The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, September 05, 1900, Page 10, Image 10

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10 SAVANNAH WON THEM ALL LOCAL Tll-4MS TiMlh THE mill !H ATt HHH OK THU STVI'E SHOOT. Rr|lairglsl Halrh 44 • 44 on hr the Tran I’rm (hr Wovnnnnh Valin* trrr liiirOn — arhln.- 44* 44 on by the lirariln Hu morn. SlriKlr 44. If h I hr* linarranr'i flora*- (jun ril In Tbla Mnlrfl 44 na Hoar and loiewcsrinii— I’rlsalr 4lrlmah of the AMnn l.nnrsln. f nmpauy U. ,4lndr f h*- If la bra i In <ll rid tin I Srnrr. Hla f Oiui'on* 44 on fhr Cup In fbr Fourth—f onifinny 4 of fbr f*nnr*l Won Honlirr I inntraf—lfrlnllrd genres of fbr sboof. TI-* stale shcol closed yesterday after booi). and tbr verdict I* that If was aurrmful. i*ol. Unu*. T. Cann. In aprrtor general of rifle ifli-tlrf, wan nor* pr.frd arid gratltbd by fhr number of teams that w,-r# entered and Ihr great Interest displayed an.l If ormi certain that thorn In now morn efit husl.tam frit In rifle practice that) ever Itefore In tleor ala. Cal. Cann la confident that ranges at all the principal town* and cities In the male will result from Ihn a hoot, unless they have been established already, and a marked from year to yeir In the shooting of the Iroopa may be • p* cted. Yesterday's work on the* range was very Interesting There were two matches In which strong competftlon developed, and the score hoards w.-r. wairbed closely while the leading te,im* were shooting Theoe matches were Ihe reittniental. for the lieHmne trophy, and fhe earhme. In which entiles from Ihn cavalry were made. Thr rrnlmrntal mutch w* open to tram- of ten m*n from mny company, lf -tailofi or rffltnrnt. with live ehol* to lr fired at iift yard*, ft at 3(0, 10 at Vrt> ]& • at fit> *tvl 2ft nt the nk!rtn!h. with * |w>.lbl* total for earh man of 23T> nnd. for the tn*m. of 2.- 230. Ther#- were rljeht entrie* In this ron hut it wan known from the mart that the competition for the leading place would hr the team* from the Samnnah Volunteer CkiardP. wlo form the Second Itattalion of th- Hnt In fantry. and the Flint Cavalry, in which arc included the Georgia Htiasars and the Governor’* Horae Guard. The m,*t‘ h war won by the Savannah Volunteer Guard*, their acore heinjr 1388 The Klrat Cavalry were aei-ond with ti acore of 1.300. A all the known diatancea the cavalry team led the Infantry, but •he aepurlurlty of the latter on the aklr vniah waa iluwn, and the lend the caval rymen had gamed up to that point In the a hoot mg waa there taken off and the tahtea were turned, the infantrymen cloalttg up •he ennfewt with a lead of fio polnti over fhr cavalry. Thoee who ahot on the cav alry team found conaolntion In the way they had ahot at th# known distance*, and remlnd*d their friend* IhHt they were n ahootlng with their own arm. the carbine, but wrlth that of the infantry, the Hpnngfleld rifle The regimentaJ match waa particularly interesting when It reached the *kirmt*h. for the akirml*hera fired twenty ehota there, and there waa a perfect fuslladc, as ten men were running nt a tlmr. At the halt* nenrewt the target* the ahot* flew thick and faat. and II waa interemtng to the spectator* t> ohaerve the tlrirnt Cap. Thnmns Hunter Ird in both team* on the ektrmieh. hie acore l>eing 88 There were r iniM team* |u the regimen tal con teat. Thr re wa* n# entrance fee. amt *om- of the cotHeatant* were in sim ply for Ihc practice It would nfford them. They had no h#p* Af winning against the Iteat team* In the nummary of the shoot that follow*, will he seen the de tailed acofe In this match Th# carMn* match waa not won by the Governor’* Horae Guard IJ**? year Mt (tea Girt the mitch for carbine* was won by the Horae Guard leom. which Ini the Georgia H Ilnur * of Havann ib by . Kood rnan> point*. So much bw<l l*rrn b**.*nl about the prowe*a of the Attuntlan* and the pra*tice In which they had Item Indulging that it wi* rather confidently ogpedMt they would win from the Hnwear* in yeefer.lay’* contest, but the event did not ao prove. Throughout, however, the shootitig waa close, and it remained for the klrmtit Tun to settle the thing. The Hor**> Guard went up to the skirmish with a lead of but a fewr point*, having beaten th* Hua •ars at all the known dial an •** aave the hO-yard twnge. where eh** Huseara led by on# point. It was by II that th* Hussar* won the match, however, their acore hefng out of a po*slh|e 575 The •core of the Hor*> Guard waa 517 In fhe summary hrlow are given the five hiw that entered the carbine match. 1n which there were ft shot* at 3fti yard*, f* at 300 10 M. ft N t *. Hn ,| jo ,f the skirmish. Tf*> noteworthy feature* of tlie contest were T ►ant*! of the Home Guard’s score, at thi f*n-yard range, 45, and that of Ijieu* CV A Is. t'unnlngh im of the Georgia Ilu*ars. at the skirmish, where he md sii t Ljletft. t'unnlngham. as did the other* in the two t.