The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, September 12, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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8 A TEXAS WONDER. Hair* Great Discovery. One *roa!l bottle of Haifa Great W covary cure* ail kldnir and bladder troubles r<movs gravel, cure* dlabeer*. seminal •mlxatim* v.• • k *n*l lama back*, rheumatism and all kbfUUritkl of tM kidney* and bladder In tioih men and wormn tegulatea bladder trouble* to chll dten if not acid by your druggist will be i#ni my mall ofi r< eeipt of U Dne email bottle t* iw<> month*' treatment, and will cure any eaa- alcove mentioned. Dr K tV Hall, eole manufacturer. P. O. Bo* 629, *.. Louis Mo Send for #*•!- monials. bold by all drug*lets abd Solo mon# Cos . Savannah. Oa. Head This. Dr. K W Man. St. L ul*. Mo : Dear Sir—PWaae ship me three doaen Hall'* Great Dl • Ovc rv bv flr-4 eipres*. I have *o and over one (roes It give* perfect *at- Isfactlon and I recommend •* *° customer*. Tour* irtilv. H C. GROVES. Prop Alt' !M mopoly Drug Store. Ocala, Fd , lire 11. • IN GEORGIA AND FLORIDA. MIS! AM) VIEWS Of THE UAV lb TWO STATES. Ureal Scarcity " t (otlon Picker*. Land Time* In Houston County. Walden to Ite Tried Monday—Al bany'a Ilia niton Hecrlpla— Mur der llrrr a llroken Lamp blmney. Tampa's Growing I lar Trade. Other Florida tens .Vote*. Toe three prison commissioner*, J. H Turner. C. A. Evans and Thomas Eason, are Inspec ting convict camp* In varlou* section* of the stote. Chairman Turner ha* been at MllledgevHle for several day* aufwrtntendtntc the constructing of liie waterworks plant. Tragedy From Cards. Ruk* Andr- we. colored, wa* sho* and Instantly killed Monday afternoon at Brooks Station by Bouton Curtl*. another negro Andrew* and lam Curtl* were gambling in the tvood* near Mr. Jim Wil liam's residence, where ihe quarrel arose Abdrew* ilred at Lem stnd started to run, and wa* tired upon three time* by Boston Curtl* and Instantly killed. Iluker'a Petition Refused. Judge John M. Candler of Atlanta ha* refused to summon a jury of Inquisition for the trial of Jatnck L. Baker, now un der sentence of dcith for killing his wife. The petition for a Jury of Inquisition was that of Mr* M J. Rear*, the next friend of the condemned man. Affidavits were produced from local physlritna declaring Baker to be of unsound mind Judge Can dler did not think Baker's condßlon war ranto] thta step. Will Be Tried Monday. Jerre Walden am] Mrs. Sara I>l*on will be put on trial for the murder of the lat ter's husband at Wrtghtsvllie In Johnson county, next Monday. Kept. 16 Mr John K. Cooper ha* been retained a* counsel for Walden, while Mr*. Dixon will tie rep resented at the trial by Mr Luther Kent of Wrlghlsrtlle. Considerable Intereac iia* been displayed throughout the entire state In this case ansi the trial bids fair to result In the biggest legal battle that ever occurred In the court* of Georgia. Good Tlmea In Old Hooatoa. The banks, stockholders and merchants who do a general credit business say th*t they have never known collections to be better at Fort Valley than this eeaaon. Many of the farmers, on account of the high price being paid for cotton, are set tling their obligation* before maturity. Fort Valley is enjoying a season of unu sual prosperity. The cotton season al ways brings about the circulation of con siderable money, but in addition to that this year all of the manufacturing enter prises there aie running on full lime aid the r weekly pay rolls augment* the cash trade considerably. A Un|> t Mluney Trunril), Saturday night t l o'clock. In ffm Rome, a fsmlly quarrel resulted In the death of Henry lead* Gadsden Cawley t* In jail charged with murder and Lusk, the victim, wo hurled Hun.lay. Cawley went to Lusk's home and while there broke lamp < nlmney and Lusk demand ed payment lor the property. A general fight look place. Cawley drew hi* knife and neve red Lusk's juulnr vein. The wounded man died In a lew mlnuie*. Caw ley wae asleep on the front porch when officer* went to arrest him. Lusk wa the etep-lather of Cawley and there had rstaled had feeling* between them for some time. After < niton Picker*. Macon News: Several farmer* from down the Georgia Southern and Florida | Railroad were In Macon thla morning af ter cotton plckera, and when the morning train pulled out II carrltd about seventy- j five women an I glrla. The prk-e paid fur picking cotton at to cenia per hundred, i and n good hand ran m ike from $1 to ; per day. which !h several time* more i than the average farm hand make*. Many I farmer* *ay that they cannot gel thrtr j cotton picked out. and that they will lore touch money on that account. Nearly all the negto men hove left the farm* for the new railroad* that are being built, the lur- ■ pantin* atilt* ami saw mill*, and the i kaolin mine*, and the negro men in the city will not leave to do farm work, at- j though mnny of them are idle. One of the farmer* who was here nfler hand* Ihi* morning said that he found lot* of Idle negroes. both men and wcm*n. but that j non* of the men and romiutratlvely |*w of the women wanted to work. Albnny'a Cotton Mreelpt*. Albany Herald: Albany'* wagon re- I celpt* of rollon on Saturday reached the total of one thousand and two bale*. It wa* the biggest day of the ea*on up to date with the warehousemen and cot■ on men generally, and will go on record a* one of the biggest of the entire fall. Wagon* from the country were rolling Into the city Raiurday morning before daylight, and they kept coming until af ter dark. The warehouses were kept busy from early morn till dewey eve. and there wa* an alrof buatleand life thioughoul