The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, September 02, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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OYSTER SEASON NOT YET ON. THB RI LE l>F -If ROT miCTLY 4DHEKED TO IN SAVANNAH. >„ Or>l*n !<• hr lounij In thr Narkri Iralrrdari Though Enterprising llrilnnralcura Expect supplies This YVrrk—l 00l Weather Hr <|Ulrrd lu Develop Oyster Itunairr lu Ihr Average aaiaaiuhlao, llutv rvrr-llarkri Men ha a thr Natural Beds Hu ve Rl llrrn Exhausted and Thai Thrrr la No Hunger ul a Failure in (hr Supply. For thou* who hold to the rule that oysters are palatable during every month whose orthography contains an "r." the oyster aeuiion I* now on. This rule, how ever, la no! followed Yu the letter In Sa vannah. The average Savannah!.in, whoae appre ciation of the toothsome bivalve Is second to none, holds that the season for the ovster Is Indicated by the atate of the thermometer rather by any Web ale rlan rule of letters. He Is Inclined to hold that the oyster season does not ar rive until the mercury ceases to rise above 90, with monotonous regularity, and for Ihe proper development for gas tronomic purpose* of the luscious bivalve be prefers a temperature ranging down ward to Ihe seventies, at least. In fact, there are many people In this particular portion of the moral vineyard who dis avow Ihe rule of "r" as applied to oys ters and who eliminate September alto gether as an oyster month, preferring to wait until the middle of October before partaking of this delicacy. Inquiry at the City Market yesterday re vealed the fact that there was not an oyster for solo and the marketmen to whom the queries were put seemed at a loss to establish any connection between the fact that the day was Sepl. 1 and that according to Ihe rule of R, as enter prising market dealers they should have had oysters for their customers. It was Slated that there would probably be few oysters In this week, but the general con sensus of opinion sis that It was too hot for oysters and that there would be no de man for the bivalve* until the middle of the month at least. Some of the restau rant keepers stated that they expected 10 receive their first supplies of oysters for the season thla week, but remarked that they expected no demand for them until cooler weather set In. A grexi many people are of the opinion that the oyster remains poor and fl tbby until cold weather sets In and that he. she or It then begins to take on fat, which process Is greatly assisted by rains suffi cient to bring the slime and detritus from the upper water course* upon which the oyster thrives. An old resilient of Isle of Hope, lO Whom this view was mention ed. however, said that it was all non aetiae. "Oysters are good at any season of the jtsr," he declared, "but It Is practically impossible to keep them In hot weather, so It does not pay to bring them to mar ket." However, the other view Is more eom monly held. There iisi ie-ee ,-viiaidei able discussion of recent years of the possible extinction of the oyster In thesa waters because of the unrestricted access to the natural beds and the fact that the laws afford but little protection to those <n gnged In the propagation of the oyster. The marketmen, to whom this supposition was mentioned, hows-ver, hooted at the Idea and declared that the supply was m mpte for all local need*, notwithstanding the heavy inroads made upon the beds during the last two or three seasons by the inning faelork* at Thunderbolt, \Vll mln.ion and elsewhere In the county. •Tie supply of oysters thla season will b.. ample." said Mr. Ilarbee. of Barbee U Tardy at Isle of Hope. "The bed* mty laic been cleamsl out In the near vicin ity of the factories, but there will be no lack of supply for the local market. The oystermen have gone out to the lusts in their boats, and w 111 doubt lest, begin send ing In their supplies In a day or two. Tuere will he no demand, however, un til the weather cools off a bit.” While the local oyster doe* not enjoy Ihe high esteem accorded by epicures to lha Blue Points. Sadie Rocks. Mobile Plsnts and other famous varieties. It I * nevertheless a sweet and toothsome arti cle, ami not- to tie despised when properly served up In n stew or pan roast, or some other of the doxen or more methods known fo the culinary art, and Its appearance op the market under favorable conditions of weather will be welcomed by numerous admirers. OUTLOOK FOR A LET-l'P. The Hot Weather I* Almnat Over and I omlorlnhlr Day* nt llnml. September