The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, September 04, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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2 WOODWARD SAVED HIMSELF. n.U)K i*i m u apology hkkohi; tii: err* tot m il. Ulf.rrm.iil Ills llrgrrf*. Placed Ul llmlgnnltuii In tlir Hands I i.nn nliunn Hainan In Mr t’*l if It* Util '■> Annin, anil Declar.-,! Hr Wi>n Id (irl Drank no Dorr. ] t bailees Are Ihr Impeachment Mill Hr Dropped. Atlanta Sep!. 3.-Major Jnma O. Wood ward saved lim*r.f from official dectpi tation to-day, !•>• colling i ml mtelhi of Counoli. apologising In person for ld conduct m the pnt. promising to remain sober In lli>* futltn, nml haiid* of a councilman hi* resignation. In be lender..l lo Council If he b,o*ries In toxicated again. Tor Mayor n *lrk and left hb bed. but it was "a ground-hog case.” ll* was lor nl tn do a b< did lo save htmscif A* soon a* Council ivjt railed to r<Jrr by Mayor pro. trtn M.i > ton. Mayra Woodward arose. Hr was looking pab and wua evidently weak. In alow and measured term**, hr read the following atatemrot from typ* written copy: Winn liar Major Said. "I have railed lh! meeting of your honorable body for the purpose of nicking a personal explanation. “I desire to apologue to you, and through you to the public, tor my recent unaenning conduct, which conduct, ns you and the public ore aware, was due to 111 health and temporary dissipation, now entirely overcome, which was maul, ftried to you In one of your recent meet ings "l am keenly sensible of the proprieties of both off.< ial and private conduct, and r.o one can so profoundly regret what has occurred as I do. Tin* < unvoting thought that oreuta to me Is that my error, while It has off ndcsi you, has injured only my self Again 1 express to you my profound regr* a and my lUnrece aixtlogles. "! have proposed In my call for this rrrettng that you take such action hereon as may teem proper to your honorable body It Is not Improper to apprise you of the fact that I have prc|arrd and sgrttd an unconditional resigns In of my office which I herewith band to Council man tV. C. Ran son of the Second ward, with the request that eh u.d any dissipa tion on my part u:aln manifest Itself, he Immedialcly trsnsmli the same to your body I know myself and I have full fahh that the occasion will never arkw when this shall he dune.” Some (decree Comment. Councilman Maddox arcs when the Mayor finished his statement, and said *'l wl-h to make a statement hew. 1 di not want a paper like that from the Mayor I think he ,-hould resign or he Impeached \V- have had the worst ad ministration Atlanta ever had. It has b>*tn worse than th- regime of Moss Tweed In New York The Mayor should re-lsn unconditionally- or be Impeached I ray.” Council nan Harwell secured the floor next. He said. "1 here ar.* a number of members of the Council who are member* of labor or ganisations, and who wish to participate In the labor day exercises. I move, there for , that we adjourn to the regular meet ing hour to morrow *• Councilman Barrett seconded the mo tion The motion was lost. Councilman Parks then made th* motion lo a-ljourn until 9 o'clock to-morrow morning the motion was carried without a dissenting vote Th- hour named for the I" gaming of the lmieaehmrnt trial I* Id o'clock to morrow morning Btcsusi a majority of memherm voted today lo meet an hour before the trial. It Is clearly evident that they will ,on a der the Mayor s apology favorably, and there Is every reason to believe that the resolution to Institute the impeachment trial will be reconsidered and laid on the table shutting off the imp-tiding court pr.ceeulng OOf. CANDLKH WILL APEAK. Me Mill Open the state Campaign in t liattitlitMieltee I nasty, Atlanta. Kept. J —The Mate Democratic campaign will beopened to-morrow by Gov. Allen I>, Candler In Chattahoochee coun ty, where a big meeting of Ihe Democrats will be held. The speaking will be at Cu setta. A tremendous crowd Is expected to be on hai-d and the tlovenor will de liver an address which will deal with both state and national Issues. The Gov ernor has not b**en on the stump since h!s famous campaign In 199 K. There are but few