The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, September 13, 1900, Page 10, Image 10

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10 FOR RELIEF OF GALVESTQN. (OMHITTRK Will. UK • •IN IT?* WORK Till** NI4IININ(b. I'ronipt Action Token at ritl*cn* WrHIIIB—I nuimitlre f Tneno fonr %|plntrl lj Wnjmr Mrr • € lialrmnn anti |Mlgn and In lllf trlct—f ommlttcc Will Meet at 4 ily % Kirhnnicr at Id O'l lM*k Thi* Mum. Inu~l nll‘* In t.nllifc I Inlltlnu. Mrrllng f llra#l* of < karllable Organluatluii* * all •*! Inr ft O’l lock Tll* %flernoon nf * ll I'uhaagr. w ill to rail of dtwircj-**. ami Judging by he it rec. ©rl in ih* |m t her r‘>|aonM- will !*• a liberal one By authority of the 'itlz**nx' tnrcllns a* lhe Hty l&xrhang# y*#Ur4ay afternoon Mayor Myert. an Kcneral cbalr man. hoe appointed a tpooimlttfe of i**n * ty-four gentlemen who will begin at once m canva*# of the rliy The tm ml*r* of the Commit lee wer* noil tied oi ihtir ap pointment lan night. The committee will meet at the Ex* c hange at 10 o.h. k I hi* morning for the purpose of dlecueelng th- woik ami agree ing upon th** l*e*t method* of gruompllih* Irg it The work ha* air* a*ly l-* n tn |*{ *>l oul In pktrt, the m-inhere of Hm committee having already been a**ftgVM*cl to the *!i-- triet* In which they are existed to work The division of the city and the nietnlterr of th* committee whu will work in ,r '* division are a* follow* Hay atreet, a*i of Hull D. and Furze, J. E Johnson. John H. Yoiffig Ba\ atreet. w-t of Bull J 5. tolling. JLouh# Kavton. W 1* On. Bryan ami Dongr* - ►tree!* ' J Solomon*. Alb.-ri Wylly. 1 D Woodworth and hank*. Bryan an I u#mre.-* wrM John W CktWlen I. A flobgnon lawrriuf Upp •nan. Broughton street. Edward FT ink. Big Gardner, Ferdinand Weil. Broughton at reel. wet J*. K Them*. W E Wimpy. 8 KrouakofT ITeuUleni and Oglethorpe avenue— W. J. YVatftOn. Jilllu* K iiifmiinr. Liberty ami In termed is 1a rireett. aael— Ir K J liter* President. Houih Broad. Liberty and la termed late afreet*. went John H Fox. Hugh Ixagan. N II Fawrett. The meeting at th.- Exchange wan fair ly well attended, though the funeral of the lae J J. Wilder kept many f he Hay afreet men away A number of ih* •• called at the Exchange or gent word to explain that thi* prevented tb*lr att*n dance The meeting w ■ cal>d to order t> Mayor My era Among th*< pre.-*nt were Might Reverend Bishop Kelley. UOl. J H Eatlll. *'.! Helm** Gordon. Mr K Kayton. Mr A Vetaburg. Mr M .! Sol omon*. ‘'apt J II Johnson. Mr J S rol ling. Mr. J II Fox. Mr I A Solomons, Air A A Bokm*>n*. Fire Superintendent J E. Maguire. Mr A Ehrlich. Mr A W Haateroon. Mr J M Fleming. Capl G B. Pritchard Mr J E Archer Mr John Power. Mr W P. Halley and others Mayor Mvere. in calling the meeting to order, said It wo* not neceaaary to state th hy*d. * all present had lem •nad* familiar through the rf**i**l M with the dleaster which had lafalkn the city of Galveston and the dlxtr* ** now pre vailing there Savannah ha* always cheer fully responded i• call* upon her from other cltlew In distress, he said, and will not fall to do so or. this occasion I! is only necessary to determine upon ih* w ins and means of accomplishing this object. On motion of Go! Kstill Mayor Myers was made permanent chairman and on motion of Mr. Kayton Mr W. P. Hailey was made secretary. By instruction of th*- chairman, the secretary read the fol lowing tel* gram re dvwl from Galveston by Mayor Myers and showing the urgent peed existing there •‘Galveston. Tex.. Sept. 1? Mayor Her man Myers. Savannah. On.: Sen*! money, disinfectants, tmnmn • l animal fool grlifts. Situation horrible. For God's sake tixlp ue J. H. Ste*le, chairman, 11-tb.d Cohen. H H Murray.** Thht dispatch was furnished to the news papers anal promptly bulletined for the information of the inihlle. a dispatch was sla> read from Superintendent Hugh. ... of the Postal Telegraph Cable Comffttny. at Augusta, offering the fr**> urc of the company's wires for he transmission of relief funds and aia* for li*pat. hex re lating to the forwarding of fun*t* and supplies. Mayor Myers said that he u is •otUdb-J that there whiW !• no dlffbulty in get ting up o large fund, the only thing ne cessary bring to put the movement on a prop+r basis by securing u . .**timlite- to ernva** the city. Mr. E. Kayton moved that the chairman ie uiithonz.d to ap fKriot a committee to take the estiva** in band, th* six** of the committee and the division of the work to he left to the Mayor a* general chairman in order that there might be * little delay an i>o**lble. The resolution was unanimously adopted. Air. Kayton had already suggested that the ladles Of the city la* requested to es tablish a clothing depot for the purpose of gathering clothing of all descriptions, the report* from Galveston showing that the survivors were badly off In tin* way of clothing. Mr. A. A Hotomons sug gested that this work la* placed In the bands of the president* of the King s Daughters* circles and other charitable and benevolent organisations of ihe city, •nd after some discussion this was put Into the form of a motion and adopted. The chairman wo* instructed to lasue a call for a meeting at the Exchange at 5 o'clock tills offer noon of the l.tdte* who have the management of the charitable and religious organisation* and all* others Interested in the movement for the pur pose of arranging to undertake this work. Thi* is to be a separate movement from the other as the need