The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, September 10, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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2 GOING TO WAR IN CHINA. liN 4 I*ll M l);( or I’ll Tl H. KMJI K HKMJK IN TH IT ( 111 STMY. Prrarni I Nr it( lit;* 4 enernblr Niioii rnr>—llox ■ t Mu ■mini l.nkt In n NVhltc 4lnn’s I nlfnrm. IN n T>ln rare i-biuler. • Colllei '* Weekly A lh- Yorktown which broughl nr from Che E<o, Mumd lol.v through th* Umi of tw> m> - Ik lit .h'pe of the a'lb* —hi* Ka.k British, r*. !• .1 .nr o, red J*p nf~- ami while Hu - in.-. twent. -right In all —*hr * a* n ainuwrr In a foreign lard until ihr Newark tamo Into view Considering the lm|>r am < of our Ir.ter •*ts In iho mi, f ore very poorly rc|- resertd, Indmt. hy t small rrulnr an I u gr* d-*l*e>l gunt> at. The now ivkiki Jolne with the 'if. er* In w.hlng for th* fitly atrlvbi of the llrack yn mil Ihr or.. * n If numbe r nr* omul our * Irll hi* b*n giro'. Vox roan inarltn - wrrr Ihr flr* 10 *1 I to 1 r iti t ihrlr legation* ('apt. McCalla >n going on ti INktn antway. whether anyh'ly sr.nmpanlc) him or noi It we* ii ugh. he .rilil that the Amm an legation war In danger Ad miral Hi* tviOu; w ri-i I*l e* l int k a 1 on-' The British joint*) the viptain and the o:h<r Pfwent fell In w th th Ir fore.* aa a mter of course. If number* nr* amall—lhete are not enough men on the Niw.tik to man the guna -hmqltallty 1* aeeonllrgly yr*t! among th- few officer* (rhn remain on th* flagship At the tim of my atflvil the w irdr om of every man-o'-war In the fleet wa* tejolelng Thr nw* of the rescue of s ymour* tarty wa* iltflnl e The gallant foree had been rough v handled, hut that any part of It w.** adve cam* almost a- a eurprta. after waiting for new* of It for thirteen Nay * The I'Nmnutl fort* of Taleu. A* soon a* the Yorktown approaehe>t the flee* I began looking for those now famous fort* nf Ttiku. and I wt atlll looking when she dropped anchor, Though the day wa* bright, they were obretjred In the huge hanging over the yellow water A man-of-war of the flr*t <j** cannot approach nearer than nine miles Therefore. Her Muj**ty'a Centurion or llarfleur wo* a* helpler* a* an Indian ca noe again*! the Chinese gunner* when they anticipated the expiry of the ulti matum The flghtln* fell to the lot of the gunboat*, while the hntileghlp* had not even the privilege of being specta tor* Launch** ran pas* over the bar only •t high tide twice a day. An orderly called me at 3a. m I hastily dr**ed, • wallowed a piece of loa*t and went over the tide with my hngguse Into the New ark'* launch, whleh wa* going ashore with dispatcher. Cap! Tauasig of the Yorktown, broking for new* of his son. who wa* with McCalla. ami Dr. Kennedy, who won going to attend the wounded of McCalla'* party. Joined u* from the York town. The fort* appeared w'th th* sun light. and they were quite different from expectations—great mud wall* with i-m --hrsaure# on either side of the muddy lit - tile river P*l-Hn, A* my geography had It Tien Tln Itself was only a abort distance from the sea Tongku. where you take the train for Tien Tsln. thirty miles dis tant, Is three mile* up the river from the mouth British. Japanese and Rus sian *en'rles were patrolling th* parapet with British. Japanese and Russian flag* flying over them, and here and there a gun lying sidewise or with It* hreeeh toward (n* sea The gunboat- which took a fortification thnt ought to have held back twenty time* their number were In line la the river. Iksw* upstream. Three of them hore scar* which he who rod* In a launch might see The namesake of the Merman Iltls, which wa* lost off Formosa four years ago—a statue erected hy Clcrman merchant* on the Rund of Shanghai perpetuate* the memory of hr crew, who went down with a cheer for thetr K,'iter suffered the wnrk A *-lnch •hell exploded hv contact with the frame work of the bridge and twisted and cut It as If It were *0 much gingerbread work Her captain, hi* leg torn hy a fragment, stuek to hi* post until he hqd directed his vessel out of the gone of Are. Tle Itonen of fhe Momicarjr. At the f |er of Tonicku lien an old pari dl*- wheel v#*wl fliKittnir the American fl if. Yeti e 111 aee her type on our Amer ican Fiver*. A* a * tin boat, ahe la thirty, five ycai* hchfn<l the times*; *tif la the cmi hrr min*, which are of the earlleat brf#fh*loadln pattern For yftm the Mono.-ary has* lain In the Yang-tae oppo rite Bhat)f(hal. an example of the ftr?