The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, September 08, 1900, Page 9, Image 9

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u„ ,m steady; #■. 2.027. ", c 1 4 I *1 56 1 *o K 1 9) I 45 M 1 86 I 50 N 1 *5 1 65 W Cl 206 J, V.' 1 W IV 24u Week Last Year— j., lirl t* Turpentine— Firm at Me; soles, r. , asks. I .-ire-Firm. #slea. I .MM barrel*. , H C * *• I > r, te k ik 1 no N 3 in ' 1 10 W O 250 1 30 W W St*) licrelpt* Paax Week. Spirit!. Ho* id р, eipta |at week | 7.Ml 25.911 it.m- week ia*t year | 6.119 19.93) Ftpbrta pane week | 7*5 11.137 f ]fn e week last year ....j 2,803 8,979 Movement— V York I JU> 2.09* j>ti m lelpbia j . | 166 jtxi'imoc* j | 6 MI ]rtenor .... 475 2.4*71 Total I I*B| tUB llecelple anil Rtorli*. Receipts. shipment* and stork* from Apr;l 1. 1*99. to date, and to the rorre „. I .tlng date of last year: . 1900-1901 Spirit*. Hoeln g o k at April 1, 1900 2.197 M m R..rived thl* week 7.M1 *.,911 It Ived previously 190.097 419.542 T tal 209.045 696.96* E* porta— fcretgn 124.590 221.493 j;,w York 17.425 6.973 Oastwtee and Interior 21.9LM 162.639 Tdal 1*2.941 400.005 fork on hand thl* day 45.104 126.9G1 1599-191 l. jtt k on hand April I, 1900 .. 3.5*6 111.29* Ro-etved thl* week 6.119 19,934 jb-etvad previously 194. UM 488.841 Total 202.773 % 0,171 Export#— F ■mn 123.711 243.021 5- York 22.361 W. 429 Coastwise and Interior 20.006 139.136 Total 173.410 473.579 fivk on hand 28,96.1 141.563 ' irleston. S. C.. Sept. 7.—Turpentine, rothing doing. Ro*tn quiet and un с. '.Yimlnglon. N. C.. Sept 7 —Spirit* tur pniilna. steady. 324©J:i4*c; rocelp**. 91 Rrm *teady. 21.15411 30; reeelpl*. 191 Cr ste turpentine (toady. 1t.1002.W; re f e. 143. Tar firm, 21 40; receipt*. 66. FINAKCIAL. MONEY—'The demand keep* fairly up etth the supply BANK CLEAKINGS—The bank dear ie** during the past week were 34.779.614.34. watnst 32 420.777 74 for the i\>rrespondmg jrtl last year, and tl.3Sn.<M4.t2 for the >rr> period of 1890. ' W iring* by Day*-* tUt'trday S 601.271 39 2 day Holiday Tuesday 960.339 21 Wednesday 8*6.106 60 T trsday 1.309.716 12 Friday 1.190.023 42 Total 24.779.514 34 FORBION EXCHANGE— Market 1* Itendy. Commercial demand. 21A53J. ntv day*. 24.624. ninety day*. 24.81; lanes, fart* and Havre. Maly day*. 'UP* Swiss, sixty day*. 5 24V maik*. stlty 'lava. 94 3-13: ninety daya, 98V\ DOMESTIC EXCHANGE - Steady; link* ate buying at 4 discount and ael|- Ittg a* tallow*: 325 and under. 10c pre jmium; 125 to 250, 15c premium. s')) to SIOO. premium; slt to 2>*. Sic premium; s3ou lard over par Check* must average 22k) to get the par rate. SECURITIES—The market I* very Inae. tv*. scarcely anything doing Quotations *r* rath, r nominal siitcki. Bid. Ask Augusta and Savannah R. R.... 109 110 Alania and West Point I*l U 6 do 2 per cent, certificates 106 lus .1 gutti Factory 30 M Cttlasna Bank - 128 130 Chatham Bank 110 111 Chatham R. E- A I. Cos., A 664 674 do do U - W 67 Eagle and Pho*nlx Mfg. Cos .105 Edison Electric Ilium 100 105 Enterprise Mfg. Cos 16 102 'l-vmania Bank 126 129 Georgia A Alabama 25 27 Georgia Railroad, common 210 215 Granltevlßo Mfg. Cos 160 165 J I* King Mfg. Cos 100 1M I. n gley Mfg. Cos U 7 IJ> Merchants National Bank lift 111 National Bank of Savannah ......140 150 da ethorpe Savings and Truat...,103 110 People'* Saving* and Loan 9k 101 Southwestern Railroad Cos. 10* 106 Savannah Ga* Eight Cos 24 25 Southern Bank 163 155 Savannah Bank and Trust 114 116 Sibley Mfg Cos., Augusta 86 60 Savannah Brewing 66 100 Bonds. Bid Auk. Char.. Col A Aug lat Is. 1900... 108 168 Atlanta city 4s. 1622 104 116 A igu.ta diy is. 1127 166 107 ! do 44*. 1926 UO 111 do 7*. 1603 106 103 do 3a. 1613 H lO !A a Mid s*. lod'd. 1928. MAN *7 Augusta Factory. $ percent.. 1916.1'ff 110 Brunswick and Western 4*. 1938 . 30 *2 c It It. A Banking collateral s*. 63 92 C cf a. .Ist 6s. 60-year gold. 1945 F <v A 118 !> 1 of O. con s*. 1945. M A N 93 94 Cof o lot Income*. 1945 43 44 do 2d Income*. 1945 R*4 HH do 2d Income*. 1945 5 6 C of G (M G. A A. Dlv.) I*. 947. J & J 98 M C of G. (Eaton Branch), to. 1930. J A I) 94 95 ' t'y A Suburban ft R. l*t 7... l' 110 Columbus city, s*. 190* 106 WT Charle*ton city 4*. 1945 101 101 Facie A Chen Mills 6*. 163*... ltd 107 Edison Electric Illuminating 3* .104 106 Enterprise Mfg 6s. 190i KB 166 ,; e..rgl* Railroad 3*. 1910 Alt 1154 0 8. A F. 1945. J. A J 10 HO Georgia A Alabama I*l 6a. 1916 .104 103 Ge rgia *iate 34a. 1630. J. A J .103 197 do 14* 1915. MAN ltd 1* do 44* 1915 117 118 Macon city 3*. 1910. J A J IK 11* do 44 1926 Jan. par 107 100 Ocean Steamship 6*. 1926 109 164 Savannah city 6*. quar. October 1913 1104 1114 do S*. quar. Nov., 1906 110 111 South Carolina stale 4Vi*. 1923 .116 11* Sibley Mf* Cos 6*. 1903 Ml 102 South Bound 6* *9 100 6 F A W geo mt'ge. 4a. 1134 .122 lit do do Ist 6*. gold. 1*64 1104 1124 do Bt John Dlv. Ist * 1894.... 64 *4 New York. Bept T—Monev on call w *ady at 14414 per cent.: last loan. 14 let cent : prime mercantile paper. 405 1 '.- let ent Sterling exchange easy, with jSetual huslness In bnnker*' Mil*. 