for relief at Galves ton I* ao urgent that the funds raised by •he committee, which is to begin It* work this morning, will be forwarded at once. It will doubtless t ke several day* for the ladles to accumulate a supply of clothing, but this. too. will Ih* **nt on ns soon as possible. Superintendent Maguire announced that •he firemen had tlready arranged for a boll to Ih* given Wednesday night for the benefit of Galveston firemen and their families and that the ticket* were already on sab* on the streets. There* being nothing further lefore the meeting M was adjourned subject to the call of the chair. The chairman, with some assistance from two or three gen tlemen who had taken on active jri in the meeting, immediately proceeded to SuMlvtd* the business district, and to des ignate the committeemen for each dis trict. The selections were care fully made and it 1* **fc to predict that the results of the committee’s work grit) justify the wisdom of the chairman Bach manmUteemon was notified of hU appoint merit with the request that lie meet the other members of the commit tee at the City Exchange at 10 o'clock this morning it is considered important that ail the members of the committee should respond to this 'Oil In orhr that '•here may be a definite irrsier**landing and (lie work porperty and promptly haguev Mayor Myers also desires as many ladies as possible famlilar with chari table work will ie**4>nnd fo the call for •he mee hig at 5 o'clock this afternoon. The ladles Will doubtless have some sug gestion* of their own to offer by whp n the work assigned to them itmy he facili -4* ' mg a *• -M. r th. tn' nerlng f . Iching Manager E J Maxwell of the Western Union ITlegraph f'ompany's ofllc# here received a dispatch from Rupt. J A Brenner at Augusta yesterday, notifying him that he might extend free service to relief committees relating to Texas suf ferers and also free servlcfe on messages tw’ween banks transferring money for the relief Of the sufferers. "Parties desiring I© make paymenta an such accounts," way* Rupt. Brenner’s dispatch, "can de posit the money in lank at Savannah or elsewhere and obtain tek-grnm from ht lunk to a bank at p*>mt of destination, or- payment liunk meseag* h al*ove will In* transmitted free We are willing arxl anxious t and whatever Iks In out p'wrr for the relief of Texas." It ih noi unlikely that the* nn*l express companies will offer fre* tr.iii-- portation for whatever relief suppi!#?* mav tn* st-nt from Hanmnih or elsewhere in thtw sect toft The Southern Hallway ind other railroads have already* off*r* and fre* trtn:(xrration for the N-w Y-rk lal relief train Rulmu rlpifon llfw for the benefit of the Galveston sufferers will be opened this morning nt the oftlc# wr ihe Mayor, the Morning N* w * him! the Havunnah Pres. In order thit tht*-* of the g<i;<r;il puNlc wit© may not be reached by th* canvassing committee will hove th* opportunity of subscribing. MINP.MI UhlF OFFER. fie tins Trndrrnl the Theater for a Ite 1 i•• r Fund Performance. Manager Fred A Wei* has tendered the Theater for a benefit performance for the Galv* on sufT* rer* H.i'urduy night In addition he will arrange the performance to be given by Htivann *h tal r n the l* ad ing singers, recitation!*!* und readers and *i**olahy pe.ij. •• in th* it\ th** ntlre pro *d tt go to the G ilvoton fund. Mnnuger Weis desires a i ommiit*f of ladle* to a t ns patron* •of th* rnter i itnment ntwl If the committee Is made up to-day. the performance will be announc 'd a* once. {<• nidi tendering the Theater. Manager Weis ond *he Theater Staff an*) employes have tender**! their -•■rv • • the or bestra has tendered Its servi*** and invitations will be sent out to-duy a.**, sooti ns# the lady patxofWj-'e- have l***n mimol, to the hading amateur *.ge talent In th* lty to t*vke part There will l*e n> x -p* •*** att*w-Mng the i*<‘rforniMn< * so that the entire p w tik h. If the sale of t k*t- Is tak*ai < burg* of by ttie loll* -, ought !•• Ih very large, will go to the re lief fund. Manager We|x* offer Is i generous on*, and with his own servlets, those of the entire the iter staff and orchestra nnl th*-offer to mati ig* the performm*-e. there is no doubt that a large sum could h realised for Ui** Galv*-*!on fund. The Idea Is to mak* the price of tl* k* it* *<*i cents. Manager Weis has the assurauc*- of the co-o|m ration of the leading singers and reettationist* of th* city, several of whom hav* already volunteered to take pm A committee of !.idi* s to tnke iur;*> of ihe s lie of ttcki'fi will !*• named tnls morn ing. and Ih*- progrtnme will I*** unnouno *d toamorrow F.I.RH All! G%l.\FMO> Graft for *IOO on Nnxnnnah l.odge istburlxsil. The Savannah EoOgt of Elks ng.xln dem onstrated the claim of the order to be always on the qui vlve to relieve suffer ing and distress wherever four ! After consultation with a few of the memtters of the lodge Exalted Huler John J. Ktrbv sent th*- following telegram to Galveston last night: Savannah. Sept 12. 