opened with the outlook for a let-up In the high temperature* that characterized August. The maximum for the day occurred at noon, and was only 87 degree*. The mtplmum, which was at 6a. m.. was 71 degree*. The rainfall between <1 o'clock In tb* morning and * o'clock at night, was 1.73 Inches. If the present month l* to be Judged by September of last year, the hot weather Is about over, and a long line of bright and comparatively comfortable duys ai hand. During last September only seven times did the thermometer reach 9 de grees or over, and the highest! point reached, IN. occurred comparatively early In the month. On one day. the 17th. the highest point reached was only 73 de grees. The minimum for the mot th was U degrees, and occurred on the 27th. The average mean for each day was 76.4 de sire##. I rained only four times, on the 16th 17th. llth. and 21et. and the total amoum of the precipitation was 4.22 Inches. Th. normal rainfall, however, 1* 6 12 tnche- Oue of the thirty days, twenty-two were perfectly dear, five partly cloudy, atel only three cloudy. The stale forecast for to-day Is showers and thunderstorms. To-morrow, also, there will probably be showers. Fresh winds, mostly northeast, may be ex pected. W.II BOWDEN llltOKtKDt Fldellly and Casualty Company Has Sent nn Agent to Kind tint. Mr William J. Parson* of New York, a representative of the Fidelity and Cas ualty Company of that city. I* In Savan nah looking Into the cose of the dlsap- I'caranro at Tybee of W. A. Bowden of Columbus, who is supposed to have been drowned last Sunday night. While How-den'* i>ltcy In the company represented by Mr. Parsons was only potto, from the various circumstance* surrounding Bowden’* trip to this city and his actions before leaving home, enough suspicion has been excited as to Induce the Fidelity and Casualty Com pany to make a speclu) Investigation Into the matter. The Msi* for most of the suspicion, imid Mr. Parsons yesterday, is the f tot tbnl 'bough Bowden was admittedly a man of 1 ily limited means, he could not only 1 ive taken out |3.sft>, some of It Just previous to bis trip to Savannah, hut that h< should actually hnve m ale application for other policies that would have made the sum involved In hta death even larger •han It is now. -Mr. Parsons spent yesterday In Savan nah and at Tybee. and my be here for route days longer. Then he exited* to So to Columbus. Bowden's home, and see w oat discoveries can be made there. Worse f#ra JESk Woman NtTw To suffer with k'l •kin disease than 3 <\ > I it is for a man, l|lt‘ S' I for a smooth skin ji } ft*** ami a clear cam- ll|rap pleaiou are es- TjL a mt senttal elements eg W} of female beauty. When the taint 1 j jv of acmfuia is in 'lffdjSJg the blood it will ’V- >t. j-) be sure lo show ySg&if itself soon or sjsjjkp" manifestations are as repulaive at they are painful. Many people have beeu cored of scrof ula in its most malignant forms by the uae of Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery. This remedy is remarkable for its power to puriK- the blood. It absolutely eliminates the corrupting ele ments. It makes the blood clean and rich. It increases the action of the blood-making glands, and so increases jbe quantity of pure blood supplied to •I wilt forever thank you for advising me to Ink* Dr Pierce’. Golden Medical Discovery.* writes Mrs las Murphy, of Ponds. Pocahontas Cos.. lowa *lt has cutrd me of chronic scrofula, of twelve years’ standing I had doctored for i h 'i ,r< ? b i e “ m " 1 ”■ completely discouraged I also had chronic diarrhea for twelve rears I tm tn gil health now-better thau I ever was In mv life, owing to Dr. Pierce s Golden Medi cal Discover* I took several bottles of the Discovery • Wore I stopped " Dr Pierce’s Common Sense Medical Adviser, a work for every woman, is snnt free, on receipt of it one-cent stamps (to pay cost of mailing oniy), for paper edition. Cloth-bound, tl stamps. Ad dress Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buflalo, N. Y. CALLEU OUT THE riHENESI. False Alarm Have the Ynrthrrn Sec tion of llepnrlmeat a Hun. Some Individual amused himself and an gered the superintendent and the firemen of the northern section of She depart ment by turning In an alarm from box 12. at Broughton and Jefferson streets, at 1 o'clock this morning. Fire Companies 1, 2 and 2 responded, only to find that here was not even a lighted match in the neighborhood of the box which hail been sounded. The only excitement created sprang up with the advent of the apparatus. A man who was near