Newspaper Page Text
Andlmrr Un. Ihr largr*t Thai Had
Lathered In llnir (hr
It Una of Hni*H Ikr Same I harat
er ■ Thai Already Adduced hy
tin* Drlrna-Tha mrr of the III*-
tnrbnnrr In Ikr Mnaliinrnnl Uiai
llrnnu 111 On I In Rueatlaulgg Qaar.
Irnaaitrr nl
the Wllarwa Uho tpprarrl.
aiirrnlalloo t the Nrsull t the
The largest crow I of *r* ctatorw lhal hs
yet gathered for Ihe court -mania) fine
reeding* a:it In lh RapuMlran Blues'
room .11 the H Omenlal Armory lasi
right. and Ihe testimony was followed
all! decided Interest. llltii'i’ Ihe witness
aland has liern o*< upted by ihe iviin* * v
summoned for the drlinw there ha lieen
n iroo de il of a spley nature relative to
the trip of th* fllues to Igktlavllle. ind
ltwrr galhctod lo hi*ar Ihe evidence Have
re Mom tnadr any < nmplalnl of dulln****
or tedium of lh. proceeding*-
Tlie end of ihe Harris trial begins to
appear I wai Ihoiight probable that
hist nlKhl'n aeaalon might eonelude the
testimony, but sm-h was not ih<
I'orp Harrln |il on Ihe aland, sworn
as a witness. gave his alatemenl and wu
ready for cross-examination by ihe Judge
advocate, when the eourt decided lo ad
journ until Monday nlghl.
Not more than three, possibly two. e
slona will b* needed lo inmptete the case
That Is what the Judge advocate, th>
. ounsrl for the ilelewdant and the <'airi
believe. After Corpl Harris rranes down
from the stand there will be a f< w '•
nesses Introduced by ihe slate to retail
the testimony of some of the witnesses
that have lu.n . xamtn.-l for lh. defense,
and It la possible that the definite tna>
also have a few more sworn Capl Cann
staled that Private Joe Hanley of the
llluea, whom In- regards us a very lev
porninl Witness for Horrls. would he fit
on the stand lab r, witn the courts con
sent Th. Judge adwala ugr.-.l ' " ,hIH
and It was understood that Private Han
ley w.sild appear at the nest -. on
Fix usatOM hv b<m\ k ekl l>> th*
The total expense for each will ,y
he alaiut M" If three more are held Ihe
total cost to the state for the Harris trial
will la- about P*' la •• much o
the state shoot held In Suiannah a few
tiavti a|o rofit th*-
Private Wal* **■ •!•• wttn*-n rail
ed Hr Mkl hr Ihml known nothin*: •>
th* election of P P Walker a* a nvm
#*r the rompony. Hf>nUn H irn
•nd he rHarare aaakiet him. th* * 1
•awt hr bad never n the accuarcl in
Ldf>uif*vilir wtun he m* driuk ail th r
tun liniruaae Bad at i* tim*’ *een dterr
eiimful to the offlrrr* Corpl. Harri*’
).in:u4Kr. when hr |tt>l*lM to th*' *.•
lny. was rrprwfel ly the who
d<>rlarNl that the corporal had p *!• th/it
hr lil rvra know that hr hart don*- mii
thin#; for which hr ihoukl a|jOk**ix* !•
(hat hr would apotofthM*. nrverthrirvs
Thie was on thr Frlhiy of th* Hlu*
etiy In Lout*vtlle. nt * in thr afternoon,
thr wif nr* - im id. I wit hr h*l tavrr h* ar i
Harl* > Wllaon ibf
wrfnrut drclared. would Ir mtrtakrti If
hr Paid that Ihr apok*ir\ from Harrln Wa*
recri\rd by thr I'ompany on A*tunla\
morntna Th* f i uer*l hud told him th*t
ha did n*t intend returning o utavannah
with ihr comf*any hr-au*** *f thr way t
trid been treated by thr offk-er*.
I'pmt ih> lin*i>n of tlx* attorney*'
r Tnm;i> *t tn of thr* thf* irf**WV*nt
of th* court, Col T t* Wyll y. Jr akM)
th* wMntM If h* knw why Cor pi H.r
ru> hud lop hti poMthNi with th* Crtural
A*illmii4 aft**r hln return frmi Latil*
vtll# Th<- wttn<‘ xii*l th*rr won fhr***
r**MMtnx. thr liiimhhitiMK ►ult brou*ht
or.tlnM H trrl* by Cap*. Wllxon of t**
Lilu*a>, ('apt. WUpon‘ii complaint to th
•Mftrf mrrltanb f Hurrlx' conduct In
l/>uivllk Miid Harris' having
to Hovunnah after iho date by which he
had t**en dlro tid to h** Kark at hi* work.
Private Jn**ph \V Pale of the Blue*
aal<t h* w# under arreet at ahe *.* me time
with Harrl*. and that for twenty t**\en
hour* they were together. Their ecus were
almoei continuous*, and never !-■! he d>
#erv< and any coodurt of Harris' that w.u
dlponlerly. nor had hep en th* man drunk.
The witneep paid he had never npoloetxed
to the company for the ofTenee for which
he wap put under arrest and that no
charge* were ever preferred against him.
Private Joseph Hanley, he said, h id Jump
ed out of the window at* well as Harris,
the • barge* tinder which Hanley woe put
under arretu having hern drunk* nne**** and
runtime an officer. Nor did Hanley, the
witness declare*l. apologise tc the wmpH
ny. The witness Militant tut* and <h- state
ment made by Private Walls as to the
language employed by Harris In of
fering his apology to the company.
He also onrrohoralcfcl the statement that
It was at auou: I o’clt* k Friday afternoon
thit the Apoloy was offerol by Harris
Gnat etress has been laid upon the
po*nt jm to whether Harrkt Was at llh
*Njr to act tits rn * while under arrest.
t'3p>. C'ann m>isis, .ip n port of his !■-
femur that Harris had to ewstp* from ron
flnetneiH In order to g< t mmcthltut to
eat an*l drtnk. Private Pate said he was
allowed to go <to tht dining room for his
me.t- while under ;im**t. but his testi
mony was that it w.t** not until k o'clock
one morning U*H II irrls had been given
bis breakfast, ihrmah the other member*
of th* cmi pony had breakfast*! at 6.
