The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, September 05, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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IN THE t'OI KT OK ORDINARY. A Itnafc of tlualnes* at Ooaveslag of Srplrakrr Term. Th# September tarn) of the Court of Ordinary convened yesterday morning, and there was a ruah of business before judge FcrrUL The w II of E;laa Barrett was probated In common form and letters testamentary were granted to M A. O'Byrne, executor. letters of administration upon the es tate* of Frank T. Lincoln and Whipple Aldrich were granted to Jordan K. Brooks, county administrator. Toe will of John llarr,son wa i probated In common form anil letters testamentary were granted to Kobetl II Totem, execu tor. Appraisers were appointed to set apart a years support to Mrs. Margaret luy, widow of Jane* Hay. Year’s support allowan. cs were granted to Mrs. lirllaet Goette, widow of Joseph Quelte, and t>> Mrs. Jane K. Clark, widow of Wm K Clark. The will of Mrs Mary Anderson was probated In common form and letters tes tamentary were granted to Hubert W McLaughlin. executor Betters of guardianship on Iho property of Altoe Agoos and other*, minors, were granted to Jordan F. I)rooks, county guardian The appraisement of the edate of Chris Murphy was Hied and an order was grant ed allowing It recorded The estate cbn .l-is of Jl.-CKAI In eash. (.otters dlsinls*ory were granted: To John J. Qaudry, guardian of Kits- H. and John R Unudry, minor*. To T. M. Cun ningham. Jr., administrator on the estate of Catharine Waldner. and to l’ld rick H. M laws. admr. c. t. a., on the estate of Margaret E. Harden. An order to sell real estate belonging to the relate of Lout* M Warfield was gi anted to H. C. Cunningham, adminis trator. ■' •* The legatee* under the will of Georgia B. Screven this day Hied an application to have Thomas Screven appointed the a .mlnlstrator upon the estate An order was granted authorising uohn G Keller. administrator upon the estate of Francis B. Keller, to compromise con tested or doubtful claim against the Ala hama and Midland Railway Company. and o’her coinpnnles. comprising the Plar.t System. The claim 1* laired on amount of Injury received by said Intestate, near Clay Bank creek. Alabama, and was orig inally for s3.ooi>. In compromise the ad ministrator received S2.SUO ; In the application of Mrs. Ida Agoos. widow of lon Agoos. for year's support allowance, several caveats hove been Hied by creditors. The hearing of the case bos been assigned for Oct. 2. and In the meantime the court allowed SIOO for tem- Iweary support of the family. Tne ca veators' counsel consenttd to the allow ance given to the family. f pan application filed by Eben Hillyer. administrator of the relate of Warren 1 tins r Wlllcox. nil order was granted to change the Jurisdiction over the estate from the Court of Ordinary of Chatham county to the Court of Ordinary of Fioyil county, the residence of the administra tor. The nuncupative will of Miss Georgia B (Woven was filed wtllh a petition to probate u. The witnessed to the will, arc Hr. W. Duncan, Miss Margaret A. Cosens. Mis* Julia C. Owen*, are) Mrs Llzxle W. Munncrlyn. The estate |s bequeathrd to Bessie Arnold and Thomas Screven. Temporary letters of administration upon the estate of Joseph M. Jerkins were granted to Annie Jerkins. Charles Ellis, the executor of the will of Mrs Clara M. Ellis, filed an applica tion to probate the will In solemn form An order for hearing to take place Nov. $, was granted. letter* of administration upon the es tate of Charles N. West, were granted to !/angdon C. West. An order was granted authorising The mas F. Screven and Thomne Sc revest, the executors of the will of John Screven to **H the persotml property of the estate Jordan F. Brooks, county administrator, filed an application for permanent letters of administration upon the estate of Don Aroos. having been selected by Mrs. Ida Agoos, to administer upon her husband's estate. ■■ ■ m ■ ——.... < AT THE THEATER. "tl.