The Savannah morning news. (Savannah, Ga.) 1900-current, September 13, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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6 ADDITIONAL LIST OF DEATHS. ('on*ii>u*l from Fifth Pat*. Mm Chaff*** niul t-hikl. Mm. Mary I'lcrwn. Allc* Ptrmon. • Frank Pit r?on. Mr#. Ni l'ori and daughter. Mm. John non. - Fttedman, wlfa and non. Mr. arwl Mi>. Dvnnpsey. Mm Maria Isaali (colored). • Marie l< w ‘ <*olond). Mr. AiHi-r-on. Mm. M.uai Andrrron. —— —K- .uler family. Hoffman finally. Mr ui t Mim. (leorse Kalkenhifr^n. Mm h ‘ ‘Mil Kuhn and two children Wlllhim Day. .Mra JtttiUD Hfilland. Mr. <l Mia H. f. * kman. Sim William t -olorvdj** Mm. Nathan Moore. Isuliua F©rg. Chiirta# Itoaa. I I) I<ta> Mm Fritz Fait her. —— Kno* nart Mr \\ el. arxl two chldrrn. Mm. Jrvhn lluliaml Mr ii fi Mi - a miiHen l*a#r) and child. Mr Ifftiry Bdt)enari(kcr. Mr t*11• i Mr William Iloehm irwl rlx 'hlMreii Chart*# 8< hnlit, Oturl©* llodnKer. Mr“ Howard t\ Dunnimt and thr©© hlJ*irn. Alfr. ) !,u<twUr. moth and plNcr-in-l w. It ' hard l uirtnng. Mr** H is: .in Lb A. FT i wife. Joo Mmily. mother urul *aeo nlw'f#. Mr. Manlv, Sr. Ravrv famlty. A Albert-on urul wife Mb. ()#*ar Uiujui t anti Ihrrp rhlMrrn. Mrn. l>ack > t father nd mother Mm Park aixl two and iuKht©rs, I* Levin and family Mr* Jn k .\!W's*i and nirv* children. .'lre Holm* . *lor<t| erhool teacher. Henry IHrpk*n and family. Five of Kernel family. Adelaide 1* erldtar. < olored. Jordan Treavant. Mm. Turner. Mr* E C. Williams (colored). Bella Sex ills. Prof. \Vfl. W. II Join* anil child. Julia Labatt Joseph Labaft. Henry J Übut. • Mrs. Lu, v • inr< n. Jr Mm Lucy Green. Matilda Woodrow. Mnlllc V in Unr. Robert Hugliea. Marta 1-ewls. .Mr? Washington. "Grandma fancy. mother of the late Hon W right fmicy. Agnes l/'Wli Oiirrr Alpine unit wife. Alfred Day. r i Renter,l. I*rof Gib-on uial family. Mr*. Ell* Plner. Kttle llurrlr a. LlUh Randolph. r JJr*. Km* Ce4la Warren. Mr. iml Jli ' !nbe Duels. Aiexan-br IMI, wife and two sons and arc daughter Mr. hiil Mr Wahster. William Lyle. grandmother mid sister. Mr-. Powers swl child. Mrs. August Frank amt daughter. Frank Show. Mrs. Evans, two daughters. Mrs. lAJcy Derser. , Wililam Yesgrr. Charles C. Bchulg. Frial ftabiilz anil wife. Mr and Mrs. Annum Jefterbrook. Oenrge Agin. , Mrs. Bnnili and Iwby. Mrs Nafli.m Moore. • Mrs Bam Anderson. ; | Sirs. Mary tin/ns*t. Mrs. J K. Toirtbilker. Miss Ella TonilsiJrer. Wllllnm Miller, life, son-in-law, daugh ter anil live . htMrtih. Lucia Slyer. H. E. Itcidman. • i 4 Charles Darby. Mrs. Flochr. Three men lost while trying to save a bridge. Jftcola Smith. Charles Tltlebnch, wife, molhcr-ln-law •ml two children. . Sir- I asm It.i Miami anrl four children. SI is. Sain Dowell ami two children. Mi. and Mrs. St.twliisky. Mrs M L. Park. Miss Alice Park. Miss Lin y Park. Mr. J. H. Everhart, wife and ilaugh ter. Mrs. K. Setxa* and two daughter. Amu ami Luclle. Mis. Gary Hurnetl and two children. Sirs. Hock ami sou. peter Slot ktlalch, wife and six chil dren. George Bshwotael. wife and daughter, Lucia. Boaeph. I, K. H.iu-ee. wife and two daughter* Mrs Mailida Olsen and iwo children. Minson J. Kelso, Jr. Hoy Kelso, baby. Edward Webster, Sr. g Ml-s Julio We aster. Sliss Sarah Webster. George and Jot* Webster. T C Terr, wife and live children Mrs W l> Thomescn ami two children. Ir John B. Bayer*. Toy Sayers. Roberts, watchman, O. H. ft N. R It Sirs. StclVters. Mrs. Henry H. Delete and child. Sir*. J.din A. I layman and nve children. Sam Tovtetl. wife nml child. Mis. Shllki. son and infant. Mrs. W