1 64.87 (ot demand, and at 24 4 for sixty day*: I“'>*d rates. 14.314114 65, and H *64)4 B*4 •omimrctat bill*. 24 *34 414 634 Silver .£*<' ') ate*, 3344(634c; bar stiver. 624 c, 6*’ t in dollars. 44c. Government Itoodn J’fons, M S t bond* Inwctlve; railroad ImivK it regular STOCKS AND Tl *e Bay’s Market Eaclnslyely In llmiiils f |*rnfelonlft. N'cw York, Sept 7 —To-doy * stock mar ket wa* exclusively In professional hand*. Although there was but a narrow affair It showed evidence of some operation* of '"'her larger scope than have been *een during <he summer, reflecting In all prob •UUty th e resumption of acilviQt by some MURPHY * CO., INC., ttourU of Trad* liuildlng, Savannah Private trailed wirre direct to New Yorfc. <• hlcairo and New^ tOTTOV RTOtkft A\D OftAIR. New York office. No. <1 Hnna<lway. Office* tn i|ul ctUea throughout the South WrMe for our Market M inimi and book containing tn*truction* for trader* >f the influential traders who havo been •‘way for the summer. Kffort* by a hull clique were In evidence, but they m**t w*h only moderate aueoea*. Their method aeetna to Ih to |ms from one stock 10 another on nui ■ ewgfve days, seeking some appearance of continuity In the movement by manipulating shake In which the Interests are allied or which are mutually nfTetSed by some develop ment of conditions. T**-day Missouri Pacific was the favor ite at an extreme ailvance from the low p >lnt of IK*, with dealings on quite a large * ale. The ittempt was made to mak this seem a logical sequence of yesterday'tf moviMfiient inhe Southern Hallway storks and Ht Louis Southwestern preferred was hi ought In the talk In close relations with Misosur. Pacific and of bene lit from the I rivalling high price of cotton. Mean- Urn ■ the Hmithern Hallway stocks, Ohesx |h ak and Ohio ami Bou4h*'rn Pacific and othei stfK'ks which had l*#*en under manip ul.ttton earlier In tiie week were heil hack l*> profit taking. The fears of strike of anthracite mlntrt wss a depressing fa- tor anil Ki iilliu. tlrsi preferred. Delaware tinl Hudson tnd New .lreey Central were off from to Ilf at time- ituring the day. Liquidation In th coalers was not large, however. L<.*don was a teller In this market, cwlmj ts> uneasiness on weenunt <f the unihracltr Pun ion nd *o flrmrr money rates tn Ixndon. The tnllday It Londrn to-mevrow also lnli.v i some chising out of accounts. In the list of specialties, people's Has and Brooklyn Transit were the mo*4 con spicuous figures anti, owing to the fact that the identical Interests in the two properties are large, the contrary move ment In the stocks was strange In the lat* dealings this oppctsing movement was rather pulhahly due to manipulation. Brooklyn Transit gained 2 points net. the demand from the short Interest playing i part In ils strength. Municipal polit ical developments were also a factor In the movement. Hugar moved narrowly on a small vol ume of dealings, minus the dividend which was declared early in the week and closed with a small net gain. The steel stock* were rather quiet and Irregular, Tennessee r\>a! rallying sharply from yes terday's depression The money movement for *he week is interesting as showing an excess of shipment* over receipts by ex press for the first time this season The sharp decline in New York ex change at Chicago from 30 cents discount yesterday to fifty cents dls*ount to-day. explains the source of the demand, though money has gone out quite freely •o the South also during the week Gains hy suhstreasury operations, due to pay ments on account of government bond re demptions and of deposits of g<dd at Pa cific roast points leave a large margin of gain to the hanks. he Indications losing that the increase in cash reserves has reached over a million dollars. Continued liquidation of Kansas City Southern bond* was the feature of the hood market Trading otherwise was small. Total sales, par value. s*ft&.o(V> ITnlted States old in advanced V* in the hid price. The total sales of stocks to-day were HglOO shares. Including Missouri Pacific. 3.W. Heading first preferred. 7.1 W; South ern Railway pr#f erred, *.*ls; Brooklyn Rapid Transit. People's Gas, 23.610; Sugar ex-dlv.. Ji.fQfV New York Stork List. Atchison 28Q I'rrlon Pac 37' do prrf 7ia, ,lo pref 7t* Balt. * Ohio . 7248 Wabash 7 Can. Pac 87 do pref 18Q Can. Sou 4: Wh#al. A L. E . sff Ohes & Ohio . 28V, *l*r 2*2 pref .... L-. Uhl Gt. W ... Id£ Wlac Ten 13 Chi.. R A Q. .1261} Adams Ex 124 Chi.. I. A L. ./ 224 J American 15J do pref KtiTnlted State* .. 45 Chi A E I. 40. Wells F.-irgo .. 121 C. A Ntv 182 Am Cot Oil 3St, C.. R I A P ViWl do pref 88 C C. C. A St. Am Malting .... 4trv leruls 58>t' do pref It Onl Sou 6 | Am S A R .. 36G do lat pref ... 41 dr, pref R 9 •lo 2d prof ... 16 lAm Spirits IQ Del. A Hud .110'. do pref 17 l> . L. A W ..175 lAm Bteel Hoop 1651 Den. AR. O .. 19',| *k> pref 7>, do prr f 97 |Am. 8 A W. .. 36*, 6>le 11 1 do pref 745, do Ist |tref ... *S'y Am Ttn Plate.. 28 Ot. North pref 1624 do l>rel 80 Hocking Coal .. 15 Am Tohac"o ... 93(9 llockmv V. ... 