-radden's How nf I-Tnta*’ the Next Attraction. The Theater will reopen Saturday with a matinee and night performance of Mc "Fadden’s Row of Flats." The play has been on for three seasons and was a suc cess from the start. Since It was put on the stage M has ben entirely re-wrlt trn and new specialties and musical num bers have been Introduced which have added greatly to the production. The company Is composed of well-known peo ple. among them Me Watters and Tyson. Bobby Ralston. Jennie Knmont, John Brice, Alonzo Bang. Charles Saunders, Jerry Sullivan. Harry Watson. Frederick brothers, Frank Cotton. Ima Thomas. E. M. Brown and a bunch of chorus girls, twentty In number. The names alone are a sufficient guarantee of the quality of the performance. - * - WITH DANCING AMD PICTI’iES. Messrs. Rarlarr snd Itnmly Will En tertain Thrlr Garsts To-night. Messrs. Barbae & Bandy will give an other of their entertainments at Isle or Hope to-night, and promise a list of at tractions that will equal any ever, given at the Island. Among the principal atlrnclkme will be a clnematoscoplc reproduction of the Fltx stmmons-Sharkey fight, also many other original and entertaining pi.lures that will last about two hours. Roeenfeld's orchestra will furnish the music for danc ing, which will he kepi up until 1 o'clock. Arrangements have been made with the ear line so that there will be ample ao commodatlona for the returning fOMt*. as well as Ahnse visiting the Island The supper will be of the grade usually fur nished on Tuesday and Friday nights. GARNISHEED THE ACCOI'NT. Two Suits Filed by J. K. Tletjen Against 11. A. Fountain. Two suit* on account were filed In the Cjty Court yesterday by J. F. Tletjen, Jr., against Henry A Fountain. The first Is a plain suit on occounl for $128.05. The second Is a ault against H. A. Fountain and A. 11. Moore, late co-partners under 'he firm name of the Empire Feed and Milling Company, for a balance due on account of $7-12.51. with Interest from July 1. lt. A garnishment for ihl amount against the Southern Bank, where Foun tain has an account, was takn out In Juatlce Wickham's court. Both suit* grow out of the condition of affairs result ing from the departure of A. If. Moore from the city, leaving hi* affairs In buJ shape. SAY POSTPONE l-iXECTTION. Motion for New Trial Filed In Sea born llates Case. A motion for anew trial was filed yes terday by the attorneys for Beaborn Hayes. The motion won set for a hear ing R pt 17. by Judge Falllgint This will doubtless delay the execution of Hayes, which la set f r Sept. 28. as In case anew trial Is refused an appeal will doubtless be taken to the Supreme Court. The riant System excursion train to Charleston leaves (fovannah at * 30 a. m Sundays; tickets ara sold at eos dollar for **•“ round trb> - iik ( Everybody! \ iTj.. j_c When you know the melody Uneeda jfSSFfcW qk \ you can't bdp joining in the chorus ff of prase. Get acquainted with it! JL—-- EjSSB^T ~ J Unaada Jinfar Waytw V Uneeda Milk Biscuit - Uneeda Graham Wafer s AH SORTED HIT FOR RECORDER. Prlaoncra on Varloas Charges Who M 111 He Given n Hearing To-day. Mike Welch and T. P. Murphy, both while, were nrreyiMl and sent to the barracks lest night by Patrolman J. Far rell at the request of Mr, James C. Ray. who charges them with stealing soda water fountain. A large number of wtt ni'WF- have beer, summoned to the hear ing which mill take place this morning in the Recorder's Court. The foiiixuln ms not yet been recovered, but Us where abouts la known, and It will doubt lea- be recovered to-day. Another Interesting arrest was that of James H. Field*, colored, arrest-d at the request of Messrs. Jackson. Melager & Cos , who charge him with shoplifting. Toe man was caught In rhe act of stealing n number of fans. Fiddle Mitchell, colored, was senl In hv Patrolman Crosby, on the charge of os lulttiig and cutnng wl:h o razor. Ran som Pringle, also colored. The wounded mnn received only a slash across the bond. Charles Gibson, a colored boy R'nout 14 years old. was sent In by Detective Htark. on the charge of vagrancy. Gibson I* said lo be one of a gung of young negroes, who have neither homes nor any honest means of livelihood, but who hang around the market and live by the depredation* that they commit on the stock of the hucksters In the neighborhood. William Ilrotvn. colored, was nrreNed hv Patrolman M. Dnvls. on the charge of being drunk and threatening lo kill Su sie Brown. The Recorder had quite a small docket yesterday, and none of the prisoners was charged with any very serious offense. Only Coat Him gif). In the city Court yesterday Willie Scott, colored, pleaded guilty to the charge of carrying concealed weapona and was fined $lO wilhout costs. Hoott Is a country negro who was picked up by the police with a pistol on him He was anxious to get hack home and Judge Norwood sympathised with hsr desire to the ex tent of dispensing with the coat*. Hee your agent at once as to dates and rates by the Se.ibo.ird Atr Line Railway to the annual convention of the National Dap* lift Association (colored), at Rich mond, Va. These rates are open to everybody.