*t Iron-dart * *** d<*vek>|wd by our Civil War, fthowln* by contraat wl h other tnen-of war how off*f-ntictlly modern the task* of t* -day are. They came and went, tint she rema ned In Hhanjthaf a* much of a fix ture ax the pier* or the itunrt. Her can lain wax a little rtlxgrtjnti rt, and Admi ral Dewey quiet!) amuNd that he ahmiM be when the Admiral <ll ml*ed the Idea of taking her to Manila hay. for her of ficer* are in duty hound to find all k nils of so and point* shout h*r They soy that she could whip a battle ahlp—lf It w.* Chinese. The midden Ware-up sit Pekin found u* wl*h our ship* In dock or el*e at Manila, which lx four .lays further from Taku than tfli.inirhal The navy de lartment mku<l Cunt Wise by cable if l <ould na\Ut* th** Mon.', c v t*> Taku. Ktlfllnjr the Insult which he frit 'hat the quefttton imp led. he replied that he could; and. accordingly, the venerable lady, for the first time In tlft-en year,-, put to xea Arii\injg at Taku in good shape, under taking an errand of mercy at once, she was Just coming outid l<> the bar with thirty missionaries, women und children, when the bombardment Iwgan. Hhe got a shot through her bow and one through one of her boats, but she sav'd her pas *ergrs, and now eh** is a steady, broad decked intelllgen <• bureau launch ttnrt train disfMitch* r’s nWle end postofthv combined. Could you Imagine a gunboat of the model of the ‘as- tea years as euit •ble to such a post*lon? Her executive of ficer remains on board t> answer quo* lions and feed the hungry, whether for eign officers or newspaper cor respondent*, while (’apt. Wise Is omipan lnt < official ly> and Grand Pooh liah (actually) of the town of T ngku, and g* nera! manager of the railway. The old ship distills water for at) the tr<K*e within rail connection or whifh are discharged from alongside the jhrs b.lw the Monooaey He makes the*. 1 same troops at home, finds cars to carry them and sets them on their way toward the retifkgvoua of the alll and army at Tien Ten Cusack* nnl f'orrespondenta. A gangplank runs aahoie from the Mo nocracy In much the same humble way a* a Yukon steamer puts a board ashore to tak* on wood What you find when you cross It la a railway yard and sonv* pie’** which might be in the Philippine*, tn In dia. the Straits Settlements, or I* any Oriental country where the white man ha* placed the stamp on the material side o| civilisation Pnder the guard of a. half do** n Hussian sentries some Husian sol dlSr* were landing forage, and a great number of field ovens and soup boilers These, as well as the strapping Cossack* and the heavy gear for their horse*, gave an Impression of solidity and suggested a unit of n great army organised for warfare on a vast and systematic scale. Capt Wise, with three oorresiKindents on hi* hands, put two on board hi* morning train at I© o'clock, while the third was to go to Tien Tain had been relieved for only three day*. Our fellow passengers were a i ■ • • * - N * * •n- Your Liver WUI be rous'd to Its nature! dot lee and your biliousness. headache and constipation be cured If you Ukt Hood's Pills Bold by ail druggists. 23 cents. Uneeda Biscuit I SECOND- Uneeda Jinjer Wayfer W jA claimed your favor. ' Uneeda Milk Biscuit was introduced to you. Mj|i j||[ FOURTH- Uneeda Graham Wafer ' completes the great Ir N Uneeda Quartet. \V / rational bim pit compart puny—unite* It w <** Jap—ever had men of a more nearly average hbchi. The tallest was not live feet seven. But their pack* were ucli a* a grenadier might carry, Kvery man. besides hi* blanket and hav ersack, had anew pair of shoes, and. whai at on re attracted universal attention, a iwtr of Held glasses. From what I learn ed, the Jap Is nearsighted. and, to make up for the shortcoming, his government supplies a pair of professional eyes. bio troops show up better, either In manner or In uniform, than the little fellow* whom the English lon* to see have a ‘'go” at the his Cossacks * The railroad Is in repair for only twelve mile- frotr Tongkn Beyond "railroad head.' as th terminus Is called, ts n tine roadbed, English built, with scattered and twister! rails, while the Boxer* carried the sleeper* away Into their villages. On one side of the track was a Russian encamp ment; on the other, a company of British enttinerrs and sons' Bilk* of the British native Indian troops Beyond them was a party of the Wel-hal-Wel Chinese regi ment recruited by the native officers. • I’l.luln" Tommies. Nothin* that 1 witnessed surprised me so much os the fine appearance a Chinese of the tall Northern type makes when he Is in a white man's uniform. I e*- iiccted that he would be rather amusing, it not ridiculous He ts the contrary, , bough nobody resins a effiiie w hen a sen try rails. * Who go lore! Fiend! Alloll Their officers leil me that they could *•" all the Chinese recruits they want ai Wei hal-Wei. and 'hat Ihey rejected nine oui of ten applicants. Out of the tenth "Sergeant Whaft-hls-name" has made a wonderful transformation The pigtail Is rolled up under a regulation British bluejacket s hat with the brim turned up ill around. He ha* khaki *kiri and khaki hreerhe* with puttee legging* of the Brit ish type. Apparently the British had more ronttdenre In (heir "pidgin" Tom mies than the <term in.