The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, September 05, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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2 WOODWARD REMAINS MAYOR. niPKAI HMEXT PRIM i:i.lHV.' TX IILKII lit < <>l M 11. Vhr Hniiir'a Aiming) Hr Hill tfrir llnl Ihr Hrmalmlrr l Ilia Term— Plat-eil In *hr llniitla of Two I oaiirllaira lo Hr Aeerplesl If Hr f.rfa Drunk Xusln—linin' O|>|.oall lull to Ihr Ho > or. Attain*. Sept f -Mayor J O Wuodanil . >ta|ir(l an Imp' • nm*nt trial 10-dav b) Jua! (our voir*, ten counrllmcn voting to lay on the tulle the charge# •■■lni him. arxl *l* voting to force him to stand trial When Council mu at 9 o'clock, Clerl* Green r.w-1 the follow mg “Atlanta. Ga., 8p: 1,19 no —To the MonoraM* Ge-mral Council of tnr City of Gen: lent'n I ten. der ihn my resign*'lon, to your honors nn.l give me >umr to Council men li.iaeon an.l Harwell, to b* handed In by tlirm at their discretion. to be effc live when *o transmitted to you. "J. G. Woodward. Mayor Tnfa paper had been deliverer! to Coun cilman Harwell *nd H >w*on yesterday after u conference in the Mayor* office, in whirl it war agreed ihat the resigna tion should be transmitted to Council when Mayor Woodward am known to be intoxi nred again. A red hot dtar lies ton followed Th*’ mosi sensational ape. rh was made by Council nmn Grady who salt!. My i.tea is (hat the proposed impeactiment was for neglect of duty. The Mayor has apologised for being drunk, bur there are other charges. I und isi.n.l, which 1 ihlnk we ought to hear Th. re is thai coal contract which I understand, cost the city Ik <vs J mtnk we ought to knowr what we are pigeon holing I for one. will never vote to re ceive the Mayor s apology and that resig nation Mem:*er* of this Council got up here and •aid he was the n*-i mayor we ever h id. an upright, hon< - mayor, and 'hen turned around and made him sign that paper, binding and forcing him to make a moat degrading promise It |s a disgraceful promise and I ihlnk It Is an insult to council and ihe city of Atlanta ." Aldermen lleutell. Day, Johnson. Coun rllmen Harwell Harrell. Hi arson, Holland Mlnhlineti. parks and Hoy voted to ac cepi 'the mayor's apology and dispense with the impeachment proceeding* Al dermen Kilpatrick. Welch. Cisitic Ilmen Maddox. Terry. Adams and Grady voted to proceed with the Imie-achmeni Coun cilman Thompson was absent. Council man Longlno was excused from voting This probably seats Mayor Wocwlw trd firmly In his chair for the remaining four months of his term, since hl friends Ihlnk he will surely stay sober. (IBORI.IA I OTTIIX < HUH .tIIOHT. linn. Hope limns Thinks Situation tilouuti lor Many Farmers. Atlanta. Hept (.—Hon. J. Tope Brown president of the Htale Agricultural fee clary, believes mat the cotton crop In Georgia will be very short this year "I believe,” said Mr. Brown this morn ing, ‘ihat the rollon crop In Georgia will be shorter than In many years. I'p to a few days ago I thought I had the finest cotton crop 1 ever sw grow on my farm, hut now It Is In had condition. From all over the state I hear similar reports. I have received a number of letter* recently from mmber* of the society stating Ihat cotton has been greatly damaged by Ihe dry weather. "It would not surprise me If less cotton was made tn Georgia this year than last year, and last year the crop was very short. The year hat* been very unfavor able to cotton There was too much rain In rhe beginning of the season, and too little about ihe middle of It. I also under stand that In South Georgia the farmers are having troub e In gathering their crop. The negroes, who ate ihe main hand* tn the cotton held, hive In many (daces left the farms altogether, and are either with the railroads or the turpentine