornlnfr. after • very lever pie e of work et Kutlll. R. C . where he had been called to ferret out the ImcndUrtee who recently burned two harna and tried, aim, to lire other prop erty. lie secured the men. John Brown md Will Mom, both tUvannah neifroe*. Friday night. and turning them over to the proper authorities, took the neit train for Bavannah. The crime of which the men ara by their own ionfe*BftOll trinity vat commit ted not (juNe a month ago. The Bouth ern Hallway in ti.tvtn? work done In the vicinity of Kattil. on which ia employed a large number of nejjroea. There are of quite an unsavory reputation, and when they gather in th< town to celebrate pay day and kindred featal oc aelona. make thcmeelvea particularly nhnotlou* by fijrhtma and their general rowdlnera. On much an c'ca*ton two nriroei w re quar reling near the houe of Mr William Bee pier. and an they were In heartmr dt* tanca of the houee. and the language uaed waa nf the room dtsgunttn* type. he> were ordered by Mr. Peeples to move on. Thy refured to do w> and after r i*eafcd rsqueata from Mr. Peeples had ot f n treate<l In the r ime contempiuoue manner and the quarrel continued Mr Pee pier fired a fan loaded with blrdrhot In the direction of the voice*, and. It would rcetn vtriH'k. one or both of the men l,ater In tne rvetViß a* *oon a* the m• - t-r war n*WMtj about, crowd of the ne eroer Kathered and attempted to for*** th*lr wav Into Mr. Peeples* house, but were driven away, and the other white rcutdenta of the town, who hid sesembled to aretef him In defending hie home then drove all of the nenroea out of the place. Hurvitilru. w •* qul**t from that ttm* until lout Tue**!*y night, when about 11 o* lock Mr IVeplw' barn, which I* near hie Hon and other proper:jr. wa* dlecov *• r♦ * I * fire. £tr*nu>n effort* on ihe part of himrMf and neljrhbor*. fallal to save the turn, and |t vi only with the sr< tet exertion that the More and dwdl in*: were raved fn*m the flame*. While the fire waa thouifhe at the time to have incendiary, th**rr- war no proof that -Mich worn the cane, ami probably no no tion would have inen taken In the mat ter. but for the f *ct (hat the nijrht fol lowing thwbarn of Mr. II T O’Neill, war* hkewlee found to be In fiameii, and before they *u!t| he exriwruiohcd. they had de stroyed much valuable firm property. A careful examination of the vicinity of the O'Neill barn showed that at the placet where It had been fired there were the track* of a naked foot and three track* i ‘ln* followed for al*out a hundred feet <how#*d that the man who made them had donned a pair of shoe* and continued hi* journey in them One of the mr>t mark ed ftalure* of the ho* track* was* the fact that one of them was mad* by a shoe without a heel. Through Inside information the detective wn* led to Mirpeet the men that hr after ward arrested, ami Friday night, with a body of the rltlxcn* of the town, he drove out to the railroad rump ami made the ar rettf. The men were found asleep and were in no poult lon to make a fight. While be ing taken Iwrk to Rattll. ftrown confeeeed, imphcatinir Mow*, and he. afterward, when notified of Brown'* story, weakened ami likewise admitted hie guilt. The motive of fh* crime, they eald. was a drdre to *et even with the man who had shot at the negroe*. and had afterward* refused them credit at hie atorv. The clttseft* of Ketlll are. It I* said, much Incensed over the general conduct of the negroer. and these two In particular, and may be tc-mpeted to make an example of them. DEATH OF Stitt*. JOHN NEILL. Her Funeral Will Take Place at l.anrel drove This Afternoon. Mrs. lsahtila Neill, relict of the late John Neill, died suddenly from heart dis ease yesterday afternoon at tha home #f Mr. and Mrs. W. 11. l.anler. No. 13) Gor. don street, east, where ahe haa been liv ing for sntm lime. While her death waa sudden. It waa not wholly unexpected She had been 111 for about three weeks and her physicians feared that she would not survive long. Mrs N*lll leave* three sons. Mr James Neill and Mr Edwin Neill, now at Lo* Angeles, Cal.. Mr. William Neill of Macon, and on* daughter. Mrs P c Elk'na of Halcyondate. Her hue hand died four years ago The members of Ihe family were noti fied el once of Mr*. Neltr* d-ath and a telegram from Mr. Jamr* Neill was re ceived. directing that the remain* b plac ed In the receiving vault