- In (heirs, for the • Iceman- have brought up none of the native companies which they have been drilling ai KUo-Cbou Skepticism to wasted. If the British Chinese are any test, for in the little a vion which th*'\ mw in the relief of Tien Tstn they seem ed to enjoy fighting their countrymen Unless we wanted to be cut up by Box n, we were told thal we had better tint walk to Tien Tsin atonic the railway. In to i. ihls twelve ml.e* of the Ttcn Tsln l ekin Hallway and Taku. Tonaku an I Tien Tain are all thal the allies hold *1 P'escnt. After we tool reeled under the shade of tree, drink something and chatted with iwo British officers for a f. w minutes we walk' and (o the I’el-Ho .pong the hank of one of the numeric* irt, gating canals which connect with that r|er. where we waited three hours Iwfore Cap Wise's tug. which had to wait on tiie tide, appeared In (he days when Tien Tsin became the grent port of t:ie province of Chihli the depth of the I’el- Hn | rml it'd ocean draught steamers to to Op io Tien Tsin. The Pef-Ho ha* changed, but not the importance of the p>ri. The country ts as flat os our Western plains, with nothing to break the monoto nous view eaeept the villages strung along the river hanks and the comical mounds—-those far-famed sacred graves of ancestors which the "foreign devil” would destroy in order that his railroad might nol he as crooked as u corkscrew All the house* ate of mud. unpalnted. un adorned on th* outside, and the land I* a sea of mud In the brief rainy senson now approaching WHJ the wind throwing dust In your eyes, it would be desolate enough In ordinary times. But these are far from ordinary limes, either for the Chinese or the "foreign devil" In China. Last year (he rain was slack, crops fail ed and distress became one of the con •trthutlve cutises, but not the sole cause, of the Boxer movement, which seems at this Juncture to have‘become the author tty of the empire A* far a* your eye can **• on the pt-Ori now no living figure greet* It. The advenelng force, to save from massacre minister* and attache* In lid* late day in the world'! progress, mow THE MORNING NEWS: MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 10. 1900. ed lown human life a- thoroughly a* the careful reaper hi* Held. The people lied, and with them such Boxer* as were left altve after contact with our troops The match was touched to the Interior of every house. I>eal Chinamen In the l*el-t!<*. I dkl not attempt to count the number of dead Chinese which lay on the bank* of the river, where they had been washed by tidal flow. They were not Into the thousands, as gome one had told me. but there must have been more than a hun dred. If one of the savage "chow" dog* of the country was nol munching an arm or a leg he was lying near by the corpse, gorged, and waiting further appetite to go on with his ghoulish work. It was dark just before the tug ap proached Tien Tsin. Just outside the town we passed another launch, or, rather, a •mull steamer, which had on board the wounded of Admiral Heymour's force. Their work In the war with China was over, and they were returning lo their ship*. A Russian iwmaon bridge pre vented our tux from going as far as the young naval officer who commanded her expected to go. He tried to get the Rus sian sentry to make an opening for him; he might a* well have asked the Kphtnx (o conjugate understand In England. This allied army Is a Babel of tongues; a Midway Biaisancc of civilised racial char acteristics. I struck our across the pontoon bridge into the European settlement to seek the American consulate and Information a* to where 1 rotild get a night’s lodging, and to call on Capt. McCalia. A Rus sian officer, with three t'ossaek* and i Chinese car# behind him, came trotting along on a cream-colored pony. He In vited me to throw my blanket roil Into his cart, and he atarted nut tn show me to my destlnallon. He was a little mixed on his topography, and eventually a dtl *n told us that the street which we were following led In the opposite direction Iron- the consulate. The officer would take no excuse. "Americans and Rus sians ought to be good friends." he said. He. hi* cart, hi* Cossack.