The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, September 09, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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2 WORKING UP THE STATE FAIR. VALDOSTA OKTTINO Rr.tllV TO K. TERTAIN IROAVDd. lnn> Cunntlra In *nnth frl Will llaif Iffrlal Agricultural Kmfclla lls— Mai. Glraaarr Looking Afier Displays From I'lnf"fit l Prngrr.slng It,> - laldnaln'a Nraa Arlfalan Wfft Wnlrr I* Itrona With nl|iiur and la Con alderrd Nary Hulllaj. VaMofta. Ga.. B<r*. I—Al a meeting of the Cltlxen* Committee of ihe Georg!* State Fair plana ware perfected for tak ing care of Ilia crowtls which ara axpart •<l hara during lha fair. Information, based mjon lha report* ef different mam bar* of the committee give aaaurana* lhal Valin*, < la not only going lo giv# lha bant Biata Fair aver held In th* *Mta. but aha Ir going lo handle, lha crowds. giving them plenty to aat and a placa o laap while hare. ll war daiarmlnad to establish a bureau of Information that ahnll have charge of Hating room* that can ha had In all of tha private home* of the olty. Tha work of promoting the fair and of adding to the attraction* goo* on every day and. already, a half doxen of the be*t countie* In tha atala have applied for apace for county exhibit*. Relda* the county exhibit* a *oore of prominent plantar* ara arranging for Individual ex hibit* that will not fall far behind tho*a from the reunite*. Berrien county org.inlxed an agricul tural club thl* week to gat up a dl*play from that county and Coffee county ha* done the eamc thing Colquitt. Hrook*. Worth and other count c- of thl* section will also be In line and several of the counties In the northern part of the state have made application for space Maj W. L. Olesener Immigration agenl rtf the Georgia Southern and Florida road, was In the city yesterday looking af'er apace for an exhibit of the prolix is along the line of hla road from Macon lo Pa latka. In view of the fact that the Geor gia counties will show up the resotiree* of the Georgia portion of hla line, he ex pects lo devote roost of hla attention lo the aectlon of Florida which la traversed by hi* line. A letter from Dr. W. It. Burroughs, of Brunswick, who I* at the head of the •durational department, elates that a great deal of Interest 1* being manifested In that feature and that the display In that lxlldlng*wlll be a very line one One of the features of the education de partment will be a contest In oratory, declamation, elocution and compoeliton. open to young men and ladle* from any achool In the state. The American Book Company has offered handsome *,4d med al* for excellence In each of these line*. The oratorical contest I* open to young men between rixteen and twenty years of age. while the declamatory contest l open to boys belweet fourteen and six teen. Work on the buildings at tho Fair Grounds I* progressing rapidly. Aaldoata'e Well. Valdosta* new arleslan well Is completed and, with the character istic luck of the town. It I* a Very fine stream of sulphur water The old well was of sulphur and *lnca It was bored the health of the city has Improved wonderfully. Those who hav* examined the water aay that It I* better. If there I* any difference between them The ir*t strain of sulphur wratr was reached at Has than 900 feet, but tho drills were kept at work until a larger stream was reached. The well li now 4W feel deep and the water cornea from a honey-comb of corral and petri fied shells 12 feet In depth. The geological formation of the earth through which the drill passed lo reach fhls stream of water has atiracled mu-h attention At a depth of 306 feet the drill struck a stratum of shell* much like