—ad. "Anew line of eKganl Are proof aafes from Iho largo*! manufacturer* In the United State* ean be sen at Ltppmun liroa. wholesale druggist* In this city. ITI e and qua Ity wllf be of interest." —ad. _ "Oraybcord Is a family medicine with us." uila prcmln nt business man yes terday. "31)' wlfo takes It. and I notice •he la enjoying better Inalth than for years Tbs children keep well by taking It." Gravb ard may be obtained at all drug stores or wrlis lo u* for It. Respeaa Drug Cos., solo prips.. Savannah. Ga.-ad. The rate* are cheap, the route direct and service unsurpassed by the Seaboard Air Line Railway to the annual conven tion of 4he National Baptist Association, *• Richmond. Hept. 12-3'. These rates are open to everybody.—ad. Paulding'S Pipping tiler. This celebrated pure, apple Juice cider, made In Long Island, can be had In pint or quart bottles, direct from the manufac turer*. with their own stamp, at Llppman Brothers, DrugglaU. Savannah. Ga.—ad. A High-Grade InstltutfaMi for Ladle*.-- Shorler Colb ge. Roma. Ga. Write for catalogue.—ad. LEGAL NOTH •£. NOTICE TO* DEBTORS AND CRED ITORS. GEORGIA. CHATHAM COUNTY jSfotice la hereby giver to all prison* hav ing demands against John Harrison, late of said county, deceased, to pre-ent tlvtn to me. properly made out. within the time pre*er!t-d hy law. so a* to show their character and amount; and all per sons Indebted to said deceased are rr uuired to make immediate pa.vm nt to ROB Ell H TATEM. Executor. 7 York tr*t, next. Savannah, Savannah, fix Hept. 4, 1 W). GEORGIA. CHATHAM COUNTY- Wherrss. Jordan F Brooks has applied to the conn of Ordinaly for letlers of administration on the estate of Don A error deceased. These are. therefore, to cite and sd mooinh all whom It may concern to be and appear before zald court to make ob jection tlf any they have) ott or before the ort Monday hr October next, otherwise s.ttd letter* will be grnnted. Wttnea* the Honorable Hampton L. F'er rlll. ordinary fer Chatham county, thla th* 4th day of September, WOO. FRANK E KEILBACH. Clerk Cl. Ord y, C. Cos. THE MOKNING IsEWS: WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, BKK). LKUAL SOTICKi. PROCLAMATION—State of Georgia. Fixecutlvc Office, Atlanta—Submitting constitutional amendment regarding pen sion* for the wtrtow* of Confederal* sol dier* to a vole of the people at tho next general election. Whereas, the general assembly of UhJ. patted by a constitutional majority the following act, to-wlt; "An net to amend section 1. article 7. paragraph I. of the constitution of Geor gia, so as to extend the provision* of salrl section, article met paragraph to the widow* of Confederate soldiers, who. by reason of age and poverty, or Infirmity and poverty, or bllndnes* ami poverty, are unable to provide a living for them selves. and for other purpose*." Section I. Bela enacted by the general assembly of Georgia, ami It la hereby en acted by authority of the same, that sec tion 1. article 7. (nr.(graph 1. of the con stitution of Grorgt i tie. and the same I* hereby amended by Inserting after the word "service" tn the thirteenth line, the following words; "Or who, by reason of age anrl poverty, or Infirmity and poverty, or blindness and poverty, are unable to •rn a living for :h* meelves," so that said section, when so amended, will read a* follows, to-wlt: "To supply the sol diers who lost n limb, or limbs In the mil itary service of the Confederate elate*, with substantial artificial limbs, during life, anrl lo make suitable provision* for such Confederate soldiers a* may have been otherwise disabled or permanently In jured In uch service; or who may. by reason of age and poverty, or Infirmity and poverty or blindness ami poverty, ore unable lo provide a living for themselves, and for tho widows of such Conferlerato soldier* a* may hove died In the service of the Confederate states, or since, from wounds received therein, or disease con tracted In the aervlee, or who. hy reason of age ami poverty, or Inffrmtty and pover ty or blindness anil poverty, are unable to provide a living for thenwelves; provid ed lhat the set shall only apply lo such widows as were married at the lime of such service, end have remained unmar ried since the death of such soldier hus- Irand." He*-. 