counties where speakers will be needed, but It Is she In tention of rhe Democratic Committee to see that the Democratic enthusiasm doe* not lag In any county In the slate. Chairman duftignnn. Attorney General T-rretl, cx-Gov. Northen and others will go to the various counties to make speeches. Oov. Candler will take the stump wh*n cal'ed on hy the committee It Is believed that the Democratic ma jority this year will he larger than In lW* Th. Populist state tick, t will re ceive but f*- votes. The only thing feared Is that the Third party folks will win out In a few counties, which have been under their control for several years. Vice Chairman Brown 1* dally receiving lesters from the different coun ties telling of the political situation, und nearly every letter be get* tells of no op position lo the ItemocraUc ticket. wontm MiiHi or chimb. Says Mblle Men Killed Welley and Threatened Ills l.lfe. Tnomasvllle. Ga„ Heja J.—Joe Fleming, a negro, came to (he city this afternoon and told this story: He says Grant Wel- Icy. unolher negro who lived at Cool edge, in Ibis county, got Into a difficulty yester day afternoon with some white men about some bonds, and one of them cal Welley terribly In the no. k. ihai he took Welley to a doctor who dressed the wound, and he afterward* put Welley to bed and re malned with him Shortly after dark, he toys, a crowd of white men came to the house ..nd shot Welley to death, and that he escaped and hid under the house. He was dktcovertrd but finally let off with threats, that If he told on them they would kill him oi#o Fleming gave tbs nan i * of the a-- Hand* of Welley. Negro Murderer Fvecutetl. Chariot re N, C . P<-;>4. 3—Will Edward* a negro, who killed Policeman Kerns In Concord N" C.. about a year ago, was hanged In Salisbury to-day. The mur dertr * ne-k was broken by n six and one half-foe! drop A crowd of l.flOll persons surged about the Jail In a vatn endeavor to wltnees the execution, which was prl voie. Helen flare tassel* Hurled, M- irtosh. Ga . Sept. 2 -Helen Clare C*- em. the bright Utile dauKhter of Mr. and Mrs R R Cassels. was burled to-day In Fiemingtoti Cemetery ghe died Friday night after several days of Intense suffer b.g from apendkiUa. * tC ßrevity is the Soul of WH." Wit it -wisdom. Blood is life. Impure blood is levmg death. Health depends on good Hood. Disease is due to bad Hood. The blood can be purified. Legions say Hood's Sarsaparilla. Amer ica’s Greatest Blood Medicine, purifies it, A brief story but it tells the tale. JiccdA SaUafxivf(c\ Never OfsTppumt^ TMF.I Mill, < <*MK TO ll HUH. Arbitrators In the Plant System Tam Case In Session. Atlanta. Sept. J.—Hon J. Pope Brown of liawkltisvllle and Hon Pope Barrow of Savannah met at the capMol this morn ing to discuss the tax differences existing between the Plant System and the stale. When the railroad made the lax returns lo the comptroller general several month* ago, the value of the Savannah. Florida ii.| Western track was given In at about tS.Sm> per mile The same figures were sent the year before and accepted by the comptroller genera! This year, however. Comptroller Wright thought It should he more, arid so notified the railroad offi cials They refused to Increase the valu ation and the comptroller made an >*- •wiii of lie,oo per mile which, when cumimd up made a difference of Thi railroad dulermtn.-d not to pay this amount md It was necessary to submit the matter to arbitration The stale np isdnted Mr Brown, one of the railroad commissioners, and the railroad appoint el Mr. Barrow. Mr Barrow Is Ding assisted by Mr W [,. Clay of Savannah and Mr Brown by Com pt toller Genetal Wright. Attorney General Terrell would be al the confer ence, but he ts nending court at New mn. The arbitrator* adjourned this afp-r --noon without accomplishing anylhlng ba yond <-in lining their method of proced ure. They will meet In Savannah next Tuesday morning. After making a trip of Inspection over the road they will relurn to Savannah to hear the ar gument on both sides. Then they will make up Ihelr veidtct. ML* A UKKtr 111 l I* ATLANTA, Biggest Celebration of labor liny Kvrr Knuvin Th*re# Atlanta, Oa Sept. S -Atlanta In-day celebrated her greatest labor day. There was one of the greatest parade* ever seen in this city Several thousand men were In tine,g This wa* one of Ihe biggest dem onstrations of organised labor ever held In Ihe South. Every trade was represent t.l and a host estimated at 59.9tr> saw Ihe parade. Thousanl of person* were hem from other cities, and the streets from early morning until after 12 o'clock were packed Factories and business hou.