corral reef formations These were ex amined and flh bones, shark's teeth, etc., are believed to b clearly dlacernable At • depth of 2KI feet a stratum of sulphur, blue a* Indigo ami emitting an odor like that of a rotten egg. wa reached After exposure to the atmosphere the order dis appeared and the color alo changed •flier* ww* only a thin layer of tljl* be tween two thick strata of lime rock The shells, etc., which were reached so far below the surface Indicate that the wa fers of the ocean at one time covered this entire section. Parties, who hove Hast returned fo Val dosta from Indian Bpring*. say that the water from the new wefl 1# about the same as the Indian (Spring* water, though the flow la about three hundred gallons a minute. The city ha* deckled to put In t|* flush tanks so that parties In the northern part of the city can make connection with the sewers. The outfall In the southern tsetkiis has not been completed, so the eonnectlon in that pan of town will not be matte for some time yet. One of the saddest deaths that has or - Curred here lately was that of tils* Flora Edna Rirgent. the 19-yrar-old -taughter of Capt and Mr*. H f. Hargent. Her remains were given a temporary hurUl Thursday evening, hut It Is understood that the family expect to move them to their former home tit tit. Paul, Minn., later on DAN IK* rCINKII THE *TOR%. 1% lirrr Mmu l>nrt**nlf•*■ flpcnt the hummer Montha. Darien. 0 . Sept * —For the paid two d*y the ivMaic Dr.wlt ha* don* lit tle #l** beside* look out for the atorm. which waa cald to bo heading this way. Kveryone here ha * vivid recollection of the great atorm ‘of two year* ago. which deatroyed nearly alt of the Island proper ty. awepi away the r|c# from the held* and barn*. Injured many houara through out tlha reel lon and killed pome of thoae caught on the inland* when the tidal wave awept over them. l>arlen huatne** men have been receral tng to nn unusual extent thl* rummer l-a*l winter and aprtng wna a huay time with nearly everyone h*re and when ihe warm aummer day* arrived many decided to take a well-earned ret. Me**r*. It D. Fox and R A Strain apent two month* thla aummer on a Kurofiean trip Mr. R P Raul, aecaatary and treaurer of the Hll*on A Hodge I.umber Company, re cently returned from h Northern trip. Mr R H. Knox, manager of the name company, left thta afternoon for a short run to Enfltnd and Purl* Mr. \V H Strain and family are en ruote to New York and Mr. T J Meldrim and family to Arhevtlte, N, C. Mr. Auguat Schmid*, president of the Darien Bank, will lenve tn a few da ye for the mountalna of Weal Virginia Mr Iwvld Golden ha* recently returned from New York. Mr J A Spa. , cashier of the Darien Bank, spent a while nl Indi an Spring Cap!. Jnme* Dean and Ihe family of Mr Jam** ore nl While Spring. Fla . and Mr George W. Wolfe and family have recently returned from that popular reeort. The etesmer Emelin*. running now be tween Darien and Brunswick In place of the ateamer Hespl*. did not make her ua ual trip yeaierday on account of the atorm newa. •■••*111101 for Itorsea and Doga. Thomasvlllc. Sept Dr J. C. •chwenke. the veterinary urgeon. haa bought a lot on lstnrer Broad at reel, whereon he will proeed to hulld Imme diately a hospital for horse* and dogp. There will be two stories, the lower one arranged for enre and treatment of horse* and the u|>per floor for dog* The large number of vwlnahle horne* and dog* kept ( here during the winter month* specialty baa made aucb an Inatltutloo a ntceaiity. 