2. Be It further enaeled. lhat. If thla amendment shall be agreed to hy two thirds of the mem tier* of the general aa sembly. of each house, the same shall be entered on their Journal* with the yea* and nays taken thereon, ami the Govern or shall cause the amendment to be pub- Itrhed In one or more of the newspapers In each congressional district for two months Immediately preceding the next general election, ami the same ehall be submitted to the people at the next gen eral election, and the voters thereat shall have written or primed on thelritlcketa. "For ratification of sec lion 1, article 7, paragraph 1. of the constitution of this state." or "Against ratification of section 1, ortlele 7. paragraph 1. of the constitu tion of this state." as they may choose; and If • majority of the elector* quallfl-d to vote for members of the next general assembly, voting shall vote In favor of raUffcatlon. then said amendment shall become a part of said article 7. section 1, paragraph I. of the constitution of thla stale, atid the Governor shall make procla mation thereof. See:lon J repe.i!* conflicting taw* Ap proved Ireeemher 21. 1899. Now. therefore. I, Allen D. Candler. Governor of takl state, do Issue this, my proclamation, hereby declaring (hat the foregoing proposed amendment of the con stitution I* hereby submitted, for ratltt ra.'lon or rejection, to the voters of tht* state, at the general election to be held on Wednesday, Oet. S, 1980, as provided in said act ALLEN D. CANDLER By the Governor. Governor. J W. WARREN, He.-retarv Executive Department. GEORGIA. CHATHAM COUNTY- Wh>-re**. Carleton Cole Champion ha* applied to Court of Ordinary for letters dt*fhi**ory a* executor of the will of Francis J. Champion, deceased; These are. therefore, to cite and ad monish all whom I: may concern to be and appear before said court to make ob jection (If any they have) on or before the Mh October next, otherwise grid let ter* will be granted. Witness, the Honorable Hampton L Forrtll.Ordinary for Chatham county, this the 3d day of July. I*oo FRANK V.. KEILBACH. Clerk Court Ordinary. C. C. NOTICE TO DEBTORS AND CREDIT ORS. GEORGIA. CHATHAM COUNTT- Noitce i hereby given to all person* hav ing demands against Warren Palmer Will cox. late of said county, diseased, to pre aent them to me. properly mwle out. with in the tlitre prescribed by law, so aa t* xhow their character and amount; and all person* Indebted to said deceased are re uutred to make Immediate payment to me. y EBEN HILLYER Administrator. Rome, G. Pavannah. Ga., August. I*o. SI M MEM 1412*0.1T5. ""hotel victoria Broadwa). *tu *•—-' '•“ 2!lh al.. Ntw Tork city- EnUialy new; absolutely lue pruof; European plan. Room*. tI.VO per day and upward. ROBERT T. DUNLOP, Manager. ’ Formerly of Hotel Imperial, t LEGAL HOTILBS. gegrgev Chatham County.—To Mary Louisa Ellis, Lillis Horton Waring and Charles Fill* of said county and state. Frederick Horton Kills of I ..Grange. 111, Carl Nelson Brandt. Carl Ellis Brandt and Erdmann Neumas ter Brandt of Hot Springs. Bath county, Virginia Charles F2ll s having as execu tor applied for the probate In solemn form of the last will and teitament of Clara M. Kills, late of said county, dc coased. and having made known to the court that you are the sole heir* at law of said testatrix, you are hereby cited to he and appear at the next November term. I9r*i. at 10 o'clock a in at said term of the Court of Ordinary of Chatham county, as the said will of the salt! Clara M Kilt* will th<n rind there he offered for probate In solemn form, and for record and atqdl catlcn for Utters testamentary will be considered and passed upon HAMPTON L. TERRILL, Ordinary C. C., Ga. Attest: FRANK F2. KKII,BACH. Clerk Ct. Or dy, C. C., Ga. GEORGIA. (CHATHAM COUNTY.- Wherea*. \V. H Mendel has applied to Court of Ordinary for letter* rllsmlsaory as administrator, on the estate of Frances Mendel, deceased. These are, therefore, to cite and admon ish all whom It may concern to he and aptrear before said court to make objec tion Ilf any they hive) on or trefore the first M nrtay In January, next, otherwise salrl letters will he granted Wlines*, the Honorable Hampton L. Ferrlll, Ordinary for Chatham county, this the &th dav of September, 1900 FRANK E KKII.BACH. Clerk Ct. Ord y. C. Cos. PM HMML MODERN PLUMBING. IT WIU, BE to your Interest to let me give you an es timate on your plumbing, new or old work; lepalr work a specialty, aa 1 urn a practical plumber. No guess work to etelanger your life. Wiggins, phone 187. Georgia or R*M. MKBLLAMOIII. THE BTAR THAT LEADS THEM all; New Domestic Machine, with ball bettrlug*. Penton A Hon. "FOR PAPER HANGER AND PAINT *r get Taylor * *<tlmate*. You won t re gret It. Painters' supplies WE CLEAN CLOTH KB BV THE RE soretne antis* pile procen*. Try u*. New York St-am Dye Work*, Whitaker and State. THE MOHT UP TO-DATE WORK IB being turned out by Forest City Laundry. 