31 j do pref |IB Ilia, da On . ..1161, Ana Min. Cos. .. 44', lowa fen j*v, etrook H T. ... r.Vs do pref 44 |Col. F A I. ... Mt* L. E AW rr'-,Conr Toh do pref 934.. d*> pref fg lake Shore 205 Ferlerai rtreel ... At\ L. A N 72 j do pref *7 Manhattan L. . 92 **en Elec lJ9tj Met. Bt. Hy. ...I.rl Glucoae' Sugar .. 51Q *lex Cn. 11, tlo pref as 11. A 8t L it 1 . Intern. Paper .. 2U, Missouri Pc. .. 6sik; do pref w>A, Mobil. A Ohio . 9 .lAiclede Gas .... 73 11.. K A T. .. effiNaH. Biscuit .. 331, do pref Jtf. tlo pref If N J. C isi.VjNatl Lead I7A, N. Y C 13* \ do pref 89'.. N A W 8t , Natl. Steal *4 <lo pref 7a‘y do pref 8:4 North. Pac, ... 514 N- Y A. B. ...11l tlo pref North Am .... IS Ont. A W 2i4jPartflc Coast .. 544 Ore Ry. A N. 42 | do Ist pref .... 65 do pref ]n do 2d pref 64' Pennsylvania . •.'aoMlc M ill —3l Retdlng 1*4 People'# Gas ... AH* do Ist pref .. i,'4l‘resc*l 8. Car. 38', do 2d pref ... Nv do pref 714 R|o o. W. 54 llbni I*nl Car I*6 do pref B*l jB R A T 5 fit. L AS F.. lo i Sugar 13fw do Ist pref . 87 jdo pref 1145, do 2d pref ... Sjv, Tenn C A 1 . 7*4 Bt. L . 8w *l2\ U. 8 leather .. 11 do pref W, do pref 70 Ht Pnul 114 V. B Rubber .. 29-AJ do pref 173 | do pref *1 Bt. P. A O ...111 jWestern Union . 7‘y Sou Pac *4 |R, I A B 124 Sou Hv 12 do pref 54 do pref 5441’. C. C A Bt. Tex A I* tc 154 Loula 54 Bond# V. S ref 2a. reg N Y Cen. 1a1a.10ß4 do cou 1034 N. J. Cen. gen do 2a. reg 109 5* .123 do 3*. eon ... 109 North Pac !a , ,54 do new 4s reg 1331. .|o do 4s . jot l , do new ts.cou I*l'. N V . C. A Ht do old ts. reg.lll4 L 4 KM do old ts. cou, 1154 Nor. A W. con. do se. reg ... H 29 do ss. cou ....116% Ora. Nav. Ist* .109 D of C.. 365a ..122 do do ts .1024 Ateh. *en. ts .1014 Ore B L. 8 .1234 do adjust 4. do do con 5s 1134 f. South. 2nd* 1< Read Gen 4s 674 V or O. con ss. 94 R O W. lsts . 89 do Ist in bid 4.1 jit. LAI. M do 2nd lr. 11 | con *• UP* C A O. 44* ... 984!8t L. A 8. F. do do 6s ...11*4 Men. 8a 121% C. A N. con 7* .140 .81. I*attl con .. 16i do 8 F Dab St P. C. A P In lit | Ist* 113 Chi. Ter 4s ... *3 fl< P . C. A P. Erie Gen 48 ... ©V i* 116V* E W A D. C. Hou. Pac 4s .... 784 ‘lot |Hou Rail 5a ...1*194 Col South 4s 82VJ H. R. AT.6a.. 37 D A R o. Uta.Hß%|T. A P lsts ...112 do 4s ........ 9*4 t*o do 2nds .. 65 Orn Elec 6* ..LW |U. Pac. 4a U 4 lowa Can. Ist*.H4 Wabaah lata ....117 1 g X uni. 4s 99-1. do 2nd* ....... 102 M K A T 2nd* 374 Weal B. 4s 113 Q Srt„ do Wla. Con Ist* .. 871; vi a O. 4* 64V*Vlr. Cen 894 New York. Sept 7 —Standard Oil, S3sft U 8 NIBCRLU9M9IB li tlt K bit. Not*.—These quotations ara revtaed dally, and ara kept aa near aa posaiMa in THE MORNING NEWS: SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 8. 1000. accord with the prevailing wholesale prices Official quotations are not used when they dlsagrta with the prices whole saler# ask t'ounlry and kiirlkers I'routice. POULTRY—Tha market Is steady Quo. tlions: Hroller*. MhUttr; per pair, half grown. 4&0&V; three-fourths grown. 66tf ftOt . hens. sti7To; roosters. lOifSOc; ducks. BOtfTSc: geese. ?jrtisl <Vt. BOG* Hi 4 adv at Hr. HUTTLK Tue tore of the market M steady. Quotations: Cooking. *k; extra dairies. 21tr?2; Klglns, gilt edge. 22||2Jc; extra Klein* CHEKSB- Market Arm: fancy full crum cheeM-. 13c for ? to L-pounl average >{ average. I2\c ONIONS—YeIIow, tn barrels. 12 fit), crates $ : 00 K.nrlg \ rt*tables. IRISH POTATOES Nartham, |ss> sa k CABBAOE-MHr per head ltrs'atlt uft. Ila and Gram. FLOUR M irket steady; |v<ient. |i ft. straight. $4 IB; fancy, M IS; family, SS-M MLA U Pearl, per Itarrel, *2 76. per sack. $1 Y); city meal, per sack, bolted. 1.. water ground. $1.25. city grits, sacks, ||J; i*earl grits, Hudnufs*. |>er barrel, s*►. ier sack. |i sundry bratnis. II 3^41 sack. COHN- Market fltm. white. Job lots, V. carload lots. 2c; mixed corn, job lots. 62c; carload lots, 6Sc. HlCH—Maiket steady. demand fair; fancy ha*l. Sc. fancy. Mfcc. Prime g Oood Common 34 OATS No 2 mint'd, c.irload. 334; Job lot*. 860; white clipped. S6O. Job; *To car*. BRAN—Job lot*. 66c; carloatl lot* 60c. HAT-Market tdy: No, I. tlmothg, 65-' Job; 90 cart; No. 2. 60c Job: 36 cart*, llucun. II hmi * *ud Bard. BACON Market Arm; l>. 8. C. R. atdaa. 6*,. ; I>. S hcllle*. 94.-, (Ea*tern); D R he’ll* 9,9 c. (Western); emcktd c. It. lde*. *4c. HAMS Suttir cured. 124913 c BARD—Bure, tn tierce*. 84c; In 50. pound tin* and 80-|K>und tuba. *4c; compound. In tierce*. 4r. 60-pound tins and to-nound tub*. 64c. • near and toffee. BEGAR- Cut loaf 6.31, Diamond A ga Crushed 663 Confectioner*’ A.6.3 Fowdered 6Vt White Extra C.. 583 XXXX. pow’d .6 36|Extra C 611 Granulated 6 43 Golden C 673 Cubea 6 64 Yelloir* 636 Mould A 6.51 COFFEE— Mucha ...13c |Prime No. 1 ...1140 Jva 36c ‘Good. No. 4 ... .114 c I’eatierry 144 c Fair No i 11 c Fan y No. l....U4|Ordinary. No. $ lfMy- Cholce, No. 2 114.' Common. No. 710 e llartinar. and HaUlag auppliea DIME. CALCIUM. BLASTER AND CEMENT—Alabama and Georgia lime in (air demand and *e4r at 36 cent* a barrel: •pedal calcined |>l*ter. 11.00 per barrel! hair. 4>6c. Itoaed.lle cement. Il3tilji. carload lota, special. Portland cement, re tail |3 36. carload lot*. 