-4m hd ttic*r firing when It was really too dark to *e the target* clearly. I'rlvafe IfentrTa if 'oh< at ran was remarkable in that carbines usually will not carry accurately at ao long a range Th* revolver mot eh. which was shot day l*efore yesterday by the Georgia Hus sar* and a •••am made up among the of ficers of the garrison uf Fort Hrreven at Tvhe**, was concluded during the morn ing by n team from Company A of th** Guards, which had also been entered The Guards team won. leading the Hussar* by the narrow margin of I point. The Huaaars had defeated the garrison team by but 9 points, showing thit the three Were very evenly matched Ten shots were fired by each man of the five on a team nt the targets posted at • yards. The possible score, therefore, for each man was ftO. and the possible score for the team was 260. showing that the work of the revolver shots was of a very fair order As tea me. they did very well. In the summary will be found the •rone* of the revolver *• mte*t The company match was concluded. Ten teams failed to get through shooting the day before, and they had to be run on the skirmish Their work did not neces sitate a change in the conclusion already reached as to the winner, for the team from Company A of the Guards, with their score of S7l oui of a possible *75. had too good a kwd to be caught by the oth er* In the finishing of the company match there were, nevertheless, some very In teresting results. One was the shooting of the Ogbthorpc Light Infantry team Thai command had not fH-*n figured In at all when the wise one* were a peril atlnjc oh to which teams would stand well up to ward the front Never!heleaa. Its work entitled It to fourth place among the thlr ty teams that shot. Private Corley of the Oglethorpe*, too, was the lending man In Individual shooting, hla score being IX until Prlvatr Mclntosh of Company O of the Fourth Itegtmnt, the Albany Guards, beat It by one point. Not only did the Albany Guards’ Com pany O learn ahow the winner In tfr in dividual shooting In the company match hut it alo nvide he highest score of alt the twelve tenms that were entered from •he Fourth Regtmen’. It It probable that It will ravels two prlxet for theae feat*. It be oalready received ene. Col. W. E Wooten of Albany, who commands the Fourth, yeeterday afternoon turned over the Giver cup to Capt. Welch of the Al vConUnued on EUth Page). IIIMTH OF 3111. L 31. l% AM. It# lief From Vila Unflrrlaia t ame at 4 IVIIrk Yesterday % fir r #*. Mr Louis M Hyals. formerly and for I many years a cliUcn of fekivannah. hut who had lived for ihe last live years In Florida, db-d nt the Havannah Hospital it 4 o’clock yeaterday afternoon. Hl> death had l*een hourly expected almost • wry ilny of Ihe last week. Mr Ryitla had been 111 for over a year lie came to Savunnuh to '-w*ult physl lans In the summer of 1836, and It was *hen that they llsoovercl hi* serloU# physical condition A clot of blood hod 1 begun to form at th# base of Ills hral# and the phyalclnna who examine#! him, | lr. I'atge and l>r. Corson, from this and • •ihet* symptoms, deiluc**#! th#* concfpilon j thai n stroke of Oioplexy was sure to fo!- low It roukl not t prrvtril; th- only (hfrig 1 hut could kma was ♦ post|one It, 3fr Hyals was not told of the dan ger that impended, but his immediate : falnily and his f rot her. Mai G. M Hyals. were given to understand l by his physi cian* Monday, n week ago. Mr Ilya's starlc#! from Jacksonfl* e to hla hums at tak I-awn. Otange laik# onl while on the train was stricken with apoplexy He was remove dfrom the triin • his home sta tion and treat*l there on Monday night and tlx** following day. Wednesday he professed him*elf greatly improved and determined to make a trip to Ocala, wher# there was htisin* *>* that dotnamled hit a*- t7’iiilon. Over the protest of bis physi cians he went to Ocala. Me had Marte| from hi* hotel to th# stailon. for the purjawe of returning home, when he wa stricken a second lime. Imriiedtat* ly his condition became m rlous and his lr#ther, MaJ. Ryala, reach ad hi*- Mtiilt. whither he had been hur riedly summonel, to find him apparently In the l int throw* of dissolution. FrMay. however, there wis a chang# f t the t#et tcr Mr Ityala was conscious for a time, and faint hopes of hla ulilmatc recovery were entertained. The improvement wap but temporary, for unnti tie 1 ♦•ln 1 >.#'l Into til* old rcMPIWKin of total iitieonurimpoew. un i a 1 moet to il Immobility. It was only bp lust It**lterate report that It w* determine.! n bring him to the Havannah HrvqUfsl where, it wue felt, all that modern tatdkal mienre ixiuM hope to accontpU*h would >•* done When the hospital w.i* reached. enrly yeeterilay morning there wa* nothin# In Mr Itynl* condition that gave lutp* of bli* surviving more ttwin a few hour* DnpHP ill could be done he grew u ritually weaker and rxptml at 4 o'clock In the* afJerrswjn, Mr. Hyul* wa* R 1 year* old He wip born in Cumberland county. Virginia, but ram* to Hivannah pood after he reached the exaatr of manhood. For a mimWr of year* he woe . mm)**r of the Arm of J. M. Byalp fit llro. which conducted o dtuyage business at a time |n Savannah's hlaory when the hiuMtir** tv m proper* on* Afterwards he Ijmfs. *m- a truck far mer. planting largely west of the ctfy. Five year# ago he removed to Florida. He married Miss Francu Katharine Wilson of Fflinghnm county, who. with two daughter* Mi-s Kltaaheth and Mb* Ixuilse Hvile. survive him The funeral will take place from hi* brother* rea- Idenee. No lot Atokmon street, east at 4 o'clock this aft*rnoon ftTOH* rOMlftft THIR u IY. Threatening Over howth Florida and Heavy \% hul% Reported. A storm Is moving this wny from the West Indie*. I.