'Phone 1375. * SPECTACLES OF THE BEST GRADE at moderaie prices; eyew tested free. Koch A Sylvan. "INTERIOR D ECORATINO OF ALL kind* done by skilled workmen. Interior Decorating Company; see us early. FOR FISHING TACKLE, NETS. ETC., go to Cornwell A Chlpman. HAVE TOUR HOUSE “ FAINTED with German ready-mixed paint; entire aattxfactlon guaranteed. Adama Paint Company. ""ATTACHMENTS AND MACHINE RE" pair..l whll* you watt; all work guaran teed. For poor people free. Penton A Bon "wall PAPERB. PAINTB. vak ntsbes. kal.omlnes and glass and g od mechanics. Hee Taylor, K of P. Halt. LET US CLEAN YOUR CLOTHIM BY Resorctne antta-ptlc prove**. New York Steam Dye Works, Whitaker-Stale atr*ot*. "WE GIVE YOU EITHER DOMESTIC or gloss finish; perfect work. Foreat City Laundry. Park avenue. "LINK Ifi TTONiI IN AltE AT~V Alt IE ty al Koch A Sylvan's, 4 Whitaker street. Price* low. “WALL PA PER" FA PERU A NGING don* In beat style by Interior Decorating Company. 113 Slate, west. "FOR HAItDW Alt E AN D TOOLB. 00 to Cornwell A Chlpman'a. ~WE HELL SEWER PIPE. FI,IK pipe. lire clay, tire brick at lowest priced Adams Paint Company. 104 Congress. west. "BINOER NEEDI.ES, THREE FOR five emts; gilt oil with dosen free Penton A Hon NO DOTCH. 'NO HUMBUG, BUT~A thorough painter, paper hang r and dec orator. Taylor. K. of P llall IT DOESN'T PAY TO PREBb"DIRT or gasoline In fine clothe*. N.w York Bream Dya Works. Whttaker-Sinte. "•PRONE 157S FOR FonEHT CITT Laundry. They will call for your linen Immediately. LADIES’ I.ACE PINS IN GREAT %'A riety at Koch A Sylvan's, hi Whitaker street. Prices low. PAINTING AND KALBOMININO done by expert* at Interior Decorating Company: 'phone 1083. FOR RANGES AND STOVES. GO TO Cornwell A Chlpman. "gyphine is thf: best wall fin- Ish made Adam* Paint Cos. t Savannah agents. 104 Congress, west. T Mason’s A Ftvit RJars, Quarts, S 50c the dozen. Gilchrist’s Fruit Jars, pints dozen 85c Gilchrist's Fruit Jars, quarts dozen $1.15 Summer Goods at prices lower than you think. THOS. WEST & CO., II DKOUGHTON STREET, W. CLASSIFIED AUVbKf ISEMENTS. JWKAR NOT,** BUT HAVE YOUH razor Kruund, honn). o( aml m>l to i4i.iv*' *.*i*y and Mi**oth, by the ol) ex |j#ri#m*i liar her, > Kaat Broughton. Huir. JmrHry tfld Hhavlng Siihlv Hotter. The place for razor* made to nhve; remem ber hii all fetfiorf nml nhtMirt* with Krffa'ii mim- on. are oil etret mafic, and are eb.-iri** n*q| fret? of ch.irx*-. Itarlicr chair* for null' or rent. Inr,sr zhop* bought ami m>l<t. I T ftHOITLD HKK Mil.. * KI'RHI* lure; viewretit xtylrn for tn-.l * m ilin'.ng rootn. parlor, In oak, walnut ami nuitcn* any; Miller'** prlcea uiul terms are rea sonable. 2Cf7 Brounbton. West. TRY THE MII.K FROM Bl’RlNG fl*!d Dairy. It e rich, pur# ami whole ime. Thr lx non* k y fter. •ATTENTION SOLDI BH8,” LET I H lreK nn<l clean your uniform while in Savannah; we know how to do It. Ster ling Prmlnx Club, 19 York, wett. fl.ftf~FOU WOVEN WIRE COTS whlk* they taut. C. I*. Miller. Agent. U SHOULD SEE MILLERS NEW •lylea In carpet*. matting, window halex, art xquarex, ruga. lac# curtains, etc.; Mlller'a price* and term* are reasonable. Xfl Hroughton, w##t. FIN!-: Rl< M l I.ID LAMB AT ,#BA ktr'Og" every day. beat of ail other m at* In market IF ITS RUM YOU WANT. YOU CAN get them cheaper from McGUll#. KIMBALL'S ANTI-R HE U M A TI C ring*; thousands uMng them and all ben efited. Gardner's B.isaar, ngl. lIW BUYS NICK RATTAN ROCKER*. I idles* else; la rite assortment of rockers, - ouches and easy chairs. C. P. Miller. Agent. RtNO M MM IF YOU WANT TO have your furniture moved or packed for shipment or flora#*-; I guarnnte* price# the same as Ida the work that’a given to me A. H Griffin. 