The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, September 10, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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tlalm*4, for only evil can jr**ult from th* i* pc raised by our opponent* in th* mind* of the Filipino*. that with th*-ir M.coesa at the polls in November there Hill I'* • withdrawui of our army and of V meric‘to *ovc'T*l*nty over the artitpol itgo; the cxaiptote indtfwndtßot of the 'fttgalog people rtcomllttl arjd the pow r* of the iovermnent over all the other I’t'i’pte* of the archipelago conferred upon the Tagalog leaders. I '.Heel ou liaaursents, , The effect of a belief In the minds of th% insurgents that this will he done has .iiraady prolonged the rebellion and In * r ww* the necessity for the continuance . t a large army. # It Is now delaying full ( ace in the archipelago and the estatw l hm#nt of civil government, and has fluent * and many of the Insurgents against i.cceptlng the lltwral terms of amnesty •Itcreel by Oen. Mm Arthur under my di ectlon Hut for these false hopes a con dei.tbl* rediH'tlon could have been had m our military establishment In the Phil* i opine*. anl the realisation of a stable government would he already at hand. The American peopl* are asked by our • pptments to yield the sovereignty of the fritted Hiates In the Philippine** to a uri.l fraction of tlw* population. a single trtbe at of eighty or more Inhabttatlng the r* a faction whk h wantonly attacked the American troops In Manila a i.tle tn rightful possession under th* I rotorol with Spain, awaiting the rafifl itton of the treaty of i*a '* by the K*n ata. and which has since been in active, .pen rebellion against the t'nlted States We are asked u> tranafer our soveteignty to' a small minority tn the Gland* without • onsultlng the majority and to ahand.m the largest portion of tha population, which has been loya! to us. to the cruel* ties of the guerilla Insurgent bands. More than this, wo are asked to protect this minority In establishing a government and to this end repress all oppoaltlon of the majority. We are required to set up a stable government in the interest of those who have assailed our sovereign ty and fired upon our soldiers, and then maintain It at any coat or sacrifice against Its enemies within and ag.tinst those having ambitious dealgns from without. This would require an army and navy far larger than Is now maintained in the Philippines and still more in excess of what will be nccewsary with the full re< ognltkm of our sovereignty. A mili tary support of authority not our own as thun propped Is the very essence of mil itarism. which our opponents In their l latform oppose, bur which by their pol* icy would of ne baslty be established in Us most offensive form The American peopb- will not make the murderers of our aoldlefs the agent* of the republic to convey the bleaelngs of liberty and order to the They will not make them the builders of the new commonwealth Such a course would b* a betrayal of our sacred obligations to the |h.ireful Phllippinos. and would place at the mercy of dangerous advent urers the live* and pro|*erty of the na tive* ami foreigners It would rmtke |o*- slHle and easy the commission of such atrocities as were secretly planned, to be executed on th** Xlnd of February. I*#. In the city of Manila, when only the vig ilance of our army prevented the attempt to auMMiiwtf our soldiers and all for eigners and pillage and destroy the city and Its surroundings. In short, the