the box at Ihe time the alarm was turned In said he had seen a pair of while boya break the glass and spring Ihe lever. They had run away down Jefferson street before he could apprehend them. or. Indeed, before he was assured that there was not good reason for turning In the alarm. It Is believed the young rascals will be caught Hupt. Maguire stated that the hoi was turned In improperly more often that any other of the system, although It Is located on a murh-used thoroughfare, and ought to he almost all the time un der the eye* of Hie police. The punish mini provided for such an offense Is a fine or XV and costs or six months on the rhalngang. or both. In the descretton of the court. The superintendent think* that If It were more often enforced II would prevent hit men being aroused from their slumbers without occasion or -excuse. ANTICIPATES NO TRtltßbß IIP HI British Authorities Will Handle I'laane at tilassnw. Health Ofllcer Brunner ha* no appre hension of the bubonic plague reaching Savannah by way of Glasgow, where It was reported In yesterday's dispatches In the Morning N- w* "The British authorities are on the alert,” said Dr. Brunner, "and as they )ihv a way of enforcing health regula tion* there without regard to popular ob jections there Is little reason for our h alth authorities to worry on this score. The Brl'lsh h. al'h authorities ore very thorough, and It g >ee without saying that they are fully competent to handle the sit uation. Dr. Brunner said that while Glasgow Is a gnat shipping and shipbuilding port. It Is a rare thing for a steamship to reach Savannah Meet from that port, the vea s Is almost Invar ably reaching here In hithis* front other foreign port* after months of absence from the home port. On this account he doe* not consider the outbreak a! Glasgow aa likely to prove a menace to Savannahs commerce Ir. any way. RATE HOT YET DECLARED. Ratter Ass alt* Return of Chairman Dale nr Commissioner Minkin*. Chairman Dale and Commissioner Sim ians, of the bard of County Commlsslon irs. are atlll ab* nt from the city, and the tax rot.- for Chatham county for the present year has yet to Its declared. It may be that one of them will reach the cl y to-day o- to mormw, and some tiro early In the week, it I* exp cted. a meet |! will le all- and and held for the pur pose of fixing the rate It is exported, aa has already been stated, that th- county tax rate will be ps j |er thousand dollar*, a decrease of four e. nt* on the thousand dollar* from that of Inst year. With the sixteen cents decrease n the rate of slate taxation, there will be n total decreaae of twenty rents this year, unless expectations and probahitlll * prove alike unfaithful Indi cia of the truth. TERM BEGINS TIES DAY. Labor Day Will be Observed Gener ally In the County 1 onrt House. The Sept- mher term of the Court of Or dlnaty will convene at 10 o'clock on Tti*- dty morning, when. It Is probable, a large amount of routine b-.tslne-s will be trans acted by Judge Ferrill. To-morrow, La tor Day. wl Ibo observed In the court and the office will not he opened. All of the office* In the C urt House will ob orve Labor Day In like tnonror It I* probabb that the Suiwrlor Court will be opcnel and the officer- of that tribunal be on Land for an hour or two during tie* morning, but otherwise there will be a liollday In the county building. DEATH OF MRS. ZITTMOUKR. I'ussrd Assay nt an Age of HI Years nt Lttmiikln. tls, Mr*. Elizabeth S. Zlttrouer. widow of the late Edwin 8 Zlttrouer of this city. ,;,ed at Lumpkin, Ga . where In latter ve rs she has made her home, <n Monday '.nt. She wra *1 year* rid. The Interment was at Lumpkin. Mr*. Zlttrouer haves two children. Mr. r C. Zbtr tier, of Savannah. anti Mrs. Ida A'ortis of Lumpkin. Her residence in Savannah extended over a long period of years. cm HHfivnm The Morning News will be found on sale regularly at Willard# Hotel new* ataod. Washington, I>. C, THE MORNING NEWS: SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, IDOO. MILL OF JUSTICE GRINDS SLOW Continued From Twentieth Page were not thereby settled. but that they remained for fttture conetderaltun. The Judge advotwte asked If any con ference had ever been held by Mr. Dreyer and t’apt. Wilson about the charges pre viously to their being brought, to which question Capt. Cann objected, the court overruling. The Judge advocate aakl he desired to show that the oßtcers of the Blues had concurred In the prosecution and that, therefore. It eould not have been brought by Capl. Wilson through malice, as Capt. Cann had charged. Mr. Dreyer aVI he had held such a donlerenco with Capt Wilson: that they had gone to Col. A R. l.iwton, commanding ihe regiment, who directed that charges be jirepared od brought against Harris for hla con duct In leiuisvllle Here Capt. Cann submitted the attach ment suit hr <ugl.l by Capt. Wilson u.a.n*t llartl.