In Laurel Grove, where they will remain until next Feb ruary. At that lime Ih* son* and daugh ter* will be In Bavannah. and the Inter rnent will take place In Ih* family lot. The funeral service* t hla n ft'-moon will be at l.mirtl Grove at 4 o'clock, and will be conducted hy It* v, W. A. Nlsbet. pastor of the decor) Presbyterian Church. MITHBMIA'i PRINCIPAL RESIGNED. Mr. Met lory to Resume Mis Un Ntodlft. Mr. M. E. McClory. principal of the school at Bethesda Orphan Home, ha* tendered hla resignation of that position to lake effect Oct. 1. or aa soon there after a* hla successor la appointed. Mr. McClory was a law student previous to lie coming a teacher, and It la hla Inten tion lo complete hla studies and become a lawyer. As an cith er of Ihe Bcthemia Orphan Home he ha* not only dona hla duty In the position which he held, but has been an energetic worker In behalf of the Institution. He will take with him In resigning the best wishes of all who are identilled with Iho welfare of Be thesda. WILL IIRINIi BACK MURK. Drpaty skerilt H*rtla* Leave* To lls y for Prisoner. Deputy BherlfT K. C. Hartlgan will leave thin morning for Tampa, to bring lock lo Bavannah Michael A. Quirk, the defaulting treasurer of th# Republican Blue*. It ants thought at Ihe lime of Quirk'* arrest lhal h* would refuse lo come back without a requisition, but li seems that he haa waived this formality and signified his willlngnera lo come with out making any trouble about tha mut ter. homiii*. to oh. tooi.rcr. Hie Appointment to the Hos pital (nr Insane. Tha Savannah friend* of Dr. Martin j Cooley will be pleased to hear of hit appointment to the Milken Hospital (or the Insane at AVaverley. Mum. I>r. Cooley carrlea with him from rhllolrlphtt, u special prize offered by Or. J. It. {leaver, the well known appendicitis expert, for the heat report of a surgical clinic held t the Oermi) Hospital In that dly. Itepreienlallve W. C. Vlneeat, Czpt. W. C. Vincent of Bluffion, 8. C.. mi elected one of the repreaentetlvea from Beaufort county lo the general aa rembly of South Carolina el tha recent primary. Bo re tope Springs In the center of this City. At Solomons' drug store. Bull and Charlton street#, the relabeled Saralopa Arondack Water Is sold on the Saratoga plan of aU you can drink for five cents.— ad. THE MORNING NEW S: SI NDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 1900. ALL READY FOR THE SHOOT. t’OUPKTITIM roll THF- TTF TRt)Ol*tt HKVItt TO-MORROW. tisrprsflr's lt*,r*s t.asrd Tram ths onl> n* on ths lianas Vsatsrdnr. Assommortntlon* I'rnvlilsd nt ths t hathnma' trnsrr for ths Vlalt nra—Tbs Wagtrsat t onltnnsnt Will hr tjnartsrsd In ths Savan nah ( adsts 1 llnom nt ths Hsgl msnlnl Armorj—All Brnni-hsa of ,hs Asrvlss Will Its llsiirsasnlsd. ill Wsnpona Will hs I *sl—t.rsnt Intsrsst Among tbs Military In ths Kv s,l. Ths Oovsrnor’g ltoras Guard tsam got ,n some work on ths rtfls rings ysttrt •lay morn mg. It * fiopsd that ths en tire day might be .kevoted to shooting, but the rein In the afternoon prevented, a rut ths member* of the tentn spent their time in visiting frtetxM In the city. Very good s-orea were maJe in the morning, i the teem going through the course. Tno member* are very hopeful of giving a good account of the team In the matches. It wat well retough that no other teams arrived during the day. a* they, too would have been prevented by the rain from practice .luring the afternoon. It vsn* thought probable that there would iie other arrival* but the proepeettva vis itors did not seem to think that prelim inary practice on the Savannah range was alreotutely nereaaary. It la generally sup posed. however, that there la an advan tage in this. If such Is the rase. |t will be held by the Governor'* llnrse Guard • •am. and the teams representing tile ha vanruth commands. None doubt test the contest will be very successful. The number of entries that ha* been math gives aasursnee of this livery arm of th service will be rep [rontal by the tea me that gather, and but one of the six regiments in the stale service will fall m representation. That one Is the Fifth. All four of Ihe other infantry commands and the First Regi ment. Cavalry, will he represented S, <>. will the naval mllltta and the ar’.ll lery. A* with the branches of the service, ~0, with the weapons used hy the W All wt|l be used In the comes. There