The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, September 08, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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6 NAVAL STORES TRADE GROWS. Till?* QMIUT I Mil *TKY. Mini If \if Hrrn for Ihr Sprint Flimhl* Ihr Oulpnl lr Ihr ►**•*• •if IIMNi-ttMM Would Ha IT llurn (he €Jr*lrt on Record—Karl > I’rorrwi ra of IllMilllinu In (lie I arolftnaa f(ltp|rl *ltl|i|*lnu of I rnfe •*m fo CiiKlHiul-l'iiih of fh* Oprriilnra *ufti it *(*••*!> Oae—They Follow* •! (lit* Itiallillnu of IlnllrtNida— lino the MNiiilunl Oil < oio|an> llumllea TurfM-ul Ioe—• % llrtlett of (he In ilnair> I rum li* llt'iiinnliiß In Thla t uuiiiry . Tin- htutinay which ha* been madt in (hi* development of Die naval ilorf-ti in dustry in th- South, due larg*ly to the fteadily advancing price# On product coin* uiaiuli* by reason of the frnoral connumi*- ti\e tl< unit* t. bide lair to make this second to none of lh< South'* Krcai eourcea of wealth. 1(H jippurco In the past reveal* He future. it t estimated that spirit# turpentine alone brought ll3.oum.uuO into a am. til aedion of the South last #ra#on. Throughout thr pln* belt intermix *•* ic ed by capital are engaged in developing .he naval atorer tountry, .ind will #oon have under of * ration all the small re mainder of virgin land*. An evidence of what 1* being done was shown In the preparation* made for one of the largest lutput- this season In the history of the itMlualry, but which was Interfered with jy the fiends the early pari of the year, which Inundated a large portion of the nival ator ■ country, and delayed far mors in the proreoullon of th*ir woiU. Had it not been for thla and other draw* hacks, among them a lack of farm labor, rvmaik.ihie progress would have been mad*- in all brunch*-* of the Industry. I'.nrlji I'roerMM of Olafllltwh* The forward strides which have been mailt tn handling the product from >ear io year is ari obje< I leaeon to thoae who take a parsing glanc* at present method* •roploytd in the bushier#, a* (OtnjMrnl aim the fMßwt. Thr e dlttlnct bve hcen through since the brawny Tar Heel commenced the tapping of pine* aver *Uty years ago. Before much wav known of the proces* of dl#tilling the product In this country the farmers sold the crude gum from the trees, which was packed In barrel* and ihlpped to Kngland for distilling. In about he same kind of package' in which roams ire shipped at present. In those day# the profit* to Is* derived later from the more intelligent handling of naval afore# was a transient dream, and was probably not realised any more then than were the manifold uses to w hich th** electrical cur- ! rent wj# to Ik- put. While the exact time is not known. l Is said to have been many year# before the American turpen tine farmer four*! that greater profits were In store for bin* by distil.lng at home In place of sending the gum abroad, and as a result the wily fellow on the other #ide continued to reap the harvest. Tradition has it mat the first distilling of crude pine gum in thi* country was done In New York a short time before It was generally taken tip by the farmer* In North Carolina. When the knowledge of distilling started It spread rapidly, and was * powerful encouragement to those engaged In the business. Hhortly after stills found their way to farms the ship ment of gum abroad was a thing of the past, and in its stead the distilled pro duct*. or rather by-products went direct t> th< consuming center*. This may he considered the oecond great stride for ward in handling and marketing naval stores. The tY <irk of the < liemist. The keen eye to progress soon found other and greater use* for naval stort**. the result of which has been an enormous Increase in home consumption. Again it I# the hand of the chemist finding more uns for row!ns. Factories are bring es tablished in the Mouth, one hirge one *ll Havannah. for the manufacture from rtmai •of mirh by-products ms rosin oil, used largely as a lubricant, and pitch, for which titer* l* also a large • It may b* surprising to *• me to know that rosin has become a formidable competitor of mutton i allow. yet (hi# Is the case. Mm.v bvitthludu are being derived from rosin, and the chemical tests which are constantly being made, give promise of aa much progress in the future as has been made •hiring the past ten years. I’m 11* of (be Farmers *ath. Uke all other industries the appear ance of good profit# attracted gen* tot nt tent ion to the businm#, as shown by the length and breadth of the producers' path Booth during the past fifty years. Tur pentine farming was being prosecuted ex* tensively in North Carotin.! as early us mi. where he pine fiourt*hed in great forests and was very productive. I'nill 1 the field lecamf erow|ed arid the yield showed sign* of falling off. the work was prosecuted. Host of the ex|iorting then was done through the port of Wliming ton. At that time It is said the principal railroad reaching the i**!t was that con neating Columbia and Wilmington Mur ketlng naval >tor v therefore, to the great di*t Wantage of the farmer, w much of his time was taken up In hauling the stuff to market, though much of this work was done during the slack season In no other industry probably are the effect* of railroad "path finding" shown more thin they are In this.*f>oria tion huv had much to do with achieving the third **tep In Itw d*vclo|*nent Mouth Carolina was the second state that gdt the attention of these farmers While the output tlnr was large for u few ytars. It became exhausted in le#* time than It did In North Carolina. Charleston was the main shipping point There so bad for a cough as |§Sik coughing. It tears the fflßgjw&jLW tender membrane of the throat and lungs, and the wounds thus made attract t! germs m JKa of consumption. Stop •MwiPsnSfl y° ur COU K I ’ by using the familv remedy that has been curing coughs and colds of every kind fig/v for over sixty' years. You can’t afford to be without it. /erm eiterra Pectoral looaena the grasp of your cough. > The congestion of the throat and lungs is removed; all inflamma tion ia subdued; and the cough drops away. Three sires: the one dollar sire is the cheapest to keep on hind; the 50c. sire for coughs vou have had for some time: the 25c. sire i for an ordinary cold. "For t*> year* I bad a very had rough. Tk® doctors sad sverybody clm* tip. \r I had * trii* of i on*utapiloti. Thru I tried A Wii l Iwrry IVctorai and it ouly , took * butt* smi s half tcunt ms.** _ _ F. Maaiox, Oct , m i MAdtU, it. t. j I* v, AjKniigh New Paris Shapes j. • LOW6UST STRAIGHT FRONT it LONG HIP ■MI j 4 5*47 ■nl j | rOR’SAU‘4TAtt4£AQWC UTAH.CKS ' ‘ In Mouth Car • Ina At the 'tart tn* work was, of couriu • handicapped largely for want of udtttiuui* transportation facilities, though be for* operations progress'd far the spirit of railroad building was aroused uni Steel rail* soon aided the *hip|nrr by bringing the remote parts of the state closer and closer. AlKHjt the year IK7<5 naval stores opera tion* were begun In Oeorgla, which Is now estimated to |*rodu ♦ a4 least a third of the yearly output. The pkme#rs of the industry In Oeorgla are still living, and are said to I* Mr. C. B. Barker of Mcßae. Telfair county, and Mr J W. Hunt. hcn of I>ulk>l*. I>odg* county, but aim* retired and living at riatnfleid. N. J. The section they worked was loom ed on the M;- on and llrunswlek Kit 11 road Much the same transportation disadvant age* existed about that lime a* In the other states. Mr. Hunt, by the way. I* largely Interest* I In the IVaeock-Hunt \V*st Naval Htores Company, and Mr Barker the FlUs-Yotmg Company of.fla 'rtiiiiiih. Another prominent naval store* man. who may be classed with the pion eers. Is Mr. W. C. Bowel 1, president of the Southern Naval Stores Company, who start*<l in business thirty years ago In the old North State, and moved forward In the path of progress, coming to Geor gia in 1t75 and Incoming actively engaged In business at Hatley, Oa.. In 187 C. being at Mcßae In 11(77, Kastman Is9> and to Havannah same year, returning to North Carolina three years later, then back to Muvannuh, in I’nrt Hie Kallrowd* Pin? eel. Railroad development w* fast coming to the front atmut 1C77 In the naval stores country of Georgia, In