11l Rrouirhton street, west; mat ire**#** made to order. '••ATTENTION SOLDIERS.” LET t’B pres* and clean your uniform while In Savannah, wo know how to do It. Ster ling Pressing Club. 19 York, west. IT SHOULD’ BE*rMILLER S OFFICE desks, office tables, office chairs, office matting, office shades. C. P. Miller, Agent. WIA IRAL DEfIiONS, PALM AND <TT flower*, at Gardner'r Bazaar, agent for Oalschtg'fl Nursery. U WILL BOON MOVE AND U WILL certainly need nH*tning In my line; U will *av money by trading with me. C. P Miller. Agent. M'OIIaLIS SELLS SIXTY-INCH RUGS —Smyrna patttma—for 99 cents. “Sick THK JEWEL STOVBB AnTT ranges for sal by J. W. Tv.pla; also agrni for IhMiranre gaaollnv stove. ~ M'OIBI.IB IB CHEAP ON KirOß, NITTS^ I nrt rurtalna. hammocks, water cooivra. pillows, plriurvs, alovea, bnrlroom aullas, and fiirnllura of twry d^acrlptlon. GUARANTEED FOUNTAIN PEN. $1 Al Oardntr’i Baaaar. * “ATTENTION BOBDIEBS." - BKT 'UB prvsa and cb-nn yotir uniform whllo In Bsvannah; wp know how to do It. Btpr llng I*r—lng Club. 1 York, wot. IK YOUR IRON BAFF. FIRF) PROOF? Stlffrl A Frvrman havn a siandlng offr of sl.ooh for rvry sfe of thvlr tnnk that dot— not prvarrvo Its oontonlß. On- afw was In burning dobrlw 11$ hour*. Whrn takrn out. Iho hor hod to bo turnod on It. Whrn openod. nol a page was dis colored. not a record lost, not a dollar de stroyed If you wont weeurlty, buy a Btlffell A Freeman sale. C. P. Miller. Agent. _ M'OTLLiS- I.AOB CURTAINS WIUL bMutlfy your parlor. it~shouuiTTend YOUR ORDER.-* for tuning and repairing fkanos and or gana to W P Manning, with C. P Mil ler. Agent; prompt attention lo out-of town orders. If. P. Miller, Agent. BPEfIAI.. AN UNLIMITED SUPPLY of nice willow rockers; ladles' alae, at $3 J. W. Teeple. M’GrLLIS MOVES. PACKS. SHIPS and stores pianos snd furniture; best work only; no "Cheap-John" prices—no "Chewp- Jobn’’ Job*. {T BIIOULIT BEE M I I.I.ER'B BTOVEfI and ranges; the*best makes at reasonable price*. C. P. Miller, Agent. WHEN YOU BEE M'GILLIF IIXTY Inch *8 rent* rugs, you will buy them. Juet can't help U; will eell In any quart 'll) “"FURNITURE MOVED WITH CARE." la a eoeclaity with M -Glld* If SHOULD SEND ME YOUR OIL d-r for upholsterlngparlorand dining room furniture In leather, silk and other fab ric*. In the beet manner; curled hair, moss and cotton nia'tres*** renovaml. all work well done and satisfaction guar ante*-,!. C. P. Miller, Agent. PULLEY lIKLTH, 2JC, BUCKLES, I#C; aluminum whirl set, 10c. al Gardner'* Ha aaar ■™*"“ IIOW ARB YOUR FEET? IF YOUR feet ar* troubling you, call on nt* and I will gtv* you relief, I cure Ingrowing nalle, rorne and all disease* of the feet without pain; charge* reasonable; can give the best reference* In the city; pa tients treated at realdonce*; orders can be left a* Livingston's drug store. Bull and Congress s reels; telephone 31. Lem Davis surgeon chiropodist HELP WAITKII—MAM. TRTFKLAYKBjr \TT?m?nf^GOof) men only; immediately, or address Jail omtraceor. Go. WANTED. BOY Tf> MAKH HIMSELF useful artnind the house; itnderstandr bug gy-horse; con mbk cow. Address Hors*. News office. ~WANTKD.~ RELIABLE MAN — TO work on (arm and taka cUarg* of stock. O. U. Lester. | You Can’t Hide’Em. We believe that you would wear the Burt and Pack ard “Korrect Shape” Shoes if you knew all of their good -nullities and how much genuine merit they contain. Their littinp qualities and foot forms are absolutely perfect. Vallur Calf, Kussia Calf, Vici Kid and Patent Vici Kid arc some of the leathers used in making these shoes. Take a look at these shoes, and we will have noth ing to do but fit you and make the change. The price ? Oh, yes; we forgot to state that all we ask for this good shoe is $4.00. GLOBE SHOE COMPANY. HELP WAMTKIX-FRMALK. WANTED. A THOROUGHLY, COM i>ctciu cook. Apply lo Jones *tr*l. ~COIA>IU:i GIRL WANTED AT 1 AN. iterson *trt*t , l l ea>*t. WANTKI), G4HJI* VVAtfIIKRWoMAN I Ai*i*v between 9 jiwt J o'clock at ZM< Whimker ertet. WANTED, TWO ““ FlllrtT-ULARH > l.iunlry women to go to Buwan*** tfprliu;#, Kl* A|*|>(y Hum* dlatcly to Audi* w Ilan- I Icy Cos. AUIiN’D WANThU. tn* n to till vacanncs; a rare opfN>rtunlty to the right nun. no experience iw-eti nary. A|*il> Metropolitan Lit** ltiiirance Cos., Odd Fellow* Building, room 9, bo tnriH n K and 10 a. nt. Tfc* TO |SO DAILY EASILY MADE BY our live ag**nte. men or women, wiling our Intent novelty, i uupalgii waterproof neck tlee. Good* entirely new and |Mtente*l Agent* *l lighted. S.ilee unllrnff*'*!. What others do. you ran do. Time t* *hrt. Write to-day and xrcure ruluilvn terrl tory. Guaranteed be*| aeller. Addreaa, with itiimp. M A M. .VlanufMaturing Coni pany, Dept. C. Hprlngtleld, Max*. mm nt d):\r wiMi i> WANTKI). BOHITION BY KXPKItT sirnographif, l>iokkee|ier itrwl all round office man. Aiklrexx Jay. Morning New#. NOISES WAXTKD. TWO-HTOKY MOUSE WANTED (with lawn or garden preferred). In good ’oration. Addreaa Good Tenant, thia •office. 