**t Friday the Havannah Weather Bureau gave notU* of the de velopment of a tropica! atmoepheric dis turbance in the extreme eastern portion of the Caribbean sea. near the Windward Islands. Since thn Its position has been noted ench day ns It slowly moved on a course slightly* north of wait. Yesterday morning It was central of Western Cuts* awl showing n more northern tendency, with symptom* of Increasing energy The Washington ofTlce of the weather bureau Hsued the following advising message* ‘Tropical storm centra) this mining off Southwestern Cuba. Vessels sailing south will probably' encounter strong northeast winds for the next two or three <tays; may possibly become dangerous; if no, timely warning will he given." This was followed, at 1 Y o'clock In the afternoon, by the fntlowng: "Northeast storm warnng. 4JO p. m . oc iWh| f**r Cedar Keys. Tampa, Punt a Horda. Key Went, Maml and Jupiter Tropkhl alarm moving northward over Western Cuba; high and probably dn gerous north to northeast winds along the Florkkt x>aslx during the next thirty-six hours." At H o'clock last night the conditions were threatening over Booth Florida, while the wind at Jupiter had Increased to thirty miles an hour from the east, with a maximum vollcliy f thirty-four miles an hour. Havannah enjoyed yesterday a mean temperature of slightly over 7k degrees, the maximum being *4. occurring at 3 o'clock p. nv nod the minimum. 73, at 4 a. m. The rainfall amounted to .44 Inches. The forecast Is: Fwlr and warm to day ; to-morrow partly ckmdy. with prob able showers in south portion; fresh northo.u*t to cost winds, probably Increas ing In force by to-morrow. ill MM kOt IBTY MKT. And Was Hospitably Fntertalned at the Home of !Hr. 4%. 11. *|aun, Jr. The Alumni Society of the High School Class of I**o held Its second meeting lust night at the home of Mr. W. B. Hpunn. Jr., one of Its member*. The society ha* a memeberahlp roll of seventeen, the to tal number of the class. Its o fit cars are President. H. N. Hasan; vice phesldent, Fred Doyle; secretary. C. A. Price; and treasurer. Robert Klley. It was organised July 1. At last night's meeting It wts decided that all of the tnemlvers that have hook* used in the class curriculum and w*htch may be used for the coming term of the school, gather them, and when collected they’ will l* turned over 1o the teachers of the High School as a contribution from the society to poor hoys that may not without serious inconvenience secure for thmselvea by other means the text book* needed for the school course. U was also decided that Cot. Oeorge A. Mercer, and the teachers of the High Bchool be asked for their photographs to adorn the rooms of the society. A photograph of the boy* of the cla# of ItQO and one of the girls of the same year had been orderd by the society and were received. These, too, will adorn the quarter* of the society At the conclusion of She hit*lues*, the meeting adjourned to the dining room, where their hospitable host had prepared a collation. WII.L rifJHT HRPTBIIRICR 37. The Hale trranweri for the Rout Be tween t tirrurnn and Williams. It has been definitely settled that the bout between Tom Corcoran and Aus tralian Tommy Williams will take place at fhc Theater Hep* 27. Williams Is row in Doulsvllle and will be notified to-day of the date, and told to sign the articles, ami make his arrangements accordingly. The Fplewre'a Delight, VLACK A TAN-"Th* American Porter" —the newest product of the Anheuser- Busch Brewing Ass'n. la deliciously pi quant In flavor, templing and plenaing to lhe palate, •THE MORNING NEWS: W EDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1900. BESSIE LEWIS MISSING. •I# H P4DE4T# *l'r4T 4#o*T <►#■" 1..44T 4U.HT Hi.NCHIIO #'OII IIKN. 44-a Takca from Ik* <*nllrr Bar rarka tltrr (hr I air 4ala>l Hoaa* 44 aa IHanlM*#. In a it,.ar.llaa llnnar on 44ral Broad ktrrrl—ahr I rft Tkrr* a .hr 4(lrraoaa la a Hark and’ 44 bra Hrr Harra.a 4r rl,rd < onlil 4al Br l-'i.iinil—Hrr f atkrr n, a Hr 44.11 I'raarralf ilonar. M J Ilonar. who had hrrn hr and at lha aiatton houa* ilw* rarty Sunday morning, on a rhargr at criminal aaaault on Ml*. Hr,air of Cyrlntir. in account of which I, pubftlthrd In Moiwl>*a Morn inn New*, waa dtacharited yralrrday by ihr Jtrcordrr. Thr ground, of Ihr dlachartr arrrr I hoar 'lir.l by Ihr prlaonrr'a oMornrya. Mraar* Hntirrt 1.. ‘’okllntf and Mr. T. I, Hill, from Ihr Third OeornUi Hrport*. wbrrr |i la hrld that forrr |a lha main elemant of thr rrlmr; that thr crlma muai have H-rn done forcibly and a.ilna Ihr will f lha woman, an.l aha muat liavr rnd*>- nl to Ihr utti rmoai of hrr Mrrnnh, and only aocrumhrd whrn ovrr|a>wrrrd. Thr anornry . mini..l that in lha car uwli, trial. hrrr had bran no outcry on Ihr IMrt of thr plaintiff, nn.l that nrlthar had aha riaimrd lo have m.idr any tlnht. Thr Krconlrr dlh'haritrd lha prlaonrr a frw mtnutra aftrr IM* drclrton war brounht to hla notice. Mr iinl Mr*. l.cwl, Ihe nlrl'a parent* nrrlved laat ntfrht from Cyclonr. Mr Ir-wia. whrn arm by a reporter of the Morning New*, laai nlghl. elated Ihat hr knew nothing of thr troublr that hi, ‘Mughtrr war In until Monday night whrn hr rrcelvtd thr Inter from Hiiprrtnlrndent of Police Screven, forwarded from Byl vanla Hr aaye Ihat he and hla Wife Im mediately aiarted for Hovannah When ihry reached Sylvan!