<*onelk noble merriment. auppreawil. of
course, wa- created by th* wrltn* -s* d*
•criptkm of sum* of the Indulgenr*** of
members of the company **wj their vow*
to Georgia h*adl4u.trters and Gen. Castle
Pay Member F. W. Campn of the
Blue*. %v.r not wrth ihe oompiny, hu
was m Ijoulxv IIIf dtirln*; the rviMiion. Hlr
teatl<noii> wm nrrt important, neime moH
Iv hc-ireay. He id he had fhii H.*r
ri in the comfktny iiml thai th**
prisoner ditl not then atm to be In the
leant drunk llttrrh ♦.*! then fowl tun.
that lVil>tn Wrte trcatiiiiir him badly,
and that he liflil not been Kettintc anythlnx
to eat.
Private Chirles Guyer of Company
C . of he Guard*, win n nxinhct of the
Hhia • at the time of tlx* fotiksiu.-* trip
He Mtitl llnrrii hml him on tnc
‘me k. remarking that hr wit- hungry. 1
jmt lln n jutrrsd from th.- wimkiw The
Big Four" were ordered to fall in h>
c'orpl. Graynoti, and Ihe tk wetu
out to at rest Harr la and take him tui k
to quariers .Speaking of the "Big Four."
the witness mill that lArul. helm,
*n not h mimhsr of It. Private* Guyer.
Ji-r|gg.!ti. Broom and Walls. Ihe wittier*
aatd. comprised that interndlng organl
xnlloti, whirl, he himself h wl formed, atsl
1 .lent llartlielmi-w was simply out with
them one* or twle* This was eormlu
rated hy laeut. Itorthelmcss dental of
Mr membership |n the "Big Four "
(juariermasier Bergeant Chris. Murphy
of the First Regiment was called 111*
testimony was clear nnd to the point. He
eald the treatment vhown Harris was
veie. and that he hail at no lime, while
In l-outsvltle. wcti the when h* *
Capt Cinti naked the wltnesa If he
knew anything about a riot In Louisville
To thk. 1.1.ui Harrow objected, where
upon rapt Cann said he wanted lo ahnw
the court that there had team -conduct far
mors flagrant than any charged against
Hsxrl*. and that ll was hit Intention to
•how. If allowed to put th* question, that
graver offense* had been condoned, go
ing m show that his theory of malic* on
the part of Capt. Wilson against Harris
In Intituling the proceeding* waa correct.
(Continued on Third Fage.)
Mr. Kmnrla M. Ollvrr Kprrlrarrd
Oar on Mia \>>xik*‘ Arrow.
Hnm** np|trrhrniion 1* frit herr among
. thr frlrnda of >lr Francis kl Oliver.
who railed from N'rw York fiw (lUagow,
| al oard thr Anchor Line ateamahlp Aato
, rla. atKiUt two week-* ago Shortly he-
I tot** thr time hr wan ext** < t and to arrive
at <2aK#r<w the bulmnlc plague war dir
: covered In that city, and quarantine wa*
jd* larrd againrt It hy otlirr placra In
ilrrat Krltain an<l Ireland and on the
< ontinent of Ktiroi>e.
Th* apprehrnwi**n springs from thr fear
that Mr Oliver m.> hav** land**! in <lae
gow Juat In tim* to h* com** aubject to
thr quarantlht . and may have ie • n rt* •
tailed there, and aubjectr*l to thr in*
convrnlencee fa a* queatre*l city at h
time that hp had ■* t apart for a pi enn
ui e rlp
Yesterday Judge It P. I Twiggy Mr
Oliver'a law partner, received a letter him. hut unfortunately It did not
set at rest the apprehenalons as to hin
comfort. It written ahar<l the
a'enmship Astoria, on Aug 27. while that
ehlp e< off thr northeast coast of Irr
lnd. opposite th* litl* town of Movlll*.
where It w* mallei At th* time Mr.
Oliver exp* • fed to t*e In (iUuow on lie
following day and may hav*- reach'd there
Just In Urn*- to find thr quarantine lawn
In fore* , and hlmrelf netaln* I until fur
ther notice
Thr letter, hw* ver. gives n interest
ing account *f a storm at mm, through
which th* Astoria passed safely on her
vox age from New York to Hcolland
••I nti! Friday of last w.-rk,** Mr. Oliver
writes, *‘our voyag** was everything th*t
could have been desired The aea wn
smooth as an Inland lake, and the air as
balmy as a day In June. Hut on Friday
morning the wind tx gan to fr* -hen and
lh< sky to darken Hy noon the crested
waves heat angrily against thr vessel and
sis darkness fell from the wings of night.*
they rolled in torrents over our ui*ter
deck It was grand'
"I stood just inside the door of the pilot
bouse anl watched th** storm for hour-*
The more the wafers rated, the more did
I enjoy th- sight Asa wave would r*
cede the ship would go down Into the
vnwning deep, seemingly to !♦ engulfed
by a mountain of water, ro bing onward
in angrx triumph lut as the mountain
enme nearer, the in rlitnh. and
up up P w *nt. to rc* iv* only, a slap In
ihe face from the mountain's crest ”
Th*- ship rode out the storm happily.
/nd Mr Oliver writ-- that he • xperl*-nc*d
iw* other discomfort during the passage
lni>-d. us he was not seasick, he man
g*vl to get a share of mor* than passing
* n Joy men t out of the storm It wa if.
sTIt I t K 111 KMIM* ( AR9.
Iloraes. Male# and \\ naenna Smashed
Info on Ulcer street.
Two horses Injured, and a truck and a
wagon belonging to Misers. Collins.