prop itl<xi of those opi*>*ed to us I* to con tinue all the obligations In the Philip pines which now rest upon the govern ment. only changing the relation from principal, which now exists, to that of surety, our responsibility Is to remain, but our power Is to be diminished. Our obligation is to l>e no less, but our title Is to be surrendered to another power which tw without ex|*erlrnce or training. <>r the ability to maintain a stable gov ernment at home and absolutely helpless to perform Its International obligations with the rest of the world. To this we .ire opposed We should not yield otir title while our obligation* last. In the lan •luge of our platform. "Our authority Miould not be less than our res (ton si bill t and our present responsibility Is to * daMish our authority In every part of the Islands. Our Government the Heat. No government can no certainly pre serve the |eiice, ntlorr public order, es tablish law. Justice and stable cundlilons as ours Neither Congress nor the Exec utive can establish a stable government In iheee'lslanUs except under our right of sovereignty. Our authority and our flu-:. And this we are doing. \\ e„ ct tld not do It a? a prot* t torn to power .<> completely or so successfully as t*e are doing II now. As the sovereign power ,me can Initiate action and shape m<-ans to ends, and guide the Filipinos 10 e ( . If-development and self-government. A* A protectorate power we could not Initiate action, but would be compelled to follow and unhold a people with no capacity yet to go alune. In the one case we can pro tect both ourselves and the Filipinos from being Involved In dangerous complica tions; In the other we could not protect even the Filipinos until after their trouble had come. liesldea. If we can not establish any government of our own without the consent of th* (governed as our opponents contend then we could not establish a stable government for them or make ours a protectorate without the like consent, and neither the majority of the people nor a minority of the people have Invited us to assume It. We could mil maintain a protectorate even with the lonsent of the governed without giving provocation for conflicts and possibly ■ oslly wars. Our pines arc now free from outside Interfer ence and will continue so In our present relation. They would not la- thus free In any other relation. We will not give up our own to guarantee another sovereign ly. our title Is good. Our peace commls sioners believed they were receiving goes) title when Ihey concluded the treaty. The executive believed It was a good tlel* when he submitted M to the Senate of the Fnltad Stale* for Its ratification The Senate believed |i was a, good -title when they gave It their constitutional assent, und the Congress seems not to have doubt ed Its completeness whpn they appropriat ed |y>.ooo,ooo dollars provided by the treaty If nny who favored Its ratification be lieved It gave u* a bad title, they were not elm -re Our title is practically Identical with that under which we hokl our ter ritory acquired since the beginning of the government, and under which wc have ex ercised full sovereignty and established government for the Inhabitants. It Is worthy of note that no one outside of the I'nttbd States disputes the fullness and Integrity of the cession What then la the real Issue on this subject? Whether It Is paramount to nny other or not. It Is whether we shall he responsible for the s vernment of the Philippines with the creignty ond authority