44 A Miss is As Good as a Mile. If you arc not entirely nveO. you Are Cl. Ulnoss does not me An dtAth's door. It is a sense of <weArrness. a " trred feeling." a life filled •with nAmelest pAins And suffer ing. In 90", of CAsts ihe blood it to Utme. Hood's SArsApAritlA is Net ore's corrective for disorders of ihe blood. Remember Xocd6 SPECIAL NOTICES. UvtvrTtiiLK 7rhTPtVTDrxNKRS? Me—DINNER—Me Dinner 1 to 3 and • to 9, Sunday. Sept. 9 Claret Wine. BOl’P. Diamond Back Terrapin. FISH. Mackinaw Trout ala Normandla. Potatoes ala Graitn. Sliced Tomatoes, with French Dressing. Queen Olives, Chow Chow. Mix'd Pickle* ENTREES. Brain* ala Ramoulade. Spaghetti end Cheese ala RomJln. ROASTED. Prime Rib* of Beef, Dl*h Gravy. Bluffed Loin of Veal, Tomato SaucS. VEGETABLES Mashed Potatoes, Urg'n Pea*. Klee, Slewed Tomatoes. Candled Yams PASTRY AND DEMERT. Apple Pie, Assort, and eakas. Cheese. Cracker*. Peach Sherbet. French Coffee. LEVAN 8 CAFE AND RESTAIRANT, Ml Congress afreet, west not Al, HI ait H ALL, 716-21* Broughton street. west. THE PEOPLE’S PLEASTRE RESORT Week commencing Monday. Sepi. ll>. First appearance of MISS LIZZIE STEWART. The Sweet Singer. Also anew series of MOVING PICTVREB Stereoptlcon Slides and Dloramlc Views. A FEATTRB SHOW OF NOVELTIES RICH. RARE AND RACY. Admission 10c. Box Seats 26c. HEW GOODS JIST RECEIVED. The latest styles and best quality Im ported will be made to order at prices lower than ever before. Make and style superior. BERNARD BRADY. No 17 Congreew streat, west. SPEC IAL. NOTICE. For rent. that elegant reeldenc# 111 Slat* circcl, *af. In pfrtt condition Hot and cold wain and all convenience*. Four rooms ami pantry on Aral floor. Five bedroom*. servants' house and stable* Possession Oel. 1. J. E. FI’LTON A BON. SPECIAL. NOTICE. Neither the mauler nor consignees of the British steamship Axmlnaler will be re sponsible for any debts contracted by the crew. STRATH AN A TO. SPECIAL LOTH A Any one desiring to purchase a fu;l stock Fancy Groceries and superb natures apply for further Information. BPWIS J. CANNON. Trustee. 11l Whitaker atreel. M'KI I Ms WTirt Experienced iraveltnß salt-man (std .llery line! for Mouth Carolina and Flor ida territory. To rlßhi party havlna rw tabllshed trade aood salary paid Address with references and state terms. 11.I 1 . O. Box 416, city. BTOHF. POM ROT. The larae double stores corner Plate. President and Whitaker streets, known as the Whitfield building Can be rented In whole or In part from Oct. 1. Apply W M * W. E. CONET. THE btl SNA *ll < l>\l.U\ tlrlltl 111 Ml SIC bealns Its fall term Monday. Oct. 1. Please write or call and Rot Illustrated catalogue. PROF. LEO. w. MEHRTBNB. Director GET YOUR HEAL* AT GEO. HCUWAMT, LIS Oongres* street, weal. $3.60 per week. 5 meals for SI (LX As Rood as any In town. GOOD ME%T*. Gwnd waeata amt nat tn ynar hnaae ■any lime of day. Step In anil leave ynar nrder hrlnrrn rnra. * egeta •ilra. trulta. poultry. Inmli. Phones KIT. JA. J JOY fE. P. *.—Nemeniber I keep fanry gro errlea nlao. It I I N Ml | lt t\ I IT. Veal Loaf, llnm Loaf and Chicken Loaf In half and pound tins. * Olives, stuffed with peppers. Peanut Butter. Waldorf Hellsh and Chill Sauce. Rhone 636. HARDEE A MARSHALL ipK< i*i SALE <> ** Hi l l N I will have a special sale of second hand wheels Ihls week. Wheels from $5 to |M THOMAS' BICYCLE EMPORIUM. 