-e* were closed. After lh<- parade this morning there wn a barbei ue and spi-echmaklng at Grant Park. Following the**- was a big concert and atheli tics. The feature* of ihe exer cises at the park were the address of the lay by Frank K Foster of Boston and a speech by Oov. Allen D. Candler The social feature wound up tie- ninth annua! ceiebiatloti <f the day which was set aside by the Legislature to honor the toi.t r. Banners and sign* weie seen on all si ba. "Birength through organisation'' was tosslbiy the meat conspicuous of th se Another that was in evidence in many of the division* < f th-- parade was. -we went an eight hour day- \ artou# of th< trade organisation- were cheered loudly as they passed *er ain points. <11,14 Elt 044GEIIl*ld' SHOT. Yearn Prisoner Fired nn OtMeer ami Made Ills Ikesgr. Tlfton. Ga.. Sept. 3.-Mr. Den F. Oliver, d.puty Iwi Iff for Tlfton District, w,* shot and seriously. If nor fatally, wound ed to-,light about 7 o'clock, by Joe Larry, a negro whom he had under arrest. Oliver Ino I been lo Moultrie to catch th, prisoner, nnd on his return, timet-- I Larry, who w- wanted In 7'tfion fo* t>eatlng a woman. While on the train about the twentieth mile post of the Tlf ton and Tbotnasvllle road, the negro, who wa* fastened with u small chain and seat ed beside Oliver, made a grab for th bailiff's pistol which was In hi* pocket. Oliver saw him but too late to prevent his lirlii.; one shot, which struck Oliver near the center of the breast about th point of the breast tone. The negro thn Jetked loose from his captor. Jumpnl off the train nd made good his escape. A posse I* now in pursuit and Oliver's father, with his pack of hounds, has !.(> s-nt for. Young Oliver was brought to Tlfton on the same train and Is suf fering seriously. Dr. J. 11. Hall of Obe. who accompanied him here, is of the opin ion that he wound will not necessarily prove fatal, although the bullet has not been found. Illli Ml PRNMI: nil HT IMII KKT. More Than lon I a<n llrrad) Flirt! (or October Trrm. AtianU, Bifi!. 3—Over l* canes are al ready on the docket of the Supreme Court for the October trim. The mum day, B< pt 11, will prol ably bring In 100 more cases, swelling the number to over SOI. It Is expected that the and rket th.s year will be h- avler than rvr before Kec >rds hate teen coming lb for the post two months, an t still continue to come The clerk has breti busy enuring the eases on the dock et since the court adjourned, the first pi rt of August Last year ltie court decided M6J eases, (he largest number ever dis posed of tn one y. ar. The March trrm Is gmerally the hardest of the year and It Is expected that the total number of cases lor the coming year will be over I.WItl. The Supreme Court meets the first Monday In October. MeSWBIMBr'I vr XTKMEXT. Denies lie tins Made Any Trade W ith < harlesfon llllnd Tigers. Columbia, 8 C.. Sept X—Gov. M.-Swee ney Issues another address denying that he has made a deal with the Charleston blind tigers for their support, aayfng he feeds sure of success In the next primary, and that he has answered on the stump everything Col. Hoyt can ray. He says he has received congratulations and promises of suptiori from Frank B. Gary, one of the defeated candidates. SUB COMM ITT KD Ml MIDI:. Woman Was Worried Over the Heath of 11-r Daughter. Columbia 8, C., Bpt. 3 —Mrs. Thomas Bentley committed suicide this morning by shooting herself tn the abdomen with a shotgun It is supposed she leaned over and pulled the trigger with a stick A year ago Mrs. Bentley lost her daughter and the poor woman has been sorrowful and despondent ever since. That was the cause of her act to-day. IMXKMti Ml Ct HR. XO Ply. Your druggist will refund your money If Pa*.