22 OWI2 2o LUMBER F O. B VBBBELA SAVAN NAH—Minimum. yard *tae. 210.6091119; cur *lll*. tlL&dtlf.Oe. Jiff, rent *t*ea. 31400 ship dock. tl6idQlß 00. *an I tee |k.OUV66v; hewn He*. 36ff38<-. OlL—Market alaady; demand fair; sig nal. OOgfit*-. Welt Virginia 6013 c; lard. 63c: neatefool. on#To, . machinery. 16 ff26c; Unwed oil. raw. 674 c; hulled. 75c. kerosenr prime wnliu. 12': water white. 11c; Pratt* astral. 14; (teodorlged stole xarollne. drums, U4c; empty oil barrete. delivered. 83c. GUN POWDER—Per keg. Austin crack •hot. $4 0. half keg*. 12.26. quarter keg*. 31 35; champion ducking, quarter keg*! 23 35: Dupont and liaxard inukt le*. half kegs. 11116; quarter keg*. 66 76, 1-po-ind canister*. 21 00, !< •* 26 per rent . Troodorf smokeles* powder, )-poun<2 can*. 22 00; 19- pound c*n*. 90c pound SHOT—Drop. Si 30; B- B. and larg*. M7*’ chilled, SI 76 IRON—Market very *t**dv: Sired*. 540. NAILB—Cut. 2200 base; wire. 22 85 b*<w HAHBED WIRE-23 50 per 100 pound* straight gooda. 23ftSOc; sugar house mo lAcse*. 15ft 30c P'rnlte and Kata. APPLEH-Karly Northern varlaty, $2 250 3.00 BANANAS—SI 2601 75 bunch PINEAPPLES—Extra large Abhakas Cayenne*. 22 SO per atandard crate; small Red Spanish 1 0003.50 LEMONS—Market .-teady at N UTH—Almond*. Tarragona. !>•; Ivlcaa. 13c; walnut*. Franch. 120. Naples, lie. pe runs. 12c; liraalls. 7c; Alberts. Ite; assort ed nuts. 60-pound and 26-pound boxes. Itc PEANUTS—AmpIe stock. demand; market tlrm. fancy hand-picked. Virginia per pound. 44c; hand-p4* ked. Virginia. •*: Ira*. 4c: N C seed i-esnut*. 4c. Dried and bvayuraii* bruits. APPLES— Evaporated. 7406 c; sun-dried. S’9o*o PEAOHKH— Evaionated, pealed. K4c, unpral'd. 844)9* PEARS-Evaporated. 9c. APRICOTS— Evaporated. 9\c pound, neciarlties, 10c. RAIHINH—L. L.. $2 00; Imperial eaMaeta, 12 25. loose, So-iwuad boxes. gftlQc pound Cation linuuln* and Ties. BAGGING-.Market Arm; jute. 34- rwnd. 14c; large tola. 94c; small Iota; pound. t',ft9o. 14-pound, 84064 c; sea Island bagging, 124*- TIES Htnndard. 46-pound, arrow, Urge lots. |1 40: small lots. 31 SO Salt. Hides nod Wool. rfALT—Demand w ralr and the market steady; canoad lot*. 10b-pound burlao sacks. 44c: lOn-pound cot ion sack. 45c. !W-pound burlap sacks, 484<:; 110-pound cotton sacks, 494 c. 225-pound burlap sat lut. 86c; 125-pound cotton sack. 58c , 200-pound burlap sacks. 85c. HIDES— xtarkeg Arm; dry flint. 124 c; dry salt, 114 c; green salted. 3c. wool,—Nominal; prime Georgia, free of aand burrs and black wool. l*e. black. 13c; burry. 10c. Was, 26c; tallow. 4c. Deer skins, 30c. Mixt r.Li.\Kurtt a. FlßH—Mackerel, half-barrel*. No 1. $9 60; No 2. $' <tt; No. 2, $6 50, kite. No. L 31.40; No 2. II 26: No 2. 86t CodAah. '■pound brick*. s4c; T-pound bricks. 3c. Smoked herrings, per box, 30c Dutch her ring. In kegs. $1.10; new muliats, half barrels. 13. SYRUP— Market quiet: Georgia and Florida syrup, buying at 28030 c; selling at 82ft36c. sugar house at loft 15c. selling at HONEY—Fair demand; atratnad. In bar rels 83030 c gallon. High wing basl*. 31 36. . 0(1.45 PIIKJUMTS. COTrON —Havannah to Boston, per cab. 25c; to New York, per cat., c; to Philadelphia, per bale. sl. Baltimore. •I FOREIGN DlßECT—Bremen, 56030 c (Oct. 56c); Liverpool. 65; Hamburg. 66c.; Genoa. 65*-: Barcelona, 70c; Manchester. 55c; Huvre. 60c. FOREIGN INDI RETT—Liverpool. 17c; Manchester. 9k- nominal. Hamburg, 52c. Havre. *w . Genoa. 70c. Reval and Bt. Petershurg. 70i'. Antwerp. 30*- LUMBER -lb Freight* dull; to Baltimore and eastward. M M to 86 00 per M . Including Portland LUMBER—By Steam—Bavannah to Bal itmore 2S(>; to P R R or R A O dock. S3 ray; to Philadelphia. 164* per cwt.. ft lbs (O foolj; lo New York, 26.00 per M. $6 16 to dock, lightered to Boston to dock. SA no NAVAL BTORbat —The market la Arm; medium aiae vessels. Roeln-Cark for order*. 3 6d per barrel of 310 pounds, nnd 6 per cent primage. Hplrlts. 4s 9d par 4<> gallons gross, and 8 per cent primage Large vessels, rosin. 2a; spirit*. 4* '6d. Steam, 11c per W 0 pound* on roaln; 214*’ on spirit*. Bavannah to Boston, and 64c on rosin and ißc on aplrtt* 10 New York GRAIBL PROViaIOK*. ETC. New York Sept 7.—Flour—Market was slow and f.-aturel**# apart ftom a steady undertone Rye flour quit*. Cornmcal ateady. Rye steady Barley dull Rarley mall dull Wheal-Spot market ateady; Ntx 2 red Southern Railway. Train* Arrive and Depart Savannah on ■lh Meridian Time— One Hour Stowe* Than IT ty Tint*. 8. bed me* tn Effect Sunday, June 10, 1900 KlAfi D6wMTj WTfiTf east. ' |i iubADW~ |lfikß|i ' * jNw J6l Nol { jj (Centra I Time.) | l 13 *9*01,13 aa.ui .Lv bavunnalt Art 6 10am) 2 :6pm (Ka.tarn Vuue.) 4 21pm’ 4 26am Ar ....Black villa Lv 1 .ra| 1 27pen 3 uupm $ 10am Ar Columbia Lvj I S6.m,U 66am 6 lupm • 45am Ar Cfcaglotte Lvj 9 66|mij I 10am 1; ttpttt.a BpaMjAr .Or.en*boro Lv| 7 lopm| 6 4gam Warn ..... Ar Xr folk Lv} 6 6upm 3 IMffi 1 36;an Ar Dan villa Lv 6 40pm * ■* >. 