will be matches for Ihe Wprlng fletd rifle, with which the infantry are armed, the la>e rifle with whieh the naval m!4ltla are equipped, the carbine, carried by the cavalry, and revolvers, the side arms of officers. Preparations for the acc.inwnodritton of the visiting teams have Tveen completed Cots have been put In thePhatham*' Arm ory. where wbout H* of the vkdtore can lie provided with sleeping quarters. The two teams from Waycros* will be accom modated in the quartern of the flavannah Cadets in the Regimental Armory. All the Incoming trains to-day and early to-morrow morning will he met by range officers, Who will escort the vlstnng teams to their quarters Every courtesy will I* shown the visitors, as the offi.-ens are greatly Interested In the shoot and are determined. In so far as It may be in their power, to make It successful. It |x proposed to have the contests held annual ly hereafter In he Interest of rifle practice among tha state troops, and the success of the coming event, will have much to do with the enthusiasm that la mani fested in the future. Not even In Bavannah. from all report*, doss th* Interest In th# shoot eclipse that which Is felt la the Fourth Infantry, which Is made up of Ihe cotnpantea In South ond Southwest Georgia. Eleven teams from Ihe twelve companies are en tered. and It Is possible lhal Ihe twelfth may be Induced to attend Ihe shoot. Spe cial prlxea In that regiment have been offered by officer*, and Ihe representa tives from Ih# companies comprising It will have excitement all of their o*n A handsome silver cup will go to the team making the highers score In the company match. In which th* prlx* Is to he the lie Boto trophy for the winning learn, nnd the teams from the Fourth will do their utmost to win the cup. If not the trophy The cup hex been on exhibition for some days In Thomarvlile. To or three medals for Individuals, It Is said, are alao of fered. * The He Boto match, for company teAms. will he the first shot. This will begin to-morrow morning promptly at I o'clock The assembly will be blown by the bugler at 7 4S. The next day Ihe Regl menlal match, for the De Renne trophy, will lie shot, and also the rarblne con test. The Individual shoot will be started ns soon as all Ihe entries have been made. Capt. J. C. Poetell, Inspector of rifle practice In the First Cavalry, and others are figuring upon the team In be entered from Ihe regiment In th# De Renne match. Teams of ten men from any com pany, battalion or regiment may shoot In this contest. From the following twelve the team of Ihe First Cavalry will he selected. Capl George M. Hope. Idem. W. T. B Wilson. Sergt W. B. Browne. Sergt. D. R. Padgett, Private A. Wright and Pri vate L. J. Daniel of the Governor's Horse Guard; Capl. J. C. Portell, Capt. W. O. Harrison and Capt. T. G. Hnnter of Ihe staff. Bergt. R. P Constantine. Corpl. O. A. Quantock nnd Private J. G. Nelson of Ihe Georgia Hussars. Col. George T. Cann. Inepeclor general of rifle practice, requests that officer* and men of Ihe local military commands will make II their especial business lo call by Ihe Chut ha ms' armory during the two days that Ihe visiting learns are to be In Ihe city In order thal they man assist In making Ihelr stay aa pleasant ns possi ble. This Is a courtesy that Col. Cann feel* is due from the local troops and lhal he Is conthlent they will be glad lo extend. He and other officer# whom he has desig nated will he at Ihe range throughout to morrow and Tuesday, and It will be Im possible for them lo see to Ihe welfare amt comfort of Ihe teams that may be In the city while olhera are shooting. Feeling that other officer* and men would he glad lo assist In I hi* mailer. Col. Cann asked that Ihe request be ntnite. A number of enlisted men from Ih* vs rloua Bavannah commands have been de tailed lo acl as markers, and In other ca pacltlea on the range. They willingly ac quiesced when Ihe request that Ihey serve wan made, as they are anxious Ihtl Ihe shoot lie a success. The men will be far more satisfactory than Ihe colored mark ers who usually serve, and tluwe who shool may rely upon being given credit for whatever a xhot may demand No charge ai oil will he mads In con nection with the shoot for those who mty desire to visit Ihe range. Col. Cann and the other officers Invite th# public lo at tend and witness It. The grandstand will be free, nor will there be any charge made for admission to the grounds. IN JAIL FOR A MAILT. Jaltas William*. C'alared, Arrested lar an Attack I pan Hla Wife. Magistrate Nathan* yesterday commu ted to Jail Julius Williams, who Is charg ed with assaulting and cutting his wife about three month* ago. Williams la n brother of Jim William* of Sandfly, now wanted for the murder of Green ut Isle of Hope some weeks ago. When you need medicine you should get the beet that money can buy, and ex perience proves this to be Hood's Sarea partita.