114 Jefferson street. DAVID I I.IHK. I PHOLSTTMBB, 141 Jefferson street. Following goods for cut tains and up hnlstertUß. with fringe and gulmp to match: Silk Stripe Velour. Slclltenne. Silk tloebelln Tapestry. Cotton Tapestry. Moire Damask. Oriental Damask. Heraldic Ta pestry. Veronete Velour.Bouvlne Tapestry. Silk Armene. alyl Linen Tapestry. Lei me estimate on your work. *** *** *ll STEAM lit E WORK*. • Kindly request comparison of their work with alleothert and you will readily say that we are the only Practical Cleaners In the city. No deception Sat election guaranteed. LI York atreel. west. Georgia phone ISM. I*K HI * AND BELL HEAL ESTATE, Negotiate loans on same at S per cent, and cotie. t retju. Represent The Travel era Insurant-# Cos., accident and liability departments Repreeaut the New York Underwriter* Fire Ins. agency. R, present the Oreenwlch Fire Ins. Cos Represent the Phoenix Mutual Life Ins. Cos. All busi ness entrusted to us will be apprectatad, and will receive prompt and careful at tention. No Lf Bay sireet, essl. Tele, phone *. W. C. FRIPP A CO. THE MORNING NEWS: SI N DAY. SEPTEMBER 9. 1900. IN MKMORIAM. At a special meeting of the Bishop El imat Society, the following Preamble amt Resolution were adopted: IN MEMORIAM. Entered Into Beat at Savannah. Georgia, on the evening of the Ith of August. 1900. Clara M Kills. In her sixty seventh year. A lovely earthly llfa round and full—h* ended. Transparent with the crystal purtxy of a high, moral standard and replete with all the gentle courtesies that make Life beautiful. In her the needy found relief—temporal and spiritual: the sorrowful, sympathy snd love: the erring, counsel and strength Each cry of distress was to her a per sonal appeal the winning of souls, the business of her life I'pon occasion* of perplexing deliberation In works of be nevolence, her < aim judgment and resr fol, peaceful presence assured wisdom, Justice and moderation In action. No harshness corroded her life’s work. No •vil suspicions dimmed her mental vl •lon But. In the light of God’* counte nance, she judged and aided suffering humanity. l-a.l*n with *heave—a great and golden harvest—she entered the Court* of Heaven, a* there rang out the well-earned plaudit. •’Wfell done, thou good and faithful servant; enter thou into the joy of thy Lord " And *o. on he Lord’s Day. which ah* loved and rever enced—al Eventide—she wss "Numbered with Thy Saints In Glory Everlasting!" Whereas, the Blehop Elliott Society mourn* the toss of our beloved co-worker and vice president for fifteen years. Be if resolved. That fhla Preamble and Reeoiulton be conveyed o Iter family, a* a testimony of our great appreciation of her worth, ami of profound sympathy In this our mutual loss; and. that they alto be spread on a separate page of the Min ute Book of the Society and published In Ihe Morning News of fhls’cHy. KATHARINE BERRIEN ANDERSON. Secretary. •TtCUL NOTICKA. THIN IS NOT CHINESE. Messrs, gloat Bros. Cos., Savannah, Ga— Gentlemen—Please ship as one doses bottles of Slant's Vegetable Dltters, gI.OO else. We have been aalag It for In digestion and Bad It O. K. Have decided to pat It la otack. Mhtp at tset, Tears Mrspeetfally, J. E. ihMen A CO. Rammer complaint of chil dren qnlekly eared by Slant's Vegetable Dlttera. TO MV PYTHONS AND TO THE PI M LIC. I wish io state that about Oct 1 I will be at my new store, which has been re built for me on ‘he alie of the old one, near Ihe corner of Bull rind State street* There you will llnd the largest slock of bicycle sundries snd psri* In the city. If not In the state 1 will have a complete line of tire*, hells, :am|w. saddles, handle bars and everything for the bicycle. New more, new goods, new price*. Tire* from 14 io 13 per pair. Before buying hew lire* call and see me. I have few more of those terond-hand bicycle* left over which I will dispose of al the prl •** mentioned below They are all In fine running order, and a bargain. In order lo make room for new goods these will be sold at prices va rying from 110 to IIS. Come and see before purchasing elsewhere. I'ANIKI, <> HOLLAND. G*. Phone 979. 