Grayson A Cos., damaged, another wagon
m.ishfd and a mule belonging to M* ssrs
Kavanatigh dr (\> lightly tnjureil. was
the resud of the breaking loo*, from the
engine of a lot of lumber core on Hlver
street yesterday morning about * o'clock
In all there were six vehicles unloading
fruits and vegetables from curs on Hlver
street, iwr the foot of Harnard. when
seven lumber and fwo hoi cars broke from
the cngln* while on the grad** mar Mont
gomery street and rolled rapidly down
•he street They came so 1 ipl lly that
only one-half of the v hlclew wen able to
gei out of the way. The pole of the truck
belonging to Messrs. Colllna, Grayson A
Cos. was caught by th*- flying cars and
the honws wen drawn down and Into the
Isnger sone The horse hitched to the
wagon fared even worse, for It was
dragged some twenty feet before the har
ness broke and Its release was made pos
After some time tha horse* were able
to be taken to slahle. but two of them so badly Injured that even should
they live, which Is considered doubtful,
they will be of little if any use
The accident. It was said, could have
l**cn avoided had the brake* been applied
cars, but this was Impossible on
car- were unable to keep In check the re
mainder of the train.
Itnllltl l) Ills KkPUIYEII.
Hat Mas Promptly Captured by Pe
trel! ve Stark. at boon. colored. wag arrested
yesterday by Detective Slork. on the
,-h rgi* of larceny from hi* om*oy*r. Mr
J I'ohon of No. It* Broughton .Iron.
wiMfl. Tho negro refused lo give the nd-
Ami of ht* homo, nor *• learned
until a arairtwi was resorted to. One
of hi* frltMlt niHnl nt the .tore after
the arrest, which *i unknown to him
<nd naked to <-' the irmn. He .u told
titat he war away, and aski-d If he onuki
aive hie a.hirers, he itlil eo. mentioning W 1
I'tUfln* ftlrpri .It .he place. It war setreh
... 1 |net night nnd a he of atolen goods,
consisting of general notion, worth ahout
Jit), recovered It le thought th.t the
negro's dcpre-tatlon* hove h*en going * >n
f never.* 1 month*, nnd that the total
atMitini of hie pe.tilitlof>- anwanrt to
eeveml time# the value of the article*
ri covered.
In the I ns* of Dawson. Charged
With Causing Mia Wile’s Denlh.
A second hearing of the continued cose
of Thom.* Dawson, charged with causing
the death of hi* wife on Aug 27 hy crim
inal neglect, wii* I a-gun In the Recorder's
Court yesterday.
owing to the unavoidable absence of an
Important witness for the defense, only
the testimony of those witnesses who
would he unable wMhoul great Inconve
nience to attend further sessions of Ihe
court was taken. Th. *e witnesses were
Mr* M Williams and Mr* Florence Dad
dill. The case was then posl|>oned until
next Thurwday morning at 10 o'clock.
THK 3KW It It'F Mild..
Heeelvetl It* First shipment of Itlee
Prom Ihe Siatllla.
The Bavattn ih Rlcw Milling Company
rei-rlvrd Ha first shipment of rli-e yes
ter.kty. this being not only It* flrst shtp
nienl cf ilea for the *easmn. hut the flrst
in tin history nf the new mill. The ship
ment consisted of 1.90-1 bushels of new
rles from the plantation of Mr J. K Be
dell on the AaltH.i river, and I* of fine
Mr. I’hlllp Itahm of New Orleans, has
practically 'ompletid th~ work of in
stalling the machinery of the new mill,
mil It la Intended to liegln ot>eratlons nexf
Funeral of < liarlrs Priteharsl, Jr..
The frletwl* of Mr and 3trs Charles F
Pritchard will sympafhixe with them tn
the toss of their only child. Charles F
Prllchard. Jr., ngod 1 months, whose
death occurred Thursday night The fun
eral will take place at 10 o'clock this
morning from Ihe reshlencs of Mr. M
Dergm. No 310 Jones strswt. east.
Million# drink Cook's Imperial Extra
Dry Champagne every year, and the num-
Aerv arc roihug up with a ruah —ad.
%ller tun n |ltn In Fmr uf laitlna
Ahead Ulih It—The City's Finan
ces In i nndltlou In %110%% the
I nmpletlon of Ihe Mori* Purina
the I uniinx W Inter Clilerntan
Thnnaas, < linlrmnn of the llnnsc
llrslniixr i ••mnillfee Absent lint
Believed lu Favor an karl# t om
pletlon of Ihe hurl*.
It is not unhkety rh,t the hoi- drain
age w*rk will be rvwumed this full. Wtun
the work was closed down last spring the
pronabilitiee were cha* t? wotikl not fa
reaumed until Jat 1, a larger sum box
ing nlre.uly h-cn < xp itit-il than wns ap
propriat'd for tne year’s work. There
I* it feeling among t.’ie aldermen. Iww
• ver. that it would be w*il t* resutn*- th**
work on Nov. 1. and to purh It through
to completion. Hy resuming w*rk In No
vember, tlio entire drainage system can
te* complete*! before the end of next
epnng. and the Mgg* st job which th*
< N> has untlertaken situ ♦* the n**w water
works w*-re completed, would then te at
in end.
Alderman Dixon, acting chairman of
the Dralnig*- Committee, In the .itsenc
of Alderman Thorn**s, favors tlvW* step,
and thinks It would he mote economical
for - "the city h** well as le:ter in other
ways. l',X|*erietice has ehown that It is
much more e*on>mi-al to umlertake the
work trholes,ile than hy piecemeal
It ir no likely that Alderman Thomas
w ill lnter|gee any oinject lon to resuming
fhe work this fall, as he has taken grvit
interat in puening it forward mm rapidlx
as fioasiUlr. an*l .‘ld nkt h*estate to o% r**r
ftn his budgot for thie |>ur|iuse |i>t
Th*- city's finances, wnich were appar
ently Im- aiming short, are in pros) tec I
of Im lug soon replenished by th#< r * * ipt
>f ihe kS'.non from Im* government, which
♦he treasury department has already an
leuinced |te w tiling tu-ws to pay for the
quarantine station, an.l hy sl2 iw i„ $!5,.