190 Exalted Uuler Galveston l**in- R p n E . Galveston, Tex We authorize your draft one hun lr***l dollars benefit sufferers. John J. Kirby. Exult*-*) Ruler " It was later ••certiilnwl that the name of the exalted ruler of the Galveston Jdge Is Charles Roddy It will Ih* Men tjtat the dispatch authorizes the use of the amount named for the "sufTeiers" a* Galveston and not merely for the mot hers of th* order, though doubtless there are many Elks who are among the suf fering and distressed of that city It is not the way of the Elks to confine their charity to their own order or fo any class or creed This exhibition of broth erly feeling and sympathy, however, will undoubtedly Ih* duly uppreclahM by the Cialvt-etnn Elks. A FIHEMAV* BENEFIT HIKE. Will Hr Given by Ihr I'lrcmm of kn % nii on li to Aid Thorn- of Galveston. A hall for Ihr lirn* til of Ihr fltrmrn of Galveston who Mi(Y<twl from Ihr hur rlranr will lir given by Ihr fir. men of Haviinnib al Catholic library Hall. Kept 19. Thr flrrmrn promise music und danc ing and fderity of it ttit.l assure an rn* Joyable llm. 10 all who attend. The hall h.m N <‘ii donated ami mi h,i' ihr service* of thr orchestra, and as Ihrrr arr nooihrr rxpmarp. thr rntirr arooimt taken In will In- rlrar profit. Thr llckrll will admit Itolh gentleman nnil laily aiul rill for SO i-rtrta. Al Central Station alonr yesterday ihr mi'n succeeded In disposing of nearly ino wllhln a frw hour*. An artlvr rnn \as* will In- continued to-day ami Ihr mm h ive no tloolil that hy ihr Hmr the hall tome* off eutllricnl llckrta wiU havr lam hoUI to guarantee a round rum to Ihrlr ilraltiuir confrere* In lialvraton. Thr committee In charge of ihr hall t-ofiplMp of Buperkileodenl John I*l. Ma guire, ohalrmno, Senior Foreman George Monro. Forrmrn J. B. <*am|ni, A. I’. MacFarland. A. J Torharh. J. J <N>n nolly ami Flrrmrn A. M Rogers. I*. I* Walkrr. 1' M Burnham. J. M. Hoyle an.l Orurgr A. Melt. 11l ltll.ll IN HON II KNTI 111-:. I unernl Services of lll** l.alr .V. J. W lltlrr 111 I hrlil tliureh. At 4.*) o'clock yrt*rday aftrrnoon Ihr funeral services ovrr fche body of thr lair J. J. Wilder werr injmlurtrd at Chrlsl Church by Hrv. L C. Birch, acting rrc-tor. Thry were largely altrndrd by Ihr frleml* of Mr. Wilder and of his family. Thr Interment was In Ihr family lot at Bonuvenliire. where ihr la*l nltmii riles of ihr churrh were romluclrd a* thr body war committed to carili The (tag of thr Chatham Arilllrry, of which historic com mand Mr Wilder was an honorary mem ber. was at hnlf-mat yrsirrday 111 honor of his m* mory. A similar mark of re spect was shown hy thr t'otion Exchange ami the shun- In the harltor. Mr. Wilder having been a m< inte r of the Board of I'llotage Commissioners of fhr (tort. BODY W IU, AHHITr. Till* MORNING. I’nst-ral of Mrs. RllUu C. Chisholm to Take Place al 4 O'Clark This After noon. The body of Mrs. Eliza C. Chisholm will reach the city from Asbrvtllr. where her death occurred, this morning Thr fu neral will take place from thr Independent ITenbytertan Church at 4 o'clock In the afternoon, thr services being conducted hy Hrv. C. 11. Carson. Thr body of Mrs. Chisholm will be laid to rest beside that of her husband. Judge Walter R. Chisholm. The pallbearers who have been chosen are Judge Hotter! Kulilgant, Capt. J II Johnston. Mr. T M Cunningham. Mr J. It Rauasy, Mr. It A Denmark, Mr. Handolp Axson, Mr. W K. Ls akrn and Capt G Arthur ttordon. Wn* Ssvesli-slt tears Old. Mrs Pamela Fltxslmon*. a widow lady 76 years of age died yesterday afternoon al her home. No. IS Oglethorpe avenue. ■ west. The deceased had resided In Ha- I vannsh for many years The funeral will take place from the residence at 4:30 o'clock this afternoon. Champagne as a restorer has no equal Cook's Imperial Extra Dry Champagne le .pure, delicious and sparkling—ad. 1 THE MORNING NEWS: THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1000. REPUBLICANS NAMED LEAKEN. HK Ull.l. HlkK 111*'. HACK KOI* iiM.III ** U.tIAKT (ill.. UWTKR. \Va \nnir*l •*> tle i on % ration Yeu trrda> l) irrlsiuatlna—l l*latfrm % l*l f **l and Heaolntlona nnd 'iM’uh'i Mailr Knilorslnx the %d --f*iinitratl*n nnd I rulnu the ?M|- prt f fit** nntlidaln ltth| Txrnrr't ( exrif in knpiMtrllna llr* mu Severely I rltirie*l nnl 4mr lliir**li ThtaaK* *ii t*l f the llbhnp h (hr *|ii Nki-r. The It* putilt' in Convention of the First Congressional Ihstrict yesterday nominat ed Willi lam It Leaken. E.i . as the candi date of the party to mak* the rare for Congress in thi- district. Mr Eeaken's nomination had been partly forecasted al re <|y. Congr*-ssman Eester predlrte*! thrc months ago that Mr he th*- candidate nnd since the declination of Capt ll* nry McAlptn to make the race with the lnlorsem-nt of the Republican nrranlzatlon It ha> leen seen that Mr E ak* n was about the only (Kisslbtllty The convention was Harmonious and the n *mlnation ws made by acclamation. There was some talk among the few of the delegates of other names and the Rev. lectured Crawford of Mclntosh county made a motion which w is thought to conceal a movement In favor of Capt. M J I>oyh This was promptly shunted one s;do by the chairman, however, nnd Mr E*aken*s name* was tht*only one offered on th* floor of the convention. The nomination was mad* by Rev. N If Styles o! Elberty county, who eulogized Mr. Keakrn tn the highest manner as a lifelong Republican and n man of ability who would certainly carry the poriy • success. The uomlnafion m t with gen et a I approval and was seconded by de|e gates from every county In the district. Mr. Eeaken was th* n nominated by ac clamation and the chairman was instruct -l to ap|*olm *t committee of five to con vey the notification. The nominee being out of the city the chw‘r was allowed to apfsdnt the committee at his leisure. The convention was called to order bv E M Pleasant a chairman, with W. E. M**or* a s . retarv. Mh of whom w-r later mode permaneivt officers of the con vention. The committee o#i credentlils re|Krf**d every countv in the district rep resents!. The caily nontMt was from Bul . h cfHinty. the convention re*-*>gnlz***l th cretliitk*W* signe*l bv I). H. Rlgdon a chairman and A. D Rcrnggmg* a.