* and his pony (which he had capture*! from a Chinese general, he told met. escorted me to fhe gate of the consulate, one of the Cossacks Insisting, in rough good nature, upon taking my blanket roll up on the porch, where the consul. Mr. Ragsdale, was resting from the worries of the siege Cupt McCalls was asleep, he said. He reiterated what 1 hud already heard on all sides—the admiration which our •<!!- ormen of Seymour's fore* hod won from all Ihe foreigners. An orderly came with a message for the captain, and when #h* consul woke him up he received me The list lime that I had seen the cap tain was at Aparrl, where he had tlv*n a tired eorrespondent an American break fast which had made that correspondent feci a* if he were something of a man again. Before I left hi* room It was long nflt mldnlghs The story of the expedi tion which eet out to rescue I’ekin an i had difficulty to rescue Itself a* he told It to me 1 will relate In a later article Suffice It thal he left nut'three Import ant facts. r>n* was that he was ho; throt-gt the flesh of the back, the sgeonl that n shell wounded him In two places, the third that he went on directing ht* men on th* firing line without stopp ng •'for repairs.” and hobbled Into Tien Tsin *t ibetr head. Will lile for Train Robbery. Denver, Col . Sept I—A special to the New* from Clayton. N M . say*. T. m Ketrhum. better known as "Black Jack," the note! leader of a gang of out law* that for a long Urn* Infested th* Southwest, was to-day convicted of train robbery, the penalty for which tn New Mexico l death " 'TOPS THE cot UN Bill WORK a OFF THE COED. Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets cure a cold In one day. No curt, no pay. Pries Zi ocau.-ud. T¥E WEATHER. Forecast for Monday und Tuesday: fleorgig, fair; continued warm writ her Monday and Tuesday, light wind*, most ly east to south. Eastern Florida partly ■ lomly weath er Monday and Tues-lav, probably *->■* and er* In Southern anl Kastern portlonaP fre*h easterly winds. Yesterday’s Wrather al Savannah— Maximum temperature 315 P m 88 degree* Minimum tfinperature •:*• a m W degrees M>an t mperatur* B degree* Norma! lem|>rature Tt degrees Execs* of temp ratur* 5 degree* Accumulated excess elnce Sept. 1 14 '**' A simulated deficiency elnce Jan. 1 degree* R tlnfail (Winch Normal ** Inch Kkcee* rlnce 8i pt. 1 57 Inch Iwflctancy since Jan 1 5 17 Inches River Report- The l.lght of Ihe Savan nah river at Augusta, m * a in (75ih meridian time! yesterday, wss * 4 feet, a rise of 0.2 foot during the preceding twen ty -fi-ur hour*. ■ ihservatton* raken at th* some moment of time ot all etaiions. Sept. 9. IW. * P m , 73th meridian time. Najne- of At itlun* T . V jHMh Boston, partly cloudy 72 I. **' New York city, clear .... *2 L ) .40 Philadelphia, clear |B2 10 | ® Washing lon city, pt cldjf B | L i•* Norfolk, clear I *4 * OO Halteras. clear | *0 * | JO Wilmington, dear I 75 j <0 Charlotte, elear B I I> j .* Raleigh, clear | M I. ® Charleston, clear *2 10 ® Atlanta, clear j 83 . L -<* Augusta, clear *4 I* ® Savannah, clear ] *0 L #0 J-i ksonvtl!*, partly cldy W * 01 Jupiter, clear | S3 j IS | -09 Key West, partly cMy.-.j *9 14 |l* Tampa, clear ........j St) 8 j .00 Mobile, clear I 82 10 | 01 Montgomery, elear I N* I I* I *0 Vicksburg, partly cldy 78 8 .10 New Orleans, cloudy j 78 14 |OB Memphis, clear jSB 8 ® Cincinnati. cloudy ...j 84 j L' | •* Pittsburg, dear j 80 ; 6 "4 Buffalo, partly cloudy —| 78 OO Detroit, clear W i * j -00 Chicago, clear 70 10 ® Marquette, raining I 5* ! L -01 91 Paul, partly cloudy... so 10 j3O Davenport, clear j SO | * j ® St Louts. portly cloudy.. 84 ; L | .04 Kansas City, cloudy j 84 S -0* 1 lodge City, cloudy i 74 | 4 | T North Platte, pt. cldy —| 84 , 10 j DO Galveston. missing Corpus Chrlstl. missing. Palestine, mteslng Oklahoma, missing. H B Boyer. Isoeal Forecast Official. Seedless Fruit. Prom the New York Press. The seedless fruit anti vegetable ore hound to tome. They will mark the nexi great advance In science The needle** orange was n freak of nature, found In n swamp on the north shore of the Ann son about 1872. To-duy It* etiltlvntion tn the United State* has revolutionised the orana<- Industry It ha* brought the orange yield of Californio tip to 17.0 X) carloads a year, and the amount of monev Invested directly nnd Indlreeily in II l* over The olher day J ate a seedless pear, nlsn called a freak It come |n a basket containing eleven others off the same tree, all full of seed I never tasted more delicious meat. The seedless tomnto 1* an assured fact. Next we should have the seedless grape, then the seedless wa armeion. the seedless cu cumber and the seedless apple. The Beet Preaerlptton far Malaria, Chill* and Fever, Is a bottle of Grove's Ta*teles* Chill TonF. It Is simply Iron •nil quinine In a tasteless form. No curs —no pay. Price 60c.