—ad. Ladles' Tailor Mad# Coetamea. High class ladles’ tallor-mad* costumes mad* to order from lateet patterns and moat select stock, by O. Faullnl, merchant tailor.—ad WITH THE lilt E PLAITBR*. 4 Floe trsp, hat the llotns Slay Ike lay the Marseilles The recent heavy ralna are not pleasing to the rice planters, however, comforting they may be to the people g. nerally. The planters had Just begun harvesting their early rice and Ihe work waa pro gressing me. ly when the ralna cam* along and put a atop to it. Two weeks ago the ralrts would have been welcomed as they would have just suit'd to round out an already tine crop. Coming a* they do now they delay the harvea tng as the work can only be car ried on In dry weather The planters are hoping that the rainy spell will be of short duration and that they will be permitted to go eh. ad with the garnering of their early rice before a beptember a orm swops down ujaon them. The present crop I. apparently one of the finest that has been rais'd In years and aa prices are fair the planters would sorely hat* to luce It. From fifteen to eighteen day* are us ually required for harvesting ihe early rl e snd with average weather It will re quire until Sep’, a to safely harvest the crop. The late rice, which Is about one third the present crop, la harvea'ad In October. Rriorta from the Altamaha riv er are to Ihe effect that the crop there Is In fine condition and the harvesting pre ceding nicely though no rice hu been threshed out yet. Home of the planters In lids vicinity hav* begun threshing, but tvo new rice has reached the mill, a, yet. The now mill will soon be In readiness for operation and la expected to have consid erable eflact In Increasing the local ra ce !pt*. Reports from New Orleans ,ars to the effect that the Louisiana planters are en joying a magnificent harvesting season and that rome TOn.oOO to MX*.'oo bushels of new rice have already readied the mills 111 AT rUUHBITOI. IXnrrol fnr I.title Helen < assets Task I’lsre There Veateritay. The funeral of Helen Cassels. the little t-yeaf-old daughter of Mr. H. R. Cas ed* of this city, took place yesterday afternoon at Fiemington, the services be ing conducted by Rev. A. tv Allen of me Kleminmon I'resbytrrlan Church. The death occurred at Mr. Caere-ls' country home at Fiemington Friday night, hiving been caused by appendicitis. The family have the sympathy of their many friends here and elsewhere. FACT LTV I%< HF-ASKI) A* Draaghon’s Practical llaelnrss College. Masonto Temple, corner Liberty and TVhllaker streets. Prof J. T. itranfb y. who has been en caged in the business college work for several pears past, and who has been connected art’h Prof Ilranghen's chain of business colleges for some time, has re cently arrived In Savannub to succeed Prof. J. O. Harmlson a* manager of Prof. Dranghon s Savannah College. Prof. Brantley established the Southern Business College at Fort Worth. Tex., about five years ago. He coillnued as manager of that school until about one year a go, at which time Prof. Draughon purchasad th* Southern Business Col lege The Southern Business College which had been so successfully man iged by Prof. Brantlry, hid un annual enrollment of about four hundred stud nts Prof. Draughon. knowing of Prof Brantley's ability to conduct a business college, re tained him aa manager of that college, which position he held until recently, at which time ho was succeeded by Prof. J. W. Draughon. brother of Prof. J. F. Draughwv in order that Prof. Brantley might take charge of the Savannah Col lege. , Mrs. Brantley, wife of Prof. Brantley, who has !en teaching in the shorthand defwrtment of Prof Draughon'* Nash ville Cotiige, will arrive in HWvnnnih this morning, and will become one of the fac ulty of Prof. Draughon's Savannah Col i* te rror J B. Franklin, who