* yralmhiy morning they were ahown lelrgram from Houar to Ihr Irlrgraph agent at Sylvanla tell ing him lo nop la>wla and latwton. that the . aae had been willed The "laiwton'- referrrd 10, hr eay*. la Mr Laiwton Mitch ell. a partner of Houar. who had ataried, and did. Indeed, come with them lo Sa vannah aa aoon an he heard of tha trouble into which the daughter and Houar had got When the parent* arrived they went Im mediately to the Harracka treking Infor ma*lon a* to the whereabout* of their daughter, which reemed. and naturally, their chief Imereat. though hey alao aaked If It were really ao that Route had been releaaed Mr. Hill, one of Houae’a ullorneya. who had prevloualy aaked Mr. I.ew la *o come to Savannah. had left word at Ihe Harracka that when they should arrive they were to be aaked to ■all at hla office, ao there hey went ejt pedlng to find their daughter. In thla. however, they were disappointed, for she was not there. Her whereabouta waa unknown and though both Mr. Hill, hla father, nnd others had hem searching for her for some hours she had not been found up to within a few minute', of mid night. nor had the police received any no tice that aha had been found aa late a, ! o’clock thl* morning. From the account* gathered from the parent*, they had been told that after the girl left the police harracka In the morning she had gone lo the office of Mr Hill and from there had been taken to a boarding house on West Broad afreet. 8h- had bean told. It *eema, lo stay there until ah* waa called fot". which would be when her parents arrived 111 Ihe afternoon Mr Hill. Hr , on hla way lo llie depot to meet Mr. and Mrs. l/ewl*. slopped at the houee to let the girl know that she might expect her par ent* on the next train, hut was mid by Ihe lady with whom Ihe girl had been left that ehe had gone out in the after noon In a hack and hadn t been seen since The last and only report of her after that time was made at Ihe harracka when one of the aergeante reported that In the afternoon about 4 o'clork he had seen he girl In the hack near the Pulaski House. All night while the search frr her daugh. ter was being marie. Mrs lawis eat on the Piatxa at Mr Hltl'e office In tears, nor could ah>- be reassured. "They have dime away with her." ehe kept repeating lietween her sobs, "they have done away with her, and I wont see bar any more." Her uneaetness we a the greater when It wee reported to her that although! Rouse had expressed hla determination to leave for Sylvanta on th* early iraln he lied not taken It. but was then In Ihe city, and ouppowd to be at the Folon Hotel, latter a telephone message to the 1 'nion dlscloe-d ihe fact that she waa not there, though the mother did not know thl* Mr. lewl, and the mother, between her paroxyem* of weeping, told ihelr etory of Ihe gtrl'a trip to the city. She had been In delicate health said the mother for about two year*, nnd her aliment had affected not only her health, but had In a way affected her mind and memory as well, for though at times she was bright and oheerful she often had apelli when her mind appeared to bo olounded and wandering. Seeing. Mrs. Lewis said, th* advertleement of a physician of Savannah who claimed lo be able to treat gucrnsafully much caae* she determined to send her daughter to him. Mr. Lewis did not approve of the Idea of the glrl'a coming to the city alone, and the project had alioul been given over when Sarah Heed, the colored woman, who. It t* eald. ha* been the cook nnd Intimate of House, went lo Mr*. Lewis awl begged that the girl be allowed to come to Savannah, saying that ehe would c.ane along and that ehe knew the city perfectly from her many vlall* hece. and wouM undertake the car* of the girl and guarantee her an tmmunlty from harm. To these appeals. said Mrs. Lewi*, the woman appeared to he most unreasonably set upon the trip, were odd-d the urging* of th* Reed woman # mother Mra. Is-wls finally consented ami ihe trip was planned for Saturday. On Friday House, by whom Mr. Isvwls Is employed v* a cooper, got him lo drive him lo Sjrlvanla. amt on Ihe way. said Mr. Lew!*, without an,’ uueellonlng on hla pari, gratuitously told him that he was not coming to Savannah. Incidental ly he sent lit* by Mr Is-wls hack to Ihe Reed woman', m.uher. and ltd* money la whal paid the fare of Sarah Reed to Savannah. fpon leaving home Mra eald Ihat #h apeclfically gave the Reed wo man Instruction* as lo where she wanted her daughter put. and also gave her Ihe necesaary money for all expen#**. She had no reaaon lo suspect trouble, and knew of none until Monday night when her husband received the letter announc ing the arreal of Rouse Mr. T.*wls sold that he had known House and Sarah Heed for about five month*. Ihe length of time that he had been el Cyclone. Though the Heed wo man lived In the house with Rouae ahe did so ostensibly as his cook end he hud no reaaon lo suspect her of any other re lation. Rouse himself lives at Cyclone, which la about fourteen miles from Rytvanla, on Ihe Savannah river Aa tow as the dagghler In found Mr and Mra, Is'wls expect to return to Cy clone There, they say. they will take th* case up and push It to the extent of the iaw. gift-SO to Richmond. V,„ and Return via southern Hallway, Account annual convention National Baptist Association (colored) Ticket! on tale Sept 10. 11. It. Anal limit a. Katre open to all. Moat convenient eched ule* .la* Freeman, f. P. and T. A., 141 £ul! street. 