—ad. SPRIT At, NOTICES. I.KVAN'S TABLE IVHOTK DINNERS. Me—DINNER—Wc. Dinner 1 to 3 and 5 to 9, Monday, Sept.lo. Claret VVIno, sorp . Vegetable. FISH. Redflsh au Vln. Potatoes ala Algertenne. Pickles. Beets. Queen Olives. Chow Chow. Mixed Pickles. ENTREES. Cutlets of Mince Chicken ala Bordelalso. Apples Frliter. au Sugar. BOIEED Gold Band Ham and Cabhage. ROASTED Prime Ribs of Beef. Dish Gravy. VEGETABLES. Mashed Potatoes. Fried Egg Plant* Stewed Tomatoes. Rke. Boiled Okra PASTRY AND DESSERT. Vanilla Custard Pie. Assorted Cakes. Cheese Crackers. Sago Pu-ldlng. Wine Sauce. French Coffee, LEVAN S CAFE AND RESTAURANT. 11l Congress street, west to the pi I have severed my connections with A. E. Bhole*, with whom 1 have been asso ciated In the Directory business for the past 11 years and have entered the em poly of H. A. Ooette. who will publish a Qitp Directory of Savannah for ISOI •TONY" SALCEDO BIT ONLY TIIE BEST UINUEH ALE. The best te the Wheeler Brand of Bel fast (Huger Ale. made by Wheeler h Cos., ol Belfast. Ireland, from the celebrated Cromat bptlugs of tuat city, inesa springs sr* Ihs property of Wheeler * Cos., benoe no other Ginger Ale manufac turer in Ireland has those waters but themselves. Tbs Wheeler Olnger Ale la end de from pure Jamaica Ginger Root and not from Red Pepper, at others are; on* Is deleterious—the other Is a tonic. For Henlthfulness end Purity the cele brated Wheeler brand of Belfast Ginger Ale le Ihe beet. LIPPMAN BROTHERS. Sol* Southern Agenle, Savannah. Oa. WHY NOT I SE OHIUINAI. ANNISTON LIME! liiahest Oraor. Each barrel contains sufficient quantity and quality to make It MONEY-SAVING. A HANLEY COMPANY. Sole Agents, Phone 10. LOOK. The finest line of Mantel*. Tiling and Graees In the city. Prtces rock bottom Have money by seeing our goods before purchasing elsewhere. SAVANNAH BUILDING SUPPLT CO., Corner Congress and Drayton. Phone M 9. fIS.OUO. One of our clients has placed tn our I rands SE.OOO lo loan cu good Savannah real estate at reasonable rales of Interest BECKETT A BECKETT. U Pregidthl street, east. rtNBKAL ih rrATioisv. HCHADPP —The friends and acquaint ances of Mr any! Mr*. C. Bugene Bchaupp, Mr. K. J Kelly, Mr Jam*. Kelly. Mr ('has F. Bchaupp and family are invit ed to .ittend the funeral of Mrs. Kale Bchaupp, from Cathedra! of Bt. John, at i o'clock this afternoon. MKETItUS. MAOftULIA KNCtMPMKNT IN<*. 1. 1. tl. 4. F. A regular meeting of this encampment wilt be held thle evening The members ate earnestly invlud to sttend The Royal Purple Degree will he < on ferred C. A VETTER. Chief Pstrlarch. JAH. VAN BEHBCHOT, 8< rllw. GERMAN FHIRNIII.I Mlt IKTY. The regular tnomhly meeting of the German Friendly Society will if held lh‘s i Monday) evening In K. of P. Hall at :li o'clock. A KESSEL. President. A. HELLER. Secretary. THE *44 4NN411 Y4M NTBF.H Gl AHIPt. The monthly meeting of this military corporation will lie held at the Arsenal this evening al 8:30 o'clock. Active, honorary, associate and ail oth er class * of member* permitted by the rubs to participate are notified to be pres ent By tihection of 'he Commanding Officer and ex-officio President E. H O'CONNOR. Heetetarv. SPECIAL NOTICES. Bnwaner Bprings Cos. Buwanse. Fla Gentlemen -In the fall of 1892 m> wife become a ufferer of the Inflammatory rheumatism, and my famliy physician with other* a* good as the state afford* living In Hawklnsvll'c, Os began trust ing her for same, snd no relief could she get I wa* advised by my uncle. P. A Robu.k. now living In Coi-hron. Oa.. who had visited the spring*, and found such great relief for the kidney dl*ea*e he hod *o long been a sufferer of. and knowing of the water* to be good for rheumatism, as I had tried all patent medicine* 1 saw advertised, and no relief could she get. after suffering for month* and becoming almost a hopeless Invalid. I brought her to Suwanee Sulphur Springs In Florida, and after staving there seventy days she coubt get about lively oral quick as any one. and felt no symptom* of pain after the seventy days We returned to Hnwk lnsvllle. G.i . *■ and she still Improved In health and fle*h. and was finally cured hy nothing but the water* used from B'J wanee spring* Our little girl. Almira at the same Time we visited the spring* was 9 month* obi At the age of one month, It