has, for torn* time, been connected with Draughon's Practical Business College at Naehvllle, the mother school of Prof. Draughon's right business colleges, haa accepted a posltbti as teacher In the book-keeping department of Prof. Draughon s Ha van rath College —ad. to Angnefa and Hetnru. Central of Georgia Railway will sell ex cursion tickets to Augusta and return. Kept. 10. at rate of fI.EO, tickets limited to date of *al. and at rate of $:oo tickets limited two days from date of sale, for ... . ii train leaving Savannah at 9:15 •. m . Sept 10. Special train will leave Au gusta returning al 11:00 p. m. same date, —ad. The New Store Opened. Mr. P. T. Foye moved Into hi* new store on Broughton and Barnard streets yes terday. While the goot'a were not shown to as good advantage as they will be this week, everybody was pleased, and It was a busy dny In the new house. The good* com prise ihe new stock purchased by Mr. Foye e few week* ago. The four lUxirs are literally packed with new rtuff, rmbracAg all the latest pat terns and novel citations In the prevail ing fabrics. T|ie carpet and furniture department Is a feature of the new store. This l* an addition and Is already proving a popular one. At Kicks. The beat thing* of the eeaeon will be put on the table at Hick'* to-day. Stroll nround there II will be about (he wlaeet thlnp you can do to-day.—ad. St. Vincent's Academy. The scholastic year of St. Vlnrenf* com mence* the last Wednesday In'September. This school has taught young ladles for more than fifty years and enjoys a good name at home and abroad. It Is conduct ed by the Sisters of Mercy. The course of inatruotlon I* thorough and comprehen sive. In connection with the day school for young lad tea Is a preparatory school for llllle boys. Small boy# receive that special care and attention which their ape demands, Aon With J. I- Alnrrlsnn. Messrs. J. C. Uslr. Mcllveen and Sul livan. who were with the firm of Foye & Morrison, have gone.wlth Mr. J. L. Morrison, ami will be found al his new store, a Broughton street, west, formerly the Grand. School (or (toys. The fifteenth session of Morion’s School for Boys commences Oct. 1. This Is one of Ihe best schools In the country and Is liberally patronised. Students upon leav ing this school enter the stale university without entrance examination. The In struction in all branches Is complete and thorough. Those who wish lo enter tha United State* academies are given special In struction*. £ftaiogues upon application. TO CLOSE QUARANTINE DEAL TRKtttBT RECEIPT FOR gJO.OOtt It Eft: IVBit 111 II 41 OK H YENS. The Mayor 44111 Alga the Reeetpt aad the Secretary of the Treaeary 44 111 Forward Ills Cheek for the Amoant—The Heal Aothortsed by the Committee of the Whole Some Moaths glare aad Geaerally Re garded aa a 4 ery gatlsfaetory One. The Ctty < oastderably Ahead Fl naarlally ou the Heal. The a- a 1 between the city and th* Unit ed Htit.s Marine Hospital Service for the Savannah quarantine station la about to be conciu’led by the outright purchase by the government, through the treasury de partment, of the station at th* price agreed upon when the present arrange m rt was first entered Into In April, 1995. The City Council, after conalderable dis cussion, decided to turn over the quaran tine station to the Marine Hospital Ser vice. ihe Tatter to toums all expenae* of conducting the i>m with th* under standing that. If agreeable to both parties the station should be purchased outright by the government at a later date. The quarantine tug Thrckla was purchased at the time by the Marine Hospital Service, the price being 55.000. Owing to the faot that the Marine Hos pital enjoys only a limited appropriation, and that It Is obliged to calculate its ex penditure* closely, no efTort haa been made heretofore to el ver the deal for the .’a'lotv At ’he time the deal was entered into a board of arbitration was appointed, ahlch later fixed the value of the city's improvements at the statDn at SSO.OiO. Mayor Mxre has been In correspond en e alth the ir aaury officiate about the matter and *otne five or six month* ago the matter was tah n up In committee of the whole and the Mayor was authorised to close tha deal at the figure named yesterday Mayor Myers received from the Seen tary of the Treasury a receipt for 130.010. payment of the station In full, to be sign'd and forwarded