WW nwre. which the rai|rm*|si fhterestel
in th* new union depot, have agreed to
|mv for lands ceded bv the city for this
pur|ue* Th* receipt of these sim* will
gl\- the city fXitiswlcraMe leeway for im
provemerts, nn*l the hotis** drainoge. le
ing tli* m**st imfs'inant public work now
In p>**gre*s. Is likety to receive first con
s'*!* ration
I.lh'Tk MlUim* OF O.ULOXI,
The Snt llralnaue rump at *lr.
I.atlirnp'a Hire f'lunlatlnn.
v Mr. Duncan Biravlck of New Orleans
completed the work yemerday of Ineial-
Ina otie of hi* irrlaatlna and drainage
pump* at Aravlr. the rice plantation of
Mr Frank 8 Letthrop. a few miles above
the city.
Althouch In common ue tn lanilslana
for Irrigating and drainage purpiee*.
these pomp* are comparatively unknown
here, this being the first one to l>e In
stall.'.) In Ihle section. As the cost of
the pumps t* very reasonable and they
can lie economically operated in connec
tion with the plantation mills, while the
amount of work done I* remarkable. It
would seem that they would rapidly come
Into general use.
Tho pump installed nt Mr Ivtthrop.-
plAnuition Is of small atse. having a wheel
only twenty-four Incnes in diameter, and
yet It has guaranteed isimplng capac
ity of HO.IW) gallons an hour This mean*
I2.i'ft>.floo gallons In twenty-four hour*, or*
lust twice the average dally pumpage of
the Snvnniian tvoterwotk- Anl yet the
rlcti mill pump only coat* Mr Dathrop,
all tol.l, l-e* thin f.tOO. while the new wo
lerwork* ctuu the efty nearly $&00.0(10 The
difference is . t*|ly explalrird. Tho rh.
I,eld pum|i *lmply lifts waier a few feel,
anil let* It find its own level, while fhe
-it y woi ka must for* e the water for
miles through thousands of mains and
ple*. ami furnish a pressure siifit. lent to
carry It to Itltilo-t iitiv hlght desired.
Those who are skeptical, however, on
the wihjr -I of the rupaci y of the n* i w
pump, need only take n trip to Argyte
to sec the pump In operation. A* the
plantation Is tag very conveniently alt list
ed It le Ilk. ly that the rue planter* in
the vicinity ate shout the only . ** who
will take th< trouble to make this In
vemlgatton. They stM find It worth
thrlr while Tfu- machinery of the pump
is v.-*y .imply, consisting simply of on
upright spindle In a frame with the usual
ladling* nt the top. anil a 24-
'nch turbine wheel at the bottom, the
tower half Inclfl-wl in a wpiare log frame
l which ihe water Is admitted upward.
:he frame resting In Ihe lied of the miln
i anal ny which the plantation Is drained
The mialoti of the wheel Is -ih-h that the
water In forced rapidly upward from the
U.tmm without being able to return The
water I* easily lifted bight of several
f .l, ami t* for, ed out upon an Inclosed
piatfotm from whs h It fours In the de
sired direction.
The pump can lie used mfiially well eith
er to drain it flood the plantation In
dry weather water ran he |uimp>d In and
In Wet weather It can he pumpd out. It
I* expected to prove n very desirable ad
junct |n the planting season, when the
spring tide-, frequently fa I to furnish
sufftrhnt water to lover Ihe newly sown
rlee In ease of aforms. such as the one
Just threaten.. I. Ihe pump Is expected to
prove Invaluable In draining off the water
from flooded lands where the rli-e has
' • • * wi M> l: ' • -i Sn. .id, M •
l.ithrop's manager, es'tmaie* that the
pump would have wived a loss of tv.on t n
ty,*SO In Ihe fall of Nm, when {sn acres
of newly cut rite was flooded by the
storm of that season.
John Knurke <\ Bona also completed
yesterday the work of putting In anew
tubular holler. A-horae power, at Mr.
laithnip's mill, the holler I* intended to
o|m rati- boiti the pump anil the mill en
gine. the pump requiring only 21-borae
power. .
Hon. 11. T. Lewis an the Political
Hon. II T of Greensboro was In
the city yesterday. He wta en route home
after a holiday spent In New York and
Ibis ton. Judge Lewis I* renumbered a*
the man who nominated William Jennings
Itryan at the National Democratic Con
vention tn I*9* He was naked
ilsmt political condition* generally In New
York and Boston, but said that he wn* In
no position to dlscu** them as his trip, nt
best a very short one, had been for rest,
nnd he had neither Inquired much about
the condition* nor had he seen
any of the prominent leaders of either
Bpenklng of the country as a whole,
however, he said that Itryan has
'■ - ha - inn light to make th:- he
waged In is*, which; was against the Im
mense campaign fund of the Republican
party and Ihe Wall mreet moneyed In
The people generally, he said, are not
taking a very great Interest In the na
tional campaign Juiff at present, possibly
because the day of election Is still some
distance off The South, he thinks, jvlll
remain solidly In the Itemocrallc column
Ticket* to the annual convention of the
National Baptist Association (colored), at
Richmond, good for thirteen day*, by the
Seaboard Air Line Railway.
These rates ate open lo everybody.—ad.
%% ei* flier Bureau** Itoekel klnnals
Orlslnnfrd ix Hr. Grihtw.
Th*re are doubtless very few people in
Savannah who are aware of the fact that
the rork* t signals now In general use by
th** w* at her bureau for giving informa
tion of the approach of storms were orig
inated and suggested to the bureau hy a
Savannah man. Dr. 8t J H Graham is
the man. and the !)• a occurred to him
while he was in the service of ihe city as
quarantirc officer.
l)r Graham was at the quarantine sta
ll >n during the Morm of I*o3. and It will
l*e remembered did some heroic acts there
In saving the lives of several members of
a shipwrecked cr* w The telephone line
to the -tatl n was rendered useless by the
Htorm and then w - no m sn* of com
muniratlon except by I oat. the Tybee rall
rcd having been practically destroyed.
