The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, September 03, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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8 MANY VISITING SOLDIERS. THF.Y ARK HKMK KOI) THE 9TITE SHOOT, BHQINMNU TISIUV, iomitnnv Match for thr lr*oto Tro phy Will Hr ttlr rinl hol— Horr Than Thirty Tram Will Hr Katrr ril—-Grent Interest iMtiatf Ihr Mill. Vary—•lVraonaal of Woanr **f the Sta lling Traana—Hranarkahlr F.uthue ■ aam Ihana Iwnaa thr ompaaalaa of Ihr I'oarih llralmral—l’nhllr la %'lfrd In %ltrnl thr tNonllna. TN* mat#* she**! ofwn* t*vdajr. Tin* <om panv match lor th* I>* 8010 irophy. rwti to five and rniUt***!, from of 1 v romfMny or troop or division of naval tn I lit is. a 111 h* ahot first Th entrance t,*- will bo SI a man. an*! th* dlstanot will b* ju*. .ml ?#■'', ♦*• yard* and ths fklr mih. flvr ► hot* at h of the distances, rave ihr .-“ft ami the skirmish, whrro ten will be fired It W poitftihle. too. that the revolver cont*sl will be he|*| today This will te under the direction of Mr H Hlch mon<l. th* l expert in revolver practl** The shooting will be at fifty yard* for frame for five men. An Individual rifle match may also be shot during the day Team captain* will draw at the rana early thl* morning to determine the order In which they will eboot They will i<mi draw for the target* at which they will Are Neither for sntran* e to the ground* n *r for admlMiton to the grandrtnnd will any charge l>e made to-day or tomorrow, and it U bipel that there wrtll be a good crowd of spectators to witneer the shootin* 1 m die* are Invited. # wa II 1* gentlemen. More than 100 vlading offlceni and men of the (leorgut Trop# are in the city, the gueat* of th* local military and of the mate, to take |art In the second annual carbine and rifle compel to lon ar ranged by t’ol. tSeorge T. <’ann, Inspector general of rifle practice, under the direc tion of whom the v>nie*t* will he held. The visiting soldier* are nearly nil quartered at the Chatham Artillery* Armory, where cota have be*-n provided for their comfort. Two team* from the Wayoro** Klrt** axe quartered ti|*n the Savannah Cwtrli. In the Regimental Armory, Capt. J. T. Weal having marie the request that the visitors front Way croes be allowed lo use the quarters of his company during their stay In the city. The Brunswick conilngcn* snd the team from Ga., are stopping •t the De Soto. Meats are teeing served the visiting troops at Fried's restaurant. They take breakfast and supper there, and Mr Fried will serve dinner for them at the range, this arrangement tielng far more con venient than any other that could be hit upon, as the number of teams entered for lbs shoot makes It absolutely neces sary that no time la lost. There are so many teams that it will be necessary to devote every available hour lo the con tests. Col Csnn Is well pleased by the Inter est that hits been manifested tn the shoot, and he Is confident thst It will prove a ■ureess. It Is evident to ail who have watched the progress of events In con nection with the arrangements for the ahoot that not only the success of this one. but of those to be held In the fu ture is assured The enthusiasm shown In the Fourth Regiment. Infantry. Is remarkable From the twelve companies of the regiment, there will be thirteen teams entered, the Waycnoss Rlfty* entering two. Col. W. E. Wooten of Albany. Lieut. Col Hopkins of Thomasvtlle. Mai H. I*ec Wylly of Thomasvtlle and Capt. A. J Scott of Al bany. adjutant. represent the Mt and staff of the regiment In the city, and If more proof than their pres ence of the Interest they feel In the shoot could be desired, attention might be di rected lo the prizes they have offered (or the competition In whlrh the company teams from tha Fourth will engage Col. Wooten has ottered a hand-omc medal, to be worn by the member of the regiment making the highest individual score, while the officers of the Fourth have combined in purchasing a handsome silver cup that will go 10 the company that makes the highest score In the tompany match, tbul Is lo he shot to-day. MaJ. Ernest Dart of Brunswick, In com mand of the Third Battalion of the Firs* Regiment. Is also among the visitors in the city MaJ Dart la well known in B vannah. ami has many friends here. Ha came ut> with the hoys, who are to rep resent the Brunswick Riflemen and Ihe Naval Mllltt.i In the com* sis Some of the companies with teams en ♦ered. have little hope of winning out. This Is not true of some few of Ills vbt't. 'ns teams alone Among the local com panies there sre some that, so far sur pass others In the excellence of the shoot ing of some of their members, that 11 Is clearly Impoesildc for those otheni to m ake anything like a good showing. |n compur fson. lies pile the fact that they have had the advantage of practice upon the splfn dld Savannah range Manifestly, there, forr. greater advantage will he enjoyed by the rrark teams of Savannah ote r some of the visiting burnt from points where h faculties for shooting-are far inferior Yft ibr-rr are same of ihe visitors, who arr expected to give the beet that Sivbm run show n flow struggle. Kor In stance. there li< tho Ail int.i <-itn from the Mor*.. O third. which wim htti picket „h u winner Again. there ore the two leiim from Mnyerose, where eome excellent shooting hue lieen going on for n lon* while Italnhridgr. too. send* three or four rhote on her that have mot* fine monte particularly Private It IV Jack son. who. a few .laya ago. made 117 while shooting for record A nqmtier of the vlaltora went out fo the rifle range yesterday. They were •really linprered by what they aaw. •in,| expressions of ph-amire In the pmepect of shotting on It were frequent Many of the tejme hare been accualome.l to a range upon which there |p hut a nlnirtc bunk necessitating their movlnit tw.