rew|*>n*e to the demand for quicker and better transpor tation. The principal road* in tl* pro ducing belt then were the Central of Georgia, with less extensive Hie - than its present magnificent system embraces• the Havannah. Florida an*l Western, and the Brunswick and Albany, the latter t*lng built about that year, and penetrat ing a rich scope of swamp pine country. After the Industry got under good headway in Georgia, the movement South continued, ami Florida wras next to re ceive attention from farmers. Operations were carried on In Florida as far hack ns 1871-2. akng th** B*. Marys river, where M was convenient to ship North by sail ing vea*e*s. A* In the ease of other states operations were eon tin* i to the section# bordering on navigable streams which offered the quicker and e hen per transportation nt that time. Florida promptly drifted into the tide of prog ress by the help of railroad promoter* and bulkier*, and by the extensive line* of railway which penetrated it soon offer ed to operator* a golden chance to work It* vast domains of rich forfest. Rven with the great work already done in the '•ate The slight reduction In Its forest* still causes the trade to regard It the vir gin Ttir|enilne country. The Florida crop for the year ending March. ld. of 72.534 casks of turpentine, and 270.474 bar- re!* of ros‘n. a* thowrt by the yeiir 1 * re ceipt* at Jackmnvllle, P.-ttsagola and I'arrabelle, may la* regard* I the opening wedge to the vast wealth within It* bor der*. Jaek*onvllle cent 21.0 H cn*k* of spirit* and W'.tittl barrels of rosin to Now York during Ihe season of 1599-19CP. The substitution of Florida’s bateau* and schooner* for tptlck railway service nli*l steamship >xinnectlona with all prin cipal ports gave th* ttulustry an entirely new Impetus, so that notv the ring of th*- woodman'* ax sounds westward through Alabama, Mississippi, ami the eastern sections of leoolslana. Fifteen year* ago ami les* operation* In Alabama were on a small scale. Her pine forests, principal ly In the southern (vtrl of Ihe state, were practically untouched, except along *om** of the navigable streams During lh** past five years rapid strides have been mad* In all directions, I-**t season's crop, a* shown by the receipts at Mobile, was 13.96* cask* of spirit* and *7,366 barrels of rosin. A" In the oiher state* Alabama's great commercial highways are contributing to this progress Her port* ar*- being deep ened ami o|>er.e<l to the commerce of the world. The trade Iher* art manifesting an Independence by making connection# with consumers and shipping direct, thereby giving lh" |>orts affected the benefit of present taislne-s. and that w hich remain* In non* lor the future for them. More virgin land* have been bought bv prtano tera and based to opora'or* In Alabama (luring |h part year than In any other naval stcres state. Capitalists have been attract*.l to Ihe great wi-ulth which exist* In the pine foteste of the South, ami the fact they are putting their money Into these lands discounts the theory thai th* day* of th? Industry arc numbered, **<**l that a few years more will lind the pine tit only lor lh" sawmill. The transfer of these to energetic capital!-** shown what is it* store tor Alabama In the ha|>* ot naval slot*-- development. *inixlnrl Oil u n Factor. A glance at what has been accomt:isit ed by the naval ►tores trade during the past year, ami the evolutions through whlt h It h.s p ussed. wou’.d be fncovnpl* le wli t.nn r ferenoe to the operations of the standard M! Company, which has come to Is* a powerful factor in the Interior dis tribution of spirits turpentine. The tft.ind aid loc* not fompfte with the factor at the port who doc** an entirely foreign bus iness. The managers of this corporation mw .-.