6 tftam 326 pm |Ar Rlct. inon3“'" l.v| 13 Olpmtti tffpm 2 40.1 m .1 43pni,Ar .X.ynchburg Lv]] i kjpffl] 2 50am 4 26.1 m 6 Jip.n'j Ar chariot laavilla Lv 1 2 i|ga|l2 64pm 7 35am 3 U*j.m Ar W.ohtngloo Lv ill 16am 6 SOtff 6 15am II -Viper, Ar Baltimore Lv I Sam I ffpna 11 Mam; 2 56am; Ar P" Lv j I Warn 6 lpm 2 06pm * 33am Ar w York. Lv IS Warn f Mpm 6 66pm{ 2 OOgfllAr to# loci Lv|| 6 0 I No.Mjl THE NORTH and WHBT. ! Nu * j|_ (Crotra I Time.) _J| 12 MamjlLv .Savannah Arjl 6 10am |i (Eoeiern Time.) 6 30am Lv Calumbla Lv’t I X"m 6 juam jLv Spa;tantiurg L'| 6 16pm IS I't'in Lv Asheville Lvj| 8 06|n 4 Opn|)Ar Hag Bitting* Lv II Mam 7 30tini Ar Knoxville Lvj I -tn 6 10am ;Ar ...Lexington 1. Lv 16 60pm T 46am Ar Cincinnati .. I.v 8 00pm 7 50am Ar lnuwvllle Lvj 7 46pm 6 OOpm 'Ar 84 Louts Lv| 6 6tam All trains arrive and depart from the Plant By*tem Station. THROL'OH CAR SERVICE. ETC. TRAINS 31 AND 34 DAILY. NHW YORK AND FLORIDA EXPRERff Vaatt buled limltwl trains, wtlb Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Car* b- t <* ••van. nah and New York. Connects at Washington with Coiueilal Expre-a for Brwtun Pullman Biee|>lng Cara bet warn Oh.irlotte and Richmond and t hat l4t* and Nor folk Dining Car* serve all meal* Iwwean Savannah and Washington. TKAINK 35 AND 68 DAILY. THE UNITED STATES FABT MAIL Veatlbeilaff limited train*. ■ rr; In* ruliman Drawing Itooen Slerpma Car* between B*' an nah •nd New York Dining Car* *rv# *ll meal* between Savannah and W*hlnrtaw Also Pullman Drawing Room Bla-ptng Carr between Savannah and Cincinnati, through Asheville and "The lend of the Bkv." For complete Information a* to rates, schedule#, etc., apply to O. GROOVER Ticket Agent, riant ffratem Station JAMES FREEMAN. C. P. and T. A.. 141 Bull street. Telephone*-BeU, (Mt Georgia 880 8 H HARDWICK. Awilslant Oeneral Pa*ener Agent. Atlanta. G*. 794 c. Options opened steady on high of fering*. and after a brief decline uniter liberal receipt* recovered In the after noon on strength tn Northwest market*, small Argentine shipment* and moderate covering Closed firm at 4c net advance. May rlneed *39,c; Twcember mV' Corn-Spot market firm; No 2 4*4c. Option market was generally steady all day on light country offering* and a •.altered demand from ehorla Closed tlrm at 404 c net advance. May closed to\c, December 4f*c Oats—Spot quiet; No 2 25. Option* etow but flrly te*dy Beef *teady; cut meat* steady. Lari firm. Western temed 271*177<*74. September clotted 37 06 nominal; refined steady Pork steady Cottonseed oil firm; yellow 244065 c. Rosin steady. Turpentine Arm. Rbe steady. Molassee Arm Coffea ftpot Rio dull; No 7 Invoice 6%c. nominal, mild quiet. Cordova *4404c. The market for coffee future* opened steady with price* 5010 point# higher In sympathy with European Improvement and continued to advance all d.i> on Arm late cable*, foreign support, demand from short* and bull speculation Receipt* were smaller than looked for and Ameri can warehouse deliveries were decidedly larger The pot demand continued slack. The market c|o*ed quiet wtth price* 15 to 2b point* net higher Total sale* were 10,250 hags. Including November. 27.26; Di . ember. rtift' M. January. P: March. 17.6607.79; April. 17.70. May. |7.70ft7 t. Sugar—Raw steady, fair reAnlng 4'4c; centrifugal. 96 t.-t, 4 16-lc; reAned Arm Butter weak; creamery, 17443-14°■ fffc tory. 140164 c. . . __ Cheese strong, large white, 108 c. large colored. 104 c. Eggs Arm. Male and Pennsylvania. 164019 c. Western, regular packing at "'pcdalee** dull: Jersey* $1.2501 76; Jersey sweet* IS 2603 . . . Peanut* ateady: fancy handpicked. 4c. other domestic. 2404 c. ... Cabbage# dull; Long Inland l*r 100. 1202.60. Freight* to Liverpool Arm; cotton. 30c; grain, t\6 tOTTtH t.KI> OIL. New York. Bcpt T.—Ooton seed oil wae quieter, but still very Arm both spot and futures. Prime crude barrel* nominal, prim*- summer yellow ofr ’ u "‘ t mer yellow 3tc. prime winter yellow cntttkj prune white 3*030-; prtme nnl $36. CHIC ttO BtRKET*. Chicago. B*tl 1 -Wheat ateady toelay. hcU-d no"y by light Argentina shipment*. October whea . corn cited oata closed each. 404 c over yesterday. Provision* at the cloee were 5c to 124 c higher. The leading futures ranged as follows: Opening. Highest Lowest. Closing Whsat No. 2- _ Slept 72 07*4 724 7240734 Oct 7240714 79% 734 7240734 Nov 744 714 71 7440744 Corn No. 3 Sept 384 3940614 3*4 4 Oct ... 04 463 OM4 40M4 NOV 25*6040 38 954 4 Oats No. It— Brut 21 4 67 214 Oct ... 214 2140114 *l4 6140774 Nov 214 614 614 614 Mes Pork. Per Barrel -opt ... 610 *6 Oct 110 974 *ll 024 613 86 til o#4 Jan .11 03 11 224 H U 224 luird. Per 100 Pound a— Bcpt .6674 *7O T 4 370 Oct .. T 0 3 724 *764 Jan ... 9 45 3 524 H * Short Rib*. Per ln Pound*. Bcpt .. 74 7 40 7 274 74 Oct .. 7 124 720 7 10 7 174 Jan 8 86 6 924 5*64 8 984 Cash quotation* wers a* follows Flour quiet and unchanged: No 1 spring wheat, 72c ; No 2 red. 7440754 c; No 3 corn. 40c; No I yellow 4040; No 2 oat*. 314022 c; No 3 white 2140644 c; No 2 whlta, 2240 244 c; good feeding barley. Mo4bc; fair to choice malting. 