-k the re ipitalle diatance whenever It Is desired to change the ranges t'ol Cann and some of the Savannah Offleera who will assist him In the con duct of the ehoot were also on the range Col. Cann waa tonkin* to the final ar rangements He had an awning raised over the .ten-yard shooting Plant Ten shots are tired at that range, making It more important that an awning tie ad justed there than anywhere else Col. Cann aald he bellevea ihe water connec tions will be made so that the shower bathe may be used during the shoot Capt \V. E. Coney, adjutant of the First Regiment, waa buay during theyday re t-elvlna the visiting teems Their captains reported to him and were assigned to their quarters. Capt. Coney will hove charge of the siallstles during the shoot Follow lug la Ihe personnel of some of the teams that reached Ihe city during ihe day: Company G. Fourth Regiment. Infantry, the Albany Guards: Capt L E Welch Bergt T W Mentulett. Corpl B J. Mann, Private H. T. Mclntosh and Private J. U Hlleman Company E. Fourth Regiment, the Al bany Guards: Corpl. M. Nestali, Private B C. Adams, Private 8. M. Brooks. Prl (Conilnued on Paged U 1 >llll I IM> | • 4,4 u:. Ideal, f, 4% W IlMin trnl If a f fhe A**Melat Inn. The Wimbledon cup ha* been ent on to the New Jeraey Btate Rlflr Association by ideut. K. * Wilson. who won if I tat ye r the contest at B** dirt TH# dlspai* he* to the Morning New* •:at*<J yesterday that the trophy had teen won by W H, Kotilke of Philadelphia, on a ►core of 110 out of n possible lirt It w i on the **-orv of 110 that Ideut. Wllon won the cap |a*t year He w*m also In the confeei In li®7. holding It until h* sent It to N w Jersey a few days ag* The cup Is to the niemtwr* of the M.vninaii Volunper Guard*. in allow armory It *to>*t for four years. *ol Georgs T Carni having won It in !**; It* fore |t tv 1* sent away. the cup was * ngrwved with the name of <\>|, Oinn an I Ideirt Wilson, the irw< rtpnoi) showing the latter hod won the tr*phv In IM7 and in IM<>, and that th*re was no contest In fhe volunt*er service t fng pretty well broken up then by the Mf>anl*h-Amer ican war. hieut W|i*on * swore of Igt v* **ngr *v-d on the cup. iiw| It |* believe*! If tt Is the blgh* st. with that of Mr Foulke. the late.-; winm r. ever m t*!e. mtwith s*landing the report of 14& us* the record m the 1 (Meyard *hmtlng When Lieut. Wiknon won on hi* no score, hr was written up in tne New York paper* as holding the rr ord In the contest for the cip. It wnaa rather a surprise to the Bavsn tvahian* who usol to • to th*~ Ha Girt oftte*i* to s*e that Mr. Foulkc hail won Ibe cup. lie wa* not regarded a* a vary rtmxl shot. *0 it |* clear that he mnist hav*> greatly Improved In his shooting When the Guard* had their club th* Wimtdedon mp stood as an ornament In *me of the *lub room* l was an object of attention when visitors w r* present, a* It bore th* following Inscription: ■Received from Ihe hands of Her Royal llighn*** the Prlnceas l*>ui*- f Kng lanl. by MaJ Henry Fulton, the first win n* r. HC.V ’ ft was Won at Wtmtl*lnn In • hat year, the u m fr*m thr National Hide Association of the I’nite*! Slate- be ing abroad, an*! In th> contest* h.ld at Wimbledon by the National Klfle Asscs clatlon of Great llrttain. Since lk7T. with the exceptlwti of JWW. the cup ha* been contested for annually. The story goes that an Kngllshman happen**#! ti U- the gtlest of th#- Guard's Club on one occasion when the <*up was brought mil for inspection The visitor delight*#! In *iendtnK hi* money. an*l sur intet that h* had good opportunity to snow his patriotism ami pride of race by drinking champagne from a cup won on his native heath, lie had the great ves sel filled with wine, ami he and hi* cum- Ifttnian* *uc<eled in emptying it. TO l%ll*lOllt >KM tTHKKT. Work to llejgln Tn-day I mler Agree ment With the Central Hallway. Director Gadsden of the public works department will begin to-day to Improve New street with Augusta gravel from West Hrnnd street to Farm street. The work Is being done tinder an arrange ment with the Central Hallway, which obviates the necessity of an ordinance and saves the property owners on fhe street from assessment for fheir pro rata share of the Improvement. Home year* ago the Central hardened the southern half of Near street In front of Its warehouse* with chart. While this greatly facilitated accesa to the ware houses. the street was given an odd and unsightly appearance. In making the new improvement the entire street will he Included, and the grade will he chang ed so as to avoid the abrupt descent at Farm street. JOBHPM M. JRMKItm OF AD. Died tfter an %ttnck of Cholera Mor bus Yesterday Mnrnisx Joseph M Jerkins, a butcher in the city market, well known to many H.Tvnnnah wiH. died at his home. No. M'i Fifth street, west, al 0 o'clork yesterday mom log. Ills death followed