*rne years ago a profitable field in distributing lunnntinc to the trade, and )> - in I■ s work by buying at the i*orts an 1 stkHlng Its rto. k at convenient |M*lrs 1 >r distribution. It later contracted to take the receipts of factors at <Julf |>ors. but after getting b forces thoroughly drilled. **ok another step, and now buys direct from the still, conveying Its stuff In tank t ars to the storing centers, thereby saving gr 1 11 > In the cost of tr.insi*onation and handling While domestic buyers control **m of the business. the Si mdard, of course. ha tb* lion's share of It. It rv m< sing ulai, yet nevertheless true, that Invention has contributed very little to the progre*< of the naval stores Indus try. After the farmer learned to dlatlll in the e-rly years, (here at>|Mn ntly re mained no*hlng for him to do but work The turn* brtii appliances, the same gen eral mohod* of hard.trig, and the same way of gathering the ir >tin t remain. No lightning chipping machine to "bleed** the tree has yet taker (he place f the time-honored darky. The fact he is proof against fever*, the burning sun. and other hardships of th* work fortifies him as no labor union could against the Intrusion of foreigners Into his t>ualn*r. N* Ihr do rattlesnake* have any liotror for the av erage turpentine negro. and this ulorte should in atnp'e probation to him against outsiders. Witn the Utile change that has been wrought, therefore, from an Inven tive standpoint In all branches of the work the fact remains that there | not a great deal of Improve meat to b* made In farming methods, or the attention of the Inventive guiiu* ha* not lout aura-led bat way. the MORNING NEWS: SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER S. 1900. THE WEATHER. Forecast for Saturday and Sunday— Georgia and Kustem Florida: Bain B.*t urduy and probably Sunday; biisk easterly winds. Yesterday's Weather at Savannah— Maximum temperature 3 p. tn...#6degrees .Minimum temperature 4:30 a.m..75 degrees M* an temperature ft) degree# Normal temperature ..............7* degrees Kxcc#s of temiwrature 2 degrees Accumulut*d excess since Bept. 1 7 degree* Ac umulated deficiency since Jan. 1 63 degree* Rainfall 17 Inch Normal 22 Inch Kxeess since Hep’. 1 1.00 inch Deficiency sin**- Jn. 1 7.UW Inches River Report—The bight of the Mavan nab river at Augusta at 8 a. m. <7sth me ridian tim* ) yesterday was 6.4 feet, a fall of 0.2 foot during the preceding twenty four hours. Cottuti region bulletin. Savannah, Os., for the twenty-four hour* ending at 8 a. tn . 75th meridian time. Sept. 7, l$0o; Station.- of (Max Min.. Kata Savannah district. ITena. jTera. fall A?apeha. Ga . twining ....{ 55 J 71 | 45 Ail any. cloudy jB7 76 ;.W Am* rlctis, cloudy | 88 j 72 j .00 lialnbrklKe. cloudy j 84 | 73 .28 Kastman, cloudy | ft) j 73 j .00 Fort Gaines, cloudy 88 j 74 | .on •(ialnesvllle, Fla..cloudy.! 78(?tj 74 | .46 Milieu, Go., cloudy | fti \ 72 J .01) (Juitman. cloudy ..j 81 71 j .80 Savannah pt. cloudy ....j 85 | 76 j .17 Tliomasvllle, cloudy \ j 75 j .21 Waycroos, cloudy [ 81 j 74 | .08 •Received 100 lat*. for telegraphic aver age* Special Texas Rainfall Reports—Blanco. .<*; Cuero. .H; Kerrville, T. I, But. Average" No. | 1 1 Sts-'M-.s i Mtn l:ls Central Stations. |ttons Tem.:Tsm.| fall. Atlanta | 13 | 88 | *8 I .00 Augusta | 11 i Wl | 70 j .U Charleston ! 3 j St | 73 ( .0* Galveston j lit 92 j7O j .01 l.lttk Rock | 13 j 9* | 70 j .00 Memphis | 16 I 91 | 72 - .6* Mobile j 9| 92 71) ! .Montgomery | 8 | 92 | 70 ( T New t tricars | 13 | 91 | 72 | .00 Savannah | 12 , 87 | 73 | .21 Vicksburg | 10 ; 91 | 7u | T Wilmington | 10 ; 90 | 66 I .09 Remarks—Temperature* rather high over the western ami central districts; ellnhtly cooler over South Carolina: no to irk ** 1 changes elsewhere. Boattered showers over the Charleston. Savanoa't amt Galveston illrUrlct*. Observations taken ot he same moment of time ot all stations. Sept. 7. 1990, 8 p tn., 73th meridian time. N ,tne- of Si *ii.-n* i T I *V |RgMk lloston. clear ! 64 Ift | .09 New Y’otk city, ctoudy ..| 71 I It l .00 I‘hlladelphla, clear ! 76 | 8 | ad Washington elty, cloudy | 90 i 10 j .Oft Norfolk, clear So j 12 | .00 Hattera*. clear • 89 | 10 | .(O Wilmington, clear I 80 6 \ .00 Chnrlolte. clear ! *4 | 1. j .00 Raleigh, clear X3 L .0O Charleston, partly cldy ; 82 I 1* j .<*) Atlanta, cloudy 82 ! 10 | .00 August:!, clear 82 j 8 s .00 Savannah, partly cloudy | | 8 j .01 Jacksonville, cloudy ...... So j 8 | 01 Jupiter, cloudy | 7* ! L .38 Key West, clear | 82 | 6 | T Tampa, partly cloudy ~..