- seer** tary f that county. The convention w.a# chiefly colored, with a small sprinkling of white deb-gat** J M Elders, a whit** delegate from Tn#t nnll. mad** a speech eulogizing the admin istration of President McKinley and urg ing the support *f the na’lonal tick*-: J C. Simm<ats. of Chatham, introduce 1 and had posted n resoltMlon. *-alMng up></ the d-: gates to us*- their Influence with their county renresentotlvee In the Legis lature for the passage of u bill establish' log a enn* reformatory for youthful crimi nals. Htmmon* stated that he urged this a- a non-partisnn measure. A resolution was offered tfy Col. J II I>ev*MUX. *'on*lemnlng Bishop Henry M Turner In the severeat terms for his de sertion of th* Reptxblican party and his pub)*** n.lvo. a* y of Hon. W. J. Bryan The rs>ltitlon wa received with apitlatiM by the convention nnd was adopt*-*! unart ltiv*usly The r* solution re*d as follow "Whereas. Bishop II M Turner of Georgia has seen proper to assail and de nounce the Repub! 1 an party and Presi dent Wl.liam McKinley for the acip of ihe Rupr**n>e Court of the t’nlted Rtates. and u • the name as an ex'ttse for urging th* ••lection of lion. W J Bryan ns Presi dent. and, * "Whereas, Btehop Turner has been a lieneflciary of th* Republican party for year*, and Is now a beneficiary of Repub lican voters of (b-orgit and other states of the nation. "Rmolved. That his wild denunciation of President McKinley and the Repub lican party Is without any foundation In point of fact, ami we regard his Incoherent fulmlnatione and Its lender*, which in dr* It itosidh'.e for him to be elevated ami made a man of In the eye of the law. as lowering the dignity of his high calling and meriting th** just condemnation of hie people. "Resolved. That we end iifion nil the Republican voters of Georgia to mnnifnwt their displeasure at the Bishop's conduct by giving an Increased vote for the Re publican lick* t on Tuesday. Nov. *." . Rev. N. H. Htylcs then made n speech, reviewing Hishop Turner's record since the war and severely criticising his course In •his ami former matters. The "Rev erend” was very harsh in some of his statement#, but got along very well until he undertook to dlscugs the differences be tween the two wings of the Methodist Fhurrh. and attributed the Bishop's de fection • the fact that he indonged to one wing of the church and President McKln- Icy to the other, and that the Pr< sklent had bestowed his favors chiefly upon those of his ow’ii wing. In this he was called down by some of the Methodist delegates, who announced that the speaker was bad ly mixed, and •hat he had been stick to Baptist differences, with which he was donbllcss better acquainted. This subject was evidently n tender one, and the parson tok his sent on a |*>lnt of order. Speeches were made by J. (\ Simmons. W. H. Kogan. Thomas oGlden and others Indorsing the platform nnd the candidates nnd calling upon everybody to work for •he election of the nomine* The following platform, offered by Col. J. 11. Deveaux, was unanimously adapted: The Republican party of the First Con gressional Ihntriot of Georgia In conven tion assembled, through their delegates from every county, do hereby declare anti renew Its principles, as follows: Resolved. That we fully Indorse the Re publican national platform a*U>pted at Philadelphia on June 19. IWO. ami Its action In nominating President William Mc- Kinley for re-election as President, and Gov. Thodorv Roo>* eve It for Vice Presl tlent of the I’nib-d States, Resolved, That we reiterate the Indorse, meat of the administration of president William McKinley. Its acts have In-en established In wisdom ami patriotism, nnd at home and abroad It has distinct ly elevated and extended the Influence of the American nation Walking untried paths nnd facing unforsren responsibili ties. Presklent McKinley has been in every situation th*- true American patriot and the upright statesman, clear In vision, rtrong In Judgment, firm in action, al ways Inspiring and deserving the confi dence of hi* countrymen. Resolve i. That we denounce Ihe action of th*- democratic party In the states of Mississippi. ltilslana. South Farodnn and North Carolina in disfranchising American citizens on account of their color, as rev olutionary and In plain violation of the • onstttutlon of the Fnlted State* nnd as deserving the reprobation of ail true American voters nnd the entire natiop Resolved. That we favor Ihe policy of protection to American labor as t tiding to dignify the toil of all American work nun and to wtlmuiate an*! encourage the growth of industNe* In our midst, ami we Invite nil voters, without regard,to past party affiliations, to Join with us in the First Congressional District ami by their \oten Ih lp in obtaining these desirable re sults. The convention closed with a speech by Chairman Pleasant, urging everybody to work for party harmony and success Mr. Eeaken is in Atlanta engaged In pome business before the United States Court there There is little doubt, how ever. but that he will accept the nomi nation. as there Is reason to believe that this was previously understood Mr leaken te so well known In Bavannah that he needs no Introduction. He has been a consistent Republican in national matters, though he has aometimes acted with the D*-m*rats In local affairs It Is c|aimd by Republican lead# rs that thete Is considerable dlssatisfa- tlon tn the Itemocratk* ranks, both In th** city *• I -ountr> and that b* nine of "is (unity to win the best they have had in years Ait * fTor* was made to reach Mr lawken. who was In Atlanta, during the day. as lo his acceptance of the nomination, hut he lef* Atlanta early las# night in-fore tele grams could reach him SI I1(i Foil 111 Ml % Nil** DKITH. ( lament I►*!