H. McManus. Mrs. Mary Bcull. Mrs Williams. SWc know of nolh ink better than coughing to tear the lining of your throat and lungs. It la bet than wet feet to bronchitis and ia. Only keep it _ will succeed in re -1 duclng your weight, losing your appetite, bringing on a slow fever, and making everything exactly right for the germs of consumption. Ayn etierrc pectoral kills coughs of every kind. A 25c. 1 , bottle is just right for an ordinary i cough; for the harder coughs of bronchitis you will need a 50c. bottle; and for the coughs of con sumption the one dollar size is most economical. •• Hi cough reduced in* ton mrr**krlt>- V"V tt" *• unr reait-tlir*. hut they all Lilt'd. A Iter twins tlw berry I'e. torsi llnimedlately liegso to improre, and three N.t tie, mo to health. 1 bc- I Ilove 1 oweiuy lifn to It- - ' Ort 7 ... “'‘“X F-Monoax. _ Get. 7.1*9*. Browntown, Ya. | P| *trcnsth and ureal medaiiul value. Don’t take fSt weak, watery m | |y Marti preparatiom represented to be "the same as'* POND'S E 9 I Vi EXTRACT. They generally contain " wood alcohol, ** vifhkh Irritates M f V* ,^‘n * taken internally, is a deadly poison, jtt ttet POND’B EXTRACT, sold only In pealed bottle ala hot! errappara. B B Mm Thurman. J R 11 rook m Viral* Lrmmon, Mm. Bland. Mlpm Florence !*.. nd, colored, arwl reven chlklrvn. Henry T liavla. Sr. Kiorern * Holrnew, f olore-1 teacher. Mr** Miller and five children, colored. Mr- Riney, colored. Mr-. Trotnun and three children. I lu and Cora Bit rick. It. <\ Cuney. Mr W T. Knowlea and two children. Mn* Schuler and ill children. Herman Tlx. Sirgot. Mr un-l Mb. Dorrf on*l two dauuht* ra. forrinne t‘art**r and family. M< rm m Martin uml part of family. Harry Freltan. Mb. Kuhnel and two daughter*. Fries W* Idmann. Tom Tort. Mr* Ootllelb and *evcn children. John Mens* 11. wrif- and ffvo chlkiren. John, ftotif. wife anl five t'hlldren. •I* rmm Van llurcn wif** and thm chil dren. It S *hutU\ wife anl two children. A- -1 - \ ant iTty MU trldait Wlke. wife and t*oy. Mr* IVter Humberg and five children. Prof. Reultrmecaid, alfr and two chil dren. Charlotte Oimter. colored A'l.i and Haul** Rowe, colored, th-org* Rowe, colore*). Rev. and M Thomas W. Cain. John Miflulr* Mr. and Mr*. Tobey Adam* (colored). Mr*. Alex All- n and five children (col ored). Cjr Clark, (colore*!) Mr?. Thom**** Calhoun and three chil dren. Mr*. Waring of Chicago Perry JnMer* and two children (colored). Robert McPherson (colored), tleorge A*h. Hr. Grorge Ah. Jr Mr*. Annie Dunton. W. I ttemotedl fitwi wife, school princi pal. colored. Kd Mcl>ale. colored. Mm. Charles lloukeps. 4 Mto Reuter. Mrs. Annie Cn*cy. | Mr. aa*i Mr*. Turner. Henry Hell, colored. Arthur P. Morse, wif** nn*l three child ren. Mr. Morse w. a printer on the Tribune. Buck Lloyd and wife, also a printer. Albert Ludwig, printer. VVIH Rice, proof reader, Balvtlon N w*. wife anl child. John Chrietitin. W IVON \ TO G %LVBHTON. I'rnn* K#ntertnine*l for Safety of the f utter t.nlvi-Mmi. Washington. Hit 11—The PresUkmt has received a telegram from Oov. Huycr* of T*‘xa*. .itii'K that a light draft vessel b sent to Galveston to assist In the com munication between the Inland and the mainland. The message was referred to the treawOry department and an order was issued to the revenue cutter Winona, at Mobile, to pro wd to Galveston without a moment's unnecessary delay. The lighthouse fMtard ordered the light house under Arbutus, now at New Or leans. t> clear at once for Galveeton. (’apt. Shoemaker, chief of the revenue cult* ! st rvl * . Is ap|H* lu*n*lve as to the fate nf the cutter Galveston, whh'h was nnchore*! In Galveston harlmr at th* lo ginning of the storm It I** *.