12 Stale Hired, cast. COHKN-KI'LHA* t’ Alt HI AGE AND WAGON COMPANY, Largest Wholesale anil Retail Deal ers la Vehicles and Harness In Georgia. Hronghton nnd Wrst Broad Streets, Rikrnrk Representatives. IfYOft—r ESTABLISHED IStWi-IIMM FALL AVI* WINTEI4. I am now receiving a fine line of Fall and Winter Suitings, Veettngs and Trous erings from the English. Scotch and Am erican market*. All of the latest designe such a* clays, worsted, undressed wor sted*. atrip* worsteds, herrlnbone. fancy nnd black and blue cheviots. Fancy vest. Ing*. overcoating and everything In line to make up a tlrst-clas* tatlorina estab lishment. Prices moderate. Workman, ship the best. E J KENNEDY, ILL Bull street. *1 *II k APPLE. SJO West Brouishlnn street, CARRIAGE REPOSITORY Agent for following manufacturer*, make your selection from them: Mayer. Columbus. Buckeye. Fraxler, Cortland. Waterloo. Watertown, Weal-' colt. Rock Hill. Old • Hickory. Mtiburn and Florenca Farm Waaons. Full and complete line of Harness, Sad dles.'Lap Robes, etc. Kelley BprtnglUUl Rubber Tire* put on at abort notice. CREAM AMD SHERBET. Are you one of the number who has re eerily decided that Masonic Tsmpls Phar macy makes tbs best Cream and Sherbat you ever ate? They are headquarters for lees. Soda Water made right. MASONIC TEMPLE PHARMACY. Whitaker and Liberty. P. 8 Send in your family order early to-day AT GAHDAF.R‘9. Rlcefleld Lamb. Western Bleaks. West ern RoiMt, Poultry, Fiutt*. Order early. M 8 GARDNER. Phones 676. Wayne and Whitaker. P. B.—Remember 1 keep brains, sweat breads, tripe, etc. Best and Largest 3 for 5c smoke in the world. INSIST ON HAVING CLOTH TOP CI6ARROS. You will find them on sale everywhere. WE WASH TO PERFECTION PHONE. WORKS 4 PHONE. OFTTCE 700. •PBCIAt. NOTICE*. suTi ""bho We have only a few more of th* modal* A left. We regret that we could not get 300 of them. If you ara In need of a bike this I* the opportunity of a lifetime. Wa could not sell you a better wheel at any price. Here Is a Chain!#** snap We offer the Featherstoh* Chalnlesa 1900 model, com plete with lamp nnd bell, for $60.00, on eaay payments. A liberal discount for cash. Our stock of Lamps, Bell* and Sundries Is the largest in the South. Here you can make selection at reasonable price*. Thla Is the month that you will need a tamp. We have ten different styles of gaa and oil lamps to select from. • We are jobbers of the Goodrich Tire, the best on earth, for durability. We pul them on your wheel for M 00 per pair. Palmer Tire# are the finest that are made. There are all kinds .of tires, hut none ride like the Pjlmer. none are made like the Calmer, none contain the same quality of rubber; $lO la tfte price per pair, put on your wheel . Our repair department Is one of the best equipped In the country. We know that our mechanics have had more experience than other*, ami we can. therefore, give better work and quote lower price*. Enameling la done here In all colors, and Is the equal of factory work. FREE AIR ON SOP R V. CONNERAT. Bell Phone tth. 146-MS Bull Street. MALT MEAD. (PATENTED.) NO ALCOHOL. NO DRI GS. MALT MEAD leave* g most pleas ant after tmml e, and, unlike moat other heverngea. It does not annr, hat on the rontrnry sweetens the breath and Imparts a satisfied and bnoynnt feeling. 91 ALT SHIII has settled n nincli monted question, slut to rat nnd dr9.k. nr It la aeilled by the delirious.nour ishing Tweatleth Century Family Beverage. For sale ever where—3 eenia per pint battle. GEO. METER, loot Henry street, east. Telephone 20. LETT'S DISCOUNT BOTICH. TOC WILL SAVE IT.