the whole buelnes* section of the city. One thousand hale* of cotton. *old at prevail ing price*, put Into circulation something like SOSO. While all the cotton received Saturday was not *oll at once, much of It panned Into the hands of the buyer* without delay, and those who did not sell were able to get whatever advance* they desired from the warehouse*. Mer chant* found the day one of the llvellent they had experienced In several year*, and an immense vnlumn of business was transacted. Independent of the wagon re ceipts, the railroad receipt* amounted to nearly iuo bale*. FLORIDA. Col Samuel Itorchardl. formerly of Brunswick, but now of Tampa, ha* an nounced for judge of the Criminal Court of Hillsborough county. tiled From a Male* Kirk. A. J. BjoH'.m, who wa* kicked by a mul* two day* go, died at Apopka of hi* Injuries Saturday evening. Mr. SJo bi'in wa* a merchant at Forest City Oraaate t naaty Tam Melamed. Man. S. P. Shepherd, acting tax collec tor lor Orange county, furnish** the Co:- lowing revised figure* of lb* taxable valu ation of property for the current year: Real property, 12.X5.V31}, personal, $143,145; polls. |1,24i. total. 12.650.17 T This I* a gam of about 12 per cent, over last year An Alligator Hatchery. One of the most Interesting place* about Melbourne Just now. at any rale, to the novice, I* the alligator hatchery of Mr. Collin* During the twist month several hundred of Ihe saurlau teptlles have eraw;ed out of their shell*, and seem, un der the moiherly cafe of Mr. Coliln#, to be very well contented In their new liie. Jacksonvllle Luslug Orosail. P naacoia Press . It is said that the en tire east coast of Plot Ida will suoport Hi Augustine for the slate capital, while the South Florida vole will Is divided between Ocala and Gainesville. It look* now as If 81 Augustine, with her an cient land marks and 184.M1 wll! prove to Ik- Tallahassre's real competitor in the contest. Jaeksonvtik Is loosing ground daily and It * thought will be out of the race by ihe the primaries are pull ed off Cattle Had to Walt, Tampa Herald: There were probably mote than two thousand cattle In the pens at Port Tampa and on the ranges yesterday. They were waiting for the vessel* to be loaded for shipment to Cuba. The vessels were unexpected detained In quarantine at Mullet Key and the ani mals had to spend a long day walling The shippers were vary much put out by the detention of the vesacl# and claim they do not see any necessity for such a step. Tampa's t Igar Trade- In connection wlih the growth of cigar business In Tampa the Importation of cig ars to the ilnited Slate* from Cuba Is also Interesting. The figure* show that *o far this year there have been 6.8 cases lni|s>rte<l from that country, while Tampa alone has shipped 15.709 cases of goods. In the same period Key Weat has also shipped case*, which I* Just 11,172 case* less than have been shipped from Tampa this year. In round number* this Is a difference of 46,22560) cigar* In favor of the Tunis shipment* for the year. There few figure# show why Tamps la considered the eemer of the cleat Havana cigar manufacturing bualness. Will Hr Deported. Jacksonville Metropolis. Ju Chong, one Of the eleven Chinamen arreated here for not having his certificate entitling him to reside in the United States, was given a bearing before United States Commis sioner Goodell !nt Saturday afternoon, and was ordered held for deporialion with six other of the Celestials airested iur There Is only one more ease swatting dis position. and then the order for deporta tion will be made by Commiss oner Good ell. which will la- done within the next ten day*, unless there is an appeal made in* the cat* by i-ounrel (or the defendant*. Rome of the Chinamen will be sent to the kingdom and other* will go to England and Canada. A *IOO.ODO College. Fort l-auderdele Is enjoying unusual development A number of new buildings are going up there Among the most Im posing t< urn- for J McCreger Adams, a well known Chicago manufacturer of con aid rablc wraith It Is a large cottage on the bench 112 feet In length and 63 tre{ wide. It will be built of concrete made of the beach sand, for the drat story. The other three stories will b# constituted of brick, lumber and shingles The latter will be used for siding The plans show thirty-# ver. rtom*. of which twenty-three will be on the first „loor. Jt will be nicely furnished and p frilly completed, at a cost of Il® P M Bryan, formerly of New Rmyrna, will build a nice eight-room dwelling near the depot. Ft LTOM COI ITU* TAX H ATE. It Wilt. In All Probability, He W.Tll •in the Thnnsend. Atlanta. Bpt 11.-Fulton county's tax rale will, In all probability, be BJfl on 11,000 for this year. Thla. contrary to ex pectations. will be four points lower than the rat# of last year. On this hast*, too. certain members of the county board de clared that there will, of necessity, be a shortage end the county wl I have to lortow from 133 000 to $50,000 about the middle of neat year. Last year'* expense reach* and about 3222.- 00) while the estimate of FT.7O. which will. In all probability. b voted this yer, win make the revenue# only about 1189,000 gome of ihe members of the Isrnrd want t) make the tax rate high enough to meet all expen*<* as they come, but oth er* Insist upon holding them down, ac cording to campaign promise* ATLANT t'K WATERWORKS. Important Improvement* Urged by tlttlaena* Committee. Atlanta. Sept. 11.