-<iim*d th*it she put to sea. but a* three full days have elapsed sin* •• she was heard from there ure f**ars for her safety. APBBAL TO TMK KHHHTN. Trlrurnm That \% 111 Nrarh lll.OOlt %norl*•t Tempears. H 4. Mo.. Sept. 12—William 11. Mayo of this city. Grand Recorder of the Grand Encampment of Knights Templars of the Cnlted Htates. by wire direction from R. I! Lloyd of Han Francisco, Cal., Grand Master, has sent the following tele gram to th Grand Commanders of every state, thus reaching 12100 b leading busi ness men scattered nil over the United States by wire In a few hours: "The recent storm In Texas has left numbers of our fraternity In dire distress. Immediate relief Is needed. Appeal to your commander!*** nt once to send what they can. Wire or send 1o Henry R. Bto*ldnr*i. Deputy Grand Matter, at Gal veston. Tex." APPP%L Flltni TANARUS% PtM.H APIIKHa. They Ask Ulster I nlon* to Altl Them In Their lllslresi. Galveston. Tex., Bopt. 12.—T0 Bister Ty pogrnphtcal Union*: Standing within the presence of the most overpowering ca lamity In th history of the Western hemisphere, Galveston Typographical Union No. 7S send* this appeal to her sla ter unions for uld to care for the living id.: Iti'n i t"h absolutely necesasry. There can be no ex aggeration. Conditlona are as Indescrib able a* they are horrifying and hopeless. We are absolutely homeless. Bend coritri bulion* to Chairman Relief Committee George P. John, chairman; G. H. Kuntx. president; Qua G. Harris, secretary and treasurer; F. M. Walker, 11. G Lowe, managing editor News; J. T. tjulgley. Frank Wlllanl, composing the Relief Committee. All! FitOVI J ACKSONVILLE. 4 nrloatl nf Provision* tn lie Nent am! Money Will He liaised. Jacksonville. Fla., Hept. 12 Jackson ville will send to-morrow n carload of pro visions lo Galveston for Ihe storm suffer ers. In addition. Mayor Hnwden t.vday Is sued an appeal for help and expect* to rui.- several hundred dollars. Th. Times- Union and Cltlaen storied ihe relief move ment this morning and Is receiving contri butions. Galveston gave Jacksonville <1 930 during the fever epidemic of Pitot ami the Time -- Union and Clilai n to-mornow will edito rially refer to this lllieral donation tn ask ing help for the stricken Texan*. KIND IIAISKI) IN MOBILE. 111-Baser Winona W ill t srry a Supply nf Provisions. Mobile. Ala.. Sept. 12—The Cotton Ex change subscription* to-day for the Gal veston relief amounted to LVki and the public subscription* to 11.515, without any ennvassing being done. , The revenue steamer Winona ha* been ordered from tills port to Galveston to sail about daylight to-morrow, carrying gov ernment rations und a large supply of gen- THE MORNING NEWS, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13. 1900. • ri*l provisions contributed by Mobile merchants. IMtl.lH) TO m;mi hi i.ilk. I'nnil l llclnu Vtntned for finlveston HofVerees. Liverpool H* pt 12.—At a meeting con vened hy th* Lord Mayor to-day i was *!*■. Ided to open a relief fund for th* suf ferers from Galveston disaster and CI.T/f) was Immediately sul>tcril>ed. exclusive of over iuuti raised by the Cotton As?sx*ia tlon. ATI. % Vl’ C* t ONTH I 111 TION. I iiitl Hhlscil for (iiilvrfnn anfferers Is g4,.T7ldfS. Atlanta. Sept 12—At a special meeting of the city Council this afternoon 12.&D0 was approprlate*l for tha* Galveaton storm sufferers. Private subscription* have to more* than this amount and to-day $4,571.25 was M*nt to th© Jtedaf Cominltt** In Galveston. m:w oiiuhnk ia liiikiiai.. Thai City Has liaised SIS,(NN> and %\lll 5,.