an attack of cholera morbus, which begun Friday at midnight, and from the Aral, was regard ed as very serious. Mr. Jerkin* was one of the largest men fn the city and hi* great girth and Jovial good nature attracted to him much f attention from those who visited the mar ket regularly or occasionally. He leave* a wife and several children The funeral will take place at 10 o'clock this morning, from the f mlly residence, where Mr Jerkins breathed his last The service* Will be • ondocted by Rev. A. J Hmtth. pas’or of the Seventh Street Methodist Church. FEW HI M(% VISITORS. Season for the Heeorle lias About linn Its l.enath. Business with t(je summer resorts yes terday was very slow. The season when Bavannahlans delight lo thick to the wa tering places of Ihe vicinity has passed, as has the desire of those living In the Interior to visit the seashore. Tybee was practically deserted by comparison with summer Sundays, yesterday, there hav ing been but few tutwengers to take the trip The hotel has closed, and Induce ments are but few The twice-a-week dances have also been discontinued The otlnr resorts, as well as Tybee. showed a great falling off. The day was not un.nm fort ably warm, and It was easy enough to keep cool In Ihe city, rendering visits to the resorts for that purpose un necessary. Not until next summer may any out|*ourlngs of Bavannahlana to the reaorts hr looked foe. TOOK OVER lit Hip; OF 111 HIM M. ' % Woman's Mistake fame Near Fad ing Fatally. Borne excitement was caused In the neighborhood of Barnard and Gaaton alreels late yesterday nriernoon by the report that a woman had attempted sui cide on Gaston street. Her con dition was discovered by a member of the family ands physlelar was sum moned and found that she was suffering from an overdose of laudanum. Her condition was serious, hut prompt treat ment saved her. and It wase reported early last night that shs was otft of dan ger. It was staled last night by the husband that his wife had no Intention of committing suicide, and that shs had simply taken an overdose of laudanum by mistake. RF.V. tilt. JARRELL AT TRINITY. I'rraeltetl at His Father's Old tha re It lesterday Morning. Rev. Charles Jarrell preached the morn ing sermon al Trinity Methodist Church yesterday. Mr. Jarrell Is the son of Rev A. J. Jarrell, a former and one of the best loved pastors of Trinity, and a brother of Dr. Joseph <1 Jarrell of Savannah The sermon delivered by Mr. Jarrell was an Interesting and instructive one, that offered Other tnierest than that resulting from the personal pleasure taken by his congregation In extending him a welcome Nothing Just as Uood as MALT-NtTRINE can be found In any drug *t ra for the purpoets for which Malt-Nutrlne Is prepared It is superior to all other tonics, and no substitute should be accepted Made by Anheueer- Buanh Brewing Ass'n, Bt. Louts, U. 8. A., stud sold by all druggist* THE MORNING NEWS: MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1900. HELD ON AN UGLY CHARGE. U. J. HOI ME OF MYI.VAMA To AN- Oti:il FOR < HIMIVAI. AMAt'I.T. 111. Allea-4 VletlM ■ IMncOM i.lrl M ltt> < am- lo Navaunah -alar dn* Ostensibly to Wee a I'hysAelaa. she Was With a I olorrd Woman and Wns tarried Away at Alght b) House to a House Year lotorel Drove t eturlery. Where The* Were Found b l*|lerman 1 nHark-Kwc'li Has a #tor> to Tell. R J House, a white resident of Byl vanla. 1* held at the barrack* on the charge of a criminal assault on MUi Res ile lewta of Cyclone. The alleged as sault Is sabl by the supposed victim to have taken place Hiturday night, be ; 1 ween 9 and 10 o’clock, at the house of a colored woman. Wllllr Jackson, at Park ! 1 venue and Cemetery streets. The arrest was made yesterday morn ing at the Jackson woman's house by officers I'mbech and t’ronlfi To th** 1 former Rouse acknowledged that he had made an attempt on the girl, but said that he had not succeeded; but Ml** i l-ewl* tell* a more serious story. Bhe says that she Is but 17 years old. and ame to Havnnnah Haturday afternoon to I teceive medical treatment from a physl i clan with w hom h* had previously some correspondence. She was accom panied by a colored woman. Harsh Ftocd. who came along as a sort of nurse, or guardian, and to whose care the girl hod been Intrusted by her mother, with in | *tructions to take her to a boarding house on her arrival, and sec that sh** was well taken care of tintll placed under the doc tor's treatment. According to the story of the Reed so • man. It was her Intention to carry out these Instructions, but when she arrived >t tbe # d*j*t and asked the girl to go to a while tioardlng house, she objected, and Maid that she did not tlant lo leave her and preferred going wlt>r her. The Reed woman explained, she a..