—The Oilmen's Corn mine* of Ten. appointed by Hie mass meeting In the Kimball House to Inves tigate and report on the waterworks sit uation when the machinery broke down recently, made public It* report to-day. The report give* In delall the Investiga tion the committee made ami suggests temedle* for ihe Imperfections which ex ist In the waterworks system. Briefly. It recommends: First—That authority be obtained from the Legislature for a bond Issue of *>,- CM>. Second-Thc Increase of water pipes. Third—The Increase of holler*. Fourth—The Increase of llltera. Fifth—The third engine. ■TRACK HI HITHBHA TRAIN. Miss Mallle llallnrd Inslaatly Killed Near Griffin. Griffin. a.. Sept. IL-Whltff walking down the railroad track thl* afternoon re. turning home from her day'* work In th# Griffin Knitting Mid*. Mis* Maltle Bullard was run over and Instantly killed by ihe o'clock southbound Southern ttnln. She was tn company with friend who wa* walking by the side of Ihe Hack, and w ho iv* Ihe engineer did not blow hi* whls tc until after Ihe engine had struck Ms victim. Her head wa* burst dj.en and her body badly mangled. She I* now at the Southern depot here, and what dispo sition will be made of the body Is not known yet. Her parent* live near Mo iras, Ga. AYKMT POINT’M HEMT YEAR. Hoad's Net F.aralng* AVer* Nearly a quarter of a Million. Atlanta. Ga.. Sept- It-—The s'ockholdera of the Atlanta and West Point Railroad Comrnv.y me I here to-day. The election of direciois was postponed for thirty day*. The r#[ort of live president and di rector* ihow* for the flecal year ended June 39, U.®L Gross earning* Jif12.47J.45; operating ex- CASTOR IA For Infanta and Childrtn. The Kind You Have Always Bought THE MORNING NEWS: WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER 12, 1000. | BM| When neglected almost InrartaMy jg irj§ K ff’fl H * & "" iii< ,n ■* *“■ * ! -oto NKa ■ Bk II ■ RKMK ■ pIK-atl m*. fre,|„enrty candor uremic P PT, .? aj| 9 B■■ ■ P pn|*ntmir re-I.mug n death Mr!-- ■ ■■IBP ■ BPHB lure, ereo when slight, weaken* the J whole urinary and genital organism aud the whole nervous system. Tlieerdlnary methods resorted to for a cure are no! only excru ciatingly painful, but frequently cause disorders as serious as the stricture itseif. Dr. Hathaway years ago discarded these old-time barbarous met bod* and perfected a system by which he remove* the stricture, reducing the thickened walls of the passage to a normal condlton. There Is no operation The treatment Is applied by the patient himself It I* painless and takes no time from business. The cure effected Is permanent and all complications of the diseased rood) Hons are removed. Thl* method of treatment aud cure of Strte- lure Is exclusively used by Dr. Hathaway. ■ „• T't Hathaway. by a similar method, cures Varicocele without \ Operation. All Hrsual. Urinary. Nervous. Blood an-1 oilier and !■>#*••* of a chronic nature are treated by him by his exclusive system. I NXWTOX HATHAWAY.■ !>. which f or jo years hat proved Invariable In Its results. Write to him or call at his office for a free copy of bis new 64 page book an] self examination symptom blanks, and for free consultation and advice J. NSWTCN HATHAWAY, 86. D. Office hours: • to 12 tn.. I to 8 and 7 to JSA Bryan street. Ravannah. Qa. P m Sunday 10 a. m. to 1p m. iwns* s sl3l7*(* Taxes $21.659 46. net taming*. $246.(83 23: other Income. *12.620 96 Owing to the favorable traffic conditions an-1 activity In all comineicil and Indus trial enterprise# ih gross r-cclpta of the ytar. Ikmli passenger and freight, were the laigcst In the hlaory of the com pany _ HAKLEHIRHT HEWS MITES. Negroes Vacated Twa Store* When the W httea Objected. Haxiehurat. Ga.. Bept. U.-The CltUrna' Bank, which Is now aasurred, will com mence business at this place tn a few days. The workmen will commence build ing the vault to-morrow. The bank safe and stationery have been purchased. The Masonic lodge here I# planning for the erection of a commodious and up-to date lodge hall and school building com bined. Ben 1,. Olrtman, son of M C. Glrtman. died Runday and wa* buried Monday—at tended rfy the Knight* of Pythias Lodge, he being a member of the order. He wa* one of the roost popular young men In town and a great favorite of all the young people. Mr. Lewis, of the firm of Lott A Lewla of Brunswick, some lime ago rented iwo of hi* brick building*, situated on the front of the bualness part of town, to two negroes, and the white merchant* re sented it. ami fulling to have the negr.s'H moved, boycotted the firm of which Mr. Lewi* is a member Mr. Lewis reconsid ered the matter and came up and asked Ihe negroes to vacate the house*. AH parties are pleased that the nwtier has been amicably adjusted. ... H O ■ ' OPENING DAY AT GRAVE*EHD. Large Crowd Gathered and AVltaraa rd home t.ood Vlaelng, New York Bept. H.-Bright skies, a fast track and good sited crowd were the ac companiments to the cpcntDß day of ttia Brooklyn Jockey Club'* fall meeting to day at Gravesend. Commando, the un beaten colt of the Keene stable*, won the Junior Championship stakes eaay. Sum marl- a: First Race, about six furlong*. Montan- Ic. 4 to 1. won. with Meehamu*. 3 to 1. and even, aeemd. and Gold Or. S to 1. th.rd. Time 1:10 !•& Second Race, steeplechase, two mile* Cock Robin. * to 1. won. with Person. 2 to 1. and 4 to 5. second, and George Keene, 3 to 1. third. Time 3.53. Third Race, Junior Champion, six fur longs. i'ommsndo, 1 to 3. won. with Bel larlo. 8 10 1. and S to 5, second, and Olym pian. 1 to 2. third. Time 1:13 4-.-. Fourth Race—First special, one and a quarter miles Klnley Mac. 2 to 1. won. with McM- ekln. 3 to 1. and 3 to 5. second, and Imp. to 10. third Time 2:06 1-*. Fifth Race —Five furlong*, selling Ger trude Elliott. IS to 1. won. with Anlmos- Hv, * to 1 and 3 to 1. ae- ond. and L ick. 12' to 1. third Tlmel.tttl-A RUth Race-Five furlong*, selling In shot. even, won, with Cherries. 