|, 4 | N Vessel, Tan. New Orleans. Sept. 12—The Board of Trade and other commercial bodies have taken active relief measures for the as- HMun<4 of Galveston Ho far about Si has te*.*n raised To-morrow u light *lraft vessel will hr secured and provision* and • iothlug sent. *n<) the cruft kept at Gal veston for relief work. *>mpatliy From Franca. Washington. Hep? 12.—Acting Secretary of Htatc Hill nuthorlxes the announcement that the French government, through its charge d'affaires, has expressed Its deep sympathy on account of th#* great calam ity dmiM-d by fto*>ii* In Texas and thr appreciation of this government of the kln*l sentlmetiYn cx|ressed by the govern nient of France ha* l>ren communicated through M Thlebaut. Appeal to € a roll an Knlalita. Asheville N C . Bept. 12-Grand Tom mamier W. F. Randolph of N*.*rth Carolina Knights Templar, today wired following to subordinate commanders of this state: "Our fratere in Texas in dire distress because of recant storm Immediate re lief imperative*. Orand nwister apfwals for fund*. Wire or send quickly to Henry B Ht<dlard Depot) Grand Master, Gal veston. Tex." Charleston llaiaeifl S2,O(N), Charleston. 8 C., Bcjd. 12.—Nearly fS.noo was ralM-d here by |op<ilcr sube rlptlon to-day f*r the relief of the Galveston storm sufferers. It Is believed that th it sum will lie treble,! within the next two • lay*. The c<*nniercla| t**lte* of the city held Informal meetings and subm ril*e<l to the fund anl subscription lists have been o|mtod at many places in th© city. Travelers tea * liaise a Fund. Dallas, Tex.. Hepf. 12.—Rev. Homer T Wilson of Port Worth, ex-naimnnl chap lain of the Travelers* Protective Associa tion, h;s Ihvu, ,| a card to members of the organisation suggesting that they raise a fund for the benefit of the Galveston storm sufferers. It Is suggested that the amounts secure*) be sent to Relief Com mittee at Galveston. %mi us!a Hnlslna Fttads. Augusta, flu . Hept. 12— Members of the Cotton Exchange, by voluntary Individual subscriptions, raised $315 for Galveston sufferers to-day. and to-morrow nt 12 o'clock * moss meeting will be held nt the Exchange at which lime it Is intended to make a concerted and organised effort to raise a substantial sum. Ilnncrnft Goes to Galveston. Washington, Hept 12 —The navy deport ment ha# ordered the gunboat Bancroft, now nt New Lon<lon. Conn., and the tug H.miaset. at Pensacola, Fla., to proceed to Galveston. Tex., to furnish what aid they can to the storm sufferers Mwbaerlptlnna In Carolina. Columbia, 8 C 8. pt 12,—A K. Oon *ales. president of The Btnee. ha* started a Galveston relief fund. Columbia ha* re •ponde-l liberally and contribution* from many parts of South Carolina are being sent to The State. Mein ptil* Itrliel Fnnd. Memphis. Tenn.. Sept. 12.—The Commcr cml-Appeal ha* opened a relief fund for the benefit of the destitute In Galveston The paper head* the contributions with a subscription of <7sf>. Knoxville's Fund. Knoxville, Tonn , Ript 12.—The Chsm her of Commerce of this city, at Its meet ing last night, started a Galveston fund with LVt>. arsl appointed a committee lo solicit funds. llatlns* < ontritmtlon. Dallas. Tex., Sept. 12.—Sin, e Monday morning this city ha* snbscrthcd nearly <15,1*0 In ca*h and six carloads of clothing for the South Texas fla*| sufferer* Montgomery send* •'Mi. Montgomery, Ala . Bepl. 10.