farms. ”J don't know how long this state of af fairs will lasi, tall the burners In South Georgia are taring Injured by It. Home of them have large held* of cotton fully open and cannot secure hands to pick It." The Best Prescription rer Malaria, Chills and Fever, la a bottle of Grove's Tasteless Chill Tonlr. It Is simply Iron and quinine In a tasteless form. No cure —no pay. Price Ms —ad. YYHKHB I* JF.SKE SMALL t Went Ysvs, Frnm Ysaeesllle With a Showman Some Months %Ko. Tlflon. Gs.. Sept. 4 —The lasier part of February last a man giving his name a* Jim Carwell mopped hi rhe hm* of Mr Msrrlll Smnll. near Vancertlle, and se cured board. He remained there until Ihe last week In April, repairing a Punch and Judv show, which he was running. During the time, he liorrowed money from Mr Small to purchase his material for making She repairs, and promised to repay him. also pay his board us soon ss hr gat signed on Ihe road again. When he lefs he persuaded Mr. Small to hire him his litll- stepson, Jesse Gris ham. a lad i,levin 11 years old. promising Ihe child's mother 40 repay her well for the hoy's services, and 10 write her con cerning him every week Since Ihe day of his leaving, the Small family have not received a line from him or the boy. and have nn Idea now where they are. The laal heard of Ihem. through others, they w- re a, Wstersown. Fla, In June. Sir Small Is not able financially 10 ad vertise for or lo follow them up. and any Information concerning them would be thankfully rereived "by ihe grieving par ents Carwell Is an excellent venlrllo qulst end Is probably still plying hi* vo cation as showman Th* Rule hoy Is s bright young fellow. 11 years old, with llfht’romplexlon. PRIfXIY I OMMI**IO\ XIFT. XXIII Consider lllila for the XXater ssnrks flyatem To-day. Atlanta. Sept. 4.—The Prison Commission was In session to-day. Several pardon esses were disposed of. this being I be reg ular week to hear such cases. To-morrow the commission will take up the bids which have been submitted for the construction of a waterworks ev.stem. which will he pro In there In Ihe next few days. The waterworks plant will <o*4 about 32. in Letters hove been re reived from the prison farm lelj ij id the splendid condition of Ihe crops The corn bis turned out unusually well, but ootlon sa* Injured by the dry weather. A GIFT FROM ItlM KKFKI.LBR. Spellman t alxrrslly In Atlanta Gets gIMMMHI. Atlanta. Sep*. 4.—John D. Rockefeller has made Bpe lmn Seminary, a negro col lege of this city, a present of IIWI.W). The money ha* been paid into the treasury of the American Baptist H*-m" Mission t*o clely ol New York, which I net It 111 lon has charge of the college. A n< w dormitory, anew dining hall, magnificent In all ils appointm*.-111*. residence (or ihe faculty, a hospital and heating and light plant will lie built. to n hi: x cold i\ iwc day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tabiela. Ali drugxiiits relund the money If It falls to cure. E w Grove’s slgcMture Is on such box. Sse.—ad. "THE POPULARITY OF Abollinaris JL f'THE QUEEN OF TABLE WATERS’*) is chiefly due to its irreproachable character.” Th if Ti nus. “DRINK NOTHING but Natural Mineral Water, such as Apollinaris, free from all vegetable poisons." Boston Journal. w i vexrr.t Ttn withdrawal. I 01. Kdtsards of Tattnall Will Ant Hun for llrprrernlnllvc. H'tdsvlllf. Oa . Hept. I —Col Chatlee O. Kdw uds. the Democratic nominee (or represenlative of Tattnall county, very unexpectedly withdrew from 'he race yea terday. Col. Kdwards had no opposition from Ihr Populist l>arty. and his unex pected withdrawal has caused considera ble comment. His reason for withdrawing hae not been mad* public as yet, but ,t *> i), rally conceded that it was (or the sake of harmony, ae there