**, that sh* was going to ihe home of a friend, Willie Butler, at Montgomery and Gaston -tre**H. and that there were only colored people th*re, but If she Insisted she *ou!d go with her. Miss Rewts. she claims, pre ferred Itelng with her. anyway, hih! so they went to the Butler woman’s house. There they stayed until about 9 o’clock Saturday night, when Rous**, who wu acquainted with Utoh women in Bylvanla. came In a hack and took Miss Lewis os tensibly for a ride. A friend cam** with him in another hack, and being Introduced to ftarah Reed by B>use. took her in his hack, driving in an opposite di rection from that taken by Jtouse, who went direct to Willie Jackson's. The Reed woman sa>w that after going *ocn> • hstunce she began to have doubts *ha* the propGety of the girl being out with Rouse, and getting out of her hack, she ►ought Rouse nisi the girl at alt of the resorts of the doubtful class In the neigh borhood of the cemetery, with which she seems to he acquainted through her many visit* to the city. Not finding them she returned to the Butler woman's hou*> and went to led. The story of the sequence of event* after she left Butler's house |* best told by the victim herself. The hack, she said, went straight to the Jackson wo man's house. Bhe was told to go In. and. not being familiar with the character of the neighborhood, and having no reason to suspect Rouse, did as she was told un qtiestloningly. Once in the house, ac cording 10 the story told to Bupt. Bcreven. she win overi#>wr*fed by Rouse, although she resisted him to the extent of her abil ity Afterwards he put her back In the back, which waited for hltt> outside of the door, and refused to have anything further to do with her. n.though she beg ged both him and the driver to take her back to the Butler woman's house The wrong that hud been done the girl was discovered accidently by Fmhach. With Patrolman Cronin he had been In Ihe vicinity of the cemetery to make an arrest He was In the neighbor hood when called by Ihe hackman. who wanted him to Induce Bouse, who was then Inside the Jackson house, lo pay his hack fare, whlrh amounted to |i. The harkßv-in also told the officer that he thought there must be something wrong In the relations of the man and the woman that he had brought there, and shn was then silling In the hack moaning In ap parent misery. Rouse was called from lha house to pay the hackman. which he readily consented to do. A colored Inmate of Ihe house who ac companied Rouse to Ihe sidewalk also told the officer that she thought there was something suspicious In the way Rouw had treated the woman he brought with him I mbaeh determined to inves tigate the case, and eo when Rouse, about to re-enter the house. Invited him tn he went with him. He notice*! that the girl was still left In ihe hack, and spoke to Rouse about the matter. With an oath the man replied "that she could go to ——. he had had all that he wanted of her and was disgusted." The nflU-er then • told Rouse that he understood that the girl tiad been brought to the house for Im moral purposes, and asked some very pointed questions regarding his relations with her. The man. without any hesi tancy, told the story of the assault, go ing Into minute details. The officer questioned the girl, who told a very Incoherent story, but which agreed with the man's, even to the statement with which he closed his story. With the assistance of Patrolman Crotdn. House. Ihe girl and the Rt-ed woman, who was found at Butler’s house, were arrested and taken lo the barrack*. There the girl repealed her story to Superintendent of Police Bcreven, hut made the last part of It exactly opposite of that she tteld the pollr* man. Her father was notified of the affair, and Is expected to arrive In Savannah some lime to-day. Rouse |s said to be a prosperous naval stores operator, owning property In the vlnldty of Hylvanta. He had quite an amount of money with him when arrest ed. which would seemingly bear out this supposition He treated Ihe mutler light ly. and seemed lo hsve no fear of the out come. though he had h* en drinking His ease will l*e called probably to-morrow. It was reported to the arresting officer yesterday Ihnl the Keetl woman knew of House's Intentions toward Ihe girl, and was a pariy to the scheme, that the plans Iwiil Is-en made in Hylvanla previous to ihe departure of Rouse, who came to Savannah Friday. According to the a.tmc story Saturday afternoon, after the girl had been taken to the Butler "Woman's house, the Heed woman went lo the hotel where House was slaying, and told him where she and Ihe girl could be found The gtrl Is In very delicate health, and came lo Snvannah on that account. Those who have seen her say that she Is ap parently almost a physical wreck, and seems to be a HI Inmate for a hospital. HORSE THIEF'S HOLD JOB. Took an Animal l.eft In Hla t are and Made Way With It. A bay mare beloning to Mr. Pat Finn was stolsn Saturday nlghi from Liberty and Drayton streets by a colored mail named Lltnua Gibbons The rider of the animal left the horse In the car* of the negro for a few min utes. while hew ent into the store of Mr. Robert Remler He was absent only a few minutes, probbaly not more than a quarter of *n hour, but when he return ed. both negro and horse were gone. Gib bon* la well known about the city and probably will be arrested within a short time MILL PERMIT THR (HiXGfk • ownri: lo %et on street Hallway's Petition This Week. At the meeting of City Council Wednes day night It 1* expected that a report will be fiitunltted by he Bir*-et and lane Com mittee recommending favorable set 101 lin the matter of the iwtltton of the street railway company for i*ermlss.oi 10 rear range its tracks on Barnard nn*l Whitaker streets so i* to permit of ihe operation of a double b* It on Barnard and Abe room streets and the operation of cara both ways on Whitaker street. No report was made hy the fltreet and loii>e <*crnmlftee at the previous meeting of Council because the street railway com pany had not submitted th*’ required data and other Information outlining its plans In the mutter Thl* data has since been submitted and as there Is no opposition to the changes | Is unders osi that a favorable re|iort will la mad** *t the meeting this week. In fact, the proposed alteration In the street railway system ap pear* 10 n.