—The clll zen* of Montgomery hive conirlbuteel ll.two for the Galveston relief work SHEETS OF BREAD. How the tlnkl Baker Prepares the Staff nf Life. From Ihe Youth's Companion. If you wish lo dine off a sheet of bread you must go to the great American de*ert and ask the women of the Mokl Indian* lo bike It for you. Hut If you are wise you will not Inquire too closely Into the detail* of the process. The preparation of the bread. In sheets 'hardly thicker than a sheet of paper, I* a real art among the Mokl women. A cor ner In the principal room Is set aside for Ihe accommodation of a shallow trough. The trough Is divided Into three compart ments. and In these the first process of brendmaklng take* place. When bread ts to be made a alrl kneels behind each compartment. Shelled corn I* th*n put on the flat *ione In the first compartment, and with a coarse, oblong stone the nr.*t girl proceil* to rub It. The coarse I**ll thus prepared I* passed on to the next compartment. Here It I* again rubbed with a stone less coarse, snd pass ed on to th* third stage. The result Is 11 decidedly floury meal. With 11 brush, which Is made of dried grass bound together with a string of cal ico, and with which Ihe flour I* swept be tween times the m*al Is thenvuthcredup an.l mixed With water 40 a thick hatter Then comes in the art of the baker. She takes a single handful of the batter and spreads It over a long, flat stone, under which a lire has been tor some time burn- Ing. The hatter Is rwade to cover thinly tl*c < tit.l e surface. When one side is baked she take* the bread by h corner and pul,* It off dexter ously, turning w *h© of her -ide up. When it I* done a long, flat l#ket ncetv©* it. and the baker turn# tin- edges upallround, so that the air can g**t fit t. Sheet after Sheet is bake*] tintll le b;i*k-i l* piled high with th*- blue bread, or "plkl," which • he* baker pronount # "i* lu." No salt Is used In the batter, and the fdkl has a sweetish last It Is usually blue, partaking of the color of the corn from which It is made. It Is eaten dry or In u sort of aoup. Whn 11 men goon a Journey they t k*- plkl m.A into rolls, very much t.<* one would roll up a sheet of wet paper, the bread taring about the sam*. thickness as the paper The stone* upon which the bread Is bak ed arc prepared by tin* oil women of the tiile* with gnat aecrecy and much cere mony. They are very valuable and are handed down ** heirlooms from mother to daughter. The first Mage In the pro * so says Popular Bcloncc News, Is the smoothing anl tilling of the surface of th© *ton- wPh hot pit h. I. Is then smoked and rut*b*<l f*r many days, with an • omi>snlment of rude chan'ing. A fir n* a while man may know ?t** rtr** rubbing 1 with t smooth stone <he n M with pie*o of woid. while t :#• finishing w k ‘s done with th** bare hands The r* -u i. Is n Jet black, smooth surfa *•. to whl* h the plkl •toes iks stl* h in baking. 4 HOPS |\ FI/OitII) % Their Presrnf t mtillilon anil the Prospective Yield. Tallahassee, Fla.. Hept. 12 - The Monthly Hulletin for the current month, to le is sued by the State Department of Agri culture. will show the following general overage** as to condition and prosf ctlve yield of Florida crops for the month of August: Condition— Upland cotton. 72: sea island cotton. 7*>; corn. Ml; sugar rune, *5; field pegs. K 9; rice, S4, sweet potatoes, M; cas sava. Ng; i>eanut. 91; hay. !'■; velvet hsans. 97; bananas, KD; pineapples. 100; guavas, 100; orange tree*. 100; gr.le fruit tre*s. 103, lime trees. 100; grape fruit trees, pel Prospective Yield—'Upland < > otion. 7*; s© tsamd jutton. 77; corn. *7; Migar car*. 9*'. field (Mas. 92. rle*‘, 102; sweet ptatas. 97; assava. 102. peanuts. 92; h*\ Kff; velvet t©an*. 155; bananas, 1.13. pineapples. I©S: guavas, 100; orange# 113; lemons. 