-, saying that the concurrence be tween the two offt.-era hail possibly been because Capt. Wilson had ioet the suit, and Mr. Dreyer had represented him as hts attorney. It wus also developed that the conference was after the trUI of the ault brought tn Justice Naughtin s Court against Harris. Capt. W ilson was recalled and confirmed Mr. Dreyer’* statement thut the company had operated by I.oulsvllle time. It was 10:15 then, and the court decided to ad journ until Tuesday night aj s o'clock. keeping off the airm. Hayes Naylor and Others Say Their l-ands Are llrlaa Invaded. Judge Falllgant heard evldenc* and ar guments lu the Butwrlor Court yesterday morning In the case of Hayes Naylor and others against Chatham county. The pe tition of the plaintiffs asks that the coun ty be permanently enjoined from enter ing upon certain lands they claim to own. without the payment of Juki and adequate compensation for the lands so taken. The matter has been pending In one shape or another for a long time, having come before the County Commissioner?, In the form of a petition for relief from the present plaintiffs, or some of them, on several occasions. The commissioners have also pa stud an order directing that the work of constructing dralus through (he lands tn question proceed, and It is the execution of this order by the county force* that the plaintiffs are now asking to have prohibited. A restraining order prohibiting the county from entering upon these lands, has already been granted, and it was 11-o question whether or not It should bo con tinued In force until the further order This Is a Luxurious Klmona of Illeh Yellow Satin Brocaded In Bouquets of the I’lnkest Primroses and Giey-Green Foliage. The Sleeves and Front* Are Faced with Green Liberty TafTeta. Just the Color of the Brocade Foliage, and the Interior of he Charming Bedroom Wrap Is Lined with the Faintest Pink Florence Silk. or decree of the court that was before Judge Falltgant on yesterday. Argurm-ot* for the plaintiffs were made by Mr W. F Sinter, while County Attorney J. It. Saussy m ule Ihe argument In response. THOUGHT A STORM W AN COMING. Many Nnvnunnhlnns Gnt Nervous (her Threatened Blow. Many Savanimhlan* thought a West In dia was on yesterday and for awhile II dkl look something like It. The heavy downpour and high wind lasted for nearly two hours and th outlook was anything but comfortable to nervous peo ple and planter* whose crop* are not stormproof. The w ent her observer had all Ihe business he could attend to In an swering telephone Inquiries about the storm, where It wa* and when It would get here, and how much damage It ' likely to do. The observer’s repllra were reassuring and by the middle of the aft ernoon the storm fear wore off. HIS WIFE DIED OF NHUIBCT. the Charge llrnuaht Against Her ftea-ln-Uw hr Madam Royal. Sam Dawson and Thomas Dawson were before Ihe Recorder yesterday at a pri vate hearing on charges preferred by Mad am Royal and her daughter, Mrs. Addle Smith. Thomas Dawson Is charged with criminal neglect ol hi* wife, the. daughter of Mr*. Royal, while Ihe other man la accused of having cursed and abused and assaulted Madam Royal and her daugh ters while ihey were at the bedside of tha dying woman. The testimony waa quite lengihy, a* there were a number of wit nesses for both side# The case was ad journed until Friday. To be queen of Flower*. Macon. Sept. L— Miss Louise Rogers, a daughter of Mr. Morrioon R. Rogers, wa* to-day selected Queen of Flowers for the Macon Street Fair, LOCAL PERSONAL Mr. R. 8. Wynn is visiting Columbus, Ohio. Mr. J. J. Puller arrived yesterday front Portsmouth. Mr J R Stamp of Atlanta Is registered at the l’ulaakl. Mr. V. A Moor* of Atlanta Is registered at the De Soto. Mr. F. P. Register of Register ts a guest of the Pulaskt. Mr It. A. Malone of Albany Is a guest of the Pulaski. Mr. F, C. Black of Charleston Is a gueet of the Pulaski. Mr J B. Fulton. Jr., left last night for Monteagle, Tenn. Miss Mary Kennedy Is visiting relative* in New York city. Mr James Daly of Augusts Is register ed at Ihe PuluskL Mr Chnrlr* 8 Harris of Cuthbert Is a guest of the Pulaski. Mr. Alexander Bjuar of Atlanta ts a guest of Ihe Do Bol*>. Mr. C. A Bryan of