was mulcted with a dreadful breaking out all over Its fa sand body, eye* begun to Inflame, and we thought for a time It would lose the sight. It troubled us very much. We called In a iloctor, who did not think there wa* much the matter, but the child continued to grow worse, and It wa* suffering so much and was so fretful that we hod no rest night or day We did everything we could, but brought no relief lo the little sufferer. I tried ev erythlng at hand, or that I could hwr of. but without the desired effect About this time we got to the spring*. In a few day* l could teii It was Improving ond In less than two month* It was perfectly well Splotches all left the skin; II is now a healthy child, and ha* bright-good eye and fair skin as you wish to*see Ever since I was 15 year* old I have had catarrh of the head. 1 tried all kinds of medicine and the best physicians for 15 years, but without any benefit. When I visited the Suwanee Spring* with my wife for th< rheumatism. I found the water was u cure for catarrh, and after using It a while my head began to feel clear, my breath got pure and sweet, and I have never been troubled with neuralgia, and but very little with catarrh *ln.-c It Is an Instant und permanent cure for neuralgia nnd erysipelas I regard It as the besl aU-round medt In** In the world Asa Hood purifier It ha* no equal, and It Is a sure cure for rheumatism and all skin diseases. 1 cannot soy too much In praise of the Suwanee Sulphur Bprings. With grati tude, I am yours ruly. P. T MeORIFF All you can drink for 5c at Livingston's. PHEBEHVE VOIM SIGHT By wearing glasses that not alone enable you to ere. but correct every defect that may exist. Ther* la no guesswork In our methods We have the latest and met approv-d scientific apparatus for accurate eye test ing. We make no charge for consulta tion or examination, and should you need the services of a physician we will frank ly tell you so. Our crystal lenses ar* perfect In every respect, being ground under our own su pervision. They cannot be compared in value to the kind offered as cheap by the so-called opticians or jewelers who han dle Inferior glasses as a side line. DR M. SCHWAB A SON. Exclusivs Opticians, t! Bull BtraeL N. B—Oculist prescriptions filled*Sams day received. Repairing done at abort notice. MOMHITOES will sot trouble you If you use SHOO ML SHEET. It Is u pleasant perfume. WELDERMA le u toilet powder that Instantly dis pel* the disagreeable odors arising from perspiration. OLD STYLE COLD Cnl^lVl gives quirk relief lor aaa boras and akin troubles. SOLOMONS CO. LEVY'S oiscocnt goTicm. YOG WILL SAVE TEN PF.K CENT. By paying roar bill* an o* be fore he lath mat. 11. D. LEVY A ago. THE WAY TO CLEAR CARPETS. Th# only way to get your carpet* prop, erly taken up, cleaned and taken , are <*f for th* summer I* to turn th* Job over to the District Meggeng r and Delivery Cos , telephone I, or cail at 32 Montgomery street, and they wilt moke you an esti mate on the cost of the work. Price* rare >nahle. They also (tack, move an I atora furniture and "lanes C. H. UEDLOCK. Supt. and Mgr. uaus wan emu i m *\n of fice to rent, located head of Broughton strtet, on Wat Bread, now o•eq pel by ihe Savannah Carriage and Wagon Cos As they will gv< up business tn the city on June I. I of fer It for rent from that date H. P. BMART ■I’iISKIS NOTICE*. WE ROAST COFFEE Fresh Every Day. HENRY SOLOMON & SON May and Jefferaon Ntreeta. •FECIAL -NOTICES. Pilot LAM AY'ION. City of Bitvannah. Mayor s office. Aug. 10. 1944 -The sanitary Board. In acoord anre with the provisions of an ordinance, passed Aug. 28. I9t*. and entitled "An ordinance lo provide for the cutting •S" removal, or destruction of weeds and olh cr rank vegetable growth growing on pri vate property within sold llmll*. •• Pro vide a jienally for non-compliance • l *" the provisions hereof," etc., the said San itary Board,having notified me (hat In the opinion of the hoard. It Is necesasry for Ihe preservation of the health of Ihe city to have cut and removed from private property in the said city or destroyed thereon, weed* ami other rank vegetable growth. I do hereby Issue this, my proc lamation requiring the cutting and remov al of such weed* and other rank vegeta ble growth In accordant e with the provi sions of the following ordinance Any one falling to comply with 14* provision* will he placed on the inlormation docket atxl fined Given under my hand and the seal of Ihe city of Savannah this. 30th day of :••*> HERMAN MYERS. ' Mayor Attest: WM P BAILEY. Clerk of Council An ordinance to provide for the cutting and removal or