1639 c. No. I Aax eeed. II 48; No. 1 Northweatem II 484',11 49; m*-*e pork, per bbl.. 111.14911.01; lard, per 100 Ik* . $6.87']06.7t. short riba aides (Inosn) 27 JTO7 SO. dry salted shoublers (boxed). 3%f)3%c. short clear sides (boxed). 7 700 7.W); whisky, basis of high wines, II 144; sugars, unchanged; clover, contract grade 9.2606.60. KIR. ( HOKUM OT TRI 9TT. 0 Gives an lllaatratlon of How fast bines llgefate. From an Exchange Boas Croker 1* much opposed to trusts H ssya of them " Where Is this trust business going to end? Can you Imagine* Take the Mg de partment More* in thl* city, for Instance Bay there are twelve of them It Is not at all unlikely that within Ih* next four year* they will form a trust among them •elves. There to a good deal of talk to that effect and the newspapers more than anything else Bay that, combined, these •tores spend lID(H).M> a year advertising tn the newspapers That * a big sum. and vet If they combine they will cut that amount of money right out and save It Tby would drive the newspaper* out of business They would not have to adver ttw. The people nee.l supplies and mer. chvndlee. and they would have to *0 to the trust stores. The trust would raise the prices of good to suit their own eata. They would have no competition. Think of the enormity of the evil such a state of affair* would bring about The people realise the danger, and they are going to avoid It this year a* sure aa late by electing Rryan and fltevenaon '' MAHIAF. IMKUIOKMT* Matters of latereal to thlppla* Mr* Cieaerally. Owing to the unfavotnahle advice* ves sel* loaded and ready for sea are waiting The schooner* Harry A Herwlnd. Ida Lawrence. Longfellow. Maud H Dudley and the Rebecca M. Wall*, the latter at Tybee for harbor, bound Brunswick for Philadelphia ara held up A Weather Bureau bulletin to-day advises master* of ve*#el to ue great precaution about go ing out. The large, palatial Plant Line steam ship let Grande Duohesse. Capt. Hanlon, ha* arrived at the Newport New* btp yard to receive anew port propeller and probably to have some overhauling done. While running between Boston and Hali fax on her last trip the Duchess* |o*t h*r I*>rt propeller and went to Newport New* under bar o*n steam to have the propeller replaced. Borne months ago the Durhesse lost her Marhnard propeller In a similar manner In Bavannah river and had to get another It will require sev eral daya to do the work. The schooner Anna R Bishop. C*pt Bowen, arrived yesterday from New York with a cargo of salt. The schooners Hilda and Ih* Joseph ine, bound for Bavannah. have put In at Hampton Roads for harbor. horsier, by Steamships. Tasssngers hy steamship Tallahasaee New York for Bavannah. Sept. 6-Mrs L R Doughtry. 80l Rloodworth and wife. Mrs Wilson. Mrs C. Jones, Mrs T II Edward*. J Bioman. 31 Is* A M Bell. F W Galas and wife. Mis* P Piero*. J William*. A J love, E P. Blaar. J. W Tee pie, Tilly Bosenthal. C C. Not tingham. a. W Stegall. R p Smith and wife. W T Pinckney and wife, Mrs An nla Hodgson. Miss H Hodgson. Mrs A r Miller. Rev. W P. Watkins. W. N Hamel. Miss R While. Miss A R Hill. J M Page. J. P Madison, Albert Bmlth, E D Butler. W T Mitchell, J Mooney, R N Murphy, I Lasky, E Allen. L Hal per, M Itennson, R Ford, J. E. Glbeon. George Dawson Savannah Almanae. Bun rites at 6:40 a. m and sets at 3:15 p. m High water at Tybee to-day at 12 15 a m and 12.83 p. m High water at Havan nah one hour later. rhaaes of Iks Neea for September. . D. H M. First quarter 2 1 66 mom. Full moon 8 II (eve. Last quarter 15 2 67 eve. New moon 21 1 57 eye. Moon Perigee. 6th; Moon Apogee. 3d. ARRIVAL* ATI) DRF.t HTTRES. Veaaela Arrived Yesterday. Steamship City of Birmingham. Berg New York —Ocegn Steamship Company Bchuoner Anna R Bishop Bowen, New York -Master. Arrived at Tybee. Unknown bark for order*. Veaaela f leared tealrrday. Schooner Maud H. Dudley, Oliver. Bangor. Me. ghlpptaa Memoranda. Charleston 8 C.. Bept. 7.- Balled, steam er Algonquin. Halt. Jacksonville Arrived, steamer George W Clyde. Chi chester. New York, and proceeded to Jacksonville Pensacola. Fla . Hcpt 7.—Arrived, steam ship Deptford (Br), Woodruff. Bas'-agoula -put In for coal, brig Alice Bradshaw (Br). Willey, Havana Cleared, steamship* Hannah N Hell (Hr). Barnard Hotterdam. Klngaland tllri. James. Bio Janeiro. Key West, Bept 7.—Arrived, eteamer Olivette. Hmllh. Fort Tampa, and sailed lor Havana. Comal. New York, and sail ed for Galveston. Balled, steamer Fanlta, Thompson. Puma Rasa* Comal reports four wrecks on Florida reefs. Alligator light one. Bom braro light one. and Turtle Harbor two. no details Fernandlna. Bepi 7 Arrived, eteamer Betty (Ausi. Bitchy. Trteata; schooner Laguna. Hayleae. Guadaloupe Mobile. Bept 6 —Cleared, eteamer Pio neer (tier). Knulaen. for Havana. (stirs to Mariners. Pilot rk'rti and all hydrographic Infor mation will be furnished roosters of ves sels free of charge In United Htstes hy drographtc office in Custom House. Cap tain* are requested to call at the office. Heparrs of wrack# and derelicts receiver, for transmission lo the Navy Depart ment. Forrlaw Export*. Per schooner Maud H Dudley, for Ban gor, Me —280.746 feet yellow pine lumber Cargo by Cooney. Eckstein A Cos VEMRIA IK PORT. Steamship* Cltv of Birmingham. 