Th. l-i • Dr Goorge It. Btone. who took
a icr at deaf of interest in the develop
ne nt of carrier pigeons, had suggested to
Dr Graham the use of pigeons for such
emergencies, but the experiments In this
line had n*t proved entirely successful It
was Dr Htone's Idea that carrier pigeons
might l>e generally used by ihe weather
bureau for conveying Information of ap
proaching storms.
"It occurred to me " said Dr Graham,
when asked about the matter yesterday,
"that there ought to he some more Ter
rain and expeditious method of giving no
tice to p*ople on the plantations, and to
the shipping people In the harbor and at
•in near the coast of the approach of
sform* than those then In use, I u< cord
tngly wrote Mr I* 11. Smyth, who wa.
then in charge of t he weather bureau at
Hsvannah. suggesting the use of large
ro ket* to b** dls-harg<<i at night at regu
lar Intervals as a mean* of warning of
the approach of storms and that also a
s>atom of signal* might be devised by
which Ihe warning c >uld he taken up In
turn from station to station along the
Mr. BroythX who was one of the moM
efll* lent men who has aver served us here,
at twice sow the feasibility of th** sugges
tion and brought it to the atienlnn of the
head of the bureau. The weather bureau
wa then a branch of the department of
wHi n! some tiro* later I received a let
ter from the secretary thanking tne for
the suggestion and stating that It would
he given favorable con.-Nleration Shortly
after this the rocketa were put In use hy
the wuher bureau and have continued
to be U!-* | on occasion since."
The weather bureau has become more
expert, aided doubtless by more extensive
facilities. Ui getting early track of ap
proaching storms and outlining their prob
able course. In r*ctnt years, and the p o
ple geneiallv have become more aware
of the value of keeping in touc h with this
information. Nevertheless the system of
rocket signals has proven of great value
in conveying Information of Hpi'ieachin;
storm* to people it u distance from town*
and telegraph offlcas. The rockets can be
seen at night for a distance of 1A miles
nnd thus serve as a warning to people on
th*- plantations a* well is those at *e A
res ket sent up at ftavannah can be seen at
Tybee. and In case telephone and tele
graphic coromunn at ion should be broken
the signal can be taken up there and con
vey, and to Fort Royal and other points
along the .oust, thus notifying the ship
ping people over a wide and Importairt
Tight Cheeking and Ihe Pain and
Untieing It le AA'anf to Cguee.
•'! wonder." said a gentleman yesterday.
"If Ihe m n who uee check rein* on horse*
ever pause lo consider Ihe suffering they
inflict A tight check rein keeps a horae's
head in a strained and unnatural pol
-tlon. and subjects the animal to pain that
I* at once wanton and unneceoaary.
' It may. of course, he necessary to keep
a hoi*.' checked up. while he V* being
drti>-a along Ihe streets," th* friend t.f
the unimat continued, "but even thl* can
I*- title only In Instance*. To
keep him checked up while he I* standing,
and for hours at a time. Is positive bru
tality. Generally. It I* done because Ihe
owner or driver of the horse ho* no
realisation of the pain he I* Inflicting,
nnd i|oe* not stop lo think that the strain
ed and stiff attitude Into which the atil
nwl'a head I* forced, may he anything
but comfortable; sometime* the owner nr
driver understand* well enough and I*
paaotvety in.Urfer.-nl, or actively cruel in
cotMlnuing Ihe Infliction ”
It 1* noticeable that the objectlonaole
practice of tight checking ho* become very
prevalent in Savannah, and that even
. ommon drought .inlnui!* are subjected
10 this specter of torture by their Igno
rant or vtclou* drivers. In connection
with other Instance* of the same lack
of humanity. II ho* been sufficient to call
forth from many persons an expression
of hope thal a branch of the Society for
the Prevention of Cruelty to Animal*
would be organlxed here.
If la tlinlnx In a Northwesterly Di
rection nail May strike Texas.
The mu h heralded tropical storm, the
aftlyron -h of which has been looked for
ward to with so much anxiety during the
last fkr days, and which yesterday morn
ing was reporied off I'orl Eads, U was
stated last night to have made another
shift and * then sakl to he dlrvctly
south of N-w Orleans, moving slowly
west and north wont.
It Is thought extremely probable that
It will strike the Texas coast. At the
time of the report. * o’clock. It w* draw
Ins heavy northeast gale* across the Mis
sissippi delta all day. while heavy snuih
casl swells were running In Galveston
The temperature here yesterday register
ed at mean of W degrees, which I* 2 de
grees above the normal. The maximum
was Mi. mill the minimum 75. Blnt-e the
preceding night at * orlak there had
been a rainfall of .17 of an Inch.
The state forecast for to-day I* rain,
anti the same mnv he expected for to
morrow. Brisk east winds will prevail.
A Number Went From the rity
4Hurt's Session of Yesterday.
Judge Norwood sent some half a dogen
misdemeanor offender* to the county
chalngnng from Ihe City Court yesterday.
Thq usual Friday assortment was up be
fore him and the trial of Ihe ease pro
•-eedeil with the usual neatness, celerity
and dispatch that • obtain In the City
Quite a large number of those tried were
found not guilty and acquitted, but the
addition* to the county forces were suffi
ciently numerous to further the work of
road building and drainage materially
and at the same time make a material
addition to the problem of feeding and
gimnllng misdemeanor ronvt.-i* with
w hich Ihe county hg* now to {hntend. Mr
K L folding acted as solicitor general
atwl proiwcuted for the state
Do you rad what people say about
Hood a Bars# pari I la* It la curing all
forma of dtaeuac caused or promoted by
Impure blood—ad.