| 78 j I. | .01 Mobile, partly cloudy ... J 80 I 12 ; .01 Montgomery, cloudy 84 8 .01 Vicksburg. |*artly cloudy j 8* j 10 j .00 New Orleans, raining .... 99 | 2* | .01 Galveston, cloudy ks ; in .00 Corpu* Chrlstl cloudy ... 96 ■ 8 oo rnleatlne, cloudy .j 86 8 .00 Memphis, clejir ...........j 88 j 1* J .00 Cincinnati, clear I 82 j 10 j .00 Pittsburg, dear | 80 [ L l .00 Buffalo, clear | 61 | 10 | .CO Detroit, clear : 73 j L I .00 Chicago, clear I 66 | 10 : .09 Marquette, partly cloudy j 69 j 10 | .00 St. Paul, cloudy | 7* ( 8 j .00 Davenport, clear i 71 | L l .00 St. Louis, clear I 82 I 6 .00 Kansas City, clear | 82 | L j 00 Oklahoma, clear | 88 \ 6 j .00 Dodg* City, clear i 86 j 10 j .00 North Platte, partly rldy On j 14 | (10 11. H. Boyer. Icu! Forecast Official. A POLITICAL liAMK. Forest City* nnil South alders to Play Hall To-day. The two political hiivha’l teims of the administration faction will crosa bats for the second time this afternoon at the Bol ton street park The makeup of the two teams has been con*tderatly Improved since their first meeting at Tybee about a month ago and a warm f im* Is predicted The Forest City Independents will he captained by James E. Mcßride, Jr, with J ime* Lane ns manager. Jerry Connor* will be in the bo*, with Tom Mcßride a* cat* her. Copt. Mcßride regard* this as a winning battery- Copt. Bob Creamer will guard the Inter eM* of the Fouthsl!ers. The crack bat tery of the ••Commons*’ consist* of Zeik Myers ns pitcher, with William Reilly be hind th* bat. The game t expe-fed o be a battle ro\ rl between the two batteries. lot dies will be a Imd’ed free and there will Ik* n> charge to the grand stand. A small admission will !h charged in order •o defray expenses. In case of rain the game will t*e postponed until to-morrow The game will be called at 4 o'clock. I IT V lilt IvV I ITEM. In the Superior Court yesterday Mr. W. F. Train was reappointed a commercial rotary public, f*r four years, by Judge Fnlllgant. The threatened storm did not mar the pleasure of th“ visitors to Isle of Hope last night. The ladles* guessing contest at Barbee A Handy's, for a prise of one dot n photo* raphe, was won by Mrs E. Wilson on a gue*< <f 2'3. The gentlemen's lr *e. tt box of Tom Keene cigars, was won by Mr. Rollerer Keprado. Arthur Mcßride. 4-ycar-old white chikl, while trying to cross Hull street at Broughton yesterday afternoon about 5:30 o’clock, was *truck and knocked down by u hack being driven down Bull street. The bo> was slightly bruised, hut other wise unhurt, though he was badly fright ened. TRADE OUTLOOK FAVORABLE. MANY ITK ATI'HIM Til *T IA lll*' ATK IMPHOVBMKXT. Wlilrnlnu Y*ll Trarte In Ihr Wl nml n.lh— Aplllrwr.l <•! ‘l*l l-lntr •ralr lln> llrliarH. Hut li.iim A.<hr.t-lir al nirlhr *%ny Ho mr Uanur lron ou<l hlrrl Tradr ( hrrrfnl ttlilpmrnla o( Onla anil •■alru Kailurr.. iNmv York. Srpt 7.-Brdtrt'i to morrow will any: Trad*' drvrlopmrnta thla work have hrrn mainly favorable atxl thr Imnrovr mrnt In gmrral 4t*tributtve hualnre, not • 0 In thr lattrr part of Atmuat haa xath rreO fore, tn thr rtrrt wrrk of Krptrm- Irr. t.rating fraiurr, have been lha wl<l mlnK fall tradr rrjrort-d at many point* W<t. South and on thr Hartllr coaat. *omr Imiwov.m-nt In the Jobbing demand at the Eal. wt'h Southrrn buytntr a marked feature, rather better report, from the two Mreat staple cropa of the Weal and South, corn and cotton. Im proved export demon I for American pro duct*. notably w h-at. Iron and steel and cotton and unvarylniily god return* by the transportation Interest* of the coun try. The eorner appear* to have been turned In bank clearing*, because the aggregate for the tlr*t week of September, though brokn by holidays, I* larger than the to tal for the preceding week The Industrial outlook ha* l*n Improved by *ttlement of the tin plate scale, the general resumie tlnn of operations in the glasa Industry, the predicted settlement satisfactorily of the remaining Iron and steel wage scales, and the po-slhtlity that recent large- sales of print cloth will avert a resort to wage reductions In the New England cotton mil! Industry. The anthracite coal trade outlook, how ever. Is clouded by the prediction that I*o.