whteh enables us to guide them to regulated liberty, low safety and progress. or whether Wf shall be responsible for the forcible und arbitrary government of a minority without sovereignty and au thority on our part, and with only the embirrussmena of n protectorate which draws us Into their troubles without the power of proventing them. There were those who two years ago were rt ishlng us on to war with Spain tvho are unwilling now to accept Its clear consequence, ns there ore those among us w bo advocated the ratification of the trea ty of peace, but now protest against Its ■'tv,(gallon*. Nations which go to war must be prepared to accept Its resultant ( (gallons, end when they moke treaties mut keep them Those who profess to diet rue* the liberal ’-1 honorable purpose of the ndmlntstra •i , n ps treetment of the Philippines m not Justified. Imperialism has no I-- |n Its creed or conduct FYeerlom Is -i rock upon which the Republican Prty was builded and now rests. Liberty I. the great Republican doctrine for Which the people went to war end for which a million lives were offered and Wi den* of dollars were expended lo make It a lawful legacy of all without the con sent of master or slave. There la a strain ol ill'<otK > e)*d hypocrisy in the anxiety to extend the constitutional guarante<* •o the i*eopa- of the Philippine. whll# tnelr nullification is openly advocated hi home. Our opponents may distrust them selves but they have no right to discredit the good faith ml patriotism of the ma jority of the }H<opic who are opposing them, they may fear the worst form of Imperialism with the helpless Filipinos In their hands; but if they fc. It is because they have ported with the sidrli and faith ot the fathers amt have hist the virility of the founder* of the party which they prof#** to represent. The Republican party doesn’t have to A**Tt its devotion to the 1 *•- l.irtti ton of Independence. That immortal instrument of the father* remained unexecuted un:j| the people under the le,u| of the Republi can party in the awful clash of battle turned its promise* Into fulfilment It wrote Into the constitution the amend ments guamoteeing political equality to American fiflxenship and It ha* never broken them or counselled .slurs in break in* them It will not lie guided in its conduct by one set of principle* at home and another *e: in the new' territory be longing to the Fnlted States. If our opponents would only practice ns well as preach the doctrines of Abraham Lincoln. there would he no fear for th* safety of our institution* at home or their rightful influence in any territory over whl* h our fl g floats. Empire has been expelled from Porto Rico and the ITiilipplne* by American freemen The fin* of the Repiflßic now' flouts over these islands a* an emblem ot rightful sovereignty. Will the Republic etiiy and dispense to their Inhabitants the blessing* of liberty, education and free Institutions, or steal away, lea\ing#th*m to anarchy or imperialism'' The American question Is between duty and desertion—the American verdict will he for duty and against desertion, fut *te Republic against both anarchy and im perialism. The country has been fully advised of the purpose* of the United States in Uhlna. and they will be faithfully ad hered to, a* already defined The nation is filled with gratitude that the little band, among them many of our own blood, who for two months have been subjected to privations and peril by th# attack* of pitiless horde* at the Chi nese capital, exhibiting