9 to 2, and 8 to 5. second, and Lief I'rtnre, 4 to 1. third. Time 102 2-o. 8- v. nth Race—Ona and one-slxicenth mile*, selling Oandlehlack. 7to 1. on with Flaunt, 4 to 1 and 7 to The Chambetlaln, 10 to 1, third. Time :*. Grand l Ireall Hare*. New York. ReW 11-The se.-ond day of th*- Grand CTrcuit meeting at the Kmp4r*t CIIV track had 1 first claim card which Moulted in' fast time and *en*attonal racing. Summaries! 209 pace, purse. SI,BOO Fanny Dillard won third, fourth and sixth heaia and race Harry 0.. aecond, winning first and sreond heats. Will I-eymtrn. third, win ning fifth heat. Time. 2:064; 2:06; .064, 2.df4. 2 ®. 5'.69. „ 2:) trotting, purse. $1,260. Major Greer won three etralttm heats and race; Doily Hidwell. second, Twerlosi, third. Time, 2:14: 2:144; 214. 2:05 pace. pur?e, *1.200 Connor won first amt third hel nnd race: Royal R Rhel •lon. second, winning aecond heat; Frank Bogiwh. Ihlrd. Time. 2:664. 2:06; 2:OT. Free-for-all pacer* 4o wagon*. Honla* Crook won. with Rilvermaker eeond and Inadrlga thirvi. Time 2:12. RKAILT* ON THE DIAMOND, New York Won One Game From Chi cago nnd Tied One. New York. Bept. 11 —New York won a game and played a draw with the Chi cago* to-day. Score: Jl H.K. Chicago ......0 0 I 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 8 5 New York ...0 00 1 1 07 5 X—l 423 2 Bolterle*—Callahan. Dexter and Chance; Hawley amt Bowerman. Second game - R.H.E. Chicago o 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 o—3 7 0 New York ...0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3—3 6 2 Batteries— Griffith and Kllng: Cartlck and Bowerman. Attendance 2.000. Tie Game at Itronklya. Brooklyn. Sept 11.—Cincinnati played Brooklvn to :t standstill 10-day after th# home tram had gaineJ a lead of flve to nothing Attendance l.tflfl Score: R.H.E. Cincinnati ... 0 0 0 10 113 o—4 11 2 Brooklyn ...3 2000 1 00 0-4 T 3 B.itlerlets—Phillips and Kchoe, Mctilnty, Howell and McGuire. How llostnn AA on the Game. Boston. Sept. 11.—Five consecutive sin gles and an out In (he seventh Inning lo day gave Ihe Boston* four runs and the game Attendance, l.fluo. Score: R.H.E Boston 2 0 0 0 1 0 4 0 x— T 10 3 SI Lout* ...0 10300000-473 Batter!#*—Lewi* and Clark; Sudhoff and Due low. Philadelphia .abut Hut. Philadelphia. Sept. 11.—Leaver pitched great ball for PtHsourg to-day, only al lowing the home learn three singles. At tendance. 2.942. Score: R.H.E. Pittsburg —0 000 1 0 1 00—2*1 Philadelphia .0 00000000-03 0 Batteries—Leaver and O’Connor; Orth and McFarland. Other Games. At Kansas City—Kansas City. ; Indian apolis 3. Second Game—lndianapolis, 10; Kansas Clly, 4. At Chicago—Chicago, ; Cleveland. 1. At Toronte-Toronto. 9; Springfield 3. At Rochester—Rochester. 4; Providence. 3. At Worcester—Worcester, ; Syracuse, 1 IN THE H tlMllitU WORLD. Mailer* of Interest In Savannah and Elae where. Mr. H. C. Duval ha* Just returned from Europe. While he was abroad he Inspecs ed the underground railroad systems of Paris and London. In speaking of the re sults of hi* Investigation, he said: "1 In spected and went over the system* In Ports and In Lot*lon. and found much there that wa* of interest. The road :n Paris ha* been in ope rot ton only a few months. They have different ways of tunning things over there which would not *0 here. In Paris the car# seat thlr ry-*lx persons, and there |s standing room tn each for eight. When thl* number have entered a car the gate* ore closed and ihe crow.l on the platform are forced to wait for the next car. Then there Is another rush, and when the forty-four persons ure In. the car Marts, and there is another wait. "Imagine such a thing being done here If the offtcuti* over there had the same system that le In vogue here they would not know what to do If they ha.l 10 han dle a o'clock crowd at the Bridge en trance. as 1* there any day. they would rand in their resignation* in twenty-four houra or end up in a madhouse. Many Americans who have been on the under ground toad and had to watt for a car hove given up riding on the line, and are content (0 ride on the buses. The Ameri can crowd would nos tolerate the system of waiting for a car to come along with less than forty-four aboard before they could ge on. I do not think that the l aria system Is a very great sin es*, in l-ondon you have to go .town many feet to the track*, and then there la the same ZVI '7. a c,r ,hBI ,h ® r ® I" In Parte |„ both cilles there are sometime* a thous and persons at a stulon waiting for u chance to get • c* r •• A M 111 1C If Kt ( LI U IM OHI’OH ATKII To r.nenarngp Shot Gun*. Health and Marlal Interrsarer. Judge Falllgam passed en order yester day Incorporating the Schuetxen Club for a term of twenty year*, with the usual privilege Of renewal at the expiration of that lime. The order recites that the pur po*ea of the club are the encouragement of an Interest In practice with the shot gun, the bodily health amt aoclal Inter course of the members. The club la not organised for any purpose of pecuniary gain or profit, and therefore there Is no provision lor capital stock. KOK tub blki carnival. Ilallroada Will Probably Offer m Low Male to the City During Ita < onfla. uaaee. A meeting of the passenger agents of the various railroad* entering Savannah ha* been culled for Friday to consider the advisability of giving a cheap rote to Ih* city during the period of the Kike' Carni val. which will be held during Novemlier It Is expected I bat all of the road* will be represented In the meeting, and there la llltl* doubt that a low rate will be de cided on. CITY BREVITIES. The guessing contest at Barbee A Ban dy * at Isle of Hope last night was won by Miss Julie Michels on a guesa of IS3. The pr xe wa* five pounds of candy, do nated hy Contda The evening was a de lightful one. and wa# enjoyed by every one who went cut to the Island. The sup per was fine and Messrs Itarbee A Bandy made their guests feel at home ega “Coffee C ooler*’ Hetented, London. Sept 11 —At the Wonderland Gymnasium. Whitechapel, London. In a contest for the middleweight champonshlp of England. Frank Craig, the "Harlem Coffee Cooler," wa* defeated In four rounds hy George Gardner of Lowell. Mass. The fight was spoiled by hugging and Craig was finally disqualified for throwing hi* opponent. Metalling fhamplonahtp. London, Sept. 11.