Jacksonville Is reg istered at the Screven. Mr. B. H. Groover of Statesboro I* reg istered at the Pulaski. Mr. B. W. Pullen of Mt. Vernon Is reg istered at the Screven. Miss Kate Brady left on the Alleghany yesterday for Baltimore. Mr, H. P. Smart left for New Y’ork yes terday via the Southern. Miaa Annie Griffin has returned borne from a visit to Virginia. Mr. Thomas J. Jones of Carrollton is registered at the Pulaski. Mr. J. D. Konderlek of Fort Valley Is registered at the Pulaski. Mr. F. 11. Collins of Abbeville Is In the city a guest of the Pulaski. Mr. W. 8. diisholm left via the South ern yesterday for Asheville. Hon. W. N. Heyward of Hardeevllle, 8. C., was In the city yesterday. Miss Lula and Annie Wynn will re turn during the week from Grlfftn. Mr. J. R. Abbott of Atlanta was among the guests of Ihe De Soto yesterday. Mr. George L. Tye and Miss Ty of At lanta are registered at the Pulaski. Mr. F. F. Stiver of Lyons was among the arrivals at the Screven yesterday. Miss K Krlete left via the Seahoaid Air Line yesterday for Hendersonvlll*. ,\lr Newcomb Cohen wus among the passengers last night of live Alleghany. Miss Katie Mclnerney left Thursday for a two months' visit In Brooklyn, N. Y Mr. T. C. S. Howard, commercial agent or the Seutioard Air Line, with head- quarters at Columbus, spent yesterday In the elly. Mr. R. B. Powell, Jr , left via the Sea board Air Line gewterday for Richmond. Miss Luciln Porter Is the guest of Mrs John G. Robertson, No. 612 Barnard aireel. ills* Be**!* Kerrloon of Charleston, 8 C.. Is visiting Dr. George W. Herlot and family. Mrs. C. J. Melvin Is at Thomer-tcn. where she will spend u month for her health. Miss Miriam Well waa among the pas sengep* of the Southern yesterday for Sumter. Mr. W. W. Harsh-on of Wayerosa wa* In the oily yesterday and stayed at th Pulaski. Mr. M. S. Burbank of Coeoanut Grove was among Ihe arrivals at Ihe Pulaski yesterday. Miss Ida Hesse has returned from an extended visit to frlcroM in Middle and Upper Georgia Mrs. William Ellis was a passenger via Ihe Scauoaid Air Line yesterday for White Springs. Mrs. R A Blarkwetl and children have gone to New York, where they will re main until October. Judge Spencer It. Atkinson and Mrs. Atkinson nt Atlanta were among the guests of the Pulaski yesterday. Dr. Murdock ond the Ml*ea Murdock, aftrr a pleasant visit lo Savannah, re turned to Baltimore yesterday on the Al leghany. Miss Perla Farmer and Helen Wynn have returned, home after spending some time In Charleston, Walterhoro and Mil ter, 8. C. Mr. L O. Harvey ha* returned from the mountain* of North Carolina, where he spent his vacation very pleasantly at Sa luda and Asheville. Mr. and Mr*. W. W. Reach, and the Misses Bessie, Ora. Pearl and Myrtle Bea h of Wayoroec, were among the guests of the Pulaski yesterday. Mrs. T. SI.. -Lsn. a couni pa hied by her two children and niece. Miss Hannah Mc- Carthy, left last week for the mountains In North Carolina. They will be gone about two months. Miss L. Marlon Hlhler. who has been spending her vacation In Savannah with her mother, has remrne.l to l'hll*lelt>hia, where she will resume her similes at the t'onvisit of Notre l*ame. Mrs V. V Malloy has Just returned front New York, where she ha* lieen b*r some time In the Interest of Jai kw>n. Uetsger A Cos While North Mrs. Malloy visited Boston. Philadelphia, also Tren ton and Bed Bank, N. J. A Jolly in.irwflinjr party returned dur ing the week frutn Ty bee. chaperoned by Mrs. Underwood and Goldsmith of At lunto. Those in the party were, Miss lain Underwood of Atlanta. Mias llasb hurat of Alalstma. Misses Julia Labtehe, Mayre Llhiche. Amelia Adams, Jolla Hunter, All--*’ Shyers, Messrs C Shoft. T. Underwood of Atlanta. 8 Underwood of lsHtlsvnie. Ky.. C. Anderson of Macon. H. Adam* and F. Courtney. Master Willie Patterson entertained a few of his friends In honor of his fourth birthday yesterday afternoon. Among those pre- nt were Mies Minnie Tamm. Miss Isom Grady, Miss Lulu Grady. Mis* Gladys Davis. Miss Kthel Davis, Mis* Ruth Mouse. Miss Myrtle M-se Miss J" sle Bushy, Mis* Marl- Hit*’*' Mis* Mt *lt v Hclmkm. Miss Ste la Gerken. .Mis" Ad-lb Gerken. Mauler* Karl Gerken. Jasper IN) vis, Stephen Grady, Jim Bushy. Eddie Bushy. Marlon Davis. Haven Broom. Johnnie War. and Willie Berry. Prlx. were won by Miss Addle Gerken and Kd dl* Busby. PROGRES* OF THE STATE FAIR. Oar Fare Mate Kitts-Other Val.loslu Nrm Jfcotrtt. Valdosta. Ga,. Sept. I.