- UA> men will strike this week. Iron and Steel Trade. The Iron and steel trade continues pos itively cheerful In tone, and a large bus iness has been booked No Important gain* In price* are reported On the contrary. Bessemer pig Is lower on the week, and little Is doing In steel billets, the price of which Is little above that of raw pig Export demand Is cxpondlng, however. 10.000 ton* of Southern pig being shipped this week from Birmingham, and orders for twice a* much more are report* and booked Iron production showed a further heavy decline In August, but stocks again Increased. Wheat, Inrludlng flour, shipments, for the week aggresae 3.313.100 luish. Is, against 3.311.373 last week. 1.353. PW In the corresponding week of 1539 3.200.20 Rln IKW. MtI.EOS In M9T. and 3,7W,1t! bushel* In IWi From July 1 ty date, rhl* season wheat export* are 31.317.Rtil bushel*, against 31.t76.2A1 last te-ason. and S2.7SB.axi In 1R96-S Corn exports for the week ag gregate 3.162.271 bushel*, against 3,717. W last week * 736.X7S In this week a year ago. 3.AM.*60 In IXSft. 1.913.31* In 1897 and 2,AV.,|. In 1X96. From July I to date this noa-on corn export* are 33.231.- bushel*, against *6.077,013 last season and 26.AT7 M 7 In Business failures for the week number ISA as against 165 last week. 123 In the week a year ago. I*2 In IS9*. 173 tn ‘*97 and 3m. In IW6. Canadian failure* num ber 36. as against S3 lust week. 21 tn 1839, 17 In I SDR. 32 tn 1597 and *1 In 1596. ■ONE ORDINARY RACING. Only Two Favorite* Were Xar-cssfu; nt 'heepshead New York. Bept. 7.—lt w.i* decidedly an ordinary day's racing nt Sheepsheud Bay to-day. Only two favorite* were success ful. and both at even money. Serrano In the second and Jack Point In the fourth. In every race the winner won as he pleased and there was nothing to arouse she enthusiasm of the small ailed crowd. Summaries: First Bare—Five furlongs. Servlita. lo to I, won. with Star. 12 to 1 and 5 to 1. second, with Tavelta, 3u to 1. third. Time 1:00 2-6. Second Race—One mile. Serrano, even, won, with McLeod of Dare, 7 to 2 and even, second, and Bold Knight. 6 to I. third. Time I:*2. Third Race—Six furlongs. Luerana. 8 to 1. won. wllh Albubi. 30 to 1 and 6 to 1. sec ond. and Rolling Boor. 16 to 1. third. Time 1:13 8-6 Fourth Race—One mile and a quarter. Jack Point. 9 lo 10. won. with Hardly. 9 to 2 and 6 to 5. second, with Whistling Coon. 6 to 2. third. Time 2 06 *-5. Fifth Rare—Mlnsoia hurdle, two miles. Sir Hubert. 15 to 1. won. wish Draughts man. 2 to 1 and 3 to 6. second, and Ben Eder third. Time 2:50 2-5. Sixth Race —Six*. Unmarked. 7 to 2 won. with Ln Tosca 11, 3 to 1 and even, second, and Gold Or, 5 to 1, third. Time 1:1*. (•min! Circuit *lrrtln( Closed. Hartf rd. Conn Fept. 7 - The Grand Cir cuit meeting dosed at Charter Oak park thla afternoon, the slrg'e eient for to morrow‘s cord being crowded In this af ternoon's sport The rtinmna was very Interes’lng, the 2:M trot requiring six heats to nitish. Otiward Sliver Utkin* the rare Four heat winners went in the sixth heat and the contest-was spirited although the time was slow. Summaries: 7:10 Pace, purse $1,200. The Admiral won the second, third and fourth hate and race; Itetnont \Y„ second; SpnMix 8.. third Paul Revere won the first heat Time 7:07*4. 2<TH. I 0S> 4 . 2<*H. 2:a Pace, purse f1,200- Fred S. Wedgc v-nod won Hi three straight heats; Oeorge second, CleiitrV* Treasure, third. Tim .’*•=t. s:l* Trol. purse $1,200 Onward Silver won the third, fourth nrd sixin hents anil race; All e Barnes, second; I .amp Girl third Aik e Homes won the Hreond heat. Ramp Girl the Hrsi h-at. atai Grace Onward, the fifth heat. Time, 2:11' 4 . 2;UVi. 2:12\. 2:.S*s. 2:11*4. 2:ISV 7:17 Trot, purse $1,200. Pooler won In three straight hears. Baron Bet*, second I ■ indy wine, third. Time, 2:l*' 2 . 2:8'4. !W,. I.snnt l.tteal \e*. Lyons, Oi., Sept. 7.