* PER CENT. Br paying roar hills am or be fore Iks LSth lee*. ft. BL LEVY A MHO. ' KNIGHT * PH RM *CY, • OPEN ALL NIGHT. Beef. Wine and Iron 75c Roach Salt (guaranteed* 10c K R C II 01 Talcum Powder, borated 5c Palmer’s Toilet Water# ........SOc Empty Capsules, lot for 5c T. P Dyspepsia Tablet# ..Free Importer! Castile Suap 50c Inser t Powder. P. D. A Cos *>e Trusses 60c to LVCO Syrlnaer. Fountain 75c lo IS oo Thermometer (Fevtri Stv to 1100 W* lead In everything In our line. KNIOHT'S PHARMACY. On. Phone .* Bell Phone MS RI AL'S BUSINESS COLLEGE, Room* 27 and 29 Provident Building. DAY AND NIGHT SESBIONB. SUMMER SESSION NOW IN PRO GRESS. Stenography iMuoam. Graham or Pit man). typewriting, bookkeeping. Eng.Dh branch**, penmanship. Short thorough practical coursr* Latest and best meth od* Studeni* piepated directly for busi ness Our graduate* always give satis faction. Take ar,vantage of our summer session; enter now and tit yourself for a position. Bp* I*l night *',*lon tor those who are employrd during the day. Send for catalogue M. E RYAN. Principal. I. tlMii; *% *ll tdltit SK AND OF FICE to rent, located head of Broughton atreel. on W<st Bread, now occu pied by ihe Savannah Carriage and Wagon Cos. A* they will gye up business In ll*e city on June 1. I of fer I: For rent from that dati H. P. SMART HKD HEAMT. The beer of all beer* la -RED HEART All good people urtnk It. WM HRI 'KEN. Manager. JUNO BREWING CO. fbooe IU. ■titlNkas NOTICES. HAVE YOUR • SHOES REPAIRED OKARMA’S, BELL PHONE 1195 ELECTRIC SUPPLY CO., Electrical Engineers, Con tractors and Supply Dealers. Electro • Plating on all Metals. STORES--40 and 112 Draytoo it. PHONES: Georgia and Bell, 62 and 643. 4 Ten-Dollars Spent ffIpLIDEIEIES PICTURE HUI FUHHT will make your home an attractive one and give It an air of reflnement. We employ nothing but expert work men that will not botch your work as others do. Our stc-ck of Moulding Is ten titms larger than that of any of our com petitors. and our prices are the lowest known 106 TO 107 CONGRESS ST., WEST. SPECIAL NOTICES. SIGHT By wearing glasaes that not alone enable you to see, but correct every defect that may exist. There la no guesswork In our methods We have the lateat and most approved sc lent I lie apparatus for accurals eye teat-. Ing. We make no charge tor consulta tion or examination, and should you naed the services of a physician we will frank ly tell you so. Our crystal lenses are perfect tn every respect, being ground under our own su pervision. They cannot be compared in value to the kind offered as cheap by tbe 00-called opticians or Jewelers who han dle Inferior gLaaees as a side Una. DR. M SCHWAB A BON. Exclusive Opticians, *7 Bull StiweL N. 8.-Oculist prescriptions filled same day reccivad. Repairing dona at short notice. Buwnnee Spring* Cos., Sitwanee. Fla.: Dear Sir*—-I am In receipt of your es teemed favor of the lath Inst . andsn re ply beg to way that not half baa ever been told of the valuable properties of the water from your beautiful spring, and I feel that I cannot say too much for a water which ha* lengthened the life of my father, and relieved me of the severe case of Jaundice, with which I was suf fering when I tame to you. Trusting that you will soon let every one know what a treasure you have In these healing water*, and that many will avail Sh IUI Sal IBS of their power and your kind hoopllallly, 1 am, sincerely your friend. ROBERT M. HULL All you ran drink for S cents at Liv ingston's. , MOSQUITOES Mill not trouble yon If yon oso SHOOMU SHEET. II In n pleasant yertsar*. MBI.DF.RMA Is a toilet powder that Instantly rile prla tbe allsanreeabto odors arising (ram perspiration. OLD STTLE COLD CRF-AM gives quick relief for son barns anti akin tronbloa. . SOLOMONS CO. MATTRESSES, M*TTRESKS. Have your mattrr**** and feathers ren ovated by our medicated steum process before a change In weather take* place. (The only plant In Savannah.) It over comes all linpurltle* and renew* life and volume In all bedding material Prices on irr.ovailon of feather# a* follows Ben* 13 60, bolsters *l. pillows Sue. Colton, moss and hair mattresses made lo order Fin* work, low price* Work guaranteed. NATIONAL MATTRESS AND MENO VATING CO.. Bell phone 1136. 