xeemed to be a dlesutlstled element In the Democratic party. The Democrats will mevt tn con. ventlon here on Monday next, and bring out another candidate for representative Quite u nunt r of prominent men are spoken of. among them Hon C. W Smith. Col. E J- Giles. J I’ Ttppins r W Bra tell, James Holland, and W T Burkhnlter The indications ar that •he campaign tn Tattnall for the county oITIce will be pretty lively, as both sides are well matched UTIIPN THE I Ol (.11 %M WORKS OFF THE COLO. Laxative Rromo Quinine Tahlais cure a told In one day. No cure, no pay. Price 25 cants —ad. riXBRAL ma IT ATI O gw. CLARK.—‘The relatives and of Mr atsl Mrs. Chas. C. Clark, ami of their son Randolph A. Clark, are Invited to at tend ihe funeral of the latter from On Park avenue were, at < o'clock, this after noon Interment at Laurel Grove. RYAtJt—The friende of Mr and Mrs LouisM Pyals and of MaJ and Mrs. G M Rysls and family, are requested to attend the funeral of the first, from 101 Ander son street, east, at I o clock this (Wednes day) afternoon. kkLTMUI. forest citv loduk vo. i, k. of p. The members of Forest city | Lodge No. 1, Knights of Pylhtas. * will assemble at Castle Hall this (Wednesday) afternoon 3 o'clock. for the purpose of attending the funeral of our deceased brother, Knight R. A Clark. Members of sister lodges are Invited Rv order FELTON R IVEY. C. C Attest: WM T LEOPOLD, K of R & 8 JR. O. I . A. M. Havannsh. Oa.. Hept. 5 199 h The members of Henry W Grady Conn ell No 8, Jr.. O. C. A M.. are requested to meet at our hall, 119 York street, west. tnlsfWcdnesdsylaftcrnoon. to pay the last tribute of respect lo our deceased broth er, It. A Clark Member* of Resolution Council No J and Forest City Council No. Ml are fraternally requested lo meet with us. J. H. EH'KHKI.L • Councilor. F. W. JOHNSON. R. B. iPkCUk HUTICBg. BIDS FOR HI prun FOR STATE I AMT AH I CM, MILLBDCfIVILUI. OA. He ale-1 proposals will be received at the office of the Prudential Committee, Geor gia Htale Hanlturlum. until the 19th day of , 10 a m , next tn furnish this Institution with the following clasnes of supplies for three months: Dry goods, notions, domestics, hosiery, shoes, hals, grorrrlea. mewl, flour. lard, syrup, hay. oats, bran, com, brooms, crockery, glassware, hardware, taping plumbing supplies, whtaky, splrllv turpen tine. drugs, chairs. Samples sent in with bids, if deemed needed and reasonable In price, will be purr based For particulars and speclflcalloni. or any further Information, address DK. T. O. POWELL Hupt . Mllledgevllh. Ga. CEHTH AL OF *>HIA H XII.W AY CO Bavannah. On . Seplemher 1. I*lo. Interest at the rate of 3> i*er cent., be ing 332 50 dollars on each l>ond of a thous and dollars, has been declared pnyab-e October Ist. IB*, on the First Preference Income Bonds of Ihe Central of Georgia Railway Comiomy. and will be paid on presentation of Ihr bond* on and after that dale to the Guaranty Trust Company ol New York or to the Cltlsrns Rank of Savannah. No Interest Is payable on Ihe Heeond Preference Income Ronds or Ihe Third Preference Income Bonds By order of the Board of Directors T M CUNNINGHAM. Treasurer. ROY Yl. XII SIC H X 1.1.. 314-218 Broughton street, west. Week Commencing Monday, 80411. 3. Initial debut of MIBB LISKA BPENCER First appearance of OHO RGB—WEST A FOWLER—JENNIE Comedy Entertainers. AN ENTIRE NEW SHOW • A Special Feature. TO-NIGHT. TO-NIGHT WEDNESDAY, BEIT 4. A Grand Four-round Glove Contest Ret ween TWO UNKNOWNS. NOTICE. Nellher the master nor Consignees of Ihe British steamship Breoktlsid. W. j, (Tells, master, will he responsible for any debts contracted by crew of said ves eel. J F. MINIS A CO.. Consignees FOR FINK MEATS ■ n In my stalls Iw the City Market. I always Have It. To-dsy Prime Beef, Mutton and Veal, Lamb. Matchless 4 oraed Beef, elr. JOHN ri NK. Until phowra 557. 