supreme courage In the face of despair, have been enabled by (tad's favor to greet their rescuers and find shelter under their own fla* The people, not alone of this land, but of all lands, have watched and prayed through the terrible stress and protracted agony or the helpless sufferer* in Pekin, and while at times the dark tidings seemed to make all hopcavaln. the res cuers never faltered In the heroic ful fillment cf their noble task We ore grateful to our own aoldters and sailors and marines, and to all the brave men who. though assembled under many standards, representing people* and race*, strangers tn country and speech, were yet united In th# sacred mission of carrying succor to the besieged, with a success that is now the cause of the world's re- Joi.lng. Not only have we reason for thanks giving for our material blessings, but we should rejoice In the complete unification of the people of all section* of our coun try that has so happily developed in the last few yejfrs and made for u* s more perfect union. The obliteration of old differences, the common devotion o hc flag and the com mon sacrifices for Its honor, so conspicu ously shown by the men of th- Nonh and South In the BpanM war. have o strengthened the tie* of frlerdshlp > and mutual respect that nothing can ever again divide us. The nation faces the new century gratefully and hopefully, with Increasing love of country, with Arm faith In it* free institutions, and with high resolve that they "shall not perish from the earth." Very respectfully yours. William McKinley. fIIMHIt SOUK THROAT. XAnnd Pavctneols and Water farts to Itlnrar, Not the fllmate. From the London Kxprr-s We have now the London summer, and w have also the 1-ondon aore throat The sufferers all blame the climate for It. "As If the English climate wax the cause of london sore thro it.'’ said Dr. Jaklns. the house surgeon at the entral Throat Hospital, to an Express rrpresen -1 '"Then tl era Is such a th ng as London Mb- throat?'' .. , ■I ndc iibtedly; and what la more. It Is not merely a mild complaint The i.rln. 1.,jl ~jl t -ause Is the wood pavrmnt There !. a continual .loud of line dust arising from these lavements, and that Is In 1t ,,1f. U.und to set up an Irritated condt tton of th'* throat.” "What form dor* th * condition tak* ■Taually what ts termed septic sore threat ftomrtlmt* It Is quinsy, and It may If not careful y watchel, develop Into '''"Am'th r great cause Is the drains. All the manholes should hove pipes attach ed reaching above thetops of the houses and carried at the side of the lamp posts |„ gor.ihend -his I* detf. sod why not In London* The hseterta come from the manholes and settle In the dust Then, what happens? A water cart comes alone, the only thing necessary for the multl n'lcation of millions of bacteria So. by the time the w.ler has drle.l up the streets are more unhealthy than b. fore •Then take the milk carts-l mean those large can* that are wheel and about on har rows How many times do they not stand dir ctlv ovrr drains while the milkman dellveis his pnts and quarts’ It * wonder that diphtheria I* not worse than ""And'what r;medl s would you recom -1,1 "First no street sprinkling In the day time, unless a brush fo lows Th* n reconstruct! oll °f !be drains, as I - . I dr)n k lass and eat mor. The malady rardv becomes serious with those who are In a healthy condition Flnally.when people have sore throat symptoms, let them put themselves at once under a doctor and not meddle with things they don’t