—Mr. N. T McAr thur. tin esteemed resident of this place, died this morning. He was a native of North Carolina, and belonged to one of the regiments of his native stale and *<yv ed through the war In the Confederate Army. An election has been ordered to tnke pines cn Sept. M to gee the voteo of the people upon Imndlng the town for the pur pose of building n school house. Mr J. P. Brown has Just eompleted a large gin house, and is making ample preparation to gin a large portion of the crop of this section Minuting I nniest si Mtllcitaevllle. •Mllledgcvl I’. Go.. H-pt. 7 The first con test between the iso gun clubs which have been recently organised in this place came off at the Sanitarium grounds at 3 SO yesterday afternoon The Sanllarlnm Gun Club defeated the Mllledgevtlle Gun Cluh. The honors of the shoot were won by Mr. Steve Thornton of he Sanitarium Cluh. he having broken twenty pigeons out of the twenty-Bve. There Is a great deal of rivalry between the two club.- and some good shots will probably he made as a re sult. lies nn-Met eneoii t'lnh. Columbus, (is. Sept. 7.—A Bryan and Stevenson Cluh was organised here to night wdth nearly 300 members, which will swell to 1,000. 8 P. Gilbert was chosen preoMen*. and R. Howard vice president. If you will buy three ■ Old V lrginia Cheroots" & and smoke them to-day you will get % q the greatest amount of comfort and J ■ satisfaction that 5 cents will buy in SB B a smoke, and get it three times over! 2 2 You haven’t any idea how good they • • are and cannot have until you try them. • ® Try three to-day instead of a sc. cigar. 5 Three hundred million Old Virginia Cheroots smoked this * gg year. Ask your own dealer. Price. 3 for 5 cent*. , ® BOOKLETS IN COLORS. Wc print these by the hundred, thousand and million. Everybody uses them And the more they are used the greater proportions your business attains. VVe print them in just common folders, in 16 pages and in 24 and 32 pages. The outside covers we put in two colors, which gives snap and life to the booklet. Mo matter what your line of business is a few thousand of these little folders will help your business.' If you are a saddle manufacturer, it helps you. A hotel proprietor, it helps you. . A drug manufacturer, it helps you. A tailor, it helps you. A confectioner, it helps you. A jeweler, it helps you. Indeed it helps anybody in any line. The more we print, the cheaper we print them. Let us estimate for you. MORNING NEWS JOB MINI, J. H. ESTILL, President, Savannah. Ga. JUST RECEIVED, Fire-Proof Safes From thr most celebrated mannlarturers, both Arc-proof and bargtar proof aafra and vault doors. tvr carry an luimrnsr stork of rtre-proof Safes. Our stock rla . hrnrrs a very elegant line from 700 to 4.000 pounds. Inclusive single and donble doors, and a visit to onr ratahllnhmrnt fo In spect tbrsr elrgant safrs will hr n soorrr of marh proAt nnd In struction tn oar friends. The price will be ns low ns any really Fire-proof Safe ran be made, nnd our motto Is Quality nnd Safrly of thr first Import aurr. Send or rail on n* for furfhrr particular*, ratalogur and prlrr*. LIPPMAN BROS., Wholesale Agents for Manufacturers of Fire-Proof Safes. ! LINDSAY & MORGAN STILL AT OLD POST OFFICt, With Great Bargains In Summer Goods, Such as Mattings. Mosquito Nets. Refrigerators, Porch Awnings, Reed Furniture, Go-Carts, etfc. Closing out our stock of Buck’s Stoves and Ranges Low Down. The only Odorless Refrigerator. '"ttSST” jhorter COLLEoTsir ; “ SSBSJTC!, 55^,2851^: " ■ *r— -I ■ _ --Itonl I- I ,!r,Z.2 1 v'*—•• \L %tt tea r—i' f.- ..1,,,..f..t. .... , I*l flu T| TANARUS! J! ffiSui **! I■” 1 a Pi.i'o r. " - - .r” *' " - •**• i” 'wvWSiV j. I *■ “ym j—m * . r '.“ r ni-i ,-. u ' 1 **''*• tiMM, “!. ~L J;•,•* n-njw-^ — trLr _~i - ~ * • wtiifc* KtrH. ORDER BUNK BOOKS FROM THE MORNING NEWS. SAVANNAH Ocean SteamsfilD Ga —FOR- New York,Boston —AND THE EAST. I'nsurpassrd cabin accommodations, gjl tho comforts of g modern hotel. fc..e.trto lights. Unexcelled table. Tickets lociui, meals and bertha aboard ihlg. ranger Fares Horn Savaamii. TO NKW YOHK-FIKST CAJUN. FIJIST CABIN BOUND THU*. 332. I.v TEHMEDIATE CABIN. 3D. INTERME DIATE CABIN BOUND TRII'. ui. BTEEKAOE. lid TO BOSTON - FIRST CABIN, uj FIRST CABIN ROUND THII*. I3C IN TERMEDIATE CABIN. 317; INTERME DIATE CABIN BOUND THU*. DsiA STEERAGE. 