> Ointment (all* to cure itlngworm. Tetter. Old Fleers and Bores, Pimple* and Blackheads on the face, and all akin dis ease's. We.— ad. THE MORNING NEWS: TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 4. 1900. I II tit l lilt OAK I' sit lv HACK*. j I barter Osk Purse of gIo.OHO Mas Mon by liraririu, Hartford. Conn.. Kept- l- The Grand Circuit meeting at Charter Oak Park j opened li'.t# afternoon, an attendant * of ! over A.OU> occupying the stands and all j available apace The racing waa goo-1 Gov laiunebury and staff wer# visitor* j during the afternoon. The Charier Oak purs* for I’.O.tDO was | won by Oeorgena. Laird Derby, the fa i vorlte. having to be content with third plaee. Summaries 2:30 pace, purse 32.000. Midway won third. four;h uni fifth heats ami race; Salih Hook, second; Bvoutie. third. Sal la- Hook won and Evoluie first heat* Tine “<•'. :.|h,: 2:12*, 2 14>; Mlh 2( trotting, fiurse II.3). Gratton Boy won In three straight heats; Arlon, sec ond; Igird Vincent, third Time, 2:lt; 2;W*4; 2.uV 2:16 trotilng. Charter Oak. purse IW.Ohh Georgenu w.m second, third and fotirih heats ami race; Aiar.p-bi eecond; Dord Time, 2:0KB; 2.08*; J.W’s. J.HA*. 2.ift j-i. |ng (unfinished). Free Bond won i the first and Harry O the second heat*. Time. 2*ff*: 2.(f8. Philadelphia Mon llulh. Philadelphia. Sept. S.— The morning game between St. leiuls and Philadelphia was won hy the locals with comparative ease Fraser was a pusxle to the visitor*. It II ! fit lamls ...0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0— 2 K l Philadelphia l 3 0 2 2 l l x—lo la 0 Batterb- Hughey and Robinson; Fra ser and McFarland. Attendance 2,tW In ihe *lxih mnliig of the afternoon game tw*-lve of the local men halted and seven hits were made, netting seven run* Afler that St. Louis did not have a chance to win. Score: RdlH fit. Louis . 0 l 0 0 l l 0 0- I I Philadelphia 01020700 x—lo 14 J Batteries—Jones and Robinson; Orth and McFarland. Attendance 4D Ollier (•Mines. At Hartford-Hartford, 7; Bpring l field, o. At 8(>i ingfield—Sprlnpfltdd. 9; Hartford, j 9, Called darkness; after seven Innings At Torontr—Tor-nt'. 7; Montreal, i. At Rochester—Rochester. 2; Syracuse. 3. At Worcester—Worcester, 4; Provi dence, 6. At Providence—Providence 7; Worces ter. 2 At Chicago—Chicago, *; Detroit 7. I Second Game—At Chicago. 0; Detroit, 2 At Indianapolis— Indianapolis, 3; Kansas City. 1. At Cleveland—Cleveland. 0; Mllwau i km. 1. -i Death f Judge Juba Turner. ! Spuria, Ga.. Sept. 3 —Judge John Tur \ ner died Sunday at Sunshine. Ihe home -it the late Bishop George F Pierce, who*, daughter he married Judge Turner wa , nominated at the last Democratic primary ! for the third term a* tax collector. He 1 was alone time one of the Judges of , the inferior court. Hi* body was brought here to-day for interment. He leaves a ! wife and ten children. m Cures Dandruff, Falling Hair, Brittle Hair and all Scalp Troubles, such as Itching, Kczema, Eruptions, etc. Purely Vegetable, harmless and reliable. CURE GUARANTEED even otter nil itthrr remedies (lure faffed, or monsy re/anded. A DOCTOR WRITES: So 1 St Chavis. St . horn. Mam. Ms, M. MW I don't belteu, in reromraan.ltns ,<n,(>rie(*r, *rticl#v. but r*s*el fur th* truth comp*), tue to *a, 'Coke OsudruS Out*'' i, o.,l lw*t* earth,sk 1 ever tried i,h. j l vodLaL For Sal# by all Dnwnidi and Barber*. Tren ti* i* hair and Scalp Trouble* *rae on request. A. U. lillltfiKM t t.. - ( hi, ago. Beware of imttaticna. The only hair preparation admitted to th* Parts Exposition. For sal* by Llppman Bros.. Columbia Dru* Cos. and Knight’s Pharmacy, Savan nah. Oa. •rccuL notice*. UCVASII TABLE D’HOTE DIRHUI. toe—DINNER—We. Dinner 1 lo 3 and 6 to 8. Tuesday, Sept. 4. Claret Wine. SOUP. Vegetable FISH. Flounder. Wine Piu.-e. Potatoes ala Duehesse. Pickled Heels, Queen Olive*. Chow Chow. Mixed Pickle*. ENTREES. Bluffed Hell Pepper, with Shrimps. Hoeton Poked Hcans. BOILED. Ham and Cabbage. ROASTED. Prime Rib* of Beef, Dish Gravy. VEGETABLES. Mashed Potatoes. Moiled Okra. Rice, Stewed Tomatoes. Candled Yam*. PASTRY AND DESSERT. Vanilla Custard Pie, Assorted Cake* Cheese. Cracker*. Cabinet Pudding, Lemon Sauce. LEVAN S CAFE AND RESTAURANT, 111 Congress street, west. NOTH K. City of Savannah. Offlee Kirs Department. Savannah, Os Sept. I, !!