1(00 91 WtVrKl). K(M>Md WANTED. TWO OH THREE room* on flrnt floor hetwevm l.lbertv and Andernoti and Abercorn arnl Montgomery. !*. J. W.. care of New*. WANTED. HRUOND FI/XIROR SUITR *f nw*m*. xultaUe for oSlcee m bualneiM portion of city. Addrexa Oan-Dnx. care Morning News. IIOAHD WASTED. TmcntlkmX n wants BINGLE room, breakfast and supper tn private family. Reference, state prices. Bussell, care Morning Nr aj*. WAATKte—Mlat-'IiLLAHStOVa. PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON, TEN year* practice, desire* location on con tract, or otherwise; contract preferred. Addresa "Dr. C. K. Wilburns," care this office. PARTNER WANTED. WITH~CAPI lal to help imentor In procuring patents on Invention* of sound merit and practi cability, and capable of producing large profit* when manufactured. D. McGee, Melnhard, Oa- WANTED, TWo’rF.DHOOM Bt'ITH IN good condition, cheap for cash. Address M It , care Morning News. WANTED. To BUY A Hh>'OND-JIAND roller top desk. Address CanoDex, cart Morning News. IF YOU ARE NOT BATIBFIRD WITH the mlik you arc getting, try Springfield Dairy. FEATHER* WANTED; MARKET price |i(l for old feather tied* and pil lows: all orderw promptly attended; send postal. J. L Isaacs, Marshall House. Tr"YOU"WANT A REACT* TO PUMP •arth, dirt, sand, manure, tie.. fr* of charge. Just al city nmtta. hauling ov*r hard road, writs or telephone Brown Bros., corner Anderson and East Broad street*. OLD NEWHPAPER* 308 for cents, as Wn*ipe*e Office Mom bur Near* PUN IIIMT-ltOalD. NEATLY . FURNISHED Hot Til rooms, all convenience*. 380 Barnard street near Liberty. LARGE SOUTH RCKIM WELL FUR nlshed, gentlemen prefrrrrd, 42n East Charlton. LARGE. - NBATLY FURNIBHED room for two gentl-men or light house keeping; hath. Ul East Congress. “NICELY FURNIBHED ROOMS, southern exposure; modern conveniences. 310 Janes, east. iiM FUR NEAT. FOR RENT. ELEGANT LOWES FI,AT on th* comer Jones and Lin coin streets In lieautlful condition. ev*ry < onv* ntenrs, tlr-i-rlas* order, do-1 table localtly, right rent to right tenant. Lat. Salomon Co hen, corntr West Broad and Broughton at reel a. FOR RENT, OCT I. DESIRABLE BAY window flat and bawment. No. 6 K Duffy, third door from Bull; prefer to rent both to one party; good neighborhood; refer ence* required. Apply top flat. "ill WEST BOLTON. UPPER FLAT. Apply on premiss* or W. B. Kturtevant, U Congress, west "FLAT. HIX CON N ECTINO ROOMS, with hath, first floor; Lyons block; suita ble for any pufpose John Lyona. run HKBT-Hllt M HOUSES m. AIJ$o 217 WALDBtma at reef, east; perfect eondUlon; every con venience; right rent right tenant, $23.80 the month. Eat. Salomon Cohen, West Broad and Broughton atrewta. “FOR RENT, DWELLING aWd TWO lot* No. 9 Maupua avenue, near Bull street, seven dollars. I. D La Roc be. ‘ FOR RENT. DWELLING ON Eighth streea, near Lincoln; possession OtL 1. Apply' R. S. Claghorn, lio Rryan street, or C. S. Wood. 322 Bay, east. FINE LARGE RESIDENCE FOR rent; reasonable; excellent location.north west corner Taylor and Abercorn. Apply on premises. FOR RENT\ DESIRABLE BRICK houses, number 402 and 40R Huntingdon, east; newly papered ami repalced; wlih all modern improvement*. Apply to IS. C. wkv. Bell Telephone. 157 W. For RENI. RESIDENCE H 8 RUK ton etreet. wct; *even rooms; all con venience*; newly papered and painted; $22 per month; lease for one year. Apply to J. T Shuptrtnc, corner Congre** and Jef ferson street*. I "I! I’.I'NT Tn AN ACC KPT A RLE party, my residence, northeast cornar Flrai and Drayton aireet* Apply C. W. Howard. No. 3M Bay atreel, east. “TO RENT. DWELLING "HOtfSE. — i Wald burg street, east; possession at ooc- Apply m Drougbtwu street, west. AUCTION SALKft Ft Trim DAYS. IxecutorT sall " I. f*. I, $ HIM III:, u<-*lwcvr. Under ji-i,I hv virtue of an order of sal— from the four! of Ordinary of t'huthonx County, Georgia, th.- undrr,|gn*sl. as ox rrutora of thn ratal* of John Racvm, lair of s.ikl and stair. <b- i Msrd, will sell >mi tin prrtnlsrs, ax, Coogrrra afrrrt. rant, cRy of Savannah, Os., at 11 o'clock a m.. Saturday. S |>i is. two, „u tho hoiiwhold and klb-hrn furnlturw. *ll - plate china, glass and plcturr*. Mtuiuary and Larks of said .slate. Term* cash. THOMAS F BC'IIEVEN. THOMAS STRBVKN. Executors of fh.- Eslatr of John Screven GUARDIAN SALE. Il> It-Mil.H I 11. T4TF.R. Auctioneer. UNDER and by virtue of an onler granted by the Ordinary of -’hatham county. Georgia. I will well at public out cry before the Court House of Chatham county. Georgia, on Tuesday, Oct. 3. at 11 o'elork. thoae three lots of land known as lots Nos. 1. 