> Want* g 10.000 Dssi ngc* I rian F. A M . MsIIhB). A stilt for damages for sl*,oo*. based up on th* homicide of the plaintiff's husband, w . filed yesterday in the City Court The case Is that of Clemen! Dotty, against the Savannah. Florida and Western Rail way Company. The petition recites Ihat on June last the husband of the plaintiff was a brake man In th** employ of the defendant and was on that day engaged In th*‘ perform ance of hi* duties In the capacity In which he Wit- employ*d H- was riding through the yards nf the company on the front of a pusher engine, accompanied by another brokem in. John McConnell. The two br.kem- were standing on the platform on the front of the engine, main taining their equilibrium by holding on to # rh* hand rail which was provided for that purpose. !Is charged that the hand rail was In • rotten and unsafe condition, from which t uon * I rg# m tmn of it sudden ly give way, precipitating I toby from his poKi'ton on the plutform to the track In front of the engine. The engine ran over his pro*irale form nnd his immediate death Was the result of the accident. The plain#lff alleges that th** Inspection of th*- various parts of th* engine and ihe appliance* design**) for the scifety of the employes of the company< whom duties required th**m to be on or about It, was not one of th*- duties her husband was ex pected r required to perform by hi* con tract f employment, hut. on the contrary, was of the class of du • * which th* law specifically nnd particularly imposes upon the employ* r and does not allow him or ! to deb-gate to ony other. ft 1* charge*! that the accident nn*l the resulting death of Doby were directly due to the imperfect condition of these safety ap pliances. and that the failure of the com pany to see to ft tha# their condition was of the 1 w*sf, constitutes* a case of gross negligence, which entitles the p?ulnttfT to a recovery in damages for the death of her husbnnd It Is *et forth In th*' petition that n the time of his death Doby was 29 years old and was making 14.'. |er month. He had a reasonable life expectancy of something more than thirty-five year*. Besides the value of her husband's life, which she claims she has a right to re over under thr circumstance* of the case, the plaintiff Mies for the funeral expenses of her husband, which she Incurred She is represented by Messrs Twiggs A- Oliver. NEW IN IH •TH! FOR k% V %NN AH. ( na-f>ex Hannfartnrlnc Ewmpaiy Make* %|* plica I l*n for ( barter. A petition for the Incorporation of the Can-Ilex Manufacturing Company wa filed yesterday In the office of the clerk of the Superior Court. The incorporators named In the petition are J. 8 Cannon. F. Dexter and F B. The special object and purpose of the company the the manufacture of copying book* and Ink. by a special and exclusive process, th** whole constituting a device for copying letters without the use of water, press or brush. The principal of- Are and place of bus.ness of the company w ill b* 1h- i* and In Chatham * ounty. hut the incorporators ask the privilege of estab lishing branch offices nnd branch manu factories In other states and territories of the country. Th** capital stock, actually paid in. Is rtxd nt $12,000. divided into shares of $K* * ch. which hc |*etttlon* rs ask the priv ilege of incr* asing at any time to any sum not exceeding Incorporation is to be for twenty years. The eom|>ny hn In the Hour.l *■: Trade IniitrttnK. The of !!••• re nr, P reel.lent—F. pouter. Vice Preiit,tel*—F. B. Gnann. Rerretary and Treaeurer nnd General Manager—J. H. ('anon. HKniOl M.Y IIIT ll* % MCVCI.F*. Mr. J. W. nrltlitrr Mr* With n l-ntn lui (ri'ltlrnt Vr.lonlr MornliiK. Mr J W. Itrlitirr. <'omhu-tor on tho Crntral Hoo<. rivl -t-rlou- IbJuiloh from n Moyolr yrittrrday morning a* Ü brrty an<t Whlmhrr rtrrot*. Mr Hrtiixrr wo alsoul to tranrfrr from th- IJb-rty atr—t to th- Whitaker Itnc iitkl hnd r-aoh-(1 Ih- aid- of ,h- oar who: h- a trunk my Mark Winn, a color-J hlryrllat who waa -omln* down Idhrrty atr—t at attfh apri'd that h- was to atop nrsl would ha— hlm—if codkk-J with th- car had he not flrat atruck Mr. Prhktcr. A It woa Mr. Brlda-r wia forcwl hy th- blow h-avlly ngalne: th- -tr an.l two riba on th- left aid- w-r- brok-n. H- f*lt to th- around and h-am. inv-ona-ioue. H- was * ik-n into th- Masonic Pharmacy. o>iy a fs* st-p- away from th- pia— of the Occident, and Ir. M X Corbin aum mmsd. are* afterwnrda I*r L H. Ijtnicr. Assn as h- rr.'overe-.t 'onsck>usn-ss h • r-movnl In th- poll— ambulance to id- horn- on f*-cond atr— t. near Whltake.