'J’hones fca) —ad. niFTßHßen-i ri *>. Considerable limit, Void at t.oad #*rlrca. The September sale* of property In front of the Courl House took piece yeaterday, hut while there were a number of bid der* and spectators, there wu* not the crowd that was expected, end might oth erwise nave attended but for ihe very unpropltlou* weather Mr C. H Dorset! sold for six one story tenement house* a. the southeaM •■orner of I'resident ami Arnold slreeis, near th* Tybee depot. The price la con sidered a fair one. Mr I. I> luiKorhe sold to Hon. Pop* Harrow, the house nnd grounds known as Wellington, on the right of way of the .Savannah. Thunderbolt and Isle of Hope Hallway, near .Thunderbolt Th, proper ty brought t- '*>. and was houeht In for Mr* Hourke SfiauUllng nt Xjp.-l.t Is,and. a sister of Mr. Harrow's The price I, thought to he rather a low one for the property Mr I.aßoche also said ten acre* of land an the Buckhaber road to Mr fleorg* W Iteckett. l-ot No Ml. Southville. fronting on let - mar avenue, nnd three lots ut IsleAif Hope, known as lots A . H. A C . being a subdivision of the Honaud properly, were withdrawn from the sale Mesars Platshek A Cos., sold a lot at Hull and Kaet Broad streets, and Ihe Im provement*. consisting of a live-room two-*tory frame house, fo Mr A H. Kntelman. for BUS Mr Hui-hek thinks the price paid n very low one Sheriff Sweeny sold ro Mr 8 L. Istx atebv lo satisfy an execution of ihe Jas pervltte I stud and Improvement Cotnpanv. eleven | n ts and ten half lots, 'lying west of the city,, between the Bay street extetk -lon. and the old waterworks tract. T.ic amount paid was tK>> Another sale made by the sheriff un der an execution, was that of slxly-ont acre* of land, formerly it jatrt of Ihe Cat tle Park tract to J tjci; for L Hell Im the holder of the execution, under which the property sold. Sheriff of the City Court K. J. Whelin "old to eottfy an execution In favor of Keppard A Cos. for the use of Franklin F Jones against Henry tl Walt hour, a house on Oak street for th ut Mr. Jones h# buyer. .M J Mi loaughlin noli a city of Savannah IM ttond of aerie* ]4IJ ,o Mr. Henry 8 Trynac at 11IJ% The bond was sold by virtue of an order from Ordinary Fi>rrlll to Mrs. Catherine Ooette. guar dian of Mary end Josephine Kheahon. TO HUM vtH % It, It I' HF.KTF4KB. Hallway Petitions nnd Other Vlattrra Before City fonnell. The city Council will resume Ita night meetings to-night, when the first regu lar meeting in September will he held. There does not appear to be much of Im portance to come before the meeting. The Street and lame Committee Is expected to report favorably upon the petition of the street railway company to he per mitted t > double-track Barnard street, and to operate cars both waya on Whitaker street. In which can* the petition will doubtless be granted. The Kireet and laine Committee still has the petition* of the Vernon Shell Road Company for atreet railway Vran chlse* on certain street* and also that of Mr. J 8. Collin* for similar franchises, bottled up Mayor Myers said when asked about these matters that he expects no report from the committee to-night and that he would not favor action upon the petitions until g full meeting of Council can be secured. The ordinance repealing section 15 of the tax ordinantv and Intended to pave the ■>' for the creation of the office of Dep. uty city marshal, will come up on Us sec ond reading and will doubtless he adopt ed The friends of the acting deputy. Mr. K. J K- lly. are wondering how he will le affected by this change. The passage of the Horrlgsn ordinance will take away from the mayor the |M>wer of appointment, under which Mr. Kelly hold* office, nnd the general Imprewalon among the politicians Is that when the office of deputy marshal Is created the Plum will go 10 Mr J. Robert Creamer Mr. Creamer has been waiting n long Hm* for some reward for hla service* to the dominant faction, and It Is understood that thl, reward Is at lust to be given him. The plum Is not as large as he would like hut then the election of offi cers by the present Council take* place this fall nnd Ihe doputy’s position will doubt less prow* an easy stepping stoa* lor Mr Creamer lo thr marshal s job. There are several matter* referred lo the Commutes of Ihe Whole by th* last meeting, which will probably be consid ered to-night Among them Is the offer of the McKane Hospital amt Training School for colored nurse* to the city, and alao the proposition of Mr. W H, Tarver for the establishment of a free library by the city- RI INK BHOCtiltT BACK. Came From Tamp* 4 esterdav In Charge of Depaty Sheriff llsrtlgaa. Deputy Sheriff E. C. Hartlgan returned yesterday morning from Tampa, bring ing with him M. A. Quirk, the defaulting treasurer of the Republican Bluea Quirk, he says, came quite willingly and was a model prisoner during Ihe whole trip. Eating and Sleeping, Food supplies and substance for repair ing the waste* of tho body, and gives strength. Steep affords the opportunity for these repairs to be mads. Hoth are necessary to health. It you csn‘l eat and sleep, take Hood Sarsaparilla. It cre ates a good appetite and tones the diges tive organs, and It give* the sweat, rest ful sleep of childhood. Be sure to get Hood's. , Biliousness is cured by Hood's Fills. Be —ad. Isle of Hope To-night. Clnemaloscope entertainment, the best that has ever visited Savannah, will he seen on Barbee A Handy’s pavilion at Isle of Hope to-night. Qo out and see the New York Are department on a run to a tire. Also Corbett and Fitssimmon’s great tight, as natural a* life Five hundred Other very Interesting picture* Also n ladles' guessing contesi after the enter talnment. Dancing till 1 o'clork Admis sion IS rent*. Children 10 cent*. No re served seats; accommodation for *OO A special (kipper will be served. Includ ing diamond-hack terrapin. Car* leave Tenth street every half hour Respectfully. Barbee A Bandy.