331 Drayton street. BUNDS EXECUTED By the American Bonding and Trust company of laltlmore W# are author - laed to execute locally (Imm drately upon application) all bond# In Judicial pro ceeding* In either the state or Unltrd 8 atea rourta. and of administrators and guard! ms HEARING A HULL. Agent* Telephone 3k Provident Building. They Look Jjj^ So Innocent* /)£. yfmJ but goodness don’t they rub through their shoes ?? ? Try paying a few pennies more —buy * rvoremamms*# Mmmno. and see what a difference. Our own brand of boys’ SCHOOL SHOES they won’t we r forever, but they’ll do better than any oth er sort at same price. 1.24 1.48 1.98 IN EXCELLENT SHAPE —FOR- Fine Laundry Work. SAVANNAH STEAM LAUNDRY II Congress Street, West. Phone 383, KODAKS Films, Photo. Supplies, and Developing, Robin son's Bath Cabinets. If you have RHEUMATISM be sure and get a bottle of FRANK'S RHEUMATISM CURE. It never fails. Price |1.50 bottle. When cured you remain cured. LIVINGSTON’S TWO PHARMACIES, Ball and Congress. Brandi 309 Bali Street. PHONE 393. BOTH PHONES. PHONE SSL THE ONLY Exclusive Family Liquor Store IN THE CITY. :-s TRY OUR FAMOUS Bell’s Pure Rye Whiskey. Full Quarts 75c; four bottles, containing full Gallon, $3.00. BELSINGER & GO DLLulliULn Qu UUm full line of claret wines. BUSINESS NOTICES. OUR REPAIR DEPARTMENT la belter organised than ever bo fore. Watches repaired by Incom petent workmen can be made to go right. Now Is a good lime to get ready for correct time during the busy reason, when time counts. THEUS BROS. A. L. Desbouillons 43 Bull Street. We have a pretty line of Solid Gold Cuff Button* in plain, chased, amethyst, or with diamonds As pearls art now all the rage we have pretty Start Pin* and Pearl Jewelry of all sort*, specially Brooches. . A. L. DEBBOUILLONB, Bull street. __ ARE WE BOXERS? Yea We box the b*t HTER LINO 'SILVER. CUT OLA SB and JEWELRY; and our ttm* on the box Is x guarantee of the merit of the good* Inside WED DING PRESENTS continue to be a specialty with u*. Hunter & Van keuren. JEWELERS. Ga Phone Ml. IU Bull afreet. CREENE <t CO., 138 Whitaker street. Picture Frame Factory New Moulding- constantly arriving PRICES REASONABLE. ' • IF YOU Wan T GOOD MATERIAL and work, order your lithographed and printed- stationery and blank books from Morning News, Savannah, Ga. SPARKLETS Makes Bad* Water al home. Craphophones Bold and repaired. EYEGLASSES and SPECTACLES. SI.OO that others charge $3.(0 BUSINESS NOTICES. “Out ol Sight, Out of Mind," applies to your FURNACE this MB'* * weather. The winter la near ot hand. Wa owuld suggest a thorough ex amination of your furnace to eee tbit It I* In good shape for the winter'! ••of'l - charge for examination. Our <hsrff) for repairs very reasonable. IU WfcHaktr St FOR RENT. from Oct. 1, that fine resi dence No. 211 Gwinnett street, west. Large garden and fine stable on the prem ises. Apply The Chatham Real Estate and Im provement Company II BRYAN STREET. F.AST lo 'mm Pi®' For eel*, a Fonatlb Newspaper Fo'den will fold sheet 7.1 k. It S m S***! Price 1100. II coet ortg nally ll.lM w* have do u** for It sad warn the rJ ° m *lt occupies. It will be an InvaluaaU adjunct m newspaper offlos. Address MORNING NEWS, Savanna* O*- ■ iri.l. ii i. ■—■ni.n.i .■ ■■■■.-i a ' IF YOU WANT GOOD MATERI* 1, sod work, order year lithographed printed stationery and blank book* lro— Nows, Savoinah. On-