‘* t with general approval, the public readily appreciating the fact tha: the ebanaes are In the line of Increased fa cilities and Improved service. The suggestion made In yesterday’s Morning News that it spur track be ex tended from Atercorn on McDonough street to tne Theater for Ihe benefit of Ihe theater patrons appear* to meet with gen eral approval and It Is possible that the street railway people will adopt the sug gestion along with the alterations for which It has already petitioned Council. T>e*e alterations It will be remembered, are sought for hy ihe rallwiv compapv In res|M>n*e to a general public daman*l to which the company has found It wise to accede. A similar pressure In the maMr of the Theater spur track would, doubt less, Ire equally effective. WILL I'M \l MBAH Till YDKRMOI.T. Iron nmil \n\y I ni*in Will Have llnsehnll and Sports To-day. William T. Bchen* k Garrison. No. IM. of ihe Regular and Volunteer Army and Navy t’nton of America, will picnic at ihe ground* just north of Thunderbolt to day The garrison of the Army and Navy I’nkm is jpade up of selects and lacked men from the batteries at Fort Screven It is expect Al that about forty men will make up Ihs party from the fort, but there will he friervl* from the city to Join in the *|sarts of the day There will b% a baseiwll gum** and athletic sports of various ki*. Is "to |mss dull dm* *wy," according, to the prescribed formula of the army and navy, which Is n *ilmel in the well known song on the subject. The men of the garrison will leave Fort Screven nt 9 o'clock In the morning and return about R in the evening The In tervening time will lie spent on the tram to and from the city, and nt the plcn.c grounds st Thunderbolt. The garrison Is named after Ueut. William T. Srhenck. of the Tenth Infan try. who was killed In action in the Phil ippines Lieut. Bchenck was the son nf ('apt. A. D. Schenck. the present com mander of the post nt Fort Screven. v PIT ON THE FINISHING TOMTIF*. # t Lively liny Among the Flyera at Thunderbolt Truck. Yesterday was a lively day at the Thun derbolt Driving Park and a targe crowd visile*) the track lo see the trainers put the finishing touches on the entries for to-day's events. Manager Doyle has decided to call the first heat of tho four cornered race between Pauline. May B. Bloat s Bitters ami Allercyone at t o'clock. Between the heals of thin race Perry E and Klngful will have their battle for three-eights of a mile. The Tattnall county delegation Is at Ihe Irack and taking the best of care of their favorite. Perry K. Jockey George Den nis came yesterday from Augusta and is much pleased with Klngful and Is confi dent that he will make a fine showing on the Bon of Kingston. The Btnrhers' race. In which Madwood amt Tiivktr will hauls for supremacy, will lake Place after the flrkt heat of the big harness race. In addition to the other event*. Manager Doyle has arranged an Interesting mule race. In which the Tattnall county party will have an entry. This will conclude the afternoon's card. FELLED WITH A tilt It K. Uaarrel About the Hush Hill Leads tn un Assault. A negro named Joseph Brooks received last night about dusk an ugly wound on Ihe skull at the hands of Anthony Jbee. who lay In wall for him In Gordon alrtgt ane nnd struck him with a brick. The quarrel that resulted tn the row occurred, Brooks said, as the result of his wife's refusal, at his request, to de liver clothe* that she had washed for Jose to him without the cash being paid on delivery. Jose thought he ought to re ceive more consideration al the hands of the Brooks family, amt the discussion of the matter led to the quarrel and assault. Jose, as soon as he struck the blow, made hla escape by running down Tattnall street. Brooks went to Dr. Herlot at Liberty and Tattnall streets, ami had hts wound dressed. While not a dangerous one. the doctor thinks that with a little more force to Ihe Now. It would have caused death, ns the scalp was cut to the bone nnd It took three ailtches to close the wound. FIAKH \l, OF MRP. \E11.1.. Her Hotly Placed In Reception I anil nt I.nurd Grove. The funeral of the late Mrs. Isabella Neill took place at 4 o'clock yeaterday lftornoon. nt Isiurel Grove Cemetery. The body was deposited In the reception vault whence. It I* expected. It will be removed next yenr. and Interred, at a tlnje when It will lie possible for her chil dren to be Jn Savannah. The services at ihe cemetery were per formed by Rev, W. A. Nisbet, pator of the Second Presbyterian Church. THc pall-hearer* were Messrs. M. E. Banks. C. A fox. W H. leinler. J W Pbllllpr and T. H and J. E. Henderson. Mr* P C F.lkln* of Halcyondale, Mr* Neill's daughter, had been not tiled bv wlre of her mother's death, and reached the city In lime to attend the funeral Mr William Neill, a son. who live* 'n Macon, was no: In that city when the telegram conveying the news of his mother’s death, reached there, and could not be