14U; limes. 135. grape fruit. 17*). The hardware store of 1* C. Y.*©;et was broken Into ore night In *= t week n*l eleven fine pistol* and other articles w*re stolen. Hherdff PnilTt! on Tuesday brought In three sfrang* negro*-* from Wt-lborn. from whom he recovered most of th© stolen articles. Th*' missing triples have been located and will I** secured. MIDI %t KEF TO II %I*K g 50,000. •rlillU Drew Ink €’. gent $20,000 to the Mayor of (•nlvcßton. Milwaukee. Wls.. H**pt. 12.—Milwaukee has determined to raise $50,000 Inskb of forty-eight hours In ahl of the Galveston sufferer* The Hchllts Brewing Company wired Y.D.- to th* Mayor of Galveston; the Rabat Brewing Com rainy wired fl.COO; First Na tional Hank. Edward P. A!lls Com: any atd Foster and Htowell Manufacturing Company. s.v* each. Many other .-mall off* rings swell the total to-day to more than SIO,OOO. Cinail shooting nt Way crow*. Wayvross, (j a . Sept. 17.—This ha* been a lively day among Ihe sporting •ament of the city. It was the occasion of Ihe llr*t annual tournament given by the Waycroe* Gun Club. A hirpe number of marksmen were on hand, and as a rule the score* were very satisfactory. The Savannah visitors were Dr W F. Brunner, and Messrs handle, Woltjen and Schafer, and from Brunswick, Messrs. Clarke and Dari. AAnnilanen nf the World Respond. Omaha. Nelv. Sept. 12—J. C. Root. Sovereign Commander of the Woodmen of Ihe World In response to on appeal from the Galveston relief committee of that organization nt Houston. Tex., has Issued • call to all camps in the United Slate# for Immediate aid Quite a number of Woodmen are reported killed or Injured, but the call is made for funds for general aid as well as fraternal. To Move ||* P Alee*. Waycrosa, On,. 8* pt. 12.—The Waycross Herald will move Its ofltrea to the Coving ton building on Upper Plant avenue. The publishers say they will enlarge It to a aeven-column paper. The PitlterantliropUM speak*. From New Y’ork Sun. Denver. Sept 4.—America and Europe have entered Into a race for the discovery of the PltchecHli Ihi opus which, scientist* say. I* the nilsstng link between man and the lower animals.—Sun dispatches. Get on 10 me. If you can; I am Ihe Pithecanthropus, The missing link. Or Ihe missing mink. Or something like that; And I climb a tr e And pull II up after mo 80 I can roost high. 1 am wild and woolly, And when 1 go on The wariMth, The Moneydemon Fite* In-fore me Like a scared tomcat Refore a yaller -log. 1 eat Octopl For dessert. And I lick my chops Whet) there Is nothing else to 11 k I have sixteen claw* To one foot. And one foot at earh corner. And when I begin to scratch gravel And howl. Mankind In general Conclude* th it something ha* lit Huslnc-s end up When I stalk down The mlddie of the r*> id. Switching my -llver-mountcj >al From ski-- lo i-lde. The liislgnllb ant little G-O-Pierryhncu* Jumps the fence And hides In the woods. I've got hay For l.itlr. And when I'm brushed The wrong wav, 1 look like a ten-acre timothy fl.kl And twice a- dangrrou*. I've got a mouth on me Thai make* the Mississippi river A CLEAR HEAD; good digestion; sound sleep; a fine appetite and a ripe old age, are some of the results of the use of Tutt’s Liver Pills. A single dose will convince you of their wonderful effects and virtue. A Known Fact. An absolute cure for sick head ache, dyspepsia, malaria, sour stomach, dizziness, constipation bilious fever, piles, torpid liver and all kindred diseases. Tutt’s Liver Pills Most everybody knows something about Old Virginia Cheroots as of them are being smoked this year. Ask anybody about