> Proposals will be received at the offlee of the underslgne.l up to I3 o'clock rn of Saturday. Srpt. S, 19t. for painting and stenciling fire alarm telegraph poles All proposals mu*t b, sealed and ad dressed to the Committee on Fire. The committee r* -erve the right to re ject any or all propnailt, JOHN E. MAGUIRE. Supt. NOTICE. City of Savannah. Office Clerk of Council, Snvaunah, Git . Be|S 4. I9tO Bids will l>e received at this office until 12 o'clock m. Friday, gepl. 21. I*o, for furnishing Ihe Police IVpartment with winter uniforms, acordlng to specifica tion* to !*■ seen at the police*. The right Is reserved t > reject any or all bids \VM P HAILEY. Cl rk of Council. SPKd I 41. NOTICE, I have sold my Interest In the firm of A. C, Regopolou A Cos. this day to Chris topher Kersoo PETER SAMPSON. Savannah, On . Sept 1, INTI. NOTICE. Neither the master nor • wnslgnee.t of the British steamship Brockfietd, W, Jeffells. master, will be responsible for any debts contracted by crew of said vee ttcls 1. F. MINIS * CO, Consignees. If Electric Paste 9 pi Kills R its, Mtc, Cockroach®. aadEl BF ' ,nr ~ ' SSsarafneetr<d Stir DEATH!. CLARK—Died Bept 8, at 7:R> p m al Ihe residence of his parents. Mr and Mrs. Charlea C. Clark. 43) Park avenue, west, Randolph A. Clark, In bis 29th year. Funeral police later S I AI. INATTATTOHu. HEARN—The friend* and acquaintance of Mr. and Mr*. John Hearn and Mrs M Hearn are reap, ctfully invited lo at tend the funeral of ihelr Infant daughter Ellen at 4 o'clock this afternoon (Tues day.) MIUSTIAUa. DE K.4LH LODGE NO. ft, I. O. O. F. A regular meeting of the lodge will be held this evening al S:3h o'clock Memh<r of sister lodge* and visiting l.rethren cordially Invited to att.-n-l C. II CARSON. N. O. W. W. GROSS, Becretaix < uM'l in It ATI II lllli" asho -4 1 ATIHA. The Confederate Veteran Association will please attend regular monthly meet ing this (Tuesday) (venlng at v o'clock ROBT KALLIGANT. Presldcn* JAB W McINTIKB. Be.Vetary. SPECIAL NOTICES. ( EATHAI. OF GEORGI A RAILW AY (O ftavannah. Ga.. September I. lion. Interest at the rate ot 3‘. per cent., be ing 332.90 dollars on each bond of a thoua and dollars, has been declared |tydi* October Ist. liM). on the First Preference Income Bonds of Ihe Central of Georgia Railway Comt>any. and will be pahl on nrrsentallon of Ihe tomls on and afler that date to the Guaranty Trust Company of New York or to the Cllli.-ns Bank of Savannah No interest Is payable on Ihe fie.ond Preference In.ome Bonds or Ihe Third Preferenre Income Bonds. By order of the Board of Director*. T. M CUNNINGHAM, Treasurer. PIMM 1. 4M 4TIOY. City of Savannah, Mayor’s Office. Aug 39. 1999.—The Sanitary Hoard. In accord ance with the provision* of an ordinance, passed Aug. 2S. 1990, and entitled “An ordinance to provide for the cutting and removal, or destruction of weed* and oth er rank vegetable growth growing on pri vate property within said limit*, to pro vide a penalty for non-compliance with the provisions hereof." etc., the said San itary Board,having notified me that In the opinion of Ihe latard. It I* nece*a*ry for the preservation of th, health of the city to have ,Vit and removed from private properly In Ihe- said city or destroy cl thereon, weeds and other rank vegetable growth. I do hereby Issue this, my proc lamation requiring the cutting and remov al of such wetds and other rank vegeta ble growth In accordance with the provi sions of Ihe following ordinance. Any otw falling to comply with Ils provision* will be placed on the Information docket and fined. Given under my hand and the seal of the city of Savannah this, 30th day of Au gum. It**). HERMAN MYERS, (Seal) Mayor. Allest: WM P. BAILEY. Clerk of Council An ordinance (o provide for Ihe culling and removal or destruction <rf weeds and olher rank vegetable growth growing ,t private property within said city limit*; to provide a penalty for non-compliance with the provisions hereof, and to aulhor- Ixe ihe dly authorities lo cut and remove and destroy such weeds and other rank vegetable growth at the expense of the owner or owners of the property on which It grows. B*etton 1. Be It ordained by the Mayor and Aldermen