—The rates for the Btate Fair have been decided upon They are to be one fare for the round trip, plus the admission fee to the fair grounds, over all of the roads In Ihe state. The same rate will apply to the roads centering he re from Alabama and Florida, and large crowd* are expected to visit the fair from both slates The managers of the fair are highly pleased by ihe friendly attitude of all of the roads. The roads have shown a genu ine friendly Interest In the fair. Re ports that have been received from every part of the state show much Inter est Is being taken In the fair by Ihe farmer* and that the agricultural exhibits are going to be unusually large and at tractive. The Ashley-Palne Manufacturing Com pany has purchased a large lot of land west of the Georgia Southern road, and expect to establish a large variety works there nt once. The road Is now build ing sidetracks 4o the place and work on the new enterprise is to begin as soon as th material can be put upon the ground. The Valdosta Electric Light arid Power Company Is building a large brick build Ing for their power plant. A wore of men are at work on It and It Is being pusheo as fast as possible. The electric road Is about completed and all that re mains to he done Is nt turn on the current and start the cars Jo rolling. The long bridge over the Wtthlaroochee river was completed and accepted by the County Commissioners on Thursday. A number of the county officials and citi zens wens oui lo witness the ceremonies Tha leading feature of the oceaalon wa* a magnificent dinner, which was prepared by the bridge builder for ihe officials. I’OI'I LISTS OF BALDW IN. They Are Trying lo Compromise tin Ihe While Primary Plan. Mllledgevllle, On., Bept. I.—The Popu list party, pursuant to a call from It chairman, met at the Court Houso toalay to put n ticket In the hcl.l against the Democralc nominee*. Only twenty mem bers were present, ami on motion of Mr. W. I. Harper, u resolution appointing a committee to wait on the Democratic Ex* - utlve Commlltee, with instructions to ask that In the election, wo yeans henee, a Itrimary be held for all county officers, was adopted. The primary ihey desire to be known as Ihe white primary, ami not a* the Itcmocrotte primary. the Democratic Committee accept this proposition, the Populist.* will remain out of the held this year, otherwise they say they will iut out a full Populist ticket for the November election*. Wills t loscil for a Week. Providence, H. 1.. Bepl. I.—The cotton mills of the Quirobatig and Danielson companies shut down 10-day for one -week. Closed I nill Seyt. in. Waltham. Mass., Bept. L—The Boston Cotton Mills here closed to-day until Sept. 10. About 3,400 bands are affected. WHITNEY HORSE WON AGAIN. SLOAN ON BALLY HOO HE V BEAT THE KEENE FAVORITE. Repealed the Performance of the Futurity—Tommy Atkins Would Have Won hut for a vtlx-t p—4 Foul 44 as I’tnlmed tor Him, hat If 44 a* Not Allotted—l 4 hltnry'a Horse 44 on by Only a Head—The Other Hneea. New York, ff pt I—Bally Hoo Bey and Tod Sloan duplicated their su- oesa In tho Futurity one week ago by winning tha Fbt I bush stakes to-day. tlie feature of the caid at Boy. Tommy Atkina, the cdds-eti favorite, was second and b aten only by a head. An unfortunate Incltb nt marred the •vi nl which had a direct hearing on the outcome. Only four hot*. < starter! and the rice was conceded to Is* a duel between tin Whitney and Keene candidates, Itally Hoo Bey and Tommy Atkina They were sent off on Ihe sicund break to a good sttrt. and Smile find Billy Hoo Hey wr-ni out to make the tunning, but not more it Iragtli set orated tlie four for the first lalf mile At lilt* jmlnt Sloan took hla mount ba-k so that Smile showed In front a melt before Tommy Atkins who was the same distance tiefore Alard Schtck and Bally H-ai Bey. They came into the stretch necks np.trt with Smile in the ra'l anil Ilally Hoo Bey on Ihe out * de. When etralghtcned out and almost at the last furlong pub. a bad m!x-up no on! r.d which fortunately did not result In a serious accident. Smile swerved out and Bally Hoo Bey boro In c n the other two and for a second the crowd on tlie giand stand held It* breath ex|*etlng to • e one If not nil go down In a heap This dll not happen- but the favorite was knocked out of his stride, and l ab three or four lengths. After straightening out Tommy Atkins set sail and steadily gain ed on Bally Hoo Bey, but the ntilsh line was too close ami Bally Hoo Bey won by a head amid wild excitement. A foul was claim.d f r Tommy Atkins, but not allow ed Summaries: First Bare—-Six furlong*. Modrtnc, g to 1, won. with Gibraltar. 