understand " Good Health. The Stomach Is the foundation of health. When It does Its work properly disease cannot enter the body. If It Is out of or der Hosteller's Btomich Hitters, the fa mous dysprptda cure, will restore Its vig or It Is the most valuable metliclne lor stomach Ills known lo science Try It for Indigestion, dyspepsia, constipation, or malaria. Fever and Ague. Our private revenue stamp covers the neck of the bed tie. Th. Monarch HOSTETTER’S of Stonucb STOMACH Remedies BITTERS Ib.ftoo fm. Jp Awarded at ParU / Quina \ [LAROCHE] WINE CORDIAL I \ Higbeet fco*nme*<l*itoo* lor cure of Pnorne** I \ ol Blood, Stomwh trosble* *sd Cwsersl De- # \ wm,. Incree*** the *ppe'iir-•teespbeo* / \ the serve* ssd betid* sp tbeestlrt sytMn. / \ 11 rue Braaot I \ PARIS f \ gC. gaacere A Cos. / AfP*U> I.V. THE MORNING NEWS: MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 10. 1000. STATEMENT OF THE CONDITIOg OF The Savannah Bank and Trust Company, Locate.! at Savannah, (la , at the close of business Sept. 5. 1400. resources. , loom* and discounts t 274,4*3 *0 Demand loans 494.900 71 Overdraft* IM 11 Bonds and stocks owned by tha h,*nk 51.335 4! Bn liking house 55,000 i Furniture and natures 2.342 4.9 other real estate 14.000 on Du* from hanks and hankers In the stats *1.311 M Due from hanks and hanker, In other state# 117.117#3 Currency 154.74* no Oolfl 1,000 00 silver, nickels an.t pennies 0,075 01 I R .lamps an.t stamped checks 4*9 S3 Total .n.sM.oat Si STATB'OF OEORQIA. COUNTY Or CHATHAM -Before me came W F Mn. CAULEY. Cashier Savannah Bank and Trust Company, who being duly sworn says that the above and foreaotna statement la a true condition of said hank, as shown by the books of hie In said hank. W F McCAULKY. Sworn and subscribe ! to before me thl* Ith day of September. 1900 D. C. CARSON, Notary Publle, Chatham county. Georgia STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OF THE CHATHAM BANK, bo-ated at Ravannah. da., at tha close of business Sept A. IMO, RESOURCES. Loan, and dlaoounta *314.623 61 Demand loans 113.106 33 Overdraft, 11*30 Bonds and stocks owned by the hank 3,155 00 Furniture and fixtures . 7.300 00 Due from banks and hankers In the state 9 OSS M Due from hanks and bankers In other elates 74.406 M Currency 37.316 AO oold iw oo Silver, nickels end pennies 6*2 21 Checks and cash Items 14 71 Exchange* for the clearing house 11.14! IS Interest paid 1,736 99 Total 3740.334 19 STATE OF OEOROIA. COUNTY OF CHATHAM -Before me came JNO R. DILLON, Cashier of The Chatham Bank, who being duly sworn, naye that the above and foregoing statement la a true condition of eutd bank, as shown by the hooka of Ale In eald bank. JNO R DILLON, Cashier. Sworn and subscribed to before me this Ith day of September. lAro BARRON CARTER. Notary Public. Chatham county. Oeorgta. STATEMENT OF THE CONDITION OF THE GERMANIA BANK, Ix>cated at Savannah. Oa.. at the close of business Sept. 5, 1960. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts 1 *31.122 41 Demand loans 3n0.4*4 43 Overdrafts 2.008 31 Bonds and stocks owned by th# bunk #0.120 26 Furniture and fixtures 6.376 00 Other real estate 14,014 00 Due from banks and bankers In this stale 10.403 *3 Due from banka and backers In other states 160.114 73 Currency 33.(37 00 (Told 3.M0 00 Silver, nickels and pennies *.214 36 Checks and cash Items 746 73 Total *1.324.474 62 STATE OF GEORGIA. COFNTY OF CHATHAM.