by hftn, upon receipt of which In Washington a gov ernment check for *20.0(1) will be re'urned payable to him ae Mayor of the city of .Savannah When this is done the deal will be flnal’y cloged. and the Marine Hos pital 8. rvlce will be In full control of the station. Mayor Myers said yesterday that he would Immediately proceed to sign the re ef lit and return the same to the Secre tary of the Treasury, as he ha* been au thorlxed to do ly the Committee of th>- Wholr. Ills action In the matter, how ever, will lie suimittted to Council at Its meeting Wednesday night for confirma tion. which Is already assured Mayor Myers and member* of Council, who were spoken to about the matter yes terday. expressed themselves as very much p'eatsed with the outcome of the d<al with the Marine Hospital Service. The ctty has be- n relieved of an expense of about 515,900 a y<ar for the maintenance of Ihe station, beside* about 515.000 addi tional which was needed for urgent Im provements. Betides thl. It received 55. < *> for the tug and will now receive 110.000 for It* property at the station. Fleanrlal- Ty the dead Is regarded aa an excellent one. From a sanitary standpoint tha deal has also proved an excellent one. The management of the station by the Marine Hospital Service has left nothing lo be complained of and general snllafactlon is expressed. In commercial and shipping cir cles ns well as In official quarter*. A number of Improvements have already been made at the station, and. as recent ly announced In th* Morning News, plan* (or additional Improvements have already been drawn, and for which the appro priation ha* been obtained The result ivllt he to greatly facilitate the handling of shipping nt the port. Health Officer Brunner expressed him self as very much pleased with the news ’hat the deal was about to be closed. “Il Is a good deal for the city, and a goo-1 •leal for the Marine Hospital Service.” he said. "The Savannah station Is the largest, and the most important yet qutred hy the Marine Hnepltal Service, and will add to the prestige of that branch of the government service. The good re sult* here will lead tc the acquiring of other station*, ami It Is therefore hoth the Interest nrst tha duty of the Marine Hos pital Service to give Savannah the best eervlce of which tt la capable.” A SPOILED BREAKFAST. Poor f oltee Did It—That t offee NVae Nat Purchased Front the Great At lantic and Purine Tea Company. Take advice In lime and do rot spoil your breakfast by drinking poor coffee. Buy a pound of our 2So. or Jsc coffee, and you will have coffee fit for the gods. We sell all kinds of coffees: Fine Java and Mocha 3 poinds SI A. 4k P. Java flavored coffee 2S- Best white Jllo coffee J>r Best Caracas l-aguoyra 30 Finest Maracaibo ao- Best Mexican Java Beat granulated augar 15 pounds )l lleet soft white sugar If pounds Si Black tea* trtc, Mir, Stic Toe; best .*1 Green leas oe, 50 . oc. 7Sc; best tl Finest Elgin creamery butter 26r That our efforts to give the public Ihe best for th* least money are appreciat'd Is Indicated by Ihe rapid growth of our business. The Great Atlantic and Pacific Tea Com pany. 10$ Broughton street, west. Tele phone <l6.- ad. NEW HI LB ADOPTED. W hat Will he Adhered ta Daring Beaaon I mm-tooi. Great Is th# pleasure enjoyed from the anticipation of events. Looking forward lo the season of 1MM&01 la something to which many a i4su la directing attention, but non# are making closer calculations than Ihe one who** bustneae atiA-ess Is ai slake Now Ihe rule Logan proposes to still follow Is lo charge you for whal you get—not whal you don't get. What ever Is In season he has It. Indies' day* at the oily market during Ihe season will be Tuesdays. Thursday* and Saturdays Kino cantaloupes this week from Balti more. Not necessary to talk In this lim ited apace. Come and see —ad. Children*# Mines. There ere left many bargains In chil dren's fine shoes. If you want to pro vide Ihe little one# neat, good shoes, call to-morrow and make a selection. • A. 8 Nichols, t Broughton street, west. t Looking glasses, looking glasses; now Is Ihe time to have your spoiled mirrors re ■dlvered while your family Is away. Thon nesen's, York street, near postofflee.