11 IT'S Ml 1 XX E HIVE IT. Drop In nnd gel a Jar of sliced dried beef or sliced breakfast bacon, a bottle of Pin-Money Pickles or Bluffed Olives from HARDEE A MARSHALL. Phone Ki. It FI) HE ART. The beer of all beer* is -RED HEART - AII good people or ink k WM HRK'KEN. Manager. JUNO UREWINO CO Phone 915, THE MORNING NEWS: WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5. 1900. ■FECIAL XO Tilly*. LEVAN'S TARLE D'HOTE WAIVERS. Soc—DINNER—SDe. Dinner I to 3 end <s to 9. Wednesday. Hept 4. , Claret Wtne. * SOUP. Beef Rrolh. FISH. Mackinaw Trout ala Hollandalse. Potatoes s la Usstromme Pickle Beets. Queen olives. Chow Chow. Mixed Pickles. • ENTREES. Blanket of Reef ala Jardiniere. Queen Fritters. Rum Sauce. ROASTED Prime Ribs of Beef. Dtah Gravy. Mution. Brown Gravy. VEGETABLES. Mashed Potatoes. Green Peas. Rice. Stewed Tomatoes. Candled Yams PASTRY AND DESSERT. Pear Pie. Assorted Cakes. Cheese. Crackers. Pine Apple Sherbet French Coffee LEVAN'S CAFE AND RESTAURANT. 1U Congress street, west. AFTER INTENSE St'FFERINO lor over a year from malaria. Bright's disease and enlargement of Ihe liver. 1 came to Huwanee Springs after being con fined In he-1 for five week*, on th* advice of my doctor. H W Mlmma of Bylvanla. Oa., who told me that the waters of Su wanee Spring were the only cure for me My disease had advanced so rapidly that when I arrived here, medicines would do me no good. After staying here three weeks and following Implicit Instruc tions, I am entirely cured I cannot fWv enough for these waters, and will always praise them In the highest, and would certainly recommend anybody afflicted as I have been to go to Huwanee Springs al once. BRUNO PFEIFFER Pfeiffer, Oa. ALL YOU CAN DRINK FOR 5c AT LIVINGSTON'S. HAIGHT'S HM ARM ACT, OPEN ALL NIGHT. Beef. Wine and Iron 7Se Roach Halt (guaranteed) 10c K R C 110) Talcum Powder, berated 5c Palmers Toilet Waters 50c Empty Capsules, ion for c T. P. Dyepepsla Tablets Free Imported Castile Soup 5b Insect Powder. P. D. A Cos 40c Trusses ..Me to 5)00 gyring**. Fountain .. .75c to 13 no Thermometer (Fever) ...Me tot-90 We lead In everything In our line. KNIGHTS PHARMACY. Go. FhoneJD. Bell Phone 519 IA VAN A All FOIRDRV AND MACHINE CO Mr ANY, Builders of Marin* and ■tallonery Boilers, will f urn tab estimates on new work In competition with Northern nod Western manufacturer* Repair work on Engines and BoUenx ESPECIAL IAOLCKMF.ATH AT MARK APPLE'* HIPOMTOHT. I offer to the public for fifteen days lo high grade work, two fine extension lop Carriages. 3 open Carriages. S Phaetons. 5 Runabouts. 2 l*neum.illc Runabouts, t Handsome Trap*. 30 Open and Top Spring Delivery Wagons at factory cost, with freight added. This Is no humbug. Call and examine fur yourself and you wl.l make no mistake. A full and complete line of Harness al coat. Mark Apple Carriage Repository. 320 Broughton street, wesl. use only the Kelly Springfield Rubber Tire, the best on Ihe market. Phona TO. GOOD OH. Get WUron Whisky al ROUT. HEM LER'B, Litany and Drayton Head quarters for th* best brands. Country trade solicited. No charge fur tugs. Phone Sit. HKLMKRN'9 CAFE, Liberty and Whitaker. The only up tc date cafe aultabla for select parties In tha city. One block from De Soto. Phone 445. J. H. HELMKEN. Prop. AT G ARDAKH'*. Belter send your order In early for a nice roasl of lamb or beef I have some ■pedal meats. M. 8. OARDN7R. Phones 575. Wsync and Whitaker p. 8.