destruction of weed* and other rank vegetable growth growing on private property within said city llnitls, to provide a penalty for non-compliance with the provisions hereof and to author ise the rlty authorities to cut and remove and destroy *uch weeds and olher rank vegetable growth at the expense of the owner or owners of the property on which It grows. Section 1. Be It ordained hy Ihe Mayor and Aldermen of the city of Savannah, In Council assembled. That whenever the Sanitary Board of said elty shall notlfv the Mayor thereof that. In the opinion of ssM board, it Is neceesary far the preseYv atlon ol the health of the elty to have cut and removed from private property In the said elty. or destroyed thereon, weed* and other rank vegetable growth, the Mayor shall Issue hi* proclamation requiring the immediate rutting and removal of such weeds and other rank vegetable growl!) to the properly line of said lolor the destruc tion of the same by fire on such lot by the owner nr owners of said property, or 4hn agents Of such owners having charge of such property, and thereupon. If such weeds and other rank vegetable growth Is not cut from such private properly and r moved to the property line of such prop erty or destroyed thereon by fire within ten days after the first publication of said proclamation by the Mayor, then and In that event the owner or owners of said property, or the agent thereof having Ihe same In charge, shall, upon conviction In the Police Court of the elty of Savannah, of a failure to cut and remove such weed* and other rank vegetable growth within the time above named, be punished by fine not to exceed fifty (54> dollars, of im prisonment not to exceed thirty () days, cither or both in the discretion of Ihe court. Sec. 2. Be It further ordained. That In ms event nf the failure of the owner or owner*, or the agent of such property having charge of the same, as the ease may be. to cut and remove such weed* and other rank vegetable growth or de stroy the same within the time above named, then and In that event the Mayor and Aldermen of the city of Savannah, through th* director of public work*, shall, at the expense of the owner or own ers of such property, have the same cut and removed or destroyed Sec 3. Be It further ordained. That all ordinance* and parts of ordinances In conflict with this ordinance are hereby re pealed. NOTICE. City of Savannah, Office Ftre Depariment. Savannah, (la.. Bept. 1, 1900. Projosal* for furnishing the Fire De partment with winter uniform* will be r*- celvtd at Ihe office of th* undersigned until II o'clock m of Haturdsy. Kept. 11. 1900, Specification* will be furnished upon application at the office of the Fire De partmen'. corner of Indian and Weet Broad street*, nnv day between the hour* at 9 a m and 3 p. m All propoeil* mii*l be sealed and ad drersed to the Committee on Fire t'nlformn to be delivered J o. b. In Ha vnnnah on or before Oct. 15. ISKO The committee reserve the right to reject any and ail proposal* or to award Ihe contract in part or a* a whole. JOHN E MAGUIRE, Hupt. NOTICE. City of Savannah. Office Clerk of Council, Kept, 7. lfon A vacancy having occurred In the office of messenger of Council, caused by the de.ith of the late Messenger John Harrl eon. and In accordance with a lesolution adopted In Council Sept. slh, 19i*>. notice Is herehy given that an election will he had at the next regular meeting of Coun cil. to be held on the 19th ln*t at 9 p. tn., to fill the unexplred term, all application* to he tiled wllh ihe Clerk tof Council at or before 12 m of the 19th lnt. Bond of f,Vf <n required; name* of bondsmen must accompany the application \VM H BAILEY Clerk of Council. BIDS VV A NTED. Office Director of Public Works, Savan nah. Oa . Kepi. *. 19*0. Bid* will tie re ceived at this office until Katurday. Kept. 15, !!*"". at 13 o'clock noon, city time, for the privilege of assorting garbage pile for all material*, such a* rag*, paper, tin can*, glass and all substance not of fer terlltlng value. All hid* to he made goo>| for otje year Envelope* to be marked "Bid* for assorting garbage" The <|ty rjserve* the rigid to reject gnv or all bids Bids to he open' and in the presence of bkl ders. GEO. M. GADSDEN. Dire tor. NOTICE. City nf Savannah, office Clerk of Council, Savannah. Oa . Sept |, into. Bid* will be received at this office until 12 o'clock m Friday. Sept. 21, iswi. for furnishing the i';ic* (apartment with winter, uniform*, acording to epeclflra llons to be sen at the pojire barra ks Th* right I* reserved to reject any or all bids, WM r HAILEY. Clerk of Council. MATTRBSMtS. MATTRESSES. Have