made aware of the sad event In tints to ensure his attendance at her fun eral. Messrs James itid Edwin Nelli Ihe other sons are In California. THE T4RIAIMIE FI ND. Vice President Fall Sends a Cheek for 8100. The fund for Ihe benefit of Mr*. Varna doe. Ihe widow of Motor men L. B. Varna doe. who waa killed by Seaborn Hayes, colored, continue* to grow. A Check for IWO waa received jreeterdey from Mr. J. H. Fell, vice preeldent of the street rall wey company, and we* promptly placed to lha credit of Ihe fund. This brings the total amount received up to nearly won including the chock for fcso f ram president Georg* Parson*. MAY BE BOWDEN’S BODY. BXfiINEER* AT FORT DTRCVU *W BODY OF A KAN IN THE HI Y KH. Thr Hml, Bi. la I aArrrlalltra aa<l la lllkrr W.llrr. nf OrM-rlpO-a I firr*a|itinilr.l Illth That of Ihr ( o lamhaa Man Who llUa|i|irarr4 from Ihr Hrrrh al Tfhrr a •■ 4a Main a Wrrk l|—-lark of a Boat I'rr.rklr* laiinrillalr llrroi. rr>—Mrarrhiaa Parlira Mrrr al Hark llurlaa Aflrraooa and Kvra laa— Prohablllllra aa la Idratll, Point la Tan Han. Aftrr a wrrk'a Inrffrelual urarchtnif, what li thouatM lo br thr body of W. O. Bowden, Ihr Columbua man. who prarrd from Ihr brach at Tybrr Sunday ntahl a wrek a*o. wan dtacovrrrd yra irrday mornlna. floatln* up ihr river with th 8,.l tide. The dlaeovery of Ihe body was made hy two itov. rnment engineer*, who were standing on the wharf of thr government reeervalion, at For* Srrrvrn. Thla was at 11 o'clock In thr morning. They watched the body as It drifted up the river with thr tide, hut thry had no boat In which they could follow It. and. In consequence, were helpless and una ble to rescue It from the waters. The tide carried It rapidly up stream and fin ally It disappeared from their view be yond a bend In Ihe river. The body that *< seen was In under clothes. a fact that come*ponds with the details of the story of Bowden's disap pearance. He took off his outer garments on the beach. It was said at the time, and started out Into the surf. Only a few minutes elapsed from the time of hlb en trance Into Ihe surf before his final dis appearance. In other maltersof description Ihe body scan by Ihe engineers al Fort Screven corresponds with Bowden, though, of course. It Is Impossible to be certain that the man has really been,found or seen The engineers had hut poor opportunity for comparing the floating body with the description that has been given of the men *up|>o*ed to have been drowned at Tybee, and they cannot, therefore. Is sure. The prolrahintles .lYe about evenly divide I tor and aaalnst the theory that the body 111 the river aas that of Bowden In the tlrst place, no other drowning has recent ly taken place, which has besn reported to the authorities, and. so far as Is known, no body Is even mi plowed to he drifting In the waters of Chatham county other than that of the man from Columlsis Then. 100. the underclothes that were seen on the tardy on the river are evidence .hat It Is that of Bowden. On the other hand, It seems scarcely probable that a Itody could have floated tn the water for a week without losing resemblance, not only to ihe man himself, but also to .my human shape. The discovery of the body floating in the liver was reported to Coroner (loette. and at his Instigation a small tug boat and 11 number of men were kept busy during the afternoon in an effort to recov er tha body from the waters, and bring •! to the city for purposes of identification. So far as known thes- efforts have not been atterwleil with tiny success. At least no report of a find ha* bceti made to tne coroner. The relatives of Bowden have offered n reward of U, the payment of which Is guaranteed by a Columbus bank, for th. recovery of his body. The possibility of earning this reward wllf doubtless be suf- Itolent Incentive to keep searching parties at work for several days to come Even If the body |n the river Is recovered Identification will probably prove to he t dim.-ult matter, for reasons that have been suggested above. LOCAL I’EHSOVIL. Dr Ralph Morris of Vldalta Is a guest of the Pulaski. Mr. W. L. Morris of Colling is registered at Ihe Bcreven. Mr. T. A. McMillan of Rhine Is a guest of the Pulaski. Mr. George R. Fuller of Lyons Is a guest of the Bcreven. Mr. A. H. Stewart of Lexington Is a guest of the Deßoto. Mr T. J. Bacon of Jacksonville la a guest of the Pulaski. Mr C. J. Joseph of Columbus Is reg istered at the Pulaski. Mr. E. Paul Shull of Lexington Is reg istered at the De Soto. Mr H. H. Butter of Young's Island Is a guest of Ihe Pulaski. Mr. Charles Calloway returned yester day from Portsmouth. Mr 8. M. Gibson of Young's Island Is registered at the Pulaski. Mr. R. P. Register left via Ihe Seaboard Air Line yesterday for Saratoga. Miss Maggie Lovett has returned from Asheville, after a stay of three weeks Mr F. B. Mont fort of Amertrue was among the guests of ihe Pulaski yester day. Mr. Jams* Sullivan, cashier of the Southern Bank, left yesterday for the North. Mr. J W. Parish of Pembroke was among Ihe prrlval* at Nie Pulaski yes lerday. Mr J. Reid Sweat returned to Ihe city yesterday after a pleasant visit lo the re sorts of North Carolina. Mr F. V. Peterson, traveling pasacn, ger agent of Ihe Seaboard Air Line, with headquarters at Jacksonville, waa In the city yesterday. Mr. H. W. Beattey, state manager for Alabarou of (he