of the city of Savannah, In Council assembled. Thai whenever Ihe Sanitary Board of said city shall noitfy the Mayor thereof that. In the opinion of sasl hoard. II Is necessary for ihe preserv ation ot Ihe healih of the city to have cut and removed from private property In the said city, or destroyed thereon, weeds and other rank vegetable growth, the Mayor shall Issue his proclamation requiring the immediate cutting and removal of such weeds and other rank vegetable growth to the properly line of eald lot or thedest ruc tion of the same by fire on such lot by the owner or owner* of said properly, or the agents of such owners having charge of such property, and thereupon. If *uch weeds and other rank vegetable growth Is not cut from such private property and re moved to the property line of such prop erty or destroyed thereon hy fire within ten days after the flrl publication of said proclamation by the Mayor then and In that event the owner or owners of said property, or Ihe agent thereof having the *am,- In charge, shall, ujwn conviction In the Police Court of the oily of Savannah, of a failure to cut and remove such weeds and oilier rank vegetable growth wlthu: the time above named. l)e punished hy a fin. not to exceed flfty (stn dollars of im prisonment not to exceed thirty (30) days, either or both In ihe discretion o( Ihe court. St.- 2. Be It further ordained, That In the event of the failure of the owner or owners, or the agent of such property having charge of the same, a* Ihe case may he. to cut ami remove such weed* nnd other rank vrgeialde growth or de stroy the same within the time above named, then and In that event the Mayor and Aldermen of the city of Savannah, through the director of public works, shall, at the expense of the owner or own ers of such property, have the same cut anil removed or destroyed. See 3 Be it further ordained, That *1! ordinances and parts of ordinances In conflict with this ordinance arc hereby re pealed. TEAS. COFFEE*. SPICFg. We handle best grades direct from the Importer* and warrant satisfaction lo all who will try them. Our 43c T-a for Icing will please you. Best Mocha and Java Coffee 3 pounds for |10t), A M A C. W. WEST. 41 ATTHKbSR*. 'I ATTHK*K*. Have your mattresses ami feather* ren ovated by our medicated steam process before a change tn weather take* place. (The only plant In Savannah.) It over come* ali impurities and renews life and volume In ali bedding mntertal. Prices on tet.ovation of feather* a* fol ows; Beds 13.50. bolster* *l. pillow* Me. Cotton, moss and hair mattresses made to order. Fine work, low prices. Work guarantee,!. NATIONAL MATTRESS AND RENO VATING CO.. Bell phone 1136. *3l Drayton street. PALMER HARDWARE CO., SAVANNAH. GA. Railroad and Mill Supplies, Rubber Relting and Packing?. Builders* and General Hardware, Cutlery, Guns, Rifles, Pistols and Ammunition. Rope, Tinware, Stoves. —AGENTS FOR— Fairbanks’ Scales. Austin’s Crack Shot Powder. .Etna Dynamite, Fuse and Caps. IN EXCELLENT SHAPE —FOR— Fine Laundry Work. SAVANNAH STEAM LAUNDRY If Congress Street, West. Phone 383, KODAKS Films, Photo. Supplies, and Developing, Robin son’s Bath Cabinets. If you have RHEUMATISM be sure and get a bottle of FRANK'S RHEUMATISM CURE. It never fails. Price $1.50 bottle. When cured you remain cured. LIVINGSTON’S TWO PHARMACIES, Bull and Congress. Branch 309 Bull Street PHONE 2M. BOTH PHONES. PHONE 382. SPECIAL NOTICES. TWO SOLID CARS Of "Babcock" and "Georgia Pride,” Bug gies and Runabout* Just received. They are the prettiest line of goods ever brought to Savannah. The public I* asked to call and examine the two lines. Prices are right. Comm-KI'LMAN CARRIAGE AND W AGON CO.. Rronxhton and West Broad Sts., Auburn and Cohen Special Wagons. Suwanee Spring#, Fla., March 1. 10. Oh! Buwanwe, Suwwnee. lovely old place. I leave (hee with ao much regret: My memory of thee'll never efface. Thy pleasures I'll never forget. Thy moss-covered tree*, thy bold, bub bling spring. With the beautiful rtver close by, Th,- pine* a* they moan, the birds a* they sing. Have charms for the heart nnd the eye. Of all place* where our poor holies can rest. You certainly discount them all. For surely ihou glv<*t us all that I* blest. As many who'v* been her* recall. 