—In the race for the sculling championship of England and tgin a side George Towns, the holder, de feated Jamea W. Wray by four length# Time, a) minutes, 40 seconds for four miles. Negro'* Horrible Heath. Columbus. Ga . Sept. 11 —ln Girard lat* this afternoon. Prince Johnson, a negro. 20 years old. met a horrible death. He w*t caught In the shurtlng at Gifford A Jones' gin and carried around and around Hl* brains were dashed cut. and his >x!y terribly mangkd. Musical I'lgrasa of Pekin. From the l-ondon Mall. L The foreign marines In Pekin aa they s'ood guarding the legations must at first have been puttied by a strange sound which seems to come from above. If they glanced skyward they would have seen a crowd of pigeons In gyrations. These are the famous musical p geona of Pekin. The mystery of the aerial sound can be solved If a pigeon Is examined closely. Attached to the tall of the bird la an Instrument called "chao-lse." the word "Vhao" signifying whistling, and •*tse'* meaning meehar.lcal. This peculiar Instru ment is made of email reeds, arranged somewhat like the Pandean pipes, and It I* sufficiently light not to Interfere with the flight of the bird. The 'chao-tse" 1* attached to the tall between the two middle feathers, and held In Me position by a tittle allck pasyed through the back of the Instrument. Dur ing the pigeon'* rapid flight the air pass es through the reed* with such a force that thrill whistles are constantly re peated These whistle* were Invented because of the unsanitary condition of Pekin A hawk rejoicing In the name of Mateo po- Uogenys Is tlw- only scavenger bird of Chi na. and it persistently endeavors to de atroy all pigeons that come within reach of It# claws The bird of prey cannot be killed or Pekin would have an accumu lation of refuse that woo'd not argue well for th* health of the city; and. on th* other hand, th* Chinese are too fond of their pigeons to allow them to be the hawks' victims So some gifted mandarin Invented the "chao-tse." which by Its not## frightens carrion b rd* away. A myriad of whittling pigeons fly dally about Pekin. Th# nolee they make is far from being unpleasant —"A man can't back down de ladder o' success, roun' by roun'. de same way he climbed." said Uncle Eben. "Ef his foot slips, he geoer-ly goes d* whole trtp.ker •inasti."—Washington Star, COTTON AT THE ADVANCE. MARKET OPENS I P AND CLOBBA EASIER AND I NC HANGED. The Deni aad for f'oltoa at Prrvall lag Prices t.ood Daring the Early Hoar*, bin Exporters Later Show ed Hesltaarr l Paying the Meet Asked—Spirits Turpentine Firm at iHI tent*—Hnstaa Firm nail la. changed—Local and Telegraphic Markets. Morning News Office, Bept. 11. The cotton market advanced (4 cent to day. closing easier, with a good volume of business reported. The demand wa* si parentfy good during the early houtn. but later in the day some hesitation was shown by exporter#, and transaction* were consequently on j* smaller scale. The futures market closed steady 84)23 points r-et lower. The turpentine market closed firm at 36 cents, a gain of lx cent above yesterday. The demand was not brisk to wards the closing, and it was reported considerable stuff was carried over tn fac tors' handi. The following resume will show the tone and quotations of the dif ferent markets at the closing to-day: COTTQ.N. Opening at an advance of >4 cent to-day the cotton market ruled easier. The clos ing was unchanged. Saks of 733 bales wi re reported. Receipt* were 3,167. against 5.364 last year. The demand was good throughout the day. Exporters bought readily during the early hours, but later there was some hesitancy shown on their part. Good middling, f. o. b,. ranged from 11 lo 11 1-16. and middling. 10 11-16 to 14e. The f o. b. sales embraced cotton In Georgia. Florida. Alabama, Bouth Carolina and North Carolina, in North Caroline there Is promise of considerable burble**. The following were tne official snot quo tations at the close of the market at th* Cotton Exchange to-day: jThl*-“ Last I day. j year., Good middling 10% jj ir>.l6 Middling [lo*x 5 n-16 Low middling j Good ordinary j... j| g.jg Market Easier; sales. 733 Savannah Bee lpts, Kxftorts and Storks: Receipts this day * 5157 Rccript* this day Inst year 5,561 Thl* day year before last *716 Receipt* nine* Bept. J. )goi 38.174 Same time last year 36. PC Coastwl*# export* h7ig Btoek on hnnd this day 35.676 Same day last year 33.919 Receipt* and Block* at the Port*— Receipt* thl* day 16.469 Receipt# thl* day last year 32.63 C Receipt* this day y-ar before last.. 14.161 Total receipt* sine* B pt 1. ISD) 9(.2 Rome Hme last year ..306.894 Same time year before list 114.732 Btoek at all port* to-day 139 401 Stock same day last year 491,(6 Dally movement* al other porta— Oalve*to*i—B<o k. 18,(0'. New Orleans—Firm: middling, KPe: net receipt*. 1 475; sale*. 1041; stock. 26.171 Mobil- —Btea iy; mb'd Inc. lONr. net re ceipts, 791: gross, 791: siles. 30h, stock. 1 orw Charleston— Firm; middling. 