13 to t and 4 to 5, second, and Kitchener, li to 1, third Time I.IJ 2-5. Be, ond Mace— Belling, five and a half furlongs. Moor, 6to 2 won. with Cherish ed, so to 1 and lu to 1, second, and Sweet Tooth tm to I. third Tine I OS -& Thltd Hare -Tire Flolbush. seven fur ,ongs Bally Hoo Bey. 2 to 2 ami 1 lo 3 won, with Tommy Atkins. 15 to 2tl and 1 to 4, second, and Alard Scheck, SO to 1 third. Time I:2*. Fourth Raci—The Goran handicap, one mile. Voter. 2 to 1. won. with Vulralh, 7 to 1 and 5 lo 2. sieotid, end Marttma*. 20 to 1. third Time 129 2-5. Fifth Rare—Handicap steepleehaee. about two miles. Perlon, 3 to I, won. with George Keene, 15 to 1 anil 8 to 1, second, and t 'apt I’lernal. to to 1, third. Time 4:21. Btx’h Rac - Selling one and a sixteenth mlbs on turf. Villa V, 2 to I. won. wlih I'ristlillsltator 5 to 1, and S to 5. second, and Gold Fox, 3 to 1, third. Time 1:48. RESULTS 04 TIIE Di 4MOMII. Illookly ti 44 on Ihe Rubber In Five tinmen 4Vlth Philadelphia. Brooklyn. N. T , Sepi. I—Brooklyn won ihe rubber In the series of five games with Philadelphia to-day by outplaying the visitors In all departments. McOlnnlty win, in rare form, and Ihe Holding behind him was of the sensational order. At tendance 8,000. Score: R.H.K Philadelphia .0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 I—2 7 1 Brooklyn 0 0 1 2 1 0 1 0 x-6 0 2 Batteries—Bernhard and McFarland: McOlnnlty and Farrell. Chicago 44 na Hath Games. Chicago. Bept, I.—Chicago won two weli drserved games from Cincinnati to-day. lloth games were hotly contented. Gar vin held the visitors down to three hits In tho first and Menefee secured the de cision In the second on arcount of ex cellent fielding. Attendance 2.000. Bcore: It.H.K. Chicago 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 I—2 S 2 Cincinnati ~..0 00000 1 0 o—l 2 1 Hatterles—Garvin and Donahue; Hahn and Kehoe. Becond Game— , R H R. Chicago 0 2 0 0 1 0 2 1 x- 8 2 Cincinnati ...0 1 1 000 o 2 0-4 9 3 Batteries— Menefee and Donehue; Phil lip* and Kehoe. Pittsburg Won In the Tenth. Pittsburg. Sept. I.—McCreary won the game In the tenth when two men were out by scoring Itltchey with a two-bagger. The feature was Schriver'a poor throwing lo second, allowing aix stolon base*. At tendance. 4.1C0. Score: HU E. Pittsburg .1 00000000 I—2 6 1 St. loins . 0 1 0000000 o—t 1 Batteries—Phllllppl and Schrlver; Young aml Crlger. Boston nn Easy Winner. Bonton. Kept. I.—Nine single*, a double and one error In Ihe third and fourth In nings to-day netted the tloatons lein run*. Attendance, Score: It II E Boston 0 0 5 5 0 0 0 0 X—ID 11 1 New York .0 0 0 1 0 1 0 00-3 I I Batteries—Dlnren and Clarke; Hawley and Urady. r ■■■■ Other Games. At Hartford Providence. 3; Hartford. 4 At Toronto--Toronto, 16; Syracuse. I. At Worcester—Worcester. 6; Spring field, r. Second gamo; Worcester, ft; Springfield, ft. At Montreal—Montreal, 4; Rochester, 3 Second game: Montreal, 4; Rochester, 4. Called at Ihe end of Ihe seventh inning. At Itetrolt—Detroit, 4; Minneapolis. 6. At Buffalo buffalo. 1; Chicago. 3. AI Buffalo---Buffalo, 1; Chicago, 3. Sec ond game: Buffalo. 0l Chicago. 3. At Cleveland —Cleveland, 4; Kansas CBy. 4. At Indianapolis— Indianapolis, 3; Mil waukee, Ift. TRIED TO f OMMIT Ml It IDE Yeung Mtnlen of Vslfnst* Was Ar rested to Prevent It. Jacksonville. Fla., Sept. L—J. K. Sta ten. traveler lor a Savannah Arm, and highly connoted nt Valdosta, Is under lock and key ta-nlghi at Iho city Jail, ostensibly charged as drunk ami disor derly. while the arrest was made because he attempted lo commit suicide by tak ing morphine. He has been In the city for a week or so ami spree!ng heavily. To-day ho at tempted to purchase twenty grains of morphine at a drug store, but the clerk, observing his condition, refused lo sell it to him. A friendly hackmnn secured him fifteen grains. Going Into a saloon on Bay street, he called for beer and poured the morphine Into his glass. Just as he was about to drink It. u bystander knock ed It *>tit of bis hand He was then ar rested and taken lo the city Jail to sober up No one knows the (’ey*.- for the rash attempt. He Is about 25 years of age and 1* well liked by friends here. His father is a banker In Valdosta. Reilarflwn of Wages. Woonsocket. R. 1., Bcpt. I.—Notices were pasted 10-day at the Woonsocket Mill of ihe Valley Falls Cot ton Company an nouncing that a 10 per cent, reduction in wage* upon all grades of flna goods will go Into effect next Tuesday, The mill employ* nearly liM bauds. KILLING HEAR AIUITTL Kigreea qntrreled Over m Wataofl With Fatal Results. Augusta. Sept. I.