-sßweet breads, brains, liver, tripe and frutls and vegetables. LOOK. The flnesi Une of Mantels. Tiling and Orates tn the city Prices rock bottom Save money by seeing our goods before purchasing elsewhere. SAVANNAH BUILDINO SUPPLY CO.. Corner Congraae and Drayton. Phone 519. M XTTMKNhK*. IATTRKHKS. Have your mattresses and feathers ren ovated by our medicated steam process before s change In weather takes place. (The only plant In Savannah.) It over comes ali Impurities and renews life and volume in all bedding material. Price* oa renovation of feather* as follows Beds 13 SO, holster* 11. pi llowrs SO’ Cotton, moss snd hair mattresses made to order Fine work, low prices. Work guaranteed. NATIONAL MATTRESS AND RENO VATING CO.. Rell phone 1134. 331 Drayton street, MMM On* at our clients has placed In our bands 135.900 to loan ou good Savannah real aetata at resaonwMs raise of Interssi BECKETT A BECKETT. 34 President street. Ml Best and Largest 3 for 5c smoke in the world, a INSIST ON HAVING CLOTH TOP CIGARROS. You will find them on sale everywhere. IN EXCELLENT SHAPE —FOR— Fine Laundry Work. SAVANNAH STEAM LAUNDRY II Congress Street, West. Phone 383. THE ONLY Exclusive Family Liquor Store IN THE CITY. • TRY OUR FAMOUS Bell’s Pure Rye Whiskey. Full Quarts 75c; four bottles, containing full Gallon,s3.oo. BELSINGER & CO.. -s.”"*”' 1 ULLUinUUI vX UU| FULL LINE OF CLARET WINES. SPECIAL NOTICES. PROCLAM ATKIN. City of Savannah. Mayor* Office. Aug 90. 1990—The Sanitary Board, tn accord ance with the (irovlalons of an ordinance, passed Aug 35. 1901). and entitled "An ordinance to provide for th* cutting and removal, or destruction of weeds and oth er rank vegetable growth growing on pri vate property within said limits, to pro vide a penalty for non-compliance with the provisions hereof." etc., the said San itary Board.having notified me that In tho opinion of the board. It ls neceaaery (or Ihe preservation of the health of the city to have exit and removed from private profrerty In the said city or destroyed hereon, weeds and other rank vegetable growth. I do hereby Issue this, my proc lamation requiring the cutting and remov al of auch weeds and other rank vegeta ble growth In accordance with the provi sions of the following ordinance. Any one felling to comply with Its provisions will he pieced on the Information docket and fined Given under my hand and Ihe seal of th* clly of Savannah this. *bth day of Au gust. I9UO. HERMAN MYKIIS. (Seal) Mayor. Attest. WM P. BAILEY. Clerk of Council. An ordinance lo provide for the curling and removal or destruction of weed* and oilier rank vegetable growth growing on private property within said clly limits; 10 provide a penalty for non-coropttance with ths provisions hereof *nd to author ise the city authorities to cut ami remove and destroy auch weeds and other rank vegetable growth at the expense of the owner or owners of Ihe property on which It grows. Section 1. Be It ordained by the Mayor an.l Aldermen of Ihe city of Savannah In Council assembled. Thai whenever Ihe Sanitary Board of said e|,y shall noilfy the Mayor thereof ihat. In the opinion of sal.l hoard. 11 Is necessary for Ihe preserv ation 01 the health of Ihe city to have cut and removed from private propcriy In the said city, or destroyed thereon, weeds and other rank vegetable growth, the Mayor shall Issue his proclamation requiring the Immediate rutting and removal of such weeds and other rank vegetable growth to the property line of said lolo* the destruc tion of the same by ffre on such loi by the owner or owner* of said property, or the agents of such owners having charge of such properly, and thereupon. If auch weed* and other rank vegetable growth Is not cut from such private properly and re moved to the properly line of such prop erty or destroyed thereon by Are within 4en days after th* first publication of said proclamation by the Mayor, then and In that event the owner or owner* of said property, or the agent thereof having the same In charge, shall. ufn conviction In the Police