80, good-bye. Suwanee. and may thy g- ot pow ar Continue With *l-*k and wlih lame. And may those who come to thee bleas the good hour. When to thy good healing they came T. E MURPHY. Macon, Oa. AH you can drink for 6c at Living*!on'*. LEYTN DISCOUNT NOTICE. YOG W ILL SAVB TEN PER CENT. By paying gone bills *a or ba lers th* ISth last. it. H. LEVY * MHO. MOSQUITOES (Till not trouble yon tl you *IIOO4IL SHEET. It Is a pleasant perfume. MKLDP.RMA is a toilet powder that Instantly dis pels the disagreeable odor* arising from perspiration. OLD STILE COLD ( REAM gives quick relief for mi born* and •kin troubles. SOLOMONS CO. BUY ONLY THE BEST IN.EB ALE. The best Is the Wheeler Brand of Bel fast Ginger Ale. made by Wheeler A Cos., of Belfast, Ireland, tram the calibrated cromau opium* of tuei city, mm •puugs are (he property of Wheeler A Cos., hi mo no othsr Ginger Ale manufac turer m Ireland hna those water* but thomoeives. The Wheeler (Unger Ale Is made Horn pure Jamaica Ginger Root and not from Red Pepper, as others are; out Is deleterious—the other Is a tonic. For Heallhfulne** and Purity tha cele brated Wheeler brand of Belfast Ginger Ate Is the best. LIPrMAN BROTHERS!, Sole Southern Agents. Savannah. Ua. BRICK. BRICK, BRICK. Augusta brick and others. Good stock on hand. lowest prices, prompt delivery. See our samples ami price* before buying, ANDREW HANLEY COMPANY. C4M 1 4M HK-1-HK44B!) BRICK. We manufacture and *• II all kinds of tan > and re-piesaeJ povl g and b t din . brt k* Or r common h i k „r the leu for building pu po*e , b fhg l.irr than other kilns make, and chiap , r ehe ssnip.e und price* SAVANNAH BUILDING SUPPLY CO, Congress and Drayton asre ts ■HE 44.% TO CLEAN CARPETS. The only way to get your carpets prop, or y ;*ken up. cleaned and taken enra of for the enmn er I* to turn the Job over to tn. District M,ss-ng r and Leln.ry Cos., telephone or call at 32 Montgomery St eel, ami they will moke you an esti mate on the cost of the work Price* raasorable. They also pack, move and •tore furniture and rdanoe C. U. WEDLOCK, Supt. and Mgr. SPARKLETS Makes Soda Water at home. Craphophones Bold and repaired. EYEGLASSES and SPECTACLES. 31.00 that oth<'.r charge 12.50. ■ UaiNKSa NOTICE*. Our Challenge COFFEES The leader, and one which has never disappointed purchaser or seller. ]* Fifth Avenue. II I* a superb article, and mike* a perfect cup. per pound 35c; three pounds 11. Manor House Is. considering quality, the Cheap est coffee in the market. The flavor I* rich, pungent, aromatic, delight ful Its equal cannot be b.ol else where for much more money. Price only 15c |s-r pound. S. I. HIM tt, Cor. Broughton anrl Whitaker. Phone* 7(5. ARE WE BOXERS? Ye*. We !x the best STER LING SILVER. CUT GLASS and JEWELRY; and our name or, the box Is a guarantee of the merit of the gorsl* inside. WED DING PRESENTS continue to be a specialty with us Hunter & Van Keuren, JEWELERS, (M. Phone 9*l. 143 Bull street. !F CLEANLINESS IS NEXT TO GOD LINESS A MAN IS FASTIDIOUS LLNF.n’to* HE UON T eil - N1) His PPKCIAL, .NOTICE*. NOTH Ik City of Savannah, Office Fire Department, Savannah. Ga.. Sept. 1. 1900. Proposal* for furnishing the Fire De partment with w inter uniforms will he re. ceived nt the office of the undersigned until 12 o'clock m of Saturday. Sept. 22. 1900. Specifications will be furnished upon application al the office of the Fire De partmeni. corner of Indian and Weel Broad street*. nv day between the hours of 9 a. m and 5 p. m. Ail proposals must he eealed and ad drersed to the Committee on Fire. Uniform* to be delivered f o. b. In Sa vannah on or before Oct. IS. 19<*>. The committee reserve the right to reject any and all proposal* or to award the contract In part or a* a whole. JOHN E. MAGUIRE. Supt. L 631 HE vv 6MHMOI *l. v\n Ol FICE to rent, located head of Broughton str-et. on Weal Bread, now occu pied hy the Savannah Carriage and Wagon Cos, A* they will give U p business In the city on June 1. I of fer I: for rent from that due H. P. SMART ■HIND* EXEt I TED By the American Bonding and Trust r ompany Of 1 alUnore We are auihor- Ixed to execut locally (Irnm diately upon application), all