—Before me came JOHN M HOGAN. Cashier of The Germania Bank, who being duly sworn, says that Ihs abova and foregoing statement Is a true condition of said hank, aw shown by the hooka of flle In *akl hank JNO. M HOGAN, Cashier. Sworn and subscribed to before me this tth day of September, ISWV WAITER F. HOGAN. Notary Public, C. C.. Go. THE Sonol 111 ins IS SOLD At the following News Stands: NEW YORK ('ITT. Aetor Honae Hew* Stand. Brrataao—t Blow Square. BUXTON. M ASS. Porker House News Stand. W ASHINGTON. I. C. Metropolitan Motel News Stand. Willard's Hotel News stand. Kbbltt Monse News Stand. AMRTIUE. N. C. Ray’s Photo Supply Monse, Asheville Printing Cos., L. Ulombrrg. BE At FORT, S. C. E. W. Halley, W. R. Bristol. CHARLESTON. C. H. nosrber, I nlnn News Cos., t oast Mae Depot. PUR I ROYAL, . C. Mr*. 11. Campbell, ATI.YNTA. O*. Kimball House New* Cos, 11. Sllvermaa A Cs, At Ct STA, GA. Parker Newa Cos., Van Noy R. R. New* Cm. ALBANY, GA. Mrs. John llaenel, Lansbrrg Bros. AWBRICCR. GA. M. 9. Holiday. HAINRRIDGK, GA. It. 1. Hick*. Grenada Drug Cos., HR! NSW ft K. GA. Fleming A Wolf. COHDELF, GA. Snwanee News Cos. FITZGKR ALD, GA. Fltsgerold New* Cos.. Grider's New* Ageney. GCA TON, GA. O. N. Burke. JF.Bt P, GA. Masale Swindle. MACON. GA. Brown Mouse News Stand, Central Depot News Stood. Ft reman A Turner Nrwo Cos. POOLER, GA. Joseph AVlllmsn. RtATMAN, GA. C. H. Remington. THOM.ASVILI.E, GA. A. Ilrnnett. R. Thomas. Jr. VALDOSTA, GA. g. B. Breedlove. C. t. Honduran!, R. F. Toole. W AYCROSR, G A. Colon Newa Ca. APALACHICOLA, FLA. M. A. Moure. BARTOW, FLA. Wm. Van Fleet. LIABILITIES. Capital slock paid m I *40.000 On Surplus fund 34.040 t Undivided profits, less current expenses and taxes paid 33.374 S3 Due to bank* and bankers tn thla atate 114.430 43 Due to banks and banker# tn other*states 74 923 a. Due unpaid dividends *Ol <M IndtvtSual deposits subject to check .... *67.6*4 33 Demand certlftcalea 14,(30 00 Due to clearing house 134.013 33 Bills payable. Including time certificates representing bor rowed moiity iNt.iwton Total *1 ,3*3.641 *1 LIABILITIES Capital stork paid In 1160.000 09 Surplus fund 7.004 03 Undivided profit*. less current expenses and take* paid 8*47 31 Due to banks and bankers In this stale 44.713 66 Due to benks and bankers In other atetes 7.611 *3 Due unpaid dividends 644 00 Individual depostle subject to Check 4*6.160 M Time certificates 11.7(0 *7 Bills payable 76.000 00 ’ •'' i.-- Total 1740,* 44 LIABILITIES Capital atock paid In * 200.060 00 Undivided profile, leas current ex|>eneee and taxes paid .... 72.175 66 Due to banks and bankers in this stale 1.126 68 Due to hanks and bankers In other states 7.512 *1 Due unpaid dividends 361 Oil Individual defoslla subject to check 984.a 63 Demand rertlflcatea 1.434 73 Time certificates 34.00 u on Certlßed checks 1.023 70 Due m clearing house 14.460 77 Bills payable. Including time can nice tea representing bor rowed money 50.000 n Total *1.334.474 42 CARR tBELLE, FLA. John Nash. DAYTONA, FLA. Geo. H. Clark. DEL AND, FLA. G. W. Fisher. FERNANDINA, FLA. F. W. Simmons. FORT MYERS, FLA. Wm. R. Washburn. Golaeavllle, Fin. Miller A Avera, James Bell. HIGH SPRINGS. FLA. Grumbling Bros. INVERNESS, FLA. W. H. Miller. JACKSONVILLE. FLA. The H. A W. B. Drew Cos., James Donglna, The Dnval Newa Stand, J. D. Merritt, MeXaraara A Hosier, t'alna News Cos., I nlnn Depot. Aaron larhsrls*. KEY WEST. FLA. Key West News Cos. I.RKSNCHG, FI. A. Garrett A Grrlg. LIVE OIK. FLA. Bynnm A Abrams. MIAMI, FLA. John R. Dewey. MONTICELLO, FLA. W. A. Simmons. OCALA, FLA. W. E. Connell. PALATKA, FLA. Charles R. Bowtan. PENSACOLA, FLA. Vis