—Henry Hagklna wa* killed to-night at Lake Oln,stead bndga by another negro, Bob Chambers. The two men quarreled about a woman. Five shots were fired, and when tho dead bogy of Haskins was found he clutched a pis tol In on hand, three chambers of which had been fire,!. His adversary, Bob ''bom ber >. had flrsd two of the shots, and one had entered over 11 "Skill* heart. Cham* tars was seen running off with one arm hanging limp, as though he had heap wounded, tie has not been caught. ———■—awe———t mmmm —s———■> ifkliUk XO’l ltißh H tSElt*' 1J " Try the lor.—a comfortable seat, electrh. fans and a deUckwa cool drlng. IUMD.4’B SODA AND SHF.RHETS are jowly popular; they ara core rectly served and the beet mud*. TRY OPR NEAPOLITAN ICE CREAM For B\in.lay delivery leave your aw dere early In the week. CON ID AX ICE t REAM PALACE. KNIGHT'S PH 4HR ACY, , OPEN ALL NIGHT. Beef. Wine and Iron ...71* Roach Belt (guaranteed) 100 K H. C 81. Talcum l’owdcr, berated to Palmer’s Tollei Water* . toe Empty Capsules, list for T !• Dyspepsia Tablet* Free Imported Castile Hoap SOo Insect Powder, P. D. A Cos toe I russes . f*V to 15 08 Byrltigns. Fount tin 75c lo 83 08 Thermometer (Feveri Uk: to 8209 We leud In everything In our line. KNIGHT'S PHARMACY. Ga. Phone 838. Bell Phone ÜB. SAVANNAH FOUNDRY AND M 4(111 4 B COMPANY, Builders of Marins and Stationery Boilers, will fumtoh estimates on near work lo competition with Northern ami Western manufacturers, Repair work on Engines and Botlena ■l9 ON 1.9 THR REST GINGER ALB. The best Is the Wheeler Brand of Bel fast Ginger Ale. mode by Wheeler A Cos,, of Belfssl, Irtlend, from the celebrated Crvuan. Bpruig* of mat city, i'ueeo sprit,gs are the property of Wheeler A Cos., htnoe no other Ginger AJ* manufac turer In Ireland hue those waters but themselves The Wheek-r Ginger Ale la made from pure Jamaica Ginger Root and not from Red Pepper, as others are; one le deleterious—the other Is e tonic. For Healliifulnass and Purity Ihe eel*, brated Wheeler brand of Delfaat GUager Al* la tha best LI PPM AN nnOTHER* ■ole Southern Agents. Savannah. Go. II ELM KEN'S CAFE, Liberty and Whltakar. The only up to date cafe suitable foe select parlies In tha city. One block from Da Soto Phone m. J. 11. HELMKEN. Prop. IF IT’D NICE WE HAVE IT. Drop In and get a Jar of sliced dried beef or sliced breakfast! bacon, a tad tie of Pin-Money Pickles or Stuffed Olive* from HARDEE A MARSHALL, Phons *56. RED HEART. The beer of all beers is -RED HEART.— All good people urlnk It. WM. BRK'KEN, Manager. JUNO BREWING CO. Phone SIS. VOI H PREMt RIPTIONS will be tilled at Park Avenue Pharmacy while yo wait. W nil them at any hour day or night. The only live drug more In eouthern section of Savannah. PARK AVENUE PHARMACY. J L. Branan. Proprietor , Corner Park avenue and Barnard 8L Ho-Phone 1146. HOOD LIQUOR. Get WUson Widely at ROBT. REM LER'S. Liberty jid Drayton. Head quarters for th* best brands. Country trade solicited. No charge for jugs. Phone 113. AT GARDNER'S. Reiter eend your order In early for a nice roast of lamb or beef. I have some at pedal meals. M. 8. GARDN7K. Phones 575. Wayne and Whitaker. P. B.—Sweet breads, bruins, liver, Irtpe ami Trulls and vegetables. PAI VIS AND ll>)1 ME PAINTING. We handle nothing but the VERY REST grad.* or PAINTS and OILS, and employ Ihe very best painter* to be had. Allow ua to make bid on palming your house. SAVANNAH BUILDING SUPPLY CO., Corner Congress and Dray toe. Phone ilft. PAINTS, OILS, VARNISHES, WALL PAPER. Get oar prices on Ihe best goods for yoar building. ANDREW HANLEY COMPANY. BONDS EXECUTED By Ihe American Bonding and Trust Company of Baltimore. We.are author ised lo execute Le-.iliy (Imm dlately upon application), all bomia In Judicial pro s'* ding* In either Dm statu or United State* court*, and of administrators and guardians DBA RING A HULL. Agenta. Telephone 33L Provident Bulbing L ARGE WAIIEMOISE AND UK FILE to rent, located head of Broughton street, on Weet Broad, now occu pied by the Savannah Carriage umt Wagon Cos As they will give up business In Ihe city on June t. 1 of fer It for rent from that date H. P. SMART. rati it TO C'UiJkN l tltl’tlTS. Til* only *1( to et your carpets prop erly taken up, > leaned an I taken cere of tor Ui* • itnmer la 10 turn the Job over to the Dletrlet M<aa. rig r and Delivery ©., telephone & or ceil at 3 3 Montgomery ■tieet, and they will make you an eu tnate on the coal .( Ute work. f*rlc*a ri*on*t>l. They aim tatek. metre auj •toi# furniture and ntanu*. C. U. MEDiaOCK, hope and M*r. 3