—ad. Men’s slioea. Get a pair of those men's flne shoes to-morrow at Nichols'. Thoy are on the bargain counter now. And the price Is low. A. B. Nichols, I Brough ton. west ad. To-Day! To-Day! A hot red snapper chowder to-day. with best dinner ever served at a seaside re sort. Isle of Hope la the place to go. Barbee A Bandy.—ad. The summer la passing, hav# you taken In th* Plant System Sunday excursions lo Charleston? vine dollar (ot the round trip. wd lank Ahead. When you lake a policy of Ilf* Insur ance remember that you are making a contract for a long period, perhaps for life, would It not be wise to go about R cautiously. Investigate, don't act hastily. Matter* not how urgent the agent may be. He* that you hav* a contract that you fully understand and inalat on hav ing every particular point clrared up; do not skip the fine print, read It; It I* part of your contract and bind* you equally as much. Do no: accept estimates or long-winded promise* that do not appear In the poli-y and when the values are written in the contract, see that they are alwolutely guaranteed, not assumed; tie ware of ambiguity. The Massachusetts Mutual Life Insur ance Company, the leading Massachusetts company, writes a policy that I* clear, concise und easily understood. It contain* In writing, both paid-up and cash surrender values for every year uf ter th* first. The values contained In the contract of this company are guar anteed by the company and the law of the commonwealth of Massachusetts re quires thetr enforcement. You have no such protection under any other policy. In addition to these values the company declares large annual dividend*, which, at the option of the policy-holder, can be taken to reduce premium payments, each year, or can be allowed to Increase *he Insurance, and can be withdrawn at any time. When you are Insured In the Mas sachusetts Mutual your policy I* the same as a hank account and should the necessity arise, tne poncy atwi ail divi dend* additions can be converted Into cash nt once. Be sure you are right be fore you go for It cost* no more to have these advantages. There are other point* of superiority equally a* Im portant and you can have It all explain ed to you by simply writing, giving your address and date of birth, to Har:y & Ap ple, managers for Georgia. 117 Bay street, east. Bavannnh, Ga.. who will send you a sample policy and you can then Judgo for yourself. Responsible agents can secure good ter ritory—ad. To-Morrow t To-Morrow! Yes, we are In It. and If you want a good tlm# and laugh and grow fat. try one of our flsh dinner*. We ran't be beat, and that 1* why we keep open the year round. Go to Isle of Hope tomor row to have a nice time. Rosenfeld will furnUh music from 12 m. to 12 p. m. Meals at any hour, and only cents. Witness the great swimming match, and see Ihe laij-s dive for a prlxe. Entries for the swim ming match may b* made up to noon Monday. Tour* respectfully. _ad. Barbee A Bandy. Tyhre Schedule* for l.ahor Day. Sept. tt. Leave Savannah 700 a. m . 9:20 a. m . 12 noon. 3:00 p. tn.. 5:20 p. m . 7:15 p fm Leave Tybee 5:00 a. m , 10:20 a m.. 1:00 p. m . 6:25 P m.. 9:40 p. m . 11:09 p. m.—ad. The Aragon. Peachtree strart, Atlanta. Oa., under new management. Cafe of rare excellence. Recommend* ttaelf for the notable char acter of It* guea:#. Free coaches. Bcc vllle Bros —ad. O. l end nl. Mere ha nt Tailor. High class ladles' tailor-made costumes, made to order from the latest pattern* and moat select stock.—ad. The Heat In Baltimore. I received your letter and got the Tet terlne without difficulty. 1 used It this last time for prickly heal, which It clean ed off nicely In three days. I am glad to know that Tetterlne la for •ale In Baltimore, as I desire to recom mend It to my friends Yours truly. Lot Ensey, Baltimore. Md. Aug 22, 1900 . 50 cent* per hox at druggists —ad. Th* Plant System, excursion train to Charleston leaves Savannah at 6:30 a. m Sunday*; tickets are sold at one dollar for Ihe round trlp.-xd. Sunday Trtpa tn tlrunewirk via Plnnt by stem, gl. Th* Plant System will tell round-trip tickets to Brunswick on Sundays, limited to date of sale, at rate of 5100. Trains leave at 2.10 a. m. and 5.20 a. m —ad. blow Is the Time. To use Johnson's Chill and Fever Tonic. If you wish to remain al your post of duty and pas* through Beptrmhrr and October without the loss of a single hour of time, take a course of Johnson's Chill and Fever Tonic. Neither the mountains nor the seashore can guarantee such absolute Immunity from sickness as Johnson's Tonic se cures to you. The trice man insures his life and th* wiser man insures his health. A bottle of Johnson s Tonic Is a guarantre of health. It aavea enormous waste of time, aavea vast expenditures of money In doctor's hills and saves human life when endangered by fever. Use it and use nothing else.