Ray News Cos. PORT TAMPA, FLA. J. H. Mordlek. PLATA GOHDA, FLA. Dr Sotn Drag Ca., Ualf Pharmacy. SANFORD, FLA. Thra. J. Miller, R. L. Philips A Ca. LAKELAND, FLA. G. J. Forbes. LAKE CITY, FLA. Young's Deng Store. ORLANDO, FLA. Curtis A O'Neal, A. T. Howard. RT. AI Gl STINE. FLA. G. Solnmoas. RCWANKR SPRINGS, FI.A. Sawaaee Springs Cos. ST. PKTKRSBI NG, FLA. J. G. Rradshra A Cos. STARKE, FLA. Newell R. Mall. TALLAHASSEE, FLA. K. W. Clark. TAMPA, FLA. W. E. Ckeool, Tampa Rook and Newa Cos., C. B- Hnraard. And on Plant System. Seaboard, Cen tral and Southern Railway Trains. IF YOU WANT QOOD MATERIAL and work, order your lithographed end printed ststmoerr and Monk books Cram Morning New#, gavseoeh. On. II IK Bill “1 suffered of Rheumatism a long time, and found nothing to relieve me until I took GRAYBEARD. I tried most everything I heard of; that is in the line of l?lood medicines. All of them failed. GRAYBEARD cured me sound and well. 1 can't praise it enough. I will recommend it to anybody having Rheumatism.” C. C. CLARK, No. 420 Park avenue. Get Graybcard at any drug: store, fl a bottle, or write to Respess Drug; Co s, Props. Springs II you want to get rid of money / go to some springs. If you want lo irl rid of diMiM, stay at home and take P. P. P.. Llppmnn’a (treat Remedy for itism Bnd all forms of Blood Poison -pepgia. Catarrh and Malaria. Newton. Aberdeen. Ohio, gays P. P. P. nore good than three months treatment Timmons, of LVaxahatchie. Tex., says rnatlsm was ao bad that he *i confined id for months. Physicians advised Hot Ark., and Mineral Wells, Texas, at which spent seven weeks In vain, with knees so ollen that his tortures were heyond cn- P. P. P. made the cure, and proved It i thousands of other cases, the beet blood In the world, and superior to all Sarsa nd the ao-cnlled Rheumatic Springs. Inllantyne. of Italian! vne & ncHonough's ndry, .Savannah, (la., says that he has for years from Rheumatism, and could lief from any source but P. P. P., which m entirely. He extols the proper!las of on every occasion. P. Is sold by all druggists. SI a six bottles, $5. LIPPMAN BROTHERS, Or*****,. ipnua Block. • SAVANNAH, QA. JUST RECEIVED, Fire-Proof Safes From Ihr moat rrlrbra••*i| mnnttrnrlMrrra, both llr-prmif and liarilar proof aafea ond mull doora. W r rmrrf an laiiarnar atorl. of Fire-proof aafra. Onr afook ran brarra a vprg plruniit llor from 7<H lo 4,<MR pound*. larlualvp, ginglc and double doora, and n vlalf lo oar ratahliahment lo la apeel Uieae rlrgnnl anfea will bra aowrer of aiark profit and la ■ (ruction to onr frlrmla. The priee rrlll be mm low ■ nor really Fire-proof *nfe eon be made, and onr motto la Quallly nod *felr f the Ural Import ■•re. flrnd or roll on ua for further pnrtlenlnra, patalone and prteea. LIPPMAN BROS., Wholesale Agents for Manufacturers of Fire-Proof Safes. LINDSAY & MORGAN STILL AT OLD POST OFFICb, With Great Bargains In Summer Goods, Such as Mattings. Mosquito Nets, Refrigerators, Porch Awnings, Reed Furniture, Go-Carts, etc. Closing out our stock of Buck’s Stoves and Ranges Low Down. The only Odorless Refrigerator. IF YOU WANT GOOD MATERIAL AND WORK ORDER YOUR LITH OGRAPHED AND PRINTED STATIONERY AND BUNK BOOKS FROM THE MORNING NEWS. SAVANNAH. GA. wvmVS'wQj Ocean SteamsniD Ga —roß New York, Boston —AND— THE EAST. Unsurpassed cabin accommodations. All lha comforts of a modern hotel KlectrU) lights Unexcelled table. Tickets Includs meals and brrths aboard ship. Passenger Fares irom Savaaaal TO NKW YORK -FIRST CABIN. CO. FIRST C ABIN BOUND THIP. ML IN- I KHMEDIATL CABIN. 