10140; net receipts. 614: gross, 614: stock. 2.185. Wilmington—Firm: middling. 104,r; net r- celpts 2 778; g.-os*. ’ TTv Norfolk—Steady; middling. 10i,r; net re ceipt*. 1.638. gross. 1.638; sale*. 65; stock. * 742. Baltimore—Nominal; middling. W*nc: grosa. *vi; stock. 6*l New York—Qulel; middling 1084 c; net receipt*. 1.0(3; gios*. 2.119; sales. 130, stock. 15.17* Boston—Quiet; middling, lflSe; gross. 358. Philadelphia—Firm: mlddllrg. Wio; stock. 1,3(6. Dally movement* at Interior towns— Augusta— steady; middling, llo; net re ceipt*. 2.697; gross. 3.683; sales, 1.363: siook, 8.856. Memphis—Firm: middling. 168 o: net re ceipt*. 63; gross, 61; saVs, 1.686; stock. 7.- 45.1. | HI, Louis—Firm; middling. l.Vi.c; net re ceipts. 1: gross. 41; sale*. 219; stock, 6.709. ! Cincinnati— Fltm; middling. 94c; ttock. 7.343 Houston—Una vnllnhle. / I*>ulsvllle—Firm; midd'ing ic-qe. Extort* of cottrn thl* div— New Orlrans—CoaMwlre. !. Norfolk—Coastwise, 417 Boston—To Great Britain, 4.117. I Total foreign exporl* from all ports thl* day: To Great Britain. 4.117 | Total foreign exports from all ports thus far this week: To Great Britain. 10,179; to ; Franoe. 943; to the continent. 4.635. Total foreign extort* since Sept. J, 1916: To Great Britain. 19.8 M; to France, 913; j to the continent, 10.797, : New York. Repl. It.—Spot cot lon closed ; quiet; middling uplands. :o\-; middling : gulf, 10I,c; sates, 186 hales. Charleston. 8 C. ( r. pt . n -cotton firm; i middling, lC*c; sales, 200 COTTON FI TI RES. tlurkrt t lose* Steady With Prices H €l7t3 Paints Lower. New Tork, B pt. M.-There was deold j edly less excitement In Ihe cotton mar , ket although the volume of trading was j still heavy and Ihe action of the market j tMI very Iriegular Liverpool at one time was 128)19 point* higher. Instead of ihe 507 points advance expected, loiter, how ever, the English market gave way. and closed feverish with Ihe decline re duced to 46104-614. Our market made a reluctant response, opening at an advance of 9616 points after which there was n break of £0 points on R.-ptemher. and 21 to 45 point* on the remainder of the list. The situation had some support from eleventh hour public buying, but the larg er local trader* were Inclined to realise If not to sell for short account. Natur ally, the trade wa* cautious; as the new* from Texas faihd lo give positive Infor mation regarding the extent of damage ! from the late disastrous sterm. Respect ing this feature view* here were Inclined to be more conservative than heretofore A* a rule crop accounts were fairly fa vorable. By noon the trading level was some 8 to 12 points lower as compared with the closing of the previous day. The course of the market later wa* varied with weikness. the most conspicuous feature Liquidation became active following re port* that Liverpool shorts had effected a rettlement nnd that the damage to the crop In Texas by the late stirm would no* exceed 16).061 bales The early after noon government report provtd bullish a* expected, but did not long arrest the downward course of prices. The market closed steady 8 to 25 points net lower KLt’CTI ATHENS IX FI TI Rk*. New York. Sept. 11.—Cotton future* opened strong and closed steady Price* a follow*: i Open ! High., Low.~fcioT January I *.74 ] 971 | 9(5 950 February .... 9.89 b **2 **l 919 March .......| 9 |9 9 9t( 9(9 April I7| 9 ?n 970| 9 (7 May I* 99j9 l 9 17 June I 9 9 (59 | 9 17 | 9 M July I ■*• 1 .... | .... ; 9.11 August .......j •••• I .... ! .... ' Sepieml-er ... 10.50 b lo.RS in a* Ijo jg October 10 10 971| 9 91 November ...' *9* |9 9* t.M 9*o December ... *77 977|9 SO 1 9g I.IVCKFOOL TRADE FEVER 19(1. * _____ It la Feared (he Raiall Crop Oatlonk Will Have Rerlnaa Meet. .Mverpool. Sept. U.-Tba cotton market waa feverlah to-day and price* were Ir regular, but they soon strengthened un der Ihe Influence of the advance in price* in New York and unfavorable American crop report*. The spinners and manufac turer* have been buoyed with hopes that a good crop would ensure prosperous bus iness tn 1961. but the diminished crop prospects and the delay In exportation* from Galveston have aroused grave anx iety and are likely to lead 10 serious difficulties among Ihe trad*. The early cablegrams caused a gloomy impression respecting the effect of the hurricane on the Texas crop Loiter mes sage*. of a tnoi e encouraging character, showed that the damage done was lo quality rather than to quantity: and the lone of the market showed a distinct Im provement. The destruction of shipping at Galveston may reduce the volume of caily deliveries, thus affecting .Lancashire. The reports from Lancashire to-day showed that 26.606 looms had slopped and that 21.061 operatives were klle. Liverpool. Hepi. 11. 4 p. m —Cotton, epos, limited demand, price* hardening. Amer ican middling. 74d. The sale* of the day were 7.<*' bales, of which 560 were tor ■peculation aid export, and tncludwl 1.906 bales American. Receipts 1.300 bales, all American. Futures opened exebed and closed fe verish; American middling, low middling clause. Beptember, 7 66.1 buyers; Septem her-October. 6.i0p6.04d sellers; October- November. s.2Sis*xl sellers; Novetnber- December, 5.20d buyers; December-Janu ary. 5.2165.224 buyers; January-February, 5.1365.19d buyers; February-March. 5.16d buyer*. March-Aprtl. MM sellers: AprlF May. 5.1265.124 buyers; May-June. Slid buyers; June-Juiy. 5.104 sellers; July-Au gust, 5 06ei5ti9d buyer*. New Orleans, Hept 11—Colton fi-iure# steady; Beptember. 10.35 c; October. 9.75® 97 c; November, 9 4Hi.lfc; December. 9.434) Me: January. .43t)9.Hc: February. 9.434) 46.-; March. 9.1369.UC. April. 