Anvil, I* In the city on business connected with the order, and Is slopping al Ihe De Soto Messrs. E. U. Gresham W S Gresham. C. W. Footer. J. F. Henderson and G. O. Johnson of Waresboro were among the guests of the Bcreven yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Marlon Ertwln amt daugh ters. were among the passengers on the Central train far Macon last night Before leaving. Mr Ee*vln stated that he would return to New York before Bept. 17. on which dale the Investigation on the apptl cation for ti warrant of removal for Greene and Ihe Gaynora will be continued before Commissioner Shields. W EATHER I* STILL HOT. •■ 1 1 Heavy Pea Reported and gall Presets Keep In I'erl. The maximum temperature yesterday of tS degrees occurred at 1:10 o'clock p. ni The minimum wts 7degrees at iM a m. The mean was *O. which Is still i de grees above Ihe normal for Ihe day. The relit fall amounted to only .01 of an Inch. The forecast for to-day Is for shower* and thunderstorm* To-morrow, also, showers are expected. Freeh east winds will prevail. Heavy wrathen Is reported at sea. and several sailing vessels rehdy tot sea are still In port. “Belays Are Dastersui." A small pimple on your face may seem of little consequence, but It shows your blood l* Impure, and Impurt blood It what causes most of lh diseases from whlcri people suffer. Better heed the warning St van by the pimple and purify your blood at once by taking Hood s Barsapa rtll* This medicine cures all diseases due to had blood. Including scrofula and salt rhei m. The nendrrlletloc cathartic— Hood's fills —*• , NEW ENIiINR* COKING. First of a Rla Order From the I’lnnf H,stem oa Ihr Way. Mr W. E. Hymonds. superintendent of motive power for the I’lant System, hat received nolle# that three of the heavy and fatt |ssenger engines, ordered from the International Tower Works of Troy- Idence. R. 1.. have been shipped. They will arrive within the next ten days, probably. The shipment Is the first of an order for five line passenger and six freight engines The pmsenger engines will be ueed In the vestibule train service for winter tourist* over the Plant System, pulling the trains of thm company and the Houthern. Tney will t.c larger, faster und more powerful than the engines that have been In us-, ha. g. wonderful records have been made with Hie old ones. Mr. Hymonde says the mw engines will be able to maintain a speed of 75 miles an hour with ten heov, couches. The Marine Journal hae the following concerning Col. B. W. Wrenn, passenger traffic manager of the Plant System: "The Southern poets have got hold of B. W. Wrenn of the Plant System and the result Is Its very able epics built around him One of these extols him as "Wrenn of Savannah." while the other ts a pro test that Savannah Is not enough of a spanner to encompass Wrenn. one of the tx-st of men. who has hern from birth as large as Ihe big round earth—or poetic words to that effect. Our muse happen* to be tn dock Just now to have her hull examined, hut we have no trouble in plain, evry-day prose to Indorse what the heaven-horn creatures thought they were saying of Wrenn, of the Plant, who has helped many a poet to go on a ■Jant.’ “ The eirnlngs of the Central of Oeorgta ltaHway for the week ending the third week of August were $1(14.1%, against $!•;,- 1S last year, and sl*.3Sl.!k from Sept. 1 lo the end of the third week, against SlS.7O9.Wff for the corresponding period In 1*99. The Plant System excursion train to Charleston leaves Savannah at <:2O a Hi Sundays, tlc-keta are sold at one dollar for the round trip —ad. Wnnday Trips to Brunswick via Plant kyateai, St. The Plant System will sell round-trip tickets to Brunswick on Sundays, limited to dale of sale, at rate of SI.OO. Trains leave at 310 a. m and *:3O u ad. Now Is tlie Time. To use Johnson's Chill and Fever Tonic. If you wish to remain at your post of duty and pass through September and October without the loss of a single hour of time, take a course of Johnson's Chill and Fever Tonic. Neither the mountains nor the seashore can guarantee such absolute Immunity from sickness as Johnsons Tonic se cures to you. The wise man Insure# hts life and the wiser man Insures his health. A bottle of Johnson's Tonic Is a guarantee of health. It saves enormous waste of time, save# vast expenditures of money In doctor's hills and saves human life when endangered by fever. Cse It and use nothing else —ad. Chair cars on Plant System excursions to Charleston every Sunday; engage your seats on Saturdays at tne Da Solo Hotel ticket office.—ad. . Arrangements have been effecaed by which l.oon mile books. Ihe price of which la *25.00 each. Issued by the Seaboard Air Line Railway, are honored through to Washington over the Pennsylvania Rail road: from Portsmouth u> Baltimore over the Baltimore Steam Packet Company, and between Clinton and Columbia over the Columbia. Newberry and Laurens Railroad. This arrang. jn. n* Includes ihe hooka Issued by the Florida Central and Peninsular and Georgia and Alabama Railroads—ad. At Eatlll's News Depat, 45 Ball Street Savannah Morning News. New York. Boston. Philadelphia. Baltimore. Charles ton (8. C.). Jacksonville, (Fla.). Cincin nati. New Orleans, Washington. (D. C.). Chicago. Augusta. (Oa ). Atlanta. Macon (Ga >. and other prominent dnlties; also the various monthlies and weeklies, new books and everything el*o usually found In flrst-ckifs news depots —ad. To Brunswick and Hrtnrn SI.OO vln Ike Plnnt Syairni, knndny. In addition to the Charleston Sunday excursions, the Plant System are selling round-trip tickets to Brunswick, good on Sundays only, at rate of SI.OO for the round trip. Trains leave at 2:10 a. m and 6:20 a. m —ad ftprrlnl Hate. and enay terms of payment to city stu dent*. Surerlor Instruction and special fact tile* for securing positions, positions guaranteed under reasonable conditions These colleges are endors'd by business men. Call or send for catalogue. Draughon * Practical Btislnrs* College! Savannah, t Meson! - T.vuple, comer Lib erty and Whitaker street*. 