them, if you have never smoked them yourself. They have made their own reputation and their own place in the cigar trade, wholly on their merits. Three good smokes for five cents, and no waste 1 Three hundred million Old V irgmu Chcroot3 smok.d this vear. Ask your own dealer. Price, j for ij cents. Monthly Periodicals. We print them by the thousand. We can do it cheaper than you can, and get them up in correct style. Under this head are embraced Medical Journals, College Papers, Magazines, Church Periodicals, some Weekly Publications and Sunday papers. No matter how far you are from Savannah we may save you money over your present plan. If you are interested, write us. We cheerfully furnish estimates. inii Ms i Mini J. H. ESTILL, President, SAVANNAH, GA. LINDSAY & MORGAN STILL AT OLD POST OFFICb, With Great Bargains In Slimmer Goods, Such as Mattings. Mosquito Nets, Refrigerators, Porch Awnings, Reed Furniture, Go-Carts, etc. Closing out our stock of Buck’s Stoves and Ranges Low Down. The only Odorless Refrigerator. FINE GRADES OF WHISKIES. WHISKIES. WHISKIES. The R. G. Whiskey gallon $ 2.00 Glendale Whiskey gallon $ 2.50 Cr>stal Spring Whiskey gallon $3.00 Goiden Wedding Whiskey gallon $3.50 IN CASES OF J 2 LARGE BOTTLES: Th* Antediluvian Whbkey boil ed by Oaborne of New York M Th* P*erle* Whiskey bottled In bond In Henderson. Ky Th* Peoria WhUkey bottled In bond by Clark Brother* ; <12.09 Meredith Rye Whiskey. butl,*d ai th*li distillery in Ohio 11l ii) Golden Wedding Whiskey, our bottling LIPPMAN BROTHERS, Lippman Block, - - - Savannah, Ga. I * lor LADIES. SHORTER II , *ll**tt rtln.l.a. '■.!.-air* < Ileal)* ,Mef* 11--,• ' M /—,„A, _ -—f , ....-,u. u>.).. -11, ~ Iljllaln*. r. • I ' f 'vr -k -v :L* ' "* • * b.e.11. 1 / I .J* \ jK -wit... t t Ml' .1 ilf g . . I UL| "" ' ' • ' - *f li e 111 *t<r• . i iJtif ■ < . . • HllßgggU) ;• a Fi FIANO t 7 . and eFJflw ' ' -it,... ii........a ,i,,n ur ; ; "• 1 ..... I_ "*"" " ,|U ™“4l Unnv*. fmt •~U ... *n* Wltiu - nr,- 1.......a I.ook Ilk* a persimmon pucker. Aid when I'm not Chewing tip Trualg I'm (pitting them out. I dangle the rross of gold Hy a string Ti< and to my tall. And I u.• the crown of thorns To *h.itpen my teeth on. I blow up and snort And paw the eralh When they wave the American flag At me. t And I swallow Liberty whole To keep e ee From having It 1 am full of tax. And when I rear up An.l shake myself, Y'oit can hear me Jangle All through the We*l And slop oyer sm. al the You hear me yowl. And you've heard mv patform And dtrl.irvtlon of prln.tides. Hut that's no sign Where I'm at. As I said before. Get on to m If you can. Sympathy Misplaced. One day during a cold snap |u*i winter, say* a writer In the Woman's Home Uompanlon, I saw pn old man In a grocery aolng rather suspiciously, an,l 50,,,, | saw him steal a po'ato from a barrelful of the tubers tbit stood outside the counter. The oid fellow . lipped out of the house as soon a* he could conveniently, tmd limped tiwray. 1 followed him ihlnC Ing to give him whai change l could spore, for I thought he must be desper ately poor If he must steal a potato. When I caught up with him and offered him a llttl. money the old man roared with laughter. When he had got hi* hre.ith again he said: "You saw me steal Ihe potato, didn't you-' "Ye*, sir. I did." "Well, lemme tell you. mv *on. I've got potato** to sell I ral-e thousand* of hush el* of them. I've got the h'ggest market garden In this county, and I’ve got more money than you ever - iw. Carryln' a ii ta,oln your pocket „m r „ r , rh , umfl . It*, but for it to do any good you've got to