—ad. Chair car* on Plant System excursions to Charleston every Sunday: engage your •eats on Saturdays at th* De Soto Hotel ticket office.—ad. Arrangements have been effec(ed by which I.OW mile books. Ihe price of which Is *35.00 each. Issued by the Seaboard Air Line Railway, are honored through to Washington over the Pennsylvania Rail road; front Portsmouth to Baltimore over the Baltimore Steam Packet Commny, and between Cllntoi? and Columbia over the Columbia. Newberry and loturcn* Railroad. This arrnngrmrne includes the hooks Issued by the Florida Central and Peninsular and Ueorgla and Alabama Railroads.—ad. At F.stllPs hews Depat. 48 Hull Street Savannah Morning News. New York. Boston, Philadelphia. Baltimore. Charles ton (8. C.). Jacksonville. (Fla.), Cincin nati. New Orleans. Washington. (D. c.), Chicago. Augusta. <Oa.). Atlanta. Macon (Oa.). and other prominent dailies; also the various monthlies and weeklies, new books and everything else usually found In first-class news depot*.—ad. To (Irnnswlrk and Heturn via the Plant System. Sunday. In addition to the Charleston Sunday excursions, the Plant Bystera ere selling round-trip tickets to Brunswick, good on Sundays only, at rale of 5',.00 for the round trip. Trains leave at 2;W a. ro. and *3O a m ad. , < toadies* Fine Shoes. The bargain counter will be well pro vided with ladles’ line shoes to-morrow. They are the kind that you have been paying tug money for. Call and make your selection*. A. 8. Nichols. Brough ton, west. Special Hates and easy term* of payment to city lu dent*. Superior Instruction and special facilities for securing positions. Positions guaranteed under reasonable condition* These colleges era endorsed by business men Cell or aend for catalogue. Draughon* Practical Buslneee College. Savannah. (Meso tic Tempi*, corner Lib erty and Whitaker afreets ’Phene 395 ) NaelivUle. St. louts, Montgomery, Gal veston. Fort ’Worth, little R UC k and Ahre vep-'rt *d. THE ARMORED CRUISER School : Shoes For Boys and Girls are sold exclusively by us. Every pair warranted to give double the service of any ordinary school shoe. TRY ONE PAIR. W£ST.^ Come in and take a look at our “Kay Harness.” We manufacture them. Congress ani Whitaker Sts. LEO FRANK. L ATT/MORES. September is the month of the return of bus iness activity, and we propose to make sure of our share of the harvest by our patrons inducingly low prices in all lines. Do Yoo Need a Stove, or Furnace? Our summer prices still rule. It will pay you to place your order with us before the cold-weather rush is on and workmen are busy. Our Wheels are always worth considering. The Cleveland will interest you. It is the only wheel on the mar ket equipped with Burwell Bear ings. Our terms will suit you. Sundries. The exclusive bicycle store man simply frowns at our prices. He has long since learned that he can’t meet them. All the stand ard goods are to be had here. L ATT!MORES. THE PEAL Wedding Bells Will soon be hoard And th* nlr**nt prrpnrntlon In thf OUT from thin grrt store ofouri STERLING SILVER, The Itnt, of course, WHITING’# CUT GLASS, The i iiolicat selections from ell of the famous makers. CAMEO WARE. The most I’alntr Creatloa Md sure to t>e acceptable. FINE CHINA, For service or decoration LAMPS. The good ones are all h.rr LAMP GLOBES. Anew assortment In P r °P* T sltaden and shapes. Kem*nber this Is tlie store where you sere money. G. W. Allen & Cos., Atate and Barnard Street*. s(■! PreoaroioFy sctioo! FOR BOTH BETWEEN I AND *> Thorough preparation for college or bus- Iness. Boys may enter at any lime. Next fall the school will be moved lo new quarters fully equipped for A MILITARY SCHOOL. Further particulars from the principal. ORMOND B. STRONG, Islington House, Highlands. N. C. Catalogues may be had for the asking at Solomons' Bull street drug ftore UNION HOTEL. West Broad and Hart* street* opposite Central Depot. Modern appointment. Convenient te efi street car lines. Rates II S end ILK “ 63. W per day. Single meal 26c. •1. 4. PATERSON, Manager.