-. Th- full -xi-nt of hta Injurin' nr- not yet known. Th- r-ttro waa arr-st-d nnd app-ared I-fore ,ho K- order, hut hla ous- vas con tinupd. II tvu GIIVI * HKeriTF.. J nils— Falllaant Grants a -aprrarilaa lielH.inu Mis Kii-rntlnn. Juda- Falllsant granted a eup-rs-.1-as y-atrrday tn th- -as- of fl-aborn Hay-a. th- n-*ro murdr-r of Moiorman Varna do-, who has b—n s-ntanerd to hana on S-pt 2*. Th- au|>-rs-d-aa susp-nda tha mention of th- convlct-d criminal pend ins th- h-arln* and decision of a motion for a n* w trial, that has b—n fll<-d in bin t half hy hla coun—l. Mr. Ralford FaIII- Rnl. Th- motion for a now trial wa* nt-d hy Mr FalllKant aom- day* *ln— and th- trrant of Ih- or J-r of *up-r*-dra* follow-.! a* a mati-r of course. Th- -f --fori will l>- mod- to brink about th- ul tlmat- decision of the question* of law and fact Involved at as early a dale a* possible. TO MKFT Till* AFTER>OOSI. I onnly I nmmlsilitflrrs Will ( on.i.ler Muller* .f Honllnr. Th- S-pt-mb-r m—link of the Board of County Commissioner* will be held at the Court House this afternoon, Xothlna of unusual Imp-wtan— la -*pel-d lo trans pire. and II I* h-11-v-d that only mailers of routln- and detail will he considered There are some applications for per. mission to erect telegraph and telephone pole* and atrlnit wire, along some of the county road* that th* commtaalonera wlli have to p**a on. These were postponed al Ihe last m—ting and will doubtless h !.rough' up for consideration this after noon. This Is about all of th, old busi ness that Is of important,-*. HIS CASE WITH THE COURT. TESTIMONY AND %R 4.1 RENT IN THE II % NII Ik TRINE FINISHED. kevernl \N I fur sues tn Hehuttal f Other Evidence Were I’nt on the kinnd !.*• Night by the Prosecu tion ntttl the Defense—4 *• pt. i nun mid the Jnilxr bhorxtr, Eleut. Itnrrw, Then Made Their Nrgti ment-f opt. t nnn kpokr for an Hour and n Half and Meat lliirnm for Half an Hour—l ourt Will krud In Its kenle*l Finding to tlie office of the Ndjoinnl tieneral. Testimony and arguments in the now lo cally futrait* Harris court-martial have oeen concluded, and )• remains with th*- officers of the *'Ottrt to sity whether the •reused is guilty of the rtvirg*'* preferred aga nst him Not for several days, po*- -bly weeks, will the resuit of the trial be known, an returns must he made by •he presklent of the court to the office of the adjutant general of the Georgia* Troops tn Atlanta, where the finding will be opened and msk public. Just how the case will resula Is a matter that Is Interesting the military men of the city generally, while the friends of Corpl. Harris nnd Capt. Wilson also feel con | earned to know what view the court mav take of be alleged offenses charged *gln*t the former. 8o great Is this Inter est that one bet. at least, has been made | upon thj* result, a witness that was called i by the defense last nigh having testified, tn answer to a question from the Judge advocate, that he had made a bet the night before. laist night the court spent In hearing the | remaining evidence an*! the arguments'of | the .ounel for the accused and the Judge I advo< ite. It was not until L’ 30 o’ckx'k that adjournment was had. Several wit- I nesses were put up by !*©th the prosecu -1 (ton anl the def* n*e In rebuttal, and h was not until 10 15 that Capt. Cann start • and upon his argument in Harris' behalf It was at 11.45 that he concluded, bis Insistance upon the points In Harris' fa vor and his denunciation of the condu *t of officer* of the Blues taking up an hour and h half. Capt Cann's argument ami pica were pronouncc<l lmth able and eloquent by all who heard him speak. Ills effort was unquestionably of weight, and his talk throughout was followed with keen Inter est. 8o was that of Eleut. Barrow's, who declared that Capt. Wilson had act ed. not through malice. In bringing th. iharges, hut as any officer In the state service shofild have acted. The judge ad vocate nude no appeal, but confined hints* 1/ strictly to argument. He spoke for a little more than half an hour. Second Elcutenant o*orge J Barthel mers was the first witness put up by th* pros* cut lon. lie test died that it was at a tout dusk on Thursday evening, while the company was tn Koutavllle. that Corpl Harris had been arrested bv hkn This was when the secured was standing on a corner talking to ladles. Hairis did not. he said, have a dress tin form on. and It was never quite plain to him whether he wns clad in his undergarment or a pair of light trousers. A question wis raised by the counsel for the defendant as to th** witness' crgl nal testimony. In which the former allege! that Eleut. BarthelmeM hod seated that It was on Wednesday that Harris had be-n arrest* and. An .i|>|nml to the records siiowed that Eleut. I tart he 1 mess said h was sure it was on Miy 31. and that h<‘ thought that day f II *>n Wednesday. Th*- Ueut* nant Insist* 1 *! that It was on May 31. and that he could nut ►ay whither that date fell on a Wedmsdoy or Thursday, lie *ll*l not know, he said, who nad or dered Harris’ dr#a* uniform tuk n awa-. Fay member 8. F. Cook swore that he hal heard Harris use a vile epithet In speaking of Kleu;. Ilarthelmess while in quarters tit lulsvl)le. lie had had ni conversation with anyone, he declared, he for* he appeared u|>on the stand relative to what h** should swear in l*eh.if of the prosecution. He admitted that he had no* lieen on friendly terms with Harris. A qtnstion brought out the further admis sion from the witness tiwit he , ; id been online*! to quarters while |n Eoulsville for not going on guati duty when ordered by Eleut. liaritidiness. Private W. If Smith. Jr., said that Har ris ha*l not left the company at the depot, hut on the way there from the quarters tn Louisville He did not see Harris when he