l<on,la In judicial pro ending* In either the state or Unlt,*l S'ate* courts, and of administrator* and guardians HEARING A HULL. Agent* T c > t • ■}!. I'rnvl lent Building IWJIM. Oc# of our rllonu bat placed in our hands 125,0n# to loan ou good Savannah ran! exist* at raaaonebie ratea of internet BECKETT A BECKETT. M President street, iul LEOPOLD ADLER, JNO K DILLON PnrkfanL Cashier C. T. ELLIS, BARRON CARnen Vies President. Aul. Ca*hler The Chatham Bank SAVANNAH. *? to recalve tha acooum, of Merchant*. Firm*, ln<llvt4ual*. • n d Corporation*, “ Llberai favors extended. Unsurpaeil collection fscllUftM ln* prompt return*. StPAfiAIEiIVINGSOEPARTMEII imHIAT COHPOVNOBO (U ARtuh. Id O* DEPOSIT!!. Safety Deposit Boxes end Vault, r— rent Correipondenee eoltclted. °* The Citizens Bmik OF SI) A.A.AAM. CAPITAL, ssoaooa IresM.,, - Ga trsi s.uu, Imlmcu, •elleita Aeeeaats g Merakute, Btelu sad elhe* Ceta*. ratine.. Lellrcilitn. ksattsg with aaf.t, sad dlspateh. latere.i .„0u.d, 4 ffoan.,i F aliened on deposits la tar tavlaaß DtMrtSMst. •dfety mm 4 Vaults. BRARTLBT A. DENMAJUC. Pr*,|<„. ■ ILLS R. LAKE, vise Preagdeac OF.OHGE c. FRP.EMAV, Cashier. ROKDON L. GHOOA KM. Aset. Caehls* SOUTHERN 'BANK of the dials of Georgia Capital Burplue and undivided profits. MOi x DEPOSITORY OF THE STATE OF GEORGIA. Superior facilities for transacting a General Bans mg Business. I'oilecllor* made on all point* accessible through banks and banker. Accounts at u.nkV, Baukeit. Met chain* and others sailed ted. Safe Deposit Boxer for rent. Department of Savings, Interest payable quarterly Sells Sterling Exchange on London a and upwards. JOHN FLANNKRY, President. HORACE A CRANE. Vice President JAMES SULLIVAN. Cashier. DIRECTORS: JNO. FLANNERY. WM W. GORDON E. A. WEIL W W GORDON Jr. H A. CRANE. JOHN M EGAN LEE ROY MYERS JOSEPH FERST H P SMART CHARLES EL Lilt. EDWARD KELLY JOHN J KIRBY Mil iM lift CAPITAL, *.TSO,OOO. Accounts of bAnka. merchanta. corpora tions and Individuals solicited. Savings Department, interest paid quarterly. Safety Boxes and Storage Vaults for rent. Collections made on all points at rea sonable rates. Drafts aoid on all tha chief cities of tbs world. Correspondence invited. JOSEPH D. WEED. President. JOHN C. ROWLAND. Vice I resident. W F. MwCAULEY, Coahkr THE GERMANIA BANK SAVANNAH. UA. Capital ...DCC.'M Undivided profits 6u,000 This bank offers Its services to corpora tions. merchants and individuals. Ha* authority to act ua executor, ad ministrator. guardian etc. 1.-su<e drafts on the principal cities In Great Britain and Ireland and on ths Continent. Inter, at raid or compounded quarterly on de|*tall* In the Savings Department. Safety Boxes for rent. HENRY BLUN. President. GEO. W TIEDEMAN. Vice President JOHN M HOGAN, Cashier WALTER F. HOGAN. Asu'l Cashier No 1640. Chartered, use. —THE— HIS MINI It OF SAVANNAH. CAPITAL. tM v Or. SURPLUS, 1100.04 UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY. J A. U. CARSON. I 're-id nt. BEIRNE GORDON. Vice President. W. M. DAVANT. Cashier. AC'-otinta of I anks and bankers, mer chan'S and e-rporailons received up n the moat favorable term* consistent with safe and conservative banking THE GEORGIA STATE BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION. Assets over SBOO,OOO. 5 PER CENT, per annum allowed oo deposit*, withdrawable on demand. Inter est credited quarterly. 6 PER CENT, per annum allowed oa deposit* of even hundreds, withdraw*!.!* at annual periods. GEO W TIEDEMAN. President. B II LEVY. Vice President. E W BELL. Secretary. C. O ANDERSON. JR.. Treasurer OFFICE. IS YORK STREET. WEST FOR RENT, from Oct. 1, that fine resi dence No. 211 Gwinnett street, west. Large garden and fine stable on the prem ises. Apply The Chatham Real Estate and Im provement Company, 14 BRYAN STREET. EAST lo flump Piste. For eale. a Forealtb Newspaper Folder; will fold sheet Ext*. It Is in good order. Price 1100 It cost originally 11.100. but we have ou uee fur It and want tha room t occupies. It will ba an invaluable adjunct tn sT newspaper uißc*. Add roan MORNING NEWS, —..... o- IF YOU WANT GOOD MATERI* 1 - and work, ordat your lithographed acd printed stationary and blank book* trom Morning News. Savannah. Go.