Special attention will be given tn he
comfort and plrasure of those going by
the Seaboard Air Line Railway to the
annual convention of the National Bap
tist Association (colored), to be held In
Richmond. Sept 12-JO.
’ These rate* wr# open lo everybody.-ad.
*rrrlrl hy Itrlrrlltra ttariihr and
a.nrrlt, aid nnfraard thr hllllaa
With Üblrh Hr la harard-W ll
liaam llurrla, (, (if Itiirlir
( nunfy Takraa In \% la, nrab(rn In
Aaaanrr fnr thr Harder of Klbert
Rtenart, I nlnred—llarrla i'laiui*
Hr la laanrrat.
Rruhrn Cochran, altaa Pennla Cochran,
colored, aa< arreated laat night ahottt 11.10
o'clock hy Itrtcctlvra Murphy and O.irrlty
oa a bench warrant for murder .worn out
by the authorities of Anderaon, Ky..
where the crime waa committed.
Cochran made no attempt to deny h!
Identity, and told the ofllcera the atory
of the- (rouble (hat had led to (hr murder.
Id occurred, he aald, Jan. 1. 1*99 The mur
dered man whom he knew only as "Joe"
had curaed and abuaed hint In the vtleat
and most dtHgUMtlng term, and had Anally
reached for hla ptatol pocket. He knew Ihe
negro war a bad character, and aa he
made the last movement apparently for
the purpone of netting a weapon, he had
ftred with fatal reeulta
Cochran lefd Andereon the name night
and ha* atneo that time been In different
porta of the country. He reached Savon
nah about two week* a*o and was hoard
ing on We*t Chnrldon alreet. where the
detective* found him. Hla wherealtouta
wan dlacovered by the authortdle* of An
demon throuah letter* ent to him hy ht*
wife, who *llll live* at her huaband'a for
mer home.
AA title llarrla AA enf to AA'ayneabnro
AVltli Nberllf Marat.
Sheriff C. AA' Hur*f of Hurke county
reached Savannah from AVaynenboro
Thureday niaht and returned yeaterday
morntnn with AVl;lie Harris, the negro ar
rested here for Ihe murder of Klbert
Stewart Sont* aivount of the crime with
which Horn* i* chanced, waa Riven in the
Aloniimt New* of yrMerday. wherein p
-l>eared on account of hi* arrest by Dep
uty Aherlff* O'Connor and AA'e*tcoft
Sheriff l|uri any* that Harris bear* a
bad reputation In AA'aynesboro and that
there are In exl*tence and unnerved half
a do*, ii warrants for hi* arrest. charßlns
him with various hlßh crime* and m t vie -
meaner* Ai ■ ordlnß to the hertff. liar
rl*. on hi* native heath. 1* what 1* known
a* a "bully.” rullnß other neßroe* throußh
their fear of hi* wrath and hi* vehßcnnc.
and makltiß life for the hetfer-dt*pi>*cd
element of hi* race ex<-e*ltnßly un<om
fortahU- It 1* throußh hi* Influence over
ht* weaker brethren that he h.t* manaßed
to elude arrest on former occasion* and
particularly when he was wanted for the
murder of fttewart.
Harris went tan k with the aherlfT with
areat apparent wllllrißnes*. Indeed, he
announced that If there wa one thin*
he destreil more than another tl wa* that
h* be arrested and carried back to
%A avne*l*iro to stand trial, when, he wa*
con vine. <1 ,ud an.-ured. hi* complete and
perfect Innocence of the crime wtth
he Is charßed could and would easily be
made to a|*pear.
No* only would It he Impossible for the
slat* to make out a case ußatnat him.
said Harris, hut he wa* In a position to
demonstrate his Innocence beyond que*.
flon cr cavil. Thl* he would do at the
proper time
The effleera arret'd Harris' protestation*
on Ihe subject with a *hruß and a smile
of tolerance. It I* understood that while
the evidence aaatnat him I* not altoßether
positive and complete. In It* present shape,
It la yet sufficient lo point clearly to hi*
sullt of Ihe crime, and ll I* believed
that when he is tried It will he a* ea*v
lo demonstrate thl* to the satisfaction
of the Jury, a* Harris claims It will be
to show hi* Innocence
Th* fact that Hherlff Hurst considered
his prison, r s dsnserous man. wa* evi
denced by the care with which he wa*
fettered and hound, before hetna placed
on the train for the trip to AA’ayneahoro
Hart I* himself went, and to take eonsidera-
He pride In hi* bond*, acceptlna them a*
a tribute to hla prowess and an acknowl
• .laement lhal he deserved hi* reputation
cf lietna 'a tsrld. had man.” At any rale,
he wa* an exeeedlnaly helpless one a*
lona aa he waa under Ihe eharae of Bher-
Iff llurst.
IM.tMIMi l ilt.lit FALL t HOPS.
Farmers fiettlnu Heady to gnppl;
local Market With Vegetables.
The farmers around Bavannah are plow
ing and planting now tlielr fall crops for
the local market. To them the receni
min* have come In good time and they
are a thoroughly well pleased lot of men.
Should weather conditions continue as fa
vorable until the late fall they will have
good crops and make good money.
The crops now being planted are beans,
peas, turnips, carrots, lettuce, cabbage,
potatoes and the Ilk., most of which will
be sold in Bavannah. The po’atoes are
.planted largely as seed for the spring
plamlng. th home-grown article answer
ing this purpose better than any that can
be Imported from the North or Hast
latrge arras are lietng devoted by the
truckers to this purpose and o this crop
The crop of hay ha* been gathered.that,
100. under favorable condition. As long as
the farmers wanted the sun to shine it
poured Its ray* with great benignity, its
face no* being veiled with clouds until
such a veil, with Its results, was the thing
for which the farmers sent up their peti
tion* The ram* have softened and opened
the ground and rendered Its preparation
for planting the fall crop* a matter of
Mummer Trains Mill lie Taken Off
hy the llatlronil Monday.