2,2 ton*. Berg, New York—Ocean flteamahip Company. Plant System. of kail ways. Trains Operated by 10th Meridian Tl me—On* Hour Blower Than City Time. READ Int\\ s I; CSsetlv* B* I |I4 , #2 Norrli *•. 1 South 23 , 36 IS |l* 1^ V* c .ue .■ in .Me ~q 1.. 13 Ika.U to*( l9p,ia JO., I 38a||Ar .. .flierleaton ... Lv|jl! I6p| iWa IMP t 41a st> 8 21a 7 36p,,Ar ... Richmond .. Lv" O6Ol 4 4*p| • 8 ffkai | cgatjAr ... Haltlmore .. Lv j 2 66a| 1 Mn 2 49a.jAr ....Philadelphia Lv !I3 9tp II 2Spl > lip 7a: Ar ... New lora .„ Lv, 9 26p 8 — - * *Bp| 8 60p,|Ar Boston Lv, I 00p,12fl0iit| - *4 L t6l 2* ' sT-Ttn |i 78 |6B ,34 ,31 , "hT“ 4 atf 3 36). * u6u 5 30.1 3 LaTlLv haveanah Aril 1 4U< 12 lua|lJ lot*H 6>a|l9 Ua * *6p| 6 46|> lit 60a, 7 36a 6 76a ,Ar .., Wa> croea.... Lv It) 30p, 9 eup, ') 661 * Aki, 7 *>* 12 Hk>| 9 30p| 2 Isp| J I6p( I 16).|:Ar . Tbnmaavlll* . Lv' 7 rr| 7 oap( 6 46* 6 '6a IMe 19 Sop 7 4ttp 12 *a 9Mn 3*w;Ar . Jtck-omtiie Lv|; 8 30i 8 oßp| 8W 7 30a; 6 uOn |p, 8 90p|13 dtp'll ttpl'Ar ... Palatki Lvjj 1 86p| 6 tp| 4 66a 4 ULi .... I I 20p, I lOpljAr ...UalnaavHl* ... I.v 3 49p| I I Itpi 2 lt Ar Fes is Lv 1 atpi - ...mb |!u toy'lo tup Ar .Nl. Palarsburg . Lvj 6 ooal 8 10* 111 lM|>jlo 30|> 10 hqij Ar ....Port Tampa Lv 4 25a| 8 36a| 7 001* 7 09p ...• .( 1 19* I 10* I 10a Ar . I’tiMa t lord* . Lv ] I 4 3tp 4 J6p ..m | 110 46a JO 460 .Ar . Ht Au gusrtne Lv 8 30p| 3 20p| 8 00p *l6* 1 2g> 6 90*j Lv ... Bavannah ... Lv||lo |.’>a D IDs .7 - - $ 40a Ar J* sup Lv]| 8 3*n 10 (4* .......| • lip; 7 10a| $ *pi o6a! Ar ... Drun swlck Lv|| 6 40a| 9 6p|. NORTH. WEST AN D 801 THWEBT 16 I 63 , Via J. up 13 66 IS K Vi* Montgomery it | 78 6 IMp, 6 Jbi. Lv Savannah Ar ,10 la 12 Ida I 6 oth x Ha Lv Havannah Ar lo Llt t 4ha 6 46p| I to.* Ar .. Jaaup.. Lv|| 6 60a|10 49p1 * Ilia 9 >i> Ar Sl’igmery L* I 7 46p|U 76* 6 00aI lUp Ar Manui Lv 1 osa 2 Ihp T lOpf Wa Ar Nashville l.v|lh t tla 6 20a| I t*)p, Ar Atlanta Lv 10 45p 12 06p 3 Stall! 26t!jAr Louisville Lv ! 2 88a lff) 66a • tt*; Ar Cfca’nrmga Lv 8 06p $ 45a 7 trail 4p Ar Ctnclnnall Lv 111 oop 6 4*o f|Bp| 7 40a :Ar Loulavllla Lv 7 46*. 7 48p 7 *o* 7 18,. Ar Ht Loula Lv I 64p I 16a 7 30p 7 46a .Ar t tncicnall l.v 8 Ms 7 top /j, g N.) 1 04a| 8 80ti Ar Ml Lout# Lv 6 lip 8 08a 7 22a Ar 8t lAWtla Lv Ip 1 l6*| 6 IDn Ar Chicago Lv 1 * a*p INp (yt ff n > i 4t*ti 4 IStx Lv Atlant.v Art 10 66p;1! 20a 8 **V p tRp Ar Chtcawo I.v 7 tp| I lap I ORp| 7 MajjAr. Memphna Lv 3 2ua| 3 aop 8 46a] 7 10ai Ar KansasCtlyLv 6 aopj top 4 12p| 2 86al|Ar M*>h4la ..Lv||U tffffU 19a • (and untnaiked trains, dally. * * 48a lAr N Orlaans Lv|| 7 86a, t U* l Dhlly oxcept Sunday. , u „ Lv .-svannab Ar II ll* It Ma IBunday only , Through Pullman Bleeping Rar lervle* 3 46* 2 lOp, Ar Albany Lv 12 a I 46p tn North. East and Weat and to Florida I | 6 20p : iAr C.rlumbti* Lv 10 JO* tesarrllua. made at I'wrl Tampa wtrh steamers fur Key Meet suit llavaaa. I.eavta* I’ori Tampa Man daya, Thursday* and Saturdays at tliOO p. m. 1 11 Polhsmua. T P A, E A Arm*ad . city Tkt Agt.. D Mote Motel Phona ii. B W. WKENN, Passenger Tra fflo Manager. Bavannah. Oa. McDOi\OUGH 6c BALLANTYNE, W Iron Founders, Machinists, Mtaewsmlrhe., eaa.1t,,,,,,, *f *alla. ear *** hrlahle kaaltut. aud lap letre Mu) fa*.. Ika It.aa. Falter*, eta. TELEPHONE NO. 123. /^^.Vestibu l o gsfsmEEl lIMITED A lns Double Daily Service The short line to Norfolk. Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia. New York and the East. ]No 44 : rto U Lv Savannah, B. A. L. Ry U iipmjil Ppm Ar Columbia. 8 A. L. Ry| 4 pm 4 66am Ar Raleigh, B A L. Ry ill 27pm|ll Mem Ar Durham. B A L. Ry I 7 Xmm 4 16pm Ar Petersburg, 8 A L.Ryj 4 13mm 4 38pm Ar Rtrhmorxl. fl A L By| 5 18am 6 4tqm Ar Washington. Penna I 46xm lopm Ar Baltimore Penna lo (dam n 18pm Ar Philadelphia. Penna... 12 I7pmj 356 am Ar Nee York Ceona I 93pm 3 Uara No (4 No 64 Lv Savannah. 8 A L Rv 12 66pm II 6|.m Ar Portsmouth. B A L K), 7 "am I 40pm Htcamera leave fforfolS Tally, eacepd Hunday. for Baltimore. Philadelphia and New York, and dally for Washington.^ *Flie - iTuirt line' to Ifoiilgtintery. HRoWl* and New OGean*. leaving Bavannah at 7:26 a m , arriving at Montgomery 7:40 p. nr. at which point do** connection la made with the LAN R R . arriving at Mobile 106 a. m. and New Orleans 7:49 a. m _ ~TK# sKort lln to ##rnan(Hnn. Jacheon vllle, Tampa and other Florid* point* [ | No. 0 j No 11 Lv BavennaTi. A. R( 5 36am; 6 97pm Ar Fernandlna. B A L Hy, 9 JJotm 9 Ofcptn Ar Jarkaonvtlle. H A.L Ry 9 loam 7 40pm Ar Tampa. 8 A L. Ry ..•! 5 * > l ,m * service to Washington. Baltimore. Phila delphia aad New York; alao to Jackson ville and Tamp*. Dining cars from Bavannah to Hamlet, and Richmond to New York Buffet parlor car* Bavannah to Mont gomery. For additional Information apply to Ticket Office. Bull and Bryan atresia. Phone 0 Axmlnatrr (Br). 1.221 tons, Brink; Idg for —. Howick Hall (Hr). 3.278 ton*. KllveN; Id# for Bremen—Btrachan * Cos. Koxby (Br). 