Court of the city of Savannah, of a failure to cut and remove such Weeds and other rank vegetable growth within the time above nam'd, be punished by a line not to exceed fifty (50) dollars, of Im prisonment not to exceed thirty (30) days, either or both In Ihe discretion of the court. Sec. 2. Be It further ordained. That In Ihe event of the failure of the owner or owner*, or the agent of such properly having charge of the same, as Ihe case may be. to cut ami remove such weeds and other rank vegetable growth or de strov the same within the time shove named, then and In that event the Mayor and Aldermen of the city of Savannah, through the director of public works, shall, el Ihe expense of ths owner or own ers of such iwoperty. have th# same cut and removed or destroyed. See. 2. He tt further ordained. That all ordinances and part* of ordinance* In conflict with this ordinance are hereby re pealed. NOTH K. Clly of Savannah. Office Fire Department. Savannah, Ga.. Sept- 1. I* oo ' Proposals for furnishing the Fire De partment with winter uniforms will be re. celvrd at the office of the undersigned until 12 o'clock m. of Saturday Sept. 22. 1900. Specifications will be furnish'd upon application at the office of th* Fire De partment. corner of Indian ami West Bioad atreets. any day between the hours of 9 a m and a p. tn. All proposals must be seal'd and ad drets*') to the Committee 041 Fire. I nlforms to be delivered f. o. h In Sa vannah on or before Oct. 13. 19i. The committee reserve the right to reject any and all proposal* or 10 award the contract tn pari or as a whole. JOHN E MAGUIRE. Bupt NOTICE. City of Savannah, Offlce Fire Department. Savannah. Oa.. Sept. 1. 1901. proposal* wlli be received at the office of the tinderalgited up to 12 o'clock m of Saturday. Sept. . ISO), for palming and stenciling (Ire alarm telegraph |wle* All proposals must he sealed and ad dressed to the Commute* on Fire. The committee reserve the right to re ject any or all proposal*. JOHN E. MAGUIRE, Supl ioKWiXKtIfKO Uy the American Bonding and Trust Company of Baltimore We ere author ised 10 execute locally (Imm dlately upon application), all bonds In Judicial pr c-dlrga In either th* atata or United 8 ate* court*, and of administrators and guavrdtsna HEARING A HULL. Agent* Telephone 31. ProvlUmt Building SPECIAL NOTICES. PAULDING OP LONG ISLAND CELL. Rlt X I ED PII’I’IN APPLE CIDBR. This pure cider Is served on steamers on the American line, and at lb* Waldos:-As toria and leading family grocara In Near To k city Paulding a Pippin clda- la made from ihe pur* juice of hand picked apples from hi* own mill on the premises. It le abso lutely pure apt'le juice, and all the after V'ecencc ta namral. and we guarantee N to be the chi lcest cider In ihr world. Leading phia lar * In New York and Brooklyn recommend this elder lo their patients Its p-rf< et purity la guarantead. In Paulding a Pippin cider, only Long Is land Newton’s Pippins aia csed Th* ap ples are Isfs on the trees unit) late In Oc tober when they are hand tacked and placed In a dry room to ripen. Paulding says "th# uppli a are tty r High ly crushed tn his own mill and the Juice press'd nut and run Into sweet clean raaka" Th* difference between crushing and grinding apples la very great Yoa will know th* difference between crushed app es and ground apples If you taka some alcana and chew them, you trill find that bitter taate which la not with Paulding's crushed apples This cider ha* not the extreme sweemsaa of th* Huaeet elder, and everyone will find the Pauld ing a Pippin cider Just right to taka with dinner LIPPMANBROB. Sola Agents In Savannah. THIN I* NOT C HINESE. Messrs. Must liras. Cos., Savannah, Ga— Gentlemen—Please atrip aa one Uosen bottles of float's X ear table