Day after to-morrow the regular win
ter schedules on ihe Tybee Railroad will
be pul In effect. Traffic on the line has
about fallen to the point where the tak
ing off of the summer train* will not be a
source of Inconvenience.
Hy Ihe winter schedule*, trains -vlll
leave Bavannah Monday at #:K a: m
•tally, except Monday, ai . a m are I
dally at 3 p m Returning, they will
leave T.vhee at 7:15 a m Monday, dally,
except Monday, at 10:25 a. m.. and dally
at 5:30 p m
Cartridge Picked Ip |a tke street
Fxplnrirri and %V nanded Two llnya.
Two hoy*. Robert Btockett and Kugene
Howe, picked up a cartridge | n Rrouglwon
lane yesterday afternoon. The shell ex
ploded while they were playing with It.
and young BlocketT was struck In the
face with whhi appeared to be a lot of
small shot, while the other boy was bruis
ed on his arm* They were taken home
and phyislclans summoned, who dressed
the4r wounds.
-He Had Heard 80-First Chinaman:
These Christ lane favor auch widely dif
ferent doctrines.
Beoond Chinaman: Bo I believe gome
favor the open door and other ipheret of
Drunken While Has Made a lllah
l.eap anti AA as Badly Braised.
A white nstn named Lands Jones Jumped
out of a second story window in the house
at lh* notllitaet corner of llabemhari
.tract an.i Oaletnorpe avenue ]:im nlahi
ahnul 1J o'clock. He rec.lvt.l l.iulere on
Ihe head, luck ami knee, .tnri wJi at tirst
Ihouaht lo be injured Intmially.
Ir. Lev| u* summoned. .ul after a
hasty examination the man wa* taken
to Ihe Bnv.inn.ih Hospital In the police
ambulance. There 11 wa* found that he
tvs* not so hodly Injured, u* It wa* at
flrat Uroußlvt. and mlßht have been ex
pei te.l from Ihe Idght from which hr
Jumped and the position In which hr' fell.
He wa* siifli-iently *haken up. however
to spend ihr nlßht al Ihe horpttal under
medical treatment.
The man w t* Intoxicated, and after he
lm; |d. ked .ip. did not I*ll it very Vuik r r
.‘Olierent story. He knew how. ver that
hie name wire Jon*-*, .itid that he lived
In AVnyneahoro, where he raid hi* rather.
John Jones, I* well known. He aat.l that
he Jumpr.l from the window trecaoee hr had a quarrel with another mtin end
Ihoußht he *.t*v a policeman comlnc ro
arrest him He will prohahly he dl*
ed from the hosptto! to-r|ay.
The Place AA ill He Alarle Heady for
Oeeupnney hy Airs, apnulrllnu.
Hon Pop* Harrow will Immediately put
a force of hands at work rrnovallnß the
house and cleat InR up the Kfounds of the
pla e known a* VAelllnßion. near Thun
.lerbolt. between that plare and Isle of
Hole The place admit* of Rreat b. tuil
fylnß, and It will be converted Into one
of the most attractive of the country res
ilience* rv ar Mavannah Mrs Hourkc
Spauldlnß of Ba|x lo I. land, a l*tr r of .Alt
Harrow, will move to AYelllnßton a* soon
a* ihe premises have been pul In proper
R* la the Tlnte.
To use Johnson's Chill and Fearer Tonic.
If you wil*h to remain al your post of
duly and pass throußh September and
October without Ihe loss ol a sliißle hour
of time, lake a course of Johnson's Chill
and Fever Tonic.
Neither the mountains nor Ihe seashore
can guarantee such absolute Immunity
from sickness a* Johnson s Tonic se
cures to you.
The wine man Insures hi* life and Ihe
wiser man Insure* hi* health. A botll*
of Johnson's Tonic I* a guarantre of
health. It saves enormous waste of
lime, eaves vaal expen.llmre* of money
In doctor'* hills and save* human Hie
when endangered by fever. I'se It and Uee
nothing else —ad.
RItV.IMI to Htehmond. Aa. and Itrturn
Ala Southern Hallway.
Account annual convention National
Baptist Association (colored!. Ticket* on
sale Kept 10, 11. U, final limit B>-pt 2
Hat-* open to all Most convent, nl sched
ules Ja* Freeman. C. P. and T. A., 11l
Bull street 'Phene* Aio —ad
Bee your agent at once a* lo dales and
rale* by Ihe Seaboard Air Line Railway
to the annual convention of the National
Hap*lsr Association (colored), at Klch
mond. Va.
These rate* are open to everybody.—ad.
Arrangements have been efTeoaed by
which 1.000 mile book*, the price of which
la I2SOD each. Issued by the Seaboard Air
Line Railway, are honored through to
AA’aahlngton ovej- the Pennsylvania Flail
road; from Portsmouth lo Baltimore over
Ihe Baltimore Steam Packet Company,
and berween Clinton Columbia over
the Columbia. Newberry and Lauren*
Railroad. Thl* srr.mgem.-n, include* ihe
hook* Issued hy th. Florida Central and
Peninsular and (i.-onlu and Alabama
Tickets on sale for the annual conven
tion of the National Raptlsl Association
(colored), al Richmond, A'a.. Sept. 10, li.
12, good until Sept 22, Inclusive Take
the Seaboard Air Line Hallway.
These rates ore open to everybody.—ad
At Eatlll'* hew* Depot, IS Hull Street
Savannah Morning New*. New York.
Bo*ton. Philadelphia, Hailmnre. Charles
ton (8 C.). Jacksonville. (Fla.). Cincin
nati, New Orleans. Washington. <D. C.).
Chicago. A lieu* la. (Os i. Atlanta. Macon.
(Ga ). and other prominent dallies; also
the various monthlies an.) weeklies, new
hooka and everything el*e usually found
In flrst-chis* new* depots.—ad
The annual convention of the National
Baptist Association (colored). Richmond.
A'a . Sept. 12-2D, will he a memorable oo
caslon. All good Baptist* will t.,g* 1(u .