—ad. 4Vtinders 44 111 4eser t ease. I.ippman Brothers, wholesale druggists, t.lppmnn block of this city, are giving away free, a splendid regulator dock nearly 2 feet high, with calendar attach ment. alao three doaen IJpptnan's liver pills, free, to the purchaser of three dox en Llppman s chill and fever ton e. This celebrated and renowned chill ionic is sold with a posl'lve guarantee "No cure, no pay." and th* price and six* is Ihe same as other standard chill tonics This great expense Is undergone simply to Introduce Llppman's chill and fever tonic the best In Ihe world —od. One far* for the round trip to the an nual convention of the National Baptist Association (colored). Richmond, Va.. Sept by ihe Seaboard Air Line Rail way. These rates are open to everybody ad. TEN WITNESSES WERE HEARD. tot HT-41 4HTI 41. 41 tPK liOOD PHWi- MB# I. 4T SltiMT. state Rested Its Taae nnd F.tUleaee 44 as Began Ist the Oefeaae— 4s Ilexelttpateals of Ataetllag Import ance, lint the Extdeake Showed De cided t ontradletiona Between the Two Sets of 44 llanses-44 Unease* for the Defense Testified Positive ly to Harris' t.ood t nstlsrl and *n hrlet>— Hearing t osllsaril I ntil To-sinrrun 4lght. The fourth session of Ihe Harris court martial wa* held at the armory of the First Regiment of Infantry last night, and more progpogwas made. In the num ber cf witnessed lhaif at. any of the previous sess'on*. The state rested It* ra>* and Ihe hearing of evidence for the defense was begun Vnllk* some of the previous hearing*, tlx re wa* little of fhe tenratlonal In that last night, though the witnesses for th* defense testlfbd very ktrongly In favor of the accused. Kom*’ of th* adtnesse* on j both elde* were evidently prejudiced. * peculiarity of the testimony being Ihe extreme exactness of th# witnesses In tea- I tlfylng to some matters and their very defective memories when questioned on other p dnlg There was a good crowd In attendance, th-re being a number of Ihe member* of the regiment present a* spectators, be sides those on duty with the court-mar tial. The session begun at # o'clock, and lasted until II:*> It was then continued until Thursday night at S o'clock. Ten wltneeses were examined In all. seven for the state and three for the de fense. The testimony of some was of only slight Importance. Private J. B. Smith was the first witness. He was the special sentinel placed over Ctsrpl llarrle when the latter was under arrest at IxMilsvllle. Among other thlnga he said, that Copt. Wilson told him he would tiring him up ammunition, and that he aas to use It If necesaary. If Harris at tempted to escape Later, when Capt. Wilson came back, he said thst he had forgot ten the ammunition, but that he was sorry that he had forgot It. The witness said Harris had on allotw the morning after his arrest, this being one of the points which seems to be very much hi dispute. The witness admitted that he had had trouble with Harris at one time Cor pi John O. Small testified that be was present when Harris was arrestted He had heard Harris call Lieut Rarthel mess by vile name In the latter's ab sence. Lieut. Barrow mode the point, that a* Lieut. Rarlhelmess was In uni form. and on duty during the entire trip the fact that Harris had cursed him while he was not present, did not relieve him of the charge of cursing and abusing anV>fficer while on duty. Private E. C. Penfleld. who wa* also a sp-clal guard over Harris, testified to the latter's escape by Jumping out of a win dow In his underclothes while under ar r st. Harris had asked to be allowed to walk across the room lo speak to som** men at a window, but the witness had re fused this [permission his orders being not to let Harris leave the cot Harris walked across to the window, on the pre tetise of wanting lo speak to some on* ; there, though ordered 10 come back. In stead of obeying the order he Jumped out ; of Ihe window and told Ihe guard goodhy Private E. C. rilrasor. Jr. of ('ompanv ■ D. testified to hearing Harris apply the I vile epithet referred to Lieut, (larthel mess. Private W. H. Bmlth. 8r , had atart ed to r-s'nt ihls Insult to the lieutenant when Bergt Murphy Intervened. Private 44’ H Stniih. 8r . explained Ihe 1 rouble between Carpi. Harris and him | self. He had simply resented Harris’ re mark roneernlng the absent lieutenant, | and had no further Interest or prejudice In the matter. Private IV H Smith, Jr., testified to | Harris' obstreperous conduct on several ; occasion*, while he. the witness, was 0.1 Khard In quarters Serirt L. J 44'8ktnson testified that he wsa the corporal who took charge of the relief to which Harris had been assigned j when the latter failed to appear In time jto take charge himself It was also btougth out that the witness had heart ; Capt 44'llson say. after the return to : Savannah, that he would make It hot for ! Harris | Here the state rested Its cose, nnd the defen#o begun <t* testimony Corpt H A. Jeffrie* of Ownpany I„ was the first witness for the defense, and testified strangly In Harris behalf He testified positively thst Harris was absolutely