3 and >, tn Hull'* sub-di vision of southern portion of lot No 3. In tlucks |> thing, Perclval ward, being on Montgomery rurart, extenrled. and a trout wr yard* *uuth of Tweifrh *tre. i Term* coah. 'l'll- r\l AH WIAI-HH. Ouardlan for Ju*e|th O. Walab. ——g. —sn FUR HI£XI—9IUHKI. FOR RENT. BUITABLE FYrR HTtXRB or offlrv, southeast comer Mumgomvry and Perry street lane. FOR RENT, STORE. !li llllor-ML tun street, ca#t; |Kraaes*ioa lmn •llatcly; also several drift able residence* and flats. Appiy A. Wylty, 12 Bryan street, •asl •>R RENT. tHA 1 DESIHABLi ■tor* and warehouse formerly occupied by Georg* W. Tied, man & lira, corner Bay and Montg.rmsry street; In perfect order and condition; right rent to right tenant; possession can b* given Immedi ately. Est 8* lorn on Cohen, corner West Broad and Broughton street*. FOR PALE "HEAL i- r, i . FOR BA IJC. NO. n FARM BTIIKKT. north, and one story residence | n the rear; targe building amt lot on *outh.ast cor ner Bay street and Lumber, will net you per cent; large lot and stables on Rlmm* street, mar West Boundary, room for ten more buildings; nine n. w Imllillng* on |!lsmar>-k and streets, attractlvo and gesat renter*; 6 dwellings and store tn Yantai raw. good for Investment, iO Joct.* fre. f. and residence in the rear. L D. I-alb ch* HMALL HOUBE AND TWO I/'ITS ON street south of Tenth street, east of Hull; tn direct line of improvement, prtre fif teen dollars. I I latKoche. TWO BEAUTIFUL I/TTB ON ANDER son street, <a*t of l*r:ce, near the puhlla school. Flft-sn hundred. I. U I-aßorhs FOUR HUNDRED ACR$3* OF KKH tile land on Wllmlngt-Mi Island, ins dwelling; artesian water; ILb, oyster*, etc. I. D. laslUM'he. ISLAND NEAR " TMI NDERBOLT, fifty-seven acre*, leant If ul river ffont. planted In oysters; new dwelling and fruit on premier*. I. It. La Roche. THE COOPER RESIDENCE NORTH side Ogb-t hor|M- avenue, No. 211 West. I. D. Isißorh*. Tphb finest dull street prop erty on the market. First clam business property. I. D. Laltoche. FOR HALE. A LOT FOR TWO HUN deed dollars; *a*y term*, on Ninth street, near East Broad, no city taxation. C. 11. Dorsatt. f6r"BALE, THOSE LOTH ON NINfH ••reel, near Kat Broad, Irava only been •old to ftrst-clas* parties, who will m ike good neighbors; and non* other ran buy. Th* terms *r* very easy, and they ara cheaper than any otbsr tn tbs vicinity. C. H. Doraett. roll HALE. LOTH ON NINTH. NEAR But Broad. *4 S3OC each; will soon be advanced to $238; when a lot ha* been paid for I can arrange to get a bom* buIH. C. 11. Dors*tt. FOR HALE. LOTS ON NINTH STREET near East Broad; no city taxes, at U each; twenty-live dollars cash, and easy monthly payment*. C. H. Dorsatt. ■ REBIDENCEH AND BUILDING I-OTB for sale all over the city. Robert H. TMrm. real estata dealer. No. 1 York Street, west. ruk •ALb-gIRHLUXIWIIL WITCHHAZKLI THERE IH WITCH haaG and nrtlchhoael One Is mode to cure; the ottwr Is made to a*U, put a bottle of oure by the side of on- of the other kind; we give you ell the quality and all the quantliy that your mousy en tities you to—a pint for a quarter. Psrsse'e Drug Htor-s, Henry and Abercorn, Whit aker and Taylor. * PIANO FOR i-.vr.K 4'C JONES street, east. Bargain, easy terms. HI'RLNGFIKLD DAIRY ~18 place to get rich, pure milk. Depot tit W blisker. AHII AND CYPRESS LUMBER FOR sale 160,000 fesi of ssh suitable for wheel wright*. carriage makers, car worka and Inferior bouse finish. Also cypress lumber nf all sixes. We have resumed culling our famous brands of cypress shingles and will soon ha vs a full tins of them for ssls. Vala Royal Manufacturing Company. ■" 11 ■— LOST AND rUI .VD. '^Tou'niT^Tn^nicwh^offu^h^lXdT^a' pocketbook; <ell at ''Advertising window." REWARD. \7T c. Rmith. In Geneva county. Ababama, Aug. 29 Harvey Woods; color, black; aar. 33; hlghl. about & fsei 10 Inches; weight. Iff); w-ars No. * shoe; good teeth; mean look; low, soft voice; smooth-faced; when last heard from, was going In direction of Kouthwest Georgia; wore broad-brim black hat and waa barefooted; haa served term In Georgia penitentiary: $180.1)0 re ward la offered, which will he increased to considerable amount, possibly $-MO.(D to s■><. arrest and wire. W. C. Campbell or G. W. Black. Geneva, Ala. STRAYED. STRAYED FROM GREENWICH Park, red Dachshund dog. Return to Greenwich Park and get reward. 1 . . jsssgyrsg ■uMiuike. "HOARD:" FRONT ROOMS WITH gcod board, home comforts. Mi Tattnall street, third from Liberty. 3