116. INTERME DIATE CABIN BOUND TBit*. ML STF.BRAUE, 110, TO BOSTON - FIRST CABIN. %Xil FIRST CABIN ROUND TRIP. M* > N ' TERMKDIATE CABIN. I7; INTKRME DIATE CABIN BOUND TRIP. * 4*. BTKKBAOE. 11l 76 The express steamships nf thle tins are appointed to sail from Savannah. Cantral (Mth) meridian time, as 'ollowa; ■ Ml 999 911 TO 4F.94 10HK. TALI AHABSK.K. Capt. Asklna. MON DAT. Sept. 10. 6 SB p m CITY OF AUtIUHTA .'apt I>4Mr*tL TUEBDAT. S*pt It. 4:B' p m N At’tMK’HKE. Capt rt. nltlt. THURS DAY. 8* pt. 13. kill p n< KANSAS CITY. Capt F eher. SATUR DAY. Fept 15. 10 00 p. m CITY OF BIBMLNOHAM. Cf*t Berg. MONDAY, Be t t 17. 12 o noon TALLAHASSEE. Cap. Asklna. TCES PAY, f l 19. I: * p m CITY I7F AUOUBTA, < apt Daelt. THURSDAY 8. pt 10, I:3> p m NaCoOHKE. Capt Smith. BATUR DAY Sept tt 400 p m KANSAS CITY. Capt Flaher. MONDAY, rept It. 5:00 p m CITY OF BIRMINCIHAM, Capt. Berg. Tt-FSDAY. Fn>t £* 530 p m TUXAHA'SHI'. capt. Aaklns. THURS DAY 8 pt- Tt 430 p m CITY OF AUOUBTA. Capt Daggett. SATURDAY Sept 24 •* tc p m. .46:99 9 014 la TO H09T06. CITY CF MACON, (apt Savage. MON DAY. Sept 10. P' On CITY OF MACON. Capt. Savage, FRI DAY. Hept I*- boon CITY OF MACON*. Capt Savage, WED NESDAY. F< pt 19. noon CITY t'F MACON Cap! Savage. MON DAY Sept.’ 24 noon CITY of MACON. Capt Savage, FRI PAY. Sept- I*. noon This rompany reserves the right to change Ms sailings without notice and without liability or accountability there for, Sailings New York for Savannah dally except Sundays, Mondays and Thursdays, 6*oo p m w O BREWER. Ctty Ticket end Paea enger Agent. 107 Bull street, Savannah. On. R, W SMITH. Contracting Fregh4 Agent Savannah. On. K U. TREZEVANT. Agent, Savannah, HAWKINS. Oenernl Agent Traffic Dep’t. Tt* W Bay street. Jack sonville. Fla, E. H HINTON, Traffic Manager. Sa vannah. On P F T.E FETRP., Superintendent. Near pt-r 16 North River. New York N. Y MERCHANTS AND MINERS TRANSPORTATION CO. STEAMSHIP LINES. SAVANNAH TO BALTIMORE. Tickets on sets at company'* oßtce* te tits following point* nt v.ry low rates. ATI-ANTIC CITY. N J. BALTIMORE, Ml' BUFFALO. N Y. BOSTON. MASS CHICAGO. ILL CLEVELAND, O. ERIK. FA IIAGEILHTOWN. HAIUURBimO. PA HALIFAX. N 8 NIAGARA FALLS. NF.W YORK. PHILADELPHIA lITTBUI’HO PROVIDENCE. IIOCHEBTER thrnTON WILMINOTON. T,< “ 'WASHINGTON. First-clase ticket# tnrlud* meets and state room berth Bovanneh to Baltimore. A< ommodstt'"* and cuisms m^*iu#l#d. Freight capacity iintlmllid; cereful hgn -11, K and quick dixpaich The *team*hl|ie of thl# company sra sp- P'tmwl to anil from Havanas), to Baltl mom a* follow* (standard tlmst: ALLEGHANY. Capt. Foster, TCKBDAY, Scot. 11, P- m TEXAS. Capt- Eklrldge, THURSDAY, tk-pt 11, titXt e- • l> H ’ MILLER. Ca|4 Peters, BATL’R liA V. Sept, li, 11 m ITASt’A. Capt Diggs. Tt'ESDAT. Ssel. I*. ljn p. m ALUBOHANY. Capt Foster. THI’RB UAY. Sept. . * P m TEXAS, Capt. BktrMge. SATURDAY, Sept. tl. !A P m And liam Bnltlnior* Tuexdsys. Thurn dnys Mil l Ss i umsye at 4:00 p m Ticket office, Bull slresl. NI.WCOMB COHEN. Trav. Agent. J J CAKIILAN. Ag* nt, Savannah. Ga. W P. TURNER. O P A A r> STEfIRINH A. T M J. C. WHITNEY. Trslhr Munsger. fU tiers I Office# Baltimore. Md ItPPMAN BROS.. Preprlelers, Ugpsuui's gist*. IAVASSAM. W BRHNNAN BROSw ft HOLESALR Fruit, Produce, Grain, Etc. 11l BAY SIBLET Wait. TetepbaasSSS. J. D. WEED CO •ifUMM, 84 Leather Belling, Steam Packing & Hose. AfMU (or NEW TORE RUBBER BELTING and PACKING COM PA NT. —■ Empty Hogsheads. Kavlr H.I.MH U.((kMi4. M Ml. kr C. M. GILBERT & CO. 7