Ritters, fI.OO alar. We have been aalag It for Iw dlaestlon and find it O. K. Have derided to put It is stork, (iblp at once. Y oura neapertfnllr, J. E. IMMRN A f O. hummer complaint of chil dren qulcklr cured by hloat's Vegetable Bitters. LgTTN DISCOUNT ROTTCB. YOU WILL IAVB TEX PER CERT. By paying rose bills sw we be fore Iks lSth lost. m. B. LEVY A 8110. MOSULJTUK) will not frowbls yon If yow ns* SHOOMI 9KEET. It Is a plsaaawt prrfant. MEI.DRHMA Is a toilet powder that instantly die prls the disagreeable odors arising from perspiration. OLD STYLE COLD CREAM gives quirk relief for ass bars* end •kin troubles. SOLOMONS CO. I XMGF \X XRKHOIXE XXI> ot ricK to rent. located head of Broughton street, on Wsat Broad, non occu pied by the Savannah Carriage and Wagon Cos Aa they will up business In Ihe city on June 1. I of fer I: for rent from that date H. P. SMART Till. XX AY TO CLEAN CARPET*. The only way to get your carpet* prop erly taken up, cleaned and taken care of for the summer Is to turn th* Job over to trie District M-ee ng r and Delivery Cos. telephon- or call at 33 Montgomery ■treat, and they will make you an esti mate on the cost of the work Prloea reasonable They alee puck, mcra and ■tor* furniture and planoa C. H. MED LOCK. Supt and Mgr. NOTICE. Clly of Savannah. Office Clerk of Council. Savannah. Ga.. Sept 4. l*n tikis will be received al this offlce until 13 o'clock ni Friday. Sept 21. lbn for furnishing the Police Department with winter uniform*, acordlng to specifica tion* to be seen at the police barracks The right la reserved to reject any or all blda WM P BAILEY. Clerk of Council. If your work re quires shoes with no particular style — Whole Lot of Wcar, try these!—They’re | UNION MADE \ They’ll wear longer than any you’ve ever had, and besides being good looking shoes, they have soles wide enough so you can tost stand in them all day, and not feel them. t 2.25 3.00 * i/os. FOorCoV£*£*Sr*^MiH MNO AUtnfc.ML.XT*. (tvtmil THEATER. SATURDAY SEPT 8. NOTHING HIT FI 9L McFADDEN’S ROYA OF FLATS. Everything New Star Cast of Fa moas Singers. Dancers and Comedians Not One Dull Moment nnipra Kstlnec adultaMk-. children 95c rKIUId Night (l TO- Wr and Sc. BI9I.XL.XS NOTICE*. SUMMER WEEKS I* a good lime 10 have your watches put In condition. We are better pre parad than ever for this work Re peat* re. Chronographs and ordinary •Hitches of the finer grade* put In condition now. cm be splendidly regulated. We give proper attention lo the cheaper grade of watches, prolucing the best result* possible. Look Into li and avoid the busier THEUS BROS. WE NOW HAVE EVERY hl*B DE CUESTA REY 8c CO.’S Clear Havana Cigars l\ *TOCK. HENRY SOLOMON & SON ll* V mml Jrffrraoii “FOR RENT 7 from Oct. 1, that fine resi dence No. 211 Gwinnett street, west. Large garden and fine stable on the prem ises. Apply* The Cbalham Real Estate and im provement Company, 14 BRYAN STREET. EAST. F Newer Pit \i For sale • Foraslth Newspaper Foidar; will fold sheet 91x4s. Il Is In good order. Pries LOO It oo*l originally 81.100, but w* hav* no us* for R and want ths room It occuplss. II will bs an la valuable adjunct le say nswapspsr otflor Address MORNING NEWS, •avowsah, Us. GREENE <t CO., 138 Whitaker street Picture Frame Factory New Mouldings constantly arriving PRICES REASONABLE. THE GEORGIA STATE BI'ILDINQ AND LOAN ASSOCIATION'. Assets over SBOO,OOO. 5 PER CENT, per annum allowed on deposit*, withdrawable on demand Inter est credited quarterly. 4 PER CENT per annum allowed on deimsiia of vn hundreds, withdrawable •t annual periods. GEO W TIEDEMAN. President. B. H LEVY, Vic* President. E W. RELL. Secretary C O ANDERSON JR . Treasurer OFFICE. 