'Phone 99.'.., Naahvlile, St. lands, Montgomery, t; a |. v*ton. Fort Worth. Little Rock and Shreveport —ad. The summer Is fwsslng. have you taken In the Plant System Sunday excursions to Charleston? One dollar for the round trip. —ad. .4 Itellclous Smoke. The Herbert Spencer Is an elegant cigar and la truly a delightful enjoyment to Inhale the fumes of this fine tobacco; It la evhilarattng and dell-lous. See What the name of Herbert Spencer is on every wrapper of every cigar, with out which none are genuine The Herbert Spencer cigars are only sold by the box of So Conchas at 13.50 and rerfectoa. M M at IJppman Bros , whole, sale druggist*. Barnard and Congre.. streets, of this city -ad. “It fared Me." "Orayheard broka up rheumatism on me." *y* Mr. Chaa. Thomas, the Jew eler on Whtiaker street. ' And put me m better health than 1 have enjoyed In a long time." Taka Orayheard rilli for that diaay feeling—Loot appetite, and follow it up with a bottle of Orayheard It la all you need. Respees Drug Cos, sole prop* Savannah. Ga.—ad. P. P. F., a wonderful medicine; It glvea an appetite; It invigorates and strength en* F P. P. cure* rheumatism and all pain* In ih* side, back and shoulders knees, hip*, wrists and Joints, p p p' cures syphilis In all ll* various stages old ulcer*, sore* and kidney complaint p' P. V. cures -aiarrah, ecaema. erysipelas all akin diseases and mercurial poisoning P P. P cure* dyspepsia, chronic female complaints and broken-down constitution and loss of manhood. P. P P the best blood purifier of Ihe age. has made mors i permanent cures than all other blood rent. ■ edle* Llppmar. Bros, sole proprietor* Savannah Ga —ad Paulding's Pippin Cider. Thta celebrated pure, apple juice cider, mads In Long Island can he had In pint or quart bottles, direct from the manufac- Uirere. with their own stamp, at Llppman brothers, Druggists, Savannah, Ga. - atl LATTIMORES. September is thf month of the returnof bus. inc9s activity, and we propose to make sure of our share of the harvest by giving our patrons inducingly low prices in all line-.. Do You Need a Stove, Range or Furnace? Ou r summer prices still rule. It will pay you to place your order with us before the cold-weather ru -h is on and workmen are busy. Our Wheels * are always worth considenng. The Cleveland will interest v. i. It is the only wheel on the hur. ket equipped with Burwell Bear ings. Our terms will suit you. Sundries. The exclusive bicycle store man simply frowns at bur prices. He has long since learned that he can't meet them. All the stand ard goods are to he had here. LATTIMORE S. SEPTEMBER Ncocgsltatea the crowd ng out of , | Summer Goods. This Is the last oppor tunity to get the good thing* very cheap. Summer Quilt*, usual price Sic. now C3c. Summer Quilts, usual price $1.04. now 79 cents. Fine White CrAchet Quilts, cheap at sl.7s. now $1.25. FRENCH ORGANDY. 72-Inch White French Organdy 23c; re duced fiom too. 72-Inch French Organdy 4se; reduced from 6Se. 72-lnoh French Organdy 7sc; reduced from $1 00. SHIRTING SALE. Our 10c Bleached Shirting now S'.e A good >ard-wlde Shirting for 7c yard. TOWELS. Huck Towel* 10c; reduced front lie. Extra *lxe Damask !• r.nged Towel* 29c; actual value dec A IMxkt Linen Huck Towel lie; easily worth 20c. An extra large Turkish Towel, bleached and brown, well worth tor. only 2.V Special bnrsains In Table Damask Nap kins and Doille*. INDIA LINENS. While India Linen flic; regular prica 10c. White India Linen 10c; regular prica l2Hc. White India Linen 15c; reduced from 30c. White India Linen 20c; the beat In the city. CHINA MATTING at very low price*, from l,Vr in SO- tar yard. New, freah and attractive pattern*. Daniel Hogan, The corner Broughton and Barnard *t. it..non frs. / A warded at Parts / Quina \ fLAROCHE WINE CORDIAL i recommeedsiions for cure olPtwrnm l °* Blood, Stomach troubles snd Ceaersl Dt , \ billty. lucrestes the appetite. strentthetts j \ the serves tad builds up the entire system. J \ rue itroaet / \ PARIS / \ R. Pougers A Cos. / Agents. I.Y, A BURKS W* Dyspepsia -.-7 Caffe , Mfr? Tablets * i l n * *y rt 'II* 1 ltd l— '.a* B. " ro*t‘fet,wt ft'iimt***" ' gfjfly r ■ 'i-.hsi u, a t.jr-i . >• mgr ►** •*<••• a HmaiMiM c*rw fw Promote the Appetite 1/ anti Put Flesh on Thin J Peoole ah diP*r4# f **• •-*•*•'' >■ r < W * p - bowel. PM ba %ar*d b* • ' ■9 ** rmn baramad nW ■ •* Br*e ar fear hot Al all druor** M tOU UK 4 CO , aamtwfai. HI. BRRNNAN BROS.. WROLESALB Fruit, Produce, Grain, Etc. >u BAY STREET. Week Tetupbeos SSL DONNELLY DRUG CO., savannah, oa. DRUGS. SEEDS, ETC. Mall orders solicited. Bell phone C*- P. 8 Send for fre* tstnple F. * Ft r, vneo*la Cure