1.664 tons. Shields; Mg B>r Bremen and Hamburg—A. F. Churchill Imaurn (Hr). 1.706 tons. Penberthy; Idg cotton—Blrechan A Cos Breckfl*kl (Hr). 1.668 ton*. Jeffela; Id* cot ton-Btrachan A Cos. • hlpe. Germanic (Nor). 1.268 tons. Bunds. Mg. n a -Dahl A Cos. Barks. Zollro fTtal). 864 ton*. Paturao; dlac. bal last —Btrachan A Cos. gonaro (Nor). 631 tone. Tallafsen. to Id n. a.—Dahl A Cos. Anna (Oer). 12*7 tons, Oltmane; to Id. n. a —Btrachan A Cos. Carl Haastad (Nor). 649 ton*. Olsen; to M n. a.—Dahl A Ctf" Cyprian (Nor). B*3 ton*. Hanaen; Id# n. • —Hanry Juchiar. Essex. 877 tons. Smith, Idg. lumber —Master Russell (Nor), 397 ton* Hansen; Mg n. a.— Henry Juchter. ttarkeallsei. Ramona (Rr), 404 tons. Tr* lea van, Idg n. a.—Master. • gehonoera. Hrry A Berwlnd. 911 tons, Wallace; cld. for Philadelphia—Master. Ida Lawrence. 4 ions. Campbell, clear ed- Matter Maud H Dudley. 126 tons. Oliver; cld for Bangor—Master. William H Bwnn. 7 ion#, Davidson: Idg lumbar -Meeter. txmgfellow. 128 ton*. Hannah; cleared— Master. Oscar C Bchmldt 4*7 lons. Prtereon; Idg lumber—C W. Howard A Cos. HarG*4 C. Kerlln. 464 tons. Steelmen; Ids lumber—Master. Severn (Br). 401 ton*. Kerr, lo Id. n. a.— Master. Annie T Bailey. 2*o lona. Findlay; Idg lumber—Master Julia A Trub*e. 29C ton*. Albertson; Idg lumtyer—Master T W Dunn. 665 ton*. Bond. Mg lumber— Master. Thus L James. *73 tons. Farnham; Idg- Bahama (Br). 11l tons. Anderson; Idg lumber—Matter Al (tuaraotlwe. Bark Llssle Curry, brig Zimut and schooner Rebecca M. Wall*, the latter bound north. -Bishop Bbarren! of Havana la axpect ed to arrive In this country soon, accom panied by a numher of atudent# for Ihe Catholic Unlveralty in Waahlngton. %R*YCOy/ Schedules Effective Kept. , IMA Train* arrive at and depart from Central Station Weet Broad, foot of Liberty street. •Oth Meridian Time One hour ■ lower than city time.' Arrive _avann*h: Hevsimakj I Augusta. Macon, Allan ta. | • 46ain, roving ton. Uilledgevllle :* 00pm _____ land all intermediate jiototej (Augusta, Macon Atlanta,l Athene, Montgomery, C-i •* flOpm lumhue, Kirmmaham Am-p 00aee |erioue, Kufaula and Troy | iu Dover 5553555 r 7 item fi 00pm Dinner Train. |M topa •Dally tEacepi t >n.!i BETWEEN HA VANN All AND TYUBE. 7IUi m< rl.lian or Savannah city tlra*( LEAVE bAVANNAII. Dally—lo.o6 a. m . 1.15 p. m . MS p. a. LEAVE TYbKE. lo a m. 11:06 a. a.. *:46 p. a. Connexion# made at tarmSnai peinte 1 with all trains Nor in west. Went nod tkmthwent. B lee plain Mrs on right trains heaween Havannah and Augusta. Macon. Allenla and Birmingham. Parlor cars oai day trains between St* varnish, Macon end Atlanta. For complete Information, arhsdulea, ralea and connection*, apply to W o BREWER. City Ticket and Paee eri*er Agent. 107 Bull street I * r W ft McINTTBE. Depot Ticket Agent. J C HAILE Oenerel Passenger Agent. ■ H HINTON Trarno Manager. TIIBO. D. KLINE. Oen. Ruperln'endent, •evantiab fla. 1,000,000 HIDES WANTED DRY FLINT* l*o DHY MALTED 11 HA OHEEN HALTED 6V60 D. KIRKLAND, Euccaaeor to H Kirkland. <l7 to 421 (l Julian street, west M.Ehl'lMi Ok TUN MARCH. Master of a faro van Fell From Hla Horee Attthoaf Itelnn Awakened. From the Youth s Companion. Home philosopher has said that a man with a strong mind can sleep or keep awake at will Perhaps that philosopher never tried forced marching In a tropical country. Owen 8 Watkins, who was to the last Boudan campaign with Oen. Kitchener, tells of seeing an adjutant and a senior major riding aide by side on long mar, lies, so that If they fell asleep they could lean on each other and not fall from their saddles Mr Watkins repeats some uueer stories that were told him. without saying that they ate true. But If truth la stringer than rtetton one of them at leat la strange enough to be true. It Is about a treneport matter who rods tn the rear of hts train of camels He had been very busy, and had slept little for a we-lt The day wee hot and for comfort he had removed his helmet end belt. Then he fell asleep Pretty sum the Jolt ing of his camel unseated hla and ha roiled to the soft ground unhurt In fact, he wee not even awakened When at last he did awake the caravan wae out of sight and he could not tell how long he had b-en sterling There ha wee. the matter of that column of transport ramehi. atoms In the draert. unarmed and with not even a covering for his head. As nothing was to he gained hy staying where he waa. he atarted to follow (h# trail, and had hurried along for some ttma before h* noticed by the fast setting aun that he had started ha, k Instead of ahead on the trail of the camels. Hr turned and fortunately a camel and driver soon m*t •him They had b-en sent back from tk* caravan not to search for him. strangely enough, but to look for want article that had hern lost by the way. —The Indiana are not an Important po litical factor In tbta country, but thera Is a county In Nebraska—'Thurston coun ts where they hold the balance of power tie, ween the part lee. and r, cultivated accordingly by the politician*. They num ber about l.sco and comprl.e omahaa and '.Vvtnnebagosa. 9