on time on Ihe owaston of his arrssi for be ing tools slating that the clock struck • the time for Harris to begin hie tour of duty, fully three mtnutee after Harris hod reached the top of the steps, nnd was arguing with Lieut Rarthel mess h to whether or not be was on time Hsrrl*. he stated, waa not at alt disorder ly hoI was perfectly respectful at nil times. Latte, when recalled to the stand by Capt Cann, Jeffries testified with gnat profit!vena** that Harris was per fectly sober at the time of his arrest. Private Mendel of Company H corrob orated Corpl Jeffries' testimony as 10 Har ris' respectful conduct and sobriety The wifi ees also testified that whep he went ur to the mom on one occasion after Har ri*' arrest ihe latter complained of being hungry. He volunteered to act as guard and to take Harris down to dinner, and wa* permuted to do *O. Fireman D P. Walker, who accom panied the Blues to Louisvttle. though not a member of, the company, wa* on the stand for som* time. He testified 'hat he had mode the trip under an un derstanding with Copt. 44’llson hy which he was to pay the same rat# as the other member*. |]fi, and was to take part In the parade*, after which he was to be re lieved from further duty as he and one or two others had arranged to extend their trip to Chicago. Walker said that he expected to perform duly while with the company, hut claimed there wo* no understanding to Ihls effect. However, when Capt Wilson undertook to put him on extra duty for six hours. Including the charge of the dormitory and the guarding of Harris, because he had re mained nway from Ihe quarters, he re belled and left the quarters, only return ing a day or two later when he turned tn hi* uunlform and equipment as had been agreed upon. Hl# Instruction as 10 Har ris from Capt. Wilson were not to allow the prisoner to leave Ms cot. Walker teetlfled ie to a conversation he had with Capt Wilson about Ihe Harris matter, after Ihe return to Savannah, to the effect that Capt 4V!l#on, |n speaking of Harris, had applied a vile epithet to him. and had announced his Intention of camlsheerlng Harris' salary nd mklna him lose his position. The witness was very positive a* to Ihe word* use.) by Cnpt. Wilson, hut inter was very Indefi nite a* lo day* and dale* and period* of lime Intervening between various occur rence# in lamlsvllle. Lieut. Barrow ques tioned the witness particularly on these milters, and drew attention 10 Ihls pe- , cullarlty of his testimony The witness aw* questioned particularly aa 10 his con duct in refusing to do guard duly, an.) leaving Ihe company In IxMilsvllle. atsl churned that he had not given Capt Wilson ot th# company any reason to he- j lleve that h* would do regular duty The arltness testified positively that Harris was not Intoxicated at the time of hit arrest, and had not been *0 previously. The wltneee was questioned closely by Capt. Olesson of th* court-mart!*], a* to whether he had not applied for mem bership In the company, and tf he did not know that hi* name ws* upon th* ompany roll. Walker replied that he he bad never mad* oppUcatioo for tnem b#*hlp In the Blue*, and had never au thorise! anyone else to do so for Mm. •ml that If hla name had been placet upon the company roll, he nod never been notified of the fact. At the conclusion of Walker'k teetlmorv It ora* announced that the hearing would be continued until Thursday night at S o'clork hose Is the Time. To use Johnson's Chill and Fever Tonic If you wish to remain at your post of duty and pass through He pi ember and October without the loss of a single hour of time, take a course of Johnson's ChUI and Fever Tonic. Neither the mountains nor Ihe seashore can guarantee such absolute Immunity from sickness as Johnson's Tonic se cures lo you. The wise man Insures hi* life and Ihe wiser man Insure# his health. A bottle of Johnson's Tonic I* s guarantee of health. It saves enormous waste of time, saves vast expenditure*! of money In doctors hill# and saves human life when endangered by fever. I's* tt and use nothing else —*d. Sin..'lo to Hlrhninnd. 4a. and Return 4ln Southern Rnllssuy. Aeeount annual convention National Baptist Association toolrrcdi Ticket# on saL Kept in. 11, It. final limit tt. pt 2. Ratrs open lo all. Must convcMen! sched ules Ja*. Freeman, C. P and T. A.. Ml Hull street. ’Phones 450—ad Chair cars on Plant System excursions to Charleston every Sunday; engage your tests on Saturdays at the Dt Soto Hotel ticket office.—ad. Arrangements have been effected by which 1.000 mile books, the price of which Is 1315.00 each. Issued hy the Seaboard Air Line Hallway, are honored through to 4Vashlngtnn over the Pennsylvania Rail road; from Portsmouth to Baltimore over th# Baltimore Steam Packet Compony, and between Clinton anti Columbia over the Columbia. Newberry and I .aureus Railroad. Thl# arrangemena Includes the books Issued by th# Florida Central and Peninsular and deorgla and Ahthjms Railroads—d. Tickets on sale for the annual conven tion of Ihr National Baptist Association (colored), nl Richmond. 4’a., Sept. 10, 11. 12. good until Sept 2. Inclusive. Take th# Seaboard Air Line Railway. These rale* are open to everybody —ad. At F.atlll’s Sews Depot. ■#.*. Hall atreet Savannah Morning News. New York, Boston. Philadelphia. RaiCmorr. Charles- ! ton (S C.). Jacksonville. (Fla.). Cincin nati, New Orleans. Washington. (D. C.). Chicago. Augusta. (Oat, Atlanta. Macon, (lit ), end other prominent dailies; also the various monthlies and weeklies, new books and everything else usually (ound In first-doe* news depots.