your mattresses and feathers ren ovated by out medicated steam prove** before a change In weather take* place. (The only plan! in Savannah.) B over come* all impur.ties and renew* life and volume tn all bedding material Price* on rer.ovalion of feather* a* fol.ow* Red* W 50. bolster* 11, pillows 50c Cotton, mwt and hair mattr***** made to order Fine work, low price*. Work guaranteed NATIONAL MATTRESS AND RENO VATING CO., Bell Phone HE. Ml Drayton street. BONDS EXELITED By the American Bonding g n d Trust 1 ompany of Baltimore. We are author lied to execute locally (tmm dlately upon application), ail bonds In Judicial pro c* • In either the state or Unlhd R ate* courts, and of administrators and guardians • BEARING A HULL. Agents. Telephone Dk k Provident Rulidtng. i UOUPdLD ADLER. 3.N0 R. DlLlain President. Cashlei ‘ ' C. T. ELLIS, BARRON CAAtsh Vic# President. Assi. Cashier "" The Chatham Bank SAVANNAH. Will be pleased lo reoelv* tfc, c ,... •f Merchants Kirin*. Individuals ' and Corporation#. ’ '** Liberal favors extended UneurpasaeJ collection facilities Ing prompt returns. w ' SIMMrtj*VIBSDEPBIITMET INTER EAT ( UMPOI'NDBO q I I.Y ON DEPOSITS. Safety Deposit Boxes and Vaults in tent Correspondence sHlclied The Citizens Bank OF A4. ANA AM. „ CAPITAL. 5500.000. 1 I ktea M ** •—Mkaa*_ Uhslbch. Sullen# ladleUaele. * , s r * k **'s. B***Ea wad tUu. 4,'atg*. rations m Cwllectloa. ka.dicd with •*! dispatch. ' l.tere.l *.ws„ocad.d ,aart*,|. allowed mm deposits lo ~> *at.„ Desartrseet. * •*etr Boa*, .pq Vault* " BRANTLEY A. DENMARK. Fee.,#,.. ■ ILL* It. LANE. vie. P0^ 4 ... GEORGE C, FREEMAN. C..h1,, POMPON L. OHOOVKR. A oat. r a. kl^ SOUTHERN BANK of the State of Georgia Et Surplus an.l undivided profits DLIOtUTOHY OF THE STATE OF GEORGIA. Superior facilities lot transacting , General BankingTiu.u>„, Bon* mad* on all points a. cesslhle through banks in inker*. Accounts tLiikti. and others solicited Safe Depot.: boxer lor rent. Department of Saving*, Interest peyeble quarterly Soils Sterling Exchange on London a and upward*. JOHN FLANNERY President HORACE A CRANE. Vice President JAMES SULLIVAN Co-hler DIRECTORS JNO. FLANNERY. WM W GORDON E. A WEIL W W GORDON Jr, H A CRANE. JOHN .4! EGAN LEE HOY MYERS JOSEPH FEU ST H r SMART. CHARLES ELLIS EDWARD KELLY. JOHN J KIRRY SiiiHilnisih CAPITAL. gitSO.OOO. Account* of banks, marchanta, corpora tion* and Individual* solicited. Saving* Depaitment, interest paid quarterly. Safety Boxes and Slorss* Vaults for rent. Collection* mad* on all points at rea sonable rales. Draft* sold on all th* chief cities of th* world. Correspondence Invited. JOSEPH D WEED. President. JOHN C. ROWLAND. Vic* President. W. F. McCAL'LEY. Cashier THE' GERMANIA BANK SAVANNAH, GA. Capital v D09.0W Undivided profits TbL- bank offers a* services to corpora tions. merchants and individuals. He* hu.horny to act aa executor, ad. mlnlstratur, guardian etc. Isaura draft* on the principal cities In Great Britain and Ireland and on tbs Conti iivML Interrst raid or compounded quarterly t>r, deposit* in Ihe Savings Department. Safety Boxes for rent. HENRY BLtTN. President. GEO. W TIF.DEMAN Vice President JOHN M HOGAN, ('ashler WALTER F. HOGAN, Ass’t Cashlr No. 1540. Chartered. IMS —THE— MIS Mil Bill OF SAVANNAH. CAPITAL. 550v0x SURPLUS. IWS.9 5 UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY. J A u. CARBON. Predd.ot. HKIHXE GORDON. Vice President W. M DAVANT. Cashier. Account* of hank* and banker*, imr chanta and corporation* received op* the moat favorable term* consistent with safe and conservative banking THE GEORGIA STATE BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION. Assets over SBOO,OOO. 5 PER CENT, per annum allow* 1 on deposit*, withdrawable on demand. Inter e*t credited quarterly. 5 PER CENT, per annum allowed on deposits of even hundreds, wlthdrswsSl* at annual periods. GEO. W TIKDF.MAN, President B. H LEVY, Vic* President. E W BELL. Secretary. C. O. ANDERSON. JR., Treasurer. OFFICE. 15 YORK STREET. WFIBT FOR RENT from Oct. 1, that fine resi dence No. 211 Gwinnett street, west Large garden and fine stable on the prem ises. Apply The Chatham Heal Estate aod Im provement Company, U RUYAN STREET. EAST lo isßopei Pi®. For sal*, a Forsalth Newspaper Folder', will fold sheet r.xC It to In good order. Price 5100. It cost originally SUOO. but w* have ou ue* for It end want the room it occupies. It will be an lavaluaU* adjunct °f newspaper oDo*. Address MORNING NEWS, Savannah, IF YOU WANT GOOD MATER!* 1 - and work, order your lithographed * '* printed stationery and blank books !(u Morning News. Bavsnnah, oa.