9.43$ 9.4 c. May. 9 117)9 45c. t'OTTON LETTERS. New York, Sept. 11.—Hubbard Bros A Cos say: Idverpool opened thl# morning unchanged for spots, but strong for fu ture* at 7 to 11 polnte advance, fluctuat ing rapidly and Anally going away under the pressure of realising order*, closing 1 feverish 6 point* decline on nearby months and 4 to 44 on ihe latter from the open ing. Our market opened at 12 to 16 points advance, but soon begun to give way on realizing sale* and declined In a short time 50 poiat# on Beptember. 29 on Octo ber and 15 to 16 on on he remaining months and lias since been rather quiet In tone. It Is reqnrled from Augusta. Go., that several of the large mill* have shut down. From Ihe East we bear of other large mills closing. From Liverpool we hear that speculator* are heavily loa<led at high prices. In thl* market we think ihe short* have cornered. The movement of the market (rom now on will depend on receipt* and ihe demand from spin ner*. New.York. Sept. 11—Murphy A Cos. *a> : Cotton In Liverpool reacted from 10 to 14- 6til from highest prices of the day and stilt order* here to sell. A# Idverpool aa vlcee at opening weie better thin ex pected. 6 to 10-*4d higher, it started fur ther cover.nit by anxl ii* short# at an ad \ante of 16 to 19 |K<lnts. but It brought out very heavy realizing and caused a reaction of 15 to 2 point* during the fore noon It 1* a very erratic market and all hand* appear to be nrrvou* ar.d uncertain with the *h rt* In a serious condition on account of heavy ir*e*. but still cling ing with all hope of a reaction. DRY GOODS. New York. Sept 11—Good general de mand for staple cotton* on home trade account and market decidedly atrong. Numerous of brown sheeting and drills held for advance* of % to 4c over re cent lowest prices. Advances to 4 to 4c. In coarse colored cot ions. Print cloth* unchanged. More do ing In prints. Staple ginghams recovering recent decline. Auction sales of S.hno pieces of slik went off better than was expected. NAVAL ITOVJ. Tuesday. Bept. 11 SPIRITS TURPENTINE—The turpen. tine market closed Arm at 36 cent*, a gain of cent above yesterday. There was a fair demand, but It was not sufficient 10 abolish the entire offering* In factors' hands. The day's receipt# ware 1.975. and ihe export* 163. Rile# at the opening of 315 c*k* at 354 sent*, and further Mies at the closing of 775 enska at 34 cent# ROSIN—The rosin market closed firm and unchanged. A goed demand prevail, ed. and the feeling at Ihe closing waa fa vorable 10 the market. Receipt* for the .lay, 5.653; sales. 1.012; and the exports 71. Pri es a* follow* A. H. C *1 35 I ....; tl 55 D 1 35 k 1 6i B 1 46 M 1 63 F 1 45 N 1 85 Q... 1 50 WO 265 H 1 50 W W 2 40 Receipts Tuesday Spirit*. Rosin C. R. R 154 TlO 8. F. & W, *B2 2.610 8 A L 909 2.293 Steamer Day 90 40 Export# Tuesday.— 8 8. Tallahassee. N. T 108 71 Naval Store# Statement— Spirits. Ro*in Slock April 1, 1960 2,197 142.566 Receipt* to-day 1.975 5,6*1 Receipts previously 206.178 451.857 Total since April 1 213.150 660,016 Export* to-dav 168 71 Export* previously 187.166 463.659 Export* since April 1 1*7.212 463.730 Stock on hand o-day ....... 46.138 136.286 Slock on hand same day last >'®* r 144.733 Charleston. B C.. Bept 11.-Turpenllne nothing doing Rosin quiet, unchanged 'lVMmlngion. N. C.. Bept. 11 -SplrMa tur pentine. 3444135)'. receipts 64 Rosin, quiet, $1.1551.26; receipt*. 406 Crude turpemtme steady, $11062.10 ro celpt*. 50. Tar. firm. $1.40; rerelpia. 7*. New Orleans. Srpt 11-Hecelpta: Roam 713 barrel*, turpenllne. 35 Ei|iorU none ’ FIXAXCIAL. MONEY— The demand keep* fairly un With th* *Mip||y FOREIGN EXrHANOE-Market It Mrady. Commercial (1.-mnnl *4 alxty daya. M *3V; ninety „‘£2: franc*. Parla and Havre, eixty S.I9V Swiss, sixty day*. s.3*Ti; mark*’ sixty day*. 9tc; ninety daya K\,- DOMESTIC Steady hanka are buying at 19 dlaoount and aell Ing aa follower *73 amt under. 10c * mlum. IT. to ISO. 16.- premium; K 0 to Sloo Ml* premium; *Mu to I3UO. 25c premium S0 and over par Check* mual average ' 2>n to Ret the par rate. SECURITIES—The market la very mac tlve. *carcely anythin* doing Quotadona are rath.r nominal a toe ha. Aiißitala and Savannah R r. ...m* ~0 Atlanta and West Point ijk do 8 per cent, certtncatas . ja* Außuata Factory m _ Cltiaetia Hank 11l i%> Chatham itank !! 110 m Chatham R. E. A t Cos.. A..." ggU do do B gg * Eagle and Phoenix Mfg. Cos log _ Edison Electric Ilium u„ Enterprise MfR. Cos M Germania Hank . Georgia A Alabama g Georgia Railroad, common... jtn vie GranttevtUa Mfg. Cos ig* J P. Kin* Mfg. Cos w, Ling ley Mfg O jjy J* Merchant* National Rank 109 jn National Bank of Savannah......l(o iso Oglethorpe Saving* and Trust..,,lW mo People * Saving* and Loan ...... 9* jai Southweatern Railroad Cos. log m Savannah Gaa Light Cos u n Southern Rank m m Savannah Bank and Trust ... Tjl Sibley Mfg. Cos.. Augusta I Savannah Brewing Bonus. * • Char,. Col. A Aug. Ist I*. 1906 ‘ 'J Atlanta dly 4a. 11C2 !* ;* Augusta city 4s. 1*37 do 44*. 1885 do 7*. 1905 , -t do to i9i3 “ Ala Mid s*. ind'd 1928, g v Augusta Factory, 6 per cent., ir.j j.. * Brunswick and Western 4*. !* u j C. R. R A Banking collateral 5* C. of G. Ist to. 50-year gold Ixl- " ’ r. * a ... C. of O. con. ss. 1945. M AN C. of G. Ist Incomes. 1545 do 2d incomes. 1945 do 3d Incomes. 1945 1 C of O. (M. O. A A. Dtv) s*. IX7. J. & J C. of G (Eaton Branch), 5# * J. A D u City A Suburban R R n7, . * Columbus city. it. 130® Charleston city 4s. 1945 . .. Fa* 1# A Phenix Mills to. m 4 . , Edison Elecirlc Illuminating H I: Enterprise Mfg a. 1*0: Georgia Railroad to, 1910 .... G . A F. 1945. J. A J jo, ' * Georgia A Alabama lat to. IM> .! Georgia slate 34a. 1380. J. A j ~ J,! do 34*. I*ls. M. A N do 44*. 