fell out of ranks, for Harris, he de clared, whs rather a "slick duck." hut. had he been in ranks, he would have seen him. He was reasoning from this fact of his not having seen Harris when he tes tified that th*- latter had fallen out before reaching the depot. Private Tomue Connolly testified that Harris had told him In Eoulsville that be had Jumped out of the window* because "• had an engagement with a young lady thi# he wished to keep. He had heard Corpl. Harris, he said, ask permission of Capt Wilson to remain over in Eoulsville. Tie* Judge advocate then announced that the slate would rest Its case. Private Walls was recalled by the de fense. He said It was on Friday evening, not on Saturday morning, that Harris had been r* b us*d after bring allowed to apolo gise. Private Ivey was also re* ailed and said he had seen Harris at a U.ill In Eoulsville on Friday night, showing that he could not then have been undeY arrest. He said, too. that t* had heard Eleut Barthclme** li t* "ih< ■ tak* aw * n*rn his. It was this witness who admitted that he had made a hei the night before as to th outcome of th#- case. With the last witness, the defense rest ed Its case, whereupon Capt. Cann and Lieut. Barrow Joined In the request that a brief recea he taken to admit of their going over their memoranda of evidence to shape their argument*. The recess was ’ taken, a i il, upon the court tiring cal let 1 to order again, Eleut. Barrow, the Judge ad vocate. sold he would forego his privilege of leading off with his argument, hut would indicate to the counsel for th** de fense what he pursK>a*d to maintain in his conclusion. Harris, the judge advocate declared, was absolute;)* guilty of the first charge, that of absence without leave, anl of the sec ond, cursing a superior officer. Upon the third charge, being drunk and disorderly, he sab! he woual not insist and would probably devote but slight attention to It In his arguments, the evidence upon the |Klnt having been conflicting and not con clusive. as w is generally believed by those who folio wed the case. Of th fourth charge of insubordination the accused, the Judge advocate said, was gulky. but he would not insist upon the first specification, that of his having been late In reporting for guard duty. Capt. Cann said he would like tn know what sections of military law and regula tions the Judge advocate would cite as cov ering the violations of which Harris is alleged to have been gulNy. as he could find no provision where'n It was forbidden for an enlisted man to absent himself from his company without Rave. Eleut Barrow named the sections, but told the court that Harris might be found guilty of conduct prejudictel o good order and military discipline and punished there for, even though he might no: be regard ed as guilty under the apecifle eectlons mentioned. A question arose as to tha records, on Third Page.) DR. STEDMAN S Teething Powders The I'amoun Aid to Hafe and rainlemt Teething. rw Ml mntKrrt ,* x-arld ow for nmrlt, VI V—rn liR kTKI'MAN having nprnv.l a branch ora tn A maßra. .vinaldv rUf rvourva th. coat of I h-aa Juatlr r-l.t>rat*'4 poaMara Thvy arv put up In yviiu— wrap p*ra Tb trad- mark.aaum laooat, TRADE _T^?SSWa MARK Id nn every pack* xr*l on every pow*W. wltbont which non** Is gvnuln* 1 A packet containing nine powders. rents. At jour druggists, nr rustled pnatraod on r*-cetpt of price. Hand for booklet 'iH -Hleimtin i aVwrasrp gimtor * Address J a. Mm \S NI.TKK. U,i Jeh.i,u st., litnsssuws, Phils.. Ps gold bv KirrMAN BROR ffavannah Os TWO NEGROES DIIONN NED. Fell Into the River nnd Were Swept to Their Dentil. Two negroes were drowned yesterday afternoon from the ftaaboxrd Air Elne docks across the river. One of them, named Charles Barnes, was employed at the cotton Axnpr •*. When h** et‘*;*p***l wrk at noon with a number of other ne groes. h* was tn a t*oa about to crows the river to the city, when another boat . ami eg into the slip struck the one m which he was. with the result that he bis balance aid fell overbourd. It Is sdkV that he came up once, hut before help could l>e given him Mink and did not rise again. The o.h-r negto who e name Is not known was a tinman on th* tug Bache lor. I ctuil* * oncernlng the a cl<|* fit h* resulted In his death are very m* ager, but It Is said that he fell from Pier No 3 and •lid r.ot rise to the surface at all. The 'll t.w tnt.- • u 1 ' I V. •• M : U tl <1 " ; ’ ' time of each other (hat the coroner was notified of both nt the same time NG'hcr body had beep recovered up to midnight There was a rumor in the city iast night that a third negro bad met a water, death on or near th. extreme eastern end of the Plant Hvstem wharves, but It could not be substantial- •) The two to* n drwned yst*r*l.v brings the list of the* that have 1 *t their lives while at work on th* terminals or for the company that constructed them, up to fourteen w %* A TKIIT ALARM. No Fire Near Hroiiuliliin nnd N\ **• llriiml ill >lun gappose#!. An alarm of Arc was turned in nt S o'clock last night from Box 53. at Brough ton and West Broad streets. There was no fire, the alarm having been sounded for the purpose of testing the condition of th* wires, hut the from which It was sounded is an unpleasant one for j tire tn start In nnd there ware numerous requests for Information. ••Take llrctl Will Surely hpeed.