steal the potato. See’" I saw. FDYE'S . NEW STORE will put on sale to-day the new RMTTt SUITING (For rainy-day skirts). Blue, Black, two shades of Gray and two of Tan. P.T.FOYE. Ocean Sieamsiiio Go. -FOR lMewYork,Boston —AND— THE EAST. Unsurpassed cabin accommodations. All the comforts of a modern hotel. Kiectne Uchta. Unexcelled t.ible. Ticket* Include meal* and bertha aboard ship. Passenger Fires iroui Sdvanml Tu NKW YORK-FIRST CABIN. Kj. FIRST CAULS ROUND TRIU. <32. IN TKKMBDIATE CAUIN. Ili. INTERME DIATE CAUIN ROUND TRIP. Li. UTKERAOE. <lO. TO BOSTON - FIRST CAUIN. U FIRST CABIN ROUND TRIT. VX IN TERHBDIATB CAUIN. sl7; INTEI DIATE CABIN ROUND TRIU, *2S-'* BTEKRAOE. <11.75. The expres, steamship* of thin line are nppolnted to .all from Savannah. Central dkah) meridian tlm. a* 'oilowe: 8A VANS AH TO RKW YttMlv. NACOOCMEE. C:pt Smith. THURS DAY. Sept IS. p. ni. KANSAS CITY. Capt. F sher. SATUR DAY. Hept li. 10.00 p. m TALLAHABRF.E. Cap. Akln. TUBS DAY, Se t 1, ire p. m CITY OF At)OUST.\. • apt Ds<e|i, THURSDAY. S. pt 3 J p m NACtK i IIKE Cnpt t*mtlh. SATUR DAY Sept tl 1:00 n m KANSAS CITY, c.tpt. STsher, TUES DAY. S-pt "A". r>. m. TALLAHASSEE, Capt. Asklrs, THURS DAY. S-1*:. 77 R:9> p m CITY OF AUGUSTA. Capu Daggett. BATI7RDAY. Sept 79 <D p m ItKW YORK TO HUtl'iD. CITY OF MACON. Capt. Savage. FRI DAY. S-pt H. noon CITY OF MACON, Capt. &tva*e, WED- N BSD AY, Sept 19. noon CITT t'F MACON. Capt Sava*.. MON DAY. Sept 74. noon. CITY OF MACON. Cipt. Savage. FRI DAY. Sept. . noon This compiny ria-rve* the rUht n ehanae It* *nl!!nc* without noth-, atil ulthoiit liability or a<-coontiibl!lty there for After Friday. Sept. 14. nailing* fr m New York for Savannah Will hr Tuesday*, Thttrndaya on-l Seturilny*. 5:o p m W. O. iIRKWER. City Tleket and Pa> enaer Agent. Ut7 Hull etreet. Sav.tnnah. Ge*. S7. \V SMITH. Contracting Freight Agent, Savannah. On. R. o. TRK/.F.VANT. Agent. Savannah. Oa. WALTER HAWKINS. General Ag.nt Trallle D*-p't, —I W. Hay etreet. Ja-k --eonvllle. Fla. K H. HINTON. Traftlc Manager. Sa vannah. Ga !• K. LK FEVRE. Superlnteivlent. N‘-w IMer 3i, North River, N w York X F MtfiCHANTS ANU MINERS TRANSPORTATION CO. ti'MNalllP LINE*. SAVANNAH TO BALTIWOHK. Tickets on tta o at company'* o.'h e* to •he following |.-tnl* at v. ry low raigs ATLANTIC CITY. N J UAI.TIMORK All). BUFFALO, N • BOSTON, MASS . CHICAGO. ILL CXBVELAND. O. ERIK. PA HAGERSTOWN. HARRISBURG. PA HALIFAX. N S NIAGARA FALLS. NKW YORK PHILADELPHIA „ ... FITTSBURO. PROVIDE!*' E. ROCHF.STKR „„ TRENTON. WILMINGTON WASHINGTON. First -cla* ticket!) include on ' Mate r oin berth. 8 .vani sh to Aec-mmodatl na and cu.elne m.|naled Freight capacity unlimited! careful t,n ling and nuick dlapatch. The *trwm- tdpa of thta comi>an> r •P" p. in,*,! to anil tnom Snvannnh to Biiti rrorr n* follow* (standard time) TEXAS. Capt. Kldrldgc, THURSDAY. 8.-PL U. m- „ e.ti t- D. H MILLER. Capt- Peter*. SATI I. DAY. Sept 15. 12 m. . ITASCA. Capt Dlkk*. TUESDAY. ep- IN. 1.30 p. in. ALLEUtIANY. Capt. Foxier. THURS DAY. Sept. 30. 4 XU p. tn TEXAS, Capt. EUlrlrtge, SATURDAY. Sept. 22. i: p m And f)m Haitltnor* Tueslaya. T liurw du>a and SittuDlwya at 4.0 p in Ticket t)tr.ce. 39 Hull atreet. NEWCOMU COHEN. Tr.iv. Agent. J J C A ROLAN. Agent. Savannah. G*. W P TT’RNER. O. T A A D STKHBINS A. T M J. c. WHITNEY. Traffic Manager General Office* RaHUn'T.). M l JOHN C. BOTLEK, Paint*. OH# ana citaee, *“ Door*. end BuUdetw’ d 1 - •tve Wall Paper. Foreign and D°o*aj" Cements. Lime. Plaoter and Hn ' r^ Agent for Abe.tln* Cold Wafer P*l tr Congress street, weal, ood l 8- J u, ‘*° atreet. ttwt Ma 77.r r "5 i mim