—ad. Ticket* to the annual convention of the National Baptist Association (colored), at Richmond, good for thirteen days, by the Seaboard Atr Line Railway. These rate# are open to everybody.—ad. The annual convention of the National Baptist Association (colored) will be In session at Richmond. 4’*.. Sept. 11. 11. 14, IS. 1. 17. I*. 19 and 20. Take the Sea board Air Line Railway. These rates are open to everybody.— fid. Th# summer Is passing have you taken In the Plant System Sunday excursions to Charleston 7 One dollar for the round trip. —od. Special attention will be given to the comfort and pleasure of those going by the Seaboard Air Line Railway to the annual convention of the National Bap tist Association (colored), lo be held in Richmond. Sept 12-30 These rates are open to everybody.—ad. A Delicious Smoke, The Herbert Bpencer Is an elegant and is truly a delightful enjoyment to Inhale the fumes of this fine tobacco; It ta evhtlaratlng and delicious. See Ihat the name of Herbert Spencer IS on every wrapper of every cigar, with out which none are genuine The Herbert gpenrrr cigars are only sold hy ihe box of ISO. Conchas at 21 SO, ~n . | Perfecto*. It 50 at Llppman Rroe.. whole sale druggists. Bernard and Congress street*, of this city —sd. The annual convention of the National Baptist Association (colored), Richmond. Va.. Sept 12-30. will be a memorable oc casion All good Baptists Will take the Seaboard Air Line Hallway. These rate* ore open to *v*rybody._ad. “It Cared 41c.” "Orayhoard broke up rheumatism on me." say* Mr. Chaa. Thomas, the Jew eler on Whitaker street. "And put me In better health than 1 have enjoyed In a long time." Take Orayheard Pill* for that dlxxy feeling—Lost appetite, and follow R up withs bottle of Oraybeard. It Is all you need. Respess Drug Cos., sole props., Savannah. Ox.—ad. Change In T> her Schedules, Effective kept. fl. Leave Savannah dally lOtlf. a. m , 3:24 p. m.. 5:25 p. m Leave Tybee dally, 7:30 a. m., 11:06 s. m.. 0:15 p. m—sd. Sunday Trips tn Drassnlrk via Plant System. sl. The Plant System will sell round-trip rickets to Brunswick on Sundays, limited 10 date ot sale, si rate of Jl 00. Trains leave at 2:10 a. m. and 5:20 a ad. Oo to Ihe annual convention of the Na tional Baptist Association Icolored). at Richmond. \’n.. Scpl. 12-20, by the Sea board Air Lin* Railway. These rale# are open lo everybody.—ad To Rrananlrl anil llrlurn via thr Flam >alrni. Monday. In artdltlon to th- Charl<>aton Sunday oxcuralona. th* Plant Bv*t, m are *eli| n round-trl|> tloketa to Brunawlek. n.xl on Huodaya only. at rata of $l.OO for me round trip. Ttalna leave at 2:10 a. tn and S:K a. m -ad The Heat In llalllmnre. I reealverl your letter and ant the Tot tertne without dtfTVul'y. I „aed It thJ „ laet time Tor prickly heal, avhtrh it clran ed off nicely In three daye. I am cto.) to krx>w that Tetterlne h. foe aale in Baltimore, aa I desire to recom mend It to my frteiHts V.mra truly Lo f Bnaey. Haillmore. Md. Aur 22 tm J, o#nti per hoi at druffilMa -(l, % Mrntitt f nni|Min> Mrrr. The Krmdoyera- Liability of Ixmdon of. " r * to the people „f Savannah pereonal accident and health Ineurance of the moat modem type. The health' „>|| rv u a feature of the company a 1. i.tneaa and I. the moet liberal health policy U*! „ .-c. thlrtx -ntre oammm ,0 mankind. kI pay a m per week lnde„,,y for twenty-six weeks at a coat of onlv r-n * f po " cy u*r<*nt**. SI.OM for '?** fMrht ot one eye or partial r* rau .Z' rZ. ” P * r ‘‘ y "" Mr John Morrla haa been ?'?: i oT |m, V *,"* h ?" and wtll dmthtiesa company HU * l '>*Jranee for the TrX ° OC * “ ,h - Bt-rd of THE ARMORED CRUISER School: Shoes For Boys and Girls are sold' exclusively by us. Every pair Warranted t i ffive double the service : any ordinary school shoe. TRY ONE PAIR. LATTIMORE’S Hardware Things Take on bargain prices in our store just as well as other lines. It pays you to come to see us because we always do a little bet ter than our competitor<*. Hand Saws, Chisels, Screw Drivers. Planes, Hammers. Hatchets, and a thousand and one other useful things needed In every household Never buy until you see us. The Time To Boy Your Stove or Range is right now. Our inducing prices are on and you may now make a big sav ing on your purchase. LATTIMORE’S THE PEAL Wedding Bells 33111 noon bp h#ard And the* nic’t pr*|iunflon In thr GIFT from fhl* grcMt utorrofour* STERLING SILVER, Thr Mrnt, of roarar, WHITING'S CUT GLASS, Thr < holer*r •rloctlona from nil of tlir faiuou* maker*. CAMEO WARE. Thr niot Haintjr Crantlon •<* •ure fo In* arcrptabl*. FINE CHINA, For M*rlcr or decoration. LAMPS. The good ones are all here LAMP GLOBES. Anew (irtnrnl In hni! and nhaprr. Kru#*inbrr thl* Uthratorr wlierr foil monryr. G. W. Allen & Cos., htatr and llarrinrti Ntrort* IF Siilii ChU tea li DOES NOT CURE ALL ill Fevers and Chills YOUR DRUGGIST WILL REFUND YOUR MONEY Every Bottle Guaranteed. MANFFACTURED BY COLUMBIA DRUG CO, SAVANNAH. CA Seed Oats! Seed Rye! Texaa Rut Proof Oats. Coast-r*I'*'l 1 '*' 1 Rye. Cow Feed. Hay. Grain, Bran *"<* Feed* of all kinda for atock nnd poultry. T. J. DAVIS, Telephone 223. 1M Bay atreet, w, *‘; Morphlr.e and Whlkee h*h It* treated without pelt confinement Care |P**rae SS®f3