** Be sure to heed the first symptoms of IrwligciOlon. nervousness and Impure blood, and thus avoid chronic <lyspepa|a. nervous prostration and all the evils produced by -aid blood. Hood's Harsapjrllla is your afcguard It quickly set* th* stomach light, strengthens and quiets the nerves, purifies, enriches and vitalizes the blood and k*|a up the health tone. All liver Ills arc cured by Hood's Pills. 25c —ad. Expansion. The trade expansion of the United State* 1* a matter of pride to gll Ameri cans without regard to their personal views on territorial expansion and its po litical hearings While trade In general has expanded ns never before in the hls lory of our country. Its volume can best he understood by the practical Illustra tion furnished by one great concern w hich has long led the world In its particular branch of business. Th*- ouput of the different brands of beer of the Anh* us**r-Bus< h Brewing Ass n of Bt. 1/oulx, Mo . going to every part of the civilized earth, has r**aehd In th*- months of June. July and August, the unprecedented quantity of 22T.- ill* barrels. That Is more than a year's output of some breweries calling them selves great. The summer Is passing, have you taken In the riant System Hunday excursions to Charleston? one dollar for the round trip, -ad. tt Katlll's News Depot. 4ft Hull street Savannah Morning News. New York. Boston, Philadelphia. Baltimore, Charles ton <R Jacksonville tFIa.I. Cincin nati. New Orleans, Washington (D. C.), Chicago. Augusta (Ga.l. Atlanta. Macon Ida 1. and other piomlnrnt dallies; also the various m nthlles and week les. new books and everything else usually found In tlrst-clars news dopots.-ad. The riant Bystem excursion train to Charleston leaves Savannah at 6:30 a. m Sundays, tickets are sold at one dollar for the round trip.—ad. Johnson's ChHI anti Eever Tonic Is 103 limes better than quinine and does in a single day what slow and uncertain quinine cannot do In ten days. It will cure In a few -lays those obsti nate types of fever that hung on for weeks when treated with quinine. II will cure typhoid fever and nothing else wl'l. It doe* Its work quickly and thoroughly and nothing el*,, does. It places the fever ratient beyond the print of dang-r In a day and nothing else can. Those who have Imp lot* faith In the tonle are secure. Those who doubt are In danger Those who will not use It, place their lives In jeopardy. From u Doctor. Our people were suffering from typho ma In rial fever. Bonn M It * called It gen uine typhoid Many of these patents died and those that ricovcred were sick from 4 to 3 weeks. f gave my patients Johnson's and In every Instance the fever rool.d down wllhln twenty-four hours and did not re. turn, and the patients regained thetr for mer good health rapidly. J. E. Klncheloe. M D.. Conway. Ark.—ad. To Hruoawlck and Heturn as.on T)a the Plant System. Sunday. In addition to the Charleston Bunday excursions, the Plant System are selling round-trip tickets to Brunswick, good on Sundays only, at rate of *I.OO for lh< , round trip. Trains leave at 2:10 a m and I Hi a. m -ad J Arrangement* have been effrced by which 1.000 mile book*, the price of which I* 06*00 each. Issued hy the Seaboard Air IJne Railway, are honored through to Washington over the Pennsylvania Rail road: from Portsmouth to Baltimore ovrr the Baltimore Steam Packet Comjwny nnd between Clinton and Columbia over the Columbia Newberry and I-aurens I Railroad This arrangement Includes the ' books Issued by the Florida Centra! and 1 Peninsular and Georgia and Alabama Railroads.—ad. Sunday Trips fa llrnnsnlck via Plant System, gl. The Plant Bystem will sell round Trip tickets to Brunswick on Sundays, limited to date ot sale, al rate of *IOO Train* leave at JlO a m and S2O a . m —ad. j Chair cart on Plant System excursions to Charleston every Sunday; engage your *“'• on si the Do Soto Hotel Mckt office.-a& Extensive .Line of HARNESS for Delivery Wagons and Trucks. Get our prices. Congress and Whiiaker Sts. LEO FRANK. 1.1. KERB l 125 Congress Si . lies! We handle the Yale Si Towne Manufactur ing Company’s line of Builders’ Hardware. See these goods and get prices before plac ing your order else where. An Open Letter Japrr Spring*, inrnrt *nvannuh. (•., *cpt. t. im*>. Columbia Drug Company? *n > ii 11 ini h. (ti.i C.mllMnfn— I limp hfrn Buffering wllh < hllla and Fever for more than three month*. Mine been antler treatment of several iloetora, tried aeveml ao.called 4 hill Tanlea, none of which benefited me. %t laat I tred one bottle of your *mlth'a Chill and Fever lonic, and within three da>a I felt much better, and after •■ing the aeeond bottle I nm glmi to any I am entlrel> eared. I write thla ao that >ou may be able to Inform oilier* who may aufVer and nature them of n cure. Very truly four*, fSllgncd) IIFAHI TOKTTKR. A FINE ASSORTMENT Brushes, Strops, Etc. EDWARD LOVELL’S SONS II."I llrouglun Street, Weal. Seed Oats! Seed Rve! Texaa Hurt Proof Oats, Coai(*rii*M Hy*. Cow Feed. Hay. Grain. Bran anl Feeds of all kind* for stock and poultry. T. J. DAVIS, Telephone 223. 1U Bay street, west. BRHNNAN BROS., WHOLESALB Pruit, Produce. Grain, Etc. IM BAY STREET. Wut. Trtephooc ASA. SEED RYE. OEOROIA HEED RYE. SOUTHERN HEKI) RYE. TEXAS RED H I*. OATS. HAY. DRAIN. FLOUR. FEED. FRUITS AND VEOETABLER CIIEEBE. BEANS. TEAS W. D. SIMKINS *V CO. W. ROSS GRAVENER, Manufacturer’s Agent, nAIEWU 4SD MILL IIPPUB*. rrovMmt HuU<ltnir. Bjv<innah. J. D. WEED * CO •A VAX RAM. OL Leather Beilin?. Steam Packing & Bose. Ainu (or NEW YOKE RUBBER (BEETINQ AND PACKING COMPANY.