Seaboard Air Line Railway.
These rate* are open to everylaaly.—aj
••It fared Mr.’’
’’Orayheard hml * up rheumatism or
me." say* Mr. Cha*. Thomas, the Jew
eler on Whitaker atreet. "And pul me In
het*er health than 1 have enjoyed In a
long time."
Take Greybeard PHI* for that dlxxv
feeling—la**t appetite, and follow It up
with a bottle of Oraybeurd. It la all you
need. Respea* Drug Cos., sole props..
Savannah. Oa.—ad.
Go to Ihe annual convention of the Na
tional Baptist Association (colored), at
Richmond, Va.. Bcpt. 12-20, by the Sea
board Air Line R.-t'lway.
These rate* are open to everybody—ad.
9iiniln> Trips In Rraaaxvlek via Plnnt
System, gl.
The Plant System will *l| round-trip
ticket* to Brunswick on Sundays, limited
to dot* Of sale, al rale of $1 00. Train*
leave at 2:10 a. m and 5:30 „ m —ad.
One fare for the round trip to the an
nual convention of the National B.ipiUt
Association (colored). Richmond. Va.,
Sept. 12-30 by the gt aboard Air Line Rail-'
These rate* are open to every body.— ad.
• In Itlchmnuit, la., nnd Return
via Southern Railway.
Account annual conv. nlhui Notional
Baptist Association (colored) Ticket* on
sale Bcpt 10, 11. 12. final limit Sept. 22
Hate# open to all. Ma! convenient sched
ules Ja* Freeman, C. p. an t T. A ill
Hull atreet. 'phones Vo -ad
Chair car* on Plant System excursion*
to Charleston every Sunday: engage your
seat* on Saturday* at the Ot Soto Hotel
ticket office.—ad.
The annunl convention of the National
Baptist Association (colored) will he in
session at Richmond. Va.. Bepl. 12, 13 j,
15. 14. 17. 13. 19 and 20. Take the Bra
hoard Air Line Railway.
These rate* are open to everybody ad.
The summer I* passing, have you taken
In the Plant System Sunday excursion* to
Charleston’ On* dollar for the round trip
The Alkahest.
The August Magaxln* of the Alkahest,
contains an article by Miss Florence Olm
u Bu “ •-*. j
llil. GMOPt HT MO C lilt
at liUil i.ic
For lals nf Hope. Mintg'anery i . ]
bolt. Cattlo Park and W„.
LaL>>a. Subject to . I
without BOUI e. It
Lv. City for 1. of H Lv („]„ fr— I
•ID am from I emit * w , -
Tlo am from Tenth | in *m t *
IID am from Tenth TJ am *
915 am from Bolton *<w 1
10 Id iim from Tenth |H> 00 am i 1,
UOu n n from Tenth |II oi am i- ,
115 pm from Bokon 11 30 am fr,
210 pm from Tenth | 200 pm f r i,...
I lo pm from Tenth I j 40 pm *
>pm from Tenth 1 300 pm f r r '*
•pm from Tenth |t ou |.m ... , * j
10 pm fp)m Tenth |(,n , n , I’ ' j
TM pm from Tenth 1 7 is) 1 m 1 . t‘" j
IA) pm from Tenth S( pm , i' 1
9 10 pan from-T'n'h } 09 pm •
10 hi pm from Tenth lit on p m t i' 4 *
H rn f
l-f 'By fF Mong*ry~| 1., Mn
1M am from Tenth |715 am f.- T -
2pm from Tenth |lls pm r • ’’J
•80 pm from Tenth |6OO pm j T ‘’J*
CATTU park “
Lv cll> 1,.r 1';( l ark 1., Cm
•M nm from Bolton 7 I*l ~m f , ,
710 am from Bolton tOO nm f.r 11
100 pm from Ballon Igo p m ~,r
ISO |>m from Bolton |3> p m .„ ~ ,*
7pm from Bolton 7SO pm f- i. O Z
300 pm from Bolton 13 no p n , ( >r llij ”
Car lenvr* Bokon street Jun i 0B 1.
a m. and every thirty minute* . . r . .1,"
until 11 30 p. m.
Car leaves Thunderbolt * tre , m .
every thirty minutes lher..ft*r
’-.O) midnight, for Bolton Mr.ct 1 r Z
This car carrlca trailer for
on all trip* and leave* w r t „ of !*
mark. I for Isle of H..
and all IntermedWe point* a( * a “I"
100 p m. 50) p. m. ' '
Leave* Isle of Hope for Th mderho't
City Mark.* and nil Inn . '
al <:JO a. m 11 00 a in .
Car leave* w<*t side of city market for
West End Sima. m. and ev. t " 1
thereafter during the day
Leave* Wetrt End si ■ , v
erv 40 minute* thereafter during th. day
until 12 00 o'clock mklrlr'l
If Af LOFTON (fen
Si's sisfiiia
mum feieiscs
Every Bottle Guaranteed.
Biuslies, Strops, tic
llet Hr mi it i <ii Mrret. H rf.
IIA V grain! FLOUR. I
W. 1). SIM KINS & CO.
Seed Outs! Seed Rve!
, r .b|l 1
Tfx;i* Ruffl Proof
flyt* Cow Feed. Hay. Grxln. Hr** s ,1
Feeds of all kin*ls for stock * *
TGetihone 22t. Ilk Bay sltci
Manufacturer’s Aucnt |
RAII.H %1 till MILL •* l*** l - IBSk *
Provident Building. s.n ,m
These tiny Capxuleap •
to Balsam of Copail>3,A_T|
■ NY Ci!beb*o r lniection:3n)?ilWj
WP i the tame diseases y-t" 001 j
m rmcMUttn s . • a
u—is *. r r-' i"
■a t *• H#Ha*f ftor
l.rn Mali. 1
and work, orde*- your ‘f* I *^*'fr* :
printed •tßiiontiy and blank I
xiorniiiK Hw t (MYkQOflJv. J