15 YORK STREET. WEST. ‘ "" ' "" i ■ FECIAL -XuriLiuA. VX E BUY AND SELL HEAL ESTATE, Negotiate loans on ame at 5 per cent, and collect rents. Rsprencnt The TraveL era lnuranc* CX>.. Occident and liability d*| artmema. Repreasoi ihe New York Underwriters Fire In* agency Rep’esenl Hie Greenwich Fire Ins. fax Represent ihe Phoenix Mutual Life In*. Cos. All bust nes* entrusted to us will be appreciated, and will receive prompt and careful all tendon. No. 27 Bay sireet, easl Tele phone 34*, W. C FRIPP ft CO. KOl'B PHB9CRIPTYONS will be ailed at Park Avenu* Pharmacy whll# yo watt. We till them at any hour day or night. Ths only live drug More tn southern section of Bsvannsh PARK AVENI'K PHARMACY. J. L Bra nail. Proprietor . Corner Park avenue and Uarnard t. I So- I'hone 1144. LEOPOLD ADLER. JNO. R DILLON President. Cashlee ‘ C. T. ELLIB. BARRON CARTER. Vice President. Asst Cashier The Chatham Bank SAVANNAH Will b* pleased 10 receiv. the accounts of Merchants. Firms. Individuals, iisnks. •nd Corporation* Liberal favors extended. Unsurpaeaed collection facilities. Insur- Ing prompt returns SEMHATE iAVINBSOEPARTMENT IXTLRKAT COMPOt'NDHD u< ARTEH. LY OA DFl'ohit*. Safety Deposit Boxes and Vaults for rent Correspondence solicited Toe Citizens Bank OF SAVANNAH. CAPITAL $500,000. r<lU *** v% * *• I4CI (4i GslMkl asgfc Mmlscm. Solicits insist, ag ladlvMsala, ktrskasu, Hawks sag slks, Cwrpw> rntinwa. Cwllectlnaa kasHsg with awtsty, and dlapatsk. lalerrsl eswpsssisf qaartsrlr deposits |w awe Saslows Depwrtswawt. •wfety Dagos) t Boxes awd gterag* ▼wwlts. BRANTLEY A. DEHUKK. Peesldsea MILL. B. LAKE, Tlo* Prssldswt GEOfIOK C. PRP.RMAA. Cashier. GUHDOX L GROOVER. Aaat. (asklow. SOUINERNTsi of the State of Georgia Caplfsi 1500,040 ! Surplus and undivided profile. 54M.000 ( DtPual Lull 2 OF l'Hfi HTATK OF GEORGIA. i Superior faclllitee for transaeilng g General Ranking Buslnesg ColkeHoni giili on all pointa jscoesslble through banks and bankers. Accounts oi lienks, ituilkei*. Meicnaids and others soliettod Safe Dapoatt Boxes for rent. Department of Ravings, Interest payable quarterly Bnllg Sterling Exchange on Isondoo fl < and upwards . JOHN President HORACE A CRANE. Vic* President JAYIES SULLIVAN, dnshler. DIRECTORS. JNO. FLANNERY. WM. W. OORDON. E. A WEIL W w OORDON Jr. H A CRANE. JOHN M EGAN. LEE ROY MYERS JOSEPH FERST H P SMART CHARLEB El.L'B. EDWARD KELLY. JOHN J KIRBY. Sill MM CAPITAL, g. 150,001). Accounts of banks, merchants, corpora tion* and Individuals solid led. Savings Department. interest paid quarterly. Safety Boxes and Storage Vaults for rent. Colleci lons made on all paints at rea sonable rates. Draft* wold on all tbs chief cities of lb* world. Correspondence Invited. JOSEPH D WEED. President JOHN C. HOWLAND. Vies I rssldsnt W. F. McCAULEY. Cashier. THE GERMANIA BANK SAVANNAH. GA. I Capital W* Undivided protlta W* This bank offers Its services to corpor*- Hone, merchants and individual* Has auihorny to act aa asecuior. ad ministrator. guardian etc Issue* draft* on ihe principal cities In Orest Britain and Ireland an I on th* Con tininL Inter.*, laid or compounded quarter'7 on deiKwlis tn the Savings Depr | D vßt ' Safety Boxes for r*nL HENRY BLUN. President. GEO. W TIEDEMAN. Vic* President JOHN M HOGAN. Cashier WALTER F. I{< m ;an. A,i Css Hr No. 1410. Chartered I*4 “—THE - * intis Nil it OF SAVANNAH. CAPITAL LOMOi. SURPLUS) * UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY. J A. G. CARBON, i re ld nt. HEIKNE GORDON. Vie* President W M DAVANT. Caahler. Accounts of lank* and bankers, nvr chsnta and corporations received up'" the most favorable term* consistent with safe and conserva'tve hanking BLSUXhS* XUTIt'U. TRI LY VV UMILHfi L. WATER A subultute for oil. |lni • n ‘‘ , , n wash Fire-proof and wealher-prooL excellent dielnfrclnns Can be any one to any kind of surface erltn nr kind of brush. ANDREW HANLEY cv, Sole Agent*