311.73. The expresa steamships of this tine are appointed to sail from Savannah. Central (Doth) meridian time, as ’ollows SAVANNAH T<> IttiW YOltK. CITY OF BIRMINGHAM. Capt. IW, SATURDAY. Sept 8, *:01 p m TAL.I.AHASSRE. Capt. Askms, MON DAY. Sept. 10. S:3O p m. CITY OF AUGUSTA. Cap* Itaggeit. TUESDAY, Sept 11. 6:30 p m NACOOCHEE. Capt Smith. THU RI DA Y. Sept 13. BdU p m. KANSAS CITY. Capt. F.sher, SATVR. DAY. Sept 14. 1000 p. m. Cm* OF BIRMINGHAM. Capt. H, rg MONDAY. Sept 17. 12:10 noon TAI.DAHASBEE. Cap*. Askln., TI ES DAY. Sett. I*. 1:0 p. tn CITY OF AUGUSTA. Capt Dgr|t. THURSDAY. Sept 20. !:*• p m NACOOCHEE. Capt Smith. SATCR. MAY Sept 35. *:OU p m KANSAS CITY. Capt. Fisher. MONDAY, Fepl 21. 6:00 p m CITY OF BIRMINGHAM, Capt. R r *. TUESDAY. Sept. 25. s:> p m TALLAHASSEE. Capt. Asklns, THt'RB. DAY. s-pt. 27 :> P m CITY OF AI’OT'STA. Capt. Daggett. HATURDAT. Sept. . 818 p m M-:\\ lUHK *rt WMTOI. CITY OF MACON, Capt. Savoee. MON DAY'. Sept 10. neon CITY' OF MACON. Capt. Savage. FRI DAY. Sept. I*. noon CITY OF MACON. Capt Savage, WED NESDAY. S’pt 19. noon CITY OF MACON. Capt Savage, MON. DAY. Sept ?. noon. CITY OF MACON. Capt. Savage. FRI DAY. Sept. 38. noon This company reserve* the right to change t<* *alltngs without notice end without liability or accountability there for. Sailing* New York for Savannah dally except Sunday*. Mondays and Thuradaya. 690 p m W. O. BREWER. City Tick** and Pa**, enger Agent. 107 Bull street. Savannah. Os. E. W SMITH. Contracting Freight Agent Savannah. Oa. B. G. TREZEVANT. Agent, Savannah. °\VAI-TER HAWKINS. General Agent Traffic Dep’t. 234 W. Bay street. Jack sonville. Flu. E. H. HINTON. Traffic Manager. Sa vannah. Oa P E LE FEVRE Superintendent. New Pier 26 North River, New York N T MERCHANTS AND MINERS TRANSPORTATION CO. •TtsAJOBIIII* LIKES. SAVANNAH TO IIII.TIMORL. Tickets on sale at company's offlea* to the following i<unta at v* ry low rates ATLANTIC CITY. N J. BALTIMORE. MD. BUFFALO. N Y. BOSTON. MASS CHICAGO. ILL. CLEVELAND, 0. ERIK. PA HAGERSTOWN HARRISBURG. PA HALIFAX. N 8 NIAGARA FALLS. NEW YORK. PHILADELPHIA PITTSBURG. PROVIDENCE ROCHESTER TRENTON. WILMINGTON. WASHINGTON. Flral-clasa tickets Include meals end stats room berth, Savannah to B iltlrn r. Accommodations and cuisine unequal*! Freight capacity unlimited; careful ban lit g and quick dispatch. The aleam-hlps of this company *r*> ap pointed •> a " f tx>m Bttv.tnn.vh to Biltl more a* follow* (standard timet ITASCA. Capt. Diggs, SATURDAY*. Sfpl. 8. 5:39 p. m. ALLEGHANY. Copt. Fosier, TUESDAY. Sept. 11. *:> P- l TEXAS. Capt. Khtrklge, THURSDAY. Sept. 13. 9:00 a til D. H. MILLER. Capt. Peters, SATUR DAY. Sept. 15. 12 in. ITASCA. Capt. Diggs. TUESDAY'. Srpt. 18. l:3t> p. ni. ALLEGHANY. Capt. Foster. THURS DAY. Sept. . *.) p. m. TEXAS. Capt. Eldridge, SATURDAY, Sept 22. 5 p. tn. And fi om Baltimore Tuesdays. Tin ra dio sand Saturdays at *.*o p tn Ticket Office. 39 Bull street. NEWCOMB COIIEN. Trav. Agent J. J. CA IIOI.AN, Agent. Savannah Ga W P. TURNER O. P A A D BTKBBINB. A. T. M J. C. WHITNEY. Traffic Manager. General offices. Baltimore. M* The Singer Fiano of Chicago, 111. Thl. SINOEK PIANO to wid by mM of Ih. toading dealer. In lh fnl!* 4 btalM. aucfi a, Wm Ml.lneri Son, Ca. —ho have the iarsett e.iabltohroeo'* !B notion. New Haven and Provlilemi* A uo lha SINGER PIANO to told by "m. Krabe Cos., h.vlns the le-dln* hou— * n Ilo.ion, llalilmore, Wa.hlngton and Tut cuy. lucre ar. u iar. uuinM [ ■'* Iratlm. UOUaei. oaflOi.oa ‘ * A -* U ‘ 100 mimerou, to mentioo. . The SINGER PIANO to evidently one the hel piunoa In ihe market, or ll “‘ >UJ not be Bold by iheM leadlnn nouot It ba, an etekam alncloK tea*- o,tt " Oner than moat piano,, and about om-Mn Ihe price of other Inurnment,. _ Call and ,ee. nnd examine th PIANO and tatve a good deal of money <— your purrhaw*. Same *uarame. I* **• tended for the RINGER PIANO a, W the leadtnir piano* of Ihe day. and * ■ tofartory price will be given lo all on pPrntlon LIPPMAN BROTHERS. Wholesale Agenta. Wholeaalo Drug*l fk Darnard and CongreM Street*. Savannah. Ga. BKKNNAN BROS., to MOLESALU Fruit, Produce, Grain. Ett* aa bav si •**■ tatopbeaeatS*