1915 Macon city 6a. 1910. J AJ )K 1 do 445. 1986, Jan. par c Ocean Steamship s*. 1936 Savannah ctly ss. quar. October 1913 ~,, do ss. quar. Nov . 1969 South Carolina aiate 44*. ajj M ... Slhley Mfg ("o. to, 1903 t J South Bound S.. r. A W. gen mt'ge, 6 mi .m t,. do do Ist s*. gold. 1934 übu lm do St. John Dtv. lat 4* trti g’ JJ’ New York. Srpt. ll.—Mom■■ o n ,n steady, !452 per cent, last i „ v- Prtmt mercantile paper 4554 pet cere >1 .ri n| exchange Arm with actual hustne,, t, bankers' bills at 34 854 for demar ) nt at 84 834 for slxlv days 1 <te 1 rate, |t q 7)4*3 and 94.*74674.K4 •' mmep-cia: b 34.6494.83. Sdvir cortlft .it** . ' Bar silver. 624 c. Mexican dollar, Government bonds slrrni: *t*u 1-,,. ti J 1 active, llai road bonds lrr< c STOC KS AND HOXIM, No Important Renewal of Interest t a Seearllles. New York. Sept 11.—There was n ar,, nttendance of member# of the stock e\. change at the. opening of the hoard tsu morning than for several m"tit!; p ,■. Thla wa* partly due to the returning tt.k from summer vocation*, but there eeenw to lie an expectation among broke* *u| operator*, which wa* not resitted, that some renewal of Interest in luvurttiwi M about 10 be shown. Leundot) boushi on 1 tiKsler.ite scale here, that market bciq encouraged by conlinunl ea*.- of monef and this helix*) the recovery from 1 opening decline here. The enthusiasm of the professiorul traders tvas short lived however Tr-r created a slight flurry in th marking up New Jersey Central 21, as I Heading lat preferred n poirt: on t! prevallenc belief that a way will he fun-,I 10 adjust difference# of the miner* stt-V cool operator*. There wa* *om< *hoet <• erlng in Sugar. People* Ga* itrtd Hr .a. Transit, these three stock* tnalnutr ed 1 heir conaplclous poallton . trading. latter there was *om* bmas< for Southern Railway preferred ar, Louisville and Nashville, seemingly bt* or the Immunity of their cotton terrlio-t from damage hy yie hurricane Thrrt were isolated movement* In Urdus! Suttl Leather preferred. General El —-1 r 1 . Co** rado Fuel preferred. Chicago aril Kan-v Illinois. Cleveland. Cincinnati and V I-outa preferred, and Chic iyo Great ft . . ern preferre*!. These wer- til gains -i --cept for Cbii-ago and Ear err lilloxi The better comprehension of Ihe extert of the Texas disaster and St Paul i d— creaaed earning* proved depressing f . , tor* and helped to overcome the early el vance Mlswwirl Pariflc. Missouri. Kantai and Texas preferred ami Kansas Cttj Southwestern were ail weak Other*™** the railroad* affected In that territorf moved narrowly. Thl* wa# true tn let of Ihe whole list and the Anal prt"*l •howed very few important net chansr*. A stiffening of the rate for roll lon-.1 to 2 per cent ntsracied attention to :h, posaihldtles of a money *qttee.- .luring *1 summit. The rate fell hack to 14 pt| cent, when the liankw came tnto the 8'..-* Exchange with shelr unplaced hatansff late In the day. The prevalent e t*e •< money |* evidently due to 1 he exceedingly scanty demand, ami any active speculo tlon will probably make rapid inroad* us* on the resources'of the hnrtk* It I* punt ed out that the aureus of the n*w)rti!4 bonks I* concentrated In a very few la •lilutlone. While fhe lotol *ur| ine M serve# of the sixty-three clearing houit tianks on Saturday nmount.*! to over S>- 6*9.009 more than 8W.680.66n of r.trpiu* cart over the legal requirement wss held I* > single InsiMuiioii There was rathie •harp recovery In aterllng exchange e> day. which gave point to the sucpePMsl that yesterday'* decline wa* partiv •! 10 shot t selling and to-day'# supply and coiron bills w;i* Inadequate to iwer t! shorts Kansas Cliy Southern threes ml led .*V Otherwise the bond market wa* without an V feature. Tofnl sales, pir value. SUk -066. Unlred Slates Old four* advance! t, vl Ihe three* registered, 4 and do coupon ’1 In the bid price. The total sole* of stock* were 1M.288 shares, Incittdlng Louisville and xtsuvi! • 6.075; Ite I,ling. flr*t prefer! el. I!.®'; Union Pacific. 6..W0; Brook n R*pM Transit, I2,it*t, people* Gas. ~ Busk. 12.309. New York Stock List ktchlron 2SV*H?n. Pa .... do prf >,, do do prl 7 * • * O TSH Wabaah 7 7n. Pa R7**; do prf "an. So 49 IW. A L E 1 A O *9V do do 2nd prf -' l ** ?• G. W lota Wta Cer C; B. A Q ....US 1 * Third Avenue r.. Ind A L. .. 23 Adam* Ex ! ;* do do prf. .... 57 ]Am Ex " A E. 111. .. *6*9. L*. 8 Kx K 4'. A Nw 181‘* Well* Fargo E* RI. A P...1Q84| Am Cor Oil ** i. C. C A St. I. MV* do do prf B 201. So < Am Mailing '* do do Ist prf. 41 j do do prf do do 2nd prf. ISV* Am. Smell A R ** It. A H 11l j do do prf. >.. L A W 177V* Am. Spirit* •• * U A R. 0 I*4*l do do prf ' do do prf 87V.! Am S H<p Erie 11 j do do prf do lat prf St 1 Am. S. A " S. N. prf 152 i do do prf Hock. Coal .. .. I*V Am T. Plate Hock. Valley ... 33% do do prf ’ 111. Central .. ..118V, Am Toh lowa Cen IV* d<f d.> prf •" do do prf. .... Ana Min. Cos L E. A W MV* B. R T. do do prf MV*;C. F. A Ivon laike Shore ICon. Toh L. A N. ........ 7m do do prf ‘ Man L .. 919. Fed. See! Mel St. By 154*41 do do prf • Mex Can IP* Oen E - * M. A St. L. ... M 4 Glueo* • Sugar M A St. L. prf. 93 | do do prf Mo Pa MVlntnl Paper * MAO. **■* do <So prf .. •• Mo.. K A T... m Uriel* pa* 1 do do ■■ S Nat *9 U, J. C 11l and • n! Y. C ISO** Nat. Lead * N A W *4 a do do prf • u do do prf .... 74V*iNat St.el ' t| No Pa *ll4l do do prf ~ do do pf 71 iN. Y. A B On A W SlV* No. Am ’ 55 Or* R A Nav. 41 Pa Co*t M do do prf. .... 7* ! do do lt 1 Prnr>*y!vanla ...U*H do Ind P'* Reading MV* P **•*' f.'v do lat prf 67 1 People'* <•* : ~ do Ind prf .. SV* Prrotted S. <' VM R. o. W 54 i do do prf 1